Perspectus Global says it surveyed 1,500 young Brits, aged 16-29, and discovered although 92 percent celebrate bonfire night every year, as many as 40 percent were unaware of the nature of the tradition. The date showed almost a quarter (23 percent) thought bonfire night was a “pagan festival”, while a further 17 percent thought it was a “traditional celebration to ward off evil spirits”. When it comes to the man himself, 74 percent said they had heard of Guy Fawkes, however one in ten (10 percent) thought he was a fictional character, while seven percent thought he was famous for being the inventor of fireworks. Almost one in ten (seven percent) thought he had designed the fork, while six percent insisted, he was an MP.
Also 52 percent had never heard of the tradition of Penny for the Guy.
Island – I’ve seen plenty of documentaries about catesby and the plotters – as a practicing RC I am not offended by this English tradition and have collected for my guy in the past –
‘ the guy was full of bunched up newspaper and ended his time on a ‘bonnie ‘…
It’s no surprise yoof have no idea about the origins of fireworks night but it should be banned in case 1 person is offended ….
One of the problems with ‘Guy Fawkes/Bonfire Night’ is that it comes less than a week after ‘Halloween’. We’ve imported the over the top US ‘tradition’ of Halloween with all the: costumes, kids’ parties, sweets (‘candy’) being handed out (on threat of your car being vandalised or windows egged), and that’s pretty hard work when you’re a parent of young kids (which don’t go out on their own after dark these days)… honestly, the expectations are huge, and it’s usually a work night around the same time the clocks go back, so the parents are shattered when it’s finally over… and not looking forward to another major event just 5 days later.
Then there are all the ‘Fireworks Nights’ (note, not ‘Bonfire Night’) events with big professional displays, that rarely seem to have bonfires any more (‘cos of ‘global warming’ and ‘health and safety’), or anything related to the history of the tradition (in case it causes offence?), and not many of the newer properties around here have big enough gardens (or enough trees) to have a bonfire, and certainly not LOUD Chinese fireworks that upset the animals at home, besides what would most people (no idea about gardening, tiny lawn) actually burn?
It’s not surprising kids are confused is it?
Am sure there were plenty of ‘pagan’ bonfires in the past, with effigies burning on them, and feasts, at this time of year (plenty of dead wood and leaves to clear, livestock chosen for slaughter, rather than overwintering etc…), which must have played some part in the ‘Bonfire Night’ tradition? But, sad people are forgetting Guido Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot… I’ve never been entirely convinced the bonfires and effigies weren’t a sly celebration of a ‘hero’ to many who would have been happy to see him succeed actually. Are we sure some of those ‘Guys’ being burnt weren’t really ‘King James’ – could you really tell?
Our old friend Gary Lineker has apparantly agreed to take in another asylum seeker after his hugely sucessful stunt with the last one.
I say stunt because that was what it was poor dim witten Gary didn’t appear to realise he had been given a carefully vetted nice acceptable English speaking literate Westernised male who stayed with him for just 20 days.
The same will happen this time because the canny lefties at the refugee charities will make sure Gary isn’t sent some murdering schitzo, or homosexual rapist, jihadist, wailing Muslim praying at all hours and compaining about pork & alcohol being in the house, or any of the other negatives that represent the real experience of the poor English people on whom they are imposed.
No Gary will for a very short time be accommodating a carefully vetted individual who will speak English and be able to spin him a carefully contrived sob story which isn’t true, doesn’t engage the asylum treaty, but which Gary will believe without question and become very angry when anyone questions his false view of the world.
Imagine the headlines if Gary’s little ‘Waitrose’ version of an asylum seeker runs off the rails and rapes and dismembers one of his sons, or trashes the house or some such. It would not be good publicity for the BBC, and it would probably be stamped on suppressed so hard it would never see the light of day.
Stew might help me with this – but the phenomenon is America of crowds calling out ‘eff joe Biden ‘ re interpreted at ‘let’s go Ryan “? Doesn’t seemed to have made any BBC broadcast .
Once upon a time disenchantment with a head of state would have made ‘from our own correspondent ‘ but the days of fair and objective reporting are long gone .
Adey was corrupted long ago – presumably for the dividends from her production company – but I’m prejudiced against her because I was present at something she reported and her version of events was a lot different to what witnessed ….
“TalkRADIO host Ian Collins shamed the BBC after the corporation wasted £9.25m last year chasing down “licence fee dodgers”. It was revealed in The Sun this week that the BBC spent the whopping sum last year sending 34 million letters demanding TV licence fee payments.”
Right Angle, what ever you do, don’t tell Roger Horror Bin or Matt McGrath about all those trees sacrificed to make paper and envelopes for 34 million letters. Those trees could have been soaking up CO2 …….
TOADY Watch # 1 – it is starting to become obvious ….
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – oh, that is interesting, picture top centre, view it quick – it may get taken down
Two for the price of one this morning. I return home and find top centre on the BBC web-site a picture of the prime slot interviewee at 8.10 a.m. or thereabouts. I missed the first minute or so and John Major had already started answering a question. I recognised that voice and was a little surprised that Major was being interviewed and responding on the subject of the Owen Paterson ‘affair’. The TOADY programme had already had a lengthy interview with a Conservative MP from, I think, the Midlands before 8 a.m..
It was extremely interesting that this was a very soft interview by Nick Robinson, especially in the light of his recent interview with the current Prime Minister. John Major, I think made several errors in what he said – unfortunately I cannot remember them all now – but what he said about Boris Johnson’s attempt to prorogue Parliament was one. I would remind John Major, as he seems so keen to uphold the standing of Parliament that the Prime Minister was only defective in that prorogue attempt in the opinion of one Supreme Court Judge. Five supported the action and five were against. I would also remind John Major – who really ought to know this – that our Commons is a precious trust between the Monarch and her people, notMembers of the House of Commons.
The only fault in the actions of Boris Johnson back then was his impatience. He forgot (due to the usual chaotic state of his brain?) to overturn or waive the Fixed Term Parliament Act through a vote in the House first. I would remind both John Major and Nick Robinson that after the Supreme Court ruling the PM got things straight and guess what? The House agreed with the PM and Parliament rose to fight a General Election in the second week of December 2019.
