“Gay couple receive landmark Church in Wales blessing”
Hallelujah, the BBC is ecstatic. On top of which one of the homosexual partners is a priest, praise the Lord.
Enjoy it while you can, BBC, as the C of E is in terminal decline, with all its wokery. It has been calculated that it will disappear completely by the year 2033.
Personally I think that’s optimistic.
The real problem with the destruction of Western society by the Left is that others have no such responsibilities and will quickly fill the void as our historical institutions and traditions are destroyed.
Just started the last episode of Vera season 10. Local middle-aged rich white man with gated house, private security etc just got shot by burglars. His wife and daughter ?. Black. Another mixed-race main-character family which makes one in all the last 3 episodes.
Vera goes next door. They have a son with downs syndrome. He witnessed the robbers getting away. He will of course be instrumental in their eventual apprehension.
I’m sure someone will turn out to be gay as the episode progresses. I will never know as I just can’t watch it.
What’s interesting is that I went for a run at the local beach yesterday and as I often do while I’m recovering at the end, I was talking to someone fishing. Turns out him and his mates were down from Middlesborough for a fishing match tomorrow. So I asked him if it was really full of mixed-race couples like in Vera. His answer was that there are hardly any BAME in the area – though they do have a few black friends they go drinking with.
Lordy, I really set him off. He’s as sick of the anti-white racism as I am. And he was not the slightest bit racist – it’s the way the Left are dragging to country into a woke-filled abyss which he didn’t like. And he said his other friends felt even stronger about it than him.
Sometimes it cheers you up to know others think the same way.
Actually, there was only one group of people he had bad things to say about. People from somewhere close to India.
There’s no such thing as ‘racism’, of course if you think I’m wrong then please do give me a definition which covers all the bases and which everyone agrees with in a couple of sentences. I’ll guarantee you won’t be able to because even the BBC in all it’s left wing pomp doesn’t know what ‘racism’ is.
I can, but I’ll let someone else have a go first.
The BBC does seem to have a weird definition, in the way it interprets it, as if there is no such thing as racism against white people or British people.
Whether its Middlesbrough, Margate or Megavissey, it doesn’t matter who you speak to, the country is united against this continued farce that ad agencies insist on forcing upon us – the multi racial family. It barely f…….g exists !!!!!
To start with, there’s a bit of wokery, then normality, then a barrage of complete delusional wokeness! I only shop there because it’s cheap and close by, no other reason!
Brissles, I also notice they are now shoe-horning in ads with black with white adoring male couples.
Must be loads of them around la-la-ad-land.
I also had a smile at the recent security system ad with a camp security engineer turning up at the home of an equal camp home owner who is worried that his neighbours had a break in.
The comedy bit comes right at the end of the ad where the male home owner turns to his left and notices what is probably supposed to be his female wife with a look that conveys… “who the hell are you?”
Watching the Lord Mayor’s parade this morning, I like to hear the Bootneck band, I noticed that those nice people from Extinction Rebellion hijacked the show. My how the bBBC were caught out, showing pictures of the Rebels with papier-mache heads and hands. The floats were all backed up and the show just couldn’t go on. Still before then they managed to show as many dusky faces as they could.
Northern Voter
I’m sorry mate but if you know how Big Brother operates. Why do you watch his screen? Mind you, he may know who is switched off.
Holy shit! I’m always switched off!!
You won’t see many worthless clickbait articles trying as hard to be relevant as this one.
The true climate impact of what we eat is not easy to calculate, says Prof Gill. “Carbon footprints of food vary with how it is produced and where it comes from, and thus changes with the seasons,” she says. In other words, all the figures are basically made up.
The bottom line for the whole article is that they have no idea what impact animals actually have or whether eating less meat will make any difference.
Smacks a lot of whatifery and fakenewsery put out by vegans and championed by BBC vegans.
And to round it off, we have this little gem:
“Replacing beef with pork may sound like a good choice,” says Ms Caldart. “But opting for peas instead would be even better.
Animals capture nitrogen and urinate it onto the ground.
It used to be thought that bacteria within pea plants capture nitrogen and that leaving the roots in the ground puts it into the soil. Unfortunately the plant pulls the nitrogen back up as the plant dies so the soil gains very little.
1. A calorie from beef. Cattle born, bred and reared within 5 mile radius, eating mostly grass (rough grazing), supplemented with maize in the winter months. Slaughtered at nearest slaughterhouse, butchered, and sold locally? (Beef is 3 calories per gram)
2. A calorie from avacado. Tree grown in cleared forest in the tropics, pesticides/fungicides etc… sprayed seasonally. Hand harvested and transported to packing centre, packaged and shipped (chilled) across Atlantic. Sold to supermarket chain, repackaged by chain, transported to local supermarket? (Avacado is 2 calories per gram)
Who knows? There are far too many variables involved… how old was the cow? How long do avacado trees take to grow? Is the avacado refrigerated? Does cow dung help the soil make plants grow faster? Do avacado trees consume CO2? Do fields of grass and maize? How much? Is the production of beef, or the production of avacado more labour intensive? How many humans are involved in each?….
You know what? The whole notion you can simply put a ‘CO2 value’ on any kind of food is laughable.
That’s one of those typical BBC hidden message headlines, what they really want to say is “You will stop eating meat if we push hard enough for long enough and get our way!”
However I wish they had found a way to get the message over to the hundreds of feral foxes who have appeared in our town since they stopped people hunting them.
Last night a fox got into our chicken run by chewing a hole in the wire mesh and beheaded our 4 hens, the fox made off with the heads but left the bodies strewn around the coop for some odd reason!
I wish there had been a few hunt saboteurs around to show the carnage to!
Apparently blubbing has broken out at the green thing – led by a blue labour unknown cabinet minister- because the agreement allows unlimited burning of excellent coal for the foreseeable future …
Go on climate – get changing ….I’m off to start a nice smoky fire …
But they will break, Scobie, those heat pumps. They have more moving parts than a gas boiler, bigger moving parts than a gas boiler and have to live in the big outdoors, unlike a gas boiler.
One’s parents had a hand shovel, which, if reversed and stood in front of our fire (we didn’t have a big fireplace), one’s newspaper could easily survive the ‘drawing’ process, with the newspaper, if broadsheet, almost not needing any support, so one could sit back and relax, and let nature do its thing to get the fire going.
Damn, but that photo takes me waaaaaay back (even though, for some reason, it appears to have been reversed).
'The agreement has been watered down to near meaninglessness'
Director of the Global Warming Policy Forum Dr Benny Peiser reacts as world leaders agree to a revised climate deal at the COP26 summit pic.twitter.com/nv84G8Zvww
\\ BREAKING: Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said today’s Cop26 agreement
“is a big step forward and,
critically, we have the first ever international agreement
to phase down coal and a road map to limit global warming to 1.5C” //
Alok Sharma apologises for not signing the British taxpayer up to a trillion dollar giveaway to corrupt African dictators
'I am deeply sorry'
President of the COP26 summit Alok Sharma apologises for the way the negotiations process is concluding, with last minute changes to the wording of the climate deal. pic.twitter.com/pYYshy2thn
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear – I have just started watching the Royal British Legion Festival of Remembrance, introduced by a female continuity announcer who advised me that it was coming from the Royal Alber’ ‘All. Alfie Boe kicked off proceedings, singing in a mid-Atlantic voice while representatives of the armed forces marched round him. Then a modern poem by somebody-or-other; then some Belfast schoolchildren making poppies, then a number from that large black chap who always wears a hat indoors (does he doff it in the presence of ladies?) – Gregory Porter is it?
I gave up after that. They used to start with the muster of the armed forces, then have displays of military intricacy and precision, and appropriate and serious music and readings: perhaps that all came later…..or perhaps it’s just so last year…..I really don’t know any more….
