Is the BBC reporting the spreading protests by ‘truck drivers ‘ or is it trying to ‘non report ‘ as part of its’ propaganda programme ? Selective reporting and non reporting of events just makes it easier for people to see the bias in action . Time to end it .
Start the week 7 February 2022
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Gabs and subs thought long and hard on this one.
” 1 in 10 women will experience early pregnancy loss”
I thought the lifetime chance is much higher
Like in their lifetime 1 in 2 or 1 in 3 mothers will have had a pregnancy that does come to term.
I don’t think the stat is 1 in 10 women
NHS say “1 in 8 pregnancies” fail
Children’s charity says
“An estimated 1 in 5 pregnancies ended in miscarriage (1 in 8 if we only count women who realised/reported the miscarriage)”
“Black women have more miscarriages”
My dentist told me that much of his work is due intermarriage
that the genetic mixing often produces teeth that are too big for the mouth. (He’s tribal and is talking about intermarriage with Europeans)
I guess the same applies for pregnancies
that yes in populations that are purely one race there is a number of miscarriages
but if you start mixing the races, even of the same skin colour, the risk of miscarriage is likely to be higher.
Although in other ways mixing may produce advantages.
White people tend to have a major genetic difference to black people in that they have some Neandatal DNA so of course outcomes are not the same.
Today. I launch a month long season looking at 12 year old girls raped by Pakistani gangs, 1400 at least have been gang raped whilst being beaten, whipped and racially abused, ignored by the police, ignored by social services and ignored by the bbc
Oh sorry that was wrong lets talk about miscarriages
8 miscarriages.
No doubt a copy of the Factories Act can be found hanging on the wall inside her home.
“In Britain, black women are more likely to die in pregnancy or childbirth than white women” True or False?
Here, facts on the matter. As usual, Simon gets the facts right.
In Africa …
Good video, G.
A truism….
“If you don’t properly define the problem and its real causes, you cannot properly define the appropriate solution….. and basically, if you follow down that path, you will continue to have the same issues.”
Throwing more epithets and accusations about ‘micro-aggressions’ and ‘systemic racism’ will never solve a genetic problem.
Many societies throughout history have practised slavery, and Muslim societies were no exception.
It’s thought that as many people were enslaved in the Eastern slave trade as in the Atlantic slave trade.
It’s ironic that when the Atlantic slave trade was abolished the Eastern trade expanded, suggesting that for some Africans the abolition of the Atlantic trade didn’t lead to freedom, but merely changed their slave destination.
It’s misleading to use phrases such as ‘Islamic slavery’ and ‘Muslim slave trade’, even though slavery existed in many Muslim cultures at various times, since the Atlantic slave trade is not called the Christian slave trade, even though most of those responsible for it were Christians.
Unconfirmed as from a traditionally dodgy source…
Captain Tom Moore’s daughter and son-in-law spent 10% of donations on consultancy fees.
More money was paid to their own businesses than the British Legion.
One for Springster to check?
Or… not, as the can of worms on who gets who where to garner what might open up.
Guest – but who wouldn’t keep it in the family? Dividends for life … clap …
And if he was around would he object to his family profiting ?
I would not, good luck to those
Clap? More a Jess Phillips area now, surely?
Pour encourager les profiles.
Tom walked so the NHS could spent it on … NHS’s diversity tsar is paid £35,000 more than its chief executive with her £230,000 salary enough to fund nine new nurses or 20 hip replacements
Prerana Issar joined NHS England as Chief People Officer in 2019 on £230,000
The sum is equivalent to the salaries of nine newly qualified nurses
The salary is far higher than that of Boris Johnson – who is paid £157,332
And it is £35,000 more than that earned by her now former boss Lord Stevens
Help me out here. I seem to be losing marbles daily. Stumbled upon this NHS claim:
“around 90% of people employed by NHS trusts and clinical commissioning groups in England were working in non-medical roles, and around 10% were in medical roles”.