The fact that John Major was being interviewed by Nick Robinson on the BBC rather suggests where this whole Paterson thing is coming from and it isn’t the Conservative Party, the Liberal Democrats, the Scottish Nationalists or the Green Party. The nasty whiff around this Paterson ‘affair’ grew a lot stronger after 8 a.m. this morning.
The BBC had earlier been appearing to try to defend Kathryn Stone, the Independent Parliamentary Standards Commissioner as well as themselves! While I deprecate any personal attacks on Kathryn Stone and her character it is now important that she answers two questions:
1. Has she ever been a member of a Trade Union at any time and if so, which one?, and,
2. Has she ever been an adult member of the Labour Party at any time?
Let’s face it – a dreadful traitor like major doesn’t deserve to be listened to . Another ex MP avoiding financial interests by declining the peerage ( see Cameron ) ….
Nut nut may be a declining PM but having major being given free rein by a sympathetic Robinson is a poor spectacle .
Major should spend his time counting his cash rather than sniping from the depths …
It’s worse than that, all 11 Supreme Court judges agreed with the entirely novel concept that the Queen, acting on the advice of her prime minister, has no right to prorogue parliament.
The Blairite Supreme Court needs to go, but Boris Johnson, the bluffer, bullshitter and liar will only get round to that after he has abolished the BBC.
RiC, am grateful for your correction to my faulty memory. I thought it was a Lady Hale casting her vote who tipped the balance in that case. Everything major (no pun intended but you may smile wryly) that Blair did legislate on was to make life difficult for future Governments, especially Conservative ones.
The judgement was hugely disappointing . I read it . I have read many . In a case such as that there would have been at least one dissenter explaining and expanding the principles . But there has none . Brenda hale corrupted it .
Nut nuts opportunity to do anything apart from the green thing is rapidly diminishing – the sooner he goes and is replaced by a woman the better … and we know who that is … we might get a conservative / right winger in charge again …
Scrobie, hope the Senora is doing OK and that you are surviving adequately in her absence. I’m not sure about women in politics. Or in business, at least at the very top. I cannot think of happy conclusions to their time. When Maggie won the Party leadership and then got herself elected, I remember people pointing out that the handful of women political leaders had all been involved in wars or Civil Wars.
Sure enough, it was true for Maggie too in 1982. Impatience was her undoing over the Community Charge, just like Bojo’s impatience over regulation of MPs Standards might just be used to drive a wedge between him and the 1922 Committee or between the PM and the Electorate come June or December 2024.
Mrs T got where she was in spite of being a woman. She didn’t need a role model. (I get so fed up reading that Afro Carribean’s do). I have always done what I wanted and not cared whether women are supposed to do it.
But a woman will do things differently. Mrs T I am sure I read used to cook for her cabinet if meetings were long. But a good leader can be either (I am sure I am supposed to say ANY) gender (Ministry Of Truth approved word) and it should be the best person for any role whatsoever the colour of their skin. But choosing a woman to lead Lloyd’s of London because she was a woman wasn’t a good move and choosing a person with no retail experience to lead John Lewis isn’t either.
Fed, I hate to keep banging on about the Paterson thing but after TOADY this morning, I tried to find out who initiated the complaint about him. No quick answer but the first five items listed by DD&Go were Guardian articles.
Rob – people forget so easily . The likes of major goes on about recent stuff – which is trivial in comparison to the traitor commons and the political Blair court .
But the lords and commons have some much self serving dross – willing to sell their souls and see nothing wrong with it .
I heard Owen Paterson about 2 weeks ago detailing what he did – how it was about ‘public safety ‘ – the interviewer didn’t ask him about the £9k a month randox was giving him – and if his mission was so important he’d have done it for nothing – right ? Corruption with a posh accent …
Fed, Paterson played by the rules. Someone ignored that fact. I wonder who and why? Actually I know who but the why is not yet revealed. If this is a Labour thing, I expect a resignation late next week just to help keep the pot boiling over.
If it was down to me, I would have a complete ban on gifts to MPs and on work by MPs that was not for or on behalf of their constituents. No book writing, even ghostwriting by Ed Reardons-alike, no paid consultancies, nothing. If I was elected as a MP I wouldn’t want to take on any other duties or obligations. If three times the average wage in the UK and two times the median wage in the UK is not enough for a MP, then you must be a complete spendthrift, living beyond your means … and probably not fit to be a MP.
Rules made / approved by …politicians – corrupt is just corrupt – and if that includes self serving corrupt rules – well there you go … a corrupt man hiding behind corrupt rules .
And if someone doesn’t smell corruption – avoid public office …. But I know the sight of money makes vision blur …
This one model with the Afro hair, is seen in every magazine promoting everything from breath freshener, to skin care to disability aids to fashion from Matalan ! (unless of course there are several models with similar hair )
A huge proportion of the women shown on the screen now looks like this, the “mulatto” look. We are supposed to think that that is what Englishwomen now look like.
There’s loads of Afro hair on the TV these days, I’m not seeing much else to be honest… what are they on about ‘first natural Afro hair’?! Are the rest all joke wigs?
In my opinion the P-word can never be ‘reclaimed’ by British-Asians. Its the language of oppression, discrimination & hate. I’d like to see people, regardless of heritage or race, describe it simply as the P-word. #EndRacismNow
I agree with Jim
but I think it is wrong to stoop to the metroliberals level
and do things like simplistic denial
Sometimes some people of Pak/Bangla/Indian extraction were made to feel bad by use of expressions such “effing P-word”
just as someone else might get the “effing fatty used against them”
It’s the context “effing” or even the tone of voice that is the hurty thing rather that the abbreviation.
What metroliberals are saying is that some Asian people cannot separate out the context, so feel hurt when they hear the word.
You can imagine a crowd shouting at a load of school kids “You P-words go home” when the school kids hadn’t done anything wrong so it would make them feel alienated.
But as ever perspective & context matters
I can imagine a school where the Pakistani kid gets a few insults, but where the ginger kid gets actually beaten up almost everyday.
Our police are thoroughly saturated with wokeism, identity politics, political correctness and all the other leftie ideologies.
And it’s going to get worse as more and more police will come from universities, where they will have been further brainwashed.
I have to say although a lot of what he says is correct, he is falling into a romanticised vision of the past.
Most people aren’t aware Police uniforms of the past were in fact armoured with things like anti garrotting collars made with metal inserts so an officer couldn’t easily be strangled with a wire.
