How long will the BBC campaign to unseat an elected PM go on for ? It is using the same hateful onslaught used daily against president Trump – another politician on the ‘disapproved ‘ list . The answer might be ‘for ever ‘….
Midweek 9 February 2022
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Zero tolerance … Hong Kong has recorded more than 1,000 Covid infections for the first time since the pandemic began – a worrying milestone for officials who are aggressively pushing for zero-Covid.
Crack cocaine?
Crack appears in BBC basement at £1bn New Broadcasting House
This article is more than 7 years old
Water seeps in to BBC’s redeveloped high-tech London headquarters where newsroom is housed
Beats the asbestos pay outs
The quango has ordered Cuadrilla to permanently seal the two shale gas wells drilled at the Lancashire shale exploration site, with the result that the 37.6 trillion cubic metres of gas located in the northern Bowland Shale gas formation will continue to sit unused – when just 10% of this volume could meet UK gas needs for 50 years. UK imports of Natural Gas are expected to skyrocket to over 80% by 2050.
She can see CO2 rising from rubbish dumps you know.
But the BBC (or the opposite cheek, The Guardian) will not tell you that because you might think she is batsh1t crazy.
They prefer to keep on abusing this child – who will pay heavily for it when she gets older and is totally unable to deal with reality.
Jack from ‘On The Buses’ was the same. He was unable to cope with life after fame so ran a pipe from his exhaust into his car and gassed himself. Green Greta won’t have that option of course: she will have to find another way.
Is barry gardiner on the quango by any chance … or do they just take bungs from putin?
You need to supply one of those warning messages with your post.
‘The next post contains images some readers may find upsetting’.
BBC 5Live using its Facebook page to do PR as news for electric trucks.
Its on a very short journey and I bet it is recharged overnight or at a very convenient point .
Note no one is sleeping in the truck overnight .
Crack House takes the listener into the dark heart of our cities’ most violent and terrifying places, showing how the war on drugs can only be won by constant and forceful vigilance. The bastard offspring of cocaine, crack first entered the UK in the early 1990s. By the end of the decade, Britain’s inner cities were in the midst of a crack epidemic, with users being responsible for a massive proportion of crime. Communities, especially in London, were crying out for help, but there were only two specialist units in the whole of the capital.
One of them, Haringey Drugs Squad, embarked on a war on crack, aiming to shut down all 100 crack houses in their borough in one year. Amazingly, they did it. Even more amazingly, in the subsequent 12 months all black-on-black killings in Haringey ceased, and burglaries and muggings fell massively.
In Crack House, Harry Keeble describes in heart-stopping fashion the raids and arrests, as well as the beatings, stabbings, and shootings he witnessed as leader of the Haringey Drugs Squad and their war on drugs
John Major on all news channels as I type giving a lecture about democracy…
He has just spent 90% of it slagging of Boris and this government…. Staggering..
What a complete bast–d
Shame he wasn’t so concerned about what the people wanted when he took us into the EU.
Total hypocrite. Like all remainers. It’s ALL about money.
Already his comments are appearing on the BBC ….
But you my bottom dollar the BBC wrote his speech…
John Major had affair with Edwina Currie
Saturday 28 September 2002 00:00
Back to Basics was a political campaign announced by British Prime Minister John Major at the Conservative Party conference of 1993 in Blackpool.
The campaign was intended as a nostalgic appeal to traditional values such as “neighbourliness, decency, courtesy”. It was often interpreted as a campaign for socially conservative causes such as promoting the traditional family, though Major denied this. The campaign became the subject of ridicule when a succession of Conservative politicians were caught up in scandals.
Many years back, when Labour were in power I attended a meeting in a field in South Derbyshire to review plans for a giant opencast mine that would have dwarfed the village. Edwina Curry turned up and assured everyone that she would be taking our concerns back to Parliament.
She then said something along the lines of “All I have to do is show a bit of leg and they all become lap dogs”…. I never realised that she might have had J Major in mind at the time!
11am Radio4 FooC: Climate Change in The French mountains
Lebanon : Syrian refugees, now freakishly cold weather/snow, & economic crisis.
. Leila Molana-Allen.
France (Climate Change Denial)
Just as millions suffer from freezing cold under
“Those making a living from winter sports are seeing ski seasons shorten, as climate change speeds up the rate at which mountain snow is melting.
