As the party season is in full swing will the BBC declare a Christmas Truce over the hounding of the Prime Minister or Project Fear with everything and everyone being overwhelmed ?
“… and mould the whole of Europe into a copy of Germany …. a good place to start is to ditch the easy historical comparison (ignore history and you will repeat it) … because Angela Merkel is a figure of our here and now and it’s vital to understand her better because she (Merkel) matters more to our future (UK) than, what, 95% of British Politicians.” – BBC’s Andrew Marr 2013
“The Making of Merkel with Andrew Marr BBC documentary 2013 about Angel Merkel imp politician” {youtube}
BBC run the Guardian article and – would you believe it – open another HYS on it.
Cue the bitter and twisted remainers who just want to vent their hatred of Boris and Brexit. Just as the BBC knew they would. It’s absolutely pathetic.
Rapes and murders, children left to die, Christian genocide around the world from muslims, gang rapes of white children by muslims in the UK, and racist attacks on jews not important, for the simple fact of the colour, religious belief and or sexual bias or the perpetrator
parties are for the bbc, and having a group w@nk into their £4 skinny lattes over lockdown again and a little story about muzzie victims of course
I could forgive them for a week but now enough is enough with their party political biase a complaint IS required
Well. I caught the fex! Symptoms have been very much like a cold, and certainly nothing like the time I caught it same time two years previous.
Symptoms started with a hacking cough and a few sneezes followed by a woozy feeling in the head and a temperature. It’s lasted a couple of days and hasn’t stopped me doing anything I wanted to do.
I would say it’s been a winter cold, nothing more and it affected me for a couple of days. I know that for some people the symptoms will be much more severe (and more mild too), but I would say for the vast majority it’s nothing to worry about, and I’m not vaccinated either.
I managed to stay at home and decorate the lounge whilst suffering, still admiring my radical taste in what wickes calls subtly green (if that’s subtle I would hate to see bold)
And as for a so called “floating shelf” I am just bloody relieved Argos had nothing to do with the retreat from Dunkirk
Some Admirals may have an opinion on that
Bastards, nearly lead to a divorce that enterprise, and she is still not talking as for the cat not seen it for two days after hammer drilling half the bloody wall out to put up one poxy shelf
anyway I feel better now, and there is a a letter from the wife on the coffee table which I leave, as I am sure it will be full of admiration for the green lounge with a 20 degree floating shelf and some extra texture added to one wall and a cat shitting itself over the carpet every time the hammer drill is engaged,
Running out of cash, its a toss up between rawl plugs and cat shit bags
Very similar. I had a slightly painful cough a few days ago which lasted around 24 hours, some sneezing, and I think over the entire 3 days or so where I had various “symptoms” the most remedial thing I did was take a couple of dispirins. Pretty much ok today.
And I haven’t had any jabs either. No vaccinations. No booster. No hand bloody ridiculous sanitiser either.
What a con. If we lockdown again it will be absolutely scandalous.
My recent hard-flu, hard a painful throat
I got the temperature usually hot, sometimes cold
but by the next morning it had moved to my lungs
I contained it by taking flu medicine and running
After 60 hours I didn’t need medicine
had a running nose, so stayed away from people to not spread it.
Scott Bryan
TV critic and broadcaster. Must Watch podcast on
. Dyslexic.
East Londonscottybryan.comJoined August 2008
3,276 Following
Cycling often seems a lifestyle choice, but for refugees building a new life in the UK, bikes can unlock healthcare, support, friendship and employment.
It was a real privilege to hear some of their stories and talk about how cycling changed their lives
After nearly 7 years, in April I'm moving on from best daily reporting job + the most wonderful team in the business. It's been an honour and an amazing ride – more to come in 2022! With love + thanks to all at @BBCPolitics
The programme discussed a tweet by Labour’s deputy leader Angela Rayner, congratulating Anas Sarwar on being ‘the first ever ethnic minority leader of any political party anywhere in the UK’.
As there have been a number of Jewish leaders of British political parties, it sought to explore why some official monitoring does not include Jews as an ethnic rather than a religious minority. To be clear, Jews are an ethnic minority recognised in law.
Former Royal Marine Pen Farthing is still dealing with daily online abuse after being accused of putting pets above people when he flew them out of Kabul in August.
Marianna could confirm, but often a period of ongoing silence is often best.
Have these semi educated over paid morons nothing better to do ?
Sometimes I agree with the North Korean policy for this kind of idiocy, then I consider and realise it is here already just without the executions yet, just public sackings and villification if one does not agree with biscuitsbreaxit, and muslims
In fact, an extra £10,000 has been made available by the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA) to MPs’ office costs budget, in order to cover the additional expenditure of setting up remote working for MPs and their staff as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak (here).
7,018 managers with total earnings of between £80,000 to £129,999
A further 1,071 NHS managers are earning between £130,000 to £199,999
Another 114 NHS managers take home between £22.8 and £28.5 million between them as they earn between £200,000 and £249,999
36 NHS managers take home at least £250,000 a year
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Manager
Job Reference: 146-CCG-5927RF
Employer:Sussex Integrated Care BoardDepartment:768 BH 680866 Human ResourcesLocation:HoveSalary:£40,057 to £45,839 pa
Job news: I'm taking over The Economist's British politics column, Bagehot, from January. Please get in touch and tell me things about British politics.
Duncan Robinson
Charlemagne columnist and Brussels bureau chief at The Economist.
London, EnglandJoined December 2008
5,579 Following
Some people point to Boris’ bout of covid as a turning point from being a Tory to a green lefty.
I reckon it was Carrie.
One of the popular things often repeated by pro lockdown types is that Boris almost died from covid.
Is there any truth in this?
I suspect it’s been very much exaggerated and that he was poorly but not in any real danger.
Many with Flu or a bad cold might say “I felt like I was going to die” but in reality were just feeling lousy.
Getting married and having two kids seems to show he wasn’t as ill as they would like us to believe.
Mr Johnson hired the PT after being admitted to intensive care with coronavirus in 2020
I would love to see the PM’s medical notes and if bloods were taken and, if so, where they went. Maybe Richard Pinder can tell us whether they landed up at Porton Down?
20 years
A good quality, modern wind turbine will generally last for 20 years, although this can be extended to 25 years or longer depending on environmental factors and the correct maintenance procedures being followed.
Quite right, MM. When Blair was trying to cover the UK in them back in 1998, I wrote to some Uni expert to enquire about CO2 expended in manufacture. He confirmed a 30 year life expectancy with three years being taken off to ‘pay back’ for the CO2 during manufacture. Think installation may have been extra.
Given that mainland UK is connected together by the National Grid the average carbon intensity of electricity consumed is the same wherever one lives.
Exactly the same as if one were to switch from Smoky Joe Electricity to Squeaky Green Electricity, same electricity, different colour bills.
One could map carbon intensity of electricity generated but that comes down to history and geography, i.e. more hydro in Scotland, more solar in Cornwall etc. but what would be the point?
A good overview on something called ‘intermittance’ which is what the National Grid try to do and ‘balance’ the load. In this PDF** link he explains the impossibility of the UK position of not having enough back up generation but relying on EU links (notably France).
So the possibility of ‘power cuts’ are only too real.
There’s definitely something funny going on. The BBC are colluding with the Daily/Sunday Mirror and the Guardian/Observer newspapers to kill Boris Johnson’s career as PM dead by a thousand cuts. They were doing some more excremental stirring (I think excrement is the right word for ‘little by little’) for the second item in the running order so I had to switch off.
