Is it possible that the government has finally realised that the State Broadcaster is at war with it ? And is going to do something about it – by freezing the Licence fee ? It will be a small step towards the end of the BBC in its current form – and can’t come too soon. The government must put something in the coming manifesto about changing the BBC too .
Start the Week 17 January 2022 THE DORRIES ANNOUNCEMENT
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Comrades – burn the code books – hit the duty free – get a single ticket to Moskva – chuck barry Gardiner a few thousand ‘sweeteners ‘…
ITV documentary ‘Ghislaine, Prince Andrew & the Paedophile’
is just starting
I suppose you are all watching the netball on BBC4
Men’s netball?
Have the Australian government banned unvaccinated people from watching the tennis on their TVs ?
Unemployment statistics out today: it is strange what the BBC report. No mention of the unemployed figure. Instead they just provide a percentage figure which is meaningless if you do not know the size of the UK workforce. That workforce number changes regularly anyway. The BBC stress the number of unfilled positions as though it is the Government’s fault but do not mention that the number unemployed more than matches it.
The BBC did grudgingly admit that HMG had supported the nation with its Pandemic economic measures. But then the BBC tried a bit of scare & fear tactics that people are giving up on work.
Surely vaccines are impossible to calculate.
Agencies advertise jobs that don’t exist to get workers on their books. And how many vacancies are counted multiple times, on different websites or still advertised long after being filled.
Tensions in Ukraine. Nice little war with Russia might save Boris.
Not if Putin cuts off the gas and the UK loses both electric and gas in the middle of Winter.
In any case the price of gas – and thus electricity will fly through thr roof making heating homes completely unaffordable.
Hazel O’Connor: Singer admitted to hospital following bleed on brain
Of course the bbc neglect to mention Hazel had her booster a month earlier.
On the P.M., this comes down to whether or not you believe Bojo deserves to be ejected from Number 10 because a vindictive ex member of support staff is in cahoots with a hysterical left wing media who are both determined to bring him down. Cummings is willing to forget that Johnson went out on a limb to back him over Barnard Castle for which he was heavily criticised almost as much as Cummings. You get the impression Cummings started planning his revenge the day he left Downing St. Very astute, wait a year or so then gradually drip feed information about the “parties” to different parts of the media and up the ante a bit more each time to increase the pressure and keep the story in the headlines. There may have been coordinated help from the “inside” in putting together e-mails and photos to support his comments, as alluded to here previously.
Yes, Bojo messed up big time, probably as a result of being too complacent with a comfortable Commons majority and having been told or assuming the so called “parties” were within the covid rules.
Those Tory M.P’s that want him to go remind me of the cowards who ousted Margaret Thatcher as they were more concerned about trying to save themselves because of a downturn in her popularity instead of supporting a P.M. who had won 2 general elections and helped many of them get elected, just as Bojo was instrumental in helping elect the “red wall” M.P.’s. They should at least keep their powder dry until Sue Gray’s report to allow Bojo to put his case but is there any guarantee of her impartiality? A civil servant with the power to effectively remove a Prime Minister from office? Tempting or what?
Andrew Bridgen has been dominating TV interviews for days including GB News today with virtually no one supporting Boris. Looks as if Bridgen cannot wait for Johnson to go so he can put his name forward as his successor.
If he is forced to resign there is no doubt Labour will win the next general election as Labour will say the Tories are untrustworthy and the media will merely move seamlessly on to trash his replacement – there must be some uncomfortable information that Cummings has on most members of the Cabinet. Sunak is frequently mentioned but we hear today he has written off £4.3bn in covid payments so that rules him out once the media start digging.
The comparison with what is happening with the PM and what happened to Trump is inescapable, a left dominated media incessantly criticising and searching for gotchas, both real and imagined, while deliberately ignoring the faults and peccadilloes of opposition parties.