Yet when Polina Bachlackova went to a ski resort in France, she found some locals sceptical about whether humans were the cause of a changing climate, and rejecting the suggestion that urgent action is needed to tackle it.
How dare they !
Sri Lanka : Chinese funding.
. One of the biggest developments is in the harbour area of Sri Lanka’s capital, Colombo, where a huge retail, residential, and business area is under way. Anbarasan Ehirajan was given a tour, and found himself asking whether it was what the people of Sri Lanka really needed.
India has been holding two days of national mourning for the singer, Lata Mangeshkar.
The soundtrack in hundreds of Indian musicals.
Rajini Vaidyanathan (In Milton Keynes) is among those feeling the loss.
Italy : kitsch song contest.
into. Dany Mitzman joined in the fun
Polina Bachlackova is almost unknown to Google
except she wrote some articles for Vice 5 years ago.
Ah BBC mis-spelled her name.
“Polina Bachlakova @polinathewriter
Freelance editor, writer and sex workers’ rights activist”
Zouma the cat kicking black skinned Moslem is presenting the BBC with problems. He ticks two of their boxes, but opinion is very much against him, even the sacred Gary Linaker has criticised the decision to let him play.
He could face a jail sentence, but a well handled cultural defence should see him OK.
What is Allah Akibar’s take on cats?
Cats are sacred to Muslims, cos Mohammed owned a cat.
Just checked. Cats are indeed sacred. Zouma is in trouble
Many Muslims believe that Muezza (or Muʿizza; Arabic: معزة) was Muhammad’s favorite cat.[8][9] Muhammad awoke one day to the sounds of the adhan. Preparing to attend prayer, he began to dress himself; however, he soon discovered his cat Muezza sleeping on the sleeve of his prayer robe. Rather than wake her, he used a pair of scissors to cut the sleeve off, leaving the cat undisturbed.
In Islamic tradition, cats are admired for their cleanliness. They are thought to be ritually clean, and are thus allowed to enter homes[1] and even mosques, including Masjid al-Haram. Food sampled by cats is considered halal, in the sense that their consumption of the food does not make it impermissible for Muslims to eat, and water from which cats have drunk is permitted for wudu (the ablution that is done by Muslims).[1] Furthermore, there is a belief among some Muslims that cats seek out people who are praying
From Wiki
He should stick to kicking dogs – especially black ones – which are deemed evil by the ‘prophet’ for some deranged reason.
When I saw the perpetrator, it didn’t surprise me in the least.
I’ve often wondered if the Muslim hatred of dogs was connected with the Zoroastrians, who have been mercilessly exterminated by Islam (which is why there aren’t many of them left these days):
Ancient Zoroastrians used to consider dogs sacred animals:
What does the RSPCA do for animals besides collect lots of money from dear old ladies with cats ?
What does the NSPCC about for children and grooming gangs besides collect money ?
The RSPCA are well off, with large amounts coming from legacies. However, not perfect, they are capable of helping. When my home was destroyed they spent thousands taking care of my animals without any publicity or request for payback. They also have an input into legislation regarding animal welfare.
Unlike many animal rights organizations they have expressed criticism of religious based slaughter of animals, although I would argue that the call for stunning prior to slaughter is an unsatisfactory compromise. Even when stunned exsanguination means that the animal dies choking in its own blood.,be%20stunned%20prior%20to%20slaughter.
Apparently West Ham have fined him two weeks pay.
That is £250,000.
Just thought I’d mention it.
No fan of Boris but when a footballer who kicks cats earns in a week the Prime Ministerial salary for a year, give or take, there does seem to be a certain imbalance.
Hi Everyone. Not been on for a while, however, I can’t pass over the opportunity to tell you all that the BBC has six different reporters reporting on the Ladies Curling……..sighhhhh
welcome back, 6 isn’t enough
Hello halifax – hope u r getting better – as far as ladees curling is concerned .. stay frosty …
Hope you haven’t got the dreaded ‘long Covid’ [ more properly known as Post Viral Fatigue, a.k a.PVF for those in the know 😉 ] Halifax. Glad to see a post from you.
Good to read you Halifax !
Curling? What, hair?
Great Britain’s women’s curling team make sporting history and captivate the UK
Captivate the UK, apparently, 1st i’ve heard of it
Do Lock Downs and Circuit Breakers work ?
