News paper reports suggest the BBC licence tax is to be frozen for the next 2 years to help with ‘cost of living pressures . Then there will be a further review in the run up to the end of the Charter in 2027 .
That is years of anti British propaganda .Much much too long .
Start the week 8 November 2021
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All hail the Obamessiah in Glasgow then?
Where’s Michelle?
Did he use a frugal jet or a gas guzzler ?
That “the unpopular ex president” ?
Not the BBC, but if you are near Liverpool and seeking a new career.
Check out this job at UK Home Office:
10 x Executive Officers. Windrush Compensation Scheme.
Barry’s not got a top drawer speech writer on tap these days then…
– says he’s in the Emerald Isle and goes on to quote Shakespeare and then onwards to “To all the young people out there – I want you to stay angry. I want you to stay frustrated,”
Don’t forget to stay angry, young bbc puppets.
He’s the Messiah, he walks on water.
ITV local news
#1 Yorkshire cricket
Lord Patel “I spent 6.5 hours talking with Rafiq, it’s so sad”
FFS tell that to a grooming gang victim
whose been gang raped 30 times.
#2 protest against 600 actually acre solar farm near old coal power stations on Notts/lincs border.
The prog never explained that that the location would have been chose cos it would already have big connects/pylons to the grid.
The thing I watched did have mention of the power stations on the Trent.
Fred what I heard was them use the the names near Cottam and near X
but not a special explanation saying the free grid connection infrastructure exists cos the coal power stations use it and will stop using it when they close.
Fred, the ITV web article does mention the grid infrastructure
But kinda of in a quick rush
This Azeem Rafiq business. He’s now been given an ‘undisclosed amount’ – yeah I bet he has, but with racist remarks, how can they be proven ? surely its the word of one against another, yet once a BAME mentions those words ‘racist abuse’ suddenly the shutters come down by way of sponsors pulling out, mass media coverage ensues and the old cliches bandied about by the usual suspects.
This must surely make companies and organisations wary of employing anyone from a BAME background, for fear of those two words being uttered, whether true or not, because the fallout just wouldn’t be worth all the hassle. I can only imagine the colourful language used by those remaining members on the board of YCC !
Would you keep that money knowing grooming gang victims haven’t been adequately compensated ?
He’s Pakistani, he doesn’t have a conscience.
An interesting aspect of the Champion decrial of landlords was the featured propaganda editorial.
The most risible examples of corporate professional abuses often appear associated more with lads and lasses from her community.
Agree. But the law makers re cognised that once we white folks were being set up by BAMEs with their ever increasing false accusations we would cease to want to employ them, so they decided to make quotas in the work place enforcableby law. Similarly rather than make BAMES have to bother with our centuries old common law where the accuser needed to produce evidence against the accused ,they conveniently allowed the BAME to win the case by merely stating that they were telling the truth as they experienced it.
Oh and it now looks as though the concept of objective truth is under threat by the ridiculous notion of truth being how each individual felt. No need to bother with facts just feelings.
Welcome to the mad house that is 21 century Britain.
ITV local news “Clean Green energy” item with Victoria Whittam
claiming sea grass is the new rainforest.
Studio guys “oo look they are killing the carbon”
They really seemed to think that a bit of seaweed in the Humber will absorb the regions man made CO2
… FFS I reckon the magnitude would be super tiny.
Sea grass the new rainforest?
ye-gods …. that is abject rubbish
“lungs of the sea” next then.
These people are just monumentally ignorant and, it has to be said – flat out stupid.
Seagrass is amazing stuff, and not technically ‘seaweed’, it’s actually a marine dwelling, flowering plant, whereas seaweed species, even Giant Kelp are marine algaes.
Is that relevent? No, not really, but does it consume masses of CO2? You bet, seaweed even more (that stuff can grow really, really fast), and phytoplankton blooms (which grow exponentially in sunlit waters and can grow into blooms as big as continents) potentially as much CO2 as you can create… which begs a question… 🤔
Does that even make sense? Still, plants DO consume CO2, and if we grow enough plants then logically the amount of CO2 knocking around WILL go down and all the warmists should be happy about that, even Greta, right?
The idea of reforestation and regreening is one I strongly favour, both on and off shore, and suggest you get behind it too. Apart from anything else, it’s a really good (irrefutable) argument for less immigration.
Seagrass in the Humber ?
Done a few seagrass surveys over the years.
It really doesn’t like dirty water
Kelp is amazing …. some giant kelp grows two feet+ in a day
Seagrass is quite a nice Ronseal shade in which I’ve painted my garden shed.
Did it say that on the tin?
Alan, we are not saying that sea kelp doesn’t absorb CO2
we are saying that the amount of growth in the Humber will be tiny like say 0.5% of the region’s CO2 output.
Just in case anyone is in any doubt about the co-ordinated mid-Channel handovers of illegals between French and British patrol vessels, here is one example from today. Shame on any MP who isn’t making a fuss about this. No-one I hear you say?
They might as well run a dedicated daily Eurostar complete with refreshments and dancing girls.
What’s keeping the lights on at COP26?
I’d like to think that somebody at a gas power station is eyeing the “OFF” switch
BBC covers the case of boy convicted of murdering another boy in Boston. in 2019
First time we get names and photos
Victim : Roberts Buncis ..Latvian
Perp : Marcel Grzeszcz a 15 yo drug dealer who looks Vietnamese
Polish Twitter “15-year-old Marcel Grzeszcz from Poland was convicted by a British court for the murder of a younger colleague.
