President Putin is continuing to build forces on the Ukraine border. Diplomacy is failing . Does the BBC seem concerned with a potential war ? Not really – day after day it continues to hunt the British Prime Minister .Yet the government continues to indulge the BBC. Surely time up ?
Weekend 12 February 2022
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Why should we defend Ukranians borders when we dont defend our own ?
This content was originally written for an undergraduate or Master’s program.
The BBC have kept their Waves of Negativity campaign going again today against the PM’s desire to be – if the statistics provide evidence it is safe to do so – out of Pandemic restrictions in England by the end of February at the latest. I note that Drakeford in Wales has shown a willingness to climb down from his initial position of opposition to the PM’s view.
Will the Knaves of Wegativity (a.k.a. the BBC) tone down their campaign now? Or even end it?
Ya think?
Fear not… the BBC is here!
“Cost of pasta and tinned tomatoes jumps as shop prices rise”
OK then, we don’t buy tinned tomatoes or pasta. Teach the B@stards a lesson in exploitation .
Buy alternatives.
“End of Covid regulations: What if I’m still worried?””
“What if I’m still worried?”
Don’t worry. There, fixed it for you!
Interesting that they don’t specify who, exactly, chose the 15 items to compare. It’s not a ‘standard’ set, because the article mentions that ‘The Grocer’ magazine has its own set of items which it’s tracking the cost of.
And if I were trying to prove a point I’d have one or two items in my chosen 15 which were slightly cheaper than last year, just to ‘prove’ the list wasn’t biased, then skew it with the remaining items by choosing items with more significant price rises
15 items ?… and the items include (from the article) tortilla chips, fish fingers, honey, blueberries, carrots, lemons, mild cheddar, pasta and vanilla ice cream. Is that really representative of a weekly shop….or is it a carefully chosen bunch of items which proves the point of the study sponsor….. i.e. the BBC.
And, the article also mentions that some of the same items are cheaper in the same store if you don’t go for the ones chosen in the ‘survey’ (as Taffman suggests).
Lies, damned lies…. and statistics ?
Just take it easy on Italian inspired meals for a while and revert to British grub and the price fixers in Italy will soon go back to the drawing board in my opinion. There’s nothing like a slump in demand to enlighten the producers and sellers.
Well, with my poor eyesight even I can see a big pot of dip for under a pound ! – that’s cheaper than my local Co-op !
But, crucially… how worried are you?
The BBC Fear Editorial Guideline chapter is blooming.
“Lassa fever: Patient dies at Bedfordshire hospital”
Who brought that one into the country?
Has our pet troll maxincony, been told to ‘wind his neck in’, or has he been banned from this site ?
Might have been axed as part of cutbacks with the license fee freeze. The top executives need their slush funds.
I am 100% certain he works for somebody – probably a company the BBC hired to promote themselves on forums. Most likely based in the USA according to when he posts.
His comments are far too obviously written according to big-corporation guidelines to be anything else.
Taffman – no not banned – it usually turns up about every third Thursday night . Maybe it has got ‘emotional difficulties ‘ but who cares ….?
Didn’t Max quote recently someone’s post from a couple of years ago to try to shame them? This would indicate he maintains some sort of database or has access to one. If that is the case it would show he or persons unknown take this website very seriously.
Yes it was advanced cut and pasting and shows the troll /BBC team can be bothered going back through the archives .
Poor attempt at psychological warfare in the Far Left tradition …
“New Republican splits over Trump and riot”
Is Al Beeb on the campaign trail ?
Sopes and BS headed back to cast nasturtiums?
“Covid: Wales’ mask and isolation laws could end in March”
We taffs have been fed a load of ‘bull’.
Spot that word “could” again .
Expect Karl and Jo a lot on QT.
Nice holiday ….
Name of donor: European Parliamentary Forum on Population and Development
Address of donor: 23 Rue Montoyer, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): Flights and accommodation £1,350; other travel £36; per diem £180; misc. expenditure £575; total value £2,141
Destination of visit: El Salvador and Guatemala
Dates of visit: 21-28 January 2017
Purpose of visit: Study tour looking at issues around access to reproductive healthcare services in Guatemala and El Salvador.
