Get ready – this may be the week when the BBC explodes over number 10 parties / gatherings as The Gray Report ( redacted )is published . it will be on the screens and radio and social media . Everywhere . Don’t worry about Ukraine- that’s nothing – or gas prices – it’s the Number 10 garden that matters …
Start the Week 24 January 2022
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Dominic Cummings now admitting on BBC & SKY that he has more and very serious stories/allegations regarding the PM and will not cease until he has got rid of him out of office….
I’m beginning to think that its going to boil down to who Sue Gray believes
Well at least we now know his true motives..
What a seriously twisted and bitter individual he is…Perhaps therapy may help.
Very disappointing
I turned on The World at One to hear the latest propaganda against nut nut – such as a dodgy ‘tory’ muslim MP girl playing the victim card –
But instead i got ‘news’ apparently the BBC has finally realised we are on thd brink of war .
Surely a few beers with cheese in the number 10 garden is more important ? Get heseltine ((£)) on to spread poison …
Nusrat Ghani: PM orders Cabinet Office to investigate ‘Muslimness’ claim
Published14 minutes ago
The word Islam means Peace, but for nearly 1,400 years its adherents have waged war–frequently on the grandest and most successful scales in history. This book introduces some of Islam’s greatest military figures and analyzes significant events that are shaping the modern world. …
… on another site …
The Meaning of Islam
Islam is an Arabic word that denotes submission, surrender, and obedience. … The other literal meaning of the word “Islam” is “peace.” This signifies that one can achieve real peace of body and of mind only through submission and obedience to Allah.
What about the concept, MM, of taqqiyya? (other spellings are available.)
I had some once, with salt, in a hollowed out Canteloupe melon, and it was just fabulous!
Scrobie, LOL x5 or 10! 🙂
This is Cummings comments..WOW..!!
Dominic Cummings has revealed he has provided written evidence to the investigation into Downing Street parties during lockdown – and claims “other damaging stories” will emerge until Boris Johnson is out of office.
Sue Gray is looking into parties and gatherings in Number 10 and other government departments during COVID-19 restrictions in 2020 and 2021.
Just an admin note
As it seems powers are mobilising in the hope that Putin will back down – it seems likely that he will attack the internet – amongst other things .
So if we lose this site / the internet -lets hope normal service is resumed …
Wow ?
Nope on the evidence so far, I am not outraged about a few people having a drink in a garden.
From a Covid spreading point of view, being in a garden with work colleagues is nowhere near the same danger as traveling across the country and standing close INDOORS at a funeral or wedding event.
.. Likewise Starmer is allowed to eat indoors with his staff
I’m not particularly bothered if they have beer with their food too.
But lying to start a war, like Tony Blair did
is a whole different magnitude.
spot on
Disagreeing may not be a good idea as i know opinions are strong but in my opinion, feelings against Blair such as “his lying to start a war” were media led . Reasons for going to war were made eg speech in Washington but were not broadcast or pubicised in the British media, so people could not make their own minds up . In another speech he made in Las Angeles the BBC newsreader just said this is what the PM MEANT to say. The BBC just kept repeating over and over that there were no weapons of mass destrucion. Saddam had ricin weapons and buried rocket arsenals in a lake.
They’ll be telling us soon that Iran has no intentions of building up nucleur weapons.
THis is worth watching if you have time.
I did once meet a weapons inspector (support crew)
he told me that all the time Saddam was pretending to have much more weapons than he had, for his own political purposes
So working out the truth was hard
.. the team eventually concluded that there probably weren’t any vast piles of hidden weapons, but couldn’t prove such a negative.
generally I do support intervention
and wish the rest of NATO hadn’t bottled out.
Cummings sounds very much to me like a man who is so focussed on trying to oust the PM that he does not want to have any cross-examination of the spin on things that he wants to get into the public domain. So he is refusing to answer any questions or follow-ups, or even the slightest examination of the things he is saying, the way he is saying them, and even the very words he chooses. After delivering these ‘responses’ to Ms Gray, he will quickly move to having these ‘responses’ published in such places as the Guardian, Observer, BBC, etc., with neither context nor explanation….. the very same organisations which would never have touched him with a barge-pole a year ago will suddenly find him to be an eloquent exponent of the ‘truth’.
Ms Gray should demand that he either meets her and her team face to face, or she will disregard his so-called ‘evidence’.
You can imagine, of course, the furore that would have greeted Mr Johnston if he had taken the same stance with this inquiry.
richard D…
I sadly believe Boris Johnsons days as PM are over.
And as for Sue Gray, i have done my research and rest assured she is a real Rottweiler and i genuinely believe the likes of Cummings and his waffle and innuendo will not fool her…He may have produced some real and seriously damaging evidence, we wait and see.
Regardless Cummings will not stop until he has his scalp and as we know he has the help and quite readily of the BBC and other left wing media and publications.
Carrie and Boris Johnson must have really pi–ed off Cummings.
Is it not sad that we can destroy a government by people having a few drinks during lock down. A lock down i dare say where a massive majority of people broke the rules at some stage.