He stabbed him 70 times with a knife and tried to cut off his head”
Another tweet “Roberts Buncis was murdered
by his friend Marcel Grzeszcz,
according to Detective Chief Inspector Richard Myszczyszyn”
“Roberts Buncis was murdered
by his friend Marcel Grzeszcz”
Friends don’t murder each other.
Apology in advance if this puts you off your evening meal – BBC fave MP Nadia opines….
Would you let children run a nuclear power plant?
I was going to dip in to the MPs talking about their own corruption . But then thought – why bother – i can find better comedy on youtube ( harry and paul ) .
Im surprised any red tories turned up at all – everyone in that place has dirty hands and bank balances – however much they might try to convince themselves otherwise .
And we have no choice but to vote for the least worst.
Fed, why don’t you sign up for a LimpDims membership and make Ed Davely smile? He was on TWatO trying to justify his second job this lunchtime. You’ve got to be the most far Lefty Righty that I’ve ever come across. 😉 🙂
Thank you for your valued suggestion . We are always open to constructive ideas and it would be pleasing to see Eddie Davey smile. As you know Eddie has a child with a disability – a fact he uses whenever necessary as an emotional shield against criticism .
So if Eddie takes money from organisations wanting to exploit him and his position in parliament that is no way corrupt. It’s just a bung so that he can look after his kid.
Maybe Eddie should have a chat with keir about how to get more money using his position as an MP .
As you know MPs are terribly underpaid and deserve so much more for employing their friends and families in ‘supporting roles ‘…. The expenses they claim in no way compensates them for the allegation of corruption the endure …..
By the way I think Rees mogg will be spending more time with his hedge fund pretty soon after his Paterson sized screw up last week ….
Yes, Fed. Ed Davey kept crouching behind his handicapped son while Sarah Montague fired bullets, in the interests of impartiality, at Ed Davey. They are soft, BBC sort of toy bullets reserved for non-Conservative Party Ministers and MPs, Nerf Gun style so don’t worry too much but there did seem to be some considerable guilt on Ed’s part. Chat with Keir? Think it is too late for Ed Davely to retrain as a lawyer where there is a chance to earn money so Ed seems to run several jobs, not just the one ‘because of his son’. Listening to him talk I assumed the son was severely handicapped, a paraplegic or something like that but no: the teenager just has some speech difficulties.
Not on Al Beeb yet but is it true that Border Farce is “Refusing” to return the illegals landing on our shores ? Is it another case of ‘Follow the money’?
If so, they should all be sacked and replaced by the Royal Navy because they are endangering the lives of the people of the UK .
Or is it just another case of the Home Office ‘ turning a blind eye ?
‘Another own goal’, this time by the inept Tory Government ?
There is a chance to teach this government a lesson: two by- elections before Christmas, a chance to put one of the alternative conservative parties on the road.
We certainly need an alternative to this Conservative Party, because, for the life of me, I can’t see anything remotely conservative about them.
Certain political commentators praise Bo-Jo for removing any reason for voting Labour or Lib-Dem. Yes, but only because he’s adopted all their policies. That’s nothing to praise him for, quite the reverse…
I didn’t vote Conservative to import tens of thousands of illegal immigrants and to put them up at expensive hotels. It’s incredible. I’d expect it of Labour, they’ve pretty much told us that. The only difference is that the Tories pretend they’re against this huge number of chancers coming here.
Nor did I vote for them to be endlessly lectured about my “carbon footprint” and to pay exorbitant fees for heating systems that don’t work. The hectoring and hypocrisy are beyond endurance. If I wasn’t living through it I might be able to laugh at it. “The Climate” is our new religion and only the very brave dissent. It feels like being a Protestant at the time of Bloody Mary.
There is barely a fag paper between all of the major political parties on most of the major topics…
“The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”
I don’t for one moment regret voting for a Conservative government at the last election. My regret is that we didn’t get one.
The parallels with UK & US – we voted in Boris to root out and destroy the leftist cancer, yet he’s done the opposite. The yanks voted the senile idiot in as he was considered more moderate and safer than Trump.
We essentially got the CCP.
Worry not about what Al Beeb broadcasts, but care more about what it does not tell us .
If I may edit:
“Worry not about what Al Beeb broadcasts, but rather what it does not.”
COP26: Obama tells young people to stay angry on climate fight
Published24 minutes ago
‘Active hostility’
The former president insisted that despite political divisions in the US and the country’s absence from global climate efforts for four years during the Trump administration, America was now back on track and committed to change.
Mr Obama made a number of comments about his predecessor, Republican Donald Trump, who once called climate change “an expensive hoax” and controversially pulled out of the Paris climate accord when he took office. The US rejoined it under Joe Biden.
If the U.K. had a civil discord stirring import the bbc can’t get enough of, he’d sound a lot like Barry.
Maybe he, and his bbc glee club, can recall the last time the two faced weasel tried to meddle over here?
“Back of the Queue.” – regardless of climate change.
Their male reporters can’t interview Obama as he would see their state of arousal. The female ‘reporters’ can’t interview him as they could not speak.
Clever clogs! 😀
Facts get in the way of progress.
That is a fact.
I’ve just seen this on Channel 5 News update: DOGTV.
“We’re a unique streaming service for dogs, designed to alleviate stress and anxiety throughout the day.”