Ask Mr Drakeford …………………..
“In the olden days Love Thy Neighbour was very offensive: you had a black
neighbour and a white neighbour and…the white guy used to be really offensive.
Nowadays you are not allowed” (Male 55+ South Asian, Leicester)
Audiences feel that, in broad terms, the situation has improved significantly, with current TV
programmes offering a wider and better portrayal of under-represented groups.
Click to access report-bbc-representation-portrayal.pdf
Personally I think it should be re-ignited. If we can stomach black and whites on adverts, then I’m sure the scriptwriters will ensure the ‘banter’ goes both ways.
I don’t see a problem. It may even help racial tension.
I’ve been at the Lord Taverners Christmas lunch (raising money for disabled kids to play sport).
Nish Kumar was booked as the comedian. He had a shocker. Kicked off with how sh*t Boris was at everything and then moved on to imperial British rule gags. He then praised former speaker Bercow (in audience). Moved on to why Brexit was a bad idea. We should have a second referendum as the only way out, because it had all gone badly. Everyone was thick. The audience were racist. The audience were disrespectful to Second World War dead.
Tried to recover with a half-arsed apology which was he was doing gig for free and if we all donated more the charity could pay a right wing comic Instead of him for free… Nearly £200,000 raised at the lunch.
Was being slow Clapped. Refused to leave stage until clapping ended otherwise they would have to continue for his fully allotted time… another 4 minutes.
Eventually the compere (someone he described as “dressed like he worked for the queen”) stepped on to the stage. Killed his mic and ushered him away.
Jack Smethurst could not have done better
So good to see a prat who thinks he speaks his garbage on behalf of everyone, just like the BBC, get wasted by the people they belittle and besmirch. We need more of this, much, much more to put these pompous twats back in their lefty boxes and introduce them to the real World.
They are a club who think they can be hero’s by bad mouthing anything not in their collective mindset. Think Jo Brand, the entire HIGNFY crew etc. it goes on and on.
Of course the BBC can’t get enough of this tripe so run it wall to wall.
They have not yet tumbled to the fact that a hell of a lot of people disagree and despise them.
Bring it on!
A lot of “I” not so much of “we” and no battery acid from those who disagree
Les Dawson doing a gig at a Corbyn rally with fick Ange in attendance, now I’d pay a few hundred pounds for that
How about Bernard Manning, he’d have ripped her a new one.
Whoever tells these minorities they are any good at humour anyway ? There was only one who made me cry with laughter, and it was Charlie Williams (ex Comedians) – old school who actually told JOKES, could have something to do with him being from Barnsley !
Charlie Williams joke.
Bloke walks past a confectionary shop.
In the window is a sign ‘condoms fitted while you wait’
So he goes in and says to the attractive woman behind the counter ‘are you the person that fits condoms while you wait’?
‘I certainly ham’ she says. With an H on the ham.
‘Well’ he says ‘put some gloves on because I want a quarter of mint imperials’
What was he on about , is there a transcript ?
There was one on the twitter – I ve been waiting to see my doctor for a year – I’ve got a rash on me scrotum – I got to see him last week -so I showed it to him – I’m now banned from tescos …
( it’s all in the timing )
TWatO Watch #1 – if anyone was in any doubt about this ‘Partygate’ thing …..
… all doubt is now removed by (Sir) John Major, he of the ‘bastards’, sleaze, cones hotline, ERM disasters, major recession and incitement to terrorism in the cause of Remain and sentencing the country to thirteen years of Blair and Brown where they did more damage than Major. As I listened to the clip of Major’s speech played as part of the news at 1pm, the phrases ‘economical with the truth’ and kettle/black/calling/pots all came to mind.
All doubt should now be removed that it is a Remainer plot by the Civil Service, Labour under its current leader and the MSM (especially the BBC) to remove a democratically elected PM from leading a democratically elected Conservative Party Government. Disgraceful.
How big was your majority, Major, at the time you lost to Blair?
Just take a look at English history, because the parallels with the act of Supremacy are quite astonishing.
Set up Cameron as Cardinal Wolsey and Merkel as the Pope and it seems like history repeating itself.
