“Maajid Nawaz’s conversation with Joe Rogan has become the only episode to remain unreleased. ”
“a targeted and professional smear campaign was unleashed by corporate interests to pressure Spotify to cancel Joe Rogan.
Under intense pressure Spotify buckled, and Rogan issued two apologies. A consequence of this pressure was that Maajid Nawaz’s conversation with Joe Rogan has become the only episode to remain unreleased. This, after Nawaz had already had his contract terminated at his own UK radio show by Global’s LBC. And his social media profiles have been targeted for suffocation.
The aim of this campaign is clear
: to permanently make toxic any voice who speaks out.
We cannot let them succeed in this endeavour. “
Freedom to write a story … Iran adds $600,000 to bounty on the head of Satanic Verses author Salman Rushdie
“These media outlets have set the $600,000 bounty on the 27th anniversary of the historical fatwa to show it is still alive”
The indomitable Douglas Murray eviscerates the nauseatingly woke Jacinda Ardern and Justin Trudeau (woke but viciously despotic towards those he disagrees with).
I’m sure the BBC will want to invite Murray to share his views with them.
Ready for Parliament to be recalled ? This is very grave time . The party questionaires are being returned and plod will be announcing their finding any time soon – as soon at the Summer .
So MPs must be able to make tedious bombastic speaches about stuff and claim the special extra expenses they get for returning to the Commons for no reason at all .
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – another error by the BBC Picture Editor, oh dear, oh dear
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-60257448 Or was it that their attention was caught by a dusky, slim, attractive female from the offering that a subscription to the Getty Picture Library provides? One can tell that said female has just received a letter, not an invoice from an energy supplier. Their billings usually run to several pages. You can just about see through the page being held by the model to see that it is not an invoice but a letter.
And they wonder why there is racism towards black people. Unbelievable. Carry on son, and get some of your pals to reiterate this view as well, then see the results of the tinderbox you’ve struck !
Wow ! yep quite true Maxi, however, who needs a diary to refer back to when you do it for me !
Bad enough he critiques our comments, but does he have a spreadsheet he refers to with all our names and observations from years past? Perhaps he’s one of those who trawls the archives of Twitter in order to publicly shame sportspeople for something they said when they were 12 years old.
Do Jews count ? according to the far right Jews are black and untermensch but according to the far left Jews are super white, rich and run everything.
I need to know before I purchase a couple of tickets.
Legal definition of genocide
Genocide is defined in Article 2 of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (1948) as “any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part1
; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; [and]
forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.”
imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group
They (Anti-natalists) believe humans shouldn’t have children. Who are the anti-natalists – and how far are they willing to push their ideas? {bbc.co.uk 13aug2019} https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-trending-49298720
UN on Genocide: imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group
BBC On Anti-natalists:They (Anti-natalists) believe humans shouldn’t have children.
Tricky not to get some Beeboid pushing the shifty tool somewhere every 5 minutes.
Fabulous to turn on BBC Newcastle this morning and hearing #CallKeir with Keir Starmer. Labour has never been more serious about forming the next government. Brilliant.
Prof Jay said: “No-one knows the true scale of child sexual exploitation in Rotherham over the years. Our conservative estimate is that approximately 1,400 children were sexually exploited over the full inquiry period, from 1997 to 2013.”
Revealing details of the inquiry’s findings, Prof Jay said: “It is hard to describe the appalling nature of the abuse that child victims suffered.”
The inquiry team found examples of “children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone”.
Steve Rosenberg, BBC correspondent in Moscow, is rapidly becoming a star – rare combo of knowledge of Russian history, language and psychology with an ability to produce the memorable phrase, reminding listeners today that logic does not necessarily apply in ruling circles
Detectives have identified nine potential child victims, according to the Sunday Times which reported the doctor was excluded from the Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust in March and was suspended by the General Medical Council in October.
Rep. Trey Gowdy questioned FBI director James Comey during a House Oversight Committee hearing into the FBI’s investigation of Hillary Clinton’s email practices as secretary of state. Gowdy was the chair of the House investigation into the Benghazi attacks, which first uncovered Clinton’s use of a private email server.
The Guardian are beginning a push to whitewash the appalling Bat woman who screwed everyone at Kids Company.
It was without doubt a classic case of taking the piss, let alone wads of cash.
No doubt the reporter uses the same restaurant in W1 as the Bat Woman being the way these lefty rag journalists usually work and possibly got plied a few wines by the Bat Woman.
Just wait, this is bound to lead to the inevitable screams of racism.
Personally I am amazed she didn’t end up doing time!
Alan Yentob, the senior BBC executive, has admitted accompanying the founder of a charity of which he was a trustee to an interview at the corporation in the belief he could make her more “temperate”.
Mr Yentob, 73, stepped down as BBC creative director in 2015 after allegations that he had tried to interfere in the corporation’s coverage of the troubled charity Kids Company, where he was chairman of trustees.
Kids Company was set up in 1996 and received £42 million from the public purse, with backers including David Cameron and Damien Hirst, the artist.
