Is the BBC reporting the spreading protests by ‘truck drivers ‘ or is it trying to ‘non report ‘ as part of its’ propaganda programme ? Selective reporting and non reporting of events just makes it easier for people to see the bias in action . Time to end it .
Start the week 7 February 2022
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I see the BBC have found a less-than flattering picture of Boris with his mouth gaping open and hence are using it on the main page to link to articles. They have used it twice now to my knowledge.
They did the same with Trump and Farage. And always picked good ones of Biden. One of the ways they work their lies and agenda into people one drip at a time.
Boris bad. Trump bad. Farage bad. Biden good. It’s pathetic beyond words.
I admit to finding that tactic offensive. What really grinds my gears, though, is when some parasite who only rocked up at Dover last week decides to rape, pillage and kill, as is his calling. The bbc then find a picture of him looking like a pop star. Isis brides (One in particular) also get a photoshopped makeover. I don’t want to see these at all, thank you. As a case in point, the manchester arena killer looked a likeable lad. And don’t get me started about cropped pictures of steven lawrence with the clenched black power fist edited out.
It is pathetic, on this site we all know it’s pathetic , but does the general public know that? Do they realise that they are being lied to , brainwashed and manipulated on a daily basis by the BBC ? Some of the time I think that of course they must , they would have to be exceptionally stupid not to realise that. But then I sit back and think , well if they do realise that why are millions of them still tuning into the BBC , admittedly fewer than used to be the case , but still millions? And why aren’t more of them refusing to pay their license fee ?
I think the answer is that the public , to borrow a leftist notion, need to have their political consciousness raised. They simply don’t understand the game that the BBC and the rest of the blob are playing.
At the very basic level they don’t realise that the BBC et al are internationalists who believe in a long term world wide levelling up which requires that for at least a couple generations and possibly for much longer, those who live in the west or the developed world , and are not part of the blob, are going to have their standard of living massively reduced. The blob want to make sure that anyone who draws attention to the planned fate of ordinary Westeners is silenced . They have been successful to date can they keep it up?
BBC – 1984 was a warning not a manual …
‘The proles are not human beings,’ he said carelessly. ‘By 2050 — earlier, probably — all real knowledge of Oldspeak will have disappeared. The whole literature of the past will have been destroyed. Chaucer, Shakespeare, Milton, Byron — they’ll exist only in Newspeak versions, not merely changed into something different, but actually changed into something contradictory of what they used to be. Even the literature of the Party will change. Even the slogans will change. How could you have a slogan like “freedom is slavery” when the concept of freedom has been abolished? The whole climate of thought will be different. In fact there will be no thought, as we understand it now. Orthodoxy means not thinking — not needing to think. Orthodoxy is unconsciousness.’
Starmer just said on the news “not getting on with the job blah blah chaos of party gate blah blah ”
An WHO is responsible for that ? banging on and on and on about it ?
Said it before….. but last week, when the government was issuing a slew of policies that must have taken months to put together, the claim was that they were just releasing these policies in a rush, to try to deflect from the constant pressure being put upon Boris Johnson…
This stuff is really easy-peasy – damn them if they don’t do something, then turn around and damn them again if they do.
And the gullible proles will believe it all….
One to watch,
2 defamation cases are in process against the bBC,
One involves Gerry Adams and a murder charge and the other a hugely biased bbc documentary about a Rangers FC v HMRC tax case.
An important point here is the usage of LF funding by the bBC
if it defends either or each. And the likely damage if it is found guilty.
Any monies should be their responsibility .
This organisation is fast becoming a dangerous liability on many fronts .
Perhaps a way of raising the ante would be for Ms Dorries to put it into some special measures until it produces a plan to convert itself to a subscription model.
If a judge is involved he/ she will be a fully paid up member of the Blob and will make sure that the BBC escape with minimum damage. Like the BBC itself, justice is no longer impartial in this country.
Don’t forget the one just underway from Brewdog.
If this is true,then wow..!!!
This is what Boris is up against, is Sunak involved..????
Will this get into the main stream media, of course not
There will be one inevitable consequence of this ridiculous pandering to black people by putting them in every advert, pretending white women are all in relationships with them and levering them into as many jobs and college places as possible regardless of other candidates.
I do not think many on here are racist in this respect, for myself I was always unconcerned about racial minorities, as most in the UK are, but no longer.
The above clumsy, highly offensive, insulting and racist attempts at social engineering and, quite frankly, lying about our demography, has deeply angered me now after the last couple of years of it, and I suspect will create a whole new sector of the indigenous population that also deeply resent this favourable treatment of blacks and only blacks because they are black.
And there will be many, many poorly educated or otherwise deprived white kids that will never, ever be helped in this respect and their resentment will be felt sooner or later in society.
The Americans will be more likely to rise up about this than ourselves and I cannot wait to see this, enough is enough, if their plan was to create and foment division they have succeeded.
It is also worth considering what is the (perceived or otherwise) defect with black people that they require this treatment when Chinese and other asians do not ?
My wife works at a job that involves shifts and some difficult work but she enjoys it, she came home the other day and said this young black guy started and after two hours stood up and said “I feel sorrry for you lot” and walked out.
Spot on Zephir!
The madness in the US is reaching a critical level in this respect IMO and worth noting the amount of asians in the US assaulted in the streets by blacks.
“The frequency and brutality of anti-Asian violence have made “Stop Asian Hate” a popular hashtag and protest slogan this year. Still, America has yet to grapple with a core part of the problem: black-on-Asian crime and racism.
Two of the latest possible hate crimes took place in New York City. Early this month, a female black suspect struck a 31-year-old Chinese woman in the head with a hammer in midtown Manhattan. In late April, in East Harlem, a black man viciously attacked 61-year-old Yao Pan Ma as he was collecting used cans and bottles. As Ma fell to the ground, the attacker stomped on his head multiple times.
