How long will the BBC campaign to unseat an elected PM go on for ? It is using the same hateful onslaught used daily against president Trump – another politician on the ‘disapproved ‘ list . The answer might be ‘for ever ‘….
Midweek 9 February 2022
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9pm ITV gave us an hour of Nadiya
Nadia “the Doctor” Who can Tardis into Mecca (bbc/The Hajj) with her Transgender-Apostate-Muslim-Non-Binary-Coloured-Gay sidekick and their pet pig Percy. Then the Tardis malfunctions due to a time distortion generated from a strange black rock that’s shaped like a ladies body part.
They must now escape, knowing that it’s the Haji with 14 million visitors and non-Muslims aren’t allowed in Mecca.
What will Nadia do? Will the sidekick wear the full face veil or learn the Shahadah in time to conform or will she say who she is, and stand her ground? What about Percy the pig?
One of the more conciliatory ones.
BBC , Liberal/left greenery people ,
If the people of Britain achieve the net zero economy in 2030 or 3040 or whatever and we are the first to do so , what is our reward ?
I mean , if we are the first , and leading the world , what is the prize ?
I dont mean civil serpents and politicians able to strut the world stage in glory , what is in it for us ?
What do we , the ordinary Joe , get out of this ?
Who rewards us ?
And how ?
Is it the UN ? The EU ? The woke multinationals ?
What do we get out of it ?
What do we get out of it?
Double, nay treble immigration……………….
Something to look forward to………….
Tips for the next BBC green prog…
1) Buy everything on Amazon, etc., with the maximum amount of cardboard packaging for ease of transit, or take all your groceries home from Tesco in their discarded wine boxes.
2) Collect said cardboard, fold into a tight wedge about 12″ x 6″, and bind it all together with thin wire.
3) Burn it on your open fire to warm your home.
4) Retrieve the wire for the next parcels, and chuck the ash on your garden for a nourishing natural mulch.
Think of the costs and benefits saved in all directions, less transport for rubbish, less coal to buy, a warmer home and a general feeling of added warmth, knowing you’re pissing off the BBC!
…real panic at the BBC this morning with the resignation of Cressida Dick.
Real concern that there plan to oust Boris may be affected by her resignation and the ongoing investigation into Downing Street.
Don’t worry BBC, the MET has confirmed it won’t be affected…
Today watch
Oh Hell – I feel sorry for Meeshal today . She interviewed an economist from the ONS about newly released data today …. Oh hell Uk is one of the fastest growing G7 economies – ‘it’s better than expected’ sez bloke ….
…oh the narrative …. We re all doomed … project fear working – but NO – the economy is recovering – dame sez BBC –
I’m guessing we won’t hear much from the Far Left for a while but Cummings is bound to put out another tedious party picture from 2 Years ago – cue traitors like heseltine – major – brown – .. you know the cast ….
As I said – felt sorry for meeshaall – car crash for her …
Meanwhile – the loopy our Justin happily asked the head of the London assembly whether it is time to end met plod and start again with something else … I was waiting for the loon to talk about ‘defunding plod ‘.
I’m wondering about the current madness – do you think the brain is effected by the face masks inhibiting breathing and putting more CO2 into the collective brain ?
Or is it just hippy kidults at the keyboards making ‘public opinion ‘loopy ?
Both, surely.
Unexpected Dick extraction
Cressida gets a carpeting she didn’t enjoy
Kudos to the giveaway Metro this morning for the snappiest punning tabloid rendition of a headline heralding the sudden sacking yesterday of the Met Police chief: ‘Cressida Ditched‘
Less so to the ‘i’ newspaper for their less than headline-worthy construction: ‘11am “I have absolutely no intention of going” 7.09pm “It is with huge sadness that I step aside”‘
What does the ‘i’ expect? 11am “I think it’s odds on that I get the elbow today, especially after this latest cock-up on my watch” 7.09 “See, I told you so. I’ll be spending a lot more time in future with my pension”
The left-leaning ‘i’ credits Little Man Khan for finally lancing the diversity hire boil on the bum of the capital’s uniformed paramiltary social work service/force: ‘Sadiq Khan says he no longer has confidence in her to tackle racism, misogyny, homophobia, bullying, indiscipline and corruption in the force‘ – phew! Perhaps when the new Met Commissinoner… He, She or Them… gets through all of that workload then Londoners will hope they might eventually get around to some policing?
My escalating council tax money says the next boss will be as black as your hat. Which is ok and only to be expected these days… if they can perhaps find one who hasn’t recently ordered the shooting of any innocent Brazilians. That would be a boon. The Guardian evisages the job description which Ms Dick failed to deliver as: ‘… to deal with a culture of misogyny and racism in Britain’s largest force‘ – This review having already sailed dangerously close to the rocky shores of the Isle of Lesbos this morning… let’s propose that checklist is quite some Augean Stable that needs cleaning. It’s been a while since we gifted our Boris with one of his cherished classical Greek references. Besides cleaning up the Yard, I’d settle in future for fewer rogue flash-happy lockdown-empowered cops kidnapping, raping and murdering random women off the streets.