If correct (unless I’ve got it totally wrong), that just about sums up the hopeless NHS. Chiefs not Indians (sorry!).
The more astute may find other interesting snippets:
GB follows where others lead. Nige nods along.
Wonder where the evidence for that claim comes from ? And whether we will see it ? Methinks GBNews would have done well to engage in that BBC favourite ‘non reporting ‘ rather than bowing to the requirements of OFCOM
Soft Scots accented political gobs seem mandatory on tv.
And all appear utterly partial.
At least the Neils are honest.
Once Tom Harwood had tweeted that several people have had similar treatment to Sir Kier, the episode made more sense. But GB news, like the DMail kept talking about a crowd (I couldn’t face even 5 minutes of the BBC yesterday) – it wasn’t – it was a small group. But where did the link to Boris’ remark about Savile come from? GB news and Nigel were very quick to make the link. Somebody or some people behind the scenes are driving this narrative and GB news has sadly joined the pack.
Well, it seems the BBC is now entirely communist. They spent 15 minutes on today lobbying for a windfall tax on BP – an idea that seems to have come from the BBC itself. The presenter obviously loved it and couldn’t think of any reason it may be a bad idea.
Seriously, they cant think of any downsides to the economy as a whole if the country were to expropriate profits? Venezuela?
Sure, BP just reported a £2.3 bn profit, but BP made a £20 bn LOSS in 2020. In volatile commodity markets you need to look at average profits over time or you would totally mislead listeners, but I’m sure that was unintentional.
And BP is worth £100 bn so their profit really doesn’t look so big now (the BBC didn’t mention that).
With a national broadcaster like the BBC I’m not sure this country can be saved.
To listen to the radio, or bbc radio: i have copied and pasted this
“You now need to sign in. (name, date of birth FFS, address. phone number) It’s quick & easy.
And we’ll keep you signed in.”
The ICO was told to sod off by BBC DPA for data misuse breaches.
Another unique exemption.
They do know where you live.
Zephir, as usual the BBC lie. They don’t keep you signed in overnight. It is not quick or easy as you have to have, and remember, yet another password of a certain length, provide them with a mobile ‘phone number and also have and remember your ‘posting’ name. It looks like the BBC are preparing to go behind a paywall. If they do, I’m off.
Assuming the idiots who harassed Starmer hang on the whims of PMQs is a huge stretch, and drawing a direct link to Boris is unjustified – as Brendan Cox this morning pointed out to Nick Robinson, telling him “It’s very hard to draw a direct link and say the PM is in some way responsible…”. Which didn’t stop Robinson trying to make the link.
Brendan Cox resigns from charities amid sexual assault claims
This article is more than 3 years old
Husband of murdered MP denies allegations but admits ‘mistakes’ while at Save the Children
“Hubble was caught in an NHS fleet BMW 220D M Sport Auto on a temporary 50mph stretch of the M62 motorway near Manchester between September 3 and September 22, 2020. ”
The bottom line: Understanding the NHS deficit and why it won’t go away
This briefing reveals the true underlying state of the NHS’s finances today, and outlines prospects for the next three to four years.
Ms Hubble should have surely been provided with a Nissan Leaf?
Jo Brand battery acid joke ‘went too far’, BBC rules
Published29 August 2019
Following the complaints unit’s ruling, a BBC spokesperson said: “We note the findings and that the BBC’s ECU concluded the comments did not condone violence and that no subject matter should be beyond the scope of comedy.”
Jimmy Carr: Pressure grows over comedy routine but what do the fans think?
By Katie Razzall
Culture editor
Published15 hours ago
Every BBC news summary is repeats the line that Johnson”s comments on Starmer are “false”. The mostly left wing interviewee’s can assert that but the BBC should keep it’s own views to itself. Besides which Starmer can surely defend himself? Or can he?
Maybe the BBC drama will clarify it?
