A man buys a guard dog to protect his home.
Unfortunately he has to get rid of it because it keeps letting everyone in.
Turns out it was a UK Border collie.
Might be me – but viewing the BBC news presenters – there is a certain perkiness in the presentation . The allegra stratton resignation blub was pure popcorn and her new career with brillo on murdock TV cant be far away …
Nut nut doing a 6pm press briefing . Might well be popcorned out by then …
The downside to the day was having to buy a randox test kit and help owen pattersons’ pension fund…
Jack Evans
| Email: jack.evans@bbc.co.uk
London/Leedsbbc.co.uk/programmes/b00…Joined July 2010
1,897 Following
I do see that a great many people have been brainwashed
they are actually OUTRAGED that some workers MAY have bent the rules and had a party
Yet are no outraged on behalf of thousands of grooming gang victims, victims of terrorism
other ignored victims whether they white, brown or black or whatever.
It’s like kids in the playground pointing at the fat kid who stuck his tongue out.
Whilst they ignore the kid at the other end of the playground, who is knifing a kid to death.
About to do more standing in for the government on @JeremyVineOn5 then @BBCNews – I may announce the resignation of the entire Cabinet on the grounds they’re not prepared to lie on an industrial scale any longer.
Am wondering whether @RishiSunak chose the biggest face mask he could find so his expressions couldn’t be read while listening to @BorisJohnson at #PMQs
The way our beloved MSM portray every single Government event in a singularly negative vein, continually manipulating public opinion, and as usual lying by omission really shakes my tree.
I naturally refuse to watch Al Beeb, however Bradby, Peston et al are all equally reprehensible, self serving, Leftist acolytes.
That Boris has surround himself with types such as them will prove his undoing. Why any PM would wantonly neglect to use a 80 seat majority in the best interests of those that put him there truly beggars belief.
That trial by Media is seemingly now the way The World communicates is a special kind of Hell.
May God help us all . . . and quickly!
BBC Complaint Summary:
I take offence that presenters promote their books
Full Complaint:
I see that BBC presenters use their twitter accounts to promote items outside of the BBC
…. Katty Kay (The Confidence Code and Womenomics),
Jon Sopel (If Only They Didn’t Speak English),
Chris Evans (Call the Midlife)
Gary Lineker (goalhangerfilms.com) …
there might be more around.
Does the BBC charge the presenters for using the BBC brand to promote these items?
Does the BBC get a kick back to reduce the TV License with each successful sale of these products?
Can you tell me how this works … do the items on sale conform to the BBC core values and guidelines?
“A man buys a guard dog to protect his home.
Unfortunately he has to get rid of it because it keeps letting everyone in.
Turns out it was a UK Border collie.”
What is the dog’s name? It isn’t by any chance Joe or Boris or Keir is it? If it is I’m not surprised he feels that he has to get rid of it.
Tonight , will Peppa the Pig lock ‘us’ down once more as punishment for the “Christmas Party” exposure?
We are now living under a dictatorship.
Get your papers!
Another candidate from an earlier era, also called Sullivan but no relation, would have been Mick Sullivan, who had the distinction of being the only Great Britain (or, later, England) player to have won two Rugby League World Cups: the inaugural one in France in 1954 and the third staging in England in 1960. Clive was captain when Great Britain last won in 1972.
That is a very accurate assessment of this situation, the beeb and SKY just want to bury Bojo who has hit a bad patch in recent weeks – cannot think of too many Governments that have sailed through totally unscathed during a 5 year term in office – but he does need to get a grip from now on – could Princess nut nut be looking for alternative accommodation soon?
Allegra Stratton has resigned for participating in a bad taste workplace joke.
Her crime was to be allowed to be videoed in the process. Quite what the motives were of the photographer is not a question being asked.
Hands up anyone else who has also told a bad taste joke when at work but has not resigned.
Just as I thought. Thousands of you.
I’m afraid this is a lot more than just a “a bad taste joke.”
This was going on when the entire country was locked down. Families were unable to meet. People were losing loved ones and not allowed at the hospital bedside. I agree that the person to resign isn’t Allegra. It’s the feeble, fat idiot behind this pointless catastrophe, our juvenile, half baked prime minister, Mr Blobby, the pretend bobby.
He’s now far worse than just an embarrassment, he’s dangerously cowardly and incompetent.
I do understand your point but I think we are being manipulated by all those seditious people who do not report on the government but seek to undermine it art each and every opportunity. The Remoaners being one of many such groups.
What do we know about this party ? Was it 50 people dancing and snogging? Was it five people in their joint office having a mince pie at their desks? We simply do not know. And I’ve never bought the ‘one rule for them’ argument out of context. Who else is working with that level of stress and responsibility during a pandemic no-one foresaw and trying to navigate through it and which has thrown the government totally off their programme for two years?
For sure Boris is out of his depth on anything vaguely scientific but I bet many in no 10 are absolutely knackered, and burnt out, unlike those in the media with a fraction of the responsibility and a lot more pay.
PS and Allegra Stratton was one of a vanishingly small number of centre-right media people. Guess what ? She’s been forced to resign……by the left, who revealed the video and got their left wing buddies at The Mirror and elsewhere to hound her out, not least by the modern method of showing all those sanctimonious sentimental examples of people with hurt feelings.
If only somebody would accept responsibility for turning a blind eye while young girls in our northern towns were systematically abused.
But hey, what’s that compared with some black humour and bad taste.
It occurred to me earlier today that we have had 4 significant people in the right-wing rebellion of recent years : Farage, Boris, Cummins and Trump.
And the Left have done their utmost to politically assasinate all of them. Nigel has been the subject of a media hate campaign from the very start. Trump was impeached twice (after numerous committees set up for that specific purpose came up with whatever they could) and they are still going after him to prevent him running for office again. Cummins was strung up by the media for driving his car after he had COVID and now – after the paper shuffling fiasco a while back – they have smelt blood and are attempting to do the same to bring down Boris with another story being blown up way, way beyond it’s importance.
This is what the political Left are. They deal in dirty tricks and a level of hypocrisy I can scarcely believe. Their ethics and sense of decency is no different from all the other socialists who have murdered millions in the blinkered goal of their ideological agenda. They just can’t get away with it now. But if you took these people back in time, they would do exactly the same as the others did. They are the same.
There’s barely a fag paper between him and Starmer. That’s one of the reasons Labour are so ineffective, there’s already a lefty in Downing Street.
Look at the dinghy dodgers. FFS, we’re putting them up in plush hotels…and not surprisingly, they keep coming in record numbers.
He’s absolutely mesmerised about puerile green issues. No grown up gives a flying fxxk…and neither did he until he got hooked up with Princess Nut-Nuts.
Look at the socialist style restrictions on our freedoms. No true Conservative would ever countenance those. They’d have been applauded in the old soviet bloc, but not here.
The real trouble is that the man has no core beliefs. And with those types they can be persuaded to believe in almost anything.
You have to wonder if he (or someone advising him) simply judged public opinion and saw Brexit as a vehicle for his path to No.10. His decision to keep his powder dry and pull out from the leadership race when Gove stabbed him in the back worked perfectly.
Boris right wing? Boris is a Marxist! He only appeared to be right wing because Cummins was holding his nose to the grindstone, and once Princess Nut Nut got shot of him Boris’s true colours began to show.
Here is a man who has done almost every insane country wrecking far left idiocy Bidens Democrats are trying to do to America.
Ceased energy production destroyed energy storage
Defunded Police and courts allowing criminals to get away with anything including murder.
Opens the Southern border to as many migrants as can get here.
Causes a logistics supply problem
Causes energy prices to skyrocket so make them unaffordable.
in Marxist slogans such as “build back better” (you will own nothing you will be happy)
Does nothing to help private enterprise, and much to hinder it.
Raises taxes raises spending.
Apart from destroying people they don’t like, what else do they do? In all the silly plans the government has for dealing with mutant strains, etc, all the opposition can do is agree, saying, You should be doing it even harder. There is no viable alternative to the government.
Precisely so JC. With Leftists, the end always, always justifies the means.
Farage and Trump in particular are a real problem for them and will ever need to endure their deviant, craven lust for control and therefore power. We must and should support them in any way we can.
That Boris might survive this latest event seems less important than where we might find ourselves in the next two years.
Third Duke
“where we might find ourselves in the next two years.”
Under coastal invasion while the rest of us are locked down and forced by strict law to get vaccinated.
Then forced back in to the EU .
In which case Taff, I’d be mightily surprised if Doris can summon up his (yet to be witnessed) self styled Churchillian resolve. I strongly suspect he considers Brexit and Covid will somehow write him into the history books and he might just quit whilst he thinks he’s ahead.
A great shame, more a case of ‘Cometh the hour runneth the man’.
BBC local news
first 14 minutes was trying to stir up an outrage bus over a party
First they tracked down someone whose mother had died
“I’m outraged”
..em bottom line, her mother died and would still have died whether there was a party or not
Then a hardball interview with a local Conservative MP
The presenter was very hectoring : interrupting her , and then cutting her off.
Her line was that she thought it was to do with junior civil servants, and Boris knew nothing of it.
and so even if the civil servants had broken the rules, it doesn’t mean that much
.. cos we all know other people who broke rules.
Doctor and Labour MP Rosena Allin-Khan says she wept “behind her mask” hearing children talk to their dying mother on an iPad – while a Christmas party was held at 10 Downing Street last December.
RAK has been a bbc go to quote favourite since she was a junior doctor so overworked she was also an MP and in every tv studio.