‘Metropolitan Police Commissioner Dame Cressida Dick is leaving her role after a series of damaging controversies. Dame Cressida said she had been left with “no choice” after London Mayor Sadiq Khan made it clear to her he had no confidence in her leadership‘ (BBC) – poor old Cres… seems she has joined the Aung San Suu Kyi club of failed great no-longer-whiter-than-white left-liberal hopes.
Oh dear, the print press are letting on that their audience is an ageing demographic: ‘The best thing about turning 40? I stopped pretending I was young‘ – so says Ian Dunt in the ‘i’; ‘The thrill of having a sexual awakening after 50!‘ – exclaims Sophie Benge in the Mail. To reclaim an old cliché from Michael Winner and David Cameron: Calm down, dear.
Not to be outdone and raising the age bar by another decade: ‘Ai Wei Wei How to be a rebel at 64‘ (Times) – blimey, I hear it is dangerous to be a rebel in Communist China.
‘In September 2019, he moved to live in Cambridge, England. As of 2021, Ai lives in Montemor-o-Novo, Portugal. He still maintains a base in Cambridge, where his son attends school, and a studio in Berlin‘ (Wikipedia)
The Mirror laments the downfall of three heroes of the left: ‘Top cop Dick forced out‘; ‘Experts “sidelined” in Johnson’s rush to end Covid rules. Advisor Sir Patrick Vallance. Scientist Sir Chris Whitty‘ – meanwhile: ‘Rooney boozing could have killed me… or I could have killed someone‘
The coronaphobics in our media are looking for one last gasp right royal story: ‘Queen covid scare‘ – shrieks the Mirror… (hopefully – just think of the covid-flavoured column inches – crownophobia?)
One daily mocks the media but today in the left-leaning ‘i’ one does find oneself agreeing with this writer’s take on the supposed Ukraine crisis: ‘Everyone’s a winner. This sabre rattling will help Putin and the West by Patrick Cockburn‘
Oh, the irony of Sadiq criticising somebody else’s poor (non-existant?) leadership. Clearly he’s never heard of a mirror.
I am left wondering if Cressida Dick is setting up Sadiq Khan for the guilty party in a constructive dismissal case….. with him blathering his little emperor’s tantrums and demeaning her in public.
Somehow, I suspect that, if this is the case, it may well be handled in a very confidential manner, with a significant wodge of cash making its way to Ms Dick in a brown envelope.
Today paper review –
“Let’s took at the inside pages “
“Look – a review of a book about President Trump – and it makes him took bad “ ….
Wow the BBC is so frightened at him that they find any excuse / reason to stick the knife in with unverified claims ..
A programme with a narrative to distract from the damage done by a lefty woke police commissioner and an economy far healthier than the BBC would want .
Next agenda – tax takes will be going up meaning the is no need to increase NI in April …. And a party story for the weekend …
Trump lives in their heads, rent-free
… 24 hours per day.
Will there be a discussion of the duty of the person right at the top to take responsibility ?
After all the MSM wants nut nut gone over the parties –
Starmer as DPP v jimmy saville
Cres Dick v sex offender plod in the Met ….
Obviously with ms Dick it is far more substantial because it is about public safety in a city .
The problem is Fedup that rule only applies to straight white males so ms Dick escapes on two ticks.
Does Saint Khan never do any wrong, or are we continuing to see pattern in bBC reporting.
With the resignation of C Dick, and the list of only her faults
Neil Basu is a possible replacement
The replacement for ms dick wont be made soon . I reckon number 10 will monitor the party investigation- which surely cant go beyond March ? And see whether any political blood will flow …
…. And there may well be a constitutional fight over the appointment of the next commissioner- conservatives will want a ‘ no nonsense ‘ law enforcer whilst the woke will want another Far Left box ticker – preferably related to the Mayor .
That idea of having mayors really was both expensive and dumb .
Meanwhile crossrail is complete but they wont open it until it is ‘ perfect ‘ – with londonistan taxpayers picking up the Emirs’ bill ..
Today again
The 0810 digs into the queer murders in Barking – which have been subject to an inquiry and basically found that the local detectives were either lazy or incompetent or worse – and wasn’t sorted out until the met murder squad too over …..
True – the dreadful failure was on ms `dicks ‘ watched and she was appointed because she is female ? And queer ? And definitely woke .
But surely they could have got an ex commissioner ? Normally they role out another woke lefty Ian Blair to gob off from the Left … but no …
But if you turn the met into a third world self serving monster – what can be expected .?
Ooo, a claim.
BBC N. America can again talk about a US President.
Claim – HA HA HA HA HA!
Switch on bingo : local radio
“sustainable” was the first word.
Seconds later “How long before we get a completely carbon free Valentine’s bouquet ?”
“I think what you are doing is great”
It always seems like it takes 2 minutes between switching on the BBC and then ticking your Woke-Word bingo card.
Local news “koala numbers declining” “climate change”
Interesting what gets put into local news
and what gets left out.
