News paper reports suggest the BBC licence tax is to be frozen for the next 2 years to help with ‘cost of living pressures . Then there will be a further review in the run up to the end of the Charter in 2027 .
That is years of anti British propaganda .Much much too long .
Start the week 8 November 2021
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Scrap the tax that robs from the poor to give to the rich.
I agree. I heard that many of them had salaries payed to them via a company set up for that very purpose.
Ordinary working people don’t get payed that much.
“COP26: UK pledges £290m to help poorer countries cope with climate change”
What about the giving that money to help the poor people in this country to pay for their exorbitant heating bills?
This money is a bribe to get them on-board. Same as how they give farmers so much money to agree to wind-turbines on their land, they retire immediately.
COP26 and climate change are primarily ways to legalise the syphoning out of taxpayers cash. If it does help with global warming then it’s a bonus.
A farmer very close to me says that there will never be a wind turbine on his farm as long as he lives.
Good man.
What really annoys is
1. The roads were built from money generated by the
industrial revolution, to power the industrial revolution.
The bike “revolution” did not power the industrial revolution that has raised billions out of poverty.
2. Motorists continue to pay for the upkeep of roads but are restricted from using it, but others get the right to use it freely.
3. Who wants to travel to work in the cold, and arrive cold and exhausted to work.
When political fashions dictate usage of a supply that the tax payer has provided, dissatisfaction is guaranteed.
Let those who use it pay for it, as long as it does not discomfort for others.
You want to travel by plane- pay for it.
You want to eat in a restaurant – pay for it.
Ditto for bikes, BBC etc.
Of course it raises the point for instance, that air travellers are affecting others who don’t travel by air. But that point can be used against them too.
It wont help in restraining AGW, if it exists at all. But in a secondary way, it will cause fuel prices to rise, leading to colder homes. So yes, people will will feel that “Global warming” temperature in the home has gone down.
It goes without saying that the “servants of the people” who have offices in W1, wont feel the cold at all, and will continue to artificially increase the price of Global warming fuel.
Driving in safety and warmth would also be out of the question. The workers will have to cycle to work. I suppose this is why cycle lanes are restricting traffic everywhere, even though there are hardly any cycles to see.
There has been no global warming since 1998. How many minutes left to save “the planet”? Never mind, let’s just go on wrecking the economy.
Yes Taffman and JohnC, and so the motley goes on, contrived pursuation, all grist to the mill for those that want to subjugate the world. Untruths abound.
There will be a lot of Bentleys, Rollers, and Beamers on the order books, soon, destined for the “poorer countries”.
The devil will be in the detail …
– all the Tarquins and Jocasta offspring will be catered for first – Climate ambassadors and the like?
In a previous thread, I made the point that the safety margin for the West that insulates it from hunger is wide. But not so in Africa. There the margin is thin. Just a 10% downturn in the West will have the effect of a significant downturn in their economies, enough to lead to hunger among the poor.
It is sure recipe for the old days coming back. Have we forgotten those pictures? We don’t see tens of thousands starving children anymore.
To its credit Britain, which still has the knowledge of Africa somewhere in its bones in the Commonwealth office, realises that. This payment is a reflection of that.
Unfortunately, its the equivalent of a plaster for a sword in the gut.
Who will be gone from office first?
Bo Jo or Joe Soap?
taffman, what about the poor sucker in charge of the Labour Party?
What if the attacks from Labour, the other Parties and their media friends & allies like the BBC, start to unite the grumbling Conservative Party MPs and the nation gets bored with it all. The news media will move on, just as it had to after WallpaperGate and CummingsGate.
What will Labour do then, no real dents made in the Conservative 80 seat majority? No clear siding with the people ie. an attractive appeal to the broad electorate that will definitely be in the manifesto. Then the Labour MPs may start to get a bit restive and then what?
Sir Keir resigns? Or Ange or someone else puts in a leadership bid?
Forget the Tories & Labour , they are much the same .
We need a new political party with a real ‘Leader’ in charge that puts our country and not its career politicians first .
As an aside, after the Greta ‘this is what real leadership looks like’ post of a bunch of wet losers holding a meaningless sign up, our shire Greens have posted a picture of Caz Lucas holding a meaningless sign up… and captioned it the exact same way.
In a day, it has attracted three reactions.
President of Cambridge University Union apologises after historian, 60, launched into lengthy Hitler impression during debate on ‘good taste’ – using racist and anti-Semitic language ‘to show how offensive the Nazi leader was’
Guest speaker Andrew Graham-Dixon impersonated Adolf Hitler at Cambridge Union during a debate
Graham-Dixon’s impression of Hitler included racial slurs and caused outrage
Cambridge Union President Keir Bradwell has issued an apology for his failure to intervene during debate
what did he say ?
“This modern, horrible art that was promoted by the Jews… and the modern art, it was cubist – inspired by the art of the ne***s.
‘This tribal art, urgh, how horrible is that? We must expunge this from our Deutschland.
‘We are the pure, Aryan people. Our genetics is pure, our hearts must be pure, our tastes must be pure.'”
what did the woke morons say:
The Union’s Equalities officer, Zara Salaria, said that art historian Graham-Dixon’s impression was ‘absolutely unacceptable’ and ‘utterly horrifying’
Blimey – lucky he didn’t dress as a clansperson ….
An excellent day for popcorn sales . MP s will be busily beating each other up over their corrupt procedures in a corrupt place .
Why corrupt ? MPs under investigation able to vote to get the procedures and people investigating them changed . Brilliant. Just brilliant . Now they won’t see anything wrong in this because ‘it’s within the rules ‘….
Meanwhile Owen Paterson will be elsewhere counting his randox ‘fees ‘ ( bribes ) and feeling hard done by .
The BBC doesn’t really have to do much to turn this into propaganda because the red tories are doing it to themselves . And the other lot really just need to stay quiet whilst red tories fight.
Meanwhile the borders are wide open – the NHS burns money without accountability – and voters ( taxpayers ) bare the effect .
I’m sure that art historian and critic Andrew Graham-Dixon, the son of a QC, who was privately educated at Westminster then went on to Oxford, has the left-wing political views that his background and profession and broadcasting role seem to deem compulsory but I must admit I’ve actually enjoyed some of his programmes.
The stand-alone ‘Sicily Unpacked’ and the three ‘Italy Unpacked’ series that he did with chef Giorgio Locatelli were really good. Interesting and informative, both men seemed to enjoy each other’s company, were passionate about what they did and seemed to know what they were talking about, all without having any obvious political agenda that I could see. Throw in some good camera work and Italian scenery, simple stuff.
Why the Bbbc don’t just stick to producing more programmes like it is beyond me.
Woke leads humour dies.
Humour dies – life is not worth living. I predict suicides rates going up.