I know the feeling – I didn’t even try with it because I know what they’ve done to it . Charles Windsor will sit there thinking about his trees …
Always ask “Is it about , what they say it’s about ?”
Increasingly it seems climate change is yet another vehicle (just like BLM last summer) for socialist anarchists to try and stop capitalism. https://t.co/9NwyJ3a1KX
BBC Welsh explaining how you can make a tambourine out of MDonalds rubbish you find in the bin.
Translation “#NOWMakeAnInstrument as part of #COP26 !
In this final chapter, create your own Tambourine with materials from your recycling bin with the help of BBC violinist ”
Rydyn ni wedi bod wrth ein bodd yn rhannu ein fideos hwyliog a chreadigol #NOWMakeAnInstrument fel rhan o #COP26!
Pleased to hear it, and hope she continues to do well.
I have two upcoming ops – gall bladder removal and a small C lesion removal at the end of November and a week later in December, – nice, so I may well be off grid for a bit. Having to do all the Christmas pre-prep stuff now so I can collapse in a heap during December.
Brissles – if I didn’t hate that ‘ditto ‘ thingy I’d ditto what scroblene says .. and if I can use my offices of knowing email addresses I am happy to exchange as authorised by the parties … off site .. if you know what I mean …
Brissles, my dear old thing (well, it is the cricket season Down Under – just don’t mention the rugby football at all), hope your ops go well. The BCC* thing (if that is what it is) can be a breeze. Hope the first goes well also.
* first time I typed BBC instead of BCC, force of habit. I wish there was a surgeon around who could cut off the TV Licence! It is a cancer on the wallets and purses of the British public.
Talking TV Ads…. Today I saw the first ad I can remember from the RNLI pleading for funds.
It couldn’t be that they didn’t realise that when they all decided to become overseas relief workers it might lose them a tidy chunk of steady income from a lot of very pissed people who thought their purpose was to help ships in distress?
The Queen at the Cenotaph today. She was too unwell to attend the opening of Glasgow but, I suspect, she is not convinced of ‘Climate Change’ hence not appearing on the last day to wrap up the debacle.
Top expert speaks
and shows the Islington elites are all the same gang
Whatever my view of the shortcomings of this deal, Alok Sharma has shown himself to be a person of decency, integrity and commitment as #COP26 President.
And then they all got in their 4x4s, and flew home, all smug and complacent! They’d had a lovely jolly at the tax-payer’s expense, had a few shags, got pissed a few times, and met a few more lucrative contacts for fees on the back of a stupid, un-measurable ‘deal’, which isn’t worth the paper it’s written on.
Meanwhile 95% of the British population just carried on with their daily work, and totally ignored the waste of space, air, money etc.
“The Glasgow Climate Pact is the first ever climate deal to explicitly plan to reduce coal, the worst fossil fuel for greenhouse gases.” https://biasedbbc.tv
We in taffland do not mine coal. We haven’t done for some 20 years?
Lou is borrowing my car tomorrow so I thought I’d better clear it out. Turns out I’ve been carting about half a ton of junk around. Ohh, bad for the planet, naughty naughty!
The job took much longer than I envisaged, and as I filled the black sacks I had the radio on. The car hasn’t got DAB, so much against my better judgement I settled for BBC Radio Four. I found myself listening to ‘Any Answers’, presented by Anita Anand. People were ringing in to discuss global warming. All seemed to be smoothly progressing along the lines of the usual agenda, with a number of callers more-or-less toeing the BBC’s line, but then a Scottish lady joined in. At first she talked about the way greeny policies had damaged employment in Aberdeen, and although you could hear Anita’s hackles rise this challenge to the universal consensus was just about tolerated, but then the Scottish woman went on to express doubts (just doubts) about the whole global warming hypothesis, in as much as it was affecting employment and prosperity. She might as well have declared that the moon was made of green cheese, that the Earth is flat, or that sex with goats was a jolly fine thing. She was cut off faster than was decent. So much for free speech.
Next up a couple of blokes who were dead against nuclear power. Their views were welcomed warmly. One said that ‘renewables provide 90% of our electricity needs already.’ Anita did not challenge this absurd claim, although she must have known it was rubbish. At the moment of writing renewables are doing much better than usual because it’s really windy: they are producing a massive 19% of demand!
The other guy said that nuclear power stations weren’t ‘environmentally friendly’, because of the amount of cement used when they are built. I can’t dig out the figures right now but I know that the amount of cement per GWh of electricity produced by nuclear power stations is dwarfed by the same figure for wind turbines. Anita kept quiet, but then a caller came on and to Anita’s palpable alarm cunningly changed tack without warning. He pointed out that not only do the windmills need a hell of a lot of cement because they have to have massive foundations to withstand the lateral forces from the wind, their construction releases large amounts of CO2 that had been trapped in the peat. Wow! That man was disappeared mighty quick! Can’t fault that Anita for her reflexes!
The next programme was a short story by Travis Alabanza. Actually, it isn’t accurate to call it a short story. Blatant propaganda is a better description. It was in the form of letters between a mother and her daughter. It was pure one-sided environmentalist claptrap from start to finish. No really, it was. It was incredible. I’m used to the BBC’s lies but this really made me sit up. Even in the dark days of the Soviet Union and Radio Moscow there was no propaganda as naked and unashamed as this. Amongst much more (because they really crammed it in) we had Obama GOOD, Boris BAD, Greenpeace GOOD, Monbiot GOOD, Oil BAD, windmills GOOD, Greta a SAINT, and much much more. Needless to say a quick google confirms my suspicions about this Travis Alabanza person. She/he/it will have a fine future with the BBC.
OK, if they want to make a 15 minute over-the-top advert for environmentalism that’s one thing (and thus warned we could all avoid it), but for it to masquerade as an innocent short story is outrageously dishonest.
It isn’t ‘one off’, it goes right through every thing they do, like a stick of rock.
Even Radio 3, home of ‘dead white men’, manages to work in the current BBC cause.
It reminds me of when companies want to ‘refresh their brand’, they produce a logo that can work on the side of a building, truck, coffee mug or pencil, a ‘mission statement’ that can fit a strap line, a ‘corporate colour’ for ‘instant recognition’. All this is by design and so must be the actions of the BBC.
Funny how a lot of journo’s are ‘reporting’ how climate change is affecting those islands that cater for luxury holidays. Mark Stone reporting from the Bahamas, and Ashish ‘droning voice’ Joshi walking along the white sand and turquoise sea of the Maldives. Such a hard life they have.
How the US media, criticising Trump of child separation of immigrants, uses photos of child separation of immigrants but taken during Obamas administration !
My message to the PM and his Tory MPs ……….The people voted for Brexit to control our borders. We did not vote for your latest wife and Al Beeb’s ‘green nonsense’.
After the ridiculously agenda-based article about white man who ‘nearly became a racist killer’ yesterday, this kind of double-standard hypocrisy and deliberate omission of information they don’t want you to talk about is why the far-Left BBC disgust me so much:
Just information on the consequences of them being there. No mention at all about why they are needed. It’s as if terrorist barriers are absolutely normal.
They are not there for your ‘far-Right terrorists’ threat are they BBC ?.
The only things any politician cares about are their own career and bank balance.
She knows she will be assasinated by media and all the liberal Lords and left-leaning MP’s if she really goes for the BBC. It’s just lip service because they know it’s what the public want.
But the time for direct action has arrived. No not about climate change but about the BBC. Members of the public don’t need to go on demonstrations or glue their heads to the road , just stop paying the License Fee and if a million of us do it the BBC will be on its knees.
There are those who might claim our mainstream corporate media somewhat embroiders our news.