Tragically, such horrendous crimes have now become commonplace in major urban centers. Notable attacks have occurred in San Francisco, Oakland, Los Angeles, New York, and Seattle. Often, the victims are defenseless, the attacks unprovoked, and the culprits not white. ”
“In this country in fifteen or twenty years’ time the black man will have the whip hand over the white man.” I can already hear the chorus of execration. How dare I say such a horrible thing? How dare I stir up trouble and inflame feelings by repeating such a conversation? The answer is that I do not have the right not to do so.
Enoch Powell
Enoch can’t have been thinking about DFS adverts, but in essence he was right.
I was much younger when Enoch was vilified, and did not understand, but how prescient he was, our children gang raped by gangs of pakistanis in every city in the UK and no condemnation from society, blacks stabbing and the racial demography ignored I could carry on but we on here are all horribly aware of the enrichment as the criminal scum of the world arrive daily.
They’ve not got what it takes (for anything apart from breeding)
Unwilling to concede that they have failed to unseat Boris, the BBC have one last desperate and rather childish go…
“Boris Johnson sang ‘I Will Survive’ to new communications chief Guto Harri”
Grow up BBC!
If Boris survives and regathers the reins of power I hope that this time he extracts revenge of the BBC and the Remainers. No more Mr Nice Guy. Similarly I hope that if DT is re-elected he gets all the undemocratic traitors in the swamp/ blob.
Most of BOris friends are in the BBC …
Boris will never do any of this, you are dreaming. He is a lefty globalist who will kill us all with his net zero BS. Don’t waste any time on him, he’s toast.
Please fellow subscribers please indulge me . This has nothing
to do with the BBC. We are lucky enough
to be in Portugal for a few days the weather in the
Algarve is continual sunshine and the temperature
in the sun is around 23 degrees !!
BUT the pleasure for the last two hours has been
taken away in trying to fill out the Boots form
for the lateral tests one has to take when you get home .
We arrive at Stansted in the evening of the 10 Feb. To
be honest we would be better off hanging around to 4 AM
on the . 11th. Because from then you don’t need a lateral
test.Have any of you filled out this form? My wife and myself
would be better off going to Calais and joining illegal immigrants
getting into UK. The form uses words that you will only find
in a Shakespeare play ! Some of the questions are like
a Jackie Mason comedy routine.. ” Where have come from , where did you not go to, where were you in between where
did you transit before you were in transit where you might of
been transiting to. I finished up phoning up Faro Airport Where
they have a special line explaining what all this crap means.
Listen the main reason I have written this . Do any of you
know the times when the inflatable dingys leave Calais !!
The next scheduled departure of HMS Grande Bretagne is whenever you would like it to be….. telephone number for the UK Border Force as follows…
Operation Red Meat: How Boris Johnson plans to save his premiership
A series of policies aimed at pleasing Conservative backbenchers are being announced as the Prime Minister faces anger over ‘partygate’ allegations.
Sam Blewett
Monday 17 January 2022 12:37
Why Drag Race is still important for LGBT representation
By Michael Baggs
Newsbeat reporter
I came across this online a while ago, whilst I appreciate there is a difference between being clever and being a good politician, it is still worth looking at:
Q Why does Boris Johnson always look like he just rolled out of bed?
Boris is in fact a solid intellect. There’ll be some here that doubt that, but Boris went to Eton on a scholarship. Even if your family is richer than a piquant sauce a French chef has made to impress the Duc de Foofoo, you still have to get a very good grade at CE to get in, otherwise it’s Rugby for you, you halfwit. To get a King’s Scholarship (of which there are fourteen per year) you have to be either outstandingly bright in five compulsory subjects (English, Creative Writing, Mathematics A, Science, and General I) and in three options (French, Latin, Greek, Mathematics B, General II and History-Geography-Divinity) or show a brilliant aptitude in a narrower field (you might be a duffer at everything else but Field’s medal potential at maths or a duffer at maths but a brilliant linguist). It’s very hard. I doubt there are more than a few boys in the country that could get a passing grade, let alone a good one.
But the worst thing you can do when you have a solid intellect is to let people know it. Really. The cleverest thing you can do when you are genuinely clever is not let anybody find out about it.
If you bimble around looking like a tramp and talking half-bollocks, it’s a sign to others of a similar ilk to be looking out for the nugget that those who think they’re cleverer than they are will miss. Because the really clever have a bollocks filter that separates the piffle from the noise. Honestly, I listen to Boris and I can tell exactly what he’s up to. Most of us who work down in the muck can, because we learn it quickly to one degree or another, and use it as well: don’t tell them you can do that, they’ll want you to do it without extra pay. He’s giving the pseuds enough rope to hang themselves with whilst observing, and then the bimbling old fart mask comes off and the shock of what’s underneath puts them straight on the back foot. It’s a brilliant thesp act from a master. I can’t do it nearly as well, but I know it when I see it.
You actually can’t pull this off succesfully if you aren’t listening to the Zeitgeist. And of course, if you are listening to the Zeitgeist, you’ll be au fait with the Zeit. If you are such, not only can you give the people panem et circenses, but also per virgam vitae.
Boris is not a career politician, he’s a writer and editor, and the very fact that he’s not a career politician means he does not follow the rules and procedures of the career politician, least of all suits ’n’ boots. He is also aware of the maxim that if you make yourself look a tit some of the time, people won’t think you’re a tit all of the time.
Except of course, the pseuds, but since they’re deep-down indelible tits twenty-four hours a day, they don’t count.
Do you know Zephir, I rather tend to agree! Boris has got all those clever clog media wonks grovelling through utter nonsense leaving him free to get on with the stuff that matters unbridled by their twatish-ness.
I suspect you may be right, no one is that stupid,apart from Corbyn maybe, I think its the beard, hiding, who knows, a weak intellect maybe, beard and glasses as a weak attempt at intellect fails to compensate for the simple fact his world view did not co incide with the electorate
regarding Zeitgeist Boris seems to know he managed Mayor of London for quite a while
Radio4 sounding like Red Red Redio4 today
“Climate Change ” “Climate Emergency” “Racist”
cards ticked multiple times
3:30pm Food Prog *Eco Labelling*
basically PRasNews for the supposedly independent NGO
“Jaega Wise talks to non-profit organisation Foundation Earth about their plans to establish an eco-impact labels”
4:30pm Christina is a force to be reckoned with: her family’s originally from Ethiopia
and it was seeing news reports on the impact of Ebola in Africa which first sparked her political activism.
