BBC Radio 1 has launched the Annie Nightingale Presents Scholarship, a brand-new initiative designed to champion up-and-coming women and non-binary DJs in the Dance scene.
The Scholarship aims to celebrate and elevate talented women and non-binary people in the electronic music scene by providing them with a national platform to showcase their taste and expertise.
‘Dance scene’ and ‘taste’ seem strange companions.
If men are now women and ‘non-binaries’ are neither why not promote anyone with ‘talent’, or is that too ‘inclusive’?
The scene doesn’t need this, ergo it’s just another virtuous back-slapping exercise in box ticking. In the 80’s and 90’s and even early into the millennium, most of the well-known club DJs were men. Recently there has been a huge upsurge in women DJ’s gaining a foothold right across the dance spectrum. They did it on their own in a male dominated industry. Feminism in action.
I just watched it and it was indeed a bit embarassing for our Queen. It reminded me of Biden.
The big picture of Prince Philip with the butterflies taking up half the screen next to her was very cheap. I bet they wondered if they could have got away with using the spitting image puppet sat next to her telling us what he would have wanted.
I strongly suspect they have convinced the Queen that given the current damage to the Monarchy by Harry, she has no choice but to curry the favour of the MSM.
Been watching the BBC news. An autistic, Scandinavian child seems to be wandering around Glasgow aimlessly speaking incomprehensible drivel.
Why are the police and social services not intervening? There is a clear safeguarding issue here.
I just watched the video : what an embarassment. She nearly fluffed her line near the end but the stooges around her quickly started punching the air and cheering.
When we got the ‘wide’ shot, I could see 2 white faces from about 30 people. Totally stage managed like everything we are about to witness.
I notice the BBC are quick to make videos and put them online when Trump boards Air Force One with some paper stuck to his shoe, but when Biden falls asleep during the massively hyped COP26, they keep quiet.
Joe is not fit to be President. Everybody knows it – including the BBC. This is what makes them such untrustworthy hypocrites. They only tell us what they absolutely have to or what they want us to know.
No doubt Snopes will manage to describe it as ‘misleading’ – maybe by saying he fell asleep during coffee break or something like they usually do.
I was a little surprised when they nudged Biden awake and reminded him who he was and that he was at a conference called COP26, that he did not give a speech about the police or arrest rates.
I would love to be a fly on the wall when he meets the diminutive woman bossing everyone around, I would bet money he is convinced she is Prince Charles’ mum and congratulates her on the “work done” on the wrinkles and hair.
Archbishop of Canterbury is forced to make grovelling apology for ‘offence to Jews’ after saying failure to get a climate change deal would mean ‘genocide on an infinitely greater scale’ than committed by the NAZIS
Archbishop of Canterbury compared climate change threat to Nazis in interview
He quickly apologised for remarks in the face of fury from the Jewish community
Mr Welby admitted ‘never right to make comparisons with atrocities by the Nazis
The Six Million trope long ago become just another narrative you aren’t permitted to question. As such, there is an argument that cancel culture was invented by the Jews.
Yep – can’t beat the whiff of anti semitism from the godless woke . Can the archbishops resign ? Have they told Jesus they’ve dumped him in favour of their new god – green ?
Do you notice how many people who Should Know Better reference the nazis in whatever they are comparing ?
Ex-Monty Python star Terry Gilliam is a very naughty boy, say Old Vic bosses as the theatre cancels his Into The Woods musical over staff concerns about his views on trans rights and #MeToo
The Old Vic theatre announced Into The Woods musical would not take place
Former Monty Python star Terry Gilliam had been set to co-direct the production
But staff said to be concerned about this views on trans right and #MeToo
Two weeks ago Gilliam put his support behind Dave Chappelle over comedian’s controversial Netflix special
Old Vic was previously hit by sex abuse allegations over its former artistic director Kevin Spacey
Wait for the PTSD claims… will the little dears cope and still manage to protest in London every week ?
School days could be extended with minister Nadhim Zahawi saying he will ‘look at’ making all ‘move towards’ six-and-a-half hours of lessons
School days could be extended with minister Nadhim Zahawi saying he will ‘look at’ making all ‘move towards’ six-and-a-half hours of lessons
Nadhim Zahawi today urged schools to move to the average 6.5 hour-long day
He said he will examine cases where longer school days have boosted learning
Oprah gives ‘neighbor’ Meghan Markle’s woke coffee brand ANOTHER boost:
In December 2020, Meghan, 40, made headlines when she announced that she had invested in a instant oat-milk latte company
it was revealed in April that Clevr Blends had received almost 19 tons of oat milk powder from a company based in Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang, before switching to a US-based supplier several months ago.
The supplier – Xinjiang Haiyan International Trade – had its head office within four miles of four suspected detention centers, including a possible maximum security prison, and an alleged re-education site.
Bliar’s Institute for Global Change has advertised for an HR Business Partner [spit] based in London.
At the end of the ad there is the following:
Our Policy Futures work encompasses three broad areas:
Renewing the Centre: developing a bold and innovative domestic policy programme to help renew the centre ground of British politics;
Tech and Public Policy: exploring the policy challenges and opportunities presented by the technological revolution; and
Extremism Policy Unit: creating solutions designed to tackle the threat of extremist ideologies in the UK and around the world.
Starmer was parachuted in with huge financial backing to obey, but why are the ‘Conservatives’ so on board?
BBC ‘headline’: Is the NHS failing our BAMEs? Scientist believe that Brits of African and Asian heritage need different medical treatments (even though race and sex are social constructs).
The whiff of BS from Glasgow, sewage spills and memories of Master Po, in this scatological edition
Now the BBC informs us: ‘COP26: Thunberg tells Glasgow protest politicians are pretending‘ – well, I think she got that about right (to borrow an all too familiar catchphrase from the Beeb complaints department).
At last some newspaper titles break ranks and, like a cheeky small boy at a grand fairytale parade, they point out above the hubbub of media crowd approval, that our emperors are starkers.
The freebie Metro: ‘Height of hyCOPrisy. Billionaire climate gurus party on their gas-guzzling yachts. They fly in on private jets (along with 400 others at eco summit). Meanwhile Biden has a 26-vehicle motorcade to discuss saving the planet‘
The Daily Star: ‘The egos have landed! Motors.. Choppers.. Leaders.. Hypocrisy‘ – there’s that word hypocrisy again.
The great and the good and their oh-so pious followers will probably call this just another example of nasty populism. I call it giving voice to popular counter beliefs held by many outside of the elite bubble.