It closed in August 2015 amid claims of financial mismanagement.
Out of the blue, the BBC are all over an old singer called Labbi Siffre.
I don’t suppose the fact that Labbi is BAME and gay has anything to do with this sudden explosion of interest?
Still, at least it will takes Alan Yentob’s mind off Kids Company.
Labbi is on the right side
in the libmob tribe.
He’s not hatey at all .. /sarc
Nigel Farage is neither an EU skeptic nor a lockdown skeptic; he plays politics for a living. He views politics entirely as a business & like Donald Trump (& Boris Johnson) views his followers as gullible fodder.#Farage#EU#Lockdown#PoliticsUK#Politics#Demagogues#Populists
Re BBC, Starmer and Savile. I absolutely agree, it’s impossible Starmer didn’t know about the case. It’s quite possible that he didn’t make the decision not to prosecute himself. However I feel sure that as the case involved the BBC and a very high profile celeb he would have at least “guided” the course of the potential prosecution. He probably realised it was going to be very controversial not to prosecute and kept his distance instead of trying to push the case on. Perhaps there were people he knew that were involved.
The BBC are behaving outrageously in backing Starmer and trying to Smear Johnson.
Er – some type of coconut thing going on? It’s so tiring …what’s the Blighty medal count?
Do you notice how the BBC goes big on jingo when it comes to the olympics but ate EVERY other time it hates the ( foreign ) country which funds the evil global monster ?
ITV local news : As usual comprised of two things
: Actual news, and the activist bits
The news is skimmed over,
– A major sex prisoner escaped from open prison today
“How ? we dunno ”
– In Rotherham hospital a 47 yo killed a 48 yo in a fight
“What was that about ? we dunno”
Tonight’s long activist bits
– Item about Racism in the NHS
– Getting children to eat veg
– A 91 yo rugby player has died
– People are turning to art past times
#PRasNews for AgeUK
Guest, Twitter now block views of the Tweet Threads you put up with a big white box. Lots of photographers still use film and a lot of youngsters are starting to go for it in a big way.
I'd laugh too. The cyclist was riding like a prat. Maybe if he learnt to ride a bike properly, safely & with respect for other road users, it wouldn't have happened. Sometimes people get what they fully deserve.
Karl Turner is a Hull MP. Word on the street is that he is obnoxious. During the Brexit campaign leading up to the referendum he claimed he had received death threats because of his remainer stance. They proved not to be true.
Roll on to this evening. Sir Kier has claimed to have received death threats due to what Boris said about Jimmy Savile. The familiarity in the way Fiona Bruce read this on the 6pm news so reminded me of the reports on Karl Turner. I somehow feel it is anything reported to maintain the narrative.
Apparently the mainland Europeans want us in some military pact thing . Watching GB News – Farage seemed pro the idea .
But if history says anything – we need to be as far away from the Europeans as possible – we have few friends there and twice in a 100 years got involved in their wars for little gain except for grave yards .
WWF World Wildlife Fund have morphed into Extinction Rebellion in their commercials so have lost my donations. Lots of floods and burning forests in their latest adver-dramas. I am really losing patience with these twats now. It’s just an eco con game and we are all the punters who will be expected to pay!
(According to pretty-boy Trudeau that would make him a violent, far-right homophobe / islamophobe / transphobe / mysogynist / racist.)
His endorsement is significant because he has a huge online following (4.62 + million) in Canada and worldwide, is highly regarded and can’t be dismissed as a backwards redneck by the likes of Trudeau, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, and our very own BBC.
vlad, it may have been a spoof that I saw, but yesterday I came across something – a video? – that suggests that Jordan Peterson has recently become a Christian.
He has been increasingly and publicly favourable towards Christ and Christianity for years. I don’t know whether he’s formalised that by way of baptism. I suspect not.
From Wiki: In a 2017 interview, Peterson was asked if he was a Christian; he responded, “I suppose the most straight-forward answer to that is yes.”
vlad, I seem to recall he grew up in a Christian family but that until recently he proudly described himself as an atheist. I know he’s had various health issues recently as well as battles with his employer and death threats from so-called ‘liberals’.
Now we know why the BBC were not keen to update the Covid statistics – there has been a big drop, about 47,000 on the new infections. Deaths are down, too, at just 35 (think that is a winter record low) and remember that overwhelmed by ‘Ommmycronn’ NHS that we just had to save? Well, the ICU bed occupancy is down 3.5% a.k.a. by 444. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-51768274
We are not out of the woods and running free yet as those numbers could increase over the next few weeks while winter returns for a final go before spring arrives. The Labour Party in Parliament and the Welsh Assembly are no doubt rejoicing at this news. No?
On GBNews Steyn compares the various repressive regimes in Canada Australia France Holland … i wonder what their infections/ death rate look like?
Are they all really worse than blighty ? Just wonder ..
Fed, unless you have been tracking the changes these numbers don’t necessarily answer your question but you can look at the Death Rate/IFR (Infection Fatality Rate) and make a comparison. Speaking of repressive regimes, you can say what you like about Jacinda Ardern for other policies but she has handled Covid-19 and its mutations pretty well going by the numbers.
