BBC boss gives some upstart minor politician a bollocking.
How can it be acceptable for a BBC ‘journalist’ to tell the Prime Minister ‘we should have closed the [coal] mines’ and call him ‘weasel-y’? This is pure climate activism not journalism.
Hypocrite airways? Jeff Bezos’s £48m Gulf Stream leads parade of 400 private jets into COP26 including Prince Albert of Monaco, scores of royals and dozens of ‘green’ CEOs- as huge traffic jam forces empty planes to fly 30 miles to park
MailOnline watched as plane after plane of dignitaries landed in Glasgow and Edinburgh for COP26 meeting
Prince Albert of Monaco was among those choosing to fly private – according to an analysis of flight records
Bank of America, which in PR documents boasts of its ‘commitment to sustainability’, owned two of the jets
Prince Charles is among those travelling by non-commercial plane from G20 in Rome, MailOnline can reveal
Matilda from 350 Kennington Villas has sent me a email asking for a bung as it is beastly pricey up north.
“When you think about it, £3.50 may not seem like a lot of money. But when people all over the world donate £3.50, we can send climate activists to Glasgow to help coordinate an unforgettable global mobilisation at the most important climate conference of the year — COP26, the UN climate talks — and ensure that climate justice is at the centre of the negotiations.”
Euronews asked candidates for the EU’s top job to respond to a simple question: do you think moving the European Parliament from Brussels to Strasbourg every month is a waste of money?
Most of those running to be the next European Commission president were unanimous: yes.
Auditors say shifting MEPs and their staff from Belgium to France every month costs at least €114 million per year.
“The biggest obstacle is the French government,” said Camino Mortera-Martinez, a senior research fellow for EU justice and home affairs at the Centre for European Reform.
Indeed, Nathalie Loiseau, the woman leading French President Emmanuel Macron’s European election list launched a petition to keep the Strasbourg seat.
“Yes, #Strasbourg must stay the seat of the European Parliament,” she tweeted.
EU Parliament: Strasbourg, or the climate?
“In a carbon-neutrality pathway, it is evident that the European Parliament needs to consider operation in one site,” a recent report of the parliament’s Environmental Management Unit (EMAS) warns.
The EU Parliament is headquartered in the French city of Strasbourg, but it has also offices in Luxembourg as well as Brussels – which results not only in extra costs but also in additional travel emissions.
Over the past few years, emissions related to the transport of MEPs, assistants, trainees and other parliamentarian staff have been steadily increasing, making mobility the main driver of emissions in the EU Parliament.
In 2018, emissions from transporting staff contributed around 67 percent to the parliament’s carbon footprint – half of it related to the mobility of staff and MEPs (34 percent) as well as subsidised visitors (33 percent).
After MEPs declared a climate emergency in Europe, the EU Parliament was itself instructed to develop a strategy to become carbon-neutral by 2030.
The EMAS report presents a list of short, medium and long-term actions to reduce the institution’s carbon footprint towards carbon-neutrality by the end of the next decade.
These include supporting eco-mobility systems, promoting plant-based diets or introducing carbon budget rules for the institution itself.
In fact, the EU Parliament’s three seats cost amounts to about six percent of the institution’s overall budget.
Surely it would be better if there were identical EU parliaments in each country and they can keep moving between them each month ? This would create jobs and more importantly ensure the EU parliament ( talking shop ) could get even less done than it does now.
Yeah I know but the thought of those wasters perpetually moving seemed right … war with the French tomorrow – ports blocked – burning tyres – should distract from the cop crap a bit ….
A few days back I read an article about a growing movement dedicated to encouraging young people to decide against having any children to protect the planet.
…and hey ho it’s the latest plot-line in “Doctors” all of a sudden with a young man and his sister trying to convince a doctor to sterilise him.
Like all things woke, not thought through very well really.
Imagine the scenario if this became mainstream… after 40 years or so.
A country with nothing but old people, unable to earn, unable to live because the next generation of producers they should have provided for are just not there. No police, no firemen, no ambulance or hospital staff etc. and no doctors either!
Or maybe they imagine this will be filled with an influx of younger third-worlders who will of course want to look after them all!
Or maybe they will become like Madonna and just buy kids when they need them from Africa via a West-End store or even via Amazon?
Or maybe they see total enforced euthanasia as the target?
There is either a sickness or mass stupidity developing in society and is lauded by the bonkers BBC luvvies.
Anti-natalists: The people who want you to stop having babies
By Jonathan Griffin
BBC Trending
Published13 August 2019
But they are united in their desire to stop human procreation. And although they are a fringe movement, some of their views, particularly on the state of the earth, are increasingly creeping into mainstream discussion.
While not an anti-natalist, the Duke of Sussex recently said he and his wife were planning to have a maximum of two children, because of environmental concerns.
I’m now reporting from Edinburgh in Scotland where 20,000 world leaders and delegates have gathered for the COP26 Climate Summit. COP, by the way, stands for “Conference of the Parties.” It’s the 26th time they have gathered to discuss and take action on this critical issue.
BBC is reporting from Glasgow COP26 today. The End is nigh. Its a dawn of the new age. Everyone will be free to be a gender neutral snowflake and smoke your own weed. BBC will be ‘sponsoring’ the world media event as will, Sky news. Fancy that!
