I ditch another, “Series” film on Netflix – “The Stranger” before even the end of the first episode.
Set in a fictitious shire type town it contains actors from the likes of ‘Spooks’ – those you know but cannot name. What is out of place is that Netflix’ idea of a shire town containing a good 50% of blacks and mixed race families. If you want to envisage how the stereotypical shire town will look in 2050, you would enjoy the film.
Personally, I don’t want black saturation propaganda filling my tv screen. Off.
Is there an organisation formed to combat this freakery? I’d welcome a updated list of all those / companies supporting black saturation propaganda so I would know who to avoid.
Strangley enough – ive done the same with some ‘ game of thrones ‘ rip off thing amazon has put out where a load of wimmin have to kill a 20 year old bloke before he ‘ goes bad ‘ .
I got through episode 1 – first 5 minutes before hitting the ‘ crap ‘ button which amazon thoughtfully puts on its ‘ site .
If it was ‘ the market ‘ viewing figures would kill advertising which would kill the woke crap . But if its the BBC – no issue – theyll just say everyone watched it on ‘ catchup ‘…
Oh the Covid Cokey – left arm in, left arm out, in,out,in,out jab 5 times about. Do the Covid Cokey and you turn around. That’s what Brois is all about! Yeah! The covid cokey.
Laura Keunssberg saying that this is not over more answers required and stating that other parties we held and it has to be true because she was told by the legendary BBC source, but of course and as usual no proof just innuendo..Just like the police said this morning in a statement, no investigation to proceed because no evidence provided
You couldnt make this crap up..unbelievable, the BBC wont let this rest until they have a Tory scalp..
dafydd, it certainly is not over. I expect Part-time is being investigated by Five over her links to the erstwhile Press Sec and the Daily Mirror and the BBC. There’s a murky wavy line between that quartet that is near circular.
dafydd, suffice to say that Stratton was Kuenssberg’s immediate boss on Newsnight for a while and that the Montacutie inadvertently, possibly, outed ‘Part-time’ as being in partnership with the Mirror on a previous attack on the PM. I cannot remember which one as between the Mirror, the Guardian and the BBC there have been so many.
The message these Arabs are sending to the Biden administration: take a tough stance towards Iran before it is too late. Far from being a danger to Israel alone, Iran is terrorizing Arab countries and threatening world peace and security.
📻 @BBCWales and BBC Audio have today announced a new partnership which will bring together their network radio teams in Wales and Bristol in a single unit, led from Cardiff, working across both sites.
BBC bans white people from applying for £18,000 trainee job on Springwatch and The One Show
BBC is advertising a one-year trainee production management role in Glasgow
The position is ‘only open to black, Asian and ethnically diverse candidates’
Positive discrimination is illegal but ‘positive action’ is allowed for trainee roles
More Rap and Rap lyrics I suppose. I see another mention on Toady 0800 news this morning of another death: some black musician. No, in answer to the developing question: I have never heard of him.
But why? I guess that Toady are catering for their majority black listeners.
Snuffy has discovered a shortage and – shock, horror – it has been missed by the BBC. The BBC has made a terrific fuss over the last few weeks over the shortage of everything from HGV drivers to turkey & pheasant pluckers, bacon & sausages and the good old, dependable, BBC have blamed it all on Brexit.
In at least three supermarkets of my acquaintance there are no stocks of so-called ‘instant’ noodles (although they take a few minutes to cook) which the BBC have not been raving about at all in my hearing. Someone in BBC News is not doing their job!
Lefty, LOL! Speaking of bed non-wetters did my diagnosis and suggested cure work? If not, have you made that appointment with your GP. They are becoming as rare has ‘hen’s teeth’ and my local practice now has someone on the door to keep people out!
Only #accusedof in the Fail, so ways to go yet, but surely by WendyBendy BBC exemptions, undercover researching by specialist tv units is a totes get out free card isn’t it?
Undercover TV researcher is convicted of torturing and murdering father in front of his children https://t.co/ybwkjClLRj
According to the BBC at least 3 parties are now under investigation. The definition of what is and is not a party will be interesting – particularly adding the ‘ online ‘ element.
Will the senior bod who ‘ shows his face ‘ be included as a party goer .
Indeed – what is the threshold for attending a party and thence breaching some rule .
I reckon by the time the Cabinet Secretary has worked all those definitions out and started investigating it will be time for the 2022 christmas parties….
Imagine all those swamp people cancelling their party invites now …
Along with all these claims that if we do this and that (mostly involving billions of taxpayers cash), we can limit the rise to 1.5 degrees in the next 50 years or whatever it is.
I don’t believe for one second they have any clue at all if – or how much – any change in temperature rise will be whatever we do. They are good at telling us what HAS happened and absolutely useless at predicting what WILL happen.
They can’t even predict the weather next week with any degree of accuracy.
IMHO they are just guessing and conveniently creating funding for themselves to do it. It’s all about money. We are going to spend billions of money we cannot afford and make negligible difference.
Strangely enough the biggest polluters seem to be given a green light by the globalist nutters to carry on doing what they are doing because they are under developed and the developed world must kerb it’s progress until it is equal to the weakest link.
Marxism in action? We can rely on our National Broadcaster to go along with that. And not a single dissenting “expert” will be allowed to appear on screen to tell the hoi polloi that they are being had.
This virus cannot be deemed serious until the government takes all its roles seriously.
We should not accept any infringements on our liberties unless the government is really serious in combating the physical threats to us .
No serious government would allow an invasion of bogus asylum seekers while there is a pandemic.
Unless the virus isn’t really serious.
How can any normal government even partially lockdown a nation but keep its borders open to bogus asylum seekers ?
No one can tell me that the Powers That Be cannot stop these chancers coming here . Throw the Gramscians out and it will be done .
No BBC , the important thing isn’t who had a party or drove about the north of England, it’s about bogus asylum seekers .