Either way, it looks as though the BBC, Cummings and the left have got there man
Or mass blm protests around the country during covid restrictions
2:15pm R4 Drama “State of the UK season”
5 short poems/drama about being BRITISH
zero written by white males
zero written by males
3 by white women 2 by non-white women
(Khadijah Ibrahiim was born in Leeds of Jamaican parentage, Maryam Hamidi was born in Iran)
preceded by a trailer for a prog “The growing independence movement in Wales”
BALLYNHINCH Written/ performed by Charis McRoberts
DYFI VALLEY with bilingual Welsh-English rap.
performed by Izzy Rabey and Molly McBreen
GOVANHILL by Maryam Hamidi
Performed by Barbara Rafferty and Marisa Coveci
LEEDS Written/performed by Khadijah Ibrahiim
HEADINGTON Written by Sofie Drew
Performed by Joe Bolland and Poppy Gilber
Prog Original music composed by Niroshini Thambar
Izzy Rabey

Wot the hell is that!?
Google her and look at images, terrifying!
Manchester University students paint over Rudyard Kipling mural
This article is more than 3 years old
Students replace poem If by ‘well-known racist’ with Maya Angelou’s Still I Rise
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;
If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!—
Nice one, MM!
As the BBC roll out its tanks to ‘save the TV license’, by so called media ‘experts (like Gary Linekar) UK viewers (most of us) know what needs to be done by Dorris. Telegraph readers are sure that the BBC has both paid itself far too much, badly managed, dinosaur mentality and (always) needs of more cash to promote its GUARDIAN world views by force (if necessary) via its control of most radio and TV. Many FreeView programs are ‘badged’ BBC content which the BBC also runs exclusively…
What we think, is shown here.
I am tendering my resignation because for some time past I have been conscious that I was wasting my own time and the public money on doing work that produces no result. I believe that in the present political situation the broadcasting of British propaganda to India is an almost hopeless task. Whether these broadcasts should be continued at all is for others to judge, but I myself prefer not to spend my time on them when I could be occupying myself with journalism which does produce some measureable effect. I feel that by going back to the normal work of writing and journalism I could be more useful than I am at present.
200 troops to NHS.
10 troops to Polish Border.
0 troops to UK Kent Beach.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson has warned Russia that invading Ukraine would be “disastrous” and a “painful, violent and bloody business”.
Putin must be feeling that he is on pretty solid ground – and knows that Obama ( Biden)has form for bottling it – and deep down surely the EU is wondering whether the US can replace the gas cut off by Russia …..
I get the feeling the BBC has no idea what the song should be – I suppose once Obama/Biden do something they’ll just sing along …..
“It is probably no coincidence that Ms Harris’ descent into negative approval ratings began when the whole of the immigration issue was hung around her neck.”
“It is probably no coincidence that Ms Harris’s descent into negative approval ratings is a direct consequence of her own ineptitude, incapabilty and incoherence (much like her boss).”
There…. fixed your analysis for you, BBC….. want to try again ?
The least they could have done is make the box around the statue look like the monolith from the opening sequence of 2001 …
The London & UK Crime feed
“Welsh ports had 30% less traffic due to Brexit – shipping chief.”
Comments: CCBGB .
Video of expired Covid vaccines being destroyed in Nigeria recirculates in misleading posts
The story is half true but the video is fake
On December 22, 2021, Nigerian authorities said they incinerated more than a million doses of AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccines that had passed their expiry dates, AFP reported.
Faisal Shuaib, the head of Nigeria’s National Primary Health Care Development Agency, said the destroyed vaccines had been donated by developed countries “at the point that they are about to expire.”
Hundreds of millions of pounds may have been wasted on a drug for flu that works no better than paracetamol, a landmark analysis has said.
The UK has spent £473m on Tamiflu, which is stockpiled by governments globally to prepare for flu pandemics.
The Cochrane Collaboration claimed the drug did not prevent the spread of flu or reduce dangerous complications, and only slightly helped symptoms.
The manufacturers Roche and other experts say the analysis is flawed.
I went looking for Tamiflu evidence online just over a year ago.
Google search showed nearly nothing …… and DDG likewise. Many links to journal and medical trade press were dead….
– I was suspicious at the time
Islamophobia is gone! Long live “Muslimness”!
China Uighurs: Xinjiang ban on long beards and veils
Published1 April 2017
China sets rules on beards, veils to combat extremism in Xinjiang
What a shame for those poor China Muslims, oh well never mind.
The poison in our midst:
BLM DC complains that shot police officers treated as ‘heroes’ in ‘tear jerker press conferences’
Black Lives Matter DC says, ‘Being Black in DC is more dangerous than any job’
Black Lives Matter claims America is ‘stolen land’ in Thanksgiving tweet
Black Lives Matter’s Thanksgiving tweet sparked backlash on social media
In another tweet, BLM described Rittenhouse as a “little racist/terrorist” who “represents the exact kind of white-supremacist vigilante violence that we’ve seen before.”