Wouldn’t it be fab if the last days of “CON” 26 heralded the biggest freeze and snowstorm in Scotland’s history with 12 foot drifts and -20 temperatures thus sparking massive power cuts, keeping all those private jets grounded, halting all rail services and keeping all those freeloading fatuous fat cats pinned down in a freezing Glasgow with no heat or light for a week or two?
digg, add in some fog, so much so that it is hard to see the hand in front of the face type fog, especially between Gleneagles and the Conference halls.
No to the worst weather ever for COP because those idiots would blame it on climate change, so what we need is just horrible rain and cold; just typical November weather. And I do hope they don’t have the heating on at Gleneagles, to save the world, of course.
Is the only way to disprove climate change, to have climate that is always the same? They have achieved a position where they can never be proved wrong.
Just before the new state religion of ‘climate change’ fully takes over, a word on the old state religion, ‘the NHS’.
A wonderful description by Matthew Parris in the Times on Saturday. He describes the government as ‘a wholly owned subsidiary of the NHS’.
He’s not wrong. Money is poured into the bottomless pit of the unreformed, nationalised health service, and every other department gets the dregs and crumbs that are left over. Last week’s budget does not spell this out in rhetoric of course, but the numbers tell the real story.
Can the socialists now in charge be clever enough to be playing a long game? Throw so much money at the NHS that even the gullible public start to ask questions and thus usher in some sort of reform of the NHS that it desperately needs, that Taxpayers desperately deserve, and the Tories in fact want, but crucially with a measure of public support and without attracting the usual opprobrium.
I have to disagree – almost daily this site has examples of the NHS employing ‘diversity advisors ‘ at no more than the market rate of – say – £50k pa for 3 days a week .
Some might argue diversity advise is the ‘cinderella ‘ of the NHS and resources wasted on blood tests and MRIs be diverted to where it is most needed ….
Sluff, just a reminder – Labour under Blair and Brown started to privatise the NHS. They put just over 5% into private hands before Brown lost the 2010 Election. Straight away, near enough, Labour NHS ‘activists’ started to accuse the Conservatives (note, not the Coalition Government) of wanting to and actually going ahead with privatising the NHS. I think, I hope, I have remembered that chain of events correctly.
Good memory and pretty accurate. In the Blair/Brown programme, Blair asserts that he was happy to see private money in the NHS. The idea being that as long as the care was free at the point of delivery then who and how it was provided was not an issue. And deed Mr S senior had an minor NHS operation carried out by an outside agency.
Brown did not like this outsourcing arrangement- not enough social purity, not enough control of the means of production. And now, neither apparently do the profligate Tories.
Sunday local BBC news : A report from a village where 129 properties were damaged by floods in 2013
New flood work has been completed
– the timing of the news is a bit of a lie
cos I was in that village 6 weeks ago and the work had already been finished then
– The reporter used the words “affected 129 properties and caused £50 BILLION worth of damage”
that was a slip … cos it’s just houses , a boat repair yard and a cement factory now closed.
– They never mentioned that all the properties were built after the marshes were drained 200 years ago.
It’s always been the case that special tides cause the floodbanks to get breached every decade or so.
They then moved onto a 1 minute COP26 PR film ..opening with Greta and featuring Arnie ..a trailer for items that they will have “every night this week”
Join @KirstyWark & a panel of leading international political figures including Kwasi Kwarteng, Gina McCarthy, Múte Bourup Egede & Diego Mesa for the Global Climate Debate, taking questions on the challenges presented by climate change at #COP26@BBCOne | 10:35pm | Tonight
He was on Today this morning – he seems to be the latest ‘ prefered expert’ like that neal Ferguson bloke they always go to for wrong assessments on the chinese virus .
‘ friends of the management ‘
Btw – did mad charles windsor really talk about putting governments on a ‘ war footing ‘?
What does he know about wars? Apart from his family starting them ?
TWatO Watch #1 – kind of unfortunate for the BBC, TWatO and the Montacutie …
… but the Programme Editor decided to play a clip of our PM’s speech welcoming delegates from around the globe to COP26. It was so cliche ridden that my response to being beaten about the ears in that way was to reach for the off switch. Around the nation, I suspect I was not alone.
I forgot to switch the radio back on.
Was there anything interesting in the rest of the programme?
Aw, Fed: I was hoping, for your reponse, that you would go for a drive around the North and South Circular Roads in your Beemer and throw another large steak onto the barbie afterward.
Most 95 yo’s don’t have access to graphs. Apparently.
Now we have real nature royalty, the man himself, Sir David Attenborough. Complete with a very scary graph. Can't believe he's 95.
When he pops his clogs they’ll be using the ‘operation dead queen ‘ play book – 7 days of mourning – no Ken Bruce or ‘dancing with queers ‘- a full retrospective – and a statchoo
Side streets around #COP26 are choked up with chauffeur-driven cars and vans, many with their engines idling. Interesting look for a climate conference.
If I recall my Gospels – cursing is forbidden in the Church – but being c of E I suppose they have upgrades the gospels to a more ‘user friendly ‘ ‘diverse ‘ ‘heritage ‘ version aimed at ‘hard to reach groups ‘ with ‘chaotic ‘ lifestyles ….
