Where’s Dan Dare when you need him? Let me enlighten you and bring joy.
Dan Dare is now married to Digby and they have a super bijou residence in Islington. Both I’m delighted to say are vegan. They both regret their imperialistic years working for The Eagle comic, but have moved on thanks to counselling and therapy workshops.
I have all ‘The Eagle’ magazines on DVD, and I’ve been trying to find the series when Digby had to prove that all he ever thought about was ‘food’!
I think it was The Mekon who wired him up somewhere or other to see if he was lying!
Fabulous stuff – I think it came out around the time the BBC ran something like ‘Journey into space’ and us boys just lapped it all up! But then the BBC did real programmes, not dross.
Luckily I’ll never have to make a ‘Journey into London ever again’!
I reckon you’re psychic, Messenger, because at the precise moment I wrote ‘lads’, I had this sort of touch on the shoulder which said – “don’t forget the girls”!
And on the back there was the story of St Paul. A friend of mine, at a college where the JCR subscribed to the Eagle, had to write in the Suggestions Book: “I ask that our subscription to the Eagle be cancelled as it no longer has both Dan Dare on the front and St Paul on the back. (signed) Religious Spaceman.”
It’s my sad duty to inform that something like this already exists (okay, not the gay stuff).
“Dare” from 1991, by Glaswegian writer Grant Morrison and illustrator Rian Hughes, in which Dan Dare is a murderer of Treen children.
From Wikipedia:
“In 1990, a strip entitled Dare, written by Grant Morrison and drawn by Rian Hughes, was serialised in Revolver. It presented bleak and cynical characters and was a not-too-subtle satire of 1980s British politics, from the perspective of the defeated left wing of the Labour Party. Spacefleet had been privatised, the Treens were subjected to racist abuse in urban ghettos, Digby was unemployed, Professor Peabody committed suicide, and Dare’s mentor Sir Hubert Guest betrayed Dare to the Mekon and his quisling British Prime Minister, Gloria Monday (whose appearance and demeanour appear modelled on Margaret Thatcher). Ultimately, Dare destroys London, the Mekon and himself through a smuggled nuclear weapon. The last episode appeared in Crisis, following Revolver’s cancellation. This version was not popular.”
The original Dan Dare comic stories are unequalled, as shown by the fact that they are still reprinted 70 years after their creation.
I would recommend to anybody Alastair Crompton’s “The Man Who Drew Tomorrow: How Frank Hampson created Dan Dare, the world’s best comic strip.” It’s a glimpse into another era when even people who made comics were capable of true greatness.
Shocking !
We are being invaded and this Tory government does not defend Great Britain .
Only one political party wants this idiocy halted .
We are storing up terrorism and a disaster for the near future.
Has Covid and Cop26 being used by Bo Jo to ‘bury’ this ‘population replacement’? “No courage”.
Any Tory voters and supporters here listening to the above post by thisisland.
“Not have courage” – Mayor of Calais.
In a few decades we will have a Remembrance Sunday for the Britain we gave away to the historic enemy of Christendom. If that is there is a church to go to.
The bbc put out a report in which a stat that a third of school kids are now coloured . The stat was only used once .
There will obviously be an inquiry as to why it’s only a third and white are whitee kids still being allowed in schools .
I guess the rest of the third worlders are in unregistered maddrassas leaning suicide bombing tactics ….
What a star turn Mark is, GBN could do to well to increase his appearances ten fold.
Sadly NCBBC is correct, it is very likely that by the end of this century, if not well before, we will be white minority country. To those young liberals who think that this is not something to be feared , or even that it will a good thing, I say look at Africa or the Middle East and you see what is coming down the tracks for you. A heady mix of religious intolerance , industrial scale corruption , violence as a way of life , no law and order and real racism where you will be the victim of a lot worse than being called a Brit!
I’m afraid that in the last thirty or so years society has lost respect for the civilisation that they were born into. Perhaps they think that the freedom , wealth and continued progress which they enjoy in the West is the permanent default setting for humanity and doesn’t require to be protected from outside forces . The shock realisation that is a very unusual and fragile state will come too late for them to recover it.
The clock is indeed at One Minute to Midnight but not because of climate change!
This is just one incident. The Muslim wortd is full of attacks on Christians. Jews were driven out from Islamic countries a long while back.
As for non-religious people, who think they will be the last ones in the line, forget it. Atheists, therefore those who deny the existence of God, are regarded as voluntarily evil. They will be the first, along with Buddhists ( Burma knows its history and the the tragic history of Buddhism in Afghanistan and India, visited on them by Islamic invaders). Then the idol worshippers – Hindus. Etc.
For the moment Islamic global terror is in abeyance as the West has overwhelming power. But once Islam takes over the West, we will begin to understand why Hungary etal don’t want Muslim immigrants, migrants or asylum seekers.
And here we are wilfully blind. We make big noise over a likely trumped up outrage of one Muslim but ignore the cries of tens of thousands of girls gang raped by Muslims over decades. And I mean deliberately blind.
The Big Truth: Election 2020 Really Was Rigged
By James Arlandson
Mollie Hemingway has written a blockbuster book about all the strands of deception and falsehoods that converged to take down Donald Trump on Nov. 3 and 4 and beyond (and before), in her book: Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech and the Democrats Seized Our Elections (Regnery, 2021)
If Donald Trump was allowed to win on the basis of the election rules, Climate Change would be out. Too would be the mad rush to socialism and the allow Christendom to be invaded by Islam.
Donald Trump is and was a threat to the Left’s agenda to transform the West into a slag heap.
But they wont win. Though it may seem now that all is lost.
I’m sure the real winners of the false election, The Republicans, are well organised now, and saddos like the appalling Pelosi et al, will face an absolute S*** storm!
I believe that our BBC will meet its end through feeding without reservation the Climate Change hoax-monster.
Our BBC publicly announced their decision a few years ago that Climate Change was 100% fact and anybody who disagreed with this would not be allowed airtime. This has resulted in the ridiculous farce of two ‘experts’ agreeing with each other.
The hoax is politically driven by the Left/BBC with the intention of destroying capitalism and democracy. I know of nobody in the real world who supports climate change and who is also pro Brexit.
A referendum would destroy the climate change fanatics. (Based upon the Brexit experience, the result would of course be blocked all the way by our democratic Parliament for years and years 🙁 )
I agree that the BBC sees supporting the climate change lunacy as simply a way to attack the right wing. The BBC demonstrate their hate for the right wing and their support for the left in almost everything they do. Odd for an organisation that rewards its star employees with eye watering remuneration on a scale that could in no way be described as democratic.
There will never be a referendum . The elite thought that they would frighten us into voting remain and still haven’t got over their loss of control of us plebs. They won’t allow to us the chance to decide our fate ever again. In effect we have been disenfranchised because the political parties which we have today agree on the two really big issues, migration and climate
, both of which will massively impact our lives.
However I do agree that once the true cost of net zero begins to hit ordinary folk in the pocket and they see their standard of living dropping year on year they will become increasingly restive. But how this anger and rejection of the political class and their elite backers plays out probably won’t be via the ballot box.
As you can tell from my moniker, I come from up north, God’s country. I really believe Yorkshire Cricket shot itself in the foot, when it removed the stipulation that you had to be born in the County to represent it. Before someone says, yes but these dusky people were born in Yorkshire, I know, but all YCC had to do was say one had to be an indigenous Yorkshireman. Jobs a good un. Anyway, when I served in the RN my nickname was Yorkie. Who do I complain to?
Northern – I’m not sure if you can use the ‘y’ word on this site . The RN was also responsible for you being a victim of y ism and thus you are entitled to compensation – personal – punitive – and as a victim – counselling ….
I remember being in digs with very drunk lad from Yorkshire. He was very upset and kept going on about never being able to show his face in Yorkshire ever again.
What struck me at the time was his very strong sense of place, Yorkshire being his identity, a super local ‘nationalism’ that I had never seen before in the UK.
Hard to believe that a dusky person, born in the ‘stable’ that is Yorkshire, could ever have that same intense connection.
I’m a Lancastrian but from the old adage, I may disagree with you that Yorkshire is the best place on Earth but I would defend with my life your right to say it!
I suspect that even the old requirement of being born in the broad acres , let alone being indigenous on top, would now be deemed to be discriminatory in the courts. The world has gone mad , probably irretrievably so.
Our BBC are all over this non-story like a rash. All about mates just having a banter.
Where was our BBC when the Asian grooming gangs operated for years in Yorkshire, preying upon and raping repeatedly, vulnerable white girls? (And they still do). Fear of offending racially, caused many, many blind eyes to be turned.
Our BBC/Left create racial tension to suit their own political ends.
Either that or it is what Yorkshire puddings are made of. You know, the ones that go with some Global and Personal Warming beef and gravy on the Sabbath.
Everyone who isn’t white in this country, regardless of job or profession will always have ‘their story’ about racism. There may well be a time in the future of millenniums when no-one will make a racist or offensive remark, but no-one can dictate what people think in their heads. You may not call someone fat but you’ll sure as hell think they are, and only a fool would believe that racism can be stamped out, its always been around, and will be ever thus until the last human draws breath.
It would be laughable if it wasn’t quite so tragic…
“Our BBC” get themselves far more animated and flustered about a few rude words directed towards a Pakistani cricketer than they ever have about gangs of mainly Pakistani men grooming, raping and even, on occasion, murdering little white girls.
These girls lives have been ruined. The cricketer is …a bit miffed…
FFS, get some sense of perspective.
I sometimes feel as though I’m living in a parallel universe…
The underlying problem is that the Climate Change hypothesis made up by government faux “scientists”, at the behest of the government for political purposes, has been heavily promoted by the state funded BBC. It is lefty and requires state control of humans actions, and even thought. What could the BBC not like here.
“Incestuous”, is what comes to mind.
But apart from that, Climate Change hypothesis is crooked as it relies on government subsidy. And so does all that emanates from it – like Wind electricity generation. And this attack on the most efficient generation of heat, is again due to Climate Change nonsense. Trying to reduce % CO2 will fail, as most of it is produced naturally. Besides it will have no effect on temperature as CO2 is not significant enough. If the government knows this and still carries on its policy, then it it is doing it for political and taxation purposes and not for the planet.
Even if it were doing it for the planet, surely it must know that China and India are not going to follow. And thats the end of that.
Which bring us back to the option left – It is doing it for political purposes.
They are softening us up so they can take away personal transport etc. And be seen to be working “for” humanity. It’s the biggest con ever pulled by the elites and COVID was a key part in its strategy by turning us all into obeying sheep.
There is a lot more of this elitist shit coming down the line but only selected parts of society will bear the brunt of it.
So the only option left to us will be total revolution, and I am now convinced that will follow.
digg: They are softening us up so they can take away personal transport etc.
Because personal transport means freedom. Freedom to go see who you like and when you like. When that is desroyed so will free speech. Why? Becaues free speech requires people to get together to share views and act.
One cant do that if one has to bike. Motorised traffic will be available only to the police — the controlling arm of the state. Electricity will be rationed at your home via Smart meters.
But surely our wonderful police, the envy of the world will not stoop to Staasi tactics. Well we know now that once the police are told, they will send SWAT teams in multiple squad cars, miles into the Derbyshire wilderness, to arrest a coupe talking to each other.
I agree with much on this site re the bbc and its propaganda (I come here to find sanity re certain issues, such as the bbc’s obvious campaign against brexit).
But I don’t understand the idea that climate change is a hoax. And even if it us, aren’t there other environmental issues to deal with, such as air pollution?
