Which is why they all try to make it about activists, protests, petitions, etc…. anything to avoid the normal working public showing what is important at the ballot.
12pm local radio news “And here in Lincolnshire, a company is developing aviation fuel from waste ..blah blah”
Is that PRasNews ? Yes
Is it flawed ?
# 1t is not new news, the project has existed for 3 years at least
#2 Immingham is old Lincolnshire, it lies 2 miles across the water from the BBC Radio Humberside studios
so is in the centre of its region
whereas we 20 miles away live on the border and so listen to both stations
Starmer to get old pay cheques – no wonder he’s having 10 days off…
1. Employment and earnings
Payments for legal advice given before 2020:
7 December 2020, received £2,399.58. Hours: approx. 10 hrs. (Registered 23 Dec
ember 2020)
16 December 2020, received £5,936. Hours: approx. 25 hrs. (Registered 23 December 2020)
24 August 2021, received £17,598.60. Hours: approx. 70 hrs. (Registered 31 August 2021)
Not much evidence of ‘kinder politics ‘ after the recent execution of an MP by a Muslim terrorist ( allegedly ) – anyway – angie rayner didn’t have the best gig – ranting about tories changing rules to save one of their own and then throwing in something about president trump ( even the house couldn’t get that )
Anyway the best question was about supporting a charity for epileptics and climate change ….. which was a laugh out loud one for me ….
……..and yes – I have known people with epilepsy and yes I have dealt with someone having an epileptic fit ….
But nut nut flew back from Glasgow for that nonsense…
When someone is “safe in Greece”
metroliberals think the ONLY option is to bring them to the UK ?
Seems that Jon Snow is saying that
My friend, lawyer Baroness Helena Kennedy has managed to evacuate 103 women judges, prosecuters, and activists with their families from Afghanistan. They're currently temporarily safe in Greece. She needs financial help & Governments to provide visas. Please help her to help them
BigBro, yeah, tell that to my contact – former hairdresser, now an Orthodox Priest. Very miffed that the UK did not stand up to Turkish pressure on the UN and oppose the ceasefire.
Boris, the covid survivor, not wearing a mask whilst cuddling up to the Venerable St. Attenborough? Sounds to me like he thought it was time the 95 year old did his bit for population reduction.
Lady Brooke, aka Sarah Montague, has been going on for 20 minutes about the Pattinson case. Just finished. Oh, those wicked Tories!!
Would that they had spent as long on the clear cut case of ‘Jim’ the washing machine salesman aka the smarmy Keef Vaseline, and his rent boys and drugs. Kicked into the long grass whilst Vazeline went on holiday and swanned around whilst ‘unwell’.
REF: MP Expenses
Thank you for your recent email regarding my expense as registered on the IPSA website.
As stated previously it was important last year to purchase new office equipment so that my
staff could continue to perform there jobs safely from there homes.
Following this, a number of pieces of protective equipment were bought for my constituency
office in order for staff to work in a safe environment when they had to go in to the office.
This included such equipment as screens to keep them safe.
Thank you again for your email. If there is anything else I can do to assist you then please do
not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely,
Darren Henry MP
Member of Parliament for Broxtowe
Co-Chair Midlands Engine APPG
First the crinklies fail to see Sleepy’s convoy even pause, then the rozzers manage some proactive clearance. Strange times.
Our @dropthedebt Loch Ness debt monster is being impounded by the police at #cop26 We wanted to show that the global South debt crisis cannot be ignored if we are to achieve climate justice. pic.twitter.com/h0y49UpYdj
The cultural genocide of British white males continues apace in the media lead from the front by the Botswana Broadcasting Corporation closely followed by Iraq TV (C4 has always been beyond the pale and now revelling in it)
How long before the right on luvvies in actor land realise their jobs are long gone except for the odd token gay white male ?
Their families may comprise nearly 90% of the population but that means nothing in the twisted minds of the bbc and the rest of the rabble, whos perverse twisted ideology is to commit cultural suicide.
If they had any sense of honour, all white males working in this sector should resign immediately, at least ensuring that the sector would collapse due to lack of any talent or relevant experience in broadcasting and the many other jobs that support it, such as engineers and electricians.
And all white male broadcasters that support the genocide should immediately hand their wives and daughters over to the nearest African to help support the other lie they regularly spout about mixed marriages.
Wow. Surely this needs a huge ‘breaking news’ strap and an urgent sounding whoosh. This is like the Spice Girls reuniting….. #Americasthttps://t.co/0jHV6OtdpL
Roger, Roger. Fir every Hallum or Harrabin there is a Hird, on ITBB.
“I don’t think anyone commenting on this site has yet picked up
Stephen McIntyre’s complaint about the way that the BBC faked pages
from his website (Climate Audit) in “The Trick”,their recent “conspiracy
thriller based on the events of the ‘climategate’ scandal in 2009”.
Given the humiliation the Beeb have faced over the Bashir scandal –
and its cover up and the financial penalties they have had to pay I’d have
thought that someone at the Beeb ought to have raised questions about
more such bare faced – and easily detected – fakery.
For those who are not steeped in the arguments about global warming,
Stephen (Steve) McIntyre is a retired canadian mining engineer with a
strong background in statistics. He has a website: Climate Audit
– climateaudit.org.
With an academic colleague, Ross McKitric he took apart a paper published
in 1999 (I think) of which much had been made by the IPCC and which
claimed to have disproved that the till then assumption of a “medieval warm
period”, warmer than our current climate, and which showed 900 years of
stable temperatures followed by an alarming increase over the twentieth
McIntyre and McKitric were sceptical about these results but were
continually obstructed when trying to get deatails of the data and the
statistical methodology used in writing the paper – despite IPCC rules
apparently offering access to such data. The Climategate emails
revealed amongst other things attempts on the part of the climate
scientists involved to avoid responding to FOI requests or to delete
relevant emails. This is the background of “The Trick”.
Steve sets out what how the writers/producers of “The Trick” doctored
pages from his site. If you want to see, go to Climate Audit and scroll down
to “BBC’s Fake Climate Audit Screengrab” dated 25 October.“
Context : no viewer was influenced by the fake screenshots
cos they were too brief to spot.
However McIntyre with pause could immediately spot they’d been faked
and why would you even do that faking ?
surely you’d just use the actual screenshots
it would be fair use and McIntyre couldn’t pull copyright
You have to have the mind of a deceiver to start doing this unnecessary faking.
Tree rings do not show the medieval warm period seen in 485 other papers, or any warming after 1960. So to “HIDE THE DECLINE” in temperature seen in tree rings, the ”TRICK” was to hide the decline by substitution of tree ring data by thermometer data from 1960. So with the scientific fraud before 1960, and the thermometer data from 1960. This gave the desired “HOCKEY STICK” shape.
It was Phil Jones who suggested that they use “MIKE’S NATURE TRICK” to “HIDE THE DECLINE”. Which refers to the fact that Michael Mann also used “The Trick” to impress the IPCC into using the fraudulent Hockey Stick graph.
The scientific fraud used assumptions that thin tree rings were caused by cold weather. But Isotopic evidence in tree rings showed that the temperature does not determine the width of tree rings.
McIntyre and McKitrick established that the computer model then used to put all the data together had been programmed with an algorithm which gave up to 390 times more weight to bristlecone pine tree rings.
The reason that the temperature does not determine the width of tree rings is that sometimes the tree rings are thin because of hot droughts, as well as the assumed cold used in the Hockey stick. Isotopic evidence showed that many of Mann’s assumptions for tree rings were wrong, and therefore constitute evidence for scientific fraud.
So the nature of the “scientific fraud” is that the hottest years are depicted as cold years in the Hockey Stick, except after 1960. This fraudulently eliminates the Medieval Warm Period.
Lefty front group CCDH is pushing its new report through PAID Twitter ads “The Toxic Top Ten”
Since CCDH is an offshoot of The HateNo Hopers
who MONSTER people who challenge lefty dogma ,
by smearing them with power labels like “racist”
and thus clear the way for lefty groups ..CCDH will act the same.
The actual Twitter advert doesn’t get you to more info about this Top Ten, rather it gets you to “Sign this petition”
I had to search the CCDH site to find the page https://www.counterhate.com/toxicten
and even then it doesn’t list the ten
rather it lists the folks CCDH is acting for
– Friends of the Earth, a junior Democrat senator, AVAAZ (a US pressure group)
– Lord Oates, Liberal Democrat Lord
– Union of Concerned Scientists (ambush name for an astro-turfing PR opern, Benjy the dog has a membership card and he’s no scientist)
– InfluenceMap
– Julia Masters of the Climate Disinformation Coalition
Since projection is a lib mob characteristic, I’d guess those groups are the real “Toxic disinformers”
We are calling on Facebook and Google to stop promoting and funding climate denial,
start labelling it as misinformation,
and stop giving the advantages of their enormous platforms to lies and misinformation.
ten publishers – The Toxic Ten – are spreading baseless, unscientific climate denial on their own websites and across social media.
They are responsible for 69% of all interactions with climate denial content on Facebook.
It’s a climate denial propaganda machine funded in part by Google via ad revenue, and spread across the world via social media, in particular Facebook, who allow them to pay to promote their denial.