Funny you should mention that, Thoughtful. I’ve been reading a leaflet dated Feb/Mar 1999 (note the year) entitled:
The Decline of the Union
The Decline of the Monarchy
The Decline of Parliament
The Decline of the Commonwealth
The Death of Protestantism
It is put out by an organisation known as ‘Moriel’ which is a Hebrew word. It may be available on their web-site. It was No.12 in their series of bi-monthly Newsletters. Cameron was some way off and Mutti had hardly got started but the Newsletter, although it has a wider view in scope (pre-Henry VIII up to 1999), covers similar ground to your post.
99.9% of the UK population are as happy as a dog with two dicks that at last the COVID restrictions are finally coming to an end.
So what do the knobs at the BBC do, they scour the country to find possibly the only two people who are unhappy at the thought of us being totally free of all restrictions, and bingo, they find two in Manchester.
The two inbreds both grossly overweight and struggling to put a coherent sentence together grunting there way through the interview damning the government for its handling of the Pandemic…
Both say they have been forgotten because they have health issues. Well ladies, you can start by losing 20 stone each for starters.
BBC having a outstanding anti government day.
You watch, high winds forecast for the North of England tonight. What’s the betting the BBC will blame the government for leaving the door open…
The lefties on night-time radio get the same sort of losers, Dafydd, and when the Boris-Bashing is in full swing, they get an even stupider caller (short-dial “Are you awake Shane”), to ring in and moan and whinge for ages in a droning, complaining victim-like sneer!
I’m glad when the adverts come on except for the obvious ‘Norwegian’ voices ‘trying to sell yorr corrr’…
“A dog with two dicks “ – isn’t the English language wonderful ?
( never met a dog that happy )
…picked the saying up in the military…and many more..!!!
Blue blood on peon attack?
Stretch the NHS?
Only men with dicks should get a jab?
The answer to the first question is, it doesn’t.
Making the second one even more telling.
Li a regular on the Beeb, iirc. Ex FT.
Clearly the poor old dear unaware of fellow Remainers like Lammy, Adonis, Tarzan, etc.
Who are [hashtag] even more laugahable [/closehashtag].
I would have though the Liz share price just jumped …
A mumbling old halfwit called John Major is said to be complaining that the current PM and his staff think they are above the law, and don’t respect democracy.
Major… Major… I’m sure I’ve heard that name before. Some association with that cowardly traitor back in the 90’s, who went to Maastricht and sold his country’s sovereignty to the EU without any mandate? Or some echo of that crook who arranged to “privatise” the railways just a few weeks before being obliterated in a general election? Yes, that might be right. I definitely remember how delighted all those bankers were — and how they laughed at the cretin who led a government so sick and corrupt that two of the liars he chose as ministers had to be sent to prison. It’s all coming back…
I bet major rung around the ex PMs trying to get ‘ support’ … u can guess why he didnt get any …££££££££…
You forgot the adultery …
Jaw dropping NHS waiting list projections leaked to
. This means going into the next election with every voter with an immediate family member on a waiting list or being on one themselves.
Perhaps we all need to get out and clap more?
Clap harder to scare it away.
And the socialists in the nationalised NHS will be doing all they can to …make sure it stays that way….
Get ready for ‘starved of funds by the Tories’ headlines at regular intervals.
Pricks get pricked.

DNA test ?
“The anniversary has reignited the call by Africans for the return of millions of objects looted across the continent during the colonial era.”
Nigeria House of representatives don tell federal goment to declare national emergency on top ritual killings for di kontri.
Di directive to di federal goment follow resolution of di national assembly during dia sitting on Wednesday.
Dem reach di resolution afta one Lawmaker, Toby Okechukwu present motion “on need to stop di rising trend of ritual killings for Nigeria.”
Okechukwu wey be di deputy minority leader for di House say di problem of ritual killing don take very dangerous dimension.
They can have all their illegal immigrants back, for a start.
Prince Charles test positive for Covid, Clarence House tok
2 hours wey don pass
Starmer being interviewed on THE BBC saying that all parties in UK should stand together and put there difference’s to one side to unite when it comes to Ukraine.
What a grade one pr-ck, the only bloody party dragging the argument out is Labour…what a hypocrite.
God help us if he gets into power.
Jeremy Corbyn says he regrets calling Hamas and Hezbollah ‘friends’
This article is more than 5 years old
Labour leader tells home office select committee that with hindsight he would not have used same phrase
But no photo op from the entourage.