Gordon Brown was up on his back legs again at the weekend, mouthing off about vaccinating Africa and the rest of the world. He really should look at these statistics before coming out with his daft utterances.
Yep close NZ for ever – no one in no one out – no virus . Time to end restrictions until the really bad virus is released- plague . We are still due a Flu virus .
Fed, certainly while the Toothy One is in charge. I flinch or wince every time I see a photo of her and as for listening to her ‘pronincemints’ – aaauuuughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
I guess I am of the wrong age group to work out how people can select and vote for the likes of her – troodo – and even Mrs nut nut – I think it is the result of the hippy 60s feeding through on top of instant information access provided by social media and 24 hour news ….
Certainly it is not the age of intelligent balanced thinking politicians …if it ever was …
Unless NZ has just expensively kicked the can down the road.
Having had little natural exposure to covid plus being heavily vaccinated, could make then the worlds weakest people to infection.
Re the NZ covid comments, Jacinda Ardern was regularly hailed as Wonderwoman by the beeb as the perfect example of how covid should be controlled as compared to the U.K.’s “feeble” efforts. Apples and Pears comes to mind. NZ population around 5m, largest city Auckland 1.7m, no other city is larger than 400k. Stuck out in the Southern Pacific Ocean so not exactly easily accessible to the rest of the world unless you happen to be Australian.
Average age of population is only 37. Population density – NZ 47 per sq.mile, U.K. 727 per sq.mile. They did lock down quite quickly but not too difficult to impose stringent controls in such a small country where the population is classed as around 70% European . However, with total covid cases to date of just 22k they had 928 cases in the last 24 hours so looks as if Omicron has finally breached their defences.
After 2 years the U.K. case/death rates per total population are not vastly dissimilar to most of our European neighbours, something the beeb appear very reluctant to mention.
True, Eddy: it is always a trade off. Natural immunity requires infection and it is the best way as even the BBC have had to acknowledge today of combatting future illness from whatever Covid is. (See interview with NoVax Djokovic) That is why the PM and Cabinet dithered in March 2020 over whether to let a large(r) number of people die or to have a lockdown. SAGE may well have dithered as well. In the end we went for a half baked lockdown and paid the price for it. Neither success or failure and now dependent on vaccines that have a very limited effectiveness. We probably should have used our island status to full effect.
I’ll given them another one. Cooking your own food and enjoying it, rather than stomaching the godawful stuff that now passes as food in gastro pubs or restaurants, that costs the same as a week’s grocery shop !
(ps I have rarely enjoyed a meal out for years – or is it me ?)
A Democrat politician has been shot at in Kentucky.
I imagine the entire staff of researchers at the BBC have been assigned to uncovering a link to Trump, however tenuous, as in: the shooter once met a man who – it is believed – knew a man whose uncle – some might say – once wore a red baseball cap.
(Nobody was hurt, so does it really deserve to be the biggest story under US & Canada at time of writing?)
Aunt Bessie’s just managed to do a whole tv commercial on Aunt Bessie’s roast potatoes and Yorkshire Puddings without a single black face. What is happening shouldn’t they be up in front of the diversity police?
We can’t have this can we?
They showed all the family enjoying them as white, that can’t be right can it, it just has to be racist in some way!
If Putins soldiers ever enter this Country, I will personally guide them to the teachers, local authority quangos, civil action groups, assorted bent dissident groups, religious leaders gone weirdo, etc. who have been responsible for the trashing of our national and sexual values and the destruction of civilised society in this country in the last 5 years.we have never in history witnessed such an anti national and pro deviant pressure on our country and whatever the cost I would welcome it to see the extermination of its virus to protect normal civilisation in the future. It is nothing less than a cancer afflicting the Western World and our politicians are incapable of dealing with it.
“We have never in history witnessed such an anti national and pro deviant pressure on our country and whatever the cost I would welcome it to see the extermination of its virus to protect normal civilisation in the future.”
Fascism 101. Posted and past by without pause from one single supporter of this website other than to click the ‘like’ button.
I’ve just noticed that the disgusting Post Office scandal, where the Post Office hounded hundreds of sub postmasters because of a dodgy IT system they knew about, happened between about 2000 and 2015.
The Post Office was state owned and many sub-posters were wrongly convicted and faced time in jail.
1. If state organisations can behave like that, what confidence should we have in other state organisations, like the NH#?
2. Keir Starmer was DPP between 2008 and 2013, when much of this was happening.
3. Between 2000 and 2010, when most of it was happening, Labour were in power.
The current Tory government are, albeit too slowly, trying to clear up this appalling mess.
Why the h*** is the government not making some political gain out of this, against Starmer and Labour?
It’s an open goal and way more important than drinking wine in the garden.
What I just cannot understand, is if Keir Starmer was DPP between 2008 and 2013, surely he watched TV, or listened to the BBC, or met up with the elite in London who might just have mentioned the disgraceful Savile in some way?
Where was he living and working for God’s sake?