Conclusion – Woke is Death. Death is serious.
Graham-Dixon is notable for waving his arms about as he stands in the centre of the screen distracting attention from what he is showing us. Did his gestures include a nazi salute? I do hope so.
I hope he had more sense than to apologize.
It’s what they do.
The moppet who ran it likely still in bed.
Oh, a a wet bloke in front of sheet in Tuvalu is back.
Here he is.
Marco scared too?
Graun really wheeling out the G team here.
Quite right – and they can turn any heating and lights powered by fossil fuel or nuclear off too . They can claim for scarves and gloves on taxpayers ‘ expenses …
I dont see any reason why they should claim for scarves etc. They said “No” to Fossil fuels . Let them not have it . Switch off electricity and all that arises from it.
That should to lead them to walk or bike home, on bikes made from sustainable bamboo.
As far as I can see all of them are wearing products that are made from Fossil fuels. Let them strip off to the last stitch of a fossil fuel, then walk home. They can keep the proceeds raised from the event.
Give the woke their head on the MP’s pensions I say
It’s the elite shock troops, like Norbert in the Yellow Beanie, who you have to be really scared of.
The narrative that the COP thing is / was a failure is excellent . It will save on future talking shops and push the greenies to more extreme measures which will further alienate thinking people from their mad cause ….
……every weather condition will be blamed on the sun god being angry and demand higher taxes to pay for wind farms in calm places ….
“……every weather condition will be blamed on the sun god being angry….”.
Oh! please no! What with muslims believing that their “God” commands the Sun to rise and set every day. I couldn’t deal with any variation on that scientific “fact”………….
I think its time for full on paganism and sun worship to make a come back . Its forever on the BBC and house newspaper – usually with retired teachers now called gaia or similar – so its time is near . …
This is a consequence of the failure of education. Teachers dont know a thing on serious subjects – Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics. The kids know even less.
I like the shopping trolley re-purposed as a speaker transporter!
Have any countries been negatively affected by climate change in the last 20 years? I don’t know of any.
Maldives are building a fourth runway.
I presume for the population to be evacuated quickly when the Global warming waters lap in.
The climate alarmist group in question being given free publicity by the BBC is called Global Witness and is, needless to say, financed by ‘the usual suspects’. Looking at their annual report for the year ending 31/12/2020, the financial statement says that during 2019 and 2022 they received money from the following sources among others:
The Foundation to Promote Open Society (Soros), £2.626 million
The Alexander Soros Foundation (go on, try and guess), £157 thousand
Ford Foundation, £1,195 million
Luminate (Omidyar Network – Pierre Omidyar, founder of eBay), £1.054 million
Skoll Foundation (founded by Jeffrey Skoll, first president of eBay), £77 thousand
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Ireland, £148 thousand
Swedish Postcode Foundation, £202 thousand
Players of People’s Postcode Lottery, £400 thousand
TOADY Watch #1 – well, that is a surprise – not
What are TOADY and the BBC leading on this morning? No need for three guesses, one will do: Owen Paterson and Conservative Party sleaze & corruption. No mention, of course, of Labour Party sleaze & corruption from the BBC.
I wonder why?
I’m giving the BBC a rest for a while . But I guess the song will be – get nut nut to resign or be pushed – have the new PM undermined with shouts about ‘legitimacy ‘ and try to get an early election on the assumption that the other lot will get in and the Scots get their referendum .
The assumptions are dangerous because labour is so poor and the Scot’s economy without oil is …. Poor … no English taxpayers ‘ subsidy …
I have almost completely given up on the BBC. I read the Daily Mail on line because it is free. Its headlines this morning were all about Tory sleaze, prosecuting Bojo over his holiday (although severely disappointed with Bojo even I have stayed with friends). Reading the DM looked like a concerted effort to get Boris and possibly the whole Conservative Party out. I am convinced this is Brexit related and that the Left still think that rid us of Boris and we can crawl to Europe and ask them if we could rejoin. I just wonder who is leading and funding all this.
I doesn’t mean that I am disappointed re Owen Patterson but again just think the Remainers were just waiting for this to happen. He was also obviously a target because of his sensible work on the flooding of the Somerset Levels.
And re all this Tory sleaze. Aren’t some MPs still supported by the Co-op and the Unions? And I don’t think they are Conservatives.
MPs dont care about Politics and Global Warming stuff. What they care most above all else, is retaining their seat.
They are not corrupt as such, as that requires strategic purpose. Most like to continue their seat in parliament – comfortable salary that goes up well above inflation, safe directorships, comfy pensions, influence ands invited to posh parties.
Threaten their seat and you will have your local MP beating a path to your doorstep.
We might discuss the meaning of “as such”.
I noticed that before the GH the DM was very keen to call Corbyn out and like a lot of the right leaning media of the time there was a big panic about getting Corbyn elected but since Corbyn lost and has since been replaced they seem to think that Labour are safe game all of a sudden. I feel this with the Telegraph as well. I would not doubt for a second that remainers have infiltrated the right leaning media and are trying to cause divisions on the right to try and allow an easier win for Labour.
The idea is of course to get us back into the EU. They put up a fight before but they have not finished yet. The BBC are of course very much into the game as well. Labour are given a free platform to should about sleaze and corruption but they are never being asked about scandals in their own ranks. How many Labour councillors have been investigated for some form of fraud or corruption this year alone?
All politicians are corrupt but some are more corrupt than others. The most corrupt and ‘paid for’ MP is Starmer. Like the upper echelons of the civil service and Whitehall – think Foreign Office for example – his allegiances (and potential bonuses) are placed firmly outside the UK. Timely accusations of parliamentary sleaze and corruption from him are to divert attention from his opposition to triggering Article 16 of the NI Protocol – Sky reports him as saying to Marr on Sunday that Johnson is “constantly trying to pick a fight on things like this [Art. 16], so he hopes people don’t look elsewhere in the forest, which are things like the Owen Paterson affair”. I would suggest what he really wants is for people to not look closely at his own ‘interests.’
Think back to his resignation letter to Corbyn on 27 June 2016 saying the EU Referendum result was “catastrophic” and his Six Tests for the Brexit deal. Also Starmer is still a paid up ‘European’ member of the Trilateral Commission and it is noted that Beyond their “Trilateral” engagement, European members are also committed to the pursuit of the European unification process. The idea of a unifying Europe playing a larger role on the global stage has been a driving idea in the Trilateral Commission from the beginning.
Not to mention his disastrous tenure as Director of Public Prosecutions.
Starmer may wish to portray his history as one of standing up to the powerful, but his attempts to bulldoze the longstanding rights of defendants lay the groundwork for one of the greatest failings of our justice system in recent decades.
