A qualified reception for #Glasgow Climate Pact from the redoubtable @MattMcGrathBBC. On Wednesday last week China mined coal with the CO2 content of Ireland’s annual emissions IN A SINGLE DAY. We’ve got a long way to go! https://t.co/eJo56FxCmU
Justin Rowlatt
I’m the BBC’s (first ever) Climate Editor. I report from the front line of climate change – how it’s going to affect our lives and what we can do about it.
Londonbbc.com/news/world/asiaJoined January 2009
The history of that PR image
is that Rowlatt had the basic one made
to show him as the roving climate correspondent carrying his Antarctic bags and with a background of passport stamps
Sometimes at the top of an article he then adds the image of the topic at the right hand side
say Opium poppies
He likes the Greta one so much, that rather use the one with his name on the left, for his Twitter profile, her uses the Greta one.
Another front page report trying to pull down the West. Presumably so it can all be replaced by a communist utopian dictatorship where we all either follow their rules or get sent to a Gulag.
I wouldn’t mind if they got it all in context and proportion. But these shameless hypocrites ignore the terrible things the Islamic extremists did – and are still doing – because they don’t want to offend or upset the millions of them living here.
Instead we learn about girls football teams, singers who aren’t allowed to sing any more and air hostesses who have been told to stay at home. We get nothing of the torture and murder which I am quite certain has happened in the hundreds or thousands.
This is what disgusts me so much about the Left. They don’t actually care about any of these people. They only care about using them to push their agenda. I’m not even sure they even know what their end game is. I suspect they are simply driven by hate and spite of those on the Right.
The end game for these hypocrites will be their subjugation and/or murder by the very religion they protect at any cost. I doubt I will live long enough to point a finger and laugh at them.
Lingchi (simplified Chinese: 凌迟; traditional Chinese: 凌遲), translated variously as the slow process, the lingering death, or slow slicing, and also known as death by a thousand cuts, was a form of torture and execution used in China from roughly 900 until 1905. It was also used in Vietnam and Korea. In this form of execution, a knife was used to methodically remove portions of the body over an extended period of time, eventually resulting in death.
Lingchi was reserved for crimes viewed as especially heinous, such as treason. Some Westerners were executed in this manner. Even after the practice was outlawed, the concept itself has still appeared across many types of media.
The compromises and contradictions of COP26 – @MattMcGrathBBC with analysis, including the sobering fact that a record day of China coal mining last week will produce CO2 emissions roughly equivalent to Ireland's output for an entire year. https://t.co/ffAqBl0cF9
So if Ireland stop breathing they can reduce China’s output by 1 day! Yeah! And it all European cities stop developing then China can carry on regardless ….. yeah!
Win! Win!
Tony and Cherie Blair bought property via offshore firm and saved £300,000 in tax
This article is more than 1 month old
Former PM and his wife became owners of £6.5m office building by acquiring offshore company partially owned by Bahraini minister
I agree the punctuation marks are dangerous!! Legal ‘experts’ remove ALL punctuation marks as they convey meaning, to a sentence or phrase. It can change the meaning of words, its dangerous.. so the left in general want them all banned, therefore making everything based on a legal interpretation of a single word.
The Mirror would be intelligible (more so) than the already punctually challenged ‘Grauniad’ (that’s The Guardian as they used to spell it). Of course they HATE punctuation, and the ENGLISH language as its racist (obviously) and full of ambiguity and FUN with words. ‘We cannot allow that’ – they would say….! BBC are safe with images of ‘victims’, as they are a never ending news feed, with (sad) ‘voice-over’ (with expression), and ‘nod’ that needs no punctuation in 20 seconds.
COP26: Wrong Again: 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions
So a nutters convention on par with the Flat Earthers (and I do apologise to those who do believe in a flat earth), as the BBC doomsayers believe; things are getting far (and capitalism is route to all evil etc.), far, far worse: believing in GLOBAL Apocalypse! the film! Listen to us we predict the TRUTH!, Twitter followers, protest the world is equally flat, there are no mountains, no beast upon the earth and the air is all toxic. The BBC fact checkers have said the end is nigh… Only Biden can save us all!
(Until the next COP out due in six years time)
Modern doomsayers have been predicting climate and environmental disaster since the 1960s. They continue to do so today.
None of the apocalyptic predictions with due dates as of today have come true.
What follows is a collection of notably wild predictions from notable people in government and science.
