“Drivers face £35bn tax bill to plug the gap as switch to electric cars hits revenue
Fuel duty is spent on schools, hospitals and other priorities such as the police
But at present drivers of electric cars pay no fuel duty nor vehicle excise duty
Government urged to have a ‘conversation’ with drivers on new ways to be taxed
The report recommends ‘road pricing’ which would charge drivers per car trip”
TWatO Watch #1 – what the BBC are not telling you compared with what they are telling the listener
What Jonny Dymond, who seems well equipped to take over from the departed and un-missed Chief Sneerleader at the BBC, Mark Mardell, was saying is that Downing Street and the PM are in a state of chaos after another ‘aide’ resigned today.
What Jonny, I guess, is not telling you is that the PM being a generous sort, and desperate to be loved by anyone and everyone, gave the Civil Servants involved in suckering him into ‘Partygate’ a chance to resign before they were sacked. Instead, the BBC’s Jonny Dymond ‘tarred & feathered’ Boris Johnson with the same sort of labels the BBC had previously reserved for Donald Trump.
I switched off twice in protest. The second time only a few minutes after the first saving of electricity. I have saved more since then for the rest of the programme.
BBC local news “Hull Crown Court a *man* has been convicted & sentenced for causing the death of a motorcyclist
RAF serviceman George Ellis, 27 was biking with his dad.
The car driver had been stuck in a traffic queue and in an inpatient bid to get out of this, without checking his path, drove straight into George, knocking him into the road, who died a short time later.”
The driver has got a 4-month SUSPENDED sentence for 18 months,
a community order, 200 hours of community service,
a 6 month curfew and disqualified from driving for 2 years for causing death by careless driving.
OK he ‘s escaped jail even though he killed someone
Is he an innocent driver ?
No, he had no valid car insurance and had racked up 17 penalty points on his driving license the previous year.
“… there have been 551 asylum claims in Britain from people from other EU countries – like Poland and Spain. All but a handful were turned down – but they cost over £4 million to the British tax payer. So we will end this absurdity ….” – Theresa May – Oct2015 – @25:05
551 Asylum Claims @ £4 million?! (£7,259 per claim)
As the Treasury prepares to raid your pockets over the next year, just bear in mind how quickly they’re willing to splash the cash when looking after themselves. New government transparency documents show HMT spent £4,578.38 on two luxury Venetian hotel stops in July 2021 – one four star and one five star – between the 6th-8th July. Il conto, per favore…
2:15pm R4 drama
Alfie (24) starts a new job, and has a romantic relationship with his boss Samuel (53)
…. That’s creepy
but the idea of old men having sex with boys, is very BBC.
BBC urged to remove sculpture of naked boy from outside Broadcasting House because creator raped his daughters
Eric Gill’s statue Prospero And Ariel stands in front of Broadcasting House
Sculptor’s diary revealed he molested two of his daughters and family dog
He also had an incestuous relationship with his younger sister Gladys
Sexual abuse charity says it is ‘an insult’ to keep the statue on display
“In biology, evolution is not what we (Islamic Teachings) believe”@0:58 {bbc.co.uk – 09Jun2014 – From the section Education }
Michael Gove on extremism in schools: ‘We have to act’
“It is important that no-one allows concern about these finding to become a pretext for criticism of Islam itself,” he added.
– this was in 2014 – have things changed or been forgotten?
Get Mayors? That buffon and ender od live Burnham (to the ground) is costing the average ratepayer an extra £200 on their bill every year to finance his failure.
The Mayors were created by Socialist Workers Party Affiliate David Cameron in order to hand control of the Police in every major city in Britain to his beloved Labour party.
It’s much the same way as he handed the Labour supporting Mirror group control of nearly all the nations regional press, in spite of advice not to do so from monopolies and mergers he over ruled them and allowed Mirror group take over.
Real or imagined: Racism ‘fear’ over Rotherham child abuse
By Katie Hall
BBC News Online
Published27 August 2014
A “taboo” subject, “ignoring a politically inconvenient truth”, threatening “community cohesion”, “fear of being thought racist”.
The report which revealed the abuse of more than 1,400 children in Rotherham – mainly by men of Pakistani heritage – found many reasons why the shocking scale of child sexual exploitation in the South Yorkshire town remained hidden.
‘No 10 denies Boris Johnson has lost control after raft of resignations’
Possibly the most pointless and meaningless headline I’ve seen this year. And that’s saying something with the BBC these days.
‘BBC denies director-general rapes little boys’ is about the same in terms of journalistic quality.
It would be wonderfully ironic if the end result of this BBC vendetta were to be the removal of remainers from the list of ministers and the abolition of the license fee.
bBC Brigadoon and James Cook appointment/promotion to Scotland Editor.
James had a key role in bBC Scotland (32million white elephant) launch and ,in particular, its evening news flagship ( their words)
called THE NINE.
Sadly, viewing figures for this flagship declined rapidly to the point where they are so low they cannot be counted.
Like all these public funded organisations…failure cannot be tolerated so lets just promote them.
bBC also declined to reveal his salary saying if it is above £150k
it will be revealed in their annual report.
MESSAGE to Ms Dorries..make them lower that bar to £75k flush out more of the overpaid rascals.
And PS How are you getting along with our request that Mr Tim Davie puts a plan on your table outlining the timeline for conversion of LF to subscription model.
You might think bBc Soctland is a White elephant, but you are judging from your own point of view.
These peoplke might be malevolent, but by and large they are not stupid. They know that the Scots might well one day vote for independance and if they have a ready made sympathetic operation which could be turned into RRG; Reich Broadcasting Corporation then they might just manage to hold onto their empire and influence.
