Report by the BBC from a vaccination centre as smiling ladies with dummy antler hats, Christmas lights and Christmas jumpers keeping people calm and happy as they guide them in…
Perhaps the BBC might include this account of a lorry driver dying after an altercation with Calais migrants. with their moving story of the dinghy migrants.
All thanks to Peppa the Pig , Priti but usless and her Border Farce !
Meanwhile over in Hungry ………………………
“Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban says his government will defy a European Union ruling and stick by its controversial immigration laws.”
Only in a topsy-turvy world, is defending a nations borders, and its defining culture regarded “controversial”.
But the question is, what is Britain’s defining culture. It could be said that if a nation has no idea what its culture is, its meaningless to defend its borders.
We’ve had a lot of posts this year about wokeness and diversity in UK TV commercials. Noticing the same trend in Australia where I live, I’ve written a short comedy sketch about life in the advertising world. I thought I’d post it here as a small contribution to the seasonal fun. I don’t know whether it works, but I suppose it can’t be less funny than the BBC’s comedy specials.
It’s set in a Sydney advertising agency, there young Josh and middle-aged Greg are heatedly discussing their latest campaign.
Greg: ‘So for this new food range, I thought we’d go for laughs. Bloke reaches for the biggest, meatiest sausage – our brand, of course – from the barbie. Kookaburra swoops down and steals it (as they have been filmed doing). So he’s left with a pile of our rival brands’ shrivelled vegan cat-turds. Here are the pictures. What do you think?’
Josh: ‘We can’t joke about native wildlife possibly starving through climate change caused by human pollution like barbecue smoke. And anyway, where’s the diversity? Didn’t you get the management memo about that?’
Greg: ‘Diversity? The only diversity most viewers will care about is whether it comes in Vegemite flavour!’
Josh: ‘Don’t you watch the recent commercials? Progressive companies are casting actors to show solidarity towards people of African origin who’ve suffered centuries of white privilege, oppression and structural racism.’
Greg: ‘Blimey – you mean that’s intentional? I assumed they were cutting costs by using adverts from their branch in Zimbabwe!’
Josh: ‘Ha, bloody ha! Now, take a look at my ideas. Mum and Dad load the picnic (our brand) into the Tesla. They sing an adorable rap song about how our food products are saving the planet, because of minimal carbon emissions. Also, we plant a Serbian spruce for every 6,000 packs of organic quinoa and tofu dip we sell.’
[Josh hand Greg a pile of photos and notes. Greg dons his reading glasses, then hastily removes them and rubs his eyes with disbelief.]
Greg: ‘Fascinating family, Josh! I get that Dad looks Nigerian and Mum looks Swedish, so that explains the two mixed-heritage kids. But what about the girl who looks possibly Mexican, the Inuit toddller and the teen who looks like a gender-transitioning Samoan? Whose kids are these – Angelina Jolie’s?’
Josh: ‘Oh, you’re impossible! We’re just being inclusive! Oh, but I forgot – you took a sickie the day of the company’s anti-racism seminar, didn’t you?’
Greg: ‘Excuse me, I have no need for a load of patronising preaching – any more than the TV viewers do. I enjoy excellent relations with my Chinese-born dentist, Indian pharmacist and Lebanese local shopkeepers. But that lot are a common sight in Australia. I don’t see a hell of a lot of African-Australians, so I don’t see much profit in targeting them.’
Josh: ‘Profit? That’s all you think about, isn’t it?’
Greg: ‘That’s sort of the point of the industry, Josh. We get paid to tell people about products they may want, being used by people like themselves. Pushing controversial trendy causes could alienate the majority. You can’t assume the views of a young Twitter mob (who probably don’t watch much TV anyway) are shared by viewers like Wayne and Wendy in Wangaratta.’
Josh: ‘You may be right. That’s why I’m getting out. I’ve been offered a TV-presenting job in the UK. (They were very impressed by my First Nation heritage – as my Great-Great-Grandfather is rumoured to have been Aboriginal.) I’m going somewhere I’ll never again have to worry about profit, or appeasing a load of old fascists!’
As our old London flat was a transition post for every flight from Sydney in the ‘sixties, and everyone worked in advertising, this really strikes a chord!
I easily remember having six pints (under a quid for the lot then), with the son of the founder of Vogel Bread, who came over here to get it moving, and it’s still in the shops today!
While this site is dedicated to the awfulness of the BBC and it’s poor reputation, a few minutes of joy are always welcome…
This advertising wont go on for much longer. The
companies who use these woke advertising agencies
will look at their balance sheets and realize what
fools they are to let these ignoramuses to
produce these adverts which are a complete turn off
to at least 80% of the population.
When I see a racist advertisement, I make a mental note not to shop there again unless I have to.
I wonder how many people here will be having a family Xmas dinner where half the people at the table are black. I’ve seen 3 advertisements on TV and they all do.
Just to be clear, I have no problem with the principle, but the point is that it is a false narrative based on an anti-white racist agenda which would be unacceptable to the woke mob if the racism was anti-black.
JohnC: When I see a racist advertisement, I make a mental note not to shop there again unless I have to.
So do I, but its very limiting these days. All the ads are full of African men and women, or an African man with a White woman. African doctors, dentists, santas, scientists etc.
It appears that companies and ad companies have decided that if they all conform to the same agenda, we sensible and non-racist people will not be able to discriminate and boycott .
… and another article from the BBC which absolutely avoids stating the KEY fact about something because it doesn’t suit them.
EVERY example I have seen of cancel culture is the woke Left mob attacking those with different political views – ie those on the Right.
In the one single reference to the politics behind it, what does the BBC say ?.
He believes it’s being driven by people on the right and left, who are “trying to create culture wars at either end of the spectrum”. I cannot think of a single example where the Right have cancelled someone on the Left.
The BBC themselves have unilaterally cancelled various people who just so happen to be on the Right. They will never mention Trump, Farage or GB news unless they have to – and always when they can stick the knife in.
My disgust at the shameless BBC far-Left liars and hypocrites knows no limit. A check of ‘Katie Razzall’ who wrote it on twitter confirms what a 100% left-wing luvvie she is. I honestly believe people like her do not live in the real world and have no clue what they are.
Re the above – the razzel piece on Today sounded like a ‘tick box ‘ report where the BBC can now say ‘we’ve reported cancelling ‘ in humour .
Well better not talk to the numerous victims – John Cleese being the latest high profile example .
Yet where is the state broadcaster and ‘funny ‘? Repeating Dads Army from 1974 – that’s 1974 ! And then at the other end something called ‘Mrs browns’ boys ‘ – which I think I managed about 2 minutes before swearing I’d never see it again …
C4 comedy ? Father Ted repeats . That’s it …
But then – how can an organisation which is now an anti British socialist propaganda machine ever do ‘funny ‘ again ? The hatred by it and for it for the likes of me is far too strong .
I wish GBNews had a comedy hour each day for all those comics who said one thing to get cancelled or what is really unemployed ….
They have comedians on most weekday evenings at 11pm and again on Sunday on the Andrew Doyle Show. Though they’re not doing stand up as such, just looking at events through a comedian’s perspective.
I’ve not seen Andrew Doyle yet but I was thinking of more ‘stand up ‘type rants – mind you as I write this I realise my naivety/ nativity at realising any one trying to put out an unapproved view or ‘joke ‘ now would have the demons of OFCOM descend on them …..
I don’t quite get Andrew Doyle – he was one of those, I understand, who joined the Labour party when Corbyn became leader. From what he has to say on GB News the dots don’t quite connect with a far Left slant.
Andrew is thought provoking and has Lewis Schaffer on sometimes whose humour comes very much from the New York Jewish perspective. However Andrew does tend to talk very quickly and can be difficult to catch what he is saying.
Radio bbbc newcastle mentioned the Maureen Lipman comment and they had an interview discussing it with a girl from….the guardian.
No need to post anything else because you will all know how this interview turned out.
That was in between the comments about covid from all their usual pro lockdown medical go to’s.
I’ve never heard an interview with anyone with an anti lockdown view yet (but it’s not even 2 years in yet)
Didn’t there used to be a woman on the BBC, Carol Roofer or Carol Tiler, something like that, it was all so long ago…
But the BBC doesn’t cancel people. Remember Alastair Campbell and the ‘dodgy dossier’, when the BBC for once wasn’t doing Blair’s bidding? That man was never going to appear on the BBC again, but now all is forgiven and he can pop in whenever he likes.
I suppose the awful government ‘guidelines’ need the awful BBC to confuse the normal citizens of the UK even further, and bewilder everyone to some sort of muttering submission, John.
I also guess that as I hardly ever see or hear anything on the BBC these days, (although I do scan their website daily and see it is pretty mediochre – rather like a county rag or similar), I’m not really in a position to comment, but for the hell of it, of course I will!
Life really is too short to hear the sort of leftie trash they pump out with tiresome abandon.
As better people like J.K.Rowling are giving the W1A bunch the ammunition for all sorts of hissy fits, I suppose they’ll cancel all the Harry Potter flicks!
There is a 20th anniversary Harry Potter special on one of the US channels (HBO?) Of course Ms Rowling is excluded because of her ‘controversial’ comments.
Despite the films making Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint household names and millions of pounds in the bank, none of the three have done any quality work of note since.
Emma Watson is a truly a stuck-up horrible person according the special effects crew I worked with who had worked on the films. She really thought she was someone special.
A comment I have found no reason to dispute in everything I have seen her do since. Which isn’t much I have to admit. Mainly anti-male activism and thinly disguised hatred.
A lot of these activist people seem incapable of realising that people don’t say bad things about them because they are women, they say them because they find them to be truly unpleasant people. Meghan Markle is another excellent example who calls anyone who doesn’t like her a racist.
People say the same about unpleasant men as well – but activists aren’t interested in inconvenient facts.
Web site home page:
4 black males, 2 black nurses, 2 women and a white male OAP being tended to by one of the black nurses.
No chance on Earth it is not 100% deliberate. I wonder if the staff are given written guidelines to do it or it’s all verbal to make sure there is no evidence.
Liberalism has to falsify reality or else it maxims will be shown to be false.
Reading JohnC’s list highlights importance to the media by race. One then has to invert the list to get a realistic picture of who matters most.
Its unfortunate one has to comment on such matters, but the media’s obsession in pandering by race should not be ignored.
Then Who Matters Most using Auster’s law.
1. Asian males
2. White males
3. White females
4. Black females
5. Black males
One can ofcourse invert on the basis of population. Then White females will be at the top, followed by White males. But that is not the driver in JohnC’s list. It is race, followed by sex.
I think @BBCRosAtkins is the best journalist on @BBCNews right now & I admire him even more by imagining he opens his wardrobe every day to find just 5 identical pristine dark navy suits and 5 navy pressed shirts hanging there. This great man hasn’t got time to mix and match! 👍
I reckon Barclays banking is a widespread occupation within the BBC … probably in the job description ….