Anti Stab vests weren’t invented by then so they couldn’t have had them, but we had the death penalty so no one was going to stab a copper because of the enormous consequences.
He’s also got it completely wrong about the Police not being armed as a matter of course. At the time of formation they bought 50 flintlock pistols – the revolver hadn’t even been invented, so carrying a pistol was pretty much a dead weight.
But when revolvers did become more common the rules were changed so any officer who wanted to carry one could do so up until another rule change in 1936 possible due to the need for arms in the run up to WWII
Of course they were on the beat, although they did uses horses and bicycles, cars hadn’t been invented, the flying squad which was the first motor car division was established in 1920
In the BLiar years to counter the criticism of Bobbies on the beat PCSOs were employed and they were known and able to gather intelligence in local areas, with the Tories ideological opposition to law and order they were abolished along with most of the magistraits and county courts.
Thank you for posting that – however difficult it was listening to 52 minutes of Peter Hitchens descending into the abyss ….
His idea of rebooting policing to a pre 1970s version was nothing but fantasy – and I think he knew that .
We are where we are – there is no one to fix things . However his pessimistic view of coming economic crisis and the unpredictable outcome does chime with me .
I’m happy to see that article, but for entirely different reasons the BBC are happy.
The Left will eventually implode when their hate turns in upon itself. Meanwhile articles like this give us excellent examples we can share with everyone we know.
It took the Russians nearly 100 years to implode, the CHinese still haven’t. and although the Cubans are pretty hacked off the media is suppressing reports and Biden and his loons are helping the Commies stay in power.
N Korea became Communist in 1945 after WWII and the defeat of Japan with Russia taking control of the North and to date shows no sign of imploding.
Seems it takes the left around 100 years to do this and I don’t have that long left on Earth.
Thousands of poor, deluded saps protesting, forlornly believing that by doing so, the climate will cease doing what it’s been doing ever since there’s been a climate. MSM all over it, but conveniently forget worldwide protests about Covid related restrictions on our liberty.
I’m glad that I won’t have to be a member of this sad, misguided lunatic society for too much longer.
Old, you’ve just added many years to your grand life, so join me in a tincture of your choice – online sadly, but you may not like my home-made elderberry hooch!
While the little Swedish doomgoblin dashes around the world blaming the West for all its ills, her own country – once the model of peaceful stability – descends into ever more crime and violence.
Sweden now has the highest rate of gun crime in Europe, and even bombings!
Who is behind the surge in crime? “Gangs” the Guardian tells us, which is code for Middle Eastern and African migrants, mostly muslim.
So much more fun to jump on trendy bandwagons than to confront unfashionable subjects like third world and islamic immigration that are destroying her country.
There is a character in Dickens called Mrs Jellyby, a ‘philanthropist’ who spends her time on worthy causes in distant Africa, while ignoring the needs of her own neighbourhood and family, who go unwashed and unfed.
Greta should be renamed Ms Jellyby.
Lenny Bruce once said (concerning the N* word – this was the early 60s) that it’s the suppression of the word that gives it the power to hurt (or worse, of course).
How can they be ‘unwittingly become spokespeople’ when their ‘acts’ are centred on their skin colour?
Seems like a deliberate choice to be confrontational to me, straight out of the Gerald Ratner book of marketing.
Which is better?
1) He’s black and he hates me – I’m not keen on blacks.
2) He’s black, but he is funny. He is funny, and black. He is funny. Black people, no problem, some are quite funny.
The banner is just saying give us all your money and stuff because you are stinking white people, it’s just a cash for crash scheme! If I were black or a brainwashed student I would probably join in why the hell not? BBC etc are with us so….Don’t ask, don’t get!
Next up, Bjork with dire warnings about ignoring Planet Waitrose.
Idris Elba warns that policy makers and the media risk ignoring a continent "central to the solution" of climate change if they don't include African voices in public debate
In similar fashion to the bbc in broadcast, The Economist once had a globally respected style guide.
This is going out in spectacular fashion.
Children are at the receiving end of a marketing juggernaut pushing them to want products and lifestyles that pollute and heat the planet
BBC local news
#1 “Hull Labour MP Diana Johnson says” something about fireworks
#2 Enviro campaigners had a protest today at Hull minster ..footage
#3 An eco-student in Stamford, Lincolnshire has been likened to Greta … video package
Council voted against her proposal saying people should drive 12 miles to recycling centre.
Football “it’s crap”
Weather “it’s crap”
(It was dark at 4pm here )
June… Timmeh!… Boris…forget Dacre; you have to make this little bundle of cuddly sane goodness head of OFCOm immediately.
'It comes from a place of reclaiming a form of abuse.'
David Lammy explains to a listener why a black person using the N-word is different to when a white person uses
ITV local news “Here we are outside Yorkshire Cricket Club with the Heaven Can Help Us group”
Really ??? They were all carrying “Stand Up To Racism” placards
that indicates to me it was organised by the Marxists
#3 Climate Justice demo in Leeds Hull Sheffield
footage from Devonshire Green
All those kids being kicked into, then coming out of spurious unis with awful ‘degrees’, are now reaping the failure of a nasty leftie manipulator, who fiddled the books on unemployment to get them into any old ‘college’ for a few years, and then he could say that ‘Unemployment is down, and here we have so many brighter students’!
Just a thought about the malarkey at Headingley, God’s cricket ground, one has only to watch a test match between England and Pakistan to see that there are an awful lot of the away teams supporters that dwell in the home country. The Green flags with the crescent are very prominent.
I’ve spent the day trying to remember if I ‘offended’ anyone in the past few years. If Michael Vaughn can get called out for a conversation (allegedly) from 10 years ago, and Ollie Robinson being investigated for tweets posted when he was 18, then everyone is fair game for being accused and sued for some ‘slight’ made a decade or more ago !
I did call someone a ‘selfish git’ , although I think that was my brother when he scoffed all the Quality Street one Christmas. Oh, and I did mention to a Chinese doctor (in all sincerity) that I thought he looked ill because he was a bit ‘yellow’, and then he said “L….. I’m Chinese ! ” duh ! Hope he doesn’t know where I live now !!!
I find it so ironic that the BBC’s token white Cricket expert is hoisted by his own pitard as he has been swiftly cancelled by hatey words he allegedly blurted out back in the day.
Michael should listen to his own advice he gave to BBC sport back in June this year regarding Ollie Robinson when he gave this Orwellian advice:- ‘He has to go away, learn and educate himself – and become a better person for it..’