Interesting that go-between for the BBC with the Mirror Group and Guardian Group, Laura ‘Part-time’ Kuenssberg, is being shuffled sideways. Is that to avoid the humiliation of Tim Davie being forced into a public sacking?
“#OurNHS workers are yet again doing an amazing job, rolling out the booster and helping so many.
To mark this Christmas, the Tories should give the NHS all the funding it needs, end the outsourcing and privatisation rip-off, and give NHS workers the pay rise they are asking for.”
Corbyn to hold a new party … 1st October 2020
Jeremy Corbyn apologises for breaking Covid-19 rules at dinner for nine
FORMER Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has apologised for his “mistake” after being photographed at a dinner party for nine people.
The MP and his wife were pictured with the guests at the gathering in London last weekend – the photos were published in the Sun newspaper today. The group now face fines totalling up to £1800.
Or is Part-time left outside with the donkeys for ‘socially distancing’ sake?
I have now been informed that ‘increment’ is the word I should have used in my post above. Poor old Labour. They are doing their own and the Suckers reputation no good at all. So boring are they that no-one in the Labour Party wants to celebrate Christmas, especially with their boring Parliamentary colleagues and staff.
He describes himself as a ‘fourth-generation socialist’; his grandfather was involved with the Communist Party and his parents met as members of the Trotskyist Militant group. … Jones also said that their parents taught him and his siblings a “passionate hatred of injustice and bigotry”.
Laura Kuenssberg ‘misled’ BBC viewers with ‘maxed-out credit card’ national debt analogy, leading economists claim
More than 20 leading economists have written to the BBC to complain about news reports on the UK’s national debt that “do not represent economic reality”.
In other news, while you focused on gotchas Fraser Nelson did some actual journalism and got a Sage big cheese to admit to delivering exclusively doom-based forecasting to fit the govt's plans. What was stopping you from doing this 12+ months ago?
That last comment will be from Kuenssberg’s own side,
There is a vast set of Labour supporter accounts that throw out hate at LK
as part of their game that pretends the BBC is super biased against the Labour Party.
2:15pm R4 Drama : Forty years on, the dramatic story of the Penlee lifeboat disaster
Mousehole village, 19th December 1981
Written by Newlyn resident Callum Mitchell, the programme was made in Cornwall, with the help of some of the family members of the men lost.
The result is both a celebration and memorial to the men of the lifeboat – Solomon Browne
: Trevelyan Richards, Stephen Madron, Nigel Brockman, John Blewett, Charles Greenhaugh, Kevin Smith, Barrie Torrie and Gary Wallis.
And of the 8 onboard The Union Star
captain, his wife, her two daughters from a previous marriage & a crew of four.
Joe Biden said he wouldn’t pull U.S. troops out of Afghanistan until every last American had gotten out and then he left hundreds of Americans behind
‘Embarrassing’: Boris Johnson criticised for rambling speech to CBI
Business leaders and Conservative MPs criticise speech in which PM extensively praised Peppa Pig World and imitated car
Time to be controversial, I think. Have another look at the photograph of the “party” which the bbc are touting as their latest scoop. Cheese and wine, it’s hardly Profumo, is it? Notice also that the break in proceedings (We’ve got to eat and drink at some point) has the groups, both on the patio and the lawn, appearing to be making some sort of socially distancing effort, and holding the break out of doors. I’m sure that any keen-eyed viewers will see that A is only 1.873 metres from B.
Another “divide and conquer” tactic is picking out comments saying that anti-vaxxers falling ill should pay for the whole treatment, as it’s all their fault, as are brexit and global warming. I’d love to be a fly on the wall of a hospital (I’m sure there are plenty) in a few years time. “Heart attack and coronary disease? Did you have the vaccine? You did? Oh well, you’ve only got yourself to blame”.
I’m not against or in favour of vaccines. It’s a personal choice and should remain so, in my humble. My vaccine status is, as it should be, my business only.
how would a bbc employee have any idea what a teacher looked like, most spent their time with (ready made socialist worker) placards in their hands wandering around the streets
The BBC is a totally corrupt organisation: but it does have a purpose for the ‘lefties’ who taken taken over (almost) all our nations historic institutions. Its hard to think of anything “positive” about the BBC from any perspective but one instance. And that is the USA success of former BBC (DG) Mark Thompson who promptly resigned when Jimmy Saville and his BBC acquaintances were found systematically abusing children. This lead to the Operation Yew tree by the Met Police and Mark Thompson ran off to America with an ‘award’ payment of £2million* BBC expenses to aid his escape into another prime job at the New York Times….
Mark Thompson was never prosecuted and claimed ignorance of BBC sexual practices.
Note: The New York Times has a largely Guardian readership and the BBC is considered ‘world class’ in being continually ‘public funded’ (an oddity in any other country)- for so long with its (false) ‘liberal label. Liberals don’t really care that they now follow ‘Marxist doctrine’, as they have ‘no memory of any such atrocities’ as that is erased each generation by University ‘higher’ education.
But the New York Times is good at dismantling the American dream. Its aspiration is disconnection from reality into a virtual world of human rights and it is prepared to erase Marxists events and claim that all white men are culpable in racial exploitation going back to 1619 originally claimed in the NYT juste before Mark Thomspon joined them as Chief Editor. Under a cloud, but not fallen but AWARDED!
The BBC never talk about (US) The 1619 project and just talk about ‘BLM’ conformity. Mock ethics based on Marxiist Theory that claims that all white men are serial exploiters (apart from the same white men working in the BBC and the New York Times). So thats all right then.
Why the BBC moved Mark Thompson is now clear
(quote) “At the heart of nuanced social justice training lies a subset of ideologies most infamously aligned with Critical Race Theory and the Marxist movement. This training is known as the 1619 Project, and the notably Marxist ideologies which support its founding principles would make any well-read scholar write off the project as political doctrine that cannot exist outside the realm of metaphorical fiction. Despite its lack of historical accuracy, the doctrine has been introduced academically and professionally across America. As parents protest the adoption of this material by their local schools, schoolchildren are getting a taste of the true intentions behind the social justice movement.
The 1619 Project was founded by Nikole Hannah-Jones, an American investigative journalist and contributing writer for the New York Times.”
Reading in the SPECTATOR (11th Dec 2021) under the Biden regime of Black Lives Matter.
Thanks to Biden amnesty, the jails are being emptied and the Police are powerless to arrest suspects that are looting large parts of America. New York, San Francisco, Chicago, Portland and Philadelphia re becoming no-go zones. Not reported in the US press dues to adoration of the great leader.
Criminals walk out of jail, murder, rioting, mobs looting and violence in America. Murder has doubled and the police are in retreat. Biden’s thinks this is a ‘rebalancing’ and there is nothing to worry about.
No doubt Kamala Harris is sorting out the Mexican illegal immigrant gangs as we don’t read. The US media is still enthrall of Biden’s incompetence. The BBC too, can see no issues.
In some part, Mark Thompson was an ideal candidate to take over the New York Times in 2012. He wears the BBC on his lapel badge. HAs created an all out ‘war against TRUMP’ as soon as he arrived. After three years of (falsified) ‘russian connection’; claimes by the NYT – (which never existed), although Biden has much closer links to China.
Corruption is all around Mark Thompson. HE has left the NYT in much better shape. And now he can return to Britain knowing he will be welcome back at the BBC or lead a new ‘rights’ campaign, perhaps doing the same for The failing Guardian, and able to offer advise to the BBC on how to create a fear campaign blame it all on white men, get the poor to vote for lock-down and come out smelling of roses much richer than the liberal marxist swamp that can never be drained. Thompson has proved that a BBC subscription can work! The down side is that propaganda will racial culture wars for ever and a society living in fear, the only option is a reboot into global socialism. (now proposed as the great reset environmentally claiming CO2 is dangerous and a series of pandemics’ – all based around flu and colds and false climate predictions.). He never mentions the role of FAUCI, SOROS or GATES in help funding roll out. Propaganda is all to the left. Ignorance is bliss.
