We all know this but our national broadcaster can’t see it or doesn’t want to see it. It will all end in tears… they must have a certain level of blind observance to the BBC creed I guess.
We must ditch the BBC in my opinion to save our country, that might sound hysterical but is sadly true. They really are the single most major threat to our way of life in this country now.
Or Barry Gardiner taking over £600,000 from a Chinese spy & employing her son!! It’s unbelievable that the MSM are not swarming all over it. They have an agenda, to topple Boris. I will not be told by the media who is to be PM. Many MPs are only there because of Boris.
Indeed Melissa why was so publicity thrown at what is called Parygate, and yet such poor coverage of this disgusting individual-Let us hope and trust that the concerned authorities take away this disgusting individuals Knighthood-should be jailed for life although that will cost the tax payer-should be exiled back to his original country of origin.
Last time he was jailed, for killing another motorist whist texting he blamed who else but the Jews for his custodial sentence. Suppose he will do the same again when out.
He was ennobled by Tony Blair along with other tokens at the time, Sacrani the apologist for terrorists was knighted at the same time, great judgment Tony.
This will be far worse then the Covid Mandate. The Covid Mandates were really a trial run for the real stuff, that will last a decade. Boris Johnson is determined to turn the UK to a banana republic peddling fruit of a bike.
Boris was OK so long as stuck to carrying out the Brexit , but he is now damaged.
There is no Climate Change that is of any moment except the storm raging in eco-loon heads. And the BBC.
It is imperative that Climate Change mendacity is opposed vigorously at every every venue, public and private. Dont let it pass please.
PAP has a new video. I tend to agree with him . All violence against all people should be logged, the police should not put themselves in a victimhood class.
.. https://youtu.be/8gjO1JNVBDg
Viva Frei stops a CBC crew and shows they live in a media bubble ,as they refuse to discuss why anyone would think they are biased.
.. https://youtu.be/wnL3YjQUCgQ
He’ll be back live from the streets of Ottawa at 11pm GMT
Bolt says the media jumped the gun on the Canada’s secret school graveyard story that allegedly contain lots of undocumented bodies.
He says the evidence never matched up to the claim and no new bodies have been found
There are no new bodies just the known already documented graves of a few kids that died from TB etc.
.. https://youtu.be/egbXE18omy0
PAP talks about Mr & Mrs Kashif a police officer couple who used their job to steal money from drug dealers and keep it for themselves
.. https://youtu.be/BALchbkAD9M
Australia : Female Ozzie rules football
They appointed a Muslim player and tried to force her to wear a PRIDE jumper, she refused citing her faith
So they club are refusing to let her play.
.. https://youtu.be/wVdNH5JOh4I
The media is atlast coming out – the Covid jig is up. A Danish newspaper is apologising for not investigating government hogwash Covid panic.
Yes 17,000 is very likely the real figure that have died in England because of Covid. What is very likely is that extra deaths, likely in the hundreds of thousands, due to vaccination either directly or indirectly, or hospitals ignoring heart and cancer patients.
The bill for the untested vaccine is to still to be delivered to us personally. This can take the form of money or heart attacks.
The economy is unlikely to recover for a decade. Education is also not going to recover for a decade.
Belfield has been using FOI to expose how BBC waste licence payers’ money
by letting stuff get stolen and not chasing it up, by splashing out on alcohol for people who should be paying for their own, giving money direct to charities,
and now carelessly overpaying staff by £6 million
.. https://youtu.be/njq9l2pOiWQ
Have to say I didn’t think Coulston was one of David Starkey’s best as I tried to watch it last night and fell asleep. Normally I am captivated by what he has to say.
Overall the series of talks David Starkey puts up on YouTube are excellent and without the demands the BBC puts on programmes. (No, not even the BBC expects climate change to be woven into an analysis of Anne Boleyn but Starkey was the first person I heard call Carrie Johnson to Carrieantoinette).
David Starkey expects his audience to be adults and the analysis of historical events is pitched at a grown-up level. He doesn’t have to go to every historical site to walk to camera with his hands wafting all over the place but can sit at his desk and talk for an hour, explaining his evidence for his conclusions.
With a BBC audience! Representative of : a BBC audience. An audience that hated Brexit in a Brexit voting constituency.
But anyway Chris Mason who chaired the show thinks he’s witty. Probably is amongst – a BBC audience.
The show is from Northern Ireland. Not a place always understood by English folk , and probably not from the Irish folk . Place where coach firms like to register their vehicles to disguise how old they are .
The DUP fellow came in for a lot of flack from all the panelist’s , the audience and from Chris Mason ,makes you think the Unionists can’t be bad fellows if the BBC dislikes them .
Chris Mason snidely made out the DUP minister wasn’t answering the question posed . Perhaps he didn’t , but nor did the other panelist’s.
But if the BBC want the truth , the whole truth and nothing but the truth from anyone , shouldn’t we have the truth , the whole truth and nothing but the truth from the BBC ?
Let’s start with their threatograms .
Why don’t they say that their “ enforcement officers” aren’t enforcement officers – and why do they redefine them as enquiry agents at other times ?
Why don’t they say in their threatograms that they’re enforcement officers have no automatic right to enter anyone’s property?
Why don’t they say that having a TV is not proof of watching live broadcasting?
Why don’t they say that an occupier has the right to have nothing to do with them ?
Why don’t they say that their enforcement officers will leave any premises if instructed by the occupiers to do so ?
Why do they imply that if you don’t buy a TV licence you are a criminal or withholding payments due ?
Why do they say they are starting an “ investigation “ , continuing an investigation, finalising an investigation when they are not ?
Why do they say they will be visiting you on such and such a date when they won’t ?
Why , when it was around a general election time did they send a threatogram in a envelope with a cross in a box when it was nothing to do with anyone’s right or ability to vote ?
At the request of Trudeau, @GoFundMe has just stolen $9,000,000 from the truckers. Rather than automatically refunding it to the donors, they say they’re going to give it to groups of their own choosing. What a windfall for Black Lives Matter, Greenpeace and Planned Parenthood! pic.twitter.com/prEwLnypfe
Last year media ran angry headlines
“First responders and other government employees have donated money to support homicide suspect Kyle Rittenhouse, according to data leaked from crowdfunding website GiveSendGo”
.. as if donating to the innocent Rittenhouse was a bad thing.
The court later declared him not guilty.
Advice from GiveSendGo to donors on how to dispute GoFundMe via their banks rather than the site.
Just in case you missed it-Did you know if you dispute the donation to gfm with your bank/CC they will be charged a $15 dispute fee. They want you to click the refund link because then there will be no fees. What they don't want is 120,000 (amt of donors) $15 fees! Just sayin'
You do have to wonder how this ‘approved ‘ sickness is going to go ?
I read yesterday that many American towns and cities which turned on their police are now desperately trying to recruit them back again- but a whole tranche have taken early pensions or found another living – and the number of crimes ‘ victims reflect this – I hope they get what they deserve ….
I was trying to work through whether this’ approved ‘crap is like the McCarthyism of the 1950s America ?
Surely it can only be a passing madness ? – until these kidults grow up or experience real life hardship ?
“The former fiance of the late TV presenter Caroline Flack has been jailed for harassing GB News journalist Dan Wootton.
Andrew Brady, 31, from Sheffield, admitted to harassment at a hearing on 1 February and was jailed on Friday for four months”
.. He’s almost served that already on remand so will be released soon.
Sharia-compliant faceless children’s toys and restaurant booths to ‘shield’ women from the male gaze: Reporter is forced into hiding by death threats after she dares to tell the truth about a rise of radical Islam in France.
Ophelie Meunier is a familiar face on French TV.Former frontwoman of the daytime and evening news on Canal+, she now presents Zone Interdite (Forbidden Zone), a popular documentary series similar to Channel 4’s Dispatches.
Today, Miss Meunier, 34, is under police protection after receiving death threats following her investigation into the growth of Islamist influence in the northern town of Roubaix, near Lille.
Officers from the armed SDLP (Service de la Protection) police unit, which normally provides security for the country’s president, ministers and visiting heads of state, have been assigned to her, after her revelations about Sharia-compliant faceless children’s toys being on sale in Roubaix, as well as restaurant booths to ‘shield’ women from the male gaze.
A contributor to the programme (a Muslim lawyer, incidentally) was also threatened with decapitation.
Anothe person, Mr Elbahi, 25, — whose own sister became an Isis bride when she was 19 after converting to radical Salafist Islam in Roubaix — denounced the spread of radical Islam in the Zone Interdite documentary.
This is what happened next: first his mobile number was leaked on instant messaging app SnapChat. Then he received a barrage of insulting calls.
‘The insults turned into threats, then death threats,’ said his lawyer Jean Tamalet, who has represented the victims of terrorism for over a decade.
‘The calls came every two minutes, some in Arabic, some in French. They said things like: ‘We know where you are. I’m going to slice your throat. I’m going to cut your head off.’ ‘
Mr Tamalet contacted a former Special Services officer to protect his client before being given police protection.
Quote: “spread of radical Islam”
“Radical Islam”? What is that?
There are no such categories as radical or unradical Islam.
The media and elites continue to parrot such untruths when they know there are no such categories. They will pursue such untruths till the curtain comes down – a global civil war that will lead to the destruction of one, and the moral collapse of the “winner”. Humanity will be yoked with guilt for hundreds of years.
Separation between Islamic people and others, is far better then the needless deaths of hundreds if not billions of humans.
The deranged Trudeau throws every insult he knows at the truckers.
Below is an interview with the perfectly likeable, moderate and reasonable spokesman for the protest.
Today in the House, Members of Parliament unanimously condemned the antisemitism, Islamophobia, anti-Black racism, homophobia, and transphobia that we’ve seen on display in Ottawa over the past number of days. Together, let’s keep working to make Canada more inclusive.
Canadian PM Trudeau Shares Call to ‘End White Supremacy’ After Somali Refugee’s Terror Attack {.informationliberation.com 02oct2017}
‘Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau responded to news of a Somali refugee’s terrorist attack in Edmonton by sharing a call to “end white supremacy” and insisting “our diversity is our strength.” ‘
… earlier in the same Universe …
Trudeau (I’m a feminist) hails “ (Muslim) sisters upstairs” at sex-segregated mosque
I suppose that these complainers need the BBC to give them some sort of credibilty, but it won’t last once they’ve got rid of Boris, will it!
Listening to LBC, TR etc., gives us a much better perspective on the real stories. I’ll never rely on the BBC to tell the proper story, because as cervical serpents, (you can see I like this term – may use it again), they’ll do sod-all to bring harmony where they can muck things up with their pointless gossip, which is their substitute for real news.
‘Gotcha’ used to be a term for grabbing the girls at school, but the BBC do it all the time these days, which is pretty pathetic when you come to think about it!
It looks increasingly likely that the media and in Particular the BBC will get there wish and oust our sitting PM.
I for one I’m finding what I’m witnessing on the BBC STAGGERING, it’s obviously a no hold bars attack on the PM.
It looks as though the BBC has decided and at any cost to get rid of the PM and then face the consequences of there appalling behaviour later.
What I’m finding harder to understand is why do Conservative Ministers and MP’s just sit there and take it. Why do they appear on certain shows or programmes on the BBC knowing what’s coming.
It’s not exclusively a BBC problem, I witnessed an interview conducted by Kay Burley on Sky on Tuesday and it was astonishing, she sneered , laughed and constantly interrupted the Conservative Minister. But for me and even worse,he just sat that there and took it, just like a school child being bollocked.. Pathetic
How can it be that our major broadcaster can have the power to rid this country of a democratically elected PM.
And of course we all know that when the dust has settled f- ck all will be done about the BBC, as usual.
We are witnessing what the Left do when they are desperate. All morals and ethics are gone.
If Boris stays, we leave the EU and the BBC lose their current lucrative public funding. If Boris goes, they will go all out to get a PM who will stay close to the EU and renew the BBC charter.
The Left is a truly ugly and nasty thing when it’s mask slips.
I am not sure who provides GB News top of the hour news. It feels a bit like Global who does Classic FM. It certainly doesn’t feel quite in line with the programmes in between – except Farage who has turned so anti Boris that his tune has become boring.
Anyone who has seen Jimmy’s stand-up knows how extreme he is. It was only a matter of time before it was his turn from the woke list. Nothing is out of bounds and he doesn’t target anyone in particular : everyone and everything is fair game.
‘The comedian went on to say a “positive” of the Holocaust was that thousands of gypsies were murdered. The comments were greeted with applause and laughter.’.
I suspect Jimmy said it in a spirit of black humour far better than the BBC reporter did. All those people would be sent to a special camp to be re-educated if the Left had absolute power. And – of course – those who did not pass the test at the end would never come out.
‘8 out of 10 cats does countdown’ with Jimmy and Sean Lock was one of the very, very few programs which made me regularly laugh out loud.
Except when Claudia Winkleman was on. She had absolutely zero wit. She was just a loud-mouth show-off who played off the back of everyone elses jokes to the audience for attention.
Her main claim to fame is being a version of Amy Whitehouse, dipped upside down in a bottle of ink to seem mysterious. With slightly fewer drug problems.
The rules of ‘approved ‘ versus ‘disapproved ‘(cancelled ) seem very arbitrary. One comic can lose a career / living at the drop of the wrong word whilst others can push out anti Semitic ‘humour ‘ and just get more attention .
Perhaps the most extreme case is JK Rowling and her treatment by the actors she made famous . ( I don’t know her stuff because I’m a grown up )
I suppose it is the result of 1970s liberal uncontrolled infection of key areas of life which has produced kidult snowflakes who are just lacking – and whose ‘views’ are magnified by the internet .
I was thinking how these people would deal with Real Hardship ? I don’t view the Chinese virus as ‘hardship ‘ – I mean – a constantly tough existence or a severe illness which kills millions instead of 150k in the UK – or maybe actually 17k …. Might be considered ‘real hardship ‘.
After all – we have been free of mass death since 1945 but where does the rule book say it will never happen again ?
Our adverts aren’t full of black people because they advertisers want to. They know people don’t like it. They do it because they are scared of being labelled ‘racists’ by the Leftists. BBC and Guardian – 2 cheeks of the same arse – included.
I was talking with someone the other day and it came up that it takes 2 generations for someone in the family to be completely forgotten. It’s the same for lessons from history. We are now 2 generations from World War 2 and I see many of the things which happened in the runup to it happening again.
It starts with the oppression of people who don’t agree with you. We know where it ends.
“Our adverts aren’t full of black people because the advertisers want to. They know people don’t like it. They do it because they are scared of being labelled ‘racists’ by the Leftists.”
