President Putin is continuing to build forces on the Ukraine border. Diplomacy is failing . Does the BBC seem concerned with a potential war ? Not really – day after day it continues to hunt the British Prime Minister .Yet the government continues to indulge the BBC. Surely time up ?
Weekend 12 February 2022
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6:20pm BBC local news, good on them they opened
“There was a march in Hull today against grooming gangs”
Then there was a clip of a spokesman
.. balanced by next reading out of the police statement
All over in 90 seconds, but the weekend news prog is quite short.
Item #2 “possible closure of Liberty Steel plants ”
clip of a female spokesman claiming that Liberty steel is green steel in our strive for net-zero”
Yes, sure they don’t do the big job of mixing coal and ore, but they do still use tens of millions of pounds worth of electricity in their electric arc furnaces
and that power will not be mostly solar/wind
BBC flying over June Sarpong in a show of… something?
Censored by the BBC.
I am told that the probable reason that the Mayor of London sacked Cressida Dick was because she appointed Met Superintendent Jon Simpson with three other officers to investigate Metropolitan Police Crime Number: 6029679/21. He is working conjointly with the International Criminal Court (The Hague) Case number: OTP‐CR‐473/21 in what’s being called the world’s largest international crime investigation ever.
It includes statements from doctors, vax damaged victims and NHS staff citing coercion and Blackmail. Also, significant evidence of the Manslaughter/Murder of victims involved in the Hydroxychloroquine trials, where excessive doses were given to discredit the drug in order to bring in the emergency powers. Statements include reports of blindness, heart issues, blood clots, strokes, myocarditis etc. The suppression of Ivermectin is in itself mass murder:
The case is what makes Partygate serious and is probably the reason for the sacking of Cressida Dick.
Its not clear who the good guys and bad guys are, but other strange incidents include angry people surrounding Kier Starmer over Jimmy Savile, were in fact people that included Pier Corbyn who went to Charing Cross police station to serve the information of crimes in four vaccination centres.
The parties at No 10, organised by Civil Servants, included Behavioural Scientists and Mainstream Media Journalists, celebrating the successful use of clinical applied psychology and propaganda techniques on the public. This is why the Mainstream Media and Big Tech are censoring the real nature of the police investigation. The parties are outside the six month window for criminal investigation. So the parties are not the issue.
The manufacturers of the vaccine are immune from prosecution and a fraud lawsuit could be dismissed if the government continued to pay the contractor.
The evil “rich socialist” corruption is so deep and extensive that Professor Norman Fenton, Professor Brendan Wren and the head of the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR), Ed Humpherson could be fearing for their lives. Bobby Kennedy Jr and Robert Malone have already received death threats.
The BBC is censoring protests by NHS workers and in Canada the truckers are causing the supply chain to collapse.
In fact it is a proven fact that the CIA funded the gain-of-function SARS-CoV-2 research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and that Bobby Kennedy Jnr has proven that western intelligence agencies are behind the Biosecurity agenda, censorship and propaganda.
So the data corruption originates from the creation of the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), created during the pandemic, presumably because the OSR and ONS were not under the control of the Biosecurity people at the No 10 party.
Covid, or SARS-CoV-2, or SARS-CoV-WIV (Wuhan Institute of Virology) is a synthetic spike protein chimera engineered to attach to human ACE2 receptors and inserted into a recombinant bat SARSr-CoV backbone. Evidence suggests that spike proteins can circulate in the blood, causing inflammation and micro clotting. There is growing evidence that the spike proteins in the vaccine are themselves causing harm and death. Each booster of the Vaccine accelerates the gain-of-function spike protein in what the coronavirus uses to enter Human cells. Each booster brings the victim closer to death.
Vaccine deaths were mostly hidden within the 14 day scam. They are attributed to deaths by the unvaccinated. In an unprecedented letter of condemnation, the head of the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR), Ed Humpherson, criticised the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) for providing statements “Unsupported by the data” and demanded much greater transparency on health data. Problems with the Office for National Statistics (ONS) data originate from the UKHSA. In fact the Covid rules imposed by the UKHSA are identical to those imposed by the US Centers for Disease Control. This links the British rules with Dr Fauci. Both the USA rules and the UK rules classify people as unvaccinated up to 16 days after they have been vaccinated. All the data manipulation seems to originate from Dr Fauci, and then everyone else follows the consensus.
The result is that now on average, fully vaccinated Brits currently have a 65% lower immune response than the unvaccinated have to Covid-19.
I read today that the NHS is gearing up to jab 5 to 11 year old with a vaccination. Something they do not need and not affected by at all. But the vaccination has alarming serious side affects that are not being reported my MSM, and that applies to all age groups. It does seem to be a co-ordinated (US BIDEN types) attack on populations as no one government is that stupid, but collectively it is madness and largely ‘symbolic’ to comply with something that does not make sense and will harm your health eventually, now or later – with unseen ‘complications’.
Its child abuse, many say to do this.
Look at this graph and wonder what the hell is going on with child vaccination…
Springster is, no doubt, currently on one of her many breaks, sipping a glass of fizz…. being expert on something…
Those things can then slip through.
