“Sort it out or step aside, Tory donor tells Boris Johnson” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-59956939
The Consocialists are still London Centric.
They have forgotten about their promises to ‘The Red Wall’……….
To stop mass immigration, to get us out of the EU and to ‘end the tax that robs from the poor to give to the rich’ .
We did not vote for a Green Party energy tax , high inflation and an invasion from the third world .
Sister in law took a PCR test in hospital at the weekend – in preparation for a minor procedure on Thursday. Result received today was positive, so procedure cancelled. S-in-L has felt fine all along, so after receiving the results did a double check with a home lateral flow test – this was negative.
How can we rely on any test if results are unreliable ?
Which is why I suggested an independent and deep seeking inquiry into the whole pile of *****. Yes we have been and still are being conned for political ends. We are being treated like lab rats!
Same can be said for the vaccine. The panicked rush to remove the Control group by force if necessary, tells me that governments are prepared to do anything to remove the Control group.
Not the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), but from the Mensa Debating Forum (MDF)
In an unprecedented letter of condemnation, the head of the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR), Ed Humpherson, criticised the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) for providing statements “Unsupported by the data” and demanded much greater transparency on health data.
So Professor Fentons problems with the Office for National Statistics (ONS) data originate from the UKHSA. In fact the Covid rules imposed by the UKHSA are identical to those imposed by the US Centers for Disease Control. This links the British rules with Dr Fauci. Both the USA rules and the UK rules classify people as unvaccinated up to 16 days after they have been vaccinated. Fenton has also said that there is no evidence that vaccinated people are less likely to get infected by Covid as the unvaccinated. He also points out that nations with the highest vaccine uptakes like Gibraltar & Israel, have the highest infection rates. He has also found out that data manipulation has been used to fraudulently show that the vaccine lowers hospital admissions for the vaccinated. Professor Fenton also says that deaths and injuries from the Covid vaccine are the highest for any approved vaccine used in British history.
So Kennedy and Fenton already have an idea of what the UKHSA is hiding from the ONS & OSR.
On page 16 of Tuesdays Daily Mail, Professor of Vaccinology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Brendan Wren, wrote an article entitled “When this pandemic ends, the dodgy data and flawed forecasts of the doom-mongers may emerge as the greatest scandal of all”
Need to ammend your statement -” never mind the vaccinated can catch and transmit the virus just as readily as the unvaccinated” Even if this is true, it is not relevant as they are passing on a mild virus to those who have been vaccinated. It is the unvaccinated that are filling the hospitals wards with seriously ill and dying people.
Many years ago some hospitals would take young people who smoked to actually see people dying of lung cancer in hospital to show them what smoking does to people. It would be good if this could be repeated for people who need to see the proof themselves of the chances you take if you don’t vaccinate.
That’s just not true, you’ve fallen for Bo-Jo’s BS I’m afraid.
He got caught out the other day claiming that 90% in intensive care were unvaccinated. When this was looked at by the excellent podcast Politico it was revealed that the 90″ actually referred to those that haven’t been “boostered”. That’s still the majority of the population. That might even include you…
As a rule of thumb I always take a second, third and then a fourth look at any remark this lying two faced idiot makes.
Even if this is true, it is not relevant as they are passing on a mild virus to those who have been vaccinated.
Its one type of virus. One does not have the delta strain, and a mild delta strain.
What is true is the delta strain can give rise to mild symptoms in the vaccinated but serious symptoms in the unvaccinated.
From which follows that the unvaccinated will stay at home, and when serious go to hospital. But the unvaccinated with mild symptoms, are the ones that go about and spread the virus. The same virus, not a milder delta strain.
So yes, the unvaccinated do end up with serious symptoms and might have to go to hospital. But its the vaccinated that do most of the spreading.
Either the Government knows something we don’t regarding Partygate or they are delusional…if everything I’m reading is true then there is no way back for Boris and the BBC and left get there wish.
Watching the news on BBC last night and this morning the presenters and correspondents have a gleeful and smug look on there face when talking about and presenting the Partygate story..
Maybe it’s the circle of friends I mix in but not one gives a rat’s arse about drinks that happened nearly two years ago, including my leftie brother, most are solely concerned about getting through the Pandemic and making ends meet..
Is it not sad that the opposition, the BBC and left can can only make political gains and capitol on sleaze alone..
Let’s hope for this countries sake that Mr & Mrs Joe Public can see through all the bullsh-it the BBC and left are serving up
I agree with you that it’s part of a long-running scheme to oust Boris, like him or not.
He shouldn’t have had a ‘party’ at that time, if that’s what it was. Very insensitive to those making real sacrifices. But something about the bbc’s constant pushing on this and other things just turns me off.
I suspect its about Brexit. But whether it is or isn’t the bbc are not just straightforwardly presenting facts; there is propaganda and emotional manipulation on their news webpage, and they seem to have already determined the outcome of any inquiry. Not the state broadcaster I want as I find them scary.
As far as Boris’s misdemeanours- let the inquiry etc take its course.
Here’s Wes, who the BBC see as the great white hope once Jez and his new party deal with the nutter end and Slick.
While Downing Street nursed their hangovers, on 21st May I went into hospital alone for major surgery to remove my kidney cancer. It was the loneliest I have ever felt in my life and worse for my family.
Name of donor: Great Britain-China Centre (GBCC)
Address of donor: 15 Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8PS
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Residential programme at the University of Oxford China Centre, including accommodation and food, total value £3,735.63. GBBC is an executive non-departmental body of the FCDO, but this programme was also sponsored by HSBC, Prudential, abrdn and Arup.
In a segment about vaccine approval for 12 to 15 year olds, a contributor claimed that the Pfizer vaccine is “100% safe”. This has been removed from the online article and video: https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/57435861
For those asking… we did ask for a government minster to speak to us on #BBCBreakfast this morning but no-one was available. The offer remains. We are on until 915.
Springster keeping the other irrelevant book end alive.
I spoke to @MishalHusain on @BBCr4today about Djokovic becoming a poster boy for the antivax movement online.
Activists exploit situations like this to promote harmful conspiracies. And those who oppose mandatory vaccines – but don’t distance from conspiracies – fan the flames. pic.twitter.com/I0DCydsI9O
If not, why not? The BBC are anxious not to tell me that important news. It was not the Prime Minister who sent the e-mail inviting 100 people to a receptionpartygathering in 10 Downing Street. The BBC seem equally anxious to not ask whether Martin Reynolds has links to the Labour Party. He is probably a member of the CSA (Civil Service ‘trade union’) but that is fairly a benign organisation compared to the backers of Ange.
Something about all of this smells.
If I was the PM, I would have already got MI5’s best sleuths investigating links between various media operations, some journalists and others ready for a big public reveal.
Guest, am not sure that my brain can decode all your nicknames. However in my feeble state it doesn’t take too many braincells to work out a fairly straight or even a wiggly line between the EU Referendum, Boris Johnson’s part in it, the MSM, the BBC, Whitehall, the other place in Westminster, some of the Commoners, the rest of the ‘establishment’ and various sundries such as Gina Miller.
Boris Johnson ought to be able, even in his Dilyn, Wilf, newborn and Carrie Anoinette-addled state to work that out. If not Steve Baker should whisper in his ear: “Someone is trying to set you up.”
Boris is poor leadership material as he has walked into too many of these and allowed too many bad hires. My career in management ceased when I had a family. I made a choice. Cakes, and eat it, however illogical that is, spring to mind.
An email without a date or a name. A party without photographs.
Funny how the media are interviewing all the remainer MPs they can find.
Almost like it's a Brexit thing yet again.
— Shrodingers Borderline Semi Normal (@JeremyCordite) January 12, 2022
100% a Brexit revenge thing again, just the latest skirmish!
The BBC really don’t believe that the public deserve a vote and should follow their guidance like sheep.
They also know that this Country is populated by lots of people who don’t think any deeper than their headlines. I am already seeing this with various acquaintances parroting the tear-jerker stories the BBC are spewing out relentlessly.
The Uk is gradually sliding into the same swamp as the US where the narrative is created and sustained by a combination of the media and political spin-doctors and their legal aides rather than by the truth.
Yes, very insensitive and stupid though a gathering was at that time, it still all feels like part of the ongoing campaign to oust Boris. Probably because of Brexit. Maybe in future I’ll laugh at myself for thinking this, as I now cringe at my former support for Blair. But they seem to have found him guilty before the police or anyone else has decided. And it’s been relentless.
‘They broke the rules to have wine’. Bbc news website top and front.
Dafydd, I agree. Depends a lot on who Sue Gray is loyal to: her own independence & integrity or Whitehall or ‘the establishment’ or some other. Thing I find strange is Laura Kuenssberg’s sudden disappearance ‘from the scene of the crime’ after she was inadvertently ‘outed’ by Sarah Montague on TWatO last year. Then Laura expects a seat on TOADY to open up for her. Strange that.
There’s no doubt that Bojo is distracted at present, he must be. Newborn wailing in the night, ‘er indoors/SWMBO and Wilf wanting to play with Daddy not to mention Dilyn demanding ‘walkies’ and poop-scooping.
Agreed : it absolutely stinks to high heaven of the MSM colluding to remove a Prime Minister who they still hate because of Brexit.
Whatever happened, it’s not something which a PM should be forced to resign over. Compared to things like the absolute farce of the migrant crisis and the massive economic damage of COVID it is absolutely and completely insignificant.
They are like a pack of hyenas ripping a rabbit to pieces. It’s not pretty at all.
Three cheers for Toady!
Well, I didn’t expect to write that this morning.
And I dare say readers didn’t expect to read it.
The topic was so-called SMART motorways and they interviewed a lady whose relative was killed on one. It’s not really clear what the editorial was on this beyond the usual sentimental tugging-at-the-heartstrings guff. But the government have caved in to this and are pausing the SMART motorway rollout. However the lady then revealed a little more of herself by going off on one about climate change, global warming, and pollution, and how we should all only use three lanes.
But here’s the amazing thing. In a rare moment of insight, Toady then interviewed John Spellar, a Labour MP who was a minister when the first smart motorway was released as a trial, on the M42 East of Birmingham.
And what a revelation he was. He gave one of the most erudite, straightforward defences of motorways and road transport in general that I have heard on the radio, and anywhere else, in years. The smart motorways were for peak hour traffic and at controlled speeds to keep the traffic flowing. All lane running was a Highways Agency construct. And we know how marvellous civil service quangos are. He said little or nothing about environmental guff. He supported road transport. He supported lorries. And cars. He pointed out the glaringly obvious, that motorways are by far the safest roads. And thus he disagreed with the lady even though she had been brought on as a victim. Fantastic.