The vulnerable are the rape victims, the children groomed, the homeless (veterans included), the abandoned children, the families skipping meals to make ends meet, the pensioners, the cancer patients ignored.. I could go on for days.
The Home Office is ‘comprehensively failing some of the most vulnerable people in society’ and must stop housing asylum seekers in military barracks, according to MPs and peers on the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Immigration Detention. pic.twitter.com/6NyiArkQ1b
Plan B . Boris is mental. Work from home but you can go to Night clubs and Football matches if you are double vax. The man must go. Correct me if I am wrong but I have not heard of any one who had to go to hospital with this new strain let alone die. Small BIZ will collapse.
I notice the latest headline again has ‘Boris must resign’ in it.
It’s quite pathetic and reminds me of the huge issue they made of anything they could pin on Trump. I remember the headlines when Trump bragged about grabbing women WHO WERE WILLING to his golf mates yet remained silent about Biden pushing a woman against a wall and forcing his fingers inside her.
The media both in the US and here have the power to install or remove leaders. The question is whether the media want to remove Boris or simply bring him to heel?
One thing is certain, if the media wants him to go then his 80 majority in the Commons won’t help him.
Media Masters is usually where Beeboids go to buff their award cred, so this caught my eye by not be… oh… what is this… another swamp misinformation outfit?
Gordon Crovitz & Steven Brill
Co-CEOs, NewsGuard
Gordon Crovitz and Steven Brill are co-CEOs of NewsGuard. Founded in 2018, their mission is to rate the trustworthiness of more than 7,000 news and information websites, and give every site its own “nutrition label” based on transparency and integrity. Prior to leading NewsGuard, Steven founded The American Lawyer, Court TV, and the Yale Journalism Initiative; while Gordon was executive VP for Dow Jones and a columnist for The Wall Street Journal. In this in-depth interview, they share how witnessing the depressing rise of fake news and the genuine harm it’s doing, gave them the idea for a platform which assesses the credibility of news outlets; discuss the nine criteria they use to rate news platforms – for example, how well a publication distinguishes between fact and opinion, and whether it clearly labels advertisements; and reflect on what has become their biggest challenge – tackling the “avalanche of covid-19 misinformation” and hoax sites getting more engagements than responsible health sites during the pandemic.
Guess Springster’s award winning feet will pass muster.
Seem to have an awesome signal mid Channel. Until it drops.
Mobile phones mean displaced people can keep in touch with loved ones and stay informed. But in Somalia, which has an extensive mobile financial system, they can also leave people in danger of scams and extortion https://t.co/2G9Z0x5ysA
Our local micro brewery could use that as a name for a Porter.
Today the BBC launches its NHS Winter Tracker. It provides the latest data on waits in emergency care for local hospital services. We will run it throughout winter so people can see what is happening where they live. More 👇 https://t.co/i1r2uDFKjJ
…..and as soon as things get better in the Spring……the BBC will close this ‘facility’ so the improvements will not be made visible.
How very impartial.
If ever there was an example of the seditious BBC’s whole attitude to the Tory government the BBC 6 pm tv news was it.
Let’s put aside whether we agree or disagree with the latest covid rules and whether we think Boris is useless or not and just focus on the job in hand.
The government has introduced new covid restrictions.
So first the BBC feature pub and club owners who will be negatively affected and we hear their stories. And only their stories.
But next up we get reports from Wales where ‘England’s plan B is Wales’ plan A’. In other words, the English government has been slow to act and it’s proposals are weak.
So what do we make of the BBC news? That the government measures are too harsh because they negatively affect hospitality businesses and yet they are also insufficient and too late !!!
Truly, the government cannot possibly win in the eyes of the totally biased, anti- government BBC.
“So first the BBC feature pub and club owners who will be negatively affected and we hear their stories. And only their stories.”
Erm no. The BBC report started with interviews of members of the public who supported the restrictions. You also missed the reporter saying the new rules weren’t as bad as they could have been, and that in Wales initial concerns about covid passes for nightclubs had largely dissipated.
Perhaps your TV reception mysteriously cut out during those bits.
“Blacks are always going to be known for their stupidity, callousness, lack of self-control and violence no matter what fancy, benign-sounding name you call them.”
That is me you are quoting, Max, not G.W.F. If you were attempting to throw his words back in his face, then I suggest you owe him an apology. Perhaps you got the secret dossiers you keep on the two of us mixed up.
My statement is correct in two ways. That IS actually how blacks have been seen for centuries by the vast majority of white people who have come into contact with them. And the perception itself has been shown to be true with evidence from a whole host of studies ranging from IQ scores to crime statistics.
People like you just refuse to see the truth about blacks and resort to throwing the term “racist” around whenever anyone points out the obvious and you feel your Pollyanna-like delusions about blacks might be threatened. You refuse to get into a real debate with anyone about it because you secretly know you would lose.
At 1.40pm, 15th March 2019; White Supremasist, Brenton Harrison Tarrant, live-streamed himself murdering 51 men, women and children and wounding 40 others at a Mosque and Islamic Centre in Christchurch, New Zealand.
Six & a half hours later, you described the massacre as (direct quote); “The day that white Christians fought back and tried to save their civilisation”.
So you are correct; I have no desire to engage in a “debate” with you. For the blatantly obvious reason that you have already removed yourself from any sort of civilised discourse and are worthy of nothing but contempt.
“Blacks are always going to be known for their stupidity, callousness, lack of self-control and violence no matter what fancy, benign-sounding name you call them.”
Actually if most could be articulate, and pronounce ‘th’ instead of ‘f’ it would be a bonus. Newscasters can manage to speak properly yet the young black community seem to struggle, however that goes for a lot of on air presenters as well – white and black.