The Star provides some stirring stuff with a side-swipe at the Frogs: ‘The great and the good – and Emmanuel Macron – arrive in gas-guzzling jets to warn of environmental armageddon..‘
Meanwhile, the BBC just can’t help laying it on with their house-style tick-boxing over-earnest great big trowel: ‘COP26: Wheelchair-using minister unable to attend summit. An Israeli minister has said she could not attend the COP26 summit on Monday because it was not wheelchair accessible.‘
The BBC: our over-staffed, over-attentive ear for any right-on, on message, fringe voice they can lend a Licence Fee funded megaphone to: ‘Plastics in wet wipes should be banned, says Labour MP. Labour MP Fleur Anderson says as well as causing environmental damage, the cost of clearing them from blocked drains ends up on our water bills. She is proposing a new law to ban the sale or manufacture of wet wipes that contain plastic‘ – this from Labour – the mask mandate party. One doubts many of the billions of those awful inappropriate for public use medical articles are being sustainably recycled world wide.
Gosh, it’s only a matter of time before we see photos of endangered animals wearing discarded PPE… maybe a poor walrus in rubber golves, a face-masked polar bear or pangolin? I’d enjoy the marvelous irony, but don’t think there’s a Chinese bat species large enough to carry one off – although they do have the big ears for them. It would probably slip off when they perched upside down. Afterall they are not the most natural item of clothing. I know even most humans I see with them have at least a bit of nose poking out.
Spare a thought, it is a tough enough environment as it is for our wild animals. The Star features: ‘Beaver crisis. Critters threatened by sewage spills‘ – now there’s a genuine cause for concern.
The Star’s thought for the day reads: ‘Impending global disaster AND a shortgae of beavers?‘ – this from the paper that is: ‘Proud to love animals‘ and furthermore, in something of a localised halloween hangover, warns: ‘Yorkshire’s reet spooky‘
But of you want another helping of the creepy, sinister, morbid, macabre; then head on over to the Mirror: ‘My beautiful death. A women crippled by ill health chose to take her own life in an assisted suicide‘
This is of course a favourite old saw of the BBC who describe the story thus: ‘The Daily Mirror has interviewed a 76-year-old “right to die” campaigner, who chose to take her own life in an assisted suicide. Dawn Voice-Cooper, who was “crippled by ill health”, had a glass of champagne and hugged friends while listening to her favourite song at a clinic in Switzerland‘
That’s one way to ease the housing crisis and take pressure off the NHS.
Oddly enough, the boss of the family doctors’s trades union, like an old time Roman statesman, has also just fallen on his sword – career-wise: ‘GP’s union chief quits amid face-to-face row‘ (Telegraph) – you never know, if campaigners get their way grandad’s assisted suicide might one day be signed off by two doctors via Zoom.
‘Data published last week show 61 per cent of appointments last month were in-person. Before the pandemic this figure was about 80 per cent‘ – I think the Telegraph means before pandemic panic measures were introduced – but we’ll give them a pass… it’s still the devil’s own job to get to see a quack but house cartoonist Matt is back to cheer us up.
Think back to the 1970s hit TV show Kung Fu starring David Carradine and those frequent flashbacks to his training in the Shaolin Monastery under the tutelage of his great mentor and elder, Master Po. I think Master Po went on to open a little shop in Tunbridge Wells where he pioneered the hippy scented candle industry – there’s a gag for the teenagers. Anyway, I’ve set the scene. Matt has his guru advise his attentive pupil: “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you annoy the French for a life time”
Referencing the Anglo-French fishing dispute – the latter day Hundred Yeras War – and also that old trope about development aid.
What is the developing world up to these days? Well most of it is… developing… building fossil fuel power stations.
How about Africa and the land of Band Aid? What are the Ethiopians up to as the great and good (and Greta) global elite gather in Glasgow to fret about the weather?
‘Ethiopian forces fight back as rebels take city‘ (Telegraph) – a world away from COP26 they’re having a civil war of course. What’s the carbon footprint of a high explosive shell?
‘Residents described non-stop gunfire overnight and sounds they thought were airstrikes on Sunday and yesterday‘ – to be fair, they’ve had many a jet fly overhead this last weekend and I hear Glasgow nightlife can be a bit on the lively side.
Millions of media monkeys desperately looking for an edge.
The result is seldom Shakespeare.
Israel's energy minister has said she was unable to attend the #COP26 climate summit in Glasgow for an entire day because it was not wheelchair accessible.
The BBC has rejected thousands of complaints about an article featuring stories of lesbians claiming they felt pressured into having sex with transgender women, arguing that the piece was 'impartiality in action'
‘Thousands ‘ of complaints ? Really ? I don’t think I know what a trannie is so it’s not for me . I know lesbians are dykes but are they upset ? Or are the trannies upset ? Actually who cares …
What I can never understand, is that if all these odd people want to be ‘different’, what on earth do they do with their time when they’re supposed to be working for a living, being a decent tax-payer, contributing to society in general?
The BBC loves to show these peculiar people demonstrating by sticking their faces to tarmac, or prancing around Brighton, but surely, these oddities must have some sort of employment? Do they?
When you have loopy people like Vine and Harrabin squealing about stuff they don’t understand, the BBC really needs to find out a little more about what all these un-qualified faces on TV are doing, and if they can find out a little more about what they think is the cause of trannie layabouts etc., then we might (or might not) offer some sympathy, but they do bang on about subjects which quite frankly, don’t cause any concern to any normal hard-working citizen!
We just get very cross, and they know that in W1AA – it’s pathetic!
One’s thing for sure, this current clamour to join the Mass x Velocity of the so-called climate movement just demonstrates why the public should have no respect for the stupid elites. It is unbelievable that they, ‘govern’ us. Sorry to admit, the Queen now joins the stupid. I had thought that she, under the guise of exhaustion, as the excuse not to attend something she disagrees with. But no, she has to chuck her crown into the ring.
Probably the biggest con the World has ever experienced.
A decade ago Sir David correctly stated that the biggest threat to the world came from over population. His employer , the BBC went ballistic, how dare he say that because their black and brown protected groups were solely responsible for this and they couldn’t possibly allow that sort of thing to be said. He has never uttered that truth again.
The reason for COP26 and all of them previously is exactly population control. Its a mandate to reduce the population globally by 95%. It is a ‘by-an-means-how’ situation and is the reason why they want to control the climate (and everything else). Success is measured in suicides, abortion, euthanasia, pandemics, birth control, LGBTQXYZ (more obscure the better) – as long as its zero birth rates. Reducing the environment to travel is the next big plan. Travel if your rich enough.. Procreate by proxy.
And its all going to plan with the zeal of the new Boris (mark II) and Greta circus performers in Glasgow, predicting the end-of-the-world- if we don’t all sign up for it. Scare tactics since the 1980’s. Stoked by the usual suspects in the media, as if they are on program.