Lewis is, as we all know, very Newsnight.
One for Springster.
Now that one made me laugh out loud … pacifists for war ..
7:30pm Channel5 Tony Robinson’s History of Britain
series 2 ep1 Romans
The actor returns to explore the history of the nation through the everyday lives of ordinary people,
Tony tells the story of an African Roman soldier who was posted to Hadrian’s Wall.
In all probability the “African” is probably an ethnic European born in North Africa or maybe a Berber
I doubt they were actual black people.
Within minutes
“Africans travelled all over the Roman Empire
were even emperors”
..bit misleading there ONE emperor Septimus was as I described.
Ahh! Stew but Septimus is more famous for giving us SEPTEMBER. More famous than Emperor Octavis – who gave us OCTOBER. And then the Romans only had ten months in the years before that. If Labour ever get in again, the another month will be added to the Calendar I am sure. ‘Starmarius the expectant’.
Hope not, as there are only 10 months in the Council Tax year, – don’t give Labour any more ideas !
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – someone in NZ regional or national Government has a sense of humour
’nuff said!
Oh, and Novembius for November, and Decimus for December?
The old (pre-Julian) Roman calendar went:
March (named after Mars, god of War), April, May, June (all named after gods and their annual celebrations), Quintilis (the fifth month), Sextilis (the sixth month), September (the seventh month), October (eighth), November (ninth), December (tenth), January (Janus, two-faced god), February (Februs, god of fever).
February was an intercalary period (not a proper, lunar month), which is why it’s short (to round up to the required 365 days) and why we mark leap years with an extra intercalary day tagged on to the end of it (to provide the roughly 0.25 of a day required to correct the year).
The ‘ides of March’, celebrated in mid March, were the Roman ‘New Year’ celebrations and the normal deadline to settle up debts and taxes for the proceeding year.
The Julian Calendar was one of Julius Caesar’s more notorious self-aggrandising schemes. Famously, he argued for moving the new year to 1st Jan, but only the names of the 7th and 8th months (5th and 6th in the old Roman calendar) were changed (named after Julius and his adopted son Augustus, respectively), the rest retained their old names, which is why it’s out of synch, and we still call the 12th month, the 10th!
The plan was, apparently, to change the name of each of the succeeding months to remember succeeding Emperors, but it never seems to have caught on.
Interestingly, Caesar’s murderers chose the Ides of March as the time to strike him down, coincidence? Probably not.
We seem to be witnessing just how lovely and cuddly the left-wing governments are with their crackdowns on ordinary folk disagreeing with their shit arse rules.
It is getting to the point when we need a massive revolution to unseat these freaks from the positions of power they have gained by stealth with the aid of stupid equality legislation and the unthinking masses.
Come on folks wake-up and see the commie bastards for what they are. They are truly evil and will take apart normal society given half a chance.
I just can’t quite understand why the various police forces submit to their orders so readily, can they not also see the twisted logic of their superiors. How many of the rank and file think that what they are doing is right?
Conversely I hope they continue with their draconian and inhumane treatment of dissidents because it will eventually lead to their downfall as the average man looks on and thinks what the fuck is going on we don’t need to take any more of this shit!
Much reporting today on child mental health, particularly in Hackney. Cue lots of black teenagers with twisted hair all having their say. Hmmmmmm this mental health malarkey appears to becoming a behemoth, and much business being gained with mental clinics and therapists being employed.
These pubescents were using words like “paranoid” “anxiety” “not being in my body”, “panic attacks”. All good excuses for feeling a bit miserable and not wanting to do anything. In my day we would feign a stomach ache for skipping school, now these kids swallow the dictionary – funny how they are articulate when they want to be !
I fear a generation of useless bodies are being raised who don’t stand to be criticised, answer their parents back with no repercussions, have little or no common sense, rarely use ‘please or thank you’, want fame without work, and certainly have no ‘backbone’. Sadly it can’t all be blamed on them, as the parents are no better and are afraid to instil discipline and life skills. The country will get the government they deserve in another 40 years time.
Maybe haveling a retard for an MP and a council full of token professionals has something to do with Hackney’s malaise.
Imagine having to live there, once an affluent district of our capital.
If you ever watch those C4/5 programmes about fare dodgers, Hackney is always featured, including a guy with a samurai sword on a double decker not swiping his oyster card.
Guess what Stephen Nolan on Radio 5 Live are pushing? Boris Johnson being served with a questionnaire by the Police. It was stated by a someone that he must have been asked to complete this because he has committed a criminal offence. That isn’t the case of course because the questionnaire is merely a fact finding exercise. I thought these matters would be sub judice.
The BBC are ever so keen to get Boris out.
The Food Programme tomorrow on Radio 4 12.30pm .
“ The place for hungry minds “ .
I wonder if it will be about Is It Racist Not To Allow Cooking With Cannabis or Cocaine But White Recipes Use Cooking Sherry ?
Or maybe they might do something about food .
The BBC main site from outside the UK at the moment – has shooting started or what?
I rather suspect that the Reuters image used mightn’t even be in Ukraine – -anybody know if that’s a Wusky or UKranian vehicle?