(Registered 14 February 2017)
The blonde… is back.
“There is only one overriding standard for military capability: lethality. Those officeholders who dilute this core truth with civil society’s often appropriate priorities (diversity, gender focus, etc.) undermine the military’s chances of success in combat.”
Good Tom, then let them do it-the UK should keep out of it-we are not what many think we once were, our country is not filled with truly British people it has been overrun by Multiculturalism.
Today watch
Deeply disappointing 810 interview . I wanted to know if nut nut had been pictured working in number 10 again – but instead got some dreary drivel about somewhere called Ukraine or something .. but at least at the end the beeboid got to ask about the PM filling out a questionair.
It can’t take too long to type ‘no reply ‘ – can it ?
And Cummings has had a drunken demented twitter rant again … I wonder if the Russians are bunging him?
Just to add – apparently this feature was followed by an item about being queer in NI in the 1970s ‘bombs and buggery ‘ and the use of the ‘off switch ‘…
Boris Johnson sent Downing Street lockdown party questionnaire by police
After the headline the other day that the police would be emailing questionaires to people, we are now informed by another front-page headline that Boris has received his.
What a gripping story !. What will happen next ?. No doubt we will be informed when Boris has filled it in.
Desperate doesn’t even begin to describe it.
Meanwhile the Ukraine is on the brink of war as a confident Putin laughs at how weak the USA has become under Biden. More blood to go on the BBC’s hands. But it’s just a little bit compared to what’s going on in Afghanistan as a consequence of getting Trump out.
Still nothing about Boris, having a library book, that’s overdue.
Goodness is this nonsense neccessary? This Prime Minister lives in Downing Street and therefore can entertain if he wishes and was no doubt doing so and within the bounderies of what was decreed. This whole affair is making this nation a laughing stock around the world. Petty poltical squabbles-stop it now, we have far more pressing matters to attend to.
What is just as pathetic, is the fact that beeboid autocue-readers are spending all their time on petty issues with just one political party, while ignoring everything about the other sad lot which infests the HOC.
It’s the most blatant bias possible and if Ofcom had any ‘Large and Smalls’, they’d be looking into this, but of course, they won’t.
Wonder how much Ofcom get paid to do absolutely buger all?
Radio Humberside local news
First clip was of Diana Johnson the Labour MP
the excuse was that a local cop could be in the running to take over from Cressida Dick
yet The Johnson clip wasn’t about him
Last weekend’s bulletins also had a clip of Diana Johnson ..Was that news ? No it was really a trailer for her appearance on the local politics show. it featured her saying something about national knife crime.
AFAIK knife crime isn’t that bad in Hull.
Today’s second item “We’ve found someone go say something bad about Boris, this time it’s Tory MP Tom Tuggenheart here’s a clip
BBC like Tom Tugthat.
A blonde with an AK backed by a squaddie on his solar backpack trying to call arty at night vs. a T-14…
Or using sign language ..
A quick search shows me Tom is another remainer.
Quelle surprise.
Yes Tom s daddy was – I think – a commissioner in the EEC – and another one of those Rupert so fond of sending other peoples sons to fight other peoples wars for nothing – but it’s ‘principles’ (and coffins Tom .) …
Other interpretations of bbc editorial are now available.
Donkeys led by sea cucumbers seems about right.
Simpo in the Crimea with his sabre?
I heard somewhere the the new BBC religion Editor is a Muslim – for the third time in a row – maybe they should appoint a Jew – but might be a tricky job trying to find one in the BBC …..
Not in the cubicle gardens, certainly.
Maybe top floor private lifts. The variety that knows what is good for them.
I wonder how well the religious editor is going to represent the majority of the British people in this Christian country. Or maybe we can expect continued totally disproportionate representation.
This appointment is a complete scandal. But nobody dare say it as we live in a Fascist Left state now. Their careers would be immediately destroyed.
Well well, and here I was thinking that the religion of the United Kingdom followed Christianity, but I must be mistaken, its now Islam. I must be deaming.
