President Putin is continuing to build forces on the Ukraine border. Diplomacy is failing . Does the BBC seem concerned with a potential war ? Not really – day after day it continues to hunt the British Prime Minister .Yet the government continues to indulge the BBC. Surely time up ?
Weekend 12 February 2022
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England v Italy rugby.
Marcus Smith is the ‘player of the match’.
Not, you will note, the ‘man of the match’.
After all, we don’t want to exclude any transgender female to males who might get into the England rugby team, do we?
‘Man’ might offend.
And no doubt commentator and ex England World Cup winning no 8, Lawrence Dallaglio, will be on the naughty step for referring to the ‘man of the match’
On the other hand, ‘Player’ of the match encourages smoking fags…oh hell, we can’t say ‘Fag’ now can we, so we also can’t say ‘Tipped’ to play for the same reason…
In the Twickenham changing rooms under the West stand, they kept the three extra large single baths in the shower room, as traditionalists were determined to retain them! Could be fun as there’s plenty of room for a mate, or matess, to soap one’s back after a hard day in the scrum!
Bags I don’t get the taps end though, they’re enormous!
The overall Covid stats were not reported by the BBC last evening, although the deaths were recorded differently from the day before: 195 down to 193. The BBC’s opposition to the PM’s desire to ‘live with the virus’ and ‘to get back to normal’ one has to wonder if there is anything sinister behind it?
Probably to distinguish areas where ‘victims’ live in ‘poverty’, and such like.
Then they’ll despatch an expensive ‘team’ to the area and make yet another non-prog about hardships under the awful Tories, and why victims couldn’t afford to have ‘parties’, and why President Trump was at the root of everything wrong in the world, etc etc etc…
Positives/ deaths are both still trending down (by actual day data)
Zoe app too
What’s not updated is hospital admissions since Feb 7th
On the BBC web-page, Stew, the data is to 10th February with the exception of that change in the deaths. I’ve only been monitoring the BBC web-page details.
Bbbc seem rather reticent to update their daily Covid stats, still showing Friday’s numbers. The progression is;
Friday – New Cases – 58,582; Deaths – 193
Saturday – 45,883/167
Sunday – 41,270/52
The numbers tend to increase on a Monday but what could possibly be the cause of this abject failure to report such positive news? They still have 4 hours to get their act together.
Their website is still showing negative reports which are now well past their read by date –
Jan 4 – Omicron stats are huge, but look beyond them
Jan 12 – Has the Omicron wave peaked already?
Nick Triggle needs a hefty nudge for some meaningful updates.
Good word, ‘dilettante’.
Remember well when they wheeled on Stewy Rose who wheeled on a rack of M&S Biddy Fashion tat, with a side order of political sniping via that chubby bloke with glasses.
Countryfile “The amount of microplastics on Snowdon is shocking”
Expert it makes up “1-5% of samples”
em that’s unlikely, I expect he means 1% to 5% of cubic centimetre blocks test positive
Item seems to be PRasNews for Bangor University
The are suggesting “every washing machine needs a microplastic filter”
OK but I don’t see how that changes Snowden
“We also want to build reedbeds to capture microplastics”
As ever the “show me the bodies” rule applies,
yet the item showed no bodies
There was no claim like “here are all these dead voles killed by microplastic”
Now Tom Heap “Here people have had many different firepits in this National Park”
.. Hm I think hat is why in many countries official firepits are provided.
Now Adam is set to do an item promoting dairy farm biogas
First he says look at my solar panels we are saving 60% on our electricity
hmm, he’s not a dairy farm or chicken farm, so his leccy could be mostly light at night.
So basically he’ll be exporting leccy at a subsidy price
then at night he grabs a bit a of leccy off the grid at retail price.
#2 The dairy farm is using cow poo to make biogas
Fair enough but on a normal farm the slurry would not be wasted it goes as fertiliser
This farmer claims after own use he’s exporting at 500KW (0.5MW)
if that were at £40/MWh he’s getting £20/hour
He reckons he’s already paid back the £5m cost in 10 years
that’s £0.5m leccy sales/year
that’s £1,370/day
£57/hr ..that suggests to me he’s getting a 120/MWh SUBSIDISED FIT
ie 3 times market rate.