Let us not forget the links both the SNP and the BBC both have to Hitlers Nazi party and the fact the SNP still celebrate their Nazi Activist founder (Note activist not sympathiser) Arthur Donaldson.
“Rayan: Morocco well rescue for five-year-old grips nation”
In the media industry, “A boy in the well” story : is a term for a news operation that is easy and fills the airwaves for hours
cos you just keep reporting “There is a boy in a well.. hey he’s still there”
Dear Marianna Spring (BBC wages paid under threat of prosecution),
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
I still find it highly amusing that the Left desperately try to claim claim the ‘National Socialist German Workers’ Party’ (Nazi) were far-right.
I see similarities with them and the Left/BBC with all their propaganda lies, supression of dissenting opinions (ie fascism) and intolerance of different viewpoints everywhere.
They despise their ideological enemies on the right and we would be persecuted with the same hatred as socialists have done throughout history if they had total power.
After hearing loads of stuff about ‘cost of living crisis ‘ including the now famed claim about eating toothpaste instead of food – I thought the hyper socially aware broadcasting staff at the BBC would donate – sat 20% of their income to ‘food banks ‘ or some energy charity ……
I’m sure they’d all be eager – perhaps they donate part of pensions too ….
In the real world I suppose the BBC narrative will be to blame the red Tory government for every upward price pressure .the failure of the UK to have an energy policy is the fault of the political class – it was either incompetence or corruption which has put us in the place we are now .
You might notice no politician – apart from the likes of John redwood – is pushing for an intelligent plan for the UK to be self deficient – instead it is crap nut nut green stuff …
Overseas people can’t listen to BBC local radio online now
“ due to online rights for the Winter Olympics,
our @BBCSounds feed is restricted to UK only from 4-20 Feb”
“A modern slaver whose disabled victim was exploited for 40 years has been given a suspended prison sentence.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cumbria-60256915
So much noise about slavery
A suspended prison sentence after 40 years !
The wrong colour slave.
Low IQ man Chris was rescued at the age of 58 after a tip-off in 2018.
Courts have dragged on and the real instigator the father of today’s convicted man, died at 81 before he could be tried.
The son was about 12 when the father ensllaved the man in 1978.
Other media clearly give the location
“When officers visited the *Travellers’ site* in October 2018”
In the BBC story the only clue is a photo label.
“A raid at Hadrian’s Caravan Park in Carlisle took place in 2018”
“China joins Russia in opposing Nato expansion” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-60257080
That one has been on the cards for a long time.
In the meantime we have been concerned with Midget Gems , gender fluidity. Political correctness and a whole range of other guff.
Its not looking good .
Their linkages are well known up here and indeed they are now generally known as the NATSIS.
You are correct in your description of the bBc operation up here, however, more worrying is their control and manipulation of the Justice system and the Police.
Britain is developing electric combat vehicles. Not just because they’re better for the environment than those old gas-guzzling, carbon-emitting tanks. But also because it will make the military a more attractive career for a new generation of prospective recruits who are passionate about issues such as climate change. https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/british-armys-next-game-changer-weapon-electric-tanks-92941
Lord Ahmed Non-affiliated 2:36 pm, 11th February 2019
To ask Her Majesty’s Government what assessment they have made of the allegations of human rights abuses committed against the Uighur Muslim community in the Western Province of China.
Lord Ahmed Non-affiliated
To ask Her Majesty’s Government what advice they have provided to the Muslim Council of Britain about (1) Friday prayers, and (2) the celebration of Ramadan, in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic.
It was a family affair, his two older brothers were also guilty, but expensive barristers convinced the court they weren’t ‘compis mentis’ enough to go to trial, so have escaped justice.
What a vile mindset these medieval barbarians have, no wonder they don’t integrate into general society.
Normal people have to pay for food … not 650 MPS! Oh how they laughed.
Name of donor: Curry Life Media Group
Address of donor: 34 High Street, Wimbledon Village, London SW19 5BY
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Two tickets to attend the Curry Life Awards in support of a nominated restaurant from my constituency, including dinner, total value £636 https://www.theyworkforyou.com/regmem/?p=25916
As all the MP traitors depart stage left, the BBC and the other left wing periodicals remind me of those old hags sitting round the Guillotine with their knitting needles. You can almost see the saliva dribbling down their chins.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Manager
Job Reference: 146-CCG-5927RF
Employer:Sussex Integrated Care BoardDepartment:768 BH 680866 Human ResourcesLocation:HoveSalary:£40,057 to £45,839 pa https://www.jobs.nhs.uk/xi/vacancy/916862744
Two black kids fighting with a big knife and a sword on a bus in London.
Personally I can’t see anything wrong with this kind of behaviour, and neither can Saddiq Khan or Cressida Dick (no arrests have been made naturally).
As we know from the voice of the Gods which control the Left (BLM) after the police shooting of knife wielding Ma’Khia Bryant BLM told us Teenagers have been having fights, including fights involving knives, for eons,” meaning a very long time. “We do not need police to address these situations by showing up to the scene
Clearly Black kids stabbing each other to death is a natural part of their culture and their growing up we should perhaps provide them with a safe space (safe for everyone else) in order to do it to each other.
Perhaps we could find a use for one of the Olympic stadia and sell tickets to offset any costs, and of course any kind of Police intervention would not be allowed as that would be ‘waycist’. SO pretty much business as usual there then.