“Google has also enabled them to make $5.3m in the last six months alone.”
em that is tiny
The Climate Alarmist world is a hundred times bigger.
Remember this started cos CCDH *PAID* to push a Twitter advert at me
To see the list of the Toxic Top Ten I’d have to download the PDF report
But I got it from someone who’s now put it on Twitter
Western Journal
Townhall Media
Media Research Center
Washington Times
The Federalist Papers
Daily Wire
Russian state media
Patriot Post
TWatO Watch #1 – oh, Angela, why did you choose to do PMQs ?
Not the best person, given her recent record, to go up against the Prime Minister at Questions today. It might have been smarter to have somone else stand in for vaccinated Sir Keir who has caught Covid. Get well soon, Sir Keir. Come back soon. Just in time to resign before the winter recess. The subject was the Owen Paterson MP standards review and Suspension Vote today. Never mind the haze around Rayner, the militant broadcast wing of the Labour Party (a.k.a. the BBC) were to the rescue on TWatO with a contribution from Charlie Falconer!
Who? What? When?
Says it all really. No further comment required, if Charlie Falconer is chosen to get you out of a hole.
In a delicious irony of history, Putin (of all people!) warns that leftie wokeness is destroying the West.
How ironic that soon Russia will be more liveable-in than the crumbling, confused, intolerant, woke West.
“Putin slammed the far-left woke ideology that he said is causing societal ills throughout the Western world, saying that it is no different than what happened in Russia during the 1917 revolution… It’s Evil, It Destroys Values”
Extracts below and link to full speech.
“…some believe that aggressive blotting out of whole pages of your own history, the affirmative action in the interest of minorities, and the requirement to renounce the traditional interpretation of such basic values as mother, father, family, and the distinction between sexes are a milestone … a renewal of society.”
The recipes they come up with are nothing new… It happened in our country before after the 1917 revolution, the Bolsheviks followed the dogmas of Marx and Engels. And they also declared that they would go into change the traditional lifestyle, the political, the economic lifestyle, as well as the very notion of morality, the basic principles for a healthy society. They were trying to destroy age and century long values, revisiting the relationship between the people, they were encouraging informing on one’s own beloved, and families. It was hailed as the march of progress…”
“Incidentally, the Bolsheviks were absolutely intolerant of other opinions, different from their own,” Putin continued… And we see what is happening in the Western countries, it is with puzzlement that we see the practices Russia used to have and that we left behind in distant path, the fight for equality and against discrimination turns into an aggressive dogmatism on the brink of absurdity, when great authors of the past such as Shakespeare are no longer taught in schools and universities because they announced as backward classics that did not understand the importance of gender or race.”
“In Hollywood there are leaflets reminding what you should do in films… what kind of color, what sex, and sometimes it’s even even tighter and stricter than what the Department of Propaganda of the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee did,” he said. “And the fight against racism, which is a lofty goal, turns into a new culture, cancel culture, and into reverse discrimination, racism on the obverse. And it brings people apart, whereas the true fighters for civic rights, they were trying to eliminate those differences.
“The proponents of new approaches go so far as they want to eliminate the whole notions of men and women, and those who dare say that men and women exist and this is a biological fact, they are all but banished… so the people who are not sure of their sexual agenda are not unhappy.”
“There are some monstrous things when from a very young age, you teach to children that the boy can easily become a girl and you impose on them this selection, this choice. You push the parents aside and make the child take this decisions that can destroy their lives. And if we call the spade a spade, this is nigh to crime against humanity, and all of that under the banner of progress…”
Errr no they won’t, that’s already been tried by a German man. He might have stood a chance in Hungary though but only so long as they remain an EU member.
As someone else said Clint Eastwood made over 80 films, polus TV episodes in which guns were used and no one died.
Baldwin gets hold of one, breaks all the rules and someone dies and the set is safe?
He shouldn’t have been playing with the gun at all in any event and it was a negligent discharge he should carry the can, but being a prominent Democrat it seems unlikely.
Further back than Clint, what about all the westerns of the 50’s and 60’s, plus all the detective shows in the U.S. I’m sure none of the guns were plastic pop-guns, and there was no CGI (computer generated imagery) around back then.
It looks like the Saudis have had their cheque books open again – good job we left Europe or Boris and his Ghastly Marxist crew would have been forcing this onto every media outlet going hoping for some cash.
Meanwhile, brave women in Iran and other muslim countries are being beaten, jailed, tortured and sometimes killed for the right NOT to wear the symbol of oppression.
Here’s the French getting something right for a change.
Eric Zemmour, likely candidate for the Presidency, tweeted this. I can’t imagine any of our pusillanimous politicians boldly stating that Islam is the enemy of freedom!
Very good explanation of the total horlicks surrounding this CO2/methane/nitrogen dioxide Global Warming & Climate Change malarkey. There’s only one problem: during photosynthesis, trees at least – possibly other plant life, too – breathe out some CO2. It has always been assumed that the absorption is much greater, ie. the inhaling of CO2 is more than the exhaling by plant life. But then the history of science is littered with examples of having to revisit and reconsider previous assumptions and possibly have a change of mind.
Green PR tonight
ITV local news live from Drax
95% PR BS
called wood a clean fuel (It burns dirtier than coal)
(They are mixing up low CO2 with “clean” low pollution)
Claims coal will be completely switched off
No mention of yesterday’s crisis when coal was up at 4% and wind at only 3%)
Item #1 Here we are live at the Hull Siemens Gamesa factory (again .. they do many visits)
massive hyperbole
No mention that the actual towers are made abroad and not in Hull
Item #2 Solar Pakistan mega solar farm
the Gainsborough one will be bigger 7,000 acres
#3 He is at the loading bay
but it’s too windy to load anything.
#4 Nuclear : The mad green environment reporter has flown to Finland to see the see the new deep rock nuclear waste burial site due to open in 2025.
Stew, “BBC Item #1 Here we are live at the Hull Siemens Gamesa factory (again .. they do many visits) massive hyperbole. No mention that the actual towers are made abroad and not in Hull.”
What is the CO2 & nitrogen dioxide output from the dirtiest fuel of all – marine diesel? Where are they made? China? That’s a long way to travel and a lot of emissions.
We are being told to cut down on red meat and yet as you can see from the map, The UK USA and Canada already have and are eating chicken more than anything else. The one stand out country eating a lot of red meat is Pakistan so why aren’t the left addressing that ?
Thoughtful, why no fish in the UK? The UK should be green and blue. You should see the queues outside fish and chip shops and its not all vegetarians/vegans queueing for a dill pickle and portion of chips.
It’s well worth watching the 2 documentaries for which the following links are trailers. They may answer your question about the long-term viability of fish.
“The End Of The Line” is 20 years old now, but still well worth watching, and “Seaspiracy” is much more recent, but very similar.
‘Other Meat’? That’s very popular in China I hear.
A glimpse down any supermarket meat aisle would seem to confirm we’re a nation of chicken eaters, with pig based products a close second.
If most people are like us we can rarely afford much beef, or lamb, not with a family of four (even on two reasonable salaries), so it only makes me laugh (a little bitterly) when the BBC goes on about ‘cutting down’ on our ‘beef’ consumption (I’m pretty sure that mince we eat in spag.bol. never mooed, you know?)
Not much seafood on offer in local supermarkets, so clearly not very popular, except the ubiquitous tins of dolphin and albatross… sorry, ‘tuna’. Seriously though, a lot of ‘seafood’ consumed in this country is ‘mislabelled’, far more ‘cod’ is actually Pangassius catfish from Thailand than anything that ever swam in the North Sea, and there’s a lot of factory farmed Tilapia in any processed fish dishes if you look at the ingredients closely.
“It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unorthodoxy. But this particular girl gave him the impression of being more dangerous than most.”
Troop movements in Russian as putin drops the gas pressure again – is the long awaited test of Biden about to take place ? Will china then have a pop at Taiwan ?
I see it as only a matter of time – the climate priests will see it as a sign from the green god – particularly if putin rations gas to Europe over the winter …..
Elsewhere – do I detect that the swamp is so out of touch with people worrying about increasing bills that they just have no idea ?
Take a look at Ted Cruz and the Nordstream 2 pipeline over which Biden probably broke the law and might be impeached over.
Meanwhile in the Straits of Hormuz the Iranians seized another oil tankers while two US Navy ships looked on impotently and did nothing (must have been taking lessons from the Police here).
Biden meanwhile is trying to force the Iranians to accept the crap nuclear deal Obama brokered, and which Trump rightly ended.
In an interview with his pal in the tame media, he once said he would like to sit in his basement and give directions to a ‘stand-in’ for a third term through an earpiece.
OK radical trans are trying to get the BBC banned now
So BBC made film saying trans were pressurising lesbians for sex
Today trans got #BBCCoverUp trending
cos they one witness in the BBC report is a porn star called Lily Cade who (they claim) has also sexually assaulted other lesbians
… Surely the radical trans are victim blaming in persecuting her?