Welcome back Mark Thompson, Desert Island Disks awaits at the BBC. Its all worked out rather well for Mark Thompsom, or should, he thank Jimmy Saville?, BBC programs never mention the historical BBC ‘pedophile tendency’ in public. I learn there is a ‘new word’ being used in polite BBC circles, its based on ‘cultural’ UN human rights of certain island nations. Therefore an automatic ‘protected’ characteristic by former PIE network members. Human Rights is often the opposite. i.e no rights at all as diversity trumps all. A BBC liberal media theme.
A big success for the BBC was getting Biden elected in the US. Thanks to Mark Thompson inventing ‘Russian stories’ that could not be proved and creating the myth of ‘global warming’ and creating the ‘global pandemic’ from China polished as ‘truth’ of an emergency that forced goverbemnt to impose ‘emergency funding and vaccination programs’.
They all expire in 2023*. And Pfizer is up to its neck in continuing the pandemic, ‘crazy mess’.
None of the Vaccine drugs are what they seem.
Its a big experiment based on an around sociological ‘compliance’ and (COV)-ID cards. Tony Blair tried to bring in same – during his years in office, they lost office before it could be implemented. Now we are here again by the back door under a so called Conservative government. Which is a liberal policy adopter aligned with Biden who would deny being Marxist and claim to be Liberal ‘progressive’ – much like the BBC does when asked. Mark Thompson. a ‘liberalprogressive’… No doubt Gates reads the NYT. Gates is also the second biggest funder of the WEF (DAVOS) which has direct links FAUCI, SOROS and GATEs into global world wide campaigns. One of may fundings to ‘change the world’ to suit the next batch of megalomaniacs and psychopaths. The Great reset. The New World Order.
The Greek letter OMNICROM does not exist. Its based on an anagram called ‘MORONIC’.
You may think its all a ‘coincidence’ but half the population are running for their lives (from seasonal cold). Mark Thompson, its not all his fault but he is a big part of the mass media conspiracy in the USA.
We’ll be hearing more of Mark Thompson the BBC ‘champion’ that changed the world. and stopped Trump being re-elected. Although most us know that included voter ‘fraud’ going through the US courts. Not that anyone will be prosecuted under Biden.
.. and a Hi-De-Hi style cheer is heard in the distance.
‘Kuenssberg took over from Nick Robinson in 2015, becoming the first woman to hold the position.’
And once again the BBC talking about it’s own awards as if someone else gave them. It’s the BBC. She got the job because she was a woman.
What I find most offensive about that article though is that all the examples they give of her ‘controversy’ are where she has supposedly been on the side of the political Right !!!. I’ve listened to this woman screech at Tories and speak softly to Labour enough times to know where her loyalties lie. Way over on the Left.
Good riddance to completely typical BBC far-Left rubbish.
This article is more than 4 years old
BBC political editor given bodyguard for Labour conference
This article is more than 4 years old
Laura Kuenssberg will reportedly be accompanied by security team after being jeered for her treatment of Corbyn
Compare and contrast how the left behave and how they expect their targets to behave, Sturgeon can abuse questioners whilst Boris sits and listens to questions already addressed and repeats himself
Harry Miller has won his case against the Gestapo preventing them from recording hurty feelings as “non crime hate incidents”.
A victory for free speech and common sense – but will the Gestapo abide by the law, because it cound like they are trying every which way to get around it and carry on as they were.
BBC ask their most influential person on topics of the day … oh. and a new BBC show is starting.
Nadiya Hussain on the sugar tax, takeaways and Bake Off adverts{ 10jul2018}
Nadiya Hussain has said she “doesn’t know who the sugar tax is helping”, adding that healthy eating is about taking “personal responsibility”.
The tax, championed by Jamie Oliver, came into effect in the UK in April.
. . . .
“[But] I hope that when people watch [Family Favourites], they can see that they can cook, and eat, and have a family, and still have lots of time to do other things.”
Nadiya’s Family Favourites begins on Monday 16 July on BBC Two.
Hate to break it to Charlie, she’s still a civil servant, and clearly still doing GOD’s work.
Not only is @bbclaurak a fantastic journalist from whom I've learnt a lot, but she's also a lovely, kind person who's unfailingly professional and nice to my team and supportive to me in my role. And she's fun too.
Charlotte Morgan
Cornish woman in West London exile. Head of Comms, BBC News. Recovering civil servant. Views mine, news the BBC’s. January 2010
1,629 Following
A nice write-up for #Americast in the Times today. Our episode on the US Capitol riots showcased everything that makes the podcast so special – reactive & sharp analysis from @BBCJonSopel, @maitlis, @awzurcher – with NO SCRIPT. And excellent use of audio.
“Is that news? Are you serious? Somebody’s tooth brushing habits … I’m not going to waste the viewers time with this rubbish. Let’s talk about toothbrushing .. Emily do you floss?” Gorka @4:16
Again that original YouTube link you gave in 2018 doesn’t work
It was probably Gorka’s own account since he was the first to tweet it
and maybe BBC enforced its copyright
The original BBC Newsnight link still works
Sebastian Gorka Slams M Wolff’s Delusional Book ‘Fire and Fury’
That Times article begins “The Capitol riots stoked interest in American politics,”
..loaded words, tosh
14 Comments mooking like BBC staff wrote most
– “This is a BBC press release – where is the analysis?”
– “Why did the Times use that awful photograph of Laura Kuenssberg?
Why would @thetimes run a photo of @bbclaurak who is not a presenter for #Americast rather than Maitlis/Sopel/Zurcher ?”
– “Lord knows why a BBC show about America with its clear liberal bias is popular.
There are plenty of excellent US podcasts.”
– “These “podcasts” have turned the BBC news into a a poor tabloid operation.
The likes of Sopel and Kuenssberg believe themselves to be celebrities and think they are “witty”.
No, it’s all rather tragic, and infantile.
The awfulness of it.”
I noticed that Jon Sopel is talking about impartial and unbiased reporting but his twitter account has three references to his book whilst using the BBC brand. Could the BBC please explain what is happening?
1) Is BBC Jon Sopel supposed to tell us about the news or his new book?
2) BBC Jon Sopel’s twitter feed has the BBC name in it and says “Jon Sopel, BBC North America Editor. My book If Only They Didn’t Speak English is out now.” which references his book and not the fact he is an unbiased and impartial reporter.
3) BBC Jon Sopel’s twitter’s pinned tweet is from 23May2018 and is about .. himself and his book.
4) Is BBC Jon Sopel’s book 100% BBC approved thought and unbiased and partial?
5) Shouldn’t BBC Jon Sopel’s twitter be about the latest news and not himself?
6) When Jon Sopel sells a book does it go to help pay for the BBC TV Tax – to reduce it? As the BBC are promoting it – thus it is promoted by the BBC TV Tax Payer.
“Impartiality lies at the heart of public service and is the core of the BBC’s commitment to its audiences. It applies to all our output and services – television, radio, online, and in our international services and commercial magazines. We must be inclusive, considering the broad perspective and ensuring the existence of a range of views is appropriately reflected”
Good luck answering this one without laughing yourself silly.
the bbc are obsessed with Nigeria apart from the news everyone else is reporting
USCIRF Alarmed by Violence against Christians & Shi’a Muslims in Nigeria
Washington, DC – The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) today condemned recent instances of violence against religious communities in Nigeria, including attacks on Christians in Kano state and Kaduna state and violence against Shi’a Muslims in Abuja.