1978 … “Every country can take some small minorities and in many ways they add to the richness and variety of this country. The moment the minority threatens to become a big one, people get frightened.” – Margaret Thatcher 1978
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015
Farmer who used forklift tractor to move a car parked on his land is CLEARED of dangerous driving and criminal damage after telling jury, ‘An Englishman’s home is his castle and my castle starts at that front gate’
Farmer Robert Hooper argued in court he had the right to defend his property
Told jury farm had been burgled eight times and hit by anti-social behaviour
He felt ‘frightened and threatened’ when he decided to flip car onto the road
Moaning about cheese and wine parties and lies, whilst this one cannot open her mouth without lying:
Nicola Sturgeon is branded a ‘fantasist’ after claiming that UK taxpayers would continue to stump up the money for Scottish pensions even AFTER independence if her drive to break up Britain is successful
First Minister was taken to task after insisting ‘people will notice no difference’
Said Scots would still get Treasury cash, spokesman added UK expected to pay
She was replying on a years-old comment from a former UK pensions minister
Steve Webb later ruled out UK taxpayers cash being used by foreign state
‘Extremely dangerous’ serial rapist who stalked, robbed and sexually assaulted five women as they walked home in the dark is jailed for 20 years
Abdallah Baballah, 26, stalked his victims after they left public transport at night
He was found guilty of nine counts including rape, attempted rape and robbery
Sudanese Baballah told her: ‘Give me your phone or I’ll stab you’ before dragging the woman into a quiet street and raping her three times, jurors were told.
I have seen this happening before and referred to a vibrant local authority I was at, and the reason they are still there is because it is waycist to sack them:
Sainsbury’s call centre worker, 49, who was sacked for hanging up on dozens of angry customers loses unfair dismissal claim after saying she wouldn’t have been fired if she was ‘white and Scottish’
Muawana McCollin, 49, put the phone down on 62 of 129 callers in single month
She said hang ups were due to phone system and someone was ‘setting her up’
Bosses fired her and she claimed race and disability discrimination at a tribunal
But case was thrown out after panel found she had ‘skewed perception of events
On 31 August, the Daily Mail published an article highlighting comments that Bergdorf had made on a Facebook post,[8] describing it as an “extraordinary rant”.[3] In this post—written in the wake of the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville—Bergdorf had stated: “Honestly I don’t have energy to talk about the racial violence of white people any more. Yes ALL white people” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Munroe_Bergdorf_race_row_incident
At some point, the truckers will realise that their charitable funds are going to be seized. It’s quite likely, with their strength in numbers, and on the ground, that they will feel driven make such a mess that it will take many, many times the amount to clear it up.
Miss Francesca Unsworth (buys sandwich using BBC money for other people)
Internal hospitality
Hospitality For Meetings Potential QT presenter
A cover up in plain site now and part of the election fraud, if the people had known this… :
The FBI, Facebook and Twitter did NOT want to know…….
“Hunter Biden’s ‘disgusting’ laptop: Computer repairman reveals what made him call FBI”
“I could definitely tell that he was inebriated,” said John Paul Mac Isaac, the former owner of “The Mac Shop” in Wilmington, Delaware. Mac Isaac told Fox Nation that Hunter entered his shop on April 12, 2019, just before closing time.
“When I asked for his last name, there was a long pause. And he kind of sarcastically added Biden. I had to ask Hunter for his password. And he started laughing. He was like, you’re not really gonna like this.”
What began as a simple computer repair soon turned into a troubling revelation, an “astounding” and “disgusting” volume of homemade pornography. In addition, Mac Isaac also uncovered a PDF indicating that Hunter had made $1.2 million for Burisma, a private energy company in Ukraine.
After researching Burisma and the contents of the laptop, John realized it was time to contact the authorities. Mac Isaac met with FBI agents, but they seemed to be in no rush to look into the laptop or take action.
“I think that was my first indication that maybe the FBI was more interested in returning the laptop to the former owner and protecting the Bidens than they were protecting me or getting this to the proper channel,” he said.
So, Mac Isaac changed his strategy. That is when he came in contact with Bob Costello, Rudy Giuliani’s lawyer. The rest is history. The laptop became an item of interest across the political spectrum. But, just prior to the 2020 presidential election, Big Tech decided to censor its contents.
Facebook said they were waiting on fact-checkers (who never came) to verify the authenticity of the laptop. Meanwhile, Twitter blocked a New York Post article link breaking down the contents of the laptop from being shared. The Post’s account was even temporarily banned from the platform.
Boris under fire. Can someone advise Boris to wear clothes that make him appear like a Prime Minister rather than dress up in overalls and a high viz jacket. He is not a member of the working class and looks stupid in these photo ops.
If he’d kicked NutNut into touch when she screamed at him for spilling wine on the sofa, Cummins would still be there and he would have dealt with all of this before it was news.
The problem is this : the same forces who can depose Boris on something as insignificant as ‘partygate’ will apply their same influence to get a remainer into No 10. And they will do it without any consideration of whether the people want it or not.
JCVI ‘largely opposed’ to Covid vaccination for children under 16
This article is more than 5 months old
Exclusive: Members of government’s expert committee disagree with politicians and Jonathan Van-Tam
Coronavirus – latest updates
Rowena Mason and Jessica Elgot
Sat 7 Aug 2021 07.00 BST
Younger and highly educated social media users are much more likely to spot fake news online, according to new research from Durham University Business School.
Younger and highly educated social media users – more likely to buy stuff study finds.
There always is a trend to spot and it’s when some group come up with a theory that proves they are worried about people finding out they are lying or know f all about what they are talking about.
BBC local news ..energy bills
‘Here’s our nutty green environment reporter with some PRasNewsfor the Octopus Energy “wind farm club”
“*If* the local community wind turbine us turning we get 20% off the electricity”
Can some one tell me why thr technical support on this station is so crappy ? Is it sabotaging? Are they paying peanuts to monkeys ?
Watching Steyn tonight you really feel for him having to deal very very poor standards of support . Embarrassing.