New letter from MP
Tonight I have written to the Director-General of the @BBC to ask him to explain how the they got their "Trans" story so wrong
Just one week ago he gave me assurances that all processes were followed
Bye bye Biden and Hello Kamala Harris, who will really put the icing on the cake for anyone who hasn’t been sufficiently hacked off by Biden which can’t be many.
That will be fun, she is not the sharpest knife in the box either:
Vice President Kamala Harris made a joke about green electricity during her commencement speech at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis Friday.
“Just ask any Marine today, would she rather carry 20 pounds of batteries or a rolled up solar panel, and I am positive she will tell you a solar panel, and so would he,” she said, before laughing.
Critics on Twitter were quick to note that solar panels generally still require batteries to store energy as it’s collected from sunlight.
Servicemen and women currently rely on high-tech lithium-ion batteries to power weapons, sensors and other devices during night operations.
(And if you want to see media bias in action, ABC News added “said to applause.” In truth, there was silence, until Harris gave a little chuckle to prompt the crowd in “please clap” fashion.)
Start with the pandering pronoun “joke.” Women have been members of the Navy and Marines for a century, and allowed to be in all combat units since 2016. Harris using a woman as her example was perfectly normal — but adding “and so would he” is just performance art for the woke. It isn’t a punchline, it’s a sneer.
COP coming to Glasgow. Leaders staying at Gleneagles Hotel & 20Tesla cars (£100K each) bought to ferry them 75km back & forth. Gleneagles has 1 Tesla charging station, so Malcolm Plant Hire contracted to supply Diesel Generators to recharge Tesla’s overnight. Couldn’t make it up.
COP coming to Glasgow. Leaders staying at Gleneagles Hotel & 20Tesla cars (£100K each) bought to ferry them 75km back & forth. Gleneagles has 1 Tesla charging station, so Malcolm Plant Hire contracted to supply Diesel Generators to recharge Tesla’s overnight. Couldn't make it up.
— Donald Clark (no flags, no hashtags) (@DonaldClark) October 13, 2021
Primary school asks boys (and teachers) to wear skirts to class to ‘promote equality’
Castleview Primary School in Edinburgh has asked boys to wear skirts today
Boys as young as three will take part in the gesture in order to ‘promote equality’
It is a nod to ‘wear a skirt to school day’ in Spain, held each year on November 4
Some parents have been critical on social media, commenting: ‘Let kids be kids’
What WILL Oxford’s blue stockings say about the red stockings? A Vietnamese airline tycoon has paid £155m to rename a college. But wait for the turbulence when the woke mob see the uniforms that helped her fortunes soar
Oxford University’s Linacre College name is to be changed to Thao College
It is in honour of Vietnamese billionaire who founded budget airline VietJet Air
Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao has been fined for using semi-naked stewardesses
Linacre College, called in the popular press an “historic college”. Till not long ago it was Linacre House, then the fashion for turning everything into colleges set in. It doesn’t matter what it is called, provided it gets on with what it was founded to do. Linacre himself was a good egg, but I don’t suppose he would mind whether that institution was named after him or not.
“A conspiracy theorist told me that 5G could affect proton gradients in mitochondria and other charged processes. That actually made sense to me. Is there any reason why it can’t?
That’s no conspiracy. It’s an extremely serious problem and you should immediately begin avoiding any areas where 5G is broadcast. While you’re at it, you should also be aware of another major environmental issue. It has recently been discovered that tap water in several major cities is heavily contaminated with dihydrogen monoxide. Dihydrogen monoxide is a colorless, tasteless substance that has killed millions of people. It can be dangerous when consumed in substantial quantities and is often fatal when concentrated an inhaled.
DiHM, as it’s referred to by experts, is used in many industrial applications as a coolant. Even worse, it is considered to be a universal solvent and can cause deterioration in concrete, steel, iron, wood, and many other supposedly durable materials. When combined with salt, it becomes even more corrosive. When heated, DiHM can cause explosions if not carefully monitored. Even worse, when even slightly doped, DiHM is an excellent conductor of electricity and should be assiduously avoided when working with electrical currents. Carelessness in such situations has resulted in numerous deaths.
DiHM has been insidiously introduced into most households around the world. It has been suggested that this introduction, which started decades ago with during the advent of indoor plumbing, was instituted by a cabal based out of Geneva and that DiHM would be used as a carrier of a variety of other dangerous chemicals such as fluoride and chlorine. The apparent goal of this cabal is to make the populace so reliant on DiHM that they would do anything for more of the substance.
Please spread the word about dihydrogen monoxide to your family and friends. Make sure they don’t fall victim to this awful substance.”
Zephir: “DiHM, as it’s referred to by experts, is used in many industrial applications as a coolant. Even worse, it is considered to be a universal solvent and can cause deterioration in concrete, steel, iron, wood, and many other supposedly durable materials.”
Strange then that that doesn’t actually happen. How come my kettle hasn’t dissolved with water left in it overnight? What about water left in other bottles and storage containers? What about water in car engines? Wood rots in water, especially water that has plenty of oxygen in it. Water into concrete will cause it to deteriorate anyway, especially if it is reinforced concrete.
I strongly recommend that you dismiss your team of experts.
With regards to the kettle you are probably diluting your dihydrogen monoxide:
Moisture is highly corrosive to most metals including steel and zinc. Despite the difficulty of predicting corrosion, hot-dip galvanizing steel is one of the best methods of corrosion protection for submersed applications because of its complete, uniform coverage. Similar to the zinc patina in atmospheric exposure, some waters allow the zinc coating to develop a passive film on the surface slowing the corrosion rate.
Similar to soils, the varieties of water make predicting corrosion rates difficult. Many parameters affect corrosion of metals in a water environment, including pH level, oxygen content, water temperature, agitation, the presence of inhibitors, and tide conditions. The first step in deciding whether galvanized steel is the right coating for your application is to determine what type of water will be used. Water can be divided into a number of different types; pure water (e.g., distilled water or de-ionized water), natural freshwater, seawater, or potable water (treated drinking water)and each has different mechanisms that determine the ultimate corrosion rate.
Pure Water
Pure water, also known as de-ionized or distilled water, is usually very corrosive to zinc coatings due to the presence of dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide. Corrosion rates of steel increase with aeration of pure water; dissolved oxygen in pure water is five to ten times more aggressive than carbonic acid
Deimer Water Treatment
Natural Fresh Water
The biggest factors in the zinc corrosion rate in fresh water are dissolved gasses, hardness/mineral rate, flow rate, and other ions/chlorides.
Hardness: In hard water, zinc combines with carbonates and bio carbonates to form zinc carbonate, which unlike zinc oxide, is not water soluble. The zinc carbonate deposits on the surface of the zinc and creates a passive film on the galvanized part slowing corrosion. The softer the water, the lower it is in carbonate; therefore, soft water is more corrosive than hard.
Flow Rate: Higher flow rates tend to increase corrosion because it acts similar to wind in atmospheric exposure it means increased abrasion.
Other Ions: Chloride is the most aggressive ion to zinc, namely when over 50 mg/L. This tends to be more pronounced in soft waters which often have carbonate levels below 80 mg/L, whereas hard waters have 700 mg/L. The protective film deposited by carbonate in hard water protects the zinc coating from anion attack.
Galvanized coatings provide considerable protection to steel immersed in seawater and exposed to salt spray. The factors that influence the corrosion of zinc in fresh water also apply to sea water. However, the biggest determinants to galvanized steels performance in seawater are temperature and ion interaction.
Pier replacements
Temperature: Seawater temperature varies widely from 28.4 F at the poles to 95 F near the equator. For all waters, the warmer the water, the higher the attack on zinc because reactions between oxygen and zinc happen faster at higher temperatures. This is why tropical seawater is much more corrosive than temperate seawater. Temperate seawaters have a freeze cycle and are often less corrosive to galvanized steel than even fresh soft waters.
Ion Interaction: In moderate temperature ranges zinc forms salts with magnesium and calcium that are not water soluble. These passive compounds form on the surface preventing the zinc metal from reacting with oxygen and chlorides which slows the corrosion rate. Tropical waters tend to stay at 70 or above, making it difficult to develop these compounds, as the colder the temperature the better the formation.
Given the high level of chloride in sea water, a very high rate of zinc corrosion might be expected. However, the presence of magnesium and calcium ions in seawater has a strong inhibiting effect on zinc corrosion in this type of environment. Results from accelerated laboratory tests sometimes use a simple sodium chloride (NaCl) solution to simulate the effects of seawater exposure on galvanized steel and should be viewed skeptically. Real world results often differ significantly from accelerated laboratory tests.
Potable Water
In the mid-1980s Congress passed the Clean Water Act, which includes the Drinking Water Standard. This standard requires that any material or coating that comes in contact with drinking water must be tested. The EPA contracted the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) to write the test procedure, which after many drafts and public meetings, was finally published as NSF Standard 61: Drinking Water Systems Components: Health Effects. Therefore, only galvanizers that have submitted test coupons of their galvanized steel and have been approved by the NSF have the authority to galvanize steel for use with potable water. Despite the great lengths that a galvanizer must endure to gain this certification, hot-dip galvanized steel is a very suitable application for potable water.