“Vulnerable religious communities in Nigeria are under attack,” said USCIRF Commissioner Tony Perkins. “We are devastated by news of these recent attacks and outraged that the Nigerian government has not done more to prevent this violence and bring justice to the perpetrators.”
On Sunday, September 26 a violent mob in Kano State attacked and killed Christian Reverend Yohanna Shuaibu, in retaliation for his alleged involvement in converting a local member of a Muslim family to Christianity. That same day, armed militants attacked two Christian communities in Kaduna state, killing 49 people. Kaduna State is a Muslim majority state where Christian communities have borne the brunt of a vicious ethnoreligious conflict for many years. On Tuesday, September 28, Nigerian security forces reportedly shot and killed eight Shi’a Muslims in their response to a Shi’a procession marking the holiday of Arbaeen.
“Three attacks on vulnerable religious communities in three days is unacceptable,” said USCIRF Commissioner Frederick A. Davie. “We call on the U.S. Department of State to redesignate Nigeria a country of particular concern for engaging in and tolerating these systematic, ongoing, and egregious violations of international religious freedom.”
One Christian killed and at least 60 kidnapped in Nigerian church attack
Your prayers are again desperately needed for our family in Nigeria, following another attack on Christians, this time by a group of bandits. The incident reflects the increasing and shocking impunity with which armed bandits and extremist Islamic militants are wreaking havoc across Nigeria, with Christians often amongst those targeted. The country is number nine on the World Watch List.
Death toll escalates among Nigerian Christians
by Sebastian Milbank
Catholics at Mass at St Gabriel’s, Abuja. Nigeria is becoming one of the most deadly countries in which to be a Christian.
Afolabi Sotunde/Reuters
There has been a serious escalation in violence against Christians in Nigeria with thousands kidnapped and hundreds killed in just the last few months.
Multiple reports have recently come out detailing a still-worsening situation amongst Nigeria’s Christian population, especially in Muslim-dominated north of the country where Boko Harem continues to operate with relative impunity.
Nigerian NGO Intersociety, reports that the last four months, January to April, saw a dramatic escalation of violence, as Nigeria “lost no fewer than 1,470 Christians… the highest number recorded since 2014”. These finding were echoed by reports just published by both the US State Department and the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) which describe Nigeria as a “country of particular concern for tolerating severe violations of religious freedom”.
Christian Group Names Nigeria Hot Spot for Persecution #
A report by the U.S-based Christian persecution monitoring group Open Doors shows the number of Christians killed in 2020 increased by 60%, mostly because of Islamic violence against Nigerian Christians.
The study says more than 2,200 of 4,761 Christians killed around the world in 2020 died in Nigeria because of radical Islamists.
Open Doors CEO David Curry says the global focus on battling the coronavirus pandemic last year also contributed to an increase in Christian persecution.
But Nigerian Muslim groups say the report is promoting a false impression.
“Nigerian Christians are not persecuted,” said Ishaq Akintola, director at Muslim Rights Concern. “What is happening in Nigeria is the persecutor crying out and claiming that he is being persecuted, claiming that he is the victim. And it’s because a Muslim is in power that the crying of persecution is so loud.”
Genuinely heartbreaking, and on the holding of power to account by ideologically blinkered media, damning.
IIRC BBC N. America had a correspondent who did sod all, who moved to CNN to ‘cover’ that nation’s beat, and continues his awesome career there in similar fashion.
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 31, 22:28 Start the Week 31st March 2025 A stupid episode in The Archers recently had nice Mr Malik cancel his family’s Eid firework display out of sensitivity…
BRISSLESMar 31, 22:14 Start the Week 31st March 2025 All out broadcasting on Islamic Eid – celebrating in Parliament no less too. Can we expect other religious festivals to…
tomoMar 31, 22:14 Start the Week 31st March 2025 we’ve too many of these types in the UK … [img][/img]
ZephirMar 31, 20:40 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Well, well, part 2: “Guardian editors helped fuel Southport riots by showing contempt for the white working class, peer claims…
tomoMar 31, 20:25 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Actually, quite a fair comparison [img][/img]
ScrobleneMar 31, 20:12 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Perhaps when the awful, corrupt EU gets its accounts signed off, (never done), they can pontificate, meanwhile normal British citizens…
ZephirMar 31, 20:10 Start the Week 31st March 2025 I would suspect a surfeit of Prosecco or whatever crap this lot consume.
Fedup2Mar 31, 20:07 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Perhaps she has adopted the US Democrat recent practice of swearing at public speeches to show ‘authenticity ‘ …. Apparently…
When Burley Went Hurly
Now Chris has screwed the pooch that new LGBT bloke could always book in Chris P… well… dang…
Marr finished on Sunday morning
.. Then Monday first thing he was back presenting his Radio4 show
He’ll be there 9am on 27th as well.
“… and mould the whole of Europe into a copy of Germany …. a good place to start is to ditch the easy historical comparison (ignore history and you will repeat it) … because Angela Merkel is a figure of our here and now and it’s vital to understand her better because she (Merkel) matters more to our future (UK) than, what, 95% of British Politicians.” – BBC’s Andrew Marr 2013
“The Making of Merkel with Andrew Marr BBC documentary 2013 about Angel Merkel imp politician” {youtube}
@Marky Again that video is available on Youtube
Dunno why it is not available from the account you linked to
They could have deleted the video, or closed their account, or been banned etc.
Thanks – need to update these links – might just be the account got closed.
Covid-19: No 10 says garden photo shows work meeting
BBC run the Guardian article and – would you believe it – open another HYS on it.
Cue the bitter and twisted remainers who just want to vent their hatred of Boris and Brexit. Just as the BBC knew they would. It’s absolutely pathetic.
Rapes and murders, children left to die, Christian genocide around the world from muslims, gang rapes of white children by muslims in the UK, and racist attacks on jews not important, for the simple fact of the colour, religious belief and or sexual bias or the perpetrator
parties are for the bbc, and having a group w@nk into their £4 skinny lattes over lockdown again and a little story about muzzie victims of course
I could forgive them for a week but now enough is enough with their party political biase a complaint IS required
Well. I caught the fex! Symptoms have been very much like a cold, and certainly nothing like the time I caught it same time two years previous.
Symptoms started with a hacking cough and a few sneezes followed by a woozy feeling in the head and a temperature. It’s lasted a couple of days and hasn’t stopped me doing anything I wanted to do.
I would say it’s been a winter cold, nothing more and it affected me for a couple of days. I know that for some people the symptoms will be much more severe (and more mild too), but I would say for the vast majority it’s nothing to worry about, and I’m not vaccinated either.
I managed to stay at home and decorate the lounge whilst suffering, still admiring my radical taste in what wickes calls subtly green (if that’s subtle I would hate to see bold)
And as for a so called “floating shelf” I am just bloody relieved Argos had nothing to do with the retreat from Dunkirk
Some Admirals may have an opinion on that
Bastards, nearly lead to a divorce that enterprise, and she is still not talking as for the cat not seen it for two days after hammer drilling half the bloody wall out to put up one poxy shelf
anyway I feel better now, and there is a a letter from the wife on the coffee table which I leave, as I am sure it will be full of admiration for the green lounge with a 20 degree floating shelf and some extra texture added to one wall and a cat shitting itself over the carpet every time the hammer drill is engaged,
Running out of cash, its a toss up between rawl plugs and cat shit bags
Very similar. I had a slightly painful cough a few days ago which lasted around 24 hours, some sneezing, and I think over the entire 3 days or so where I had various “symptoms” the most remedial thing I did was take a couple of dispirins. Pretty much ok today.