There’s another important factor: step forward Larry Fink. He’s the chairman and CEO of BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager, which controls $10 trillion worth of assets. Fink sits on the boards of the Council of Foreign Relations and the World Economic Forum, the organisation run by Bond-villain soundalike, Klaus Schwab. Fink is heavily into something called Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG). The idea behind ESG is that investment and business has to take into account things other than just making money; some of these are worthy, others less so like bogus environmentalism, diversity, inclusion and ‘uman rights. Much of this is linked to the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Bottom line: unless companies comply and are seen to be complying, they are unlikely to receive investment from Mr Fink and BlackRock. And if that requires companies to make their advertisements look as freakish, bizarre and inappropriate as possible – even at the risk of antagonising their customers – then that’s exactly what they’ll do.
Now we can see the black racist was not really sorry:
“Whoopi Goldberg’s 1993 recipe, ‘Jewish American Princess Fried Chicken,’ for charity cookbook resurfaces”
Goldberg’s recipe was met with intense backlash at the time by the Anti-Defamation League, which labeled it “insulting” and “anti-Semitic.”
“It’s a lousy recipe with insensitive and anti-Semitic ingredients,” the organization, helmed by its National Director Abraham Foxman, fumed at the time. “Whoopi should know better.
“She needs some sensitivity training, unfortunately. The good people who published it need some sensitivity training too.”
“My family is Jewish, Buddhist, Baptist and Catholic – none of which I subscribe to, by the way, as I don’t believe in man-made religions,” she explained, adding that she adopted the stage last name Goldberg from a “Jewish ancestor.”
Oh, thats OK then….is the human race not all from Africa anyway so we can say what we like about them ?
According to the Mail ( yes I know ) the forthcoming biography of nut nut by lord Ashcroft gives a detailed account of the effect Mrs nut nut has had on boris – turning him into a limp lefty and having to be ‘handled ‘ by his now former staff .
The book is serialised in the mail on Sunday –
It will be something if a previously popular PM is bought down by his wife ….with a coming 2 Years of the BBC / labour screaming for a General Election and reversal of Brexit ….
Sleepy… Bluster… Trudeau… Hardoff… Macaroon… whatever the Germans have…
All Western leaderships who have obviously imploded, obvious to all including media nonetheless propping up their idiotic favoured ideological failed regimes.
EXCLUSIVE: Whoopi Goldberg’s fake Jewish past: The View host wrote 1993 recipe for ‘Jewish American Princess Fried Chicken’ then claimed SHE was a practicing Jew – as insiders slam ‘decades’ of ‘disgusting’ appropriation and anti-Semitism
Whoopi said in the past that she chose the Jewish name Goldberg to be her stage-name because she has ‘Jewish ancestors’
It has been reported elsewhere that she chose it because her mother told her she’d get more auditions in Hollywood if people thought she was Jewish
Increasingly we live in a western world where democracy is only allowed to be practised within the very strict limits deemed acceptable by the global liberalist blob. If a population democratically votes in a government unacceptable to the blob those responsible for implementing the policies of the elected government refuse to do so, the international blob seeks to make that government a pariah state and of course the MSM lies its collective head off to bring them down.
We have seen this played out with varying levels of success in theUSA , over Brexit and Boris , in Hungary and Poland , in Greece. We see recent examples of the blob at work in the UK with Northern Ireland custom official refusing to stop the NIP checks despite being ordered to do so by their political authority. There are many other examples.
Of course if a blobist does something beyond the pale , eg Goldberg , they are protected .
So we can vote for whomever we like but the policies which will be implemented will only be those with which the blob agrees. Not much of a democracy is it? I doubt that there is a democratic solution to this as the blob is a massive amorphous bureaucratic mass which seems impervious to censure let alone the votes of the people.
There has been a Revolution in the past two or three decades but the public doesn’t yet know that there has been. When the penny does eventually drop will people accept it a fait accompli and accept life in an emasculated democracy and rule by the blob, or will they rebel and take to the streets?
Currently interested in ‘Citizens Climate Assemblies’, being introduced by weak county council leaderships across the country to buy off activists shouting outside executive meetings.
They are touted as ‘a new form of democracy’.
Well, the existing one is deemed flawed.
However this one gets rid of elections for all.
Here a selected group (sound familiar?) is filtered to ‘represent’ the community at large… and then vote based on selected information from selected ‘experts’.
Perfectly summed up Doublethinker, you have earned your lunch for today. I still find the complacency of the British Public quite incomprehensible bearing in mind the spirit it once had in the early days of my life-yes I’m of the old school and don’t take kindly to being pushed around.
Someone needs to be taken to court over this appropiation…BLM rioters vandalised and killed yet….
“violated its terms of service ‘which prohibits the promotion of violence and harassment.’
Elon Musk slams GoFundMe for bowing to Trudeau and CANCELING Freedom Truckers – while allowing BLM donations: Site refuses to return $9M and will instead distribute it to charities it deems fit as Canadian PM is branded a ‘dictator’
The crowdfunding platform announced Friday that they will be distributing the remaining funds to ‘credible and established charities chosen by the Freedom Convoy 2022 organizers and verified by GoFundMe’
‘Double-standard?’ Musk questioned on Twitter Friday night, sharing a screenshot of a tweet the crowdfunding platform published in 2020, amid active riots in Seattle.
The Seattle protesters declared an autonomous zone in the city’s Capitol Hill neighborhood. The zone, spanning six city blocks and displaying Black Lives Matter imagery, was established by George Floyd protesters in June 2020 after a tension-filled interactions between demonstrators and police.
GoFundMe also allowed numerous BLM-related fundraisers, some of which still remain active, that strived to raise funds for protective gear and medical supplies for protesters in the Pacific Northwest.
The crowdfunding platform, released a statement Friday evening saying: ‘GoFundMe supports peaceful protests and we believe that was the intention of the Freedom Convoy 2022 fundraiser when it was first created.’
‘We now have evidence from law enforcement that the previously peaceful demonstration has become an occupation, with police reports of violence and other unlawful activity.’
‘I have never seen anything more unprofessional’: BBC Breakfast viewers slam James Blunt interview as he’s quizzed about plastic surgery
BBC Breakfast viewers were left in shock on Friday as they dubbed an interview with James Blunt ‘unprofessional’ and ‘bizarre’.
The singer, 47, appeared in the studio to discuss his tour, but was subjected to questioning about plastic surgery and his opinion on Uber.
During the chat with Charlie Stayt and Naga Munchetty there were several awkward silences and jokes from the presenters that didn’t land, which didn’t go unnoticed by viewers.
….comments underneath saying that Nadine is on the defensive…my arse, to me it’s someone showing there distain for a lump of Primordial Slime that works for the BBC…
Idiots that make such stupid comments defending the likes of Campbell are delusional…do they not realise how stupid they sound..And it’s constant lies
James Blunt is a very nice guy and genuinely witty and self-deprecating. It takes real skill to mess up an interview with him. Well done, Charlie and Naga, you two absolutely talentless no-marks.
BBC: ‘Justin Welby: Queen set example at Philip’s funeral. The Queen’s commitment to “doing the right thing” in sitting alone at Prince Philip’s funeral has been praised by the Archbishop of Canterbury‘ – if priests are going to dish out public health sermons perhaps we should turn to our medics for religious instruction? Some might observe we’ve already been doing that lately.
Stay in your lane, I say.
‘“The day cyclists took over the roads”: Drivers vent their fury as bike riders take to middle of the road and ride two-abreast to take advantage of new Highway Code rules – then take to social media to mock motorists‘ (Daily Mail)
Don’t push your luck and don’t mouth off about subjects outside of your purview: ‘The Plank of England. Bank boss earning £575,000 a year tells the rest of us: Don’t ask for a payrise‘ (Daily Star)
Concentrate on the job in hand – just get on with doing those things that are your direct responsibilty: ‘British Gas sorry for leaving homes in the cold‘ (Telegraph)
‘Health officials in the office just 4 days a MONTH. That’s rule for Health Department despite PM’s plea for civil servants to set example‘ (Daily Mail)
I know furlough became a thing for a while – and was pretty popular, especially with our managerial State sector workers – but you can’t really expect to be paid money for nothing – as MTV stars of the 1980s Dire Straits once reminded us – the real world economy needs to keep working.
“We got to install microwave ovens, custom kitchen deliveries
We got to move these refrigerators, we got to move these colour TVs”
‘The HR Blob. How working from home is breaking Britain‘ (Telegraph) – by the way, sorry to do a Peter Kay missheard lyrics shtick but did Mark Knopfler refer to rock stars getting their checks for free – as in the American term checks meaning a restaurant bill… in other words a free lunch – or was the lyric chicks for free? No explanation being necessary there. We don’t assume successful pop artists have some freebie deal with the poultry industry.
The Chinese are doing what totalitarian states do best – holding a big opening ceremony for the Olympics. The formerly patriotic Times puts a photo of a big union flag on its cover. Amusingly for the pro-Brussels Remainer Times this pic from the massive electronic screen at the National Stadium at Beijing is captioned Grande-Bretagne.
The Daily Mirror is excited to relate: ‘Cops handed pic of PM with lager at No10 party. His Estrella at lockdown bash‘ – you have to smile… at least it wasn’t a bottle of Corona.
Yeah, Flying Dog somehow gets away with this. Yet more artwork, yet more dog misdirection, but nobody’s at a loss for the, ahem, the less formal cultural connotation of “pearl necklace.”
Village Idiot Brewing Co. “Thong Remover” Belgian Tripel
Not sure why so many of the gross labels are Belgian-style American craft beers. This is “small batch,” Jersey-made crassness, also invoking ladies undergarments. Leave it to breweries called “Pig Minds” and “Village Idiot.”
Hoyne Brewing Co. “Big Cock Bock”
Believe it or not, Canadians came up with this one. (Sweet, sweet Canadians, what have you done?) To be fair, Canadians also 86-ed the name, and later labels simply had the words “Big Bock” and a large chicken. Clever. Well played, Canada
Your tenants are clearly morons. Why would anybody replace a credit meter with a more expensive PAYG one? And a smart meter. Eon spent 18 months trying to force me into accepting smart meters. In the end I had to tell them, quite literally, to f*** off. I then moved supplier and they emailed to ask why??
Sopes might need some Dutch courage to deliver his skills beyond the groupie chorus.
The ringers on social media posting BBC Press cut and pastes to any unconvinced on BBC Press claims of BBC Treasure Status ard hilariously embarrassing.
The nightmare before us if Boris goes and an election takes place
22 Dec 2021
Welsh fined for trips to work but not for pub crawls
Workers in Wales now face fines for unnecessary trips to their jobs but can freely enjoy pub crawls and social life, according to controversial new legislation aimed at curbing the spread of the Covid-19 Omicron variant.
“No person may leave the place where they are living, or remain away from that place, for the purposes of work or to provide voluntary or charitable services,” reads the recently amended guidance.
The new “work from home” rules apply to the non-essential workers who can work from home “where practicable” and, according to First Minister Mark Drakeford, are designed “to help control” Omicron’s rapid spread and “to prevent large numbers of people needing hospital care.”
Offenders face a £60 fine which can be cut to £30 if paid within two weeks following the date of the notice. A company might be forced to pay a £1,000 fine for each offense and £10,000 “in the case of the fourth and any subsequent such fixed penalty notice received.”
The rules come into force on December 27. While outlawing non-essential trips to work, they do not ban various sorts of social activities, including visiting pubs and restaurants.
Morning all.
What an interesting site Electricity Generation live status is. https://grid.iamkate.com/
I’ve just been scanning all the helpful time series graphs.
To be really sustainable, based on the last year’s data, all we have to do is make sure that we increase wind energy capacity to ensure that on days of little wind and maximum cold, we can still produce enough electricity.
I reckon an increase in installed wind capacity of between 7 and 10 times the current level should do it. Of course most of this capacity will be redundant and unused for most of the year, the countryside will be ruined, and the costs will be crippling but hey, think how virtuous the eco lobby will feel.
Strangely nobody in either government or the energy companies or the eco lobby seems to want to mention this simple but inescapable fact. And especially not the BBC. Probably glueing themselves to a road somewhere. Where’s Roger Horrorbin when you need him?
A wind turbine off Scotland is promoted as doing a rare old set of things for a rare old time, faithfully passed on by brain dead ‘reporter/analysts’ like Justin, Matt, Shucks and Rog, who are pure propaganda lords.
Reality is somewhat different.
Ask Marianna.
And who was selected to serve up what to the blonde’s sex addict husband to convince the idiot on NetZero.
When England moves over to electric vehicles, what is the solution for the many houses that do not have off road parking and therefor will have no access to power their car without trailing leads over the pavement? Will pavement points be installed?
It’s a very good question indeed. Unfortunately it does not currently have an answer.
Some have come up with the idea that supermarkets and such can provide power points in their car parks. They say that if they put 50 kW chargers in then it can be done.
However supermarkets currently demand 1% of the annual ouput of electricity just to run their fridges and freezers, and about another quarter for lighting.
Now, somewhere like Meadowhall has got space to stick twelve thousand cars in. But there’s less than forty chargers and they’re 7.5 kW ones. Every night I go past this thing:
You can’t get a good handle on the size of that from the photo but it’s bleeding huge. It’s the sort of thing I’d expect to see for a good-sized estate with a lot of factories using electrical machines. It is powering a few workshops, warehouses and offices but the bulk is going to this thing: (pic)
which is a glittering ribbon of capitalism. Stuffing a load of 50 kW chargers in the car parks is going to cause a tripling and a bit more in that substation and Blackburn Meadows:
Might well find itself struggling to keep up and get enough biomass to burn as it currently does 30 MW.
Even supposing it was possible to juice up the Co-Op car park, all the people who live in somewhere like Hyde Park:
are going to find the way to the charging pump crowded.
And I don’t know how many times this needs to be pointed out before people will start listening: if you constantly charge your car on a rapid charger you will shorten the life of your battery considerably or, if it is a Tesla, it is clever enough to know that the battery will be degraded after so many rapid charges and the current will be altered accordingly leading to a better battery life but an elongated charge time unless you try it with a Chademo in which case your battery’s going kablooey in jiff time.
Besides that, even if you can without much harm charge your car at the Co-Op Spark-Park for two hours, who wants to get up at half-past-one in the morning, stick their car on at two, walk home, go back to bed at half-two, get up again at half-three, retrieve their wagon, go back to bed again at four, and get up for work at seven?