In just 100 days in 1994, about 800,000 people were slaughtered in Rwanda by ethnic Hutu extremists. They were targeting members of the minority Tutsi community, as well as their political opponents, irrespective of their ethnic origin.
Many societies throughout history have practised slavery, and Muslim societies were no exception.
It’s thought that as many people were enslaved in the Eastern slave trade as in the Atlantic slave trade.
It’s ironic that when the Atlantic slave trade was abolished the Eastern trade expanded, suggesting that for some Africans the abolition of the Atlantic trade didn’t lead to freedom, but merely changed their slave destination.
More black racism from the US, now taken to the Supreme Court:
Harvard uses race at every stage of the admissions process,” Students for Fair Admissions said in its petition asking the court to hear the Harvard case. “African-American and Hispanic students with PSAT scores of 1100 and up are invited to apply to Harvard, but white and Asian-American students must score a 1350…. In some parts of the country, Asian-American applicants must score higher than all other racial groups, including whites, to be recruited by Harvard.”
What the hell is going on ? Civil Serpents to blame here ?
Boris suffers major blow as minister quits at dispatch box before storming out
A MINISTER sensationally resigned at the dispatch box this afternoon as he attacked the Government’s “desperately inadequate” response to Covid fraud.
Lord Agnew insisted his resignation was in “no way linked” to the so-called partygate scandal that has embroiled the Government in recent weeks.
Instead he appeared to blame the civil service, saying: “Any prime minister of this country should be able to reasonably expect, when taking on the mantle of power, that the levers of Government were actually connected to delivering services for our citizens.”
He added: “It has certainly not been through want of trying, but the Government machine has been almost impregnable to my endless exhortations.”
GBNews is either promoting Moslemness or is so determined to kick Boris out that it is putting up regular items on the plight of the suffering moslem woman MP.
Tories are waycists
Racism …. tolerance … Can non-Muslims do the hajj? No. Although Christians and Jews believe in the God of Abraham, they are not allowed to perform the hajj. Indeed, the government of Saudi Arabia forbids all non-Muslims from entering the holy city of Mecca at all.20 Aug 2018
These notes, apparently typed straight down after each day’s impressions, form the record of Orwell’s interaction with the Northern working class before the stage when he turned his experience into pamphleteering. The observation is compressed and merciless: ‘There is no turbulence left in England’, Orwell wrote despairingly after a sheepish social got up by the Wigan branch of the National Unemployed Workers Movement. The biggest public meeting is an audience of 700 workers in Barnsley to hear Mosley; they applaud him, and let the Blackshirt stewards beat up questioners. The unemployed workers’ discussion-group that Orwell attends in Leeds emerges as pro-German when the talk turns to Europe.
Journalist lies about Brexit:
“[The Daily Telegraph] article may have given the impression that Wetherspoons, in common with
other companies in the hospitality sector, was struggling to recruit staff. In fact, Wetherspoons is
not facing staff shortages or recruitment issues. We apologise for any confusion and are happy to
correct the record.”
Released : 02 Jun 2021 13:20
“The Telegraph newspaper published an article online yesterday (“Wetherspoons boss calls for more
EU migration as bars and restaurants tackle staff shortage” – 1 June 2021), which misrepresented
Wetherspoon’s position.
The Telegraph journalist contacted Tim Martin, the Wetherspoon chairman, and requested
comments regarding reports of staff shortages in the hospitality industry generally.
Following the press query, Mr Martin personally made enquiries within the company and, in
subsequent texts to the journalist, said “anecdotal feedback from … pubs since reopening [is that
there are] lots of people applying generally.”
Mr Martin’s texts also said that for a “new pub opening last week (in a town in North Yorkshire), for
example, [there were] 160 applications for 70 jobs.”
Mr Martin’s texts added that “there were 20 applications for four vacancies” in a Bedfordshire pub
and there was “a good volume of applications for vacancies in Bletchley and Milton Keynes”.
Mr Martin concluded that it was “a reasonably good position for JDW in the country” and that
“recruitment is more challenging in some seaside towns- but that’s no different to what we
experience in any year.”
The anecdotal evidence provided by Mr Martin was not reported by the journalist, who instead said
that “British pubs and restaurants struggle to recruit staff in the post-pandemic labour market
The journalist also said “pub and restaurant bosses warned they were being forced to shut sites
during the crucial lunchtime trade due to a shortage of workers”, which the article implied was a
problem for Wetherspoon- and which is clearly not true from the evidence provided by Mr Martin to
the journalist.
The article also said that Mr Martin “urged Boris Johnson to introduce a visa scheme for EU
In fact, Mr Martin has had no contact whatsoever with Mr Johnson since he became Prime Minister.
Wetherspoon boss denies worker shortage caused by Brexit
Tim Martin told investors on Wednesday that a Daily Telegraph story ‘misrepresented Wetherspoon’s position’.
OMission is the greatest lie.