And I haven’t had any jabs either. No vaccinations. No booster. No hand bloody ridiculous sanitiser either.
What a con. If we lockdown again it will be absolutely scandalous.
Anti histamine, cough medicine,paracetamol, a hammer drill, some awful paint
My recent hard-flu, hard a painful throat
I got the temperature usually hot, sometimes cold
but by the next morning it had moved to my lungs
I contained it by taking flu medicine and running
After 60 hours I didn’t need medicine
had a running nose, so stayed away from people to not spread it.
I didn’t think runny nose was Covid.
Vitamin D
Vitamin C
1 a day – I’ve had no vax, no mask, no flu.
Bit of Bbc related actual comedy for Xmas.
Name takes you back.
Scott Bryan
TV critic and broadcaster. Must Watch podcast on
. Dyslexic.
East Londonscottybryan.comJoined August 2008
3,276 Following
Vile’s true muse now Femi has sunk to farce?
A cyclist has been jailed for causing fatal injuries to a pedestrian in a hit-and-run crash.
Ermir Loka, 23, struck Peter McCombie on Bow Road, Tower Hamlets, as he was walking home from work on 3 July 2020.
Mr McCombie, 72, died eight days later on 11 July from injuries sustained in the crash.
Loka was jailed for two years after being convicted at Snaresbrook Crown Court of causing bodily harm by wanton or furious driving.
Also – foreign ‘care worker ‘runs over and kills 13 year old girl – worked more hours than God sent – 12 months …..( londonistan evening standard )
More what to come?
Best – in the world …
Politics Live
BBC Two, Monday 1 March 2021
The programme discussed a tweet by Labour’s deputy leader Angela Rayner, congratulating Anas Sarwar on being ‘the first ever ethnic minority leader of any political party anywhere in the UK’.
As there have been a number of Jewish leaders of British political parties, it sought to explore why some official monitoring does not include Jews as an ethnic rather than a religious minority. To be clear, Jews are an ethnic minority recognised in law.
Laura now has long hair, which means she can have any post she wants.
If you think this news is irrelevant then compare with BBC news.
Guest Who,
Is she joining GB News?
I reckon her voice is ideal for the grave yard shift on classic FM – where all ‘exs’ go to die ….now here’s dvorjac …zzzzz
staying at the BBC
Please, NO !!!
That, or ‘finding her voice’ somewhere impartial. Maybe Fick Ange’s Speechwriter?
Please, someone, ask the Astronomer Royal where the planet Laura K refers to is located.
BBC Any Stir Is Worth It News
Former Royal Marine Pen Farthing is still dealing with daily online abuse after being accused of putting pets above people when he flew them out of Kabul in August.
Marianna could confirm, but often a period of ongoing silence is often best.
I bet’ dog ‘is on the menu is Kabul at the moment ….
This is in the Sun today:
It says 1 in 1000 Brits in hospital with omicron.
That works out at around 68,000 in hospital with omicron.
Surely that’s wrong.
It should be 1 in a million.
Okay, so it’s only out by a factor of a thousand.
Just like forecasts from Neil Ferguson and Imperial College.
Jesus Christ almighty they put this on the front page of our national broadcaster web page,
the “jewel in the crown” “envy of the world” “world class”
(notice this comes from them, no one else)
“Hobnobs maker warns biscuit prices set to soar”
Have these semi educated over paid morons nothing better to do ?
Sometimes I agree with the North Korean policy for this kind of idiocy, then I consider and realise it is here already just without the executions yet, just public sackings and villification if one does not agree with biscuitsbreaxit, and muslims
Doesn’t beat my earlier post about mango and pineapple smoothies being gone at ‘pret’ in the afternoon ….
….but it’s something to …digest(Ive) ….
In fact, an extra £10,000 has been made available by the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA) to MPs’ office costs budget, in order to cover the additional expenditure of setting up remote working for MPs and their staff as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak (here).
That’s a blocking question.
Wendy style.
Steerpike ‘Thousands of NHS managers earning more than MPs’
7,018 managers with total earnings of between £80,000 to £129,999
A further 1,071 NHS managers are earning between £130,000 to £199,999
Another 114 NHS managers take home between £22.8 and £28.5 million between them as they earn between £200,000 and £249,999
36 NHS managers take home at least £250,000 a year
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Manager
Job Reference: 146-CCG-5927RF
Employer:Sussex Integrated Care BoardDepartment:768 BH 680866 Human ResourcesLocation:HoveSalary:£40,057 to £45,839 pa
That’s QT sorted for new panel guests.
Duncan Robinson
Charlemagne columnist and Brussels bureau chief at The Economist.
London, EnglandJoined December 2008
5,579 Following
Best in Show?
Sally Nugent
Scoop of the Year 2021. Instagram
Joined September 2009
1,379 Following
The photo is of her award winning team tipping her on her sofa into a new batch of foundation.
Some people point to Boris’ bout of covid as a turning point from being a Tory to a green lefty.
I reckon it was Carrie.
One of the popular things often repeated by pro lockdown types is that Boris almost died from covid.
Is there any truth in this?
I suspect it’s been very much exaggerated and that he was poorly but not in any real danger.
Many with Flu or a bad cold might say “I felt like I was going to die” but in reality were just feeling lousy.
Getting married and having two kids seems to show he wasn’t as ill as they would like us to believe.
Mr Johnson hired the PT after being admitted to intensive care with coronavirus in 2020
Sarah Young
Tuesday 26 January 2021
I would love to see the PM’s medical notes and if bloods were taken and, if so, where they went. Maybe Richard Pinder can tell us whether they landed up at Porton Down?
The Buffoon said “Britain is the SAUDI ARABIA of wind”
FFS we had to import 14% of our electricity from Europe
(Some of that from Dutch coal power stations etc)
20 years
A good quality, modern wind turbine will generally last for 20 years, although this can be extended to 25 years or longer depending on environmental factors and the correct maintenance procedures being followed.
Quite right, MM. When Blair was trying to cover the UK in them back in 1998, I wrote to some Uni expert to enquire about CO2 expended in manufacture. He confirmed a 30 year life expectancy with three years being taken off to ‘pay back’ for the CO2 during manufacture. Think installation may have been extra.
Given that mainland UK is connected together by the National Grid the average carbon intensity of electricity consumed is the same wherever one lives.
Exactly the same as if one were to switch from Smoky Joe Electricity to Squeaky Green Electricity, same electricity, different colour bills.
One could map carbon intensity of electricity generated but that comes down to history and geography, i.e. more hydro in Scotland, more solar in Cornwall etc. but what would be the point?
A good overview on something called ‘intermittance’ which is what the National Grid try to do and ‘balance’ the load. In this PDF** link he explains the impossibility of the UK position of not having enough back up generation but relying on EU links (notably France).
So the possibility of ‘power cuts’ are only too real.
**PDF worth taking note of:
Click to access Renewable%20Energy%20Limitations.pdf
They have the cheese. They have the wine.
Don’t see Ernst Stavro not having an actually effective contingency plan.
Small mercies?
Long suspected BBC News feel reading colleagues’ posts is Pointless.
BBC chose to use a photo of the victim
rather than the perp Usman Murtza
Well of course they did.
There are clear guidelines.
On narrative: perp.