What do the rape gangs get in this country ? no wonder they all come over here
Iranian man, 27, and his lover, 33, are sentenced to death for adultery even though his wife asked for clemency – because her father insisted on execution
Iran’s supreme court sentenced a man, 27, and his lover, 33, to death for adultery
The wife of the man had asked for clemency but her father insisted on execution
The middle eastern country executed 246 people last year under Sharia law
Now Biden DEFENDS migrant compensation payments he called ‘garbage’ three days ago: Says families separated at border ‘deserve some kind of compensation’ but has ‘no idea’ if it will be as much as $450,000
Biden was speaking at a press conference touting the passage of the $1.2trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill when he was asked about the payments
Biden was forceful in saying he would try to get payments to those families, criticizing former President Donald Trump’s border policy.
‘You deserve some kind of compensation, no matter what the circumstance,’ he said of separated families. ‘What that will be, I have no idea’
Last week it was revealed that officials from the Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services are considering payments
The American Civil Liberties Union, which represents the separated families, has identified about 5,500 children separated from parents at the border
The total potential payout could cost $1 billion or more
They seek a range of payouts, averaging $3.4 million per family, according to the WSJ.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, a Trump loyalist, said Tuesday he is ‘very, very concerned’ about the payments declaring them to be a ‘slap in the face’ with Americans themselves already struggling to make ends meet as inflation boosts the cost of living.
And as Biden the beneficent realises Putin is threatening Ukraine he sends the head of the CIA to warn Putin off, but Putin must be killing himself laughing at the Socialist dick heads who couldn’t even begin to fight a war against a large well armed determined opponent. no wonder a recent report into US combat effectiveness found all branches of the US military unfit to engage in combat of all but the most low level kind.
I for one have given up on the USA as a credible country and therefore hope their demise is fast and thorough, they have infected the World with their totally crazy shit woke crap and their destruction can’t come to nicer people.
If it comes to a choice between the cartoon garbage trying to run the USA and the people behind Putin, I am with Putin 100%
Goodnight America nice knowing you!
And General Milley who’s busy imposing Critical Race Theory on the armed forces, and trying to understand his “White Rage’, while colluding with the Chinese.
Has anyone, and I stress anyone or any institution carried out a final cost analysis of all power generation systems e.g. coal versus nuclear v wind v fairy dust?
We know this is BS
#1 They won’t give up FIT subsidies
#2 They won’t give up the priority market access rule
ie that wind/solar have first priority on the grid
and that gas, coal, biomass have to turn down i solar/wind appear.
I would not believe any stats produced by any organisation that is anywhere near the NHS, they are simply manipulating stuff to drive their mantra now.
Number of sex-trade workers triples in Glasgow for COP26. “Delegates will no doubt be conflicted, particularly those that want to ban single-use plastic products…”
It is, of course, media award season, when they all give each other an award so they become ‘award winning’.
To put this in context, this used to be the gold standard.
The New York Times got Pulitzers for lying about Trump’s ties to Russia while the New York Post got kicked off social media for reporting the truth.
Oh for this time next week. When COP will have ended, the protestors will be back in their bedrooms playing video games and the reporters wont be accosting the under 10’s in the street.
9:30am Sunday : Simon Webb Interview
History Debunked: Multiculturalism is Not Part of Britain’s History — So Why Do We Pretend It Was?
Live videos using have a live small message box discussion for you to participate in with your comments and questions
Lucy PevenseyMar 9, 21:27 Weekend 8th March 2025 The plot thickens
FlotsamMar 9, 21:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Graham Greene wrote a brilliant novel, “The Comedians” (does anyone read books any more?). It was about a bunch of…
DeborahMar 9, 21:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dr John Campbell on YouTube has reviewed some Covid vaccination research which may have indicated that the vaccine has compromised…
tomoMar 9, 21:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Oh yeah, that’s a good idea…
atlas_shruggedMar 9, 21:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Five Years On, the UK Refuses to Learn the Lessons of the Covid Catastrophe The US has changed direction…
Colin Brazier mentioned this survey yesterday.
Perspectus Global says it surveyed 1,500 young Brits, aged 16-29, and discovered although 92 percent celebrate bonfire night every year, as many as 40 percent were unaware of the nature of the tradition. The date showed almost a quarter (23 percent) thought bonfire night was a “pagan festival”, while a further 17 percent thought it was a “traditional celebration to ward off evil spirits”. When it comes to the man himself, 74 percent said they had heard of Guy Fawkes, however one in ten (10 percent) thought he was a fictional character, while seven percent thought he was famous for being the inventor of fireworks. Almost one in ten (seven percent) thought he had designed the fork, while six percent insisted, he was an MP.
Also 52 percent had never heard of the tradition of Penny for the Guy.
Island – I’ve seen plenty of documentaries about catesby and the plotters – as a practicing RC I am not offended by this English tradition and have collected for my guy in the past –
‘ the guy was full of bunched up newspaper and ended his time on a ‘bonnie ‘…
It’s no surprise yoof have no idea about the origins of fireworks night but it should be banned in case 1 person is offended ….
One of the problems with ‘Guy Fawkes/Bonfire Night’ is that it comes less than a week after ‘Halloween’. We’ve imported the over the top US ‘tradition’ of Halloween with all the: costumes, kids’ parties, sweets (‘candy’) being handed out (on threat of your car being vandalised or windows egged), and that’s pretty hard work when you’re a parent of young kids (which don’t go out on their own after dark these days)… honestly, the expectations are huge, and it’s usually a work night around the same time the clocks go back, so the parents are shattered when it’s finally over… and not looking forward to another major event just 5 days later.
Then there are all the ‘Fireworks Nights’ (note, not ‘Bonfire Night’) events with big professional displays, that rarely seem to have bonfires any more (‘cos of ‘global warming’ and ‘health and safety’), or anything related to the history of the tradition (in case it causes offence?), and not many of the newer properties around here have big enough gardens (or enough trees) to have a bonfire, and certainly not LOUD Chinese fireworks that upset the animals at home, besides what would most people (no idea about gardening, tiny lawn) actually burn?
It’s not surprising kids are confused is it?