Local radio keeps describing a village as “near Gainsborough”
.. that’s strange cos It’s actually nearer to the much larger town of Scunthorpe.
eg Scunthorpe shops and Asda are about 5 miles
Gainsborough’s Morrsions & shops are about 10 miles
Same effect around here …
Mentioning that the house for sale is near Bath or Bradford on Avon puts E£££ on the price – saying it’s closer to Trowbridge or Melksham and the price shrivels… Melksham has a Waitrose….
Brits shocked after pub chain prints book of corrections from news outlets who made ‘untrue statements’ about founder during Covid
Brits on social media were shocked this week after JD Wetherspoon – one of the UK’s largest pub chains – printed and distributed a magazine of apologies from news outlets who had made “untrue statements” about the company.
After the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdowns prohibited pubs from opening last year, JD Wetherspoon and its founder Tim Martin were accused by several news outlets of telling staff to “work for Tesco,” a supermarket company, until pubs reopened.
Martin denied using that term and claimed he had merely informed employees that supermarkets were in need of staff; the allegations in the news were eventually retracted, with some organisations even issuing apologies.
“Woman stabbed to death and man killed by vehicle in Westminster”
What on earth is going on up there in the city ?
Those “men” again ?
Ha – great minds think alike.
Woman stabbed to death and man killed by vehicle in Westminster
This story came up on my phone and it was very clear. A man was stabbing a woman over and over saying ‘take it, take it’ when he turned and went to go for people nearby trying to stop him. As he went for them, a car drove into him and he was ignored shouting for help underneath it while they tried to help the woman.
This BBC report however implies that the murderer is the man driving the car !!!. They are absolutely and deliberately avoiding any acknowledgement that the man hit by the car stabbed the woman.
This is astonishing deliberate mis-reporting, even for the BBC. No doubt it’s entirely agenda based.
Just researching for the above and came across this from Sky.
Of course the hand shown holding a knife is white.
The media are enemies of the state.
But where are all the knives coming from?
County lines gangs have changed tactics during COVID – and their victims are getting even younger
“They’re getting them on the internet. And selling them on Snapchat. You make good money off it.”
The double (fatal?) stabbings / killings which happened last night about 500 yds from where I am sitting in NE London doesn’t get coverage – me thinks more media types with in Maida Vale … the road is still closed here …
Climate-related deaths in England and Wales fell between 2001 and 2020, according to a new analysis of data by the Office of National Statistics.
Hot days saw more injuries, violence and suicide but the relatively small rise in deaths was offset by warmer winter temperatures resulting in fewer.
Climate change is a substantial threat to human health globally.
Scientists do not yet have enough information about the health impact to make a prediction about the future.
But the trends showing a changing climate are very clear, ONS epidemiology in climate and global health head Myer Glickman told BBC News.
Mental health is a growing concern linked to climate change with the risk of death for patients with mental illnesses increasing by approximately 5% for every 1 degree Celsius increase in temperature. Certain medications may increase the relative risk of death by 7% to 8% per 1 degree Celsius increase in temperature above 18 degrees Celsius and people with mental health conditions may be unable to self-care appropriately in extreme weather.
Yes, a vibrant community.
Horror on the school-run: Hero driver ‘ran over and killed knifeman to stop frenzied attack on woman’: Witness claims hooded assailant ‘lay in wait’ for female victim who died from stab wounds in west London Street.
A driver ran over and killed a knifeman to stop him stabbing a woman, a witness claimed today – as he described how the hooded attacked ‘lay in wait’ for his victim, who also died.
Jiyad Raad, 52, who lives locally, told how he and another passer-by confronted the attacker while he was stabbing the woman during the ‘horrific’ incident near two schools at 9am today, but he waved his knife at the pair and ordered them to ‘get back’.
Horror on the school-run: Hero driver ‘ran over and killed knifeman to stop frenzied attack on woman’: Witness claims hooded assailant ‘lay in wait’ for female victim who died from stab wounds in west London street
Metropolitan Police officers are called to stabbing in Maida Vale, West London, during rush hour
When they got to the scene at about 9am today they also found a man who had been hit by a car
Firefighters freed man who was trapped under vehicle but both were declared dead at the scene
Police launch ‘urgent investigation’ ahead of post-mortem examinations but have made no arrests
A driver ran over and killed a knifeman to stop him stabbing a woman, a witness claimed today – as he described how the hooded attacked ‘lay in wait’ for his victim, who also died.
Jiyad Raad, 52, who lives locally, told how he and another passer-by confronted the attacker while he was stabbing the woman during the ‘horrific’ incident near two schools at 9am today, but he waved his knife at the pair and ordered them to ‘get back’.
The attack only ended when a passing motorist drove into the man who ended up pinned under the wheels of the driver’s blue Renault Clio, with dozens of children attending the nearby secondary school heard screaming at what they had seen.
Mr Raad said the driver got out of his car and tried to chase the knifeman away, saying ‘I want to stop him’ before getting back into his car and running him over.
Witnesses said the female victim was white, the assailant was black and they were both aged in their 20s.