I’m guessing Tory ministers are hoping for a bit of climate change to come along soon. With the Channel as calm as a mill pond this week, headlines like this will tend to keep popping up: ‘UK border boss: borders are just a pain in the a***. Might that help explain why more than 23,500 migrants have crossed the Channel this year?‘ (Mail on Sunday)
What with winter weather coming on soon, vaguely apropos is this headline from the BBC: ‘COP26 climate deal: ‘”It won’t save us from drowning”‘ – what are the chances of when the inevitable Channel disaster happens, a la Grenfell, Hillsborough etc… there’s some subsequent inquiry held that really holds ministers to account for allowing this highly dangerous traffic to continue unabated?
And of course none of these migrants fear deportation – even if they’ve been ever so naughty: ‘“Galling!” Patel fuming after Jamaica deportation flight leaves UK with just four onboard… The flight was supposed to deport 37 criminals to Jamaica. But last-minute challenges allowed 33 of the criminals to be let off the hook, according to the Home Office. The criminals were, between them, guilty of crimes including murder and child sexual offences.‘ (Express)
Then, like Winnie the Pooh’s pal Rabbit, we can look forward to the subsequent legal arrival of all their friends and relations: ‘Winnie the Pooh passes by nine of Rabbit’s friends and relations, all living in trees, while out for a walk in the Wood‘ (a debut appearance hereabouts for the Disney Wiki)
You never do know what you might come across, if you go down to the woods, today: ‘Bigfoot found in Cannock Chase‘ (Star on Sunday) – seems this native of the high Himalayas, by way of the north American wilderness, has now migrated to the West Midlands: ‘Bigfoot’s only gone and turned up in a British wood! The mythical creature has avoided detection for centuries, but Yeti hunter Lee Brickley reckons a huge footprint and claw marks on a tree in Cannock Chase… prove he really exists‘ – let’s hope it’s not too large a carbon footprint.
In further news likely to bring a smile: ‘Now sis wants to sue Meghan. Samantha in talks with lawyers‘ (Sunday People)
And in news inevitably bringing to mind Little Britain comedian Matt Lucas and his tubby Welsh homosexual character Daffyd Thomas (the only gay in the village): ‘Gay couple receive landmark Church in Wales blessing… Father Lee said the service, at St Collen’s Church, in Llangollen, Denbighshire, was “extremely special”‘ (BBC) – and, as the Welsh tend to say: “Isn’t it?”
There was a time finance ministers had the nerve to stand up and tells us they were going to raise our taxes. Now they’ve convoluted the plot somewhat, so that it’s not their fault: ‘Delta boss says climate change means flying will cost more… research suggest airfares would need to increase by 10%-20% to cover the costs…. “In the short-term, government support will be needed with those costs [of] decarbonising aviation”…Like other airlines, Delta has received billions in government support to get through the pandemic‘ (BBC)
‘Ghislaine Maxwell breaks her silence: Rats in her cell and creepy guards‘ (Telegraph) – creepy guards? Oh the irony. Still, cheer up, things could be worse: ‘Ecuador prison riot: New fighting at Guayaquil jail kills 68‘ (BBC)
But let’s not end on a sour note. I wonder what music was played at that Welsh gay marriage blessing? Some Tina Turner… Shirley Bassey perhaps? Tom Jones? Then – lest we forget there’s a religious aspect to the ceremony… maybe a quick rendition of cumbayah…
‘Dress embroidery project unifies women around the world‘ (BBC) ‘An artist has said her dress embroidery project has globally connected women from different cultures. Kirstie Macleod from Somerset started The Red Dress project to help marginalised women tell their stories through embroidery‘
And with that tale of embroidery closing the circle just about where we came in… so we close. Perhaps hinting to our ministers apropos the Channel – a stitch in time, saves nine.
Interesting, same post a few days ago I am pretty sure had. ‘Fight’ only.
The richest countries, most responsible for emissions, are being asked to help developing countries protect against climate change #COP26BBChttps://t.co/K3Ek7M9wez
That bbc James Rugby bloke currently cycling back from Glasgow with tears in his eyes will need to nestle in Springster’s ample bosom awhile to get over the follies to this…
The start of BBC1 Andrew Marr show he lists which politicians he is interviewing then says, “but of of course it is Remembrance Day… so I will be speaking to Malala Yousafzai about Pakistan…”
Watching the Belarus/Poland border coverage.
And noted that, as with the sailors across the channel, there are almost no women but lots of men, many of whom have facial hair. An observable fact mysteriously omitted from almost all BBC coverage of ‘traumatised vulnerable people’.
Then I thought about Islam. The institutionalised subjugation of women. The lack of jobs and careers. The lack of schooling. The inability to wear what clothes you want. Where are the feminist campaigners when we need them?
So I postulate that the womenfolk in these places are told to stay at home while the men go off and try to get into Europe.
But if the MEN at these borders are traumatised and vulnerable’ then what on earth does it say about their WOMENfolk left behind? Not to mention the morality of those who have left them behind.
Questions that clearly the useless corrupt selective BBC have put in the ‘too difficult’ pile.
I would suggest that many are more than happy to leave their ‘baggage’ behind and start afresh.
There is no denying that Islam (at least the version many practice in reality, whatever the theory) holds the females of our species in little regard.
One day, perhaps in the not so distant future, the women of the EU/UK may realise what they’ve let themselves in for?
Feminists (like ‘Green’ campaigners) only go for the soft targets, and besides, these days they have their ‘war’ with the Trans community over how many Trans people can stand on a cervix, to preoccupy them.
‘North Eastern city sees highest snowfall in 116 years’
I quote further.
‘…….the snowstorm was an extremely random and sudden extreme weather event….’
Could it be that whenever there is a cold snap the BBC report it as a random event……but when it rains or there is a warm spell the BBC report it as a global warming event?
Surely the world’s finest impartial broadcaster would not stoop so low?
A quick reminder: there's no point in voting Labour if you're dissatisfied with the Conservative Gov't on immigration. Labour is more pro-immigration than the Conservative Party, if that's at all possible. Labour also has a clandestine plan to probably re-align the UK with the EU
I do wish they’d change the question from, “channel migrant shambles” to merely, ‘migrant shambles’ otherwise it would appear that the hundreds of thousands of others entering the UK within a year, to live, is acceptable.
The license tax has got to be worth its weight in gold for
the excellent sports reviews we get on BBC. I wait in
expectation to hear what the latest women’s rugby results
are. I have asked the BBC if they could give us the netball
results on the main news programmes as well.
I mean who wants to know how Wales have got on in a
MENS World Cup qualifier ? When the BBC show very little
interest in the National sports of the UK. UNLESS one
Yorkshire cricketer is having some “racist” banter with his Pakistani best friend fellow cricketer.
The COP26 agreement was so bad
.. that the privileged grandchildren of top millionaire EU officials with gold-plated pensions
“will fight with other human beings for water and food.
That’s the stark reality we face.”
“Reality” I doubt it, you emotional-blackmailing dramaqueen.
EU vice-president Frans Timmermans said: “If we fail [my one-year-old grandson] will fight with other human beings for water and food. That’s the stark reality we face.” https://t.co/HGUeYDS4dT
Better make sure he’s brought up tough then, hey Mr Timmerman?
I’d suggest enrolling him in a local, inner city school, getting him used to a diet of cockroaches and rats, and drinking rainwater out of rusty cans from day one – can’t start too early, and the immune system is greatly enhanced by an early childhood eating out of bins and bathing in raw sewage (if it doesn’t kill you, that is).
You don’t want him to get used to sleeping indoors, or in a bed, so best to dig a hole in the garden for him to live in, if you’re feeling generous you could always give him some rusty corrugated iron to keep most of the rain out, and some old rags to wear.
A few lessons in knife fighting, or better yet, practical hands on experience of no holds barred street brawling, and gang membership is probably recommended. No better way to learn how to look out for yourself and how to hotwire a car than being in a pre-teen criminal gang. I’d suggest making him fight another child to the death for his food at least once a week to improve those skills and imbue the proper ‘killer instinct’.
