Odd headline which always means the BBC are hiding the bit they don’t want the casual browser to know.
Sure enough they are illegal immigrants who faked an illness to get the plane diverted then made a break for it. Only the BBC could hide such a story behind such a benign headline.
I used to think John Major was the worst Prime Minister we ever had , but then along came Theresa May .
Many moons ago , the Germans started the Vignette system to charge foreign trucks that used their roads . The Benelux and Danes joined in the system . Fair enough , they hit back at other countries that charged them in one form or another .
But due to EU rules the Five had to charge everyone in the EU , even the UK , who charged no one .
We ended up being the only country that allowed any foreigner to wear out our roads without paying their “track costs ” . YOU paid for their use .
Now when it was put to the then Prime Minister John Major ( by an individual , not the Road Haulage Association or Freight Transport Association – Logistics UK ) about this iniquitous situation he replied ;
That British hauliers could pay the foreign tax because ;;;
Our corporation tax was lower than theirs
Our Social Costs were lower than theirs .
So in other words by not taxing ourselves we could pay a foreign tax , and by not having the same social benefits we could pay the foreigners social benefits .
That more sounds like a country under occupation than a free country .
Of course the BBC never asked John Major about that .
Listening to the BBC radio news the biggest story is a crush at a ‘concert ‘ in Texas in which half a dozen people died . And that happened yesterday . There are a few clues – such as the ‘concert ‘being for a ‘rap artist ‘ ….
Meanwhile the ‘Sunday religious ‘ programme had a feature about afgee refugees who have been inflicted on us ‘ rediscovering Islam’….
I went looking for a bit more information because I don’t trust the BBC one little bit to tell me the full story for anything which might be agenda based.
I found this video and saw something very strange. At point 01:08 a big black guy seems to throw someone over a barrier and then another black guy on the other side seems to take a kick at him as he walks past. They are both wearing the same clothes which means they are marshalls or something.
That story is massive. The Democrats tried to sabotage Trump with the most cynical of lies in a full Presidential election. Yet the BBC are treating it like a side-story.
It’s a much bigger deal that the Capitol riots. It’s a sign of how broken and corrupt ‘democracy’ has become. Both what they did and how they have been allowed to get away with it.
In any sane world, this revelation would now open up the election fraud can of worms.
I’m sure the hardline Iranian religious authorities are quaking in their sandals at the prospect of a man they clearly consider the husband of a spy starving himself to death in the streets of London.
Much as I feel for this man, I’m not sure how the rest of us are supposed to respond – support an invasion of Iran? That worked out so well in Iraq, Afghanistan….
The I would leave it a minute before going in there edition
Sunday, and we reflect on a week in which the Left and the Media (but I repeat myself) put up a veritable public firework display of their outraged righteous indignation over the apparent paid lobbying on behalf of some commercial companies by an obscure Tory MP.
And yet the notion that multinational big pharma might be influencing official government policies on lockdowns and vaccination boosters is an idea that those same righteous warriors want suppressed on the grounds of it being no more than the dangerous fever dream of denialism, typical of the crazed tin foil hat flat earth fraternity.
As for the vast sums of government lucre about to be shovel-ready dumped in the direction of the campaigning green blob/ industrial complex… well, screw any scrutiny there… Boris says: “it’s one minute to midnight on that doomsday clock and we need to act now” – and on this, remarkably for once, they are all, apparently, more than happy to believe him.
In oblique reference to just one of our current disputes with the French… how does that fishing expression go… hook, line and sinker.
But not quite: ‘Apocalypse-predicting Doomsday Clock is actually at 100 seconds to midnight – and NOT at one minute to midnight as Boris Johnson claims, scientists confirm‘ (Daily Mail)
But just a minute… these are not literal seconds, this is a metaphor, surely… scientists should know better.
‘The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists says there are multiple ‘end of days’ threats… The clock was set at 100 seconds to midnight in January for the second year. This is the closest it has been to doomsday since it launched 74 years ago. It had been at two minutes to midnight since 2017 in part due to climate change… They say ‘new norms of behaviour’ are needed to push the clock hands back‘
These people are quite simply bonkers. Atomic clock? I wouldn’t let them set the timer on my central heating system… although that’s exactly the sort of thing they dearly want to do for me.
Call me childish, but whenever I think of the word lobbying, I can’t help for some reason being reminded of Noel Edmunds and his pal Mr Blobby. You remember, that bulbous squishy pink bloke who would run on set squeeking unintelligibly and bumping into things. It’s all a bit like Reginald Perrin who would imagine a hippopotamus hurrying along, whenever he thought of his mother-in-law.
Here we go again… Blobby, blobby, blobby!
‘No booster… No hassle-free foreign travel‘ (The Mail on Sunday)
‘Why every mum should get jab‘ (Sunday People)
‘Get booster jabs so we can enjoy Christmas‘ (BBC)
Blobby, blobby, blobby!
Some print titles have other news…
‘My affair with the morgue monster‘ – no, not a late Halloween rendition of an Edgar Allan Poe short story, this is the Sunday Mirror headline for the tale of: ‘Nurse on “perfect gent” who wooed her‘ – you never hear real people wooing these days. Hey-ho, nurses, we banged our pots for them and we’re always told they’re heroes and all that – but don’t immediately trust their judgement – it is sometimes wise to seek a second opinion: ‘New call for inquiry at the horror hospital‘ – we’ll see how that goes.
‘Actor Idris Elba and his wife Sabrina, who are UN goodwill ambassadors, told a Cop26 audience in Glasgow yesterday, that African voices are “central to the solution of climate change”‘ (Observer) – meaning in practice, who knows what? Anyway, I thought our Idris was British, although he did a very good impression of an American when he starred as a drug gang kingpin in the HBO hit TV series The Wire. As did posh pal of David Cameron, Dominic West.
‘BBC licence fee frozen for two years “to tackle cost of living” ‘(Telegraph) – we’ll see how that goes. And how far the likes of the Today programme or Andy Marr can haul government ministers over the coals for it without blanching in shame?
‘I like to be provocative‘ comedienne Katherine Ryan tells the Observer. ‘Is nothing out of bounds for queen of comedy…?‘ our Guardian on Sunday ponders. Queen of Comedy might be putting it a bit strong. We here recall Robert De Niro and Jerry Lewis in that very interesting movie directed by Scorsese which explored the subject of toxic celebrity and fandom, The King of Comedy.
Personally, off the top of my head, I’d offer the crown to Catherine Tate. Sadly, Joan Rivers and Caroline Aherne, having left us for a better gig.
Digressing for a moment, on the subject of royalty, back to the Sunday newspapers: ‘Hitchens why I have just stopped supporting the Monarchy‘ (Mail) – I’m beginning to have my doubts these days, Pete.
One researches – so you don’t have to dear reader – our Katherine Ryan’s supposed controversy: ‘Katherine Ryan defends Mock The Week ‘Filipino’ joke that got her cancelled‘ (Metro September 2021)
‘...the 38-year-old presenter found herself in the firing line when an old joke resurfaced from her time on the show when, in response to the prompt ‘Unlikely lines from a cosmetics commercial’ she replied: ‘We don’t test any of our products on animals. We use Filipino children.’ – frankly that’s what used to be considered a left-leaning joke. That, my friends, is the sort of gag alternative stand ups such as Ben Elton who preferred to move on from mother-in-law material used to hammer home with his catchphrase line “A little bit of politics there”
‘Speaking to the Radio Times…‘, listen carefully, our Katherine knows her audience – or she used to in simpler times. ‘Katherine said: ‘What I was saying with that joke was that Western cultures present this pious image where they’re like oh, we don’t test products on animals‘
The Observer detects the whiff of Tory blood in the water: ‘Johnson sleaze crisis deepens amid pressure on Covid deals‘
Oh dear, why did it have to be Covid deals…! If only it were arms dealers they could turn their noses up at.
And finally: ‘Ministers accuse PM of leaving “toxic mess”‘ (Observer) – maybe it’s all that veggie grub Carrie has been feeding him? Anyway, get used to it… he’s certainly defecated all over the rest of us.
Our, “Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster”, fomenting dissent and conflict whatever they do. They need disruption and as much as they can get (or create). All part of the Western Media’s joint efforts to bring down Western democracy or at least injure it mortally. I think many are thoroughly pissed off with their daily Marxism, fortunately most see through it now.