It’s the Taliban….
They got the gear from Joe Biden.
Is that all ?. Imminent war ?.
I was hoping for news on whether Boris has completed his questionaire yet. Or at least a progress report if he’s just answered a few questions.
The BBC have absolutely no morales about what pictures they put up. They find one on Getty which leans the viewer in the direction of the agenda and use that. Even if it’s from a completely different country.
School classes are their favourite. They pick ones full of black girls for good news and white boys for bad news.
Not a lone blonde at least, but nasty splinters all round.
Plus, assuming the Russians don’t have a single Maxim belt feed, even if tooled up there may be issues in that formation if the order is given to fire.
lol, I wonder what they are training to do in that ridiculous picture. Mortar target practise ?.
I’ve noticed how the BBC are telling us absolutely nothing about why Putin wants Ukraine. It’s 100% propaganda like the above picture. Putin often does the bad thing but usually has a rational reason for doing it. Take ISIS : he basically wiped them out. But also anyone else who was nearby.
Reading up on it, it’s because the West wants Ukraine to join NATO. And looking at the map, it’s not so different from the Cuban missile crisis : the enemy right on your doorstep.
The real worry about this is the senile duffer in the Whitehouse who puts personal politics above any number of lives. I just saw his approval rating has dropped to the same as Trumps was (an event conspicuous by it’s absence on the BBC – as it was when it dropped below 50%) and desperate leaders without morales often like a good war to bump them up. The Afghanistan bloodbath he created personally (with help from the BBC) might have just been a warmup.
Watching some of those on paper reviews, it struck me how many of the journalists sporting ethnic names are non-royalists – particularly those to the Left. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but I wondered how many of those whose emigree ancestors came to the UK at the turn of, and in the middle of the last century, were able to flee repression because we weren’t a republic with either a dictator or president as head of state !
It’s worse than that. I was just searching to compare how the BBC report these incidents differently on race grounds and found this from the attack on 2 jews a few weeks ago:
‘Damning new evidence undermines BBC’s Oxford Street racist slur claim’'s-oxford-street-racist-slur-claim-5QMDcvQg2mg3yAXxTJIzif
Like the cropping out of the black BLM guy with the plank, this is absolutely outrageous. It’s blatant, racist lies.
It proves OFCOM are on the same bus as the BBC. It’s corrupt from top to bottom.
Say what you like about Cummins : if he was still on the team, the BBC would be finished. But Boris chose NutNut and the establishment. Our only chance might have been missed.
Completely agree about Cummings although I am very disappointed in the way he has reacted. If Boris wanted him out of No10 he should have given him the critical job of planning the demise of the BBC .
It’s the rise of the armchair general .
Re Putin
Do you compare him to hitler with an expansion programme ?
Or is it something different ?
Certainly Russia sees NATO as a threat
Surely NATO is a threat to dodgy regimes – not people
Russia is a proud nation ( 100m ?) so going for the ‘patriotism ‘ angle might work for Putin ….
How can he pull back even if he wants too – without appearing weak / losing face . ?
I fear – unless he has another unrevealed plan – he must do something with his military – also – he has a strong ‘revenge ‘ gene – bred into the KGB – so will want so for us …. back to questions about parties …. You can imagine coonsberg calling on Churchill from 1939 – 1945 ‘are you going to resign ?’ As if that hag as any relevance …
Personally, I think Putin has classically, overreached. The West (almost all) had to become animated certainly after the announcement of the defence pact between Russia and China.
Just imagine, the, ‘Thugs of the World’, joining forces with the, ‘World’s thieves’. The former going more broke by the day.
Seems he does not get the Getty pass.
Getty so needs to do an ‘attacker’ category using NPCs*… they’ll clean up.
The BBC used to do a programme called ‘Sunday’ which was a Christian based programme for the Sabbath.
But now the Islamic Broadcasting Corporation should just go the whole way and rename it Muslims Today.
This morning we had features about Muslims in France, Muslim matchmaking, and how the cuddly Taliban are doing in Afghanistan.
I was somewhat disengaged by the above avalanche of positive propaganda and thus half asleep but was there a single feature about Christianity?
Perhaps I should be thankful that it is still broadcast in English.
Allahu Akbar!
I thought it was classic BBC bias . When a report leaves out you know the baddie is coloured . It’s why so many reports are absent of colour ….
Import the third word ..get the third world .
Exactly so. The liberal internationalists who have run the country for the past three decades , being generous as to their intentions, thought that once the millions of various third worlders arrived here they would be so enamoured of their liberal culture and beliefs that they would instantly abandon their mediaeval superstitions and become good liberals.
Being liberals they thought that anyone who doubted this might not be the case was a knuckle dragger and must be suppressed. Now after thirty years even the most dumb liberal knows that those doubts were well founded but having preached this for so long they can’t retract and so we will all perish for their stupidity.
The BBC gave a soapbox to another self-pitying black woman playing the victim a while back who said ‘Sometimes I feel like the UK wants my culture but not me’.
Absolutely 100% the wrong way round.
So is the bbc.
Those who live in ivory towers should leave occasionally rather than simply blindly backing their fellow inmates.