£59.99 annual subscription. Can’t be worse than the BBC’s output.
And a lot less biased.
Dogs watch the BBC, cos it’s barking
Cheers TC I might just give it a go! I must admit every time I switch on the BBC my stress and anxiety levels go through the roof!
Are the plucky poles getting much coverage defending their border? Have they put land mines down yet ? Have they invoked article 5 nato treaty yet ? War with belorus?
I’m off to me bunker …
A lesbian couple are launching a landmark judicial review against their NHS Clinical Commissioning Group for its “discriminatory” fertility policy.
Influencers Megan and Whitney Bacon-Evans say they are required to undergo 12 rounds of costly private treatment before they can get NHS support.
Heterosexual couples have to try to conceive for two years before becoming eligible for NHS-funded treatment.
Only ‘influencers’ because the BBC promote them
The least surprising thing about the article is that it contains the phrase ‘individuals with wombs’.
Eugenics, now.
Can we see the timesheets for these people please?
Keir Starmer stood on a manifesto pledging to end MPs’ second jobs in 2019, nevertheless he’s still found plenty of time to rake in the cash with his legal expertise: since becoming an MP in 2015, Starmer’s banked £113,975 in legal fees for a total of 335.5 hours work – including £25,934.18 in the last 12 months alone.
Catch his 1 hour livestream 8pm Tuesday
Not the BBC but C4. The Rape Debate: Who’s on Trial?
Aisling Byrnes, a lawyer who defends males accused of rape, predictably came in for some stick from a studio full of angry female rape victims. She was only making some very good points about consent in difficult cases and how women are just not prepared properly by their legal teams for their day in court.
The debate generated more heat than light. A good suggestion about how to improve conviction rates came from the police themselves in the preceding documentary; the focus of investigations should shift away from the victim and towards the suspect.
Anyone seen or heard anything of Nadine Dorries?
Has she sprung into action yet to prepare for action?
She’s been working on legislation to stop Big Tech taking down news stories they don’t like when they come from reputable news outlets.
She is aware of the censorship that goes on and is not afraid to call out Zuckerberg. Thank goodness one Tory minister is aware of what Big Tech is up to and has the courage to try and stop it.
I say ‘good on ya girl’.
And I’m sure Taffman will agree with me.
Just like Priti is “working” on securing our borders.
When is she scrapping the telly tax and the parasitic outfit that is funded by it?
I knew you’d be impressed.
I urge anyone who feels the same to email these companies to explain why you will not ever do business with them, for example, this organisation:
RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: Would you feel comfortable applying for a job when you know the chips have been stacked against you in advance? Is it coz I is white?
White men need not apply. That’s the not-so-subtle message from a leading investment company striving to increase its quota of female and ethnic minority staff.
Jess McNichols, head of Inclusion, Diversity and Corporate Citizenship at State Street — which employs 39,400 people worldwide, including at Canary Wharf, in London — said: ‘This is now front and central, it’s on every executive’s scorecard.’ They can take that as a threat, not an aspiration.
Senior managers who fail to meet targets for BAME and women recruits will have their annual bonuses slashed.
Yesterday, the American-owned firm was trying to backpedal, saying it would still hire white males but only after they had been interviewed by a ‘diverse’ panel including at least one woman and one ‘person of colour’.
But be honest, chaps. Would you feel comfortable applying for a job when you know the chips have been stacked against you in advance? Why bother?
the self-regarding metropolitan ‘elite’, which largely controls everything from government to the broadcast media, advertising and big business, tends to forget that the rest of the country doesn’t look much like London. That hasn’t stopped them from trying to impose their cynical woke agenda everywhere.
For instance, at least eight out of ten people still define as ‘white British’, despite the untrammelled immigration of the past 20 years. According to the most recent official statistics, just 2.7 per cent identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual.
But if you watch TV adverts you could be forgiven for forming the impression that half the population is either black, gay or in a mixed-race or same-sex marriage.
White, heterosexual men are routinely portrayed as imbeciles. This isn’t advertising, it’s proselytising. Every cop show features a tough female detective inspector, despite the fact that whenever you see a senior Scotland Yard officer giving a press briefing outside the Old Bailey, he’s almost always a balding white male.
Yet in TV Land, it’s diversity all the way. In Vera, set in rural Northumberland, even the gamekeepers are black.
Look, I don’t object to colour-blind casting. It’s called ‘acting’. And, as I said, I applaud any attempt to further genuine inclusivity and stamp out discrimination.
But you shouldn’t advance the interests of women and ethnic minorities by demonising white males, especially when survey after survey shows that poor white boys are the most economically and educationally disadvantaged group in the country.
When Greg Dyke, my old boss at LWT, became director-general of the BBC, he famously described it as ‘hideously white’. While that has undoubtedly changed on screen these days, the upper echelons are still pretty pale and male. Hideously, you might say.
Here’s a question for that Jess McNichols person:
Unfortunately, you find yourself in a situation where you have been admitted to hospital for an emergency, life saving operation. A doctor explains the situation:
“Ms McNichols. We have two surgeons. One has 25 years experience and has performed this procedure several hundred times, with complete success. He is a White man.
“The other one is a young woman of colour, with purple hair and wearing a rainbow badge. She failed our admission interview, but we employed her to meet our quota for diversity and inclusion. This will be her first time in theatre, so a valuable oppportunity for they, which I believe is the personal pronoun of choice. Unfortunately, they does not believe that there is any biological basis to sex, and given the nature of your illness this may have some consequences for you.