I guess I’m as guilty as a lot of us here, by not going to church any more, although when I was a kid, I went the whole nine yards, as my dad was very keen on the CofE, and therefore we all joined in every Sunday, often twice!
Back in the fifties and early sixties, the village church would be packed, and while nobody had a clue what the parson was on about in his sermons, he was a fabulous man who actually did tend for his parishioners.
I’m afraid that our local church has just stuck with the most boring elements of Christianity, and with meagre attendance, is just not being visited much these days!
Perhaps we should get some bloody recorder-player to belt out a dirge every few hours, and we all stick our arses in the air five times a day…
Today again
Our justin interviews Ian Blair – a tony blair appointed lefty commissioner who started the rot in the Met
Justin was more interested in whether a PM ‘ under investigation’ could oversee the selection of the next top plod .
So screw the safety or good policing -screw what a new top plod needs to do – its all about nut nut. Off switch again
Li of the FT, now Mad Al’s Remain rag… offers his latest thoughts…
Ah yes that old ‘rule of law tedium – with a bit of lefty prejudice thrown in to taste …
Is the FT worth reading these days?
Bad enough getting ‘comment’ from the gradian or the bserver, but not this rag!
SirBob and the Crinklies bashing out LiveAid classics on the old Joanna in Wetherspoons Addis?
When the non-whites are murdering each other, the BBC only talk about ‘victims’.
We must not be allowed know about the culture which enables such brutality.
On this topic, the BBC, in ‘News’, in the U.K., has noted a person of color, in the USA, saw shots fired.
“It’s sickening to be that hateful and that racist and that full of just malice just because of the colour of his skin.”
This clearly happens rarely. Last time… an unarmed woman at the Capitol?
And I have to say JohnC what possible interest is it to us what happens in Ethiopia? Some I have seen in other closely associated Muslim area’s-Islam cares not, they will invade and destroy and if people who often can’t defend themselves get in the way, so be it they will suffer. Believe me when I say there is really nothing that can be done where Islam is involved to alter such a situation, so BBC bring back that Keane fellow from Ethiopia and save the money its costing us all.
Sopes and BS were bragging about what to do after cleaning out the mini bar, and next day their suite had a mirror over the bed and double trapezes.
That’s a conspiracy; knowing China I suspect that on the first day there was a delay in water delivery, so the hotel room
and the next day the delivery came in, so their hotel room got two lots of water.
Tim Pool new video about a new Jan 6th movie
which brings up some new alternative viewpoints
“There are people who *are willing to be wrong*, that are prepared to challenge their own perceptions”
.. ‘and others who are afraid, of that so they stick with their crowd refusing to watch things like this new movie about the so called insurrection’
.. Last week he said “We non-liberals are now *second class citizens*, so the court systems and all treat us differently”
TOADY Watch #1 – the BBC racking up the air miles and CO2 so you don’t have to
Mishal Husain was in Belfast again this morning. Has she been commuting there every day from Salford or London or whereever? I think we should be told. Alright I guess if you don’t care about Global Warming and Climate Change, except the BBC say they do care about Global Warming and Climate Change and also believe and say the science is settled.
Justin Rowlatt, Climate Editor, contributed an early clip to this mornings programme but he was talking about habitat renewal and species preservation and recovery. What?!!!
Why haven’t the BBC got a Beeboid to be their exclusive Habitat, Species Preservation and Recovery ‘Editor’?
I’m really disappointed- I can only get a single flight from stansted to Kiev .. anyone know why ? on …
Talking of parties … what will happen when plod finishes the party nonsense and finds there were ‘offences ‘ but it’s too late to do anything about them – because they happened in 2020?
Fud, maybe you – like the BBC presenters – have been mis-pronouncing Kyiv? Since the break-up of the USSR, the Ukrainians have changed their capital’s name from, I assume, the old Cyrillic to the Ukrainian. It is no longer ‘Kee–evv’ but ‘Kiiv’ or ‘Keeev’.