Don’t waste your time and money on private education, elocution lessons (or dental appointments), instead send him out to learn how to talk in the ghetto down the road, a little bit of dealing and prostitution, progressing to full scale drug manufacture and advanced pimping, probably wouldn’t do any harm either (ok it might, but you want him to be toughened up a bit, right?).
While you’re at it, it would probably be worth getting him circumcised and enrolled in the local mosque too, being able to recite a few lines of the Quran should keep him in with the right people in the future.
Chip-chop, no time to lose, I suggest you start right now… or, were you really just exaggerating for effect there?
Here’s the direct clip
about Facebook going to extraordinary lengths to ban Bjorn Lomborg posts
which quote proper papers
which point out extreme weather deaths have fallen massively
largely due to better adaptation & mitigation
… https://youtu.be/LqT9V39dYX0?t=650
The Beeb shoehorning a trans pilot into their Remembrance coverage. Some of the other ex-military personnel featured in the report had their legs blown off in combat, and this weirdo is complaining about his gender identity problems. Utterly tone deaf. They just can’t help themselves.
Just listening to Mr Sharma and my bullshit’ometer went off the scale. But he’s not white and talks very nicely.
What a complete load of tosh. I don’t believe they have the slightest idea about how to keep the rise down to 1.5C or indeed if any of this vast amount of money will make any difference at all. In fact I am pretty certain that every few years we will get told ‘we are not doing enough’ and more budget will be syphoned off.
Bottom line is they have no clue what to do about climate change and so are just throwing the maximum amount of cash they can get away with at it. And of course making people rich in the process. Especially in the corrupt countries who are demanding trillions of dollars.
All the rest is lies and rhetoric to placate the public. History will be the judge.
Thankfully I have seen nothing of the green thing but was hoping for the nothing it has turned out to be – with a bit of luck there won’t be another gathering for a decade or more ….
… meanwhile we are faced with more and more civil disorder from retired teachers and the loons who feel the need to screw up other peoples’ lives …. Martyrdom beckons …. With accompanying propaganda from the BBC ….
ie warm / cold winter = global warming
Cold / warm summer = global warming ….
The Maunder Minimum reprise relentlessly approaches. They will be worrying, soon, about the 1.5 degree drop in temperatures, and wondering how quickly they can build, and commission all those coal-fired and nuclear power stations they are going to need, in the meantime relying on Putin’s generosity with his gas, and the assistance of Macron and others to keep the power flowing in the interconnectors…
BBC Headline:
‘China and India must explain themselves, says Sharma’
What he actually said:
‘China and India will have to explain themselves and what they did to the most climate vulnerable countries in the world’.
Not quite the same at all BBC. You’ve twisted it to suit your agenda. The lack of the single quote around the words is another BBC trick because they have deliberately changed what he said.
Whilst busily concentrating on trying to bring down Boris however they can at the same time they are getting nervous about the increasingly likely restoration of Donald Trump as President calling it “a threat to democracy”.
Left wing press like the BBC are the only real threat to democracy.
Someone needs to remind them that if candidate A gets more votes than candidate B in an election they get elected BECAUSE of democracy , it’s not rocket science but seems to escape the BBC.
To the BBC, only accepting your own choice as legitimate is their form of their so-called democracy.
Now if they had claimed that Trump is a threat to “Democrats” they would be spot on!
I think it’s reasonable to assume there should be at least 100 million charging points around the Country, at work, at home and on the road.
Will they be put onto the pavements outside peoples houses like a traffic meter, there for those without a garage, parked up outside their houses.
Think of the amount of work required to dig up roads and whatever to lay the cables for all these charging points.
Think of the extra electricity needed when most of them will be on charge overnight. How many more power stations will be built, windmills and solar panels just will not do.
How long does it take to build a new power station and are any planned for this massive increase in demand from vehicle chargers by 2030
My guess is each charger might use the equivalent of boiling a kettle continuously or at least running some appliance which uses a lot of electricity.
Will electricity bills go up by the amount you will not be paying for petrol or will it be more (or less)
Will they all be up and running in 8 years.
I can’t see this electric vehicle changeover taking place. Maybe by 2080 but not in 8 years time.
I don’t hear any of the msm asking if we will be ready, why not?
A giant has left the building. One of the great story-tellers in television news at the @BBC. They say no-one is irreplaceable. Believe me when I say some are. https://t.co/NcLNMOyvi5
Lunchtime LoatherMar 4, 16:03 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Loved this bit: “”As I understand it today, the BBC has only made one payment to the programme maker to…
Fedup2Mar 4, 15:35 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Excellent news TTK Won’t give MPs a vote on military action in Ukraine – come on – let’s get this…
Fedup2Mar 4, 15:21 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Come on come on – there’s got to be a council out there ‘banning shrove Tuesday ‘ because it clashes…
Ian RushlowMar 4, 14:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The BBC bots and globalist lickspittles are being fully co-ordinated on this. The BBC article features a carefully curated comments…
Fedup2Mar 4, 14:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I wonder is the BBC bewilderment is mentioned is caused by a reversal of positions – normally the lefties want…
GMar 4, 14:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We’ve got to follow the ‘old’ Japan and now China, buy the stuff and reverse engineer it. The US won’t…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 14:13 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 ‘I lost trust’ in Gaza film, says BBC boss Tim Davie https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cwynrn0g0lko ……………………………… BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast BBC Radio…
“Gay couple receive landmark Church in Wales blessing”
Hallelujah, the BBC is ecstatic. On top of which one of the homosexual partners is a priest, praise the Lord.
Enjoy it while you can, BBC, as the C of E is in terminal decline, with all its wokery. It has been calculated that it will disappear completely by the year 2033.
Personally I think that’s optimistic.
The real problem with the destruction of Western society by the Left is that others have no such responsibilities and will quickly fill the void as our historical institutions and traditions are destroyed.
Such as islam.
Precisely – and of course our drug dealing friends who keep stabbing each other.
Just started the last episode of Vera season 10. Local middle-aged rich white man with gated house, private security etc just got shot by burglars. His wife and daughter ?. Black. Another mixed-race main-character family which makes one in all the last 3 episodes.
Vera goes next door. They have a son with downs syndrome. He witnessed the robbers getting away. He will of course be instrumental in their eventual apprehension.
I’m sure someone will turn out to be gay as the episode progresses. I will never know as I just can’t watch it.
What’s interesting is that I went for a run at the local beach yesterday and as I often do while I’m recovering at the end, I was talking to someone fishing. Turns out him and his mates were down from Middlesborough for a fishing match tomorrow. So I asked him if it was really full of mixed-race couples like in Vera. His answer was that there are hardly any BAME in the area – though they do have a few black friends they go drinking with.
Lordy, I really set him off. He’s as sick of the anti-white racism as I am. And he was not the slightest bit racist – it’s the way the Left are dragging to country into a woke-filled abyss which he didn’t like. And he said his other friends felt even stronger about it than him.
Sometimes it cheers you up to know others think the same way.
Actually, there was only one group of people he had bad things to say about. People from somewhere close to India.
I find the same everywhere I go when the media is mentioned
There’s no such thing as ‘racism’, of course if you think I’m wrong then please do give me a definition which covers all the bases and which everyone agrees with in a couple of sentences. I’ll guarantee you won’t be able to because even the BBC in all it’s left wing pomp doesn’t know what ‘racism’ is.
I can, but I’ll let someone else have a go first.
The BBC does seem to have a weird definition, in the way it interprets it, as if there is no such thing as racism against white people or British people.
Multiple upticks.
Whether its Middlesbrough, Margate or Megavissey, it doesn’t matter who you speak to, the country is united against this continued farce that ad agencies insist on forcing upon us – the multi racial family. It barely f…….g exists !!!!!
Just watched the Tesco ad – pathetic!
To start with, there’s a bit of wokery, then normality, then a barrage of complete delusional wokeness! I only shop there because it’s cheap and close by, no other reason!