Now low light solutions for farms to stop light pollution
.. Yeh most lights would be halogen, LED would way lower energy
However if you go over the top the farmer might trip over cos he can’t see properly and lose money
No no no light up the sky ! Who wants to see a load of stars – once you’ve seen one you’ve seen them all – ban night time for health and safety reasons – remember it’s about the children and the ‘vulnerable ‘…
Fed, are you ‘Waiting for a star to fall …’ ?
The BBC cubicle gardens get all the scoops.
Despite the implementation of these laws, no one has yet been executed by the order of the courts or governments.
(BUT there seems to be about 3 murders/year)
13 February 2022: A mentally unstable person named Mushtaq Ahmed was stoned to death
in the district of Khanewal in Punjab province of Pakistan for blasphemy.
A mosque custodian informed fellow villagers claiming Ahmed was burning a copy of Quran. Over 300 villagers gathered, stoned to Ahmed death, attempts of police to rescue the person could not succeed.
8 February 2022: A Hindu teacher was on Tuesday sentenced to life imprisonment by a local court over charges of blasphemy in Pakistan’s southern Sindh province.
The teacher, identified as Nautan Lal, was also fined Pakistani ₹50,000 by Additional Sessions Judge Murtaza Solangi in Ghotki in Sindh.
He was sentenced even after the student Muhammad Ihttisham who alleged him for blasphemy had retracted his statement. Muhammad Ihtisham later stated that his allegations were motivated & he was unhappy on scoldings he got from the teacher because of not finishing his assignments
3 December 2021: Priyantha Kumara a Sri Lankan manager of a sports equipment factory in Sialkot, Punjab, was tortured and burnt to death on the street by a mob of Muslims after accusing him of blasphemy for “desecrating” stickers or posters containing the name of Prophet Muhammad.
28 November 2021: A police station in Mandani, Charsadda District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, was burned down by a mob of a few thousand who demanded that the police hand over a blasphemy suspect to them.
These cnuts will soon be wielding power in our government, good luck everyone it’s all in the cause of diversity and tolerance but it’s a one way street.
If I said that people were being murdered for proclaiming they upholde the holy bible you would think I was mad but this scenario is coming to this Country as sure as eggs are eggs. These people are totally evil savages and our good and great are beckoning them in and giving them a seat at the table with full benefits.
Subscribers to the BBC food magazine as my wife was until even she noticed the anti uk slant in the recipes and authors they are now pumping out will have received a copy of their 2022 calendar with a featured recipe for each month…
I have only just bothered to flip through it.
They add a flash to note of “highlights” for some months so I see celebrating EID for March for instance and Pride month for April. I just had to check out December and no doubt you are ahead of me…. Zilch… the biggest religious celebration of our Christian Country and they have purposely and spitefully totally ignored it.
They have also purposely blanked Easter and every Saints day, Valentines, Patrick, George etc. etc.
This one seemingly small but odious thing should convince people in this Country exactly what the BBC really are and stand for. They are doing this to a pre-ordained plan to destroy Christianity and normal family values and it’s simply evil.
The sooner they can no longer force people to pay them if they have a TV to suffer their insidious crap the better.
“Free with this month’s issue, our 2022 recipe calendar contains 12 seasonal recipes, including spring roast chicken and strawberry jam ripple ice cream.”
digg, the first three items previewed by Ed Stourton on the Sunday programme (BBC R4 7.10 a.m. onwards) were all relating to Islam or Muslim countries. Makes a change from bashing regular Christian denominations for some perceived failings, especially the RC church. (ES is Roman Catholic.)
For a different slant on the same thing check my post at 0811 today.
The BBC ‘any religion but Christianity’ policy is in full flow.
Shots fired. Interesting times.
Sky picks up the bbc #tellitoftenenough baton…
Vile reviews Hamlet.