Starmer is not clean at all but he is facing a lack of scrutiny from anywhere. He is not popular. Anyone who supported Brexit knows not to trust him and even the harder left are against him just because of their loyalties towards Corbyn
BBC going into overdrive regarding sleaze in the Conservatives.
Why is it that a Labour MP gets a jail sentence albeit suspended for two years and it barely gets a mention.
Chris Bryant chair of the standards committee says he got on a train and had a round of applause, REALLY..!!!!!
What’s goes on in parliament has been going on for years and from all parties.They are all as bad as each other.
The left wing BBC and other left wing media will continue to drive this issue forward and led by the Biased Broadcaster Corporation.
Ah well, could be worse, my beloved Wales could lose to Fiji next week…Nooooo..!!!!
Was it the 8.40 Harvey Milk Train to Dorking, and he was sporting his best tidy whiteish?
Maybe his fly was done up for a change ..
Someone had a sense of humour putting that in charge of the ‘standards ‘ committee ….
Probably one of those narrow gauge lines serving the slate quarries.
The Daily Mail this morning invites us to meet: ‘The woman who could give YOU perfect abs by Xmas (yes, really)‘
That’s abs, as in abdominal muscles, not jabs. This is some fitness feature reather than a health story.
And, oh boy, have our media given us a lot of health stories these past twenty months.
Seems we’re now being told our fabulous game-changing jabs were far from perfect and besides they’ve done nothing for our Christmas: ‘Booster refusal “killing the double-jabbed”‘ (The Times)
And remember folks, there are all kinds of life-threatening dangers out there for which we’ve no immunity: ‘Briton killed in shark attack horror as wife waited on beach‘ (Daily Mail)
Back to more localised threats – It is starting to feel as though we’ve been set on a bit of treadmill of never ending vaccination. A hamster wheel for us lab rats.
Our former drug-pusher in chief – so dodgy even the UN were ashamed to employ him – who we will primarily remember as having pioneered the you-work-from-home while I bring-my-mistress-to-the-office policy – has, perhaps inevitably, stuck his ore in: ‘Hancock: Jab NHS staff before winter hits‘ (Telegraph)
Should our NHS staff be compulsorily jabbed with the same stuff they are so keen to be jabbing the population with? Gosh, that’s like one of those tricky philosophy conundrums thought up by clever fellas.
Speaking of which: ‘Universities warned to look at ethical risks from donations… after it was revealed Oxford Univeristy took money from the family trust of Sir Oswald Mosley‘ (Telegraph) – one doubts Oxford faculties will take a sharp turn to the black shirt right as a direct result of this 12 million quid – albeit descibed as “tainted and dirty money“. Far better for the tax payer to cough up their clean cash to keep the dons in clover?
Meanwhile: ‘Over the past decade, Saudi Arabia has been the largest source of donations from Islamic states and royal families to British universities, much of which is devoted to the study of Islam, the Middle East and Arabic literature. A large share of this money goes toward establishing Islamic study centres. In 2008, Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, nephew of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, donated £8m each to Cambridge and Edinburgh for this purpose. Oxford has been the largest British beneficiary of Saudi support. In 2005, Sultan bin Abdulaziz al-Saud, the late crown prince, gave £2m to the Ashmolean Museum. In 2001, the King Abdulaziz Foundation, a royal charity, gave £1m to the Middle East Centre.‘ (FT only as recent as September 2012, I’m afraid)
Speaking of odd donations: ‘UK gave Iranian leader’s office over £100,000 in COVID-19 grants‘ (we welcome a rare appearance hereabouts for Arab News – which would tend to be a pro-Saudi, pro-Sunni source – in these days of Saudi-Iran Sunni-Shia rivalry)
‘The UK’s registry of company financial information, Companies House, showed last month that the Islamic Centre of England received £109,476 in funding‘
A hundred grand. That would feed a British or an Iranian family for…
‘Zaghari-Ratcliffe’s husband condemns Johnson’s inaction as he nears two weeks on hunger strike‘ (Guest appearance there for the Morning Star – which would tend to be a pro-Marxist, anti-capitalist source – in case anyone had forgotten in these days of such widespread anti-capitalist media commentary)
And to wrap up – news from the French Riviera: ‘Cannes ‘terror attack’: Knifeman shot after attacking three police officers. The assault happened shortly after 6am on Monday when the so-far unidentified man threatened staff outside the main Police Commissariat in the resort town of Cannes. A terrorist probe has been opened after a knifeman allegedly shouting religious slogans attacked three police officers in southern France.‘ (Daily Mirror)
Cannes may perhaps still be a long way from Southend… but what was that song Phil Collins the bald drummer from Genesis used to sing…? : “Another Day in Paradise“
“My ab hell by Davina , 62 .”
Was that after her ‘heroin hell” ?
I’m not sure that the mirror is on firm grounds describing this as “ shouting religious slogans “ – surely that warrants a death sentence for ridiculing the Mohammed thing …?
Maybe is was some other religious slogan ‘ Alan’s snack bar ‘…?
Maybe it was some other religious slogan ‘ Alan’s snack bar ‘…?
As the late lamented Father Ted was apt to say – that would be an ecumenical matter.
Other religions are available, apparently.
Front page of the Telegraph didn’t quite make the cut (if you’ll excuse the phrase) ‘ A monk places a traditional Chandio dot on Boris Johnson’s forehead as he arrives for Diwali celebrations… ‘
I guess our PM was a bit too busy saving the planet to turn up at a traditional British bonfire night bash?
By the way, when did our traditional Divali become Diwali?
And as your family doctor is sometimes apt to say “this is going to hurt a little“…
‘Doctors set to be barred from jobs in richer areas. Plan would force GPs to work in deprived towns‘ (Times)
These are ‘isolated incidents ‘ – Germany France – Norway – here – they are ‘one offs ‘ – they have nothing in common – so don’t worry ….
…. Somebody put a rant over policing by Peter smug Hitchens here a couple of days ago . He observed that plod are now ‘tooled up ‘ and couldn’t explain why ….
… well Peter – one of the reasons is ‘Alan’s snack bar ‘ – example ? The unarmed plod murdered on the gates of parliament …. I think a gun might have helped ….
Speaking of #prasnews group editorial consistency.
That is a shocking article and signifies something extremely sinister.
Not the attack : they are commonplace now.
But the fact that the MSM are now censoring the fact they were screaming ‘Alans Snackbar’ while they did it.
Let’s see what the BBC put if they even report it at all. They haven’t yet.
Bbc lines to take take time.
Atheism statements.
Woah… dodgy dosh, dun dirt cheap.
Seems the lads at Ch4 have heard in the grapevine the Saudis are also not as such helping to kill off the national product like wot they promised.
Like they are not the most trustworthy dudes around. Who knew?