Elsewhere – ( non BBC ) day 2 of post travel quarantine and waiting for the Day 2 lab result for the Amazon PCR test kit ( cheapest reliable one on the market apparently – but now sold out ) .
Amazon promises a test result within 24 hours of the sample arriving in their Lab in Manchester … remains to be seen . For some reason it feels like waiting for an ‘o’ level result …
And lastly – the BBC business section reported the cost of electricity went even further into the roof yesterday – a 20% hike on the previous day for a number of European reasons ….
I wonder if people will be so pro green when / if the power runs out ? Or you get 4 hours a day to charge up your iPhone …
Next BBC OB from a mosque on a North Sea oil rig with Ros in full oilskins being given a golden shower off shot by the entire Newsnight team, with power provided by Vile and StuHu on a tandem.
“Unprecedented! Historic! Since last week! Do I get my award now?”
As Stew noted yesterday, they are coordinating propaganda and censorship. Colleagues blowing smoke up each others’ fundament and then blocking if laughed at.
Plus flashing around old posts about shortages here due to to Brexit, truck drivers…. And quietly ‘blocking’ them to any who might suggest the bbc are the tooliest tools of propaganda around.
I could build a fort from the stacks of chocolate tins in supermarket entrances, and Morrison’s had a tanker in its forecourt with one car at 16 pumps.
Guest – the news agenda goes from shortages of containers – ships stuck in the wrong places – HGV shortages – inflation – shortages of stuff …. Back to the more reliable project fear fare – namely experts spouting worse case ‘projections ‘ – lazy news agenda really …
Once they have blocked the entire population, charging £5,000,000,000 to air Mrs. Brown’s Boys to 20,000 in the W1A forecourt will be hard to justify, even to Nads.
How accurate is the PCR test? For the present my wife and I have been using Lateral Flow Testing, however claim is that the PCR test is extremely accurate. They claim to detect the genetic material from a specific organism, specifically coronavirus, and are the best way to test if you have a current infection. So why are there so many False Positives coming from such testing? Facing such issues it is difficult to understand why the PCR test is still being used. Becasue they have nothing else with which to exacerbate the fear and compliance that has spread through this gullable nation added to by Media propaganda?
“…have been using Lateral Flow Testing…” Why is anybody using any testing? You will know when you are ill, then you can stay indoors. If not, you can forget it.
10am Woman’s Hour
STIRRING Following the infamous #May2020 Boris Johnson photograph, we hear from one woman – Emma – who lost her daughter Ruby that same day, and couldn’t say goodbye in person.
#2 Nineteen-year-old doorman Charlie Jeer has gone viral on TikTok for talking about the sexual harassment he has experienced whilst working in clubs. Charlie recalled that one night he was groped up to 10 times
Hmm the tweet I see describes him as a “janitor”, it has a montage of photo
He looks Syrian in the photo with his father, in another he’s wearing the T-shirt of a porn site
and another he has a black girl at each side, both kissing him.
Tarien – taking a lateral flow before flying – and then taking the PCR on arrival in the UK – I reckon par for the course to try to deter people from international travel for the foreseeable future ….
… if I get a clear test result I know for certain I won’t be using Londonistan public transport for a while .. I feel lucky to have the choice … and I am hoping TFL goes bust …
The Times this morning notices the rising cost to Britian of our government’s abject failure to secure our borders:
‘Asylum costs “double”‘ – one wonders why the word double merits scare quotes? Perhaps journos at the formerly patriotic Times wish to carefully distance themselves from the Migration Watch report:
‘The annual cost of housing and allowances for asylum seekers has almost doubled since 2018 to £430 million, an analysis by Migration Watch UK has found‘ – we note the phrase “asylum seekers” fails to garner any extraneous questionable punctuation from the Times.
Conjuring the seasonal notion of there being precious little room at the inn – due to overcrowding… By the way, one picks up this non-explanatory managerial excusatory way of speaking from listening to far too many railway announcements that speak of delays – due to late running trains. But I digress.
Where were we? Ah yes, no room at the Holiday Inn. Whereas Britannia Hotels, Novotel, Best Western and Travelodge… and of course Serco (allegedly) are all doing very good business sucking on the tax payer teat: ‘Up to 50 hotels across Britain benefit from £4billion ten-year contract to house asylum seekers‘ (Daily Mail August 2020)
The Guardian unfortunately gives these hotels a rather poor TripAdvisor-style review: ‘Home Office hotels for asylum seekers ‘akin to detention centres’ – report‘ (Guardian September 2021) – so on that basis readers hereabouts may wish to bear the names of these hotel brands involved in lucrative government migrant housing contracts in mind, and avoid their apparently dubious hospitality services in future.
But have some charity – it is Christmas, or so some will insist. Not that many of those – mainly chaps – among our guests in these hotels tend to celebrate a Christian Christmas.
Ah, Christmas. Conjuring the seasonal notion of… The Sally Army Band in our town centre playing Christmas carols. That’s a reassuring perennial fixture of British life, surely? All together now… pop a coin in the tin and how about a brass band accompanied rendition of “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen” or “In the Bleak Midwinter” ?
What’s this new one the Salvation Army choir is singing this year? “Why is it so difficult to acknowledge the sin of racism and the seeking of God’s forgiveness both individually as believers and corporately as the Church for our complicity in racism?”
Complicity in racism? I know they do have the letters “SS” on their collars…. but surely…?
‘Wokeness Infiltrates the Salvation Army‘ (Wall Street Journal)
‘Although the Salvation Army was founded in London in 1865, it’s in America that its Red Kettles have become a Christmas staple. The Salvationists have earned broad respect in American society after more than a century of charitable giving, but an internal coalition of woke ideologues now endangers the organization’s reputation.‘
The British branch take up a frontpage advert on the left-leaning highly coronaphobic ‘i’ newspaper this morning: ‘Help us be there for someone in need this Christmas‘ – We note along with the Sally Army’s familiar red shield a new innovation in logos: ‘FR Registered with Fundraising Regulator‘ – this is a new self-financing quago (so much for the bonfire of suchlike bureaucracies) apparently there to regulate fund raising and protect potential donors, yet inevitably tightening those unseen undemocratic controls on previously independent charitable orgnisations, putting small charities at a disadvantage to larger charities and naturally increasing the administrative cost burden on charities – further reducing the percentage of your charitable pound reaching your intended charitable cause.
And don’t even get me started on the RNLI.
(FR Registered with Fundraising Regulator) – natch!
Their website is interesting in posting their latest lifeboat launch times from their many stations around the coasts of the British Isles. Which just happens to have been Dover (7.46am 22 December 2021) – who would have guessed that?
TOADY Watch #1 – in which Justin Webb does not ask the essential question
He is interviewing the Minister for Care and Mental Health, Gillian Keegan MP. The subject is, inevitably, Covid and its mutations. The Minister mentions testing. At this point it was essentail for Justin to ask about the accuracy of both tests used in the UK. He does not.
While false positives are an inconvenience to one, false negatives spread the virus, possibly to many.
Wait until you discover the trajectory of Germany’s emissions when it shuts it emissions-free nuclear-generation plant, and burns millions of tonnes more lignite to prevent blackouts.
Baltimore rainbow flag doctor tweets nothing to do with the UK
but the BBC is straight in there.
Hi Corey – Sara here at BBC 5 Live. We're talking about this sort of situation on the radio later this week. Could I get in touch? My DMs are open. Thanks.
No it’s what the doctor says that matters
not what Guse says in the quoted tweet
which basically says I forced my relatives to take test on my doorstep
..and they did test positive
(Trendsdmap kept a copy )
The BBC 5 Live person was patrolling that thread
for material to use to CONSTRUCT news
Are you sharing Christmas with unvaccinated relatives? Or putting restrictions on who can or can't attend this year? Would like to chat for BBC 5 Live #journorequest
‘I was known as Gay Boy. As a kid, bullying makes you weary’: Gareth Malone on being bullied, keeping his beard and why today’s singers don’t impress him.
Why am I not surprised ?. Gareth obviously means people like him.
TOADY Watch #3 – in which millionaire restaurateur Henry Dimbleby calls for taxes on poor people . . . …
… . . . in order to feed poor people more food. HD, who is I presume a hard Left Socialist – it is ‘their’ sort of thing, wants taxes on salt and sugar and pressure to be put on food manufacturers by Government to add more chemicals to their products to replace increasingly costly salt and sugar. Of course in Dimbulb Dimbleby’s restaurants he will merely put up the prices he charges customers.
Here’s an idea for free for Henry: bring ‘poor people’ into your restaurant and give them a free healthy meal and some cooking advice for free. Here’s another idea for free for Henry: do you know what happens to the human body – any animal body – when it is deprived of salt and sugar over any length of time? Go do some research on that Henry, then in the immortal words of John Wayne: “Get off your (high) horse and drink your milk.”.
The Church of England has admitted it will be a “little while” before it can dispose of its controversial £80,000 stake in the payday lender Wonga, and conceded it cannot guarantee that such blunders won’t happen again.
The church suffered acute embarrassment last July after the archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, said he intended to use credit unions to “compete” Wonga out of existence – only for it to emerge that the C of E had indirectly invested thousands of pounds in the company.
Perhaps the Archbishop can enlighten us all as to what the vaccine is composed of, what exactly it will do once inside our systems, and whether the substance will not interfere with one’s normal immuns system? Like many of his kind they speak without knowledge, they speak with ignorance mostly. Their understanding of what is happening is very limited, better they should say nothing.
One word …Thalidomide….completely safe obviously !
We ordinary folk have no idea of the long term effects of having experimental drugs injected….something to think about when we’re on booster 666 !
A long time ago when the BBC Panorama investigation team would have been on the case , not a cat in Hells chance now !
Charlie, we have no idea of what mRNA ‘vaccines’ do to young lads’ sperm and young lasses’ eggs. It would be good to have waited before jabbing everything human that moves in the UK, especially when – at best – the immune system boost lasts for just six months, doesn’t prevent transmission and in some cases fails to prevent infection, too.
I’m afraid that is like someone in Russia asking what they would have to do to rid themselves of Joseph Stalin.
Britain is a de facto Communist country now, almost everyone is employed directly or indirectly by the state and private enterprise is being studiously wiped out.
Control of the press is appearing to be more absolute than anyone previously thought, with the Daily Mail today running a series of articles attacking those who have chosen not to be vaccinated, including the ridiculous Arch Socialist of Cant, and in most cases the comments too have been heavily modified to those which fully support them.
Because most people haven’t been told we live in a Communist country they cannot accept the reality, however it’s time to wake up. You are not going to end the state broadcaster anymore than a Russian could end Pravda or Isvestia. The whole rotten edifice needs to be attacked from within and it is going to take years to bring it down.