I don’t think so …
Canada Justin Trudeau sets World Record In avoiding questions – 18 Times – wastes everyone’s time in Parliament
Does she work in the Home office immigration department – or the council?
And their latest trick is to concentrate on the victim when the attacker is black and the other way round when he is white. Especially if they can throw the word ‘far-Right’ in there.
GB does like to give those who like to flaunt their tresses a fair outing too.
Meanwhile, on London media rozzer beat issues, itv has a man who has turned the capital into a third world hellhole.
That means he will only accept a Black or Muslim chief then.
I wondered what his reason was for suddenly doing this.
Searching right now for the ‘right’ candidate. Flights booked to Pakistan/Indonesia and the Middle East. I hope the bookers tag on Iran.
Muslims look after Muslims. Good help non Muslims in Londonistan they are on a conveyer belt to persecution.
Its the slow seep of Islam into positions of power. The upcoming generations are sleep walking into an eventual caliphate and will be blaming us for not controlling it. A ring of mosques around the M25 will ensure London and surrounds will be called to prayer 5 times a day. I’d be interested to know what the number is of non British born who inhabit this area.
Narrows the field down to Neil Basu then, since the ideal candidate Ali Dizaei is denied the ability to stand after his 6-stretch for corruption.
Well, that and fact that he’d probably object to the old ‘blues and twos’ fixed to his £200,000 convertible Roller.
…and a faint sound of a call to prayer five times a day in the background.
Qatar owned London.

Small indeed.
Does he get to polish the square foot where the feet of Clive stand?
Oliver@OllieSW18I work @BBC and live in London. Formerly, @AJEnglish in Qatar. Supporter of @SpursOfficial.
I know a lot of folk who have now had covid, especially recently with Omicron and after getting jabs. Everyone is OK and the general view is ‘what is all the fuss about, my colds are usually worse than this’. Everyone just wants to get on with living and, OK, occasionally putting on a mask in a tightly confined crowded space if need be..
Which means Boris’s instincts since before Christmas, perhaps swayed by the so-called right wing of his party, to open things up is absolutely in tune with the majority. The modellers never factored in normal human behaviour. We naturally take more care when things are more dangerous.
As compared with Captain Hindsight, the doom-monger industry, public sector unions, and their fellow travellers.
Boris should be able to make huge political capital of this. The only main party prepared, even if a declining trend, to support the individual rather than the collective.
Rather a shame he is unwilling or unable to do so.
The BBC was airing the views of a number of communists on SAGE who are ‘worried about the vulnerable ‘. They seem to be advocating continuing restrictions for a small number who may be adversely affected .
How can that continue – the cost on so many has been very high .
Project Fear rolls on – time for another brand of Chinese virus maybe …but this time – Russian?
Gresham College lecture on ‘Where we are now with Brexit’ (3rd Feb 22). Viewing, nonetheless, is highly recommended if only for the facts revealed. Factually unbiased and a good dose of uncomfortable reality.
“What has Brexit come to mean?
This lecture will explain how the Brexit deal the UK and the EU ended up with came to be. It will then investigate the new relationship between the United Kingdom and the European Union, put in place by the Trade and Cooperation Agreement of December 2020.
Finally, the lecture will look to the future, to elucidate what Brexit will go on to mean for politics and public policy within the United Kingdom.
A lecture by Anand Menon”
You may find what is revealed, quite troubling.
The Brexit vote unleashed a nasty tide of xenophobia, racism and bigotry in the UK – I no longer felt welcome
Surkeer does have Laura to catch his best side in trains.
Nice of bit of BBC #1degreeofseparation there Jez, using… the Graun.
Dude’s on a roll.
Any parties at the BBC during COVID? Remember they could not find a pedophile named Saville in their company for years ….
Snopes redefines “false” , to thus cause conservative news sites to get censored on Social Media like Facebook by algorithms, when they report a TRUE story
… Sky Aust video too ..
Every ‘fact-checker’ on Snopes I have researched has turned out to be a left-wing activist, usually with a twitter-feed full of anti-Trump propaganda.
Springster will need to get Wendy to get the inner circle to block this. Maybe Maxi to pop in a complaint to see it… gone.
Then, 28Gate-style, all bbc staff going near matters climatic can just mention the good propaganda bit and then censor anything that does not suit.
#1degreeofseparation AI rigging.
And on the basis of % associations being enough to shut entities down, her offsider Shady has done enough to see the BBC Specialist Disinformation Unit closed down.
The bbc two cheeks pandering revolving door at play.
saying “I don’t think Farage is a racist”, when you have written a biography about him
and so know he married a German woman and has dual national children etc. looks like school bully stuff to me.
The Great Leap Forward (Chinese: 大跃进; pinyin: Dà Yuèjìn) of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) was an economic and social campaign by the Communist Party of China (CPC) from 1958 to 1962. The campaign was led by Chairman Mao Zedong and aimed to rapidly transform the country from an agrarian economy into a socialist society through rapid industrialization and collectivization.
These policies led to social and economic disaster, but these failures were hidden by widespread exaggeration and deceitful reports.