Off narrative: anything or anyone but. In fact use Google street view. Plus inanimate object commits crime headline.n
TWatO Watch #1 – I had to switch it off
There’s definitely something funny going on. The BBC are colluding with the Daily/Sunday Mirror and the Guardian/Observer newspapers to kill Boris Johnson’s career as PM dead by a thousand cuts. They were doing some more excremental stirring (I think excrement is the right word for ‘little by little’) for the second item in the running order so I had to switch off.
Interesting that go-between for the BBC with the Mirror Group and Guardian Group, Laura ‘Part-time’ Kuenssberg, is being shuffled sideways. Is that to avoid the humiliation of Tim Davie being forced into a public sacking?
I wonder?
Ya think?
Is BBC Politics (Laura’s lauded ‘team’) actually based in Surkeer’s hallway?
Looks like it is set to be Slick Binge Day.
Speaking of looking over shoulders…
“#OurNHS workers are yet again doing an amazing job, rolling out the booster and helping so many.
To mark this Christmas, the Tories should give the NHS all the funding it needs, end the outsourcing and privatisation rip-off, and give NHS workers the pay rise they are asking for.”
©️Corbyn. Not the lunatic. The worse one.
Corbyn to hold a new party … 1st October 2020
Jeremy Corbyn apologises for breaking Covid-19 rules at dinner for nine
FORMER Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has apologised for his “mistake” after being photographed at a dinner party for nine people.
The MP and his wife were pictured with the guests at the gathering in London last weekend – the photos were published in the Sun newspaper today. The group now face fines totalling up to £1800.
There are coincidences.
And then, there are BBBC coincidences…
Or is Part-time left outside with the donkeys for ‘socially distancing’ sake?
I have now been informed that ‘increment’ is the word I should have used in my post above. Poor old Labour. They are doing their own and the Suckers reputation no good at all. So boring are they that no-one in the Labour Party wants to celebrate Christmas, especially with their boring Parliamentary colleagues and staff.
Gets better as the day progresses.
Remember, these two are on a rota with Champion and YAB for Vile indulgences.
He describes himself as a ‘fourth-generation socialist’; his grandfather was involved with the Communist Party and his parents met as members of the Trotskyist Militant group. … Jones also said that their parents taught him and his siblings a “passionate hatred of injustice and bigotry”.
Now I understand. That means his parents taught him to hate himself.
That is quite rational, in his case.
Ironic even the t-shirt is faulty.
More from in the bubble.
Seven years of standing outside Number 10 asking why the government isn’t doing enough?
Laura Kuenssberg ‘misled’ BBC viewers with ‘maxed-out credit card’ national debt analogy, leading economists claim
More than 20 leading economists have written to the BBC to complain about news reports on the UK’s national debt that “do not represent economic reality”.
I know who the girls will give awards to.
Laura Kuenssberg to step down as BBC’s political editor, “reports” the bBC
One user on twitter commented, About time you wont’ be missed
That last comment will be from Kuenssberg’s own side,
There is a vast set of Labour supporter accounts that throw out hate at LK
as part of their game that pretends the BBC is super biased against the Labour Party.
There’s guuuuuush.
There’s suuuuuuck.
And there’s blow.
2:15pm R4 Drama : Forty years on, the dramatic story of the Penlee lifeboat disaster
Mousehole village, 19th December 1981
Written by Newlyn resident Callum Mitchell, the programme was made in Cornwall, with the help of some of the family members of the men lost.
The result is both a celebration and memorial to the men of the lifeboat – Solomon Browne
: Trevelyan Richards, Stephen Madron, Nigel Brockman, John Blewett, Charles Greenhaugh, Kevin Smith, Barrie Torrie and Gary Wallis.
And of the 8 onboard The Union Star
captain, his wife, her two daughters from a previous marriage & a crew of four.
Belfield is being a bit slack : His video title wrongly says it was 20 years ago, and 18 heroes died.
I won’t be listening to it. No black / Asian people apparently. Blatant racism………… ‘Sources say’.
You can’t have it all ways BBC!
Where this one leads will be interesting.
Aaron starts to learn the laws of unintended consequences.
Prepared to bet she, and all the BBC, are reassured about the state of the US White House, based on Sopes and his legacy.
“Governance” “taking place”—what kind of English is this?
‘Embarrassing’: Boris Johnson criticised for rambling speech to CBI
Business leaders and Conservative MPs criticise speech in which PM extensively praised Peppa Pig World and imitated car
All the day’s politics news as it happens
I think any right minded person would agree this is the most incompetent and dishonest president ever
The only subject for discussion is how this idiot got elected
“The only subject for discussion is how this idiot got elected”
The ‘only’ answer: Sheeple and breaking Electoral Rules.
One message –

Time to be controversial, I think. Have another look at the photograph of the “party” which the bbc are touting as their latest scoop. Cheese and wine, it’s hardly Profumo, is it? Notice also that the break in proceedings (We’ve got to eat and drink at some point) has the groups, both on the patio and the lawn, appearing to be making some sort of socially distancing effort, and holding the break out of doors. I’m sure that any keen-eyed viewers will see that A is only 1.873 metres from B.
Another “divide and conquer” tactic is picking out comments saying that anti-vaxxers falling ill should pay for the whole treatment, as it’s all their fault, as are brexit and global warming. I’d love to be a fly on the wall of a hospital (I’m sure there are plenty) in a few years time. “Heart attack and coronary disease? Did you have the vaccine? You did? Oh well, you’ve only got yourself to blame”.
I’m not against or in favour of vaccines. It’s a personal choice and should remain so, in my humble. My vaccine status is, as it should be, my business only.
She may be a newb, but Marianna has sussed cleavage over crotch.
how would a bbc employee have any idea what a teacher looked like, most spent their time with (ready made socialist worker) placards in their hands wandering around the streets
Funny how she is allowed to stereotype history teachers from the 80s
.. and racial stereotyping is not allowed.
The Us President is being called utterly deplorable in public by mainsream media now, and completely incompetent , and the bbc?
oh look some Conservatives had a party (again and again and again) and some people are being nasty to muslims again
Iss realley da Gewell in the Krown publick broodkastah innit bruv Envi of dah wurld (Wass a Krown again ?)
The BBC is a totally corrupt organisation: but it does have a purpose for the ‘lefties’ who taken taken over (almost) all our nations historic institutions. Its hard to think of anything “positive” about the BBC from any perspective but one instance. And that is the USA success of former BBC (DG) Mark Thompson who promptly resigned when Jimmy Saville and his BBC acquaintances were found systematically abusing children. This lead to the Operation Yew tree by the Met Police and Mark Thompson ran off to America with an ‘award’ payment of £2million* BBC expenses to aid his escape into another prime job at the New York Times….
Mark Thompson, now chief executive of The New York Times Co, was testifying for the first time before Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee, which is investigating payoffs to outgoing BBC executives that exceeded contractual obligations, included a 1 million pound ($1.6 million) deal for his former deputy.
But its worked out rather well for Mark Thomspon . He seen as a ‘salvation’ and saved the NYT paper, ironically pushing them towards ‘SUBSCRIPTION’ model which could work for the BBC, if they had too.
Mark Thompson was never prosecuted and claimed ignorance of BBC sexual practices.
Note: The New York Times has a largely Guardian readership and the BBC is considered ‘world class’ in being continually ‘public funded’ (an oddity in any other country)- for so long with its (false) ‘liberal label. Liberals don’t really care that they now follow ‘Marxist doctrine’, as they have ‘no memory of any such atrocities’ as that is erased each generation by University ‘higher’ education.
But the New York Times is good at dismantling the American dream. Its aspiration is disconnection from reality into a virtual world of human rights and it is prepared to erase Marxists events and claim that all white men are culpable in racial exploitation going back to 1619 originally claimed in the NYT juste before Mark Thomspon joined them as Chief Editor. Under a cloud, but not fallen but AWARDED!