Brissles, I also notice they are now shoe-horning in ads with black with white adoring male couples.
Must be loads of them around la-la-ad-land.
I also had a smile at the recent security system ad with a camp security engineer turning up at the home of an equal camp home owner who is worried that his neighbours had a break in.
The comedy bit comes right at the end of the ad where the male home owner turns to his left and notices what is probably supposed to be his female wife with a look that conveys… “who the hell are you?”
“Do you want your kid vaccinated? Then get the Vaccinate Me Elmo Doll and terrify your kid to a safer tomorrow.”
Mask stays on permanently!
Watching the Lord Mayor’s parade this morning, I like to hear the Bootneck band, I noticed that those nice people from Extinction Rebellion hijacked the show. My how the bBBC were caught out, showing pictures of the Rebels with papier-mache heads and hands. The floats were all backed up and the show just couldn’t go on. Still before then they managed to show as many dusky faces as they could.
Northern Voter
I’m sorry mate but if you know how Big Brother operates. Why do you watch his screen? Mind you, he may know who is switched off.
Holy shit! I’m always switched off!!
Actually I saw Twitter video of crowds cheering a security guards rushed and roughly manhandled the XR people off the road and to the barracades
Climate change: Do I need to stop eating meat?
You won’t see many worthless clickbait articles trying as hard to be relevant as this one.
The true climate impact of what we eat is not easy to calculate, says Prof Gill. “Carbon footprints of food vary with how it is produced and where it comes from, and thus changes with the seasons,” she says. In other words, all the figures are basically made up.
The bottom line for the whole article is that they have no idea what impact animals actually have or whether eating less meat will make any difference.
Smacks a lot of whatifery and fakenewsery put out by vegans and championed by BBC vegans.
And to round it off, we have this little gem:
“Replacing beef with pork may sound like a good choice,” says Ms Caldart. “But opting for peas instead would be even better.
News by idiots for idiots.
Animals capture nitrogen and urinate it onto the ground.
It used to be thought that bacteria within pea plants capture nitrogen and that leaving the roots in the ground puts it into the soil. Unfortunately the plant pulls the nitrogen back up as the plant dies so the soil gains very little.
I think you are supposed to plough leguminous plants in while they are still green.
What generates more CO2:
1. A calorie from beef. Cattle born, bred and reared within 5 mile radius, eating mostly grass (rough grazing), supplemented with maize in the winter months. Slaughtered at nearest slaughterhouse, butchered, and sold locally? (Beef is 3 calories per gram)
2. A calorie from avacado. Tree grown in cleared forest in the tropics, pesticides/fungicides etc… sprayed seasonally. Hand harvested and transported to packing centre, packaged and shipped (chilled) across Atlantic. Sold to supermarket chain, repackaged by chain, transported to local supermarket? (Avacado is 2 calories per gram)
Who knows? There are far too many variables involved… how old was the cow? How long do avacado trees take to grow? Is the avacado refrigerated? Does cow dung help the soil make plants grow faster? Do avacado trees consume CO2? Do fields of grass and maize? How much? Is the production of beef, or the production of avacado more labour intensive? How many humans are involved in each?….
You know what? The whole notion you can simply put a ‘CO2 value’ on any kind of food is laughable.
And having put the CO2 value on, what does it signify? Some would say more CO2 is better.
One things for sure, “Do I need to stop eating meat?”, for the CC disciples, really means, “Do I need to stop eating?”
That’s one of those typical BBC hidden message headlines, what they really want to say is “You will stop eating meat if we push hard enough for long enough and get our way!”
However I wish they had found a way to get the message over to the hundreds of feral foxes who have appeared in our town since they stopped people hunting them.
Last night a fox got into our chicken run by chewing a hole in the wire mesh and beheaded our 4 hens, the fox made off with the heads but left the bodies strewn around the coop for some odd reason!
I wish there had been a few hunt saboteurs around to show the carnage to!
Apparently blubbing has broken out at the green thing – led by a blue labour unknown cabinet minister- because the agreement allows unlimited burning of excellent coal for the foreseeable future …
Go on climate – get changing ….I’m off to start a nice smoky fire …
Keep the home fires burning
Twitter pics don’t work here if they end in numbers
We lit a coal fire around 2.00pm today then popped several logs on during the afternoon!
Marvellous, natural way to keep warm!
Local businesses thrive, our wood is locally sourced, we know our coalman, we give him several bottles during the year too, so what’s not to like?
Stuff those ground pumps; like solar panels and wind farms, they’ll never break even!
But they will break, Scobie, those heat pumps. They have more moving parts than a gas boiler, bigger moving parts than a gas boiler and have to live in the big outdoors, unlike a gas boiler.
Blimey, that picture brings back memories ! I lost count the number of times the paper went up in smoke !!! ha ! ha !
One’s parents had a hand shovel, which, if reversed and stood in front of our fire (we didn’t have a big fireplace), one’s newspaper could easily survive the ‘drawing’ process, with the newspaper, if broadsheet, almost not needing any support, so one could sit back and relax, and let nature do its thing to get the fire going.
Damn, but that photo takes me waaaaaay back (even though, for some reason, it appears to have been reversed).
COP26 from 2 GBnews a min clip
Full video https://youtu.be/TQBPOnPGBKk
Damn, all those poor Africans will have to cancel their orders for new Omegas, Rolexes, Mercedes and Bentleys now the money for forests is drying up.
Back to the daily grind on the laptop with a list of UK pensioners and gullible single females email addresses.
\\ BREAKING: Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said today’s Cop26 agreement
“is a big step forward and,
critically, we have the first ever international agreement
to phase down coal and a road map to limit global warming to 1.5C” //
Alok Sharma apologises for not signing the British taxpayer up to a trillion dollar giveaway to corrupt African dictators
Have a Nobel prize anyway mr unknown
Leaving the door wide open for the beanfest that’ll be known as COP27.
They always are meaningless. Who expected anything else?
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear – I have just started watching the Royal British Legion Festival of Remembrance, introduced by a female continuity announcer who advised me that it was coming from the Royal Alber’ ‘All. Alfie Boe kicked off proceedings, singing in a mid-Atlantic voice while representatives of the armed forces marched round him. Then a modern poem by somebody-or-other; then some Belfast schoolchildren making poppies, then a number from that large black chap who always wears a hat indoors (does he doff it in the presence of ladies?) – Gregory Porter is it?
I gave up after that. They used to start with the muster of the armed forces, then have displays of military intricacy and precision, and appropriate and serious music and readings: perhaps that all came later…..or perhaps it’s just so last year…..I really don’t know any more….
Did they do the synchronised bogus refugee saving and this bit of drill?
I know the feeling – I didn’t even try with it because I know what they’ve done to it . Charles Windsor will sit there thinking about his trees …
Screenshot : The Nigel Lawson “Stupid fuels” article.
You can click to enlarge it.
Always ask “Is it about , what they say it’s about ?”
BBC Welsh explaining how you can make a tambourine out of MDonalds rubbish you find in the bin.
Translation “#NOWMakeAnInstrument as part of #COP26 !
In this final chapter, create your own Tambourine with materials from your recycling bin with the help of BBC violinist ”
Sadly, the sate of the broadcasters in taffland.
TV advert “there’s never better time to become a care worker”
… is there a particular reason why they need to advertise on TV for them… using Taxpayer money ?
Please don’t tell me a BAME is in the advert – they’re the ones who are’nt getting vaccinated !!!!
It’s presumably to get them to be vaccinated, but why the taxpayer has to provide the funds, God only knows!
(BTW, The Senora is home today and much better – thanks so much for your lovely chat)!
Pleased to hear it, and hope she continues to do well.
I have two upcoming ops – gall bladder removal and a small C lesion removal at the end of November and a week later in December, – nice, so I may well be off grid for a bit. Having to do all the Christmas pre-prep stuff now so I can collapse in a heap during December.