“A terrorist probe has been opened after a knifeman allegedly shouting religious slogans attacked three police officers in southern France.”
I picture a bald-headed, knife wielding, monk taking of the heads of three police officers “Father, slash, Son, slash, and Holy Ghost, slash”.
after a knifeman allegedly shouting religious slogans attacked three police officers in southern France.‘
Would that be Merry Christmas or Happy Halloween?
COP26: What do the poorest countries want from climate summit?
A whole raft of agenda based rhetoric and vague, unproveable information when the article could have simply been:
Stand by for huge developments in the third world which are extremely poorly built and of very little benefit except to the government officials and their corrupt business partners who will get very rich.
Lots of brown paper bags will be changing hands in Starbucks and McDonalds. I don’t trust a single one of them.
And bank transfers to Virgin islands banks, using secure VPNs.
Think we are discovering that behind all these COPs ‘the love of money is the root of all evil’ (The Bible: 1 Timothy chapter 6 verse 10)
Panic in W1A?
Just thinking aloud here – if I bought a TV that suddenly didn’t work just a couple of months after I bought it – I guess that would probably still be covered by the warranty?
Yeah – 12 months minimum , my remote thing packed up and so I get only one channel – what would yours be ?
( no prizes )
Other remotes are available, Fed. 😉
Jez only has on the best guest.
PR technique of using a young woman as a shield, from behind which to push extreme opinions
and thus get less challenging.
A BAME is even less challengeable.
Her ever on station picquet force is impressive in number but soooooo thick.
Still, guess what! Yes! More ‘news’!!
She and that fact checker self publicist must form a ‘band ‘- maybe a girl group …. Maitliss on the drums – koonsberg lead vocal … a prize for the name … ( keep it decent ) too much coffee …
… and the Banshees.
Strumpet, Crumpet anf Trumpet. (Blows her own).
You win 👋🏾
Any “girl” band with Maitlis in it ought to be called. . . Atomic Mutton.
Love that one, TC, but how about ‘The Harpies’ or even ‘The Harpees’ (for today’s illiterate school children) ?
I suggest a rap song for their debut single, you know – something like –
“When shall we three meet again?
In thunder, lightning, or in rain?”
(Will the school kids get that one?)
Trick – I know that play – it’s XXXXXXX isn’t it ?
Yeah, that’s the one. I saw it on telly once with that Gandalf and the woman who played ‘M.’
I’m one of the well edjukated crowd, you know.
Diane Abbott HAS got a head for figures… as long as they are her own! Blundering Shadow Home Secretary made £110,000 in licence fee payers’ cash for appearing on BBC TV
Doesn’t ‘hibernating’ come from the same root as l’ hiver, winter in French?
Three months away from Jeremy Vine tucked under the sheets would do us all good.
I take it she means “Awake and made up for @JeremyVineOn5 when I should be hibernating.”
For a journalist she writes badly.
That picture of Ash Sarkar really brings out the horror.
9am R4 Marr : generational divides
and the power of the internet influencers
Bobby Duffy explores just how far when we’re born determines our attitudes to money, sex, politics and much else.
– Some woman talks about internet influencers.
– A female linguist also talks about the internet generation.
Now they talking about all kinds of weird gender labels
scholio-sexual, unicorns (bisexual female, who joins in with a heterosexual couple)
BBC almost get it right for once !!!
An article about the lorry driver shortage without mentioning brexit !!
Wow, the BBC actually mentions that the lorry driver shortage problem isn’t just in the UK ‘ because of brexit’ but is in the USA too.
Was this going to be the first time ever they get something right and don’t show any bias ? … well, it was until reading in the article they suggest what is needed to solve the problem ……” some are now moving into trucking, like Muhammad Sohail who is taking classes at Sunny Truck Driving School to obtain his Class A commercial driver’s licence.”
Oh well BBC, you nearly managed it !
Lack of HGV driving licence holding the muslim’s back?
We all know that muslims love lorries with which to mow down shoppers in precincts. Probably lack of licence accounts for the now dearth of killings via that mode.
What about giving them grants to get into bollard manufacturing?
I find it funny to look at the title and check the last few sentences of the article – normally the end is nothing to do with the start.
Oh yes, I missed that bit at the end ! President Biden is coming to the rescue too ! How lucky they are to have such a wonderful president !!!
I hope that won’t be like when certain people got pilot’s licences.
Tories complain that Robinson was rude to the PM, that the BBC is blowing up the Paterson case out of all proportion, and that on the other hand the Webb conviction is scarcely mentioned. No doubt if the NI Protocol reaches crisis point the corporation will take the side of Brussels which the Tories will complain about. It just goes on and on.
We on this site have been pointing out the extreme bias of the BBC for years and years . We said after the 2019 GE when Boris was returned with a majority of 80 that there was a majority in the country who were disgusted at the pro EU stance of the BBC and that the time was ripe to take strong action against the BBC.
Then Covid struck and the government realised it needed the foul corporation to put the fear of God into us. Now they seem to think that they need the BBC to frighten us re the so called climate emergency and the vastly unpopular measures they are planning to inflict on us . It is similar to 2014 when Cameron seemed to be going to do something about the BBC and then realised he needed it to propagandise on behalf of Remain in the run up to the referendum.
So the referendum, Covid and now climate have combined to protect the BBC for the last seven or eight years. The Tories have refused to pull the trigger because they thought they needed it. But if you sup with the devil you need a long spoon, the BBC is institutionally leftist and always will be. It will always support the left. I fear that the chance to kill it has come and gone and that we are stuck with it for at least the next three years.
Ah but every year a new cohort of non-BBC watching youth gains the vote!
BBC Money Making Machine …
Diane Abbott HAS got a head for figures… as long as they are her own! Blundering Shadow Home Secretary made £110,000 in licence fee payers’ cash for appearing on BBC TV
They seem to be hoping that the youth will not recall some great moments in bbc history.
Chaos as police stop Hungary migrant train – Gavin Hewitt – BBC -Sep 2015 @53s
“… then a really distressing incident happened. A women who was carrying a small baby began crying for help (photo of lady carrying baby). One of her companions tried to help her (photo of man with women on track, riot police reaching towards them) Somehow there became a push and a shove with the police. She ended up on the railway lines (by the male refugee dragging her and the baby to the floor, but this is not said) with the riot police trying to pull her back, and this of course inflamed all the other people…”
-Gavin Hewitt – Sep 2015
Watch the video and the male refugee (companion trying to help?) drags the women and baby to the floor, by force.