The BBC were always putting Savile in front of their cameras, doing documentaries about his ‘charity’ stuff etc.!
And NOBODY ever discussed Savile with anyone in the DPP’s office?
So Belfield got suspended by Youtube due to pressure from Starmer front groups like CCDH
Then tonight Gabby Cabby who had given Belfield a guest slot to explain the situation finds today he too has been given a 7 day suspension.
I’m guessing that happened from LibMob doing FalseReportingWarfare where they maliciously falsely report video/comments of political opponents.
Yes there is a rule that once someone is suspended by YT they are not allowed to continue by using another channel
but having one quick Explanation video should be OK .
DefundingWarfare also seems to be a thing whereby Libmob intimidate advertisers.
Why the Yank lefties keep banging on about President Trump ‘dividing’ America, what the hell is the situation now? It’s still roughly fifty/fifty, even after the old fool in the WH got in with the help of a few dominions etc!
How the hell DJTrump esq was able to get done what he did within his first reign with all that happening in the background, I’ll never know. Makes one think: What would he have achieved without the conspiracy Marxist distractions.
Either censored by the BBC, or more likely nobody at the BBC has the mental ability to investigate, due to vaccine damage to the brain.
An explosion in the death rate can be explained by the fact that many of the vaccinated are poisoned by spike proteins accumulating in lymph nodes. Usually in the head and neck area including the cervical nodes, occipital and axilla. Causing lymphoma. These are otherwise healthy individuals who were vaccinated by Moderna or Pfizer.
Also a paper about Innate Immune Suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccinations.
“In this paper, we present the evidence that vaccination, unlike natural infection, induces a profound impairment in type I interferon signalling, which has diverse adverse consequences to human health” … “We also identify potential profound disturbances in regulatory control of protein synthesis and cancer surveillance. These disturbances are shown to have a potentially direct causal link to neurodegenerative disease, myocarditis, immune thrombocytopenia, Bell’s palsy, liver disease, impaired adaptive immunity, increased tumorigenesis, and DNA damage”
Benito Mussolini once said “Fascism should more properly be called corporatism, since it is the merger of the state and corporate power.”
In the actions of the governments of Ottawa and Canada, we are now able to clearly see the previously hidden face of global Fascist totalitarianism, by which I mean the fusion of the power of large corporations with the power of the State, as Facism, has been defined by Mussolini.
“…we are not exaggerating to say that billions of lives are at stake.”
“At stake” suggests that those live may yet be saved; is there any plan for achieving this?
You might have seen the self serving ‘BBC’ advert on the BBC .Here is HMS Janet Daleys piece in the DT about it –
Somebody in the BBC hierarchy must have thought this was a great idea. And quite a lot of people inside the organisation must have agreed – given the innumerable committee meetings that it would have passed through to gain approval.
Having seen the overwhelming triumph of the campaign to protect the NHS by presenting it as a national institution that belongs to all of us, the Corporation has now launched an embarrassingly desperate public relations onslaught with precisely the same theme.
It is, believe it or not, “your BBC” – even when it righteously screens out what it regards as your unacceptable views, or imposes its particular version of social virtue on the nation, or refuses to apologise for what you may see as an offensive anti-Semitic slur.
The clumsily worded slogan – “The BBC is something that belongs to all of us” (something? what exactly?) – is apparently to become a ubiquitous refrain in its endless self-promotion, but if you want the full length version, you can view a video on iPlayer entitled This is our BBC.
This opus is obviously designed to be hilarious, proffering the subtext “we don’t really take ourselves too seriously” when, in fact, what it reveals is that the BBC sees itself as a sacrosanct mainstay of British identity.
Whatever you may have been tempted to conclude, it insists, we are not an out-of-touch, self-regarding purveyor of our own particular worldview which regards much public opinion as beneath contempt.
Listen to what we are saying now about how we view ourselves and, above all, be aware that we cannot carry out this mission without your participation.
At one point in this compilation of unmemorable BBC clips, someone utters the revealing words, “It [the BBC] only exists if we really believe.” A bit like Tinker Bell in the stage production of Peter Pan, then?
That somebody – indeed, lots of people – within the organisation felt that this absurd exercise was appropriate tells you something about the state of mind at Broadcasting House.
The Corporation has reacted to the threat to its future and its antiquated funding model in precisely the wrong way. Instead of listening with a semblance of respect to the criticisms made of its attitude and judgment, it has become more arrogant and aggressive.
In its news and current affairs programming, it has become more insular and enclosed. What passes for discussion on the news consists of a BBC presenter interviewing a BBC correspondent who repeats a pre-scripted version of what the presenter has just provided.
Instead of opening itself up to genuine arguments or to alternative opinions that are enlivening public discourse in the real world, it shuts down any possibility of disagreement. The result is predictable, anodyne and anti-democratic.
In much of what should be apolitical programming – entertainment and lifestyle genres – it inserts themes and directives which clearly have a political intent and treats any public resistance to this as a form of heresy.