You take care, Brissles!
Any time for a chat or a moan, write to Scrobs!
Brissles – if I didn’t hate that ‘ditto ‘ thingy I’d ditto what scroblene says .. and if I can use my offices of knowing email addresses I am happy to exchange as authorised by the parties … off site .. if you know what I mean …
Brissles, my dear old thing (well, it is the cricket season Down Under – just don’t mention the rugby football at all), hope your ops go well. The BCC* thing (if that is what it is) can be a breeze. Hope the first goes well also.
* first time I typed BBC instead of BCC, force of habit. I wish there was a surgeon around who could cut off the TV Licence! It is a cancer on the wallets and purses of the British public.
Talking TV Ads…. Today I saw the first ad I can remember from the RNLI pleading for funds.
It couldn’t be that they didn’t realise that when they all decided to become overseas relief workers it might lose them a tidy chunk of steady income from a lot of very pissed people who thought their purpose was to help ships in distress?
Well they told us COP26 was the last chance
so it’s all over, no need for COP27
… well unless they were b*llsh!tting us
The Queen at the Cenotaph today. She was too unwell to attend the opening of Glasgow but, I suspect, she is not convinced of ‘Climate Change’ hence not appearing on the last day to wrap up the debacle.
Top expert speaks
and shows the Islington elites are all the same gang
And then they all got in their 4x4s, and flew home, all smug and complacent! They’d had a lovely jolly at the tax-payer’s expense, had a few shags, got pissed a few times, and met a few more lucrative contacts for fees on the back of a stupid, un-measurable ‘deal’, which isn’t worth the paper it’s written on.
Meanwhile 95% of the British population just carried on with their daily work, and totally ignored the waste of space, air, money etc.
We are being invaded and sadly Boris aint no Churchill .
He’s a Chamberlain.
What say you Tory voters and supporters ?
He’s a chamber pot, and full of bovine excrement.
“The Glasgow Climate Pact is the first ever climate deal to explicitly plan to reduce coal, the worst fossil fuel for greenhouse gases.”
We in taffland do not mine coal. We haven’t done for some 20 years?
As an aside , did the BBC back losers in fighting Brexit and backing Joe Soap ?
Lou is borrowing my car tomorrow so I thought I’d better clear it out. Turns out I’ve been carting about half a ton of junk around. Ohh, bad for the planet, naughty naughty!
The job took much longer than I envisaged, and as I filled the black sacks I had the radio on. The car hasn’t got DAB, so much against my better judgement I settled for BBC Radio Four. I found myself listening to ‘Any Answers’, presented by Anita Anand. People were ringing in to discuss global warming. All seemed to be smoothly progressing along the lines of the usual agenda, with a number of callers more-or-less toeing the BBC’s line, but then a Scottish lady joined in. At first she talked about the way greeny policies had damaged employment in Aberdeen, and although you could hear Anita’s hackles rise this challenge to the universal consensus was just about tolerated, but then the Scottish woman went on to express doubts (just doubts) about the whole global warming hypothesis, in as much as it was affecting employment and prosperity. She might as well have declared that the moon was made of green cheese, that the Earth is flat, or that sex with goats was a jolly fine thing. She was cut off faster than was decent. So much for free speech.
Next up a couple of blokes who were dead against nuclear power. Their views were welcomed warmly. One said that ‘renewables provide 90% of our electricity needs already.’ Anita did not challenge this absurd claim, although she must have known it was rubbish. At the moment of writing renewables are doing much better than usual because it’s really windy: they are producing a massive 19% of demand!
The other guy said that nuclear power stations weren’t ‘environmentally friendly’, because of the amount of cement used when they are built. I can’t dig out the figures right now but I know that the amount of cement per GWh of electricity produced by nuclear power stations is dwarfed by the same figure for wind turbines. Anita kept quiet, but then a caller came on and to Anita’s palpable alarm cunningly changed tack without warning. He pointed out that not only do the windmills need a hell of a lot of cement because they have to have massive foundations to withstand the lateral forces from the wind, their construction releases large amounts of CO2 that had been trapped in the peat. Wow! That man was disappeared mighty quick! Can’t fault that Anita for her reflexes!
The next programme was a short story by Travis Alabanza. Actually, it isn’t accurate to call it a short story. Blatant propaganda is a better description. It was in the form of letters between a mother and her daughter. It was pure one-sided environmentalist claptrap from start to finish. No really, it was. It was incredible. I’m used to the BBC’s lies but this really made me sit up. Even in the dark days of the Soviet Union and Radio Moscow there was no propaganda as naked and unashamed as this. Amongst much more (because they really crammed it in) we had Obama GOOD, Boris BAD, Greenpeace GOOD, Monbiot GOOD, Oil BAD, windmills GOOD, Greta a SAINT, and much much more. Needless to say a quick google confirms my suspicions about this Travis Alabanza person. She/he/it will have a fine future with the BBC.
OK, if they want to make a 15 minute over-the-top advert for environmentalism that’s one thing (and thus warned we could all avoid it), but for it to masquerade as an innocent short story is outrageously dishonest.
It isn’t ‘one off’, it goes right through every thing they do, like a stick of rock.
Even Radio 3, home of ‘dead white men’, manages to work in the current BBC cause.
It reminds me of when companies want to ‘refresh their brand’, they produce a logo that can work on the side of a building, truck, coffee mug or pencil, a ‘mission statement’ that can fit a strap line, a ‘corporate colour’ for ‘instant recognition’. All this is by design and so must be the actions of the BBC.
Funny how a lot of journo’s are ‘reporting’ how climate change is affecting those islands that cater for luxury holidays. Mark Stone reporting from the Bahamas, and Ashish ‘droning voice’ Joshi walking along the white sand and turquoise sea of the Maldives. Such a hard life they have.
How the US media, criticising Trump of child separation of immigrants, uses photos of child separation of immigrants but taken during Obamas administration !
This is how the mainstream media lies to you
Maddow is paid $30,000,000 per year
This is deeply concerning, as it is bound to affect the rest of the world, much more so than Tory sleaze:
Barmy Harris with “racist trees ” usual demented Biden and as for Pelosi…..
They are a genuine Muppet show parody, that is if the Muppets were on magic mushrooms and someone hid the scripts:
Joe Biden ‘completely off with the pixies”
The problem is that the Left vote for their ideology and would vote for a pixie if it stood for President.
That’s why the MSM and particularly the far-Left BBC cover up for Joe all the time.
It means the Right – who generally vote based on real world common sense – are about 30% down at the starting line.
My message to the PM and his Tory MPs ……….The people voted for Brexit to control our borders. We did not vote for your latest wife and Al Beeb’s ‘green nonsense’.
After the ridiculously agenda-based article about white man who ‘nearly became a racist killer’ yesterday, this kind of double-standard hypocrisy and deliberate omission of information they don’t want you to talk about is why the far-Left BBC disgust me so much:
York Shambles anti-terror barriers leave retailers ‘gobsmacked’
Just information on the consequences of them being there. No mention at all about why they are needed. It’s as if terrorist barriers are absolutely normal.
They are not there for your ‘far-Right terrorists’ threat are they BBC ?.
Have a word with Nadine Dorries.
The only things any politician cares about are their own career and bank balance.
She knows she will be assasinated by media and all the liberal Lords and left-leaning MP’s if she really goes for the BBC. It’s just lip service because they know it’s what the public want.
But the time for direct action has arrived. No not about climate change but about the BBC. Members of the public don’t need to go on demonstrations or glue their heads to the road , just stop paying the License Fee and if a million of us do it the BBC will be on its knees.
`a la useless patel.
There are those who might claim our mainstream corporate media somewhat embroiders our news.