The Target is Africa and Asia next with India signing up to COP26 only yesterday. BBC are all over it.
Plenty of join-the-dots fun in this lecture, particularly the namedropping of Julian Huxley and Max Nicholson, the bonkers chum of Stanley Johnson who fantasised about the return to a municipal semi-feudal model of society. It’s no surprise Boris is so on board with the green lunacy – he was indoctrinated by his father. Huxley (yes, the brother of Aldous) authored the ‘Eugenics Manifesto’ in 1939, along with the geneticist Hermann J. Muller, which explored ways in which the human population could be controlled via genetic manipulation. Nicholson’s proposals in his book The System were fundamental to the thinking of Huxley and Muller, who advocated a centralised authority with the power to subordinate individual rights to the eugenics goals of society. Ring any bells?
Read up on the Club of the Isles for clues on why the Duke of Edinburgh was head of the World Wildlife Fund and why Attenborough is wedded to the Establishment and dark environmentalism. Attenborough defers to Max Nicholson, who was equally in thrall to Charles Rothschild. Make no mistake: this is all about population reduction and has been for over a hundred years. It is not the beginning, merely a continuation.
“If we look at things causally, the bigger problem in the world is population. We must set a ceiling to human numbers. All development aid should be made dependent on the existence of strong family planning programs.” – Sir Peter Scott, chairman, World Wildlife Fund U.K., 1984
Can someone mind the site while I pop out to stock up on wet wipes . Apparently a labour MP called fluer? Is trying to get them banned .
I’m not sure what they are or what they do with them but anything being banned must be worth having … wet wipe panic buying – because of brexit ? ( show picture of empty supermarket shelf – cut and pasted from a Russian site ) ,,..
To be fair, I used to share a flat with someone who did this regularly and we ended up with blocked pipes that cost a fair chunk of change to get sorted. It’s no fun when your bathroom floods with sewerage at 2am and there’s no on-call plumber available. I’ve already switched to Cheeky Panda, 100% biodegradable bamboo wipes that I can stuff as many down the loo as I want. Up yours Boris!
The first mosque to be built in the Western Isles is proving to be a huge hit with tourists. The Stornoway temple opened its doors in May to provide a place of worship for the area’s 80-strong Muslim community.30 Sept 2018
Accurate religious demographics are difficult to obtain in Saudi Arabia,[1] but it is believed that there are approximately 1.8 million Christians in Saudi Arabia.[2] Christians in Saudi are reported to face widespread discrimination, including both foreign-born Christians and native converts.[3]
“The Prince has said that he wants to be seen as a defender of all religious faiths and not just the Anglican church but the Coronation is an Anglican ceremony. Any change would require legislation.” Prince Charles could also choose to alter another aspect of his reign, taking a different name than Charles III.2 Jul 2020
“. . . but it’s still only going in one direction. You will respect us.”
I’ll tell you something else that’s only going in one direction – his life on its inexorable path to disaster.
Something that he knows when he wakes in the dead of night or has one of those flashes of self-knowledge when staring in the mirror.
Huge public inconvenience, with major crossing of the Clyde closed so that protestors can motor up the river to Glasgow. They will be transferred to shore by power boats apparently.
Greenpeace were saying yesterday that they had been banned from the Clyde
… I didn’t hear them say that their boat is so tall it’s a risk to the bridge.
But they always twist things.
I think the BBC is frightened of liz truss. Yesterday i reported how mishal on ‘today’ gave a soft interview with a hated tory .
Today the BBC news gloomily reports that the french enemy is suspending its ‘ threats to cut off power and prevent trade to England – but doesnt mention that this comes as a result of the truss ultimatum to go to law – she doesnt get a mention at all .
I reckon she d be better for us to take on the BBC rather than any other red tory – the caveat being that tory cabinet ministers avoid confrontation at all times .
You'll need to look at the 'error' on your Butchers Garlic Chicken too, "with Non EU and EU garlic and herbs' Why are you politicising your goods? This is clear, blatant anti EU sentiment. I hope the MSM are all over this @SkyNews@BBCNews
The mentality of these people baffles me, attempting to appease them is pointless, it’s never enough.
Buy local, support those who share your streets, your schools, your shops and those who most importantly share your values. If it is important to you, then the reason that it cuts down on carbon emissions caused through transport should be reason enough.
‘Anti EU sentiment’? So what? What about your blatant anti-UK sentiment then? Pr%£k.
I personally buy nothing produced in Eire because as a nation they wish mine and my own nothing but ill-will, the EU likewise, why should I support them when I can get anything they produce or equivalent from NI or the UK? Why would I buy garlic from Grenada when the Isle of Wight is full of it? Why buy tomatoes from Espana instead of Essex? Cheese from France when there’s award-winning stuff from Fermanagh? This Christmas I’ll get sprouts from Ballymena. Who needs Brussels?
Morrison’s are right to point this out, it should matter to people, just not in the way that these treacherous Twitter-twat tools like ‘Young Wing’ – ‘Italophile, Cynic. Politics, Art, Literature, Nature.’ apparently. I might add Stereotype – suggest.
……..and while you are buying local produce Rich, the eco-warrior young are getting individual bags of crisps delivered to their door by Amazon, and fail to spot both the irony and the hypocrisy.
BTW, how did Greta get to Glasgow?
I think we can all agree that our Mums did shop locally, and we were brought up on local produce wherever we lived. Salads were only ate in the summer, so its thanks to the aviation industry that we get beans from Kenya and asparagus from Peru (!) I’ve always thought this crackers. Funny how we survived for centuries without these delicacies ! Vesta curries were about as exotic as my Mum would get, with a few tinned shrimps thrown in lol !
“You’ll need to look at the ‘error’ on your Butchers Garlic Chicken too, “with Non EU and EU garlic and herbs’ Why are you politicising your goods? This is clear, blatant anti UK sentiment. I hope the MSM are all over this @SkyNews @BBCNews”
The 2013 horse meat scandal was a food industry scandal in parts of Europe in which foods advertised as containing beef were found to contain undeclared or improperly declared horse meat – as much as 100% of the meat content in some cases.
Having stomached a little of the BBC COP26 lovefest……..
The entire BBC reporting angle is geared to supporting the purity vortex. Even if you accept the idea of manmade global warming the reporting has no rationale, no critique, no coverage of the obvious hypocrisies, no balance. It is just a race to the top of the purity spiral as each correspondent and interviewee tries to outdo the previous one in virtue-signalling.
Truly appalling journalism.
When is Greta Thumberg doing her tour of China, India, South Africa, and Saudi Arabia?
I think we are on the road to real harmful serious eco terrorism of the killing variety . When the indoctrinated realise that the cop thing didn’t change anything globally ( apart from mugging the righteous like us ) they’ll take more drastic action ….