Delighted to hand on the baton to brilliant journalist @BBCMorelle – she's taking on a great role and will bring to it her own superb style https://t.co/880f2WhLCH
“Liverpool Women’s Hospital: One dead in car explosion outside hospital”
The force said it “has not been declared a terrorist incident” but counter-terrorism detectives were leading the inquiry “out of caution”. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-59282354
Bomb Blast outside Liverpool Hospital ?“has not been declared a terrorist incident”
Over to you lot for more updated info…………………
Not confirmed, but a taxi driver might have locked 2 guys in the taxi and scarpered.
As if he detected they were two terrorists on the way to bomb a Cenotaph.
Videos show Northern Ireland style police vehicles doing raids in Liverpool
It’s confirmed that it was a terror attack in Liverpool & the one person who died was the terrorist.
If true, shocking. Taxi driver will be done for murder on the British system because he cannot plead ‘self-defence’. No doubt the Muslim Assn of GB will demand it.
BBCnews Homepage
They have gone to special trouble on the thumbnail of the Boris speech
.. made it an image of a backlit cooling towers at a power station,
that they traditionally pretend is clouds of dirty CO2
it’s actually water vapour
The 3 exhaust towers aren’t emitting visible dirt
The video is just Boris and has no image of any power stations.
Stew, I think our BBC were criticised in the past for showing harmless cooling towers. Mind you, none of the BBC science ‘experts’ would understand anyway.
Strange isnt it ? Nut nut is reassuring us that The Queen is ‘ok’ . But when i read this online i realised i would never believe anything he says now …
…….. a few more declining polls and we might get a slightly better PM – maybe even a Conservative one ….
Serious question, but who do you see as a ‘better’ replacement ? So far as I can see there isn’t a single contender in their ranks, although I think John Redwood might be quite good, but he’s probably too old to take it on.
As an aside I’m told Angela Rayner has been given £180 K in the first three months of this year by 11 different sources, and she has a limited company Angela Rayner Limited registered at companies house.
I am also told she is now a multi millionaire which I find obscene.
Although I believe that MPs should be properly paid by the state for the work they do, I am adamantly opposed to them getting any additional pay from outside sources which will definitely influence the democratic process and wishes of the electorate.
Time for a new thread soon – but before I do – I want to have a little rant . Remembrance Sunday has always meant a great deal to me – for a number of reasons ,
I didn’t watch the TV coverage but did listen to a BBC lightweight called ‘o Connell ‘ covering on the radio . He sounded like a DJ running through the music score leading up to 11am … I switched off soon after because I felt that the BBC couldn’t properly cover such a British National Ceremony any more . It is lost .
Fedup2Mar 4, 19:03 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The picture on X where he isn’t wearing a Lone Ranger mask has a more pronounced dusky miffed eastern hue…
Mrs KittyMar 4, 18:51 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 As India has both a space program and a nuclear program I don’t see why any country would send money…
Fedup2Mar 4, 18:47 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I wonder if Farage has seen the interview – I have – he refers to countries which have not been…
moggiemooMar 4, 18:30 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 … or alienating his potential support base. I’ve lost interest in Reform, I feel they will prove to be no…
Lucy PevenseyMar 4, 18:24 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Nigel just can’t stop burning bridges. https://twitter.com/HoodedClaw1974/status/1896950774074347668
Fedup2Mar 4, 18:06 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Another picture of the dusky ‘ German ‘ who killed at least 2 in mannheim yesterday ( now forgotten )……
Fedup2Mar 4, 18:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Van – I saw that the Russian defence industry was operating on a war footing and is well financed through…
Van HelsingMar 4, 17:59 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Fed, Russia isn’t as strong as some people think. It wasn’t the old USSR to begin with and it’s even…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:38 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Even more excellent news – Rachel from accounts has said smaller companies can get the urgent defence contract for the…
wwfcMar 4, 17:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Defund Defund BBC adds two childless drag queens to list of ‘inspirational mums’ on children’s website for International Women’s Day…
When we threaten to stop giving away taxpayer’s money to india , china and others they might listen – or laugh at the mugs …
Justin uses the ‘bbc we’.
As spared bbc BFFs like Greta.
Why dont you bugger off to China then and raise the issue with them. With a bit of luck you would hopefully never come back.