In short order, large resources were diverted to use on expensive new industrial operations, which, in turn, failed to produce much, and deprived the agricultural sector of urgently needed resources. An important result was a drastic decline in food output, which caused millions and millions of deaths in the Great Chinese Famine.
When he and Dr. Gail hook up the BBC will declare a W1A holiday.
The original BBC London story promoting Kwajo Tweneboa was on Dec 9th
2 months later an LBC interview promoted by BuzzFeed
and a new BBC article tweeted 3 times by the BBC
Laura, BS, any Beeboid ever ask?
Hamas are still our friends? (c) Corbyn
Is it?
Given who boosting who on what broadcaster hardly seems worth looking at given current efforts.
Guest who
Thank you for posting this but in accordance with the BBC ( prevention ) Act i shall not be watching it
If i recall correctly – lansdale embarrasssed himself – his employer and the country – by going off on a question about “parties’ at an international press conference about trying to stop what could turn into the very last war ….
He was proceeded of course by the outgoing coons burg doing the same last week …
I think – by tradition – the state broadcaster gets first dibs at these big affairs – perhaps they are not worthy of being there at all ..,
Looking back it seems not many did, or have since.
Trump Russia affair: Key questions answered
Published24 July 2019
The war on Wednesday edition
The Sunday tabloids, the Star, the People and the Mirror, all feature: ‘Free Panini Premier League stickers. Pick up from Coop‘ – ‘Product exclusions apply. Subject to availabity‘ – oh, and you’ll need a voucher.
But – given the current climate of instant cancel culture at the first hint of wrong doing – one imagines other issues arising for keen young football-mad sticker collectors in the school playground this coming Monday morning: “Hey, Jack, I can’t seem to complete my Panini set… can I see your swaps? Yeah, yeah, Harry Kane, goddit, goddit, goddit, goddit, hey, what’s happened to all the Mason Greenwoods? Now, suddenly you can’t get a Kurt Zouma”
“I know, it sucks, Alfie. Here’s a tip. Hurry up and complete your Brighton set”
‘A Brighton and Hove Albion Premier League football player arrested on suspicion of sexual assault at a seafront night club has been released under investigation… while enquiries continue. No further information is available at this time.‘ (Sussex World 4th January)
The supposedly serious Sunday titles are eager to warn us that Putin is going to invade the Ukraine – again.
‘Russia plots “false flag” attack to provoke war‘ (Sunday Telegraph)
The formerly patriotic Sunday Times quotes the Defence Secretary who invokes Neville Chamberlain: ‘“This has the whiff of Munich”‘
‘Whiff‘ is a suspiciously Boris-sounding word – am I right?
‘Whiff! Whaff! The beautiful game may be coming home. Ping-pong tables are about to spring up all over London. Boris Johnson made a good joke in Beijing a couple of years ago when taking over custody of the Olympics, reminding the Chinese that table tennis, originally called whiff-whaff, was ours before it was theirs‘ (Independent 2010)
‘“I’m game if she is”: Boris Johnson accepts Pippa Middleton’s ‘wiff-waff’ challenge‘ (ITV News 2013)
I’ll bet he says that to all the girls. Sadly, since Boris handed over London to Little Man Khan, the capital’s youth have leaned more into knife play than ping pong. But I digress.
The Sunday Express invokes Sunday afternoon war movies: ‘The Great Escape. Desperate Britons flee Ukraine as US spies warn Putin plans to invade on Wednesday‘ – that’s pretty specific. I’ll make a diary note. Let’s see… Ukraine invasion… Christmas Eve, nope that didn’t happen. New Year… nope. During the Olympics… that could still be true. I’ll just pencil it in – just in case.
Mind you, reminding us of war movies reminds me it was the Germans who tend to invade Ukraine – and come off worse – twice.
Speaking of flags: ‘Ukrainians wearing and waving the national flag taking part in a unity march‘ – makes the frontpage of the Sunday Telegraph. Funny, isn’t it… truckers flying the maple leaf flag in Canada’s capital are branded white supremacists – heaven forfend an Englishman should protest anything under a union flag – but for whatever reason some little understood eastern european nationalism arises and suddenly we’re cool about that.
The Sunday Observer didn’t make the BBC online press frontpage line up of the usual suspect titles.
The Observer Guardian-liason news website goes with headine stories attempting to frame Joe Biden as hero defender of the west against Putin, Sadiq Khan as hero defender of the Met police against toxic culture and Priti Patel and – of course – there’s a coronaphobia story: ‘Next Covid strain could kill many more, warn scientists ahead of England restrictions ending‘
The Sunday Mail proposes an alternative route – other than perpetual lockdowns – to immortality: ‘What to eat to live 10 years longer‘
Your Sunday frontpage pin ups are – inevitably: ‘Adele as you’ve never seen her‘ (Sunday Mirror);
‘Patsy Stevenson, whose picture went viral…‘ – almost as though it was as posed and preplanned as a putative Putin false flag operation against Kiev – ‘… after her arrest at a vigil for Sarah Everard‘ (Sunday Times)
If the slimmed down miserablist songstress or the radical feminist red head are not to your taste…
‘TV Kate: Derek and I have found a new way to be in love‘ (Mail on Sunday)
We all have our favourites – they do say there’s a lid for every jar – not always the obvious choices: ‘Charles and Camilla to be crowned side by side‘ (Mail on Sunday)
On the subject of our ongoing royal soap operas there’s a Harry story in the Sunday People: ‘Friends fear criticism of royal stepmum‘ – excuse me as I get used to that new term – royal stepmum.