Tidal Zones & Water Agitation
One of the most corrosive areas for galvanized steel is on wash zones and tide lines. The agitation accelerates the corrosion rate of the zinc. Often the washing motion removes the passive scales which are forming on the surfaces, exposing fresh zinc which tries to redevelop more scales/patina. This leads to rapid erosion of the zinc coating resulting in increased corrosion rates.
I’m sorry but what has water got to do with dehydrogen monoxide . ? It sounds dangerous . I think it should be banned . Or it should be taken out of the environment because it’s not green .
Why hasn’t Greta done anything ? It’s a conspiracy .
Any news on how our Tory, Home Secretary and her Border Farce are doing in defending our borders? Are reports on the Channel Invasion being censored? The last I heard was that there were 20 Thousand landings so far.
Remember all those promises and promises made by our ‘Churchill’ and our ‘Pritt-stick’?
For once the BBC doesn’t have to say anything against the governing blue Labour Party .
This time they’ve done it themselves . MPs – our overpaid law makers – set up a discipline system for themselves . There were shaky rules on evidence and appeal . Every one was happy .
Then Owen Paterson comes along and , along with others , has his hand in the till . But got caught . Nice Chap Owen . They’re all nice chaps – even the girls .
Anyway Owen is found guilty . And suddenly he’s not happy with the rules he and his friends have set up . So they’ve changed the rules .
Lessons will be learned – namely – when you put your hand in the till as an MP ‘consultant ‘ ‘advisor ‘ non exec’ – don’t get caught . ……
2 weeks ago it was sobs as an MP was murdered . Now it’s back to normal corruption ….
It seems that mr Paterson was on £9000 a month from randox and still is …..£9k a month….I wonder what notes he gets it in £20s or £50s ?
Meanwhile the blue labour government it to introduce the ‘Banter Act 2021 . ‘Banter ‘ is to be made illegal – with a 6 months imprisonment or fine when found guilty .
Any person who believes they have suffered ‘banter ‘ will have a website to report it to the banter police who will act immediately and believe the victim without question .
Banter will include national nicknames such as ‘taff – jock – and paddy ‘ which will be banned …. ‘Paki’ is also declared a ‘serious banter offence ‘with a higher penalty …..
There are many exemptions from the new law. For instance use of any of the following adjectives , scum, bastard, twat, (these are only illustrative there are many others) is perfectly legal provided that they follow on directly from the words Brexiteer, English or Tory.
TOADY Watch #1 – impressive with sleazy back up like that
The Labour leader may be suffering from Covid and unable to work but the Labour supporting print press and the militant broadcasting wing of the Labour Party (a.k.a. the BBC) swings into action during ‘the absence’. The ‘first look at the papers’ leads with the Labour sick bed statement from the sucker-in-charge: “Tory sleaze.” There is more ‘first iteming’ by the BBC in that newspaper review.
The claims by Labour, the BBC, The Guardian, Daily Mirror and other newspapers overlook three important points in the Owen Paterson case:
1. The enquiry by the Parliamentary Standards Commissioner, Kathryn Stone, was highly partisan,
2. It ignored several key facts, and,
3. Witness testimony was not allowed and other evidence was overlooked by the Commissioner.
In my view, any sane, normal, sound High Court Judge would state “There is is no case to answer here.” and would not allow a case like this to come to trial.
I disagree – the statement by that wet lefty lettuce – Pete bottomly is nearer – they had 18 years to fix their system and didn’t – they only trouble themselves when randox is paying a nice chap £9 k a month for his ‘services ‘…
What billy cash said was academic and just wants a fresh trial with nicer rules …to get a nice chap off …
As for starmer – maybe he has adopted the Biden bunker model – …
Fed, we need an independent ‘of the people’ oversight of MPs and Peers, not this ex-public sector incompetence. Kathryn Stone took nearly two years over this. Why? That is suspicious in itself. Look at her background, too. There is a nasty whiff emerging about this – it appears to be a vendetta.
MPs Consultancies and extra-Parliamentary earnings are really a completely separate issue. Personally, I would ban MPs from extra work including book authoring, even if ghost-written, as most are.
If we had a Panel ‘of-the-people’ not the HoCommons instituted one of ‘the great and the good’ (bit like the BBC Board and Ofcom) it would engender much more confidence in both Houses.
By the way, if you complain about the Conservative Government not being ‘far right’ enough for you, you should try the nations newspapers for their ‘blue-ness’ (only one this morning) socialism: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-the-papers-59158458.
Careful snuff – you’ll be getting the MPs fan club turning up calling for them to be paid more than the £200k they get inc expenses plus randox jobs ….
Personally I’d ban all outside interests – clutter the number by a third for starters and sell off the lords as a hotel …
“I would ban MPs from extra work…”
The bane of modern political life is career politicians. It is the Parliamentary activities that should be considered extra work, a public service to be offered on top of their ordinary gainful employment. Preferably MPs should not be paid for their Parliamentary work, except for their working expenses.
If that system the MPs set up and approved wasn’t ‘fit for purpose ‘ then why wasn’t it fixed before ? After all the blue socialists have an 80 majority ….
Who appointed the biased parliamentary standards girl and why wasn’t she dealt with ?
And how did a far left fruit loop MP get in charge of the oversight committee . I’m amused that you defend them .
Fed, don’t be daft! That 80-seat majority dates back to December 2019 when a little virus from China was starting out on its world travels. Not sure you are correct about the Standards Committee – it is headed by an ex-Social Worker, not an MP. And I wasn’t defending her but criticising her approach to this specific case. Do keep up!
John Lewis have revealed their 2021 festive advert featuring a young alien experiencing Christmas for the first time. #johnlewisadverthttps://t.co/FPKJDbk0Ng
As COP 26 tries to phase out coal China expands it use and pours out more carbon dioxide. The BBC fails to interview a rep of China and ignores Germany’s continuing reliance coal. Why?
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
DeborahMar 9, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Eddy, John Campbell has a PhD in nursing. My mistake if I led people here to think he is a…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I had more than a cold the Astra Zenenca vaccine crippled me for months. Every movement was agony. There was…
Glasgow Costco
the video!
Where’s Rab Nesbitt when you need him?
Well that’s today sorted – what shall we get tomorrow ( tax free )
“The last refuge of the purple shell-suit.”
Once the BBC runs it through post… sorted. It will look like he was captivating the world…. If the bbc approves of what he says.
Which is why they all try to make it about activists, protests, petitions, etc…. anything to avoid the normal working public showing what is important at the ballot.
Found them
There are other activities for the COP attendees.
Guido reports on naughty ladies doing well in Glasgow
The Chancellor made a speech at COP26 in Glasgow today (3 November 2021).
Good morning – and welcome to Cop26 finance day.
It’s easy to feel daunted by the scale of the challenge that we face.
By sea levels rising; droughts and wildfires spreading; people forced out of their homes.
But I look around this hall and I feel optimism.
Because this is the first COP to bring together so many of the world’s finance ministers, businesses and investors with such a clear common purpose:
To deliver the promise, made in Paris six years ago, to direct the world’s wealth to protect our planet.
Let me pay an enormous tribute to Mark Carney for his leadership – leadership that is delivering results.
About cheap, reliable and clean electricity to power schools and hospitals in rural Africa.
About better coastal defences in the Philippines and the pacific islands to protect people from storm surges.
12pm local radio news
“And here in Lincolnshire, a company is developing aviation fuel from waste ..blah blah”
Is that PRasNews ? Yes
Is it flawed ?
# 1t is not new news, the project has existed for 3 years at least
#2 Immingham is old Lincolnshire, it lies 2 miles across the water from the BBC Radio Humberside studios
so is in the centre of its region
whereas we 20 miles away live on the border and so listen to both stations
When people talk about having new green car
Radio4 You and Yours also laying on Green PR thick
They’ve got Monbiot on
Jo and her hashtags like it
British foreign aid is now targeted at countries willing to sell off their assets to big business
Nothing about George Mon Blott (on the landscape) is anything other than creepy and weird.

Starmer to get old pay cheques – no wonder he’s having 10 days off…
1. Employment and earnings
Payments for legal advice given before 2020:
7 December 2020, received £2,399.58. Hours: approx. 10 hrs. (Registered 23 Dec
ember 2020)
16 December 2020, received £5,936. Hours: approx. 25 hrs. (Registered 23 December 2020)
24 August 2021, received £17,598.60. Hours: approx. 70 hrs. (Registered 31 August 2021)
Not much evidence of ‘kinder politics ‘ after the recent execution of an MP by a Muslim terrorist ( allegedly ) – anyway – angie rayner didn’t have the best gig – ranting about tories changing rules to save one of their own and then throwing in something about president trump ( even the house couldn’t get that )
Anyway the best question was about supporting a charity for epileptics and climate change ….. which was a laugh out loud one for me ….
……..and yes – I have known people with epilepsy and yes I have dealt with someone having an epileptic fit ….
But nut nut flew back from Glasgow for that nonsense…
Oh TalkRadio
Marcus Fysh MP
“Look at Carney he openly spoke about leveraging the Covid fear over into Climate fear ..he’s the merchant bankers friend”
Marcus Fysh. Conservative. Sits on the scrutiny panel for net zero. Called it out for what it is.