Thoughtful, since you mention Pravda and Isvestia I would point out that the BBC does sort of serve a purpose. The BBC is quite a (good) tool for teaching people in the UK how to read between the lines – audio stylee – just as Russians learned to not believe what they read in Pravda and Isvestia and instead ‘read between the lines’. Those that got it down to fine art then got into publishing themselves via ‘samizdats’, informal newspapers pasted on to lampposts and billboards which told the truth rather more than the officially approved journals.
But the suggestion that politicians planned the virus, or are using it to destroy capitalism is wholly without evidence.
So too is the notion that the World Economic Forum has the authority to tell other countries what to do, or that it is coordinating a secret cabal of world leaders.
Reduce inenequality = Communism. inequality is a really really good thing, it elevates those who are deserving and it reduces those who are not.
Those who will not work shall not eat says the Bible, and an honest & free society. Socialism on the other hand says it doesn’t matter if you work or not no one shall eat and millions will starve to death.
Andrew Neil vs Greenpeace – Air Pollution (car crash interview)
This is a good example where Greenpeace have used a figure ’40K deaths’, but the interviewee says it’s ’40K premature deaths’. But they don’t say that it’s lives cut short – i.e. pollution takes say 30 days off live expectancy.
Actually the Greenpeace guy doesn’t understand his own forty thousands deaths stat
and switched to say it’s 40,000 PREMATURE deaths/year
.. it isn’t
Andrew Neil gave the correct definition
that it is an artificial figure constructed by saying all of us, millions die a few day prematurely due to air pollution
and then collecting up all those lost days
and saying it’s equivalent to 40,000 deaths/year.
It’s a false equivalence.
A YouGov poll seen exclusively by the BBC found 57% of those asked said they censor themselves on issues including immigration and trans rights, particularly if their views are deemed at the less politically correct end of the spectrum.
‘You haven’t a real appreciation of Newspeak, Winston,’ he said almost sadly. ‘Even when you write it you’re still thinking in Oldspeak. I’ve read some of those pieces that you write in the Times occasionally. They’re good enough, but they’re translations. In your heart you’d prefer to stick to Oldspeak, with all its vagueness and its useless shades of meaning. You don’t grasp the beauty of the destruction of words. Do you know that Newspeak is the only language in the world whose vocabulary gets smaller every year?’
In the DMail this morning.
An appeal court (cost? Who paid?) has decided that the driver of a boat transporting migrants was not guilty of a crime because there was nothing to say he would not have applied legally for asylum on arrival.
Priti is useless but look at what she is up against.
With friends like the entitled judges, who needs enemies?
On the BBC, LibDem Baroness Jones has formerly complained to the Met about the Downing Street police stating, they must have known what was going on inside the building and didnt act on it…
You really couldnt make this crap up.
Im genuinely sick to the back teeth about these sodding parties, who gives a sh-t. In my circle of friends not one gives a damn about these parties that happened a year ago…Unbelievable
Just sums up the pathetic opposition in this country, the only way to make political capitol is to perpetuate sleaze..
Baroness Jones of Moulsecoomb
Sharethis specific contribution
Do the Government understand that Drax has been taken to court twice this year for air pollution offences and reported to the OECD for misleading and, frankly, untrue statements about its environmental impacts? Does the Minister think the Government are being a bit naive in not doing due diligence with somebody who actually knows what they are talking about from the green point of view?
I keep saying this but people aren’t listening! It’s a one party state, therefore there is no oposition on political or policy grounds hence the attacks based on the behaviour of certain individuals.
Boris is a hard line Marxist, so was Theresa May and David Cameron before her. They came from the rotten school at Windsor as did the arch Socialist of Cant. A school we know to have been infiltrated by hard left activists.
You shouldn’t be surprised by any of this, it is just the confirmation of the countries slide into full blown Marxism.
Commander of Islamic police wey be Hisbah for Kano state, Sheik Harun Ibn Sina say dem go invite parents of Miss Nigeria winner Shatu Garko to tok about her participation for di beauty pagent.
Osifo say she bin consider to bleach her skin sake of how pipo dey tok about her colour.
Di superstar actress say thought of changing her colour worry her as pipo condemn her complexion.
“Wen I bin dey grow up I come begin reason to bleach my skin because pipo come dey tok say dis one wey I get no be fine colour. Dem say my colour be like monkey colour.”
BBC tried the same trick in Iran.
Nazarin still in jail.
Sticking their noses in some third world, backward 5hitholes where women are treated like dirt is never going to work. Doubt it is in the charter anyway.
BBC tried the same trick in Iran.
Nazarin still in jail.
Sticking their noses in some third world, backward 5hitholes where women are treated like dirt is never going to work. Doubt it is in the charter anyway
New BBC Three commissions for a new BBC Three channel
The centre-piece of the schedule on opening night will be the first-ever RuPaul’s Drag Race: UK Versus The World.
Lefties hoping for a by-election in North East Somerset will be crestfallen to hear Jacob Rees-Mogg’s been cleared of wrongdoing by the Standards Commissioner after just three weeks:
“it is my decision that these loans were connected solely to your private
and personal life. I am also not satisfied that these loans could reasonably be
thought by others to influence your actions, speeches or votes in Parliament, or your actions taken in your capacity as a Member of Parliament; as such, it is my conclusion that these loans do not fit with the spirit or purpose of registration. It is my conclusion that these loans do not pass the two initial tests laid out above and I have therefore decided not to uphold the complaint and find that no breach of paragraph 14 has occurred.”
Anti-Islam comments are deeply disgraceful. As I pointed out, they’re actually against the Catechism of the Catholic Church, so on all grounds, these comments are wrong. I oppose them, I disapprove of them, I reject them.
He continued:
I think that Islam is an important and interesting religion and that people in this country of the Muslim faith are as patriotic as Catholics are.
That there should be no differentiation in the way they are treated in this country and religious toleration is a very important value.
Mogg is as far Left as Boris is, it’s just that his old Catholic beliefs appear to many as if he were a conservative when he is in reality a communist.
“people in this country of the Muslim faith are as patriotic as Catholics are.”
If the country he was referring to was mine, Northern Ireland, he might, unintentionally, have a point. But it’s not is it, so he’s talking through his arse.
The media (usual BBC involvement) is already beginning to propagate terrifying rhetoric against the unvaccinated, who are portrayed as a threat to society. Scientific evidence demonstrates that vaccines are only effective in stopping people from becoming seriously ill from coronavirus. They do not halt the spread of the disease. Requiring everyone to be certified as ‘safe’ to go about their daily lives is a step on the road to authoritarianism. It opens the gate towards a chilling system of social credit*.
*Social credit is a form of control where the state dictates where you can go and what you may THINK. Practiced in China as a form of social control. You cannot go or ‘do anything’ without a social ‘credit’ (Digital ID) to work, study or travel, they can take it all away or ‘reward’ you via ‘credits’ to your passport ID. See here.
The latest research from Oxford University demonstrates that in the case of the Delta variant, both the vaccinated and unvaccinated have similar risks of transmitting the virus. This is borne out by statistics from the UK’s Health Security Agency that show consistently similar or higher rates of infection amongst the vaccinated. See here.
HIGHER rates of infection amongst the vaccinated! And repeated bouts of Flu and testing ‘cycle’, COVID, non COVID, COVID, non COVID are already wide spread reported as a sign of ‘infection’ by another ‘variant’ which is often no worse than the common cold. That is a fact born out of UK and US research, banned from media reporting by the BBC and other broadcasters but freely available from independent medical news outlets and Doctors. See here.
The reporting of side affects are also ‘banned’, which is not usually how new medical ‘trials’ work. There is no monitoring, just ‘roll out’.
The Drug companies are ‘immune’ from prosecution – during the current pandemic (which is until 2023 provisionally). It can be extended for several years or more.
Its very clear that IF EVERYONE was vaccinated there will still be a ‘VARIENT’, and the ‘common cold’ will still exist, and the the overall (natural) immunity for everyone (including children) will be seriously harmed in ALL other areas of health. Side affects are not reported due to ‘emergency powers’ but predictable results are hidden. See here
This is the biggest mis-information project the BBC has been involved in since the last war!
No mistake – we are at WAR with misinformation from the BBC, this is fraud on a global scale. Genocide, some call it. See here (NZ) lock-down proof.
How come he was not arrested for abuse against women?
Oh wait .. money …
Princess Haya fled from Dubai to Britain with her children in 2019, saying she was in fear of her life, after discovering Sheikh Mohammed had previously abducted two of his other daughters – Sheikha Latifa and Sheikha Shamsa – and rendered them back to Dubai against their will.
Not arrested?
The court was told of a security assessment that put the risk to Princess Haya and her children as “severe”. The judge subsequently awarded funds to cover the running costs of armoured vehicles for transporting the family.
Tuned into R4 a bit early to catch weather and news. Alighted upon the closing item on You and Yours which concerned sharia compliant Life Assurance / Pensions for muslims in the UK. A dearth of schemes apparently and even those available achieving far less in returns to those that are open to everybody else i.e. a ‘Regular Pension Scheme’. I have a suggestion: let’s call it adopting, ‘The Halal Procedure’.
Sharia schemes cannot invest capital in businesses that are not muslim compliant. So, presumably, AK47 manufacturers would be ok as would those engaged in the manufacture of nuclear components for Iran.
I suggest that, as normal, the Muslim Council of Britain demand of the Government the banning of regular Pension Schemes in preference to the whole country being forced to accept the narrow far less profitable sharia compliant schemes. On penalty of a flogging in the market place. Otherwise, as one interviewee said, ‘if the muslim scheme does not provide enough pension, we will have to fall back on the British Government (DHSS). I’m sure opinions like this would be shared by new arrivals having paid nothing in, from those arriving on rubber boats.
There, that’ll fix it. Only too pleased to help out our muslim ‘brothers’.
Independent report
Applying sharia law in England and Wales: independent review
Independent review by Professor Mona Siddiqui and a review panel of experts into the application of sharia law in England and Wales by sharia councils.
“Professor Mona Siddiqui”, “who was supported by a panel of experts that included experienced family law barrister Sam Momtaz QC, retired High Court judge Sir Mark Hedley, and specialist family law solicitor Anne Marie Hutchinson OBE QC. The panel was advised by two religious and theological experts, Imam Sayed Ali Abbas Razawi and Imam Qari Asim.”
Seeing as the UK government borrow Billions to fund everyday expenditure including Pensions and NHS, thus paying bond holders interest. Why are Muslims happy to receive such items, as they are built on debt.
The hypocrisy and lies of the Left here, aided and abetted by the BBC at the time. Shocking stuff as we now look back at the damage these loons have caused.
A good article today in Daily Telegraph on the plight of GB News (by Robin Aitkin).
It appears despite all odds and the combined might of the BBC Twitter Mobs to remove TV advertising from the channel have failed and I read that GB News has TWICE the average audience of either Sky or BBC News. Farage is very popular in his slot and accolades to Neil Oliver for stating what many of us here on this forum, think as right and true.