On the subject of advertising promotions – which is where we came in – the Mirror, People, Express and Star all go with Boots the chemist.
‘£5 off every £20 spent on healthcare products‘ – if only NHS bosses Matt Hancock and Sajid Javid had taken advantage of deals like that when they bust the government bank with favourite crony contracts, abandoned Nightingale pop up hospitals, duff PPE, endless vax booster roll outs, deserted test centres, failed track and trace apps, etc etc.
The Telegraph knows what we wanted from Boris but sadly gives us empty words and vain hopes: ‘PM will roll back state and trust the people, says new No10 chief‘
The Star suggests we fill our basket with: Durex Thin Feel, Vitamin D, Dual Defence Nasal Spray and Nicotinell – which should cover all bases – Happy Valentines. And watch out for the war on Wednesday.
‘Voucher required. Product exclusions apply. Subject to availability‘
You have to admire Billy Bunter. Although a confirmed serial liar who cannot be trusted in any way whatsoever, he has at least shown continuing support for the Bliar policy of flooding the UK with foreigners. Pass the baton.
Here’s what has been eventually revealed in Canada including Soros involvement. The policy referred to is supported by joint signatories – including UK – so partly explains why Bunter has no intention of turning the boats round. He is steadfastly wedded to the policy of, ‘F**k the Brits’ when a choice exists between Soros/UN/Globalists and ‘his’ voters.
The UK version of ‘Refugee Resettlement’ seems to be explained here.
This shows that there are (more than) enough legal resettlement routes contrary to what Labour etc. are constantly saying:
P. 3 “The UK operates three resettlement schemes: The UK Resettlement Scheme (UKRS), Community Sponsorship Scheme, and Mandate Resettlement Scheme. Other safe and legal pathways to the UK which are not covered in this document include, but are not limited to, Family Reunion and schemes to provide support to current and former locally employed staff in Afghanistan”
‘Asylum’ of course is a different matter.
With all the cancelling going on by the little wokies I’m surprised that God and the Bible are still allowed.
In the beginning God created man and then woman.
How has he got away with having just men and wimmin when there’s all these other genders we are kept being told exist.
What has Welby and other pc wokies got to say about their boss.
Who is right, God and the Bible or a various bunch of loonies who think that men can get pregnant plus all the other contradictions that come up when they started all this nonsense.
So then Bish, what do you believe?
You,ll have to wait a little EG . On the Radio 4 religious show this morning the BBC informed us all its Race Justice Day .
That’s not about a Stewards Inquiry a t the 3.30 handicap chase at Exeter . It means brood over a racial incident that was nasty for the day .
Nibor – i was listening to the R4 news review – sponsored by the GRU and just caught the phrase you used before the ‘off switch ‘ mercifully ended it all …
Can we have an ‘ injustice day ‘ just to even things up a bit –
Today “Racial Justice Sunday ”
And some BBC depts are still following Stonewall’s “February is LGBT awareness month”
They have all become bin men to reduce the bin men gender pay gap?
Do you spend too much time on the internet ? Wasting your life on twitter ? Well if you want to waste more time- can i recommend ‘fesshole’ where the guilty go to confess .
If you wonder about humanity – read some of that – warning – it can be quite ‘ fruity ‘ …
( i have no fiscal or other cnnection to said site)
“Fracking: UK’s only shale gas wells to be sealed and abandoned”
Why, when we are importing other countries gas at a high cost to the people of Great Britain?
We need a new Prime Minister instead of the Green one we are presently burdened with.
“Sadiq Khan: New Met boss must have robust plan on culture problems”
Better still, a new mayor “must have robust plan on culture” needed.
There fixed it !
I find it simply astonishing that the Mayor of London is basically demanding the new police chief is not white.
Here is a list of all the churches in London:
There are 46.
Here is a map of all the Mosques in London:
There are 478.
‘Full-Fact’ have a ‘fact check’ on how many churches have closed down and whatever – and it’s a masterclass of diversion, pedantry and waffle. Half way through reading it my BS o’meter alarm went off, so I went and found the simple lists.
Why do all ‘fact-checkers’ NEVER show BAME in a bad light ?. I don’t trust a single one of them.
John, City of London v Greater London, two different areas.
Ah – makes sense.
But I have yet to see a fact-check of something white-based against something BAME-based where the white side ends up in a good light and the BAME side ends up in a bad light.
For this one, they now include anywhere people ‘meet for religious reasons at least once per month’ as a Church. So a village hall coffee morning will be a Church if it’s an organised event. Very nice to counter claims about the number of Mosques in ‘fact checkers’ and BBC articles should the agenda demand.
I.E., British Culture .
The institutionally toxic ideology that drives BBC editorial is discussed in detail further at ITBB.