Re personal transport by car… surely it makes sense to improve mass transit or other facilities for cycling etc, where this is possible? If nothing else each cyclist is a car not creating congestion.
A strategy for transport beyond simple personal freedoms is surely needed?
Ps important to say that I’m an old fashioned green, and abhor the XR etc who are clearly a cover for Marxism. I cringe at the hysterics being promoted in the MSM and long for intelligent debate on this in the national ‘conversation’.
No chance.
I’m with you Seppers, there are a lot of real environmental issues (pollution, waste being dumped on ground and in rivers, building everywhere, Chinese eating rare animals, destruction of forests/wild spaces, population growth…), but I’m pretty sure ‘manmade global warming’ either isn’t one of them, or is vastly over exaggerated by hysterical, attention seeking cretins.
One of the things I find particularly annoying is in all this self flagellation about ‘climate change’, most of the real issues seem to get brushed under the carpet.
Is mass immigration to the UK damaging our local environment – yep!
Is manufacturing everything in China (where there is no respect for the natural environment at all) and shipping it half way around the world really bad for the environment – I think it probably is?
Are wind turbines, electric cars and heat pumps REALLY more environmentally friendly than what we currently have? – almost certainly not.
Etc… it’s all just virtue signalling, fearmongering, and hypocrisy.
In most cases, if you really look into it, the traditional ways of doing things were usually the most environmentally friendly, simply because in the past people couldn’t afford the waste and consumption most consider their ‘right’ now. Look at all the fuss about not being able to take two holidays abroad last year, or complaints about ‘not being able to feed themselves’ when they can’t afford Dominos pizzas 7 nights a week! My family have never had any of those things, and we haven’t suffered for it.
Climate Change is a natural phenomena, changing on a global scale. What Western governments have done is re-name AGW, man-made global warming , to man-made Climate Change.
To see that both scams are the same, one notes that the changes required, and to be imposed on us, to ameliorate or stop Climate Change, are the same requirements to stop AGW.
Transport is a separate issue. Transport systems depend on the size, wealth, weather conditions, population size and density, and other factors. Attempts for one size or even a couple of sizes to fit the general will fail.
The BBC have found their new George Floyd story: black jogger Ahmaud Arbery.
It’s top of the news tonight, and they’ll milk it for as long as they can. With any luck it’ll lead to months of rioting, burning, looting and murdering. Free Nikes all round.
Every year in the US, hundreds of whites are murdered by blacks (513 in 2016) which the BBC never bother to report.
A few years ago in Tennessee, a black gang kidnapped a white couple, then tortured and raped the woman over a number of days before murdering them both and burning them.
I’m glad she said it . It will show Boris there’s no pleasing these people ( lefty liberals Gramscians , globalist nomenclatures) .
Donald Trump didn’t bother with her . There’s no point . Whatever you do isn’t enough for them .
Instead of trying to appease them , annoy them until their heads explode .
I don’t understand why Greta says COP26 has been a failure. A lot of countries made commitments on deforestation, methane emissions and the use of coal. These are the kind of concrete agreements that she should surely welcome. Has she actually been listening?
I agree with Nibor and Pug above. She has nothing to say except generalised rhetoric and nothing will ever be enough for her anyway. Her true function as a public figure is not really to lobby for solutions to the “climate crisis” but to personify a whole host of horrible adolescent traits – vanity, self-importance, crusading zeal, blind certainty, disrespect for elders. Children and youths with teenage angst, persecution complexes, catastrophist mindsets, nihilist outlooks and victim mentalities can then find a focus for their disaffection.
Thanks for posting, Stew. Ironic that Murray is gay, but the militant gays disown him because he is not left wing. They told him that he couldn’t therefore be gay!
It seems the Yorkshire Cricket calamity has achieved its objective. Appointing a new UK/Pakistani Chairman, I did wonder what it was all about being mostly sound and fury and signifying nothing!
I have never seen such a weak claim achieve such a massive result. It must be cheering to the heart of all professional grudge merchants. Certainly better and more profitable than crash for cash!
High time a lot of jelly belly’s out there grew some balls and said no to this victim blackmail circus before it goes mainstream.
On the other hand I can’t stand cricket or cricketers so not over-bothered really. They have played right into the hands of the extortionists so good luck to them.
Looks lovely sat on the shelf next to the Tom Ilube, recently-installed head of English rugby. Expect a blind, one-legged transgender to take the helm of the Football Association any day now.
There’s a Men’s Cricket T20 World Cup taking place at the moment, but of the 14 articles on the cricket page of the Beeb’s webshite, today’s 2 matches only warrant being numbers 4 and 6 through 8.
The first 3, rather depressingly, are all the Yorkshire non-story about a former club captain (what racism!) – followed by articles 5, 9, 10 and 13.
There’s also an article in the Newsbeat section entitled Azeem Rafiq : ‘Racist language isn’t friendly banter,’ say British-Pakistanis. The pandering piece ends with a laughable quote from a 23-year-old called Kamran – “Until we acknowledge there’s a problem, people will push it under the carpet.”
Is he talking about racism in Yorkshire cricket or Pakistani grooming gangs raping white children? I know which one the Beeb see’s as more important judging by the amount of articles today.
Apparently according to the BBC, upsetting a Pakistani is far worse then the gang rape of tens of thousands of White girls. And quite a few Sikh girls too until Sikh men decided to sort it out.
You can never rely on the awful bbbc to get to grips with real problems with these people, they skate around the subject but never ever try to get to the bottom of the problem.
BBC ‘journalists’, are really not fit for purpose, they just fester in so much money from pensioners, they don’t need to work.
The Now Show ( Radio 4 Friday 6:30pm , Saturday 1:10pm ) has been running for thirteen years. There’s no reason it won’t run another thirteen years , not because it’s funny or clever , but due to “ the unique way the BBC is funded “ .
DonaldTrump has been out of office for a nine months but still they lambast him on every show . No doubt in another thirty years they will still be using him as material as they can never keep up with the times .
Other people traduced were Nigel Farage and Tommy Robinson . Tommy Robinson was portrayed as a racist . A cost free exercise for adolescents.
I’ve learned some new terminology from the BBC over the past week .
DARK MONEY = money freely given by any organisation the BBC doesn’t like to any other organisation the BBC doesn’t like . Not necessarily hidden , it just has to be money not spent the way the BBC would like it to be .
CONTRIBUTIONS = money that may or may not be surreptitiously transferred from BBC approved organisations to other BBC approved organisations . Or money duped out of halfwits given to favoured causes eg : Conservatives giving money to Hope Not Hate.
TAXES = these are never wrong and can be dressed up for what they think is the common good and even given different names . The telly tax being an example , call it a licence fee . Others are green taxes , congestion charges , rates , community charge , green levy even victim surcharge .
Durham’s investigation is moving at the speed of a glacier, but is seemingly thorough at least.
He was appointed as a special prosecutor, and as such can only be removed by the attorney general. But if the AG actually does this, the sky tends to fall in, as happened over Watergate. So in practice he is independent, and his inquiry can go wherever the evidence takes him. This is why presidents are usually very reluctant to appoint special prosecutors.
In this case, all the evidence seems to point towards a corrupt effort by the Democrats and the FBI to smear and destroy President Trump. It should lead to the very top of the FBI and the Democrat Party, and yes, Hillary, this means you. We can only hope Durham holds his nerve and doesn’t get killed in a “mugging” or “hunting accident”.
Fiona Bruce (Antiques Roadshow) has a rival. Sky’s Deborah Haynes – y’know that wide eyed 14 year old who sounds like a Nursery School teacher, but is the channel’s Security & Defence Editor. Filing a report from Oman, on board the HMS Queen Ellzabeth, she sits down with a member of the crew, which number around 1,700.
Like I said, Fiona has a rival in the interview stakes.
Me too Taffman .
I bought a gas guzzling vehicle for special occasions . I’ll visit the relatives in your area in it . A once a year trip travelling in opulence will cost about £134 to fill up . Less than the telly tax .
Where is the endless handwringing about pakistani peado rape gangs in every community they infest in the UK ? did their victims “cry” as they were racially abused as they were raped, which they were ?
are those tears less important than those of a grown man called a silly word that is nothing more than a convenient contraction of a 4 syllable word?
Is that crime, still being widely committed, of no importance ? or less important than someone being called a “bad word” ?
If so, please expain why, or just explain why you are all morons yet still in employment
And all the rapists families and freinds knew what was going on, one 12 year old victim was “given” to a rapists 16 year old son as a birthday present. Should they also be prosecuted for aiding and abetting ?
Why is it not also prosecuted as racially aggravated as the victims have stated they were racially abused ?
why, when some were deported are they still here ?
Even the mail online has three non stories about this stupid cricket thing where commments are moderated in advance. (what are they afraid of ? UK residents opinions on this subject ?)
Where is the outrage at “prince” Harry using the same word ?
rape gangs must be high fiving eachother as they get another layer of protection for their activities from the “kaffirs” (another racist word that is allowed)
When will rappers be prosecuted for using the N word in their lyrics ?
Nice story about a paki doctor who got caught defrauding the NHS of £1.1 million to splash on gambling . But hey – it was only £1.1 million – pocket money – the GP practice had even put him in charge of the finances … brilliant ….
Didn’t feature on the BBC – went down the non reporting of coloured people committing serious crime …. Even MPs …
As above, the msm is depressing in the extreme, as an antidote, this, in my inbox recently, made me smile:
A father and daughter were walking through the park when a beautiful butterfly flies past them. The little girl chases after it and rather than admiring its beauty, stomps on it killing it instantly. The father is horrified and says, ” That was a terrible thing to do, and as a punishment, you shall have no butter for a week.” When they get home there is a honey bee buzzing around the kitchen trying to escape. Before father can stop her, the girl picks up a wooden spoon and squashes the bee. Father is again horrified at what he has just seen his daughter do and tells her that killing a honey bee is very naughty and as a punishment, she shall have no honey for a week. Just at that moment Mother comes up the cellar steps into the kitchen and says.” You must get that cellar fumigated, I just killed a cockroach.”
The little girl turns to her father and says. “ Who’s going to tell her, you or me?”
I absolutely hate big house spiders, but have realised they have a soul, the same as us, and dogs etc. So I have to have them humanely removed from my environment 🙂
Today watch .
Leading with Yorkshire . Why haven’t the cricket people been arrested and sent to prison yet . After all a Paki cricketer has been called a paki . Outrageous ?
Plod must be ‘institutionally ‘ something if they haven’t arrested any one yet . And maybe plods ‘ independent inspectorate is institutional something too ….? That should go ….or apologise.
Today is Also still pushing the Paterson thing – no so much his corruption – but the lame attempt to save him and his pay checks .
And they are reporting all this whilst the poles are melting and we are all gonna drown by Christmas …. It must be true – Harrabin said so …
JP Morgan is not investing in a dead fossil fuel system. Fossils by definition are long dead. By innovative engineering excellence those long dead fossils have powered a miracle – industrial civilisation, which has taken humanity out of poverty and to a decent life worth living. Everything that medicine is, is because of industrial civilisation. This planet would be bare and poor planet, and not worth a visit by a tourist alien.
That is why JP Morgan is investing in it. It knows where to make money.
Just recently, while The Senora is still away, I’ve been tuning in to night time LBC.
The main reason is that down here in leafy Kent, I must have the only DAB wireless in the world that only picks up Radio5 Live and very lttle else (except some screaming rap rubbish), but a daughter gave me her old iPhone, and I can listen all night if I want to – without earphones!