The Reckoning: Everything we know so far about blasted Jimmy Savile drama, including cast, backlash and release date
author image
Cydney Yeates
Tuesday 28 Dec 2021 4:56 pm
The trouble with this country is this
we tolerate all the obvious injustices and offences to our senses daily
but when it comes to an election it surprises those that think they know
Whuich tells us that all they know is nothing but stupidity
UK is willing to tolerate itself out of existance in the name of intolerance.
TOADY Watch #1 – if what you say is true, Mr Robinson, why did Keir Starmer apologise?
The BBC really love Labour and Keir Starmer and really hate Boris Johnson and hate, even more, fomer President Trump. It started at 6 a.m. this morning (Marky Mark has covered it already) and re-started just before 8 a.m. with Nick having a sneer at populism and Donald Trump as well, of course, at Boris Johnson. Nick Robinson appears to be a ‘stranger to the truth’.
Jimmy Saville was not prosecuted while Keir Starmer was head of the Crown Prosecution Service. Keir Starmer has since apologised for that. Fact and fact, Nick. Would you withdraw your allegations and slurs on the Prime Minister and former President Trump? No?
Another one for dismissal with Kuenssberg, D-G.
populism – corbyn being popular good.
populism – anyone other than corbyn being popular bad.
Here we bloody go again, the same old lefty shite. Boris is now acting like Trump, stirring the mob as on Jan 6th in the US say the left wing chip-papers and the BBC in concert.
They must have had a zoom call last night to be be in such lock-step.
High time the British public let these press gremlins and Marxist creeps know that they do not run the Country.
nazis mobbing up
On 15 October 2021, Amess was stabbed multiple times while holding a constituency surgery in Leigh-on-Sea. He died at the scene.[2] A 25-year-old British citizen, Ali Harbi Ali, who is understood to have extremist Islamist beliefs,[3] was arrested at the scene on suspicion of murder and later detained under the Terrorism Act. On 21 October, he was charged with murder and preparing terrorist acts.[4][5]
Ali Harbi Ali pleads not guilty to murder of MP David Amess
This article is more than 1 month old
Twenty-five-year-old accused of stabbing politician to death also denies planning terrorist attack
Amess was stabbed 17 times and died in the church. He was so badly injured paramedics could not even get him to hospital.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Starmer and the Police had this all arranged up front between them to create the furore myself.
What was Starmer doing in a Public Street? Why did he get so close to a demo about something totally different? How do we know that any Saville chants were made by real protestors and not plants?
Dont expect the BBC to examine these sort of questions though!
It is after all a standard lefty “play victim” tactic as we are seeing in the US and Canada as well as most of the woke community..
Welcome to my website. You can use it to find out more about my work, both in Parliament and in Brent North as well as finding out how to contact me for help with issues or support. I hope you enjoy your visit.
BBC “Politics Live” and PMQ’s.
I’ve noticed the curious way PMQ’s is presented on Politics Live. Before PMQ’s the panel consists of a BBC presenter, a Government member, an Opposition members and a Political commentator, usually from a left wing media rag.
After PMQ’s the commentator is replaced with a BBC person, usually Laura Keunsbsberg. As there is a BBC presenter already, why? I joke to myself that Laura is there to give the BBC’s opinions.
BBC talks to BBC about the BBC handling of the BBC news on the BBC.
BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast
BBC Radio 5 Live, Wednesday 3 January 2018
During a phone-in on the programme a contributor, Danielle Tiplady was introduced as a staff nurse. We should have established and made clear on air that she was a political activist.
The charming left and their words
“New documentary to expose ‘conspiracy of smears’ used to destroy Corbyn”
“Boris Johnson tried to get himself out of trouble by trying to smear [Labour leader] Keir Starmer with the Jimmy Savile scandal,” he said.
“This is ironic considering that Starmer himself has used fake allegations of anti-semitism to purge hundreds of members of his own party.