Forms of cursing were provided in the church service books. Even in the Prayer Book the Commination Service declares God’s judgement on sinners: “Cursed be he that removeth his neighbour’s landmark”, etc..
This has been up on the BBC website for 9 hours, but I just saw it on the BBC news channel. Once again people who routinely travel the world are sticking it to the rest of us.
“Climate change: Andy Murray and Tom Daley join call to COP26 delegates for climate action”
“Double Olympic sailing champion Hannah Mills and British rower Melissa Wilson have organised the campaign.” No doubt they sailed and rowed their way to Rio and Tokyo.
No room for Lewis Hamilton in this campaign? That would be no more hilarious than Schwarzenegger’s involvement in all this eco nuttery (does he still endorse Planet Hollywood? Surely such meat-based eateries are the Devil’s work in the green world he’s waded into).
Despair and hope summed up at the start of #COP26 – @antonioguterres talks of "digging our own graves" while Sir David Attenborough says we're "the greatest problem solvers"
A bit of a Copenhagen-style shambles outside the COP26 venue in Glasgow this morning, except the queue has disintegrated into a massive throng around the entrance. No apparent priority for Party delegations. But at least it isn’t snowing (yet)!
“Brexit trade deal: Who really owns UK fishing quotas?”
Or how the British fishing fleet has been decimated since we joined the EU.
Do you think for a moment Insulation Extinction’s controllers would sanction a demo of there were a good chance of unceremoniously being rapidly hoiked into a van on their noses?
According to my calculations, Biden’s cortège of cars, helicopters and jets has emitted more toxic gas than the whole of UK industry over 10 years. And that’s before he has one of his accidental bowel mishaps.
One for ice cream.
One for meds.
One for crib notes on where he is and who he is.
One for spare underpants in case of – ahem – emergencies.
One for all the cash Hunter has funnelled to him.
ITV local news at the end of the prog 5 presenters are queuing up for their £10,000 cheques from the the BIg Green Hedgefund man who is supervising the prog.
They didn’t half lay it on thick as they made the entire 30 mins a giant advert for Green Dream gimmicks primarily windfarms
live presenters from the wind fam in the North Sea, the windfarm factory a farm etc.
BBC local news was then late cos Kirsty Wark was overrunning by 2 minutes
and now it’s started it’s in a similar vein to the ITV show
another giant advert for Big Green Hedgefunds
I’ve had to turn the sound off.
Local news have moved to another story
.. Today was planning permission day for a Lincolnshire oil field
As can be predicted the weak local council has turned it down
This has been the pattern
then usually in the past the central government overturns that decision
cos the oil fields aren’t very harmful and they pa vast amounts of tax
Now they are reading pleased letters from the antis.
Now off energy onto foodbnk stuff
Some village has opened a big new Social Supermarket
Practically every village has a COOP isn’t that the same thing.
Austin Williams, director of the Future Cities Project, architect and author of ‘Enemies of Progress: Dangers of Sustainability’ (and more) joins the stream to talk about eco-colonialism, eco-racism, green misanthropy, and the climate agenda’s regressive effect on industrial and economic development.
Starts at 7:45pm for those who’ve had enough of the BBC on the topic today and are curious about other perspectives on Glasgow goings on….
The gits can’t even bring themselves to say “Whitehaven” or mention steelmaking – unless it’s some fantastical maniacal tosspottery about “zero carbon steel”
Johnson is a standout berk in a very crowded field.
Archbishop of Canterbury apologises for ‘Nazi’ climate comments
Typical view from libmob Twitter
Not a fan of priests (of any religion) sermonizing, or of Holocaust comparisons in general,
but I think that Welby’s comparison between politicians in the 1930s ignoring the danger of Nazi Germany and politicians today ignoring climate change is a valid one.
Actually : Plenty of religious cults have made doomsday predictions
and we have been right to call them out.
Politicians did not ignore the danger of Nazi Germany as I recall. They were in fact in the main wanting to appease Hitler. It was Churchill who was the main voice here. Typical of the elites just like today.
🚨 | NEW: The BBC has rejected complaints that it published a transphobic article and has instead given a commitment to covering different viewpoints in the name of impartiality.
Those wagons circle any faster they might create a time warp.
A journalist asking questions is not the same as expressing a personal view, however many retweets conflating the two is likely to generate. Here’s the piece I wrote, alongside a @BBCr4today report, on the complex politics of the Cumbrian coalmine
If you think the BBC is bad, try C4 News. A succession of weirdo protestors with bizarre gimmicks; sanctimonious juveniles spouting sentimental claptrap and bursting into tears; third worlders menacingly blaming all their droughts, fires and floods on climate change.
None of these people are part of COP26. So why are their views being given so much airtime? Why are my views not represented? I disagree with the world leaders AND the protestors.
They may face up to two years for sending messages that cause psychological harm, under proposed laws.
Campaigners say it will help combat online abuse, but critics say it limits freedom of speech – does it?@amyhart1707 will join us to discuss.
The BBC are trying to classify it to be the same as ‘hate speech’ which it absolutely isn’t. Once it’s under that unberella, they can call anyone saying anything which offends other people to be a troll.
Trolls are people who deliberately lie and/or misrepresent. They will ignore any reasonable debate because they have a completely separate agenda.