During lockdown she launched the petition for free school meals out of term time – a cause taken up by Marcus Rashford.
Now she’s finishing her first year in sixth form and as well as contributing to a podcast with Meghan and Harry, she is seeking to challenge our reliance on fast food.”
Prog was PRasNews for her NGO : Bite Back
She was going out how she lives in Bradford.
“All McDonalds should be replaced by salad bars”
“The government is racist, saying black people all eat fried chicken
you can see in the way it placed anti-knife crime adverts in fried chicken boxes”
Oh prog was a repeat from August
“The government is racist, saying black people all eat fried chicken
you can see in the way it placed anti-knife crime adverts in fried chicken boxes”
A tacit admittance that black people are responsible for knife crime,
QED thick sh@t
Bad karma Starma.
Seems that, in the USA, it’s a thing that you need to be ‘balanced’, ignoring the rigged efforts to try and make things skewed.
BBC N. America could share that with themselves.
Canada ‘Freedom Convoy’: Ottawa police arrest 7, threaten charges for others caught bringing fuel to truckers
Ottawa police say more than 100 have been issued tickets in connection to the protest
The Toronto Sun comment:
EDITORIAL: Democracy and the right to protest
We hope that protests against vaccine mandates in Ottawa this weekend are peaceful, unlike some of the Black Lives Matter demonstrations against police brutality in 2020 in the U.S. which turned violent.
The fact that some of the protests turned violent did not negate the message of the peaceful protesters against police brutality.
Contrast that with the portrayal of those participating in the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa this weekend protesting vaccine mandates and other government actions during the pandemic, led by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who has weaponized opposition to vaccine mandates since the federal election.
He has attempted to delegitimize the entire Freedom Convoy by portraying it as nothing more than a collection of white supremacists and people who oppose vaccine mandates.
This is not the Justin Trudeau of 2013, who warned us not to “point fingers at each other and lay blame for personal ills or societal ills on a specific group … That’s something no society in the world that is healthy, regardless of ideology, will accept.”
Nor is the Justin Trudeau of 2017 who said:
“The measure of a society, a just society, is not whether we stand up for people’s rights when it’s easy or popular to do so, it’s whether we recognize rights when it’s difficult, when it’s unpopular.”
We agree with the Trudeau of 2013 and 2017, not the Trudeau of 2022.
If any demonstrators in Ottawa this weekend advocate or resort to violence, if they break the law, if they display racist symbols or say racist things, those individuals are to be condemned.
But in democracies the reason people have a right to gather in numbers to protest what they perceive as government injustice, is that the alternative is unthinkable.
Perhaps the population would see action if the “unthinkable” spun into motion. Seems to me to be all that’s left.
If I was advising Boris I would get him to tell 30-40 of his supporters to put in no confidence letters.
When the vote is triggered there will be nowhere near enough to vote him down.
He then gets a year free of these letter threats and no vote to get rid of him.
Hindsight is a wonderful thing, an international pandemic wirh chaos around the world and we came out of it, albeit with a massive debt
JUST like labour like spend and spend again
so whats the problem ? oh yeh we have the lefty unions compalning now about the cost of living for their members that earn £50 000 as tube drivers so will be striking regularly cos they are oppressed innit bruv
Oh the poor oppressed dears:
The union said the industrial action was being taken to “prevent the ripping up of staffing arrangements that would wreck the work-life balance of drivers”.
General secretary Mick Lynch added: “If London Underground and the mayor thought this fight for progressive and family-friendly working practices was going away they need to think again.
BBC local news did the same item as ITV local news did
Presenter “The problem of lorry pollution could be solved by a proposed electric scheme on the M180”
#1 There is no lorry pollution problem
Modern lorry engines are super clean
#2 The project is not about POLLUTION
it’s about lowering UK CO2
#3 Electric trucks are not zero CO2
more than half the leccy on the grid is from burning something
There is often little wind and solar
“The project will electrify the route from Immingham to the Doncaster depot with 19 mile pantograph.”
Eh up. that route between Immingham and the M18 junction is not just 19 miles
It’s about 39
The first 10 miles are on the A180 before it changes name to the M180.
I cant work out where the 19 miles comes in
That sounds like Scunthorpe to the M18
Clueless berks dignifying a moneygrubber scam.
Wikipedia says there’s a railway…?
Oh I forgot to say the 19 miles of electric road, id them putting a pantograph system over a 19 mile stretch of the M180.
There are various railways, but none are electrified
neither are the railways on the north of the Humber.
There are 3 routes from Immingham
to Thorne, to Sheffield via Gainsborough, to Lincoln
That Wikipedia page is weird
South Humberside is considered an offensive word, It hasn’t existed for 40 years.
The union said the industrial action was being taken to “prevent the ripping up of staffing arrangements that would wreck the work-life balance of drivers”.
General secretary Mick Lynch added: “If London Underground and the mayor thought this fight for progressive and family-friendly working practices was going away they need to think again.
Following a Freedom of Information (FOI) request made by MyLondon to Transport for London in early 2021, the annual wage of a full-time Tube driver was revealed as £56,496. This was based on the financial year from April 1, 2019, to March 31, 2020, with 3,271 drivers said to earn this amount, not including bonuses
Thats f@cking family friendly
On Dewbs tonight they’re on about the Jimmy Carr joke and free speech.
Michelle was asking who is it that decides what is or isn’t acceptable.
The answer, every time, is that the left are the ones who complain about everything and want free speech stopped.
The left want to stop free speech, the right are easy going live and let live types
While the lying BBC and the lying Trudeau try to depict the peaceful Canadian truckers as far-right terrorists, the only real terrorist is the driver who deliberately rammed into the protesters, and turns out to be a member of… Antifa!
Well, what a surprise.
Oh, and just for good measure, it seems he had multiple accusations of sexual assault against him, including grooming and raping a young girl.