Jimmy Carr is trendng cos he made a gypsy holocaust joke
There is a quick part 2 that those shouting outrage don’t quote the second part
Here’s the full clip https://youtu.be/crdaGolaBxY
SPOILER : here’s the contexts
Intro He precedes it with “This should be a career ender. OK, strap in, everyone – you ready?”
.. .. Joke
big pause for effect
Part II “It’s a very good joke (sic) for the following reasons.
#1 “f’ing funny. Well done me”
#2 Edgy, edgy. It’s a joke abut the worst thing that has ever happened .. people say “never forget”
Well this is how I remember .. I keep bringing it up
#3 There is an educational quality
.. Everyone knows six million Jewish …
but a lot of people don’t know .. that that the Nazis also killed, in their thousands, Gypsies, homosexuals, disabled people and Jehovah’s Witnesses.”
Interesting audience reaction – I’ve been watching some of the Ricky Gervais stuff on you tube – I suppose certain stand ups think this sort of stuff is okay –
I notice mr Carr left out other group murdered by the nazis – poles – Russians – a variety of ‘sub humans ‘ whose existence was no longer required ….
The audience reaction is laughter, cos they understand his train of thought, that of course he doesn’t think Gypsy Holocaust was a positive.
and the audience also know that the outside world wouldn’t understand that
so it’s a kind of in joke.
Thirdly, commenters say Carr has been telling that one for years
so it is ironic libmob are only outraged now.
The BBC operate on a W1 judgement that the majority of the population are too thick to reason things out so need the BBC to tell them what they should think.
I have a message for the BBC…. You are wrong and you will pay for your arrogance.
Alastair Stewart – on GBNews – recites a tweet which basically shows thar those who infested number 10 were all connected to journos by marriage and the like – it’s a whole ‘inner bubble ‘…
I’m guessing that bit won’t show up in the big Gray Report – and that the MSM won’t ‘eat their own “
If anyone know of the tweet(s) they are worth putting up – it’s basically a web of deceit to dispose of nut nut …
Marr is a committed and self confessed big issue seller level communist (humanity student) so anything he can do to kill off Boris is justified in his bleak totalitarian Mickey Mouse World. (They all are so thick they don’t see that level headed people can see right through it too!)
A few years back the notion of having a communist as a prime time presenter on our national broadcasting station would have been unthinkable, it shows how far the BBC have moved away from being our national broadcaster, in fact they have become the enemy of the state now,
tomoMar 10, 15:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Let’s not forget – The Liberals relied on Jagmeet Singh / New Democratic Party (NDP)to stay in in Canada. Not…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 15:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I think that is close to the truth. The modern Labour Party looks down its nose at white working class…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Exposure from power lines. Although a study in 1979 pointed to a possible association between living near electric power lines…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 15:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 They are brainwashed into believing in diversity and net zero from their first day at school. That’s all I can…
andyjsnapeMar 10, 14:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Households near new pylons to get hundreds off energy bills https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/clyd49dxyxxo “…get discounts of up to £2,500 over 10 years,…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 14:33 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “marr ” ………………………. Would BBC’s Andrew Marr say that the EU does not have much control over the UK ……
MarkyMarkMar 10, 14:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From order-order.com [img]https://image.vuukle.com/51b5831e-0c34-432c-b96b-b96c0104e65b-c31704d4-72ca-4f47-84f4-ba119b564ab1[/img]
Fedup2Mar 10, 13:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Yeah – whatever – give her the TTK 2 year prison penalty – she is obviously not ‘approved ‘…
harry142857Mar 10, 13:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Commission is commission. ——————————————- Mother convicted of not paying TV Licence after death of unborn son. mother who did not…
“Drivers face £35bn tax bill to plug the gap as switch to electric cars hits revenue
Fuel duty is spent on schools, hospitals and other priorities such as the police
But at present drivers of electric cars pay no fuel duty nor vehicle excise duty
Government urged to have a ‘conversation’ with drivers on new ways to be taxed
The report recommends ‘road pricing’ which would charge drivers per car trip”
Zephir, that means that Global Warming and Climate Change is not really happening, does it not?
TWatO Watch #1 – what the BBC are not telling you compared with what they are telling the listener
What Jonny Dymond, who seems well equipped to take over from the departed and un-missed Chief Sneerleader at the BBC, Mark Mardell, was saying is that Downing Street and the PM are in a state of chaos after another ‘aide’ resigned today.
What Jonny, I guess, is not telling you is that the PM being a generous sort, and desperate to be loved by anyone and everyone, gave the Civil Servants involved in suckering him into ‘Partygate’ a chance to resign before they were sacked. Instead, the BBC’s Jonny Dymond ‘tarred & feathered’ Boris Johnson with the same sort of labels the BBC had previously reserved for Donald Trump.
I switched off twice in protest. The second time only a few minutes after the first saving of electricity. I have saved more since then for the rest of the programme.
BBC local news
“Hull Crown Court a *man* has been convicted & sentenced for causing the death of a motorcyclist
RAF serviceman George Ellis, 27 was biking with his dad.
The car driver had been stuck in a traffic queue and in an inpatient bid to get out of this, without checking his path, drove straight into George, knocking him into the road, who died a short time later.”
The driver has got a 4-month SUSPENDED sentence for 18 months,
a community order, 200 hours of community service,
a 6 month curfew and disqualified from driving for 2 years for causing death by careless driving.
OK he ‘s escaped jail even though he killed someone
Is he an innocent driver ?
No, he had no valid car insurance and had racked up 17 penalty points on his driving license the previous year.
Name ? Costel Matei, 26
It was not mentioned that this is a Romanian name.