Even the Mirror (03Sept2015) says “… this refugee couple cradle their tiny baby, after throwing themselves (NO! Male refugee drags women and baby onto train tracks) on train tracks as police try to take them to migrant camps in Hungary”
Gets better. Two days (05Sept2015) later the Mirror then report it as
“Refugee who dragged pregnant wife and baby son onto train track did it because ‘death would be better’”
1. BBC Version uses words and pictures to hide the video version
2. The Mirror shows the video but uses words to tell a different version
Can I suggest a little story – “Male refugee forces pregnant women refugee holding child down onto a train track, police drag him away for her safety? Riot police then lift women with child off track with tender arms.”
Lewis Goodhall liked this.
Timing is all, Sopes.
BBC COP CUBS sitting in a puddle of activist ice water in Glasgow must be thrilled.
I was looking at flight costs – london new york – need to start saving …
I am literally pissing myself laughing, which in my current condition is painful.
Nigeria rejected British offer to rescue seized Chibok schoolgirls { – mar2017}
In a mission named Operation Turus, the RAF (UK Airforce) conducted air reconnaissance over northern Nigeria for several months, following the kidnapping of 276 girls from the town of Chibok in April 2014 (by Islamist militant group Boko Haram). “The girls were located in the first few weeks of the RAF mission,” a source involved in Operation Turus told the Observer. “We (UK RAF) offered to rescue them, but the Nigerian government declined.”
– Guardian UK Online Website / 4 March 2017
. . .
#bringbackourgirls – makes you wonder who Michelle Obama was asking to do this? The wife of the most powerful man in the World, with a special relationship with the Country who could have taken action, reduced to holding a piece of card for the World to read a #hashtag that did NOT bring the girls back.
Hasn’t he been there all along ?
He’s traveling independently then ?
– his own jet?
Greta says no.
Frankie says…
Sleaze and the Conservatives…..
Ian Blackford SNP going into overdrive slagging off the Tories..Could this be the same Mr Blackford who employs his step son at Tax payers expense and recently netted £40k from investment firm, never..!!!
Keir Starmer MP going into overdrive slagging off the Tories.. Could this be the same Mr Starmer who netted £26k this year doing hustle work charging £250 an hour, never..!!!
I could go on and on and on…
The slimey two faced b–tards are all at it. Strange how none of the left wing media mention this..never !!!
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Manager (Patient Service)
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Job Reference: 317-2021-32-01-DR
Employer:The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustDepartment:317 Patient Relations – FHLocation:317 01 Freeman HospitalSalary:£38,890 – £44,503 per annum
No mention of Labour with the unions or are unions ‘allowed’ in the view of the BBC?
Barry Blah.
Sopes Blah.
Greta Blah.
BBC Blah.
Anyone using a car has interests in fossil fuels! HA HA HA HA
The burgeoning bbc monitoring empire has another new name, from the sound of it based where W1A has a vested interest.
Colombian coca workers are sharing videos about their daily lives in cocaine production.
There’s a terrifying sight to spot in your rearview mirror.
Worse in front. He knows his rights.
I disagree.
MODERATOR NOTE yes – sorry moggie – I’ve had to edit a lot . Please don’t be offended …… as for mr vine … welll …
I fear Fed may feel the need to intervene.
Let me just say that a lady tried almost all that once and despite ticking every box in the bbc roster ended up badly.
So an infrequent commenter turns up and makes a post advocating violence
as if he is trying to get this site banned.
No of course you can’t drive over people, no matter how much you dislike them.
His previous post also advocated violence
“ 3OCTOBER 27, 2021 AT 11:36 AM
Perhaps a solution could involve minimising the risk of drowning in the Channel by shooting them on the French beaches or even on the dinghies crossing the Med.“
OK Stew, let’s get a few things things clear. I might be an infrequent poster but I am here, reading comments, every day. I really have no idea of your politics but I suspect you are the sort of left-wing twat that is responsible for the country going down the toilet. Would I run over Jeremy Vine? No, but then I wouldn’t condemn somebody who did. I have yet to see any BBC reporting that says anything about 1000’sof northern girls beingrapedby Muslim grooming gangs. I have also yet to see you commenting on that so I suggest you lay off.
Mog said to me ” Muslim grooming gangs. I have also yet to see you commenting on that”
.. Actually I have commented on them very many times, probably above 50 times and maybe above 100.
Dividing the world into left/right is a bit naive
plenty of Marxists have fascist policies.
All people are free to post here of whatever diversity of legal opinions, one has many incorrect opinions before completing a journey to Truth.
But what one cannot do is make posts that incite real world violence, cos that is against the law.
Secondly it’s libmob who make jokes about killing Trump and indulge in death threats etc.
We have the moral high ground by not stooping to their level.
You appear to think that Nazis and Marxists are different factions. National Socialists? Ring a bell?
And don’t give me that crap about inciting violence, go to Hyde Park Corner and try saying anything at all about pretty much anything Muslim, either you will be attacked or arrested for incitement. Being white makes you racist and a criminal.
Yes, I suspected as much and I’m not at all offended. Presumably, if I’d posted that Farage needed running over in a tank it would have been accepted to satisfy the left-wing narrative. Not that I really care anymore, this country will be Muslim in 20 years and this site will be haram.
Moggie – i am of the very right *. I try to keep my non BBC views on things off the site – especially since im meant to be the ‘whiter than white ‘ moderator .
Many of the solutions I have to Blighty’s problems cannot be recorded here . It’s a great shame that the country’s ‘image / reputation ‘ is more important than the self destruction it is undergoing .
But that’s the environment we are sadly living in . As for people going through the archive of this site – I found it both sinister and disturbing – and very troll like . You have my sympathies …
As for vine ….
*very right means a small state with secure borders – real law and order – reduced welfare unless you contribute to it over the years – little inward immigration – no refugees – self sufficiency – a limited NHS – less politicians . No Peers . No BBC . Maybe a republic . A new politics . … but that’s just for starters . …
And moggie – you are most welcome – however many or few posts you do …
Ta much, Fed. I may not say much but I suspect that I represent the opinions of a majority of, dare I say it?, white British citizens. The fact that I have to moderate what I really think pretty much says exactly what is wrong in this country.
Is that one of those police-style hi-viz vests that says “POLITE” on the back?
If Vile, it says ‘Jeremy Hunt, tee here’, but only once out of range.
Moggie, I understood you were joking, and it made me chuckle. All things considered though, we all need to be careful about what we post here, because there are some around who’d like nothing better than an excuse to take down a website like this.
For the record, politically I’m a centrist, just definitely not a Blairite one, more of a ‘small statist’, even a bit libertarian,
and I think Fedup’s *very right politics sounds interesting – the current poltical system of this country isn’t working for the vast majority, and needs fixing, at least we can all agree on that?
Taking down websites will begin in earnest if/when this online harms bill goes through. People who aren’t thrown out will censor themselves. We haven’t seen anything yet.
Drivers of London: remember this face and act accordingly.
Diplomatically put.
We are all going to have to learn code.