It always amuses me that Beeboids, when refering to Sergei Lavrov (Russian Foreign Minister, I recall) call him Sir Gay Lav Rov. The BBC spend thousand or millions from the Telly Tax running a BBC Pronunciation Unit. The BBC presenters and newsreaders should use it a lot more.
Up4 – with respect – I am not renaming my deep frozen chicken Kievs chicken kevs … as for the pronuchiachon oonit – they swapped if for the piginn Inglish channel innit ?
I wonder if the old unit was full of Nigerians ?
“Dem grate Bibbycee.”
“im orl buggerrup!”
(It is not impossible, Fido, that one of my ancestors came from Ukraine. Research is ongoing.)
Well those Russian generals must be getting cheesed off about not trying out their new improved kit on the plucky NATO wannabees …. must be time for the internet to disappear for a while …
Screen shot the key accounts?
Well, those with W.I accents who link the programmes, could do with a course in English pronunciation.
Heard that interview this morning, Up2snuff, and listened to all of the wonderful creatures that this group was sort of initially claimed as having saved from the threat of extinction – and boy, were there some wierd and wonderful beasts in the list. Then we got to the question I would have ben asking…i.e. about which of this list, if any, specifically was saved from extinction, and what were the statistics to prove this…
The whole interview than pivoted to being about ‘changing the environment’ to make it more friendly for these fauna… and voila, obviously this meant that entomological armagedon had clearly been avoided.
So many of these studies, as well as those looking at sociological change, tend to suffer from the same problem…they look at the inputs, rather than the outcomes. It’s easy to count cash going in, for instance, and to just look at how much more you have spent, as being the only measure of success, rather than looking at the actual change achieved by measuring outputs.
A classical recent example of this was alcohol unit pricing pursued in Scotland, with the stated intention of reducing alcoholism in the country. After a couple of years, the Scottish Government was eventually forced to admit that the objective had categorically not been met…. but of course, there was no withdrawal of the unit pricing..
So, using the typical BBC ploy, please let me introduce Mrs McGinty of Auchterarder, who used to enjoy a glass or two of alcoholic refreshment every week, who was priced out of the market by the ploy, and now had an utterly miserable existence, was contemplating suicide, etc., etc.
You are SO cynical.
Surely the BBC arranged for her to take an electric car to Carnryan near Stranraer, driven by Roger Horrorbin, with an overnight stop for a re-charge, and then go over on the ferry.
Only joking.
We turn to the news these days to tell us which flavour of crisis is most threatening.
The Saturday Guardian is concerned that under new governement money-saving plans there won’t be enough scary-sounding statistics to go round with which to scare us: ‘Treasury push to end free Covid tests despite warnings‘
As the more questioning of us among the public begin to wonder did the expert-advised lockdown of the healthy cause more damage than good, so it is that BBC-approved sciency guy Jim Al-Khalili puts the case for the defence of his trades union in the ‘i’ newspaper: ‘My plea to the public: let scientists make mistakes‘
Some scientists – who apparently have the ear of the government – say we’re all doomed to disaster by climate change if we don’t all go net zero: ‘Heat pump bill a third higher than gas boiler‘ (Telegraph) – that could add up to quite a whopping national cost. I hope your science mates haven’t dropped another clanger there, Jim.
‘Science, unlike politics, is not an ideology or belief system; it is a process‘ – he’s right there, science didn’t ought to be politics, but realistically, that’s exactly what it has become. The Guardian for example wanting more Covid testing – not in the interests of medical science or honestly for the protection of the public from a mild virus they previously didn’t know had a name that was previously regarded as cold symptoms or in some “cases” the discovery of a completely non-symptomatic virus – but in reality they want testing for the reason that the Guardian would want and would enjoy the embarrassment of Boris with a resounding ner-ner, ner-ner-ner – the pandemic isn’t over – you told another big ‘un!