That local paper mentions that Matei is Romanian
The BBC page doesn’t
just “Matei, of Lambton Street, Hull”
“… there have been 551 asylum claims in Britain from people from other EU countries – like Poland and Spain. All but a handful were turned down – but they cost over £4 million to the British tax payer. So we will end this absurdity ….” – Theresa May – Oct2015 – @25:05
551 Asylum Claims @ £4 million?! (£7,259 per claim)
Asylum from Poland and Spain??????
As the Treasury prepares to raid your pockets over the next year, just bear in mind how quickly they’re willing to splash the cash when looking after themselves. New government transparency documents show HMT spent £4,578.38 on two luxury Venetian hotel stops in July 2021 – one four star and one five star – between the 6th-8th July. Il conto, per favore…
2:15pm R4 drama
Alfie (24) starts a new job, and has a romantic relationship with his boss Samuel (53)
…. That’s creepy
but the idea of old men having sex with boys, is very BBC.
BBC urged to remove sculpture of naked boy from outside Broadcasting House because creator raped his daughters
Eric Gill’s statue Prospero And Ariel stands in front of Broadcasting House
Sculptor’s diary revealed he molested two of his daughters and family dog
He also had an incestuous relationship with his younger sister Gladys
Sexual abuse charity says it is ‘an insult’ to keep the statue on display
Whatever happens with Boris I don’t want Gove as leader demolishing England.
“In biology, evolution is not what we (Islamic Teachings) believe”@0:58 {bbc.co.uk – 09Jun2014 – From the section Education }
Michael Gove on extremism in schools: ‘We have to act’
“It is important that no-one allows concern about these finding to become a pretext for criticism of Islam itself,” he added.
– this was in 2014 – have things changed or been forgotten?
Get Mayors? That buffon and ender od live Burnham (to the ground) is costing the average ratepayer an extra £200 on their bill every year to finance his failure.
The Mayors were created by Socialist Workers Party Affiliate David Cameron in order to hand control of the Police in every major city in Britain to his beloved Labour party.
It’s much the same way as he handed the Labour supporting Mirror group control of nearly all the nations regional press, in spite of advice not to do so from monopolies and mergers he over ruled them and allowed Mirror group take over.
Real or imagined: Racism ‘fear’ over Rotherham child abuse
By Katie Hall
BBC News Online
Published27 August 2014
A “taboo” subject, “ignoring a politically inconvenient truth”, threatening “community cohesion”, “fear of being thought racist”.
The report which revealed the abuse of more than 1,400 children in Rotherham – mainly by men of Pakistani heritage – found many reasons why the shocking scale of child sexual exploitation in the South Yorkshire town remained hidden.
‘No 10 denies Boris Johnson has lost control after raft of resignations’
Possibly the most pointless and meaningless headline I’ve seen this year. And that’s saying something with the BBC these days.
‘BBC denies director-general rapes little boys’ is about the same in terms of journalistic quality.
It would be wonderfully ironic if the end result of this BBC vendetta were to be the removal of remainers from the list of ministers and the abolition of the license fee.
bBC Brigadoon and James Cook appointment/promotion to Scotland Editor.
James had a key role in bBC Scotland (32million white elephant) launch and ,in particular, its evening news flagship ( their words)
called THE NINE.
Sadly, viewing figures for this flagship declined rapidly to the point where they are so low they cannot be counted.
Like all these public funded organisations…failure cannot be tolerated so lets just promote them.
bBC also declined to reveal his salary saying if it is above £150k
it will be revealed in their annual report.
MESSAGE to Ms Dorries..make them lower that bar to £75k flush out more of the overpaid rascals.
And PS How are you getting along with our request that Mr Tim Davie puts a plan on your table outlining the timeline for conversion of LF to subscription model.
You might think bBc Soctland is a White elephant, but you are judging from your own point of view.
These peoplke might be malevolent, but by and large they are not stupid. They know that the Scots might well one day vote for independance and if they have a ready made sympathetic operation which could be turned into RRG; Reich Broadcasting Corporation then they might just manage to hold onto their empire and influence.
Let us not forget the links both the SNP and the BBC both have to Hitlers Nazi party and the fact the SNP still celebrate their Nazi Activist founder (Note activist not sympathiser) Arthur Donaldson.
Rayan: Rescue operation dey go on for 5-year-old boy wey fall inside well since Tuesday
one hour wey don pass
“Rayan: Morocco well rescue for five-year-old grips nation”
In the media industry, “A boy in the well” story : is a term for a news operation that is easy and fills the airwaves for hours
cos you just keep reporting “There is a boy in a well.. hey he’s still there”
News- they get to choose …
Dear Marianna Spring (BBC wages paid under threat of prosecution),
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
I still find it highly amusing that the Left desperately try to claim claim the ‘National Socialist German Workers’ Party’ (Nazi) were far-right.
I see similarities with them and the Left/BBC with all their propaganda lies, supression of dissenting opinions (ie fascism) and intolerance of different viewpoints everywhere.
They despise their ideological enemies on the right and we would be persecuted with the same hatred as socialists have done throughout history if they had total power.
I think that if one looks at political ideology as a continum, much like a clock face, you might have the Nazis at 00.00.15 and Communists at 23.59.45
Not a whole lot separating them.
After hearing loads of stuff about ‘cost of living crisis ‘ including the now famed claim about eating toothpaste instead of food – I thought the hyper socially aware broadcasting staff at the BBC would donate – sat 20% of their income to ‘food banks ‘ or some energy charity ……
I’m sure they’d all be eager – perhaps they donate part of pensions too ….
In the real world I suppose the BBC narrative will be to blame the red Tory government for every upward price pressure .the failure of the UK to have an energy policy is the fault of the political class – it was either incompetence or corruption which has put us in the place we are now .