Here are some Aitkin observations on GB News.
“The birth of a new competitor was never going to be cause for celebration from other media outlets, but the schadenfreude that accompanied the troubled launch of GB News in June had a pungent quality.
In the first few days, the channel’s inexperienced technical team hardly seemed able to conduct an interview without the line suddenly failing, while the studio lighting marooned uneasy-looking presenters in Stygian gloom. This led to a raft of headlines in which “disaster” figured large, and gleeful obituaries for the channel were already being written.
But, six months on, there are distinct signs of life. Despite all that negativity, it does seem that GB News is finding an audience. It is now regularly outperforming its obvious rolling-news competitors – Sky News and the BBC News Channel.”
Andrew Neil: (also pissed off with the BBC)
“And yet, so Neil argued, GB News didn’t want to be a combatant in the culture wars: he envisaged a station that would be “tough but not partisan”. Neil’s vision, however, never took flight; instead, it was Neil himself who flew the coop, and his departure, in September, was seen by many as another indication that the whole project was doomed.
But that’s not what has since happened. GB News is beginning to develop a culture and personality quite distinct from its competitors. Not only is Farage succeeding, but the ex-Sky anchor, Colin Brazier, who has taken over what was supposed to be Neil’s evening slot, is growing into the role. He has developed a personal style of TV punditry, often delivering punchy straight-to-camera monologues on the issues of the day in the manner of Fox’s Tucker Carlson. (They are, needless to say, not the kind of views you’d hear on the BBC or Sky.)”
And he mentions the ongoing campaign of the TWITTER mobs (run by an ex BBC freelancer) called ‘Stop Funding Hate’ which has frightened off some big TV advertisers, In the Letters column I read that – we ‘could’ boycott “IKEA, Vodafone, Specsavers, LV Insurance, Nivea, Bosch and Octopus Energy” who still have not returned. These are big spenders, but I also note that ‘Octopus energy’ has since gone BUST recently (due to the high cost of electricity and gov. bail out) which is due to CO2 exaggerations by the BBC causing ‘catastrophic climate change’ ergo” no power, so perhaps an error of judgment being a left wing ‘champion’, that is no more.
His book (I have read): ‘Can We Trust The BBC’ (obvious answer is NO) but it gives a good run through of his personal fight within the BBC ‘group-think’ to change it from within. Its a damning report and I can now never trust the BBC on anything. The BBC corruption is almost absolute. There is no going back to what it once was.
A primary school deputy head teacher has pleaded guilty to 18 child sexual abuse offences, including two rapes.
Julie Morris, 44, the safeguarding lead at a school in Wigan, and partner David Morris filmed themselves abusing and raping a girl under the age of 13.
I am reminded, that its something the BBC have a vested interest in. Two BBC presenters in jail for doing much the same (for years). When it was disclosed to the press and Courts, only then do they disclose:
Some victims, who were aged 11 to 15 at the time of the offences, told the court Julie Wadsworth was variously dressed in a “flasher’s mac” trench coat, white high-heels, stockings, suspenders and a split-skirt.
Prosecutors said the abuse took place at a number of locations, including the couple’s then home in Atherstone, Warwickshire, as well as on a nearby golf course and surrounding woodland.
Same at CNN riddled withj Paedos, and now Twitter has been removing evidence posted proving them to be so, begging the question what it is with the Left and Paedophillia.
The left have this thing with ‘youth’ – as the BBC does (proposing underage sex to children as young as 12 on Radio 4 by a prof who has history of ‘queering’, and suggested the age of consent ‘should be lowered’. His name escapes me, no argument from BBC presenters at the time.
I don’t think it’s reserved for the left either. I believe it to be a thread running through a lot of people “educated” in the past 15 years. It’s roots are derived from the teaching profession’s morals in my opinion.
BBC “The UK has **one of** the highest rates of covid infection in Europe but its relatively high level of vaccination has greatly reduced the number of hospitalisations and deaths.”
.. Actually Denmark’s case rate is 50% higher than the UK’s
Other countries have less testing
Quick bit of research on the gov website is easy mate, 14 deaths out of 41,250 confirmed cases in the UK, do the maths
Amazing that the UK has recorded the only deaths cuased by the Omicron virus in the world!
Of course it’s all completely lies and these are people who have died WITH Omicron and not OF omicron, and that is why we cannot trust any of the governments official announcements about this.
And on New Year’s Day, you can listen to me and @CliveMyrieBBC presenting Radio 4 Pick of the Year.
We talk unpopular opinions and the impact social media has had on an unpredictable and remarkable year – alongside clips from across the BBC.
Dear Marianna Spring (BBC wages paid under threat of prosecution),
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
Suha had fled Lebanon and came to the US and settled in DC. She set up a small florist shop, and her daughter then had a lovely idea – I’ll write to the @WhiteHouse and see if @FLOTUS needs some help decorating the place for Christmas….. From #Americast with @maitlis and me
The BBC unspoken response would probably be along the lines of.
“We note your comments, however as we don’t need the support of the public we will air whatever we like. In this case as we hate everything to do with Trump and Republicans we will continue to be doing all in our power to harm him, the truth is not important to us, only the outcome.
Anybody who says this either doesn't get dark humour or politics.
Dark humour needs the audience to KNOW it's wrong by highlighting the absurdity.
Making bigoted statements in a funny way isn't dark comedy. It's just humorous bigotry & should be judged as such. "Maureen Lipman"
Turns out my phone has a dodgy microphone, so I’ll spare you a video of what’s coming up @BBCRadio2 as I sit in for @theJeremyVine. I’ll just tell you: * cancel culture * what South Africa tells us about Omicron * did you divorce young? * what makes a good panto?
Chris Mason
BBC Political Correspondent. Presenter, Any Questions #bbcaq
; plus there’s #BBCNewscast and a spot of
Taking the bins…Joined March 2009
7,642 Following
I was showing my son the “Not The Nine O’Clock News” darts sketch where the players drunk booze for points (I know, Dad of the year), and look at what the highest level of drunkeness was on the scoreboard? It was made in 1980! #newscasted
@ChrisMasonBBC I was showing my son the “Not The Nine O’Clock News” darts sketch where the players drunk booze for points (I know, Dad of the year), and look at what the highest level of drunkeness was on the scoreboard? It was made in 1980! #newscasted
Fedup2Mar 29, 11:49 Weekend 29th March 2025 Not about the BBC – But about freedom – the malicious arrest of 2 parents – from the DT STARTS…
Fedup2Mar 29, 11:45 Weekend 29th March 2025 Sometime the self awareness of the BBC is a source of mild humour …. On ‘from our own correspondent ‘…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 29, 11:44 Weekend 29th March 2025 Foscari. It’s especially bad up here in Sunderland where the local North East radio is forever going on about their…
BRISSLESMar 29, 10:55 Weekend 29th March 2025 Absolutely! Well done W. (pssst Snuffy – he’s a lurker ) 😀
Fedup2Mar 29, 10:45 Weekend 29th March 2025 Digg My instant response is – is he a real doctor ? Where qualified ? I found his company address…
tomoMar 29, 10:42 Weekend 29th March 2025 Stew – I went and looked 🙂 It would’ve been fun if they did issue that sort of travel advisory…
tomoMar 29, 10:34 Weekend 29th March 2025 I remember when Tim Pool and others had their work flagrantly stolen by corporate media – who in some cases…
tomoMar 29, 10:20 Weekend 29th March 2025 Foscari The sausage machine of nooze has really got performative and the editors / directors get the on-screen “key talent”…
tomoMar 29, 10:14 Weekend 29th March 2025 “wind going to be cheaper” already 9x cheaper! – the (usually paid for) Zealots screech The systematic mendacity of the…
Report by the BBC from a vaccination centre as smiling ladies with dummy antler hats, Christmas lights and Christmas jumpers keeping people calm and happy as they guide them in…
It did make me feel a tad uneasy….
Perhaps the BBC might include this account of a lorry driver dying after an altercation with Calais migrants. with their moving story of the dinghy migrants.
“Portuguese lorry driver dies after he was attacked by three Calais migrants who tried to sneak into his vehicle to reach Britain” says Active Patriot
“died on Sunday evening”
3 “people” who could be living down the street from you soon if the immigrant supporters club get their way!
All thanks to Peppa the Pig , Priti but usless and her Border Farce !
Meanwhile over in Hungry ………………………
“Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban says his government will defy a European Union ruling and stick by its controversial immigration laws.”
its controversial immigration laws.
Only in a topsy-turvy world, is defending a nations borders, and its defining culture regarded “controversial”.
But the question is, what is Britain’s defining culture. It could be said that if a nation has no idea what its culture is, its meaningless to defend its borders.
As we are near the top of the thread I thought I would say I hope Fred you are ok.
“MPs urge changes to ‘outdated’ gender recognition laws”
Do not worry , the Tories are in charge, Ha!
We’ve had a lot of posts this year about wokeness and diversity in UK TV commercials. Noticing the same trend in Australia where I live, I’ve written a short comedy sketch about life in the advertising world. I thought I’d post it here as a small contribution to the seasonal fun. I don’t know whether it works, but I suppose it can’t be less funny than the BBC’s comedy specials.
It’s set in a Sydney advertising agency, there young Josh and middle-aged Greg are heatedly discussing their latest campaign.
Greg: ‘So for this new food range, I thought we’d go for laughs. Bloke reaches for the biggest, meatiest sausage – our brand, of course – from the barbie. Kookaburra swoops down and steals it (as they have been filmed doing). So he’s left with a pile of our rival brands’ shrivelled vegan cat-turds. Here are the pictures. What do you think?’
Josh: ‘We can’t joke about native wildlife possibly starving through climate change caused by human pollution like barbecue smoke. And anyway, where’s the diversity? Didn’t you get the management memo about that?’
Greg: ‘Diversity? The only diversity most viewers will care about is whether it comes in Vegemite flavour!’
Josh: ‘Don’t you watch the recent commercials? Progressive companies are casting actors to show solidarity towards people of African origin who’ve suffered centuries of white privilege, oppression and structural racism.’
Greg: ‘Blimey – you mean that’s intentional? I assumed they were cutting costs by using adverts from their branch in Zimbabwe!’
Josh: ‘Ha, bloody ha! Now, take a look at my ideas. Mum and Dad load the picnic (our brand) into the Tesla. They sing an adorable rap song about how our food products are saving the planet, because of minimal carbon emissions. Also, we plant a Serbian spruce for every 6,000 packs of organic quinoa and tofu dip we sell.’
[Josh hand Greg a pile of photos and notes. Greg dons his reading glasses, then hastily removes them and rubs his eyes with disbelief.]