So the question remains largely unresolved. The politicians and that Grabba kid couldn’t give a monkey’s. And this, amongst other things, is why the imposition of electric cars is either going to be postponed, or cause widespread ire and protests throughout the realm.
My diesel car is quite old and being in londonistan the emir doesn’t like me driving it so I have to spend £12.50 a day ‘in the zone ‘…
… so I started researching EV cars …. But then found out about the cost of installing a ‘charging point ‘ – £1200 … of which I think you the taxpayer would pay £300 until April 1 – a chosen day ….
……any way -the cost of EV cars seems prohibitive and needs to be avoided . Love the smell of diesel . Might go run the engine for a while ….
As for powering the EV car – there’s a special paint with micro solar cells which means you never have to charge it up again ( except at night of course ) – this may be made up .
I think it’s just the Marxist theme of removing individual transport and replacing it with ‘communal transport’ – something called a B.U.S.
It follows the theory expounded yesterday that the rising fuel cost is aimed at ‘communal living ‘ – you get one room comrade – because you are a Party member …
I was in Denmark Street when they were filming a seventies show and they trucked in some old escort and vauxhall cars etc, as the cars drove off the trucks the smell of the exhausts brought back memories, now we have catalysts to clean the exhausts.
The Thames at Beckon by the sewage works – Tate and lyles – the rendering factory and the brewery is also quite ‘evocative ‘ on a hot summers’ night ( can smell it now ) ….
Why haven’t cars always been electric, since electric car technology was invented in 1884?
A hundred and twenty years ago, electric cars were the preferred choice. Henry Ford’s wife had one. Edison developed a Ni-Fe battery for them; it was expensive but durable but it didn’t have the specific energy that an SLA did.
That really wasn’t a problem. Hardly anybody owned personal transport except the wealthy, and vehicles were used for short journeys round town; if you wanted to go from one town to another you got on a train.
By 1920 an electric car was an exception, not a rule, and the internal combustion engine was king. What we need to do is look at why.
Firstly, let’s look at the specific energy you can get per kg of substance. When you do that you use the Watt-hour (W-h/kg).
Petrol and Diesel deliver about 13,000 W-h/kg. A lithium-ion battery at best does 245. If you now imagine a fairly standard European car, to get the same specific energy out of that as a tank full of petrol, you’d have to have a battery weighing about six tons. That’s completely impractical as the car would have trouble moving the battery, let alone its load, and so the compromise was that you’d have a smaller range. Batteries can also be designed to have a better specific energy or specific power (the amount you can draw from them at one time) but the more to one the more compromise with the other; it’s all to do with the chemistry and metallurgy inside.
You’ll get people telling you that electric motors are far more efficient than their ICE counterparts, and they are right. An electric motor can be 95% efficient whereas a good petrol one clocks in at 35%. But I invite you to look at the figures. 35% from petrol is much bigger than 95% from electric, and the practical upshot is you get much more specific power through an ICE and gear train than you do from electric drives. It’s why a Formula 1 car can go at 231 mph whilst a Formula e car does 175 mph. There’s also a problem with range. We can fill our Hyundai thing with petrol and drive to Monmouth and back on the same tank (I know this because it did it) and since most of the journey was free-running motorway the average speed was probably a shade under 70 mph. Which brings me to acceleration. Nobody really cares about acceleration but they quote it in car specs because it looks good. Electric acceleration knocks spots off any ICE but the problem is that once you are up to speed on an open road you don’t need it; you just need to maintain speed.
Now, then. A new kind of society is opening up in the west in 1900; it’s a society where mechanised transport is possible not just at the mass level but also at the individual and in another fourteen years this is going to have very far-reaching consequences on the ways wars in Europe are conducted (and even started) but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Scooting around town in an electric vehicle is all very well, but it’s not going to get you to the next town in a country as vast as the USA or Australia. It might do in the UK but by the time you’ve done London to York and waited for your batteries to charge a couple of times (providing you can find a generator) you’ve actually made the journey more slowly than Dick Turpin allegedly did and you might as well have got on the train. So what you can do is get a petrol car (if you are wealthy enough) which carries a large enough supply with it to get you there in one quick go. Superb. Bye-bye, electric.
Tradesmen carrying their tools and materials around could do more in a day with an ICE van than a horse and cart. The ICE is a boon for them, too. Tons of load moved about where it needs to be very quickly. Noice.
Let’s now look at infrastructure. Bangy liquids like petrol can be stuffed into a can and transported anywhere. Electricity can’t. The only real way to move reasonable amounts of electricity about to where you want it to be is down wires. If I left that sentence unappended, about a jillion people would go on the comments and the words “Tesla” and “wireless” would appear. So to save myself having to type this repeatedly, I’m going to type it once here:
No. Knob off. I said reasonable amounts.
Not until 1926 did the UK get a National Grid system and even then the main use was for lights. Radios that could work on the mains were a luxury, televisions were available in the 1930s if you were rich and lived in London, and the set of things you could actually plug in was very, very small and generally limited to kitchen and laundry until the 1950s. Unless you owned a private generator you would not have the capacity for charging an electric car. Private generation is not cheap. Warwick Castle had a private generator worked by the flow of the River Avon. It’s still there if you want to go and look.
Bangy hydrocarbons were the only reasonable solution. The big drawback is that they are filthy. Well, as long as it’s only the upper class, the well-off middle and the tradesmen doing it, that’s alright.
Oh no! Because now it’s the 1970s and loads of grubby oiks can get their calloused paws on a Vauxhall Viva! Quelle horreur! And today even the people that work in factories can! Oh, the humanity. We must be paying them too much.
By Vauxhall Viva time the petrol companies have got a very large infrastructure going which means you can buy your bang-juice in less than a five-minute drive. The National Grid’s improved a bit too and we’ve got lots more pluggy-in stuff than we had but it’s still not really capable of bringing enough zappiness to charge a full traction battery to every house with an electric car and in any case everybody’s seen an Express Dairies milk float
in which the batteries weigh more than the milk being moved about and thought “no, thanks”.
Consequently there was no political will whatsoever to go electric with our cars. Now there is and we’re still facing the same problems.
There are some things that electrochemists will tell you if you show them a bit of kindness and buy them a pint and a pie. In fact they’ll probably fall over themselves to spill the beans if they think you’re interested because nobody listens to them as a rule.
Fact No.1 is that whilst the materials have changed the methods haven’t because there really is only one way to do it and it’s the one we’ve been using since 1802, and we are still stuck with a compromise between speed and range.
Fact No.2 is that no house anywhere is going to be able to have more than a level 2 charger and this is what they’re designing for.
Fact No.3 is that if you think you’re going to be leaving your car for twenty minutes to charge from nearly flat to full up, you might get away with it a few times but you’re buggering that battery and a smart charger will analyse your battery for how embuggered it is and react accordingly and one day you’ll find that twenty minutes stretching into four hours.
Fact No.4 is that a few years hence you’ll find that the battery is so embuggered that one day it’s going to hold hardly any charge at all and you’ll be lucky to get to the end of your street. And you’ll be facing a bill of thousands of pounds for a new one.
Fact No.5 is they won’t charge if they’re too cold, so any theory about hooking it up to a lamp-post in January is frankly bollocks.
Fact No.6 is they don’t think the grid can cope with demand. And if you mention windmills and stupid blue light collectors, they’ll want to laugh at you but won’t because they think you might take the pie and pint away again.
Fact No.7 is that they wonder how anybody living on the top floor of Nelson Mandela House is going to charge up.
Fact No.8 is that you’d be better off scrapping the battery altogether and having a generator built in to provide the go-juice. Like Diesel locomotives do.
Fact No. 9 is that you are never going to get as much energy shifting electrons about as you are blowing things up or setting fire to them. Unless it’s really big charges. Like lightning. But really big charges also have a tendency to blow things up and set fire to them, sometimes uncontrollably. That’s not really desirable when you’re bowling down the M1 to meet somebody you’ve been messaging on letsgettogetherandhumpeachothersenseless.com; libidos tend to wane when they’ve been hit by a lot of kilowatts.
All of the above were true a hundred years ago (well, there wasn’t Nelson Mandela House to worry about) and though the problems have diminished a little today, not enough. Anybody that tells you electric cars will not be a problem might as well be wearing a badge that says “unicorn salesman” on it.
It’s true that we are going to run out of dead dinosaurs soon, and we need to find other ways of propelling our comfy go-karts. But batteries ain’t it, I’m afraid. It just seems that every fifty years or so we start to think “oh, electric vehicles, what a good idea!” and twenty years after that we find out why it’s not.
Sorry for the length of this cannot link it but I think it is worth a look as there are some truths here from someone who works with batteries and leccy stuff
When I was a kid I used to have an electric car – I would drive it early each morning and stop outside peoples houses and put bottles on their doorstep ….. the bottles had silver red or gold tops …. And ‘ster’ of course …
Range, beyond a doubt, is the biggest one. Many will tell you that it only takes twenty minutes to charge.
This is almost correct. But what they are not telling you is that is if you can find a 200 kW charger. You probably won’t. In fact these are the true charging times for a Tesla:
You will be very fortunate indeed if your house can accommodate a 22 kW charger and most won’t because a single-phase supply will fall over doing that. The best you can really hope for at home is a 7 kW. This is what they’re designing for and putting your battery on a rapid charger too many times will shorten the life; the smart charger will detect the battery condition and if it’s too bad will only act as a 7 kW charger anyway regardless of what it can do.
You can’t charge them if they’re cold. If you try, you’ll bugger the batteries.
You’ll get people telling you they’ve had electric cars for years with no problems. Yet. These are the people who drive short distances. When you want to take the family to the seaside for a fortnight and drive about, this is probably alright. When you’re a travelling salesman that can knock up a couple of hundred miles per day, not so good.
Battery life. A battery is the single most important thing on the car. When it goes, it renders the rest of the car useless. All the batteries have to be guaranteed to be at 80% in eight years’ time. To do this they’re building in grace capacities. Some of the battery won’t get used until it starts getting less capacious. Then some of the grace will be released. Over the course of eight years, all the grace will be used. This is how lithium batteries degrade:
and you can see that a battery that’s been both charged and discharged at its design parameters lasts longest. These are lab conditions and it is highly unlikely that such are going to be seen in field when electric cars become more widespread; it’s not very likely that they’ll be under these conditions even now. The interesting factor is that there’s always a knee. You’ll see a shallow curve to the 80% mark and then a much steeper one in decline thereafter. It may give the same specific power as before, but it won’t have the same specific energy, meaning the range will be shortened.
There’s also the so-far unanswered question of what people who live in blocks of flats will do to charge up their cars. Nobody as yet has provided a satisfactory answer for that.
Somebody once argued that charging an electric car is quicker than filling a petrol one. The argument is that he plugs it in, which takes a few seconds, and unplugs it at the end, which takes a few more. This is true, but the charge time will be a minimum twenty minutes if you are lucky, and a petrol pump can do thirty litres per minute. A good sized tank will be 65l which will take less than a sixth of the time to fill. Given that few people live more than ten minutes from a petrol station, the time saved is negligible.
There is the issue of whether it’s actually any cleaner in the long run. We’ll have to generate more power than we do now, and run it for longer than a car would be working, causing more pollution at the generating sites, unless they’re nuclear.
The big thing is we’ve tried this before. A hundred and twenty years ago electric cars were the preferred choice. Then the problems appeared, and ICE was so much superior in so many ways. Lithium batteries are better chemically than NiFe or SLA, but the principle is the same; it has been since 1802 because there isn’t another way to make a battery in the mechanical sense.
We go through this mania every fifty years or so of “electric vehicles, what a good idea!” and then about twenty years later we find out why they aren’t. Oh well. I’ll just leave ’em to it. I’m expecting lots of comments saying I don’t know what I’m talking about now. Let me just say I did generation and storage as part of my degree and I’m regularly doing battery health checks these days to prove the fault’s with the battery and not with the device. So to save me typing it multiple times, I’ll just type here once that you can think what you like, by 2040 you’ll have found out for yourselves.
What always makes me laugh is how electric car drivers always pretend they DID want to stop, have a burger, use the toilet, have a nap etc at the services while their car charged instead of actually going home.
Well Said Zephir
Having had 50 plus years of Motor Industry experience and at Vauxhall Motors with those Vauxhall Viva’s ! There’s always been the promise of improving power sources for vehicles…LPG always worked well with converting the Internal Combustion Engines ( ICE ) and which seems to be pushed to one side in favour of full Electric power , not forgetting Hydrogen which has potential with JCB , Back in the 70s we were promised great things with North Sea oil and gas…..its there we must use it ! !
My son works in car sales and it comes with the territory that they are all ” petrol” heads with a love of cars, but the only demo’ car left on the pitch overnight because nobody wants to take it is the electric powered one.
You’re welcome this is a chap on Quora who. unlike Fact Wrecker Spring and the rest at the BBC actually knows what he is talking about but likely will be ignored which is rather insidious
I’d invite all my followers to watch this & tell me if you think I was unreasonable here
This is what I get on a daily basis on the British media. An open hostility that I’d hoped was over after Brexit. What’s the point? 🤷🏼♂️ https://t.co/Maasiq67ya
Ash spoke like the school bull gang member “People who get cancelled ! No one has heard of them before they get cancelled .. look at Laurence Fox, much more famous afterwards”
Daubney “Nope, That’s just not true, he was on £1m/year as an actor and then Equity had him cancelled”
Dale “He’s anti-vax ..now he’s got Covid , ha !”
Daubney “Nope, he’s pro choice”
Ash sneers “He’s pro-ivermectin ..HORSE DEWORMER !”
Daubney “Nope, it’s a Nobl prize winning drug designed for river blindness that has cured millions cos of its anti-viral properties”
Dale “that sounds like Donald Trump wanting you to drink bleach”
Dale then cut off the answer to move on
The other black panel member who joins in giggling is Gina Miller.
LBC made great joy of putting up a clip where Daubney lists all the parties he supported
then he makes a slip up at the end
“I was with Brexit Party, now with Reform”
He means “I was with Brexit Party, now they are Reform, and I’m with Reclaim”
How many years is it now since YAHOO stopped allowing comments against the articles/essays and so on put out-why? What use is it if one can’t make a comment for or against. I am sure there is a point to what they are doing just wonder what it is?