After the 7 minutes ceaseless tirade against Boris and before the 2 minutes of hospitality negative business impact followed immediately by the ‘superior’ Welsh covid planning there was indeed, exactly as you mention, some voxpop from people agreeing with the measures……………for a whole 10 seconds !!!!!!!
I can only imagine the high fiving and back slapping going on in BBC newsrooms.
“We’ve got the Tory scum on the ropes”.
And the memos going out to all news editors: “keep the pressure up lads, keep the ‘scandals’ at the top of the news and we’ll have Boris out by the end of the week”.
There was no party on Fri 27/11. Red herring. A staff member left their job. Walked to press office to say bye, PM bumbled in & started babbling, everyone embarrassed, dispersed. Focus shd be actual party in PM's flat Fri 13/11 reported AT THE TIME but ignored by lobby!
That could be the real Dominic Cummings’ account
209K people follow it
Still it’s unusual for such an account not to be officially verified as blue tick.
Julia challenges Labour's Deputy Leader Angela Rayner on Keir Starmer's support for Plan B.
"There is no evidence whatsoever vaccine passports or mask mandates prevent a surge in cases. Why on earth do you think the data backs up the Plan B measures?"@JuliaHB1 | @AngelaRaynerpic.twitter.com/DV6K7EboFb
ITV local news, mostly PRasNews
– Housing charity Shelter saying some people will be homeless in the UK at Christmas
Their example family : An African family (Ugandan ?) Thry said the wife is a student here, and her husband is here totake care of their child
Ae weren’t told if you is on a student visa
or an illegal, or a refugee.
– Item with a charity that lobbies for disabled people to gete exercise.
Alex Belfield is teasing his viewers with the news that GB News is to make a major announcement tomorrow concerning their Breakfast Show that will be ‘a game changer’.
Presumably a new signing of a big name. Any guesses?
TWatO Watch #1 – what a difference a day makes, the Sucker has bottled it again
Wednesday: PM’s Questions – Keir Starmer calls on the PM to resign. Covered at length on the programme.
Thursday: Spokesperson for Labour, Shadow Leader of the House – Thangam Debbonaire MP (Lab) – Labour will support the Government in the vote next week.
If you know anything about UK Politics, then it will be that a lost vote in the House of Commons can be enough to make a PM resign. If he/she does not, an Opposition motion for a vote of no confidence can be called. Once again, Keir Starmer shows himself to be an ineffective Party leader, now that parties are all the rage.
Yes, he did. Starmer tacked it onto a question about the investigation as per Parliamentary rules. Go back and listen to Wednesday’s TWatO again. Now that is three apologies you owe me. By the way, maxi, why do you ‘like’ your own posts? Are you a Labour Party activist?
– News
– PRasNews
and now
– Nudge Behaviour modification news
… whereby the audience is fed a narrative to drive them to a particular behaviour.
That’s my theory as to why Boris’s press conferences seem to have this disconnection from reality.
News is created not to give public facts and end up with an unknown behaviour,
but rather someone starts with the desired behaviour and works to build a narrative to drive the public to that behaviour.
The system is probably based on observing how Trump communicated.
There is now much furore about various ‘parties’ that may or may not have happened in the government in November or December 2020.
I don’t pretend this is watertight and as the advice changed rapidly it’s hard to find the specific rules on a given date but try this quote from gov.uk
‘Visiting bars, pubs and restaurants
From 2 December (2020) , the rules on who you can meet with in bars, pubs and restaurants will depend on your tier. The rules might be different for indoor and outdoor hospitality settings. Check the rules for your tier.
Although there are exemptions for work purposes, you must not have a work Christmas lunch or party, where that is a primarily social activity and is not otherwise permitted by the rules in your tier.’
Now London was in tier 2 until some time in December 2020 so it seems to me that certain parties, though not necessarily setting a good example, if they took place in the office with colleagues, may have been within the rules.
Which shows the current apoplectic attacks on Boris by the leftoids for the pure politics that it undoubtedly is. Words like ‘should’ and ‘must’ in regulations are legally quite different.
The problem is that Boris is proving so glaringly inept that it is increasingly difficult to support him even when he may not be at fault.
Just remember all the deaths , all the families not seen and all the disruption to the lives of the people of Great Britain that trusted him then .
There are no excuses !
“Trust” should not be used in the same context as ‘politician’. I certainly never have. Who ‘trusted’ Blair with his weapons of mass destruction then sent us to war with Iraq. Brown was trusted at the Treasury then sold half our gold reserves. We trusted May to get us out of Europe, never happened.
As a guest on GBNews said tonight, the No.10 advisors are kids in their 20’s straight from Oxbridge. There are no grown ups with experience to take the reins. Even I was shocked to see how young the Communications Director Jack Doyle is – there was me thinking it was some middle aged chap with glasses instead of someone you’d take for a McDonalds kiddy meal !
Yes, those that lost loved ones who passed alone is tragic, but having commentators and journalists salivating on the crucifixion of Johnson is not going to bring them back, and I wouldn’t mind betting there were more Christmas parties and gatherings last year up and down the land than were publicised – aside from those attended by Beff Rigby and Kay Burley. Johnson will be gone at some point, but whomsoever takes his place is only setting themselves up to be shot down by the media.
I won’t be losing sleep about wallpaper, alleged Christmas parties from 12 months ago or whether Boris goes or stays, its all fodder for the scandal sheets.
Watching Andrew Neil it’s becoming increasingly evident that his confident presumptions were usually based on research – now it looks like the research was done by other people and without them – all that’s left is a dyspeptic blustering poisonous windbag.
The Jussie Smollett thing is turning into quite a mess… the vortex around the plughole will hopefully suck a few dimwit ‘sleb jerks under….