I wonder if Vile would acknowledge maxi as a troll. He is the classic definition. He has no interest in the topics under discussion : he simply wants to attack the people who write them.
Of course in BBC world, it will be exclusively right-wing people disagreeing with left-wing people.
I think ‘anger ‘ should be a crime . After all ‘the emotion of ‘hate ‘ is now a crime . The punishment will be a form of medication called ‘soma’ to bring calm to the criminal and ensure we are all in it together ….
Elsewhere – do you notice this green thing has no sense of humour ?
My generation had irreverent fun with Viz and Purple Ronnie, the wee pukes now lap up sentimental shite like this.
This guy has made a fortune from persuading the chattering classes that his vomit-inducing and cloying puerile platitudes are actually examples of inspiring insight and great pearls of wisdom. They’re not.
Anyone else recall there was that student who got eaten by a Polar Bear whilst camping on Svalbard during some ‘ecological study’ trip some years back?
‘Mistaken for a seal’ according to the BBC at the time (I seem to recall, because it was such a ridiculous thing to say). No ‘mistake’ in it, Polar Bears are not cuddly, they’re ferocious carnivores that consider us food.
All the more reason to preserve them in my opinion, tigers too, and man eating sharks – the more the better, the one thing I do agree with Boris about is that a few million people being eaten by wild animals wouldn’t do the planet any harm, I can think of a few to get things started… Chris Packham comes to mind (now that’s real ‘rewilding’!)
Wishfull thinking from TPA. If the BBC was for sale, what do you think it would cost? the answer is not that much! – it seems its only worth what the TV license fee generates. So effectively £5Bn but it has already sold many buildings and is renting Salford Quay (for example) from a Qatar conglomerate. Its entire technical department is all contracted out. Even the catering. The BBC iPlayer is built and maintained by ‘Siemens’ (a German company). Its broadcasting transmitters were all farmed out to a UK contractors (and all engineering), and its debt collecting department went to G4 – to chase those reluctant TV license payers. So basically its worth less than Channel 4.
You can find a write up on the TPA about the C4 privatisation and the follow up that could be the BBC after the sale of C4. Its a real threat, the BBC has not been reformed as profitable.
The BBC is bankrupt stock. Liquidation stock with no earnings potential.
Still it will makes the BBC squirm, but I think they will go down fighting and spluttering ‘what about my expenses’, ‘what about the climate of fear’, ‘we are as vital as the NHS’ and other codswallop.
I wonder what their pension liabilities are and how much of it they have in the pot.
A pure guess but I would say they are worth something negative.
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
DeborahMar 9, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Eddy, John Campbell has a PhD in nursing. My mistake if I led people here to think he is a…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I had more than a cold the Astra Zenenca vaccine crippled me for months. Every movement was agony. There was…
BBC boss gives some upstart minor politician a bollocking.
Do what I say, not what I do part 1:
Hypocrite airways? Jeff Bezos’s £48m Gulf Stream leads parade of 400 private jets into COP26 including Prince Albert of Monaco, scores of royals and dozens of ‘green’ CEOs- as huge traffic jam forces empty planes to fly 30 miles to park
MailOnline watched as plane after plane of dignitaries landed in Glasgow and Edinburgh for COP26 meeting
Prince Albert of Monaco was among those choosing to fly private – according to an analysis of flight records
Bank of America, which in PR documents boasts of its ‘commitment to sustainability’, owned two of the jets
Prince Charles is among those travelling by non-commercial plane from G20 in Rome, MailOnline can reveal
Surely they could do mid air refueling to save on airport parking space and costs ?
Matilda from 350 Kennington Villas has sent me a email asking for a bung as it is beastly pricey up north.
“When you think about it, £3.50 may not seem like a lot of money. But when people all over the world donate £3.50, we can send climate activists to Glasgow to help coordinate an unforgettable global mobilisation at the most important climate conference of the year — COP26, the UN climate talks — and ensure that climate justice is at the centre of the negotiations.”
Matty, love, you and Justin both.
Do what I say not what I do part 2:
Euronews asked candidates for the EU’s top job to respond to a simple question: do you think moving the European Parliament from Brussels to Strasbourg every month is a waste of money?
Most of those running to be the next European Commission president were unanimous: yes.
Auditors say shifting MEPs and their staff from Belgium to France every month costs at least €114 million per year.
“The biggest obstacle is the French government,” said Camino Mortera-Martinez, a senior research fellow for EU justice and home affairs at the Centre for European Reform.
Indeed, Nathalie Loiseau, the woman leading French President Emmanuel Macron’s European election list launched a petition to keep the Strasbourg seat.
“Yes, #Strasbourg must stay the seat of the European Parliament,” she tweeted.
EU Parliament: Strasbourg, or the climate?
“In a carbon-neutrality pathway, it is evident that the European Parliament needs to consider operation in one site,” a recent report of the parliament’s Environmental Management Unit (EMAS) warns.
The EU Parliament is headquartered in the French city of Strasbourg, but it has also offices in Luxembourg as well as Brussels – which results not only in extra costs but also in additional travel emissions.
Over the past few years, emissions related to the transport of MEPs, assistants, trainees and other parliamentarian staff have been steadily increasing, making mobility the main driver of emissions in the EU Parliament.