I remember she claimed to be working on the dangerous frontline of Covid
In fact she worked on the family liaison phone line team contacting families of Covid patients
More info on the Russia – Ukraine situation and the almost unbelievable threats made by Bidens Whitehouse, and not being reported by UK media.
Yesterday we were told about Bidens threat of tougher sanctions against Russia but there was little detail about what that might be, however now we do know and it is quite unbelievable.
Yesterday some might have noticed that gas prices spiked again by 7.9% as a result.
You might want to sit down for this, but Biden is threatening to cut Russian gas supplies to Europe at the begining of a harsh Winter as part of his sanctions package!
He is already seeking to roll back on the Nordstream 2 pipline which he himself gave the green light for !
It’s not really going to hurt Putin much if the gas isn’t flowing, but Western Europeans will die if this is allowed to happen.
The Nord Stream pipelines aren’t just a Russian venture – there are pan European partners. Much of the agitation against it has come from the ex Soviet Baltic states – especially Estonia who’ve taken every opportunity to nettle Moscow that comes their way. Estonian pols were well miffed that they didn’t get to sit astride the pipes.
The Ukranian situation is a mess. People I worked with 7/8 years ago from Ukraine then told me that people are in a vise between old commie gangsters and revitalised nazi gangsters. The nazi bunch were playing the Yanquis like a fiddle apparently and the EU was meddling by giving loans to the gangsters government and trucking in tons of EU propaganda like EU flags, posters and banners – to be distributed by what one simply has to assume are paid agents.
Note: I’m not saying Putin is a saint or ‘owt – I am saying that Ukraine has a shedload of internal problems and corruption that are being misrepresented and they have been busy using a portion of the monies they’ve garnered from eejits in Brussels and Washington to purchase more eejits in Brussel and Washington. Nobody seems to want to say if Biden Jnr. is still getting a wedge from his Ukrainian associates….
Keen-eyed viewers of @BBCNewsnight may have noticed I haven’t been on much lately. Here’s why. I’ve been working on this series to uncover the deep roots of the Storming of the Capitol. It’s the most ambitious project I’ve ever undertaken. I’ll tweet more when it lands in Jan https://t.co/V3M7nRXZJ8
predictable focus on QAnon – the BBC have actually swerved the Democrat hysteria about Jan 6th – choosing to deploy omission wrt to the cretinous parade of claims made by dimwit Democrat gobshites.
I wonder if he’ll get access to the missing video from the Capitol and interview the unfortunates locked up in DC?
We’ll see if the BBC choose supporting the swamp and the senile gerontocrats / buffoons over simply doing some actual reporting.
News from Switzerland. something not quite right and being misled by our politicians.
Its as if they all have the same ‘song-sheet’ across western nations to impose a ‘population control’ by making a Vaccine that creates difficult to give a live birth. Still berths are on the increase across Europe. Although UK HNS (often foreign) Doctors cannot ‘comment’ on NHS practices and roll outs, other Swiss Doctors are more sceptical and can.
The UK is facing mandatory vaccines, although not as yet imposed as badly as the rest of Europe. Boris as the end of the day cannot stop those who insist on it being ‘for our own good’. Even if it leads to our untimely death. Not that death is far from Hospitals, going into UK hospitals is a BIG health risk on its own. I have learned that OFCOM were insisting (2020) that all media channels and TV should follow ‘official guidelines’ And that most noticable is without doubt the BBC ‘cheer-leading every vaccination’ and lockdown as ‘necessary’ – for your own good! All the main broadcasters Radio and TV are in the loop., not just the BBC – which bans all adverse comments by favoring its own story line reporters, and pursing obscure and unscientific EU directives. Why?
You have to ask why.
So is the Vaccine any ‘Good’?
Here are six of the doctors and their testimony … (Swiss, Austria)
Dr Maria Hubmer-Mogg: ‘The Covid-19 vaccine still has only emergency authorisation, because there has been no officially recognised treatment. It is an experimental medication.
‘Children very rarely get seriously ill with Covid-19, yet vaccination can involve high but unspecifiable risks. Politicians, by coercing us to take a vaccine like this, are behaving like criminals. Covid-19 infections are – especially at the outset – very easy to treat. But in spite of a high level of effectiveness, the available treatments are not globally sanctioned. Why?’ Professor Dr Martin Haditsch has travelled the world with his film crew from Servus TV, to get an accurate picture of the Covid situation, and for him it is clear. He concludes:
(six points -edited fro brevity)
– We simply have no justification to say the vaccine is safe and protects.
–The new virus SARS-CoV-2 originates – with a probability close to certainty, about 99.8 per cent – from a laboratory. Dr Christian Fiala: ‘The Covid-19 vaccine is useless and dangerous. The public has been manipulated and conditioned through scaremongering, and the measures taken are – sadly – completely haphazard.
‘People have steered clear of rational argument when discussing the “pandemic”. This new-fangled mRNA “vaccine” makes the human immune system attack its own body. So, the corona “vaccine” is effectively programmed self-destruction.’ Dr Heiko Schöning: ‘The corona panic is a stage-managed production. It’s a confidence trick. It is now urgent that we understand we are now in the grip of a worldwide Mafioso-style criminal enterprise. We can see we are dealing here with organised crime. So what do we do? We don’t play along any longer. Here and now we have to draw the red line.’ Dr Margareta Griesz-Brisson: Her opposition started with the requirement to wear useless cloth masks. She states: ‘Communist dictatorship has nothing on this. Whatever is going on in terms of corona, has nothing to do with medicine. Because of that, I have to speak out.’
Stefan Magnet concludes: ‘Most of the media, the medical professionals, and the politicians don’t want you to know this. But you can get the information for yourself in the independent media.’
The Global ‘reset’. The Climate Change, The Pandemic. Bought to you by the UN Agenda zealots predicting the end of the earth is we don’t create zero population in all western nations. Zero population growth is the target. That will reduce Climate emissions (so they say). The Greens, the globalists, the global Marxists have the ultimate solution.
Working from home is bound to make a big difference! Especially when you do not have a job in future.
Live your life in a mask. Passports to prove you have Vaccines (or a Pill) every month for life, to ensure you are ‘compliant’. Refusniks will be fined, jailed and banned from all public spaces. This is already happening in Greece, Italy, Austria and now Switzerland. The UK is the ‘odd’ one out, as we have ‘independent’ media that challenge the BBC, LBC, SKY official lines of ‘scare stories’ that are designed to do just that. By order of Ofcom.
Ask Why! Why is the planet suddenly in danger. Why is a common Virus (and it is a common virus) suddenly leading to national and urgent lock downs. Why is Bill Gates involved in the drug companies, still setting the future plan?
The (Medical) Science is totally ignored. Its a mass media fraud. As Richard Tice (Reform UK) says on GB News tonight, Masks make no difference, Vaccination passports don’t work, and Vaccination is not any safer than being unvaccinated. Unbelievable, that we believe any of it, and yet its being forced onto us. Eventually no democracy. As everything will have to be centrally planned and executed. World War conditions!
Mandatory vaccines + GLOBAL ID Cards. Run by Bill Gates, under license by Pfizer and run from the US in another banner. And don’t forget every person ‘breathes’ CO2 for life. It never has anything to do with ‘Weather’ as that really is for children to believe in without question. The Vaccinations on children remove ‘natural immunity’ was never in any dispute, and yet we have schools making it ‘advisory’. Compulsory in due course. You could not make it up.
For some obscure reason the BBC made great efforts to demonstrate that their main news tonight was all coming from Salford. Lots of filming of the presenters on balconies and footage of the outside of the building.
I thought it a bit odd but coinciding as it does with their campaigning for the Labour Party all day over “that” Xmas party in Downing Street, I realised that they needed to show they were not cut from the same London-Centric garb.
They follow this up by some vigorous campaigning for Labour in the upcoming By-election, bringing up “that” party to everyone they interviewed.
They are so transparent if you just analyse what they are up to for a few seconds. Plus they obviously take their viewers for total idiots.
Guidance actual versus laws
We are trying to be concerned with truth whereas media storytellers get caught up in fictitious universe cos it’s a better story
Today I came across someone claiming something extraordinary was a law ..and he quoted a Highway code line
.. When I checked I found that of course it wasn’t actual law,
and that lots of Highway Code rules, are purely guidance not actual law.
It’s possible a hard flu is around,
3 weeks ago a friend told me he’s just been down with had flu for a week
about a week later I had my own flu jab and then 11 days after that I came down with something same ..flu with actual pain in the throat
I know which medicine to take to suppress by body’s over response and was OK after 3 days.
i haven’t seen my sister for weeks but now seems she too has just got hard flue too.
And she never has the flue jab
A local school trust with over 1,000 employees has 3 members of staff with long covid. I read a while back than around 3% of those who had covid went on to have long covid.
I’m not denying that there can be lasting effects from a viral infection – but just in my circle of friends / acquaintances there’s one well known hypochondriac (malingerer, even) that’s proclaming he’s got long covid.
I’d say that at a minimum – it’s a claim that should be tested with an antibody test The feckless git alluded to above also says he hasn’t had an actual covid-19 infection – go figure… Bluidy GP has signed him off twice on that pretext though….
Just a telephone ‘appointment’, no real checks, and a certificate in the post when they want it!
We have to wait a fortnight for Senora O’Blene’s post hospital follow-up apointment with our quack – on a phone call FFS! And this after a heart attack and worse!
Meantime she’s just totally bewildered at the whole issue. I just see malingerers everywhere, and wish I was a civil serpent, local authority w.a.h. bod or ‘worked’ for the BBC with all that lovely free BUPA.
When will Dick of the Yard be put on the ‘Case of the Christmas Party’ ?