Many of the local newpapers online (bought up by the Jonson Press group, which is why they all look the same ) allow comments
Except a few, Luton Today and the Bedfordshire one being notable, most probably to to inflammatory comments from a certain religion of peace prevalent in Luton and the inevitable responses
@Zephire “Johnston Press plc was a multimedia company founded in Falkirk, Scotland”
It went bust in 2018
The creditors took the assets and renamed it JPI Media
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – it is pretty obvious that she is pretty and brainless like her Boss or …
…. was very much part of a Civil Service/Labour/Daily Mirror/BBC plot to oust Boris Johnson as PM, in large part as revenge for Brexit but also for other reasons. The Big Questions for Munira Mirza and Dominic Cummings are “Did you, at any time during the 2020 Lockdowns, advise the Prime Minister that attending ‘gatherings’ or parties – even in the flat above No.10 Downing Street were likely to breach Lockdown regulations?”
I do not expect the BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg to ask that question of those individuals any time soon.
Another begging advertiser on TV is telling me that giving them money will allow a young girl in another country avoid being sold to her uncle when she is 12 and will also let her go to school just like they do here.
I didn’t realise it had anything to do with money. I always thought it had everything to do with stone-age Muslim males treating women as possessions as permitted by the Koran.
But they don’t mention that at all. Nor do any of the feminists.
Until they do, I will treat everything else they say as misandrist hypocrisy.
I tried to adopt an orca / killer whale but it never arrived, I complained to Hermers but nothing, as per usual.
Its probably still in a corner of their warehouse flapping around somewhere.
I wanted to adopt a silver back gorilla but the cat went on a hunger strike until I changed my mind.
Anyway, Lidls don’t sell bamboo and the garden centre charge a fortune so dodged a bullet there I think.
SPADS produce Letchworth’s award-winning annual Pantomime, fun and drama throughout the year!
Established in 1937, SPADS has been a mainstay of theatrical entertainment in Letchworth Garden City. Embedded within local history, SPADS continues to deliver stunning productions up to 3 times a year, receiving individual and group awards, as well as critical acclaim.
Our ambition is simple — to produce show-stopping performances by harnessing the talent within the local community!
Russia is planning a flase flag attack in order to justify an invasion of Ukraine.
Seems believable and plausible until the probling questions start being asked such as “where is the evidence of them actually planning this”?
And at that point the intelligence agencies clam up claim it’s classified and refuse to provide any more evidence than “I said so, so you must believe it”
Yeah, well we fell for that one with Weapons of Mass Destruction which didn’t exist, and we might have even briefly believed crooked Hilarys lie that the attack on the US Embassy in Benghazi was a direct consequence of the film Innocence of the Muslims, something the BBC ran and have never admitted to have been a falsified story to my knowledge.
Then there is the BBC involvement of the gas attack on innocent civilians in Syria in an effort to persuade US President Obama to side with ISIS and attack the forces of Bashar Al Assad.
So I would suggest that readers have a healthy scepticism when it comes to the worst ‘intelligence’ service in the world, the CIA which has a track record of disastrous incompetence and catastrophic interventions, when it comes to allegations over Russia.
Perhaps the most famous attempt to kill Castro came in 1960 when the CIA poisoned a box of his favorite cigars.
The Painted Seashell
Undeterred, the CIA tried an even more elaborate plan in 1963.
Intelligence officials thought they could use Castro’s love of scuba-diving to topple him. They planned to hide explosives inside a large seashell and paint it with exotic colors to lure the attention of the ocean-loving communist.
The Contaminated Diving Suit
The same year, the CIA planned to contaminate one of Castro’s diving suits with a fungus that would produce a chronic and debilitating skin disease.
The Poisoned Pen
Another CIA that was straight out of “James Bond” was its plan to kill Castro using a hypodermic needle concealed within a pen.
In 1960, the CIA planned to sabotage Castro’s speeches by spraying his broadcasting studio with a chemical that would make him suffer similar hallucinations to LSD.
Other plots included spiking the dictator’s cigars with a chemical that would disorientate him, hoping he would smoke one before delivering one of his marathon oratory performances.
They also tried dusting his shoes with thallium salts — which would have made Castro’s iconic beard fall out.
There’s far worse than that because the idiots backed Batista allowing Castro to overthrow the government and establish their Communist dictatorship.
Of course there was the Bay of Pigs disaster they conceived.
They backed the Shah of Iran despite his unpopularity which led directly to the Iranian revolution and the return of Ayatollah Khomeni.
They invented Feminism as a means to split Communist groups on college campuses and funded Mizz magazine.
They backed the Marcos preseidency in the Phillipines with yet more disastrous consequences.
They failed to detect the obvious 9/11 plot right under their noses and allowed the plotter to escape, then covered up their incompetence and still today will not release the files on what they know to have happened.
Difficult to imagine a more incompetent ‘intelligence’ agency.
In China, it is no secret that chatroom conversations on social media platforms like WeChat or QQ are monitored and sometimes censored. But the consequences of posting “sensitive” content or opinions online are not as well known. Even for savvy internet users, it is hard to believe that such posts can sometimes land a person in prison.
In 2017, at least three Chinese netizens were arrested and jailed for making politically sensitive jokes in a chat room.
Why didn’t you do automatic refunds as the default? You’re not sorry you screwed up. You’re only sorry you got called out by so many people.
On the bright side, this shows that backlash from sane people on social media can have an impact, just as backlash from the insane has. https://t.co/RL6vlJU4vM
Go-F-Me didn’t have a choice
the establishment’s warfare against the convoy’s funding was met by donors reporting GFM to their banks for fraud.
It’s said that the banks would have then charged GFM for these forced refunds at about $15 a time.
“Beware this leftist money laundering front
Tried to donate, had donation reversed because GFM didn’t like the politics.
It’s a leftist commie money laundering front and it funds arsonists and divisive race-terror.” https://www.trustpilot.com/review/gofundme.com
The first Twitter comment was at 4:18am
then a 5:18 different video an apparent witness talking
That is not a lot of evidence .. I’d expect a lot more witness tweets
Taking full advantage of the new Highway Code: Cyclist is filmed riding in the centre of road while taking SELFIES and jumping a red light
The rider was taking advantage of new Highway Code rules on cyclists
Cyclists are now able to occupy the middle of the road rather than just the side
The cyclist was seen using his phone and taking SELFIES as he rode
BBC are ‘gleefully’ covering Partygate with a ‘disrespectful and aggressive’ tone, ex-BBC chairman Lord Grade says
Lord Michael Grade, 78, said the BBC’s tone in covering Partygate is ‘gleeful’
He said broadcaster is right to hold PM to account but there’s a ‘macho culture’
Lord Grade said the tone of the BBC is ‘disrespectful’ in reporting on the issue
Let’s face it – when a BBC reporter tells the Prime Minister of GB and NI to ‘be quiet ‘ ( comrade Robinson on Today ) and gets away with it – you know that the BBC thinks it is more important and more powerful than any elected politician .
GoFundMe have just taken down their Trustpilot page “to investigate unusual activity”.
Last time it was available, they were being hammered over the Canadian truckers, presumably by disaffected former donors as well as angry citizens. The percentage of lowest possible review scores had reached 52%
I hope they crash and burn along with the Marxist puppet Trudeau. Time is up for these strutting commies.
I think Trudeau’s knee jerk attempt to rubbish a massive collection of ordinary people carrying out peaceful protest with screams of racism, homophobia etc, shows how vicious and shallow he really is but also revealed a degree of blind panic and desperation. It was nothing more than an attempt to stir up retaliation on the streets.
The World should not have brainwashed, unhinged idiots like this anywhere near the levers of power.
I could have written the following, as they were my thoughts exactly when watching the reports……..
Amanda Platell in today’s D/Mail writes..
“BBC NEWS has been running several interviews with families who say they have to choose between heating and eating to survive. This is a delicate issue but I would be more convinced if some of the interviewees did not seem to have a Body Mass Index of more than 30 ”
One woman in her 20’s, pasty complexion with spots, and literally bursting out of her velvet track suit, even said that sitting with a hot water bottle under a blanket she was still cold. Where do they find these people ????? They NEVER interview those who are hard up but enjoy cooking meals from scratch that are eked out over a couple of days. Not many 20 stone pensioners in my area – but I do see them hanging around the supermarket freezer when prices are being reduced. No Deliveroo for them.
Brissles – dear – I heard one of these ‘accounts ‘ where a lady was explaining that she had both cut down on her heating and also her food intake because she had become unemployed .
The BBC droid seemed to think this was a bad thing – but surely losing weight is good ? And in BBC world cutting down on using power ( fossil fuels ) is also ‘good ‘….
I suppose their small minds are so busy trying to get the government blamed for everything that they miss that .
We must be due for ‘energy banks ‘ where cold people can go to warm up ….
The ‘independence ‘ gene seems to be rapidly being bred out of Blighty ….
Fed, energy banks – Public Lending Libraries and Community Centres. If I heard that specific BBC vox pop and it was the same as yours (TWatO yesterday?), the woman was obviously willing to work but once unemployed felt that everything should be handed to her on a plate. As you correctly observe: “The ‘independence ‘ gene seems to be rapidly being bred out of Blighty ….”
I have to be careful because I am not currently poor – but nor am I ‘rich ‘ . I didn’t grow up in a ‘benefits ‘ home . There was no inherited wealth but nor did my parents expect the state to ‘provide ‘. They just worked hard .
So listening to benefits dependants – with no drive to sort their lives out without the state – is painful . I realise I am ‘out of my time ‘ and might fall into the ‘working class Tory ‘ classification but that doesn’t trouble me .
What does upset me is the constant BBC indoctrination of entitlement and blame and no personal responsibility .
It’s one of the reasons I spend time and effort with this site .
You were correct in identifying the propaganda piece I described ….
Ex-Tory councillor who said NHS A&Es are ‘full of fat mums in Pot Noodle-stained leggings taking their kids for a day out to harvest Facebook likes because their darling little snot-covered Asbo fell over’ is suspended for bullying teacher
That whole bit “made comments on Twitter, calling A&E patients “fat mums in pot noodle-stained leggings”
is not news
All that happened last year
This news event is a completely different matter ..
the failure of his appeal
about his 3 month bullying suspension
after he bullied a teacher
It had been recommended that sentence be reduced to 2 months
but the committee declined, and have kept to 3 months
The say they were totally unaware that delaying the suspension and then keeping it as 3 months, means here will be unable to stand in the May elections. https://www.leaderlive.co.uk/news/19893656.chirk-politician-bullied-teacher-loses-bid-reduce-suspension/
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MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 Christmas has become “holiday season” Easter has been turned into “egg hunt” Lent doesn’t even get a mention – it’s…
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We all know this but our national broadcaster can’t see it or doesn’t want to see it. It will all end in tears… they must have a certain level of blind observance to the BBC creed I guess.
We must ditch the BBC in my opinion to save our country, that might sound hysterical but is sadly true. They really are the single most major threat to our way of life in this country now.
Critics are asking…
Indeed Melissa why was so publicity thrown at what is called Parygate, and yet such poor coverage of this disgusting individual-Let us hope and trust that the concerned authorities take away this disgusting individuals Knighthood-should be jailed for life although that will cost the tax payer-should be exiled back to his original country of origin.
Last time he was jailed, for killing another motorist whist texting he blamed who else but the Jews for his custodial sentence. Suppose he will do the same again when out.
He was ennobled by Tony Blair along with other tokens at the time, Sacrani the apologist for terrorists was knighted at the same time, great judgment Tony.
FREE winter tickets for all Labour MPs!
Socialism is FREE to some, but not others.
Coming soon – The Great Climate Change Mandate
This will be far worse then the Covid Mandate. The Covid Mandates were really a trial run for the real stuff, that will last a decade. Boris Johnson is determined to turn the UK to a banana republic peddling fruit of a bike.
Boris was OK so long as stuck to carrying out the Brexit , but he is now damaged.
There is no Climate Change that is of any moment except the storm raging in eco-loon heads. And the BBC.
It is imperative that Climate Change mendacity is opposed vigorously at every every venue, public and private. Dont let it pass please.
PAP has a new video. I tend to agree with him . All violence against all people should be logged, the police should not put themselves in a victimhood class.
.. https://youtu.be/8gjO1JNVBDg
Viva Frei stops a CBC crew and shows they live in a media bubble ,as they refuse to discuss why anyone would think they are biased.
.. https://youtu.be/wnL3YjQUCgQ
He’ll be back live from the streets of Ottawa at 11pm GMT
Bolt says the media jumped the gun on the Canada’s secret school graveyard story that allegedly contain lots of undocumented bodies.
He says the evidence never matched up to the claim and no new bodies have been found
There are no new bodies just the known already documented graves of a few kids that died from TB etc.
.. https://youtu.be/egbXE18omy0
PAP talks about Mr & Mrs Kashif a police officer couple who used their job to steal money from drug dealers and keep it for themselves
.. https://youtu.be/BALchbkAD9M
Australia : Female Ozzie rules football
They appointed a Muslim player and tried to force her to wear a PRIDE jumper, she refused citing her faith
So they club are refusing to let her play.
.. https://youtu.be/wVdNH5JOh4I
The media is atlast coming out – the Covid jig is up. A Danish newspaper is apologising for not investigating government hogwash Covid panic.
Yes 17,000 is very likely the real figure that have died in England because of Covid. What is very likely is that extra deaths, likely in the hundreds of thousands, due to vaccination either directly or indirectly, or hospitals ignoring heart and cancer patients.
The bill for the untested vaccine is to still to be delivered to us personally. This can take the form of money or heart attacks.
The economy is unlikely to recover for a decade. Education is also not going to recover for a decade.
Its unfortunate for the coming generation .
Belfield has been using FOI to expose how BBC waste licence payers’ money
by letting stuff get stolen and not chasing it up, by splashing out on alcohol for people who should be paying for their own, giving money direct to charities,
and now carelessly overpaying staff by £6 million
.. https://youtu.be/njq9l2pOiWQ
#Davidstarkey : Edward Colston: The Truth
Why would anyone put up that statue 174 years after he died ?
…. https://youtu.be/B5hb47-gC-A
Have to say I didn’t think Coulston was one of David Starkey’s best as I tried to watch it last night and fell asleep. Normally I am captivated by what he has to say.
Overall the series of talks David Starkey puts up on YouTube are excellent and without the demands the BBC puts on programmes. (No, not even the BBC expects climate change to be woven into an analysis of Anne Boleyn but Starkey was the first person I heard call Carrie Johnson to Carrieantoinette).
David Starkey expects his audience to be adults and the analysis of historical events is pitched at a grown-up level. He doesn’t have to go to every historical site to walk to camera with his hands wafting all over the place but can sit at his desk and talk for an hour, explaining his evidence for his conclusions.