In 2018, emissions from transporting staff contributed around 67 percent to the parliament’s carbon footprint – half of it related to the mobility of staff and MEPs (34 percent) as well as subsidised visitors (33 percent).
After MEPs declared a climate emergency in Europe, the EU Parliament was itself instructed to develop a strategy to become carbon-neutral by 2030.
The EMAS report presents a list of short, medium and long-term actions to reduce the institution’s carbon footprint towards carbon-neutrality by the end of the next decade.
These include supporting eco-mobility systems, promoting plant-based diets or introducing carbon budget rules for the institution itself.
In fact, the EU Parliament’s three seats cost amounts to about six percent of the institution’s overall budget.
Surely it would be better if there were identical EU parliaments in each country and they can keep moving between them each month ? This would create jobs and more importantly ensure the EU parliament ( talking shop ) could get even less done than it does now.
It’s not the Parliament that’s the problem. It’s the Commission
Yeah I know but the thought of those wasters perpetually moving seemed right … war with the French tomorrow – ports blocked – burning tyres – should distract from the cop crap a bit ….
The churnalism alone could light a city.
David is exactly right, he’s the one that has been swanning around the world for decades but now gets feted as a hero.
Meanwhile people who have never even left their own county see more taxes and bigger bills!
I was aware this was coming along….
A few days back I read an article about a growing movement dedicated to encouraging young people to decide against having any children to protect the planet.
…and hey ho it’s the latest plot-line in “Doctors” all of a sudden with a young man and his sister trying to convince a doctor to sterilise him.
Like all things woke, not thought through very well really.
Imagine the scenario if this became mainstream… after 40 years or so.
A country with nothing but old people, unable to earn, unable to live because the next generation of producers they should have provided for are just not there. No police, no firemen, no ambulance or hospital staff etc. and no doctors either!
Or maybe they imagine this will be filled with an influx of younger third-worlders who will of course want to look after them all!
Or maybe they will become like Madonna and just buy kids when they need them from Africa via a West-End store or even via Amazon?
Or maybe they see total enforced euthanasia as the target?
There is either a sickness or mass stupidity developing in society and is lauded by the bonkers BBC luvvies.
2019 …
Anti-natalists: The people who want you to stop having babies
By Jonathan Griffin
BBC Trending
Published13 August 2019
But they are united in their desire to stop human procreation. And although they are a fringe movement, some of their views, particularly on the state of the earth, are increasingly creeping into mainstream discussion.
While not an anti-natalist, the Duke of Sussex recently said he and his wife were planning to have a maximum of two children, because of environmental concerns.
Two of my friends, keen EUnthusiasts and socialists, have no less than nine children between them.
We have always been at war with the Climate (c) 1984
Close enough.
All these Scottish people and places look the same.
Damn – if id known i could have rented out rooms in my home in the southern region of scotlandshire – london .. its near enough
Is wolf blitzer a drink ?..
BBC is reporting from Glasgow COP26 today. The End is nigh. Its a dawn of the new age. Everyone will be free to be a gender neutral snowflake and smoke your own weed. BBC will be ‘sponsoring’ the world media event as will, Sky news. Fancy that!
Cartoon image:
Get net zero impartial Sky and BBC broadcasting. From £150 per year up to £20 thousand per household with or without heat pump.
Sign up here for future sceptical net zero news of this Great ‘GReTa’ event unfolding and learn more than the BBC news ‘take-away’ reporting of it.
Has the first sexual assault allegation been recorded yet ? Did plod do it ?
Wouldn’t it be fab if the last days of “CON” 26 heralded the biggest freeze and snowstorm in Scotland’s history with 12 foot drifts and -20 temperatures thus sparking massive power cuts, keeping all those private jets grounded, halting all rail services and keeping all those freeloading fatuous fat cats pinned down in a freezing Glasgow with no heat or light for a week or two?
digg, add in some fog, so much so that it is hard to see the hand in front of the face type fog, especially between Gleneagles and the Conference halls.
No to the worst weather ever for COP because those idiots would blame it on climate change, so what we need is just horrible rain and cold; just typical November weather. And I do hope they don’t have the heating on at Gleneagles, to save the world, of course.
Is the only way to disprove climate change, to have climate that is always the same? They have achieved a position where they can never be proved wrong.
Just before the new state religion of ‘climate change’ fully takes over, a word on the old state religion, ‘the NHS’.
A wonderful description by Matthew Parris in the Times on Saturday. He describes the government as ‘a wholly owned subsidiary of the NHS’.
He’s not wrong. Money is poured into the bottomless pit of the unreformed, nationalised health service, and every other department gets the dregs and crumbs that are left over. Last week’s budget does not spell this out in rhetoric of course, but the numbers tell the real story.
Can the socialists now in charge be clever enough to be playing a long game? Throw so much money at the NHS that even the gullible public start to ask questions and thus usher in some sort of reform of the NHS that it desperately needs, that Taxpayers desperately deserve, and the Tories in fact want, but crucially with a measure of public support and without attracting the usual opprobrium.
It might just work. But the costs!
I have to disagree – almost daily this site has examples of the NHS employing ‘diversity advisors ‘ at no more than the market rate of – say – £50k pa for 3 days a week .