Who do they think they are fooling? The BBC isn’t yours – it’s theirsENDS
I don’t know about you but when I heard this ghastly advert I was pleased that the BBC feels it is under threat enough to be wasting money and time on serving up such an obvious lie .
Every household in the country has to pay over £100 funding the BBC to give us endless left wing propaganda. Maybe we could help with the cost of living by getting rid of some of that?
Quite telling that the BBC has to contextualise the NoVax interview with this health warning from @BBCFergusWalsh But were these facts put in the interview? https://t.co/EePAZRakvd
I heard this news delivered in a somber depressed tone by some droid news reader ( who sounded unusually white and English ) – increasing employment and pay – what a terrible thing …
…..they can’t wait to talk about the next interest rate rise or recession ….or reducing number of TV Licences …
In the name of diversity for which I am sure the BBC
would be in agreement with . Should London change
it’s name in view of its demographic make up now?
The capitol has only around a 30 -35% indigenous
population now. And this figure is getting less by the day
because of birth rate in our “Cosmopolitan ” city.
So have any of you got any suggestions? Of course
Londonistan is the obvious one. But anything with a reference
still to London with it’s association with the slave trade
would not really be a foreword looking step. Al Jerk town?
This would give it a Muslim , Caribbean flavour. Mo Ratchet town
could be another choice. And why not just plain
Multicultural City. There I can be as woke as
anybody at the BBC.
Reminds me of public transport in Saudi: Partitioned busses with a separate entrance for each sex. These days, I’d love to see a bus with separate entrances for all the sexes……………..
But in Scotland? Lot’s of rail carriages for all the xyz sexes: just up the SNP’s street.
“Eh, see you Jimmy. I’ve ‘ad a few swallies… now where’s them wimmin for me to hassle? Ah, there’ll be one in that wimmin only carriage, save me some time having to look. Hey hen, I’m comin’ for yer…”
(I have some Scottish ancestry. I’m allowed to say this!)
The Guardian acts in the role of our prompter for the opening line in this morning’s script with their feature: ‘Say what? The joy of actors’ weird accents‘
When it comes to the unfamiliar, inauthentic and phoney-sounding – I’m calling out the Guardian enviroment correspondent Fiona Harvey for her dubious construction: ‘Senior figures in climate diplomacy‘ – Say what?
Apparently this mysterious grouping gifted some supposed elevated accreditation have: ‘urged the UK government to maintain its commitment to climate action‘
She clarifies – presumably satisfying her sympathetic climate alarmist audience with: ‘Laurence Tubiana, the French diplomat who crafted the 2015 Paris agreement, now chief executive of the European Climate Foundation‘ – Say what?
This organisation – let’s not mince words here – this NGO… proclaims the dubious slogan: ‘Engaging everyone to achieve societal change‘
Who funds this stuff? 139 employees. 6 offices. 3.9 million Euros of annual administration and in-house projects?
You’ll have heard of IKEA. The names of other funding foundations may be unfamiliar but I think readers may enjoy some of their utopian neo-marxist sloganeering. We also have Rockerfeller Brothers Fund ‘Philanthropy for an interdependent world‘ – bear that globalist slogan in mind.
Porticus – ‘Striving for systemic change to create a more equitable society in the UK and Ireland‘
Laudes Foundation – ‘Redefining value for the good of all‘
Bloomberg – ‘Ensuring better, longer lives for the greatest number of people‘
Meanwhile in the Telegraph Celia Walden asks – rather naively, in our opinion: ‘Does anyone get anything done in a woke workplace?‘ – oh yes, I’m rather afraid they do…
Speaking of those shady corporate globalists influencing, circumventing and overriding our local electorial political preferences, the FT proposes a clear policy statement this morning: ‘Make asylum work. Cut time refugees must wait before taking jobs‘ – says Sarah O’Connor, on behalf of the corporates.
I can remember when Sarah Connor fought heroically against Arnie Schwarzenegger and the robots hell bent on domination of humanity in the Terminator movies. Much like the battalions of Ukrainian girls with guns again appearing on our frontpages today, gracing the Guardian, Telegraph (same chick in camo combats) and Mirror – they’ve got a civilian volunteer girl with a gun. Funny how back in the Dad’s Army days they never fully recruited Pikey’s Mum or Corporal Jones’s ladylove Mrs Fox into the Home Guard? The Times, Sun and Daily Star all feature pictures representing the opposition – Russia apparently puts its trust not in the ladies but in actual tanks. But I digress.
This is Sarah O’Connor of the FT who insists: ‘A new world is possible. Let’s not go back to what wasn’t working anyway. If you think the same, join us‘
Well quite. British borders aren’t working. Thousands of chaps keep turning up in dinghies. Just give them a job. You may have voted to curb immigration, both legal and illegal, but come on… all that cheap labour… expect to see this globalist big corporate-friendly policy taken up officially by Boris sometime soon.
Here’s my application for today’s ‘dredging the bottom of the barrel’ competition.
On Toady around 0720, masquerading as sports news, we had an extended feature on the damage done by…….wait for it…..artificial snow at the Olympics and elsewhere. Yes, water Is environmentally unfriendly and contributes to global warming.