I’m guessing Tory ministers are hoping for a bit of climate change to come along soon. With the Channel as calm as a mill pond this week, headlines like this will tend to keep popping up: ‘UK border boss: borders are just a pain in the a***. Might that help explain why more than 23,500 migrants have crossed the Channel this year?‘ (Mail on Sunday)
What with winter weather coming on soon, vaguely apropos is this headline from the BBC: ‘COP26 climate deal: ‘”It won’t save us from drowning”‘ – what are the chances of when the inevitable Channel disaster happens, a la Grenfell, Hillsborough etc… there’s some subsequent inquiry held that really holds ministers to account for allowing this highly dangerous traffic to continue unabated?
And of course none of these migrants fear deportation – even if they’ve been ever so naughty: ‘“Galling!” Patel fuming after Jamaica deportation flight leaves UK with just four onboard… The flight was supposed to deport 37 criminals to Jamaica. But last-minute challenges allowed 33 of the criminals to be let off the hook, according to the Home Office. The criminals were, between them, guilty of crimes including murder and child sexual offences.‘ (Express)
Then, like Winnie the Pooh’s pal Rabbit, we can look forward to the subsequent legal arrival of all their friends and relations: ‘Winnie the Pooh passes by nine of Rabbit’s friends and relations, all living in trees, while out for a walk in the Wood‘ (a debut appearance hereabouts for the Disney Wiki)
You never do know what you might come across, if you go down to the woods, today: ‘Bigfoot found in Cannock Chase‘ (Star on Sunday) – seems this native of the high Himalayas, by way of the north American wilderness, has now migrated to the West Midlands: ‘Bigfoot’s only gone and turned up in a British wood! The mythical creature has avoided detection for centuries, but Yeti hunter Lee Brickley reckons a huge footprint and claw marks on a tree in Cannock Chase… prove he really exists‘ – let’s hope it’s not too large a carbon footprint.
In further news likely to bring a smile: ‘Now sis wants to sue Meghan. Samantha in talks with lawyers‘ (Sunday People)
And in news inevitably bringing to mind Little Britain comedian Matt Lucas and his tubby Welsh homosexual character Daffyd Thomas (the only gay in the village): ‘Gay couple receive landmark Church in Wales blessing… Father Lee said the service, at St Collen’s Church, in Llangollen, Denbighshire, was “extremely special”‘ (BBC) – and, as the Welsh tend to say: “Isn’t it?”
There was a time finance ministers had the nerve to stand up and tells us they were going to raise our taxes. Now they’ve convoluted the plot somewhat, so that it’s not their fault: ‘Delta boss says climate change means flying will cost more… research suggest airfares would need to increase by 10%-20% to cover the costs…. “In the short-term, government support will be needed with those costs [of] decarbonising aviation”…Like other airlines, Delta has received billions in government support to get through the pandemic‘ (BBC)
‘Ghislaine Maxwell breaks her silence: Rats in her cell and creepy guards‘ (Telegraph) – creepy guards? Oh the irony. Still, cheer up, things could be worse: ‘Ecuador prison riot: New fighting at Guayaquil jail kills 68‘ (BBC)
But let’s not end on a sour note. I wonder what music was played at that Welsh gay marriage blessing? Some Tina Turner… Shirley Bassey perhaps? Tom Jones? Then – lest we forget there’s a religious aspect to the ceremony… maybe a quick rendition of cumbayah…
‘Dress embroidery project unifies women around the world‘ (BBC) ‘An artist has said her dress embroidery project has globally connected women from different cultures. Kirstie Macleod from Somerset started The Red Dress project to help marginalised women tell their stories through embroidery‘
And with that tale of embroidery closing the circle just about where we came in… so we close. Perhaps hinting to our ministers apropos the Channel – a stitch in time, saves nine.
Doesn’t ‘Kirstie Macleod from Somerset’ jar nearly as much as ‘Sadiq Khan from London’?
These ‘no nation, no borders’ reporters should give up on place names entirely perhaps?
Bigfoot has been seen in Thetford Forest a few times now
Interesting, same post a few days ago I am pretty sure had. ‘Fight’ only.
Which is very different to ‘protect’.
Assuming either go anywhere other than airport construction bungs or Merc dealerships.
Horrorbin’s language policing unit?
Guest Who
Is that photograph real ?
That looks like my aunt’s old beach hut off Rhyl coast ? it even looks like that lady is sporting her beach towel.
That bbc James Rugby bloke currently cycling back from Glasgow with tears in his eyes will need to nestle in Springster’s ample bosom awhile to get over the follies to this…
Is the purpose of the blue cloth behind so that they can ‘chroma key’ him high and dry to Davos or Ms Spring’s studio?
“This one image illustrates the severity of climate change”
No, it really doesn’t.
They actually tweeted that seriously
Like it wasn’t a joke.
The start of BBC1 Andrew Marr show he lists which politicians he is interviewing then says, “but of of course it is Remembrance Day… so I will be speaking to Malala Yousafzai about Pakistan…”
How much is the git paid for a Sunday morning program that few people watch?
BBC to set a new soap opera in the slums of Karachi? *Better than Borehamwood”
Boy I am I getting slow on the uptake.
Watching the Belarus/Poland border coverage.
And noted that, as with the sailors across the channel, there are almost no women but lots of men, many of whom have facial hair. An observable fact mysteriously omitted from almost all BBC coverage of ‘traumatised vulnerable people’.
Then I thought about Islam. The institutionalised subjugation of women. The lack of jobs and careers. The lack of schooling. The inability to wear what clothes you want. Where are the feminist campaigners when we need them?
So I postulate that the womenfolk in these places are told to stay at home while the men go off and try to get into Europe.
But if the MEN at these borders are traumatised and vulnerable’ then what on earth does it say about their WOMENfolk left behind? Not to mention the morality of those who have left them behind.
Questions that clearly the useless corrupt selective BBC have put in the ‘too difficult’ pile.
I would suggest that many are more than happy to leave their ‘baggage’ behind and start afresh.
There is no denying that Islam (at least the version many practice in reality, whatever the theory) holds the females of our species in little regard.
One day, perhaps in the not so distant future, the women of the EU/UK may realise what they’ve let themselves in for?
Feminists (like ‘Green’ campaigners) only go for the soft targets, and besides, these days they have their ‘war’ with the Trans community over how many Trans people can stand on a cervix, to preoccupy them.
Interesting COP 26 juxtaposition.
Here’s a story from China on the BBC webshite.
‘North Eastern city sees highest snowfall in 116 years’
I quote further.
‘…….the snowstorm was an extremely random and sudden extreme weather event….’
Could it be that whenever there is a cold snap the BBC report it as a random event……but when it rains or there is a warm spell the BBC report it as a global warming event?
Surely the world’s finest impartial broadcaster would not stoop so low?
A reasonable sample.
I do wish they’d change the question from, “channel migrant shambles” to merely, ‘migrant shambles’ otherwise it would appear that the hundreds of thousands of others entering the UK within a year, to live, is acceptable.
Good point.
The license tax has got to be worth its weight in gold for
the excellent sports reviews we get on BBC. I wait in
expectation to hear what the latest women’s rugby results
are. I have asked the BBC if they could give us the netball
results on the main news programmes as well.
I mean who wants to know how Wales have got on in a
MENS World Cup qualifier ? When the BBC show very little
interest in the National sports of the UK. UNLESS one
Yorkshire cricketer is having some “racist” banter with his Pakistani best friend fellow cricketer.
Questions of the age….
Better a person from the, ‘Asian Sub-Continent’. There, that’ll bring things up to date.
Romesh ranganathan would be a shoo-in, you’d think. Is he ill?
Its 11am on remeberence Sunday and this is the BBC news headline.
I can paste but it was COP26 !!!!!!!
Disgraceful and disgusting.
The COP26 agreement was so bad
.. that the privileged grandchildren of top millionaire EU officials with gold-plated pensions
“will fight with other human beings for water and food.