‘Ms McNichols, I am sure you will prefer the second surgeon, but I did want to give you the choice. By the way, we need the name of your next of kin.”
Welcome to the Woke World.
The brave new Woke world full of BAME pilots (ex bus drivers no doubt) BAME surgeons (who demonstrate dexterity with machetes and zombie knives) and BAME hedge fund managers who can sell talcum powder in little plastic bags on street corners for a profit.
There are those who would contend we now find ourselves captive in a super souped up nanny State.
‘11pm bedtime linked to healthy heart‘ (The Times)
‘Regular 10pm bedtime linked to lower heart risk‘ (BBC)
So is it 10pm or 11pm? Perhaps the Beeb think we’re still on British Summer Time – or alternatively our national broadcaster is being extra cautious on our behalves?
I’m old enough to recall a distant childhood where Zebedee from the Magic Roundabout would annouce bedtime prior to the 6 o’clock news and then an adolescence frustrated by the national anthem and small white dot at midnight.
Amusingly, the boys and girls at our BBC would appear to follow what the Guardian rather than the Times tells them: ‘Time for bed? 10pm may reduce heart risk‘ (Guardian)
But you get the point. These days all our media assume we’re keen to be strictly regulated with health messaging and were we left to our own devices we’d live chaotic dangerous lives – likely staying up to all hours of the night.
Perhaps our journalists have a point – they’ve done some stupid stuff: ‘Mad pandemic buys. Our writers confess all‘ (Times)
The habitually left-leaning ‘i’ sometimes strikes a vaguely rebellious note: ‘Opinion Hear me out: I still don’t want to buy an electric car‘
Sleaze would appear to have driven urgent calls for booster vaccination off the front pages.
We’ll let the Daily Star speak for the rest of the press pack: ‘MPs are Snout of Order! Order!‘ The Star pictures a piggie – afterall, the Star is the paper: ‘Proud to love animals‘
Although the BBC still persists in prioritising their lurgy news tab on their online news home page over even their Climate tab. Perhaps regretfully we still recall the much-loved and all too familiar Brexit tab which has at last gone the way Zebedee and the national anthem.
‘NHS England is preparing to invite another three million people for their booster jabs next week. Some 409,663 people in the UK received their third vaccine dose on Saturday, official figures show.’ (BBC)
‘Health: Half of young women report falling sex drive and changes to their periods‘ (‘i’) – draw your own conclusions there, folks.
Strictly speaking it may not be news but Strictly star Shirley Ballas shares: ‘My health scare‘ with the Times.
The Telegraph highlights tension in eastern europe: ‘Belarus pushes migrants to EU border‘ – coming to a rubber dinghy near us soon.
The Sun focuses on Strictly but here too it is the Ruskies in the fine shape of ballroom belle Katya Jones who are stirring things up: ‘Strop Kat. The Russian pro dancer, 32, ranted about their low scores from the judges. She and Olympic swimming legend Adam, 26, were left in tears at their exit on Sunday while BBC star Dan Walker, 44, was reprieved. Adam’s mum Caroline called it a fix‘ – what… Blue Peter kitten name-fixing, Jim’ll Risk It, Boaty McFix-Face BBC doing a fix? Perish the thought.
More cold winds blowing in from the east: ‘Gas prices jump as Russia disappoints‘ (FT)
Our thoughts tend to turn to the economy. Where to find sound information? Unfortunately the FT headlines are as gnomic as ever: ‘Central bankers pose rates puzzel with divergent slants on inflation‘ – and if you can decode that then “You’re a better man than I am, Gunga Din”
Time for bed? Nurse… is it my bedtime yet?
I see the BBC have decided not to report the terrorist knife attack in Cannes.
Not to worry : they have written a lengthy article about ‘Portraits of Australian indigenous women win Taylor Wessing photo prize’.
And a very lengthy article on ‘Lesbian couple challenge NHS over ‘discriminatory’ fertility policy’. About two lesbian internet ‘influencers’ no less.
Someone needs to burst this bizarre unreality bubble the BBC are living in.
“Someone needs to burst this bizarre unreality bubble the BBC are living in.”
How about Nadine Dorries?
Not entirely unrelated but in ordinary life some people have an artistic eye, others a musical ear and some the voice of an angel and they choose or are chosen appropriate work.
What of the disabled? Well one could be blind but still speak well, be in a wheelchair but draw like Giotto or have one arm but compose classics.
Why then is Rosie Jones considered to have a voice fit for radio? Earlier this morning I heard her struggle through The Museum of Curiosity on Radio 4 Extra where we were told that she had been a correspondent for the Paralympics, the competitors of which would have matched their abities to the sport, not their disabilities.
One can just hear the programme makers at the BBC, rubbing their hands together, “Let’s rub their faces in disability, inflict Rosie Jones on the hearing and sense of timing of those nasty Brexit-voting, Daily Mail reading, licence paying scum who pay our salaries!”
You can hear it on Channel 4, BAMES announcers who cannot pronounce the letter “T”
The reasoning behind producers favouring guest experts on shows is often clear to assess.
Vile going get her on with Femi and YAB?
Seems GMB had lined her up for this today.
This is the kind of advocacy that stirs the loins of a young tv producer.
Or the aging streak of spandex anchor.