The run off, soil erosion, etc etc caused by the use of artificial snow at the Chinese winter games is damaging the environment. Apparently.
The fact that some of the ski jump competition is set in an old coal power station with cooling towers all around must surely represent the irony of the week.
Only the BBC gives you this ‘insight’.
No doubt ER are, at this very minute, getting their glue and pink boat ready to close down Snozone in Milton Keynes.
Mail carries a story that a highly overpaid queer who has a BBC show called Ukraine ‘southwest Russia ‘ and got some complaints for his troubles – which the BBC obviously dismissed saying ‘no subject is off limit ‘ . But I bet you won’t hear said queer – Graham Norton saying Mohamed was a paedo like so many of his paki stani followers eh ?
‘Would you ever tell your boss that you’re trying for a baby?’
Our BBC defining for us there the very epitome of too much information
I can’t help but recall that ancient gag about the dentist and the patient who told him she was trying to get pregnant. He told her he would have to adjust the chair.
TOADY Watch #1 – wow, the CO2 output just from BBC Radio4 today is massive!
Amol goes to Belgrade to interview NoVax Djokovic. JustRemainIn Webb travels from Bath daily to the TOADY Studio but this morning is in Derby and David Sillito goes to Scarborough. It is fairly obvious that the BBC do not really believe that CO2 causes Global Warming and Climate Change.
I don’t suppose JustRemainin has a book signing in the East Midlands by any chance………..
On Toady they managed a huge feature on Derby County FC with minimal reference to why their finances have gone to ratshit and no mention at all of their greatest manager, Brian Clough (‘well I wouldn’t say I was the best manager in the division but I’m certainly in the top 1’)
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/crknjgrd3geo ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3d8n140mpjo An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump https://www.bbc.com/news/live/cg4k2l204zqt Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOR8NhL09JQ&ab_channel=TheNewCultureForum
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
“Maajid Nawaz’s conversation with Joe Rogan has become the only episode to remain unreleased. ”
“a targeted and professional smear campaign was unleashed by corporate interests to pressure Spotify to cancel Joe Rogan.
Under intense pressure Spotify buckled, and Rogan issued two apologies. A consequence of this pressure was that Maajid Nawaz’s conversation with Joe Rogan has become the only episode to remain unreleased. This, after Nawaz had already had his contract terminated at his own UK radio show by Global’s LBC. And his social media profiles have been targeted for suffocation.
The aim of this campaign is clear
: to permanently make toxic any voice who speaks out.
We cannot let them succeed in this endeavour. “
Freedom to write a story … Iran adds $600,000 to bounty on the head of Satanic Verses author Salman Rushdie
“These media outlets have set the $600,000 bounty on the 27th anniversary of the historical fatwa to show it is still alive”
Salman Rushdie (Pic: Getty)
Fatwa: Salman Rushdie (Pic: Getty)
ByParisa Hafezi
20:30, 22 Feb 2016
Redefining language is a Libmob trait
eg “Freedom” = “Fascism”
The indomitable Douglas Murray eviscerates the nauseatingly woke Jacinda Ardern and Justin Trudeau (woke but viciously despotic towards those he disagrees with).
I’m sure the BBC will want to invite Murray to share his views with them.
Five minutes of pure enjoyment!
Telegraph article: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/02/11/ardern-trudeau-woke-darlings-western-world-finally-getting-comeuppance/
Oh – douglas murray – oh douglas murray – i would still sue their bottom off if available – bleed the BBC dry ..
Ready for Parliament to be recalled ? This is very grave time . The party questionaires are being returned and plod will be announcing their finding any time soon – as soon at the Summer .
So MPs must be able to make tedious bombastic speaches about stuff and claim the special extra expenses they get for returning to the Commons for no reason at all .
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – another error by the BBC Picture Editor, oh dear, oh dear
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-60257448 Or was it that their attention was caught by a dusky, slim, attractive female from the offering that a subscription to the Getty Picture Library provides? One can tell that said female has just received a letter, not an invoice from an energy supplier. Their billings usually run to several pages. You can just about see through the page being held by the model to see that it is not an invoice but a letter.
BBC mandated staff Legs Akimbo ents committee bookings looking set to be even more shite in future.
Back of the bus?
And they wonder why there is racism towards black people. Unbelievable. Carry on son, and get some of your pals to reiterate this view as well, then see the results of the tinderbox you’ve struck !
“I’ve made a conscious decision to boycott any products advertised, that depict a mixed race couple.”
Hello maxi, where is that apology that you owe me, you know the one about the BBC R4 Pogroms programme where I was right and you were wrong?
Wow ! yep quite true Maxi, however, who needs a diary to refer back to when you do it for me !
Bad enough he critiques our comments, but does he have a spreadsheet he refers to with all our names and observations from years past? Perhaps he’s one of those who trawls the archives of Twitter in order to publicly shame sportspeople for something they said when they were 12 years old.
Bet Amol gets a pass (professional courtesies).
Do Jews count ? according to the far right Jews are black and untermensch but according to the far left Jews are super white, rich and run everything.