Maybe the Tory Party will move on it now that some of MPs’ jobs are at risk? Many of their constituents jobs have already gone .
TOADY Watch #1 – off-switch again time, sorry Sir Keir, you weren’t saying anything important, were you?
TOADY predictably keeping the party line going with their mates at the Mirror. I wonder if anyone has investigated Part-Time’s role in this ‘Downing Street Party 2020’ or will do so? The Sucker in charge of Labour now has an opportunity to vote against the Government but will he take it? It will mean voting against the restrictions that he and his Party love but a Government loss will increase the pressure on the PM.
The BBC were very keen – again – to point out that some Conservative back benchers are unhappy – again – and may vote against the Government – again – next week when the Covid Plan A+ or B- is debated and voted on. Will Labour put their votes where their mouths have been or will they and the Sucker in charge ‘bottle it’ – again – and abstain?
The BBC and other controlled media are placing emphasis on the Plan B social restrictions that are being imposed. There is very little reference to the main topic that Johnson raised: “that we need to have a national conversation on mandatory vaccinations”.
No, we do not. The conversation needs to be on whether the actions of the authorities are covered by the Nuremburg Code, established during the trials of war criminals at the end of WWII, or whether a new set of codes defining crimes against humanity need to be formulated. If the latter, this could include those who have been involved in invasive surgery and drug treatments to change (sic) the sex of children. Mandatory vaccinations represent the Rubicon that they must not cross.
I can’t watch these BBC videos any more : they are stuffed full of every trick to push the agenda, the make my blood boil.
The woman in question: Sara Woodward, from Margate, Kent
So I decided to check her out instead. Sure enough, shes another Left-wing activist on twitter who has been posting anti-Boris, anti-Brexit propaganda since long before this story emerged.
She even accused Boris of the ‘murder of 150000+ of our lost loved ones’ in one tweet. And accused Priti of being racist for saying we would turn the boats back to France. You know the sort : they retweet Guardian articles.
Which tells me she is using the death of her mother with the story of the Xmas party as another excuse to attack the government. I find that quite unpleasant.
Just another far-Left hypocrite full of hate. And surprise surprise, she’s a teacher. Perfect for the BBC.
Very proud of the investigation’s impact across the BBC and beyond – including testifying to MPs about how our dummy troll account was promoted anti-women hate.
I wonder what they class as ‘anti-women hate’ as opposed to someone simply not liking her and telling her so.
And I bet there are a LOT of people who don’t like Marianna. No doubt in the BBC world, that constitutes hate.
I wonder how many ‘women haters’ they logged in the program. There will always be a very small percentage of people who have extreme views on anything and I would say it needs a few hundred before it can be considered a problem with society. I’ll bet my hat they base the entire program on just a few examples.
Perhaps anyone who has the stomach to watch it can let us know.
Good scoops are often about good timing. @PaulBrandITV tells R4's Media Show that ITV knew about the Allegra Stratton video for weeks, but felt it did not clear a public interest test until @PippaCrerar blew the story open. ITV did not pay for the video, Brand adds.
One sentence at the start telling us the police will not investigate followed by almost 1,000 words of something which smacks of spiteful children spitting their dummies out.
They are not happy about it at all !. And yet again I see they print demands that Boris resign if there was a party. It’s ridiculous beyond belief. But the thing which really bugs me is that they are allowed to use public money to do it.
The sad part is that now we know what an empty shell Boris is, there is little chance he will do anything about it.
Wherein we ask did Boris lie and wonder is the Pope Catholic?
The world’s tide of New Puritanism certainly rolls merrily on…
well, merrily wouldn’t be quite the right word for it… let’s say inexorably… within the world of our media at least.
FT: ‘China demographic woes deepen as weddings wane‘
BBC: ‘New Zealand to ban cigarettes for future generations‘
BBC: ‘Finland’s PM sorry for clubbing after Covid contact‘
BBC: ‘Home working and more mask rules in England‘
BBC: ‘Laura Kuenssberg challenges PM over new restrictions‘ – this’ll be interesting. Does she challenge the efficacy of maskwearing and lockdown rules or does she perchance challenge the supposed danger posed to us by the dread Omicron?
Of course not, she’s only after a bit of theatre. Some self-aggrandising attempted gotcha. For which distraction Boris actually thanks her. He then riffs on the demise of Allegra Stratton. Like Hamlet thinking his enemy Claudius was behind the curtain, the media corps lunged with the weapon that came easiest to hand, and so the unfortunate Allegra fell on her sword, like an old Roman.
I’m waiting for some camp BBC producer to interrupt the scene.
“Shakespeare… luv, can I call you Will, admire the modern setting and diversity stunt casting, dear. But it’s a bit of a stretch, dontcha think? The curtain shtick. You’re mixing up your Roman names with the Italian name Allegra, meanwhile this thing is supposed to be set in Denmark – where the State is rotten. So where’s our characters named Astrid, Dagmar or Boris?”
Having both praised and buried Allegra – especially well done on that COP26 stuff, luv. Boris goes on to lie that “The British Public” “…can see the vital importance of the medical information that we’re giving” – No. You’ve scared the bejesus out of some, many just go along to get along, and some simply don’t believe you any more.
Forget the broadsheets and the broadcasters – the comic tabloid Daily Star best captures the mood with their: ‘Thought for the day. Anybody else feel a mug for following all the rules last year?‘
Ms Statton must have called her trades union: ‘Why is it always the woman who carries the can? By Sarah Vine‘ (Daily Mail)
Camilla Tominey in the Telegraph comments: ‘Voters aren’t going to be fooled by a dead cat‘ – please don’t tell us Boris will order Larry the Downing Street cat to fall on sword next?
Far fetched? ‘Australian council to ban cats outside unless they are on a lead… Members of the council voted to approve proposals tabled by Councillor Adin Lang, on the basis it would protect wildlife and remove the risk of cats being hit by cars.‘ (Sky News) – it’s for their own good and I’m sure the Aussie felines “can see the vital importance of the medical information that we’re giving”
Well, if humans ought to have a leash put on them… for their own good…
The Guardian meanwhile features: ‘If only they could talk. The inner life of dogs‘ – sex, food and mucking about – in various combinations?
However, the Gruan perhaps best captures the hidden inner desires of its own largely school teacher and public sector managerial – soon to be working from home again – thank goodness – human readership with this feature: ‘I want it now. Inside the world of instant delivery‘
The Guardian main headline is – by the way – an almost identikit reflection of that in the FT – so much for media plurality: ‘PM triggers covid plan B as party scandal engulfs No 10‘ (Guardian); ‘Johnson adopts plan B to check virus as anger festers over parties‘ (FT) – little in the way of plurailty of view but parties plural, mind you. ‘Tories held raucous second party‘ (Times) – the only reason one once chose Tory Party constituency membership over Labour was the parties – Labourites just kept talking about politics all the time. I guess that’s why no one ever joins parties now. Just signs on online and pays a quid or two to vote Corbyn as a big laugh.
The Telegraph usually leaves the satire to Matt its house cartoonist. Today the headline writer perhaps once fancied himself a Cambridge Footlight: ‘Don’t go to work, but go to parties‘ – clearly the joke here is this is a message best suited to civil servants rather than folks in the real economy.
‘Plan B “will wipe £8bn off hospitality sector”‘ (Telegraph)
And finally… as our media turns into a puritanical scold there’s a small grain of hope for some modicum of comfort and joy ( that’s what this time of year is supposed to be about – rather than health and safety) from a rather surprising quarter: ‘Pope: sex small sin‘ (Daily Satyr)
“But we have learnt somethings in the last 10 years. We have learnt that most of the press in free western countries are cowards. We’ve learnt that most of our artistic establishment are cowards. Most of our politicians are cowards. We’ve learnt that industries that spend much of their year in award ceremonies patting themselves on the back for their bravery, stop when bravery is required.” – Douglas Murray @5:00
Douglas Murray speaks at “The Danish Muhammad cartoon crisis in retrospect” conference
Douglas very elegantly diagnoses that we have a cancer in our midst and that it needs to be removed. He rightly criticises our leaders for their cowardice in dealing with it , for their refusal to even acknowledge it.
But when a leader Is elected who begins to try and deal with it Douglas doesn’t like the harsh rhetoric , the brash style , the combatative tweets. But Douglas you cry out for action , but do you imagine that the cancer can be removed in a nice pain free way with no anaesthetic required? Sometimes the brave man of action who dares to confront danger instead of running away isn’t a well spoken , considerate , pleasant individual who would be an ideal next door neighbour . If you want this mortal danger to the west dealt with then you had better accept its not going to be a Sunday School outing.
It's time to open this morning's #R4Today advent offering of highlights from the last year on the programme. When hairdressers and barbers were allowed to reopen in April, @MishalHusain took her sons to get their haircut after having a go herself during lockdown. pic.twitter.com/yjDfKXTmQh
Footballers and hairdressers warned not to set bad example with lockdown trims
Newcastle striker Joelinton has been fined £200 for breaching Covid-19 regulations after he posted a photo of himself getting a haircut.
TOADY Watch #2 – interestinger and interestinger, Mishal suddenly becomes a party pooper
Mishal takes care of Covid and interviews SoS for Health, Sajid Javid in the prime interview slot. She spends lots of time telling him – and us – that there was no party at Downing Street. I am left wondering whether the Security Services have been working all along on various media links and their effects on Government. Funny that, for two weeks the BBC have been telling us there was a party, now they are saying there wasn’t a party at Downing Street.
Meanwhile it is Plan B but not all the Plan B that Labour wants.