Justin Rowlatt
I’m the BBC’s (first ever) Climate Editor. I report from the front line of climate change – how it’s going to affect our lives and what we can do about it.
Londonbbc.com/news/world/asiaJoined January 2009
Marky’s missing image : For his Twitter profile header image Justin Rowlatt the IMPARTIAL journalist uses a custom made PR graphic of him and Greta
used in a fawning article he wrote about her.
which also features 2 other photos of him and Greta
Rowlatt appears to exist to make Boris seem sane on green. That takes wicked skills.
The history of that PR image
is that Rowlatt had the basic one made
to show him as the roving climate correspondent carrying his Antarctic bags and with a background of passport stamps
Sometimes at the top of an article he then adds the image of the topic at the right hand side
say Opium poppies
He likes the Greta one so much, that rather use the one with his name on the left, for his Twitter profile, her uses the Greta one.
US covered up deadly air strikes in Syria, New York Times reports
Another front page report trying to pull down the West. Presumably so it can all be replaced by a communist utopian dictatorship where we all either follow their rules or get sent to a Gulag.
I wouldn’t mind if they got it all in context and proportion. But these shameless hypocrites ignore the terrible things the Islamic extremists did – and are still doing – because they don’t want to offend or upset the millions of them living here.
Instead we learn about girls football teams, singers who aren’t allowed to sing any more and air hostesses who have been told to stay at home. We get nothing of the torture and murder which I am quite certain has happened in the hundreds or thousands.
This is what disgusts me so much about the Left. They don’t actually care about any of these people. They only care about using them to push their agenda. I’m not even sure they even know what their end game is. I suspect they are simply driven by hate and spite of those on the Right.
The end game for these hypocrites will be their subjugation and/or murder by the very religion they protect at any cost. I doubt I will live long enough to point a finger and laugh at them.
BBC seems to be running a series. Lovely shots.
You’ve seen the video from yesterday
a big black woman in a phonebox in Stratford ?
The commentator is also black
Both are sweary https://twitter.com/stillgray/status/1459359106813202432
That’s Ashok’s dad!
Lingchi (simplified Chinese: 凌迟; traditional Chinese: 凌遲), translated variously as the slow process, the lingering death, or slow slicing, and also known as death by a thousand cuts, was a form of torture and execution used in China from roughly 900 until 1905. It was also used in Vietnam and Korea. In this form of execution, a knife was used to methodically remove portions of the body over an extended period of time, eventually resulting in death.
Lingchi was reserved for crimes viewed as especially heinous, such as treason. Some Westerners were executed in this manner. Even after the practice was outlawed, the concept itself has still appeared across many types of media.
Leave no stone unturned.
So if Ireland stop breathing they can reduce China’s output by 1 day! Yeah! And it all European cities stop developing then China can carry on regardless ….. yeah!
Win! Win!
China’s 3 child policy can continue!
Sunday giggle.
I suppose he has moved into a working-class terraced house?
BBc channels its inner Sopes.
BBC say someone else “covered something up”
Tony and Cherie Blair bought property via offshore firm and saved £300,000 in tax
This article is more than 1 month old
Former PM and his wife became owners of £6.5m office building by acquiring offshore company partially owned by Bahraini minister
See all of our Pandora papers coverage
Vic is blonde.
Rob is in.
PTC = videoing a Piece to Camera
Bbc ‘editorial’ in crisis.
I agree the punctuation marks are dangerous!! Legal ‘experts’ remove ALL punctuation marks as they convey meaning, to a sentence or phrase. It can change the meaning of words, its dangerous.. so the left in general want them all banned, therefore making everything based on a legal interpretation of a single word.
The Mirror would be intelligible (more so) than the already punctually challenged ‘Grauniad’ (that’s The Guardian as they used to spell it). Of course they HATE punctuation, and the ENGLISH language as its racist (obviously) and full of ambiguity and FUN with words. ‘We cannot allow that’ – they would say….! BBC are safe with images of ‘victims’, as they are a never ending news feed, with (sad) ‘voice-over’ (with expression), and ‘nod’ that needs no punctuation in 20 seconds.
A panda eats shoots and leaves.
A panda eats, shoots and leaves.
COP26: Wrong Again: 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions
So a nutters convention on par with the Flat Earthers (and I do apologise to those who do believe in a flat earth), as the BBC doomsayers believe; things are getting far (and capitalism is route to all evil etc.), far, far worse: believing in GLOBAL Apocalypse! the film! Listen to us we predict the TRUTH!, Twitter followers, protest the world is equally flat, there are no mountains, no beast upon the earth and the air is all toxic. The BBC fact checkers have said the end is nigh… Only Biden can save us all!