Other station
Opening item “The Green Homes Grant scheme”
item 4 Lincolnshire police chief praises Cressida Dick
Item 5 #PRasNews for a “Green Energy storage park”
item6: BREAKING NEWS: Cancel BBC license to heat your home.
Assistant head of Lincolnshire Police Kerrin Wilson @Kerrinwilson999 tweeted
So sad about this news.
Cressida Dick has been a huge inspiration to me personally for 20yrs.
Best wishes & good luck Ma’am
Lincolnshire non-Muslim girls asked to wear hijab for a day
Published4 August 2019
Cressida Dick … has left with full pensions and benefits!
“We have refugees now, for example, or people of Arab origin, who bring a different type of antisemitism into the country,” she said during the interview. “But unfortunately, antisemitism existed before this.” { 25apr2018}
“Several Jewish students have reported antisemitic bullying in schools in recent months and Israeli flags were burned during a recent protest in the capital city.”
– ‘different type of antisemitism’ – how many types are there?
– not the normal type of antisemitism?
– does anyone question these politicians?
– reminds me of Met Officer Cressida Dick – “I don’t think this was a phenomena (gang r*pe culture) that was invented in the last few years. It really wasn’t. It’s been part of our society probably for centuries and centuries and centuries. It’s hard to really know exactly what is really going up and what is changing. ” – Cressida Dick
When an on duty WPC in uniform policing an angry mob joins in with THEIR chants of ” free, free Palestine ” then there is a big problem with the met’s recruiting criteria.
Surely that’s called ’empathy’ these days.
‘ Surely that’s called ’empathy’ these days.’
No, ‘community policing’.
Premier League footballers have been able to get regular haircuts by using a loophole in the Covid-19 guidelines that have been placed on the general public.8 Feb 2021
Beware the ubiquitous request: “Your views are important to us”.
I’ve discovered that this is a subtle filtration system purely to determine if your views lie on the left or right. No doubt “your views” will be filed in either of the boxes so when the day of reckoning comes around, in my case, they know who needs to be incarcerated in the gulag.
I recently wrote to Drakeford in the Welsh Government following his announcement that he had another hairbrained scheme, that of installing speed humps in EVERY town in Wales to limit speeds to 20MPH. I politely asked if he could direct me to that part in his party’s Manifesto where the plan was set out. I even went so far as to make constructive suggestions like, the installation of water troughs alongside the roads to quench the thirst of those ponies drawing the traps because that form of transportation would then become viable throughout Wales. A lengthy formal reply telling me the process of reply and stating I was assured of a reply within x days. Apart from the local Marxist Party Clown who clearly was taken aback by someone who had the nerve to respond but merely confirmed the reply within date. Clock still ticking from about two months ago…………….
Moving on. ‘Wales Online’. I had received local news up to a couple of weeks ago when I had the absolute temerity to comment (the first time) on their article over why the utility bills are so large nowadays. I pointed out that, “Intentionally or otherwise, you make no mention of the ‘Green’ element of the bills”. Cancelled immediately. Whilst I do not lose sleep over these issues, I accept that you now only have to possess a discernible ‘Leftish’ frame of mind to be a member of the ‘In Club’.
With regard to the thread intro, one has to wonder whether Sad Dick Cant’s sacking of Dickless is because she just wasn’t energetic enough in trying to oust BoJo. Sad Dick is very clear in his politicised hate for his much more successful predecessor.
The contrast with the Met’s persecution of Paul Gambaccini and Harvey Proctor, both openly gay, could not be greater.
Although today’s Sly didn’t feature Kay Bully, her colleague Niall Ferguson did much the same job on Gambaccini, stopping his flow although not to the same extent as his mentor, Bully. If you caught Mark Steyn’s highly interactive dialogue with Gambaccini last night on GBNews you would see precisely why a reasoning audience is turning away from the agenda-driven, lying ‘news’ coverage of Al Beeb and Sly.
I believe dicks demise is another domino in the hate fest against the tories. A Rottweiler will be installed who will go for Boris’s throat. The hope being that it will bring him down and swing the voters to bring in a Labour government which will hold another referendum and bingo we are back in the soviet republic of the EU.
Along with the BBC and most other media they have been trying to do this for 2 years. Wallpapergate etc, etc, etc,
Jo Brand, if they can find an XXXL uniform
With an arab dwarf running London with her as chief of police who needs circuses anymore
No need for Terry Pratchett now, but why the hell did he encourage them
Can anybody think of a former copper who could be the next host of Celebrity Hunted? Asking for a friend.
Mervyn Peake maybe, he would be handy at statements
not any qualifications but who cares, damn hes not black or a wiimin
Nadine Dorries has used a CNN interview to undermine critics’ arguments that she’s blindly loyal to the PM in the wake of Partygate. Speaking to the US broadcaster she reveals that if the Prime Minister were found to have “kicked a dog” should would put her foot down and “probably withdraw my support”.
The vile Khan has said it’s a chance to root out all sorts of unwanted isms in the Met Police. Maybe then having got the hang of it they could go on to root out all the shite he has created, happening daily to Joe public on the streets of the ruined now third world slum city?