You might notice no politician – apart from the likes of John redwood – is pushing for an intelligent plan for the UK to be self deficient – instead it is crap nut nut green stuff …
Fed, think the UK is self-deficient already!
Hey someone read my comment – I’m famous 😎
I could use my God like editing powers but no- I might have meant it ….
Overseas people can’t listen to BBC local radio online now
“ due to online rights for the Winter Olympics,
our @BBCSounds feed is restricted to UK only from 4-20 Feb”
“A modern slaver whose disabled victim was exploited for 40 years has been given a suspended prison sentence.”
So much noise about slavery
A suspended prison sentence after 40 years !
The wrong colour slave.
Low IQ man Chris was rescued at the age of 58 after a tip-off in 2018.
Courts have dragged on and the real instigator the father of today’s convicted man, died at 81 before he could be tried.
The son was about 12 when the father ensllaved the man in 1978.
Other media clearly give the location
“When officers visited the *Travellers’ site* in October 2018”
In the BBC story the only clue is a photo label.
“A raid at Hadrian’s Caravan Park in Carlisle took place in 2018”
They are doing this around the UK and have been for many years
I think that if the story was anything like as severe as the BBC paint it, it would have been a lot more than a suspended sentence.
It’s full of stuiff like this:
‘An old electric heater with damaged wiring had been left in the corner of the shed, and there was no other heating inside.’
So he had heating then. How many heaters does a shed need ?. The damaged wire has nothing whatsoever to do with it.
Pathetic, cheap journalism. I wonder which useless quota-filler wrote this one.
“China joins Russia in opposing Nato expansion”
That one has been on the cards for a long time.
In the meantime we have been concerned with Midget Gems , gender fluidity. Political correctness and a whole range of other guff.
Its not looking good .
China promotes education drive to make boys more ‘manly’
By Kerry Allen
BBC Monitoring
Published4 February 2021
Theresa May would be ‘excellent’ Nato chief, says defence minister
Former PM was a ‘fantastic’ leader in ‘really tough’ times, says Ben Wallace
Leonie Chao-Fong
Monday 14 June 2021
Clueless Ben Wallace takes ‘advice’ from the likes of Angus Lapsley.
Same agenda as May.
I’ve said it many times : the Left will destroy Western civilisation if we let them.
We will be displaced by someone who lives by natures rules.
Their linkages are well known up here and indeed they are now generally known as the NATSIS.
You are correct in your description of the bBc operation up here, however, more worrying is their control and manipulation of the Justice system and the Police.
Dangerous times.
Britain is developing electric combat vehicles. Not just because they’re better for the environment than those old gas-guzzling, carbon-emitting tanks. But also because it will make the military a more attractive career for a new generation of prospective recruits who are passionate about issues such as climate change.
Lord Ahmed gets five an half years ..so that’s out in two ?
BBC “A former Labour peer convicted of sexually abusing two children has been jailed for five years and six months.
Lord Ahmed of Rotherham, 64, was found guilty in January of a serious sexual assault against a boy and the attempted rape of a young girl in the 1970s.
Lord Ahmed – still use the word LORD? Honourable?
Lord Ahmed Non-affiliated 2:36 pm, 11th February 2019
To ask Her Majesty’s Government what assessment they have made of the allegations of human rights abuses committed against the Uighur Muslim community in the Western Province of China.
Lord Ahmed Non-affiliated
To ask Her Majesty’s Government what advice they have provided to the Muslim Council of Britain about (1) Friday prayers, and (2) the celebration of Ramadan, in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic.
It was a family affair, his two older brothers were also guilty, but expensive barristers convinced the court they weren’t ‘compis mentis’ enough to go to trial, so have escaped justice.
What a vile mindset these medieval barbarians have, no wonder they don’t integrate into general society.
Were the barristers ‘family ‘ too ?
Another one leaves Boris …. oh wait … no more freebies?
Aaron Bell
Conservative MP for Newcastle-under-Lyme
Name of donor: Power Leisure Bookmakers Ltd
Address of donor: Waterfront Hammersmith Embankment, Chancellors Road, London W6 9HP
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Ticket for England v Germany at Wembley Stadium, with corporate hospitality, value £1,961
Date received: 29 June 2021
Normal people have to pay for food … not 650 MPS! Oh how they laughed.
Name of donor: Curry Life Media Group
Address of donor: 34 High Street, Wimbledon Village, London SW19 5BY
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Two tickets to attend the Curry Life Awards in support of a nominated restaurant from my constituency, including dinner, total value £636
As all the MP traitors depart stage left, the BBC and the other left wing periodicals remind me of those old hags sitting round the Guillotine with their knitting needles. You can almost see the saliva dribbling down their chins.
Labour executive rejects left-wing push to readmit Jeremy Corbyn after anti-Semitism row
Mr Corbyn said it was ‘disappointing’ that the party’s NEC voted by 23 to 14 to reject a push to reinstate him
So, that’s another 14 nazis hiding in the labour party
Hiding behind Whooping Goldberg
The NHS has struck a confidential deal for what’s thought to be the most expensive drug ever developed.
The gene therapy Libmeldy is used to treat an extremely rare condition, MLD, which causes severe damage to a child’s nervous system and organs.
Around five babies are born with the disorder in England every year.
The one-off treatment has a list price of £2.8 million but can be offered on the NHS after the health service negotiated a confidential discount.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Manager
Job Reference: 146-CCG-5927RF
Employer:Sussex Integrated Care BoardDepartment:768 BH 680866 Human ResourcesLocation:HoveSalary:£40,057 to £45,839 pa
Two black kids fighting with a big knife and a sword on a bus in London.