Not yet on the BBC news for some reason.
Mrs Voter was watching the Chinky version of Its a Knockout, there was some sport on, where the skiers jump off a downhill slope onto an uphill slope at the summit of which they throw themselves off, writhing and swivelling in mid air. What has that to do with this post you may ask? It’s because the site where it was coming from was dwarfed by three bloody great cooling towers. Imagine what the beeb would have said if it was Drax. There’d be hell on earth. Maybe stew could find a picture and post it.
Primark accused of selling ‘hugely sexist’ kids clothes
Novelist Kate Long shared images on social media of tops in a Chester store on Sunday which urged girls to “be kind”, “keep on smiling” and to be “always perfect”.
In contrast, items in the boys’ range told them “you are limitless” and that they could “make the rules”.
A Primark spokesperson said: “Inclusivity really matters to us.”
Ms Long questioned the effect of the difference in messaging: “Can anyone spot a difference in tone here? A difference in narrative? Boys are awesome in themselves and don’t need to consider anyone else,” she wrote on Twitter.
“Boys are about *doing* and girls are about *feeling*. Boys take what they want’ girls consider others.
“Stop telling girls their place is to serve others! Stop telling boys they should have nothing to do with kindness and love! What are you, a throwback to the 1950s?”, she added.”
Now we have no one happy unlike the 50s well done, especially a so called and unread so called novellist
Bleeding feminists
I am a keen reader, of all kinds, I was entranced when I heard of a time travelling novel as I enjoy the paradoxes,
written by a female, no problem,unfortunately the heroin a teenager girl, then takes over the team by shouting at them and gets sexually attacked by a teenage male etc etc etc
“Surprised this book has so many good reviews. The idea might have been good but the the characters were boring, predictable and rather stupid. The story is told by the heroine, Max, who is irritating and constantly leads her colleagues into danger and death. Too many characters appeared to be addressed by different names, for example, the chief technical officer is referred to repeatedly as Farell, The Chief and Leon all within a few sentences. The sexual encounters are so childishly written they are not even funny. I skipped through countless worn out cliches and what are probably supposed to be twists in the plot. I only finished the book as other reviewers had suggested there was a surprise ending. Sadly, I never discovered it; there were a couple of ludicrous stabs at a twist, but the end was so predictable that quite honestly the average 9 year old could have come up with something more exciting. I regret wasting my valuable time on this rubbish.
Mrs Zephir is a racist, she treats people differently because of their race:
for example the Japanese
And as many as 17 million Chinese casualties weren’t soldiers. They were civilians, unarmed and defenseless, and many of them were put through unimaginable hell before they were killed.
Some of the worst of it occurred over the six weeks after the Japanese stormed into the Chinese capital of Nanking (now known as Nanjing) in December 1937.
I’m with Mrs Zephir on this, my great uncle was captured by the Japanese in WW2 and I just can’t bring myself to forgive them. I know his story and that’s enough .
I still think they should have dropped a big one on the emperor in tokyo – but thens just me …
not just you
“Filmed footage and still photographs taken by the Japanese themselves document the brutality. Smiling soldiers can be seen conducting bayonet practice on live prisoners, decapitating them and displaying severed heads as souvenirs, and proudly standing among mutilated corpses. Some of the Chinese POWs were simply mowed down by machine-gun fire while others were tied-up, soaked with gasoline and burned alive.”
Funny when I worked at a piece festival in Japan it was all about how the Japanese were just standing around doing nothing
.. and the b@stard Americans dropped 2 atomic bombs on them.
Yet in Korea the bombs are seen as a good thing, that ended Korean enslavement.
It does beg the question why Stalin, the Bosinians, and the Japanese committed the same genocidal crimes as the Nazis, but get a free ride
It starts with attacking their values and opinions, their culture, stopping them talking, attempting to rewrite their history, then demonising them, then it turns to physically attacking them
White males may feel this is already happening
I have a passing knowledge of history and we have not been invaded, mass murdered and our children mass raped for at least a few hundred years
untlil the Pakistanis arrived,
correct me if I am wrong
C4 News on Starmer “Starmer was swarmed by protesters today shouting at him and had to be bundled into a police car
They have Chris Bryant on
I paraphrase ‘Boris has spread this FAR RIGHT meme about Starmer being responsible for the non-prosecution of Jimmy Savile
This has put Starmer at risk from a violent attack’
Channel 4 didn’t mention who these protesters are
that Piers Corbyn , Jeremy Corbyn’s brother is in charge.
FFS I cannot see his group supporting violent attacks on Starmer.
(I only saw it cos I was round my non-socialist neighbour house
.. I have no idea why he watches Channel4 religiously
I find it completely mad)
Thanks for the update and your critique of my update on the UK convoy
I could agree with you,
but then we would both be wrong
@Zephir I replied but I didn’t critique you
You are on about Sunday evening, your two posts
when you posted first about the M5 quoting the Somerset Live
I did critique the way Somerset Live titled their page
“Protesters wreak havoc” yet their article doesn’t say that.
Then in a second post you mentioned the UK convoy coming down from Scotland
.. Then I posted a video from the protesters, which only showed about 4 cars
I criticised the video maker for making a spelling error in their two word slogan “End Maindates”
Stewgreen – that couldn’t possibly be the same Chris Bryant that last week, on the Radio 4 ‘Today’ programme, was allowed to repeatedly castigate Boris Johnson for being personally responsible for anything and everything that happens in the offices of 10 Downing Street where a couple of hundred civil servants are employed.
Nothing like being in overall charge of the Crown Prosecution Service, which failed to prosecute Jimmy Saville.
Can’t see the connection or comparison at all, can you, BBC ?
I just wish, for once, that any one of those brought onto the BBC and allowed free reign to hit out at our PM, could specifically nail down just where Boris Johnson was ‘smearing’ Keir Starmer, rather than pointing out the truth, and the hypocrisy of Starmer’s, and his cohorts’, positions.
my typo : I have no idea why he watches Channel4 News religiously
Partially correct though. Lefties are generally in favour of Paedophilia.