Am sure there were plenty of ‘pagan’ bonfires in the past, with effigies burning on them, and feasts, at this time of year (plenty of dead wood and leaves to clear, livestock chosen for slaughter, rather than overwintering etc…), which must have played some part in the ‘Bonfire Night’ tradition? But, sad people are forgetting Guido Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot… I’ve never been entirely convinced the bonfires and effigies weren’t a sly celebration of a ‘hero’ to many who would have been happy to see him succeed actually. Are we sure some of those ‘Guys’ being burnt weren’t really ‘King James’ – could you really tell?
Our old friend Gary Lineker has apparantly agreed to take in another asylum seeker after his hugely sucessful stunt with the last one.
I say stunt because that was what it was poor dim witten Gary didn’t appear to realise he had been given a carefully vetted nice acceptable English speaking literate Westernised male who stayed with him for just 20 days.
The same will happen this time because the canny lefties at the refugee charities will make sure Gary isn’t sent some murdering schitzo, or homosexual rapist, jihadist, wailing Muslim praying at all hours and compaining about pork & alcohol being in the house, or any of the other negatives that represent the real experience of the poor English people on whom they are imposed.
No Gary will for a very short time be accommodating a carefully vetted individual who will speak English and be able to spin him a carefully contrived sob story which isn’t true, doesn’t engage the asylum treaty, but which Gary will believe without question and become very angry when anyone questions his false view of the world.
Imagine the headlines if Gary’s little ‘Waitrose’ version of an asylum seeker runs off the rails and rapes and dismembers one of his sons, or trashes the house or some such. It would not be good publicity for the BBC, and it would probably be stamped on suppressed so hard it would never see the light of day.
Stew might help me with this – but the phenomenon is America of crowds calling out ‘eff joe Biden ‘ re interpreted at ‘let’s go Ryan “? Doesn’t seemed to have made any BBC broadcast .
Once upon a time disenchantment with a head of state would have made ‘from our own correspondent ‘ but the days of fair and objective reporting are long gone .
Adey was corrupted long ago – presumably for the dividends from her production company – but I’m prejudiced against her because I was present at something she reported and her version of events was a lot different to what witnessed ….
How much is the BBC spending on threatening letters? Read on and find out!:
“TalkRADIO host Ian Collins shamed the BBC after the corporation wasted £9.25m last year chasing down “licence fee dodgers”. It was revealed in The Sun this week that the BBC spent the whopping sum last year sending 34 million letters demanding TV licence fee payments.”
And they claim to be value for money …
Right Angle, what ever you do, don’t tell Roger Horror Bin or Matt McGrath about all those trees sacrificed to make paper and envelopes for 34 million letters. Those trees could have been soaking up CO2 …….
…but only during daylight hours.
TOADY Watch # 1 – it is starting to become obvious ….
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – oh, that is interesting, picture top centre, view it quick – it may get taken down
Two for the price of one this morning. I return home and find top centre on the BBC web-site a picture of the prime slot interviewee at 8.10 a.m. or thereabouts. I missed the first minute or so and John Major had already started answering a question. I recognised that voice and was a little surprised that Major was being interviewed and responding on the subject of the Owen Paterson ‘affair’. The TOADY programme had already had a lengthy interview with a Conservative MP from, I think, the Midlands before 8 a.m..
It was extremely interesting that this was a very soft interview by Nick Robinson, especially in the light of his recent interview with the current Prime Minister. John Major, I think made several errors in what he said – unfortunately I cannot remember them all now – but what he said about Boris Johnson’s attempt to prorogue Parliament was one. I would remind John Major, as he seems so keen to uphold the standing of Parliament that the Prime Minister was only defective in that prorogue attempt in the opinion of one Supreme Court Judge. Five supported the action and five were against. I would also remind John Major – who really ought to know this – that our Commons is a precious trust between the Monarch and her people, not Members of the House of Commons.
The only fault in the actions of Boris Johnson back then was his impatience. He forgot (due to the usual chaotic state of his brain?) to overturn or waive the Fixed Term Parliament Act through a vote in the House first. I would remind both John Major and Nick Robinson that after the Supreme Court ruling the PM got things straight and guess what? The House agreed with the PM and Parliament rose to fight a General Election in the second week of December 2019.
The fact that John Major was being interviewed by Nick Robinson on the BBC rather suggests where this whole Paterson thing is coming from and it isn’t the Conservative Party, the Liberal Democrats, the Scottish Nationalists or the Green Party. The nasty whiff around this Paterson ‘affair’ grew a lot stronger after 8 a.m. this morning.
The BBC had earlier been appearing to try to defend Kathryn Stone, the Independent Parliamentary Standards Commissioner as well as themselves! While I deprecate any personal attacks on Kathryn Stone and her character it is now important that she answers two questions:
1. Has she ever been a member of a Trade Union at any time and if so, which one?, and,
2. Has she ever been an adult member of the Labour Party at any time?
Let’s face it – a dreadful traitor like major doesn’t deserve to be listened to . Another ex MP avoiding financial interests by declining the peerage ( see Cameron ) ….
Nut nut may be a declining PM but having major being given free rein by a sympathetic Robinson is a poor spectacle .
Major should spend his time counting his cash rather than sniping from the depths …
It’s worse than that, all 11 Supreme Court judges agreed with the entirely novel concept that the Queen, acting on the advice of her prime minister, has no right to prorogue parliament.
The Blairite Supreme Court needs to go, but Boris Johnson, the bluffer, bullshitter and liar will only get round to that after he has abolished the BBC.
RiC, am grateful for your correction to my faulty memory. I thought it was a Lady Hale casting her vote who tipped the balance in that case. Everything major (no pun intended but you may smile wryly) that Blair did legislate on was to make life difficult for future Governments, especially Conservative ones.
The judgement was hugely disappointing . I read it . I have read many . In a case such as that there would have been at least one dissenter explaining and expanding the principles . But there has none . Brenda hale corrupted it .
Nut nuts opportunity to do anything apart from the green thing is rapidly diminishing – the sooner he goes and is replaced by a woman the better … and we know who that is … we might get a conservative / right winger in charge again …
Fight between Liz and Nadine?
I’d vote for both of them, they have huge balls!
(So sorry Debs, Brissles, Seppers, Messenger et al., but they are fabulous ladies and I’m right behind them all)!
Scrobie, hope the Senora is doing OK and that you are surviving adequately in her absence. I’m not sure about women in politics. Or in business, at least at the very top. I cannot think of happy conclusions to their time. When Maggie won the Party leadership and then got herself elected, I remember people pointing out that the handful of women political leaders had all been involved in wars or Civil Wars.