One bystander said the incident was ‘something one sees in movies, not in real life’. Police were firstly dispatched to reports of a stabbing, but when they got to the scene they also found the man who had been hit by a car.
Paramedic teams from the London Ambulance Service were called as well as crews from London Fire Brigade, who freed the man as he was trapped under the vehicle, but both victims were declared dead at the scene.
Mr Raad told MailOnline today how he ran into the street after being alerted by the victim’s desperate screams, saying: ‘It was horrific. He was repeatedly plunging the knife into her. It was a 10cm (4in) long kitchen knife.
‘The woman was screaming for help but he did not stop. He was stabbing her in the neck and the side and the stomach as she was lying on the floor. She had her hands up trying to protect herself.
‘I ran towards him and we pleaded with him to stop. He then turned on us and raised the knife up and was threatening to stab us. He was saying ‘Get back. Get back.’ We couldn’t get near him.
‘We couldn’t do anything to stop him. He was waving the knife at us then kept turning to stab the woman again. She must have been stabbed ten times. I tried to distract him but he wouldn’t stop.
‘He was only stopped when the driver ran his car over him. He drove fast enough that the attacker went beneath the car and was pinned under the wheels. He was asking people to get him out but we couldn’t lift up the car.
‘He was shouting ‘Please. Please help me’. The woman was also stuck under the car because her coat was under one of the wheels. I was trying to help the woman. There was blood everywhere.
Metropolitan Police officers investigate at the scene in Maida Vale, West London, this afternoon following the double death
afternoon. The attack only ended when a passing motorist drove into the man who ended up pinned under the wheels of the driver’s blue Renault Clio
View gallery
A Metropolitan Police officer in a forensic suit at the scene on Chippenham Road in Maida Vale this afternoon. The attack only ended when a passing motorist drove into the man who ended up pinned under the wheels of the driver’s blue Renault Clio
‘I got blood all over my hands as I tried to stop her bleeding. She was breathing very heavily. In the end there was nothing we could do to save her. The driver was a young man. He was in a state of shock.
‘I told him it was the only (way) to stop him. The police came and lifted the car up on a jack and took him from under the vehicle then put the attacker into an ambulance. He had been under the vehicle for about 15 minutes and he did not survive. This all happened before 9am as people were taking their children to school.
‘The attacker was a black man in his 20s who was wearing a hood and a mask. It seemed as if he knew the woman he attacked and had been lying in wait for her.’
Mr Raad said the two men were not known to each other but he believed both dead victims did know each other. He said: ‘The man who arrived in the blue car, which was a Renault, was scared about what happened.
‘We spoke to each other and he tried to stop the guy with the knife. I don’t think either of the men knew each other already but I think the man with the knife and the woman knew each other.
Will we be having night-time vigils for the dead woman and lots of angry women demanding action is taken to stop anything similar happening again ?.
Or will it be quickly dropped.
We all the know the answer. It’s the most disgusting of double standards. And I’m fairly certain that most of the twitter mob don’t even realise just what hypocrites they are : they are whipped up into a frenzy by the misandrist activists and swept along in group-think.
What a bizzare state the world is in.
Putin’s hand on the gas tap: How Net Zero eco-policies have handed Russia’s strongman the bargaining chip he needs to ransom Europe over Ukraine – and could lead to soaring prices in the UK
Europe has been mothballing energy sources seen as environmentally damaging as part of Net Zero targets
But green technology has failed to plug the gap, increasing reliance on foreign imports including from Russia
“ransom Europe over Ukraine. ”
What’s Putin trying to extract ?
…sound of birds tweeting, grass swaying in the wind etc…
The latest horror film for a normal citizen’s collection…
“When House of cards” met “Yes minister”!
A story of back-stabbing, a disgraceful tax-paid ‘broadcaster’s lies’, Blair, lefties on the make, weak and feeble politicians, randy blokes and birds in the HOC, yawns about raped kids, evil civil serpents, Blair again, and his mate Campbell, excuses for cancer-ridden patients, ignorance of illegal stabbers in London…
The list goes on, and they’re all paid for by my miserable taxed pension.
It will never make the awful BBC, but will be understood by so many normal citizens in Great Britain.
Few little satellite protests yesterday about NHS staff and mandatory vaccinations etc etc.
Ok, of course they have the right to choose what goes into their bodies.
Now, as a vaccinated patient DO I HAVE THE RIGHT laid in a hospital bed to
a) ask if the nurse/doctor has been vaccinated ?
b) also HAVE THE RIGHT to refuse to be treated by an unvaccinated member of staff ?
because the argument is based on HAVING THE ‘RIGHT’ which should work both ways.
Stats, darn stats, and bbc research polls.
BBC Stories, BBC Friends’ Stories, and BBC Pile Ons.
Cross the BBC, its BFFs and their mates in auditoria offices with caution.
From Stuart Hughes and Addison Lee to Sopes and Trump, when they take against, they have £5,000,000,000 and 20,000 troops to share in it.