If the BBC had a shred of journalistic curiosity and integrity (I know, ha ha) they would be all over this huge story of corruption in the Biden crime family and way beyond, involving Chinese intelligence services infiltrating and exerting influence over US institutions at the highest level. The very highest level, if you catch my drift.
It’s got sex, drugs, spy rings, as well as financial and political corruption on a scale that dwarfs Watergate.
Well, ignore it though they may, the book is top of the NYT bestseller list, so eventually even the corrupt BBC will have to acknowledge the story.
(Video url starts at the relevant section of the interview)
Our Nadine welcomes the Saudis
Nadine Dorries
Great to meet
earlier today to discuss tourism’s bounceback from COVID. The UK’s doors are wide open, and we can’t wait to welcome Saudis back to our shores for a blockbuster year in 2022.
Here I’ll post the tweets URL
And it will automatically embed
Many thanks
Blimey they coming in dinghies as well ?
I note that the BLM activist arrested for driving a vehicle straight into a group of the protesting truckers in Winnipeg, Canada, has been charged with ‘assault with a weapon’ (not even a ‘deadly’ weapon), leaving the scene of a collision (what, a ‘collision’ – with humans ?), and dangerous driving (including causing bodily harm) – and certainly not with attempted murder.
Hmmm – driving on icy roads, at night, straight at people with no attempt to avoid them, but he clearly didn’t have the slightest intention of causing any fatalities ??????
So, by these standards, Kyle Rittenhouse was obviously just gently, but firmly, warding off the friendly embraces of BLM activists in Kenosha, then – and so there was no need for any trial.
I think charges can be upgraded later.
He’s described as Antifa rather than BLM
I do believe that one person is nutty or violent that doesn’t mean a cause he supports is.
Suspect charged in Winnipeg attack on convoy protest revealed to be Antifa radical
Despite Dave Zegarac’s online presence, Winnipeg police claim they were not able to address the motivations of Zegarac’s alleged attacks on the protesters.
The guy is 42 so has lots of history
Seems like articles derive from Andy Ngo
Is it the case that amongst the reporting community a certain political relative is not considered pertinent.
Perhaps Boris should ask young Ms Spring about the entire BBC establishment turning a blind eye to Savile’s grotesque sexually deviant activities. It’s not as if they didn’t know…
I mean, these went on for over forty bloody years. And what did the Beeb do to keep this predatory paedo safely away from kids?
Oh yes, they gave him a teatime telly show called Jim’ll Fix It, where the repulsive old perv’ had access to a limitless number of impressionable, prepubescent girls who thought of him as a favourite uncle.
Yep, that’s what they did.
If I didn’t know any better…
One might be forgiven for thinking that cars are being encouraged by government as a thing of the past, except for their cars
Electric cars, I have posted before but another thing to consider, the weight of the batteries leads to more particle emissions from the brakes
Starmer was the Director of Public Prosecutions during the Saville investigation and during the start of the revelations about the mass grooming and rape gangs comprising Pakistanis . He may have kept the Saville investigation at arms length but he will have been up to his neck in the grooming gang stuff.
I think that if we had a free press they would have been investigating Starmer’s record during his time in post with a fine tooth comb. I suspect that there would be plenty of serious stuff to bring him down.
The ‘mole ‘reports’… well, Laura ‘analyses’…
By Andrew McFarlane
PM faces fresh apology calls over Savile claim after Starmer mobbed
Sir Keir Starmer with a police officer as a protester shouts
What started as a rally against anti-Covid measures near Parliament ended with Sir Keir Starmer being shepherded away from protesters by police. And while footage on social media captured the demonstrators shouting “traitor” at the Labour leader and criticising his record on Covid, there were also cries of “Jimmy Savile”. Yesterday afternoon’s scenes happened days after Boris Johnson falsely claimed Sir Keir had failed to prosecute the serial sex offender while in charge of the Crown Prosecution Service. Although the prime minister condemned the “absolutely disgraceful” behaviour, he’s under renewed pressure from his own MPs to apologise.
Julian Smith, a former Northern Ireland secretary under Mr Johnson, says it’s important for democracy that “the false Savile slurs… are withdrawn in full”. Tobias Ellwood, Conservative chairman of the Commons defence committee, is demanding an end to “this drift towards a Trumpian style of politics”. The Savile remark had already triggered the resignation of the PM’s longstanding aide Munira Mirza. And now the prime minister “may find himself accused of stirring up an unpleasant episode of modern protest, just at the point when No 10 had been trying to calm things down” with new appointments, in the analysis of our political editor Laura Kuenssberg. Two people were arrested at the scene after a traffic cone was thrown at police.
If you were in any doubt that the Savile claim was false, we’ve fact-checked it
And in case there is any doubt on bbc impartial professionalism, beyond leading the ideological media calls for, here’s a snippet left…. out.
“Footage posted to social media showed Piers Corbyn, the Covid-19 conspiracy theorist brother of former Labour leader Jeremy, addressing the crowd before the incident and later leading chants of “resist, defy, do not comply”.”
BBC – misleading, deceiving, and not worth heeding.
‘Kier Starmer’ v ‘Johnson’
Careful Marianna Spring, your bias is showing.
In case you are interested this month’s Christian Voice magazine notes that one of our website favourites, Jacinda Ardern, is a graduate of Young Global Leaders (YGL). Klaus Schwab set up Global Leaders for Tomorrow in 1992 under the auspices of the World Economic Forum. In 2004 it was renamed as YGL.
Other YGL alumni, the magazine tells us, include Emmanuel Macron, Justin Trudeau and Tony Blair.
There’s a 2008 article
I’m a bit sceptical that
It seems you can take any name you don’t like and say that they are part of YGL
But the point is The World Economic Forum looks for who it thinks are upcoming leaders and adds them to YGL
and often they are right.
People tweet that Tony Blair is a member
but a date search shows no one tweeted that claim
before October 10th 2021
I ‘ve found a reference to Tony Blair here
Emmanuel Macron here
Leo Varadkar here
and Mark Zuckerberg here
Justin Trudeau was a little more elusive, but I finally caught up with him here, together with a few friends.