BBC halts search for murdered schoolgirl Karen Hadaway’s clothes lost by Martin Bashir
BBC boss Tim Davie has told Michelle Hadaway the Corporation failed her
He said the BBC is unable to ‘shed any further light’ on what happened
Bashir persuaded Michelle to hand over Karen’s clothes, promising DNA tests
BBC boss Tim Davie has told the mother of a murdered schoolgirl that the Corporation has failed to find her daughter’s bloodied clothes after they were lost by rogue reporter Martin Bashir.
In a letter to Michelle Hadaway, seen by The Mail on Sunday, Mr Davie said the BBC is unable to ‘shed any further light’ on what happened to her daughter Karen’s clothes and that ‘little more can be done’ to find them.
He apologised on behalf of the Corporation and said it will urge Bashir to make a personal apology.
Amid mounting questions about Bashir’s conduct, Mr Davie, the BBC’s Director General, asked Paul Smith, a former head of editorial standards at BBC Radio, to launch a review into what happened during the 2004 investigation.
But the BBC has revealed the review was ‘hampered by the passage of time because some of those people spoken to could not recall being approached in 2004 and others cannot remember details of what they knew at the time’.
Panorama veteran wins compensation from BBC over Martin Bashir’s Princess Diana lies
The veteran BBC journalist Tom Mangold has won compensation from the Corporation after he was smeared for blowing the whistle on disgraced reporter Martin Bashir.
Mr Mangold and two colleagues from the Panorama programme warned their editor in December 1995 that Bashir had commissioned forged bank statements before his landmark interview with Princess Diana.
r Mangold’s concerns were dismissed at the time, with the BBC’s press office briefing newspapers that ‘jealous colleagues’ were trying to undermine Bashir. Mr Mangold said this was a smear against him.
Speaking to The Mail on Sunday, Mr Mangold said: ‘I have received a personal apology from the Director General.’
Ah… but the good thing is that they have not yet twigged that a growing number of people are now seeing through their partisan and 100% biased politicking.
The reputation of the BBC as an impartial public broadcaster is shoved further down the toilet every time they press their staff to engage in these left-wing murky offensives.
Sooner or later I predict that they will step over the line and do something that will bring their house of deceit crashing down. All it takes is one brave and true soul to jump ship, speak up and tell the troth about what goes on in their devious strategy meetings.
The UK public are paying the salary of what amounts to a bloody liability of a person, dishonest and inept to say the least.
I wonder what is keeping him employed ? would he have lasted if his last name was Smith ?
I can guarantee there will be thousands more inept shoehorned into employment at the expense of talented and experienced people.
I have seen it many times in local goverment with even their bosses admitting their bad timekeeping, incompetence, laziness and aggressiveness and rudeness to others when questioned about something they have not done.
That’s probably cos the BBC editor has done a huge hagiography piece about an Indian born northern LABOUR politician he calls black
and then tweeted it out to lots of people
“Ashok Kumar was the first black MP to represent the north-east of England in Parliament.”
“Thirty years after Kumar’s by-election win, BBC Politics North editor Michael Wild looks back at his career.”
FFS he only served a few months !
and “But his biggest personal struggle was over the Iraq war which he staunchly supported – against the wishes of many members of his own local party. In other contentious areas, like tuition fees, he also remained loyal to New Labour.”
Ah he got back in 5 years later
and served 13 years until he died in 2010
AFAIK he was born in India and had no African ancestry yet this BBC tweet
calls him “the first black MP to represent the North East in Parliament.
He overcame racism and personal tragedy to become one of Westminster’s most respected MPs. ”
Labour classed all brown as black ?
… https://twitter.com/BBCNEandCumbria/status/1457274416287596546
Modi’s re-election shows India has abandoned diversity and embraced Hindu-majority rule
The triumphant rise of Modi’s once-obscure party and collapse of the opposition means Muslims have reason to worry – India no longer embraces secularism and diversity
Aakar Patel
Aakar Patel
Published: 10:00am, 30 May, 2019
The Tories then pointed out they do have an Asian Northumberland councillor
For the benefit of any doubt or confusion this morning on BBC Sunday Politics Show, @N_landCouncil has it's first Asian Councillor Paul Ezhilchelvan (pronounced "Ez Hill Shell Van") my friend for over 30 yrs. He's also a town cllr in Cramlington @BBCRichardMoss@michael_wildbbcpic.twitter.com/TzHK9gW0gq
According to racial equality activist Richard Lapchick, the NBA in 2020 was composed of 74.2 percent black players, 16.9 percent white players, 2.2 percent Latino players of any race, and 0.4 percent Asian players.
“Through the black magic, witchcraft you are able to send a lightning bolt to strike someone, Can you explain that scientifically … ” @0:50 – one of the speakers
“It’s not true” – audience member
“I need to address you directly (audience member who says witchcraft does not work). When we started this we agreed on certain house rules. By you doing that (arguing) you are disrespecting that sacredness of this space. I would like you please first to apologise …” – another speaker
Sorry, Travis who ???? kids dying at any concert is a beyond tragic event, but watching a clip of this man holding his head (on Instagram) proffering his distress in an incoherent manner (with a little help ? ) just about sums up today’s music industry.
Bosses at one of the world’s biggest investment firms State Street will need to get special approval to hire white men as part of new diversity drive
State Street aims to triple number of black, Asian and other minority senior staff
Failure to meet target by 2023 will result in executives’ bonuses being lowered
The investment firm has 30 offices worldwide and employs 39,400 people
Recruiters must show that candidates have been interviewed by a diverse panel
BBC Media editor Amol Rajan has been commissioned to make a 2-part expose of the younger royals which should prove interesting for some.
Anxious to appear un-biased, our Amol is quick to confirm that he has no major problems with William, Kate, Harry, Edward et al but not so keen on ‘…other royals, particularly scientifically illiterate Prince Charles, who champions policies that would lead to the murder by starvation of millions of Africans…’
Noble sentiments indeed, for an unbiased media editor, but surely this means he must include Attenborough, Rowlatt, Harrabin, Monbiot, Gore, Carney and a host of similarly illiterate celebs with identical beliefs and policies beneath his critical eye?
The young blonde white one has just screwed the old white guys.
Unless we achieve immediate, drastic, unprecedented, annual emission cuts at the source then that means we’re failing when it comes to this climate crisis. “Small steps in the right direction”, “making some progress” or “winning slowly” equals loosing.#COP26#UprootTheSystem
Three Gorges Dam
When the Three Gorges Dam was built, 39 trillion kilograms of water from the Yangtze River built up behind it to 175 meters above sea level. This altered the Earth’s moment of inertia changed ever so slightly, causing the rotation to move more slowly.27 Mar 2014
Shukman highlighting COP26 headwear in Glasgow, in November – he missed one:
I feel he’s on the wrong sartorial track and is actually ignoring BBC guidelines on the matter in terms of officially sanctioned attire.
As an exercise in anamorphosis COP26 must be declared a success?
Anamorphosis is a distorted projection or perspective requiring the viewer to occupy a specific vantage point. This is a 2014 piece by Bernard Pras that transforms seemingly broken objects into a portrait of French postman and artist Ferdinand Cheval: https://t.co/vWbjh2OQBEpic.twitter.com/cQZemi11oD
Anamorphosis as art? Hmm…my son’s bedroom looks like that ALL the time! Like a burgled room, in fact. Perhaps, I could prevail upon Bernard Pras’ (sure there’s a ‘t’ missing here?)to comment on photos I could send him of this ‘creative controlled accident’. Never mind the ‘perspiration/inspiration’ ratio. This is ‘lived art! Of course, in line with the Post-modern aesthetic which allows alluring dead sharks, and soiled ladies’ knickers (Emin’s) to grace our exhibition spaces; my son’s chaotic bedroom should be a cert for the Turner Prize! Yay! …
As a rule, black people who’re happy with the skin they were born in seem to get on fine in the UK and any incidence of real racism here seems very rare. It’s the inadequates with low self esteem who’re constantly crying ‘racist’ when they don’t get things handed to them on a plate, who seem to suffer from (largely self inflicted) ‘bias’… am thinking the likes of David Lammy here.