Greg: ‘Fascinating family, Josh! I get that Dad looks Nigerian and Mum looks Swedish, so that explains the two mixed-heritage kids. But what about the girl who looks possibly Mexican, the Inuit toddller and the teen who looks like a gender-transitioning Samoan? Whose kids are these – Angelina Jolie’s?’
Josh: ‘Oh, you’re impossible! We’re just being inclusive! Oh, but I forgot – you took a sickie the day of the company’s anti-racism seminar, didn’t you?’
Greg: ‘Excuse me, I have no need for a load of patronising preaching – any more than the TV viewers do. I enjoy excellent relations with my Chinese-born dentist, Indian pharmacist and Lebanese local shopkeepers. But that lot are a common sight in Australia. I don’t see a hell of a lot of African-Australians, so I don’t see much profit in targeting them.’
Josh: ‘Profit? That’s all you think about, isn’t it?’
Greg: ‘That’s sort of the point of the industry, Josh. We get paid to tell people about products they may want, being used by people like themselves. Pushing controversial trendy causes could alienate the majority. You can’t assume the views of a young Twitter mob (who probably don’t watch much TV anyway) are shared by viewers like Wayne and Wendy in Wangaratta.’
Josh: ‘You may be right. That’s why I’m getting out. I’ve been offered a TV-presenting job in the UK. (They were very impressed by my First Nation heritage – as my Great-Great-Grandfather is rumoured to have been Aboriginal.) I’m going somewhere I’ll never again have to worry about profit, or appeasing a load of old fascists!’
Greg: ‘You don’t mean….?’
Josh: ‘Yes – I’m going to work for the BBC!’
Fabulous, Helena!
As our old London flat was a transition post for every flight from Sydney in the ‘sixties, and everyone worked in advertising, this really strikes a chord!
I easily remember having six pints (under a quid for the lot then), with the son of the founder of Vogel Bread, who came over here to get it moving, and it’s still in the shops today!
While this site is dedicated to the awfulness of the BBC and it’s poor reputation, a few minutes of joy are always welcome…
This advertising wont go on for much longer. The
companies who use these woke advertising agencies
will look at their balance sheets and realize what
fools they are to let these ignoramuses to
produce these adverts which are a complete turn off
to at least 80% of the population.
When I see a racist advertisement, I make a mental note not to shop there again unless I have to.
I wonder how many people here will be having a family Xmas dinner where half the people at the table are black. I’ve seen 3 advertisements on TV and they all do.
Just to be clear, I have no problem with the principle, but the point is that it is a false narrative based on an anti-white racist agenda which would be unacceptable to the woke mob if the racism was anti-black.
JohnC: When I see a racist advertisement, I make a mental note not to shop there again unless I have to.
So do I, but its very limiting these days. All the ads are full of African men and women, or an African man with a White woman. African doctors, dentists, santas, scientists etc.
It appears that companies and ad companies have decided that if they all conform to the same agenda, we sensible and non-racist people will not be able to discriminate and boycott .
Maureen Lipman: Cancel culture could wipe out comedy
… and another article from the BBC which absolutely avoids stating the KEY fact about something because it doesn’t suit them.
EVERY example I have seen of cancel culture is the woke Left mob attacking those with different political views – ie those on the Right.
In the one single reference to the politics behind it, what does the BBC say ?.
He believes it’s being driven by people on the right and left, who are “trying to create culture wars at either end of the spectrum”. I cannot think of a single example where the Right have cancelled someone on the Left.
The BBC themselves have unilaterally cancelled various people who just so happen to be on the Right. They will never mention Trump, Farage or GB news unless they have to – and always when they can stick the knife in.
My disgust at the shameless BBC far-Left liars and hypocrites knows no limit. A check of ‘Katie Razzall’ who wrote it on twitter confirms what a 100% left-wing luvvie she is. I honestly believe people like her do not live in the real world and have no clue what they are.
Today watch
Re the above – the razzel piece on Today sounded like a ‘tick box ‘ report where the BBC can now say ‘we’ve reported cancelling ‘ in humour .
Well better not talk to the numerous victims – John Cleese being the latest high profile example .
Yet where is the state broadcaster and ‘funny ‘? Repeating Dads Army from 1974 – that’s 1974 ! And then at the other end something called ‘Mrs browns’ boys ‘ – which I think I managed about 2 minutes before swearing I’d never see it again …
C4 comedy ? Father Ted repeats . That’s it …
But then – how can an organisation which is now an anti British socialist propaganda machine ever do ‘funny ‘ again ? The hatred by it and for it for the likes of me is far too strong .
I wish GBNews had a comedy hour each day for all those comics who said one thing to get cancelled or what is really unemployed ….
They have comedians on most weekday evenings at 11pm and again on Sunday on the Andrew Doyle Show. Though they’re not doing stand up as such, just looking at events through a comedian’s perspective.
I’ve not seen Andrew Doyle yet but I was thinking of more ‘stand up ‘type rants – mind you as I write this I realise my naivety/ nativity at realising any one trying to put out an unapproved view or ‘joke ‘ now would have the demons of OFCOM descend on them …..
I don’t quite get Andrew Doyle – he was one of those, I understand, who joined the Labour party when Corbyn became leader. From what he has to say on GB News the dots don’t quite connect with a far Left slant.
Andrew is thought provoking and has Lewis Schaffer on sometimes whose humour comes very much from the New York Jewish perspective. However Andrew does tend to talk very quickly and can be difficult to catch what he is saying.
I find him an odd and slightly uncomfortable person to watch.
“…an odd and slightly uncomfortable person…”
You’re right about him talking quickly. I listened to him the other evening and my poor old lug’oles had trouble keeping up. Slow down mate!
Radio bbbc newcastle mentioned the Maureen Lipman comment and they had an interview discussing it with a girl from….the guardian.
No need to post anything else because you will all know how this interview turned out.
That was in between the comments about covid from all their usual pro lockdown medical go to’s.
I’ve never heard an interview with anyone with an anti lockdown view yet (but it’s not even 2 years in yet)
The BBC clearly make a special effort to divert some public funding to The Guardian to make sure it stays in business.
Didn’t there used to be a woman on the BBC, Carol Roofer or Carol Tiler, something like that, it was all so long ago…
But the BBC doesn’t cancel people. Remember Alastair Campbell and the ‘dodgy dossier’, when the BBC for once wasn’t doing Blair’s bidding? That man was never going to appear on the BBC again, but now all is forgiven and he can pop in whenever he likes.
Just doing a COVID test before Xmas visits and checking the official government guidelines to take it I see the following pictures:
8 black males
4 black females
2 Asian females
6 white females
….. and 3 white males.
40% of the population represented in 13% of the pictures. A ratio on a par with what we see on the BBC
Is there another country in the world which is so racist and sexist towards the people who do the most to support it ?.
BbC Moaning Emole
Arsenal fan token posts breached advertising rules
No, nothing about excluding certain races.
Reminds me of the KFC advertisement which was criticised for being racist.
Not because every single person in it was black in a society which is 80% white, but because it inferred black people eat fried chicken.
I suppose the awful government ‘guidelines’ need the awful BBC to confuse the normal citizens of the UK even further, and bewilder everyone to some sort of muttering submission, John.
I also guess that as I hardly ever see or hear anything on the BBC these days, (although I do scan their website daily and see it is pretty mediochre – rather like a county rag or similar), I’m not really in a position to comment, but for the hell of it, of course I will!
Life really is too short to hear the sort of leftie trash they pump out with tiresome abandon.
As better people like J.K.Rowling are giving the W1A bunch the ammunition for all sorts of hissy fits, I suppose they’ll cancel all the Harry Potter flicks!
There is a 20th anniversary Harry Potter special on one of the US channels (HBO?) Of course Ms Rowling is excluded because of her ‘controversial’ comments.
Despite the films making Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint household names and millions of pounds in the bank, none of the three have done any quality work of note since.
Emma Watson is a truly a stuck-up horrible person according the special effects crew I worked with who had worked on the films. She really thought she was someone special.
A comment I have found no reason to dispute in everything I have seen her do since. Which isn’t much I have to admit. Mainly anti-male activism and thinly disguised hatred.
A lot of these activist people seem incapable of realising that people don’t say bad things about them because they are women, they say them because they find them to be truly unpleasant people. Meghan Markle is another excellent example who calls anyone who doesn’t like her a racist.
People say the same about unpleasant men as well – but activists aren’t interested in inconvenient facts.
All that fame went to her head. It must be almost impossible to remain a normal person after a childhood like that.
Got to admire the BBC’s consistency.
Web site home page:
4 black males, 2 black nurses, 2 women and a white male OAP being tended to by one of the black nurses.
No chance on Earth it is not 100% deliberate. I wonder if the staff are given written guidelines to do it or it’s all verbal to make sure there is no evidence.
They could put ‘only use BAMES in everything’ on a ticker LCD scroll around all of W1A with no consequence. They are exempted, see.
Is it because certain categories of people have shown “vaccine hesitation”?
Liberalism has to falsify reality or else it maxims will be shown to be false.
Reading JohnC’s list highlights importance to the media by race. One then has to invert the list to get a realistic picture of who matters most.
Its unfortunate one has to comment on such matters, but the media’s obsession in pandering by race should not be ignored.
Then Who Matters Most using Auster’s law.
1. Asian males
2. White males
3. White females
4. Black females
5. Black males
One can ofcourse invert on the basis of population. Then White females will be at the top, followed by White males. But that is not the driver in JohnC’s list. It is race, followed by sex.
The media is racist. Totally racist.
All they have is each other.
Yep self love is the best love ….eh BBC
Do you mean that he’s a Barclays Banker Fed?
I reckon Barclays banking is a widespread occupation within the BBC … probably in the job description ….
Elsewhere – ( non BBC ) day 2 of post travel quarantine and waiting for the Day 2 lab result for the Amazon PCR test kit ( cheapest reliable one on the market apparently – but now sold out ) .
Amazon promises a test result within 24 hours of the sample arriving in their Lab in Manchester … remains to be seen . For some reason it feels like waiting for an ‘o’ level result …
And lastly – the BBC business section reported the cost of electricity went even further into the roof yesterday – a 20% hike on the previous day for a number of European reasons ….
I wonder if people will be so pro green when / if the power runs out ? Or you get 4 hours a day to charge up your iPhone …
Next BBC OB from a mosque on a North Sea oil rig with Ros in full oilskins being given a golden shower off shot by the entire Newsnight team, with power provided by Vile and StuHu on a tandem.
“Unprecedented! Historic! Since last week! Do I get my award now?”
Rack On A Track booster tweet.
There to inspire the lads?
As Stew noted yesterday, they are coordinating propaganda and censorship. Colleagues blowing smoke up each others’ fundament and then blocking if laughed at.
reaches for thesaurus…
Ros Atkins recipe / diet seems to rely on something close to ponderous gravitas… The previous purveyors of that MO having been put out to grass?
McDonald’s faces a French fries shortage in Japan
“As a result it will only sell small portions of its French fries in Japan from Friday until 30 December.”