“Xi… mate… it’s Vlad. Gotta say, cool miss… er, ‘plane’, dude. Just testing it delivering… cargo to Ukraine as Sleepy has his nap”.
All nighter in Frankie Howerd on line to take?
Sorry – is the one called “Adele ?”
Premier League footballers have been able to get regular haircuts by using a loophole in the Covid-19 guidelines that have been placed on the general public.8 Feb 2021
One moans another sings and the bbc droids are “stunned” at the performance she kept in tune for at least 20 seconds
How does a human acquire lips like that other than mating with a cod
as for the eyebrows, W H Smith do very good black cardboard
Radio4 PM “In our ongoing series about meat, giving up more meat really”
switch to local radio where some council person is talking about their give-aways to help poor people insulate their home.
Insulation is good, but strangely the woman included solar panels in her list … they are not insulation, nor green in the UK in my opinion.
Her figures for what people will save sounded very optimistic
“£700/year, but some save bit less”
Sounds like EVERY. SINGLE. ‘Independent’. COUNCIL. CLIMATE. EMERGENCY. ASSEMBLY ‘expert’.
All flogging heat pumps and EVs.
The council is all limps and greens.
The cretins are still on Trump.
Note the reference to Trumpification and Trumpian. Go on any far left Trot/Socialist/ Communist site and these words are used almost as frequently as racism.
Words that can be dropped into a conversation or statement which indicates your loyalty to the left. No need to indicate what they mean.
Isn’t it strange that their version of the truth is so different from others ? Importing the hate they threw at President Trump -mad BBC Policy onto nut nut is their responsibility ….
Can they never see that ?
Dear Winston Smith,
I noticed that Jon Sopel is talking about impartial and unbiased reporting but his twitter account has three references to his book whilst using the BBC brand. Could the BBC please explain what is happening?
1) Is BBC Jon Sopel supposed to tell us about the news or his new book?
2) BBC Jon Sopel’s twitter feed has the BBC name in it and says “Jon Sopel, BBC North America Editor. My book If Only They Didn’t Speak English is out now.” which references his book and not the fact he is an unbiased and impartial reporter.
3) BBC Jon Sopel’s twitter’s pinned tweet is from 23May2018 and is about .. himself and his book.
4) Is BBC Jon Sopel’s book 100% BBC approved thought and unbiased and partial?
5) Shouldn’t BBC Jon Sopel’s twitter be about the latest news and not himself?
6) When Jon Sopel sells a book does it go to help pay for the BBC TV Tax – to reduce it? As the BBC are promoting it – thus it is promoted by the BBC TV Tax Payer.
“Impartiality lies at the heart of public service and is the core of the BBC’s commitment to its audiences. It applies to all our output and services – television, radio, online, and in our international services and commercial magazines. We must be inclusive, considering the broad perspective and ensuring the existence of a range of views is appropriately reflected”
Good luck answering this one without laughing yourself silly.
Remember when the dipsy peroxide victim’s sole function was ‘reporting’ Ed Miliband’s train trips?
Yet he supported him?
It gets even worse, I can’t post on Guido, as there’s just a blank area where I used to write my erudite compositions with impunity!
Does that mean I’m banned?
I don’t know why I’ve become an internet pariah, I never troll, I never hurt people, and I always loathe the BBC, but shurely that’s no reason to ban me from one of the first sites I ever visited, right back when he started up, and before we even knew his name!
Iain Dale was an equal to him, but I can’t ask him, as he’s on LBC, and I rather like their stuff these days…
I am bereft, and will console myself with a second large Haig!
“Kids Company was mismanaged, Charity Commission finds”
How many of you remember that fiasco?
How long will it remain on the front page?
7 years … The collapsed Kids Company charity was mismanaged, a watchdog has concluded.
The charity, set up by Camila Batmanghelidjh, folded in 2015 amid financial problems. A police investigation found no evidence of criminality or safeguarding failures.
Never forget the role of the BBC’s own Alan Yentob in all this. He warned of riots if the charity folded and stopped throwing money around like confetti in the area of London where it operated! None occurred. He also tried to intimidate John Humphrys into going easy on Batman’ in a Radio 4 ‘Today’ interview, by standing visibly outside the recording studio and looking in on them. A scandal … but his £6.3 million plus BBC pension pot will be safe.