BBC Radio 4 8.10pm ; Any Questions?
With a BBC audience! Representative of : a BBC audience. An audience that hated Brexit in a Brexit voting constituency.
But anyway Chris Mason who chaired the show thinks he’s witty. Probably is amongst – a BBC audience.
The show is from Northern Ireland. Not a place always understood by English folk , and probably not from the Irish folk . Place where coach firms like to register their vehicles to disguise how old they are .
The DUP fellow came in for a lot of flack from all the panelist’s , the audience and from Chris Mason ,makes you think the Unionists can’t be bad fellows if the BBC dislikes them .
Chris Mason snidely made out the DUP minister wasn’t answering the question posed . Perhaps he didn’t , but nor did the other panelist’s.
But if the BBC want the truth , the whole truth and nothing but the truth from anyone , shouldn’t we have the truth , the whole truth and nothing but the truth from the BBC ?
Let’s start with their threatograms .
Why don’t they say that their “ enforcement officers” aren’t enforcement officers – and why do they redefine them as enquiry agents at other times ?
Why don’t they say in their threatograms that they’re enforcement officers have no automatic right to enter anyone’s property?
Why don’t they say that having a TV is not proof of watching live broadcasting?
Why don’t they say that an occupier has the right to have nothing to do with them ?
Why don’t they say that their enforcement officers will leave any premises if instructed by the occupiers to do so ?
Why do they imply that if you don’t buy a TV licence you are a criminal or withholding payments due ?
Why do they say they are starting an “ investigation “ , continuing an investigation, finalising an investigation when they are not ?
Why do they say they will be visiting you on such and such a date when they won’t ?
Why , when it was around a general election time did they send a threatogram in a envelope with a cross in a box when it was nothing to do with anyone’s right or ability to vote ?
Why do they lie ?
Canada is very angry about Go-F-Me
That’s a very long thread from Ezra.
BTW “@GoFundMe allowed money to go to bailing violent BLM rioters out of jail
… but now denies the peaceful Freedom Convoy their funds… ”
The truckers have switched to GiveSendGo
but that page currently doesn’t load
as if blocked or overloaded
GiveSendGo say it’s both overloaded and suffering Denial of Service attacks
… https://www.twitter.com/LadeyJust/status/1489768498158923778
Last year media ran angry headlines
“First responders and other government employees have donated money to support homicide suspect Kyle Rittenhouse, according to data leaked from crowdfunding website GiveSendGo”
.. as if donating to the innocent Rittenhouse was a bad thing.
The court later declared him not guilty.
Gofundme is a leftist org. What they have done, steal, is not unexpected.
That should stop all the folk I vaguely know on Facebook asking me to pay for their parachute jump.
The donors and truckers should sue gofundme to bankruptcy and beyond.
Go F**K ME!
The new Stump the Steyn has 5 topics including Rotherham, Lord Ahmed and briefly touched on GoFundMe
… https://youtu.be/n5PEcB9j-mc
Have GoFundMe ever heard of the Streisand Effect ?
Advice from GiveSendGo to donors on how to dispute GoFundMe via their banks rather than the site.
You do have to wonder how this ‘approved ‘ sickness is going to go ?
I read yesterday that many American towns and cities which turned on their police are now desperately trying to recruit them back again- but a whole tranche have taken early pensions or found another living – and the number of crimes ‘ victims reflect this – I hope they get what they deserve ….
I was trying to work through whether this’ approved ‘crap is like the McCarthyism of the 1950s America ?
Surely it can only be a passing madness ? – until these kidults grow up or experience real life hardship ?
“The former fiance of the late TV presenter Caroline Flack has been jailed for harassing GB News journalist Dan Wootton.
Andrew Brady, 31, from Sheffield, admitted to harassment at a hearing on 1 February and was jailed on Friday for four months”
.. He’s almost served that already on remand so will be released soon.
Coming to a street near you sooner or later
Sharia-compliant faceless children’s toys and restaurant booths to ‘shield’ women from the male gaze: Reporter is forced into hiding by death threats after she dares to tell the truth about a rise of radical Islam in France.
Ophelie Meunier is a familiar face on French TV.Former frontwoman of the daytime and evening news on Canal+, she now presents Zone Interdite (Forbidden Zone), a popular documentary series similar to Channel 4’s Dispatches.
Today, Miss Meunier, 34, is under police protection after receiving death threats following her investigation into the growth of Islamist influence in the northern town of Roubaix, near Lille.
Officers from the armed SDLP (Service de la Protection) police unit, which normally provides security for the country’s president, ministers and visiting heads of state, have been assigned to her, after her revelations about Sharia-compliant faceless children’s toys being on sale in Roubaix, as well as restaurant booths to ‘shield’ women from the male gaze.
A contributor to the programme (a Muslim lawyer, incidentally) was also threatened with decapitation.
Anothe person, Mr Elbahi, 25, — whose own sister became an Isis bride when she was 19 after converting to radical Salafist Islam in Roubaix — denounced the spread of radical Islam in the Zone Interdite documentary.
This is what happened next: first his mobile number was leaked on instant messaging app SnapChat. Then he received a barrage of insulting calls.
‘The insults turned into threats, then death threats,’ said his lawyer Jean Tamalet, who has represented the victims of terrorism for over a decade.
‘The calls came every two minutes, some in Arabic, some in French. They said things like: ‘We know where you are. I’m going to slice your throat. I’m going to cut your head off.’ ‘
Mr Tamalet contacted a former Special Services officer to protect his client before being given police protection.
Zephir – Most worryingly, the cowardly French broadcasters – like our own cowardly BBC – are ignoring the story, or minimising its importance.
The one exception is a news channel called C-News, roughly equivalent to Fox or GB News.
The average Frenchman was probably safer under the German occupation. At least that only lasted four years.
Quote: “spread of radical Islam”
“Radical Islam”? What is that?
There are no such categories as radical or unradical Islam.
The media and elites continue to parrot such untruths when they know there are no such categories. They will pursue such untruths till the curtain comes down – a global civil war that will lead to the destruction of one, and the moral collapse of the “winner”. Humanity will be yoked with guilt for hundreds of years.
Separation between Islamic people and others, is far better then the needless deaths of hundreds if not billions of humans.
The deranged Trudeau throws every insult he knows at the truckers.
Below is an interview with the perfectly likeable, moderate and reasonable spokesman for the protest.
Just anti-black racism ?.
Does that mean by the deliberate omission that they don’t condemn anti-white racism ?.
The world has gone mad.
Canadian PM Trudeau Shares Call to ‘End White Supremacy’ After Somali Refugee’s Terror Attack {.informationliberation.com 02oct2017}
‘Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau responded to news of a Somali refugee’s terrorist attack in Edmonton by sharing a call to “end white supremacy” and insisting “our diversity is our strength.” ‘
… earlier in the same Universe …
Trudeau (I’m a feminist) hails “ (Muslim) sisters upstairs” at sex-segregated mosque
… and the BBC have the main headline of another remainer – Nick Gibb – saying Boris should resign.
Isn’t it amazing how the BBC fail to mention what all these Tory MP’s have in common ?.
And isn’t it amazing how they all come out one by one every other day ?.
And just look how the BBC repeat the same information again and again in each ‘new’ article ?.
Impartial and unbiased ?. My arse. Get rid.
I suppose that these complainers need the BBC to give them some sort of credibilty, but it won’t last once they’ve got rid of Boris, will it!
Listening to LBC, TR etc., gives us a much better perspective on the real stories. I’ll never rely on the BBC to tell the proper story, because as cervical serpents, (you can see I like this term – may use it again), they’ll do sod-all to bring harmony where they can muck things up with their pointless gossip, which is their substitute for real news.
‘Gotcha’ used to be a term for grabbing the girls at school, but the BBC do it all the time these days, which is pretty pathetic when you come to think about it!
It looks increasingly likely that the media and in Particular the BBC will get there wish and oust our sitting PM.
I for one I’m finding what I’m witnessing on the BBC STAGGERING, it’s obviously a no hold bars attack on the PM.
It looks as though the BBC has decided and at any cost to get rid of the PM and then face the consequences of there appalling behaviour later.
What I’m finding harder to understand is why do Conservative Ministers and MP’s just sit there and take it. Why do they appear on certain shows or programmes on the BBC knowing what’s coming.
It’s not exclusively a BBC problem, I witnessed an interview conducted by Kay Burley on Sky on Tuesday and it was astonishing, she sneered , laughed and constantly interrupted the Conservative Minister. But for me and even worse,he just sat that there and took it, just like a school child being bollocked.. Pathetic
How can it be that our major broadcaster can have the power to rid this country of a democratically elected PM.
And of course we all know that when the dust has settled f- ck all will be done about the BBC, as usual.
Yer absolutely right, Dafydd!
Good luck against Ireland today anyway…
As fanatical Wales rugby supporter I’m not confident…
I’ve decided not to watch any news channels for the rest of the day so it doesn’t ruin my sport.
Many taffmen out in Ireland are “not confident” either .
We are witnessing what the Left do when they are desperate. All morals and ethics are gone.
If Boris stays, we leave the EU and the BBC lose their current lucrative public funding. If Boris goes, they will go all out to get a PM who will stay close to the EU and renew the BBC charter.
The Left is a truly ugly and nasty thing when it’s mask slips.
Not only the media but the cowardly selfish behaviour of certain Tory MP’s.
If Boris does manage to survive this then he needs to cull the idiots in his own party that fell for the media driven hysteria
I am not sure who provides GB News top of the hour news. It feels a bit like Global who does Classic FM. It certainly doesn’t feel quite in line with the programmes in between – except Farage who has turned so anti Boris that his tune has become boring.
Jimmy Carr sparks fury with Holocaust routine in Netflix special
Anyone who has seen Jimmy’s stand-up knows how extreme he is. It was only a matter of time before it was his turn from the woke list. Nothing is out of bounds and he doesn’t target anyone in particular : everyone and everything is fair game.
‘The comedian went on to say a “positive” of the Holocaust was that thousands of gypsies were murdered. The comments were greeted with applause and laughter.’.
I suspect Jimmy said it in a spirit of black humour far better than the BBC reporter did. All those people would be sent to a special camp to be re-educated if the Left had absolute power. And – of course – those who did not pass the test at the end would never come out.
He’s playing Whoopi in the next bbc special once Coogan gets his industry award.
‘8 out of 10 cats does countdown’ with Jimmy and Sean Lock was one of the very, very few programs which made me regularly laugh out loud.
Except when Claudia Winkleman was on. She had absolutely zero wit. She was just a loud-mouth show-off who played off the back of everyone elses jokes to the audience for attention.
Her main claim to fame is being a version of Amy Whitehouse, dipped upside down in a bottle of ink to seem mysterious. With slightly fewer drug problems.
The rules of ‘approved ‘ versus ‘disapproved ‘(cancelled ) seem very arbitrary. One comic can lose a career / living at the drop of the wrong word whilst others can push out anti Semitic ‘humour ‘ and just get more attention .
Perhaps the most extreme case is JK Rowling and her treatment by the actors she made famous . ( I don’t know her stuff because I’m a grown up )
I suppose it is the result of 1970s liberal uncontrolled infection of key areas of life which has produced kidult snowflakes who are just lacking – and whose ‘views’ are magnified by the internet .
I was thinking how these people would deal with Real Hardship ? I don’t view the Chinese virus as ‘hardship ‘ – I mean – a constantly tough existence or a severe illness which kills millions instead of 150k in the UK – or maybe actually 17k …. Might be considered ‘real hardship ‘.
After all – we have been free of mass death since 1945 but where does the rule book say it will never happen again ?
It’s the new fascism pure and simple.
Our adverts aren’t full of black people because they advertisers want to. They know people don’t like it. They do it because they are scared of being labelled ‘racists’ by the Leftists. BBC and Guardian – 2 cheeks of the same arse – included.
I was talking with someone the other day and it came up that it takes 2 generations for someone in the family to be completely forgotten. It’s the same for lessons from history. We are now 2 generations from World War 2 and I see many of the things which happened in the runup to it happening again.
It starts with the oppression of people who don’t agree with you. We know where it ends.
“Our adverts aren’t full of black people because the advertisers want to. They know people don’t like it. They do it because they are scared of being labelled ‘racists’ by the Leftists.”
There’s another important factor: step forward Larry Fink. He’s the chairman and CEO of BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager, which controls $10 trillion worth of assets. Fink sits on the boards of the Council of Foreign Relations and the World Economic Forum, the organisation run by Bond-villain soundalike, Klaus Schwab. Fink is heavily into something called Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG). The idea behind ESG is that investment and business has to take into account things other than just making money; some of these are worthy, others less so like bogus environmentalism, diversity, inclusion and ‘uman rights. Much of this is linked to the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Bottom line: unless companies comply and are seen to be complying, they are unlikely to receive investment from Mr Fink and BlackRock. And if that requires companies to make their advertisements look as freakish, bizarre and inappropriate as possible – even at the risk of antagonising their customers – then that’s exactly what they’ll do.
Now we can see the black racist was not really sorry:
“Whoopi Goldberg’s 1993 recipe, ‘Jewish American Princess Fried Chicken,’ for charity cookbook resurfaces”
Goldberg’s recipe was met with intense backlash at the time by the Anti-Defamation League, which labeled it “insulting” and “anti-Semitic.”
“It’s a lousy recipe with insensitive and anti-Semitic ingredients,” the organization, helmed by its National Director Abraham Foxman, fumed at the time. “Whoopi should know better.
“She needs some sensitivity training, unfortunately. The good people who published it need some sensitivity training too.”
“My family is Jewish, Buddhist, Baptist and Catholic – none of which I subscribe to, by the way, as I don’t believe in man-made religions,” she explained, adding that she adopted the stage last name Goldberg from a “Jewish ancestor.”
Oh, thats OK then….is the human race not all from Africa anyway so we can say what we like about them ?
According to the Mail ( yes I know ) the forthcoming biography of nut nut by lord Ashcroft gives a detailed account of the effect Mrs nut nut has had on boris – turning him into a limp lefty and having to be ‘handled ‘ by his now former staff .
The book is serialised in the mail on Sunday –
It will be something if a previously popular PM is bought down by his wife ….with a coming 2 Years of the BBC / labour screaming for a General Election and reversal of Brexit ….
Sleepy… Bluster… Trudeau… Hardoff… Macaroon… whatever the Germans have…
All Western leaderships who have obviously imploded, obvious to all including media nonetheless propping up their idiotic favoured ideological failed regimes.
The Madness of Noughties Estalishments.