Some might argue diversity advise is the ‘cinderella ‘ of the NHS and resources wasted on blood tests and MRIs be diverted to where it is most needed ….
Sluff, just a reminder – Labour under Blair and Brown started to privatise the NHS. They put just over 5% into private hands before Brown lost the 2010 Election. Straight away, near enough, Labour NHS ‘activists’ started to accuse the Conservatives (note, not the Coalition Government) of wanting to and actually going ahead with privatising the NHS. I think, I hope, I have remembered that chain of events correctly.
Good memory and pretty accurate. In the Blair/Brown programme, Blair asserts that he was happy to see private money in the NHS. The idea being that as long as the care was free at the point of delivery then who and how it was provided was not an issue. And deed Mr S senior had an minor NHS operation carried out by an outside agency.
Brown did not like this outsourcing arrangement- not enough social purity, not enough control of the means of production. And now, neither apparently do the profligate Tories.
GW you mentioned a BBCnews tweet where Greta says direct action is OK
The negative reactions to the tweet were about 1,000 and the likes were 3,000
So the PR trickery does work
Sadly they know what works.
Why didn’t they move when they saw the water level going up?
Laws against internet pile-ons
And what is the BBC & metrolib media’s COP26 saturation coverage,
if not a pile on ?
Same on other topics when you get a wall of one-sided reporting
eg BLM
Surely the chaos on day one of the green thing is a good reason for a referendum in england to be free of scotland …
( i will wait for the ‘bite’)
Sunday local BBC news : A report from a village where 129 properties were damaged by floods in 2013
New flood work has been completed
– the timing of the news is a bit of a lie
cos I was in that village 6 weeks ago and the work had already been finished then
– The reporter used the words “affected 129 properties and caused £50 BILLION worth of damage”
that was a slip … cos it’s just houses , a boat repair yard and a cement factory now closed.
– They never mentioned that all the properties were built after the marshes were drained 200 years ago.
It’s always been the case that special tides cause the floodbanks to get breached every decade or so.
They then moved onto a 1 minute COP26 PR film ..opening with Greta and featuring Arnie ..a trailer for items that they will have “every night this week”
Is the village the one that was in all the papers, suggestively named Fishlake?
Talking of knowing your audience.
She should have conducted a poll.
She and Sweeney! could get a room.
The BBC will need such a poll.
Knocking it out of a stadium rammed with vested interests, acolytes, media and media acolytes is hardly speaking to the rest of the nation.
Jet lag? Ironically.
Now imagine having the option of staying with it only via the bbc?
Don’t blame the old coot.
Never mind COP26 Cop this.
There is a bridge near Glasgow city centre which is a congregation point for those junkies who have dodged the bullet so to speak.
Above a jumper was seen and as the Polis arrived the junkies were shouting up at the guy……..Jump Jump.
Yeah – sorry about that – I couldn’t jump …wee nippy ..
Watching kwasi drown …
Clearly John and Prince Lear not Sky material.
Time to roll out the obama …
Speaking of expectations, XR is also looking forward to the real fun outside the voting booth…
Interesting list…. Lists.
He missed out the unicorn breeding programme.
He was on Today this morning – he seems to be the latest ‘ prefered expert’ like that neal Ferguson bloke they always go to for wrong assessments on the chinese virus .
‘ friends of the management ‘
Btw – did mad charles windsor really talk about putting governments on a ‘ war footing ‘?
What does he know about wars? Apart from his family starting them ?
…….or alternatively Kevin, China could just shelve their latest coal power station.
Pass the sackcloth and ashes.
The peroxide addled Ms. K is also Scottish, and political.
TWatO Watch #1 – kind of unfortunate for the BBC, TWatO and the Montacutie …
… but the Programme Editor decided to play a clip of our PM’s speech welcoming delegates from around the globe to COP26. It was so cliche ridden that my response to being beaten about the ears in that way was to reach for the off switch. Around the nation, I suspect I was not alone.
I forgot to switch the radio back on.
Was there anything interesting in the rest of the programme?
I thought not.
Ive decided to snipe from cover without being contaminated by it .
The absolute certainty is frightening- and i fear for what they are going to do to us in their cause .
Next time i take a bus – after having bedn told its good for the planet – i will think of all those executive jets crammed into scottish airports …
Aw, Fed: I was hoping, for your reponse, that you would go for a drive around the North and South Circular Roads in your Beemer and throw another large steak onto the barbie afterward.
No – I’ve got my private jet booked to return to Blighty from a warm place next week – it’s private apart from the other 200 people on board ….
But you were right about the barbie – I recommend the Webber … Been away a while …back for the joy of ULEZ ..…
Most 95 yo’s don’t have access to graphs. Apparently.
Imagine if his people and Greta’s people merged scary stuff?
Folk like Waugh Footing would likely pull a Biden.
Is that a tracing of his heart about to peg out?
When he pops his clogs they’ll be using the ‘operation dead queen ‘ play book – 7 days of mourning – no Ken Bruce or ‘dancing with queers ‘- a full retrospective – and a statchoo
Come on – we are having fun here sneering at the green thing – but it is nothing compared to the time people are having on the Twitter .
I dont think the false president fell asleep in the opening speeches – just closed his eyes …
Dark looks from Jon at the Winterval party…
Clearly some high level smiting needed.