Totally off topic.
Energy prices are increasing.
Electricity will be going up about 30%.
Gas will be going up around 70%.
That’s the unit cost per KWh.
But here’s the thing.
The standard daily charge for gas, irrespective of usage, is increasing from 25 p to 26 p per day.
The standard daily charge for electricity, irrespective of usage, is increasing from 25 p per day to…..wait for it…45 p per day.
Almost double.
Now the increase in wholesale prices is covered by the cost per kWh. So what’s causing the massive electricity daily increase?
Absolutely nobody seems to be asking. What do journalists actually do?
Make stuff up!
On ITV this evening they tried to link Boris referencing Sir James Savile in parliament to the protests against SirKeer this evening with the Trump supporters moving in to the Capitol building last year.
As gutter journalism goes, this is right up there.
Absolutely disgusting anti-government bias.
we also highlight our participation in Race Equality Week (7th – 13th Feb) with a promise from our CEO John Hayward-Cripps, and the launch of our Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Statement.
that’s an email the government just sent me.
I got one as well, from
Apparently Boris farted in bed, didn’t do the washing up and windmills are brilliant.
One year ago
“Feb 3, 2021
BBC fined £28,000 for contempt of court after broadcasting a recording of a High Court case on the evening news.
BBC admitted a ‘collective brain freeze’ after a six-second clip of a judge in a judicial review case was used in a BBC South East Today report”
A “collective brain freeze”
Other dictionaries are available, some might say stupid, some might say unqualified to do their job
Some might say the job of a journalist was to fact check a story before publishing, but in the bbc world, highly paid journalists now need a kidult “fact checker” with a BA in French and Russian and not much else to pontificate on world affairs whilst twittering her selfies, gushing about self served “awards” for bugger all except doing your job and congratulating all around her cubicle for their latest awards for crossing the road without getting run over by Jeremy Vine on his bike with a bbc camera on his head around the internet.
God I would hate to see her fridge with all the gold stars on it from teacher
BBC lefties: Workers of the world, unite (unless you’re truckers)!
My wife is also an experienced communication professional, home taught, quantity and volume rather than quality, my ears are still ringing and the cat has run away hiding somewhere after filling up the litter tray
I find the best way to deal with experienced communcation professionals is Old Rosie Scrumpy and keep saying yes
How many has he enslaved ?
Violent protests in Portland,Ore., last weekend were declared unlawful-again. A hundred and twenty days, sick of it? I am. In the beginning, the death of George Floyd elicited nation-wide outrage and united Americans, calling for social justice and police reform. Subsequent weeks and months of violence, looting, arson, and targeted police assassinations have destroyed all of that.
Why did this happen?
The chaos and violence were inevitable because of the radical political ideology of the organizations that took control of the protest movement: Black Lives Matter and Antifa. BLM’s Marxist roots were exposed in an Express editorial on Aug. 22. It is now time to expose Antifa.
Antifa claims to be anti-fascist, but it was my mother’s generation that defeated fascism 75 years ago in Italy, in Nazi Germany, in Imperial Japan. Today’s Antifa has not defeated “fascism” anywhere. In fact, Antifa has become fascist themselves-adopting whole-heartedly the tactics of confrontation, bullying, and street violence that were the hallmarks of Hitler’s Brown Shirts. Seeing the similarities between Kristallnacht (1938) and today’s organized riots is chilling.
Antony Mueller, a German economist wrote that, “the Antifa movement uses a false terminology to hide its true agenda. While calling themselves ‘antifascist’ . . . Antifa itself is a foremost fascist movement.” [Newsweek, April 2, 2018] Antifa is Marxist-Leninist and can be traced to the Soviet Union, 100 years ago, and its “Theses on Comintern Tactics” (Dec. 5, 1922). The Communist Party of Germany established the paramilitary Roter Frontkampferbund and then Antifaschistische Aktion-which is the forerunner of today’s Antifa. In America, the American League Against war and Fascism was established by the Communist Party USA in 1933. [Kler, Haynes, & Firsov, The Secret World of American Communism] It infiltrated labor unions and the Democratic Party.
I have seen this, I was in London and there was a Tommy Robinson lead march for free speech, that was their mantra, there were families with children, elderly people, all kinds of people walking down Piccadilly and then, there were rabid bunches of purple haired kids screaming abuse at them and throwing bottles held back by police
The Canadian authorities are cracking down on the protest in Ottawa in a big way. It seems to me that the Truckers have played their best cards and to no avail. Trudeau aims to crush the movement without any attempt at negotiation. If he succeeds it will be regarded as a huge victory for the The Great Reset and it’s woke puppets. I’m not sure that the Truckers have any cards left to play.
Attached is a phone clip of what can happen if you stray from the crowd.
Trudeau’s thugs committing police violence.
Next federal election in Canada is October 2025..
Not the BBC .
One of the side effects of Mrs nut nut setting government policy is the insanity of the green crap . Today the DT reports that national grid is running an experiment where people are ‘encouraged ‘ to ration their electricity use to certain times in order to reduce ‘strain ‘ on the grid .
Now I have lived in a country where there are 3 tariffs during the day – with a substantial difference between ‘peak’ and ‘low ‘.
It can have a dramatic effect on activities which involve using a lot of electricity . With energy prices likely to continue rising in 2022/3/4 I can only see such a horror as inevitable …ugh
Wait until Dickless enforces all the rozzer pansy cars being battery run.
Sorry, but that will not work, there has to be positive and a negative, and there is no negative in the woke world (apart from Tory scum, the Tory scum that the electorate overwhelming decided to support)
I cannot wait for the LGBTHYYUI police cars running on a positive and undecided circuit
Our darling 15 year old Somalian crack dealers will no doubt be quaking in their Nike trainers at the thought of a battery car chasing them without a Duracell shop in sight
With a smart installed the supplier can shut you off ie ratio your usage. Eventually this is certain to become the way the government of the day controls energy usage.