On other crisis fronts…
They said it would be all over by Christmas: ‘Why Russia may attack Ukraine before Christmas‘ (Washington Examiner by Tom Rogan, National Security Writer and Contributors Editor)
Or, they might arrive with Santa – the T-72 tanks presumably tailgating his sleigh: ‘Russia ‘plotting Christmas Eve invasion’ with 100,000 troops amassing on Ukraine border… Intelligence chiefs have warned ministers of a “very real possibility” Russia could invade Ukraine on Christmas Eve‘ (Daily Star)
‘Russia may attack Ukraine on eve of Catholic Christmas, – British intelligence‘ (112 Ukraine – a rare appearance hereabouts for the private Ukrainian TV channel picking up on UK miss-information news via our tabloid Daily Star) – goodness me, if the Ukrainians take to heart everything they read on the frontpage of the Star then today they’ll be digesting as gospel: ‘One giant leap for Moonkind. Eggheads say the answer to world poverty is to, er, sell off this giant ball of cheese‘ – but as Jim Al-Khalili says – let scientists make their mistakes.
One envisages a typical Ukrainian couple of soldiers waiting patiently in the trenches…
“Hey Ivan, what’s all this I read about ‘Waggro!‘ in The UK-nian newspapers?”
“Nadiya, ‘It’s all kicked off‘ in the The UK. ‘Col and Vardy wife at war‘ you see, the ancient Queen will retire soon on her aluminium jubliee to be replaced by the old Queen because the young good-looking Queen died and went to live with the fashion queens and the black princess who married the ginger king twice ran off with him to live in Netflicks. Now ask that Western press photographer how long we have to remain posing with wooden rifles in this frozen ditch? We have root crops to plant and four donkeys at home to feed”
Then, having gone through all the chocs in the advent calendar, it was going to be D-Day in the New Year: ‘Russia will invade in new year, says Ukraine military. Intelligence officials claim Moscow will launch multi-pronged air and sea offensive in early 2022 in latest escalation of tensions‘ (Telegraph)
Then it was the Olympics: ‘U.S. says ‘distinct possibility’ that Russia could invade Ukraine during the Olympics‘ (CNN)
‘Russia could begin an invasion of Ukraine before the Olympics end, Biden adviser says‘ (National Public Radio) – gosh, how long do these ruddy Olympics go on for?
But let’s not pin Putin down to a specific date: ‘U.S. Says Russia Could Invade Ukraine at Any Time‘ (Wall Street Journal)
‘Britons told to get out of Ukraine. Russian could invade in days‘ (Times) – watch this space for the boys who cried wolf.
Perhaps it will be China who take on Taiwan after they get their Chinese New Year and their Olympics out of the way?
The problem for HMG is that their SAGE scientists, with the MSM’s and Labour Party’s help, have spent the last two years scaring half the population witless and filling them with fear. How to ‘unfear’ half of the population is going to be a massive task and we know one thing for certain.
The BBC will be no help whatsoever to Her Majesty’s Government in removing that spirit of fear.
Or if Earth, Wind and Fire are played on Radio Who?
One fondly recalls Viz comic and their humorous advert – “Is your house on fire? Call the Fire Brigade on 999”
Is it implying coloured folk arw more likely to have heart attacks ..?
Being distant from the BBC I get the impression that the Winter Olympics thing isn’t going too well for the BBC . No medals for queers or coloured ? Is there a para olympics winter version ? Will the ginger one turn up with the chippy missis?
He comes under the ‘victim’ banner and hence must be BAME.
As the odds of a random person chosen from the general population being black is 1/30, we can safely assume it was a deliberate choice based on race.
But it’s not racism. It’s diversity.
The state of the Ambulance service, one is more likely to die before the ambulance reaches you !
I experienced that last August, when I couldn’t breathe and had chest pains. A friend with me called twice in 50 minutes and was told “its on its way”. Luckily for me it wasn’t a heart attack (though it sure as hell felt like it), but the precursor pains for having my gall bladder removed (gall stone stuck in the bile duct).
So, fear not if you do get pains. Heart attack can be pain above the left breast with sweating and going grey, if the pain is under the breast in the abdomen, then its probably gall bladder. Call 999 anyway.
If you call 999, will anyone attend? If so in how many hours/days?
So not sweating will mean the P.Andrew is getting away with any coronary wandering around, looking to happen…
Dame Dick doesn’t really have a chance.