At least that’s my experience, and I do have a number of black friends and acquaintances, who’ve all been pretty successful here in the UK, certainly no less so than me (a white, British male) and don’t want any part of the current race baiting drivel coming from the US. To be fair, some parts of the US do seem to still be extremely racist, but that’s their problem, not ours.
Tobias Elwood? The Governments current woes (Paterson) is merely a storm in a teacup. “The British Public want us to get back to doing what we have promised them”………………..
What’s that, Tobias, like stopping the invasion on the East Coast ? You bloody hypocrite/liar.
Why do I suspect this comely bbc exemplar get everything she wants?
Women are often excluded from decision-making in the communities most affected by climate change.@aaberhe says they need to be more involved as they come up with the most sustainable solutions https://t.co/cSOAkB8YQq
Unintentionally funny piece on world at one about nicuagua ? Which is having an election . The MSM is nt being allowed to monitor it – nor is anyone else .
It’s modeled on the US election ( but strangely the BBC mouth didn’t mention this )…
“Marched” … Two rough estimates by scholars of the numbers of just one group – black slaves held over twelve centuries in the Muslim world – are 11.5 million and 14 million, while other estimates indicate a number between 12 and 15 million African slaves prior to the 20th century.
I love that there is now a documentary about Four Seasons Total Landscaping. Kudos to them for seizing the opportunity – tho it’s only on MSNBC not ‘all the networks’ https://t.co/DBIO7NKljv
There is no conceivable way that the corporate media can report these facts or explain what they mean because they are key participants in the crime. While Clinton operatives are the ones being technically indicted, this is all really a gigantic indictment of the corporate press: https://t.co/oiuu47fzxY
I know that this isn’t really BBC relevant. But it could be. And
I am amazed that the BBC doesn’t realize it. Firstly is there
anybody in advertising out there? Maybe you could explain it
to at least 80% of us folk from the UK. What are adverts
supposed to make you want to do ? I may be naive , but I would
of thought that the main purpose would be that the manufacturers
of a product would like you to be shown a product so that
you will want to purchase it. Is that wrong? Or at least think about it. I reckon that advertising on TV is now the biggest turn off on the box . Please explain the reasons to me why I am
Foscari, UK advertising was at a big high point in the 1980s and early 1990s. What helped with the downfall? EU regulation influenced things a bit. London had its own Madison Avenues, many more than New York. But the real cause of the downfall was money.
The success of the UK agencies in print and broadcast media had attracted shed loads of cash. The agencies expanded like crazy. Direct a successful TV Commercial one week, direct a major feature film in Shepperton or Elstree next month. Come up with a snappy slogan one week, write a Booker Prize winning novel next month.
The ad agencies expanded like crazy and had money to burn. This made them attractive takeover targets in an industry sector famous for its takeovers. The Europeans and the Japanese wanted a slice of the action now that New York no longer ruled the roost and they bought up many of the UK ‘stars’, whether agencies or the creatives running or working for them. The decline and fall. Very sad.
Foscari, I forgot that I had a third ‘disrupter’ to suggest to you: that was the advent of ‘digital’. On-line has made advertising very difficult for some agencies, just listen to Martin Sorrell. Print media is in a decline of sorts although you wouldn’t know it looking at the Sunday newspapers on the web-site of our favourite (ahem!) broadcaster: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-the-papers-59194885, look at all the ‘supplements’. The nature of advertising has been changed by these additional outlets provided by on-line and I think the industry has found adapting very difficult.
Then there’s ‘wokery’ as another disrupter to the ad agency business. Mind you, the last really good TV advert that I watched on line was for a Bank and featured the BAME gent who actually became quite a star and ‘good fit’ for his role as a bank manager plus outside, in the street, some much loved 1960s cartoon characters, Top Cat and his gang. That was a good one. It is I think available round the U-bendChoob.
By the way, while we are talking advertising, have you watched the new John Lewis Christmas advert at all? What do you think?
Simple answer, advertisers are under the cosh of OFCOM who dictate what is acceptable, the actual advertisers have to fall into line to pacify their younger staff and to avoid getting blackballed to use an old but appropriate word.
Yes, the advertisements make me feel so marginalized and disadvantaged because I do not belong – like 90% of the English population – to a mixed race family. How should I presume to buy the same things as they do?
But suspicions of a secret agenda rose when Andrew Neather, a former government adviser and speech writer for Tony Blair, Jack Straw and David Blunkett, said the aim of Labour’s immigration strategy was to ‘rub the Right’s nose in diversity and render their arguments out of date’.
The Great Leap Forward (Second Five Year Plan) of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) was an economic and social campaign led by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) from 1958 to 1962. Chairman Mao Zedong launched the campaign to reconstruct the country from an agrarian economy into a communist society through the formation of people’s communes. Mao decreed increased efforts to multiply grain yields and bring industry to the countryside.
According to racial equality activist Richard Lapchick, the NBA in 2020 was composed of 74.2 percent black players, 16.9 percent white players, 2.2 percent Latino players of any race, and 0.4 percent Asian players.
“I don’t want my black child thinking she is not going to make it because she is black. What does her skin color have to do with how much work or her academic success? What does that have to do with anything." @dbonginopic.twitter.com/V8likKfQlb
— Unfiltered with Dan Bongino (@UnfilteredOnFox) November 7, 2021
In Africa albino (children) are sold to be murdered and their body parts used in witchcraft rituals, most of which seem to involve consuming them.
Once upon a time the BBC used to show documentaries that highlighted such practices… now they brush them under the carpet, or blame the sun and ‘climate change’, as often as not.
5:05pm “Now the War on Climate Change continues on Countryfile”
Now the onscreen here is Aneeshwar aged 6
“did you make this ?”
.. “No my dad did it ”
Here’s Steve Bagshaw giving Anesh an Award
“Now his parents .. his family are BBC Bitesize helping you live more sustainably”
Now some white girl eco-warrior infants
“The Green sector is set to boom”
Matt meets Aneeshwar who, at only 6-years-old, is one of the UK's youngest conservationists. Amazingly, the young, budding wildlife documentary filmmaker has already won a clutch of awards. #Countryfilepic.twitter.com/5IJBx7rhxN
Back in Warrington, Aneeshwar and his classmates are creating more wildlife habitats in their school grounds, including a new wildflower meadow and orchard. 🌷#Countryfile#PlantBritainpic.twitter.com/ZpV1o9U25T
Needless to say the BBC (a.k.a. the Militant Broadcast Tendency of the Labour Party) have taken up the subject from earliest opportunity this morning at 7 a.m. and again at 8 a.m. on the R4 News and were all over it again at 1 p.m. on the World this Weekend with Jonny Dymond. No prizes for guessing what the Westminster Hour will be leading on tonight on R4. Even Sir Keir Starmer leader of Labour on his sick bed (supposedly) has issued ‘ a Communiqué ‘ to the media: “The Conservative Party are corrupt.” Will the UK listen to Sir Keir? More importantly, will anyone listen to Sir Keir?
Has the sucker in charge of the Labour Party instead been ‘swinging the lead’ in true Union-stylee and really been off on a crafty holiday somewhere sunny while claiming ‘sick leave’? Conservative Party = Corrupt. Labour Party = Even More Corrupt. Perhaps those who watch the Andrew Marr show can advise me if that was an in person appearance by Sir Keir this morning. I hope Sir Keir hasn’t claimed a NI Refund and Sick Pay from the House of Commons. Perhaps Kathryn Stone will investigate?
I switched the sound off, I prefer to go back to battle with Talk Talk
I just spent 4.5 hours on the live chat with Talk Talk helping my 78 year old neighbour who they are flagrantly double charging
In August they offered him a renewal package of £60 per morning, but discounted down to £30
So he said yes
He gets his first bill they charged him £60
He phoned them up “look it’s supposed to be £30
They say no your Sky Sports is £35 the only way to get it cheaper is to spend another £20 on Now TV
so he pays that
He gets the second bill they’ve taken another £60
They say “yep computer says”
He phones them look “I’ve paid £80 too much now”
I come in
They say you don’t have proof of contract do you
I say hang on just let me look in his email trash
“Yes here it is £60 discounted to £30”
They say “yeh but yeh for 2 hours”
Then finally agree to refund the £80 excess charges
but then say they can’t supply Sky Sports anymore
Why “Well we switched it off when he shouted about the price ..and he agreed to that, and now we don’t have the facility to switch it back on EVER”
I did go back to battling with TalkTalk except they wanted every security detail under the sun when the old guy couldn’t remember his Pword.. and then told me to phone tomw anyway
I know this is not bbbc related but, living abroad my relatives often get me various retail outlet vouchers so I can use them when I can get to the UK. Well, I have £75 worth of Sainsbury’s vouchers some from the Christmas before last, be in the UK tomorrow so thought I’d peruse the Tu catalogue for clothes. Amazing how many dusky models there are. At least 3 to every whitey.