What a marvellous change it has been to tune into Clive Bull, Steve Allen and Ian Payne for great chat, loads of light humour and fun, and a lively presentation, totally free of the drone of some of the daytime presenters!
The BBC love the victim stories, always call their mates on phone-ins, and have become so stale and dreary that apart from the odd ear’ole to Dotun (when he’s joined by Mark Webster or Jonathan Wingate) for old time’s sake, I’ll probably never listen to them again! I certainly never watch the BBC News, unless it’s news of our Queen.
What a difference commercial restraints and opportunities make when broadcast companies have to actually work to get listeners, not sit back after collecting eye-watering tax payments and spout continuous leftie bias, and inconclusive rubbish about ‘victims’ and ‘climaaaaaaaate’!
And if anyone’s been listening to Ian Payne just now, ‘Morning, my Lovely, how’s my Sweetheart today? C’mon, give us a hug Darling’!
Several years ago, someone said something to a person at Yorkshire Country Cricket Ckub. It appears the Paki word was used.
Many people who were in the past chastised in the achool yard for their height (‘lanky’) or hair colour (‘blondie’) must be bemused. We had a worker affectionately known as ‘darkie’. And he was white!
But times have changed. And the gleam in the eye of BBC management, the salivating, the bare-faced eagerness to play the race card at every opportunity, is there for all to see
In BBC Top Trumps, finding examples, any examples, of racism is even more important than climate change, judging by the news running order.
If they knew what went on on sixth form common rooms in ethnically mixed schools, they’d have a heart attack..
Just back from my local corner shop run by a Pakistani family been there over 40 years and always been known as the ” Paki Shop ” by all the locals of all ethnicity…so what’s the problem…of course BBBC on their relentless quest until we conform to their New Order ……
Here’s a story about workplace “banter”. Many years ago I had a job which involved travelling to coal mines around the country, and working underground. For those uncertain of what coal is, it is the miracle fuel which will probably be providing all of our energy when the world comes to its senses.
On one of my trips I was working with a guy I’d not met before, and I noticed that everyone referred to him as “Sooty”. I can’t remember his name but it was Bert Smith, or similar. Eventually I had to ask him to explain. He held up his left hand; he had lost three fingers in a coalface accident, leaving just the thumb and little finger. Hold your hand up with the three fingers held down if you need further explanation. He didn’t seen to mind the nickname and certainly didn’t bleat on about compensation. A different time, and it feels now like a different world.
Hi Rob,
Couple of things – firstly in those days there was a certain pride about working for a living and not playing the victim card at the first opportunity. It also was common practice for injured miners, and those coming up to retirement, to spend most of their time working on surface tasks or, if they were underground, given jobs away from the “front line” ((Like looking after me). These generations were built from a different mould, I think. In these “more caring” times, the management would be working out how to drive the injured unfortunate out of the industry and probably try to pin the blame on him. Back then, despite the image of the miners being on strike every verse end, the managers, certainly at colliery level, were respected by their men and looked after them in return.
From letters in my local newspaper a couple of years ago:
Our great men gone
Did those men die in vain
Did their families suffer so much pain, So that we in Britain who are so vain
Allow this great country to go down the drain.
Germany lost both the wars
But now the EU they control,
And to them our PM bent her knee And now we are no longer free.
An army of immigrants are flooding in
Followed by their kith and kin,
And Britain will never be the same
Though those men suffered so much pain.
The British spirit seems to have gone
And there is no one around to carry it on,
The Brexit Party strive with all their might And I hope they will never give up the fight.
We have had our backs to the wall before But where oh where are the men of yore, Just to think that they died in vain Should make us all suffer shame.
We remember these men every year
But all the good have gone I fear, We put on this facade
And end it with a great parade.
No men of stature are around
To make us turn and stand our ground, Churchill was our last great man
The one’s today are just a sham.
In marked contrast to my Yorkshire CCC post above…….
On BBC London, we has coverage of a bustling nightclub where shots were fired by two people from rival gangs in a face off.
Six people have been sentenced to jail. The BBC showed pictures.
All of them had ‘darker skin tones’ but guess what? This provoked no comment at all from the BBC.
In BBCland, a white person calling someone a Paki is far more important than a BAME person firing a gun.
And that, dear readers, is the moral framework of our impartial state broadcaster.
Which we have to pay for in order to watch Coronation Street and Our Yorkshire Farm.
Biden’s #Infrastructure bill will help the grid and support public transport. It will also encourage more road travel and boost ports and airports. And the embodied emissions from #steel and #cement will erode the benefits from this bill. @WRIClimate@NRDC@Revkin@_richardblack
You can kid yourself that you can build $1 trillion of infrastructure
and not output masses of CO2
but steel mills making wind turbines don’t run on solar/wind
Remember, remember, the Cop of November… hypocrisy, posturing and flop…
Anti-establishment…me sir?
“It’s a couple of fingers in the direction of the establishment.”
I’ll take some of that.
And technological windows into our hearts
As they used to say on old time TV magazine programmes as the opening shot supposedly caught presenters in the process of some activity – “…but more of that later…” Meanwhile, it’s all aboard the time machine protest bus over there at the Beeb.
‘The British Transport Police (BTP) has apologised to the British African community for “systemic racism” and a corrupt officer in the 1970s‘
‘Yorkshire County Cricket Club investigating after another ex-player alleges racial abuse… In the latest claims, the unnamed player said he faced “both blatant and sly” racist abuse at the club in the early 2000s‘
Not that what we now view retrospectively as crimes don’t elicit present day punishments: ‘BBC drops Vaughan in cricket racism storm‘ – you see the BBC needs to look whiter than white when it comes to racism – well, that’s an awkward way of putting it, but you see what I mean. The BBC certainly intends to look less and less white in future: “We hope natural Afro hair TV advert is first of many” – that’s just the BBC eagerly reporting an impending Channel 4 advert but one would contend that the fact that this makes the news proves the point.
Elsewhere in news of things that have actually happened recently in terms of protest: BBC: ‘Parliament Square protesters clash with police on Bonfire Night… Hundreds of anti-establishment activists have clashed with police in central London on Bonfire Night.‘
Anti-establishment is a fascinating term employed there by the BBC. Because it tends to reinforce the fact that the likes of BLM statue topplers, Extintion Rebellion cosplayers (that’s fancy dress to you and me) and Insulate Britain road-sitters… are all protests promoting rather pro-establishment notions.
The BBC could have called those: ‘Protesters wearing Guy Fawkes-style masks gathered at Trafalgar Square, with some throwing fireworks at police‘ – Anarchists, but significantly, they didn’t.
‘A crowd watched an effigy of Prime Minister Boris Johnson being burned, with one member shouting “burn, Boris, burn”‘ – goodness me, they sound like they might even have been anti-Brexiteers.
Judgeing by the pictures of fully riot-geared-up coppers, engaging rather forcefully with the protesters, the Met seem to have suddenly found their balls.
‘The Metropolitan Police said on Twitter that a dispersal order was in place for “a number of areas” across Westminster, including Parliament Square‘ – because Twitter is exactly where we want see our police patrolling and pounding their beat (sarc)
‘In a separate tweet, the Met said: “We have moved into the crowd to remove any fireworks and prevent people coming to harm.” – a pretty pro-active move and likely to spark (if you’ll excuse the bonfire night pun) a reaction… unlike Insulate Britain protests where our police move among protesters and politely ask whether they are comfortable and might like a nice cup of tea?
‘One [protester], who gave his name only as Richard, from London, said the protest, which has taken place on 5 November for several years, was a “continuation” of the “anti-Covid” marches…”It’s a couple of fingers in the direction of the establishment.“‘
‘Ahead of the protest, Deputy Assistant Commissioner Jane Connors said: “Groups of course have the right to protest. But I am particularly concerned that some groups are specifically intending to travel into London to deliberately cause violence and disorder including targeting police officers. This will not be tolerated and our policing plan has been developed with this potential risk in mind.”‘ – nice to know the cops had a pre-planned plan. One also notes our Jane fronting it up this time for our Cressida who was, presumably, otherwise engaged.
Anyway, I thought we’d pretty much stamped out that bigoted English anti-Catholic bonfire night tradition and firework sales were now heavily restricted?
‘Smoke alarm. Diwali fireworks push New Dehli pollution level off the scale‘ (FT) – oops!
CO2 eh? Fossil fuels and all that, eh? ‘No 10 asks Qatar to be “gas supplier of last resort” in case of winter fuel crisis‘ (FT) – so Boris knows he’s been kidding us all along at Cop26 and realises we’ve landed ourselves with a looming heating crisis with all this green energy malarkey.
Elsewhere on the BBC: ‘Metal detectorist finds small gold bible‘ – I should watch out for that… that’s how the Mormans got started.
Here’s another cracker of hypocrisy from the BBC: ‘The way my boss monitored me at home was creepy‘ – how about police officers approaching people in the street and questioning their right to be there under Lockdon rules? How about the NHS track and trace app? How about Capita going after non-Licence Payers and attempting to catch them watching live TV broadcasts?
“It was creepy,” says Chris [Chris’s real name has been changed for this article] “One of my managers was watching people’s personal computers to monitor what we were doing at home – all the time, not just when we were working. It was a bizarre way to carry on”
Wecome to the new normal, mate.
Coincidentally, on the theme of the home: ‘Calls for new investigation into PM’s flat‘ (Guardian)
Luckily, I hear Carrie leaves her laptop on and we’re picking up some images from her web cam which she forgot to cover over with gaffa tape. Hopefully we’ll soon catch audio of Boris making some gaffe. Boris is entering the flat now… wow, this is much better than the previous expose of the neighbour with a glass to the wall at Boris’s old gaff. “What ho, Caz, just back from bloody Glasgow! What’s cooking? Not wreched veggie burgers again! Forget food, get yourself on that expensive sofa and prepare to repel boarders…”
I think we’d best cut the live feed right there.
Basically this BBC article is very likely taken pretty much cut and paste from a trades union PR tip (did you enjoy my amatuer journalistic qualifications there? I do bore of the everyday coulds and mays and mights): ‘The trade union Prospect is calling for stronger regulation of the use of monitoring technology by employers‘
‘“New technology allows employers to have a constant window into their employees’ homes, and the use of the technology is largely unregulated by government.”‘ – well quite. And we can presumably look forward to the government eagerly regulating all technonlogical windows into our homes.
It was Queen Elizabeth I who said she had no wish to “make windows into men’s souls” However, her reign saw the consolidation of the Protestant reforms instituted by her father’s Reformation and an intensification of the persecusion of England’s Catholic population. Protestantism – which we’ll pun into the word Protest – had become the ruling idealogy, busily persecuting the former conservatism.
There’s yer thought for the day after Guy Fawkes night.
Strange times. There will be cheers up and down the country as John Major sets out an absolutely excoriating verdict on Johnson’s government: “they seem to think ‘we are the masters now’”
Remember, the bbc only invites on people to say what the bbc approves being said.
"It is a dilemma" – Sir John Major asked if he wonders if he can vote for Boris Johnson – though says he would be voting for a local candidate in an election. He urges humility from the government
“After a tough childhood and a brief spell of homelessness, Steve’s no stranger to deprivation himself.”
“But six years ago he started making deliveries of food and clothing in his spare time to those who needed it, using the living room of his mother’s house as a base for what became “Barty’s Community Foodbank”.
“I was seeing families here crying, I was seeing children really, really struggling. These are people who are working, who have been on furlough. Gas is going up, food is going up, everything is going up, but their wages aren’t going up.