I have not heard that level of unapologetic support for roads from anyone in any Tory government in the last 10 years. They have all folllowed the Nut Nuts green public transport rubbish and forgotten about the 30 million car owners who vote.
Anecdotal cases make for bad law
but so often the media people start with a narrative and then bring on selected victims to back it.
Partygate2 is an example
They wheeled on families of victims who had died before the party.
Well the party played no part in those deaths
Party or no party they died anyway.
I’m no supporter of Boris. He’s inept on many levels. He’s weak managerialy.
But I can’t help but. On luxe the Remoaner Civil Service have seen this and so been out to get him all along and to do what the voters didn’t.
Civil Servants very rarely resign, get the sack, or get made redundant. And if they do, the packages are enormous. So setting up Boris for a big fall was never more than a low risk strategy for them. And it looks like it might be working.
Sluff, probably the dreaded ‘predictive text’ or ‘auto correct’. Aarggghhh! If I want typos, I am perfectly capable of coming up with my won. See! Just done it. 🙂
Meanwhile as Clone Blonde #2 in Washington gets her hair redone and Jon finds another cricket match, this seems pertinent given a media estate driven via the Internet and social media propaganda backed by censorship.
“This new reality makes the Biden administration’s nomination of Gigi Sohn to the FCC all the more troubling given her track record of disregard for our sensitive secrets and outright hostility to intellectual property, which could dangerously empower America’s enemies namely Russia and China, if she is confirmed. She is an utterly inappropriate choice, and the administration should withdraw her nomination straight away.”
Weird that the BBC, with all the money, and all those specialist staff, missed this…
The reason given by these scientists for suppressing a hypothesis they privately thought plausible was political not scientific. https://t.co/8jylm3swMC
After the initial panic stations of spring 2020, many of us must have sensed that Boris’s uncharacteristic limp, senseless, economy destroying and morale sapping continual repeat renewals of lockdown rules would somehow eventually be his downfall.
The press this morning assure us that the Great British Public [all caps], including crucially conservatives [cap not applicable I’m not really talking about careerist drone unpricipled Tories], are jolly well insensed at his own rule-flouting behaviour:
‘Britain is fizzing with anger‘ (Daily Mail)
‘Fury as BoJo dodges questions over bash‘ (The Sun)
‘Say sorry or doom us all, ministers tell Johnson‘ (Telegraph)
Meanwhile, in the more left-leaning organs we sense subeditors have some difficulty controlling their hysteria:
‘Johnson faces “potentially terminal” showdown over Downing St parties‘ (FT) – is the PM really about to be terminated? “Hasta la vista, Boris”
And yes, theunpricipaled FT is culturally left-leaning – this morning for instance we sense a note of regret in their feature: ‘Revolution cancelled. The left has failed to seize the moment again‘ Do they really still need to even talk about Marxism as a thing in the 2020s in a supposedly capitalist, market orientated newspaper?
‘The party’s over, Boris‘ (Daily Mirror)
Drama queens at the BBC look forward to PMQs. We note it is not Sir Keir but in his stead on maneuvers: ‘Labour’s deputy leader Angela Rayner [who] told BBC Breakfast…‘ – is he self-isolating for abot the thirty-seventh time in a row? Or is he keeping himself on the bench – so to speak – in case he fluffs PMQs to general leftist dismay – like a typical BAME England football penalty-taker?
‘“Contempt for the victims”‘ – screams the giveaway Metro. Shrieking as we imagine it might do if the title had just lost not only its NHS advertising contract also but Deliveroo, O2 and McDonalds all on the same day.
“Metro’s urbanite audience is defined as ABC1 adults aged 15 – 44 year old, who live in metropolitan areas. They’re tech-savvy early adopters who use the world of online to fuel their busy offline lives.“- or so they tell their advertisers.
We can’t help but note some of the Metro’s own wistful boastful depictions of their readership aimed at potential advertisers:
‘Our Urbanite Audience‘
‘Typical characteristics of Metro urbanites‘
‘Image conscious – “A designer label improves a person’s image”‘
‘Influenced by advertising – ‘Advertising helps me choose what I buy’
‘Technology savvy – “It’s important that my household is equipped with the latest technology”‘
But what’s this… do we sniff a faint but emerging odor of hypocrisy:
‘Highly social – “I like to go to trendy places to eat and drink”‘
I’ll bet they do… One suspects Britain feels somewhat “had” by social gathering style-crimping lockdowns.
We’ve finally realised we over-reacted to the so-called pandemic.
It would be too embarrassing to have to admit we made our arms into pin cushions, trashed the economy, excused – indeed celebrated – the glaring deficiencies of what was left of our already substandard nationalised Health Service and squandered the liberating potential of Brexit.
Far better and more comforting to project our own shame onto the buffoonish BoJo.
Ah yes, I note pictured on the frontpage of the FT what one might describe, in borrowed mock heraldic terms, as a full achievement of arms – or FT aims perhaps:
On a background celestial bleu, la tour d’eiffel, charged with the stars EU d’or, overall a well-groomed young Parisian (migrant?), masked, not helmeted, proper.
It serves as the FT equivalent of the old Daily Express masthead English knight with a shield.
What are nudges?
Nudges mean thinking harder about the way people approach decisions and using those insights to design policy. In 2010, the Institute for Government set out some of those approaches in its MINDSPACE report, which suggests that both the messenger and the message were important and that defaults mattered. It remains the Institute’s most downloaded report.
The approach depends a lot on experimentation, and the Nudge Unit has championed wider use of experiments in governmen
In Egypt, a viral video of a teacher belly-dancing has sparked a national debate about women’s rights and the country’s socially conservative values.
Aya Yousef was sacked, and divorced by her husband, after she was filmed by a colleague at a work social event on a Nile boat without her permission.
The video of Ms Yousef, who is wearing the Islamic headscarf and a long-sleeved dress for the daytime river trip, looks very tame by Western standards.
I have the impression the BBC employ many, many low-grade reporters around the world – all interviewed and approved to spread the far-left agenda to the four corners. And all paid for by the British public.
In order to be inclusive of these people in the name of diversity, the BBC routinely publish the best of what they come up with. Completely uninteresting, irrelevant dross like that is it.
Context matters.
The way BBC groupthink work often seems so similar to the way they say QAnon people’s thinking works
ie with with rhetoric and extreme storytelling.
9:25am On R4 More or Less, the BBC were doing this thing where they invite another beeboid onto the show, and thus plug that show.
Here Gabriel Gatehouse came on to initially talk about QAnon saying 300,000 American kids go missing every year. That’s rhetoric cos the number who are not quickly found is a tiny portion of that; mostly they are just with the estranged parent etc
Then they played a clip of the same US politician
“We need to know how many puppies were eaten alive under Dr Faucis administration”
Gatehouse says something
Then Hartford comes in “eaten alive by sandflies”
Then Gatehouse ..”you see this is a dog whistle to say the Deepstate is” doing lots of evil things.
“eaten alive” is a figure of speech
Yes the politician was trying to insinuate that Fauci and the establishment are evil, but It is not clear that the politician was trying to say that thousands of puppies were needlessly killed.
Stew, I grimly stayed on to listen to the ironically titled ‘The Death of Nuance’.
Drip, drip, drip; surprise, surprise, ‘climate change’ was ‘dog whistled’ into the programme at 9m:17s
Words like ‘monumental’ changes, ‘dramatic shifts’.. get bandied about by non – scientific bods (who, of course, we can now all trust) with a magisterial air of settled science, proclaimed to the nation on Radio bore.
There appears to be no reasoned debate about anything at the moment, in my opinion, especially on ‘our’ BBC.
Wednesday morning . The Labour front bench /BBC try to game play a response to the coming nut nut apology – and calls to resign …
Key question – can he survive ? Will the red Tories turn up at PMQs ? Who will be the top ‘loyalist ‘? Election ? Helicopter following car from number 10 to buck house ? Will I run out of popcorn … meanwhile the dinghies keep turning up …
The school bully mob move on from victim to victim
Last playtime it was a Serbian tennis player, now they’ve moved onto Boris, they’ll be piling onto someone else next week.
Stew, that’s right. The public ‘news consumers’ have a boredom threshhold. In addition, Conservative MPs or at least their Whips will have worked out that there is something going on and it is a personal attack on the PM, probably over Brexit. They will, after a period of panic, start to rally the troops.
The best chance of a Conservative win at the next GE (campaigning to start middle/end of next year if – as rumoured – in mid-2024) might be to rally round behind the PM and become united all of a sudden.
Spiegelhalter was also on More or Less talking a lot of sense.
But he did say one thing that we can be sure the Boris’s booster acceleration programme is reducing severe hospitalisations and deaths.
I think that could be the fallacy of all other things being equal.
If you have a completely new disease then having a vaccination will greatly reduce death overall, but we are not starting from there, so things are not equal..
Firstly it’s easy to think that Spiegelhalter is saying that if you as an individual get boosted you stand a much lower chance of being hospitalised/dying
Most young people were never going to get hospitalised or die ..so giving them a booster doesn’t stop most being hospitalised/dying. It may leave them with a lower immune status than if they had actually caught the virus.
That also plays out through the strongest of adults.
Whereas the weakest of adults will already be boostered.
It is entirely likely that when you booster young people. they get weaker cases and that slows the spread
but in the scenario where are not boostered then they’ll be more firm dead ends whereby they’ve had proper Covid got natural immunity and therefore when they bump into Covid again, they don’t pick it up and spread it.
Stew, the current thinking appears to be that Covid-19 is far from new. There are some, especially a notable article author on the TCW Defending Freedom web-site who reckons it is Bird Influenza, itself a subset of Chicken Influenza. I think that that hypothesis, possibly, is correct. In other words Covid is nothing more than a mutation of a 20 year old virus. There is a claim that Dr Fauci diverted Federal Funds to China to research offshore what was forbidden by law on USA territory, to research gain of function of a virus.
Well it’s said that if you pay peanuts you get monkeys, and that appears what the low pay for politicians has attracted to the HoC.