When black peple get the upper hand : what we have to look forward to ?
Xenophobic Attacks on Foreign Nationals
South Africa continued to be plagued by widespread incidents of xenophobic harassment and attacks against foreigners by mobs during 2020.The attacks and harassment were also committed by government and law enforcement officials. Non-nationals have also been harassed verbally and physically by South Africans for being foreign and not using local languages in their daily interactions. A common and hurtful insult thrown at foreigners is the label “kwerekwere,” a derogatory slang used by Black South Africans to mean “foreigner.”
Government and law enforcement officials throughout the country not only largely failed to ensure justice for xenophobic violence, but also operated in discriminatory and abusive ways against non-nationals. Some officials exacerbated xenophobia through inciteful rhetoric, while the South African Police Service (SAPS) and Metro Police used counterfeit goods raids as a cover to target foreign-owned shops and businesses. During the raids, police officers beat foreign shop owners and fired tear gas and rubber bullets at them. Ransacking and destroying their shops. Victims in the Johannesburg Central Business District and Diepsloot alleged that the police then resold confiscated goods back to them.
In coordination with the Department of Home Affairs (DHA), police conducted abusive “documentation raids” in areas where many non-nationals reside, including by entering foreigners’ homes to verify documents and legal status while administering beatings.
While the 2019 National Action Plan to combat xenophobia, racism, and discrimination marked an important step toward recognizing and addressing these abuses, it has not ensured accountability for xenophobic crimes.
Women’s Rights
South Africa is facing a crisis of gender-based violence (GBV). In April, Police Minister Bheki Cele noted that police registered over 2,300 complaints of gender-based violence between March 27 to March 31, 2020, during the lockdown implemented to reduce the spread of the coronavirus.
In June 2020, following protests against the murder of Tshegofatso Pule, a 28-year-old woman whose body was found dumped in Soweto, Johannesburg, President Ramaphosa acknowledged that South Africa had among the highest levels of intimate partner violence in the world. As much as 51 percent of South African women have experienced violence at the hands of someone with whom they were in an intimate relationship. He described violence against girls and women as South Africa’s “second pandemic,” after the coronavirus, and called on residents to end the culture of silence around gender-based violence and report perpetrators to the SAPS.
In September, Ramaphosa said three bills to amend the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters), Criminal and Related Matters Act, and the Domestic Violence Act had been introduced in parliament to “fill the gaps that allow perpetrators of these crimes to evade justice and to give full effect to the rights of our country’s women and children.” He said that a public register of sex offenders with all relevant details would also be introduced. Civil society organizations have expressed concerns that GBV victims faced worsening violence and the inability to access help under the lockdown
South Africa continues to criminalize sex work and prohibit other aspects of sex work. This includes criminalizing running or owning a brothel, living off of the earnings of “prostitution,” and enticing a woman into “prostitution.” Criminalization has undermined sex workers’ access to justice for crimes committed against them and exposed them to unchecked abuse and exploitation by law enforcement officials, including police officers. Although the Department of Health’s National Strategic Plan on HIV for Sex Workers is grounded in respect for the human rights of sex workers, criminalization hinders sex workers’ efforts to access health care, including HIV prevention, treatment, care and support.
In October 2020, South Africa’s Department of Social Development said it has failed sex workers by not providing them with services such as counselling, safety and security and giving them other options to opt-out of sex work when they wish to do so. Deputy Minister of Social Development Hendrietta Bogopane-Zulu committed to elevating sex workers’ issues. Some government departments expressed support for the decriminalization of sex work to assist sex workers to access all government services and reduce their victimization and exposure to violence.
South African bikers protest against attacks on farmers
Updated: 29/08/2020
Thousands of bikers across the country have converged at the Union Buildings in Pretoria in protest against farm attacks and racism in South Africa.
Dozens of predominantly white farmers are killed in crime-plagued South Africa every year, and police statistics show that 49 murders occurred on farms in the 12 months leading up to April.
Wearing face masks and with placards plastered to their vehicles, the protesting farmers drove in a long convoy which is about 220 kilometres (135 miles) north of Johannesburg.
A small group of farmers, including children, stepped out of their vehicles and held up their arms crossed in an “X”, symbolising their call for an end to the attacks.
The farmers want improved police security and better prosecution rates for crimes relating to farm attacks.
AfriForum, a pressure group that advocates on behalf of the country’s nine percent white population, said 216 attacks have been recorded so far this year, 26 of which were murders.
The group said the assaults and murders are not only targeting whites, but also black people and Indians
Anti-White and anti-Indian bigotry in South Africa: The racism that does not attract the world’s condemnation
The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), a key opposition party in South Africa and the offshoot of the ANC, has similarly been accused of perpetuating racial inequities and creating fissures within the society.
No you didn’t plant 250 trees per acre, without wasting a lot
You can’t get 250 proper trees in that space.
In Devon, 8 farms are participating in a silvopasture trial studying the impact of integrating trees into livestock grazing systems. In total, they have planted 25,000 trees across 100 acres of land.#Countryfile#PlantBritainpic.twitter.com/9k6CucbhFu
As they are never questioned in the lefty world they just say what they like as they know that they will be publishing it without any come back. Pure propaganda in action. Rather like the old Soviet’s bragging about tractor production by showing the same bit of film over and over for years.
It comes amid growing concern that the government is seeking to “rebalance” the boards of public bodies – particularly in the arts, heritage and broadcasting sectors – by appointing allies and blocking critics, in part to help it fight “culture wars”.
The Tory party co-chair Oliver Dowden last month caused anger when he pledged to pick a new chair for the Charity Commission who would “reset the balance” after Dowden said some charities had been “hijacked by a vocal minority seeking to burnish their woke credentials”.
year, the regulator cleared the National Trust of breaching its charitable objectives in examining links between its properties and histories of colonialism and slavery, including Winston Churchill’s house at Chartwell.
6:15pm BBC “See Climate Change on Trial on Iplayer”
Countryfile had the propaganda turned way past 11
” @BBCCountryfile’s #PlantBritain special,
talking about the importance of trees for helping wildlife
and tackling #ClimateChange”
Craven was chainsawing trees to make his Countryfile calendars
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/crknjgrd3geo ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3d8n140mpjo An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump https://www.bbc.com/news/live/cg4k2l204zqt Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOR8NhL09JQ&ab_channel=TheNewCultureForum
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
People who design Ads are generally the most intelligent, inventive and brave people.
Palma de Mallorca: Fleeing passengers shut down busy Spanish airport
Odd headline which always means the BBC are hiding the bit they don’t want the casual browser to know.
Sure enough they are illegal immigrants who faked an illness to get the plane diverted then made a break for it. Only the BBC could hide such a story behind such a benign headline.
I used to think John Major was the worst Prime Minister we ever had , but then along came Theresa May .
Many moons ago , the Germans started the Vignette system to charge foreign trucks that used their roads . The Benelux and Danes joined in the system . Fair enough , they hit back at other countries that charged them in one form or another .
But due to EU rules the Five had to charge everyone in the EU , even the UK , who charged no one .
We ended up being the only country that allowed any foreigner to wear out our roads without paying their “track costs ” . YOU paid for their use .
Now when it was put to the then Prime Minister John Major ( by an individual , not the Road Haulage Association or Freight Transport Association – Logistics UK ) about this iniquitous situation he replied ;
That British hauliers could pay the foreign tax because ;;;
Our corporation tax was lower than theirs
Our Social Costs were lower than theirs .
So in other words by not taxing ourselves we could pay a foreign tax , and by not having the same social benefits we could pay the foreigners social benefits .
That more sounds like a country under occupation than a free country .
Of course the BBC never asked John Major about that .
I think you are being a bit unfair on Gordon Brown there Nibor.
And I think you’re not giving Tony Blair enough credit there JohnC!
Well, we can debate second place but I think everybody agrees that Theresa May was the worst prime minister this country has ever had.