EXCLUSIVE: Whoopi Goldberg’s fake Jewish past: The View host wrote 1993 recipe for ‘Jewish American Princess Fried Chicken’ then claimed SHE was a practicing Jew – as insiders slam ‘decades’ of ‘disgusting’ appropriation and anti-Semitism
Whoopi said in the past that she chose the Jewish name Goldberg to be her stage-name because she has ‘Jewish ancestors’
It has been reported elsewhere that she chose it because her mother told her she’d get more auditions in Hollywood if people thought she was Jewish
Increasingly we live in a western world where democracy is only allowed to be practised within the very strict limits deemed acceptable by the global liberalist blob. If a population democratically votes in a government unacceptable to the blob those responsible for implementing the policies of the elected government refuse to do so, the international blob seeks to make that government a pariah state and of course the MSM lies its collective head off to bring them down.
We have seen this played out with varying levels of success in theUSA , over Brexit and Boris , in Hungary and Poland , in Greece. We see recent examples of the blob at work in the UK with Northern Ireland custom official refusing to stop the NIP checks despite being ordered to do so by their political authority. There are many other examples.
Of course if a blobist does something beyond the pale , eg Goldberg , they are protected .
So we can vote for whomever we like but the policies which will be implemented will only be those with which the blob agrees. Not much of a democracy is it? I doubt that there is a democratic solution to this as the blob is a massive amorphous bureaucratic mass which seems impervious to censure let alone the votes of the people.
There has been a Revolution in the past two or three decades but the public doesn’t yet know that there has been. When the penny does eventually drop will people accept it a fait accompli and accept life in an emasculated democracy and rule by the blob, or will they rebel and take to the streets?
Ah, democracy.
Currently interested in ‘Citizens Climate Assemblies’, being introduced by weak county council leaderships across the country to buy off activists shouting outside executive meetings.
They are touted as ‘a new form of democracy’.
Well, the existing one is deemed flawed.
However this one gets rid of elections for all.
Here a selected group (sound familiar?) is filtered to ‘represent’ the community at large… and then vote based on selected information from selected ‘experts’.
It’s pure policy rigging. The bbc will love it.
Perfectly summed up Doublethinker, you have earned your lunch for today. I still find the complacency of the British Public quite incomprehensible bearing in mind the spirit it once had in the early days of my life-yes I’m of the old school and don’t take kindly to being pushed around.
Someone needs to be taken to court over this appropiation…BLM rioters vandalised and killed yet….
“violated its terms of service ‘which prohibits the promotion of violence and harassment.’
Elon Musk slams GoFundMe for bowing to Trudeau and CANCELING Freedom Truckers – while allowing BLM donations: Site refuses to return $9M and will instead distribute it to charities it deems fit as Canadian PM is branded a ‘dictator’
The crowdfunding platform announced Friday that they will be distributing the remaining funds to ‘credible and established charities chosen by the Freedom Convoy 2022 organizers and verified by GoFundMe’
‘Double-standard?’ Musk questioned on Twitter Friday night, sharing a screenshot of a tweet the crowdfunding platform published in 2020, amid active riots in Seattle.
The Seattle protesters declared an autonomous zone in the city’s Capitol Hill neighborhood. The zone, spanning six city blocks and displaying Black Lives Matter imagery, was established by George Floyd protesters in June 2020 after a tension-filled interactions between demonstrators and police.
GoFundMe also allowed numerous BLM-related fundraisers, some of which still remain active, that strived to raise funds for protective gear and medical supplies for protesters in the Pacific Northwest.
The crowdfunding platform, released a statement Friday evening saying: ‘GoFundMe supports peaceful protests and we believe that was the intention of the Freedom Convoy 2022 fundraiser when it was first created.’
‘We now have evidence from law enforcement that the previously peaceful demonstration has become an occupation, with police reports of violence and other unlawful activity.’
‘I have never seen anything more unprofessional’: BBC Breakfast viewers slam James Blunt interview as he’s quizzed about plastic surgery
BBC Breakfast viewers were left in shock on Friday as they dubbed an interview with James Blunt ‘unprofessional’ and ‘bizarre’.
The singer, 47, appeared in the studio to discuss his tour, but was subjected to questioning about plastic surgery and his opinion on Uber.
During the chat with Charlie Stayt and Naga Munchetty there were several awkward silences and jokes from the presenters that didn’t land, which didn’t go unnoticed by viewers.
BBC anyone is not hired for professionalism.
Naga especially.
Surprised she and Nish have not been handed the One Show having dobbed in Chiles and Brand over something.
Seems Mad Al has allied with the money pit.
Silly Al.
Has Charlie communicated with Naga on other topics?
Was she ‘off’ for any reason?
Amazing how political ideologues see this through the prism of their hate.
I just see the end of journalism in any respected form.
….comments underneath saying that Nadine is on the defensive…my arse, to me it’s someone showing there distain for a lump of Primordial Slime that works for the BBC…
Idiots that make such stupid comments defending the likes of Campbell are delusional…do they not realise how stupid they sound..And it’s constant lies
The ideological divide probably explains different takes, but it is pretty clear where the visceral loathing control of the MSM has its audience.
Look at Stayt’s face.
James Blunt is a very nice guy and genuinely witty and self-deprecating. It takes real skill to mess up an interview with him. Well done, Charlie and Naga, you two absolutely talentless no-marks.
BBC: ‘Justin Welby: Queen set example at Philip’s funeral. The Queen’s commitment to “doing the right thing” in sitting alone at Prince Philip’s funeral has been praised by the Archbishop of Canterbury‘ – if priests are going to dish out public health sermons perhaps we should turn to our medics for religious instruction? Some might observe we’ve already been doing that lately.
Stay in your lane, I say.
‘“The day cyclists took over the roads”: Drivers vent their fury as bike riders take to middle of the road and ride two-abreast to take advantage of new Highway Code rules – then take to social media to mock motorists‘ (Daily Mail)
Don’t push your luck and don’t mouth off about subjects outside of your purview: ‘The Plank of England. Bank boss earning £575,000 a year tells the rest of us: Don’t ask for a payrise‘ (Daily Star)
Concentrate on the job in hand – just get on with doing those things that are your direct responsibilty: ‘British Gas sorry for leaving homes in the cold‘ (Telegraph)
‘Health officials in the office just 4 days a MONTH. That’s rule for Health Department despite PM’s plea for civil servants to set example‘ (Daily Mail)
I know furlough became a thing for a while – and was pretty popular, especially with our managerial State sector workers – but you can’t really expect to be paid money for nothing – as MTV stars of the 1980s Dire Straits once reminded us – the real world economy needs to keep working.
“We got to install microwave ovens, custom kitchen deliveries
We got to move these refrigerators, we got to move these colour TVs”
‘The HR Blob. How working from home is breaking Britain‘ (Telegraph) – by the way, sorry to do a Peter Kay missheard lyrics shtick but did Mark Knopfler refer to rock stars getting their checks for free – as in the American term checks meaning a restaurant bill… in other words a free lunch – or was the lyric chicks for free? No explanation being necessary there. We don’t assume successful pop artists have some freebie deal with the poultry industry.
The Chinese are doing what totalitarian states do best – holding a big opening ceremony for the Olympics. The formerly patriotic Times puts a photo of a big union flag on its cover. Amusingly for the pro-Brussels Remainer Times this pic from the massive electronic screen at the National Stadium at Beijing is captioned Grande-Bretagne.
The Daily Mirror is excited to relate: ‘Cops handed pic of PM with lager at No10 party. His Estrella at lockdown bash‘ – you have to smile… at least it wasn’t a bottle of Corona.
Other beers are available
Flying Dog “Pearl Necklace” Chesapeake Stout
Yeah, Flying Dog somehow gets away with this. Yet more artwork, yet more dog misdirection, but nobody’s at a loss for the, ahem, the less formal cultural connotation of “pearl necklace.”
Village Idiot Brewing Co. “Thong Remover” Belgian Tripel
Not sure why so many of the gross labels are Belgian-style American craft beers. This is “small batch,” Jersey-made crassness, also invoking ladies undergarments. Leave it to breweries called “Pig Minds” and “Village Idiot.”
Hoyne Brewing Co. “Big Cock Bock”
Believe it or not, Canadians came up with this one. (Sweet, sweet Canadians, what have you done?) To be fair, Canadians also 86-ed the name, and later labels simply had the words “Big Bock” and a large chicken. Clever. Well played, Canada
Speaking of Justin Welby, there’s also the good old British innuendo Bishops Finger.
Oo matron
And another Shepherd Neame brew, to accompany ‘Bishop’s Finger’, ‘Nun’s Delight’!
Sheps is really my favourite beer, and a trip around the Faversham Brewery is a fabulous venture!
Tx for the BG story in the Tel. Must look it out.
We are small landlords.
A while ago a tenant popped in a PAYG smart meter. Seems they do not need to inform us.
Found out the hard way.
They cut the supply the second it approached (online meter does not mirror the one in the unoccupied property) going into debit.
This… is the reality of political climate control.
Trying restore supply was a nightmare until I hit Twitter to threaten going to the media. Instant response.
Your tenants are clearly morons. Why would anybody replace a credit meter with a more expensive PAYG one? And a smart meter. Eon spent 18 months trying to force me into accepting smart meters. In the end I had to tell them, quite literally, to f*** off. I then moved supplier and they emailed to ask why??
Craig returns again, with a bang.
As summaries go, devastating. Or should be.
Sopes might need some Dutch courage to deliver his skills beyond the groupie chorus.
The ringers on social media posting BBC Press cut and pastes to any unconvinced on BBC Press claims of BBC Treasure Status ard hilariously embarrassing.
For those who might ask ‘so how do you prove the BBC is a foul lefty monster – just follow that link and read the details ….
Fed. The BBC is foul, and lefty… and a joke.
Cummings strikes again ….
The technique the BBC used against President Trump now fully deployed against nut nut – if he goes the age is going to get darker …
Laura and Pippa. BBC and MIrror.
Peas in a pod.
And they are beyond Mr. Creosote now.
Beer is illegal at parties?
The nightmare before us if Boris goes and an election takes place
22 Dec 2021
Welsh fined for trips to work but not for pub crawls
Workers in Wales now face fines for unnecessary trips to their jobs but can freely enjoy pub crawls and social life, according to controversial new legislation aimed at curbing the spread of the Covid-19 Omicron variant.
“No person may leave the place where they are living, or remain away from that place, for the purposes of work or to provide voluntary or charitable services,” reads the recently amended guidance.
The new “work from home” rules apply to the non-essential workers who can work from home “where practicable” and, according to First Minister Mark Drakeford, are designed “to help control” Omicron’s rapid spread and “to prevent large numbers of people needing hospital care.”
Offenders face a £60 fine which can be cut to £30 if paid within two weeks following the date of the notice. A company might be forced to pay a £1,000 fine for each offense and £10,000 “in the case of the fourth and any subsequent such fixed penalty notice received.”
The rules come into force on December 27. While outlawing non-essential trips to work, they do not ban various sorts of social activities, including visiting pubs and restaurants.
Prepare for fourth Covid jab, Tony Blair Institute says
Morning all.
What an interesting site Electricity Generation live status is.
I’ve just been scanning all the helpful time series graphs.
To be really sustainable, based on the last year’s data, all we have to do is make sure that we increase wind energy capacity to ensure that on days of little wind and maximum cold, we can still produce enough electricity.
I reckon an increase in installed wind capacity of between 7 and 10 times the current level should do it. Of course most of this capacity will be redundant and unused for most of the year, the countryside will be ruined, and the costs will be crippling but hey, think how virtuous the eco lobby will feel.
Strangely nobody in either government or the energy companies or the eco lobby seems to want to mention this simple but inescapable fact. And especially not the BBC. Probably glueing themselves to a road somewhere. Where’s Roger Horrorbin when you need him?
Have look this blight on the landscape proposed:
Huge new solar farm earmarked for Hertfordshire countryside
If it goes ahead, it’s said to be a significant contribution to North Hertfordshire’s ambition to be net zero by 2040
Has no one thought how much more electricity we will need if all cars are electric ?
Electric cars are currently the biggest ‘lies by omission’ of all.
I regularly get told the Tesla can charge 150 miles in 15 minutes when you are at a Tesla supercharger.
They never tell me how long it takes if you are not.
A wind turbine off Scotland is promoted as doing a rare old set of things for a rare old time, faithfully passed on by brain dead ‘reporter/analysts’ like Justin, Matt, Shucks and Rog, who are pure propaganda lords.
Reality is somewhat different.
Ask Marianna.
And who was selected to serve up what to the blonde’s sex addict husband to convince the idiot on NetZero.
Climate Assemblies countrywide are using ‘experts’ on building use whose sole advocacy is EVs and heat pumps.
All to be provided by solar and wind. Now. And don’t ask about storage. All speakers vested interest Eco activists.
The media supported establishment propaganda is as breathtakingly stupid as it is blatant.
This chap knows his subject and worth a read:
When England moves over to electric vehicles, what is the solution for the many houses that do not have off road parking and therefor will have no access to power their car without trailing leads over the pavement? Will pavement points be installed?
It’s a very good question indeed. Unfortunately it does not currently have an answer.
Some have come up with the idea that supermarkets and such can provide power points in their car parks. They say that if they put 50 kW chargers in then it can be done.
However supermarkets currently demand 1% of the annual ouput of electricity just to run their fridges and freezers, and about another quarter for lighting.
Now, somewhere like Meadowhall has got space to stick twelve thousand cars in. But there’s less than forty chargers and they’re 7.5 kW ones. Every night I go past this thing:
You can’t get a good handle on the size of that from the photo but it’s bleeding huge. It’s the sort of thing I’d expect to see for a good-sized estate with a lot of factories using electrical machines. It is powering a few workshops, warehouses and offices but the bulk is going to this thing: (pic)
which is a glittering ribbon of capitalism. Stuffing a load of 50 kW chargers in the car parks is going to cause a tripling and a bit more in that substation and Blackburn Meadows:
Might well find itself struggling to keep up and get enough biomass to burn as it currently does 30 MW.
Even supposing it was possible to juice up the Co-Op car park, all the people who live in somewhere like Hyde Park:
are going to find the way to the charging pump crowded.
And I don’t know how many times this needs to be pointed out before people will start listening: if you constantly charge your car on a rapid charger you will shorten the life of your battery considerably or, if it is a Tesla, it is clever enough to know that the battery will be degraded after so many rapid charges and the current will be altered accordingly leading to a better battery life but an elongated charge time unless you try it with a Chademo in which case your battery’s going kablooey in jiff time.