“Sits on the scrutiny panel for net zero.” until the right contract gig comes along.
When someone is “safe in Greece”
metroliberals think the ONLY option is to bring them to the UK ?
Seems that Jon Snow is saying that
“temporarily safe in Greece” – is greece at war?
Yes, with Turkey, MM. Currently in a UN enforced ceasefire which still rankles with a Cypriot I know.
According to some (on both sides) Greece and Turkey are just taking a brief (50 year) breather before getting stuck back into their 500 year war.
BigBro, yeah, tell that to my contact – former hairdresser, now an Orthodox Priest. Very miffed that the UK did not stand up to Turkish pressure on the UN and oppose the ceasefire.
It’s just so embarrassing to see how he makes us look to the rest of the world. And his fans still think they’re the ‘patriots’
He has nothing to say. No justification.
He is just the very worst person at the very worst time.
Boris, the covid survivor, not wearing a mask whilst cuddling up to the Venerable St. Attenborough? Sounds to me like he thought it was time the 95 year old did his bit for population reduction.
Churchill he aint.
Lady Brooke, aka Sarah Montague, has been going on for 20 minutes about the Pattinson case. Just finished. Oh, those wicked Tories!!
Would that they had spent as long on the clear cut case of ‘Jim’ the washing machine salesman aka the smarmy Keef Vaseline, and his rent boys and drugs. Kicked into the long grass whilst Vazeline went on holiday and swanned around whilst ‘unwell’.
Our Ref: DH12952/LG
29th March 2021
Dear Mr.H
REF: MP Expenses
Thank you for your recent email regarding my expense as registered on the IPSA website.
As stated previously it was important last year to purchase new office equipment so that my
staff could continue to perform there jobs safely from there homes.
Following this, a number of pieces of protective equipment were bought for my constituency
office in order for staff to work in a safe environment when they had to go in to the office.
This included such equipment as screens to keep them safe.
Thank you again for your email. If there is anything else I can do to assist you then please do
not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely,
Darren Henry MP
Member of Parliament for Broxtowe
Co-Chair Midlands Engine APPG
What if meat eaters behaved like Vegans ?
‘Young people’.
Jacinda closes down press conference
judge for yourself
She looks a sharp as a blunt knife. OK for NZ but for a large country like ours not much cop.
First the crinklies fail to see Sleepy’s convoy even pause, then the rozzers manage some proactive clearance. Strange times.
Want to wind the lefties up today?
The cultural genocide of British white males continues apace in the media lead from the front by the Botswana Broadcasting Corporation closely followed by Iraq TV (C4 has always been beyond the pale and now revelling in it)
How long before the right on luvvies in actor land realise their jobs are long gone except for the odd token gay white male ?
Their families may comprise nearly 90% of the population but that means nothing in the twisted minds of the bbc and the rest of the rabble, whos perverse twisted ideology is to commit cultural suicide.
If they had any sense of honour, all white males working in this sector should resign immediately, at least ensuring that the sector would collapse due to lack of any talent or relevant experience in broadcasting and the many other jobs that support it, such as engineers and electricians.
And all white male broadcasters that support the genocide should immediately hand their wives and daughters over to the nearest African to help support the other lie they regularly spout about mixed marriages.
Now, what logistical processes would have been involved in this?
Remember when the Spice Girls each took their own jet to an eco concert?
Interesting groupies they attract. Not many but very thick.
The Three Horse-people of the BBC Apocalypse Team.
Legends in their own minds.
It’s like no pol or media person ever read their manifesto.
Roger, Roger. Fir every Hallum or Harrabin there is a Hird, on ITBB.
“I don’t think anyone commenting on this site has yet picked up
Stephen McIntyre’s complaint about the way that the BBC faked pages
from his website (Climate Audit) in “The Trick”,their recent “conspiracy
thriller based on the events of the ‘climategate’ scandal in 2009”.
Given the humiliation the Beeb have faced over the Bashir scandal –
and its cover up and the financial penalties they have had to pay I’d have
thought that someone at the Beeb ought to have raised questions about
more such bare faced – and easily detected – fakery.
For those who are not steeped in the arguments about global warming,
Stephen (Steve) McIntyre is a retired canadian mining engineer with a
strong background in statistics. He has a website: Climate Audit
– climateaudit.org.
With an academic colleague, Ross McKitric he took apart a paper published
in 1999 (I think) of which much had been made by the IPCC and which
claimed to have disproved that the till then assumption of a “medieval warm
period”, warmer than our current climate, and which showed 900 years of
stable temperatures followed by an alarming increase over the twentieth
McIntyre and McKitric were sceptical about these results but were
continually obstructed when trying to get deatails of the data and the
statistical methodology used in writing the paper – despite IPCC rules
apparently offering access to such data. The Climategate emails
revealed amongst other things attempts on the part of the climate
scientists involved to avoid responding to FOI requests or to delete
relevant emails. This is the background of “The Trick”.
Steve sets out what how the writers/producers of “The Trick” doctored
pages from his site. If you want to see, go to Climate Audit and scroll down
to “BBC’s Fake Climate Audit Screengrab” dated 25 October.“
Maybe Springster could check?
Context : no viewer was influenced by the fake screenshots
cos they were too brief to spot.
However McIntyre with pause could immediately spot they’d been faked
and why would you even do that faking ?
surely you’d just use the actual screenshots
it would be fair use and McIntyre couldn’t pull copyright
You have to have the mind of a deceiver to start doing this unnecessary faking.
From the Mensa Debating Forum:
The Trick: What the BBC doesn’t want you to know
Tree rings do not show the medieval warm period seen in 485 other papers, or any warming after 1960. So to “HIDE THE DECLINE” in temperature seen in tree rings, the ”TRICK” was to hide the decline by substitution of tree ring data by thermometer data from 1960. So with the scientific fraud before 1960, and the thermometer data from 1960. This gave the desired “HOCKEY STICK” shape.
It was Phil Jones who suggested that they use “MIKE’S NATURE TRICK” to “HIDE THE DECLINE”. Which refers to the fact that Michael Mann also used “The Trick” to impress the IPCC into using the fraudulent Hockey Stick graph.
The scientific fraud used assumptions that thin tree rings were caused by cold weather. But Isotopic evidence in tree rings showed that the temperature does not determine the width of tree rings.
McIntyre and McKitrick established that the computer model then used to put all the data together had been programmed with an algorithm which gave up to 390 times more weight to bristlecone pine tree rings.
The reason that the temperature does not determine the width of tree rings is that sometimes the tree rings are thin because of hot droughts, as well as the assumed cold used in the Hockey stick. Isotopic evidence showed that many of Mann’s assumptions for tree rings were wrong, and therefore constitute evidence for scientific fraud.
So the nature of the “scientific fraud” is that the hottest years are depicted as cold years in the Hockey Stick, except after 1960. This fraudulently eliminates the Medieval Warm Period.
Lefty front group CCDH is pushing its new report through PAID Twitter ads “The Toxic Top Ten”
Since CCDH is an offshoot of The HateNo Hopers
who MONSTER people who challenge lefty dogma ,
by smearing them with power labels like “racist”
and thus clear the way for lefty groups ..CCDH will act the same.
The actual Twitter advert doesn’t get you to more info about this Top Ten, rather it gets you to “Sign this petition”
I had to search the CCDH site to find the page
and even then it doesn’t list the ten
rather it lists the folks CCDH is acting for
– Friends of the Earth, a junior Democrat senator, AVAAZ (a US pressure group)
– Lord Oates, Liberal Democrat Lord
– Union of Concerned Scientists (ambush name for an astro-turfing PR opern, Benjy the dog has a membership card and he’s no scientist)
– InfluenceMap
– Julia Masters of the Climate Disinformation Coalition
Since projection is a lib mob characteristic, I’d guess those groups are the real “Toxic disinformers”
“Google has also enabled them to make $5.3m in the last six months alone.”
em that is tiny
The Climate Alarmist world is a hundred times bigger.
Remember this started cos CCDH *PAID* to push a Twitter advert at me
To see the list of the Toxic Top Ten I’d have to download the PDF report
But I got it from someone who’s now put it on Twitter
Western Journal
Townhall Media
Media Research Center
Washington Times
The Federalist Papers
Daily Wire
Russian state media
Patriot Post
Just now Times Radio put up their CCDH interview https://twitter.com/CCDHate/status/1455905105023102985
FFS CCDD’s own Twitter thread purporting to call out Fake Climate news
Begins with the words
“We are at a tipping point”
.. That is of course FakeNews as anything
It’s a wacky claim, not a proven thing.
.. https://twitter.com/CCDHate/status/1455497597729247236
TWatO Watch #1 – oh, Angela, why did you choose to do PMQs ?
Not the best person, given her recent record, to go up against the Prime Minister at Questions today. It might have been smarter to have somone else stand in for vaccinated Sir Keir who has caught Covid. Get well soon, Sir Keir. Come back soon. Just in time to resign before the winter recess. The subject was the Owen Paterson MP standards review and Suspension Vote today. Never mind the haze around Rayner, the militant broadcast wing of the Labour Party (a.k.a. the BBC) were to the rescue on TWatO with a contribution from Charlie Falconer!
