How long will the BBC campaign to unseat an elected PM go on for ? It is using the same hateful onslaught used daily against president Trump – another politician on the ‘disapproved ‘ list . The answer might be ‘for ever ‘….
Midweek 9 February 2022
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Someone said that Cressida Dick employed more women and bame people as Police officers, well excuse me but does that not mean a lot of white English men were turned down on account of their sex and race, isn’t that discrimination?
I would like to nominate DCI Gene Hunt to replace Dame Cressida.
That would liven up the debate.
Eddie Izzard is Khan’s preferred Met boss?
The BBC remake of Cagney and Lacey with Skye Morden is said to be groundbreaking.
Seems perps get away a lot when their high heels stick in gratings.
Yes – they have selected wokes across the years so the organisation is infected by them all the way up – coloured /queer wins all – and joe public plays the price – maybe it’s what is deserved ….?
I wonder is we will see less ‘wolf whistle ‘squads ?
Jennifer Acuri “This is not the Boris Johnson I know, he was the opposite, there is a video of him ranting against Climate change dogma
.. It’s like he’s reading from a script now”
#2 Then she says the real scandal is the police investigation into Covid
.. something which Neil, Oliver points out is a conspiracy theory
#3 Now she is going on about the establishments plan to replace traditional currencies.
I listened on the wireless – she gave me a headache – Neil Oliver just let her rant like a mad banshee ?
With the situation in the Ukraine now on a knife edge and possibly on the brink,at last the BBC seem to have temporarily dropped off Partygate as its main headline, replaced by the situation in Ukraine.
Mind you, you can just imagine the first press conference if they do invade and all the world leaders are present and the BBC gets the first question….”prime minister did you have a drink at a Xmas party nearly two years ago, and are going to resign, oh, and by the way did you expect the Russians to Nuke us”..
You could imagine coonsburg at the talks between chamberlain and herr hitler asking the first question “ are you going to resign ?”