BBC must be short of stories to cover…
Has Japan just left the EU? I thought, according to the BBC, it was only Brexit that causes shortages.
Our final supermarket home delivery today. Rather hilarious, full order… including four packs of… ‘pigs in blankets’.
Honestly the entire journalistic profession should quietly retire to the newsroom with a loaded Webley and glass of Scotch.
But they would probably miss and hit a passing nun.
Plus flashing around old posts about shortages here due to to Brexit, truck drivers…. And quietly ‘blocking’ them to any who might suggest the bbc are the tooliest tools of propaganda around.
I could build a fort from the stacks of chocolate tins in supermarket entrances, and Morrison’s had a tanker in its forecourt with one car at 16 pumps.
Guest – the news agenda goes from shortages of containers – ships stuck in the wrong places – HGV shortages – inflation – shortages of stuff …. Back to the more reliable project fear fare – namely experts spouting worse case ‘projections ‘ – lazy news agenda really …
It’s laughable.
And they do not take being laughed at well.
Once they have blocked the entire population, charging £5,000,000,000 to air Mrs. Brown’s Boys to 20,000 in the W1A forecourt will be hard to justify, even to Nads.
How accurate is the PCR test? For the present my wife and I have been using Lateral Flow Testing, however claim is that the PCR test is extremely accurate. They claim to detect the genetic material from a specific organism, specifically coronavirus, and are the best way to test if you have a current infection. So why are there so many False Positives coming from such testing? Facing such issues it is difficult to understand why the PCR test is still being used. Becasue they have nothing else with which to exacerbate the fear and compliance that has spread through this gullable nation added to by Media propaganda?
“…have been using Lateral Flow Testing…” Why is anybody using any testing? You will know when you are ill, then you can stay indoors. If not, you can forget it.
10am Woman’s Hour
STIRRING Following the infamous #May2020 Boris Johnson photograph, we hear from one woman – Emma – who lost her daughter Ruby that same day, and couldn’t say goodbye in person.
#2 Nineteen-year-old doorman Charlie Jeer has gone viral on TikTok for talking about the sexual harassment he has experienced whilst working in clubs. Charlie recalled that one night he was groped up to 10 times
Hmm the tweet I see describes him as a “janitor”, it has a montage of photo
He looks Syrian in the photo with his father, in another he’s wearing the T-shirt of a porn site
and another he has a black girl at each side, both kissing him.
I can only assume ‘thou shalt stir at all opportunity’ is part of the BBC EdGuds Special Stuff Commandments.
Government forcing public to uniquely fund deliberate creation of civic discord seems beyond bizarre.
Tarien – taking a lateral flow before flying – and then taking the PCR on arrival in the UK – I reckon par for the course to try to deter people from international travel for the foreseeable future ….
… if I get a clear test result I know for certain I won’t be using Londonistan public transport for a while .. I feel lucky to have the choice … and I am hoping TFL goes bust …
Conjuring seasonal notions
The Times this morning notices the rising cost to Britian of our government’s abject failure to secure our borders:
‘Asylum costs “double”‘ – one wonders why the word double merits scare quotes? Perhaps journos at the formerly patriotic Times wish to carefully distance themselves from the Migration Watch report:
‘The annual cost of housing and allowances for asylum seekers has almost doubled since 2018 to £430 million, an analysis by Migration Watch UK has found‘ – we note the phrase “asylum seekers” fails to garner any extraneous questionable punctuation from the Times.
Conjuring the seasonal notion of there being precious little room at the inn – due to overcrowding… By the way, one picks up this non-explanatory managerial excusatory way of speaking from listening to far too many railway announcements that speak of delays – due to late running trains. But I digress.
Where were we? Ah yes, no room at the Holiday Inn. Whereas Britannia Hotels, Novotel, Best Western and Travelodge… and of course Serco (allegedly) are all doing very good business sucking on the tax payer teat: ‘Up to 50 hotels across Britain benefit from £4billion ten-year contract to house asylum seekers‘ (Daily Mail August 2020)
The Guardian unfortunately gives these hotels a rather poor TripAdvisor-style review: ‘Home Office hotels for asylum seekers ‘akin to detention centres’ – report‘ (Guardian September 2021) – so on that basis readers hereabouts may wish to bear the names of these hotel brands involved in lucrative government migrant housing contracts in mind, and avoid their apparently dubious hospitality services in future.
But have some charity – it is Christmas, or so some will insist. Not that many of those – mainly chaps – among our guests in these hotels tend to celebrate a Christian Christmas.
Ah, Christmas. Conjuring the seasonal notion of… The Sally Army Band in our town centre playing Christmas carols. That’s a reassuring perennial fixture of British life, surely? All together now… pop a coin in the tin and how about a brass band accompanied rendition of “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen” or “In the Bleak Midwinter” ?
What’s this new one the Salvation Army choir is singing this year? “Why is it so difficult to acknowledge the sin of racism and the seeking of God’s forgiveness both individually as believers and corporately as the Church for our complicity in racism?”
Complicity in racism? I know they do have the letters “SS” on their collars…. but surely…?
‘Wokeness Infiltrates the Salvation Army‘ (Wall Street Journal)
‘Although the Salvation Army was founded in London in 1865, it’s in America that its Red Kettles have become a Christmas staple. The Salvationists have earned broad respect in American society after more than a century of charitable giving, but an internal coalition of woke ideologues now endangers the organization’s reputation.‘
The British branch take up a frontpage advert on the left-leaning highly coronaphobic ‘i’ newspaper this morning: ‘Help us be there for someone in need this Christmas‘ – We note along with the Sally Army’s familiar red shield a new innovation in logos: ‘FR Registered with Fundraising Regulator‘ – this is a new self-financing quago (so much for the bonfire of suchlike bureaucracies) apparently there to regulate fund raising and protect potential donors, yet inevitably tightening those unseen undemocratic controls on previously independent charitable orgnisations, putting small charities at a disadvantage to larger charities and naturally increasing the administrative cost burden on charities – further reducing the percentage of your charitable pound reaching your intended charitable cause.
And don’t even get me started on the RNLI.
(FR Registered with Fundraising Regulator) – natch!
Their website is interesting in posting their latest lifeboat launch times from their many stations around the coasts of the British Isles. Which just happens to have been Dover (7.46am 22 December 2021) – who would have guessed that?
Those hotels getting Rishi’s* £6k too?
TOADY Watch #1 – in which Justin Webb does not ask the essential question
He is interviewing the Minister for Care and Mental Health, Gillian Keegan MP. The subject is, inevitably, Covid and its mutations. The Minister mentions testing. At this point it was essentail for Justin to ask about the accuracy of both tests used in the UK. He does not.
While false positives are an inconvenience to one, false negatives spread the virus, possibly to many.
Not on Al Beeb yet?……………………………….
“Housing and payments for asylum seekers may be set to cost £850 million per year”
BBC is chipper.
Two tweets to highlight bbc ‘reporting’ win win techniques…
All 3 bars glowing in Timmeh’s office on the TVL payer, though.
Guest, that’s a brilliant last line!
Baltimore rainbow flag doctor tweets nothing to do with the UK
but the BBC is straight in there.
Seems to have been deleted. That or the BBC bubble, whilst small, closes in.
No it’s what the doctor says that matters
not what Guse says in the quoted tweet
which basically says I forced my relatives to take test on my doorstep
..and they did test positive
(Trendsdmap kept a copy )
The BBC 5 Live person was patrolling that thread
for material to use to CONSTRUCT news
Guse seems to be a Canadian teachers union guy
so his deleted tweet is not connected to UK either
In Sara’s thread people started giving her examples of relatives hurt by vaccines
Then after the pushback she played the victim
and then admitted
“my (already poor) mental health has plummeted.”
Oh she’s fishing
2 examples :
Slightly better than a Marianna BBC fake account?
Bet the post trawl filtering is the same.
CEO news.
TOADY Watch #2 – are we being spared celebrity ‘Guest Editors’ in the week after Christmas?
If so, good. Well, maybe good. It will mean I have no excuse to not listen to the TOADY Programme. (Did I arrange all my negatives correctly?)
Tabloid hairdo, piercing, smile and photo shoot anguish BBC News
Plus #bbcquote
Gareth’s people at Christmas are BBC people at Christmas.
Maybe the Moppet is Jez’ CEO’s Accountant?
Must be given the distancing situation.
Man’s job on line.
A quick check on Google and:
‘I was known as Gay Boy. As a kid, bullying makes you weary’: Gareth Malone on being bullied, keeping his beard and why today’s singers don’t impress him.
Why am I not surprised ?. Gareth obviously means people like him.
TOADY Watch #3 – in which millionaire restaurateur Henry Dimbleby calls for taxes on poor people . . . …
… . . . in order to feed poor people more food. HD, who is I presume a hard Left Socialist – it is ‘their’ sort of thing, wants taxes on salt and sugar and pressure to be put on food manufacturers by Government to add more chemicals to their products to replace increasingly costly salt and sugar. Of course in Dimbulb Dimbleby’s restaurants he will merely put up the prices he charges customers.
Here’s an idea for free for Henry: bring ‘poor people’ into your restaurant and give them a free healthy meal and some cooking advice for free. Here’s another idea for free for Henry: do you know what happens to the human body – any animal body – when it is deprived of salt and sugar over any length of time? Go do some research on that Henry, then in the immortal words of John Wayne: “Get off your (high) horse and drink your milk.”.
Dilemma on the W1A ground floor cubicle gardens.
He just accuse large chunks of London, Bradford, etc of being immoral?
The Church of England has admitted it will be a “little while” before it can dispose of its controversial £80,000 stake in the payday lender Wonga, and conceded it cannot guarantee that such blunders won’t happen again.
The church suffered acute embarrassment last July after the archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, said he intended to use credit unions to “compete” Wonga out of existence – only for it to emerge that the C of E had indirectly invested thousands of pounds in the company.
The unvaccinated are immoral
– Archbishop of Canterbury declares
– not a booming portentous voice from behind the clouds in the sky then?
Fact is that, the Chinese Virus is no respector of whether a host is vaccinated or not. Do these idiots understand this?
Perhaps the Archbishop can enlighten us all as to what the vaccine is composed of, what exactly it will do once inside our systems, and whether the substance will not interfere with one’s normal immuns system? Like many of his kind they speak without knowledge, they speak with ignorance mostly. Their understanding of what is happening is very limited, better they should say nothing.
One word …Thalidomide….completely safe obviously !
We ordinary folk have no idea of the long term effects of having experimental drugs injected….something to think about when we’re on booster 666 !
A long time ago when the BBC Panorama investigation team would have been on the case , not a cat in Hells chance now !
I was actually shocked how long it took them between launch and withdrawal to make the link.