“It just illustrates the way smearing has become the weapon of choice in politics today.”
Donations to the documentary, being produced by independent movie makers Platform Films, can be made at:
Labour has been contacted for comment.
Just an Idea (c) Biden
Aztecs to pay back the slave people?
“In the event of a nobleman’s death, slaves could be killed, and buried with him, to assist him in the underworld, as they assisted him in life. The body parts of sacrificed slaves could be taken home and eaten with maize and salt as an extension of their sacrifice.”
BBC News at Six
BBC One and BBC News Channel, Tuesday 9 January 2018
A report on News at Six mistakenly used the annual figure, rather than the weekly one, for waiting times in A&E departments in Scotland.
The weekly figure for patients not seen within four hours was 5686. This was used in all subsequent bulletins and coverage.
NHS impacts?
“The number of babies born with birth defects in Bradford is nearly double the national average, research conducted in the city has shown. The study found this was largely because of marriages between first cousins in the Pakistani community.4 Jul 2013”
The brave daughter who is tackling an ethnic taboo that costs the NHS millions: Aisha refused to marry a cousin, so great were her fears over rising numbers of disabled children
Aisha Khan, 36, lost her twin brother, Ahmed as well as another brother Kasim
Her older sister Tahira has serious learning difficulties but they were preventable
Aisha’s Pakistani-born parents are first cousins, now living in West Yorkshire
There’s growing evidence that marriage between relatives may be causing genetic disorders in their children
Jimmy Savile is of course a very sensitive subject for the BBC.
Starmer could perhaps, more easily, be taken to task for the lack of action regarding the Asian grooming gangs abuse scandals. Is Boris saving that one up?
The inquiry team found examples of “children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone”.
‘Racism’ fear
The report found: “Several staff described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought as racist; others remembered clear direction from their managers not to do so.”
Only the South should pay for slavery crimes?
President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863, as the nation approached its third year of bloody civil war. The proclamation declared “that all persons held as slaves” within the rebellious states “are, and henceforward shall be free.”
Britain will not flinch over Ukraine, Boris Johnson tells Russia
Britain will not flinch over Ukraine, Boris Johnson tells Russia
About 350,000 UK passport holders, and 2.6 million others eligible, will be able to come to the UK for five years.
Britain will not flinch over Ukraine, Boris Johnson tells Russia
Afghanistan: Tony Blair says withdrawal was driven by imbecilic slogan
By George Bowden & Lauren Turner
BBC News
Britain will not flinch over Ukraine, Boris Johnson tells Russia
Published22 August 2021
How US military pullback in Iraq could benefit Iran
By Frank Gardner
BBC security correspondent
Britain will not flinch over Ukraine, Boris Johnson tells Russia
In August 2014 the Jay report concluded that an estimated 1,400 children, had been sexually abused in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013 by predominantly British-Pakistani men. British Asian girls in Rotherham also suffered abuse, but a fear of shame and dishonour made them reluctant to report the abuse to authorities.
Are Russian forces getting ready for war in Ukraine? At least 100,000 troops are positioned within reach of Ukraine’s borders and US President Joe Biden is expecting some kind of military move.
Home Office loses track of more than 600,000 people who should have left country, finds immigration watchdog
Home office loses 6x number of Russian Troops! HA HA HA
Jimmy Savile was abusing children on BBC premises as recently as 2006.
The presenter’s alleged sexual assault of a girl, aged between 13 and 16, at the final recording of Top of the Pops will make it difficult for the corporation to explain the Savile scandal as a symptom of the social culture of a bygone era.
BBC Television Centre has been named as one of six “main premises” for the presenter’s sex attacks. According to Scotland Yard’s report, Savile’s offences on BBC premises took place undetected over 47 years from 1959 to 2006.
The BBC said it was “appalled” at the new revelations about sex abuse on its premises, and added: “We would like to restate our sincere apology to the victims of these crimes.”