Springbank is available, the 30 year one is fine, my father, long gone, had a barrel of green whisky after they all got confused in Campbeltown and mixed up the rum and the whisky barrels
His brother fell off the roof of the Springbank distillery whilst doing some rewiring as he was offered frequent refreshments
He was a talented musician and was still singing aout it as they tried to get a plane to fly him to a Glasgow in a stretcher
AFAIK Guido still uses Vuukle for comments
You can check our Vuukle account here
If that works then it might be your ad-blocker
I have to click on the adblocker icon top right of my screen to make It’s not blocking Guido (
How much of a woke lefty will the next met plod commissioner be ? Im sure the BBC will blame the Party thing – or President Trump
Telegraph is reporting Cressida Dickhead is out
Yes GBNews discussing it – she won’t be the only problem – the whole senior command will be infested and in a ‘right ‘ world would be – er – purged ….
for regulars here it may be a night for a visit from a favoured troll …. Enjoy the cutting and the pasting …
On Politics Home:
“It is with huge sadness that following contact with the Mayor of London today, it is clear that the Mayor no longer has sufficient confidence in my leadership to continue,” the former police chief said in her resignation statement.
From the “i”:
“One Tory source with knowledge of the process said Mr Khan’s decisive move against Dame Cressida means he “now has control of the situation and is in pole position to decide who takes over”, with assistant commissioner Neil Basu thought of as a potential front runner in the Mayor’s eyes.”
Frankly I’m astounded, after all that state of the art leadership training Cressida received from Common Purpose.
Met Police chief Cressida Dick to step down
Metropolitan Police Commissioner Dame Cressida Dick is leaving her role, it has been announced.
Dame Cressida said she had been left with “no choice” after London Mayor Sadiq Khan made it clear to her he had no confidence in her leadership.
Last week, the police watchdog found “disgraceful” misogyny, discrimination and sex harassment among some Met PCs.
Dame Cressida, who hours earlier said she had no intention of quitting, has faced multiple controversies.
In a statement, Mr Khan said he was “not satisfied” with Dame Cressida’s response to the police watchdog’s report, and that she “will be stepping aside” as a result.
Mr Khan thanked the commissioner, the first woman to lead Britain’s biggest police force, for her 40-year policing career.
He said he would now “work closely with the home secretary on the appointment of a new commissioner” with an aim to restore trust in the Met.
Dame Cressida, who served in the role for four years, has agreed with the mayor that she will continue to serve for a short time period to enable an orderly handover.
….what’s the betting the replacement will be black or ethnic of some discription….
Javid’s brother ???? that’ll make mum and dad proud.
No – I think it will be from khans ‘ family or tribe – tradition .
Bring back the SPG (wishful thinking)
“London chose me as their mayor, not just an ethnic minority, not just a religious minority, but a Londoner of Islamic faith.” – Sadiq Khan, { sep2016}
. . .
Very odd that Sadiq Khan’s London Manifesto 2016 does not mention voting for him because of his Islamic Faith? I might be wrong – but could not find a sentence saying ‘Vote for me because I believe in Allah’.
Watching The BBC One Show… a feature interviewing a heavily manicured and made up American “star” Adam somebody, possibly male, pushing Stonewall and LGBT reminded me of a recently watched BBC production “Toast of Tinseltown” which is about a down to earth English actor played by Matt Berry struggling to come to terms with the utter lunacy of Hollywood and the false and bizarre people and situations he bumps up against…
I then recalled when Hollywood gave us male icons like Gary Cooper, Clint Eastwood, Clark Gable, John Wayne, Steve McQueen, James Garner, James Stewart, James Coburn, Jack Palance, Yul Brynner etc. etc. etc.
Real stars, magnificent actors and solid role models who just did what they did without constant media appearance opportunities.
How far down the sewer has Hollywood sunk now in portraying male “stars” and pandering to the “special shouty people”.
Total farcical agenda-driven plastic genderless rubbish is all they spew out now and the BBC fawn sickeningly over them because they have to in a vain attempt to attract “yoof” in all it’s 20 or so varieties.
Who does not celebrate a good statue?
It’s a movement!
Bbc news
“We’re really proud to be changing the way women pee, and doing it in a safe way which reduces time spent in queues.”
Meanwhile, as Dick moves…
They have probably spent the last 11 years crimping the edge of Empanadas!