Who? What? When?
Says it all really. No further comment required, if Charlie Falconer is chosen to get you out of a hole.
Did she (Angie baby) refer to the conservatives as ‘honourable scum’ because I think they have to use that prefix when in the h of c.
Emmanuel, not on this occasion and the PM was far too gentlemanly (or forgetful) to remind her of that Labour Party Conference speech.
In a delicious irony of history, Putin (of all people!) warns that leftie wokeness is destroying the West.
How ironic that soon Russia will be more liveable-in than the crumbling, confused, intolerant, woke West.
“Putin slammed the far-left woke ideology that he said is causing societal ills throughout the Western world, saying that it is no different than what happened in Russia during the 1917 revolution… It’s Evil, It Destroys Values”
Extracts below and link to full speech.
“…some believe that aggressive blotting out of whole pages of your own history, the affirmative action in the interest of minorities, and the requirement to renounce the traditional interpretation of such basic values as mother, father, family, and the distinction between sexes are a milestone … a renewal of society.”
The recipes they come up with are nothing new… It happened in our country before after the 1917 revolution, the Bolsheviks followed the dogmas of Marx and Engels. And they also declared that they would go into change the traditional lifestyle, the political, the economic lifestyle, as well as the very notion of morality, the basic principles for a healthy society. They were trying to destroy age and century long values, revisiting the relationship between the people, they were encouraging informing on one’s own beloved, and families. It was hailed as the march of progress…”
“Incidentally, the Bolsheviks were absolutely intolerant of other opinions, different from their own,” Putin continued… And we see what is happening in the Western countries, it is with puzzlement that we see the practices Russia used to have and that we left behind in distant path, the fight for equality and against discrimination turns into an aggressive dogmatism on the brink of absurdity, when great authors of the past such as Shakespeare are no longer taught in schools and universities because they announced as backward classics that did not understand the importance of gender or race.”
“In Hollywood there are leaflets reminding what you should do in films… what kind of color, what sex, and sometimes it’s even even tighter and stricter than what the Department of Propaganda of the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee did,” he said. “And the fight against racism, which is a lofty goal, turns into a new culture, cancel culture, and into reverse discrimination, racism on the obverse. And it brings people apart, whereas the true fighters for civic rights, they were trying to eliminate those differences.
“The proponents of new approaches go so far as they want to eliminate the whole notions of men and women, and those who dare say that men and women exist and this is a biological fact, they are all but banished… so the people who are not sure of their sexual agenda are not unhappy.”
“There are some monstrous things when from a very young age, you teach to children that the boy can easily become a girl and you impose on them this selection, this choice. You push the parents aside and make the child take this decisions that can destroy their lives. And if we call the spade a spade, this is nigh to crime against humanity, and all of that under the banner of progress…”
Looks like russia will be taking in political asylum seekers from the woke west pretty soon ….
… some time ago i suggested here that maybe TR should seek shelter in the US – but that boat sailed …
Errr no they won’t, that’s already been tried by a German man. He might have stood a chance in Hungary though but only so long as they remain an EU member.
Yes, Eastern Europe might still be a good option… for now.
Russia is taking South African farmers I believe. The country needs people and has land to spare.
They already have some actor exiles from the EU and US, Gerard Depardieu and Steven Segal.
Thanks for that, Vlad. Putin now has my vote. No wonder he and Trump got on so well. 🙂
Yet more bad news for Boris the bottlers BFF sleepy joe as the Dems look likely to lose New Jersey where they had a 16 point lead !
Was that an actual lead or a Dominion lead?
BBC Wimmin invite on loopy Labour woman and an actual same person.
Goes badly.
Love their attempts to rescue a desperate snark from Raisin Brain with stuttering seriousness.
BBC Newsbeat dutifully copies and pastes.
Maybe Sopes can get Alex over to shoot the breeze with Lurch and BS?
As someone else said Clint Eastwood made over 80 films, polus TV episodes in which guns were used and no one died.
Baldwin gets hold of one, breaks all the rules and someone dies and the set is safe?
He shouldn’t have been playing with the gun at all in any event and it was a negligent discharge he should carry the can, but being a prominent Democrat it seems unlikely.
Not charged yet then ?
Further back than Clint, what about all the westerns of the 50’s and 60’s, plus all the detective shows in the U.S. I’m sure none of the guns were plastic pop-guns, and there was no CGI (computer generated imagery) around back then.
It looks like the Saudis have had their cheque books open again – good job we left Europe or Boris and his Ghastly Marxist crew would have been forcing this onto every media outlet going hoping for some cash.
Meanwhile, brave women in Iran and other muslim countries are being beaten, jailed, tortured and sometimes killed for the right NOT to wear the symbol of oppression.
Here’s the French getting something right for a change.
Eric Zemmour, likely candidate for the Presidency, tweeted this. I can’t imagine any of our pusillanimous politicians boldly stating that Islam is the enemy of freedom!
“Niet” Zero, An explanation.
Very good explanation of the total horlicks surrounding this CO2/methane/nitrogen dioxide Global Warming & Climate Change malarkey. There’s only one problem: during photosynthesis, trees at least – possibly other plant life, too – breathe out some CO2. It has always been assumed that the absorption is much greater, ie. the inhaling of CO2 is more than the exhaling by plant life. But then the history of science is littered with examples of having to revisit and reconsider previous assumptions and possibly have a change of mind.
I like her.
Guest Who
Maybe thats why the govrnment and Nadine have allowed Al Beeb to continue in its present form ?
Green PR tonight
ITV local news live from Drax
95% PR BS
called wood a clean fuel (It burns dirtier than coal)
(They are mixing up low CO2 with “clean” low pollution)
Claims coal will be completely switched off
No mention of yesterday’s crisis when coal was up at 4% and wind at only 3%)
Item #1 Here we are live at the Hull Siemens Gamesa factory (again .. they do many visits)
massive hyperbole
No mention that the actual towers are made abroad and not in Hull
Item #2 Solar Pakistan mega solar farm
the Gainsborough one will be bigger 7,000 acres
#3 He is at the loading bay
but it’s too windy to load anything.
#4 Nuclear : The mad green environment reporter has flown to Finland to see the see the new deep rock nuclear waste burial site due to open in 2025.
Now an eco doom advert with Attenborough, polar bears etc.
Now mayor of Hull, back from COP26
… he ruled out a congestion charge.
Stew, “BBC Item #1 Here we are live at the Hull Siemens Gamesa factory (again .. they do many visits) massive hyperbole. No mention that the actual towers are made abroad and not in Hull.”
What is the CO2 & nitrogen dioxide output from the dirtiest fuel of all – marine diesel? Where are they made? China? That’s a long way to travel and a lot of emissions.
ITV’s main item was “Pressure is mounting on Yorkshire cricket, sponsors are pulling out after racism report”
I do not favour sponsors blackmailing clubs to be woke. Its up to courts to enforce laws, not bullies.
Yorkshire Tea, and Tetley were mentioned as sponsors who out
Tetley are owned by Indians (Tata).
We are being told to cut down on red meat and yet as you can see from the map, The UK USA and Canada already have and are eating chicken more than anything else. The one stand out country eating a lot of red meat is Pakistan so why aren’t the left addressing that ?
Thoughtful, why no fish in the UK? The UK should be green and blue. You should see the queues outside fish and chip shops and its not all vegetarians/vegans queueing for a dill pickle and portion of chips.
“why no fish in the UK”?
Cos the French have all ours.
Simples .
I find it hard to believe that the yanks have given up their steaks !
Is that polar bears they are eating in Greenland and parts of Africa ?
Extremely interesting map.
Up2. “Why no fish in the UK?
It’s well worth watching the 2 documentaries for which the following links are trailers. They may answer your question about the long-term viability of fish.
“The End Of The Line” is 20 years old now, but still well worth watching, and “Seaspiracy” is much more recent, but very similar.
The End Of The Line trailer
Seaspiracy | Official Trailer | Netflix
‘Other Meat’? That’s very popular in China I hear.
A glimpse down any supermarket meat aisle would seem to confirm we’re a nation of chicken eaters, with pig based products a close second.
If most people are like us we can rarely afford much beef, or lamb, not with a family of four (even on two reasonable salaries), so it only makes me laugh (a little bitterly) when the BBC goes on about ‘cutting down’ on our ‘beef’ consumption (I’m pretty sure that mince we eat in spag.bol. never mooed, you know?)
Not much seafood on offer in local supermarkets, so clearly not very popular, except the ubiquitous tins of dolphin and albatross… sorry, ‘tuna’. Seriously though, a lot of ‘seafood’ consumed in this country is ‘mislabelled’, far more ‘cod’ is actually Pangassius catfish from Thailand than anything that ever swam in the North Sea, and there’s a lot of factory farmed Tilapia in any processed fish dishes if you look at the ingredients closely.
Michael Mann. Seriously?
“It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unorthodoxy. But this particular girl gave him the impression of being more dangerous than most.”