She ticks two boxes, being a gay wimmin, but not the big one as she is only a white person.
She therefore cannot blame everything she is accused of on racism.
Battle with the far far far right continues.
19 year old on trial for possessing two naughty books for a while.
(No evidence of Trumpianism yet)
Details of the books here.
Easy to buy.
and the white resistance manual is described as similar to the anarchist cookbook. Apparently easy to download from the net.
Before this Government, despite our best efforts not to be drawn into a War with Russia, should read these few lines as offered in 1814 by Lord Castlereagh to the Duke of Wellington.
‘It would have been to be wished that at the end of the so long a struggle the several Powers might have enjoyed some repose, without forming calculations that always augment the risks of war; but the tone abd conduct of Russia have disappointed this hope and forced upon us fresh considerations.’ Pause for thought I beg the Powers that be, lest we lose another generation to the evil intent of a dictator.
In yesterday’s D Telegraph there was an article which I read with astonishment and re read with incredulity, in it a BBC executive , a Ms Sumner ex Blair advisor, argued that the politicians ( ie Nadine ) should leave the choice of the method of funding to the public to decide upon. She cited a poll which claimed that 46% wanted the current License Fee to continue , 25% wanted a subscription only model and 25% wanted the corporation funded by adverts .
I think she hoped that the public would be given those three choices and that the winner would be first past the post.
But of course the best way to give the public a choice on how the BBC should be funded is to make a subscription only service .
Logically , once the BBC have declared that they wish the public to decide I can’t see how they could oppose becoming a subscription only service. Of course I’m sure that this was most definitely not the intention of Ms Sumner but I think that she has provided Nadine with another stick to beat the BBC with. I would strongly urge that she takes aim and applies maximum force to each blow.
Diverse in all things.
Bar guests and opinion.
And bbc exemptions.
The story is…. Evolving. Apparently.
Will it be a ‘sorry’, or a bbc enabled ‘saaaaaaaaaweeeeeee’ (not really)?
Oh Lord, that’s another night’s sleep I’m going to lose worrying about this 🙂
As the BBC steers a careful path around Justin banning protest (good) and the new XR efforts here (good)….
I wonder how many got knocked up by undercover trannies?
Did they win Afghanistan with posters and cups of tea?
Today’s DT, following Douglas Murray’s piece criticising Ardern and Trudeau, was this:
Young people aspiring to be HR managers are a dire sign of a country in trouble
A new study suggests that this is the best possible time to be an employee. Apparently, with the pandemic, a small exodus of some EU workers and demands for more flexible working, employees are speaking from a position of strength. So they can pick and choose.
My eye was caught this week by a list of the most desirable and highest paid professions. One of these is – wait for it – “HR manager”. According to the website Glassdoor, HR managers have a median base salary of nearly £50,000 a year, with a job satisfaction score of 4.4 out of 5. HR managers are credited with being able to hire, interview and “shape the culture” of a company. They are also credited with being able to excel in “conflict resolution”, as though they were overseeing the Ukrainian border, and demonstrating “a high level of emotional intelligence”.
Personally, I have never met anyone in HR who is not a presumptuous dullard. The principal qualifications for this overpaid role in my experience are stupidity, lack of curiosity, misguided self-worth and odious self-importance. No great company was ever created by HR managers. But many have been held back by them.
The news that the role is among the best paid in the country is not a surprise. HR chiefs in the NHS can be paid up to a quarter of a million pounds a year. But the news that young people might aspire to become such restricting dullards is bad news indeed.
[Continues with criticism of Ben and Jerry’s.]
I’ve said many times – all HR departments should be closed down.
Trouble is, t i, that Employment Law has been made so complex by the politicians that a HR Dept is needed to unravel it all and help bosses apply it in all sorts of situations.
That’s what their Legal Departments are for.
HR try to muscle in but know diddly-squat.
11:30am R4 Fooc
Paris : The start of the trial of the only ISIS suicide bomber who survived the day of Islamic attacks on Paris in 2015, when 130 people died.
His vest didn’t go off, he’s given mixed messages of whether that was a technical fault or cos he suddenly changed his mind at the last moment.