(Until the next COP out due in six years time)
Modern doomsayers have been predicting climate and environmental disaster since the 1960s. They continue to do so today.
None of the apocalyptic predictions with due dates as of today have come true.
What follows is a collection of notably wild predictions from notable people in government and science.
And of course repeated by the BBC as ‘FACT’.
Keeper of the science, which is settled.
7pm ITV Hard up Gary Lineker has taken a second job presenting the quiz show
I suppose they’ll have gambling adverts during the breaks
to pay his salary as usual.
“Liverpool Women’s Hospital: One dead in car explosion outside hospital”
The force said it “has not been declared a terrorist incident” but counter-terrorism detectives were leading the inquiry “out of caution”.
Bomb Blast outside Liverpool Hospital ?“has not been declared a terrorist incident”
Over to you lot for more updated info…………………
Here you go, Taffman. The car-explosion was not vehicle-spontaneous-combustion (VSC) as implied by our BBC:
“Three men have been arrested under the Terrorism Act after a man was killed in a car explosion outside Liverpool Women’s Hospital.
Count-terrorism police said the men – aged 29, 26 and 21 – had been held in connection with the incident which happened just before 11:00 GMT.
The passenger of the car – said to be a taxi – was declared dead at the scene and is yet to be formally identified.
The male driver was injured and is in hospital in a stable condition.”
Car bomb intended for a remembrance ceremony going off early ?
Not confirmed, but a taxi driver might have locked 2 guys in the taxi and scarpered.
As if he detected they were two terrorists on the way to bomb a Cenotaph.
Videos show Northern Ireland style police vehicles doing raids in Liverpool
It’s confirmed that it was a terror attack in Liverpool & the one person who died was the terrorist.
@DaveAtherton20 tweeted
I have just been DM’ed by a reliable source.
It was a female suicide bomber. The taxi driver spotted what was going on & fled the car before the bomb went off. She died, he had minor injuries.
The target was Liverpool Cathedral.
Needs confirmation but seems credible.
Strangely the ceremony was at the cathedral not the Liverpool cenotaph this year.
I guess this is an event which never happened and will be on the ‘local news ‘ by Monday ….
If true, shocking. Taxi driver will be done for murder on the British system because he cannot plead ‘self-defence’. No doubt the Muslim Assn of GB will demand it.
BBCnews Homepage
They have gone to special trouble on the thumbnail of the Boris speech
.. made it an image of a backlit cooling towers at a power station,
that they traditionally pretend is clouds of dirty CO2
it’s actually water vapour
The 3 exhaust towers aren’t emitting visible dirt
The video is just Boris and has no image of any power stations.
Stew, I think our BBC were criticised in the past for showing harmless cooling towers. Mind you, none of the BBC science ‘experts’ would understand anyway.
“But is shows a clear message…”
Strange isnt it ? Nut nut is reassuring us that The Queen is ‘ok’ . But when i read this online i realised i would never believe anything he says now …
…….. a few more declining polls and we might get a slightly better PM – maybe even a Conservative one ….
Serious question, but who do you see as a ‘better’ replacement ? So far as I can see there isn’t a single contender in their ranks, although I think John Redwood might be quite good, but he’s probably too old to take it on.
As an aside I’m told Angela Rayner has been given £180 K in the first three months of this year by 11 different sources, and she has a limited company Angela Rayner Limited registered at companies house.
I am also told she is now a multi millionaire which I find obscene.
Although I believe that MPs should be properly paid by the state for the work they do, I am adamantly opposed to them getting any additional pay from outside sources which will definitely influence the democratic process and wishes of the electorate.
Time for a new thread soon – but before I do – I want to have a little rant . Remembrance Sunday has always meant a great deal to me – for a number of reasons ,
I didn’t watch the TV coverage but did listen to a BBC lightweight called ‘o Connell ‘ covering on the radio . He sounded like a DJ running through the music score leading up to 11am … I switched off soon after because I felt that the BBC couldn’t properly cover such a British National Ceremony any more . It is lost .
It is only “lost” if some of you lot continuing paying the Telly Tax !
Yes that’s the tax that robs from the poor to give to the rich.