…and feel morally entitled to do so because of what the likes of the BBC / Attenborough has been ramming into them …
With all this Cop Jamboree in Scotland for the elite at our expense…just wish we had the ‘ Climate ‘ of 40 years ago . In my village in the Cotswolds 7 ft deep snow outside the front door…walking my Daughters to School over the top of buried parked cars and yes the School was open ! , And the BBBC and MSM with no obvious Bias ….Happy Days Indeed !
The Virginia governor election is going to be a bellweather going forwards in the USA. It’s easy to take what Virginians are experiencing and compare to what we’re seeing in the UK.
BBC Wales has appointed Thamayanthi McAllister as an online journalist. Thamayanthi was previously an online journalist for BBC News, covering Somerset, Bristol, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire.
Completely unfounded allegations have been circulating on Twitter concerning a rumour that Joe Biden had a bathroom accident when he visited the pope. There is no evidence to support these malicious allegations and people who draw attention to them should be thoroughly ashamed.
This video implores people not to sink to the gutter by mentioning this incident.
Speaking of wet wipes, Dick’s people have come up with this top plan.
Many people on £150k pa have spent a lifetime developing skills, a career, or a business to get to that point. They are a national asset and a credit to themselves. Burgeon wants to punish them as wrongdoers, & latches on to CO2 to disguise his envy, malice, and embitterment.
I wonder how that £150k salary maps onto the public sector vs. actual businesses … – and how many actually move between the two.
I look at my local council in the knowledge that they volunteered 7 or 8 people on such salaries but are 100% reticent about who those titans of administration actually are and what they’ve actually achieved…
It seems to me that many people on lower incomes than Burgon’s are compelled to pay tax on things that he can get via expenses.
That Burgon is a clot with plenty of previous is a given.
I read that the Canadian Government is pushing for new laws to force social media and the MSM to take down and take action against anyone the Government deems to be “hurtful”.
This is a pure Stalinist “purge” tactic designed primarily to crush any dissent against the standing Government and thus the epitome of anti-democracy.
I hope these people realise the tide of anger and resentment that this will bring with the possibility of real uprising and revolution against them is a dangerous possibility.
It is coming!
I predict the sweeping away of all these devious cretins across the Globe in the next couple years, we have had enough of this nonsense.
Last year I subjected myself to an afternoon of “mainstream” Canadian radio and TV via the Internet.
A more grotesque bunch of fawning creeps would be difficult to find (in the Anglophone world) – many are only still employed on account of the tax money pushed their way by Trudeau and his goons and mein gott, it really shows.
After enduring 4+ hours of it and sampling a lot of different channels – I took a shower.
I knew about the hounding of Ezra Levant + Rebel Media but I hadn’t anticipated the truly weird mindscape that the Liberals have cultivated in Canadian media land. The whiff of aspiring despotism pervades all the PC-speak.
Eventually it might sink in where it matters that this will not end well if left unchecked.
BBC debate on COP26 on now (because there hasn't been enough coverage). Keen to see which panelist is representing the COP26 sceptic position. Oh, wait.
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
Dear Marianna Spring (BBC wages paid under threat of prosecution),
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
“We are virtually certain that the consensus is well over 99% now and that it’s pretty much case closed for any meaningful public conversation about the reality of human-caused climate change,” said Mark Lynas, a visiting fellow at the Alliance for Science and the paper’s first author.
In the study, the researchers began by examining a random sample of 3,000 studies from the dataset of 88,125 English-language climate papers published between 2012 and 2020. They found only found four out of the 3,000 papers were skeptical of human-caused climate change. “We knew that [climate skeptical papers] were vanishingly small in terms of their occurrence, but we thought there still must be more in the 88,000,” Lynas said.
Remember one thing: it is all a game of smoke and mirrors held behind red velvet ropes, with access mainly to peroxide blondes and old men to make them wealthier.
Don’t forget this …all leaders are restricted by what they can deliver at home, however ambitious they may or may not want to be in Glasgow
A theory is developing on twitter – that the glasgow green thing is only a cover for ‘ the farnborough of the north ‘ where 400 state of the art executive jets turn up for an air display .
So far the BBC has failed to report this . No spokesman was available for comment …
atlas_shruggedMar 10, 04:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Debs My 25 year-old daughter is one of those with I suspect a compromised immune system. Every two weeks she…
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Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
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JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
‘Dance scene’ and ‘taste’ seem strange companions.
If men are now women and ‘non-binaries’ are neither why not promote anyone with ‘talent’, or is that too ‘inclusive’?
That is outrageous. What is actually means:
‘For everyone except heterosexual males.’
What kind of hypocrites think that this is acceptable ?. Females and gay men I suppose. Something they have plenty of at the BBC.
Can anyone recall anything at all on the BBC which has stated it is for straight men only ?. It’s exactly the same principle.
The scene doesn’t need this, ergo it’s just another virtuous back-slapping exercise in box ticking. In the 80’s and 90’s and even early into the millennium, most of the well-known club DJs were men. Recently there has been a huge upsurge in women DJ’s gaining a foothold right across the dance spectrum. They did it on their own in a male dominated industry. Feminism in action.
Always had respect for the Queen. But it looks like the BBC and its Government have set her up to support the do in Glasgow.
Daft as her son now.
I just watched it and it was indeed a bit embarassing for our Queen. It reminded me of Biden.
The big picture of Prince Philip with the butterflies taking up half the screen next to her was very cheap. I bet they wondered if they could have got away with using the spitting image puppet sat next to her telling us what he would have wanted.
I strongly suspect they have convinced the Queen that given the current damage to the Monarchy by Harry, she has no choice but to curry the favour of the MSM.
“given the current damage to the Monarchy by Harry, she has no choice but to curry the favour of the MSM.”
Harry? It’s the damage done by his uncle that ‘we’re’ worrying about more I suspect?
Been watching the BBC news. An autistic, Scandinavian child seems to be wandering around Glasgow aimlessly speaking incomprehensible drivel.
Why are the police and social services not intervening? There is a clear safeguarding issue here.
I just watched the video : what an embarassment. She nearly fluffed her line near the end but the stooges around her quickly started punching the air and cheering.
When we got the ‘wide’ shot, I could see 2 white faces from about 30 people. Totally stage managed like everything we are about to witness.
I notice the BBC are quick to make videos and put them online when Trump boards Air Force One with some paper stuck to his shoe, but when Biden falls asleep during the massively hyped COP26, they keep quiet.
Joe is not fit to be President. Everybody knows it – including the BBC. This is what makes them such untrustworthy hypocrites. They only tell us what they absolutely have to or what they want us to know.