“I struggle myself and all my friends are roofers, they’re bricklayers, they work all week and still can’t afford food.”
I wrote about the Yorkshire “racist” cricket banter late on the midweek board last night. Comparing the attitude of the BBC towards the Yorkshire Pakastini grooming , raping gangs , and
the lack of interest in them by the BBC.
But maybe the most relevant aspect of my contribution was the
way that the BBC has become a latter day McCarthyism outfit.
Not against Communism. But anything that is male, pale and
and what they consider stale.
This is lead by BIG BROTHER from the diversity department.
And before long he, she, or it , will see how the great majority
of the country will turn on this warped individual and his, hers or
it’s sycophants as the folk in the USA turned on McCarthy in
the early fifties. By the way AND I reiterate again from last night.
BIG BROTHER at the BBC how about the racist Anti-Semitic
chanting by the West Ham “supporters” as an orthodox Jew
was walking to his seat on the plane? Wrong kind of racism , to
be featured on BBC TV news or not even the London Programme BIG
BROTHER? Animal Farm springs to mind!!!
#1 Yorkshire girls need to be safe from grooming gangs
#2 Non-white cricketers need to be treated with the same equality of opportunity as everyone else
That second cause probably has a massive PR industry driving it
(like The guys behind Rashford’s accounts)
… And the first cause doesn’t.
Yorkshire cricket needed to demonstrate they were doing #2. I bet they were trying to do that, but had an element of clumsiness and a PR team that was cornershop when the other side had a massive slick operation.
As the fall-out from the Owen Paterson story continues, here’s 6 minutes on how it unfolded. Thanks to everyone who has already shared this. pic.twitter.com/m4ToqxvaOi
GBNEWS…Rotherham Abuse Report 2014 …1665 White Girls Raped and at Risk ….possibility of a 1000 more….! !
Come on BBC where’s you’re reporting on this Huge Problem with more and more desperate Raping / Fighting age men coming across the Channel every day !
Austers laws states that in the West, a dysfunctional minority will be shown as intelligent, inventive and law abiding.
The truly inventive and intelligent native will be shown as the reverse. A minority, Chinese or Indian male for instance, who is intelligent, inventive and law abiding does not fall into a category, so he will not be shown at all.
If we then apply these two quite obvious dictums to advertising, and see what happens.
That is, White men are responsible for the the only civilisation worth living.
White men have created all great works in Mathematics, Engineering, Physics, medicine, art and music. In fact they have created it, where none existed.
I’m not positing that White men are all the above. I’m merely applying Auster’s laws.
Asian men are even more invisible in ads, then by Austers law, they too must be particularly intelligent.
African men, a minority, are shown to be highly intelligent, inventive and law abiding, then the reality is opposite.
Now does Auster’s hypothesis generally predict the reality?
“While we’re sorry to see you go, it’s easy to unsubscribe from our newsletter – simply click the button below.
Before you go, please let us know why you wish to unsubscribe:”
Problem is, the webpage will not allow me to add a reason for unsubscribing.
I wonder why. Maybe they’re overwhelmed with reasons.
It was only a matter of time before somebody in the media highlighted what’s happening in adverts hopefully more people with influence will do the same.
On that note anybody seen the new M&S Christmas advert? The family is exactly what PJW has just discussed! The M&S logo does make a very brief appearance blink and you miss it but nevermind that’s not what’s being sold here!
Just checked the advert on Youtube and lets just say…comments could be going better!
Bloody Anti-Vaxxers! What is it with them? Why on Earth would Pharma companies want to prolong a pandemic just for a few (well, maybe more than a few) billion dollars extra profit? And why would politicians, supported by the BBC, want to facilitate this just for a few measly million pounds for their friends and families and the odd book deal and after-dinner speeches contracts for themselves.
Climate-Change Deniers will be saying next that university chancellors are influenced by contributions from Soros, Gates and the WEF and would require their Research Departments to produce partisan reports!
“Rotherham Abuse Scandal: 1,665 children may have been at risk since 2017, GB News can reveal”
“South Yorkshire Police told us this week that Child Sexual Exploitation remains a problem in Rotherham as it does right across the country” and that they are “working tirelessly to bring people to justice and prevent harm”
If I was a business owner I would employ only white indigenous male brexit supporters.
Anyone else would seem to cause endless problems if, for example, someone said a wrong word.
With their tendency to get very upset and having a hair trigger level of grievance for just about anything perceived or say they think is racist they are more trouble than they are worth.
Whether it’s a cricket club, a supermarket or anything, they hold all the cards and as the virtue signallers currently are the ones calling all the shots they get full backing no matter what.
There would be claims, calls for sackings and generally all sorts of things that could well be done without in the smooth running of a business.
The only lot that have no rights and they would get no support anyway whatever the circumstances are white indigenous male brexit supporters. I would only employ those as they would be the ones who would get on with the job (and they have a sense of humour, sadly lacking in all the other groups)
Just reading the BBC coverage of this ‘major scandal’:
‘Meanwhile, the BBC said former England captain Michael Vaughan would not appear on his BBC Radio 5 Live show on Monday after it was claimed he made a racist comment to a group of Asian players.’
I’m absolutely stunned. One unspecified comment to a group of people which he “completely and categorically denies” and he has been labelled, tarred and feathered by the Left.
I am absolutely 100% certain there was plenty of racism by the Pakistanis. But probably not in English. Until we start hearing about THEM being racist, I have no time for these people and their agenda to destroy our society so they can replace it with their own.
Time for a revolution. I’ve given my pitchfork a fresh coat of varnish and put it in the umberella stand for quick access.
An update on this : I thought he had simply decided not to appear but the Telegraph tell me the BBC have actually suspended him !!!.
Which of course tells the world he is guilty. Without any trial, debate or anything. They have cancelled him on the basis of someone elses word against his. And I’ll be honest with you : in my experience, people from a culture such as Pakistan lie as easily as tell the truth when it suits them.
I can never understand why counties like Yorkshire, let Pakistani or any other foreigners, join their clubs.
Yeah yeah, it’s because they’re good cricketers, but if they’re so good, then why don’t they stay at home or support their own country and try and beat us?
‘Sport’ is just a huge money pit nowadays, and if these un-British people want to make an issue about it, then good luck, because I’ve switched off.
This is exactly what is happening in smaller private businesses. But, public bodies such as the Civil Serpents and the police are happy to employ non-whites. Any compensation is of course paid by us.
Surely the secret must be, don’t expand your business or start one up for which employees are required. You will be avoiding BAME arriving for interview with a copy of the Discrimination Act shoved in their ass pocket.
MarkyMarkMar 9, 15:01 Weekend 8th March 2025 “I do not believe that the solution to our problem is simply to elect the right people. The important thing…
Fedup2Mar 9, 14:59 Weekend 8th March 2025 Rupert Lowe MP – previously of the Reform shambols – is still guns blazing on X – looks like he…
Fedup2Mar 9, 14:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 The threshold for ‘horror’ or ‘something must be done ‘ seems to be rising by the month . The murder…
GMar 9, 13:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 I thought the Home Office banned guns, like knives. Oh! silly me, I forgot the foreigners have their own laws…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 Christmas has become “holiday season” Easter has been turned into “egg hunt” Lent doesn’t even get a mention – it’s…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:35 Weekend 8th March 2025 Omar Prempeh, 32, of Stanstead Road, Forest Hill, was charged on Saturday, March 8, in connection with the death of…
Fedup2Mar 9, 13:24 Weekend 8th March 2025 Third world action in londonistan – Omar Prempeh 32 charged with shooting dead a 16 year old called Lathaniel Burrell.…
KinellMar 9, 13:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Reading through the shocking posts on ‘In their own tweets’ and ‘In their own words’ on the home page on…
Good heavens! What am I doing here? I’m supposed to be on the BBC website.
Aaah! It’s the Mekon. Where’s Dan Dare when you need him?
Where’s Dan Dare when you need him? Let me enlighten you and bring joy.
Dan Dare is now married to Digby and they have a super bijou residence in Islington. Both I’m delighted to say are vegan. They both regret their imperialistic years working for The Eagle comic, but have moved on thanks to counselling and therapy workshops.
Ha ha ha!
I have all ‘The Eagle’ magazines on DVD, and I’ve been trying to find the series when Digby had to prove that all he ever thought about was ‘food’!
I think it was The Mekon who wired him up somewhere or other to see if he was lying!
Fabulous stuff – I think it came out around the time the BBC ran something like ‘Journey into space’ and us boys just lapped it all up! But then the BBC did real programmes, not dross.
Luckily I’ll never have to make a ‘Journey into London ever again’!
We girls liked Eagle too. Girl was too girly.
I reckon you’re psychic, Messenger, because at the precise moment I wrote ‘lads’, I had this sort of touch on the shoulder which said – “don’t forget the girls”!
Je suis apols!
And on the back there was the story of St Paul. A friend of mine, at a college where the JCR subscribed to the Eagle, had to write in the Suggestions Book: “I ask that our subscription to the Eagle be cancelled as it no longer has both Dan Dare on the front and St Paul on the back. (signed) Religious Spaceman.”
Double plus good!!
Dover, I guffawed at that second line. Oh dear, that’s maxi and Piku triggered for the weekend.

It’s my sad duty to inform that something like this already exists (okay, not the gay stuff).
“Dare” from 1991, by Glaswegian writer Grant Morrison and illustrator Rian Hughes, in which Dan Dare is a murderer of Treen children.
From Wikipedia:
“In 1990, a strip entitled Dare, written by Grant Morrison and drawn by Rian Hughes, was serialised in Revolver. It presented bleak and cynical characters and was a not-too-subtle satire of 1980s British politics, from the perspective of the defeated left wing of the Labour Party. Spacefleet had been privatised, the Treens were subjected to racist abuse in urban ghettos, Digby was unemployed, Professor Peabody committed suicide, and Dare’s mentor Sir Hubert Guest betrayed Dare to the Mekon and his quisling British Prime Minister, Gloria Monday (whose appearance and demeanour appear modelled on Margaret Thatcher). Ultimately, Dare destroys London, the Mekon and himself through a smuggled nuclear weapon. The last episode appeared in Crisis, following Revolver’s cancellation. This version was not popular.”
The original Dan Dare comic stories are unequalled, as shown by the fact that they are still reprinted 70 years after their creation.
I would recommend to anybody Alastair Crompton’s “The Man Who Drew Tomorrow: How Frank Hampson created Dan Dare, the world’s best comic strip.” It’s a glimpse into another era when even people who made comics were capable of true greatness.
Thanks for that. Appreciated!
What he said.
Shocking !
We are being invaded and this Tory government does not defend Great Britain .
Only one political party wants this idiocy halted .
We are storing up terrorism and a disaster for the near future.
Has Covid and Cop26 being used by Bo Jo to ‘bury’ this ‘population replacement’? “No courage”.
Any Tory voters and supporters here listening to the above post by thisisland.
“Not have courage” – Mayor of Calais.
The new Battle of Britain is over. Demographics always wins. The future is Islamic.
Burma saw that future and what happened to Buddhism, the native religion of Afghanistan. And they did what was necessary.
Coming Sunday is Remembrance Sunday.
In a few decades we will have a Remembrance Sunday for the Britain we gave away to the historic enemy of Christendom. If that is there is a church to go to.
NC, think you may have the date wrong: it is the following Sunday, 14th November.
You are right. Its Sunday 14th.
Thank you.
The bbc put out a report in which a stat that a third of school kids are now coloured . The stat was only used once .