Sure enough, it was true for Maggie too in 1982. Impatience was her undoing over the Community Charge, just like Bojo’s impatience over regulation of MPs Standards might just be used to drive a wedge between him and the 1922 Committee or between the PM and the Electorate come June or December 2024.
Mrs T got where she was in spite of being a woman. She didn’t need a role model. (I get so fed up reading that Afro Carribean’s do). I have always done what I wanted and not cared whether women are supposed to do it.
But a woman will do things differently. Mrs T I am sure I read used to cook for her cabinet if meetings were long. But a good leader can be either (I am sure I am supposed to say ANY) gender (Ministry Of Truth approved word) and it should be the best person for any role whatsoever the colour of their skin. But choosing a woman to lead Lloyd’s of London because she was a woman wasn’t a good move and choosing a person with no retail experience to lead John Lewis isn’t either.
Fed, I hate to keep banging on about the Paterson thing but after TOADY this morning, I tried to find out who initiated the complaint about him. No quick answer but the first five items listed by DD&Go were Guardian articles.
Says it all really.
Rob – people forget so easily . The likes of major goes on about recent stuff – which is trivial in comparison to the traitor commons and the political Blair court .
But the lords and commons have some much self serving dross – willing to sell their souls and see nothing wrong with it .
I heard Owen Paterson about 2 weeks ago detailing what he did – how it was about ‘public safety ‘ – the interviewer didn’t ask him about the £9k a month randox was giving him – and if his mission was so important he’d have done it for nothing – right ? Corruption with a posh accent …
Fed, Paterson played by the rules. Someone ignored that fact. I wonder who and why? Actually I know who but the why is not yet revealed. If this is a Labour thing, I expect a resignation late next week just to help keep the pot boiling over.
If it was down to me, I would have a complete ban on gifts to MPs and on work by MPs that was not for or on behalf of their constituents. No book writing, even ghostwriting by Ed Reardons-alike, no paid consultancies, nothing. If I was elected as a MP I wouldn’t want to take on any other duties or obligations. If three times the average wage in the UK and two times the median wage in the UK is not enough for a MP, then you must be a complete spendthrift, living beyond your means … and probably not fit to be a MP.
Rules made / approved by …politicians – corrupt is just corrupt – and if that includes self serving corrupt rules – well there you go … a corrupt man hiding behind corrupt rules .
And if someone doesn’t smell corruption – avoid public office …. But I know the sight of money makes vision blur …
BbC #wefiles
If a pr agency sent in a ‘story’ with this quote, the BBC would run it..
“The Tree fellas panga is truly the only tool the tooled up need, innit?”
This one model with the Afro hair, is seen in every magazine promoting everything from breath freshener, to skin care to disability aids to fashion from Matalan ! (unless of course there are several models with similar hair )
A huge proportion of the women shown on the screen now looks like this, the “mulatto” look. We are supposed to think that that is what Englishwomen now look like.
There’s loads of Afro hair on the TV these days, I’m not seeing much else to be honest… what are they on about ‘first natural Afro hair’?! Are the rest all joke wigs?
The W1A cubicle garden floor seems a festering swamp of anything but journalism.
Paki is an abbreviation for Pakistani darling
Nice one Fed!
The poster by Hope not Hate implies that the primary purpose of the word is as an abbreviation.
As always it is the context that matters, such as any qualifying adjectives.
“He is a bastard.” = OK
“He is a black bastard.” = Not OK, hate crime.
“He is the first black DG of the BBC.” = Very OK.
And what about Indi or Indo as an abbreviation for Indian. Is that going to be ruled out as well by the racists?
What about ‘Britisher’ … personally, I hope not, because I love that one, especially when spoken with a strong ‘Pak(istan)i’ or ‘Indi’ accent.
How about Ang Mo? Honkey? Whitey? Gringo? Farangi? Limey? Pommy? Gammon? ‘Male, pale and stale’?
I agree with Jim
but I think it is wrong to stoop to the metroliberals level
and do things like simplistic denial
Sometimes some people of Pak/Bangla/Indian extraction were made to feel bad by use of expressions such “effing P-word”
just as someone else might get the “effing fatty used against them”
It’s the context “effing” or even the tone of voice that is the hurty thing rather that the abbreviation.
What metroliberals are saying is that some Asian people cannot separate out the context, so feel hurt when they hear the word.
You can imagine a crowd shouting at a load of school kids “You P-words go home” when the school kids hadn’t done anything wrong so it would make them feel alienated.
But as ever perspective & context matters
I can imagine a school where the Pakistani kid gets a few insults, but where the ginger kid gets actually beaten up almost everyday.
Our police are thoroughly saturated with wokeism, identity politics, political correctness and all the other leftie ideologies.
And it’s going to get worse as more and more police will come from universities, where they will have been further brainwashed.
Another one convicted and sent to prison on Friday – they’ll need there own wing soon …
I have to say although a lot of what he says is correct, he is falling into a romanticised vision of the past.
Most people aren’t aware Police uniforms of the past were in fact armoured with things like anti garrotting collars made with metal inserts so an officer couldn’t easily be strangled with a wire.
Anti Stab vests weren’t invented by then so they couldn’t have had them, but we had the death penalty so no one was going to stab a copper because of the enormous consequences.
He’s also got it completely wrong about the Police not being armed as a matter of course. At the time of formation they bought 50 flintlock pistols – the revolver hadn’t even been invented, so carrying a pistol was pretty much a dead weight.
But when revolvers did become more common the rules were changed so any officer who wanted to carry one could do so up until another rule change in 1936 possible due to the need for arms in the run up to WWII
Of course they were on the beat, although they did uses horses and bicycles, cars hadn’t been invented, the flying squad which was the first motor car division was established in 1920
In the BLiar years to counter the criticism of Bobbies on the beat PCSOs were employed and they were known and able to gather intelligence in local areas, with the Tories ideological opposition to law and order they were abolished along with most of the magistraits and county courts.
Thank you for posting that – however difficult it was listening to 52 minutes of Peter Hitchens descending into the abyss ….
His idea of rebooting policing to a pre 1970s version was nothing but fantasy – and I think he knew that .