No doubt Snopes will manage to describe it as ‘misleading’ – maybe by saying he fell asleep during coffee break or something like they usually do.
Oh – I stand corrected. They have reported it. Just – as usual – about a day later than everyone else.
But of course the whole point of running it is to counter the huge publicity it has received on the internet.
Their headline – predictably – is:
‘COP26: Was US President Biden asleep or just resting his eyes?’
And they repeat it again in the article just to make sure you caught it.
In a BBC dream
Front page news from the BBC:
‘Queen spotted driving car near Windsor estate’
It’s so blatantly obvious they are making her ‘current’ because of her climate speech.
Queen pictured kite surfing on The Solent wearing an outfit last seen in 1993.
Will the BBC pay for photos?
I was a little surprised when they nudged Biden awake and reminded him who he was and that he was at a conference called COP26, that he did not give a speech about the police or arrest rates.
I would love to be a fly on the wall when he meets the diminutive woman bossing everyone around, I would bet money he is convinced she is Prince Charles’ mum and congratulates her on the “work done” on the wrinkles and hair.
Woke on steroids:
Archbishop of Canterbury is forced to make grovelling apology for ‘offence to Jews’ after saying failure to get a climate change deal would mean ‘genocide on an infinitely greater scale’ than committed by the NAZIS
Archbishop of Canterbury compared climate change threat to Nazis in interview
He quickly apologised for remarks in the face of fury from the Jewish community
Mr Welby admitted ‘never right to make comparisons with atrocities by the Nazis
The Six Million trope long ago become just another narrative you aren’t permitted to question. As such, there is an argument that cancel culture was invented by the Jews.
Yep – can’t beat the whiff of anti semitism from the godless woke . Can the archbishops resign ? Have they told Jesus they’ve dumped him in favour of their new god – green ?
Do you notice how many people who Should Know Better reference the nazis in whatever they are comparing ?
Send him to a cheese farm, blessed are the cheesemakers
Wokes on estrogen hormone therapy:
Ex-Monty Python star Terry Gilliam is a very naughty boy, say Old Vic bosses as the theatre cancels his Into The Woods musical over staff concerns about his views on trans rights and #MeToo
The Old Vic theatre announced Into The Woods musical would not take place
Former Monty Python star Terry Gilliam had been set to co-direct the production
But staff said to be concerned about this views on trans right and #MeToo
Two weeks ago Gilliam put his support behind Dave Chappelle over comedian’s controversial Netflix special
Old Vic was previously hit by sex abuse allegations over its former artistic director Kevin Spacey
Wait for the PTSD claims… will the little dears cope and still manage to protest in London every week ?
School days could be extended with minister Nadhim Zahawi saying he will ‘look at’ making all ‘move towards’ six-and-a-half hours of lessons
School days could be extended with minister Nadhim Zahawi saying he will ‘look at’ making all ‘move towards’ six-and-a-half hours of lessons
Nadhim Zahawi today urged schools to move to the average 6.5 hour-long day
He said he will examine cases where longer school days have boosted learning
‘he will examine cases where longer school days have boosted learning’
Well, duh.
Woke on caffeine:
Oprah gives ‘neighbor’ Meghan Markle’s woke coffee brand ANOTHER boost:
In December 2020, Meghan, 40, made headlines when she announced that she had invested in a instant oat-milk latte company
it was revealed in April that Clevr Blends had received almost 19 tons of oat milk powder from a company based in Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang, before switching to a US-based supplier several months ago.
The supplier – Xinjiang Haiyan International Trade – had its head office within four miles of four suspected detention centers, including a possible maximum security prison, and an alleged re-education site.
COP26: World leaders promise to end deforestation by 2030
They are being extremely oconomical with the facts here. For example,
‘And a £1.1bn fund will be established to protect the world’s second largest tropical rainforest – in the Congo Basin.’
Protect it how ?. Build a fence ?.
Or does it mean just give them the money and ask them to promise not to chop down any more trees ?.
And of course the hole in the market will create a massive illegal trade. That’s how these places work.
She’s like the Greta of feminist sista whinging.
Bliar’s Institute for Global Change has advertised for an HR Business Partner [spit] based in London.
At the end of the ad there is the following:
Our Policy Futures work encompasses three broad areas:
Renewing the Centre: developing a bold and innovative domestic policy programme to help renew the centre ground of British politics;
Tech and Public Policy: exploring the policy challenges and opportunities presented by the technological revolution; and
Extremism Policy Unit: creating solutions designed to tackle the threat of extremist ideologies in the UK and around the world.
Starmer was parachuted in with huge financial backing to obey, but why are the ‘Conservatives’ so on board?
‘Follow the money’ (as taff always reminds us).
New front opens.
BBC ‘headline’: Is the NHS failing our BAMEs? Scientist believe that Brits of African and Asian heritage need different medical treatments (even though race and sex are social constructs).
Sounds dire.
Wee Morag looks glum.
Wonder how she got there.
She didn’t get that sun tan in Glasgow, that’s for sure.
The whiff of BS from Glasgow, sewage spills and memories of Master Po, in this scatological edition
Now the BBC informs us: ‘COP26: Thunberg tells Glasgow protest politicians are pretending‘ – well, I think she got that about right (to borrow an all too familiar catchphrase from the Beeb complaints department).
At last some newspaper titles break ranks and, like a cheeky small boy at a grand fairytale parade, they point out above the hubbub of media crowd approval, that our emperors are starkers.
The freebie Metro: ‘Height of hyCOPrisy. Billionaire climate gurus party on their gas-guzzling yachts. They fly in on private jets (along with 400 others at eco summit). Meanwhile Biden has a 26-vehicle motorcade to discuss saving the planet‘
The Daily Star: ‘The egos have landed! Motors.. Choppers.. Leaders.. Hypocrisy‘ – there’s that word hypocrisy again.
The great and the good and their oh-so pious followers will probably call this just another example of nasty populism. I call it giving voice to popular counter beliefs held by many outside of the elite bubble.
The Star provides some stirring stuff with a side-swipe at the Frogs: ‘The great and the good – and Emmanuel Macron – arrive in gas-guzzling jets to warn of environmental armageddon..‘
Meanwhile, the BBC just can’t help laying it on with their house-style tick-boxing over-earnest great big trowel: ‘COP26: Wheelchair-using minister unable to attend summit. An Israeli minister has said she could not attend the COP26 summit on Monday because it was not wheelchair accessible.‘
The BBC: our over-staffed, over-attentive ear for any right-on, on message, fringe voice they can lend a Licence Fee funded megaphone to: ‘Plastics in wet wipes should be banned, says Labour MP. Labour MP Fleur Anderson says as well as causing environmental damage, the cost of clearing them from blocked drains ends up on our water bills. She is proposing a new law to ban the sale or manufacture of wet wipes that contain plastic‘ – this from Labour – the mask mandate party. One doubts many of the billions of those awful inappropriate for public use medical articles are being sustainably recycled world wide.