It’s difficult to believe the stupidity of some of the MPs. I think we all know Angela Rayner is perhaps not the sharpest tool in the box, but you would think that instead of Red Labour trying to get rid of Boris they would want him there as long as possible with his train wreck of a life causing scandal after scandal and making a Red Labour win an inevitability. Just like what happened with that other train wreck Jeremy Corbyn.
On the other side of the house Blue Labour are so thick and cowardly that they appear to believe that if Boris simply apologises all their problems will simply evaporate like the morning mist! This is a cowards solution. If he’s done it he would be far better to just admit it and state why he did it. These were people all working together having a few drinks in the office garden after work would hardly cause a greater risk of infection.
But Blue Labour true to their values of cowardice uselessness and incompetence are incapable it seems of removing their failing leader by means of a leadership challenge, but then given the pittance on offer who would want to replace him save another liberal Marxist useless incompetent ?
The old Scunthorpe Labour MP was quite rightly kicked out for a Tory
For one thing the Labour guy was a Remainer.
Yet I see he is now a “Sir”
Why the heck is that ?
I would have thought that it is in the public interest that there is a sufficiently large group, willing to voluntarily put itself at risk, and serve as a control group. They should be lauded for that , quite apart that they are standing for the principle of freedom from forced medication.
The question is, why is the government hell bent on vaccinating everybody. What if the so-called experts and the vaccine producers wrong. It would’nt be the first time.
What is the nature of the untested so-called vaccine that forces government leaders virtually force everyone to get the jab, so no control group is available. Why the panic to remove the Control group at any cost, including violating Nuremberg principles.
Several surveys from the New Scientist magazine (23.10.2021) shows 65% of people who are fully vaccinated against Covid are far less likely to infect others but vaccine protection wanes over time. .
It’s very clear to me from the summary I produced that, in the UK, from Week 41 to Week 50, vaccinated death numbers are way larger than unvaccinated ones. In the Week 51 report, vaccinated deaths outnumbered unvaccinated by 72.85% vs 23.16%. In the Week 47 report, the relative values were 78.40% vs 18.28%. And in the Week 45 report, they were 79.42% vs 17.00%.
From the above analysis, its clear that the unvaccinated are clogging up the hospitals for a reason. The vaccinated, meanwhile are clogging up hospital corridors on the way out..
Firstly in his defence-Unless you are 100% sure that this vaccine is 100% safe for 100% of those who take it (you aren’t), you have NO moral right to force or coerce it on ANYONE. In fact, choosing to do so is an evil action.”
…You can strongly recommend it. You can explain why you think the benefits are worth the drawbacks and/or risks. What you can’t do – if you want to stay on the right side of morality, that is – is impose a negative consequence for making the ‘wrong’ choice. THAT is coercion.
And as for the PCR tests-As of January 1, 2022, the CDC (Centre for Disease Control) in a request to the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) withdraws its endorsement of the RT-PCR test.
The CDC acknowledges that the PCR test does not effectively differentiate between Covid-19 and Seasonal Influenza.
Amply documented and analyzed by numerous scientists, the RT-PCR test does not detect or identify SARS-CoV-2 and its variants. That documentation clearly states the uselessness of the PCR testing-therefore likely that most likely Novak’s PCR would be a False Positive. What is being is gained with this nonsence? Australia the great sportsing nation cowed by political duplicity.
This is the most racist government initiative I’ve ever seen.@MarkMcGowanMP had an indigenous elder translate his message from English to “Aboriginal-English.”
MM, and they hope to pick them off one at a time. Think digg is right in his post. The media and Whitehall hated Cummings (and Cain) most of all. They have their claws into Bojo via Carrie Antoinette so they used her to get rid or the organising duo. That would also ensure 1. chaos in the No10 operation, and, 2. the chance to slip in a mole – Allegra Stratton. The media hadn’t bargained for a hit back versus Carrie Antoinette from Cummings.
We had the interview.
Then we had the release of that video that showed Stratton larking about. That got rid of the mole. I wonder if Stratton got hold of that video of Hancock & mistress and fed it to the media? I wouldn’t be at all surprised. No10 is a leaky old ship at present. Someone in Whitehall leaked that Martin Reynolds e-mail to ITV.
Cummings and Cain gone, Hancock gone, the media have tried to get rid of Rishi Sunak and failed. Where is the next weak one in Cabinet? The PM. Either Wallpaper or Parties take your pick.
Make no mistake, the MSM are in lock step to get Boris out.
He has disappointed me too often for me to care about him personally, especially with that wife, but I think there is no doubt the MSM/Establishment want him out and install someone with a more Sturgeon/Drakeford approach to C19.
It also would be a bonus to get someone in with an eye to rejoining the EU, piece by piece.
In my opinion it’s all about Brexit. They have been trying to oust him from the start.
They used Cummings to start with. Now they have Cummings on side.
There was a bunch of questions around if Google was biasing its search results mainly in favour of politically left-leaning websites, with a few questioning whether on the contrary it biased right-leaning websites. There was also a bunch of consumers asking why certain left-wing or right-wing websites were effectively being censored from their search results. The last set of questions, were less about bias and more about why Google search wasn’t as good as it was in recent years.
In this post, I’ve looked for evidence of bias for and against both sides and have published what I have found.
The recent litigated challenge to “Facebook fact-checkers” has several interviews where weaseling activists that took Zuckerberg’s money simply invented opinionated BS and had the utter neck to field the “noble cause” excuse when challenged …
Most of the fact check outfits that I’ve looked at (3 in detail) are little more than completely partisan “rapid rebuttal” units that lack the essential honestly of wearing the promotional baseball hats and T-shirt of their sponsors.
Just fast forwarded through most of Mike Graham’s TalkRadio Show ..he’s got an unlimited amount of callers that will say Boris attending a party is the worst thing ever ..or that smart motorways are evil.
.. so he’s going with that
Fully expecting Ms Rayner to lead the attack today on PMQ,s.
Watch for her being feted like Krankie .
bBC SCotland(£32 million white elephant) has worked tirelessly to promote Krankie to the extent that any non SINN Fein /SNP I know are stretching for the sick bucket.
PS Boris needs to hold the line here…he is under siege ….make sure you list the prominent names in the plot…and let them know WE KNOW.
Why was this information kept locked up until now?
If it had been released earlier then people could decide if they wanted to see their dying parents/children with this information…. why now and who was sitting on it? BBC? Sky? 650 MPS?
The Anti-Brexit BBC love the Anti-Brexit Lady Hale
so put her on Great Lives yesterday where she chose 1920’s businesswoman Lady Rhondda
“she was the first female president of the Institute of directors & was also the only female president of the IoD.”
The IoD reply today that the of course that’s true since years ago the position of IoD President was abolished
Instead they have a Chair and in fact the last two Chairs were women.
“The Government’s use of a so-called VIP lane to award contracts for the supply of personal protective equipment to two companies during the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic was unlawful, the High Court has ruled”. Not the news the government needed just before the PM’s most dangerous PMQs so far… More importantly, if the government broke the law, is anyone going to jail?
Boris to announce a new Peppa Pig theme park memorial to all those pigs that died due to Covid in PMQs – and to say TOny Blair should get a knighthood and that the wind will blow twice as strong tomorrow to end the energy crisis.
It’s a pittance! the lowest pay for politicians in the whole of Western Europe!
Yet while stupid people say they shouldn’t be paid anything, or let Saudi or Russia pay them, then moan that the BBC is full of bias and there’s a Mosque on every street corner.
I’ve raised this several times here and the consensus is “If I can save a ha’penny every century then let other countries pay the politicians and stuff the consequences”
Remember you get what you pay for, and if you aren’t happy with the quality of the shower then change your mind!
Thoughtful, all you say is true but will paying – say, £120,000 – guarantee we get a better class of MP? Just to remind you, most of them have second and maybe third jobs. Then there seems to be no shortage of gullible publishers willing to pay MPs & Cabinet Ministers to ‘write’ books, ghost-written or otherwise. Especially a ‘tell-all’ memoir after leaving the Commons or the other place.
Paying more would come with provision to end all other sources of incomes, so no more Saudi bribe money, that would have to extend to family and friends, but as in the USA a commons salary should be for life once two terms are served.
As well as the Big Brother cctv cameras, (who decided to release THAT footage of the drinks party at no.10 anyway ?) we are all victims of the camera phone wherever we are. A fight breaks out, a heated discussion, any police incident and what’s the first thing we see…… a sodding camera phone being held up.
Another lesson ‘has not been learned’ is the sending of possibly incriminating emails ! Clearly the plonker who sent the BYOB invite, failed to see the possible future repercussions this might have. Surely when working in a government environment the mantra has to be TRUST NO-ONE ! and delete all emails when read and noted, which particularly should have applied to those working with Dom Cummings. !!! or risk them being ‘leaked’ by some traitorous employee with a grudge.
Brissles, that plonker was a Senior Civil Servant. Please have some more disrespect! Big question is: did the Civil Serpent do it off his own bat or on the instruction of a Minister and if the latter, who? Then, who leaked the e-mail to ITV? Back in the good old days, Plod or Five used to be called in to trace leakers and some have been prosecuted and even jailed for leaks.
Aside from the Beeb’s blatant campaign to add the blonde scalp of BoJo to its growing collection of PC trophies, we also have clear evidence of its attempt to reserve roles in the theatre and cinema for its ‘preferred’ categories of players (BAME), by invoking the proviso of ‘lived experience’, often touted by the Beeb’s go-to gay writer/director, Russell T.Davies.
Key questions are never asked, nor answered in the MSM it appears. For example, if only blacks and gays can play blacks and gays, because they have the requisite ‘lived experience’- how then do we cast: Judges, the Police, Soldiers, Serial Killers, Toilet attendants (can’t think of the modern euphemism)
Farmers; the Comatose (inc Joe Biden); or Hamlet’s Father’s Ghost? Extrapolating from the ‘lived experience’, how did a woman of African appearance and origins get to play the 16th Century white queen, Ann Boleyn? Does this also mean that movie ‘dead’ must consist of actual ex-people, on loan from the local mortuary, or, can anyone play dead? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-59941574
Minute 33 Peter Bone “This Friday my bill BBC Licence Abolition has its second reading
It would abolish the BBC Licence Fee .. require subscription
..It is ridiculous to have a State broadcaster
..It is ridiculous to have people pay a fee just cos they have a TV
And what is totally wrong is for people who believe the BBC to be institutionally biased to have to SUBSIDISE them
Will the PM come along and support the bill ???”