Charlie, we have no idea of what mRNA ‘vaccines’ do to young lads’ sperm and young lasses’ eggs. It would be good to have waited before jabbing everything human that moves in the UK, especially when – at best – the immune system boost lasts for just six months, doesn’t prevent transmission and in some cases fails to prevent infection, too.
Dr Christiane Northrup has some very interesting things to say about this, being interviewed by James Delingpole.
Banania thanks for the Christiane Northrop podcast really enjoyed it. Have you listened to Irreverend podcast?
Five big questions about Trump and the riot
Goodness me. Absolutely no reason whatsoever for this article. Pure muckraking.
Yet I can’t any report on the BBC about his interview with Farage. A global exclusive and definitely a significant event.
And in my search I discover The Guardian are recommending Sopel to replace Kuenessberg as ‘a safe pair of hands’ !!!.
What do we have to do to rid the country of this cancer ?. I don’t know anybody who agrees with them.
Air Force One: A trip with special M&Ms and James Bond
Jon Sopel
North America editor
@bbcjonsopelon Twitter
Published24 April 2016
Or, to be even more topical, three trips with Sleepy Joe.
His latest attempts to scale the awesome heights of AF1’s stairway were less than successful with the third stumble requiring a trouser inspection.
Huh! Damned incontinence pad got tangled again.
I’m afraid that is like someone in Russia asking what they would have to do to rid themselves of Joseph Stalin.
Britain is a de facto Communist country now, almost everyone is employed directly or indirectly by the state and private enterprise is being studiously wiped out.
Control of the press is appearing to be more absolute than anyone previously thought, with the Daily Mail today running a series of articles attacking those who have chosen not to be vaccinated, including the ridiculous Arch Socialist of Cant, and in most cases the comments too have been heavily modified to those which fully support them.
Because most people haven’t been told we live in a Communist country they cannot accept the reality, however it’s time to wake up. You are not going to end the state broadcaster anymore than a Russian could end Pravda or Isvestia. The whole rotten edifice needs to be attacked from within and it is going to take years to bring it down.
Thoughtful, since you mention Pravda and Isvestia I would point out that the BBC does sort of serve a purpose. The BBC is quite a (good) tool for teaching people in the UK how to read between the lines – audio stylee – just as Russians learned to not believe what they read in Pravda and Isvestia and instead ‘read between the lines’. Those that got it down to fine art then got into publishing themselves via ‘samizdats’, informal newspapers pasted on to lampposts and billboards which told the truth rather more than the officially approved journals.
What about all these naysayers criticising our NHS and public health officials.
Last winter official statistics prove they virtually eliminated flu – despite Covid
Now this winter they are well on the way to eliminating the common cold – despite Omicron
The coronavirus pandemic ‘Great Reset’ theory and a false vaccine claim debunked
By Jack Goodman and Flora Carmichael
BBC Reality Check
Published22 November 2020
But the suggestion that politicians planned the virus, or are using it to destroy capitalism is wholly without evidence.
So too is the notion that the World Economic Forum has the authority to tell other countries what to do, or that it is coordinating a secret cabal of world leaders.
Reduce inenequality = Communism. inequality is a really really good thing, it elevates those who are deserving and it reduces those who are not.
Those who will not work shall not eat says the Bible, and an honest & free society. Socialism on the other hand says it doesn’t matter if you work or not no one shall eat and millions will starve to death.
Andrew Neil vs Greenpeace – Air Pollution (car crash interview)
This is a good example where Greenpeace have used a figure ’40K deaths’, but the interviewee says it’s ’40K premature deaths’. But they don’t say that it’s lives cut short – i.e. pollution takes say 30 days off live expectancy.
Actually the Greenpeace guy doesn’t understand his own forty thousands deaths stat
and switched to say it’s 40,000 PREMATURE deaths/year
.. it isn’t
Andrew Neil gave the correct definition
that it is an artificial figure constructed by saying all of us, millions die a few day prematurely due to air pollution
and then collecting up all those lost days
and saying it’s equivalent to 40,000 deaths/year.
It’s a false equivalence.
A YouGov poll seen exclusively by the BBC found 57% of those asked said they censor themselves on issues including immigration and trans rights, particularly if their views are deemed at the less politically correct end of the spectrum.
‘You haven’t a real appreciation of Newspeak, Winston,’ he said almost sadly. ‘Even when you write it you’re still thinking in Oldspeak. I’ve read some of those pieces that you write in the Times occasionally. They’re good enough, but they’re translations. In your heart you’d prefer to stick to Oldspeak, with all its vagueness and its useless shades of meaning. You don’t grasp the beauty of the destruction of words. Do you know that Newspeak is the only language in the world whose vocabulary gets smaller every year?’
In the DMail this morning.
An appeal court (cost? Who paid?) has decided that the driver of a boat transporting migrants was not guilty of a crime because there was nothing to say he would not have applied legally for asylum on arrival.
Priti is useless but look at what she is up against.
With friends like the entitled judges, who needs enemies?
On the BBC, LibDem Baroness Jones has formerly complained to the Met about the Downing Street police stating, they must have known what was going on inside the building and didnt act on it…
You really couldnt make this crap up.
Im genuinely sick to the back teeth about these sodding parties, who gives a sh-t. In my circle of friends not one gives a damn about these parties that happened a year ago…Unbelievable
Just sums up the pathetic opposition in this country, the only way to make political capitol is to perpetuate sleaze..
Baroness Jones

Baroness Jones of Moulsecoomb
Sharethis specific contribution
Do the Government understand that Drax has been taken to court twice this year for air pollution offences and reported to the OECD for misleading and, frankly, untrue statements about its environmental impacts? Does the Minister think the Government are being a bit naive in not doing due diligence with somebody who actually knows what they are talking about from the green point of view?
I keep saying this but people aren’t listening! It’s a one party state, therefore there is no oposition on political or policy grounds hence the attacks based on the behaviour of certain individuals.
Boris is a hard line Marxist, so was Theresa May and David Cameron before her. They came from the rotten school at Windsor as did the arch Socialist of Cant. A school we know to have been infiltrated by hard left activists.
You shouldn’t be surprised by any of this, it is just the confirmation of the countries slide into full blown Marxism.
Covid-19: Israel plans to give fourth dose of vaccine to over-60s
And the government is telling us a 3rd dose will be effective…
BBC jobs
“Diversity & Inclusion Lead”
They tell us BBC licence funded and the activist charity BBC Media Action are two separate organisations
“uses media and communications to help reduce poverty”
So why are the activist jobs listed on the BBC careers website ?
“Senior Project Manager (Nigeria), BBC Media Action”
Miss Nigeria: Hisbah go invite parents of Shatu Garko over ‘illegal participation’ for beauty contest
3 hours wey don pass
Commander of Islamic police wey be Hisbah for Kano state, Sheik Harun Ibn Sina say dem go invite parents of Miss Nigeria winner Shatu Garko to tok about her participation for di beauty pagent.
Racism? pipo ?
Osifo say she bin consider to bleach her skin sake of how pipo dey tok about her colour.
Di superstar actress say thought of changing her colour worry her as pipo condemn her complexion.
“Wen I bin dey grow up I come begin reason to bleach my skin because pipo come dey tok say dis one wey I get no be fine colour. Dem say my colour be like monkey colour.”
BBC tried the same trick in Iran.
Nazarin still in jail.
Sticking their noses in some third world, backward 5hitholes where women are treated like dirt is never going to work. Doubt it is in the charter anyway.
BBC tried the same trick in Iran.
Nazarin still in jail.
Sticking their noses in some third world, backward 5hitholes where women are treated like dirt is never going to work. Doubt it is in the charter anyway
New BBC Three commissions for a new BBC Three channel
The centre-piece of the schedule on opening night will be the first-ever RuPaul’s Drag Race: UK Versus The World.
CHina laugh all way to the bank….
A club owner’s mum spent all night showing clubbers how to do lateral flow tests, because so many of them hadn’t brought a Covid passport with them.
Lefties hoping for a by-election in North East Somerset will be crestfallen to hear Jacob Rees-Mogg’s been cleared of wrongdoing by the Standards Commissioner after just three weeks:
“it is my decision that these loans were connected solely to your private
and personal life. I am also not satisfied that these loans could reasonably be
thought by others to influence your actions, speeches or votes in Parliament, or your actions taken in your capacity as a Member of Parliament; as such, it is my conclusion that these loans do not fit with the spirit or purpose of registration. It is my conclusion that these loans do not pass the two initial tests laid out above and I have therefore decided not to uphold the complaint and find that no breach of paragraph 14 has occurred.”
Jacob Rees-Mogg said that anti-Islamic comments have no place in society and people had thoughts
Sophia Ankel
Saturday 20 April 2019 10:15
peaking to BBC Radio 4 today, Rees-Mogg said:
Anti-Islam comments are deeply disgraceful. As I pointed out, they’re actually against the Catechism of the Catholic Church, so on all grounds, these comments are wrong. I oppose them, I disapprove of them, I reject them.
He continued:
I think that Islam is an important and interesting religion and that people in this country of the Muslim faith are as patriotic as Catholics are.
That there should be no differentiation in the way they are treated in this country and religious toleration is a very important value.
Mogg is as far Left as Boris is, it’s just that his old Catholic beliefs appear to many as if he were a conservative when he is in reality a communist.
“people in this country of the Muslim faith are as patriotic as Catholics are.”
If the country he was referring to was mine, Northern Ireland, he might, unintentionally, have a point. But it’s not is it, so he’s talking through his arse.
“In this country of the Muslim faith”—but this isn’t a country of the muslim faith, or not yet, anyway.
The media (usual BBC involvement) is already beginning to propagate terrifying rhetoric against the unvaccinated, who are portrayed as a threat to society. Scientific evidence demonstrates that vaccines are only effective in stopping people from becoming seriously ill from coronavirus. They do not halt the spread of the disease. Requiring everyone to be certified as ‘safe’ to go about their daily lives is a step on the road to authoritarianism. It opens the gate towards a chilling system of social credit*.
*Social credit is a form of control where the state dictates where you can go and what you may THINK. Practiced in China as a form of social control. You cannot go or ‘do anything’ without a social ‘credit’ (Digital ID) to work, study or travel, they can take it all away or ‘reward’ you via ‘credits’ to your passport ID. See here.
The latest research from Oxford University demonstrates that in the case of the Delta variant, both the vaccinated and unvaccinated have similar risks of transmitting the virus. This is borne out by statistics from the UK’s Health Security Agency that show consistently similar or higher rates of infection amongst the vaccinated.
See here.
HIGHER rates of infection amongst the vaccinated! And repeated bouts of Flu and testing ‘cycle’, COVID, non COVID, COVID, non COVID are already wide spread reported as a sign of ‘infection’ by another ‘variant’ which is often no worse than the common cold. That is a fact born out of UK and US research, banned from media reporting by the BBC and other broadcasters but freely available from independent medical news outlets and Doctors. See here.