The corporation’s governing body, the BBC Trust, described the new claims as “truly shocking” and also reiterated “our sincere apologies to all the victims of Jimmy Savile”.
Savile’s offences on BBC premises took place undetected over 47 years from 1959 to 2006.
David Lammy comparing himself to … man with a gun …
“While the Prime Minister’s words were not disorderly, they were inappropriate. As I said then, these sorts of comments only inflame opinions and generate disregard for the House, and it is not acceptable. Our words have consequences, and we should always be mindful of that fact…”
As one of 650 UK MPs I believe it is my duty to tell the electorate “Suck It Up! Suck it Up!” when it comes to discussing immigration. (parody title)
Barry has been helping constituents for over 24 years and is here to support and represent constituents of Brent North
Name of donor: Christine Lee & Co
Address of donor: 86 Holloway Head, Birmingham B1 1NB
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: the services of a Parliamentary Researcher for 5 days per week from 12 March 2019 to 31 December 2019, value £32,625
BBC now showing comments by angry Conservative MP’s over the PM Savile remarks..
And right on cue its the same old Boris haters..ROGER GALE, TOBIAS ELWOOD, ANDREW BIDGEN etc etc etc
Im genuinely staggered by the incredible hysteria being shown by the media and in particular the BBC….Im struggling to get my head around it.
Is there anybody on here who is or was offended by Boris’s Savile remarks. I dont know anybody that is.
I did a little experiment this morning (turning into a geek). Sally Nugent was interviewing the Tory Minister for technology who was introducing a policy to stop a very serious issue, child pornography. The interview lasted 9 mins. This is how it went.. 8 mins on Savile and the Johnson remarks, 1 minute on child pornography…. It really is becoming a serious issue the behaviour of the BBC…
Im bloody well seething that the Tory politicians just sit there like blubbering idiots and take it…
Was Lammy seen walking to Parliament like a vigilante?
All cultures are equal … black lives matter …. etc …2011 … not protests … all cultures are equal … repeat …
The villages and farming communities that surround Uganda’s capital, Kampala, are gripped by fear.
Schoolchildren are closely watched by teachers and parents as they make their way home from school. In playgrounds and on the roadside are posters warning of the danger of abduction by witch doctors for the purpose of child sacrifice.
Pastor Sewakiryanga says without the full force of the law, there is little that can be done to protect Uganda’s children from the belief in the power of human sacrifice.
Something occurred to me ;
1) Why are the bBC so desperate to link the P.M. s statement on Savile to Mr. Starmer.
Could it be that they wanted no further light shone on them , lets face it, for Savile’s enablement.
Or indeed could they have played any kind of role in dissuading
Savile,s prosecution? Back at the time when Starmer was in charge?
By way of contrast there is a court case coming up in Scotland.
The first ever class action in Scottish history.
It involves 25 victims of an alleged paedophile ring which has operated inside Celtic football club.
It is claimed there are over 200 other victims waiting the outcome of the class action.
Those identified in the ” ring” number between 5-9 already identified.
Savile was a regular visitor to Celtic Park during his peak period of fame.
There have been numerous calls for an independent external inquiry into these matters.
Declined by the SNP and Scottish Justice ? system.
More worryingly the bBC in Scotland have played virtually no part in putting their investigative people in among this,
makes you wonder why?
2018 …. Telford grooming ‘tip of the iceberg’, says solicitor
Published13 March 2018
Mr Berry agreed with Mr Afzal’s assessment that the cases so far had been “potentially just the tip of the prosecutions”.
He also backed calls for a new inquiry, and called on the authorities to get local organisations involved.
“Often community groups know more about what is going on on the ground,” he said.
TPA Newsletter this morning: ‘We’re barely into 2022 but the BBC is already off to a bad start after the culture secretary Nadine Dorries announced her intent to scrap the BBC licence from 2028 onwards. This is a welcome step forward, but we say – why wait?