Right down to the bitter resignation speech where the only thing missing was ‘so f*ck you’ at the very end.
Can’t really argue with that John, you make a good point.
“…the BBC never asked John Major about that>”
And he never asked us. A proud tradition continued by governments of all stripes.
He’s all they have. And can make Chris seem colourful.
How very unsurprising that the weasely Mason was given the job of unloading this pile of unicorn poo too!
Listening to the BBC radio news the biggest story is a crush at a ‘concert ‘ in Texas in which half a dozen people died . And that happened yesterday . There are a few clues – such as the ‘concert ‘being for a ‘rap artist ‘ ….
Meanwhile the ‘Sunday religious ‘ programme had a feature about afgee refugees who have been inflicted on us ‘ rediscovering Islam’….
Off switch …
I went looking for a bit more information because I don’t trust the BBC one little bit to tell me the full story for anything which might be agenda based.
I found this video and saw something very strange. At point 01:08 a big black guy seems to throw someone over a barrier and then another black guy on the other side seems to take a kick at him as he walks past. They are both wearing the same clothes which means they are marshalls or something.
I’ve watched it 10 times and still can’t work out what was going on.
I have posted this before ………
How long has Boris and his dodgy cabinet got to go?
I actually find the Twitter Maxi’s efforts fun too.
Is she saying that black people like to live among trees ?.
That’s a bit racist isn’t it ?.
Or that they chop them all down because they don’t care about the environment?
Maybe that nuke was trying a stern manoeuvre?
Next up the USS Paedo …..imagine the stick you’d get serving on that boat ….
One of my fave movies is ‘Operation Petticoat’.
The remake will be a worry.
I wonder if they dare use ‘Martin Luther King’.
They know full well what he got up to even though the shameless hypocrites keep quiet about it because he’s black.
There going to name one for a racial rights leader USS Chocolate Milk!
That story is massive. The Democrats tried to sabotage Trump with the most cynical of lies in a full Presidential election. Yet the BBC are treating it like a side-story.
It’s a much bigger deal that the Capitol riots. It’s a sign of how broken and corrupt ‘democracy’ has become. Both what they did and how they have been allowed to get away with it.
In any sane world, this revelation would now open up the election fraud can of worms.
There is nothing about this that makes any coherent sense.
Perfect for Peroxide Cougar hour.
I have always had a queasy feeling about the BBC’s one-eye-open relationship in all of this.
I’m sure the hardline Iranian religious authorities are quaking in their sandals at the prospect of a man they clearly consider the husband of a spy starving himself to death in the streets of London.
Much as I feel for this man, I’m not sure how the rest of us are supposed to respond – support an invasion of Iran? That worked out so well in Iraq, Afghanistan….
Given what we know about how far Lefties like the BBC are prepared to go when it suits them, there is a good chance justice has already been served.
Lots of free pumpkins on the back!
The I would leave it a minute before going in there edition
Sunday, and we reflect on a week in which the Left and the Media (but I repeat myself) put up a veritable public firework display of their outraged righteous indignation over the apparent paid lobbying on behalf of some commercial companies by an obscure Tory MP.
And yet the notion that multinational big pharma might be influencing official government policies on lockdowns and vaccination boosters is an idea that those same righteous warriors want suppressed on the grounds of it being no more than the dangerous fever dream of denialism, typical of the crazed tin foil hat flat earth fraternity.
As for the vast sums of government lucre about to be shovel-ready dumped in the direction of the campaigning green blob/ industrial complex… well, screw any scrutiny there… Boris says: “it’s one minute to midnight on that doomsday clock and we need to act now” – and on this, remarkably for once, they are all, apparently, more than happy to believe him.
In oblique reference to just one of our current disputes with the French… how does that fishing expression go… hook, line and sinker.
But not quite: ‘Apocalypse-predicting Doomsday Clock is actually at 100 seconds to midnight – and NOT at one minute to midnight as Boris Johnson claims, scientists confirm‘ (Daily Mail)
But just a minute… these are not literal seconds, this is a metaphor, surely… scientists should know better.
‘The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists says there are multiple ‘end of days’ threats… The clock was set at 100 seconds to midnight in January for the second year. This is the closest it has been to doomsday since it launched 74 years ago. It had been at two minutes to midnight since 2017 in part due to climate change… They say ‘new norms of behaviour’ are needed to push the clock hands back‘
These people are quite simply bonkers. Atomic clock? I wouldn’t let them set the timer on my central heating system… although that’s exactly the sort of thing they dearly want to do for me.
Call me childish, but whenever I think of the word lobbying, I can’t help for some reason being reminded of Noel Edmunds and his pal Mr Blobby. You remember, that bulbous squishy pink bloke who would run on set squeeking unintelligibly and bumping into things. It’s all a bit like Reginald Perrin who would imagine a hippopotamus hurrying along, whenever he thought of his mother-in-law.
Here we go again… Blobby, blobby, blobby!
‘No booster… No hassle-free foreign travel‘ (The Mail on Sunday)
‘Why every mum should get jab‘ (Sunday People)
‘Get booster jabs so we can enjoy Christmas‘ (BBC)
Blobby, blobby, blobby!
Some print titles have other news…
‘My affair with the morgue monster‘ – no, not a late Halloween rendition of an Edgar Allan Poe short story, this is the Sunday Mirror headline for the tale of: ‘Nurse on “perfect gent” who wooed her‘ – you never hear real people wooing these days. Hey-ho, nurses, we banged our pots for them and we’re always told they’re heroes and all that – but don’t immediately trust their judgement – it is sometimes wise to seek a second opinion: ‘New call for inquiry at the horror hospital‘ – we’ll see how that goes.
‘Actor Idris Elba and his wife Sabrina, who are UN goodwill ambassadors, told a Cop26 audience in Glasgow yesterday, that African voices are “central to the solution of climate change”‘ (Observer) – meaning in practice, who knows what? Anyway, I thought our Idris was British, although he did a very good impression of an American when he starred as a drug gang kingpin in the HBO hit TV series The Wire. As did posh pal of David Cameron, Dominic West.
‘BBC licence fee frozen for two years “to tackle cost of living” ‘(Telegraph) – we’ll see how that goes. And how far the likes of the Today programme or Andy Marr can haul government ministers over the coals for it without blanching in shame?
‘I like to be provocative‘ comedienne Katherine Ryan tells the Observer. ‘Is nothing out of bounds for queen of comedy…?‘ our Guardian on Sunday ponders. Queen of Comedy might be putting it a bit strong. We here recall Robert De Niro and Jerry Lewis in that very interesting movie directed by Scorsese which explored the subject of toxic celebrity and fandom, The King of Comedy.
Personally, off the top of my head, I’d offer the crown to Catherine Tate. Sadly, Joan Rivers and Caroline Aherne, having left us for a better gig.
Digressing for a moment, on the subject of royalty, back to the Sunday newspapers: ‘Hitchens why I have just stopped supporting the Monarchy‘ (Mail) – I’m beginning to have my doubts these days, Pete.
One researches – so you don’t have to dear reader – our Katherine Ryan’s supposed controversy: ‘Katherine Ryan defends Mock The Week ‘Filipino’ joke that got her cancelled‘ (Metro September 2021)
‘...the 38-year-old presenter found herself in the firing line when an old joke resurfaced from her time on the show when, in response to the prompt ‘Unlikely lines from a cosmetics commercial’ she replied: ‘We don’t test any of our products on animals. We use Filipino children.’ – frankly that’s what used to be considered a left-leaning joke. That, my friends, is the sort of gag alternative stand ups such as Ben Elton who preferred to move on from mother-in-law material used to hammer home with his catchphrase line “A little bit of politics there”
‘Speaking to the Radio Times…‘, listen carefully, our Katherine knows her audience – or she used to in simpler times. ‘Katherine said: ‘What I was saying with that joke was that Western cultures present this pious image where they’re like oh, we don’t test products on animals‘
The Observer detects the whiff of Tory blood in the water: ‘Johnson sleaze crisis deepens amid pressure on Covid deals‘
Oh dear, why did it have to be Covid deals…! If only it were arms dealers they could turn their noses up at.
And finally: ‘Ministers accuse PM of leaving “toxic mess”‘ (Observer) – maybe it’s all that veggie grub Carrie has been feeding him? Anyway, get used to it… he’s certainly defecated all over the rest of us.