But Mark started and finished the hour with breaking news of the resignation of Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick. Radio 2’s Paul Gambaccini, who lost a year of his life to Dame Cressida’s meritless investigation of him, joined Mark to assess the pitiful state of the UK’s most powerful constabulary.
Ex Dick reminds me of the Tyne Daly character in the third Dirty Harry film, The Enforcer.
Whilst interviewing her as a prospective new partner, Harry’s previous ones mostly ended up shot or dead, he asks about her first ‘felony arrest’. On replying she hasn’t made one, he asks about her first ‘misdemeanour arrest’. Again, no arrest. Inevitably, they are paired together and she ends up dead.
I’ve seen that film several times and never noticed she died. Hmm.
@Moggie63 “Callahan and Moore locate the gang at Alcatraz Island, where they battle the kidnappers.
Moore frees the Mayor but Maxwell *kills her* as she saves Callahan’s life.
He avenges Moore by killing Maxwell with a LAW rocket. “
Spoiler alert . …
“The Labour Party expects the highest standards of behaviour from all our MPs and we take allegations of this sort very seriously. Accordingly the Chief Whip has now suspended the Labour whip from Neil Coyle pending an investigation.”
1. Employment and earnings
Payments from Ipsos MORI, 3 Thomas More Street, London E1W 1YW, for surveys:
14 December 2020, received £200. Hours: 1 hr 30 mins. (Registered 17 December 2020)
18 August 2021, received £275. Hours: 2 hrs. (Registered 23 August 2021)
Payments from YouGov, 50 Featherstone Street, London EC17 8RT, for surveys:
10 September 2021, received £120. Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 15 September 2021)
Payments from Savanta ComRes, 3 Melville Street, Edinburgh EH3 7PE, for surveys:
7 January 2021, received £75. Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 30 July 2021)
1 April 2021, received £75. Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 30 July 2021)
4 May 2021, received £75. Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 30 July 2021)
25 June 2021, received £75. Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 30 July 2021)
30 July 2021, received £100. Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 30 July 2021)
7 September 2021, received £75. Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 08 September 2021)
1 November 2021, received £75. Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 03 November 2021)
17 August 2021, received £500 from InvestIN Education, 2 Stephen Street, London W1T 1AN, for speaking and participating in workshops on politics. Hours: 8 hrs. (Registered 23 August 2021)
Name of donor: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Qatar
Address of donor: Qatar Embassy, 1 South Audley Street, London W1K 1NB
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): Flights, accommodation, internal travel and meals with a value of £7,356.67
Destination of visit: Qatar
Dates of visit: 12-16 October 2021
Purpose of visit: British-Qatari APPG visit to meet ministers and officials to discuss Qatar’s humanitarian and political response to the Afghanistan crisis, preparations for the World Cup, workers’ rights reform and bilateral relations.
Name of donor: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Qatar
Address of donor: Qatar Embassy, 1 South Audley Street, London W1K 1NB
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): Flights, accommodation, internal travel and meals with a value of £7,356.67
Destination of visit: Qatar
Dates of visit: 12-16 October 2021
Purpose of visit: British-Qatari APPG visit to meet ministers and officials to discuss Qatar’s humanitarian and political response to the Afghanistan crisis, preparations for the World Cup, workers’ rights reform and bilateral relations.
Qatar’s humanitarian and political response to the Afghanistan crisis
I just hope that the Inland Revenue takes a lot of notice of all these sidelines, some of which are pretty questionable, especially when their primary job is to serve their constituents!
And of course, the big takers like Blair, Hague, Miliband etc., must have very clever accountants in tow to deal with all that! Of course, the taxpayer doesn’t have to pay for these money-men – or do we?
I suppose a quick peek at the website which MM gets this info on could give a clue, but with nearly a quarter of a mill expenses allowances, the IR must have to exert some sort of extra scrutiny – shouldn’t they? They did me and my firms, regularly, and we weren’t on these salaries or generous expenses, because we had to actually work for our corn!
” primary job is to serve their constituents” – release their time sheets?
From 2018 … a repeat – just like the BBC! Except you don’t pay for this!
Dear BBC £3.5 billion paid under threat of prison complaints department,
Could you revisit the 2009 UK MP expenses again, I would not like to find out that MPs like Tony Blair have ran to the shredder prior to your investigations.
Here are some details, can you use Journalists who are avoiding the BBC Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker Pay Gap and see why an MP on £77K salary tops up their money with a job giving them £65K extra a year.
Maybe find other MPs on such amazing schemes and why they are getting free tickets to concerts when they have so much cash sloshing around in their MP expenses accounts.
Chuka Umunna MP, Streatham (tax payer pays him £77K per year) is being paid £65,040 a year Advisory Position at Global Progress (London) Ltd …
1) Look into what he produces for £65K a year.
2) Look at who owns the company and other players – Tony Blair is linked to it.
3) Find other MPs doing the same.
4) Ensure they are paying taxes on the extra money.
5) Maybe interview them and ask some questions rather than how they feel today?