Yeah – damn – can’t take that one down – some posters are just no fun ….
There may still be an outfit called ‘ bbc monitoring ‘ which listened to foreign output . Maybe it now reads blogs like this one to build its ‘ defences and stoke the internal paranoia big organisations breed .
There may well be.
But these days who knows the connection?
Seems all sorts of odd scattered seeds now can carry the brand by simple exchange, coffer to coffer.
I think it might be the mother ship to such as Wendy’s odd collection of chancers.
Maybe Craig could do one of those lists that were carried out in Hollywood and found out stud zero who gave them all the clap?
What are the subscribers on BBC Bias views against the sacking of a woman from her job, because she refused to be innoculated? Dictatorship in the first instance comes to mind.
Its tricky isnt it ? If we assume the vaccine works and the person is ‘ public facing ‘ such as a Care Home or GP – yes sack them .
If its a personal morality thing then thats the price .
Freedom isnt cheap
Ive had jobs which required me to disclose or do all sorts of things otherwise no job .
When i was learning to be a pilot i had to take an expensive medical and was told i had to get specs . I didnt want them but otherwise – no flying …
I see the vaccination thing similarly ..
me wandering a bit O/T
The failure to acknowledge natural immunity is pivotal – since we already know that the “vaccines” do not stop infection and transmission – it is past time that attention was paid to those who’ve survived.
Others are asking the question : Care home / health workers – who is the better bet – the vaccinated or the certified survivors?
With all the immunological research work going on at the moment the absence of a widely used immunity test is quite simply unacceptable. The bureaucratic control freaks are obsessed with vaccination for a bug that shape shifts relentlessly – we need to find out if natural immunity has broader affect and what happens in conjunction with the assorted jabs.
The relentless parade of PR/nudge/”regulation”/ politics is past tiresome.
… broader effect…
Seriously – an in vitro test to screen for immunity followed if required by an appropriate regime of vax or pills seems a sane way forwards.
As the bug morphs vaccines will need to be adjusted / re-formulated – immunity testing lessens the overall risk inherent in pushing novel treatments out prematurely and must go some way to generating useful information about the bug itself.
Israel has apparently been doing immunity testing – why are we not seeing it in the UK?
– I see the new head of the NHS has been playing poisonous games with Covid numbers today.
Yes #1It’s bad to force people who have immunity yo have an injection
#2 It’s highly disrespectful to have carehome staff who have spent a year putting themselves at risk because there was no vaccine, and then sack them now, though personally if I thought they represented a high Covid risk I’d find a non. frontline role eg doing the gardening or in the accounts office etc.
It is coerced medical treatment, therefore it should not happen.
Also: informed consent is impossible, because nobody knows the full effects – years of tests have simply been skipped.
Brilliant comment via Sky Australia:
“Media in America covers all the big stories… with a pillow until they stop moving”.
can we all agree to call @SkyNews “ComCast-EU”?
Great, but not so new
a 2018 tweet used it
It is become rapidly apparent even the bots don’t read their own posts at BBC propaganda storm now.
No peas, and the steak on the sauce?
Luverly, give me more!! Maybe a few peas next time………..
Let’s eat the campaigners.
Came across a media suppressed story:
California’s Governor Gavin Newsom had a covid booster on camera 12 days ago. He has not been seen since, citing “family” despite giving daily briefings for the past 2 years.
This is a massive story, brace yourself for when the media eventually claim that he was on holiday and befell a terrible accident at the very end of it. And how it definitely wasn’t a stroke induced by mixing and matching a cocktail of chemical
Yes plenty of tweets mention it
and ask why did wife put out an aggressive tweet and then deleted it
Thing is – it would be easily sorted via a couple of phone calls to DNC affiliated TV stations to get a short / trivial photo-op of Gavin going about his business – not like they haven’t done that innumerable times in the past – it’s part an parcel of being Governor.
12 days seems quite a long time to wait for a smile and a wave.
I’d give it 48 hours to fall one way or the other…
Numerous Twitter reports of him having Bells Palsy post jab.
I’d be surprised if this collection of ill informed expensive expertise gets any engagement either.
Green flying credits for Elton John and Prince Harry – walking everywhere for you.
“Climate Finance: A guide for the perplexed ”
Surely, that answer must be simply, ‘Finance to the poor countries from the Rich’ ?
BBBC Radio Lincolnshire breathless headline news
‘MP for Lincoln @karlmccartney censured like Owen Paterson’
Really, how much money did he STEAL ?
“was found to have breached rule 14 after inaccurately registering earnings from ML Systems Limited instead of Moonlighting Systems Limited.
He registered his position as a director rather than Secretary (a position held since 1999)”
So two paperwork errors
and that quote is from a November 4th tweet
But it’s actually news reported by a Labour connected news site on October 8th *
Seems they scanned record for such errors and then passed them on to the Standards Commissioner.
So it’s not big news, nor is it new
but Labour PR will be trying to hype it up and BBC play along with that.
* That October 8th article
McCartney described his shareholding and role as being with “ML Systems”, not Moonlighting Systems. The use of a shortened version of the company’s name was a breach of the rules.
McCartney said he was a director at the firm, despite being registered at Companies House as a company secretary, and not as a director.
McCartney used the shortened version of the company’s name to register a payment of £3,700 for work he carried out prior to his election in 2019.
BBC News does what it does best…
The World Food Programme says 23 million people are “marching towards starvation” in the country.
Namely adding around zero to the story.
It is illustrated by a young chap, mid level in the Soylent Green Production Dept., laden with the tools of his trade, overseeing a bunch of folk who mostly wanted him back in, shuffling along.
So sorry, BBC, and the folk in WFP proving press releases, not resonating.
Oh :Afghans facing ‘hell on earth’ as winter looms
“Ninety-five percent of the people don’t have enough food, and now we’re looking at 23 million people marching towards starvation,…”
I read that too, and maybe it’s true, but what are we supposed to do about it?
Donating food (or any other resources – like guns, for example) to the Taliban is (quite literally) suicide.
What Boris will do is bring them all over here and give them houses. The British can sleep on the streets.
Joy, a saviour arises!
Simpo has beached.
Lewis Goodhall offers a mere like, but Toenails emotes for all of N. London.
There must be awards in the air.
Fine, well Saudia Arabia can quite easily accommodate the £ 200, 000 needed and probably a lot more-providing shelter in their tented city, after all they are Islamic. It is not for the Europe/UK to start forking out to these people, it is far more important that every effort is made to stop immigration from those countries entering the UK-all help is badly needed to keep us afloat as a nation. The indigenous peoples of Britain are already being infringed upon, as a result of the generosity of the British People.