Boris “I have high respect the media judgement of my HF
though I understand some of his strictures about the BBC , Mr S . I would also say that the BBC is a great national institution
I will study what he has to say, I will invest (?).
BBC faces ‘interesting paradox’ as Boris Johnson told he can abolish broadcaster
BORIS JOHNSON’s Government could “abolish the BBC at any time,” an expert has claimed after revealing former Downing Street residents raised concerns over their interests being “poorly served”.
06:46, Wed, Mar 24, 2021
Johnson is a Marxist, he also a rank coward from the rotten school at Windsor. The chances of him ever making a decision to alter the ‘unique’ funding model of the BBC is absolutely nil.
Hopefully Dominic Cummings has a deal more damning info in that box of his to push the cowardly useless incompetent Tories into getting rid of him, or in getting rid of him via a Red Labour government which might take longer but will be pretty much the same as this shower.
In alarmism land top Independent-SAGE experts get carried away and don’t remember that the daily stats are not the stats you should look at,
because of the weekend effect that make Tuesdays’ tallies always have lots of catchup deaths from the weekend.
Covid is NOT “causing 379 deaths in a single day ”
… Actual deaths these days are about 200/day
sorry, this is not true. These are ‘reported’ deaths, always high on Tuesdays, it was 77 the day before. True count of deaths caused will be less than half 379 (still high, of course). Politely suggest deleting tweet to slow spread of misinformation
The daily covid data differentiates between ‘date of death’ and ‘date reported’. The latter is more immediate and always shows the ‘weekend effect’. The former is more accurate day to day but there is a time delay as the numbers quoted for the most recent days are incomplete so subsequently uprated. Therefore the ‘date reported’ 7 day average is the fastest/ best overall indicator.
So if thickos like me can work that out then how come Prof. Greenhalgh cannot? Or could it possibly be that she has an agenda?
@Sluff, more or less agree with you
But there is no time delay ..it’s from the same data release
It’s just the same data re-arranged.
With the daily stat layout you can spot trends say compared to the previous 7 days
but if you try to spot one day trends .. you come up against Sunday and holiday effects.
Boris can retire and will be ok – how he laughed ….
Employment and earnings
Payments from Hodder and Stoughton UK, Carmelite House, 50 Victoria Embankment, London EC4Y 0DZ, via United Agents, 12-26 Lexington St, London W1F 0LE:
20 January 2021, received £1,471.64 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 05 February 2021)
10 March 2021, received £742.60 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 25 March 2021)
31 March 2021, received £2,397.09 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 16 April 2021)
21 April 2021, received £1,468.23 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 11 May 2021)
1 October 2021, received £1,396.93 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 21 October 2021)
Payments from HarperCollins UK, 1 London Bridge St, London SE1 9GF, via Rogers, Coleridge and White Ltd, 20 Powis Mews, London W11 1JN:
23 April 2021, received £482.66 for royalties on books already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 11 May 2021)
10 November 2021, received £277.81 for royalties on books already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 06 December 2021)
In PMQs a Tory stood up to make his pre-booked question about washing machine
..the mob in Parliament jeered him
.. I guess cos they think only Boris bashing qns are allowed,
An Indian Labour MP stands up to ask a question about Pen Farthing & Afghanistan refugees
.. he has a very strong Indian/Pak accent
Afghanistan – UK is wrong to invade, wrong to leave, wrong to tell them what to do, yet right to suck out all their talented people and give them free money.
Seems like we all have to wait until someone appointed by nut nut tells nut nut whether he went to a party or not ….
…will nut nut make it to the end of the week ?
– more seriously Peter Bone is to try to introduce his Bill to end the BBC licence on this FRIDAY .
I will try to watch it but if there is anyone who can monitor or copy the Hansard that would be useful to our primary aim
The wasnt much noise when Mr Bone raised thr issue at PMQs – i guess too many MPs are intimidated by upsetting the BBC
After PMQs, the BBC are going all out to get Boris.
Laura Kuntsberg is as sour faced as ever and the patsy junior Tory minister is getting both barrels.
The Labour contributor has so far sitted there and said nothing as the BBC are doing the job on their behalf.
They have been doing this for ages. Think back to ‘language-gate’ when the word humbug meant he should resign and people were interviewed crying in the lobby (until someone reminded them of bollix to brexit and they all went quiet).
It’s about Brexit.
Welcome to multicultural PMQs.
Two Labour MPs with ‘darker skin tones’ ask questions.
Both have to read word for word from A4 sheets.
Neither speak good English so read a word at a time, and in one case was so barely intelligible I could not actually understand the question. These people are in our legislature.
What fun we would have had if Boris had asked him to repeat it.
But then again, maybe we should go all the way and do PMQs in Urdu and Punjabi.
BBC local news opened not by playing a clip showing that Boris had started with his apology
but rather opened by playing Starmer’s bit
Newsreader “Boris J has confirmed that HE DID (yes huge emphasis) attend a bring your own Booze party in the garden during the first lock down .. of May 2020
…. he has apologised, saying he believed that it was a work event, but in hindsight he should have sent the 30 or so people in attendance back to their desks.
The rules at the time permitted us to meet only one person …. (lists lots of rules)
He faced numerous calls to stand down from his job at PMQ’s including from our beloved leader Sir Keir Starmer”
… Starmer clip
Then ..”Here’s update ..there’s been a tweet from Labour’s Diana Johnson”
Newsreader “The rules at the time permitted *us* to meet only one person from out household AND we had to be socially distanced”
..so what???
It wasn’t *us*This was a workplace so those rules didn’t apply
The newsreader is building a false narrative.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
“Sort it out or step aside, Tory donor tells Boris Johnson”
The Consocialists are still London Centric.
They have forgotten about their promises to ‘The Red Wall’……….
To stop mass immigration, to get us out of the EU and to ‘end the tax that robs from the poor to give to the rich’ .
We did not vote for a Green Party energy tax , high inflation and an invasion from the third world .
What to make of this ?
Sister in law took a PCR test in hospital at the weekend – in preparation for a minor procedure on Thursday. Result received today was positive, so procedure cancelled. S-in-L has felt fine all along, so after receiving the results did a double check with a home lateral flow test – this was negative.
How can we rely on any test if results are unreliable ?
I have a similar story to that.
Have we all been conned ?
“How can we rely on any test if results are unreliable ?”
they are not and we cant
the PCR has been flawed since the beginning , even the CDC has now admitted this
Not pleased to see that the box of LFTs in front of me was made in China…
Wonder when they started making those then?
Which is why I suggested an independent and deep seeking inquiry into the whole pile of *****. Yes we have been and still are being conned for political ends. We are being treated like lab rats!
Same can be said for the vaccine. The panicked rush to remove the Control group by force if necessary, tells me that governments are prepared to do anything to remove the Control group.
Something stinks.
“UK delays more all-lane smart motorways for five years”
About time .
UK Gov renames “Smart Lines” to “Death Lanes” and opens them up again.
Smart motorways ae yet another ruse to fleece the motorist for roads that have been built by motorist’s money, as well as maintained.
I wish the RAC and AA formed a political party. They could easily get 100 seats, and thus always be the party with the most influence.
Not the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), but from the Mensa Debating Forum (MDF)
In an unprecedented letter of condemnation, the head of the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR), Ed Humpherson, criticised the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) for providing statements “Unsupported by the data” and demanded much greater transparency on health data.
So Professor Fentons problems with the Office for National Statistics (ONS) data originate from the UKHSA. In fact the Covid rules imposed by the UKHSA are identical to those imposed by the US Centers for Disease Control. This links the British rules with Dr Fauci. Both the USA rules and the UK rules classify people as unvaccinated up to 16 days after they have been vaccinated. Fenton has also said that there is no evidence that vaccinated people are less likely to get infected by Covid as the unvaccinated. He also points out that nations with the highest vaccine uptakes like Gibraltar & Israel, have the highest infection rates. He has also found out that data manipulation has been used to fraudulently show that the vaccine lowers hospital admissions for the vaccinated. Professor Fenton also says that deaths and injuries from the Covid vaccine are the highest for any approved vaccine used in British history.
So Kennedy and Fenton already have an idea of what the UKHSA is hiding from the ONS & OSR.
On page 16 of Tuesdays Daily Mail, Professor of Vaccinology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Brendan Wren, wrote an article entitled “When this pandemic ends, the dodgy data and flawed forecasts of the doom-mongers may emerge as the greatest scandal of all”
Amazing that we have come to this. Australia is the worst.
Need to ammend your statement -” never mind the vaccinated can catch and transmit the virus just as readily as the unvaccinated” Even if this is true, it is not relevant as they are passing on a mild virus to those who have been vaccinated. It is the unvaccinated that are filling the hospitals wards with seriously ill and dying people.
Many years ago some hospitals would take young people who smoked to actually see people dying of lung cancer in hospital to show them what smoking does to people. It would be good if this could be repeated for people who need to see the proof themselves of the chances you take if you don’t vaccinate.
That’s just not true, you’ve fallen for Bo-Jo’s BS I’m afraid.
He got caught out the other day claiming that 90% in intensive care were unvaccinated. When this was looked at by the excellent podcast Politico it was revealed that the 90″ actually referred to those that haven’t been “boostered”. That’s still the majority of the population. That might even include you…
As a rule of thumb I always take a second, third and then a fourth look at any remark this lying two faced idiot makes.
Sorry Lynette, you’ve been Borised…
Boris Johnson never tells the truth when a lie will do.
It is the unvaccinated that are filling the hospitals wards with seriously ill and dying people.
Perhaps the vaccinated have passed on because of the vaccine.
Even if this is true, it is not relevant as they are passing on a mild virus to those who have been vaccinated.
Its one type of virus. One does not have the delta strain, and a mild delta strain.
What is true is the delta strain can give rise to mild symptoms in the vaccinated but serious symptoms in the unvaccinated.
From which follows that the unvaccinated will stay at home, and when serious go to hospital. But the unvaccinated with mild symptoms, are the ones that go about and spread the virus. The same virus, not a milder delta strain.
So yes, the unvaccinated do end up with serious symptoms and might have to go to hospital. But its the vaccinated that do most of the spreading.
So yes, the unvaccinated do end up with serious symptoms and might have to go to hospital. But its the vaccinated that do most of the spreading.
If the above argument is true, then it makes me uncomfortable to accept it.
Another day same old sh-t from the BBC…
Perhaps today is the day they get there scalp.
Why has Boris not resigned…???