The point to account holding media is to hold to account those who need to be held to account.
Deliberately hiring factually devious propagandists to cherry pick pile ons to suit shared ideologies is pretty lame. Even if there is a chance you may get lucky.
The means by which politicians and political ideologues supplement the literally communist income they like to splash on themselves are many and varied, so ‘jobs’ find odd definition exemptions.
Champion gets minimum wage from Novara, but gets appearance money that makes Diane Abbott’s likely chump change.
Ms. Abbott has, one notes, been handed an ‘advance’ for her autobiography,… “50 Shades of Black… hitting the open road of East Germany with Jonny from the Fast Show’. That is money. Getting a ‘donation’ from a Union for nothing too clear is… money.
When the media not only play fast and loose with comparisons, but actively invite on proxies to do so… that is professional corruption.
Why, bbc, get in an utterly compromised mentally disturbed thug to ‘discuss’ this?
It’s pure heat over light, reducing the Beeboid supposed chair to a gibbering irrelevance.
But he’s got all the books in the background, surely he must be bright?
Haven’t you got all your comic albums still, G?
I’ve still got several Rupert Bear albums, and a rare Kit Carson one (They’ re on his top shelf). There’s also a Tiger Christmas album in the roof here, (Mad Al’s second shelf), and the rest are colouring books and remaindered copies of all his failed stuff, and rubbish Labour dross including a rather secretive ‘dossier’…
He might even have a copy of Bliar’s expenses – who knows?
I learned some interesting new words when I asked my dad to do the waterlilly origami in one Rupert annual.
I ended up doing the magic painting instead, knee deep in scrap paper with father muttering in the corner.
Both figures are correct. The Iraq Inquiry, chaired by Sir John Chilcot, spent just over £13 million over the eight years it was in action. The Leveson Inquiry into press culture and standards, back in 2011 and 2012, came in at about £5.4 million over roughly a year.
Now Chilcot says it too: we did not ‘sex up’ intelligence in the WMD dossier
Alastair Campbell
How weak ’45 minutes’ claim became rock-solid case for war
Raymond Whitaker
Jo Dillon
Glen Rangwala
Thursday 12 September 2013 02:02
‘Critical Theory’ rebounds.
Ash Sarkar self confessional:
“This country is held hostage by a class of bums (like me), who expect working people to finance their lifestyles while contributing nothing to society.” Nice to hear some honesty.
It’s a pity that kidult is given so much undeserved attention .
No, it is a clear travesty.
Time who gets invited on, for how much, to say what, is investigated quantitatively.
The bbc has propped up an mp with zero of value to say for years, to the tune of £100k+
It is of course no surprise she is maintaining the idiotic class driven, conflict stirring of her hero Jez. The dribbling senile one, not the one who is a bit younger.
Another who, without clear need to be held to account for this, is invited back over and over to drive it on.
Simple solution.
Tenants can buy their own homes and pay for maintenance and repairs as needed. Only problem is that they don’t have the capital required so they ‘borrow’ the house from someone who has.
Note: Repairs and maintenance run to their own timetable, not when the house owner’s salary arrives in the bank.
P.S. I’m neither a landlord or tenant.
Is she so thick that she doesn’t understand that most rented accomodation is run by local authorities?
Are they paying for doing the maintenance, or are taxpayers actually doing it for them?
Squeally voices are the norm for some of these air-heads; she really is an utterly clueless clown!
Here’s Dick, the Fourth Beeboid of the Apocalypse, explaining about news management.
Seems only yesterday a new young bbc eco acolyte was getting excited by a bloke in a suit standing in the shallows.
Managing news is hardly tricky when the news self manages for you.
The bbc is a threat to this country.
Old people die – Rishi happy as pension pot grows.
Suttee via Green Policy.
Like most, particularly here, my Bulls**t antenna is finely honed increasingly so as I age. Within no time at all, I can detect a socialist/marxist by their utterances and or demeanour and either walk away or turn off the source of the noise.
The socialist/marxist considers all other non-socialists intellectually inferior, enabling them to utter complete nonsense and to expect no response. In my opinion, this is why they immediately double-down and become suddenly outraged / defensive if challenged: they are shocked that people possess a quality they don’t – common sense.
I stumbled on the Edginton channel yesterday evening and within seconds determined the interviewee was a socialist/marxist. Full of Bulls**t. Off switch. Here, try it yourself:
G, with the greatest respect, please listen to the interview again.
Janet Daley could never be described as a “socialist/Marxist”.
She may well be “full of BS” but that’s another matter. She’s really just a typical (sort of) right(ish) jouno’ who won’t ever dare rock the boat. She’s pretty feeble, but she’s no Marxist.
It’s still worth a listen…
I got to 11 minutes and gave up – wasted questions by an idiot kidult . AVOID this and G – put up better quality stuff or nothing .really cheesed me off
G, I wouldn’t say she is a Marxist. She doesn’t understand Trump, and she doesn’t seem to recognise that the America-born woke movement has very much taken root in UK, but that doesn’t make her a Marxist. Just uninformed. I managed to get about half way before her repetitive delivery finally bored me to ‘switch off’.
Regarding MPs second (third etc) jobs.
If an mp gets another job at, for example £82k per year then that would suggest they should spend half their time on each job.
If they only spend half their time as an MP then they should be paid £41k for doing the half job.
If they have £164k coming in from extra jobs then they should be paid £27k and so on.