Odd that the dominant reporting cadre on the mid floors of W1A keep seeking to somehow appease the clearly restive ground floor of color and Graun readers elsewhere by using ‘one degree of separation’ gobs that tick the boxes too. All beamed upon by talents such as June of the dazzling smile.
That might chafe soon at lower pond level..
And toxicity across all state entities failing to win public support pretty clearly is down in no small measure to shared commitments to diversity above competence all along the greasy pole upwards.
Not. Enough. Popcorn.
Love it when the work experience kids try to impress the bosses.
That kind of BBC headline proves the BBC is “far right”
#ManBlaming #EverydaySexism
BBC got vastly ratio’d there
and JHB’s tweet gets 11 times more likes (1,974 vs 174)
What Richard is missing is that the BBC were under no obligation to report such an article in the first place.
They chose to do it.
Pretty sure ‘Friends’ was under assault here too from the kind of folk the bbc like, for being something unapproved by xes with pink and blue hair.
I think someone may already have commentated on this but anyhow, I recorded it and only just started watching.
It’s on itv and it’s called trigger point.
I don’t know if it’s set in Nigeria or Pakistan but there are a couple of whites in it (box ticking I suppose)
When you notice that the programme is fully pc loaded then you also know who the baddies and goodies are.
It’s like Hollywood films, the good presidents are all black and the bad ones are all white.
After about 20 predictable minutes of woke crap I deleted it and the other episodes recorded plus switching off the series record.
Of course, I know it’s made in England and the 50+% of non whites are there to represent the 3% here.
Have you noticed, they are less keen to have other whiteys from all over the world as their diverse actors. I think it’s because their virtue signalling might be missed if they use an Austrian or a Swede instead of a Somali and that means their friends might think they are less than 100% woke and therefore a terrible person.
This sort of links to a feature on the ‘party free ‘ world at one with ‘ why arnt awards ceremonies any good any more ‘
So they got some woke kidult critic on who droned on about ‘netflix ‘
But avoided the truth- that there is a huge amount of safe boring woke stuff being produced with tick box ‘actors ‘ ‘ story lines ‘ which people wont pay to see .
Go woke go broke… soon
I’ve noticed that some of the black people in these programs are absolutely apalling actors – but the script specifed ‘black’ so they have to take whoever is available from the 3%.
It’s absolute and total racism. Until that is accepted and programs reflect the actual population (ie we have racial equality), I will not take a single thing the far-Left hypocrites at the BBC or ITV (which is just as bad these days) say.
Windsor Ontario, bridge blockade protesters pull back
Has Alex Belfield been cancelled ?
I wonder if that guy is one of Belfield’s trolls, cos it’s not an exclusive.
It’s all in his tweets
Of course he has an army of trolls against him
so I’d take what they say with a pinch of salt
4pm Feb 11 Banned for 90 days @Youtube 😝
What a surprise they silenced me during the most explosive 3 months of my life 🤣
The Voice Of Reason finds a new home soon.
YouTube made ALL my dreams come true.
Cancelled & sold out in the same day! Southampton
8:28pm Feb 12th Cancelling people sells out venues! 🙏
Back on YouTube in two weeks.
I’m on the naughty step over Carol Vordernorks’ tits…
10pm We go rogue and untouchable from Feb 28th.
Free speech is BACK
Sign up to the mailing list @
Local news “a Skegness man studying medicine in Ukraine has just flown out”
Guy starts speaking ..he has a clear African accent
“You can hear Ayo Adenaike on the breakfast show tomorrow”
Google says “My name is Ayo Adenaike I grew up in a small seaside town called skegness. I am currently studying Biomedical science at the university of essex.”
He’s been on the local radio before as a rapper.
And last week his Facebook page said he has a Radio Lincs appearance coming .
The page said he was in the Ukraine doing a gig in October, nothing about studying medicine there.
As Pope Benedict XVI visits Benin, widely seen as the home of Voodoo, Virgile Ahissou from BBC Afrique explains the reality behind what is often a misunderstood religion.
Voodoo is completely normal in Benin.
“Through the black magic, witchcraft you are able to send a lightning bolt to strike someone, Can you explain that scientifically … ” @0:50 – one of the speakers
“It’s not true” – audience member
“I need to address you directly (audience member who says witchcraft does not work). When we started this we agreed on certain house rules. By you doing that (arguing) you are disrespecting that sacredness of this space. I would like you please first to apologise …” – another speaker
When I was there in 1997 my guide explained
“it works in two ways
#1 When the priest puts a curse on you, you change and become scared stiff
and you attribute anything bad that happens to you to the curse. *
#2 If you don’t show fear
the priest send some guys to beat you up.”
* Terry Pratchett understood that and writes about in his Rincewind novels.
BBC News Channel, Friday 23 July 2020
We referred to George Floyd’s death as occurring during an encounter with white police officers. The officer who knelt on his neck is white, but two of the other three involved are not.
Masked Singer judges gave it 11 points each… just in case.
It is becoming obvious that we are not only involved in group thought, but also words that group a lot of conflicting terms or ideas.
Here is where we are failing in using our language correctly. Let us take the word Muslim as an instance, you can apply this idea to different things as well, so don’t think the word “Muslim” is a special case.