Go to the open thread and check out the Line of Duty convo.
also HAVE THE RIGHT to refuse to be treated by an VACCINATED member of staff ?
Touché !
After Life 3: How TikTok took a Ricky Gervais fan to Netflix
A very lengthy article which resulted in the extreme anti-climax that he got one scene as an extra in one episode of ‘Afterlife 3’.
Why would such a trivial item warrant an article about five time the length that someone who got murdered in Londonistan would get to mark their violent ending ?.
You know the answer. ‘Cole’ is black.
Result of £1,100/day June Sarpong and her team ?
Today is deadline day for Greene King to rename the Black Bitch pub in Linlithgow to the Black Hound – because ONE visitor to the area objected to the name. 11,000 people have signed a petition to keep the decades old name as it was never intended as a racist comment, as had been indicated, but has a historic tale to the region. The dog happens to be black and is female – (bitch).
Once again a corporate company has kowtowed to the minority – this time its a single complaint.
If Greene King continue to go ahead with this, then surely the community should boycott the pub !
Bris – I think GBNews did something on this a couple of weeks ago – if memory serves me that dismal woke brewery had 3 pubs in the town which were all being avoided as reprisals .
What didn’t get covered was the future of the statue of said dog which is also in the town . Isn’t it strange how easily things which a few people find ‘offensive ‘ can just be airbrushed out of existence ?
Really must be time to ban ‘1984’ and ‘animal farm ‘ ….if one of the animals had been called n word they’d be gone long ago …
I now need a screen wipe.
How it works.
It’s common for doctors to have a god complex and think they can get away with perving.
Tonight’s local news talked of the trial of a pery male midwife in Hull.
.. Taking personal photos of caesarean section surgery without asking permission
and taking a whole series of liberties
but not physical sexual abuse ..saying clumsy compliments to female colleagues.
Hey come on – what’s the problem with a chap showing his collection of c section photos at the perverts ‘ do ….? Wtf ?
Male midwifes ? …..
Surkeer is currently again demanding resignations based on what a telly journo ‘understands’.
Dinner beckons.
Wow that election interview where the tories has Brillo over still lingers … but Brillo must be on the cash ……maybe he ll present C4 news from his dacha in France ….
…btw – I heard somewhere the BBC is floating the closure of BBC 4 – I guess it will be missed for a day or two – it was – for a short time – challenging and informing – but the BBC didn’t want any of that ….
Local news : “Will Drew really cares about Climate Change
so he rowed the entire Atlantic
to help clear the ocean of plastic”
FFS plastic and Climate Change are two non-connected things
The clearance efforts of a rowboat across the Atlantic might seem insignificant. Because they are. I might see the % a generous 3m in the full longitude a worthy exercise.
Will might be better employed in the deltas of most Asian rivers.
Paul Brand has a fan.
With a reaction.
MR Brand’s boyfriend leaks again ?
Do you notice just how inbred the swamp is ? Reporters coupled with senior civil servants ? Government ministers married to sky managers … plenty of money in the bank and a nice friendly bubble …
BBC goes with… ‘claims’.
The stuff of which media joke careers are made.
Censored by the BBC
Vaccine deaths are mostly hidden within the 14 day scam. They are attributed to deaths by the unvaccinated. In an unprecedented letter of condemnation, the head of the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR), Ed Humpherson, criticised the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) for providing statements “Unsupported by the data” and demanded much greater transparency on health data. Problems with the Office for National Statistics (ONS) data originate from the UKHSA. In fact the Covid rules imposed by the UKHSA are identical to those imposed by the US Centers for Disease Control. This links the British rules with Dr Fauci. Both the USA rules and the UK rules classify people as unvaccinated up to 16 days after they have been vaccinated. All the data manipulation seems to originate from Dr Fauci, and then everyone else follows the consensus.
Metropolitan Police Crime Number: 6029679/21. International Criminal Court (The Hague) Case number: OTP‐CR‐473/21
The world’s largest‐ever international criminal investigation is now under‐way, involving Hammersmith Police and The Metropolitan Police.
The UK police accepted the supporting information and agreed there is enough evidence to proceed under the above crime number.
The case was lodged on 20th December 2021 by Sam White MD; Philip Hyland (PJH Law); Lois Bayliss (Broad Yorkshire Law) and retired policeman Mark Sexton; requests for assistance have been made to the likes of:
International Lawyer Robert F Kennedy Jnr (US) (nephew of JF Kennedy); Dr Reiner Fuellmich (German Corporate Lawyer who won the case against Volkswagen Audi’s emissions scandal); Dr. Michael Yeadon (Ex CEO of Pfizer); plus countless other doctors, professors, virologists, biologists, data experts and lawyers nationally and internationally; some of whom have already made direct contact with the police and have been acknowledged by Cressida Dick’s personal assistant, Superintendent Simpson.
The complaint alleges (among other things) misfeasance and misconduct in public office; gross negligence manslaughter; corporate manslaughter, murder, conspiracy to murder, genocide and crimes against humanity.