They should not take full mp pay unless they do the job full time.
Of course, we all know they are paid these extra sums for favours and influence to give some (those paying) advantages over competitors or to get some reward for their investment in the mp.
Power corrupts.
Also, about these donations to schools and universities.
Did I hear it right, a university is being criticised for accepting a large sum from someone connected with the National Socialist Vegetarian Party, Oswald Meusli.
‘Silly’ seems generous.
Of course you have, Ros, of course you have.
650 MPs – all up to their necks in it – reveal all 650 MPS and how they all get freebies and back handers.
Starmer … Gifts, benefits and hospitality from UK sources
Name of donor: Premier League
Address of donor: Brunel Building, 57 N Wharf Road, London W2 1HQ
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Two tickets to the Euros Final, total value £1,628
Imagine a rule where any donation obtained as a result of the MPs occupation was deemed corrupt unless the MP could prove otherwise .
Shouldn’t be too difficult since so many are soulless lawyers ….
Name of donor: H.E. Sheikh Mubarak Mahfouz bin Mahfouz
Address of donor: Al Aziziah PO Box 734, Makkah 21955, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Gift of a watch (value £1,950) on the occasion of unveiling a statue in Runnymede
New lobby row as former Chancellor Philip Hammond lands job with Saudi finance minister – raising fears he could offer ‘access and influence’ to a foreign government
Totally agree with you. I would also like to see double the value of any donation subtracted from their pay. These are nothing but brown envelope backhanders and should be treated as such.
Maybe the BBC will investigate Australia. Maybe this is our future.
Powerful stuff . We should all support Oz, if even to improve our own lot.
HOUSE OF HONOURABLE LORDS “they must inform the Clerk of the Parliaments if they’re arrested, charged, or convicted of a criminal offence.” HA HA HA HA HA
The email also advises staffers that they must inform the Clerk of the Parliaments if they’re arrested, charged, or convicted of a criminal offence. Which surprisingly doesn’t appear to have been the case before.
Ok – it’s the guardian – but the report on the red Tory mp Geof Cox selling his soul to a Caribbean government and being supported by Raab is hard to take . Apparently Raab was on today justifying it .
Must be same lodge ….the corruption is – just – something …
Carefully selected BBC… ‘young people’.
Talking about young people and climate change:
‘Greta Thunberg: COP26 is a failure and PR exercise’
Perhaps not as stupid as she looks after all?
‘We need everyone’s voices to be heard’ says young mixed-race Donald, a film-maker no less, one of 3 males in the 22 asked . The others are Josh Gorrono Chapman and Keion. Yep, just Keion.
There’s a Lily asked of course, and a Georgia and a Maisie too, with a Sorley, a Robyn, a Sofia and the ubiquitous Molly. Seems Ikenna is a male name too, I’ll hazard a guess that’s he doesn’t identify as white.
So 4 then. 4 males out of 22. Less than 20%. The ‘everyone’ that the Bbbc chooses to speak on climate change on behalf of the youth of Britain consists primarily of young women, as of course does nearly every demonstration on every issue throughout the western world at present, who are, and I’ll hazard another guess, probably very middle-class or have family links to countries outside Britain.
Those who are going to be most adversely economically and socially affected by the green hysteria infecting our political classes at the moment – young white working-class males in our traditional industrial heartlands – are ignored completely, once again their opinions, their lives, their futures, are deemed worthless.
How very, very Bbbc.
… the balance of power rests firmly with the old guard.
… The Tories have made little progress in reigning in the “Blob”. Whitehall sinks every project that insults its sensibilities.
… the power of the soft-left establishment is even stickier than many Brexiteers imagined.
… they [the Government] have shown that they have little stomach for a real fight. While they are happy to lambast the BBC’S false claims of impartiality, their threatened “showdown” with the broadcaster seems unlikely to be much more than rhetorical. Meanwhile, Conservatives who have managed to penetrate the quangos are inevitably almost always a “moderate”, and usually a Remainer.
Most dispiritingly, the Government seems to think it has to work within the grain of the existing system, rather than unpick its very foundations. But it’s not good enough to replace one quango with another: as O’Sullivan’s law states, institutions that are not explicitly Right-wing will tend to become Left-wing over time.
More unashamed bollox from the left.
There’s a certain irony in what appears to be the Beeb’s tacit approval of IQ testing, where it’s being used as a defence against a death sentence. Yet, the Beeb gets its righteous knickers in a twist over IQ testing in the Western educational system, when it’s used to assess and measure cranial competence.
I’m no fan of capital punishment. Then again, it’s easy to despise heroine and crack traffickers…they bring misery and death.
Good video footage of the tide of migrants on the Belarus/Polish border – its all kicking off there, reminiscent of the 2015 surge of migrants across Europe, but Poland aren’t having any of it, as more soldiers are manning the border. As GB points out, are they really wanting to go to Germany (like they shout) or just wanting to carry on to the UK.
Where there’s a will …
If you’d travelled across the world to pursue a better life, would you move back in return for money?
Germany is betting that the answer is yes.
The country has long offered migrants and asylum seekers financial incentives to leave its shores, and until 28 February 2018 it’s prepared to pay out extra.
Individuals will get €1,000 and families up to €3,000 (£2,650; $3,540) to cover rent or resettlement costs back in their home countries – things like basic kitchen or bathroom facilities.