The reporting of side affects are also ‘banned’, which is not usually how new medical ‘trials’ work. There is no monitoring, just ‘roll out’.
The Drug companies are ‘immune’ from prosecution – during the current pandemic (which is until 2023 provisionally). It can be extended for several years or more.
Its very clear that IF EVERYONE was vaccinated there will still be a ‘VARIENT’, and the ‘common cold’ will still exist, and the the overall (natural) immunity for everyone (including children) will be seriously harmed in ALL other areas of health. Side affects are not reported due to ‘emergency powers’ but predictable results are hidden. See here
Sign the PETITION to say NO to MANDARORY vaccination and allow individuals to CHOOSE for themselves!
This is the biggest mis-information project the BBC has been involved in since the last war!
No mistake – we are at WAR with misinformation from the BBC, this is fraud on a global scale. Genocide, some call it. See here (NZ) lock-down proof.
How come he was not arrested for abuse against women?
Oh wait .. money …
Princess Haya fled from Dubai to Britain with her children in 2019, saying she was in fear of her life, after discovering Sheikh Mohammed had previously abducted two of his other daughters – Sheikha Latifa and Sheikha Shamsa – and rendered them back to Dubai against their will.
Not arrested?
The court was told of a security assessment that put the risk to Princess Haya and her children as “severe”. The judge subsequently awarded funds to cover the running costs of armoured vehicles for transporting the family.
Tuned into R4 a bit early to catch weather and news. Alighted upon the closing item on You and Yours which concerned sharia compliant Life Assurance / Pensions for muslims in the UK. A dearth of schemes apparently and even those available achieving far less in returns to those that are open to everybody else i.e. a ‘Regular Pension Scheme’. I have a suggestion: let’s call it adopting, ‘The Halal Procedure’.
Sharia schemes cannot invest capital in businesses that are not muslim compliant. So, presumably, AK47 manufacturers would be ok as would those engaged in the manufacture of nuclear components for Iran.
I suggest that, as normal, the Muslim Council of Britain demand of the Government the banning of regular Pension Schemes in preference to the whole country being forced to accept the narrow far less profitable sharia compliant schemes. On penalty of a flogging in the market place. Otherwise, as one interviewee said, ‘if the muslim scheme does not provide enough pension, we will have to fall back on the British Government (DHSS). I’m sure opinions like this would be shared by new arrivals having paid nothing in, from those arriving on rubber boats.
There, that’ll fix it. Only too pleased to help out our muslim ‘brothers’.
Everything’s fine with the World.
Independent report
Applying sharia law in England and Wales: independent review
Independent review by Professor Mona Siddiqui and a review panel of experts into the application of sharia law in England and Wales by sharia councils.
Home Office
1 February 2018
“Professor Mona Siddiqui”, “who was supported by a panel of experts that included experienced family law barrister Sam Momtaz QC, retired High Court judge Sir Mark Hedley, and specialist family law solicitor Anne Marie Hutchinson OBE QC. The panel was advised by two religious and theological experts, Imam Sayed Ali Abbas Razawi and Imam Qari Asim.”
Yeah, really, “Independent”.
Seeing as the UK government borrow Billions to fund everyday expenditure including Pensions and NHS, thus paying bond holders interest. Why are Muslims happy to receive such items, as they are built on debt.
It strikes me that the bBC are missing a public service opportunity by
omitting Calais Dinghy departures from the Shipping Forecast?
12 Orange Dinghy,s
80 Brown men
The hypocrisy and lies of the Left here, aided and abetted by the BBC at the time. Shocking stuff as we now look back at the damage these loons have caused.
A good article today in Daily Telegraph on the plight of GB News (by Robin Aitkin).
It appears despite all odds and the combined might of the BBC Twitter Mobs to remove TV advertising from the channel have failed and I read that GB News has TWICE the average audience of either Sky or BBC News. Farage is very popular in his slot and accolades to Neil Oliver for stating what many of us here on this forum, think as right and true.
Here are some Aitkin observations on GB News.
“The birth of a new competitor was never going to be cause for celebration from other media outlets, but the schadenfreude that accompanied the troubled launch of GB News in June had a pungent quality.
In the first few days, the channel’s inexperienced technical team hardly seemed able to conduct an interview without the line suddenly failing, while the studio lighting marooned uneasy-looking presenters in Stygian gloom. This led to a raft of headlines in which “disaster” figured large, and gleeful obituaries for the channel were already being written.
But, six months on, there are distinct signs of life. Despite all that negativity, it does seem that GB News is finding an audience. It is now regularly outperforming its obvious rolling-news competitors – Sky News and the BBC News Channel.”
Andrew Neil: (also pissed off with the BBC)
“And yet, so Neil argued, GB News didn’t want to be a combatant in the culture wars: he envisaged a station that would be “tough but not partisan”. Neil’s vision, however, never took flight; instead, it was Neil himself who flew the coop, and his departure, in September, was seen by many as another indication that the whole project was doomed.
But that’s not what has since happened. GB News is beginning to develop a culture and personality quite distinct from its competitors. Not only is Farage succeeding, but the ex-Sky anchor, Colin Brazier, who has taken over what was supposed to be Neil’s evening slot, is growing into the role. He has developed a personal style of TV punditry, often delivering punchy straight-to-camera monologues on the issues of the day in the manner of Fox’s Tucker Carlson. (They are, needless to say, not the kind of views you’d hear on the BBC or Sky.)”
And he mentions the ongoing campaign of the TWITTER mobs (run by an ex BBC freelancer) called ‘Stop Funding Hate’ which has frightened off some big TV advertisers, In the Letters column I read that – we ‘could’ boycott “IKEA, Vodafone, Specsavers, LV Insurance, Nivea, Bosch and Octopus Energy” who still have not returned. These are big spenders, but I also note that ‘Octopus energy’ has since gone BUST recently (due to the high cost of electricity and gov. bail out) which is due to CO2 exaggerations by the BBC causing ‘catastrophic climate change’ ergo” no power, so perhaps an error of judgment being a left wing ‘champion’, that is no more.
So for DT readers its worth the read, and Robin Aitkin is a perennial pain for the BBC ‘backside’ and has long campaigned to both ‘defund-the-BBC’ to make it accountable to the public. So he gets my vote!
Not DT but similar theme: ‘We are not being heard’
In case we have no doubt that the BBC about the BBC ‘bubble’ mentality.
His book (I have read): ‘Can We Trust The BBC’ (obvious answer is NO) but it gives a good run through of his personal fight within the BBC ‘group-think’ to change it from within. Its a damning report and I can now never trust the BBC on anything. The BBC corruption is almost absolute. There is no going back to what it once was.
Di comedian bin disappear from social media for some time before she reappear wit dis dance video.
Maraji wear ring for her wedding finger but e neva clear weda na “DI RING.”
The only bits of GBNews i watch is Farage / brazier – but i think the latter is being moved .. with the radio version starting up on 4 January?
You shouldn’t miss Neil Oliver. His talks do come up on You Tube.
Maybe Zoom calls will keep them safe ..
A primary school deputy head teacher has pleaded guilty to 18 child sexual abuse offences, including two rapes.
Julie Morris, 44, the safeguarding lead at a school in Wigan, and partner David Morris filmed themselves abusing and raping a girl under the age of 13.
I am reminded, that its something the BBC have a vested interest in. Two BBC presenters in jail for doing much the same (for years). When it was disclosed to the press and Courts, only then do they disclose:
Some victims, who were aged 11 to 15 at the time of the offences, told the court Julie Wadsworth was variously dressed in a “flasher’s mac” trench coat, white high-heels, stockings, suspenders and a split-skirt.
Prosecutors said the abuse took place at a number of locations, including the couple’s then home in Atherstone, Warwickshire, as well as on a nearby golf course and surrounding woodland.
“The Wadsworths were known for sharing a suggestive sense of humour”
Same at CNN riddled withj Paedos, and now Twitter has been removing evidence posted proving them to be so, begging the question what it is with the Left and Paedophillia.
The left have this thing with ‘youth’ – as the BBC does (proposing underage sex to children as young as 12 on Radio 4 by a prof who has history of ‘queering’, and suggested the age of consent ‘should be lowered’. His name escapes me, no argument from BBC presenters at the time.
I don’t think it’s reserved for the left either. I believe it to be a thread running through a lot of people “educated” in the past 15 years. It’s roots are derived from the teaching profession’s morals in my opinion.
Scary 14 omicron deaths so far !
129 hospitalisations !
from latest COVID-19: Omicron daily overview PDF
“The UK has **one of** the highest rates of covid infection in Europe but its relatively high level of vaccination has greatly reduced the number of hospitalisations and deaths.”
.. Actually Denmark’s case rate is 50% higher than the UK’s
Other countries have less testing
Amazing that the UK has recorded the only deaths cuased by the Omicron virus in the world!
Of course it’s all completely lies and these are people who have died WITH Omicron and not OF omicron, and that is why we cannot trust any of the governments official announcements about this.
Data appears to support claims that Omicron is less severe in South Africa
Scientists warn, however, that lower severity of cases is not fully understood and may not occur elsewhere
About to come over all Mrs. Slocombe, but the thing is featured.
Ivory, Ebony, and litter.
Dear Marianna Spring (BBC wages paid under threat of prosecution),
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
Sopes and impartiality.
President Trump’s 100 Days President Biden’s 0 Day
Dear Winston Smith in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth,
You covered President Trump’s 100 Days and then produced a Beyond 100 Days to hold power to account.
Why have you not done the same for President Biden to hold power to account?
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
Thank you again for contacting us,
BBC Complaints Team
The BBC unspoken response would probably be along the lines of.
“We note your comments, however as we don’t need the support of the public we will air whatever we like. In this case as we hate everything to do with Trump and Republicans we will continue to be doing all in our power to harm him, the truth is not important to us, only the outcome.
Thanks for your comments, The BBC”
Of color one surprised.
Dick liked a Dick post.
And Vile has… this…
Speaking of dodgy.
Just before Christmas too… result!
Chris Mason
BBC Political Correspondent. Presenter, Any Questions #bbcaq
; plus there’s #BBCNewscast and a spot of
Taking the bins…Joined March 2009
7,642 Following
Spreading hate in humour?
I was showing my son the “Not The Nine O’Clock News” darts sketch where the players drunk booze for points (I know, Dad of the year), and look at what the highest level of drunkeness was on the scoreboard? It was made in 1980! #newscasted
Cancel Little Britain?
Cancel Dark Mirror?
Cancel everything just in case?
What is the trait you most deplore in others?
Dec 20th : Calais : un migrant soudanais de 16 ans
meurt après être tombé d’un camion
.. Calais on Monday :6 yo Sudanese dies after falling off a lorry
La derrière, je presume?
The truck driver who died of a heart attack at Epitre service station near Calais, on Sunday has not being named
..but he had a co-driver with him.