“A recognised refugee”
“Germany: Muslim ‘refugee’ stabs three people on train, has ‘psychological problems’”
More, “psychological problems”. A Worldwide condition.
Was he known to the police and security service?
He’s probably been on the deradicalisation course……………..
Par for the ‘course’
The deradicalization course was probably where he learnt to do it.
Our, “Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster”, fomenting dissent and conflict whatever they do. They need disruption and as much as they can get (or create). All part of the Western Media’s joint efforts to bring down Western democracy or at least injure it mortally. I think many are thoroughly pissed off with their daily Marxism, fortunately most see through it now.
Interesting area to get into. Nudge, nudge.
I’m with Bob.
Encouraging … ‘Bonkers’ NHS Charities advert that shows ‘Santa being struck down by coronavirus’ before medics save him is condemned by critics for ‘upsetting children’ and ‘looking for reasons to make this Christmas worse’
Another interesting difference between the bbc and humans is the approach to humour.
They now have HIGNFY, BBC 3 and Nish.
” … interesting difference between the bbc and humans”
Imagine the righteous indignation from e.g. Mateless – “Are you accusing me of being non-human?”
Channeling her inner Cathy?
The double-bagged sag is in a permanent state of faux dudgeon, so imagining it is easy.
“Teflon” Bashir again ?????
BBC halts search for murdered schoolgirl Karen Hadaway’s clothes lost by Martin Bashir
BBC boss Tim Davie has told Michelle Hadaway the Corporation failed her
He said the BBC is unable to ‘shed any further light’ on what happened
Bashir persuaded Michelle to hand over Karen’s clothes, promising DNA tests
BBC boss Tim Davie has told the mother of a murdered schoolgirl that the Corporation has failed to find her daughter’s bloodied clothes after they were lost by rogue reporter Martin Bashir.
In a letter to Michelle Hadaway, seen by The Mail on Sunday, Mr Davie said the BBC is unable to ‘shed any further light’ on what happened to her daughter Karen’s clothes and that ‘little more can be done’ to find them.
He apologised on behalf of the Corporation and said it will urge Bashir to make a personal apology.
Amid mounting questions about Bashir’s conduct, Mr Davie, the BBC’s Director General, asked Paul Smith, a former head of editorial standards at BBC Radio, to launch a review into what happened during the 2004 investigation.
But the BBC has revealed the review was ‘hampered by the passage of time because some of those people spoken to could not recall being approached in 2004 and others cannot remember details of what they knew at the time’.
Teflon Bashir again…
Panorama veteran wins compensation from BBC over Martin Bashir’s Princess Diana lies
The veteran BBC journalist Tom Mangold has won compensation from the Corporation after he was smeared for blowing the whistle on disgraced reporter Martin Bashir.
Mr Mangold and two colleagues from the Panorama programme warned their editor in December 1995 that Bashir had commissioned forged bank statements before his landmark interview with Princess Diana.
r Mangold’s concerns were dismissed at the time, with the BBC’s press office briefing newspapers that ‘jealous colleagues’ were trying to undermine Bashir. Mr Mangold said this was a smear against him.
Speaking to The Mail on Sunday, Mr Mangold said: ‘I have received a personal apology from the Director General.’
Ah… but the good thing is that they have not yet twigged that a growing number of people are now seeing through their partisan and 100% biased politicking.
The reputation of the BBC as an impartial public broadcaster is shoved further down the toilet every time they press their staff to engage in these left-wing murky offensives.
Sooner or later I predict that they will step over the line and do something that will bring their house of deceit crashing down. All it takes is one brave and true soul to jump ship, speak up and tell the troth about what goes on in their devious strategy meetings.
There is no such thing as too big to fail!
The UK public are paying the salary of what amounts to a bloody liability of a person, dishonest and inept to say the least.
I wonder what is keeping him employed ? would he have lasted if his last name was Smith ?
I can guarantee there will be thousands more inept shoehorned into employment at the expense of talented and experienced people.
I have seen it many times in local goverment with even their bosses admitting their bad timekeeping, incompetence, laziness and aggressiveness and rudeness to others when questioned about something they have not done.
Politics north this morning.
Apparently the number of councillors does not represent the percentage of minority groups.
Question 2. Why so few ‘right wing councillors?
That’s probably cos the BBC editor has done a huge hagiography piece about an Indian born northern LABOUR politician he calls black
and then tweeted it out to lots of people
“Ashok Kumar was the first black MP to represent the north-east of England in Parliament.”
“Thirty years after Kumar’s by-election win, BBC Politics North editor Michael Wild looks back at his career.”
FFS he only served a few months !
and “But his biggest personal struggle was over the Iraq war which he staunchly supported – against the wishes of many members of his own local party. In other contentious areas, like tuition fees, he also remained loyal to New Labour.”
Ah he got back in 5 years later
and served 13 years until he died in 2010
AFAIK he was born in India and had no African ancestry yet this BBC tweet
calls him “the first black MP to represent the North East in Parliament.
He overcame racism and personal tragedy to become one of Westminster’s most respected MPs. ”
Labour classed all brown as black ?
… https://twitter.com/BBCNEandCumbria/status/1457274416287596546
Modi’s re-election shows India has abandoned diversity and embraced Hindu-majority rule
The triumphant rise of Modi’s once-obscure party and collapse of the opposition means Muslims have reason to worry – India no longer embraces secularism and diversity
Aakar Patel
Aakar Patel
Published: 10:00am, 30 May, 2019
The Tories then pointed out they do have an Asian Northumberland councillor
According to racial equality activist Richard Lapchick, the NBA in 2020 was composed of 74.2 percent black players, 16.9 percent white players, 2.2 percent Latino players of any race, and 0.4 percent Asian players.
“Through the black magic, witchcraft you are able to send a lightning bolt to strike someone, Can you explain that scientifically … ” @0:50 – one of the speakers
“It’s not true” – audience member
“I need to address you directly (audience member who says witchcraft does not work). When we started this we agreed on certain house rules. By you doing that (arguing) you are disrespecting that sacredness of this space. I would like you please first to apologise …” – another speaker
Sorry, Travis who ???? kids dying at any concert is a beyond tragic event, but watching a clip of this man holding his head (on Instagram) proffering his distress in an incoherent manner (with a little help ? ) just about sums up today’s music industry.
Woke racism at its finest:
Bosses at one of the world’s biggest investment firms State Street will need to get special approval to hire white men as part of new diversity drive
State Street aims to triple number of black, Asian and other minority senior staff
Failure to meet target by 2023 will result in executives’ bonuses being lowered
The investment firm has 30 offices worldwide and employs 39,400 people
Recruiters must show that candidates have been interviewed by a diverse panel
This is the actual defenition of racism in action, I have sent them an email about this, it is so disgusting (contact us State Street)
I sincerely hope this organisation collapses and they all lose their jobs
BBC Media editor Amol Rajan has been commissioned to make a 2-part expose of the younger royals which should prove interesting for some.
Anxious to appear un-biased, our Amol is quick to confirm that he has no major problems with William, Kate, Harry, Edward et al but not so keen on ‘…other royals, particularly scientifically illiterate Prince Charles, who champions policies that would lead to the murder by starvation of millions of Africans…’
Noble sentiments indeed, for an unbiased media editor, but surely this means he must include Attenborough, Rowlatt, Harrabin, Monbiot, Gore, Carney and a host of similarly illiterate celebs with identical beliefs and policies beneath his critical eye?
The Triumverate of Irrelevance tries to drum up double figures again.
The young blonde white one has just screwed the old white guys.
Pocahontas Rowlatt set to pull a Lizzy Warren?
Three Gorges Dam
When the Three Gorges Dam was built, 39 trillion kilograms of water from the Yangtze River built up behind it to 175 meters above sea level. This altered the Earth’s moment of inertia changed ever so slightly, causing the rotation to move more slowly.27 Mar 2014
So how many days will there be in the year?
“Time to Sober Up”?
Shukman highlighting COP26 headwear in Glasgow, in November – he missed one:
I feel he’s on the wrong sartorial track and is actually ignoring BBC guidelines on the matter in terms of officially sanctioned attire.
As an exercise in anamorphosis COP26 must be declared a success?