Personally I can’t see anything wrong with this kind of behaviour, and neither can Saddiq Khan or Cressida Dick (no arrests have been made naturally).
As we know from the voice of the Gods which control the Left (BLM) after the police shooting of knife wielding Ma’Khia Bryant BLM told us Teenagers have been having fights, including fights involving knives, for eons,” meaning a very long time. “We do not need police to address these situations by showing up to the scene
Clearly Black kids stabbing each other to death is a natural part of their culture and their growing up we should perhaps provide them with a safe space (safe for everyone else) in order to do it to each other.
Perhaps we could find a use for one of the Olympic stadia and sell tickets to offset any costs, and of course any kind of Police intervention would not be allowed as that would be ‘waycist’. SO pretty much business as usual there then.
Darwin at work
Must. Resist….
Paid by prosecuting others!
Imo we should freeze immigration for 5 years minimum.
1978 … “Every country can take some small minorities and in many ways they add to the richness and variety of this country. The moment the minority threatens to become a big one, people get frightened.” – Margaret Thatcher 1978
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015
Thank God it was a jury and not a judge :
Farmer who used forklift tractor to move a car parked on his land is CLEARED of dangerous driving and criminal damage after telling jury, ‘An Englishman’s home is his castle and my castle starts at that front gate’
Farmer Robert Hooper argued in court he had the right to defend his property
Told jury farm had been burgled eight times and hit by anti-social behaviour
He felt ‘frightened and threatened’ when he decided to flip car onto the road
Moaning about cheese and wine parties and lies, whilst this one cannot open her mouth without lying:
Nicola Sturgeon is branded a ‘fantasist’ after claiming that UK taxpayers would continue to stump up the money for Scottish pensions even AFTER independence if her drive to break up Britain is successful
First Minister was taken to task after insisting ‘people will notice no difference’
Said Scots would still get Treasury cash, spokesman added UK expected to pay
She was replying on a years-old comment from a former UK pensions minister
Steve Webb later ruled out UK taxpayers cash being used by foreign state
More enrichment, will the gifts never stop ?
‘Extremely dangerous’ serial rapist who stalked, robbed and sexually assaulted five women as they walked home in the dark is jailed for 20 years
Abdallah Baballah, 26, stalked his victims after they left public transport at night
He was found guilty of nine counts including rape, attempted rape and robbery
Sudanese Baballah told her: ‘Give me your phone or I’ll stab you’ before dragging the woman into a quiet street and raping her three times, jurors were told.
UK has tolerated itself out of existance!
I have seen this happening before and referred to a vibrant local authority I was at, and the reason they are still there is because it is waycist to sack them:
Sainsbury’s call centre worker, 49, who was sacked for hanging up on dozens of angry customers loses unfair dismissal claim after saying she wouldn’t have been fired if she was ‘white and Scottish’
Muawana McCollin, 49, put the phone down on 62 of 129 callers in single month
She said hang ups were due to phone system and someone was ‘setting her up’
Bosses fired her and she claimed race and disability discrimination at a tribunal
But case was thrown out after panel found she had ‘skewed perception of events
On 31 August, the Daily Mail published an article highlighting comments that Bergdorf had made on a Facebook post,[8] describing it as an “extraordinary rant”.[3] In this post—written in the wake of the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville—Bergdorf had stated: “Honestly I don’t have energy to talk about the racial violence of white people any more. Yes ALL white people”
Lord Ahmed ‘took advantage’ of vulnerable women – BBC Newsnight
76,779 views15 Feb 2019
Viva’s update
BTW Youtube demonetized Viva’s video
“I asked for manual review. It will surely get remonetized after it’s no longer news. “
The Give Send Go campaign is not operational yet.
At some point, the truckers will realise that their charitable funds are going to be seized. It’s quite likely, with their strength in numbers, and on the ground, that they will feel driven make such a mess that it will take many, many times the amount to clear it up.
“Never seen media lie as much.”
HA HA HA! See Yellow Vests in fRANCE
BBC Tony Hall £450,000
Francesca Unsworth, Director, News and Current Affairs £340,000
Director, News and Current Affairs – decides that YELLOW VESTS shall not be shown!
Miss Francesca Unsworth (buys sandwich using BBC money for other people)
Internal hospitality
Hospitality For Meetings Potential QT presenter
A cover up in plain site now and part of the election fraud, if the people had known this… :
The FBI, Facebook and Twitter did NOT want to know…….
“Hunter Biden’s ‘disgusting’ laptop: Computer repairman reveals what made him call FBI”
“I could definitely tell that he was inebriated,” said John Paul Mac Isaac, the former owner of “The Mac Shop” in Wilmington, Delaware. Mac Isaac told Fox Nation that Hunter entered his shop on April 12, 2019, just before closing time.
“When I asked for his last name, there was a long pause. And he kind of sarcastically added Biden. I had to ask Hunter for his password. And he started laughing. He was like, you’re not really gonna like this.”
What began as a simple computer repair soon turned into a troubling revelation, an “astounding” and “disgusting” volume of homemade pornography. In addition, Mac Isaac also uncovered a PDF indicating that Hunter had made $1.2 million for Burisma, a private energy company in Ukraine.
After researching Burisma and the contents of the laptop, John realized it was time to contact the authorities. Mac Isaac met with FBI agents, but they seemed to be in no rush to look into the laptop or take action.
“I think that was my first indication that maybe the FBI was more interested in returning the laptop to the former owner and protecting the Bidens than they were protecting me or getting this to the proper channel,” he said.
So, Mac Isaac changed his strategy. That is when he came in contact with Bob Costello, Rudy Giuliani’s lawyer. The rest is history. The laptop became an item of interest across the political spectrum. But, just prior to the 2020 presidential election, Big Tech decided to censor its contents.