Either the Government knows something we don’t regarding Partygate or they are delusional…if everything I’m reading is true then there is no way back for Boris and the BBC and left get there wish.
Watching the news on BBC last night and this morning the presenters and correspondents have a gleeful and smug look on there face when talking about and presenting the Partygate story..
Maybe it’s the circle of friends I mix in but not one gives a rat’s arse about drinks that happened nearly two years ago, including my leftie brother, most are solely concerned about getting through the Pandemic and making ends meet..
Is it not sad that the opposition, the BBC and left can can only make political gains and capitol on sleaze alone..
Let’s hope for this countries sake that Mr & Mrs Joe Public can see through all the bullsh-it the BBC and left are serving up
Truly pathetic
The expression, ‘Tallyho’ comes to mind.
I agree with you that it’s part of a long-running scheme to oust Boris, like him or not.
He shouldn’t have had a ‘party’ at that time, if that’s what it was. Very insensitive to those making real sacrifices. But something about the bbc’s constant pushing on this and other things just turns me off.
I suspect its about Brexit. But whether it is or isn’t the bbc are not just straightforwardly presenting facts; there is propaganda and emotional manipulation on their news webpage, and they seem to have already determined the outcome of any inquiry. Not the state broadcaster I want as I find them scary.
As far as Boris’s misdemeanours- let the inquiry etc take its course.
Kirsty strolling in sporting the Rosa Kleb look was a nice touch.
Which is why Ros Atkins is on 69/2022 of his tweets re-reviewing stuff that gets RTd by his colleagues and that bat from the Mirror…
Here’s Wes, who the BBC see as the great white hope once Jez and his new party deal with the nutter end and Slick.
Name of donor: Great Britain-China Centre (GBCC)
Address of donor: 15 Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8PS
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Residential programme at the University of Oxford China Centre, including accommodation and food, total value £3,735.63. GBBC is an executive non-departmental body of the FCDO, but this programme was also sponsored by HSBC, Prudential, abrdn and Arup.
Date received: 9 November 2021
Date accepted: 9 November 2021
Donor status: company, registration 01196043
(Registered 23 November 2021)
Here’s the Bbc back with the British NHS… nuffink to do wiv Drakeford…
Here is another ex Booboid finding his voice, like all the others, in a singular direction.
CBBC Channel, Tuesday 8 June 2021
In a segment about vaccine approval for 12 to 15 year olds, a contributor claimed that the Pfizer vaccine is “100% safe”. This has been removed from the online article and video: https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/57435861
Here’s brekky, channeling Ros.
Not Gav, who might seem a shot bolt.
what we know…. ha ha ha ha … “what we NEED TO TELL YOU “
Here’s sofa Dan…
Here’s another… in a personal capacity…
Springster keeping the other irrelevant book end alive.
She gets stupider day by day.
Save £159 by ignoring the BBC!
BBC Breakfast
BBC One, 1 October 2021
In an item about energy saving measures around the home we said ‘turning off the telly either at the button or at the wall could save you £35 a year’.
In fact the Energy Saving Trust says £35 is the average amount spent by UK households every year powering all appliances that are left on standby.
TOADY Watch#1 – has Martin Reynolds resigned?
If not, why not? The BBC are anxious not to tell me that important news. It was not the Prime Minister who sent the e-mail inviting 100 people to a
receptionpartygathering in 10 Downing Street. The BBC seem equally anxious to not ask whether Martin Reynolds has links to the Labour Party. He is probably a member of the CSA (Civil Service ‘trade union’) but that is fairly a benign organisation compared to the backers of Ange.Something about all of this smells.
If I was the PM, I would have already got MI5’s best sleuths investigating links between various media operations, some journalists and others ready for a big public reveal.
Smells? It reeks of collusion throughout the establishment.
Why just Boris? Slick is still embedded and until Corbyn gets rid of the Rayner/Lammy faction they are no alternative.
Even as a laughable coalition of the undead with Spudhead, BiMoron and Transatlantic Caroline.
It can’t just be they are so blinded still by Hatred for Brexit they reckon Cummings and Fox Slaughterer and Gina are they future?
Guess Who…
I agree something stinks about the whole sarga..
Perhaps the delay in Johnson appearing is because they are trying to get to the bottom of it all…or just wishful thinking on my part…
Either way, everything seems to be to coordinated for my liking…
Let’s hope Boris has something up his sleeve to fight back with..( doubt it)
Guest, am not sure that my brain can decode all your nicknames. However in my feeble state it doesn’t take too many braincells to work out a fairly straight or even a wiggly line between the EU Referendum, Boris Johnson’s part in it, the MSM, the BBC, Whitehall, the other place in Westminster, some of the Commoners, the rest of the ‘establishment’ and various sundries such as Gina Miller.
Boris Johnson ought to be able, even in his Dilyn, Wilf, newborn and Carrie Anoinette-addled state to work that out. If not Steve Baker should whisper in his ear: “Someone is trying to set you up.”
Churchill was right: “Politics is foul.”
Davey, Speccie, Green and….
Sorry. They deserve only teasing.
Boris is poor leadership material as he has walked into too many of these and allowed too many bad hires. My career in management ceased when I had a family. I made a choice. Cakes, and eat it, however illogical that is, spring to mind.
Next they will be saying all would have settled down with that nice Mr. Hitler if Neville has been allowed new puppy leave with Fang for 6 months.
Like Sleepy.
100% a Brexit revenge thing again, just the latest skirmish!
The BBC really don’t believe that the public deserve a vote and should follow their guidance like sheep.
They also know that this Country is populated by lots of people who don’t think any deeper than their headlines. I am already seeing this with various acquaintances parroting the tear-jerker stories the BBC are spewing out relentlessly.
The Uk is gradually sliding into the same swamp as the US where the narrative is created and sustained by a combination of the media and political spin-doctors and their legal aides rather than by the truth.
Yes, very insensitive and stupid though a gathering was at that time, it still all feels like part of the ongoing campaign to oust Boris. Probably because of Brexit. Maybe in future I’ll laugh at myself for thinking this, as I now cringe at my former support for Blair. But they seem to have found him guilty before the police or anyone else has decided. And it’s been relentless.
‘They broke the rules to have wine’. Bbc news website top and front.
Dafydd, I agree. Depends a lot on who Sue Gray is loyal to: her own independence & integrity or Whitehall or ‘the establishment’ or some other. Thing I find strange is Laura Kuenssberg’s sudden disappearance ‘from the scene of the crime’ after she was inadvertently ‘outed’ by Sarah Montague on TWatO last year. Then Laura expects a seat on TOADY to open up for her. Strange that.
There’s no doubt that Bojo is distracted at present, he must be. Newborn wailing in the night, ‘er indoors/SWMBO and Wilf wanting to play with Daddy not to mention Dilyn demanding ‘walkies’ and poop-scooping.
Agreed : it absolutely stinks to high heaven of the MSM colluding to remove a Prime Minister who they still hate because of Brexit.
Whatever happened, it’s not something which a PM should be forced to resign over. Compared to things like the absolute farce of the migrant crisis and the massive economic damage of COVID it is absolutely and completely insignificant.
They are like a pack of hyenas ripping a rabbit to pieces. It’s not pretty at all.
John C…
As I said in an earlier post I genuinely don t know anybody who believes Johnson should resign…( Unless things change he has no other choice)
My older brother who is border line Marxist thinks he should stay and for the reason you mention above…
I’ve never felt as angry as this before, it genuinely stinks
Yep, definite campaign ongoing for two years at least.
If this doesn’t begin the end of the BBC as a public funded organisation nothing will.
The PM needs some – very skilled, very good and thoroughly loyal to Her Majesty – investigators to be working on this for him.
I hope so. I don’t want to.pay for their campaigning.
Three cheers for Toady!
Well, I didn’t expect to write that this morning.
And I dare say readers didn’t expect to read it.
The topic was so-called SMART motorways and they interviewed a lady whose relative was killed on one. It’s not really clear what the editorial was on this beyond the usual sentimental tugging-at-the-heartstrings guff. But the government have caved in to this and are pausing the SMART motorway rollout. However the lady then revealed a little more of herself by going off on one about climate change, global warming, and pollution, and how we should all only use three lanes.
But here’s the amazing thing. In a rare moment of insight, Toady then interviewed John Spellar, a Labour MP who was a minister when the first smart motorway was released as a trial, on the M42 East of Birmingham.
And what a revelation he was. He gave one of the most erudite, straightforward defences of motorways and road transport in general that I have heard on the radio, and anywhere else, in years. The smart motorways were for peak hour traffic and at controlled speeds to keep the traffic flowing. All lane running was a Highways Agency construct. And we know how marvellous civil service quangos are. He said little or nothing about environmental guff. He supported road transport. He supported lorries. And cars. He pointed out the glaringly obvious, that motorways are by far the safest roads. And thus he disagreed with the lady even though she had been brought on as a victim. Fantastic.
I have not heard that level of unapologetic support for roads from anyone in any Tory government in the last 10 years. They have all folllowed the Nut Nuts green public transport rubbish and forgotten about the 30 million car owners who vote.
John Spellar, Labour. Thank you,sir.
Is it that there are no sensible Tory MPs or the bbc only invites the ‘sound’ ones or loons who can be ensured to car crash?
It seems the few times any pol actually sounds sensible on relevant topics beyond media gotcha obsessions they are Labour.
Interestingly Nick Ferrari liked his employer claiming he single handedly arranged all this.
Is this true?
Anecdotal cases make for bad law
but so often the media people start with a narrative and then bring on selected victims to back it.
Partygate2 is an example
They wheeled on families of victims who had died before the party.
Well the party played no part in those deaths
Party or no party they died anyway.
I’m no supporter of Boris. He’s inept on many levels. He’s weak managerialy.
But I can’t help but. On luxe the Remoaner Civil Service have seen this and so been out to get him all along and to do what the voters didn’t.
Civil Servants very rarely resign, get the sack, or get made redundant. And if they do, the packages are enormous. So setting up Boris for a big fall was never more than a low risk strategy for them. And it looks like it might be working.
Quite how ‘conclude’ became .On luxe. I have no idea.
Must be iPad finger problems. Apologies.
Sluff, probably the dreaded ‘predictive text’ or ‘auto correct’. Aarggghhh! If I want typos, I am perfectly capable of coming up with my won. See! Just done it. 🙂
The Babel Fish of the written war.