I think that the world wide unrest over continued Covid restrictions is only the start of the push back against the elites. As the zero carbon measures begin to bite into peoples lives even the most acquiescent will be spurred into action. If the elites continue flying around, using their yachts to cruise the world but maintaining their preaching , I think we could see more and more protests. Will the elite be prepared to use force to put these protests down? It has come pretty close to that inCanada.
Tucker Carlson was on fire last night talking about the Canadian protests and the msm – police state actions to suppress ‘working class ‘ protests – his 12 minute or so segment is the ideal remedy to listening to the BBC Today propaganda yet alone Ben and Gerry on the breakfast show .
Mark Carney is tipped to replace the fruitcake PM in Canada .
So we have nut nut here and fruitcake there and an empty box in the US …
It is indeed interesting, how the lib lab media (with a few exceptions) promote this madness and completely and utterly fail to understand that the electorate disagree entirely
Boris Johnson urged to retract Savile remark after Starmer protest
When the MSM went after Trump I was astonished about what nit-picking vindictive lengths they would go to to try and smear him every way they could.
Now the BBC are using the same tactics here.
‘Some of them were heard criticising Sir Keir for backing Covid jabs, but there were also cries of “Jimmy Savile”.’
How many of each BBC ?. 1000:1 or 1:1 ?.
Now they are demanding Boris apologises for it !!. They also fail to mention again that the MP they quote – Julian Smith – is another staunch remainer and was chief whip under Theresa May.
When I see stuff like this, I always remember the Leftists confronting and intimidating JRM’s family over Brexit. Not a peep from the BBC about that. They just called it ‘protest outside home’.
The problem here is that every time they get away with one thing, the line is moved then they start demanding something else. It’s the reason appeasement never works.
The BBC must be stopped. They are the enemy within.
JC absolutely, get a foot in the door etc as for JCM shameful but they have no shame
See the BME above.
I don’t know why they do it; I think I am one of few to get, much less read it.
And, of course, save as evidence so next time Laura has a collective brain fart with her subs, it is not quietly erased.
I wonder who will be invited on every supposed political panel this morning?
But might regret it.
It may come from a Feng Shui attitude sit and wish and it will all come true, sit on my arse and all will come to me
we are not that far from apes that fight only when necessary to protect their family and have to work for food and shelter
the far left seem to believe it is their God given right to have everything given to them and if not then to attack
Every cloud…
Cheese and wine isn’t the big story now, is it?
I can’t see starmer throwing the dirt around any time in the near future. Please don’t tell me that the protests were “abhorrent” and “not belonging in a decent society”. If he was the guy in charge when the Saville case was being hushed up he deserves more than a bit of pushy-shovey. That knighthood should go for a start. He got it for his work at the CPS, if I recall correctly.
Libmob have this double standard
“It’s OK when we do it”
.. Their demonstrations can be aggressive and rough, but when their opposition copy the same tactics … libmob start an outrage bus.
Here’s the Hull Labour MP giving *the thumbs up* to milkshake attacks in 2019, like the ones against Tommy, Farage, Sargon
He can get away with leaving his tweet up.
Dead cat bounce?
Seems that far from inspiring popular protest in favour of his leading us to the bright uplands of socialism, our failing leader of the opposition has provoked quite the opposite. However, the media opposition to Boris can’t quite agree with which brush to tar the crowd’s motivation: ‘Labout leader is rescued by cops from thugs shouting Savile abuse‘ (giveaway Metro); ‘Starmer attacked after Boris Johnson’s disgraceful Savile lie‘ (Mirror); whereas… ‘Angry MPs blame Johnson’s “poison” after anti-vaxxers set upon Starmer‘ (Guradian) – so which is it? Or did those vile anti-vaxxers only become agitated with Starmer after hearing Boris’s Savile comments – which doesn’t tend to make much sense?
The scenario puts the BBC in a bit of a bind. If Boris’s taunt was beyond the pale because linking a person to Savile’s apparent immunity from retribution is the most heinous slur imaginable… then the BBC’s own record on Savile is brought back into question.
Naturally the BBC tries to chart a balanced course through these dangerous waters: ‘Some of the mob were heard criticising Sir Keir for backing Covid jabs, but there were cries of “Jimmy Savile”‘
Oddly enough the formerly highly coronaphobic ‘i’ newspaper prefers to go with what it terms the: ‘Jimmy Savile slur‘ – hinting they are editorially nowadays more Borisphobic. The vax issue can presumably wait for another day… another varient?
We know our left-liberal media don’t do irony but one had to smile at the headline to the ‘i’ heath feature today: ‘The toxic chemicals you didn’t know were in your body‘
Seems Big Pharma has got us a flavour of the month jab for every ill these days: ‘Weight-loss jab heralded as “game changer” to be available on NHS‘ (Times) – file that with the ant-cancer jab, but will it be compulsory for NHS staff?
I believe it was Carry On star Hattie Jacques, in her memorable screen role as matron, who first set the trend for over-sized nurses. A trend which has escalated exponentially – to crib some statistical phrasing: ‘One in four NHS nurses are obese, study reveals. Obesity rates among nurses and care workers higher than people in non-health and care related jobs‘ (Independent December 2017) – physician heal thyself.
That was pre-covid. Now they have their ready excuse: ‘Workplace stress triggering unhealthy coping responses. Our annual well-being survey suggests many nurses are struggling to find healthy outlets for stress as the pressures of the pandemic and staffing issues continue Stressed-out nurses are turning to food, alcohol and antidepressants to cope with the pressures of work, a Nursing Standard survey suggests.‘ (a rare appearance hereabouts for Nursing Standard the magazine of the Royal College of Nursing) – confirming our anecdotal impression they were getting fatter and futher causing us to suspect them of being lushes, possibly doped up to the eyeballs. But the pandemic.
There’s no excuse for this behaviour: ‘Prem star’s vile attack on cat. West Ham’s Zouma boots pet across floor‘ (The Sun) – I wonder if Boris once said something to have provoked this?