Gosh, it’s only a matter of time before we see photos of endangered animals wearing discarded PPE… maybe a poor walrus in rubber golves, a face-masked polar bear or pangolin? I’d enjoy the marvelous irony, but don’t think there’s a Chinese bat species large enough to carry one off – although they do have the big ears for them. It would probably slip off when they perched upside down. Afterall they are not the most natural item of clothing. I know even most humans I see with them have at least a bit of nose poking out.
Spare a thought, it is a tough enough environment as it is for our wild animals. The Star features: ‘Beaver crisis. Critters threatened by sewage spills‘ – now there’s a genuine cause for concern.
The Star’s thought for the day reads: ‘Impending global disaster AND a shortgae of beavers?‘ – this from the paper that is: ‘Proud to love animals‘ and furthermore, in something of a localised halloween hangover, warns: ‘Yorkshire’s reet spooky‘
But of you want another helping of the creepy, sinister, morbid, macabre; then head on over to the Mirror: ‘My beautiful death. A women crippled by ill health chose to take her own life in an assisted suicide‘
This is of course a favourite old saw of the BBC who describe the story thus: ‘The Daily Mirror has interviewed a 76-year-old “right to die” campaigner, who chose to take her own life in an assisted suicide. Dawn Voice-Cooper, who was “crippled by ill health”, had a glass of champagne and hugged friends while listening to her favourite song at a clinic in Switzerland‘
That’s one way to ease the housing crisis and take pressure off the NHS.
Oddly enough, the boss of the family doctors’s trades union, like an old time Roman statesman, has also just fallen on his sword – career-wise: ‘GP’s union chief quits amid face-to-face row‘ (Telegraph) – you never know, if campaigners get their way grandad’s assisted suicide might one day be signed off by two doctors via Zoom.
‘Data published last week show 61 per cent of appointments last month were in-person. Before the pandemic this figure was about 80 per cent‘ – I think the Telegraph means before pandemic panic measures were introduced – but we’ll give them a pass… it’s still the devil’s own job to get to see a quack but house cartoonist Matt is back to cheer us up.
Think back to the 1970s hit TV show Kung Fu starring David Carradine and those frequent flashbacks to his training in the Shaolin Monastery under the tutelage of his great mentor and elder, Master Po. I think Master Po went on to open a little shop in Tunbridge Wells where he pioneered the hippy scented candle industry – there’s a gag for the teenagers. Anyway, I’ve set the scene. Matt has his guru advise his attentive pupil: “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you annoy the French for a life time”
Referencing the Anglo-French fishing dispute – the latter day Hundred Yeras War – and also that old trope about development aid.
What is the developing world up to these days? Well most of it is… developing… building fossil fuel power stations.
How about Africa and the land of Band Aid? What are the Ethiopians up to as the great and good (and Greta) global elite gather in Glasgow to fret about the weather?
‘Ethiopian forces fight back as rebels take city‘ (Telegraph) – a world away from COP26 they’re having a civil war of course. What’s the carbon footprint of a high explosive shell?
‘Residents described non-stop gunfire overnight and sounds they thought were airstrikes on Sunday and yesterday‘ – to be fair, they’ve had many a jet fly overhead this last weekend and I hear Glasgow nightlife can be a bit on the lively side.
Millions of media monkeys desperately looking for an edge.
The result is seldom Shakespeare.
Fleur’s people hit on wet wipes, and did get a score.
That’s what happens when you put ‘token’ people into positions of power.
“Labour – the mask mandate party”
In the great world of staged and therefore lying photos this one wins by far!
One more and Rog gets 10 in an hour.
Of course they would.
‘Thousands ‘ of complaints ? Really ? I don’t think I know what a trannie is so it’s not for me . I know lesbians are dykes but are they upset ? Or are the trannies upset ? Actually who cares …
What I can never understand, is that if all these odd people want to be ‘different’, what on earth do they do with their time when they’re supposed to be working for a living, being a decent tax-payer, contributing to society in general?
The BBC loves to show these peculiar people demonstrating by sticking their faces to tarmac, or prancing around Brighton, but surely, these oddities must have some sort of employment? Do they?
When you have loopy people like Vine and Harrabin squealing about stuff they don’t understand, the BBC really needs to find out a little more about what all these un-qualified faces on TV are doing, and if they can find out a little more about what they think is the cause of trannie layabouts etc., then we might (or might not) offer some sympathy, but they do bang on about subjects which quite frankly, don’t cause any concern to any normal hard-working citizen!
We just get very cross, and they know that in W1AA – it’s pathetic!
One’s thing for sure, this current clamour to join the Mass x Velocity of the so-called climate movement just demonstrates why the public should have no respect for the stupid elites. It is unbelievable that they, ‘govern’ us. Sorry to admit, the Queen now joins the stupid. I had thought that she, under the guise of exhaustion, as the excuse not to attend something she disagrees with. But no, she has to chuck her crown into the ring.
Probably the biggest con the World has ever experienced.
Latest propaganda for the kids on Newsround. As shown by some primary schools.
‘All you need to know’.
Hey David – let’s tax the rich . How much have you got stashed ? Are you avoiding tax ? Let’s sell all those jets and buy a rain forest .
Actually – usually the likes of sting bono and geldoff turn up at these bashes and threaten to sing … do you think they are all in their NZ bunkers ?
Has china invaded Taiwan yet ? Russia done Ukraine ?
A decade ago Sir David correctly stated that the biggest threat to the world came from over population. His employer , the BBC went ballistic, how dare he say that because their black and brown protected groups were solely responsible for this and they couldn’t possibly allow that sort of thing to be said. He has never uttered that truth again.
The reason for COP26 and all of them previously is exactly population control. Its a mandate to reduce the population globally by 95%. It is a ‘by-an-means-how’ situation and is the reason why they want to control the climate (and everything else). Success is measured in suicides, abortion, euthanasia, pandemics, birth control, LGBTQXYZ (more obscure the better) – as long as its zero birth rates. Reducing the environment to travel is the next big plan. Travel if your rich enough.. Procreate by proxy.
And its all going to plan with the zeal of the new Boris (mark II) and Greta circus performers in Glasgow, predicting the end-of-the-world- if we don’t all sign up for it. Scare tactics since the 1980’s. Stoked by the usual suspects in the media, as if they are on program.
The Target is Africa and Asia next with India signing up to COP26 only yesterday. BBC are all over it.