I would just like to remind readers that the BBC cover all the big stories from around the globe – with a pillow until it starves them of enough oxygen to become compliant to its will
Guido’s long been an advocate of both putting cowbells on lobbyists, and forcing MPs to wear compulsory broker’s jackets with the names and colours of their union paymasters and business donors on them. In the end he has a feeling this afternoon’s tit-for-tat debate will end up with the public merely feeling all MPs are as bad as each other…
. . . . .
Biased BBC 2018 ….
Reference CAS-5141940-GLNRS4
Thank you for contacting us about BBC News.
I understand you feel we should cover alleged expenses abused by MPs.
We know that not everyone will agree with our choices on which stories to cover, or the order in which they appear. Our news editors make these complex decisions, based on the editorial merit of all the stories at hand. We accept that not everyone will agree with each decision – various factors are at play and there’s often debate in the newsroom too.
A range of factors affect how we put together our news bulletins. Is it breaking news, or a dated story? Does it follow on from a recent event, or change our understanding of things? Is it unusual, or attracting national interest? We consider these things and also put great importance on verifying events and building up a clear picture – before reporting in a reliable and trustworthy way.
Editorial decisions are more of a judgement call, than an exact science – so you’ll even find variety from one BBC programme to the next. Time constraints, the expected audience profile and the style of each bulletin or current affairs programme can all play a part.
Nevertheless, we appreciate the feedback that our viewers and listeners give us when they feel a story has been overlooked or marginalised.
All complaints are sent to senior management and programme makers every morning and we have included your points in this overnight report. These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the BBC and ensures that your complaint has been seen by the right people quickly.
Thank you again for taking the time to contact us.
Kind regards
James Kelly
BBC Complaints Team
. . . .
Complaint Summary: Follow up UK MP expenses of 2009 – MP paid £65K
Full Complaint: Dear BBC £3.5 billion paid under threat of prison complaints department,
Could you revisit the 2009 UK MP expenses again, I would not like to find out that MPs like Tony Blair have ran to the shredder prior to your investigations.
Here are some details, can you use Journalists who are avoiding the BBC Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker Pay Gap and see why an MP on £77K salary tops up their money with a job giving them £65K extra a year.
Maybe find other MPs on such amazing schemes and why they are getting free tickets to concerts when they have so much cash sloshing around in their MP expenses accounts.
Chuka Umunna MP, Streatham (tax payer pays him £77K per year) is being paid £65,040 a year Advisory Position at Global Progress (London) Ltd …
1) Look into what he produces for £65K a year. 2) Look at who owns the company and other players – Tony Blair is linked to it. 3) Find other MPs doing the same. 4) Ensure they are paying taxes on the extra money. 5) Maybe interview them and ask some questions rather than how they feel today? For a head start you can find the details on : THEY WORK FOR YOU COMPANIES HOUSE Good luck and let me know how you get on.
p.s. I also see that MPs claim their MP Office BBC TV Licenses Tax on their expenses, thus the UK tax payer has to pay their own TV License and their MP’s TV License. Might want to consider stopping this for the 650 MPs.
Yes – just base corruption using rules written for themselves . I wonder it any MP pays for all the TV licences they require ?
Speaking of #prasnews
Posted a few moments ago on FB to a vast global audience:
Foreign Minister Simon Kofe, from the Pacific island nation of Tuvalu, wanted to draw attention to the threat of rising sea levels.
I started seeing this a few days ago, so the press release went out probably a few before that.
It is beyond laughable.
But only the bbc could run laughable so late as ‘news’.
As you said we saw this about 4 days ago Friday tweet
Yet just 18 minutes ago a BBC excitedly tweeted it.
22nd Nov 2019
BBC: #Tuvalu’s foreign minister, Simon Kofe, says his country has rejected offers from Chinese firms to build artificial islands
that would help it deal with rising sea levels;
#China’s offers as an attempt to reduce #Taiwan’s influence in the region
Yet professor Nils Axel Morner has been monitoring sea levels for years and says the reverse is true and if anything sea levels are actually falling not rising.
Of course he has paid the penalty for his heresay with the leftist greens calling him every name under the sun but offering no actual academic reality as to why he is wrong. Then of course they say he is ‘discredited’.
Jim set to get scoop training from Si?
Crikey… he ignored the golden rule of bbc fully exposed idiot responses. Bless him.
This might need need a Wendy Unit check request which, given the facts, will see blockings abound.
Re the ‘Harvey Milk’ ship name I’ve always liked warlike names such as Invincible and Victory etc. But the Japanese, even with their code of Bushido still preferred to call their ships gentle peaceful names. ‘Ripples on the water surface’, ‘Snow cloud’, ‘Spring grass’ and so on. I can see British warships being called ‘Fog on the Tyne’ or some such in the future.
Wow – British warships ? Really ? Surely HMS Uber for all your channel needs …
HMS Henry, HMS Abbott, HMS Lammy, HMS Seacole… a reminder of who we have always been and most definitely will become.
Vine show ..who is the random caller
… oh it’s Victoria Derbyshire
Random, my shiny….
He too is pervasive across bbc studios as narrative dictates.
Actually there Campbell didn’t lose, he stood his ground
and answered back strongly
Sometimes righty sites damage themselves with click bait claims.
Had this been a longer debate then someone may have been able to point out that Labour was sleazy and didn’t deal with it quickly
Remember the accusations now against Tories are quite tame
they seemingly broke procedure, but didn’t steal vast amounts of taxpayers money
‘Labour was sleazy and didn’t deal with it quickly’
Apart from whichever flunky made Bliar’s expenses disappear before they could be scrutinised.
BBC pay BBC to interview BBC on BBC whilst saying they are unbiased.
Easy to see why the power drunk DNC have busied themselves shutting down Ms. Gabbard across the MSM.
Future Presidential material?
No, not nearly black enough, or trans enough.
And much too sensible.
So, America refuses to sign up to reduce their coal usage. Well, that’s that then !
Only one country in Western Europe has a Covid R rate below 1.
Guess which one ?
^ The countries that got hit hardest first are now the least effected. Let covid run it’s course or kick the can down the road.
“Covid: Unvaccinated urged to come forward before winter”
Not sure what their slant is using the come forward idiom.
I’ll stay unvaccinated, thanks very much – someone should remain in the control group.
Don’t clap too hard
It’s that the UK was much higher in rates than other counties
and still is higher than most
but their lower counts means that rises are easy for them
UK is 21st in cases/million
and 27th in deaths/million over all
Not that stats are entirely real anyway
2pm LOCAL news “Obama says summat about Climate”
Radio 4 Andrew Marr Start the Week 9 am .
It’s about the culture war(s) . I couldn’t listen to all of it .
As usual the BBC makes a hash , could be deliberately, of an interesting but contentious subject. In fact it could have been retitled Young Versus Old .
Because that’s the usual BBC being divisive.