Anamorphosis as art? Hmm…my son’s bedroom looks like that ALL the time! Like a burgled room, in fact. Perhaps, I could prevail upon Bernard Pras’ (sure there’s a ‘t’ missing here?)to comment on photos I could send him of this ‘creative controlled accident’. Never mind the ‘perspiration/inspiration’ ratio. This is ‘lived art! Of course, in line with the Post-modern aesthetic which allows alluring dead sharks, and soiled ladies’ knickers (Emin’s) to grace our exhibition spaces; my son’s chaotic bedroom should be a cert for the Turner Prize! Yay! …
You’ve obviously not stood in the correct place to appreciate the art?
As a rule, black people who’re happy with the skin they were born in seem to get on fine in the UK and any incidence of real racism here seems very rare. It’s the inadequates with low self esteem who’re constantly crying ‘racist’ when they don’t get things handed to them on a plate, who seem to suffer from (largely self inflicted) ‘bias’… am thinking the likes of David Lammy here.
At least that’s my experience, and I do have a number of black friends and acquaintances, who’ve all been pretty successful here in the UK, certainly no less so than me (a white, British male) and don’t want any part of the current race baiting drivel coming from the US. To be fair, some parts of the US do seem to still be extremely racist, but that’s their problem, not ours.
Tobias Elwood? The Governments current woes (Paterson) is merely a storm in a teacup. “The British Public want us to get back to doing what we have promised them”………………..
What’s that, Tobias, like stopping the invasion on the East Coast ? You bloody hypocrite/liar.
Why do I suspect this comely bbc exemplar get everything she wants?
Unintentionally funny piece on world at one about nicuagua ? Which is having an election . The MSM is nt being allowed to monitor it – nor is anyone else .
It’s modeled on the US election ( but strangely the BBC mouth didn’t mention this )…
This is what gets the ambitious young pol wall to wall BBC platforms.
“Marched” … Two rough estimates by scholars of the numbers of just one group – black slaves held over twelve centuries in the Muslim world – are 11.5 million and 14 million, while other estimates indicate a number between 12 and 15 million African slaves prior to the 20th century.
Why is that statue still standing?
Sopes on the kind of story he loves.
Glenn on Sopes.
English never cease to amaze me.
“Family of man who invaded the pitch at Wales v South Africa say he’s received death threats”
Probably no such luck in Rotherham, Telford and other places where the locals rape children.
I know that this isn’t really BBC relevant. But it could be. And
I am amazed that the BBC doesn’t realize it. Firstly is there
anybody in advertising out there? Maybe you could explain it
to at least 80% of us folk from the UK. What are adverts
supposed to make you want to do ? I may be naive , but I would
of thought that the main purpose would be that the manufacturers
of a product would like you to be shown a product so that
you will want to purchase it. Is that wrong? Or at least think about it. I reckon that advertising on TV is now the biggest turn off on the box . Please explain the reasons to me why I am
Foscari, UK advertising was at a big high point in the 1980s and early 1990s. What helped with the downfall? EU regulation influenced things a bit. London had its own Madison Avenues, many more than New York. But the real cause of the downfall was money.
The success of the UK agencies in print and broadcast media had attracted shed loads of cash. The agencies expanded like crazy. Direct a successful TV Commercial one week, direct a major feature film in Shepperton or Elstree next month. Come up with a snappy slogan one week, write a Booker Prize winning novel next month.
The ad agencies expanded like crazy and had money to burn. This made them attractive takeover targets in an industry sector famous for its takeovers. The Europeans and the Japanese wanted a slice of the action now that New York no longer ruled the roost and they bought up many of the UK ‘stars’, whether agencies or the creatives running or working for them. The decline and fall. Very sad.
Foscari, I forgot that I had a third ‘disrupter’ to suggest to you: that was the advent of ‘digital’. On-line has made advertising very difficult for some agencies, just listen to Martin Sorrell. Print media is in a decline of sorts although you wouldn’t know it looking at the Sunday newspapers on the web-site of our favourite (ahem!) broadcaster: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-the-papers-59194885, look at all the ‘supplements’. The nature of advertising has been changed by these additional outlets provided by on-line and I think the industry has found adapting very difficult.
Then there’s ‘wokery’ as another disrupter to the ad agency business. Mind you, the last really good TV advert that I watched on line was for a Bank and featured the BAME gent who actually became quite a star and ‘good fit’ for his role as a bank manager plus outside, in the street, some much loved 1960s cartoon characters, Top Cat and his gang. That was a good one. It is I think available round the U-bendChoob.
By the way, while we are talking advertising, have you watched the new John Lewis Christmas advert at all? What do you think?
Simple answer, advertisers are under the cosh of OFCOM who dictate what is acceptable, the actual advertisers have to fall into line to pacify their younger staff and to avoid getting blackballed to use an old but appropriate word.
digg, think you mean the ASA, Advertising Standards Authority, not OFCOM.
Yes, the advertisements make me feel so marginalized and disadvantaged because I do not belong – like 90% of the English population – to a mixed race family. How should I presume to buy the same things as they do?
Labour threw open the doors to mass migration in a deliberate policy to change the social make-up of the UK, secret papers suggest.
A draft report from the Cabinet Office shows that ministers wanted to ‘maximise the contribution’ of migrants to their ‘social objectives’.
The number of foreigners allowed in the UK increased by as much as 50 per cent in the wake of the report, written in 2000.
But suspicions of a secret agenda rose when Andrew Neather, a former government adviser and speech writer for Tony Blair, Jack Straw and David Blunkett, said the aim of Labour’s immigration strategy was to ‘rub the Right’s nose in diversity and render their arguments out of date’.
The Great Leap Forward (Second Five Year Plan) of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) was an economic and social campaign led by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) from 1958 to 1962. Chairman Mao Zedong launched the campaign to reconstruct the country from an agrarian economy into a communist society through the formation of people’s communes. Mao decreed increased efforts to multiply grain yields and bring industry to the countryside.
Mosques have few whites – let us liberate it!
According to racial equality activist Richard Lapchick, the NBA in 2020 was composed of 74.2 percent black players, 16.9 percent white players, 2.2 percent Latino players of any race, and 0.4 percent Asian players.
9pm-10:30pm BBC4 doco “Truman Capote and Tennessee Williams — gay outsiders linked by a fragile bond”
Shemeka Michelle
… got a bit of grit in my eye
In Africa Albinos are disadvantaged.
In Africa albino (children) are sold to be murdered and their body parts used in witchcraft rituals, most of which seem to involve consuming them.
Once upon a time the BBC used to show documentaries that highlighted such practices… now they brush them under the carpet, or blame the sun and ‘climate change’, as often as not.
5:05pm “Now the War on Climate Change continues on Countryfile”
Now the onscreen here is Aneeshwar aged 6
“did you make this ?”
.. “No my dad did it ”
Here’s Steve Bagshaw giving Anesh an Award
“Now his parents .. his family are BBC Bitesize helping you live more sustainably”
Now some white girl eco-warrior infants
“The Green sector is set to boom”
Sharp eyed viewers notice the green prog
is using plastic tree guards, and plastic cable ties that will inevitably fall into the soil.
TWotWeeee Watch #1 – it is going to be a hard week for COP26 to get in the headlines edgeways
I suspected that this Owen Paterson ‘thing’ had a nasty whiff about it and it does now appear so. It doesn’t come from Mr Paterson. It appears to have been a Labour Party set-up all along. The Guardian (a.k.a. the Militant Print Tendency of the Labour Party) are claiming credit for it. See: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2021/nov/05/lobbying-for-naked-bacon-how-the-owen-paterson-scandal-began
Needless to say the BBC (a.k.a. the Militant Broadcast Tendency of the Labour Party) have taken up the subject from earliest opportunity this morning at 7 a.m. and again at 8 a.m. on the R4 News and were all over it again at 1 p.m. on the World this Weekend with Jonny Dymond. No prizes for guessing what the Westminster Hour will be leading on tonight on R4. Even Sir Keir Starmer leader of Labour on his sick bed (supposedly) has issued ‘ a Communiqué ‘ to the media: “The Conservative Party are corrupt.” Will the UK listen to Sir Keir? More importantly, will anyone listen to Sir Keir?