Two weeks to flatten the hockey stick. (c) Boris Johnson
Troop movements in Russian as putin drops the gas pressure again – is the long awaited test of Biden about to take place ? Will china then have a pop at Taiwan ?
I see it as only a matter of time – the climate priests will see it as a sign from the green god – particularly if putin rations gas to Europe over the winter …..
Elsewhere – do I detect that the swamp is so out of touch with people worrying about increasing bills that they just have no idea ?
Take a look at Ted Cruz and the Nordstream 2 pipeline over which Biden probably broke the law and might be impeached over.
Meanwhile in the Straits of Hormuz the Iranians seized another oil tankers while two US Navy ships looked on impotently and did nothing (must have been taking lessons from the Police here).
Biden meanwhile is trying to force the Iranians to accept the crap nuclear deal Obama brokered, and which Trump rightly ended.
“test of Biden” ??
The man can’t read a teleprompter, can’t remember who he’s talking to, can’t stay awake, soils his pants.
He couldn’t pass an eye test !!
For Biden read Obama
Obama has practically admitted as much.
In an interview with his pal in the tame media, he once said he would like to sit in his basement and give directions to a ‘stand-in’ for a third term through an earpiece.
Many suspect that’s exactly what’s happening.
Obama clip is 45 seconds in:
BBC headline: “Shock win for Republican in Virginia vote.”
Shock for whom, pray?
For the libtards at the BBC, who didn’t see it coming, just like they didn’t see Trump’s win coming, nor Brexit, nor the Conservative victory.
The tectonic plates are shifting and the BBC haven’t a clue.
You know something is happening, but you don’t know what it is, do you, BBC?
OK radical trans are trying to get the BBC banned now
So BBC made film saying trans were pressurising lesbians for sex
Today trans got #BBCCoverUp trending
cos they one witness in the BBC report is a porn star called Lily Cade who (they claim) has also sexually assaulted other lesbians
… Surely the radical trans are victim blaming in persecuting her?
New letter from MP
BTW when a blog is in the name of a porn star, that doesn’t prove that it is her actually writing.
It may be a good thing for the US to experience the hopelessness of Biden and his Democrats.
Trump will return even stronger and with a bigger mandate. The Republicans next year will win control of the House and Senate.
Our BBC are trembling in fear and loathing. Good.
Bye bye Biden and Hello Kamala Harris, who will really put the icing on the cake for anyone who hasn’t been sufficiently hacked off by Biden which can’t be many.
That will be fun, she is not the sharpest knife in the box either:
Vice President Kamala Harris made a joke about green electricity during her commencement speech at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis Friday.
“Just ask any Marine today, would she rather carry 20 pounds of batteries or a rolled up solar panel, and I am positive she will tell you a solar panel, and so would he,” she said, before laughing.
Critics on Twitter were quick to note that solar panels generally still require batteries to store energy as it’s collected from sunlight.
Servicemen and women currently rely on high-tech lithium-ion batteries to power weapons, sensors and other devices during night operations.
(And if you want to see media bias in action, ABC News added “said to applause.” In truth, there was silence, until Harris gave a little chuckle to prompt the crowd in “please clap” fashion.)
Start with the pandering pronoun “joke.” Women have been members of the Navy and Marines for a century, and allowed to be in all combat units since 2016. Harris using a woman as her example was perfectly normal — but adding “and so would he” is just performance art for the woke. It isn’t a punchline, it’s a sneer.
Kamala Harris Bombs at the Naval Academy
Hers was one of the worst 2021 commencement speeches.
Clue: “Buck Joe Fiden!” (anag.)
Those dems, what a wunch of bankers
COP coming to Glasgow. Leaders staying at Gleneagles Hotel & 20Tesla cars (£100K each) bought to ferry them 75km back & forth. Gleneagles has 1 Tesla charging station, so Malcolm Plant Hire contracted to supply Diesel Generators to recharge Tesla’s overnight. Couldn’t make it up.
Primary school asks boys (and teachers) to wear skirts to class to ‘promote equality’
Castleview Primary School in Edinburgh has asked boys to wear skirts today
Boys as young as three will take part in the gesture in order to ‘promote equality’
It is a nod to ‘wear a skirt to school day’ in Spain, held each year on November 4
Some parents have been critical on social media, commenting: ‘Let kids be kids’
I thought all men wore skirts in Scotland.
I cant wait…are they all ready to be offended ?
What WILL Oxford’s blue stockings say about the red stockings? A Vietnamese airline tycoon has paid £155m to rename a college. But wait for the turbulence when the woke mob see the uniforms that helped her fortunes soar
Oxford University’s Linacre College name is to be changed to Thao College
It is in honour of Vietnamese billionaire who founded budget airline VietJet Air
Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao has been fined for using semi-naked stewardesses
I hope the new patron insists all girls have to wear her stewardess uniforms at all times as a condition of the funding
(and the boys get a veto for the fat ones)
Fantastic – Ryanair college Cambridge versus EasyJet university in University Challenge ….
EasyJet U is actually located just outside Didcot Parkway.
Linacre College, called in the popular press an “historic college”. Till not long ago it was Linacre House, then the fashion for turning everything into colleges set in. It doesn’t matter what it is called, provided it gets on with what it was founded to do. Linacre himself was a good egg, but I don’t suppose he would mind whether that institution was named after him or not.
“A conspiracy theorist told me that 5G could affect proton gradients in mitochondria and other charged processes. That actually made sense to me. Is there any reason why it can’t?
That’s no conspiracy. It’s an extremely serious problem and you should immediately begin avoiding any areas where 5G is broadcast. While you’re at it, you should also be aware of another major environmental issue. It has recently been discovered that tap water in several major cities is heavily contaminated with dihydrogen monoxide. Dihydrogen monoxide is a colorless, tasteless substance that has killed millions of people. It can be dangerous when consumed in substantial quantities and is often fatal when concentrated an inhaled.
DiHM, as it’s referred to by experts, is used in many industrial applications as a coolant. Even worse, it is considered to be a universal solvent and can cause deterioration in concrete, steel, iron, wood, and many other supposedly durable materials. When combined with salt, it becomes even more corrosive. When heated, DiHM can cause explosions if not carefully monitored. Even worse, when even slightly doped, DiHM is an excellent conductor of electricity and should be assiduously avoided when working with electrical currents. Carelessness in such situations has resulted in numerous deaths.
DiHM has been insidiously introduced into most households around the world. It has been suggested that this introduction, which started decades ago with during the advent of indoor plumbing, was instituted by a cabal based out of Geneva and that DiHM would be used as a carrier of a variety of other dangerous chemicals such as fluoride and chlorine. The apparent goal of this cabal is to make the populace so reliant on DiHM that they would do anything for more of the substance.
Please spread the word about dihydrogen monoxide to your family and friends. Make sure they don’t fall victim to this awful substance.”
Zephir – is there anyway to measure the amount of DiHM people are being exposed to – a meter perhaps ?
Is there any protection ?
What should one do if you come into contact with it ?
As for 5G – I can’t even get 4G from EE where I live to I live in hope of 6 7 8 or 9G ….
Zephir: “DiHM, as it’s referred to by experts, is used in many industrial applications as a coolant. Even worse, it is considered to be a universal solvent and can cause deterioration in concrete, steel, iron, wood, and many other supposedly durable materials.”
Strange then that that doesn’t actually happen. How come my kettle hasn’t dissolved with water left in it overnight? What about water left in other bottles and storage containers? What about water in car engines? Wood rots in water, especially water that has plenty of oxygen in it. Water into concrete will cause it to deteriorate anyway, especially if it is reinforced concrete.
I strongly recommend that you dismiss your team of experts.
With regards to the kettle you are probably diluting your dihydrogen monoxide:
Moisture is highly corrosive to most metals including steel and zinc. Despite the difficulty of predicting corrosion, hot-dip galvanizing steel is one of the best methods of corrosion protection for submersed applications because of its complete, uniform coverage. Similar to the zinc patina in atmospheric exposure, some waters allow the zinc coating to develop a passive film on the surface slowing the corrosion rate.
Similar to soils, the varieties of water make predicting corrosion rates difficult. Many parameters affect corrosion of metals in a water environment, including pH level, oxygen content, water temperature, agitation, the presence of inhibitors, and tide conditions. The first step in deciding whether galvanized steel is the right coating for your application is to determine what type of water will be used. Water can be divided into a number of different types; pure water (e.g., distilled water or de-ionized water), natural freshwater, seawater, or potable water (treated drinking water)and each has different mechanisms that determine the ultimate corrosion rate.
Pure Water
Pure water, also known as de-ionized or distilled water, is usually very corrosive to zinc coatings due to the presence of dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide. Corrosion rates of steel increase with aeration of pure water; dissolved oxygen in pure water is five to ten times more aggressive than carbonic acid
Deimer Water Treatment
Natural Fresh Water
The biggest factors in the zinc corrosion rate in fresh water are dissolved gasses, hardness/mineral rate, flow rate, and other ions/chlorides.
Hardness: In hard water, zinc combines with carbonates and bio carbonates to form zinc carbonate, which unlike zinc oxide, is not water soluble. The zinc carbonate deposits on the surface of the zinc and creates a passive film on the galvanized part slowing corrosion. The softer the water, the lower it is in carbonate; therefore, soft water is more corrosive than hard.