There will obviously be an inquiry as to why it’s only a third and white are whitee kids still being allowed in schools .
I guess the rest of the third worlders are in unregistered maddrassas leaning suicide bombing tactics ….
What a star turn Mark is, GBN could do to well to increase his appearances ten fold.
Sadly NCBBC is correct, it is very likely that by the end of this century, if not well before, we will be white minority country. To those young liberals who think that this is not something to be feared , or even that it will a good thing, I say look at Africa or the Middle East and you see what is coming down the tracks for you. A heady mix of religious intolerance , industrial scale corruption , violence as a way of life , no law and order and real racism where you will be the victim of a lot worse than being called a Brit!
I’m afraid that in the last thirty or so years society has lost respect for the civilisation that they were born into. Perhaps they think that the freedom , wealth and continued progress which they enjoy in the West is the permanent default setting for humanity and doesn’t require to be protected from outside forces . The shock realisation that is a very unusual and fragile state will come too late for them to recover it.
The clock is indeed at One Minute to Midnight but not because of climate change!
Bangladesh: After Muslim attacks, Christians join Hindus and Buddhists in call for protection of non-Muslims
This is just one incident. The Muslim wortd is full of attacks on Christians. Jews were driven out from Islamic countries a long while back.
As for non-religious people, who think they will be the last ones in the line, forget it. Atheists, therefore those who deny the existence of God, are regarded as voluntarily evil. They will be the first, along with Buddhists ( Burma knows its history and the the tragic history of Buddhism in Afghanistan and India, visited on them by Islamic invaders). Then the idol worshippers – Hindus. Etc.
For the moment Islamic global terror is in abeyance as the West has overwhelming power. But once Islam takes over the West, we will begin to understand why Hungary etal don’t want Muslim immigrants, migrants or asylum seekers.
And here we are wilfully blind. We make big noise over a likely trumped up outrage of one Muslim but ignore the cries of tens of thousands of girls gang raped by Muslims over decades. And I mean deliberately blind.
All of North Africa and the middle east was Christian once. Not much of that left now.
What a brilliant show that was. Back on British Telly at last.
The Big Truth: Election 2020 Really Was Rigged
By James Arlandson
Mollie Hemingway has written a blockbuster book about all the strands of deception and falsehoods that converged to take down Donald Trump on Nov. 3 and 4 and beyond (and before), in her book: Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech and the Democrats Seized Our Elections (Regnery, 2021)
If Donald Trump was allowed to win on the basis of the election rules, Climate Change would be out. Too would be the mad rush to socialism and the allow Christendom to be invaded by Islam.
Donald Trump is and was a threat to the Left’s agenda to transform the West into a slag heap.
But they wont win. Though it may seem now that all is lost.
That is why there is no way the swamp will allow him to get to the White House again …
The good thing and the tragedy of Donald Trump was played with his cards up. The next Trump wont. He will appear to be Trump not at all.
He will be the Pied Piper that leads the MSM to the river. I hope.
I very much like your analogy, NCBBC.
I’m sure the real winners of the false election, The Republicans, are well organised now, and saddos like the appalling Pelosi et al, will face an absolute S*** storm!
They deserve it.
I believe that our BBC will meet its end through feeding without reservation the Climate Change hoax-monster.
Our BBC publicly announced their decision a few years ago that Climate Change was 100% fact and anybody who disagreed with this would not be allowed airtime. This has resulted in the ridiculous farce of two ‘experts’ agreeing with each other.
The hoax is politically driven by the Left/BBC with the intention of destroying capitalism and democracy. I know of nobody in the real world who supports climate change and who is also pro Brexit.
A referendum would destroy the climate change fanatics. (Based upon the Brexit experience, the result would of course be blocked all the way by our democratic Parliament for years and years 🙁 )
I agree that the BBC sees supporting the climate change lunacy as simply a way to attack the right wing. The BBC demonstrate their hate for the right wing and their support for the left in almost everything they do. Odd for an organisation that rewards its star employees with eye watering remuneration on a scale that could in no way be described as democratic.
There will never be a referendum . The elite thought that they would frighten us into voting remain and still haven’t got over their loss of control of us plebs. They won’t allow to us the chance to decide our fate ever again. In effect we have been disenfranchised because the political parties which we have today agree on the two really big issues, migration and climate
, both of which will massively impact our lives.
However I do agree that once the true cost of net zero begins to hit ordinary folk in the pocket and they see their standard of living dropping year on year they will become increasingly restive. But how this anger and rejection of the political class and their elite backers plays out probably won’t be via the ballot box.
As you can tell from my moniker, I come from up north, God’s country. I really believe Yorkshire Cricket shot itself in the foot, when it removed the stipulation that you had to be born in the County to represent it. Before someone says, yes but these dusky people were born in Yorkshire, I know, but all YCC had to do was say one had to be an indigenous Yorkshireman. Jobs a good un. Anyway, when I served in the RN my nickname was Yorkie. Who do I complain to?
Northern – I’m not sure if you can use the ‘y’ word on this site . The RN was also responsible for you being a victim of y ism and thus you are entitled to compensation – personal – punitive – and as a victim – counselling ….
Naturally the ‘L’ word is also unusable …
I remember being in digs with very drunk lad from Yorkshire. He was very upset and kept going on about never being able to show his face in Yorkshire ever again.
What struck me at the time was his very strong sense of place, Yorkshire being his identity, a super local ‘nationalism’ that I had never seen before in the UK.
Hard to believe that a dusky person, born in the ‘stable’ that is Yorkshire, could ever have that same intense connection.
I’m a Lancastrian but from the old adage, I may disagree with you that Yorkshire is the best place on Earth but I would defend with my life your right to say it!
I suspect that even the old requirement of being born in the broad acres , let alone being indigenous on top, would now be deemed to be discriminatory in the courts. The world has gone mad , probably irretrievably so.
@Northern Voter. I must have read your mind when I posted this. I too am ex-RN.
BBC Online News:
“Azeem Rafiq inquiry: Ex-chairman Roger Hutton says no-one at Yorkshire ‘racist’
“Current batter Gary Ballance has admitted using racist terms towards former team-mate Azeem Rafiq.” (What’s a batter?).
Our BBC are all over this non-story like a rash. All about mates just having a banter.
Where was our BBC when the Asian grooming gangs operated for years in Yorkshire, preying upon and raping repeatedly, vulnerable white girls? (And they still do). Fear of offending racially, caused many, many blind eyes to be turned.
Our BBC/Left create racial tension to suit their own political ends.
What’s a batter? It’s a mix of flour and other stuff to coat fish in before frying, best fried in beef dripping. Sod the vegans.
Either that or it is what Yorkshire puddings are made of. You know, the ones that go with some Global and Personal Warming beef and gravy on the Sabbath.
Everyone who isn’t white in this country, regardless of job or profession will always have ‘their story’ about racism. There may well be a time in the future of millenniums when no-one will make a racist or offensive remark, but no-one can dictate what people think in their heads. You may not call someone fat but you’ll sure as hell think they are, and only a fool would believe that racism can be stamped out, its always been around, and will be ever thus until the last human draws breath.
I’m white and I have stories about racism too Briss, it’s not all a one way street by any means.
As a heterosexual man I can tell you that misandry is alive and well too, but there are many will tell you it’s just a myth.
Humans are full of bias and prejudice, we all are, it’s just some are allowed to express their’s and others not.
“What’s a batter?”
Perhaps they were nervous about calling her a batswoman.
“What’s a batter?”
Something you make pancakes, Yorkshire pudding, and toad in the hole out of… and what they coat fish in at the chippy.
Maybe he’s a Yorkshire pudding?
It would be laughable if it wasn’t quite so tragic…
“Our BBC” get themselves far more animated and flustered about a few rude words directed towards a Pakistani cricketer than they ever have about gangs of mainly Pakistani men grooming, raping and even, on occasion, murdering little white girls.
These girls lives have been ruined. The cricketer is …a bit miffed…
FFS, get some sense of perspective.
I sometimes feel as though I’m living in a parallel universe…
This BBC optional blindness can only be described as bloody disgusting to all right thinking people.
The underlying problem is that the Climate Change hypothesis made up by government faux “scientists”, at the behest of the government for political purposes, has been heavily promoted by the state funded BBC. It is lefty and requires state control of humans actions, and even thought. What could the BBC not like here.
“Incestuous”, is what comes to mind.
But apart from that, Climate Change hypothesis is crooked as it relies on government subsidy. And so does all that emanates from it – like Wind electricity generation. And this attack on the most efficient generation of heat, is again due to Climate Change nonsense. Trying to reduce % CO2 will fail, as most of it is produced naturally. Besides it will have no effect on temperature as CO2 is not significant enough. If the government knows this and still carries on its policy, then it it is doing it for political and taxation purposes and not for the planet.
Even if it were doing it for the planet, surely it must know that China and India are not going to follow. And thats the end of that.
Which bring us back to the option left – It is doing it for political purposes.
They are softening us up so they can take away personal transport etc. And be seen to be working “for” humanity. It’s the biggest con ever pulled by the elites and COVID was a key part in its strategy by turning us all into obeying sheep.
There is a lot more of this elitist shit coming down the line but only selected parts of society will bear the brunt of it.
So the only option left to us will be total revolution, and I am now convinced that will follow.
digg: They are softening us up so they can take away personal transport etc.
Because personal transport means freedom. Freedom to go see who you like and when you like. When that is desroyed so will free speech. Why? Becaues free speech requires people to get together to share views and act.
One cant do that if one has to bike. Motorised traffic will be available only to the police — the controlling arm of the state. Electricity will be rationed at your home via Smart meters.
But surely our wonderful police, the envy of the world will not stoop to Staasi tactics. Well we know now that once the police are told, they will send SWAT teams in multiple squad cars, miles into the Derbyshire wilderness, to arrest a coupe talking to each other.
I agree with much on this site re the bbc and its propaganda (I come here to find sanity re certain issues, such as the bbc’s obvious campaign against brexit).
But I don’t understand the idea that climate change is a hoax. And even if it us, aren’t there other environmental issues to deal with, such as air pollution?
Re personal transport by car… surely it makes sense to improve mass transit or other facilities for cycling etc, where this is possible? If nothing else each cyclist is a car not creating congestion.
A strategy for transport beyond simple personal freedoms is surely needed?
Ps important to say that I’m an old fashioned green, and abhor the XR etc who are clearly a cover for Marxism. I cringe at the hysterics being promoted in the MSM and long for intelligent debate on this in the national ‘conversation’.
No chance.
I’m with you Seppers, there are a lot of real environmental issues (pollution, waste being dumped on ground and in rivers, building everywhere, Chinese eating rare animals, destruction of forests/wild spaces, population growth…), but I’m pretty sure ‘manmade global warming’ either isn’t one of them, or is vastly over exaggerated by hysterical, attention seeking cretins.
One of the things I find particularly annoying is in all this self flagellation about ‘climate change’, most of the real issues seem to get brushed under the carpet.
Is mass immigration to the UK damaging our local environment – yep!
Is manufacturing everything in China (where there is no respect for the natural environment at all) and shipping it half way around the world really bad for the environment – I think it probably is?
Are wind turbines, electric cars and heat pumps REALLY more environmentally friendly than what we currently have? – almost certainly not.
Etc… it’s all just virtue signalling, fearmongering, and hypocrisy.
In most cases, if you really look into it, the traditional ways of doing things were usually the most environmentally friendly, simply because in the past people couldn’t afford the waste and consumption most consider their ‘right’ now. Look at all the fuss about not being able to take two holidays abroad last year, or complaints about ‘not being able to feed themselves’ when they can’t afford Dominos pizzas 7 nights a week! My family have never had any of those things, and we haven’t suffered for it.