Those two quotes in red
– “David Attenborough says sending food to famine-ridden countries is ‘barmy'” (2013)
– “Humans are a plague on Earth”
Humans are a ‘plague on Earth’: Sir David Attenborough warns that negative effects of population growth will come home to roost
So, the bbc darling is a proponent of eugenics ?
Plenty of join-the-dots fun in this lecture, particularly the namedropping of Julian Huxley and Max Nicholson, the bonkers chum of Stanley Johnson who fantasised about the return to a municipal semi-feudal model of society. It’s no surprise Boris is so on board with the green lunacy – he was indoctrinated by his father. Huxley (yes, the brother of Aldous) authored the ‘Eugenics Manifesto’ in 1939, along with the geneticist Hermann J. Muller, which explored ways in which the human population could be controlled via genetic manipulation. Nicholson’s proposals in his book The System were fundamental to the thinking of Huxley and Muller, who advocated a centralised authority with the power to subordinate individual rights to the eugenics goals of society. Ring any bells?
Read up on the Club of the Isles for clues on why the Duke of Edinburgh was head of the World Wildlife Fund and why Attenborough is wedded to the Establishment and dark environmentalism. Attenborough defers to Max Nicholson, who was equally in thrall to Charles Rothschild. Make no mistake: this is all about population reduction and has been for over a hundred years. It is not the beginning, merely a continuation.
“If we look at things causally, the bigger problem in the world is population. We must set a ceiling to human numbers. All development aid should be made dependent on the existence of strong family planning programs.” – Sir Peter Scott, chairman, World Wildlife Fund U.K., 1984
Can someone mind the site while I pop out to stock up on wet wipes . Apparently a labour MP called fluer? Is trying to get them banned .
I’m not sure what they are or what they do with them but anything being banned must be worth having … wet wipe panic buying – because of brexit ? ( show picture of empty supermarket shelf – cut and pasted from a Russian site ) ,,..
Did not take long.
Where are all these bright young correspondents appearing from?
Must be time to criminalise putting offensive material down the toilet …
To be fair, I used to share a flat with someone who did this regularly and we ended up with blocked pipes that cost a fair chunk of change to get sorted. It’s no fun when your bathroom floods with sewerage at 2am and there’s no on-call plumber available. I’ve already switched to Cheeky Panda, 100% biodegradable bamboo wipes that I can stuff as many down the loo as I want. Up yours Boris!
Good morning readers and posters . This country of Great Britain is in need of a leader .
It is more in need of being towed out into the Atlantic, and sunk…
Prince Charles & Queen – defenders of the faith.
The first mosque to be built in the Western Isles is proving to be a huge hit with tourists. The Stornoway temple opened its doors in May to provide a place of worship for the area’s 80-strong Muslim community.30 Sept 2018
Accurate religious demographics are difficult to obtain in Saudi Arabia,[1] but it is believed that there are approximately 1.8 million Christians in Saudi Arabia.[2] Christians in Saudi are reported to face widespread discrimination, including both foreign-born Christians and native converts.[3]
“The Prince has said that he wants to be seen as a defender of all religious faiths and not just the Anglican church but the Coronation is an Anglican ceremony. Any change would require legislation.” Prince Charles could also choose to alter another aspect of his reign, taking a different name than Charles III.2 Jul 2020
You know what happened to the 1st…
Maybe pink?
For all the bbc LGBTxyzs annoyed at being sidelined by this green bs?
Remember when people used to earn respect?
Then we imported all those people aping the dregs of Los Angeles who believe that ‘respec’ is measured in inches of steel.
Wow what a screw up. 5 seconds before the stop button was hit .
She needs a shave.
“. . . but it’s still only going in one direction. You will respect us.”
I’ll tell you something else that’s only going in one direction – his life on its inexorable path to disaster.
Something that he knows when he wakes in the dead of night or has one of those flashes of self-knowledge when staring in the mirror.
You will respect us or else.
Macron there with the lads?
Greenpeace were saying yesterday that they had been banned from the Clyde
… I didn’t hear them say that their boat is so tall it’s a risk to the bridge.
But they always twist things.
Really ?
“air draft” is a thing I’m aware of but
“banned” ≠ “doesn’t fit”
Just another example (if any were needed) that the Greenpeace default setting is mendacious twisting of simply any given situation.
Bit of a design oversight?
So, as the temperature over the next decade or two is likely to drop by about the same amount, no action, then.
You can just hear it can’t you ?
“coal, cars, cash and trees”
*rise to 1.5 degrees”
– no doubt he thinks it’s poetry of a sort.
I think the BBC is frightened of liz truss. Yesterday i reported how mishal on ‘today’ gave a soft interview with a hated tory .
Today the BBC news gloomily reports that the french enemy is suspending its ‘ threats to cut off power and prevent trade to England – but doesnt mention that this comes as a result of the truss ultimatum to go to law – she doesnt get a mention at all .
I reckon she d be better for us to take on the BBC rather than any other red tory – the caveat being that tory cabinet ministers avoid confrontation at all times .
Radio 3, the BBC’s lowest morning stress programme.
Today at 0852: “I wonder if anyone watched the opening ceremony of COP26 yesterday?”
Come, friendly bombs, and fall on Glasgow…
They will be.
The mentality of these people baffles me, attempting to appease them is pointless, it’s never enough.
Buy local, support those who share your streets, your schools, your shops and those who most importantly share your values. If it is important to you, then the reason that it cuts down on carbon emissions caused through transport should be reason enough.
‘Anti EU sentiment’? So what? What about your blatant anti-UK sentiment then? Pr%£k.
I personally buy nothing produced in Eire because as a nation they wish mine and my own nothing but ill-will, the EU likewise, why should I support them when I can get anything they produce or equivalent from NI or the UK? Why would I buy garlic from Grenada when the Isle of Wight is full of it? Why buy tomatoes from Espana instead of Essex? Cheese from France when there’s award-winning stuff from Fermanagh? This Christmas I’ll get sprouts from Ballymena. Who needs Brussels?
Morrison’s are right to point this out, it should matter to people, just not in the way that these treacherous Twitter-twat tools like ‘Young Wing’ – ‘Italophile, Cynic. Politics, Art, Literature, Nature.’ apparently. I might add Stereotype – suggest.
……..and while you are buying local produce Rich, the eco-warrior young are getting individual bags of crisps delivered to their door by Amazon, and fail to spot both the irony and the hypocrisy.
BTW, how did Greta get to Glasgow?
I think we can all agree that our Mums did shop locally, and we were brought up on local produce wherever we lived. Salads were only ate in the summer, so its thanks to the aviation industry that we get beans from Kenya and asparagus from Peru (!) I’ve always thought this crackers. Funny how we survived for centuries without these delicacies ! Vesta curries were about as exotic as my Mum would get, with a few tinned shrimps thrown in lol !