If I recall my Gospels – cursing is forbidden in the Church – but being c of E I suppose they have upgrades the gospels to a more ‘user friendly ‘ ‘diverse ‘ ‘heritage ‘ version aimed at ‘hard to reach groups ‘ with ‘chaotic ‘ lifestyles ….
Forms of cursing were provided in the church service books. Even in the Prayer Book the Commination Service declares God’s judgement on sinners: “Cursed be he that removeth his neighbour’s landmark”, etc..
Banania – when I wrote that I had been reading one of Pauls emails to the Romans telling them ‘no cursing ‘ so I reckon he trumps the other thing .
But, mostly, look the part to be hired.
This has been up on the BBC website for 9 hours, but I just saw it on the BBC news channel. Once again people who routinely travel the world are sticking it to the rest of us.
“Climate change: Andy Murray and Tom Daley join call to COP26 delegates for climate action”
“Double Olympic sailing champion Hannah Mills and British rower Melissa Wilson have organised the campaign.” No doubt they sailed and rowed their way to Rio and Tokyo.
No room for Lewis Hamilton in this campaign? That would be no more hilarious than Schwarzenegger’s involvement in all this eco nuttery (does he still endorse Planet Hollywood? Surely such meat-based eateries are the Devil’s work in the green world he’s waded into).
Some bbc analysis, maybe by Lewis Goodhall, might be interesting here.
Saw him live earlier.
Has not aged well.
The bbc digs up trust… you know they are worried…
Meanwhile a bbc source, who says….
That will stir the national audience… of eleven.
Was worried the pink hair dye brigade had not been seen for a while.
A million, eh? Fancy.
Bob’s on the BBC Boys’ radar.
Everyone who is no one is there.
If it was not serious, you’d laugh.
Journalism is ok – but propaganda pretending to be journalism deserves a kicking …
“Brexit trade deal: Who really owns UK fishing quotas?”
Or how the British fishing fleet has been decimated since we joined the EU.
BBC wheels on Lloyd Russell-Lunatic and Rupert Lunatic.
For political balance.
Just when I actually wanted to see Insulate Britain causing a problem, they were nowhere to be seen.
Old Joe and his enormous convoy of gas guzzling limousines rolled into town unmolested by our wrinkly protesters.
Where the fxxx are these people when they’re actually needed?
Probably still glued to the M25 I guess…
Do you think for a moment Insulation Extinction’s controllers would sanction a demo of there were a good chance of unceremoniously being rapidly hoiked into a van on their noses?
Interesting thread.
Full of surprises.
Check his bio.
According to my calculations, Biden’s cortège of cars, helicopters and jets has emitted more toxic gas than the whole of UK industry over 10 years. And that’s before he has one of his accidental bowel mishaps.
Jesus H Christ, look at the size of it!
I bet most of those are transporting his medications…
Spot the ice cream van ..
One for ice cream.
One for meds.
One for crib notes on where he is and who he is.
One for spare underpants in case of – ahem – emergencies.
One for all the cash Hunter has funnelled to him.
It soon adds up.
And a portaloo.
ITV local news at the end of the prog 5 presenters are queuing up for their £10,000 cheques from the the BIg Green Hedgefund man who is supervising the prog.
They didn’t half lay it on thick as they made the entire 30 mins a giant advert for Green Dream gimmicks primarily windfarms
live presenters from the wind fam in the North Sea, the windfarm factory a farm etc.
BBC local news was then late cos Kirsty Wark was overrunning by 2 minutes
and now it’s started it’s in a similar vein to the ITV show
another giant advert for Big Green Hedgefunds
I’ve had to turn the sound off.
Local news have moved to another story
.. Today was planning permission day for a Lincolnshire oil field
As can be predicted the weak local council has turned it down
This has been the pattern
then usually in the past the central government overturns that decision
cos the oil fields aren’t very harmful and they pa vast amounts of tax
Now they are reading pleased letters from the antis.
Now off energy onto foodbnk stuff
Some village has opened a big new Social Supermarket
Practically every village has a COOP isn’t that the same thing.
#FLOP26 Livestream 02
Austin Williams, director of the Future Cities Project, architect and author of ‘Enemies of Progress: Dangers of Sustainability’ (and more) joins the stream to talk about eco-colonialism, eco-racism, green misanthropy, and the climate agenda’s regressive effect on industrial and economic development.
Starts at 7:45pm for those who’ve had enough of the BBC on the topic today and are curious about other perspectives on Glasgow goings on….
Maybe the YouTube comments might work today….
Wagons being circled…
Meanwhile, an admission…
Pair of twats!
The gits can’t even bring themselves to say “Whitehaven” or mention steelmaking – unless it’s some fantastical maniacal tosspottery about “zero carbon steel”
Johnson is a standout berk in a very crowded field.
Will the Biden Broadcasting Corporation show Sleepy Joe nodding off at COP26?
Poor old git, it’s way past his bedtime and he hasn’t had his amphetamine shots.
I suspect it takes more than amphetamine
– but they are obviously having trouble with the dosage.
Allegedly it happened during Prince Charles’s speech.
Suddenly it all makes sense.
Fabulous, Vlad!