If you use the word “Muslim” which of these is it?
A Muslim born in the UK?
A Muslim born outside the UK, emigrated to the UK?
A Muslim from Iran who has been raised as a child listening to Ayatollah Khomeini?
(“…There is no humor in Islam. There is no fun in Islam. There can be no fun and joy in whatever is serious.”)
A Muslim from Saudi Arabia who has seen beheadings in Deera Square as a child (unsure if there are age restrictions on viewing this sort of thing)?
(After Friday prayers [Saudi Arabia,Deera Square], police and other officials clear the area to make way for the execution to take place. After the beheading of the condemned, the head is stitched to the body and the body is wrapped up for the final rites and taken away. a wiki ref)
A Muslim fighting ISIS reading the Dabiq everyday?
(ISIS Magazine. Dabiq is where Muslim and infidel forces will eventually face each other)
A Kurdish Muslim female fighter shooting ISIS soldiers?
A Muslim women being forced to stay hidden at home under a veil in a Western society?
A Muslim women free to talk in UK Parliament?
A Muslim imam preaching hate such as Anjem Choudary?
(Anjem Choudary allowed to spread hate speech 1999-2016). “..we will dominate this country (UK)” )
A Muslim from Bradford,UK who drives to Glasgow,UK to kill another Muslim (Asad Shah)?
(Tanveer Ahmed who murdered Asad Shah … shouts in courtroom “Praise for the Prophet Muhammad, there is only one Prophet!”)
A Muslim who visits Mecca,Saudi Arabia and has to leave his non-Muslim friend outside of Mecca?
(Sign on road to Mecca “Muslims Only (for Mecca in green)” “For Non Muslims (in red, not sure where you end up – scary)).
Which of these Muslims are you talking about? Just to be clear.
EXCLUSIVE: Two more staff are suspended at blasphemy row school over claims they KNEW RE teacher was going to show pupils ‘offensive’ image of the Prophet Muhammad
Kana Yari Gadari Ishq Nama Gar Ada
Love letter
Love letter
The love of the poor, the feet and the disciples
Ishq-e-Waliyani, God bless you
Eshqa Pada Ke Marchan Daftreh Boani?
Pregnancy and menstruation are baldness
Ishqa Aa Noor Watarban Masra Chamani
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
Kana Yari Gadari Ishq Nama Gar Ada
Kana Yari Gadari Ishq Nama Gar Ada
Love letter
Love letter
Kana Yari Gadari Ishq Nama Gar Ada
What are the benefits of a good friend?
Roach Gwaza Dost Rawa Hami Ashani Aradat
I am very supportive of you
Mehr Anga Dala is the exchange of promises
Bye Dee Man Kanna Gulg Chashu Rochan
Benefit E stopped for a long time
Shamusha man lekitage gpana wati
Niwa Inchi Marudam Nasta’s messenger Broqa
Dost Gashi Shinko Ech Mago Chip Baka Gap Maka Gar Bye Gham Baka War Bye
Dil Gashi Shanko War Beka Chup Mbe Gham Maka Bar Bebaye Dostgo Zar Mbe
Huma Mani opponent Huma idol friend
Tei Shashi Shikaran Bas Ni Mani Cham Batak
Enemy to friend, enemy to friend
The heart is satisfied with the contentment
Chilies then? Oh, wow wow!
Kiss me Oh, wow wow!
If so, what is the opinion?
Celebrating the New Year is useless
Mother poor, my heart is pure
So rich, I’m sorry for the separation
God bless you
Mother’s bats are dirty
You live in the Gulf
Mother Lyari is ruined
Towa Vishya Wabe Vapsa Te
Mothers are sick patients
O world, love is a drug
Bat world new love Gnok
O world, Julie, breasts, O world, love you
Dasta Bade Jani, Dasta Vatigani
Enemy left company just promise spring
Mardam Vatarani leaflet Mazani
رنده مکنتو دلبر ماره شگانی
Kana Zari Sadwari
Dear Oli Tame
Kana Zari Sadwari
Dear Oli Tame
Dear Oli Tame
Dear Oli Tame
Kana Yari Gadari Ishq Nama Gar Ada
Enemy to friend, enemy to friend
Love letter
The heart is satisfied with the contentment
Love letter
Love letter
Love letter
Love letter
Love letters
Kana Yaari
Kaifi Khalil, Eva B, …
BBc Breakfast sorted.
Am reminded of a famous person (actor?) who was ‘getting on a bit’ and said that he had his newspaper (the Times?no, possibly the DT) delivered to his house and brought to him in bed. He first turned to the Obituary Page and if he was not mentioned there would get up out of bed and get dressed.
One of those quotes with no proven root
Many websites attribute it to Benjamin Franklin but don’t give source
. Other attribute it to George Burns
The Liverpool Echo used the line in 1960
Like Jolyon, only without the respect of all.
Check the bio.
As neat an illustration of the MSM/activist ideological bubble as could be managed….
Envy of the world.
Having been born in Dorset, I have to ask the BBC just when the Wiltshire town of Trowbridge moved counties?