.. that’s all the reporter told us.
Ukraine : People say that those who speak Russian lean towards Moscow, while the Ukrainian speakers see Kiev as their capital, Sarah Rainsford has found it seriously wanting now.
Russia a road being built, which aims to carry more Russian freight and other traffic south into neighbouring Georgia.
Yet it is being constructed right on top of another, very old road, and also passes through the “Khada Valley,” a spot famous in Georgia for its beauty and wildlife. So when Amelia Stewart visited, she found environmentalists and some locals up in arms about the project.
Beijing Winter Olympics : China has imposed one of the most severe lockdown of any country in the world, in response to Covid, so those attending have had their experience highly restricted.
Stephen McDonell, who has been attempting to report from the scene.
(apparently the stands are half empty
The normal Chinese method of payment Wi-chat unavailable , visa instead)
Australia : The Prime Minister has just has a few choice words thrown at him by his own Deputy.
Phil Mercer explains
Kate Adie “Australia’s ruling party the conservative party .. ”
..Actually its Australia’s Liberal party a conservative party that is in government.
I was very surprised that they covered the trial of the Islamic scumbag would be suicide killer who was caught after the now forgotten Paris attacks –
The bbc reporters seemed to be inaware these these third world peasants don’t know the difference between lies and the truth .
It’s unfortunate that said bomber remains alive …
I didn’t think much of Phil Mercer’s piece
Instead of giving details of recent Australian news, he seemed fascinated to go on about Kevin Rudd, as if he’s more interested in Australian Labor politicians.
Scott Morrison was recently apologised to by his deputy a year old text emerged of Joyce calling the PM a liar.
“I want to apologise to the prime minister… I should have never written the text that I did.
“My view from the backbench about the prime minister was based on assumptions and commentary, not from a one-on-one working relationship.”
Does anyone here recall my exclusive Business Club called after these amphibians?
If so, you know me well, and “Hello, how are you these days, care for a tincture”?
If you don’t and want to know what happened, just answer this message… (Fed, it’s not a wind up – promise)!
Dear, dear me, Scroblene, I linked to the website, and scanned the first line, before moving on…. it took a couple of seconds for my brain to register that it had actually understood it to ask “have you ever been an axolotl…..
It just shows how programmed we are becoming about people identifying as alternative realities to not be taken by surprise by what would normally be a ‘crazy’ question.
Radio Humberside news all day, has been followed by a traffic report
“due to a demonstration in Hull today these roads will have disruption”
… Dingaling, something going on there. Why not mention what the march is about.
It’s obvious that it’s a march the Beeboids don’t like
cos if it’s BLM, anti-Brexit the coverage is like promotion
The organisers would be featured and the start times repeated multiple times.
Oh today it’s a march against the establishment’s failures re Hull Grooming gangs
and they’ll be that INTOLERANT group who won’t tolerate non-lefty marches ..the people that ironically call themselves anti-fascists.
GBnews seem to have coverage , a thread with videos.
GBnews refer to a police statement; in fact that police statement is 3 months old.
Maggie Oliver in her tweet explains more ..
There’s video on a small group of counter protesters behind a police line.
As even they wear black masks to protect their identities and scream racist and the anti-grooming gang protesters
Thanks for covering this Stew.
Are the counter protesters ‘Unite Against Fascism’?
People who are duped into counter protesting those drawing attention to ‘grooming gangs’ (and upset at the establishment’s failure to deal with them) must be very, very dim.
@theisland I would guess yes. it’s the normal suspects, Labour and Socialist worker front groups
ironically othering people who dare speak up as “racists” “fascists”
Such smear labelling is of course akin to racism itself.
In the past I have seen them bring what look like overseas students who didn’t seem to know what was going on
… that’s almost as if the groups are exploiting these foreigners.
Then between them they weren’t very good at tidying up
so you end up picking up all those slick preprinted signs that they have left lying about.
There are YouTube streams of the demo,
I glanced briefly and seemed like a victim was speaking.
There aren’t that many black people in Hull
yet Barclays bank are sponsoring events there that only support people who are black ?