The BBC never talk about (US) The 1619 project and just talk about ‘BLM’ conformity. Mock ethics based on Marxiist Theory that claims that all white men are serial exploiters (apart from the same white men working in the BBC and the New York Times). So thats all right then.
Why the BBC moved Mark Thompson is now clear
“At the heart of nuanced social justice training lies a subset of ideologies most infamously aligned with Critical Race Theory and the Marxist movement. This training is known as the 1619 Project, and the notably Marxist ideologies which support its founding principles would make any well-read scholar write off the project as political doctrine that cannot exist outside the realm of metaphorical fiction. Despite its lack of historical accuracy, the doctrine has been introduced academically and professionally across America. As parents protest the adoption of this material by their local schools, schoolchildren are getting a taste of the true intentions behind the social justice movement.
The 1619 Project was founded by Nikole Hannah-Jones, an American investigative journalist and contributing writer for the New York Times.”
Reading in the SPECTATOR (11th Dec 2021) under the Biden regime of Black Lives Matter.
Thanks to Biden amnesty, the jails are being emptied and the Police are powerless to arrest suspects that are looting large parts of America. New York, San Francisco, Chicago, Portland and Philadelphia re becoming no-go zones. Not reported in the US press dues to adoration of the great leader.
Criminals walk out of jail, murder, rioting, mobs looting and violence in America. Murder has doubled and the police are in retreat. Biden’s thinks this is a ‘rebalancing’ and there is nothing to worry about.
No doubt Kamala Harris is sorting out the Mexican illegal immigrant gangs as we don’t read. The US media is still enthrall of Biden’s incompetence. The BBC too, can see no issues.
In some part, Mark Thompson was an ideal candidate to take over the New York Times in 2012. He wears the BBC on his lapel badge. HAs created an all out ‘war against TRUMP’ as soon as he arrived. After three years of (falsified) ‘russian connection’; claimes by the NYT – (which never existed), although Biden has much closer links to China.
Corruption is all around Mark Thompson. HE has left the NYT in much better shape. And now he can return to Britain knowing he will be welcome back at the BBC or lead a new ‘rights’ campaign, perhaps doing the same for The failing Guardian, and able to offer advise to the BBC on how to create a fear campaign blame it all on white men, get the poor to vote for lock-down and come out smelling of roses much richer than the liberal marxist swamp that can never be drained.
Thompson has proved that a BBC subscription can work! The down side is that propaganda will racial culture wars for ever and a society living in fear, the only option is a reboot into global socialism. (now proposed as the great reset environmentally claiming CO2 is dangerous and a series of pandemics’ – all based around flu and colds and false climate predictions.). He never mentions the role of FAUCI, SOROS or GATES in help funding roll out. Propaganda is all to the left. Ignorance is bliss.
Welcome back Mark Thompson, Desert Island Disks awaits at the BBC. Its all worked out rather well for Mark Thompsom, or should, he thank Jimmy Saville?, BBC programs never mention the historical BBC ‘pedophile tendency’ in public. I learn there is a ‘new word’ being used in polite BBC circles, its based on ‘cultural’ UN human rights of certain island nations. Therefore an automatic ‘protected’ characteristic by former PIE network members. Human Rights is often the opposite. i.e no rights at all as diversity trumps all. A BBC liberal media theme.
A big success for the BBC was getting Biden elected in the US. Thanks to Mark Thompson inventing ‘Russian stories’ that could not be proved and creating the myth of ‘global warming’ and creating the ‘global pandemic’ from China polished as ‘truth’ of an emergency that forced goverbemnt to impose ‘emergency funding and vaccination programs’.
They all expire in 2023*. And Pfizer is up to its neck in continuing the pandemic, ‘crazy mess’.
None of the Vaccine drugs are what they seem.
Its a big experiment based on an around sociological ‘compliance’ and (COV)-ID cards. Tony Blair tried to bring in same – during his years in office, they lost office before it could be implemented. Now we are here again by the back door under a so called Conservative government. Which is a liberal policy adopter aligned with Biden who would deny being Marxist and claim to be Liberal ‘progressive’ – much like the BBC does when asked.
Mark Thompson. a ‘liberalprogressive’…
No doubt Gates reads the NYT. Gates is also the second biggest funder of the WEF (DAVOS) which has direct links FAUCI, SOROS and GATEs into global world wide campaigns. One of may fundings to ‘change the world’ to suit the next batch of megalomaniacs and psychopaths. The Great reset. The New World Order.
The Greek letter OMNICROM does not exist. Its based on an anagram called ‘MORONIC’.
You may think its all a ‘coincidence’ but half the population are running for their lives (from seasonal cold).
Mark Thompson, its not all his fault but he is a big part of the mass media conspiracy in the USA.
We’ll be hearing more of Mark Thompson the BBC ‘champion’ that changed the world. and stopped Trump being re-elected. Although most us know that included voter ‘fraud’ going through the US courts. Not that anyone will be prosecuted under Biden.
Laura Kuenssberg to step down as BBC’s political editor
.. and a Hi-De-Hi style cheer is heard in the distance.
‘Kuenssberg took over from Nick Robinson in 2015, becoming the first woman to hold the position.’
And once again the BBC talking about it’s own awards as if someone else gave them. It’s the BBC. She got the job because she was a woman.
What I find most offensive about that article though is that all the examples they give of her ‘controversy’ are where she has supposedly been on the side of the political Right !!!. I’ve listened to this woman screech at Tories and speak softly to Labour enough times to know where her loyalties lie. Way over on the Left.
Good riddance to completely typical BBC far-Left rubbish.
This article is more than 4 years old
BBC political editor given bodyguard for Labour conference
This article is more than 4 years old
Laura Kuenssberg will reportedly be accompanied by security team after being jeered for her treatment of Corbyn
Compare and contrast how the left behave and how they expect their targets to behave, Sturgeon can abuse questioners whilst Boris sits and listens to questions already addressed and repeats himself
Harry Miller has won his case against the Gestapo preventing them from recording hurty feelings as “non crime hate incidents”.
A victory for free speech and common sense – but will the Gestapo abide by the law, because it cound like they are trying every which way to get around it and carry on as they were.
Al Beeb has covered it, surprisingly? …………..
Harry Miller said the right to be offensive was “one of the cornerstones of freedom”.
Anyone for Quidditch?
Its a game played with a brush stuck up your @..e
BBC News
“I have never said or written that anyone sexually assaulted me. This point must be emphasised very clearly,” the Chinese tennis star said.
20,000 staff and no Malillana to check?
Tonight’s DIVERSE TV
– Cooking with Mary Berry & Alex Jones
– soap
– comedy panel – all white except for an NZ woman
– black drama serial
– Dad’s Army
– quiz show
– quiz show
– quiz show
– comedy quiz panel Sandy Toksvig, Alan Davies, @bonnie_langford, @joelycett, @sallyephillips (actor)
– Glasgow Xmas sitcom
– Northern Xmas sitcom
– London mothers Xmas sitcom
– soap
– soap
– Cooking with Italian
– soap
9pm Big soap quiz
– 8pm Cooking with Jamie
– documentary : behind the scenes at Xmas #1
– documentary : behind the scenes at Xmas #2
Repeat night : Christmas in 1990 and 1991
8pm Charity concert in aid of refugees
Bastille, Elbow, Ellie Goulding, and Ray BLK
BBC ask their most influential person on topics of the day … oh. and a new BBC show is starting.