The evidence submitted by Philip Hyland and Dr Sam White against the MHRA is damning and shows they did not carry out due diligence surrounding the vaccine data, trials and studies and that they continued to ignore the death, harm and injury the vaccines cause.
Mark Sexton says: “This is now a live criminal investigation. We were forced to act due to the complacency of the UK Government, despite them being fully aware of the catastrophic death and injury figures to adults and children alike. This is nothing short of genocide; once again it seems that profit over people is the overriding motive. There is a deliberate blanket campaign of misinformation underway. Many don’t even realise this is still an experimental product. Two months testing for a drug that needs five years testing for the old and vulnerable, and twelve years testing for everyone else. If people want unassailable current evidence, I’d suggest in the interim they look at‐vaccine‐scientific‐proof‐lethal/
“In years to come this will be the equivalent of another Thalidomide scandal, but for now we have to act on a united front to get the truth out to the public and stop the unsafe vaccine rollout.
“We have several thousand pieces of evidence to discredit the safety and efficacy of this vaccine, but we are still encouraging members of the public to further support our claim.”
“We therefore appeal to anyone who has suffered the death of a loved one after receipt of the vaccine; anyone who has been injured – from blindness to heart issues; blood clots; strokes; myocarditis etc.
“We’d also like to hear from those illegally threatened with No jab, no job.”
“This is the most far‐reaching enquiry ever undertaken. A national scandal that threatens the lives and the livelihoods of every person in the UK. We must act now.”
If you have information to assist the police enquiry, please contact Lois Bayliss of Broad Yorkshire Law:
From just a little bit of searching it can be found that most of this is simply false. The ‘Police’ have closed this report and no further investigation is taking place.
FFS “involving Hammersmith Police and The Metropolitan Police.”
That line itself is suspicious surely ?
Rule : Extraordinary Claims need extraordinary evidence
Usually you can check if fact checkers have said anything .. that is not proof, but it is a start
Reuters :Fact Check
“ The Metropolitan Police has not opened a criminal investigation into Britain’s COVID-19 vaccine rollout”
Reuters 5 tweet thread
“censored by the BBC”
FFS you could have checked that bold claim
They tweeted this story at least 3 times
starting 6pm Friday 21st
Wouldn’t it be something if a British PM is really bought down by behaviour of his wife ? … predicted last week – looks like the Gray report will be delayed – and maybe published during a war …
Rookie mistake. The bbc knows a word covers all.
I have been pointing out how GB News has a soft spot for moslemness
Scared of the sharia mob running OFCOM
Shesh come on guys, how many times do you need to be told to follow the money?
The Arabs have their fingers all over GB News via Legatum Investment, a Dubai based company.
Saudi have a large stake in most Western media outlets making sure that criticism of their religion is kept to a minimum and media appears only too happy to comply.
Vile. No surprises.
“Smug thump terighhty therltism”
Do you wonder whether there is a mind working in number 10 . They sit silent as more and more’ gatherings’ are reported making them look even more disobedient to their own rules..
… instead of hiding behind a ‘report ‘ it might well have been best to just fess up and say ‘look – there were internal do s ‘ we are sorry –
– instead they are at the mercy of leaks …
Cowardly useless and incompetent usually covers most of their works
Fed I think it more at the mercy of Cummings the snake.
BBC Radio 4 13.45hrs Mon-Fri – TRUST THE BBC TO GET IT WRONG!
The BBC are celebrating 2022 as the centenary of modernism. I always thought it was around 1904 that modernism got underway with the Bauhaus coming along 15 years later. The BBC pin their hopes on ” In 1922 Vladimir Shukhov built a tower (The Shabolovka Tower) in Moscow radically modernist in purpose – to transmit radio – and in design. He used a diagonally intersecting framework, his diagrid system, which uses less steel and requires no columns. ” The tower was completed in 1922.
Except he didn’t. The design was probably drawn before 1919 and a prototype was built earlier than that in 1896 in Nizhny Novgorod. There is no real start date for Modernism but just different events that create a groundswell: exhibitions, publications, buildings, schools, etc.
I dunno Up2 . why not let the BBC think 1922 was the birth of the modern age ? That should explain to them the 1922 Tory Backbench committee . Modern .
Nibor, 🙂
News channels yet again digging (!) up yet more relatives who have lost someone in the past 2 years while No.10 were ‘partying’ the time away. Is there anyone in the UK that hasn’t been interviewed yet ? then give BBC/Sky and ITV a call. Meanwhile there is a war looming in Eastern Europe, ha ! what do they care – well, ok get Boris out of office, and who will run the country then and deal with a potential war footing ? I’m even chuckling as I write this.
Just announced 8500 USA troops put on immediate standby and high alert, situation deterioting in Ukraine
Sod that we in the UK have more important things to discuss, our PM had an illegal gathering and drinkypoos
Sorry – are they running away again using the afgee formula ?
Is Boris’s 10 minutes with a cake, different from Starmer’s takeaway meal and beer with his staff ?
.. The reporting is just this constant chipping away,
a technique that does work to build outrage.