For a head start you can find the details on :
Good luck and let me know how you get on,
p.s. I also see that MPs claim their MP Office BBC TV Licenses Tax on their expenses, thus the UK tax payer has to pay their own TV License and their MP’s TV License. Might want to consider stopping this for the 650 MPs.
“We’ve got too many chicken shops in our town centres (London), … We’ve got too many pawn brokers in our town centres (London 2015). We’ve got too many gambling shops in our town centres (London 2015). Elect me (Sadiq Khan) to be the London Mayor and we’ll sort all those three things out. { aug2015}”
“Here’s the beautiful thing … these are British products, selling Islamic Products, selling Halal Products (Halal – throat cut whilst conscious, slaughtered by Muslim only employee, incantation to animal from a Koran by Muslim only). That is niche and general, but it’s gone main stream. {Sadiq Khan – youtube Chicken Cottage Award Ceremony 2012}”
“London chose me as their mayor, not just an ethnic minority, not just a religious minority, but a Londoner of Islamic faith.” – Sadiq Khan, { sep2016}
Very odd that Sadiq Khan’s London Manifesto 2016 does not mention voting for him because of his Islamic Faith?
Just askin’, do they have a special incantation for when they slit the throat of a human being and does that differ between a muslim and a Kaffir?
BBC no mention of trucks – except for climate change.
OH wait –
An Ontario court has stopped protesters from accessing online donations.
The truckers have raised over $8m (C$10m £5.9m) through online platform GiveSendGo, after being kicked off GoFundMe for allegedly violating its policy on harassment.
A statement from Ontario Premier Doug Ford, whose office pursued the order, said it “binds any and all parties with possession or control over these donations”.
Nope, “An Ontario court has stopped protesters from accessing online donations. ”
Actually GiveSendGo is a US org that can send money to other provinces in Canada no problem.
Imagine if I pop down The Nottingham Building society and put some money in the Russia Freedom From Putin account.
.. Sure Putin can get a Moscow court to say, he is going to seize donations The Nottingham Building society has
but the British courts will tell him to get lost.
Putin’s Moscow court could order Moscow banks to refuse to take money or send money to The Nottingham Building society .
Would that bother them ?
Same for GiveSendGo first the Ontario court would have to get all the provincial courts to disengage with GiveSendGo
After 2 or 3 months they might get an order preventing Canadian card corps from allowing 20 million Canadians to donate into GiveSendGo
but GiveSendGo wouldn’t be bothered, it has 300 million potential US customers.
Then Canadian politics could all change and the decision would get rescinded.
Jeremiah “Jerry” Harris, one of the stars of the Netflix documentary series Cheer, has pleaded guilty in a federal sex abuse case against him.
Harris, 22, admitted to receiving child pornography and travelling to another state with the intent to engage in illicit sexual conduct.
Hollywood is great!
Prosecutors say Harris admitted to exchanging lewd pictures with 10-15 children that he knew to be underage in at least three different states.
Home Secretary Priti Patel is understood to have clashed with the Labour mayor of London over the resignation of Dame Cressida Dick.
Dame Cressida quit as Metropolitan Police Commissioner on Thursday after losing the backing of Mr Khan.
Last year saw a record number of migrants entering the UK aboard small boats via the English Channel, latest data suggests. More than 28,300 people made the treacherous journey in 2021 – triple the number for the year before, according to figures from the Home Office and analysed by the PA news agency.4 Jan 2022
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure. The Home Office plays a fundamental role in the security and economic prosperity of the UK.
WOAH! CHECK OUT HOW IMPORTANT THERESA MAY’S WORDS ARE … £85,000 a year for speaking engagements …Approximately £56,000 of this was for a speaking
From 4 December 2019, payments for my speaking engagements speeches are made, via Washington Speakers Bureau, 1663 Prince Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 (a speaking agency) to the Office of Theresa May Limited, of 1 Chamberlain Square, Birmingham B3 3AX. These sums are used to pay employees, maintain my ongoing involvement in public life and support my charitable work. From 1 September 2020 until further notice the Office of Theresa May Ltd pays me £85,000 a year for speaking engagements, with an expected commitment of 24 hours a month. I consulted ACoBA about these arrangements. (Registered 10 January 2020; updated 08 October 2020)
22 April 2020, received approx. £160,370 as advance payment from JP Morgan Chase, 60 Victoria Embankment, London EC4Y 0JP, for two speaking engagements which were cancelled. Both were rescheduled and took place on 18 March 2021 and 16 November 2021. Hours: 4.5 hrs in total. (Registered 23 April 2020; updated 19 March 2021 and 09 December 2021)
25 June 2020, received approx. £101,169 from World 50 Inc, 3525 Piedmont Road, NE, Building Seven, Ste 600, Atlanta, Georgia 30305-1578. Approximately £56,000 of this was for a speaking engagement on 23 June 2020, and the remainder was advance payment for three future virtual speaking engagements, one of which took place on 3 March 2021. Hours: 7 hrs to date. (Registered 25 June 2020; updated 05 March 2021 and 11 May 2021)