Meanwhile as Clone Blonde #2 in Washington gets her hair redone and Jon finds another cricket match, this seems pertinent given a media estate driven via the Internet and social media propaganda backed by censorship.
“This new reality makes the Biden administration’s nomination of Gigi Sohn to the FCC all the more troubling given her track record of disregard for our sensitive secrets and outright hostility to intellectual property, which could dangerously empower America’s enemies namely Russia and China, if she is confirmed. She is an utterly inappropriate choice, and the administration should withdraw her nomination straight away.”
BBC News on social media
A charity is warning parents to be alert to a common winter virus that can cause breathing problems in very young children.
Classic family group grinning ear to ear as they got their pic taken.
No idea what this ‘common winter virus’ is as there are likely now as many bbc ones as there are sexes.
But be alert… and say cheeeese.
Weird that the BBC, with all the money, and all those specialist staff, missed this…
Leading British and US scientists thought it was likely that Covid accidentally leaked from a laboratory but were concerned that further debate would harm science in China, emails show
* without evidence
Military Documents about Gain of Function contradict Fauci testimony under oath
BBC News adds another one
“Children can get Covid… they definitely can because I’ve had it. I don’t want anyone to get as ill as I was.”
Covid: ICU boy, 13, urges everyone to get tested for virus
Nice kid. Sad case. But atypical.
A 13-year-old boy who was fighting for his life in intensive care with Covid has issued a plea for everyone to get tested.
Seth, who is more vulnerable to the effects of the virus because he has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, has since made a miraculous recovery.
Vulnerable category person issues a plea for EVERYONE to get tested.
Surely it’s up to vulnerable category people to take extra special care
rather than EVERYONE else run around testing themselves.
The media campaign is obviously having some effect
After the initial panic stations of spring 2020, many of us must have sensed that Boris’s uncharacteristic limp, senseless, economy destroying and morale sapping continual repeat renewals of lockdown rules would somehow eventually be his downfall.
The press this morning assure us that the Great British Public [all caps], including crucially conservatives [cap not applicable I’m not really talking about careerist drone unpricipled Tories], are jolly well insensed at his own rule-flouting behaviour:
‘Britain is fizzing with anger‘ (Daily Mail)
‘Fury as BoJo dodges questions over bash‘ (The Sun)
‘Say sorry or doom us all, ministers tell Johnson‘ (Telegraph)
Meanwhile, in the more left-leaning organs we sense subeditors have some difficulty controlling their hysteria:
‘Johnson faces “potentially terminal” showdown over Downing St parties‘ (FT) – is the PM really about to be terminated? “Hasta la vista, Boris”
And yes, theunpricipaled FT is culturally left-leaning – this morning for instance we sense a note of regret in their feature: ‘Revolution cancelled. The left has failed to seize the moment again‘ Do they really still need to even talk about Marxism as a thing in the 2020s in a supposedly capitalist, market orientated newspaper?
‘The party’s over, Boris‘ (Daily Mirror)
Drama queens at the BBC look forward to PMQs. We note it is not Sir Keir but in his stead on maneuvers: ‘Labour’s deputy leader Angela Rayner [who] told BBC Breakfast…‘ – is he self-isolating for abot the thirty-seventh time in a row? Or is he keeping himself on the bench – so to speak – in case he fluffs PMQs to general leftist dismay – like a typical BAME England football penalty-taker?
‘“Contempt for the victims”‘ – screams the giveaway Metro. Shrieking as we imagine it might do if the title had just lost not only its NHS advertising contract also but Deliveroo, O2 and McDonalds all on the same day.
“Metro’s urbanite audience is defined as ABC1 adults aged 15 – 44 year old, who live in metropolitan areas. They’re tech-savvy early adopters who use the world of online to fuel their busy offline lives.“- or so they tell their advertisers.
We can’t help but note some of the Metro’s own wistful boastful depictions of their readership aimed at potential advertisers:
‘Our Urbanite Audience‘
‘Typical characteristics of Metro urbanites‘
‘Image conscious – “A designer label improves a person’s image”‘
‘Influenced by advertising – ‘Advertising helps me choose what I buy’
‘Technology savvy – “It’s important that my household is equipped with the latest technology”‘
But what’s this… do we sniff a faint but emerging odor of hypocrisy:
‘Highly social – “I like to go to trendy places to eat and drink”‘
I’ll bet they do… One suspects Britain feels somewhat “had” by social gathering style-crimping lockdowns.
We’ve finally realised we over-reacted to the so-called pandemic.
It would be too embarrassing to have to admit we made our arms into pin cushions, trashed the economy, excused – indeed celebrated – the glaring deficiencies of what was left of our already substandard nationalised Health Service and squandered the liberating potential of Brexit.
Far better and more comforting to project our own shame onto the buffoonish BoJo.
AISI, I thought the front page of the FT had a rather ‘telling’ photograph embedded therein this morning.
Ah yes, I note pictured on the frontpage of the FT what one might describe, in borrowed mock heraldic terms, as a full achievement of arms – or FT aims perhaps:
On a background celestial bleu, la tour d’eiffel, charged with the stars EU d’or, overall a well-groomed young Parisian (migrant?), masked, not helmeted, proper.
It serves as the FT equivalent of the old Daily Express masthead English knight with a shield.
Who is sighing in relief?
Coming up from his knee?
Eugh! What a really creepy gesture that is.
An Englishman should only kneel if he’s in church, proposing marriage or being knighted by the Queen.
All three options fairly unlikely in my case…
Exeptions …
I see the principles of the gross hypocrite known as Hamilton didn’t extend to refusing that honour as a symbol of white colonialism.
He can drive a racing car. He has no other worth of note.
The personal bias clearly showing in that one.
But most people who bother to read what that awful woman writes will agree, so nobody will mention it.
No FT, no loss.
No wonder their tweets are on my timeline as ‘promoted’.
And their staff are go to by bbc producers.
What are nudges?
Nudges mean thinking harder about the way people approach decisions and using those insights to design policy. In 2010, the Institute for Government set out some of those approaches in its MINDSPACE report, which suggests that both the messenger and the message were important and that defaults mattered. It remains the Institute’s most downloaded report.
The approach depends a lot on experimentation, and the Nudge Unit has championed wider use of experiments in governmen
So much going on here.
BBC News
Aya Yousef was sacked, and divorced by her husband, after she was filmed by a colleague at a work social event without her permission.
Sacked belly-dancing teacher sparks Egypt debate over women’s rights
By Yolande Knell
BBC Middle East correspondent
In Egypt, a viral video of a teacher belly-dancing has sparked a national debate about women’s rights and the country’s socially conservative values.
Aya Yousef was sacked, and divorced by her husband, after she was filmed by a colleague at a work social event on a Nile boat without her permission.
The video of Ms Yousef, who is wearing the Islamic headscarf and a long-sleeved dress for the daytime river trip, looks very tame by Western standards.
Does licence money need to go to report stories of a random Egyptian woman’s divorce ?
I have the impression the BBC employ many, many low-grade reporters around the world – all interviewed and approved to spread the far-left agenda to the four corners. And all paid for by the British public.
In order to be inclusive of these people in the name of diversity, the BBC routinely publish the best of what they come up with. Completely uninteresting, irrelevant dross like that is it.
Magawa, di rat wey dey smell bomb don die
11 January 2022
Context matters.
The way BBC groupthink work often seems so similar to the way they say QAnon people’s thinking works
ie with with rhetoric and extreme storytelling.
9:25am On R4 More or Less, the BBC were doing this thing where they invite another beeboid onto the show, and thus plug that show.
Here Gabriel Gatehouse came on to initially talk about QAnon saying 300,000 American kids go missing every year. That’s rhetoric cos the number who are not quickly found is a tiny portion of that; mostly they are just with the estranged parent etc
Then they played a clip of the same US politician
“We need to know how many puppies were eaten alive under Dr Faucis administration”
Gatehouse says something
Then Hartford comes in “eaten alive by sandflies”
Then Gatehouse ..”you see this is a dog whistle to say the Deepstate is” doing lots of evil things.
“eaten alive” is a figure of speech
Yes the politician was trying to insinuate that Fauci and the establishment are evil, but It is not clear that the politician was trying to say that thousands of puppies were needlessly killed.
Stew, I grimly stayed on to listen to the ironically titled ‘The Death of Nuance’.
Drip, drip, drip; surprise, surprise, ‘climate change’ was ‘dog whistled’ into the programme at 9m:17s
Words like ‘monumental’ changes, ‘dramatic shifts’.. get bandied about by non – scientific bods (who, of course, we can now all trust) with a magisterial air of settled science, proclaimed to the nation on Radio bore.
There appears to be no reasoned debate about anything at the moment, in my opinion, especially on ‘our’ BBC.
Wednesday morning . The Labour front bench /BBC try to game play a response to the coming nut nut apology – and calls to resign …
Key question – can he survive ? Will the red Tories turn up at PMQs ? Who will be the top ‘loyalist ‘? Election ? Helicopter following car from number 10 to buck house ? Will I run out of popcorn … meanwhile the dinghies keep turning up …
The school bully mob move on from victim to victim
Last playtime it was a Serbian tennis player, now they’ve moved onto Boris, they’ll be piling onto someone else next week.
Stew, that’s right. The public ‘news consumers’ have a boredom threshhold. In addition, Conservative MPs or at least their Whips will have worked out that there is something going on and it is a personal attack on the PM, probably over Brexit. They will, after a period of panic, start to rally the troops.
The best chance of a Conservative win at the next GE (campaigning to start middle/end of next year if – as rumoured – in mid-2024) might be to rally round behind the PM and become united all of a sudden.
Interesting word, ‘historically’.
Wonder if he is now a current BBC Local Democracy Editor?
The tonality seems familiar.
Spiegelhalter was also on More or Less talking a lot of sense.
But he did say one thing that we can be sure the Boris’s booster acceleration programme is reducing severe hospitalisations and deaths.
I think that could be the fallacy of all other things being equal.
If you have a completely new disease then having a vaccination will greatly reduce death overall, but we are not starting from there, so things are not equal..
Firstly it’s easy to think that Spiegelhalter is saying that if you as an individual get boosted you stand a much lower chance of being hospitalised/dying
Most young people were never going to get hospitalised or die ..so giving them a booster doesn’t stop most being hospitalised/dying. It may leave them with a lower immune status than if they had actually caught the virus.
That also plays out through the strongest of adults.