Thank you for your response
Climate Change is a natural phenomena, changing on a global scale. What Western governments have done is re-name AGW, man-made global warming , to man-made Climate Change.
To see that both scams are the same, one notes that the changes required, and to be imposed on us, to ameliorate or stop Climate Change, are the same requirements to stop AGW.
Transport is a separate issue. Transport systems depend on the size, wealth, weather conditions, population size and density, and other factors. Attempts for one size or even a couple of sizes to fit the general will fail.
The BBC have found their new George Floyd story: black jogger Ahmaud Arbery.
It’s top of the news tonight, and they’ll milk it for as long as they can. With any luck it’ll lead to months of rioting, burning, looting and murdering. Free Nikes all round.
Every year in the US, hundreds of whites are murdered by blacks (513 in 2016) which the BBC never bother to report.
A few years ago in Tennessee, a black gang kidnapped a white couple, then tortured and raped the woman over a number of days before murdering them both and burning them.
Did the racist BBC report it? Of course not.
View at Medium.com
@vlad, As is often said, omission is evidence of bias.
My point exactly.
Let’s not let facts get in the way of a good racist story.
Anyway, facts are racist.
Tucker Carlson documentary
Patriot Purge – overview
Grim Stuff – the USA is in trouble
BBC Online News:
“COP26: Greta Thunberg tells protest that COP26 has been a ‘failure’
Well done, darlin’. Now put the kettle on.
I sense a split forming between politicians and the silly bint.
I’m glad she said it . It will show Boris there’s no pleasing these people ( lefty liberals Gramscians , globalist nomenclatures) .
Donald Trump didn’t bother with her . There’s no point . Whatever you do isn’t enough for them .
Instead of trying to appease them , annoy them until their heads explode .
I don’t understand why Greta says COP26 has been a failure. A lot of countries made commitments on deforestation, methane emissions and the use of coal. These are the kind of concrete agreements that she should surely welcome. Has she actually been listening?
I agree with Nibor and Pug above. She has nothing to say except generalised rhetoric and nothing will ever be enough for her anyway. Her true function as a public figure is not really to lobby for solutions to the “climate crisis” but to personify a whole host of horrible adolescent traits – vanity, self-importance, crusading zeal, blind certainty, disrespect for elders. Children and youths with teenage angst, persecution complexes, catastrophist mindsets, nihilist outlooks and victim mentalities can then find a focus for their disaffection.
Exactly. What we need are concrete ideas, not constant moaning and putting people off.
She didn’t succeed in getting China there any more than anyone else.
Here’s a Mark Steyn clip on Facebook 90 seconds
Thanks for posting, Stew. Ironic that Murray is gay, but the militant gays disown him because he is not left wing. They told him that he couldn’t therefore be gay!
Yes, it was brilliant.
It seems the Yorkshire Cricket calamity has achieved its objective. Appointing a new UK/Pakistani Chairman, I did wonder what it was all about being mostly sound and fury and signifying nothing!
I have never seen such a weak claim achieve such a massive result. It must be cheering to the heart of all professional grudge merchants. Certainly better and more profitable than crash for cash!
High time a lot of jelly belly’s out there grew some balls and said no to this victim blackmail circus before it goes mainstream.
On the other hand I can’t stand cricket or cricketers so not over-bothered really. They have played right into the hands of the extortionists so good luck to them.
‘a new UK/Pakistani Chairman’
Looks lovely sat on the shelf next to the Tom Ilube, recently-installed head of English rugby. Expect a blind, one-legged transgender to take the helm of the Football Association any day now.
sick of it all: Expect a blind, one-legged transgender to take the helm of the Football Association any day now.
But first he/she/shehe must be Black.
All ads these days have Black actors. Department stores and outlets that sell clothes, in store and the web, are Black.
The question then came to me is how if one is White, Asian or Chinese to judge if the colour of the clothing will suit her or his complexion.
This is not just racist but downright stupid.
I don’t know anything about this group but they are against BBC Bias – against Israel – so I thought it is worth mentioning here.
There’s a Men’s Cricket T20 World Cup taking place at the moment, but of the 14 articles on the cricket page of the Beeb’s webshite, today’s 2 matches only warrant being numbers 4 and 6 through 8.
The first 3, rather depressingly, are all the Yorkshire non-story about a former club captain (what racism!) – followed by articles 5, 9, 10 and 13.
There’s also an article in the Newsbeat section entitled Azeem Rafiq : ‘Racist language isn’t friendly banter,’ say British-Pakistanis. The pandering piece ends with a laughable quote from a 23-year-old called Kamran – “Until we acknowledge there’s a problem, people will push it under the carpet.”
Is he talking about racism in Yorkshire cricket or Pakistani grooming gangs raping white children? I know which one the Beeb see’s as more important judging by the amount of articles today.
Apparently according to the BBC, upsetting a Pakistani is far worse then the gang rape of tens of thousands of White girls. And quite a few Sikh girls too until Sikh men decided to sort it out.
You can never rely on the awful bbbc to get to grips with real problems with these people, they skate around the subject but never ever try to get to the bottom of the problem.
BBC ‘journalists’, are really not fit for purpose, they just fester in so much money from pensioners, they don’t need to work.
I think there should be a Sikh regiment in the army.
The Now Show ( Radio 4 Friday 6:30pm , Saturday 1:10pm ) has been running for thirteen years. There’s no reason it won’t run another thirteen years , not because it’s funny or clever , but due to “ the unique way the BBC is funded “ .
DonaldTrump has been out of office for a nine months but still they lambast him on every show . No doubt in another thirty years they will still be using him as material as they can never keep up with the times .
Other people traduced were Nigel Farage and Tommy Robinson . Tommy Robinson was portrayed as a racist . A cost free exercise for adolescents.
Just be grateful that Jeremy Hardy is no longer with us or we would still be getting shots at Margaret Thatcher.
I’ve learned some new terminology from the BBC over the past week .
DARK MONEY = money freely given by any organisation the BBC doesn’t like to any other organisation the BBC doesn’t like . Not necessarily hidden , it just has to be money not spent the way the BBC would like it to be .
CONTRIBUTIONS = money that may or may not be surreptitiously transferred from BBC approved organisations to other BBC approved organisations . Or money duped out of halfwits given to favoured causes eg : Conservatives giving money to Hope Not Hate.
TAXES = these are never wrong and can be dressed up for what they think is the common good and even given different names . The telly tax being an example , call it a licence fee . Others are green taxes , congestion charges , rates , community charge , green levy even victim surcharge .
Not much of a stretch to arrest a certain Mr. Steele, late of MI6 really then….
That’d have the BBC clucking furiously….
Mr Durham seems to be one person that the Biden crew can’t reel in / switch off / send to Alaska to issue parking tickets….
Durham’s investigation is moving at the speed of a glacier, but is seemingly thorough at least.
He was appointed as a special prosecutor, and as such can only be removed by the attorney general. But if the AG actually does this, the sky tends to fall in, as happened over Watergate. So in practice he is independent, and his inquiry can go wherever the evidence takes him. This is why presidents are usually very reluctant to appoint special prosecutors.
In this case, all the evidence seems to point towards a corrupt effort by the Democrats and the FBI to smear and destroy President Trump. It should lead to the very top of the FBI and the Democrat Party, and yes, Hillary, this means you. We can only hope Durham holds his nerve and doesn’t get killed in a “mugging” or “hunting accident”.
Fiona Bruce (Antiques Roadshow) has a rival. Sky’s Deborah Haynes – y’know that wide eyed 14 year old who sounds like a Nursery School teacher, but is the channel’s Security & Defence Editor. Filing a report from Oman, on board the HMS Queen Ellzabeth, she sits down with a member of the crew, which number around 1,700.
Like I said, Fiona has a rival in the interview stakes.
Despite all the above protests, how many of you readers/posters are still paying the Telly Tax?
I don’t and have saved myself a considerable amount of money over the years.
Me too Taffman .
I bought a gas guzzling vehicle for special occasions . I’ll visit the relatives in your area in it . A once a year trip travelling in opulence will cost about £134 to fill up . Less than the telly tax .
I dont.
Its not the money but the knowledge that my money, in a small way, is not supporting racists, liars, marxists and anti-Semites.
How and Why
1. Racists – as the dislike and even hate some races and love some.
2. Liars – through the scam of AGW and now Climate Change, they have destroyed the good reputation of science in general
3. Marxists- They believe in the lifestyle and philosophy of thinking that money grows on trees.
4. Anti-Semitism. They have been that since it became clear that Israel was a shining example of a free state.
Well done I say to all you propaganda defunders !
Its good to know that I do not stand alone .
Now , what about the rest of you?
Questions for the bbc and msm:
Where is the endless handwringing about pakistani peado rape gangs in every community they infest in the UK ? did their victims “cry” as they were racially abused as they were raped, which they were ?
are those tears less important than those of a grown man called a silly word that is nothing more than a convenient contraction of a 4 syllable word?
Is that crime, still being widely committed, of no importance ? or less important than someone being called a “bad word” ?
If so, please expain why, or just explain why you are all morons yet still in employment
And all the rapists families and freinds knew what was going on, one 12 year old victim was “given” to a rapists 16 year old son as a birthday present. Should they also be prosecuted for aiding and abetting ?
Why is it not also prosecuted as racially aggravated as the victims have stated they were racially abused ?
why, when some were deported are they still here ?
Even the mail online has three non stories about this stupid cricket thing where commments are moderated in advance. (what are they afraid of ? UK residents opinions on this subject ?)
Where is the outrage at “prince” Harry using the same word ?
rape gangs must be high fiving eachother as they get another layer of protection for their activities from the “kaffirs” (another racist word that is allowed)
When will rappers be prosecuted for using the N word in their lyrics ?
Nice story about a paki doctor who got caught defrauding the NHS of £1.1 million to splash on gambling . But hey – it was only £1.1 million – pocket money – the GP practice had even put him in charge of the finances … brilliant ….
Didn’t feature on the BBC – went down the non reporting of coloured people committing serious crime …. Even MPs …
As above, the msm is depressing in the extreme, as an antidote, this, in my inbox recently, made me smile:
A father and daughter were walking through the park when a beautiful butterfly flies past them. The little girl chases after it and rather than admiring its beauty, stomps on it killing it instantly. The father is horrified and says, ” That was a terrible thing to do, and as a punishment, you shall have no butter for a week.” When they get home there is a honey bee buzzing around the kitchen trying to escape. Before father can stop her, the girl picks up a wooden spoon and squashes the bee. Father is again horrified at what he has just seen his daughter do and tells her that killing a honey bee is very naughty and as a punishment, she shall have no honey for a week. Just at that moment Mother comes up the cellar steps into the kitchen and says.” You must get that cellar fumigated, I just killed a cockroach.”
The little girl turns to her father and says. “ Who’s going to tell her, you or me?”
I absolutely hate big house spiders, but have realised they have a soul, the same as us, and dogs etc. So I have to have them humanely removed from my environment 🙂
Today watch .
Leading with Yorkshire . Why haven’t the cricket people been arrested and sent to prison yet . After all a Paki cricketer has been called a paki . Outrageous ?
Plod must be ‘institutionally ‘ something if they haven’t arrested any one yet . And maybe plods ‘ independent inspectorate is institutional something too ….? That should go ….or apologise.
Today is Also still pushing the Paterson thing – no so much his corruption – but the lame attempt to save him and his pay checks .