I listened to that interview. From Jajid Savid, I gather that the restrictions imposed by Billy Bunter (from the Tuck Shop) have been based solely upon two “new” pieces of information only(?) available earlier this week viz. The rapid spread of the new virus and the considerable numbers of hospitalisations in South Africa. Another hint, “Save the NHS” was also inevitably re-introduced. The female muslima refrained from the 100% valid question, ‘how can you take hospitalisations in SA to apply to the UK?’ Far, far more SA’s have not had any vaccinations.
Interesting to hear how two muslims deal with Taqiyya from one party.
G, that was interesting was it not? Sajid Javid obviously doesn’t yet have the robust view of the NHS that one of his predecessors and current Chair of the House Committee on Health, Jeremy Hunt MP probably has. He is obviously taking at face value what he is told by others. Dangerous for a Government Minister in an important job at this time.
I wonder if the statistics in the Johns Hopkins chart, available on the BBC web-site https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-51235105 are truly up to date:
South Africa 89,966 153.6 3,031,694
L/h column is deaths: up 169
Centre is death rate: up 0.3
R/h column is infections: up 70,288 – that is all within one week
I thought we might be ‘flannelled’ either by SAGE, the NHS, the BBC or, heaven forfend, HMG so I noted down the SA numbers on 2 December about a week after ‘Omicron’ was noticed. Javid mentioned rising infections in SA, which is true, but they obviously have not increased at the rate he was suggesting for Omicron as other mutations, including Delta, will have accounted for some of the 70,288 new infections.
South Africa does have a similar size population to the UK, 60m v 70m, has a mix of races but has an African majority population unlike the UK which is still a white majority population. It is a major hub for travel and business to and from the UK so that is why there is Governmental concern over this mutation arriving there.
The proposed Online Safety Act makes the sharing of information, such as the article you are currently reading, subject to state censorship via the major social media platforms. The decision as to whether or not it is deemed disinformation or misinformation is entirely that of the Government, of its appointed arm’s-length quango—Ofcom—or of multinational corporations.
See also ‘The draft Online Safety Bill concretised’ here.
Just as RIPA and PTA were introduced purely as counter-terrorists measures but were used against a heckler at the Labour Party conference and by councils investigating misuse of rubbish bins then!
I wish I could get to the bottom of the plan. It is clear it’s international – agreed, probably in Davos from which all the elite political leaders leave to return and put their part of the plan into action. Soros plays a major role with his money and, in Europe, control of the ECHR. Whistleblowers? None, so far…..
As their audience shrinks the number of self-awarded awards grows and their stories become more and more about themselves, a veritable ‘black hole’ of journalism, seeing nothing beyond their ‘event horizon’ and seen by no-one outside it.
Note from the bbc –
”BAME -The catch-all description for black, Asian and minority ethnic people will be ditched in favour of the use of more specific terms to describe ethnicity.”
I have a selection of suitable terms should readers require assistance.
MM, you forgot the Asians, ie: Indo-Chinese. Easy to change WAME to WAAME although I’m sure someone, somewhere, will be offended by having ‘White’ go first in the acronym.
It doesn’t actually make any sense : BAME is an acronym for when ALL ethnic minority groups need to be referenced. How can they use ‘more specific terms’ unless they plan to list every single ethnic group individually every time ?.
Or do they intend to just write out all the words instead of the acronym ?. Are they really at the point of objecting about English language ?.
It’s clear to me that they don’t like it simply because people call them it and the race card doesn’t fit this time.
I’m not so sure they’ll be so keen to drop the ‘Asian’ catch-all though, might upset a few they’d rather not.
The Sikh community especially have been campaigning for this term to be dropped as the media seem intent on using it to lump them and others in with the Pakistani Muslim grooming gangs in a blatant attempt to dilute their guilt. Will the halal Bbbc differentiate when, or if, reporting on this?
And if each BAME group must now be identified by their specific ethnicity or country of origin will the equally lazy and often disparaging ‘whites’ to describe anybody not previously chosen worthy of being BAME now also be dropped?
I no longer accept it, from now on I demand that I’m identified as being specifically Northern Irish. Why should I accept being grouped with leeching Irish travellers or the pig-ignorant Poles across the road from me as ‘white’? How is it acceptable to group Italians with those from Iceland, the French with the Finnish, English with Estonians, who all have their own individual traditions and traits, heritage, culture and national identities, solely on the colour of their skin?
No, it doesn’t make sense. We need a word that covers everyone who isn’t indigenous white British. Although I hate the word “Bame”, it at least did the job.
But perhaps some of the Minority Ethnics were getting tired of being lumped together with low IQ, knife-wielding Blacks and fanatical, suicide-bombing Asians.
The trouble Lenny Henry et al has is the problem of the euphemism treadmill. Blacks are always going to be known for their stupidity, callousness, lack of self-control and violence no matter what fancy, benign-sounding name you call them.
You can’t change the character of something simply by changing its name. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet, as our greatest white indigenous British writer once said.
*Sorry, Rich, I have reproduced a point you had already made.
StewGreenMar 16, 00:34 Weekend 15th March 2025 quote “Countryfile. Gardener’s World. Escape to the Country. All programmes I loved. All ruined because ‘climate change’ is mentioned constantly…
StewGreenMar 16, 00:33 Weekend 15th March 2025 quote “After decades of listening to The Archers @BBCRadio4 finally switched off. It’s woke, climate change, & now a Muslim…
StewGreenMar 16, 00:24 Weekend 15th March 2025 Starmer two video thread Starts with multiple promises Cuncil tax will be frozen https://x.com/SteCollins1874/status/1900600501550322136 video 2 is a compilation of…
BRISSLESMar 15, 23:37 Weekend 15th March 2025 Have to agree Snuffy ! But equally, further down the page our fellow poster Eddie Booth has posted a photo…
StewGreenMar 15, 23:18 Weekend 15th March 2025 quote “Let me get this straight. The Netflix show #Adolescence isn’t based on a true story, it exists to highlight…
StewGreenMar 15, 23:06 Weekend 15th March 2025 “Malik sits on Tower Hamlets council for the Aspire Party, which is led by the borough’s directly-elected Mayor Lutfur Rahman.”…
StewGreenMar 15, 22:55 Weekend 15th March 2025 “immigration battle” ? People who buy mail order brides are free to go live in the Philippines aren’t they ?
StewGreenMar 15, 22:48 Weekend 15th March 2025 Are there ways those lines are defended ? Like saying the lines are mistranslations ? https://quran.com/8 uses slightly different lines…
StewGreenMar 15, 22:20 Weekend 15th March 2025 @Digg’s first line is double false #1 It’s not Ofcom it’s Ofsted #2 He is not ELECTED head rather as…
tomoMar 15, 21:59 Weekend 15th March 2025 Car ramming attack in Munich A bit further southeast, Victor Orban : https://twitter.com/PM_ViktorOrban/status/1900806248863334655
Not too far from reality with todays religious leaders:
I found this lovely man via UK Column
Love the ‘invite them in… have a cup of tea..’ in Corbyn Context.
A man buys a guard dog to protect his home.
Unfortunately he has to get rid of it because it keeps letting everyone in.
Turns out it was a UK Border collie.
Joke born 8th of November 2011
.. https://twitter.com/stansbie/status/133806963078344704
.. other wording https://twitter.com/scunnym/status/1458594501161799685
I used to have a UK border collie guarding the house
.. but I got back one day and the house was full of Afghan Hounds having a party
Might be me – but viewing the BBC news presenters – there is a certain perkiness in the presentation . The allegra stratton resignation blub was pure popcorn and her new career with brillo on murdock TV cant be far away …
Nut nut doing a 6pm press briefing . Might well be popcorned out by then …
The downside to the day was having to buy a randox test kit and help owen pattersons’ pension fund…
Allegra Stratton only got the job because she is a mate of Carrie Antoinette.
You should have seen the presenters on BBC Breakfast this morning..
The excitement and glee was unbelievable, they didnt even try to hide it
Dafydd – I suffer enough with ‘today ‘ but the thought of a visual version so early in the day would be too much ….
Today’s Covid stats are still OK
51K positives
and deaths still trending down very slowly
… https://twitter.com/LawrenceGilder/status/1468615551794745350
Whereas in winter you’d expect the trend to be vastly upwards
Hospital occupants down, too, Stew. That’s good news and means NHS bods emoting on the News can be shown up.
Lewis liked this.
They seem pleased. I found it hilarious.
Emily Maitlis and US media.
Newsnight alumni are the best.
Jack Evans
| Email: jack.evans@bbc.co.uk
London/Leedsbbc.co.uk/programmes/b00…Joined July 2010
1,897 Following
I do see that a great many people have been brainwashed
they are actually OUTRAGED that some workers MAY have bent the rules and had a party
Yet are no outraged on behalf of thousands of grooming gang victims, victims of terrorism
other ignored victims whether they white, brown or black or whatever.
It’s like kids in the playground pointing at the fat kid who stuck his tongue out.
Whilst they ignore the kid at the other end of the playground, who is knifing a kid to death.
Mad Al knows the safe places.
Alistair Campbell commenting on other people lying, FFS!
Has this repulsive old reptile no sense of shame?
Somebody pass the sick bag…
Chilcot report will cost bereaved families £767 for full hard copy
Says Mr Squeaky Clean.
Simpo deleted his punt.
Sopes has gone with a ‘wonder’.
Given bbc N. America under Sopes, I wonder what this actually means.
And I thought it was only women who were bitchy. Prat.
The way our beloved MSM portray every single Government event in a singularly negative vein, continually manipulating public opinion, and as usual lying by omission really shakes my tree.