As we pointed out (at TPA) in our press release to the national media, instead of kicking the can down the road until the BBC charter comes to an end in 2027, ministers must legislate to unshackle the Beeb from the taxpayer and let the corporation stand on its own two feet.’
TPA has long campaigned to an end to the TV license fee. It has to happen during this parliament or it will never happen. It should have happened 20 years ago under Labour, under Milliband, Blair, Brown et al.
There is no reason to keep a dead corporate body alive.
Jonathen Aitkin (ex BBC) talks about where the BBC is being spent and abused (since John Birt modelled the BBC on The Guardian as a means of survival).
Heat your home or pay Gary Lineker – 2022 choices.
John McDonnell fantasised about killing Margaret Thatcher
John McDonnell’s famous “lynch the b*tch” comments on Esther McVey
John McDonnell accused the Tories of ‘social murder‘
John McDonnell wanted to garrot Danny
Ed Davey called for a remain alliance in Uxbridge to “decapitate” Boris
Jess Phillips said she will “knife Corbyn in the front”
Lloyd Russell-Moyle shouted “These Tories are dirty, dirty, chaos-mongering people that we will sweep out of this country“
No arrests …
Labour MP thrown out of parliament after grabbing ceremonial mace
Bollocks to voting! !!!!

dafydd, you wouldn’t expect the BBC to be fair and balanced, would you?
We have always been at war with someone, put not sure who that is anymore due to censorship and editing the past ….
An episode of The Simpsons in which the American cartoon family visit Tiananmen Square is missing from the Disney+ streaming service in Hong Kong, adding to concerns about mainland China-style censorship in the city.
The bbc do not like Fox News = I like Fox News
holding people to account
GiveSendGo founder rips ‘authoritarian’ Big Tech after GoFundMe seizes Canadian trucker’s cash
Canada ‘Freedom Convoy’ donors flocked to Christian crowdfunding platform GiveSendGo after GoFundMe gave them the boot
Miscarriage: ‘I was in pain and they did not listen’
Another article about a black woman by Tulip Mazumdar and Smitha Mundasad.
‘These include a lack of quality research involving all ethnicities – but RCOG head Dr Edward Morris says implicit racial bias is also affecting some women’s experience of care.’
More black BBC reporters writing about other poor black victims and calling white people racist. Of course they are. Because THEY are racist.
The amount of articles like this by the BBC in a country which is 85% white is utterly racist.
Mad numbers. Population of UK 60 million ? ( really 80 to 90 million ) ?
Number waiting for operations 6 million ?
Yesterday I heard that could rise to 10 million ….
Is the population really that sick .,,?
Just asking – maybe it is . ?
Had to smile at 1pm News on TWatO, Fed, becuase they played a clip of Wes Streeting up on his back legs in Parliament complaining about Wicked Tory Cuts to the NHS whereas, if I recall correctly, it was the Conservative Party who continued to finance the NHS above all else during those years of ‘austerity’. Streeting made reference to ‘targets’ which were introduced by Labour because the NHS had become so rotten during thirteen years of Labour misrule that waiting lists exploded. Where does Starmer get these people from? The paddock at the back of his house?
What happens in the US usually happens here sooner or later, especially the communist marxist sh@t which is why I post some of the barmy crap from there
I also believe the average US citizen has a damn site more bollocks to stand up and challenge this democrat crap
And, here we go the fight back starts
“Tlaib has paid out $170,000 to firm of anti-Israel activist who supports defunding the police
Rasha Mubarak tweeted in April 2021 that she believes police should be abolished”
Mubarak, a “Palestinian Muslim American community activist,” has a history of making anti-Israel statements online and calling Israel an “apartheid state.”
“These aren’t clashes— it’s an ongoing occupation. These aren’t evictions— they are forced expulsions,” Mubarak tweeted in May of last year. “This isn’t a conflict— it’s settler colonialism, it’s ethnic cleansing, it’s oppression, it’s apartheid.”