Went to buy the Times, the till said £3.30
I pointed out that the cover says £2.50
“ah you see the wholesaler John Menzies has put up all newspaper prices, but forgot to change the cover prices”
.. The assistant then over-road the till to give me the normal £2.50 price
R4 8pm ; Archive on 4 : God Knows I’m Gay
Rev Joel Love explores the relationship between the Anglican Church and LGBTQ+ Christians
21:00 The never ending radio 4 drama series about 14th century Muslims the Mamluks
Thanks for this Stew,
I really can’t wait for these programmes, and will make sure that the Scotch has arrived at my elbow well before I drop off to sleep around 7.59pm…
Boro and Derby HAVE STOPPED TAKING THE KNEE . but the idiot ref did ! …. Light at the end of the dark …..
The ref is Mike Dean …. Nuff sed
Campbell of course is a moronic and ignorant piece of ****! He was at Aberdeen University same time as me in the late seventies and surprise surprise he was an obnoxious turd then as well. I have the fondest memories of my brother decking him with a smart punch after he spouted some derogatory crap about his friend. Laugh! You bet we did!
Fancy that! … it has been revealed that British taxpayers paid £700 for a leaving party last November for the BBC’s departing North America editor Jon Sopel and 86 invited guests at the British Embassy in Washington. Tory MPs are unhappy. Julian Knight, the chairman of the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport select committee, asks: “Why are the public paying for a knees-up for a BBC journalist who is already paid for by the taxpayer – is it a case of ‘double bubble’?”
A Foreign Office spokesman says: “Hosting events allows our embassies around the world to pursue the UK’s objectives. This is normal diplomatic practice.” A source adds that “English sparkling wine was served, paid for privately at no expense to the taxpayer”.
Couldn’t Sopel – who was paid between £235,000 and £239,999 a year by the BBC in 2020 – pay for the whole thing himself?
I think it’s standard practice that at many embassy parties the taxpayer pays for the food
and the drinks are not, and often get paid for by the ambassador out of his own pocket.
Get him to be at the Lords Taveners .
2 Rebel News videos about Soros’s Open Democracy org conspiring with the Canadian government
#1 The gov tries to cover up the details ..
#2 The gov delays for 150 days answering questions on immigration impacts they considered.
Not sure that’s how it works. Maybe best to check with Spingster, doubtless now a hostage negotiation expert.
Must be time for the super ego BBC Grandees to start doing their tedious war zone reporting from trenches ‘at the front ‘- plus some demented ex royal marine ( really ) asking for help to rescue his pet cats in ‘mercy dash’.. you know the song ….
….. is it true half the animals ‘rescued ‘ from afgee were put down on arrival because of diseases ? ….
Maybe this time they’ll need a prem footballer ….
Odd. Not like Vile to Wade in like an activist tool.
That was Stuart Hughes’ job.
Any outrage about this IRA attack on the BBC ??
Nine soldiers, as well as a young mother and her two sons, aged five and two, lost their lives on February 4, 1974, in what is sometimes referred to as the ‘M62 massacre’. The IRA have never claimed responsibility.
There is some on twitter who puts up details of those murdered by terrorists across the years . It is desperately sad .
Can but hope the killers get their deserves sooner or later …
St. Jaq’s shuffle collection?
Ms. Kaur located where now?
BBC PR leaps in as folk are still clearly confused between an old unelectable twat who likely stinks of wee, and Jeremy Corbyn.
The sucker should put himself out of his misery and quit now. He’s obviously in over his head, doesn’t enjoy leading Labour and just doesn’t have a clue how to do it. That BBC photo says it all; surprisingly cruel selection by the BBC web-site designer/art director.
BBC Blonde moments.
Craig continues the autopsy on the rotting corpse of professional journalism that is the BBC’s claims of impartiality.
#tellitoftenenough is no longer serving for their propaganda efforts.
I think one of the most relevant questions concerning
the Ukraine-Russia crisis . Is if Russia invade will
the BBC support them However I must be fair to the BBC.
I expect the present lot controlling the BBC would of
of been around in 1939 they would of been at least