And look at the bird on the left – the bubble should read: – “Oh sod it, the old fool’s farted again”!
Donnez lui un break! He is 76 and it’s one minute to midnight so of course he wants a sleep.
Whatever they are putting in the Glasgow drinking water…
If some prankster could dose ’em all with DMT – that might brighten up the proceedings a bit?
Farage is taking apart today’s day at COP26
Archbishop of Canterbury apologises for ‘Nazi’ climate comments
Typical view from libmob Twitter
Actually : Plenty of religious cults have made doomsday predictions
and we have been right to call them out.
Politicians did not ignore the danger of Nazi Germany as I recall. They were in fact in the main wanting to appease Hitler. It was Churchill who was the main voice here. Typical of the elites just like today.
Frankly by now Newsnight’s best bet is to bring back O’Brien.
A good day to…
She does not bring out a Winterval album I’ll be amazed.
Agreed Greta! Now, as they say, “Let go, Boris, David and Charles!”
Those wagons circle any faster they might create a time warp.
If you think the BBC is bad, try C4 News. A succession of weirdo protestors with bizarre gimmicks; sanctimonious juveniles spouting sentimental claptrap and bursting into tears; third worlders menacingly blaming all their droughts, fires and floods on climate change.
None of these people are part of COP26. So why are their views being given so much airtime? Why are my views not represented? I disagree with the world leaders AND the protestors.
Maybe they could get Sir Boaty to fact check?
Has she checked the Chinese carbon emissions ?
When is Nadine Dorries getting to work on the Bias?
Jez is now hiding behind a question.
The BBC has been broadcasting messages that cause psychological harm for decades.
What do you define as a troll?
I bet Jeremy Vine’s definition and mine differ considerably.
The BBC are trying to classify it to be the same as ‘hate speech’ which it absolutely isn’t. Once it’s under that unberella, they can call anyone saying anything which offends other people to be a troll.
Trolls are people who deliberately lie and/or misrepresent. They will ignore any reasonable debate because they have a completely separate agenda.
I wonder if Vile would acknowledge maxi as a troll. He is the classic definition. He has no interest in the topics under discussion : he simply wants to attack the people who write them.
Of course in BBC world, it will be exclusively right-wing people disagreeing with left-wing people.
I think ‘anger ‘ should be a crime . After all ‘the emotion of ‘hate ‘ is now a crime . The punishment will be a form of medication called ‘soma’ to bring calm to the criminal and ensure we are all in it together ….
Elsewhere – do you notice this green thing has no sense of humour ?
It’s worse than that : ‘predjudice’ is in the definition of hate crime AND being Islamophobic.
Predjudice = pre-judge = make assumptions based on experience = hate crime.
It’s absolute nonsense dreamt up by the Left to have a nasty sounding label they can use on people.
That’s alright, I don’t hate anyone, I just think that lots of them are just plain B****y b*****d a*******s!
Makes it much easier!
Naga retweeted this.
Of course she did.
My generation had irreverent fun with Viz and Purple Ronnie, the wee pukes now lap up sentimental shite like this.
This guy has made a fortune from persuading the chattering classes that his vomit-inducing and cloying puerile platitudes are actually examples of inspiring insight and great pearls of wisdom. They’re not.
I fancy the polar bear’s chances over that of the whhhite kid any day!
Anyone else recall there was that student who got eaten by a Polar Bear whilst camping on Svalbard during some ‘ecological study’ trip some years back?
‘Mistaken for a seal’ according to the BBC at the time (I seem to recall, because it was such a ridiculous thing to say). No ‘mistake’ in it, Polar Bears are not cuddly, they’re ferocious carnivores that consider us food.
All the more reason to preserve them in my opinion, tigers too, and man eating sharks – the more the better, the one thing I do agree with Boris about is that a few million people being eaten by wild animals wouldn’t do the planet any harm, I can think of a few to get things started… Chris Packham comes to mind (now that’s real ‘rewilding’!)
“I fancy the polar bear’s chances over that of the whhhite kid any day!”
Especially if they grow up together on that ice floe.
What do you want to be when you grow up ?.
Swipe. Chomp chomp.
Wishfull thinking from TPA. If the BBC was for sale, what do you think it would cost? the answer is not that much! – it seems its only worth what the TV license fee generates. So effectively £5Bn but it has already sold many buildings and is renting Salford Quay (for example) from a Qatar conglomerate. Its entire technical department is all contracted out. Even the catering. The BBC iPlayer is built and maintained by ‘Siemens’ (a German company). Its broadcasting transmitters were all farmed out to a UK contractors (and all engineering), and its debt collecting department went to G4 – to chase those reluctant TV license payers. So basically its worth less than Channel 4.
You can find a write up on the TPA about the C4 privatisation and the follow up that could be the BBC after the sale of C4. Its a real threat, the BBC has not been reformed as profitable.
The BBC is bankrupt stock. Liquidation stock with no earnings potential.
Still it will makes the BBC squirm, but I think they will go down fighting and spluttering ‘what about my expenses’, ‘what about the climate of fear’, ‘we are as vital as the NHS’ and other codswallop.
Read more of the proposal here:
I wonder what their pension liabilities are and how much of it they have in the pot.
A pure guess but I would say they are worth something negative.
Wish they would!