20 January 2021, received approx. £48,245 for a speech on 16 January 2021 from The Richmond Forum, 110 South 15th Street, Suite B, Richmond, Virginia 23219, USA. Hours: 3 hrs. (Registered 25 January 2021)
20 January 2021, received approx. £39,900 for a speech on 15 January 2021, from TPG Communication of 52, Boulevard Richard‐Lenoir, Paris, France for services to Amundi Asset Management,90 Boulevard Pasteur, 75730 Paris, France. Hours: 2 hrs. (Registered 27 January 2021)
4 February 2021, received approx. £38,672 for a virtual speaking engagement from Society of the Four Arts, 13601 Preston Road, Ste 250E, Dallas, Texas 75206. Hours: 5 hrs. (Registered 05 February 2021)
19 March 2021, received approx. £45,650 for a virtual speaking engagement from Guilford College, 5800 W Friendly Avenue, Greensboro, North Carolina, 27410. Hours: 6 hrs, including preparation. (Registered 23 March 2021)
26 March 2021, received approx. £38,220 for a virtual speaking engagement for the Pension Real Estate Association, 100 Pearl Street, 13th Floor, Hartford, Connecticut 06103. Hours: 4 hrs. (Registered 29 March 2021)
19 April 2021, received approx. £38,000 for a virtual speaking engagement from Eminent Series Group, 554 South 300 East, Salt Lake City, UT, 84111. Hours: 4 hrs, including preparation. (Registered 05 May 2021)
19 April 2021, received approx. £38,000 for a virtual speaking engagement from MPSF, P.O. Box 5337, 8150 Carmel, CA, 93921. Hours: 4 hrs, including preparation. (Registered 05 May 2021)
23 April 2021, received approx. £38,000 for a virtual speaking engagement from Eminent Series Group, 554 South 300 East, Salt Lake City, UT, 84111. Hours: 4 hrs, including preparation. (Registered 05 May 2021)
4 May 2021, received approx. £38,000 for a virtual speaking engagement from Eminent Series Group, 554 South 300 East, Salt Lake City, UT, 84111. Hours: 4 hrs, including preparation. (Registered 05 May 2021)
19 April 2021, received approx. £41,000 for a virtual speaking engagement from World50, 3525 Piedmont Road, NE, Building Seven, Ste 600, Atlanta, Georgia 30305-1578. Hours: 4, including preparation. This engagement forms part of the contract registered on 25 June 2020 and updated on 5 March 2021 and 11 May 2021. (Registered 11 May 2021)
14 May 2021, received approx. £46,800 for a virtual speaking event from Cuyahoga Community College Foundation, 700 Carnegie Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44115. Hours: 4 hrs. (Registered 17 May 2021)
£160,370 as advance payment from JP Morgan Chase, 60 Victoria Embankment, London EC4Y 0JP, for two speaking engagements which were cancelled. Both were rescheduled and took place on 18 March 2021 and 16 November 2021. Hours: 4.5 hrs in total.
8 September 2020, received approx. £136,000 for a speaking engagement from World Knowledge Forum, Maekyung Media Center, 190, Toegye-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, 04627, South Korea. Hours: 30 hrs, including preparation and travel. (Registered 30 September 2020)
2018 .. Brexit: Chequers plan gives no competitive advantage to Britain over EU, UK negotiators admit
2021 … From 20 July 2021, Chair of the Aldersgate Group; a membership organisation that champions a competitive and environmentally sustainable economy. This is an unpaid role. (Registered 30 September 2021)
Some of the BBC economics ‘experts’, on staff (Springster?) or invited propaganda gob (anyone from a Remain source) really should be invited to explain quite why the UK seems to be doing better than others.
As well enviro ‘experts’, on staff (Springster?) or Horrors, Justo, McGyver… on net zero realities share mainly by the PM’s willy and most Limp/Green council executives.
Just watched someone called Sheldon Thomas – CEO of Gangsline being interviewed about Dick’s exit.
He saw it as a ranting platform about the ‘usual’ – institutional racism for decades, black boys unfairly targeted, and the treatment of women in their banter etc etc oh and white men and women in charge at the very top.
When asked what he wanted to see for the future. He replied a black man or woman at the top, as there has never been one with authority.
The interviewer didn’t bother to put him straight by saying that Commander Ali Dizaei was sacked for corruption about 10 years ago from the Met, or that he is now living the high life in the Hollywood Hills in a 5 million mansion with Rolls Royce – so clearly did well from his time in the Met !
Also he was neither challenged about Rap songs who are almost exclusively sung by black boys, calling women ‘bitches’.
Its all very well getting these people on to comment, but they should be challenged by these inapt journalists.
Its a little like last week, taking someone to the National Gallery, looking closely at a Seurat and trying to explain why there were other colours than green in the grass, when all you get is “how much money? lets have a selfie
there may be a reason why basketall, the hundred yard dash and Mastermind struggle with diversity
My cat has an opinion on this
I’m a member of the Nat Gallery – and visit it quite often . During ‘restrictions ‘ it was really calm and worthwhile – whereas when normality returns the selfie brigade and those who collect the ‘image ‘ of a picture for a second will be back …
I wish I didn’t notice it but I do . Hey ho …
I cannot accept this. Something’s wrong. Just over 6.5K signatures on the Government Petition:
“The Government should publish daily updates regarding the number of people entering the UK across the Channel by small boats. It has been reported that the Government is going to stop disclosing daily data, instead publishing the figures only every quarter.