Critics say Angela Merkel’s government is trying to bribe its way out of a tricky situation, but supporters say the scheme will help sad, exhausted migrants who just want to go home.
Germany is by no means first to this approach. So where else has done it – and is it morally wrong?
“Germany, Germany”…,“France, France…”…, Yookay, Yookay….”I recall now why so many voted for Brexit.
… and hasn’t that worked out so well (thanks, Boris and Priti Useless).
It hasn’t worked out so well because it isn’t Brexit we got. I would say miss Truss should be the one dealing with this government, not an albino twat led by his balls by a green activist.
OT, but this is a wonderful site by the way:
I’ve invited Mr Trump to COP26. He’s now on way.
Will the delegates and audience applaud, just as they did for Obama? After all, there’s no far left politics associated with Climate Change activism…is there?
I believe Mr. Shuckman threw himself in a puddle in the revered one’s path, created by a melted Sky failed photo op.
And was grateful as a hand made Oxford crushed his face into the hall floor.
Who would have thought that this poor guy would have been yet another who had received death threats, but because he’s not an active leftie the Gestapo yet again has failed to act.
Woman’s Hour on Radio 4 this morning (from 10 a.m.) hosted by Emma (her-parents-were-pimps) Barnett. The main interview was with none other than Huma Abedin, Mrs Clinton’s former right-hand woman.
Huma has come out with a book giving her side of the “Weinergate” Affair, so Emma concentrated on dealing with marital infidelity and public humiliation. Anthony Weiner seems to have been unfaithful to her more than once, for instance when she was expecting a baby. Apparently Hillary was always good to her, treating her as a friend first and an employee second; of course, Hillary did have some experience of such things herself.
There was much of interest in the interview but, as often with the BBC, what was omitted was very revealing too, so it did sound a bit like a whitewash (is that word still PC ?!) One feature was the way her (Muslim) surname was pronounced: we got something that sounded like the city “Aberdeen” would in southern English; maybe not important but perhaps a subtle tweak there to hide the A-B-D triliteral that appears in names such as Abdullah.
There was very little on Islam. Huma did say she was a Muslim but added little more than that Islamic prayer is a sort of meditation and withdrawal from the troubles of the world – nothing about cursing the infidels (the filthy Kuffar) and of course Emma didn’t dig any deeper. Weiner is of Jewish origin as is Emma but she didn’t want to ask about Muslim antisemitism.
Huma assured us that the e-mails dealing with affairs of state (Hillary was at the State Dept in Obama’s first term) which were found on a laptop (examined by police in connection with Weiner’s ‘sexting’ of a 15-year old girl) were all unclassified. Emma swallowed this, with no questions about the obvious implausibility of the claim or, more generally, about Huma’s links with the Muslim Brotherhood and fundamentalism. This should have been asked, since Huma’s parents and a brother were all involved with the MB.
The bias by omission is appalling and completely unacceptable. It’s a tired cliche to say it but, just imagine if that laptop had belonged to one of the Trump family! No surprise, however, as the damning Hunter Biden laptop was of no interest to the biased BBC last Autumn/Fall when it might have damaged father (or should that be ‘farter’?) Joe’s election chances.
BBC not interested in Hillary Clinton? BBC Search for ‘clinton book tour’ – no book tour results? Why not when the BCC report on Russell Brand and pay for him to appear on shows?
Hillary – the live show: Clinton to tell audiences her ‘personal, raw, detailed and surprisingly funny story’ in unprecedented nationwide tour with tickets selling for up to $1,200 {dailymail aug2017}
There are cheaper seats in the states with tickets costing between $50 and $350 to see Clinton in Broward, Florida – another state that she lost to now-President Trump.
Will she provide some amusing anecdotes about how she attacked her husband’s sexual assault victims ?
Looks like the man Wiener’s “insurance policy” worked well enough then?
For fans of “dots” and Alex Baldwin – this is hard to beat this week
Some random ship transiting the channel is going to run down a large inflatable in the dark isn’t it?
The number of martime illegals must now certainly exceed the foot passenger legals taking the ferry route..
Prince Charles to protect the borders of his Realm.
1948–1952: His Royal Highness Prince Charles of Edinburgh[1]
1952–present: His Royal Highness The Duke of Cornwall
in Scotland: 1952–present: His Royal Highness The Duke of Rothesay
1958–present: His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales
in Scotland: 2000–2001: His Grace The Lord High Commissioner to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. (In the order of precedence in Scotland, The Lord High Commissioner to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland precedes the Duke of Rothesay).
As the eldest son of the monarch, he automatically became Duke of Cornwall, Duke of Rothesay, Earl of Carrick, Baron of Renfrew, Lord of the Isles, and Prince and Great Steward of Scotland upon the accession of his mother as queen.[2] In 2021, he inherited the titles Duke of Edinburgh, Earl of Merioneth, and Baron Greenwich upon the death of his father.[3]
Prince Charles’ Military titles – yet he cannot defend our borders on his salary ….