And they are reporting all this whilst the poles are melting and we are all gonna drown by Christmas …. It must be true – Harrabin said so …
The next gripping instalment of Casualty should be a hoot.
Especially the bit where the Labour MP junior doctor is late for the protest because she was held up in a tv studio.
No patients were saved in the making of this show.
Wow a doctor meeting a member of the public – so rare – but no mask so no clapping our brave ‘front line ‘.
( do you notice how everyone one is ‘front line ‘ now ?)
Says the social justice warrior who never uses a drop of oil, nor ever emits an ounce of CO2.
It must feel really good to be such a superior being, I’m sure he despises the rest of us, especially the ones who voted for Brexit!
JP Morgan is not investing in a dead fossil fuel system. Fossils by definition are long dead. By innovative engineering excellence those long dead fossils have powered a miracle – industrial civilisation, which has taken humanity out of poverty and to a decent life worth living. Everything that medicine is, is because of industrial civilisation. This planet would be bare and poor planet, and not worth a visit by a tourist alien.
That is why JP Morgan is investing in it. It knows where to make money.
This doctor is ignorant.
1) woo
2) p
3) doo
How’d he get there?
Les Liasons Dangereuse?
Just recently, while The Senora is still away, I’ve been tuning in to night time LBC.
The main reason is that down here in leafy Kent, I must have the only DAB wireless in the world that only picks up Radio5 Live and very lttle else (except some screaming rap rubbish), but a daughter gave me her old iPhone, and I can listen all night if I want to – without earphones!
What a marvellous change it has been to tune into Clive Bull, Steve Allen and Ian Payne for great chat, loads of light humour and fun, and a lively presentation, totally free of the drone of some of the daytime presenters!
The BBC love the victim stories, always call their mates on phone-ins, and have become so stale and dreary that apart from the odd ear’ole to Dotun (when he’s joined by Mark Webster or Jonathan Wingate) for old time’s sake, I’ll probably never listen to them again! I certainly never watch the BBC News, unless it’s news of our Queen.
What a difference commercial restraints and opportunities make when broadcast companies have to actually work to get listeners, not sit back after collecting eye-watering tax payments and spout continuous leftie bias, and inconclusive rubbish about ‘victims’ and ‘climaaaaaaaate’!
And if anyone’s been listening to Ian Payne just now, ‘Morning, my Lovely, how’s my Sweetheart today? C’mon, give us a hug Darling’!
Several years ago, someone said something to a person at Yorkshire Country Cricket Ckub. It appears the Paki word was used.
Many people who were in the past chastised in the achool yard for their height (‘lanky’) or hair colour (‘blondie’) must be bemused. We had a worker affectionately known as ‘darkie’. And he was white!
But times have changed. And the gleam in the eye of BBC management, the salivating, the bare-faced eagerness to play the race card at every opportunity, is there for all to see
In BBC Top Trumps, finding examples, any examples, of racism is even more important than climate change, judging by the news running order.
If they knew what went on on sixth form common rooms in ethnically mixed schools, they’d have a heart attack..
Just back from my local corner shop run by a Pakistani family been there over 40 years and always been known as the ” Paki Shop ” by all the locals of all ethnicity…so what’s the problem…of course BBBC on their relentless quest until we conform to their New Order ……
Here’s a story about workplace “banter”. Many years ago I had a job which involved travelling to coal mines around the country, and working underground. For those uncertain of what coal is, it is the miracle fuel which will probably be providing all of our energy when the world comes to its senses.
On one of my trips I was working with a guy I’d not met before, and I noticed that everyone referred to him as “Sooty”. I can’t remember his name but it was Bert Smith, or similar. Eventually I had to ask him to explain. He held up his left hand; he had lost three fingers in a coalface accident, leaving just the thumb and little finger. Hold your hand up with the three fingers held down if you need further explanation. He didn’t seen to mind the nickname and certainly didn’t bleat on about compensation. A different time, and it feels now like a different world.
I’m amazed the poor bloke had to keep working underground, unlike a certain P_ki who will be living off his compo for the rest of his life.
Hi Rob,
Couple of things – firstly in those days there was a certain pride about working for a living and not playing the victim card at the first opportunity. It also was common practice for injured miners, and those coming up to retirement, to spend most of their time working on surface tasks or, if they were underground, given jobs away from the “front line” ((Like looking after me). These generations were built from a different mould, I think. In these “more caring” times, the management would be working out how to drive the injured unfortunate out of the industry and probably try to pin the blame on him. Back then, despite the image of the miners being on strike every verse end, the managers, certainly at colliery level, were respected by their men and looked after them in return.
From letters in my local newspaper a couple of years ago:
Our great men gone
Did those men die in vain
Did their families suffer so much pain, So that we in Britain who are so vain
Allow this great country to go down the drain.
Germany lost both the wars
But now the EU they control,
And to them our PM bent her knee And now we are no longer free.
An army of immigrants are flooding in
Followed by their kith and kin,
And Britain will never be the same
Though those men suffered so much pain.
The British spirit seems to have gone
And there is no one around to carry it on,
The Brexit Party strive with all their might And I hope they will never give up the fight.
We have had our backs to the wall before But where oh where are the men of yore, Just to think that they died in vain Should make us all suffer shame.
We remember these men every year
But all the good have gone I fear, We put on this facade
And end it with a great parade.
No men of stature are around
To make us turn and stand our ground, Churchill was our last great man
The one’s today are just a sham.
In marked contrast to my Yorkshire CCC post above…….
On BBC London, we has coverage of a bustling nightclub where shots were fired by two people from rival gangs in a face off.
Six people have been sentenced to jail. The BBC showed pictures.
All of them had ‘darker skin tones’ but guess what? This provoked no comment at all from the BBC.
In BBCland, a white person calling someone a Paki is far more important than a BAME person firing a gun.
And that, dear readers, is the moral framework of our impartial state broadcaster.
Which we have to pay for in order to watch Coronation Street and Our Yorkshire Farm.
Sluff – I’m not quite tuned in to BBC and ‘moral framework ‘ – the two don’t mix .
Interesting who Rog likes to rally to the cause.
You can kid yourself that you can build $1 trillion of infrastructure
and not output masses of CO2
but steel mills making wind turbines don’t run on solar/wind
The solar panel industry runs on fossil fuels too
Remember, remember, the Cop of November… hypocrisy, posturing and flop…
Anti-establishment…me sir?
“It’s a couple of fingers in the direction of the establishment.”
I’ll take some of that.
And technological windows into our hearts
As they used to say on old time TV magazine programmes as the opening shot supposedly caught presenters in the process of some activity – “…but more of that later…” Meanwhile, it’s all aboard the time machine protest bus over there at the Beeb.
‘The British Transport Police (BTP) has apologised to the British African community for “systemic racism” and a corrupt officer in the 1970s‘
‘Yorkshire County Cricket Club investigating after another ex-player alleges racial abuse… In the latest claims, the unnamed player said he faced “both blatant and sly” racist abuse at the club in the early 2000s‘
Not that what we now view retrospectively as crimes don’t elicit present day punishments: ‘BBC drops Vaughan in cricket racism storm‘ – you see the BBC needs to look whiter than white when it comes to racism – well, that’s an awkward way of putting it, but you see what I mean. The BBC certainly intends to look less and less white in future: “We hope natural Afro hair TV advert is first of many” – that’s just the BBC eagerly reporting an impending Channel 4 advert but one would contend that the fact that this makes the news proves the point.
Elsewhere in news of things that have actually happened recently in terms of protest: BBC: ‘Parliament Square protesters clash with police on Bonfire Night… Hundreds of anti-establishment activists have clashed with police in central London on Bonfire Night.‘
Anti-establishment is a fascinating term employed there by the BBC. Because it tends to reinforce the fact that the likes of BLM statue topplers, Extintion Rebellion cosplayers (that’s fancy dress to you and me) and Insulate Britain road-sitters… are all protests promoting rather pro-establishment notions.
The BBC could have called those: ‘Protesters wearing Guy Fawkes-style masks gathered at Trafalgar Square, with some throwing fireworks at police‘ – Anarchists, but significantly, they didn’t.
‘A crowd watched an effigy of Prime Minister Boris Johnson being burned, with one member shouting “burn, Boris, burn”‘ – goodness me, they sound like they might even have been anti-Brexiteers.
Judgeing by the pictures of fully riot-geared-up coppers, engaging rather forcefully with the protesters, the Met seem to have suddenly found their balls.
‘The Metropolitan Police said on Twitter that a dispersal order was in place for “a number of areas” across Westminster, including Parliament Square‘ – because Twitter is exactly where we want see our police patrolling and pounding their beat (sarc)
‘In a separate tweet, the Met said: “We have moved into the crowd to remove any fireworks and prevent people coming to harm.” – a pretty pro-active move and likely to spark (if you’ll excuse the bonfire night pun) a reaction… unlike Insulate Britain protests where our police move among protesters and politely ask whether they are comfortable and might like a nice cup of tea?
‘One [protester], who gave his name only as Richard, from London, said the protest, which has taken place on 5 November for several years, was a “continuation” of the “anti-Covid” marches…”It’s a couple of fingers in the direction of the establishment.“‘
‘Ahead of the protest, Deputy Assistant Commissioner Jane Connors said: “Groups of course have the right to protest. But I am particularly concerned that some groups are specifically intending to travel into London to deliberately cause violence and disorder including targeting police officers. This will not be tolerated and our policing plan has been developed with this potential risk in mind.”‘ – nice to know the cops had a pre-planned plan. One also notes our Jane fronting it up this time for our Cressida who was, presumably, otherwise engaged.
Anyway, I thought we’d pretty much stamped out that bigoted English anti-Catholic bonfire night tradition and firework sales were now heavily restricted?
‘Smoke alarm. Diwali fireworks push New Dehli pollution level off the scale‘ (FT) – oops!
CO2 eh? Fossil fuels and all that, eh? ‘No 10 asks Qatar to be “gas supplier of last resort” in case of winter fuel crisis‘ (FT) – so Boris knows he’s been kidding us all along at Cop26 and realises we’ve landed ourselves with a looming heating crisis with all this green energy malarkey.
Elsewhere on the BBC: ‘Metal detectorist finds small gold bible‘ – I should watch out for that… that’s how the Mormans got started.
Here’s another cracker of hypocrisy from the BBC: ‘The way my boss monitored me at home was creepy‘ – how about police officers approaching people in the street and questioning their right to be there under Lockdon rules? How about the NHS track and trace app? How about Capita going after non-Licence Payers and attempting to catch them watching live TV broadcasts?
“It was creepy,” says Chris [Chris’s real name has been changed for this article] “One of my managers was watching people’s personal computers to monitor what we were doing at home – all the time, not just when we were working. It was a bizarre way to carry on”
Wecome to the new normal, mate.
Coincidentally, on the theme of the home: ‘Calls for new investigation into PM’s flat‘ (Guardian)
Luckily, I hear Carrie leaves her laptop on and we’re picking up some images from her web cam which she forgot to cover over with gaffa tape. Hopefully we’ll soon catch audio of Boris making some gaffe. Boris is entering the flat now… wow, this is much better than the previous expose of the neighbour with a glass to the wall at Boris’s old gaff. “What ho, Caz, just back from bloody Glasgow! What’s cooking? Not wreched veggie burgers again! Forget food, get yourself on that expensive sofa and prepare to repel boarders…”
I think we’d best cut the live feed right there.