More details
We believe reporting this data less frequently would amount to a major setback for transparency and democracy. This is important information for the public to have in order to be able to hold the Government to account on its promises to deliver border control.
What happened to, “Most of the population want this to stop”?
Stinks to high Heaven.
More and more daily, something seems to offend snowflakes, well if the bBC is to believed.
Maybe in the future saying Boo loudly to someone will be given a prison sentence
It must be awful being a lefty.
They are outraged and offended by everything all of the time.
Even Dame Dick, a lefty pc lgbetc wimmin wasn’t enough and they all hate her.
JK Rowling says wimmin are wimmin and they can’t accept it and are outraged.
During and just after the brexit vote I was ‘unfriended’ on fb by a few remainers because I wanted us to be free of the eu. Lots of others were unfriended but I don’t know of even one remainer who was unfriended.
When I was young, one of the comics had a character called Claude Duval, a Cavalier, and they depicted all Cavaliers as a merry fun loving lot whereas the Roundheads were a dour miserable bunch of puritans. All the Roundhead pictures were drawn making them look like oafs.
It appears that today, the remoaners (a really appropriate name for them) are modern Roundhead miserable puritans.
It can’t be much fun being so consumed with hate at everything.
Lighten up remoaners.
Go and have a look any any cathedral and see the damage done, the empty spaces where there use to be statues, the broken stonework
plus ca change
I find it funny that when it comes to the EU Brexit the only thing the BBC is concerned about is ‘trade ‘. It doesn’t get – or chooses to ignore it – that brexit was more than trade arrangements .
I dread the reaction when some woke pro EU government tries to rejoin … assuming of course that the Reich EU still exists then …
Oxford Union. Apologies if already posted.
Nutter or parody?
That wack job would get on well with Biden . The expression of the girl sitting at the table tells a lot .
What a waste of breath that ‘woman’ was … but on the upside perhaps we are seeing ‘peak woke ‘…
… economic or other severe hardship will put paid to such sloppy nonsense – and I mean hardship greater than the Chinese virus …
Stunting and Wasting Among Indian Preschoolers have Moderate but Significant Associations with the Vegetarian Status of their Mothers
Derek D Headey, Giordano Palloni
Migration Watch Petition
Publish daily updates on the number of Channel crossings
“The Government should publish daily updates regarding the number of people entering the UK across the Channel by small boats. It has been reported that the Government is going to stop disclosing daily data, instead publishing the figures only every quarter.
We believe reporting this data less frequently would amount to a major setback for transparency and democracy. This is important information for the public to have in order to be able to hold the Government to account on its promises to deliver border control.”
The Home Office said hiding the figures would “better support… public… understanding” which we all know is complete nonsense. The public can’t understand something if they’re not told about it. To suggest otherwise is just an outright lie.
Omission is the greatest lie –
Rudd’s refusal to publish full report into extremist funding ‘unacceptable’
This article is more than 4 years old
Opposition parties criticise ‘security-led’ decision to release only summary, saying mention of Saudi Arabia is being buried
Will he be reporting on pie sales daily?
Rob Roberts…
Name of donor: Sianel Pedwar Cymru (S4C)
Address of donor: Canolfan S4C Yr Egin, Carmarthen SA31 3EQ
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Two tickets with hospitality to watch the Wales v Italy, Six Nations Championship rugby match, total value £400
New Cliscep article : “Often, the radio stays on for a few moments before being switched off again as I tire of being lectured by the BBC about climate change, diet, net zero, or any one of a number of variations on those themes. But not today. ”
“why did the BBC allow such views to be aired, especially when propounded by someone so authoritative? ”
“Perhaps – just perhaps – the BBC has sensed that the times are changing. And perhaps – just perhaps – we might see a bit more of this over the weeks and months to come. Maybe it’s a straw in the wind.”
Dear Winston Smith in the Memory Hole Department of the BBC,
I hope you are well and that viewing complaints all day does not make you biased against the BBC in anyway.
I noticed that on the BBC News programme that the programme text said 50 migrants and the presenter said 66 migrants arrived on the coast of the UK fleeing from the shores of the EU27.
This could cause untold mental health problems, imagine a person watching with the sound off and another person listening and not really watching the screen. These two people meet and cannot agree what number of migrants left the troubled shores of the EU27 to reach the UK – creating two confused people who might then think they are going mental and not hearing the right thing.
I suppose the question is which was the correct number or do viewers complete some Orwell maths such as 2+2=5?
Many Thanks,
Mr. H.
** “fleeing from the shores of the EU27” was added by myself.
“Spain relaxes Covid restrictions for UK teenagers”
In a nutshell , they need our British money.