I naturally refuse to watch Al Beeb, however Bradby, Peston et al are all equally reprehensible, self serving, Leftist acolytes.
That Boris has surround himself with types such as them will prove his undoing. Why any PM would wantonly neglect to use a 80 seat majority in the best interests of those that put him there truly beggars belief.
That trial by Media is seemingly now the way The World communicates is a special kind of Hell.
May God help us all . . . and quickly!
BBC Complaint Summary:
I take offence that presenters promote their books
Full Complaint:
I see that BBC presenters use their twitter accounts to promote items outside of the BBC
…. Katty Kay (The Confidence Code and Womenomics),
Jon Sopel (If Only They Didn’t Speak English),
Chris Evans (Call the Midlife)
Gary Lineker (goalhangerfilms.com) …
there might be more around.
Does the BBC charge the presenters for using the BBC brand to promote these items?
Does the BBC get a kick back to reduce the TV License with each successful sale of these products?
Can you tell me how this works … do the items on sale conform to the BBC core values and guidelines?
Many Thanks.
BS gets more ridiculous each day.
The whole world… of media… is talking about you, love.
Hyperbole ‘R BbC the order of the day?
“Footage of No 10 staff joking about a lockdown party has left even the UK PM’s supporters stunned.”
Bunter is a tool, with dire employees. Led by an ex Beeboid.
I am not a supporter, clearly, but that claim needs backing up.
Eddy Booth DECEMBER 8, 2021 AT 5:00 PM
“A man buys a guard dog to protect his home.
Unfortunately he has to get rid of it because it keeps letting everyone in.
Turns out it was a UK Border collie.”
A cross between a poodle and a retriever perhaps?
What is the dog’s name? It isn’t by any chance Joe or Boris or Keir is it? If it is I’m not surprised he feels that he has to get rid of it.
Tonight , will Peppa the Pig lock ‘us’ down once more as punishment for the “Christmas Party” exposure?
We are now living under a dictatorship.
Get your papers!
Yep more punishment !
Typical of our present government and its behavioural phycologists.
ITV local news “Later we’ll reveal the name of the new rugby world cup ball
.. named after a historic player”
… well there is only one black historic player
Item comes up.. yep named after Clive Sullivan.
Another candidate from an earlier era, also called Sullivan but no relation, would have been Mick Sullivan, who had the distinction of being the only Great Britain (or, later, England) player to have won two Rugby League World Cups: the inaugural one in France in 1954 and the third staging in England in 1960. Clive was captain when Great Britain last won in 1972.
They liked Clive Sullivan so much they gave him his own way, part of the A63 on the outskirts of Hull.
That is a very accurate assessment of this situation, the beeb and SKY just want to bury Bojo who has hit a bad patch in recent weeks – cannot think of too many Governments that have sailed through totally unscathed during a 5 year term in office – but he does need to get a grip from now on – could Princess nut nut be looking for alternative accommodation soon?
“Get a grip” !
We in Great Britain are in need of a new government with a patriotic leader that will get us out of this bloody mess.
Simples .
6:30pm No local news, cos BBC are so wrapped up in covering dumb live press conference, they delayed the main news thus local news delayed as well.
Allegra Stratton has resigned for participating in a bad taste workplace joke.
Her crime was to be allowed to be videoed in the process. Quite what the motives were of the photographer is not a question being asked.
Hands up anyone else who has also told a bad taste joke when at work but has not resigned.
Just as I thought. Thousands of you.
I’m afraid this is a lot more than just a “a bad taste joke.”
This was going on when the entire country was locked down. Families were unable to meet. People were losing loved ones and not allowed at the hospital bedside. I agree that the person to resign isn’t Allegra. It’s the feeble, fat idiot behind this pointless catastrophe, our juvenile, half baked prime minister, Mr Blobby, the pretend bobby.
He’s now far worse than just an embarrassment, he’s dangerously cowardly and incompetent.
God, I despise him.
I do understand your point but I think we are being manipulated by all those seditious people who do not report on the government but seek to undermine it art each and every opportunity. The Remoaners being one of many such groups.
What do we know about this party ? Was it 50 people dancing and snogging? Was it five people in their joint office having a mince pie at their desks? We simply do not know. And I’ve never bought the ‘one rule for them’ argument out of context. Who else is working with that level of stress and responsibility during a pandemic no-one foresaw and trying to navigate through it and which has thrown the government totally off their programme for two years?
For sure Boris is out of his depth on anything vaguely scientific but I bet many in no 10 are absolutely knackered, and burnt out, unlike those in the media with a fraction of the responsibility and a lot more pay.
PS and Allegra Stratton was one of a vanishingly small number of centre-right media people. Guess what ? She’s been forced to resign……by the left, who revealed the video and got their left wing buddies at The Mirror and elsewhere to hound her out, not least by the modern method of showing all those sanctimonious sentimental examples of people with hurt feelings.
Allegra Stratton friend of nut nuts loses £125k non job
but dont worry her carrying of the can will get her a nice loyalty bonus job very soon
If only somebody would accept responsibility for turning a blind eye while young girls in our northern towns were systematically abused.
But hey, what’s that compared with some black humour and bad taste.
As Marcus Aurelius once stated, “Everything we hear is opinion, not fact. Everything we see is perspective not truth”
Wise words indeed.
A lesson learned with experience. One of the reasons so many young people are on the Left and so many older people are on the Right.
That is interesting. Is that “perspective” in the artistic sense? I was taught that it was discovered in the Renaissance.
It occurred to me earlier today that we have had 4 significant people in the right-wing rebellion of recent years : Farage, Boris, Cummins and Trump.
And the Left have done their utmost to politically assasinate all of them. Nigel has been the subject of a media hate campaign from the very start. Trump was impeached twice (after numerous committees set up for that specific purpose came up with whatever they could) and they are still going after him to prevent him running for office again. Cummins was strung up by the media for driving his car after he had COVID and now – after the paper shuffling fiasco a while back – they have smelt blood and are attempting to do the same to bring down Boris with another story being blown up way, way beyond it’s importance.
This is what the political Left are. They deal in dirty tricks and a level of hypocrisy I can scarcely believe. Their ethics and sense of decency is no different from all the other socialists who have murdered millions in the blinkered goal of their ideological agenda. They just can’t get away with it now. But if you took these people back in time, they would do exactly the same as the others did. They are the same.
I detest them because I see what they are.
and the last conservative thing doris did was ???
He did Brexit and they will always hate him for it.
These are the people who celebrated and sang ‘Ding dong the witch is dead’ when Maggie died.
I think it was the fear of Nigel Farage and his Brexit Party that got us that, not Peppa the Pig .
That’s right – but Boris actually took us out with a lot of help from Cummins.
Without those two, we would have had a second referendum and no way would they allow us to win that one.
He did Brexit, yes…and for that I’m thankful…
But since then…what?
There’s barely a fag paper between him and Starmer. That’s one of the reasons Labour are so ineffective, there’s already a lefty in Downing Street.
Look at the dinghy dodgers. FFS, we’re putting them up in plush hotels…and not surprisingly, they keep coming in record numbers.
He’s absolutely mesmerised about puerile green issues. No grown up gives a flying fxxk…and neither did he until he got hooked up with Princess Nut-Nuts.
Look at the socialist style restrictions on our freedoms. No true Conservative would ever countenance those. They’d have been applauded in the old soviet bloc, but not here.
The real trouble is that the man has no core beliefs. And with those types they can be persuaded to believe in almost anything.
He’s not a conservative…
He’s a political chameleon.
Absolutely Jeff.
You have to wonder if he (or someone advising him) simply judged public opinion and saw Brexit as a vehicle for his path to No.10. His decision to keep his powder dry and pull out from the leadership race when Gove stabbed him in the back worked perfectly.
Boris right wing? Boris is a Marxist! He only appeared to be right wing because Cummins was holding his nose to the grindstone, and once Princess Nut Nut got shot of him Boris’s true colours began to show.
Here is a man who has done almost every insane country wrecking far left idiocy Bidens Democrats are trying to do to America.
Ceased energy production destroyed energy storage
Defunded Police and courts allowing criminals to get away with anything including murder.
Opens the Southern border to as many migrants as can get here.
Causes a logistics supply problem
Causes energy prices to skyrocket so make them unaffordable.
in Marxist slogans such as “build back better” (you will own nothing you will be happy)
Does nothing to help private enterprise, and much to hinder it.
Raises taxes raises spending.
Would you like any more evidence?
Apart from destroying people they don’t like, what else do they do? In all the silly plans the government has for dealing with mutant strains, etc, all the opposition can do is agree, saying, You should be doing it even harder. There is no viable alternative to the government.
Precisely so JC. With Leftists, the end always, always justifies the means.
Farage and Trump in particular are a real problem for them and will ever need to endure their deviant, craven lust for control and therefore power. We must and should support them in any way we can.
That Boris might survive this latest event seems less important than where we might find ourselves in the next two years.
Third Duke
“where we might find ourselves in the next two years.”
Under coastal invasion while the rest of us are locked down and forced by strict law to get vaccinated.
Then forced back in to the EU .
In which case Taff, I’d be mightily surprised if Doris can summon up his (yet to be witnessed) self styled Churchillian resolve. I strongly suspect he considers Brexit and Covid will somehow write him into the history books and he might just quit whilst he thinks he’s ahead.
A great shame, more a case of ‘Cometh the hour runneth the man’.
Watch this: Betty Pezzimenti: a story of medical tyranny in Australia.