Hi Jess. Why are @BBC and @BBCLondonNews still promoting allegations of racism against Jewish teenagers when there is no evidence to support the claim? It's a very serious claim, can you please provide evidence for it. Or institute an investigation into why BBC got it so wrong. https://t.co/1mrFbkNrJY
That the bbc Moaning Emole is still promoting ‘the No. 10 Saga continues’ without irony as actual news of worth is ignored, shows where it is now embedded.
If Ros Atkins does not win an award for being lauded by colleagues prone to deleted tweets, there is no justice.
The ‘Jessie ‘ story was – if I recall – HUGE . Yet the finding that this character made it all up lands as number 5 in the news running order – with a sympathetic report that he was found not guilty on one of 6 charges – which is nice isn’t it ?
I don’t know why ‘Jessie ‘ is but there is no outrage in the bbc of this characters ‘ attempt to exploit the American race issue for his own gain. But then again – he can do no wrong – he is coloured ….
… I was hoping the comments made by the Great and The Good in the US when he made the story up are being compared with what they are saying now – which I guess will be silence …
A movie on freeview – The Columnist – 2019… ''Femke'.. is flooded with threats, harassment and negative comments on social media but becomes addicted to the attention & eventually decides to hunt down the trolls'' Wonder where they got that idea from….*thinks*
Today watch
Nicholas c word Robinson crows that no blue labour minister would go on the Today programme this day . Instead they got the traitor chief of staff of the last traitor PM – May – to ditch more dirt on nut nut – namely Gavin Barwell – remembered for being in the blue party when he should have been in bed with comrade Corbin
Anyway – both characters had a relaxed chat about the future of nut nut and the parties and various other self inflicted wounds .
There were not the interruptions and hostility normally witnessed by Robinson interviews . But then it’s the biased BBC .
With a bit of luck hostilities between the nut nut regime and the BBC will ratchet up ….
Elsewhere – Our Justin ‘interviews ‘ the emir of Londonistan about the ‘independence ‘ of the plod with reference to parties .
I was waiting for the more serious subject of TFL in London which is falling apart – as well as cross rail – which still hasn’t opened and is now delayed by 3? Years !
But there was no mention of this . Although the emir did mention he uses ‘public transport ‘ which I would suggest is a lie . …he wasn’t challenged on this .
As an aside – the economy is improving but the BBC doesn’t give a damn about that ….
JohnCMar 16, 04:27 Weekend 15th March 2025 Military planning for Ukraine peace to begin, says Starmer https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c5ymrz8d21yo So what is the opening line for negotiations from Starmer…
StewGreenMar 16, 00:34 Weekend 15th March 2025 quote “Countryfile. Gardener’s World. Escape to the Country. All programmes I loved. All ruined because ‘climate change’ is mentioned constantly…
StewGreenMar 16, 00:33 Weekend 15th March 2025 quote “After decades of listening to The Archers @BBCRadio4 finally switched off. It’s woke, climate change, & now a Muslim…
StewGreenMar 16, 00:24 Weekend 15th March 2025 Starmer two video thread Starts with multiple promises Cuncil tax will be frozen https://x.com/SteCollins1874/status/1900600501550322136 video 2 is a compilation of…
BRISSLESMar 15, 23:37 Weekend 15th March 2025 Have to agree Snuffy ! But equally, further down the page our fellow poster Eddie Booth has posted a photo…
StewGreenMar 15, 23:18 Weekend 15th March 2025 quote “Let me get this straight. The Netflix show #Adolescence isn’t based on a true story, it exists to highlight…
StewGreenMar 15, 23:06 Weekend 15th March 2025 “Malik sits on Tower Hamlets council for the Aspire Party, which is led by the borough’s directly-elected Mayor Lutfur Rahman.”…
StewGreenMar 15, 22:55 Weekend 15th March 2025 “immigration battle” ? People who buy mail order brides are free to go live in the Philippines aren’t they ?
StewGreenMar 15, 22:48 Weekend 15th March 2025 Are there ways those lines are defended ? Like saying the lines are mistranslations ? https://quran.com/8 uses slightly different lines…
StewGreenMar 15, 22:20 Weekend 15th March 2025 @Digg’s first line is double false #1 It’s not Ofcom it’s Ofsted #2 He is not ELECTED head rather as…
New Christmas Panto ….Boris In Blunderland ……Quote by David Mellor on GBNEWS
I ditch another, “Series” film on Netflix – “The Stranger” before even the end of the first episode.
Set in a fictitious shire type town it contains actors from the likes of ‘Spooks’ – those you know but cannot name. What is out of place is that Netflix’ idea of a shire town containing a good 50% of blacks and mixed race families. If you want to envisage how the stereotypical shire town will look in 2050, you would enjoy the film.
Personally, I don’t want black saturation propaganda filling my tv screen. Off.
Is there an organisation formed to combat this freakery? I’d welcome a updated list of all those / companies supporting black saturation propaganda so I would know who to avoid.
Strangley enough – ive done the same with some ‘ game of thrones ‘ rip off thing amazon has put out where a load of wimmin have to kill a 20 year old bloke before he ‘ goes bad ‘ .
I got through episode 1 – first 5 minutes before hitting the ‘ crap ‘ button which amazon thoughtfully puts on its ‘ site .
It gets used a lot
Apparently, those who still view, ‘Live tv’, will shortly be watching a programme where ALL the actors are black.
History Debunked:
All in sundry now resent this black saturation propaganda. Question: Apart from the ‘off’ button, what’s to be done about it?
If it was ‘ the market ‘ viewing figures would kill advertising which would kill the woke crap . But if its the BBC – no issue – theyll just say everyone watched it on ‘ catchup ‘…
Oh the Covid Cokey – left arm in, left arm out, in,out,in,out jab 5 times about. Do the Covid Cokey and you turn around. That’s what Brois is all about! Yeah! The covid cokey.
Here we go again..