Basically this BBC article is very likely taken pretty much cut and paste from a trades union PR tip (did you enjoy my amatuer journalistic qualifications there? I do bore of the everyday coulds and mays and mights): ‘The trade union Prospect is calling for stronger regulation of the use of monitoring technology by employers‘
‘“New technology allows employers to have a constant window into their employees’ homes, and the use of the technology is largely unregulated by government.”‘ – well quite. And we can presumably look forward to the government eagerly regulating all technonlogical windows into our homes.
It was Queen Elizabeth I who said she had no wish to “make windows into men’s souls” However, her reign saw the consolidation of the Protestant reforms instituted by her father’s Reformation and an intensification of the persecusion of England’s Catholic population. Protestantism – which we’ll pun into the word Protest – had become the ruling idealogy, busily persecuting the former conservatism.
There’s yer thought for the day after Guy Fawkes night.
Lots to ponder indeed.
Wasnt it in QE1’s reign that the modern Intelligence Service began. 007 from the start.
AslseeIt: something to ponder:
Schoolchildren who think Guy Fawkes invented the fork… and why today’s woke lessons actually do more harm than good
Caz sets it out, perhaps more than she should.
Boris and cronies has let this happen, so they can safely enjoy their fate.
Thing is, they will suffer nothing. We all will.
In a dystopian wasteland like a Brighton street overseen by BBC political royalty whose ineptitude is matched only by their prevalence in studios.
Remember, the bbc only invites on people to say what the bbc approves being said.
On what planet Major is seen as anything other than an embarrassing joke can only be be accessed by the BBC Ark.
Careful with the sentence structure, Kev.
Quite like Kevin Maguire, but as usual, he’s wrong.
BBC Online News:
‘Parents cry because they can’t provide food’
“After a tough childhood and a brief spell of homelessness, Steve’s no stranger to deprivation himself.”
“But six years ago he started making deliveries of food and clothing in his spare time to those who needed it, using the living room of his mother’s house as a base for what became “Barty’s Community Foodbank”.
“I was seeing families here crying, I was seeing children really, really struggling. These are people who are working, who have been on furlough. Gas is going up, food is going up, everything is going up, but their wages aren’t going up.
“I struggle myself and all my friends are roofers, they’re bricklayers, they work all week and still can’t afford food.”
This BBC feature is straight out of the Socialist Workers Handbook.
They even contrive a meeting and hand-shake between our BBC hero and a Pakistani businessman to tick a box.
I bet our hero supplies more than ‘food’ to the ‘needy’.
Anyone know how much a bricklayer, who works all week, earns ?
Not enough to buy food obviously.
I wrote about the Yorkshire “racist” cricket banter late on the midweek board last night. Comparing the attitude of the BBC towards the Yorkshire Pakastini grooming , raping gangs , and
the lack of interest in them by the BBC.
But maybe the most relevant aspect of my contribution was the
way that the BBC has become a latter day McCarthyism outfit.
Not against Communism. But anything that is male, pale and
and what they consider stale.
This is lead by BIG BROTHER from the diversity department.
And before long he, she, or it , will see how the great majority
of the country will turn on this warped individual and his, hers or
it’s sycophants as the folk in the USA turned on McCarthy in
the early fifties. By the way AND I reiterate again from last night.
BIG BROTHER at the BBC how about the racist Anti-Semitic
chanting by the West Ham “supporters” as an orthodox Jew
was walking to his seat on the plane? Wrong kind of racism , to
be featured on BBC TV news or not even the London Programme BIG
BROTHER? Animal Farm springs to mind!!!
David Baddiel’s new book, ” Jews don’t count “, lots of examples. I am not a fan but he is right with this one.
#1 Yorkshire girls need to be safe from grooming gangs
#2 Non-white cricketers need to be treated with the same equality of opportunity as everyone else
That second cause probably has a massive PR industry driving it
(like The guys behind Rashford’s accounts)
… And the first cause doesn’t.
Yorkshire cricket needed to demonstrate they were doing #2. I bet they were trying to do that, but had an element of clumsiness and a PR team that was cornershop when the other side had a massive slick operation.
Business as usual on impartial Have I Got News For You.
All mention of negative things about the government (and to be fair there are several) brings rapturous hilarity and applause.
The tiny number of mentions of the opposition bring only a few titters.
The BBC rehash of the unfold of the…
Frankly the sooner the bbc kills of Boris and the Buffoons the better.
But then I look at the alternatives.
GBNEWS…Rotherham Abuse Report 2014 …1665 White Girls Raped and at Risk ….possibility of a 1000 more….! !
Come on BBC where’s you’re reporting on this Huge Problem with more and more desperate Raping / Fighting age men coming across the Channel every day !
Lovely. Quite lovely.
Liked by David Shuckman, ironically.
Have they left their hotel yet, unaccompanied?
Excellent. I like Mark Steyn. And what an on-message temporary replacement for Nigel.
BBC gets all the best sources, who say…
How many airports are they building?
This image simply illustrates a world in thrall of #prasnews
But the thing is Ben Phillips has tweeted out a narrative to Guardianland and they love it
12,900 Likes ..that is real impact.
vs the normal BBC local radio tweets which have very very low impact
Every single ‘reporter’ and ‘editor’ needs to be sacked.
Advertising industry madness : strongarming WOKE messaging in
Austers laws states that in the West, a dysfunctional minority will be shown as intelligent, inventive and law abiding.
The truly inventive and intelligent native will be shown as the reverse. A minority, Chinese or Indian male for instance, who is intelligent, inventive and law abiding does not fall into a category, so he will not be shown at all.
If we then apply these two quite obvious dictums to advertising, and see what happens.
That is, White men are responsible for the the only civilisation worth living.
White men have created all great works in Mathematics, Engineering, Physics, medicine, art and music. In fact they have created it, where none existed.
I’m not positing that White men are all the above. I’m merely applying Auster’s laws.
Asian men are even more invisible in ads, then by Austers law, they too must be particularly intelligent.
African men, a minority, are shown to be highly intelligent, inventive and law abiding, then the reality is opposite.
Now does Auster’s hypothesis generally predict the reality?
Lidl Christmas advert?
More black faces thrust at the viewer.
Unsubscribe to their Newsletters:
“While we’re sorry to see you go, it’s easy to unsubscribe from our newsletter – simply click the button below.
Before you go, please let us know why you wish to unsubscribe:”
Problem is, the webpage will not allow me to add a reason for unsubscribing.
I wonder why. Maybe they’re overwhelmed with reasons.
I would have thought by the time we should have been carving by lasers all the faces would be black.
Of course by then there would be no factory farmed fowls, no electricity, no brick houses and no lasers.
It all seems crazy, the more adverts they put out
.. the LESS likely you are to buy their products.
It was only a matter of time before somebody in the media highlighted what’s happening in adverts hopefully more people with influence will do the same.
On that note anybody seen the new M&S Christmas advert? The family is exactly what PJW has just discussed! The M&S logo does make a very brief appearance blink and you miss it but nevermind that’s not what’s being sold here!
Just checked the advert on Youtube and lets just say…comments could be going better!
Its out of date already, as Dawn French now has a lesbian and grey haircut.
Just looked at the Lidl ad on Google. Comments have been turned OFF and previous comments scrubbed.
If there is a Christmas this year, television will NOT be a source of entertainment in THIS château.
Bloody Anti-Vaxxers! What is it with them? Why on Earth would Pharma companies want to prolong a pandemic just for a few (well, maybe more than a few) billion dollars extra profit? And why would politicians, supported by the BBC, want to facilitate this just for a few measly million pounds for their friends and families and the odd book deal and after-dinner speeches contracts for themselves.
Climate-Change Deniers will be saying next that university chancellors are influenced by contributions from Soros, Gates and the WEF and would require their Research Departments to produce partisan reports!
Getting just a wee bit tired of being fed utter bs and told it is trusted.
Joe’s got some competition
Blimey – try being an ‘honest ‘journo and writing that up ?
Lurch again suddenly finding Sopes’ book the only news in town?
Probably should have skipped that fourth whiskey.
Calm down Nancy, we’ve all had a drink.
God almighty!
And she’s supposed to be important?
God bless America!
No. 3 in the sipping order, iirc.
Deranged, Box of Rocks and Deranged, Deranged and Evil.
Not bad out of 350,000,000.
In Designated Survivor terms I think you get down to Peter Buttgieg to simply get box of rocks alone, but he’s so gay it’s allllll fabulous!
Send in the Marines… the Royal ones, obvs.
GB News:
“Rotherham Abuse Scandal: 1,665 children may have been at risk since 2017, GB News can reveal”
“South Yorkshire Police told us this week that Child Sexual Exploitation remains a problem in Rotherham as it does right across the country” and that they are “working tirelessly to bring people to justice and prevent harm”
Good on GB News for highlighting this.
If I was a business owner I would employ only white indigenous male brexit supporters.
Anyone else would seem to cause endless problems if, for example, someone said a wrong word.
With their tendency to get very upset and having a hair trigger level of grievance for just about anything perceived or say they think is racist they are more trouble than they are worth.
Whether it’s a cricket club, a supermarket or anything, they hold all the cards and as the virtue signallers currently are the ones calling all the shots they get full backing no matter what.
There would be claims, calls for sackings and generally all sorts of things that could well be done without in the smooth running of a business.
The only lot that have no rights and they would get no support anyway whatever the circumstances are white indigenous male brexit supporters. I would only employ those as they would be the ones who would get on with the job (and they have a sense of humour, sadly lacking in all the other groups)
Just reading the BBC coverage of this ‘major scandal’:
‘Meanwhile, the BBC said former England captain Michael Vaughan would not appear on his BBC Radio 5 Live show on Monday after it was claimed he made a racist comment to a group of Asian players.’
I’m absolutely stunned. One unspecified comment to a group of people which he “completely and categorically denies” and he has been labelled, tarred and feathered by the Left.
I am absolutely 100% certain there was plenty of racism by the Pakistanis. But probably not in English. Until we start hearing about THEM being racist, I have no time for these people and their agenda to destroy our society so they can replace it with their own.
Time for a revolution. I’ve given my pitchfork a fresh coat of varnish and put it in the umberella stand for quick access.
An update on this : I thought he had simply decided not to appear but the Telegraph tell me the BBC have actually suspended him !!!.
Which of course tells the world he is guilty. Without any trial, debate or anything. They have cancelled him on the basis of someone elses word against his. And I’ll be honest with you : in my experience, people from a culture such as Pakistan lie as easily as tell the truth when it suits them.
I’m off to sharpen the pitchfork again.
I can never understand why counties like Yorkshire, let Pakistani or any other foreigners, join their clubs.
Yeah yeah, it’s because they’re good cricketers, but if they’re so good, then why don’t they stay at home or support their own country and try and beat us?
‘Sport’ is just a huge money pit nowadays, and if these un-British people want to make an issue about it, then good luck, because I’ve switched off.
Stick that bbbc.
This is exactly what is happening in smaller private businesses. But, public bodies such as the Civil Serpents and the police are happy to employ non-whites. Any compensation is of course paid by us.
More like they are being forced to by quotas and if anyone says they are not happy about it, their career is over.
Who in their right mind would employ a woman or BAME person in this toxic climate the Left (with full BBC support) have created ?.
John / Emanuel,
Surely the secret must be, don’t expand your business or start one up for which employees are required. You will be avoiding BAME arriving for interview with a copy of the Discrimination Act shoved in their ass pocket.
Chris is clearly destined for greatness.
Aileen and Bex might need to hire new pr writers.
Rich bitches, please feel free to send your trust funds my way.
No? Didn’t think so.