Well all I can say is “What a Carrie on”
BBC local news
first 14 minutes was trying to stir up an outrage bus over a party
First they tracked down someone whose mother had died
“I’m outraged”
..em bottom line, her mother died and would still have died whether there was a party or not
Then a hardball interview with a local Conservative MP
The presenter was very hectoring : interrupting her , and then cutting her off.
Her line was that she thought it was to do with junior civil servants, and Boris knew nothing of it.
and so even if the civil servants had broken the rules, it doesn’t mean that much
.. cos we all know other people who broke rules.
BBC News
Doctor and Labour MP Rosena Allin-Khan says she wept “behind her mask” hearing children talk to their dying mother on an iPad – while a Christmas party was held at 10 Downing Street last December.
RAK has been a bbc go to quote favourite since she was a junior doctor so overworked she was also an MP and in every tv studio.
Diverse Labour MPettes are getting a bit obvious.
Very panto
I remember she claimed to be working on the dangerous frontline of Covid
In fact she worked on the family liaison phone line team contacting families of Covid patients
akin to the juvenile dimwit Member for Nottingham East
I see Nottingham City Council seem to think that MEPs are still a thing
The water supply should be investigated .
BBC doctors seem cut from the same sari as BBC Politics panic attackers of varied concern.
I knew those Allin-Khans years ago in Herefordshire, and they were always a very emotional lot, prone to unconstrained fits of weeping.
Good analysis and post, Stew.
More info on the Russia – Ukraine situation and the almost unbelievable threats made by Bidens Whitehouse, and not being reported by UK media.
Yesterday we were told about Bidens threat of tougher sanctions against Russia but there was little detail about what that might be, however now we do know and it is quite unbelievable.
Yesterday some might have noticed that gas prices spiked again by 7.9% as a result.
You might want to sit down for this, but Biden is threatening to cut Russian gas supplies to Europe at the begining of a harsh Winter as part of his sanctions package!
He is already seeking to roll back on the Nordstream 2 pipline which he himself gave the green light for !
It’s not really going to hurt Putin much if the gas isn’t flowing, but Western Europeans will die if this is allowed to happen.
Many media types appear unaware of the geo strategic importance of Ukraine.
The Nord Stream pipelines aren’t just a Russian venture – there are pan European partners. Much of the agitation against it has come from the ex Soviet Baltic states – especially Estonia who’ve taken every opportunity to nettle Moscow that comes their way. Estonian pols were well miffed that they didn’t get to sit astride the pipes.
The Ukranian situation is a mess. People I worked with 7/8 years ago from Ukraine then told me that people are in a vise between old commie gangsters and revitalised nazi gangsters. The nazi bunch were playing the Yanquis like a fiddle apparently and the EU was meddling by giving loans to the
gangstersgovernment and trucking in tons of EU propaganda like EU flags, posters and banners – to be distributed by what one simply has to assume are paid agents.Note: I’m not saying Putin is a saint or ‘owt – I am saying that Ukraine has a shedload of internal problems and corruption that are being misrepresented and they have been busy using a portion of the monies they’ve garnered from eejits in Brussels and Washington to purchase more eejits in Brussel and Washington. Nobody seems to want to say if Biden Jnr. is still getting a wedge from his Ukrainian associates….
Of a shallow, fetid pool, this is around the lower reaches.
Pond life at Reach plc ?
– surprised – not
That bubble must be pretty rank by now.
Lots of deleted tweets from the media today.
Marianna liked this.
‘The storming of The Capitol’
predictable focus on QAnon – the BBC have actually swerved the Democrat hysteria about Jan 6th – choosing to deploy omission wrt to the cretinous parade of claims made by dimwit Democrat gobshites.
I wonder if he’ll get access to the missing video from the Capitol and interview the unfortunates locked up in DC?
We’ll see if the BBC choose supporting the swamp and the senile gerontocrats / buffoons over simply doing some actual reporting.
Be interesting to see a collection of bbc American tweets that mysteriously disappeared as events, dear boys and girls….
The fetid pool of bbc studio and screen talent is, after all, as small as it is shallow.
Luckily Jo is now back for Xmas.
More news which should be national, but won’t be.
News from Switzerland. something not quite right and being misled by our politicians.
Its as if they all have the same ‘song-sheet’ across western nations to impose a ‘population control’ by making a Vaccine that creates difficult to give a live birth. Still berths are on the increase across Europe. Although UK HNS (often foreign) Doctors cannot ‘comment’ on NHS practices and roll outs, other Swiss Doctors are more sceptical and can.
The UK is facing mandatory vaccines, although not as yet imposed as badly as the rest of Europe. Boris as the end of the day cannot stop those who insist on it being ‘for our own good’. Even if it leads to our untimely death. Not that death is far from Hospitals, going into UK hospitals is a BIG health risk on its own. I have learned that OFCOM were insisting (2020) that all media channels and TV should follow ‘official guidelines’ And that most noticable is without doubt the BBC ‘cheer-leading every vaccination’ and lockdown as ‘necessary’ – for your own good! All the main broadcasters Radio and TV are in the loop., not just the BBC – which bans all adverse comments by favoring its own story line reporters, and pursing obscure and unscientific EU directives. Why?
You have to ask why.
So is the Vaccine any ‘Good’?
Here are six of the doctors and their testimony … (Swiss, Austria)
Dr Maria Hubmer-Mogg: ‘The Covid-19 vaccine still has only emergency authorisation, because there has been no officially recognised treatment. It is an experimental medication.
‘Children very rarely get seriously ill with Covid-19, yet vaccination can involve high but unspecifiable risks. Politicians, by coercing us to take a vaccine like this, are behaving like criminals. Covid-19 infections are – especially at the outset – very easy to treat. But in spite of a high level of effectiveness, the available treatments are not globally sanctioned. Why?’
Professor Dr Martin Haditsch has travelled the world with his film crew from Servus TV, to get an accurate picture of the Covid situation, and for him it is clear. He concludes:
(six points -edited fro brevity)
– We simply have no justification to say the vaccine is safe and protects.
–The new virus SARS-CoV-2 originates – with a probability close to certainty, about 99.8 per cent – from a laboratory.
Dr Christian Fiala: ‘The Covid-19 vaccine is useless and dangerous. The public has been manipulated and conditioned through scaremongering, and the measures taken are – sadly – completely haphazard.
‘People have steered clear of rational argument when discussing the “pandemic”. This new-fangled mRNA “vaccine” makes the human immune system attack its own body. So, the corona “vaccine” is effectively programmed self-destruction.’
Dr Heiko Schöning: ‘The corona panic is a stage-managed production. It’s a confidence trick. It is now urgent that we understand we are now in the grip of a worldwide Mafioso-style criminal enterprise. We can see we are dealing here with organised crime. So what do we do? We don’t play along any longer. Here and now we have to draw the red line.’
Dr Margareta Griesz-Brisson: Her opposition started with the requirement to wear useless cloth masks. She states: ‘Communist dictatorship has nothing on this. Whatever is going on in terms of corona, has nothing to do with medicine. Because of that, I have to speak out.’
Stefan Magnet concludes: ‘Most of the media, the medical professionals, and the politicians don’t want you to know this. But you can get the information for yourself in the independent media.’
You can read more here:
The Global ‘reset’. The Climate Change, The Pandemic. Bought to you by the UN Agenda zealots predicting the end of the earth is we don’t create zero population in all western nations. Zero population growth is the target. That will reduce Climate emissions (so they say). The Greens, the globalists, the global Marxists have the ultimate solution.
Working from home is bound to make a big difference! Especially when you do not have a job in future.
Live your life in a mask. Passports to prove you have Vaccines (or a Pill) every month for life, to ensure you are ‘compliant’. Refusniks will be fined, jailed and banned from all public spaces. This is already happening in Greece, Italy, Austria and now Switzerland. The UK is the ‘odd’ one out, as we have ‘independent’ media that challenge the BBC, LBC, SKY official lines of ‘scare stories’ that are designed to do just that. By order of Ofcom.
Ask Why! Why is the planet suddenly in danger. Why is a common Virus (and it is a common virus) suddenly leading to national and urgent lock downs. Why is Bill Gates involved in the drug companies, still setting the future plan?
The (Medical) Science is totally ignored. Its a mass media fraud. As Richard Tice (Reform UK) says on GB News tonight, Masks make no difference, Vaccination passports don’t work, and Vaccination is not any safer than being unvaccinated. Unbelievable, that we believe any of it, and yet its being forced onto us. Eventually no democracy. As everything will have to be centrally planned and executed. World War conditions!
Mandatory vaccines + GLOBAL ID Cards. Run by Bill Gates, under license by Pfizer and run from the US in another banner. And don’t forget every person ‘breathes’ CO2 for life. It never has anything to do with ‘Weather’ as that really is for children to believe in without question. The Vaccinations on children remove ‘natural immunity’ was never in any dispute, and yet we have schools making it ‘advisory’. Compulsory in due course. You could not make it up.
For some obscure reason the BBC made great efforts to demonstrate that their main news tonight was all coming from Salford. Lots of filming of the presenters on balconies and footage of the outside of the building.
I thought it a bit odd but coinciding as it does with their campaigning for the Labour Party all day over “that” Xmas party in Downing Street, I realised that they needed to show they were not cut from the same London-Centric garb.
They follow this up by some vigorous campaigning for Labour in the upcoming By-election, bringing up “that” party to everyone they interviewed.
They are so transparent if you just analyse what they are up to for a few seconds. Plus they obviously take their viewers for total idiots.
You can take the BBC reporter out of London but you can’t take London out of the BBC reporter.