I need to know before I purchase a couple of tickets.
How would they know, and why should they?
BBC purging a few Ceebeebies posts?
Legal definition of genocide
Genocide is defined in Article 2 of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (1948) as “any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part1
; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; [and]
forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.”
imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group
They (Anti-natalists) believe humans shouldn’t have children. Who are the anti-natalists – and how far are they willing to push their ideas? {bbc.co.uk 13aug2019}
UN on Genocide: imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group
BBC On Anti-natalists:They (Anti-natalists) believe humans shouldn’t have children.
BBC do not mention genocide!
Tricky not to get some Beeboid pushing the shifty tool somewhere every 5 minutes.
Leader in waiting.
Call Barry gardiner for £400K loan!
Prof Jay said: “No-one knows the true scale of child sexual exploitation in Rotherham over the years. Our conservative estimate is that approximately 1,400 children were sexually exploited over the full inquiry period, from 1997 to 2013.”
Revealing details of the inquiry’s findings, Prof Jay said: “It is hard to describe the appalling nature of the abuse that child victims suffered.”
The inquiry team found examples of “children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone”.
Not important; it is only local news.
Li, of the FT and Mad Al’s rag, has a man crush.
Lewis is in there too.
Logic does not – 104 genders – appear in – £80K diversity manages in NHS – certain – BBC want no gender pay gap but more genders …
With 104 genders there are potentially 103 gender gaps.
Dr. Dirty on bail for inappropriate touching of minors and vulnerable patients
34 yo doctor working at Royal Stoke Uni Hospital and Russells Hall
First suspended in 2018 for year but police said all OK, so back back until March 2021
.. https://youtu.be/P068F7IZnFM
Detectives have identified nine potential child victims, according to the Sunday Times which reported the doctor was excluded from the Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust in March and was suspended by the General Medical Council in October.
Youth services cut.
Crime rising.
The Tories are failing our communities.
As Director of Public Prosecutions, I saw the difference preventative services and early intervention can make.
The work @KiMcGuinness does shows that when Labour is in power, we can make people safe.
“As Director of Public Prosecutions, I saw the difference… early intervention can make.”
What a brass neck!
Not seen on the BBC website so far…
‘Clinton campaign paid to infiltrate Trump servers to link Trump to Russia: Durham’
Hope the link works – Otherwise it is all over Fox News.
Fox detail
elsewhere \\ Jake Sullivan was 100% in on this. Jake Sullivan is Biden’s Ukraine guy TODAY //
image .. https://twitter.com/DefiantLs/status/1492918418697302022
FBI chief grilled over Clinton emails
Rep. Trey Gowdy questioned FBI director James Comey during a House Oversight Committee hearing into the FBI’s investigation of Hillary Clinton’s email practices as secretary of state. Gowdy was the chair of the House investigation into the Benghazi attacks, which first uncovered Clinton’s use of a private email server.
BLM and the Missing $60 million
“White people pretend they are the victim”
“Whiteness is ignorance”
The Guardian are beginning a push to whitewash the appalling Bat woman who screwed everyone at Kids Company.
It was without doubt a classic case of taking the piss, let alone wads of cash.
No doubt the reporter uses the same restaurant in W1 as the Bat Woman being the way these lefty rag journalists usually work and possibly got plied a few wines by the Bat Woman.
Just wait, this is bound to lead to the inevitable screams of racism.
Personally I am amazed she didn’t end up doing time!
Kids Company: BBC executive Alan Yentob’s ‘infamous’ role at charity interview
Alan Yentob, the senior BBC executive, has admitted accompanying the founder of a charity of which he was a trustee to an interview at the corporation in the belief he could make her more “temperate”.
Mr Yentob, 73, stepped down as BBC creative director in 2015 after allegations that he had tried to interfere in the corporation’s coverage of the troubled charity Kids Company, where he was chairman of trustees.
Kids Company was set up in 1996 and received £42 million from the public purse, with backers including David Cameron and Damien Hirst, the artist.
It closed in August 2015 amid claims of financial mismanagement.
Perhaps Maxi wrote the article.
The BBC associated with ‘moral’ anything is novel.
BBC Politics appear pretty much a division of Labour.
Out of the blue, the BBC are all over an old singer called Labbi Siffre.
I don’t suppose the fact that Labbi is BAME and gay has anything to do with this sudden explosion of interest?
Still, at least it will takes Alan Yentob’s mind off Kids Company.
Labbi is on the right side
in the libmob tribe.
He’s not hatey at all .. /sarc
Mental issues ?
Re BBC, Starmer and Savile. I absolutely agree, it’s impossible Starmer didn’t know about the case. It’s quite possible that he didn’t make the decision not to prosecute himself. However I feel sure that as the case involved the BBC and a very high profile celeb he would have at least “guided” the course of the potential prosecution. He probably realised it was going to be very controversial not to prosecute and kept his distance instead of trying to push the case on. Perhaps there were people he knew that were involved.
The BBC are behaving outrageously in backing Starmer and trying to Smear Johnson.