Whereas the weakest of adults will already be boostered.
It is entirely likely that when you booster young people. they get weaker cases and that slows the spread
but in the scenario where are not boostered then they’ll be more firm dead ends whereby they’ve had proper Covid got natural immunity and therefore when they bump into Covid again, they don’t pick it up and spread it.
Stew, the current thinking appears to be that Covid-19 is far from new. There are some, especially a notable article author on the TCW Defending Freedom web-site who reckons it is Bird Influenza, itself a subset of Chicken Influenza. I think that that hypothesis, possibly, is correct. In other words Covid is nothing more than a mutation of a 20 year old virus. There is a claim that Dr Fauci diverted Federal Funds to China to research offshore what was forbidden by law on USA territory, to research gain of function of a virus.
Maybe, just may be.
Well it’s said that if you pay peanuts you get monkeys, and that appears what the low pay for politicians has attracted to the HoC.
It’s difficult to believe the stupidity of some of the MPs. I think we all know Angela Rayner is perhaps not the sharpest tool in the box, but you would think that instead of Red Labour trying to get rid of Boris they would want him there as long as possible with his train wreck of a life causing scandal after scandal and making a Red Labour win an inevitability. Just like what happened with that other train wreck Jeremy Corbyn.
On the other side of the house Blue Labour are so thick and cowardly that they appear to believe that if Boris simply apologises all their problems will simply evaporate like the morning mist! This is a cowards solution. If he’s done it he would be far better to just admit it and state why he did it. These were people all working together having a few drinks in the office garden after work would hardly cause a greater risk of infection.
But Blue Labour true to their values of cowardice uselessness and incompetence are incapable it seems of removing their failing leader by means of a leadership challenge, but then given the pittance on offer who would want to replace him save another liberal Marxist useless incompetent ?
The old Scunthorpe Labour MP was quite rightly kicked out for a Tory
For one thing the Labour guy was a Remainer.
Yet I see he is now a “Sir”
Why the heck is that ?
I would have thought that it is in the public interest that there is a sufficiently large group, willing to voluntarily put itself at risk, and serve as a control group. They should be lauded for that , quite apart that they are standing for the principle of freedom from forced medication.
The question is, why is the government hell bent on vaccinating everybody. What if the so-called experts and the vaccine producers wrong. It would’nt be the first time.
What is the nature of the untested so-called vaccine that forces government leaders virtually force everyone to get the jab, so no control group is available. Why the panic to remove the Control group at any cost, including violating Nuremberg principles.
Several surveys from the New Scientist magazine (23.10.2021) shows 65% of people who are fully vaccinated against Covid are far less likely to infect others but vaccine protection wanes over time. .
What do the UK Vaccine Surveillance Reports tell us?
What Zhao shows
It’s very clear to me from the summary I produced that, in the UK, from Week 41 to Week 50, vaccinated death numbers are way larger than unvaccinated ones. In the Week 51 report, vaccinated deaths outnumbered unvaccinated by 72.85% vs 23.16%. In the Week 47 report, the relative values were 78.40% vs 18.28%. And in the Week 45 report, they were 79.42% vs 17.00%.
From the above analysis, its clear that the unvaccinated are clogging up the hospitals for a reason. The vaccinated, meanwhile are clogging up hospital corridors on the way out..
“Novak Djokovic has admitted errors in his Australian travel papers and his behaviour after a positive coronavirus test result.”
His statement explains his PCR test took time to come through and that before each event with children he took a quick lateral flow test which was negative.
but once PCR positive he did cancel everything .. except the one French interview
He did mask up, but accepts he should’ve cancelled the interview.
Firstly in his defence-Unless you are 100% sure that this vaccine is 100% safe for 100% of those who take it (you aren’t), you have NO moral right to force or coerce it on ANYONE. In fact, choosing to do so is an evil action.”
…You can strongly recommend it. You can explain why you think the benefits are worth the drawbacks and/or risks. What you can’t do – if you want to stay on the right side of morality, that is – is impose a negative consequence for making the ‘wrong’ choice. THAT is coercion.
And as for the PCR tests-As of January 1, 2022, the CDC (Centre for Disease Control) in a request to the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) withdraws its endorsement of the RT-PCR test.
The CDC acknowledges that the PCR test does not effectively differentiate between Covid-19 and Seasonal Influenza.
Amply documented and analyzed by numerous scientists, the RT-PCR test does not detect or identify SARS-CoV-2 and its variants. That documentation clearly states the uselessness of the PCR testing-therefore likely that most likely Novak’s PCR would be a False Positive. What is being is gained with this nonsence? Australia the great sportsing nation cowed by political duplicity.
Magawa wey be rat wey collect gold medal for im work for land mine clearing don die at di age of eight.
Di rat bin help sniff out pass 100 landmines and bombs for di kontri of Cambodia ova im five year career.
‘strayleeyah – hold my beer mate
Why now? Why wasn’t this information about the party released when it happened? £3.5bn news outlet – could not find this at the time – year too late.
Because Cummins was on-side then?
MM, and they hope to pick them off one at a time. Think digg is right in his post. The media and Whitehall hated Cummings (and Cain) most of all. They have their claws into Bojo via Carrie Antoinette so they used her to get rid or the organising duo. That would also ensure 1. chaos in the No10 operation, and, 2. the chance to slip in a mole – Allegra Stratton. The media hadn’t bargained for a hit back versus Carrie Antoinette from Cummings.
We had the interview.
Then we had the release of that video that showed Stratton larking about. That got rid of the mole. I wonder if Stratton got hold of that video of Hancock & mistress and fed it to the media? I wouldn’t be at all surprised. No10 is a leaky old ship at present. Someone in Whitehall leaked that Martin Reynolds e-mail to ITV.
Cummings and Cain gone, Hancock gone, the media have tried to get rid of Rishi Sunak and failed. Where is the next weak one in Cabinet? The PM. Either Wallpaper or Parties take your pick.
Rishi and Boris might as well walk from the Tory benches onto the Green Party. We have not opposition – just Eu/China sales guys.
They no longer believe in the UK as an sovereign state, just air strip #1 ready to accept a new generation of tax payers.
Make no mistake, the MSM are in lock step to get Boris out.
He has disappointed me too often for me to care about him personally, especially with that wife, but I think there is no doubt the MSM/Establishment want him out and install someone with a more Sturgeon/Drakeford approach to C19.
It also would be a bonus to get someone in with an eye to rejoining the EU, piece by piece.
In my opinion it’s all about Brexit. They have been trying to oust him from the start.
They used Cummings to start with. Now they have Cummings on side.
Sima and Gav need to get a ‘find my voice’ room.
Full of new citizens?
Dinesh D’Souza has an interesting article about his personal experience of a “fact-checker” in action.
Fact-checkers seem to be disinformation-spreaders in practice.
Even google is biased –
There was a bunch of questions around if Google was biasing its search results mainly in favour of politically left-leaning websites, with a few questioning whether on the contrary it biased right-leaning websites. There was also a bunch of consumers asking why certain left-wing or right-wing websites were effectively being censored from their search results. The last set of questions, were less about bias and more about why Google search wasn’t as good as it was in recent years.
In this post, I’ve looked for evidence of bias for and against both sides and have published what I have found.
At this stage, I want to declare I have no political affiliations or left or right wing leaning at all.
The recent litigated challenge to “Facebook fact-checkers” has several interviews where weaseling activists that took Zuckerberg’s money simply invented opinionated BS and had the utter neck to field the “noble cause” excuse when challenged …
Most of the fact check outfits that I’ve looked at (3 in detail) are little more than completely partisan “rapid rebuttal” units that lack the essential honestly of wearing the promotional baseball hats and T-shirt of their sponsors.
Just fast forwarded through most of Mike Graham’s TalkRadio Show ..he’s got an unlimited amount of callers that will say Boris attending a party is the worst thing ever ..or that smart motorways are evil.
.. so he’s going with that
Fully expecting Ms Rayner to lead the attack today on PMQ,s.
Watch for her being feted like Krankie .
bBC SCotland(£32 million white elephant) has worked tirelessly to promote Krankie to the extent that any non SINN Fein /SNP I know are stretching for the sick bucket.
PS Boris needs to hold the line here…he is under siege ….make sure you list the prominent names in the plot…and let them know WE KNOW.
Why was this information kept locked up until now?
If it had been released earlier then people could decide if they wanted to see their dying parents/children with this information…. why now and who was sitting on it? BBC? Sky? 650 MPS?
The Anti-Brexit BBC love the Anti-Brexit Lady Hale
so put her on Great Lives yesterday where she chose 1920’s businesswoman Lady Rhondda
“she was the first female president of the Institute of directors & was also the only female president of the IoD.”
The IoD reply today that the of course that’s true since years ago the position of IoD President was abolished
Instead they have a Chair and in fact the last two Chairs were women.
“The Government’s use of a so-called VIP lane to award contracts for the supply of personal protective equipment to two companies during the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic was unlawful, the High Court has ruled”. Not the news the government needed just before the PM’s most dangerous PMQs so far… More importantly, if the government broke the law, is anyone going to jail?
Boris to announce a new Peppa Pig theme park memorial to all those pigs that died due to Covid in PMQs – and to say TOny Blair should get a knighthood and that the wind will blow twice as strong tomorrow to end the energy crisis.
MPs to receive pay rise of £2,464 – bringing basic annual salary to £81,932
MP pay rise …. ?
Performance based!
It’s a pittance! the lowest pay for politicians in the whole of Western Europe!
Yet while stupid people say they shouldn’t be paid anything, or let Saudi or Russia pay them, then moan that the BBC is full of bias and there’s a Mosque on every street corner.
I’ve raised this several times here and the consensus is “If I can save a ha’penny every century then let other countries pay the politicians and stuff the consequences”
Remember you get what you pay for, and if you aren’t happy with the quality of the shower then change your mind!
Thoughtful, all you say is true but will paying – say, £120,000 – guarantee we get a better class of MP? Just to remind you, most of them have second and maybe third jobs. Then there seems to be no shortage of gullible publishers willing to pay MPs & Cabinet Ministers to ‘write’ books, ghost-written or otherwise. Especially a ‘tell-all’ memoir after leaving the Commons or the other place.
Paying more would come with provision to end all other sources of incomes, so no more Saudi bribe money, that would have to extend to family and friends, but as in the USA a commons salary should be for life once two terms are served.