Nadiya Hussain on the sugar tax, takeaways and Bake Off adverts{ 10jul2018}
Nadiya Hussain has said she “doesn’t know who the sugar tax is helping”, adding that healthy eating is about taking “personal responsibility”.
The tax, championed by Jamie Oliver, came into effect in the UK in April.
. . . .
“[But] I hope that when people watch [Family Favourites], they can see that they can cook, and eat, and have a family, and still have lots of time to do other things.”
Nadiya’s Family Favourites begins on Monday 16 July on BBC Two.
– No Pork allowed?
Next year TV
Continuity announcer, job for life at the bbc of course, at 3pm Xmas day
Wah is dis kween fing at free pee m why she talk to me ?
she da racist dont like Megan
should be in jail innit
why she don have black husban ? she racist
Afta dis racist speek we have black Cornation Stree and black Emmadow farm wen bowf get arrested for sellin crack by racist polis innit
Hate to break it to Charlie, she’s still a civil servant, and clearly still doing GOD’s work.
Charlotte Morgan
Cornish woman in West London exile. Head of Comms, BBC News. Recovering civil servant. Views mine, news the BBC’s. January 2010
1,629 Following
BS looks rough as ever.
Quaint these BEeb Bubble Children think being talked about by their mates means squat.
Goodbye BBC reporting … hello HELLO Magazine …
“Is that news? Are you serious? Somebody’s tooth brushing habits … I’m not going to waste the viewers time with this rubbish. Let’s talk about toothbrushing .. Emily do you floss?” Gorka @4:16
Again that original YouTube link you gave in 2018 doesn’t work
It was probably Gorka’s own account since he was the first to tweet it
and maybe BBC enforced its copyright
The original BBC Newsnight link still works
Sebastian Gorka Slams M Wolff’s Delusional Book ‘Fire and Fury’
That Times article begins “The Capitol riots stoked interest in American politics,”
..loaded words, tosh
14 Comments mooking like BBC staff wrote most
– “This is a BBC press release – where is the analysis?”
– “Why did the Times use that awful photograph of Laura Kuenssberg?
Why would @thetimes run a photo of @bbclaurak who is not a presenter for #Americast rather than Maitlis/Sopel/Zurcher ?”
– “Lord knows why a BBC show about America with its clear liberal bias is popular.
There are plenty of excellent US podcasts.”
– “These “podcasts” have turned the BBC news into a a poor tabloid operation.
The likes of Sopel and Kuenssberg believe themselves to be celebrities and think they are “witty”.
No, it’s all rather tragic, and infantile.
The awfulness of it.”
Dear Winston Smith,
I noticed that Jon Sopel is talking about impartial and unbiased reporting but his twitter account has three references to his book whilst using the BBC brand. Could the BBC please explain what is happening?
1) Is BBC Jon Sopel supposed to tell us about the news or his new book?
2) BBC Jon Sopel’s twitter feed has the BBC name in it and says “Jon Sopel, BBC North America Editor. My book If Only They Didn’t Speak English is out now.” which references his book and not the fact he is an unbiased and impartial reporter.
3) BBC Jon Sopel’s twitter’s pinned tweet is from 23May2018 and is about .. himself and his book.
4) Is BBC Jon Sopel’s book 100% BBC approved thought and unbiased and partial?
5) Shouldn’t BBC Jon Sopel’s twitter be about the latest news and not himself?
6) When Jon Sopel sells a book does it go to help pay for the BBC TV Tax – to reduce it? As the BBC are promoting it – thus it is promoted by the BBC TV Tax Payer.
“Impartiality lies at the heart of public service and is the core of the BBC’s commitment to its audiences. It applies to all our output and services – television, radio, online, and in our international services and commercial magazines. We must be inclusive, considering the broad perspective and ensuring the existence of a range of views is appropriately reflected”
Good luck answering this one without laughing yourself silly.
Love is what makes BBC Wirld go round.
the bbc are obsessed with Nigeria apart from the news everyone else is reporting
USCIRF Alarmed by Violence against Christians & Shi’a Muslims in Nigeria
Washington, DC – The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) today condemned recent instances of violence against religious communities in Nigeria, including attacks on Christians in Kano state and Kaduna state and violence against Shi’a Muslims in Abuja.
“Vulnerable religious communities in Nigeria are under attack,” said USCIRF Commissioner Tony Perkins. “We are devastated by news of these recent attacks and outraged that the Nigerian government has not done more to prevent this violence and bring justice to the perpetrators.”
On Sunday, September 26 a violent mob in Kano State attacked and killed Christian Reverend Yohanna Shuaibu, in retaliation for his alleged involvement in converting a local member of a Muslim family to Christianity. That same day, armed militants attacked two Christian communities in Kaduna state, killing 49 people. Kaduna State is a Muslim majority state where Christian communities have borne the brunt of a vicious ethnoreligious conflict for many years. On Tuesday, September 28, Nigerian security forces reportedly shot and killed eight Shi’a Muslims in their response to a Shi’a procession marking the holiday of Arbaeen.
“Three attacks on vulnerable religious communities in three days is unacceptable,” said USCIRF Commissioner Frederick A. Davie. “We call on the U.S. Department of State to redesignate Nigeria a country of particular concern for engaging in and tolerating these systematic, ongoing, and egregious violations of international religious freedom.”
One Christian killed and at least 60 kidnapped in Nigerian church attack
Your prayers are again desperately needed for our family in Nigeria, following another attack on Christians, this time by a group of bandits. The incident reflects the increasing and shocking impunity with which armed bandits and extremist Islamic militants are wreaking havoc across Nigeria, with Christians often amongst those targeted. The country is number nine on the World Watch List.
Death toll escalates among Nigerian Christians
by Sebastian Milbank
Catholics at Mass at St Gabriel’s, Abuja. Nigeria is becoming one of the most deadly countries in which to be a Christian.
Afolabi Sotunde/Reuters
There has been a serious escalation in violence against Christians in Nigeria with thousands kidnapped and hundreds killed in just the last few months.
Multiple reports have recently come out detailing a still-worsening situation amongst Nigeria’s Christian population, especially in Muslim-dominated north of the country where Boko Harem continues to operate with relative impunity.
Nigerian NGO Intersociety, reports that the last four months, January to April, saw a dramatic escalation of violence, as Nigeria “lost no fewer than 1,470 Christians… the highest number recorded since 2014”. These finding were echoed by reports just published by both the US State Department and the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) which describe Nigeria as a “country of particular concern for tolerating severe violations of religious freedom”.
Christian Group Names Nigeria Hot Spot for Persecution #
A report by the U.S-based Christian persecution monitoring group Open Doors shows the number of Christians killed in 2020 increased by 60%, mostly because of Islamic violence against Nigerian Christians.
The study says more than 2,200 of 4,761 Christians killed around the world in 2020 died in Nigeria because of radical Islamists.
Open Doors CEO David Curry says the global focus on battling the coronavirus pandemic last year also contributed to an increase in Christian persecution.
But Nigerian Muslim groups say the report is promoting a false impression.
“Nigerian Christians are not persecuted,” said Ishaq Akintola, director at Muslim Rights Concern. “What is happening in Nigeria is the persecutor crying out and claiming that he is being persecuted, claiming that he is the victim. And it’s because a Muslim is in power that the crying of persecution is so loud.”
Genuinely heartbreaking, and on the holding of power to account by ideologically blinkered media, damning.
IIRC BBC N. America had a correspondent who did sod all, who moved to CNN to ‘cover’ that nation’s beat, and continues his awesome career there in similar fashion.
BBC got their ytteG pictures the wrong way round again?