For someone who has or who has had Covid, he looks remarkably healthy in this photo here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-59196404
Has the sucker in charge of the Labour Party instead been ‘swinging the lead’ in true Union-stylee and really been off on a crafty holiday somewhere sunny while claiming ‘sick leave’? Conservative Party = Corrupt. Labour Party = Even More Corrupt. Perhaps those who watch the Andrew Marr show can advise me if that was an in person appearance by Sir Keir this morning. I hope Sir Keir hasn’t claimed a NI Refund and Sick Pay from the House of Commons. Perhaps Kathryn Stone will investigate?
I thought not.
I switched the sound off, I prefer to go back to battle with Talk Talk
I just spent 4.5 hours on the live chat with Talk Talk helping my 78 year old neighbour who they are flagrantly double charging
In August they offered him a renewal package of £60 per morning, but discounted down to £30
So he said yes
He gets his first bill they charged him £60
He phoned them up “look it’s supposed to be £30
They say no your Sky Sports is £35 the only way to get it cheaper is to spend another £20 on Now TV
so he pays that
He gets the second bill they’ve taken another £60
They say “yep computer says”
He phones them look “I’ve paid £80 too much now”
I come in
They say you don’t have proof of contract do you
I say hang on just let me look in his email trash
“Yes here it is £60 discounted to £30”
They say “yeh but yeh for 2 hours”
Then finally agree to refund the £80 excess charges
but then say they can’t supply Sky Sports anymore
Why “Well we switched it off when he shouted about the price ..and he agreed to that, and now we don’t have the facility to switch it back on EVER”
per morning ..per month I meant
Talk Talk are simply impossible to deal with. I had to deal with an Indian call centre, and ended up just getting rid of them.
The only way to deal with them.
I did go back to battling with TalkTalk except they wanted every security detail under the sun when the old guy couldn’t remember his Pword.. and then told me to phone tomw anyway
I know this is not bbbc related but, living abroad my relatives often get me various retail outlet vouchers so I can use them when I can get to the UK. Well, I have £75 worth of Sainsbury’s vouchers some from the Christmas before last, be in the UK tomorrow so thought I’d peruse the Tu catalogue for clothes. Amazing how many dusky models there are. At least 3 to every whitey.
When black peple get the upper hand : what we have to look forward to ?
Xenophobic Attacks on Foreign Nationals
South Africa continued to be plagued by widespread incidents of xenophobic harassment and attacks against foreigners by mobs during 2020.The attacks and harassment were also committed by government and law enforcement officials. Non-nationals have also been harassed verbally and physically by South Africans for being foreign and not using local languages in their daily interactions. A common and hurtful insult thrown at foreigners is the label “kwerekwere,” a derogatory slang used by Black South Africans to mean “foreigner.”
Government and law enforcement officials throughout the country not only largely failed to ensure justice for xenophobic violence, but also operated in discriminatory and abusive ways against non-nationals. Some officials exacerbated xenophobia through inciteful rhetoric, while the South African Police Service (SAPS) and Metro Police used counterfeit goods raids as a cover to target foreign-owned shops and businesses. During the raids, police officers beat foreign shop owners and fired tear gas and rubber bullets at them. Ransacking and destroying their shops. Victims in the Johannesburg Central Business District and Diepsloot alleged that the police then resold confiscated goods back to them.
In coordination with the Department of Home Affairs (DHA), police conducted abusive “documentation raids” in areas where many non-nationals reside, including by entering foreigners’ homes to verify documents and legal status while administering beatings.
While the 2019 National Action Plan to combat xenophobia, racism, and discrimination marked an important step toward recognizing and addressing these abuses, it has not ensured accountability for xenophobic crimes.
Women’s Rights
South Africa is facing a crisis of gender-based violence (GBV). In April, Police Minister Bheki Cele noted that police registered over 2,300 complaints of gender-based violence between March 27 to March 31, 2020, during the lockdown implemented to reduce the spread of the coronavirus.
In June 2020, following protests against the murder of Tshegofatso Pule, a 28-year-old woman whose body was found dumped in Soweto, Johannesburg, President Ramaphosa acknowledged that South Africa had among the highest levels of intimate partner violence in the world. As much as 51 percent of South African women have experienced violence at the hands of someone with whom they were in an intimate relationship. He described violence against girls and women as South Africa’s “second pandemic,” after the coronavirus, and called on residents to end the culture of silence around gender-based violence and report perpetrators to the SAPS.
In September, Ramaphosa said three bills to amend the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters), Criminal and Related Matters Act, and the Domestic Violence Act had been introduced in parliament to “fill the gaps that allow perpetrators of these crimes to evade justice and to give full effect to the rights of our country’s women and children.” He said that a public register of sex offenders with all relevant details would also be introduced. Civil society organizations have expressed concerns that GBV victims faced worsening violence and the inability to access help under the lockdown
South Africa continues to criminalize sex work and prohibit other aspects of sex work. This includes criminalizing running or owning a brothel, living off of the earnings of “prostitution,” and enticing a woman into “prostitution.” Criminalization has undermined sex workers’ access to justice for crimes committed against them and exposed them to unchecked abuse and exploitation by law enforcement officials, including police officers. Although the Department of Health’s National Strategic Plan on HIV for Sex Workers is grounded in respect for the human rights of sex workers, criminalization hinders sex workers’ efforts to access health care, including HIV prevention, treatment, care and support.
In October 2020, South Africa’s Department of Social Development said it has failed sex workers by not providing them with services such as counselling, safety and security and giving them other options to opt-out of sex work when they wish to do so. Deputy Minister of Social Development Hendrietta Bogopane-Zulu committed to elevating sex workers’ issues. Some government departments expressed support for the decriminalization of sex work to assist sex workers to access all government services and reduce their victimization and exposure to violence.
South African bikers protest against attacks on farmers
Updated: 29/08/2020
Thousands of bikers across the country have converged at the Union Buildings in Pretoria in protest against farm attacks and racism in South Africa.
Dozens of predominantly white farmers are killed in crime-plagued South Africa every year, and police statistics show that 49 murders occurred on farms in the 12 months leading up to April.
Wearing face masks and with placards plastered to their vehicles, the protesting farmers drove in a long convoy which is about 220 kilometres (135 miles) north of Johannesburg.
A small group of farmers, including children, stepped out of their vehicles and held up their arms crossed in an “X”, symbolising their call for an end to the attacks.
The farmers want improved police security and better prosecution rates for crimes relating to farm attacks.
AfriForum, a pressure group that advocates on behalf of the country’s nine percent white population, said 216 attacks have been recorded so far this year, 26 of which were murders.
The group said the assaults and murders are not only targeting whites, but also black people and Indians
Anti-White and anti-Indian bigotry in South Africa: The racism that does not attract the world’s condemnation
The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), a key opposition party in South Africa and the offshoot of the ANC, has similarly been accused of perpetuating racial inequities and creating fissures within the society.
And yet on the far left racist bbc:
South Africa: The groups playing on the fears of a ‘white genocide’
They can do this cos they can argue that Countryfile.com is NOT the BBC
but rather a private magazine the BBC sold off
You would go a long way to see a more smug conceited twat than the guy in this photo.
An awful lot of punch-bags would be sold if they had an image of that face.
No you didn’t plant 250 trees per acre, without wasting a lot
You can’t get 250 proper trees in that space.
As they are never questioned in the lefty world they just say what they like as they know that they will be publishing it without any come back. Pure propaganda in action. Rather like the old Soviet’s bragging about tractor production by showing the same bit of film over and over for years.
Plus maths ability is a white male racial construct designed to oppress so they say…
Bonzai trees!
Lava trees !
Match that .
It comes amid growing concern that the government is seeking to “rebalance” the boards of public bodies – particularly in the arts, heritage and broadcasting sectors – by appointing allies and blocking critics, in part to help it fight “culture wars”.
The Tory party co-chair Oliver Dowden last month caused anger when he pledged to pick a new chair for the Charity Commission who would “reset the balance” after Dowden said some charities had been “hijacked by a vocal minority seeking to burnish their woke credentials”.
year, the regulator cleared the National Trust of breaching its charitable objectives in examining links between its properties and histories of colonialism and slavery, including Winston Churchill’s house at Chartwell.
6:15pm BBC “See Climate Change on Trial on Iplayer”
Countryfile had the propaganda turned way past 11
” @BBCCountryfile’s #PlantBritain special,
talking about the importance of trees for helping wildlife
and tackling #ClimateChange”
Craven was chainsawing trees to make his Countryfile calendars