Besides that, even if you can without much harm charge your car at the Co-Op Spark-Park for two hours, who wants to get up at half-past-one in the morning, stick their car on at two, walk home, go back to bed at half-two, get up again at half-three, retrieve their wagon, go back to bed again at four, and get up for work at seven?
So the question remains largely unresolved. The politicians and that Grabba kid couldn’t give a monkey’s. And this, amongst other things, is why the imposition of electric cars is either going to be postponed, or cause widespread ire and protests throughout the realm.
My diesel car is quite old and being in londonistan the emir doesn’t like me driving it so I have to spend £12.50 a day ‘in the zone ‘…
… so I started researching EV cars …. But then found out about the cost of installing a ‘charging point ‘ – £1200 … of which I think you the taxpayer would pay £300 until April 1 – a chosen day ….
……any way -the cost of EV cars seems prohibitive and needs to be avoided . Love the smell of diesel . Might go run the engine for a while ….
As for powering the EV car – there’s a special paint with micro solar cells which means you never have to charge it up again ( except at night of course ) – this may be made up .
I think it’s just the Marxist theme of removing individual transport and replacing it with ‘communal transport’ – something called a B.U.S.
It follows the theory expounded yesterday that the rising fuel cost is aimed at ‘communal living ‘ – you get one room comrade – because you are a Party member …
I was in Denmark Street when they were filming a seventies show and they trucked in some old escort and vauxhall cars etc, as the cars drove off the trucks the smell of the exhausts brought back memories, now we have catalysts to clean the exhausts.
Smell can be quite evocative
The Thames at Beckon by the sewage works – Tate and lyles – the rendering factory and the brewery is also quite ‘evocative ‘ on a hot summers’ night ( can smell it now ) ….
Typo there, Fed. Beckton. Fixed it for you. (Maybe it’s because I’m a Londoner that I love London town)
Are you on the iPad again?
Thank you Up3 i was drinking t at the time – now breath in …
Why haven’t cars always been electric, since electric car technology was invented in 1884?
A hundred and twenty years ago, electric cars were the preferred choice. Henry Ford’s wife had one. Edison developed a Ni-Fe battery for them; it was expensive but durable but it didn’t have the specific energy that an SLA did.
That really wasn’t a problem. Hardly anybody owned personal transport except the wealthy, and vehicles were used for short journeys round town; if you wanted to go from one town to another you got on a train.
By 1920 an electric car was an exception, not a rule, and the internal combustion engine was king. What we need to do is look at why.
Firstly, let’s look at the specific energy you can get per kg of substance. When you do that you use the Watt-hour (W-h/kg).
Petrol and Diesel deliver about 13,000 W-h/kg. A lithium-ion battery at best does 245. If you now imagine a fairly standard European car, to get the same specific energy out of that as a tank full of petrol, you’d have to have a battery weighing about six tons. That’s completely impractical as the car would have trouble moving the battery, let alone its load, and so the compromise was that you’d have a smaller range. Batteries can also be designed to have a better specific energy or specific power (the amount you can draw from them at one time) but the more to one the more compromise with the other; it’s all to do with the chemistry and metallurgy inside.
You’ll get people telling you that electric motors are far more efficient than their ICE counterparts, and they are right. An electric motor can be 95% efficient whereas a good petrol one clocks in at 35%. But I invite you to look at the figures. 35% from petrol is much bigger than 95% from electric, and the practical upshot is you get much more specific power through an ICE and gear train than you do from electric drives. It’s why a Formula 1 car can go at 231 mph whilst a Formula e car does 175 mph. There’s also a problem with range. We can fill our Hyundai thing with petrol and drive to Monmouth and back on the same tank (I know this because it did it) and since most of the journey was free-running motorway the average speed was probably a shade under 70 mph. Which brings me to acceleration. Nobody really cares about acceleration but they quote it in car specs because it looks good. Electric acceleration knocks spots off any ICE but the problem is that once you are up to speed on an open road you don’t need it; you just need to maintain speed.
Now, then. A new kind of society is opening up in the west in 1900; it’s a society where mechanised transport is possible not just at the mass level but also at the individual and in another fourteen years this is going to have very far-reaching consequences on the ways wars in Europe are conducted (and even started) but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Scooting around town in an electric vehicle is all very well, but it’s not going to get you to the next town in a country as vast as the USA or Australia. It might do in the UK but by the time you’ve done London to York and waited for your batteries to charge a couple of times (providing you can find a generator) you’ve actually made the journey more slowly than Dick Turpin allegedly did and you might as well have got on the train. So what you can do is get a petrol car (if you are wealthy enough) which carries a large enough supply with it to get you there in one quick go. Superb. Bye-bye, electric.
Tradesmen carrying their tools and materials around could do more in a day with an ICE van than a horse and cart. The ICE is a boon for them, too. Tons of load moved about where it needs to be very quickly. Noice.
Let’s now look at infrastructure. Bangy liquids like petrol can be stuffed into a can and transported anywhere. Electricity can’t. The only real way to move reasonable amounts of electricity about to where you want it to be is down wires. If I left that sentence unappended, about a jillion people would go on the comments and the words “Tesla” and “wireless” would appear. So to save myself having to type this repeatedly, I’m going to type it once here:
No. Knob off. I said reasonable amounts.
Not until 1926 did the UK get a National Grid system and even then the main use was for lights. Radios that could work on the mains were a luxury, televisions were available in the 1930s if you were rich and lived in London, and the set of things you could actually plug in was very, very small and generally limited to kitchen and laundry until the 1950s. Unless you owned a private generator you would not have the capacity for charging an electric car. Private generation is not cheap. Warwick Castle had a private generator worked by the flow of the River Avon. It’s still there if you want to go and look.
Bangy hydrocarbons were the only reasonable solution. The big drawback is that they are filthy. Well, as long as it’s only the upper class, the well-off middle and the tradesmen doing it, that’s alright.
Oh no! Because now it’s the 1970s and loads of grubby oiks can get their calloused paws on a Vauxhall Viva! Quelle horreur! And today even the people that work in factories can! Oh, the humanity. We must be paying them too much.
By Vauxhall Viva time the petrol companies have got a very large infrastructure going which means you can buy your bang-juice in less than a five-minute drive. The National Grid’s improved a bit too and we’ve got lots more pluggy-in stuff than we had but it’s still not really capable of bringing enough zappiness to charge a full traction battery to every house with an electric car and in any case everybody’s seen an Express Dairies milk float
in which the batteries weigh more than the milk being moved about and thought “no, thanks”.
Consequently there was no political will whatsoever to go electric with our cars. Now there is and we’re still facing the same problems.
There are some things that electrochemists will tell you if you show them a bit of kindness and buy them a pint and a pie. In fact they’ll probably fall over themselves to spill the beans if they think you’re interested because nobody listens to them as a rule.
Fact No.1 is that whilst the materials have changed the methods haven’t because there really is only one way to do it and it’s the one we’ve been using since 1802, and we are still stuck with a compromise between speed and range.
Fact No.2 is that no house anywhere is going to be able to have more than a level 2 charger and this is what they’re designing for.
Fact No.3 is that if you think you’re going to be leaving your car for twenty minutes to charge from nearly flat to full up, you might get away with it a few times but you’re buggering that battery and a smart charger will analyse your battery for how embuggered it is and react accordingly and one day you’ll find that twenty minutes stretching into four hours.
Fact No.4 is that a few years hence you’ll find that the battery is so embuggered that one day it’s going to hold hardly any charge at all and you’ll be lucky to get to the end of your street. And you’ll be facing a bill of thousands of pounds for a new one.
Fact No.5 is they won’t charge if they’re too cold, so any theory about hooking it up to a lamp-post in January is frankly bollocks.
Fact No.6 is they don’t think the grid can cope with demand. And if you mention windmills and stupid blue light collectors, they’ll want to laugh at you but won’t because they think you might take the pie and pint away again.
Fact No.7 is that they wonder how anybody living on the top floor of Nelson Mandela House is going to charge up.
Fact No.8 is that you’d be better off scrapping the battery altogether and having a generator built in to provide the go-juice. Like Diesel locomotives do.
Fact No. 9 is that you are never going to get as much energy shifting electrons about as you are blowing things up or setting fire to them. Unless it’s really big charges. Like lightning. But really big charges also have a tendency to blow things up and set fire to them, sometimes uncontrollably. That’s not really desirable when you’re bowling down the M1 to meet somebody you’ve been messaging on letsgettogetherandhumpeachothersenseless.com; libidos tend to wane when they’ve been hit by a lot of kilowatts.
All of the above were true a hundred years ago (well, there wasn’t Nelson Mandela House to worry about) and though the problems have diminished a little today, not enough. Anybody that tells you electric cars will not be a problem might as well be wearing a badge that says “unicorn salesman” on it.
It’s true that we are going to run out of dead dinosaurs soon, and we need to find other ways of propelling our comfy go-karts. But batteries ain’t it, I’m afraid. It just seems that every fifty years or so we start to think “oh, electric vehicles, what a good idea!” and twenty years after that we find out why it’s not.
I blame the EU. Everready von der Leydenjar.
Sorry for the length of this cannot link it but I think it is worth a look as there are some truths here from someone who works with batteries and leccy stuff
When I was a kid I used to have an electric car – I would drive it early each morning and stop outside peoples houses and put bottles on their doorstep ….. the bottles had silver red or gold tops …. And ‘ster’ of course …
“What are the issues behind electric vehicles?
Range, beyond a doubt, is the biggest one. Many will tell you that it only takes twenty minutes to charge.
This is almost correct. But what they are not telling you is that is if you can find a 200 kW charger. You probably won’t. In fact these are the true charging times for a Tesla:
You will be very fortunate indeed if your house can accommodate a 22 kW charger and most won’t because a single-phase supply will fall over doing that. The best you can really hope for at home is a 7 kW. This is what they’re designing for and putting your battery on a rapid charger too many times will shorten the life; the smart charger will detect the battery condition and if it’s too bad will only act as a 7 kW charger anyway regardless of what it can do.
You can’t charge them if they’re cold. If you try, you’ll bugger the batteries.
You’ll get people telling you they’ve had electric cars for years with no problems. Yet. These are the people who drive short distances. When you want to take the family to the seaside for a fortnight and drive about, this is probably alright. When you’re a travelling salesman that can knock up a couple of hundred miles per day, not so good.
Battery life. A battery is the single most important thing on the car. When it goes, it renders the rest of the car useless. All the batteries have to be guaranteed to be at 80% in eight years’ time. To do this they’re building in grace capacities. Some of the battery won’t get used until it starts getting less capacious. Then some of the grace will be released. Over the course of eight years, all the grace will be used. This is how lithium batteries degrade:
and you can see that a battery that’s been both charged and discharged at its design parameters lasts longest. These are lab conditions and it is highly unlikely that such are going to be seen in field when electric cars become more widespread; it’s not very likely that they’ll be under these conditions even now. The interesting factor is that there’s always a knee. You’ll see a shallow curve to the 80% mark and then a much steeper one in decline thereafter. It may give the same specific power as before, but it won’t have the same specific energy, meaning the range will be shortened.
There’s also the so-far unanswered question of what people who live in blocks of flats will do to charge up their cars. Nobody as yet has provided a satisfactory answer for that.
Somebody once argued that charging an electric car is quicker than filling a petrol one. The argument is that he plugs it in, which takes a few seconds, and unplugs it at the end, which takes a few more. This is true, but the charge time will be a minimum twenty minutes if you are lucky, and a petrol pump can do thirty litres per minute. A good sized tank will be 65l which will take less than a sixth of the time to fill. Given that few people live more than ten minutes from a petrol station, the time saved is negligible.
There is the issue of whether it’s actually any cleaner in the long run. We’ll have to generate more power than we do now, and run it for longer than a car would be working, causing more pollution at the generating sites, unless they’re nuclear.
The big thing is we’ve tried this before. A hundred and twenty years ago electric cars were the preferred choice. Then the problems appeared, and ICE was so much superior in so many ways. Lithium batteries are better chemically than NiFe or SLA, but the principle is the same; it has been since 1802 because there isn’t another way to make a battery in the mechanical sense.
We go through this mania every fifty years or so of “electric vehicles, what a good idea!” and then about twenty years later we find out why they aren’t. Oh well. I’ll just leave ’em to it. I’m expecting lots of comments saying I don’t know what I’m talking about now. Let me just say I did generation and storage as part of my degree and I’m regularly doing battery health checks these days to prove the fault’s with the battery and not with the device. So to save me typing it multiple times, I’ll just type here once that you can think what you like, by 2040 you’ll have found out for yourselves.
I blame the EU.”
What always makes me laugh is how electric car drivers always pretend they DID want to stop, have a burger, use the toilet, have a nap etc at the services while their car charged instead of actually going home.
Well Said Zephir
Having had 50 plus years of Motor Industry experience and at Vauxhall Motors with those Vauxhall Viva’s ! There’s always been the promise of improving power sources for vehicles…LPG always worked well with converting the Internal Combustion Engines ( ICE ) and which seems to be pushed to one side in favour of full Electric power , not forgetting Hydrogen which has potential with JCB , Back in the 70s we were promised great things with North Sea oil and gas…..its there we must use it ! !
Thanks Zephir, that needed saying.
Notice too this article concerning the replacement of batteries.
Coincidentally e-cars being purchased now with an 8 year battery warranty will be out of warranty the year new ICE cars
are set to die.
Hang on to your ICE car – it is set to become very valuable !
My son works in car sales and it comes with the territory that they are all ” petrol” heads with a love of cars, but the only demo’ car left on the pitch overnight because nobody wants to take it is the electric powered one.
Excellent post Zephir, thank you.
You’re welcome this is a chap on Quora who. unlike Fact Wrecker Spring and the rest at the BBC actually knows what he is talking about but likely will be ignored which is rather insidious
Well worth the read. Thanks
Champion on about media exposure careers.
Supported by Dale, who is as naked in his personal bitch hates as it is possible to compromise a credible commentary career.
Ash spoke like the school bull gang member
“People who get cancelled ! No one has heard of them before they get cancelled .. look at Laurence Fox, much more famous afterwards”
Daubney “Nope, That’s just not true, he was on £1m/year as an actor and then Equity had him cancelled”
Dale “He’s anti-vax ..now he’s got Covid , ha !”
Daubney “Nope, he’s pro choice”
Ash sneers “He’s pro-ivermectin ..HORSE DEWORMER !”