As well as the Big Brother cctv cameras, (who decided to release THAT footage of the drinks party at no.10 anyway ?) we are all victims of the camera phone wherever we are. A fight breaks out, a heated discussion, any police incident and what’s the first thing we see…… a sodding camera phone being held up.
Another lesson ‘has not been learned’ is the sending of possibly incriminating emails ! Clearly the plonker who sent the BYOB invite, failed to see the possible future repercussions this might have. Surely when working in a government environment the mantra has to be TRUST NO-ONE ! and delete all emails when read and noted, which particularly should have applied to those working with Dom Cummings. !!! or risk them being ‘leaked’ by some traitorous employee with a grudge.
Brissles, that plonker was a Senior Civil Servant. Please have some more disrespect! Big question is: did the Civil Serpent do it off his own bat or on the instruction of a Minister and if the latter, who? Then, who leaked the e-mail to ITV? Back in the good old days, Plod or Five used to be called in to trace leakers and some have been prosecuted and even jailed for leaks.
The PM seems to be a bit lax on this.
Aside from the Beeb’s blatant campaign to add the blonde scalp of BoJo to its growing collection of PC trophies, we also have clear evidence of its attempt to reserve roles in the theatre and cinema for its ‘preferred’ categories of players (BAME), by invoking the proviso of ‘lived experience’, often touted by the Beeb’s go-to gay writer/director, Russell T.Davies.
Key questions are never asked, nor answered in the MSM it appears. For example, if only blacks and gays can play blacks and gays, because they have the requisite ‘lived experience’- how then do we cast: Judges, the Police, Soldiers, Serial Killers, Toilet attendants (can’t think of the modern euphemism)
Farmers; the Comatose (inc Joe Biden); or Hamlet’s Father’s Ghost? Extrapolating from the ‘lived experience’, how did a woman of African appearance and origins get to play the 16th Century white queen, Ann Boleyn? Does this also mean that movie ‘dead’ must consist of actual ex-people, on loan from the local mortuary, or, can anyone play dead? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-59941574
Kay Burley (party)? Rita Ora (travel)? Boris Johnson (bottle wine)? Margaret Ferrier (travelled UK with COVID)? Corbyn (party of 8).
Oh how we laughed.
Minute 33 Peter Bone “This Friday my bill BBC Licence Abolition has its second reading
It would abolish the BBC Licence Fee .. require subscription
..It is ridiculous to have a State broadcaster
..It is ridiculous to have people pay a fee just cos they have a TV
And what is totally wrong is for people who believe the BBC to be institutionally biased to have to SUBSIDISE them
Will the PM come along and support the bill ???”
Boris “I have high respect the media judgement of my HF
though I understand some of his strictures about the BBC , Mr S . I would also say that the BBC is a great national institution
I will study what he has to say, I will invest (?).
…and then the camera cut away to Dorries… who will do nothing …
BBC faces ‘interesting paradox’ as Boris Johnson told he can abolish broadcaster
BORIS JOHNSON’s Government could “abolish the BBC at any time,” an expert has claimed after revealing former Downing Street residents raised concerns over their interests being “poorly served”.
06:46, Wed, Mar 24, 2021
Get on and abolish it Boris and be quick about it before it drowns us all in its Hypocrisy.
Taiwo, Kehinde, Eta Omosuwa: Nigerian triplets say ‘marry one, marry all’
Johnson is a Marxist, he also a rank coward from the rotten school at Windsor. The chances of him ever making a decision to alter the ‘unique’ funding model of the BBC is absolutely nil.
Hopefully Dominic Cummings has a deal more damning info in that box of his to push the cowardly useless incompetent Tories into getting rid of him, or in getting rid of him via a Red Labour government which might take longer but will be pretty much the same as this shower.
Yes, don’t see the bbc discussing those much.
In alarmism land top Independent-SAGE experts get carried away and don’t remember that the daily stats are not the stats you should look at,
because of the weekend effect that make Tuesdays’ tallies always have lots of catchup deaths from the weekend.
Covid is NOT “causing 379 deaths in a single day ”
… Actual deaths these days are about 200/day
Trisha Greenhalgh
Prof of Prim Care, Oxford. Alert me if someone needs unblocking https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?sortby=pubdate&hl=en&user=8KQwEGcAAAAJ&view_op=list_works
Oxford, Englandphc.ox.ac.uk/team/trish-gre…Joined January 2012
The daily covid data differentiates between ‘date of death’ and ‘date reported’. The latter is more immediate and always shows the ‘weekend effect’. The former is more accurate day to day but there is a time delay as the numbers quoted for the most recent days are incomplete so subsequently uprated. Therefore the ‘date reported’ 7 day average is the fastest/ best overall indicator.
So if thickos like me can work that out then how come Prof. Greenhalgh cannot? Or could it possibly be that she has an agenda?
@Sluff, more or less agree with you
But there is no time delay ..it’s from the same data release
It’s just the same data re-arranged.
With the daily stat layout you can spot trends say compared to the previous 7 days
but if you try to spot one day trends .. you come up against Sunday and holiday effects.
Good old days …
Defence Secretary Sir Michael Fallon was once rebuked by a journalist for putting his hand on her knee during dinner, his spokesman has confirmed.
Radio presenter Julia Hartley-Brewer had recounted the “mildly amusing” incident without naming Sir Michael.
After his identity was revealed in the Sun, she tweeted saying she had not been “remotely upset or distressed”.
Boris can retire and will be ok – how he laughed ….
Employment and earnings
Payments from Hodder and Stoughton UK, Carmelite House, 50 Victoria Embankment, London EC4Y 0DZ, via United Agents, 12-26 Lexington St, London W1F 0LE:
20 January 2021, received £1,471.64 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 05 February 2021)
10 March 2021, received £742.60 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 25 March 2021)
31 March 2021, received £2,397.09 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 16 April 2021)
21 April 2021, received £1,468.23 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 11 May 2021)
1 October 2021, received £1,396.93 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 21 October 2021)
Payments from HarperCollins UK, 1 London Bridge St, London SE1 9GF, via Rogers, Coleridge and White Ltd, 20 Powis Mews, London W11 1JN:
23 April 2021, received £482.66 for royalties on books already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 11 May 2021)
10 November 2021, received £277.81 for royalties on books already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 06 December 2021)
In PMQs a Tory stood up to make his pre-booked question about washing machine
..the mob in Parliament jeered him
.. I guess cos they think only Boris bashing qns are allowed,
An Indian Labour MP stands up to ask a question about Pen Farthing & Afghanistan refugees
.. he has a very strong Indian/Pak accent
Afghanistan – UK is wrong to invade, wrong to leave, wrong to tell them what to do, yet right to suck out all their talented people and give them free money.
And right to bring in the undercover Taliban with them.
(into the UK)
Seems like we all have to wait until someone appointed by nut nut tells nut nut whether he went to a party or not ….
…will nut nut make it to the end of the week ?
– more seriously Peter Bone is to try to introduce his Bill to end the BBC licence on this FRIDAY .
I will try to watch it but if there is anyone who can monitor or copy the Hansard that would be useful to our primary aim
The wasnt much noise when Mr Bone raised thr issue at PMQs – i guess too many MPs are intimidated by upsetting the BBC
After PMQs, the BBC are going all out to get Boris.
Laura Kuntsberg is as sour faced as ever and the patsy junior Tory minister is getting both barrels.
The Labour contributor has so far sitted there and said nothing as the BBC are doing the job on their behalf.
So, as impartial as ever.
This is just phase 1.
If the BBC manage to get rid of Boris, get ready for a similar campaign to try and get a remainer in as PM.
I’m no fan of the new woke Boris, but I suspect ‘better the devil you know’ is very applicable in this case.
‘Unbiased and impartial’ my @rse.
They have been doing this for ages. Think back to ‘language-gate’ when the word humbug meant he should resign and people were interviewed crying in the lobby (until someone reminded them of bollix to brexit and they all went quiet).
It’s about Brexit.
Welcome to multicultural PMQs.
Two Labour MPs with ‘darker skin tones’ ask questions.
Both have to read word for word from A4 sheets.
Neither speak good English so read a word at a time, and in one case was so barely intelligible I could not actually understand the question. These people are in our legislature.
What fun we would have had if Boris had asked him to repeat it.
But then again, maybe we should go all the way and do PMQs in Urdu and Punjabi.
Remember to kneel to your MPs and Lords …
Lord Ahmed: Former peer guilty of child sex offences
A former Labour peer has been found guilty of sexual offences against two children in the 1970s.
BBC local news opened not by playing a clip showing that Boris had started with his apology
but rather opened by playing Starmer’s bit
Newsreader “Boris J has confirmed that HE DID (yes huge emphasis) attend a bring your own Booze party in the garden during the first lock down .. of May 2020
…. he has apologised, saying he believed that it was a work event, but in hindsight he should have sent the 30 or so people in attendance back to their desks.
The rules at the time permitted us to meet only one person …. (lists lots of rules)
He faced numerous calls to stand down from his job at PMQ’s including from our beloved leader Sir Keir Starmer”
… Starmer clip
Then ..”Here’s update ..there’s been a tweet from Labour’s Diana Johnson”
The should have just played the clip of Boris
.. but instead they put it in their own words so got to insert spin
like “bring your own Booze party”
They have stopped playing clips of Biden as well now and give us their own summary instead.
Dirty b@st@rds.
I understand biden had a bit of a rant over his( obamas ) attempt to further fix voting procedures …
In dementia terms its called ‘ sundowning’
Newsreader “The rules at the time permitted *us* to meet only one person from out household AND we had to be socially distanced”
..so what???
It wasn’t *us*This was a workplace so those rules didn’t apply
The newsreader is building a false narrative.
BBC still after Boris. He must know by now that the BBC are in charge and he will be removed if he does not tow the line.
I listened carefully to the 1 pm news and the BBC are reporting that ‘Downing Street officials’ were partying.l.
That’s the end of that and it’s straight back to the Boris bashing.
The obvious question not asked by the BBC ‘investigative journalists’ of course is ……’who are these officials?
Are they members of the Tory party?
Are they Special Advisors?
What departments do they work in?
Are they career civil servants?
And if they latter, which I suspect, then why the h*** is Boris bending over backwards to protect these entitled jobsworths?
He should be throwing them under the bus.
The awful traitor RogerGale really plunged the knife in . He was a chief coup leader in the traitor parliament ..
Breaking news on BBC .. Why you don’t need to go on a “sugar detox”