Or it could be just as relevantly….
“You’ll need to look at the ‘error’ on your Butchers Garlic Chicken too, “with Non EU and EU garlic and herbs’ Why are you politicising your goods? This is clear, blatant anti UK sentiment. I hope the MSM are all over this @SkyNews @BBCNews”
The 2013 horse meat scandal was a food industry scandal in parts of Europe in which foods advertised as containing beef were found to contain undeclared or improperly declared horse meat – as much as 100% of the meat content in some cases.
Kelvin Mckenzie writes that nut nut continues to push for Paul Dacre to be put in charge of OFCOM. A first ‘ independent’ panel of wokes refused him .
But now a new less woke panel is to be sorted out to approve him .
I hope his mission is to take over OFCOM and destroy it or the BBC contamination of it … naively hoping …
A quite small asteroid would solve so much.
Having stomached a little of the BBC COP26 lovefest……..
The entire BBC reporting angle is geared to supporting the purity vortex. Even if you accept the idea of manmade global warming the reporting has no rationale, no critique, no coverage of the obvious hypocrisies, no balance. It is just a race to the top of the purity spiral as each correspondent and interviewee tries to outdo the previous one in virtue-signalling.
Truly appalling journalism.
When is Greta Thumberg doing her tour of China, India, South Africa, and Saudi Arabia?
Just as I thought. She isn’t.
See what I mean?
I think we are on the road to real harmful serious eco terrorism of the killing variety . When the indoctrinated realise that the cop thing didn’t change anything globally ( apart from mugging the righteous like us ) they’ll take more drastic action ….
…and feel morally entitled to do so because of what the likes of the BBC / Attenborough has been ramming into them …
With all this Cop Jamboree in Scotland for the elite at our expense…just wish we had the ‘ Climate ‘ of 40 years ago . In my village in the Cotswolds 7 ft deep snow outside the front door…walking my Daughters to School over the top of buried parked cars and yes the School was open ! , And the BBBC and MSM with no obvious Bias ….Happy Days Indeed !
The Virginia governor election is going to be a bellweather going forwards in the USA. It’s easy to take what Virginians are experiencing and compare to what we’re seeing in the UK.
Tucker Carlson on point, yet again.
There’s nice.
BBC Wales has appointed Thamayanthi McAllister as an online journalist. Thamayanthi was previously an online journalist for BBC News, covering Somerset, Bristol, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire.
She will be red through and through the in that UNI activist saturated area!
BBC material through and through!
Has it passed the BBC conversational Welsh test that unlocks a salary increment and more?
Completely unfounded allegations have been circulating on Twitter concerning a rumour that Joe Biden had a bathroom accident when he visited the pope. There is no evidence to support these malicious allegations and people who draw attention to them should be thoroughly ashamed.
This video implores people not to sink to the gutter by mentioning this incident.
Speaking of wet wipes, Dick’s people have come up with this top plan.
I wonder how that £150k salary maps onto the public sector vs. actual businesses … – and how many actually move between the two.
I look at my local council in the knowledge that they volunteered 7 or 8 people on such salaries but are 100% reticent about who those titans of administration actually are and what they’ve actually achieved…
It seems to me that many people on lower incomes than Burgon’s are compelled to pay tax on things that he can get via expenses.
That Burgon is a clot with plenty of previous is a given.
No shortage of entitled peroxide up there again today.
So what they are saying is… there should be a Zil lane on the Zil lane for essential lightweights?
BBC News
Karine Elharrar waited outside the conference venue in Glasgow for two hours, and was eventually forced to return to her hotel in Edinburgh 80km away.
While the Graun is lambasting the BBC for some oil investment it has dug up.
The entire place seems rammed with desperate kids trying to out sneak each other. It is rather funny, if tragic.
The politico media estate is surely in for a nasty shock soon.
Assuming these brain donors can process how their efforts play in the real world.
I read that the Canadian Government is pushing for new laws to force social media and the MSM to take down and take action against anyone the Government deems to be “hurtful”.
This is a pure Stalinist “purge” tactic designed primarily to crush any dissent against the standing Government and thus the epitome of anti-democracy.
I hope these people realise the tide of anger and resentment that this will bring with the possibility of real uprising and revolution against them is a dangerous possibility.
It is coming!
I predict the sweeping away of all these devious cretins across the Globe in the next couple years, we have had enough of this nonsense.
Last year I subjected myself to an afternoon of “mainstream” Canadian radio and TV via the Internet.
A more grotesque bunch of fawning creeps would be difficult to find (in the Anglophone world) – many are only still employed on account of the tax money pushed their way by Trudeau and his goons and mein gott, it really shows.
After enduring 4+ hours of it and sampling a lot of different channels – I took a shower.
I knew about the hounding of Ezra Levant + Rebel Media but I hadn’t anticipated the truly weird mindscape that the Liberals have cultivated in Canadian media land. The whiff of aspiring despotism pervades all the PC-speak.
A lot is explained by the Trudeau Doctrine:
‘The real Canadians are those that want to come to Canada, not those who are only here by birth; there is no Canadian culture.
What is it with the BBC and doctors who seem to be a) nuts, b) have a lot of time on their hands and c) direct access to a film crew?
The diversity aspect is a worry, mind.
The new breed of lefty journos are even more of a lost cause than their predecessors.
Turn the lights out when not required?
Eventually it might sink in where it matters that this will not end well if left unchecked.
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
Dear Marianna Spring (BBC wages paid under threat of prosecution),
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
“We are virtually certain that the consensus is well over 99% now and that it’s pretty much case closed for any meaningful public conversation about the reality of human-caused climate change,” said Mark Lynas, a visiting fellow at the Alliance for Science and the paper’s first author.
In the study, the researchers began by examining a random sample of 3,000 studies from the dataset of 88,125 English-language climate papers published between 2012 and 2020. They found only found four out of the 3,000 papers were skeptical of human-caused climate change. “We knew that [climate skeptical papers] were vanishingly small in terms of their occurrence, but we thought there still must be more in the 88,000,” Lynas said.
Remember one thing: it is all a game of smoke and mirrors held behind red velvet ropes, with access mainly to peroxide blondes and old men to make them wealthier.
A theory is developing on twitter – that the glasgow green thing is only a cover for ‘ the farnborough of the north ‘ where 400 state of the art executive jets turn up for an air display .
So far the BBC has failed to report this . No spokesman was available for comment …
How can you defend a faith that hates your faith ???
Posted: Mon, 09 Feb 2015
Charles vows to keep “Defender of the Faith” title as King
Prince Charles has stated that he will retain the monarch’s traditional title as “Defender of the Faith” as King, whilst “ensuring that other people’s faiths can also be practised.”