Flow Rate: Higher flow rates tend to increase corrosion because it acts similar to wind in atmospheric exposure it means increased abrasion.
Other Ions: Chloride is the most aggressive ion to zinc, namely when over 50 mg/L. This tends to be more pronounced in soft waters which often have carbonate levels below 80 mg/L, whereas hard waters have 700 mg/L. The protective film deposited by carbonate in hard water protects the zinc coating from anion attack.
Galvanized coatings provide considerable protection to steel immersed in seawater and exposed to salt spray. The factors that influence the corrosion of zinc in fresh water also apply to sea water. However, the biggest determinants to galvanized steels performance in seawater are temperature and ion interaction.
Pier replacements
Temperature: Seawater temperature varies widely from 28.4 F at the poles to 95 F near the equator. For all waters, the warmer the water, the higher the attack on zinc because reactions between oxygen and zinc happen faster at higher temperatures. This is why tropical seawater is much more corrosive than temperate seawater. Temperate seawaters have a freeze cycle and are often less corrosive to galvanized steel than even fresh soft waters.
Ion Interaction: In moderate temperature ranges zinc forms salts with magnesium and calcium that are not water soluble. These passive compounds form on the surface preventing the zinc metal from reacting with oxygen and chlorides which slows the corrosion rate. Tropical waters tend to stay at 70 or above, making it difficult to develop these compounds, as the colder the temperature the better the formation.
Given the high level of chloride in sea water, a very high rate of zinc corrosion might be expected. However, the presence of magnesium and calcium ions in seawater has a strong inhibiting effect on zinc corrosion in this type of environment. Results from accelerated laboratory tests sometimes use a simple sodium chloride (NaCl) solution to simulate the effects of seawater exposure on galvanized steel and should be viewed skeptically. Real world results often differ significantly from accelerated laboratory tests.
Potable Water
In the mid-1980s Congress passed the Clean Water Act, which includes the Drinking Water Standard. This standard requires that any material or coating that comes in contact with drinking water must be tested. The EPA contracted the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) to write the test procedure, which after many drafts and public meetings, was finally published as NSF Standard 61: Drinking Water Systems Components: Health Effects. Therefore, only galvanizers that have submitted test coupons of their galvanized steel and have been approved by the NSF have the authority to galvanize steel for use with potable water. Despite the great lengths that a galvanizer must endure to gain this certification, hot-dip galvanized steel is a very suitable application for potable water.
Tidal Zones & Water Agitation
One of the most corrosive areas for galvanized steel is on wash zones and tide lines. The agitation accelerates the corrosion rate of the zinc. Often the washing motion removes the passive scales which are forming on the surfaces, exposing fresh zinc which tries to redevelop more scales/patina. This leads to rapid erosion of the zinc coating resulting in increased corrosion rates.
I’m sorry but what has water got to do with dehydrogen monoxide . ? It sounds dangerous . I think it should be banned . Or it should be taken out of the environment because it’s not green .
Why hasn’t Greta done anything ? It’s a conspiracy .
Question from Ayn Steyn: would the chemical formula for DiHM be something like H2O? Just askin’ …
Any news on how our Tory, Home Secretary and her Border Farce are doing in defending our borders? Are reports on the Channel Invasion being censored? The last I heard was that there were 20 Thousand landings so far.
Remember all those promises and promises made by our ‘Churchill’ and our ‘Pritt-stick’?
For once the BBC doesn’t have to say anything against the governing blue Labour Party .
This time they’ve done it themselves . MPs – our overpaid law makers – set up a discipline system for themselves . There were shaky rules on evidence and appeal . Every one was happy .
Then Owen Paterson comes along and , along with others , has his hand in the till . But got caught . Nice Chap Owen . They’re all nice chaps – even the girls .
Anyway Owen is found guilty . And suddenly he’s not happy with the rules he and his friends have set up . So they’ve changed the rules .
Lessons will be learned – namely – when you put your hand in the till as an MP ‘consultant ‘ ‘advisor ‘ non exec’ – don’t get caught . ……
2 weeks ago it was sobs as an MP was murdered . Now it’s back to normal corruption ….
It seems that mr Paterson was on £9000 a month from randox and still is …..£9k a month….I wonder what notes he gets it in £20s or £50s ?
We are in need of a new political party that puts the people of Great Britain first. The present government is a sham.
Meanwhile the blue labour government it to introduce the ‘Banter Act 2021 . ‘Banter ‘ is to be made illegal – with a 6 months imprisonment or fine when found guilty .
Any person who believes they have suffered ‘banter ‘ will have a website to report it to the banter police who will act immediately and believe the victim without question .
Banter will include national nicknames such as ‘taff – jock – and paddy ‘ which will be banned …. ‘Paki’ is also declared a ‘serious banter offence ‘with a higher penalty …..
I fear I’m not far off reality …
There are many exemptions from the new law. For instance use of any of the following adjectives , scum, bastard, twat, (these are only illustrative there are many others) is perfectly legal provided that they follow on directly from the words Brexiteer, English or Tory.
TOADY Watch #1 – impressive with sleazy back up like that
The Labour leader may be suffering from Covid and unable to work but the Labour supporting print press and the militant broadcasting wing of the Labour Party (a.k.a. the BBC) swings into action during ‘the absence’. The ‘first look at the papers’ leads with the Labour sick bed statement from the sucker-in-charge: “Tory sleaze.” There is more ‘first iteming’ by the BBC in that newspaper review.
The claims by Labour, the BBC, The Guardian, Daily Mirror and other newspapers overlook three important points in the Owen Paterson case:
1. The enquiry by the Parliamentary Standards Commissioner, Kathryn Stone, was highly partisan,
2. It ignored several key facts, and,
3. Witness testimony was not allowed and other evidence was overlooked by the Commissioner.
In my view, any sane, normal, sound High Court Judge would state “There is is no case to answer here.” and would not allow a case like this to come to trial.
Bill Cash’s statement in the House at 3.12pm supporting the amendment was probably the correct one.
On the other hand, how very convenient for Starmer in ‘the absence’ that his pronouncements on ‘corruption’ and ‘cover up’ appear in the Guardian rag rather than for posterity in Hansard.
I disagree – the statement by that wet lefty lettuce – Pete bottomly is nearer – they had 18 years to fix their system and didn’t – they only trouble themselves when randox is paying a nice chap £9 k a month for his ‘services ‘…
What billy cash said was academic and just wants a fresh trial with nicer rules …to get a nice chap off …
As for starmer – maybe he has adopted the Biden bunker model – …
Fed, we need an independent ‘of the people’ oversight of MPs and Peers, not this ex-public sector incompetence. Kathryn Stone took nearly two years over this. Why? That is suspicious in itself. Look at her background, too. There is a nasty whiff emerging about this – it appears to be a vendetta.
MPs Consultancies and extra-Parliamentary earnings are really a completely separate issue. Personally, I would ban MPs from extra work including book authoring, even if ghost-written, as most are.
If we had a Panel ‘of-the-people’ not the HoCommons instituted one of ‘the great and the good’ (bit like the BBC Board and Ofcom) it would engender much more confidence in both Houses.
By the way, if you complain about the Conservative Government not being ‘far right’ enough for you, you should try the nations newspapers for their ‘blue-ness’ (only one this morning) socialism: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-the-papers-59158458.
Careful snuff – you’ll be getting the MPs fan club turning up calling for them to be paid more than the £200k they get inc expenses plus randox jobs ….
Personally I’d ban all outside interests – clutter the number by a third for starters and sell off the lords as a hotel …
“I would ban MPs from extra work…”
The bane of modern political life is career politicians. It is the Parliamentary activities that should be considered extra work, a public service to be offered on top of their ordinary gainful employment. Preferably MPs should not be paid for their Parliamentary work, except for their working expenses.
If that system the MPs set up and approved wasn’t ‘fit for purpose ‘ then why wasn’t it fixed before ? After all the blue socialists have an 80 majority ….
Who appointed the biased parliamentary standards girl and why wasn’t she dealt with ?
And how did a far left fruit loop MP get in charge of the oversight committee . I’m amused that you defend them .
‘Sane normal high court judge ‘- ha ha
Fed, don’t be daft! That 80-seat majority dates back to December 2019 when a little virus from China was starting out on its world travels. Not sure you are correct about the Standards Committee – it is headed by an ex-Social Worker, not an MP. And I wasn’t defending her but criticising her approach to this specific case. Do keep up!
I thought aliens were green.
#sawwhattheydidthere from the outfit that brought you the camp home wrecker.
M&S seem to going for the outrage market.
‘I thought aliens were green’
First face you see is black, the family is black/mixed ethnicity, the alien is androgynous and rather obviously leaning towards being transgender.
It’s official, the Pigs have politicised everything, even Christmas. Clearly Blur were onto something when they sang that modern life is rubbish.
It’s all they know.
You know why? Boris would look bad.
Given current pontifications, buying a new car seems optimistic.
So, being the BBC, and blonde, I have my doubts.
PPE ( Oxford ) mummy / mummy2 something in the BBC ?..