Facebook said they were waiting on fact-checkers (who never came) to verify the authenticity of the laptop. Meanwhile, Twitter blocked a New York Post article link breaking down the contents of the laptop from being shared. The Post’s account was even temporarily banned from the platform.
Nicola Cain BBC lawyer disbarred
.. Belfied’s take . https://youtu.be/YhBsoHYmB5s
Boris under fire. Can someone advise Boris to wear clothes that make him appear like a Prime Minister rather than dress up in overalls and a high viz jacket. He is not a member of the working class and looks stupid in these photo ops.
Boris is a shell which needs a rudder.
If he’d kicked NutNut into touch when she screamed at him for spilling wine on the sofa, Cummins would still be there and he would have dealt with all of this before it was news.
The problem is this : the same forces who can depose Boris on something as insignificant as ‘partygate’ will apply their same influence to get a remainer into No 10. And they will do it without any consideration of whether the people want it or not.
For that reason alone, Boris must stay.
– “Devastated Phillip Schofield still has Covid days before Dancing On Ice”
– Triple vax didn’t immunise perpetually masked Lineker, he’s down as well
– Hon Grant Shapps MP tweets
“Have tested positive for #COVID19 so am self-isolating and testing as required.”
– Foreign Secretary Liz Truss and Education Secretary Nadhim Zahawi also testing positive on Monday
Covid positives & deaths both trending slightly down
JCVI ‘largely opposed’ to Covid vaccination for children under 16
This article is more than 5 months old
Exclusive: Members of government’s expert committee disagree with politicians and Jonathan Van-Tam
Coronavirus – latest updates
Rowena Mason and Jessica Elgot
Sat 7 Aug 2021 07.00 BST
I also remember sick notes at grammar school when I didn’t fancy what was going on that day
Running out of screen cleaning wipes.
Bet Springster will have it framed.
Younger and highly educated social media users are much more likely to spot fake news online, according to new research from Durham University Business School.
Younger and highly educated social media users – more likely to buy stuff study finds.
Is that research fake news ?
There always is a trend to spot and it’s when some group come up with a theory that proves they are worried about people finding out they are lying or know f all about what they are talking about.
ITV local news : open item Louth murder sentence
#2 4 mins on Lord Ahmeds rape sentence
and a Tory MP’s petition to unlord him
#3 Bakery to build own gas power station.
BBC local news ..energy bills
‘Here’s our nutty green environment reporter with some PRasNewsfor the Octopus Energy “wind farm club”
“*If* the local community wind turbine us turning we get 20% off the electricity”
Can some one tell me why thr technical support on this station is so crappy ? Is it sabotaging? Are they paying peanuts to monkeys ?
Watching Steyn tonight you really feel for him having to deal very very poor standards of support . Embarrassing.
Jimmy Carr is trendng cos he made a gypsy holocaust joke
There is a quick part 2 that those shouting outrage don’t quote the second part
Here’s the full clip https://youtu.be/crdaGolaBxY
SPOILER : here’s the contexts
Intro He precedes it with
“This should be a career ender. OK, strap in, everyone – you ready?”
.. .. Joke
big pause for effect
Part II “It’s a very good joke (sic) for the following reasons.
#1 “f’ing funny. Well done me”
#2 Edgy, edgy. It’s a joke abut the worst thing that has ever happened .. people say “never forget”
Well this is how I remember .. I keep bringing it up
#3 There is an educational quality
.. Everyone knows six million Jewish …
but a lot of people don’t know .. that that the Nazis also killed, in their thousands, Gypsies, homosexuals, disabled people and Jehovah’s Witnesses.”
Interesting audience reaction – I’ve been watching some of the Ricky Gervais stuff on you tube – I suppose certain stand ups think this sort of stuff is okay –
I notice mr Carr left out other group murdered by the nazis – poles – Russians – a variety of ‘sub humans ‘ whose existence was no longer required ….
Wonder if he tells jokes about Muslims ?
The audience reaction is laughter, cos they understand his train of thought, that of course he doesn’t think Gypsy Holocaust was a positive.
and the audience also know that the outside world wouldn’t understand that
so it’s a kind of in joke.
Thirdly, commenters say Carr has been telling that one for years
so it is ironic libmob are only outraged now.
I think the BBC are totally skewered on this one and so will send it to room 101.
They don’t seem to realise how many people have rumbled their despicable untruths and are fuming mad.
Their time is running out for the honest folk in this country.
The BBC operate on a W1 judgement that the majority of the population are too thick to reason things out so need the BBC to tell them what they should think.
I have a message for the BBC…. You are wrong and you will pay for your arrogance.
Alastair Stewart – on GBNews – recites a tweet which basically shows thar those who infested number 10 were all connected to journos by marriage and the like – it’s a whole ‘inner bubble ‘…
I’m guessing that bit won’t show up in the big Gray Report – and that the MSM won’t ‘eat their own “
If anyone know of the tweet(s) they are worth putting up – it’s basically a web of deceit to dispose of nut nut …
Marr is a committed and self confessed big issue seller level communist (humanity student) so anything he can do to kill off Boris is justified in his bleak totalitarian Mickey Mouse World. (They all are so thick they don’t see that level headed people can see right through it too!)
Blimey i thought for a minute alistair stewart ? Communist? Shurely shome mishtake …!
And with that bombshell – its noo fred time
A few years back the notion of having a communist as a prime time presenter on our national broadcasting station would have been unthinkable, it shows how far the BBC have moved away from being our national broadcaster, in fact they have become the enemy of the state now,
Read this then think about the US election farce…