Laura Keunssberg saying that this is not over more answers required and stating that other parties we held and it has to be true because she was told by the legendary BBC source, but of course and as usual no proof just innuendo..Just like the police said this morning in a statement, no investigation to proceed because no evidence provided
You couldnt make this crap up..unbelievable, the BBC wont let this rest until they have a Tory scalp..
BBC Christmas Parties.
Breaking News.
Reports are coming in that Diane Abbott was spotted arriving at the No10 Christmas party carrying Easter eggs.
Stolen from Sickipedia.
dafydd, it certainly is not over. I expect Part-time is being investigated by Five over her links to the erstwhile Press Sec and the Daily Mirror and the BBC. There’s a murky wavy line between that quartet that is near circular.
And if not, why not, PM?
Bit confused by your reply, bit cryptic for me…
dafydd, suffice to say that Stratton was Kuenssberg’s immediate boss on Newsnight for a while and that the Montacutie inadvertently, possibly, outed ‘Part-time’ as being in partnership with the Mirror on a previous attack on the PM. I cannot remember which one as between the Mirror, the Guardian and the BBC there have been so many.
Headline from Gatestone Institute:
“Arabs to Biden: Do Not Let Iran Play You for a Fool”
Spot the deliberate mistake.
The message these Arabs are sending to the Biden administration: take a tough stance towards Iran before it is too late. Far from being a danger to Israel alone, Iran is terrorizing Arab countries and threatening world peace and security.
Why are they addressing Sleepy?
He is unaware of what time it is.
Thank you. I was highlighting the, ‘a Fool’ which he actually is.
Who writes this much derided bs?
“Much Loved”
BBC bans white people from applying for £18,000 trainee job on Springwatch and The One Show
BBC bans white people from applying for £18,000 trainee job on Springwatch and The One Show
BBC is advertising a one-year trainee production management role in Glasgow
The position is ‘only open to black, Asian and ethnically diverse candidates’
Positive discrimination is illegal but ‘positive action’ is allowed for trainee roles
More Rap and Rap lyrics I suppose. I see another mention on Toady 0800 news this morning of another death: some black musician. No, in answer to the developing question: I have never heard of him.
But why? I guess that Toady are catering for their majority black listeners.
Snuffy has discovered a shortage and – shock, horror – it has been missed by the BBC. The BBC has made a terrific fuss over the last few weeks over the shortage of everything from HGV drivers to turkey & pheasant pluckers, bacon & sausages and the good old, dependable, BBC have blamed it all on Brexit.
In at least three supermarkets of my acquaintance there are no stocks of so-called ‘instant’ noodles (although they take a few minutes to cook) which the BBC have not been raving about at all in my hearing. Someone in BBC News is not doing their job!
The BBC long ago purged all the pheasant pluckers from their midst. Now all they have left are miserable, humourless bed wetters.
Lefty, LOL! Speaking of bed non-wetters did my diagnosis and suggested cure work? If not, have you made that appointment with your GP. They are becoming as rare has ‘hen’s teeth’ and my local practice now has someone on the door to keep people out!
Only #accusedof in the Fail, so ways to go yet, but surely by WendyBendy BBC exemptions, undercover researching by specialist tv units is a totes get out free card isn’t it?
According to the BBC at least 3 parties are now under investigation. The definition of what is and is not a party will be interesting – particularly adding the ‘ online ‘ element.
Will the senior bod who ‘ shows his face ‘ be included as a party goer .
Indeed – what is the threshold for attending a party and thence breaching some rule .
I reckon by the time the Cabinet Secretary has worked all those definitions out and started investigating it will be time for the 2022 christmas parties….
Imagine all those swamp people cancelling their party invites now …
This is why the globalists changed the name of their con trick from global warming to climate change which, they hope, will cover all eventualities that our climate can throw at us but to me it’s still a con trick.
Along with all these claims that if we do this and that (mostly involving billions of taxpayers cash), we can limit the rise to 1.5 degrees in the next 50 years or whatever it is.
I don’t believe for one second they have any clue at all if – or how much – any change in temperature rise will be whatever we do. They are good at telling us what HAS happened and absolutely useless at predicting what WILL happen.
They can’t even predict the weather next week with any degree of accuracy.
IMHO they are just guessing and conveniently creating funding for themselves to do it. It’s all about money. We are going to spend billions of money we cannot afford and make negligible difference.
Strangely enough the biggest polluters seem to be given a green light by the globalist nutters to carry on doing what they are doing because they are under developed and the developed world must kerb it’s progress until it is equal to the weakest link.
Marxism in action? We can rely on our National Broadcaster to go along with that. And not a single dissenting “expert” will be allowed to appear on screen to tell the hoi polloi that they are being had.
This virus cannot be deemed serious until the government takes all its roles seriously.
We should not accept any infringements on our liberties unless the government is really serious in combating the physical threats to us .
No serious government would allow an invasion of bogus asylum seekers while there is a pandemic.
Unless the virus isn’t really serious.
How can any normal government even partially lockdown a nation but keep its borders open to bogus asylum seekers ?
No one can tell me that the Powers That Be cannot stop these chancers coming here . Throw the Gramscians out and it will be done .
No BBC , the important thing isn’t who had a party or drove about the north of England, it’s about bogus asylum seekers .
Congrats for nut nut siring another child -11? Is there a party to celebrate . He really is toast ..
Has our Government betrayed Great Britain in the interest of ‘internationalism’?
There is something strange going on ?
I had a bet with myself that whatever Disc Jockey was presenting on R4 this morning would be sticking the boot in re the “Video”
Step forward dj,s Hussain and Martha ,
Doc Martens on these 2 bags.
You could only describe it as the joy of the entitled.
cabinet secretary, here’s some questions
1) Who commissioned the “mock” video
2)Who retained possession of it?
3) Who co-ordinated its release and with whom?
4) Why was it withheld for 12 months and what was the involvement of those who handled the property and its subsequent release.