GOD ! that is really something I would NOT have publicised.
Guest Who
Elaine Morgan , Who she ?
An ex-Beeboid ?
Now, where might this lead?
Any girls with sledges running down Regent st?
Reminds me very much of “Big Brother” in 1984 by Orwell.
China winter olympics?
Who paid for this?
‘People of Oceania – only war brings peace ‘
Fwiw, 90% of our council executive is an old biddy.
Funny isn’t it ? I go to the Londonistan evening news to see anything more about the ex commissioner and find a report about PC Adnan Arib 45 – on trial for misconduct in public office for trying to groom a 15 and 16 year old girl / child …. …
Newsnight’s Mason clone knows who he likes.
Farage ‘sharing pints’ with Jackie Smith – one of the worst Home Secretaries ever . Her husband claims tax payers ‘ cash for porn videos ( remember ?) and she claimed for a 99p bath plug – amongst other things –
I’m surprised shared the same room with her yet alone a drink – but then again – he exists in the swamp – just a more acceptable part of it …
Steyn thinks it’s a conspiracy theory – that Cressida was going to go easy in the nut nut report so the’ human rights ‘lawyer ( Emir ) currently Mayor of a disfunctional city wants a different one more complaint to his …. Requirements …
Apologies if mentioned elsewhere.
A lacerating column by Matthew Lynn in the Telegraph today. He showcases both our left-wing government’s abject failure of energy policy for a decade or more and, more to the point, the BBC’s marxist zealotry about it.
Here are a few examples.
‘….from the BBC…. there are only three ways to fix the soaring cost of gas and heating. State control. More state control. And….putting an official at a desk in Whitehall in charge’
‘If you had tuned in to the Toady programme on Tuesday you would have heard Prof. Michael Jacobs advocate a windfall tax……(he was)…a special advisor to Gordon Brown……and the Fabian Society……he has made his career in Left-leaning thinktanks’
‘On the news channel, reaction to BP’s figures was from Kate Blagojevic, the head of climate change at Greenpeace’
‘…Ed Milliband, architect of the catastrophic decision to cap energy prices has been given constant airtime to argue for even more draconian controls’
‘ the oil companies profits may be ‘dizzying’ to BBC reporters and yet if you take the trouble to spend a whole two minutes looking up last year’s numbers you will find out they are simply balancing out losses from the past couple of years…….it is how commodity companies work. Good years follow bad years as the cycle turns….’
‘….a debate…… hardly possible while the BBC is pumping out a constant stream of anti-market, anti-business propaganda’.
Well done, Mr Lynn. Just one question. Did you read my post on this site last Tuesday?
Though I haven’t been confident about Dick of Dock Green for quite a while I keep thinking about an old thriller serial starring Stephen Rea, called The Shadow Line. In which a lot of murders were part of a conspiracy to keep the Met Police pension fund in the black.
Thus…was Dick the fall guy for an uncontrollable Met that looks after its own, which she failed to reform?
Or was she part of that Met and wanted to maintain the status quo?
Then again, were her hands tied by the obvious observation that knife crime, attacks, and murders are …ahem…. carried out disproportionately by certain ethnicities but to admit that would be wayyyycist and SadDick would be unhappy?
Such conundra are not helped by an insider we once knew who a couple of years back supported the view that she was well-liked within the force despite the various high profile cock-ups.
We may yet need to be careful what we wish for.
They’ve recruited woke / ethnic dregs and now have the consequences … they have no time for me – I have no time for them – they lost consent ages ago – now they ‘ just need to check your thinking ‘….
Pity they can’t be privatised ….
The IRAs Stephen Rea ? Or a different one …?
Blue Labour are following the policies of the Democrats in America, destroying law & order, defunding neutering and destroying the Police.
Dick was undoubtedly a Socialist, and like all Socialists had a record of failure, but when she failed to do what the left wanted – concentrating on ‘diversity’ instead of crime.
Blue Labour have defunded the Police way before BLM asked them to under Theresa May massively reducing Police numbers. They closed the courts all over the country reducing much needed capacity until now there is such a back log that cases are being dropped because time limits are being exceeded.
Prison sentences are having to be shortened because in spite of a growing population no new prison places are being built.
Prepare for the anarchy you can see on the streets of any large American city controlled by the Democrats because that is what is inevitably going to come here.