We are where we are – there is no one to fix things . However his pessimistic view of coming economic crisis and the unpredictable outcome does chime with me .
I’m happy to see that article, but for entirely different reasons the BBC are happy.
The Left will eventually implode when their hate turns in upon itself. Meanwhile articles like this give us excellent examples we can share with everyone we know.
It took the Russians nearly 100 years to implode, the CHinese still haven’t. and although the Cubans are pretty hacked off the media is suppressing reports and Biden and his loons are helping the Commies stay in power.
N Korea became Communist in 1945 after WWII and the defeat of Japan with Russia taking control of the North and to date shows no sign of imploding.
Seems it takes the left around 100 years to do this and I don’t have that long left on Earth.
Anyone at the bbc thinks?
In other news, Worcester is a fair way from Wales, especially the bit where anyone gives a flying pitootie.
The more you learn, the less surprising it is.
“They think it’s all over….”
It is now.
Thousands of poor, deluded saps protesting, forlornly believing that by doing so, the climate will cease doing what it’s been doing ever since there’s been a climate. MSM all over it, but conveniently forget worldwide protests about Covid related restrictions on our liberty.
I’m glad that I won’t have to be a member of this sad, misguided lunatic society for too much longer.
Old, you’ve just added many years to your grand life, so join me in a tincture of your choice – online sadly, but you may not like my home-made elderberry hooch!
Singing for mother Earth! What pratts! May as well light a candle. Oh wait…
While the little Swedish doomgoblin dashes around the world blaming the West for all its ills, her own country – once the model of peaceful stability – descends into ever more crime and violence.
Sweden now has the highest rate of gun crime in Europe, and even bombings!
Who is behind the surge in crime? “Gangs” the Guardian tells us, which is code for Middle Eastern and African migrants, mostly muslim.
So much more fun to jump on trendy bandwagons than to confront unfashionable subjects like third world and islamic immigration that are destroying her country.
There is a character in Dickens called Mrs Jellyby, a ‘philanthropist’ who spends her time on worthy causes in distant Africa, while ignoring the needs of her own neighbourhood and family, who go unwashed and unfed.
Greta should be renamed Ms Jellyby.
Lenny Bruce once said (concerning the N* word – this was the early 60s) that it’s the suppression of the word that gives it the power to hurt (or worse, of course).
A lesson that never caught on very well.
To be fair, not going straight to a midweek Dave slot is quite an achievement.
BBC don’t do comedy. Simples .
Viewing figures are falling as I write.
Shamima Begum at The Apollo is their new hope.
Comedy is the new Orange.
Maybe a bit of GBH too.
How can they be ‘unwittingly become spokespeople’ when their ‘acts’ are centred on their skin colour?
Seems like a deliberate choice to be confrontational to me, straight out of the Gerald Ratner book of marketing.
Which is better?
1) He’s black and he hates me – I’m not keen on blacks.
2) He’s black, but he is funny. He is funny, and black. He is funny. Black people, no problem, some are quite funny.
Just a reminder of where our gas is coming from because we didn’t frack the Bowland Shale
I thought all Qatars gas had been forward bought by South East Asia ?
They should fly it here …
I know it’s not the BBC – but really …. “the chief correspondent” of Channel 4 News retweeting near incoherent SWP banner at Glasgow?
Wow, utter crap clearly written by a moron, designed to make lefties feel great, even though they have no clue either.
The banner is just saying give us all your money and stuff because you are stinking white people, it’s just a cash for crash scheme! If I were black or a brainwashed student I would probably join in why the hell not? BBC etc are with us so….Don’t ask, don’t get!
Next up, Bjork with dire warnings about ignoring Planet Waitrose.
Remember, it’s not the color of your skin that…. it is the ONLY THING THAT MATTERS!
You racist pig! Take the knee now! But try to avoid having your head lopped off by peacefuls looking to integrate.
Another one jumping on the climate change publicity bandwagon.
By ‘African voices’ he means ‘Me’
“New Soros-Backed Media Initiative is Led by Former Dem Strategist Who Targets ‘Right-Wing’ News, Aims to Regulate Social Media”
This. Is. Fine.
In similar fashion to the bbc in broadcast, The Economist once had a globally respected style guide.
This is going out in spectacular fashion.
Blonde media problems.
Her diverse chum in the Travelodge might still have some ice.
BBC local news
#1 “Hull Labour MP Diana Johnson says” something about fireworks
#2 Enviro campaigners had a protest today at Hull minster ..footage
#3 An eco-student in Stamford, Lincolnshire has been likened to Greta … video package
Council voted against her proposal saying people should drive 12 miles to recycling centre.
Football “it’s crap”
Weather “it’s crap”
(It was dark at 4pm here )
Good one, Speccie.
Yet every responsible, professional, account holding, public serving media outlet cannot get enough of her.
I used to live there
Warwick University is really in South Coventry
so they’ll be a lot of he vote.
Ha ha – what is a ‘throbber’ – sounds medical …
June… Timmeh!… Boris…forget Dacre; you have to make this little bundle of cuddly sane goodness head of OFCOm immediately.
Em that’s disgusting from Candice
whatever the outcome of Covid stuff
Gates is trying to save lives
and has succeeded a lot of the time.
@ StewGreen
I have a rather undeveloped sense of humour, but please reassure that you are joking.
This specimen should be thrown into the sea.
ITV local news “Here we are outside Yorkshire Cricket Club with the Heaven Can Help Us group”
Really ??? They were all carrying “Stand Up To Racism” placards
that indicates to me it was organised by the Marxists
#3 Climate Justice demo in Leeds Hull Sheffield
footage from Devonshire Green
Three seriously injured in knife attack on train in Germany
Syrian man
Motive ‘unclear’
Suffering from “psychological problems”.
Same old.
Headed to, or from, a city in Norway?
the island
And from which pack of lone wolves did he emerge from?
Is it just BBC subs are thick, or they stick any doofus on at the weekend?
“It’s too late.”
Three prominent climate activists from Ecuador, Tonga and the UK told BBC Newsnight what they thought about the COP26 climate conference.
Carl Benjamin correctly bemoaning the fact that the Conservatives are just carrying on with the Bairite legacy instead of fixing things.
“Grievous constitutional wounds the Blair government imposed on us remain unaddressed.”
Too true!
Blair. The nastiest MP we ever had.