Antiques Roadshow
“Some of the last prisoners here at Porchester Castle in 1796 were 2,200 black people, mostly freed slaves who’d joined the French army and then been captured by the British
.. later they were swapped for British soldiers the French had captured”
Oh now black woman has brought in Benin ware to show the black expert
.. it’s only worth £100-150
Now the public value items : Indian woman is the first one asked, then 2 white women
The presenter is a woman, the expert is a woman
History is being systematically rewritten as in Orwell’s 1984 by idiot biased and warped university professors to debase anything British by people either with an eye on future freebies or simply hate and envy of a proud and successful Nation that operates with truth instead of groupthink, I just don’t believe any of the shite!
All for the greater good of Marxism which if they ever achieve will bite their arses.
Total British deaths in action in that war at that time…. 220,000 which makes 2,200 captured mercenaries look pitiful by comparison but it’s all the context you choose or rather don’t choose I guess to make your point.
9pm BBC1 Louis Theroux: Forbidden America “the truth about the far right”
The Times article goes “far right” far right” far right”
“Theroux meets the young and highly inflammatory figures from the far right, including those who recently took part in the notorious Capitol Hill riots, who are using their online platforms to build a growing army of ‘dissident’ nationalists sharing deeply racist, homophobic, Anti-Semitic and misogynistic views.
Laura the save the BBC woman, is promoting the show
To me it looks like a strawman operation
Louis goes and digs up the wackiest nutjobs he can find
and then makes out these guys represent the opposition to Wokism
so there is no credible alternative to Obama and Biden.
Top Times comment
Theroux should spend his time investigating the far left in America. The rise of the far left, identity politics and wokism is what has driven the right to respond.
I think he is wasting his time on the right.
That is reflected in 90% of Times comments
Times review
There is a growing community of homegrown extremists who are building an army of similar-minded followers into a“dissident” nationalist movement under the “America First” banner.
Theroux spends time with the self-described “internet troll” Anthime “Tim” Gionet, aka Baked Alaska, who livestreamed the storming of the Capitol building. Gionet thrives on provoking confrontations and tries to pass off his racism as “edgy humour”.
I know I shouldn’t….but…..
I read that article in the Sunday Times culture tv preview section. Unbelievable. A lot of ordinary people voted for Trump….but he goes on about Trumpist this and Trumpist that.
All tarred with the far right brush.
I don’t know how they have the nerve to claim they are balanced.
Of course there’ll be the odd nut jobs voting for Trump….they weren’t going to vote for Biden were they?!
Misrepresentation. Or would it qualify as misinformation?
The left are totally shit scared that Trump will swarm back after the laughable nonsense japes of Biden. I hope they do and I hope dems are sunk forever, they are the pits of humanity, liars, pretenders and numbskulls.
I wonder if Louis’ “truth about the far right” is as accurate and insightful as his “truth” about Jimmy Saville.
“Steve Barclay: PM’s new chief of staff pledges smaller state”
Could he be lining himself up to be the next PM or just a ‘stalking horse’? Alternatively, is Rees Mogg in the running?
Who will Al Beeb fear the most ?
Smaller state = no state broadcaster or enforced payment to any organisation.
He is lining himself up to be ex chief of staff -if nutnut survives . Mrs nut nut won’t approve of conservative approaches to anything …
Ladies and Gentlemen and people of an indeterminate orientation – it’s time for the start the week / end of the world thread ….
Apologies not the Beeb. Sky have sent two reporters to Ukraine. Anna Botting, normally studio bound, is stood on a balcony with the Kiev city background as she delivers her report. The other one – 12 year old Deborah Haines is monosybically giving her comment to her classmates in another part of Ukraine.
All channels are guilty of this. Sending commentators to the scene of the event – WHY ? its only for photographic reasons, nothing else. Like leaving the studio to stand outside no 10, all for effect. I mean, what the hell is Anna Botting going to do from a hotel balcony. The UK has given out a message for our citizens to leave asap, yet news channels fly their staff in ! crackers.
Why on hotel balconies?
Should be OK on the streets too. There at least.
Ask George Aligyiah. Maybe not that blonde US reporter also caught up in Springster fever around squares with nice views.