5) Was there any exchange of financial inducement?
6) Did Starmer and Blackford,s behaviour prior to the facts being known have mislead Parliament?
This was headed ‘BBC One’ for some reason.
LordAl is not wrong, but isn’t Fick Ange doing the Labour ‘notenuf!’ Chant too?
They are ALL nuts.
Do you think Boris and his mandarins actually realise what the BBC are up to and that they despise him?
They are now going after the totally stupid flat redecoration nonsense again.
It is 100% certain that the BBC are on a vicious mission to finish Boris and thereby eventually the Tory Party,
It is now also 100% certain that the BBC is working hand in glove with the Labour Party to achieve this.
Much of this hate has its roots in Brexit of course.
Spot on and the fact is that the BBC are no longer even trying to hide there hatred of this Government.
I wrote to my MP expressing exactly yours and my sentiment, no reply of course.
I think they are so isolated in the Westminster bubble they have no comprehension of whats going on..idiots
I notice the latest headline again has ‘Boris must resign’ in it.
It’s quite pathetic and reminds me of the huge issue they made of anything they could pin on Trump. I remember the headlines when Trump bragged about grabbing women WHO WERE WILLING to his golf mates yet remained silent about Biden pushing a woman against a wall and forcing his fingers inside her.
Their hypocrisy is quite disgusting to watch.
The hysteria against the Government and BJ seems to be catching. Even Guido Fawkes is posting anti Johnston posts…surprisingly
The media both in the US and here have the power to install or remove leaders. The question is whether the media want to remove Boris or simply bring him to heel?
One thing is certain, if the media wants him to go then his 80 majority in the Commons won’t help him.
Please let someone from BBC Anything Melanin or Estrogen have jumped the gun.
“U.S. Senate passes Republican bill to overturn Biden vaccine mandate”
Has Al Beeb covered that yet ?
If and when Al Beeb DOES mention it they will leave no doubt in the minds of both of their viewers that Republicans are the friends of Satan.
Media Masters is usually where Beeboids go to buff their award cred, so this caught my eye by not be… oh… what is this… another swamp misinformation outfit?
Gordon Crovitz & Steven Brill
Co-CEOs, NewsGuard
Gordon Crovitz and Steven Brill are co-CEOs of NewsGuard. Founded in 2018, their mission is to rate the trustworthiness of more than 7,000 news and information websites, and give every site its own “nutrition label” based on transparency and integrity. Prior to leading NewsGuard, Steven founded The American Lawyer, Court TV, and the Yale Journalism Initiative; while Gordon was executive VP for Dow Jones and a columnist for The Wall Street Journal. In this in-depth interview, they share how witnessing the depressing rise of fake news and the genuine harm it’s doing, gave them the idea for a platform which assesses the credibility of news outlets; discuss the nine criteria they use to rate news platforms – for example, how well a publication distinguishes between fact and opinion, and whether it clearly labels advertisements; and reflect on what has become their biggest challenge – tackling the “avalanche of covid-19 misinformation” and hoax sites getting more engagements than responsible health sites during the pandemic.
Guess Springster’s award winning feet will pass muster.
If the media and the opposition had gone after the grooming gangs with the same vigour as the faux party news we would be a better country?
The Left demonstrating their extreme hypocrisy in all it’s glory. Again.
This has nothing to do with the party.
Seem to have an awesome signal mid Channel. Until it drops.
Our local micro brewery could use that as a name for a Porter.
…..and as soon as things get better in the Spring……the BBC will close this ‘facility’ so the improvements will not be made visible.
How very impartial.
Everything is better with the Spring.
And the Springster!
If ever there was an example of the seditious BBC’s whole attitude to the Tory government the BBC 6 pm tv news was it.
Let’s put aside whether we agree or disagree with the latest covid rules and whether we think Boris is useless or not and just focus on the job in hand.
The government has introduced new covid restrictions.
So first the BBC feature pub and club owners who will be negatively affected and we hear their stories. And only their stories.
But next up we get reports from Wales where ‘England’s plan B is Wales’ plan A’. In other words, the English government has been slow to act and it’s proposals are weak.
So what do we make of the BBC news? That the government measures are too harsh because they negatively affect hospitality businesses and yet they are also insufficient and too late !!!
Truly, the government cannot possibly win in the eyes of the totally biased, anti- government BBC.
And I haven’t mentioned Laura Doomsberg once.
“So first the BBC feature pub and club owners who will be negatively affected and we hear their stories. And only their stories.”
Erm no. The BBC report started with interviews of members of the public who supported the restrictions. You also missed the reporter saying the new rules weren’t as bad as they could have been, and that in Wales initial concerns about covid passes for nightclubs had largely dissipated.
Perhaps your TV reception mysteriously cut out during those bits.
You appear to be a racist. Have you thought of attending one of those diversity courses?
BiasedBBC, December 9, 2021 at 10:47 am;
“Blacks are always going to be known for their stupidity, callousness, lack of self-control and violence no matter what fancy, benign-sounding name you call them.”
Does that appear racist to you, at all, G.W.F.?
Hello max, how do you feel about Springster calling you a dummy?
Northern Voter,
“Hello max, how do you feel about Springster calling you a dummy?”
That would be an improvement on what I’m usually called.
That is me you are quoting, Max, not G.W.F. If you were attempting to throw his words back in his face, then I suggest you owe him an apology. Perhaps you got the secret dossiers you keep on the two of us mixed up.
My statement is correct in two ways. That IS actually how blacks have been seen for centuries by the vast majority of white people who have come into contact with them. And the perception itself has been shown to be true with evidence from a whole host of studies ranging from IQ scores to crime statistics.
People like you just refuse to see the truth about blacks and resort to throwing the term “racist” around whenever anyone points out the obvious and you feel your Pollyanna-like delusions about blacks might be threatened. You refuse to get into a real debate with anyone about it because you secretly know you would lose.