If Bojo manages to survive following Sue Gray’s report and after eating a ton of humble pie, the media will continue to focus on this episode at every opportunity over the next 3 years. I would disregard the results of the local council elections in May which are bound to be bad for the Tories, historically these tend to go against sitting Governments anyway but if very bad the knives will be out again to try and finish him off.
Great timing for the beeb, SKY, ITV, Crear etc if Johnson goes just as covid is being beaten, the economy is improving, more trade deals are being agreed, unemployment falling and more investment coming into the U.K. Brexit will gradually deliver the goods over time, we were in the E.U. for nearly 50 years and have been out of it for only 2 years so not surprising it will take a while for the benefits to accrue. The Chinese virus hit world economies hard and has cost the UK billions but we are still managing to grow the economy.
I personally hope Johnson survives and he and the Government can rightly be judged by the electorate after serving their full 5 year term. Jittery Tory M.P.’s should at least wait for Ms Gray to finalise her report before starting any no confidence motion – what happened to innocent until being proven guilty?
Conspiracy theory anyone?
Do you trust Ms Gray and her report?
IMHO he will be replaced by his own MPs very shortly .
Boris nearly died of Covid
He wasn’t fit to manage right after that
And he’s never been the same man as before.
She was Bojo’s second choice so may not be so favourable for him- there were comments floated in the last day or two that the report would be critical but not prove terminal in tone but that could have been a ruse to persuade her to take a harder line – political game playing again. You are right, if there are more than 54 M.P.’s who vote no confidence (15%) the report may be irrelevant anyway.
Guess you are not in favour of his idea for the Royal Navy to patrol the Channel, not too many are!
All in favour of the Royal Navy patrolling the Channel as they always have done for centuries.
What is the problem now ? Most nations outside the EU defend their borders .
Who left the doors open now? – The Tories.
A nation without borders is not a nation.
Just one final thought, Boris just needs to tell Ms Gray that it is a well known fact he is not too good when it comes to detail, with his undoubted personal charm with the ladies that might be just enough to get him off the hook!
Doubt it .
Bulldog, I think you put the case for Boris very well. It is very sad it has come to this point. However, I think that there is a huge difference between Boris’s situation and the removal of Trump.
Trump had the approval of the majority of the people and his party but was removed by censorship on a gigantic scale and vote counting irregularities. Trump had a plan and was seeing it through that’s why he was removed by the oligarchs.
Boris (who was always keen to display his anti-Trump credentials)
is largely the author of his own downfall. Since getting Brexit across the line he has reverted to becoming largely inactive on the issues that his supporters were waiting for him to act upon. If Boris did have a plan he kept it well hidden. So well hidden in fact that he forgot about it. He did nothing about mass and illegal immigration for instance and he was very reluctant to do anything about the BBC. It seems that he just meekly accepted that his Conservative Party should put up with a taxpayer funded permanent vocal media organisation that spews its anti-British anti-white anti-Tory party propaganda into most of the house-holds across the nation.
Let’s face he is not really conservative. He’s more of a Lib Dem who could see through the EU. At the start of his premiership he boasted how he had been out and about shaking hands with Covid sufferers. His virtue signaling soon gave him Covid. He also liked to talk well of the BBC and to reassure them that they were safe under him. Well look how they have repaid him! Yes, ‘partygate’ has been overblown but hey, he is supposed to be politically astute to defend himself and not get caught like a rabbit in the headlights.
Compared to the last two Tory leaders Boris has been a welcome relief but it is time for him to be replaced by somebody conservative and competent. (That’s the tricky part!)
Having witnessed first hand the “homeless” in central London this resonates.
5G Altimiters
local news They put their “Boris must go” campaign item at #3
Imminent sale of Hull City, and murder. victim’s mum came first.
It’s #2 on the other station, behind Covid
AFAIK it’s about the US frequencies of 5G.
..Plenty of 5G in other parts of there world
..and planes are not crashing.
Covid hospital admissions are still more than twice the trend before Christmas
More or Less
“Are women really 32% more likely to die if they have a male surgeon ?”, what do you reckon
..They said the actual extra deaths was very small