Daubney “Nope, it’s a Nobl prize winning drug designed for river blindness that has cured millions cos of its anti-viral properties”
Dale “that sounds like Donald Trump wanting you to drink bleach”
Dale then cut off the answer to move on
The other black panel member who joins in giggling is Gina Miller.
LBC made great joy of putting up a clip where Daubney lists all the parties he supported
then he makes a slip up at the end
“I was with Brexit Party, now with Reform”
He means “I was with Brexit Party, now they are Reform, and I’m with Reclaim”
How many years is it now since YAHOO stopped allowing comments against the articles/essays and so on put out-why? What use is it if one can’t make a comment for or against. I am sure there is a point to what they are doing just wonder what it is?
Many of the local newpapers online (bought up by the Jonson Press group, which is why they all look the same ) allow comments
Except a few, Luton Today and the Bedfordshire one being notable, most probably to to inflammatory comments from a certain religion of peace prevalent in Luton and the inevitable responses
@Zephire “Johnston Press plc was a multimedia company founded in Falkirk, Scotland”
It went bust in 2018
The creditors took the assets and renamed it JPI Media
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – it is pretty obvious that she is pretty and brainless like her Boss or …
…. was very much part of a Civil Service/Labour/Daily Mirror/BBC plot to oust Boris Johnson as PM, in large part as revenge for Brexit but also for other reasons. The Big Questions for Munira Mirza and Dominic Cummings are “Did you, at any time during the 2020 Lockdowns, advise the Prime Minister that attending ‘gatherings’ or parties – even in the flat above No.10 Downing Street were likely to breach Lockdown regulations?”
I do not expect the BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg to ask that question of those individuals any time soon.
Ah, sorry, forgot to add the link for the above:
Another begging advertiser on TV is telling me that giving them money will allow a young girl in another country avoid being sold to her uncle when she is 12 and will also let her go to school just like they do here.
I didn’t realise it had anything to do with money. I always thought it had everything to do with stone-age Muslim males treating women as possessions as permitted by the Koran.
But they don’t mention that at all. Nor do any of the feminists.
Until they do, I will treat everything else they say as misandrist hypocrisy.
In essence:
Give us the money or the child gets raped
I’ll stick to donkeys, thank you
I tried to adopt an orca / killer whale but it never arrived, I complained to Hermers but nothing, as per usual.
Its probably still in a corner of their warehouse flapping around somewhere.
I wanted to adopt a silver back gorilla but the cat went on a hunger strike until I changed my mind.
Anyway, Lidls don’t sell bamboo and the garden centre charge a fortune so dodged a bullet there I think.
Fedup2 mentioned this at the end of the last thread.
“It’s all very fishy” @7nestingwrens
GBN becomes more impressive with each passing month. Stewart , Brazier, Steyn, Wootton, Oliver, Farage , Dolan is a formidable line up.
St Paul’s Amateur Dramatic Society
SPADS produce Letchworth’s award-winning annual Pantomime, fun and drama throughout the year!
Established in 1937, SPADS has been a mainstay of theatrical entertainment in Letchworth Garden City. Embedded within local history, SPADS continues to deliver stunning productions up to 3 times a year, receiving individual and group awards, as well as critical acclaim.
Our ambition is simple — to produce show-stopping performances by harnessing the talent within the local community!
Well, said Zeph ! and yes they are a great group, even though its been friendly competition between us little village amdrams lol !
Honorable LORD! HA HA HA HA!
I wish someone would start a “Go F’ck Me” website where we can donate to shut someone up
I have a cheque waiting for that Begum one in her lorry container in Syria or wherever
Other gobsh@tes are available..
Here’s some food for thought.
Russia is planning a flase flag attack in order to justify an invasion of Ukraine.
Seems believable and plausible until the probling questions start being asked such as “where is the evidence of them actually planning this”?
And at that point the intelligence agencies clam up claim it’s classified and refuse to provide any more evidence than “I said so, so you must believe it”
Yeah, well we fell for that one with Weapons of Mass Destruction which didn’t exist, and we might have even briefly believed crooked Hilarys lie that the attack on the US Embassy in Benghazi was a direct consequence of the film Innocence of the Muslims, something the BBC ran and have never admitted to have been a falsified story to my knowledge.
Then there is the BBC involvement of the gas attack on innocent civilians in Syria in an effort to persuade US President Obama to side with ISIS and attack the forces of Bashar Al Assad.
So I would suggest that readers have a healthy scepticism when it comes to the worst ‘intelligence’ service in the world, the CIA which has a track record of disastrous incompetence and catastrophic interventions, when it comes to allegations over Russia.
The CIA’s Most Bizarre Assassination Attempts
The Exploding Cigar
Perhaps the most famous attempt to kill Castro came in 1960 when the CIA poisoned a box of his favorite cigars.
The Painted Seashell
Undeterred, the CIA tried an even more elaborate plan in 1963.
Intelligence officials thought they could use Castro’s love of scuba-diving to topple him. They planned to hide explosives inside a large seashell and paint it with exotic colors to lure the attention of the ocean-loving communist.
The Contaminated Diving Suit
The same year, the CIA planned to contaminate one of Castro’s diving suits with a fungus that would produce a chronic and debilitating skin disease.
The Poisoned Pen
Another CIA that was straight out of “James Bond” was its plan to kill Castro using a hypodermic needle concealed within a pen.
In 1960, the CIA planned to sabotage Castro’s speeches by spraying his broadcasting studio with a chemical that would make him suffer similar hallucinations to LSD.
Other plots included spiking the dictator’s cigars with a chemical that would disorientate him, hoping he would smoke one before delivering one of his marathon oratory performances.
They also tried dusting his shoes with thallium salts — which would have made Castro’s iconic beard fall out.
There’s far worse than that because the idiots backed Batista allowing Castro to overthrow the government and establish their Communist dictatorship.
Of course there was the Bay of Pigs disaster they conceived.
They backed the Shah of Iran despite his unpopularity which led directly to the Iranian revolution and the return of Ayatollah Khomeni.
They invented Feminism as a means to split Communist groups on college campuses and funded Mizz magazine.
They backed the Marcos preseidency in the Phillipines with yet more disastrous consequences.
They failed to detect the obvious 9/11 plot right under their noses and allowed the plotter to escape, then covered up their incompetence and still today will not release the files on what they know to have happened.
Difficult to imagine a more incompetent ‘intelligence’ agency.
A time traveler went back in time and saw a CIA agent
Time traveler: What year is it?
CIA Agent: 1963
Time traveler: Before or after JFK assasination ?
CIA Agent: Before
Maybe we should have ‘ good news corner ‘ ?
This week
Chap who ran over a killer in the street has been told no action against him ( medal ? Money ?)
ISIS leader killed and takes family with him
Farmer who ‘removed ‘ trespassing car from property aquitted
Labour Paki stani ‘peer’ convicted of sex offence
Man u knocked out of FA cup
Oh yeah – we arnt at war yet
If we had a ‘ bad news ‘ corner it would be too big
I went to the doctor and he said, “I have some good news and some bad news.”
I said, “Give me the good news.”
He replied, “They’re going to name a disease after you.”
In the DE today there’s an article saying that the biggest problem the PM has is Carrie.
In the comments a recurring theme is that everybody in the Land has known this for 2 years.
Just as us lot on here have been commenting.
How many times does he (Boris) need to be told to move back to the right and forget all her leftie green rubbish.
Him and Harry, two ok blokes ruined by controlling wimmin.
Just switched on the TV. Some football match on about to start. They still take the knee! Utter nonsense still. Off switch immediately deployed.
The BBC are proud to bring you… The Genocide Games!
Day 1: Beat the crap out of peaceful Tibetan monks competition, freestyle.
The BLM team with manager Woopi Goldberg are odds on favourites I hear, worth a flutter ?
In China, it is no secret that chatroom conversations on social media platforms like WeChat or QQ are monitored and sometimes censored. But the consequences of posting “sensitive” content or opinions online are not as well known. Even for savvy internet users, it is hard to believe that such posts can sometimes land a person in prison.
In 2017, at least three Chinese netizens were arrested and jailed for making politically sensitive jokes in a chat room.
‘Xi the Bun’
GoFundMe cave
UPDATE: @GiveSendGo for Freedom Convoy reaches $700,000 in a single night.
Go-F-Me didn’t have a choice
the establishment’s warfare against the convoy’s funding was met by donors reporting GFM to their banks for fraud.
It’s said that the banks would have then charged GFM for these forced refunds at about $15 a time.
I guess the GSG page will reach $1m by teatime
Refunded at 20% ha ha ha ha!
17 letters of no confidence in Carrie are known to be submitted.
‘and many others privately confided to a BBC reporter’.
Doesn’t say how many of course. Totally open to be a complete lie. But unproveable which is how the BBC do it.
“Beware this leftist money laundering front
Tried to donate, had donation reversed because GFM didn’t like the politics.
It’s a leftist commie money laundering front and it funds arsonists and divisive race-terror.”
Just checking on a claim a car rammed protesters
nah… seems like fakenews.
Nothing in Ottawa, but there is just one clip from Winnipeg posted at 6:38am this morning
It makes claim that 4 people were hit and that police apprehended the driver.
The video doesn’t show that it shows a white jeep, one guy on the ground and people chasing after the car as it sped away.
… https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=148659120877895&id=100072014243376&__cft__%5B0%5D=AZUU7xv-g1sz2Sb2pY6i5ZkzeyNhj876l1aG6Pd43nsPvwKQ4lFWyF9pqs1Q7oI1HT4vWWHTCnnvmXtJh4QWpju92wU7u7NCSraWfVoP0fUaNhbmAyuNERelqZ1xgJ5KHSMKlS3E5Yj8Z1ImJaQCzLsI&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R
The first Twitter comment was at 4:18am
then a 5:18 different video an apparent witness talking
That is not a lot of evidence .. I’d expect a lot more witness tweets
What a surprise….
Taking full advantage of the new Highway Code: Cyclist is filmed riding in the centre of road while taking SELFIES and jumping a red light
The rider was taking advantage of new Highway Code rules on cyclists
Cyclists are now able to occupy the middle of the road rather than just the side
The cyclist was seen using his phone and taking SELFIES as he rode
BBC are ‘gleefully’ covering Partygate with a ‘disrespectful and aggressive’ tone, ex-BBC chairman Lord Grade says
Lord Michael Grade, 78, said the BBC’s tone in covering Partygate is ‘gleeful’
He said broadcaster is right to hold PM to account but there’s a ‘macho culture’
Lord Grade said the tone of the BBC is ‘disrespectful’ in reporting on the issue
Let’s face it – when a BBC reporter tells the Prime Minister of GB and NI to ‘be quiet ‘ ( comrade Robinson on Today ) and gets away with it – you know that the BBC thinks it is more important and more powerful than any elected politician .
Just another reason for it to be destroyed ….
OT but of interest, I hope…
GoFundMe have just taken down their Trustpilot page “to investigate unusual activity”.
Last time it was available, they were being hammered over the Canadian truckers, presumably by disaffected former donors as well as angry citizens. The percentage of lowest possible review scores had reached 52%
Beware the power of ordinary people!.
I hope they crash and burn along with the Marxist puppet Trudeau. Time is up for these strutting commies.
I think Trudeau’s knee jerk attempt to rubbish a massive collection of ordinary people carrying out peaceful protest with screams of racism, homophobia etc, shows how vicious and shallow he really is but also revealed a degree of blind panic and desperation. It was nothing more than an attempt to stir up retaliation on the streets.
The World should not have brainwashed, unhinged idiots like this anywhere near the levers of power.
Springster booked the whole place out for her and her mirror?
Subsidised BBC canteen.
Because he is pig thick like Charlie?
I could have written the following, as they were my thoughts exactly when watching the reports……..
Amanda Platell in today’s D/Mail writes..
“BBC NEWS has been running several interviews with families who say they have to choose between heating and eating to survive. This is a delicate issue but I would be more convinced if some of the interviewees did not seem to have a Body Mass Index of more than 30 ”
One woman in her 20’s, pasty complexion with spots, and literally bursting out of her velvet track suit, even said that sitting with a hot water bottle under a blanket she was still cold. Where do they find these people ????? They NEVER interview those who are hard up but enjoy cooking meals from scratch that are eked out over a couple of days. Not many 20 stone pensioners in my area – but I do see them hanging around the supermarket freezer when prices are being reduced. No Deliveroo for them.
Brissles – dear – I heard one of these ‘accounts ‘ where a lady was explaining that she had both cut down on her heating and also her food intake because she had become unemployed .
The BBC droid seemed to think this was a bad thing – but surely losing weight is good ? And in BBC world cutting down on using power ( fossil fuels ) is also ‘good ‘….
I suppose their small minds are so busy trying to get the government blamed for everything that they miss that .
We must be due for ‘energy banks ‘ where cold people can go to warm up ….
The ‘independence ‘ gene seems to be rapidly being bred out of Blighty ….
Fed, energy banks – Public Lending Libraries and Community Centres. If I heard that specific BBC vox pop and it was the same as yours (TWatO yesterday?), the woman was obviously willing to work but once unemployed felt that everything should be handed to her on a plate. As you correctly observe: “The ‘independence ‘ gene seems to be rapidly being bred out of Blighty ….”
I have to be careful because I am not currently poor – but nor am I ‘rich ‘ . I didn’t grow up in a ‘benefits ‘ home . There was no inherited wealth but nor did my parents expect the state to ‘provide ‘. They just worked hard .
So listening to benefits dependants – with no drive to sort their lives out without the state – is painful . I realise I am ‘out of my time ‘ and might fall into the ‘working class Tory ‘ classification but that doesn’t trouble me .
What does upset me is the constant BBC indoctrination of entitlement and blame and no personal responsibility .
It’s one of the reasons I spend time and effort with this site .
You were correct in identifying the propaganda piece I described ….
Probably the same as this lot:
Ex-Tory councillor who said NHS A&Es are ‘full of fat mums in Pot Noodle-stained leggings taking their kids for a day out to harvest Facebook likes because their darling little snot-covered Asbo fell over’ is suspended for bullying teacher
That whole bit “made comments on Twitter, calling A&E patients “fat mums in pot noodle-stained leggings”
is not news
All that happened last year
This news event is a completely different matter ..
the failure of his appeal
about his 3 month bullying suspension
after he bullied a teacher
It had been recommended that sentence be reduced to 2 months
but the committee declined, and have kept to 3 months
The say they were totally unaware that delaying the suspension and then keeping it as 3 months, means here will be unable to stand in the May elections.
‘Pot noodle -stained leggings ‘ – poetry …