Police “Be The Difference” recruitment TV commercial
The focus is an officer who listen to abused women.
I bet you can’t make a guess about that officer.
Yes a black female.
Caitlin Jenner is on GBnews what you want, but surely everyone’s brain says “that’s a man in a dress” ?
She is talking about the trans swimmer
“It’s just not fair, of course if you were previously a man you can compete better”
“In this woke world, they’re always going to come after you, I get more heat for being a Republican , than for being trans”
BBC 9pm police drama
A major surprise, it’s set in Liverpool and all the characters are white
Are any of them nice ?
Certainly none of the men
– The main one The urgent Response policeman is a thief under the thumb of a psycho drug dealer.
– The cop’s world is crooks and nutters
– His 80 yo mother seems harmless, but it’s revealed his dead father was an abusive thug
– The cop’s white colleague cover up after him
And 40 minutes in, we get a black character, a young in training black female cop ..and she is the only character that is 100% moral.
Which borders are more important ?
The Ukrainian border ?
Or our own borders ?
I understand that 87 or more invaders landed today .
It appears that our so called ‘government’ puts the ‘Uman Rights’ of alien, and probably hostile undesirables above those of us, the people Great Britain .
They are not fit to govern this country .
Anything on Al Beeb ?
You pay £600,000 bill after Home Office lose case against four asylum ‘tourists’
TAXPAYERS picked up a £600,000 legal bill after the Home Office lost a court case against four asylum “tourists” who refused to leave the country.
21:40, Mon, Feb 27, 2017 | UPDATED: 21:46, Mon, Feb 27, 2017
The biggest bill last year was for a case against an Iranian man and three Eritreans, who flouted immigration rules after claiming refugee status in Italy and then again in the UK.
The Court of Appeal ruled in favour of Theresa May, who was then Home Secretary. But the refugees took the case to the Supreme Court, which allowed their appeal.
Polish borders – 10 troops sent.
As the fleet crosses the Indian Ocean, the political situation in France becomes more charged. At a press conference about the crisis, a French official who offers a speech in praise of the refugees is confronted by a journalist who claims he is merely trying to “feed the invaders” and demands to know if France will “have the courage to stand up to” the migrants when they reach France. The official decries this question as morally offensive and threatens to throw the journalist out when he continues to yell. Other journalists seek to inflame tensions between the French and Africans and Arabs already living in the country. Over time, these journalists begin to write that the migrant fleet is on a mission to “enrich, cleanse and redeem the Capitalist West”. At the same time as the fleet is praised by those in Paris, the people of Southern France, terrified of the migrants’ arrival, flee to the north.
As the fleet approaches the Suez Canal, Egyptian military forces fire a warning shot, causing the fleet to steer south, around the Cape of Good Hope. To the surprise of observers, the apartheid regime of South Africa floats out barges of food and supplies, which the migrants throw overboard. The international press is thrilled, believing the rejection of these supplies to be a political statement against the apartheid South African regime. Western leaders, confident the refugees will accept supplies from their “more virtuous” nations, organize a supply mission, funded by governments, charities, rock stars and major churches, to meet the refugees off São Tomé. However, the fleet does not stop for these barges either, and when a worker from the Papal barge attempts to board one of the ships, he is strangled and thrown overboard. The press attempts to contain coverage of the disaster.
Spotted some ker-ching action at BBC Worldwide.
Making promotional films for silicon chip manufacturers:
clink, clink cheers … doubles all round.
Dear Winston Smith,
I noticed that Jon Sopel is talking about impartial and unbiased reporting but his twitter account has three references to his book whilst using the BBC brand. Could the BBC please explain what is happening?
1) Is BBC Jon Sopel supposed to tell us about the news or his new book?
2) BBC Jon Sopel’s twitter feed has the BBC name in it and says “Jon Sopel, BBC North America Editor. My book If Only They Didn’t Speak English is out now.” which references his book and not the fact he is an unbiased and impartial reporter.
3) BBC Jon Sopel’s twitter’s pinned tweet is from 23May2018 and is about .. himself and his book.
4) Is BBC Jon Sopel’s book 100% BBC approved thought and unbiased and partial?
5) Shouldn’t BBC Jon Sopel’s twitter be about the latest news and not himself?
6) When Jon Sopel sells a book does it go to help pay for the BBC TV Tax – to reduce it? As the BBC are promoting it – thus it is promoted by the BBC TV Tax Payer.
“Impartiality lies at the heart of public service and is the core of the BBC’s commitment to its audiences. It applies to all our output and services – television, radio, online, and in our international services and commercial magazines. We must be inclusive, considering the broad perspective and ensuring the existence of a range of views is appropriately reflected”
Good luck answering this one without laughing yourself silly.
I think Sopel shares that illness which so many ‘well off ‘ types get when they are exposed to people with a lot of money – they want that too – and will do and say anything to get it .
For that I feel sad for Jon – but even more so for him thinking he is in any way ‘unbiased’ – but in his group he’d just be like the rest ….