Military ranks
This list is incomplete; you can help by adding missing items. (February 2011)
Canada 2009 – present: Vice-Admiral in the Royal Canadian Navy[25]
Canada 2009 – present: Lieutenant-General in the Canadian Army[26]
Canada 2009 – present: Lieutenant-General in the Royal Canadian Air Force[26]
New Zealand
New Zealand 2015 – present: Admiral of the Fleet of the Royal New Zealand Navy[27]
New Zealand 2015 – present: Field Marshal of the New Zealand Army[27]
New Zealand 2015 – present: Marshal of the Royal New Zealand Air Force[27]
United Kingdom
United Kingdom 8 March 1971 – 1 January 1977: Flight Lieutenant in the Royal Air Force[28][29]
United Kingdom 15 September 1971 – 1 September 1972: Acting Sub-Lieutenant in the Royal Navy[29][30]
United Kingdom 1 September 1972 – 27 July 1973: Sub-Lieutenant in the Royal Navy[30]
United Kingdom 27 July 1973 – 1 January 1977: Lieutenant in the Royal Navy[31]
United Kingdom 1 January 1977 – 14 November 1988: Commander in the Royal Navy[32]
United Kingdom 1 January 1977 – 14 November 1988: Wing Commander in the Royal Air Force[33]
United Kingdom 14 November 1988 – 14 November 1998: Captain in the Royal Navy[34]
United Kingdom 14 November 1988 – 14 November 1998: Group Captain in the Royal Air Force[35]
United Kingdom 14 November 1998 – 14 November 2002: Rear-Admiral in the Royal Navy[36]
United Kingdom 14 November 1998 – 14 November 2002: Major-General in the British Army[37]
United Kingdom 14 November 1998 – 14 November 2002: Air Vice-Marshal in the Royal Air Force[38]
United Kingdom 14 November 2002 – 14 November 2006: Vice-Admiral in the Royal Navy[39]
United Kingdom 14 November 2002 – 14 November 2006: Lieutenant-General in the British Army[40]
United Kingdom 14 November 2002 – 14 November 2006: Air Marshal in the Royal Air Force[41]
United Kingdom 14 November 2006 – 16 June 2012: Admiral in the Royal Navy[42]
United Kingdom 14 November 2006 – 16 June 2012: General in the British Army[42]
United Kingdom 14 November 2006 – 16 June 2012: Air Chief Marshal in the Royal Air Force[43]
United Kingdom 16 June 2012 – present: Admiral of the Fleet in the Royal Navy[44]
United Kingdom 16 June 2012 – present: Field Marshal in the British Army[44]
United Kingdom 16 June 2012 – present: Marshal of the Royal Air Force in the Royal Air Force[44],_Prince_of_Wales
Wow, a whole raft of hen’s teeth on the BBC today (ie articles open for HYS which are not sport).
The topics ?
‘Thousands of UK phone boxes to be saved from closure’
‘Regular 10pm bedtime linked to lower heart risk’
All the things people are most interested in during these dark days where the Left have split society right down the middle.
I often wonder what kind of idiots are in decision making positions at the BBC these days.
British Army says:
“Hold my Beer”
Wars … no longer important now Afghanistan is lost.
Mod note – twitter deleted because of the Eff word
Doctor Balissa Greene
Assistant Head of Diversity and Inclusion @British Army
Dr Balissa Greene is an award-winning Occupational Psychologist with over 15 years of leadership and policy development experience in both large and small organisations. Delivering fairness, equality and transparency is the thread that runs throughout her career. She has worked diligently to support evidenced based programme delivery and delivers change through improving analytical capability, sound governance and inspiring others. Driven by an understanding of the need to shine a light on untold stories to influence change, she completed her PhD on the lived experience of commonwealth personnel in the British Army.
She is currently the Assistant Head of Diversity and Inclusion for the British Army where she is passionate about solving real world problems through using research and evidence.
Her interests include how diverse social and organisational identities affect working life and the experiences of work.
I would say it’s the same type as are responsible for decisions in the government, not not-a-clue-Boris but the left wing civil servants.
I thought the article about having a ‘regular 10PM bedtime’ fitted with their usual ‘nanny state’ attitude.
There’s nothing the BBC seem to like more than giving a good lecture on: what we’re allowed to say, what we’re allowed to eat, how we should be defecating, and now, when we should go to bed, it’s a bit like being 5 again.
Locals were concerned at the prospect of girls as young as 11-years-old sharing toilets with boys as old as 18.
And pupils from the school said they were uncomfortable with the decision.
I wonder if the BBC and particularly the London Programme
would rubbish the police so much, if there were as many “diverse”
police officers and particularly senior diverse women police officers as we see in TV drama. As
there are actually in real life?
Very good question!
Top female Asian police officer launches £500k lawsuit against Scotland Yard after alleging she was told to keep quiet about a swastika at work
Nusrit Mehtab was most senior female ethnic minority officer in the Met Police
She’s suing the force for racism at the Central London Employment Tribunal
Described how senior white female officers ‘huddled together like Mean Girls’
Seeking around £500,000 for lost earnings, pension and injury to feelings
Superintendent left the force after 32 years when she says she hit ‘glass ceiling’
The vast, vast majority of Police Constables have no interest in promotion. They see it as a refuge for the incompetent and workshy.
Why would a swastika be of any particular concern to someone of Hindu extraction? In fact it’s one of the Hindu’s sacred symbols representing well being, how could it possibly be interpreted by her as ‘racist’.
Just more proof that there’s no such thing as ‘racism’, it’s as real as the bogeyman.
Were they not on the German side during the war?
I can just imagine what fun this woman was to work with.
No wonder they didn’t like her. Of course egged on by the BBC and considering herself to be an entitled minority, she totally blames everybody else.
BAME privilege. Like the white kind but more bitter.