It wasn’t about the culture war – the war of the Gramscians Marxists and globalists , the people who prefer technocrats to rule the world versus the people who prefer democracy, accountability and real localism , populists even .
It wasn’t about those who pigeonhole everyone into victims or oppressors , versus people who just want to get on with their lives and let others do so as well .
It wasn’t about those who think everyone is in a specific community and thus think all along the same lines versus those who want to live in neighbourhoods and think voting should be the best power .
No . To the BBC it was about intelligent but hard done by young people versus comfortable and selfish old people . All of them .
It certainly wasn’t about the role the BBC itself is playing in the culture wars .
R4 Drama
another BAME and female thing
“No white males were used in this production” I guess
How will the US deal with a shortage of 80,000 truckers?
Did they vote Brexit as well😀
On the same page
“Can clubbers’ dance moves create renewable energy?”
Subjectively… some differences are starting to reappear in BBC web content delivered to the USA and elsewhere- seeing differences between UK and California (
I expect Michael Gove could… and pages, may sometimes be slightly different.
Check both when using
BBC 1 afternoon schedule:
Now: The Tournament – quiz show hosted by Alex Scott, who else?
3.00: Escape to the Country – Norfolk Broads with Sonali Shah.
3.45: Clean it, Fix it – publicity picture shows a white guy, a black lady and a black man. Don’t recognise any of them.
4.30: The Repair Shop – Jay Blades and the team restore a Windrush suitcase.
5.15: Pointless – long running quiz with insufferable posh white boys.
As for Pointless, every time it comes on its straight for the off-switch for me, I just can’t fathom why the BBC are so besotted with Osmon, a more boring bloke I have yet to come across yet he seems to be some sort of TV god, I suppose owning large chunks of the TV production companies must help though!
So they got Alex Scot to use her for Question of Sport
but then changed their minds and used her on a day tome quiz show instead ?
White hands ….
She was looking to settle down and marry. Aaron said he was too. They talked more, and things started moving quickly.
Sophia didn’t expect to find that later down the line, she would be left with no partner and £300,000 in debt, after giving cash to the man she’d met.
She’s been speaking to BBC Asian Network, and says she was a victim of “romance fraud”, and wants dating apps to take more steps to prevent it.
The bBBC continually put these scam sob stories out. It is so common that it is beyond belief that another stupid bint falls for it.
What the hell does she or the bBBC expect us to do about it?
Women are superior to men – fact.
Thought so!
The fact is most victims of ‘romance fraud’ are men. There are thousands of fake accounts going around offering ‘services’ to men. Most get ignored but there does seem to be a whole industry out there dedicated to scamming men with the offer of a wife or at least sex.
Are men in trouble? Probably not in this case because most of these profiles are obvious scams but very little gets mentioned. I fail to see how women are the only victims when it comes to online dating
Sums up how bent and corrupt our media has become…
You know the ‘error’ would never be the other way.
Fauci to Sesame Street children
The degree of bbc anger now will very much depend on the type of primary.
A full bbc mob in action is quite the thing. Unless on occasion almost unconcerned.
I was in a cash and carry at the weekend looking at missing stock items, but in front was a Chinese man with quite a thick accent who said “you watch China is going to go back into lockdown this late Autumn early Winter, and if you think you’re seeing stock shortages now it’s going to be nothing compared to next year”.
Whether he is right and has some insight remains to be seen, but perhaps if there is something you know you are going to need then it might be best to buy it early if it’s Chinese made.
Or just buy a non Chinese alternative.
Shuckster goes full smitten.
Never go full smitten.
Since the far left racist bbc demand all have to lose their jobs for past remarks……
BBC fury erupts as broadcaster urged to issue apology to Lionel Blair: ‘Get his dues’
Throughout his stint on ‘I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue’, Mr Blair was mocked constantly for his flamboyant personality and for his dancing, and was subject to homophobic jokes despite being married to a woman.
They went on for nearly 15 years, made originally by host Humphrey Lyttelton and continued by his successor Jack Dee.
Mr Blair told the Mirror in 2013: “It was merciless and just plain mean.
“I didn’t mind for myself but my wife and family really hated it and became very upset.”
Continuing his remarks, Mr Blair added: “I don’t understand why they had to be gay gags either.
“Yes, I’m very over-the-top and flamboyant but I always have been. I’m theatrical, darling!
“I could have sued, I suppose, but that would have been breaking the comedians’ code – and you simply don’t do that.”
In 2009, he also said: “It was funny the first time but it went on week after week and became distressing.
“I have been happily married to Sue for 42 years. I have three children, two grandchildren and one on the way and it was very hard on my family.
“Fortunately my kids decided to ignore it.”
Dominic Cavendish, theatre critic for The Telegraph, wrote a tribute to Mr Blair and skewered the jokes at the expense of his personality.
He argued the BBC should make a statue for Mr Blair, with an apology note attached.
He also noted in the outlet one of the earliest tributes to the presenter after his death was a joke against him, which said: “Who can ever forget opposing team captain Una Stubbs sitting open-mouthed as he tried to pull off Twelve Angry Men in under two minutes!”
Mr Cavendish added: “What’s striking, listening again to some of those recordings, is the volume of audience laughter that greeted the dormitory-ready puerile joshing.
“Shrieks of sustained, quite cruel merriment follow that ‘joke’ from 1999, which was almost a vintage year for smutty digs at his expense (Take “The undisputed expert was Lionel Blair, but even he needed the whole two minutes on Harold Pinter’s Caretaker!”) although the year before had its, er, pearls: ‘No one who witnessed the event will ever forget the sparkle in Lionel Blair’s eye as he received Free Willy from Michael Aspel for two minutes!’
“What nominally saved this material from being denounced as homophobic was the notion that it was flagrantly incorrect – barking up the wrong tree on account of Blair’s flamboyant, ‘camp’ persona, whereas Blair was long married (from 1967) with three children, and latterly grand-children to boot.
“That marriage certificate, those involved presumably thought, afforded a licence to amuse the nation.” has contacted the BBC for comment
Now we learn there was NO collusion between Trump and Russia; that the whole conspiracy was cooked up by crooked Hilary with the knowledge or participation of the FBI, the CIA, Saint Obama, and our very own Sleepy Joe Biden – though Sleazy Joe might be a better epithet.
Will the BBC report it? Of course not, but they DO have their beloved Obama all over their their Home page banging on about climate change and how it’s all Trump’s fault.
That’s the sort of headline that wet dreams are made of over at the Beeb, combining as it does Saint O’barmy plugging Climate hysteria AND denigrating Trump.
Three-in-One. Hat trick.
Drain the swamp, and flush out the BBC while you’re at it.
At last some of the truth is coming out. As to your last sentence , some turds float.