I am fully aware who said what.
At 1.40pm, 15th March 2019; White Supremasist, Brenton Harrison Tarrant, live-streamed himself murdering 51 men, women and children and wounding 40 others at a Mosque and Islamic Centre in Christchurch, New Zealand.
Six & a half hours later, you described the massacre as (direct quote); “The day that white Christians fought back and tried to save their civilisation”.
So you are correct; I have no desire to engage in a “debate” with you. For the blatantly obvious reason that you have already removed yourself from any sort of civilised discourse and are worthy of nothing but contempt.
“Blacks are always going to be known for their stupidity, callousness, lack of self-control and violence no matter what fancy, benign-sounding name you call them.”
Actually if most could be articulate, and pronounce ‘th’ instead of ‘f’ it would be a bonus. Newscasters can manage to speak properly yet the young black community seem to struggle, however that goes for a lot of on air presenters as well – white and black.
You’re right Maxi!
After the 7 minutes ceaseless tirade against Boris and before the 2 minutes of hospitality negative business impact followed immediately by the ‘superior’ Welsh covid planning there was indeed, exactly as you mention, some voxpop from people agreeing with the measures……………for a whole 10 seconds !!!!!!!
Good evening.
Oo. Er.
I can only imagine the high fiving and back slapping going on in BBC newsrooms.
“We’ve got the Tory scum on the ropes”.
And the memos going out to all news editors: “keep the pressure up lads, keep the ‘scandals’ at the top of the news and we’ll have Boris out by the end of the week”.
Admittedly Bojo is making their job easy.
Is ‘lobby’ Dom for ‘bubbil’?
That could be the real Dominic Cummings’ account
209K people follow it
Still it’s unusual for such an account not to be officially verified as blue tick.
Meanwhile the BBC are creaming their pants at the wonderful Scottish budget and their friends in the SNP and Greens.
Lots of money for lots of worthy causes. And no tax rises.
Not mentioned by the BBC.. Paid for by English taxpayers via the dreadful Barnett formula.
Fick is as Fick does.
Where the bbc leads, cnn falls in too.
ITV local news, mostly PRasNews
– Housing charity Shelter saying some people will be homeless in the UK at Christmas
Their example family : An African family (Ugandan ?) Thry said the wife is a student here, and her husband is here totake care of their child
Ae weren’t told if you is on a student visa
or an illegal, or a refugee.
– Item with a charity that lobbies for disabled people to gete exercise.
BBC local news
– PRasNews Item for Shelter
Alex Belfield is teasing his viewers with the news that GB News is to make a major announcement tomorrow concerning their Breakfast Show that will be ‘a game changer’.
Presumably a new signing of a big name. Any guesses?
That would be Eamonn Holmes then.
Is he some one I ought to have heard of?
“Boris and Carrie Johnson announce birth of a girl”
How many is that now ?
Perhaps it is a bit premature to announce the birth of a girl.
It has not has time to select its gender
Taffman – More than enough!
“Covid Plan B: Conservative group chairman resigns live on air”
If that doesn’t send a message , what will ?
A good friend told me Forget: “Plan B From Outer Space”.
Try : “Plan 9 From Outer Space”.
TWatO Watch #1 – what a difference a day makes, the Sucker has bottled it again
Wednesday: PM’s Questions – Keir Starmer calls on the PM to resign. Covered at length on the programme.
Thursday: Spokesperson for Labour, Shadow Leader of the House – Thangam Debbonaire MP (Lab) – Labour will support the Government in the vote next week.
If you know anything about UK Politics, then it will be that a lost vote in the House of Commons can be enough to make a PM resign. If he/she does not, an Opposition motion for a vote of no confidence can be called. Once again, Keir Starmer shows himself to be an ineffective Party leader, now that parties are all the rage.
“Wednesday: PM’s Questions – Keir Starmer calls on the PM to resign. Covered at length on the programme.”
Erm no. Keir Starmer didn’t call on the PM to resign at PMQ’s. You seem a little confused.
No you are confused. He called on the PM to resign. The BBC have audio of it. Two apologies you owe me.
“No you are confused. He called on the PM to resign.”
When was that, because he didn’t during PMQ’s?
Yes, he did. Starmer tacked it onto a question about the investigation as per Parliamentary rules. Go back and listen to Wednesday’s TWatO again. Now that is three apologies you owe me. By the way, maxi, why do you ‘like’ your own posts? Are you a Labour Party activist?
Max you dummy! According to the disinformation guru known as Springster.
You and your non licence paying troll chums are the people that are confused.
What motivates you ?
Gone awfully quiet on here about what Starmer did or didn’t say. How odd…
Some of us have real jobs of work to do. We cant spend all night taking the Mick out of you. What motivates you .
ooh – errr….
Reading various posts including the excellent summary by Digg above about the BBC’s undisguised hatred of the government…..
So why exactly does Boris et al. STILL give the BBC the first question at the covid news briefings?
Why not put them last or even better rescind their entry passes altogether.
Simple, isn’t it?
– News
– PRasNews
and now
– Nudge Behaviour modification news
… whereby the audience is fed a narrative to drive them to a particular behaviour.
That’s my theory as to why Boris’s press conferences seem to have this disconnection from reality.
News is created not to give public facts and end up with an unknown behaviour,
but rather someone starts with the desired behaviour and works to build a narrative to drive the public to that behaviour.
The system is probably based on observing how Trump communicated.
“Nudge Behaviour”.
Will Susan Michie be next to go ?
There is now much furore about various ‘parties’ that may or may not have happened in the government in November or December 2020.
I don’t pretend this is watertight and as the advice changed rapidly it’s hard to find the specific rules on a given date but try this quote from gov.uk
‘Visiting bars, pubs and restaurants
From 2 December (2020) , the rules on who you can meet with in bars, pubs and restaurants will depend on your tier. The rules might be different for indoor and outdoor hospitality settings. Check the rules for your tier.