Guidance actual versus laws
We are trying to be concerned with truth whereas media storytellers get caught up in fictitious universe cos it’s a better story
Today I came across someone claiming something extraordinary was a law ..and he quoted a Highway code line
.. When I checked I found that of course it wasn’t actual law,
and that lots of Highway Code rules, are purely guidance not actual law.
It’s possible a hard flu is around,
3 weeks ago a friend told me he’s just been down with had flu for a week
about a week later I had my own flu jab and then 11 days after that I came down with something same ..flu with actual pain in the throat
I know which medicine to take to suppress by body’s over response and was OK after 3 days.
i haven’t seen my sister for weeks but now seems she too has just got hard flue too.
And she never has the flue jab
BBC does like to ri… cover trials with impartiality.
Given its staffing the bbc over there does reel in the numbers.
Emily may get double figures next Americast when she says CNN says Boris was pleasuring a hippo noisily in No. 11. Reportedly.
11pc NHS staff have long Covid, people may face delays in health care
Didn’t see that one coming did you?
A local school trust with over 1,000 employees has 3 members of staff with long covid. I read a while back than around 3% of those who had covid went on to have long covid.
I’m not denying that there can be lasting effects from a viral infection – but just in my circle of friends / acquaintances there’s one well known hypochondriac (malingerer, even) that’s proclaming he’s got long covid.
I’d say that at a minimum – it’s a claim that should be tested with an antibody test The feckless git alluded to above also says he hasn’t had an actual covid-19 infection – go figure… Bluidy GP has signed him off twice on that pretext though….
Our tenant has used every COVID dodge in the book to avoid work, and paying rent.
Luckily, booze, fags and Overseas holidays appear provided by Corbyn Care.
Easy for doctors to do this, Tomo.
Just a telephone ‘appointment’, no real checks, and a certificate in the post when they want it!
We have to wait a fortnight for Senora O’Blene’s post hospital follow-up apointment with our quack – on a phone call FFS! And this after a heart attack and worse!
Meantime she’s just totally bewildered at the whole issue. I just see malingerers everywhere, and wish I was a civil serpent, local authority w.a.h. bod or ‘worked’ for the BBC with all that lovely free BUPA.
“Plan B From Outer Space” ~ Now that’s a good title for a science fiction movie .
Has it been on the BBC yet ?
It would make a great science fiction double feature with
“The Man with the Egg-Shaped Penis”
starring a host of Hollywood stars playing themselves.
That’s a good yolk, Z, but it’ll be all white on the night!
Ooooh racist Scrobs, shell out for a new course in diversity…
When will Dick of the Yard be put on the ‘Case of the Christmas Party’ ?
Maybe the Tory Party will move on it now that some of MPs’ jobs are at risk? Many of their constituents jobs have already gone .
TOADY Watch #1 – off-switch again time, sorry Sir Keir, you weren’t saying anything important, were you?
TOADY predictably keeping the party line going with their mates at the Mirror. I wonder if anyone has investigated Part-Time’s role in this ‘Downing Street Party 2020’ or will do so? The Sucker in charge of Labour now has an opportunity to vote against the Government but will he take it? It will mean voting against the restrictions that he and his Party love but a Government loss will increase the pressure on the PM.
The BBC were very keen – again – to point out that some Conservative back benchers are unhappy – again – and may vote against the Government – again – next week when the Covid Plan A+ or B- is debated and voted on. Will Labour put their votes where their mouths have been or will they and the Sucker in charge ‘bottle it’ – again – and abstain?
Indeed, and will he be ‘forced’ to self isolate again?
ti, that’s a handy ‘get out of jail free’ card for Starmer or will he lead his troops into battle for freedom for the
BritishEnglish public?The BBC and other controlled media are placing emphasis on the Plan B social restrictions that are being imposed. There is very little reference to the main topic that Johnson raised: “that we need to have a national conversation on mandatory vaccinations”.
No, we do not. The conversation needs to be on whether the actions of the authorities are covered by the Nuremburg Code, established during the trials of war criminals at the end of WWII, or whether a new set of codes defining crimes against humanity need to be formulated. If the latter, this could include those who have been involved in invasive surgery and drug treatments to change (sic) the sex of children. Mandatory vaccinations represent the Rubicon that they must not cross.
Covid: Lockdown party video sickening, says grieving daughter
I can’t watch these BBC videos any more : they are stuffed full of every trick to push the agenda, the make my blood boil.
The woman in question: Sara Woodward, from Margate, Kent
So I decided to check her out instead. Sure enough, shes another Left-wing activist on twitter who has been posting anti-Boris, anti-Brexit propaganda since long before this story emerged.
She even accused Boris of the ‘murder of 150000+ of our lost loved ones’ in one tweet. And accused Priti of being racist for saying we would turn the boats back to France. You know the sort : they retweet Guardian articles.
Which tells me she is using the death of her mother with the story of the Xmas party as another excuse to attack the government. I find that quite unpleasant.
Just another far-Left hypocrite full of hate. And surprise surprise, she’s a teacher. Perfect for the BBC.
Young, and diverse to a fault.
Wendy not in shot.
I wonder what they class as ‘anti-women hate’ as opposed to someone simply not liking her and telling her so.
And I bet there are a LOT of people who don’t like Marianna. No doubt in the BBC world, that constitutes hate.
I wonder how many ‘women haters’ they logged in the program. There will always be a very small percentage of people who have extreme views on anything and I would say it needs a few hundred before it can be considered a problem with society. I’ll bet my hat they base the entire program on just a few examples.
Perhaps anyone who has the stomach to watch it can let us know.
I encountered Springster around the same time as Wendy was promoting his new unit, and blocking anyone finding it lacking.
I don’t know her. So like, or not, is irrelevant.
I simply find her very bbc.
Too young, too stupid, too woke, overpromoted in every sense of the word, often by herself, and utterly useless.
I simply note the number of bbc online posts that struggle to reach double figures in engagement.
Without a few silly haters, assuming they are not Maxi on day job duty, she would have just her gushing groupies as an audience.
I think she is an utter pest, so I suppose I hate her.
14 ‘likes’
Is he calling our favourite troll Maxincony a dummy?
Scoops get handed over with embargoes.
Who knew?
Like Jimmy Savile story ….
Downing Street party: Police will not investigate due to ‘lack of evidence’
One sentence at the start telling us the police will not investigate followed by almost 1,000 words of something which smacks of spiteful children spitting their dummies out.
They are not happy about it at all !. And yet again I see they print demands that Boris resign if there was a party. It’s ridiculous beyond belief. But the thing which really bugs me is that they are allowed to use public money to do it.
The sad part is that now we know what an empty shell Boris is, there is little chance he will do anything about it.
Wherein we ask did Boris lie and wonder is the Pope Catholic?
The world’s tide of New Puritanism certainly rolls merrily on…
well, merrily wouldn’t be quite the right word for it… let’s say inexorably… within the world of our media at least.
FT: ‘China demographic woes deepen as weddings wane‘
BBC: ‘New Zealand to ban cigarettes for future generations‘
BBC: ‘Finland’s PM sorry for clubbing after Covid contact‘
BBC: ‘Home working and more mask rules in England‘
BBC: ‘Laura Kuenssberg challenges PM over new restrictions‘ – this’ll be interesting. Does she challenge the efficacy of maskwearing and lockdown rules or does she perchance challenge the supposed danger posed to us by the dread Omicron?
Of course not, she’s only after a bit of theatre. Some self-aggrandising attempted gotcha. For which distraction Boris actually thanks her. He then riffs on the demise of Allegra Stratton. Like Hamlet thinking his enemy Claudius was behind the curtain, the media corps lunged with the weapon that came easiest to hand, and so the unfortunate Allegra fell on her sword, like an old Roman.
I’m waiting for some camp BBC producer to interrupt the scene.
“Shakespeare… luv, can I call you Will, admire the modern setting and diversity stunt casting, dear. But it’s a bit of a stretch, dontcha think? The curtain shtick. You’re mixing up your Roman names with the Italian name Allegra, meanwhile this thing is supposed to be set in Denmark – where the State is rotten. So where’s our characters named Astrid, Dagmar or Boris?”
Having both praised and buried Allegra – especially well done on that COP26 stuff, luv. Boris goes on to lie that “The British Public” “…can see the vital importance of the medical information that we’re giving” – No. You’ve scared the bejesus out of some, many just go along to get along, and some simply don’t believe you any more.
Forget the broadsheets and the broadcasters – the comic tabloid Daily Star best captures the mood with their: ‘Thought for the day. Anybody else feel a mug for following all the rules last year?‘
Ms Statton must have called her trades union: ‘Why is it always the woman who carries the can? By Sarah Vine‘ (Daily Mail)
Camilla Tominey in the Telegraph comments: ‘Voters aren’t going to be fooled by a dead cat‘ – please don’t tell us Boris will order Larry the Downing Street cat to fall on sword next?
Far fetched? ‘Australian council to ban cats outside unless they are on a lead… Members of the council voted to approve proposals tabled by Councillor Adin Lang, on the basis it would protect wildlife and remove the risk of cats being hit by cars.‘ (Sky News) – it’s for their own good and I’m sure the Aussie felines “can see the vital importance of the medical information that we’re giving”
Well, if humans ought to have a leash put on them… for their own good…
The Guardian meanwhile features: ‘If only they could talk. The inner life of dogs‘ – sex, food and mucking about – in various combinations?