That’s the stark reality we face.”
“Reality” I doubt it, you emotional-blackmailing dramaqueen.
Better make sure he’s brought up tough then, hey Mr Timmerman?
I’d suggest enrolling him in a local, inner city school, getting him used to a diet of cockroaches and rats, and drinking rainwater out of rusty cans from day one – can’t start too early, and the immune system is greatly enhanced by an early childhood eating out of bins and bathing in raw sewage (if it doesn’t kill you, that is).
You don’t want him to get used to sleeping indoors, or in a bed, so best to dig a hole in the garden for him to live in, if you’re feeling generous you could always give him some rusty corrugated iron to keep most of the rain out, and some old rags to wear.
A few lessons in knife fighting, or better yet, practical hands on experience of no holds barred street brawling, and gang membership is probably recommended. No better way to learn how to look out for yourself and how to hotwire a car than being in a pre-teen criminal gang. I’d suggest making him fight another child to the death for his food at least once a week to improve those skills and imbue the proper ‘killer instinct’.
Don’t waste your time and money on private education, elocution lessons (or dental appointments), instead send him out to learn how to talk in the ghetto down the road, a little bit of dealing and prostitution, progressing to full scale drug manufacture and advanced pimping, probably wouldn’t do any harm either (ok it might, but you want him to be toughened up a bit, right?).
While you’re at it, it would probably be worth getting him circumcised and enrolled in the local mosque too, being able to recite a few lines of the Quran should keep him in with the right people in the future.
Chip-chop, no time to lose, I suggest you start right now… or, were you really just exaggerating for effect there?
Yet according to the Green Party that’s “science it’s a no-brainer”
… https://twitter.com/ShahrarAli/status/1459295530991947777
BTW here’s the video of that part
.. https://youtu.be/RVMeqBzV-Y4?t=47
Being that the gentleman is Dutch, I don’t suppose he or his countrymen have much experience of fighting.
Its 11am on remeberence Sunday and it’s not even headlines on the BBC
Actually there are at least 3 special TV progs tonight
10:15am-12:30pm Live from The Cenotaph
5:20pm Countryfile : Remembrance special from the National Arboretum
to mark 100 years of The Royal British Legion
6:50pm-8pm BBC2 Special coverage of the mornings Cenotaph
9pm-10:35pm BBC4 Film They Shall Not Grow Old ..film that honours the WW1 soldiers in the Western Front
While they some people
they suppress others
Here’s the direct clip
about Facebook going to extraordinary lengths to ban Bjorn Lomborg posts
which quote proper papers
which point out extreme weather deaths have fallen massively
largely due to better adaptation & mitigation
… https://youtu.be/LqT9V39dYX0?t=650
While they hype some people
The Beeb shoehorning a trans pilot into their Remembrance coverage. Some of the other ex-military personnel featured in the report had their legs blown off in combat, and this weirdo is complaining about his gender identity problems. Utterly tone deaf. They just can’t help themselves.
But Mr Sharma insisted the “historic” deal “keeps 1.5C within reach”.
Just listening to Mr Sharma and my bullshit’ometer went off the scale. But he’s not white and talks very nicely.
What a complete load of tosh. I don’t believe they have the slightest idea about how to keep the rise down to 1.5C or indeed if any of this vast amount of money will make any difference at all. In fact I am pretty certain that every few years we will get told ‘we are not doing enough’ and more budget will be syphoned off.
Bottom line is they have no clue what to do about climate change and so are just throwing the maximum amount of cash they can get away with at it. And of course making people rich in the process. Especially in the corrupt countries who are demanding trillions of dollars.
All the rest is lies and rhetoric to placate the public. History will be the judge.
Thankfully I have seen nothing of the green thing but was hoping for the nothing it has turned out to be – with a bit of luck there won’t be another gathering for a decade or more ….
… meanwhile we are faced with more and more civil disorder from retired teachers and the loons who feel the need to screw up other peoples’ lives …. Martyrdom beckons …. With accompanying propaganda from the BBC ….
ie warm / cold winter = global warming
Cold / warm summer = global warming ….
The Maunder Minimum reprise relentlessly approaches. They will be worrying, soon, about the 1.5 degree drop in temperatures, and wondering how quickly they can build, and commission all those coal-fired and nuclear power stations they are going to need, in the meantime relying on Putin’s generosity with his gas, and the assistance of Macron and others to keep the power flowing in the interconnectors…
This is absolutely typical BBC:
BBC Headline:
‘China and India must explain themselves, says Sharma’
What he actually said:
‘China and India will have to explain themselves and what they did to the most climate vulnerable countries in the world’.
Not quite the same at all BBC. You’ve twisted it to suit your agenda. The lack of the single quote around the words is another BBC trick because they have deliberately changed what he said.
‘Why you can trust the BBC’. lol.
The BBC are in a state…
Whilst busily concentrating on trying to bring down Boris however they can at the same time they are getting nervous about the increasingly likely restoration of Donald Trump as President calling it “a threat to democracy”.
Left wing press like the BBC are the only real threat to democracy.
Someone needs to remind them that if candidate A gets more votes than candidate B in an election they get elected BECAUSE of democracy , it’s not rocket science but seems to escape the BBC.
To the BBC, only accepting your own choice as legitimate is their form of their so-called democracy.
Now if they had claimed that Trump is a threat to “Democrats” they would be spot on!
In a state? They tried Ed earlier.
There seems to be a correlation between people anyone sane would see all doors locked rather than meet, and who is top of the bbc green room gob list.
There are 32 million vehicles registered in GB.
I think it’s reasonable to assume there should be at least 100 million charging points around the Country, at work, at home and on the road.
Will they be put onto the pavements outside peoples houses like a traffic meter, there for those without a garage, parked up outside their houses.
Think of the amount of work required to dig up roads and whatever to lay the cables for all these charging points.
Think of the extra electricity needed when most of them will be on charge overnight. How many more power stations will be built, windmills and solar panels just will not do.
How long does it take to build a new power station and are any planned for this massive increase in demand from vehicle chargers by 2030
My guess is each charger might use the equivalent of boiling a kettle continuously or at least running some appliance which uses a lot of electricity.
Will electricity bills go up by the amount you will not be paying for petrol or will it be more (or less)
Will they all be up and running in 8 years.
I can’t see this electric vehicle changeover taking place. Maybe by 2080 but not in 8 years time.
I don’t hear any of the msm asking if we will be ready, why not?
It’ll be delayed, then quietly forgotten, as will Doris.
BBC green rooms also rammed with dipsh*t professors.
I see that Begum bitch is in the news again today attacting the ire of her fellow terrorists.
She really has missed a trick in her desperation to return to the country she hates, she should be claiming she is the love child of Bernie Winters.
The one on the right’s not bad, but the other one… yuk!
On the last day of COP26 when Ashok was blubbbing about coal
.. COAL was keeping the lights on
…………………. #IRONY
Being offended doesn’t mean you are right.
Being offended doesn’t mean you are right.
Off to the re-education camp with you!
Jon been at the cooking sherry?
That is quite unusual a BBC guy lionising another BBC guy
.. It’s not like they are up themselves all the time ….. /sarc
“story telling” something we all suspected, experts at fairy tales especially LGBT style and other fantasies
Once Sopes eventually hangs up his Bamabeanie for good, the unctuous incest hagiographic drool will be awesome..
Has he ever called anything correctly?
I also not that Vanity Fair, the publication of choice for the preening Hollywood set has decided a judge not dancing to their tune is… ‘the worst’.
Sopes will likely RT this.
BBC Online News:
“COP26: China and India must explain themselves, says Sharma”
Arrogant delusion aby the Far Left and their BBC mates.
Before COP26 Morano put up a 30 min video explaining why it would be rubbish.
“Build Bank Bankrupt”
… https://youtu.be/R7p1O6aYlnE?t=10944