Although there are exemptions for work purposes, you must not have a work Christmas lunch or party, where that is a primarily social activity and is not otherwise permitted by the rules in your tier.’
Now London was in tier 2 until some time in December 2020 so it seems to me that certain parties, though not necessarily setting a good example, if they took place in the office with colleagues, may have been within the rules.
Which shows the current apoplectic attacks on Boris by the leftoids for the pure politics that it undoubtedly is. Words like ‘should’ and ‘must’ in regulations are legally quite different.
The problem is that Boris is proving so glaringly inept that it is increasingly difficult to support him even when he may not be at fault.
Just remember all the deaths , all the families not seen and all the disruption to the lives of the people of Great Britain that trusted him then .
There are no excuses !
“Trust” should not be used in the same context as ‘politician’. I certainly never have. Who ‘trusted’ Blair with his weapons of mass destruction then sent us to war with Iraq. Brown was trusted at the Treasury then sold half our gold reserves. We trusted May to get us out of Europe, never happened.
As a guest on GBNews said tonight, the No.10 advisors are kids in their 20’s straight from Oxbridge. There are no grown ups with experience to take the reins. Even I was shocked to see how young the Communications Director Jack Doyle is – there was me thinking it was some middle aged chap with glasses instead of someone you’d take for a McDonalds kiddy meal !
Yes, those that lost loved ones who passed alone is tragic, but having commentators and journalists salivating on the crucifixion of Johnson is not going to bring them back, and I wouldn’t mind betting there were more Christmas parties and gatherings last year up and down the land than were publicised – aside from those attended by Beff Rigby and Kay Burley. Johnson will be gone at some point, but whomsoever takes his place is only setting themselves up to be shot down by the media.
I won’t be losing sleep about wallpaper, alleged Christmas parties from 12 months ago or whether Boris goes or stays, its all fodder for the scandal sheets.
“Beijing Winter Olympics boycott is insignificant, says Macron”
Typical of the French.
What would Brian Boitano do?
“Record number of children in UK held over terror crimes”
How many came across the English Channel?
maxinony is a “one legged man in an @rse kicking contest” with his trolling attacks of this site.
Over to you max.
Watching Andrew Neil it’s becoming increasingly evident that his confident presumptions were usually based on research – now it looks like the research was done by other people and without them – all that’s left is a dyspeptic blustering poisonous windbag.
The Jussie Smollett thing is turning into quite a mess… the vortex around the plughole will hopefully suck a few dimwit ‘sleb jerks under….
Lots of BBC not newsworthy news today.
The irony of her claiming to deliver the material people want, when pulling a Wendy and limiting those who can assess her claims, is rather spec… bbc.
Apols, that is the person being replied to, which is almost more intriguing.
In complement.
That the bbc Moaning Emole is still promoting ‘the No. 10 Saga continues’ without irony as actual news of worth is ignored, shows where it is now embedded.
If Ros Atkins does not win an award for being lauded by colleagues prone to deleted tweets, there is no justice.
The ‘Jessie ‘ story was – if I recall – HUGE . Yet the finding that this character made it all up lands as number 5 in the news running order – with a sympathetic report that he was found not guilty on one of 6 charges – which is nice isn’t it ?
I don’t know why ‘Jessie ‘ is but there is no outrage in the bbc of this characters ‘ attempt to exploit the American race issue for his own gain. But then again – he can do no wrong – he is coloured ….
… I was hoping the comments made by the Great and The Good in the US when he made the story up are being compared with what they are saying now – which I guess will be silence …
“Covid-19: Face masks required in more indoor venues in England”
Our economy is being destroyed. We are being run by dictatorship.
Some Consocialists have grown ovoids and are voting against Plan B !
Have you ever given any example of the BBC’s bias ?
After all that is what it’s for?
Most here seek impartiality, what is your motive?
Dozens of councils eyeing rise in council tax to fund services
Its the same “reporting” every year by the bBC, so home owners are aware, when the new bills come in and just pay up
Lets face its folks we are stuck with the bbc, government isn’t going to let its mouth piece go
Radio 4
So how did ITV get hold of that Number 10 video clip?
BBC Ros Atkins grills Paul Brand, UK Editor at ITV News about the mechanics of a scoop. The Media Show on BBC Sounds 🎧 bbc.in/3IDvUgu
Most pointing out the timing delay of a planned leak.
Ros and Paul still trying to make it sound like journalism.
One for Springster.
Now imagine ‘… was discussed with Ms. Stratton…’
Meanwhile the gurning hobo gets to scream at anyone not toeing the bbc 28Gate line.m
On which Magic Mark is shown in desperate need of some kind of award.
Today watch
Nicholas c word Robinson crows that no blue labour minister would go on the Today programme this day . Instead they got the traitor chief of staff of the last traitor PM – May – to ditch more dirt on nut nut – namely Gavin Barwell – remembered for being in the blue party when he should have been in bed with comrade Corbin
Anyway – both characters had a relaxed chat about the future of nut nut and the parties and various other self inflicted wounds .
There were not the interruptions and hostility normally witnessed by Robinson interviews . But then it’s the biased BBC .
With a bit of luck hostilities between the nut nut regime and the BBC will ratchet up ….
Elsewhere – Our Justin ‘interviews ‘ the emir of Londonistan about the ‘independence ‘ of the plod with reference to parties .
I was waiting for the more serious subject of TFL in London which is falling apart – as well as cross rail – which still hasn’t opened and is now delayed by 3? Years !
But there was no mention of this . Although the emir did mention he uses ‘public transport ‘ which I would suggest is a lie . …he wasn’t challenged on this .
As an aside – the economy is improving but the BBC doesn’t give a damn about that ….
New kid on the block?