Meanwhile, for those NHS staff who are jab refusniks the tabloid Daily Star has good news – a cure for obesity that may be more acceptable to NHS staff than a vax: ‘Sleep more… weigh less. Extra hour in bed saves 270 calories… Staying in bed for an hour longer may keep us slim, eggheads say‘ – I’d consider this myself but then you lucky people might have to forego your daily press roundup.
In less-reported news – a minor headline in the Telegraph mentions in passing: ‘Ottawa at a standstill as truck demo goes on‘ – I wonder if Savile was mentioned? I wonder if Trudeau can fix it?
A bad day for entertainment Jimmies: ‘Has Jimmy Carr had his last laugh?‘ (Times) – they already got him on his taxes.
The culture war still rages: ‘RSC makes much ado about Bard’s racism‘ (Telegraph)
News from Europe is bleak but all too familiar: ‘ECB rate expectations force up Greek and Italian borrowing costs‘ (FT); ‘Macron seeks to avoid war. Vladimir Putin sits opposite Emmanuel Macron at an oval table in the Kremlin‘ (FT) – I’m unsure why the FT is so interested in the furniture rather than the substance of these talks. At least talks with the French haven’t yet reached the point of taking place in a railway carriage – there’s one for the historians.
The globalist state-corporate-cronyist FT still pins hope on the dubious assertion we can spend our way out of all and any problems: ‘Indebted council defends investment for services‘ – this is Labour-run Warrington: ‘A LABOUR-RUN council in the north-west of England has become one of the most financially leveraged local authorities, with over £1.6billion in borrowings on its books compared to just £135million in reserves‘ (Daily Express)
‘Warrington Council began lending in 2013, in hopes that their investments would yield a profit that could then be funnelled back into public works.However, the Council has come under fire for its 2019 investment of £18million in a 50 percent stake in Scottish energy firm Together Energy. The company went bust last month, along with other small energy suppliers as the global cost of natural gas soared, reportedly leaving the Council with an exposure of £52million.‘
Expect to see this pattern mirrored on a massive national and then perhaps global scale sometime soon.
And if that doesn’t make you want to kick the cat…
Aaahhh…local council employees and Labour activists/councillors, AsISeeIt – they always were the best investment analysts money could buy… errrr…..which was why they were employed in local authorities, rather than in investment firms ?
And when you stir into the mix just a dash of political wishlisting – such as the ‘Together Energy’ investment (a 50% stake, no less…. didn’t any one of those clowns wonder why so much of the equity had not been snapped up by ‘real’ investors ?), you have the perfect recipe for a disaster. It wasn’t even a local company, for goodness’ sake, where at least some of the investment might have got back into the local economy
But, never mind, I am sure all the nearby Labour-run local authorites will club together and cough up chunks of their local council tax income to see their mates right….
And if you believe that, rather than the fact Warrington Council will demand more income from the general taxpayer, I have a bridge or two you might be interested in buying….or perhaps I should toddle off to Warrington, and propose the council should buy said bridges in order to rescue/re-instate the council’s finances – they seem like the kind of people who might go for it….. unlike you sodding sceptical lot on this blog.
I think it’s important that politicians meet members of the public who don’t agree with them once in a while . If they don’t like it – there s never a shortage of politicians …..
….. the same applies to journalists …. They all deserve a bit of feedback from time to time ….
they could possiby research, like this site ? no lets pop over to Spring’s cubicle, the silly bitch that takes self congratulating selfies and whines online when challenged about her limited intellect, BA in French she can tell us about epidemiology, world politics, demography or maybe did you see Strictly and Dancing on Ice last night ?
Speaking of the cubicle gardens, good to see Tulip back in the frame, albeit in a support role to assist on the Essex massiv for Gabs.
Marianna was created as a brand by the backroom boys
Their whole point is that people will get personally nasty to her, then “she” will be the victim
and you the bad man.
They already cultivated a big Marianna fan club, that will be against you.
And I’m quite sure bimbo Marianna has no idea why she really got the job.
She’s just bait. The fact they are creating fake accounts to try and get males to abuse them is particularly dirty. You can be quite sure they will be targetted at white, right-wing males.
My experience of comments on the DT in the run up to Brexit was that the Left wing trolls were by far the most nasty and spiteful. Particularly some of the the Irish who hated with a passion. It’s the same on the BBC HYS. I put it down to the fact that most of them are probably students and have yet to grow up.
Likely, yes.
A recent Citizens Assembly had an organising and modding team that was almost all female.
The supposedly impartial activists were relatively balanced, but if any male on the assembly started querying inaccurate claims responses were to shut things down to avoid girls, and some of the wimmin, running to the well-being counsellor, or actual scientists being advised not to mansplain.
Effective, crudely. Very bbc.
News. And comedy.
Not bbc.
Covid distancing………….
Are the men very small, or is the table very big?
Latest truckers press conference
‘We are asking you to prepare to come to Ottawa to help us
We want to solve issues by talking
Yet the government seems intent on using force
.. Last night they already did that in Winnipeg
Here in Ottawa the police are building up numbers,
We expext that within days or hours the police will take down our media
and then move in and start kettling us
… we ourselves are peaceful have always been peaceful”
..There maybe more I only listened to first 8 mins
So, that is how democracy works, white people feel so disenfranchised that they protest peacefully and are vilified
Black people feel the same, apart from the fact that there was a black president. but still loot riot and kill and that is ok
Every promotional page on the Citizens Assemblies, Councils, Sortition, media #prasnews, has it down as ‘a new form of democracy’, ‘getting the people involved’, etc.
No, it isn’t. Flawed though it is, democracy is qualified mature adults voting on issues, one to a vote, in a secret ballot, after hustings, in an election, preferably in person.
Citizens Assemblies are a selection of a selection, representing a fraction of the public whole, pushed through a democratic filter machine to get a group that stands the best chance of being conned into a rigged presentation panel’s agenda and subjected to peer pressure.
So identical to any BBC QT.
Pure establishment #propagandabackedbycensorship.
Not democracy. And Sir Boaty should be ashamed.
iPlayer so cannot view.
Ironically that headline quote was used by every council cabinet member from the greens.
Asking about other Green Party policies not allowed.