However, the Gruan perhaps best captures the hidden inner desires of its own largely school teacher and public sector managerial – soon to be working from home again – thank goodness – human readership with this feature: ‘I want it now. Inside the world of instant delivery‘
The Guardian main headline is – by the way – an almost identikit reflection of that in the FT – so much for media plurality: ‘PM triggers covid plan B as party scandal engulfs No 10‘ (Guardian); ‘Johnson adopts plan B to check virus as anger festers over parties‘ (FT) – little in the way of plurailty of view but parties plural, mind you. ‘Tories held raucous second party‘ (Times) – the only reason one once chose Tory Party constituency membership over Labour was the parties – Labourites just kept talking about politics all the time. I guess that’s why no one ever joins parties now. Just signs on online and pays a quid or two to vote Corbyn as a big laugh.
The Telegraph usually leaves the satire to Matt its house cartoonist. Today the headline writer perhaps once fancied himself a Cambridge Footlight: ‘Don’t go to work, but go to parties‘ – clearly the joke here is this is a message best suited to civil servants rather than folks in the real economy.
‘Plan B “will wipe £8bn off hospitality sector”‘ (Telegraph)
And finally… as our media turns into a puritanical scold there’s a small grain of hope for some modicum of comfort and joy ( that’s what this time of year is supposed to be about – rather than health and safety) from a rather surprising quarter: ‘Pope: sex small sin‘ (Daily Satyr)
Her agent couldn’t have paid for Vile to be out of shot?
Seems ‘Guest of the year’ is between Femi and Champion, who is again tweeting about her sex life.
“But we have learnt somethings in the last 10 years. We have learnt that most of the press in free western countries are cowards. We’ve learnt that most of our artistic establishment are cowards. Most of our politicians are cowards. We’ve learnt that industries that spend much of their year in award ceremonies patting themselves on the back for their bravery, stop when bravery is required.” – Douglas Murray @5:00
Douglas Murray speaks at “The Danish Muhammad cartoon crisis in retrospect” conference
Douglas very elegantly diagnoses that we have a cancer in our midst and that it needs to be removed. He rightly criticises our leaders for their cowardice in dealing with it , for their refusal to even acknowledge it.
But when a leader Is elected who begins to try and deal with it Douglas doesn’t like the harsh rhetoric , the brash style , the combatative tweets. But Douglas you cry out for action , but do you imagine that the cancer can be removed in a nice pain free way with no anaesthetic required? Sometimes the brave man of action who dares to confront danger instead of running away isn’t a well spoken , considerate , pleasant individual who would be an ideal next door neighbour . If you want this mortal danger to the west dealt with then you had better accept its not going to be a Sunday School outing.
This lot seem to spend a lot of time at mutual back slapping events.
Hold. The. Front. Page.
Got to look fly cruising the hood shouting various religious incantations such as ‘Merry Xmas’.
Harry will report later.
Footballers and hairdressers warned not to set bad example with lockdown trims
Newcastle striker Joelinton has been fined £200 for breaching Covid-19 regulations after he posted a photo of himself getting a haircut.
If those two in the photo are MIshal Husain’s sons aren’t they a bit old to have their mother take them to the barbers?
TOADY Watch #2 – interestinger and interestinger, Mishal suddenly becomes a party pooper
Mishal takes care of Covid and interviews SoS for Health, Sajid Javid in the prime interview slot. She spends lots of time telling him – and us – that there was no party at Downing Street. I am left wondering whether the Security Services have been working all along on various media links and their effects on Government. Funny that, for two weeks the BBC have been telling us there was a party, now they are saying there wasn’t a party at Downing Street.
Meanwhile it is Plan B but not all the Plan B that Labour wants.
I listened to that interview. From Jajid Savid, I gather that the restrictions imposed by Billy Bunter (from the Tuck Shop) have been based solely upon two “new” pieces of information only(?) available earlier this week viz. The rapid spread of the new virus and the considerable numbers of hospitalisations in South Africa. Another hint, “Save the NHS” was also inevitably re-introduced. The female muslima refrained from the 100% valid question, ‘how can you take hospitalisations in SA to apply to the UK?’ Far, far more SA’s have not had any vaccinations.
Interesting to hear how two muslims deal with Taqiyya from one party.
G, that was interesting was it not? Sajid Javid obviously doesn’t yet have the robust view of the NHS that one of his predecessors and current Chair of the House Committee on Health, Jeremy Hunt MP probably has. He is obviously taking at face value what he is told by others. Dangerous for a Government Minister in an important job at this time.
I wonder if the statistics in the Johns Hopkins chart, available on the BBC web-site https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-51235105 are truly up to date:
South Africa 89,966 153.6 3,031,694
L/h column is deaths: up 169
Centre is death rate: up 0.3
R/h column is infections: up 70,288 – that is all within one week
I thought we might be ‘flannelled’ either by SAGE, the NHS, the BBC or, heaven forfend, HMG so I noted down the SA numbers on 2 December about a week after ‘Omicron’ was noticed. Javid mentioned rising infections in SA, which is true, but they obviously have not increased at the rate he was suggesting for Omicron as other mutations, including Delta, will have accounted for some of the 70,288 new infections.
South Africa does have a similar size population to the UK, 60m v 70m, has a mix of races but has an African majority population unlike the UK which is still a white majority population. It is a major hub for travel and business to and from the UK so that is why there is Governmental concern over this mutation arriving there.
Vague and lacking in definitions.
The proposed Online Safety Act makes the sharing of information, such as the article you are currently reading, subject to state censorship via the major social media platforms. The decision as to whether or not it is deemed disinformation or misinformation is entirely that of the Government, of its appointed arm’s-length quango—Ofcom—or of multinational corporations.
See also ‘The draft Online Safety Bill concretised’ here.
Just as RIPA and PTA were introduced purely as counter-terrorists measures but were used against a heckler at the Labour Party conference and by councils investigating misuse of rubbish bins then!
I wish I could get to the bottom of the plan. It is clear it’s international – agreed, probably in Davos from which all the elite political leaders leave to return and put their part of the plan into action. Soros plays a major role with his money and, in Europe, control of the ECHR. Whistleblowers? None, so far…..
With all the domestic excitements politically, it is interesting to note which pervasive media gobs have retreated under their rocks for a while.
Like All Purpose Amol, after his little brush with tweets left undeleted. Simpo now quiet too.
And then Bronzed Strumpet. It is award season, so to claw back from Naga she needs to get back out there with a crowd pleaser.
“Award-winning specialist reporter covering disinformation and social media ”
As their audience shrinks the number of self-awarded awards grows and their stories become more and more about themselves, a veritable ‘black hole’ of journalism, seeing nothing beyond their ‘event horizon’ and seen by no-one outside it.
Note from the bbc –
”BAME -The catch-all description for black, Asian and minority ethnic people will be ditched in favour of the use of more specific terms to describe ethnicity.”
I have a selection of suitable terms should readers require assistance.
WAME – White African Middle East Ethinc – to include everyone!
“more specific terms to describe ethnicity”
MM, you forgot the Asians, ie: Indo-Chinese. Easy to change WAME to WAAME although I’m sure someone, somewhere, will be offended by having ‘White’ go first in the acronym.
WHAM – White Heterosexual and Male. The bBBC would never, ever use it.
I think they did Last Christmas.
It doesn’t matter what new names they come up with, once they become mainstream they will be offended by them.
And if they decided not to call them anything, they will be offended by something else.
The woke are permanently searching for something to be offended by. Usually on behalf of others. It makes stupid people feel superior.
I include all BBC staff in that statement.
I will continue to use black (small ‘b’), Asian and BAME wherever they are applicable.
Control the language, control the thinking.
Lenny will need funding for thought monkeys.
Clearly some are waaaay behind the curve.
Fawlty Tower’s Major was quite specific!
It doesn’t actually make any sense : BAME is an acronym for when ALL ethnic minority groups need to be referenced. How can they use ‘more specific terms’ unless they plan to list every single ethnic group individually every time ?.
Or do they intend to just write out all the words instead of the acronym ?. Are they really at the point of objecting about English language ?.
It’s clear to me that they don’t like it simply because people call them it and the race card doesn’t fit this time.
I’m not so sure they’ll be so keen to drop the ‘Asian’ catch-all though, might upset a few they’d rather not.
The Sikh community especially have been campaigning for this term to be dropped as the media seem intent on using it to lump them and others in with the Pakistani Muslim grooming gangs in a blatant attempt to dilute their guilt. Will the halal Bbbc differentiate when, or if, reporting on this?
And if each BAME group must now be identified by their specific ethnicity or country of origin will the equally lazy and often disparaging ‘whites’ to describe anybody not previously chosen worthy of being BAME now also be dropped?
I no longer accept it, from now on I demand that I’m identified as being specifically Northern Irish. Why should I accept being grouped with leeching Irish travellers or the pig-ignorant Poles across the road from me as ‘white’? How is it acceptable to group Italians with those from Iceland, the French with the Finnish, English with Estonians, who all have their own individual traditions and traits, heritage, culture and national identities, solely on the colour of their skin?
Likewise the Indians I know are not at all keen to be constantly associated with grooming gangs and terrorists. Who can blame them?
No, it doesn’t make sense. We need a word that covers everyone who isn’t indigenous white British. Although I hate the word “Bame”, it at least did the job.
But perhaps some of the Minority Ethnics were getting tired of being lumped together with low IQ, knife-wielding Blacks and fanatical, suicide-bombing Asians.
The trouble Lenny Henry et al has is the problem of the euphemism treadmill. Blacks are always going to be known for their stupidity, callousness, lack of self-control and violence no matter what fancy, benign-sounding name you call them.
You can’t change the character of something simply by changing its name. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet, as our greatest white indigenous British writer once said.
*Sorry, Rich, I have reproduced a point you had already made.