We are equal, yet some do not need to use their wages to pay for things …
Name of donor: Sianel Pedwar Cymru (S4C)
Address of donor: Canolfan S4C Yr Egin, Carmarthen SA31 3EQ
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Two tickets with hospitality to watch the Wales v Italy, Six Nations Championship rugby match, total value £400
Has our Border Farce stopped the Dover landings or has Al Beeb censored the reporting of them?
Prince Charles to defend the UK borders on his horse will all his medals.
And apart from wearing them for photos, what purpose do they serve when none are earned ?
Spot the medal he got for squeezing his own toothpaste – hug that tree – just hope his ‘rein’ isnt long .. the king of loop
No RAC memebership!
Abbott says Putin is the peaceful one
Here is BBC’s Simon ‘£200K’ Schama who educated Diane Abbott deflecting the rape of children into sex … just like “Why are Tommy Robinson and the extreme right obsessed with paedophilia?”
“…I’m just struck by how obsessed by sex these two guys (Farage/Steyn) are, it’s a bit sad really… (audience laughs, Simon smiles)” – Simon Schama (£200K BBC Salary) {youtube The Munk debate @2:00}
“..I’m slightly amazed at our colleagues (Simon Schama BBC@£200K) ability to get big laughs on gang rape…I’m not much of a feminist but I draw the line at the 3 year old getting raped, and the seven year old getting gang raped in a basement. (audience claps)” – Mark Steyn {youtube The Munk debate @4:46}
If I ever want a lively debate with the wife,which ends up with woks flying around I just ask why China does not leave Taiwan alone.
Lister Hospital are now well informed about Ireland at great length when asking where the injuties come from
If one likes to see F16s I suggest a trip the the South China sea theres a lot of them about
Mr Politico asks
Why are the media suddenly talking about things that x=could give you heart attacks ?
His conspiracy theory is that’s cos they want to say something other than Covid vaccines can weaken your heart.
All medications named vaccines are perfectly safe.
How dare you try to smear public health professionals and the virtuous pharma companies with any hint that that is not so you vaccine denying antivaxxer you – any more of that and we’ll set our disinformation dogs on you and feature you on The Jermy Vine Show.
On Jan 24 Mr Politico called out Vine’s TV show for airing Peter Carter making a false claim
as Did Jamie Jenkins
Since most people over 18 are vaccinated there is a big pool of them
so they do make up the majority of people in hospital with Covid
Interestingly of the unvaccinated who are in hospital 30% are under 18 the majority of them won’t have had the vaccine cos they are too young
For over 18s about 9,900 vaccinated were in hospital
vs 3,400 unvaccinated
And anyways being so young they are unlikely to di of Covid
Sat 7 Aug 2021 07.00 BST
JCVI ‘largely opposed’ to Covid vaccination for children under 16
This article is more than 6 months old
Exclusive: Members of government’s expert committee disagree with politicians and Jonathan Van-Tam
Coronavirus – latest updates
See all our coronavirus coverage
Covid trends : both cases and deaths trending down
though not yet lower than before Christmas
Still about 200/day old age deaths
The BBC’s disinformation department and environment department will be all over this
A marauding Viking coming over here for a killing?
Or should he be termed Scandi Noir?
BBC: ‘Swedish hitman guilty of doorstep murder… Anis Hemissi flew from Denmark as a professional hitman to kill father-of-two Flamur Bequiri’
You have to admire the BBC’s almost complete white-washing of their clickable headlines.
Read on and you find in fact there was little in the way of any old viking bad blood in this latter day saga.
‘The gunman, 24-year-old kickboxer Anis Hemissi, was convicted following a two-week trial at Southwark Crown Court.’
‘Fellow Swede Estevan Pino-Munizaga, 35, was found guilty of manslaughter.’
‘Tobias Andersson, 32, and Bawer Karaer, 23, also from Sweden, were acquitted of both charges. Esteven-Alexis Pino-Munizaga was found guilty of manslaughter, while Anis Fouad Hemissi was convicted of murder. Clifford Rollox and Claude Isaac were both found guilty of perverting the course of justice. Hemissi, wearing a latex mask, posed as a street cleaner in the days before the shooting, Southwark Crown Court heard. The following day he was filmed wearing a different mask’
Yeah. And the BBC have given him another mask – one implying nordic origin.
No Norwegians involved eh?
Well look at the Total Crime tweet saying “from Sweden”, “Swede”
Who is Total Crime ?
“@totalcrime Chris Summers. Journalist. Ex-BBC“
BTW I thought Anis was a Muslim female name, but I guess it can be both m/f
“Anis simply means companion or good friend in Islam.”
“Tunisian-Swedish kickboxer Anis Hemissi held by police over brutal murder of Albanian-Swede Flamur Beqiri on Christmas Eve”
An Albania newspaer says Flamur Beqiri is a Kosovo Albanian.
Why the Spanish sounding names ?
A lot of the people were linked to a Costa Del Sol gang made up North African who were hitmen for Latin drug gangs
The gang was called Los Suecos cos they were all patially living in Malmo too.