All those kids being kicked into, then coming out of spurious unis with awful ‘degrees’, are now reaping the failure of a nasty leftie manipulator, who fiddled the books on unemployment to get them into any old ‘college’ for a few years, and then he could say that ‘Unemployment is down, and here we have so many brighter students’!
Now they Sellotape their pasty faces to the M25!
Good luck with that!
You voted for reform
You got “more of the same”
effing brilliant
Just a thought about the malarkey at Headingley, God’s cricket ground, one has only to watch a test match between England and Pakistan to see that there are an awful lot of the away teams supporters that dwell in the home country. The Green flags with the crescent are very prominent.
And Luton, funny that….
I’ve spent the day trying to remember if I ‘offended’ anyone in the past few years. If Michael Vaughn can get called out for a conversation (allegedly) from 10 years ago, and Ollie Robinson being investigated for tweets posted when he was 18, then everyone is fair game for being accused and sued for some ‘slight’ made a decade or more ago !
I did call someone a ‘selfish git’ , although I think that was my brother when he scoffed all the Quality Street one Christmas. Oh, and I did mention to a Chinese doctor (in all sincerity) that I thought he looked ill because he was a bit ‘yellow’, and then he said “L….. I’m Chinese ! ” duh ! Hope he doesn’t know where I live now !!!
Bris – you’d make a good catholic – all that pent up guilt 😎
I find it so ironic that the BBC’s token white Cricket expert is hoisted by his own pitard as he has been swiftly cancelled by hatey words he allegedly blurted out back in the day.
Michael should listen to his own advice he gave to BBC sport back in June this year regarding Ollie Robinson when he gave this Orwellian advice:- ‘He has to go away, learn and educate himself – and become a better person for it..’
What do the rape gangs get in this country ? no wonder they all come over here
Iranian man, 27, and his lover, 33, are sentenced to death for adultery even though his wife asked for clemency – because her father insisted on execution
Iran’s supreme court sentenced a man, 27, and his lover, 33, to death for adultery
The wife of the man had asked for clemency but her father insisted on execution
The middle eastern country executed 246 people last year under Sharia law
Wokes dragging us to Hell in a handcart
Now Biden DEFENDS migrant compensation payments he called ‘garbage’ three days ago: Says families separated at border ‘deserve some kind of compensation’ but has ‘no idea’ if it will be as much as $450,000
Biden was speaking at a press conference touting the passage of the $1.2trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill when he was asked about the payments
Biden was forceful in saying he would try to get payments to those families, criticizing former President Donald Trump’s border policy.
‘You deserve some kind of compensation, no matter what the circumstance,’ he said of separated families. ‘What that will be, I have no idea’
Last week it was revealed that officials from the Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services are considering payments
The American Civil Liberties Union, which represents the separated families, has identified about 5,500 children separated from parents at the border
The total potential payout could cost $1 billion or more
They seek a range of payouts, averaging $3.4 million per family, according to the WSJ.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, a Trump loyalist, said Tuesday he is ‘very, very concerned’ about the payments declaring them to be a ‘slap in the face’ with Americans themselves already struggling to make ends meet as inflation boosts the cost of living.
Has Whatsapp crashed again ?
Does anyone know why during the march at COP 26 in Glasgow, Palestine flags were being flown?
cos it’s a front being used by the radical socialists,
as usual
Cos all the lefties jump on all the leftie causes.
Because the World is full of nasty opportunist shits Wild Bill!
Biden finally admits he’s confused.
And as Biden the beneficent realises Putin is threatening Ukraine he sends the head of the CIA to warn Putin off, but Putin must be killing himself laughing at the Socialist dick heads who couldn’t even begin to fight a war against a large well armed determined opponent. no wonder a recent report into US combat effectiveness found all branches of the US military unfit to engage in combat of all but the most low level kind.
This is why:
I for one have given up on the USA as a credible country and therefore hope their demise is fast and thorough, they have infected the World with their totally crazy shit woke crap and their destruction can’t come to nicer people.
If it comes to a choice between the cartoon garbage trying to run the USA and the people behind Putin, I am with Putin 100%
Goodnight America nice knowing you!
We sleep peacefully in our beds at night because Corporal Emma has two mothers
Then there’s their latest trans Admiral who can’t decide what gender he/she/it is.
And General Milley who’s busy imposing Critical Race Theory on the armed forces, and trying to understand his “White Rage’, while colluding with the Chinese.
Has anyone, and I stress anyone or any institution carried out a final cost analysis of all power generation systems e.g. coal versus nuclear v wind v fairy dust?
I think this will never come to be.
All I keep hearing is that wind and solar are the cheapest – which I know to be BS….
We know this is BS
#1 They won’t give up FIT subsidies
#2 They won’t give up the priority market access rule
ie that wind/solar have first priority on the grid
and that gas, coal, biomass have to turn down i solar/wind appear.
Covid stats ..still very slowly downward
First day for a while of deaths being lower than last week
I would not believe any stats produced by any organisation that is anywhere near the NHS, they are simply manipulating stuff to drive their mantra now.
The folk locked up since Jan 6th ….
mods: any chance Rumble embeds…?
A dilemma that I doubt the BBC will report on
The Top Ten most read features on the BBC News Website do not include any features on COP26 or other Woke features. Laugh!
About smear group CCDH’s Facebook survey
Good site, Stew. Thanks for the link.
It is, of course, media award season, when they all give each other an award so they become ‘award winning’.
To put this in context, this used to be the gold standard.
Guess Who
Thev New York Times’ Wlalter Duranty is the Pulitzer Prize gold standard
Another Toenails hero?
“BBC journalism is ensuring no one gets to hear what we don’t want them to”.
Oh for this time next week. When COP will have ended, the protestors will be back in their bedrooms playing video games and the reporters wont be accosting the under 10’s in the street.
Or flying to the first place on their gap year round the world trip
New migrant tactics
See end of write-up for a related vid…..
The new choice for anyone who suffers from seasickness
lol, the most unrelated, agenda-based add-on I’ve seen for a long time.
This was only a small step away from hijacking.
aye …
I thought “wut?”
9:30am Sunday : Simon Webb Interview
History Debunked: Multiculturalism is Not Part of Britain’s History — So Why Do We Pretend It Was?
Live videos using have a live small message box discussion for you to participate in with your comments and questions
I know. Why in this country don’t we hear from/ have focus on people who have real ideas, of whom there are loads in this country!