From the Socialist Worker Party fronted Unite Against Fascism – founder member former PM David Cameron.
Just shows innit, Boris is linked to death of Jo Cox and the attack on Starmer and Lammy.
Unite Against Fascism
5l2t14S17a8hnlso2uc5he198 ·
The nazi killer of Jo Cox used the word ‘Traitor’ in relation to his butchery, the same toxic word used to threaten David Lammy
& Keir_Starmer last night
Boris Johnson is most cynically playing with fire to save his own skin; eternal shame on him.
How many churches in Iran or Iraq? how many Christians murdered ?
‘I was groomed and sexually abused by MP let back into Labour by Corbyn’
A woman who won an employment tribunal case against Mike Hill last week has revealed how her life was left in ruins
Labour MP hit by abuse ‘in Corbyn’s name’
Ruth Smeeth had criticized the leader for failing to make the party a ‘safe space’ for Jews.
Labour backbencher Ruth Smeeth, a vocal opponent of embattled leader Jeremy Corbyn, has received 25,000 pieces of abuse since the end of June, she told the BBC Friday, with 20,000 coming in a single 12-hour period.
Smeeth, who is Jewish, criticized Corbyn Friday for failing to crack down on abuse of Labour MPs by his supporters amid the party’s rancorous leadership contest.
“This is being done in his name, not by him, but in his name,” Smeeth said. “He should be naming and shaming some of the worst perpetrators and making it clear publicly that they do not speak for him — that this is unacceptable.”
BBC now expressing great happiness in the fact that another Tory MP puts in a letter of no confidence…
What they didnt tell you is that its Caroline Noakes a notorious Boris hater. The same said MP who claims that Boris Johnsons dad smacked her arse in 2003 at a Tory Party conference, when asked for proof by the whips so they could carry out an internal investigation, none was provided.
Girl needs a good spanking
..thats what Boris’s dad thought…
..and let nobody tell you this is not an orchestrated ‘drip, drip, drip’ approach used by Boris haters to cause maximum damage.
They haven’t the courage of their convictions to get out into the open, up front, as a group, because they full well know that that would be the end of it – and the last thing they want is for there to be an end to this.
Smeeth walked out of a Labour event on anti-Semitism in June after being accused of working “hand-in-hand” with right-wing media. She said at the time that Corbyn should resign as Labour leader because the party is no longer a “safe space for British Jews” with him in charge.
She has been under special police protection since July, when she received a death threat on Facebook.
Rosie Duffield, a few Mondays back, was detailing the abuse and threats that she had received from fellow Labour Party members.
The BBC are still at it, “false claims” by Johnson regarding Starmer as they are still labeled by them in every news summary.
The BBC are an utter disgrace.
And of course no gangs of pakistanis raping children, what a wonderful world the bbc drones live in
They are treating Boris exactly like they did Trump because they got away with it last time.
And, obviously, Flotsam, there is absolutely no analysis, nor has there ever been, to my knowledge, of what Boris Johnson said, to prove that there were any ‘false claims, slurs or smears’ whatsoever.
Mr Starmer and his troops, it was simply pointed out (perhaps clumsily, but honestly), were trying to claim that Boris Johnson was responsible for every move of any of the hundreds of staff in the Downing Street offices, and that said Mr Starmer, despite claiming, on video, to be responsible for the acts of any of his staff whilst he was Head of the Crown Prosecution Service, suddenly didn’t want to stick with that claim.
Keir Starmer and his cohorts just don’t like the tables being turned on him…. and, of course, the BBC has absolutely no horse in this race at all….. no siree.
The bbbc are missing a trick.
They are replacing white actors with black ones at every opportunity and historical accuracy counts for nothing as we saw with Anne Boleyn.
How is it that they’ve cast a white actor to play Jimmy Saville. I’m sure there’s lots of black actors available (although they are all possibly being used up in adverts and there’s none left over)