Skeletons are, of course, not of color.
Er – some type of coconut thing going on? It’s so tiring …what’s the Blighty medal count?
Do you notice how the BBC goes big on jingo when it comes to the olympics but ate EVERY other time it hates the ( foreign ) country which funds the evil global monster ?
Defund . No tv licence …
ITV local news : As usual comprised of two things
: Actual news, and the activist bits
The news is skimmed over,
– A major sex prisoner escaped from open prison today
“How ? we dunno ”
– In Rotherham hospital a 47 yo killed a 48 yo in a fight
“What was that about ? we dunno”
Tonight’s long activist bits
– Item about Racism in the NHS
– Getting children to eat veg
– A 91 yo rugby player has died
– People are turning to art past times
#PRasNews for AgeUK
Guest, Twitter now block views of the Tweet Threads you put up with a big white box. Lots of photographers still use film and a lot of youngsters are starting to go for it in a big way.
Wow! Not content with the usual inane selfies we now get a bloody negative!
Jez goes Jez. Never go Jez.
Hilarious …Reap and sow Vine
One little nit pick. The footage was made in the summer (28-06-2021). But the prating is still funny.
I’d comment too but #BlockedByVine
Karl Turner is a Hull MP. Word on the street is that he is obnoxious. During the Brexit campaign leading up to the referendum he claimed he had received death threats because of his remainer stance. They proved not to be true.
Roll on to this evening. Sir Kier has claimed to have received death threats due to what Boris said about Jimmy Savile. The familiarity in the way Fiona Bruce read this on the 6pm news so reminded me of the reports on Karl Turner. I somehow feel it is anything reported to maintain the narrative.
Apparently the mainland Europeans want us in some military pact thing . Watching GB News – Farage seemed pro the idea .
But if history says anything – we need to be as far away from the Europeans as possible – we have few friends there and twice in a 100 years got involved in their wars for little gain except for grave yards .
How about they pay us to join their pact. I suggest £50billion a year for starters.
Double that, harry, no – on second thoughts – quadruple that figure.
It sounds very much like trying to get us back into the European Defence Union.
NOT on the BBC: the religion of peace strikes again.
In January there were 150 Islamic attacks in 26 countries, in which 749 people were killed and 401 injured: https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/
WWF World Wildlife Fund have morphed into Extinction Rebellion in their commercials so have lost my donations. Lots of floods and burning forests in their latest adver-dramas. I am really losing patience with these twats now. It’s just an eco con game and we are all the punters who will be expected to pay!
BBC repeats channel, Michael Palin keeps telling us emphatically
“Dobriy den” means “Good Morning in Russian”
.. Well it means “Good afternoon”
“Dobriy utro” is “good moning”
Paszalstza, Stew.
Min ya zavoot Fedup
I think you’ll find that den is Russian for day, it certainly is in Ukrainian.
#BREAKING US relocating Ukraine embassy from Kyiv to Lviv, Secretary of State Antony Blinken says
… It’s so near the Polish border I think I took a bus ..oh about 40 miles
Liz Truss probably thinks Liviv is an abbreviation of Liverpool and welcomes having another US Embassy in the UK.
Jordan Peterson supports the truckers.
(According to pretty-boy Trudeau that would make him a violent, far-right homophobe / islamophobe / transphobe / mysogynist / racist.)
His endorsement is significant because he has a huge online following (4.62 + million) in Canada and worldwide, is highly regarded and can’t be dismissed as a backwards redneck by the likes of Trudeau, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, and our very own BBC.
vlad, it may have been a spoof that I saw, but yesterday I came across something – a video? – that suggests that Jordan Peterson has recently become a Christian.
He has been increasingly and publicly favourable towards Christ and Christianity for years. I don’t know whether he’s formalised that by way of baptism. I suspect not.
From Wiki: In a 2017 interview, Peterson was asked if he was a Christian; he responded, “I suppose the most straight-forward answer to that is yes.”
vlad, I seem to recall he grew up in a Christian family but that until recently he proudly described himself as an atheist. I know he’s had various health issues recently as well as battles with his employer and death threats from so-called ‘liberals’.
Now we know why the BBC were not keen to update the Covid statistics – there has been a big drop, about 47,000 on the new infections. Deaths are down, too, at just 35 (think that is a winter record low) and remember that overwhelmed by ‘Ommmycronn’ NHS that we just had to save? Well, the ICU bed occupancy is down 3.5% a.k.a. by 444. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-51768274
We are not out of the woods and running free yet as those numbers could increase over the next few weeks while winter returns for a final go before spring arrives. The Labour Party in Parliament and the Welsh Assembly are no doubt rejoicing at this news. No?
Funny, that.
On GBNews Steyn compares the various repressive regimes in Canada Australia France Holland … i wonder what their infections/ death rate look like?
Are they all really worse than blighty ? Just wonder ..
Fed, unless you have been tracking the changes these numbers don’t necessarily answer your question but you can look at the Death Rate/IFR (Infection Fatality Rate) and make a comparison. Speaking of repressive regimes, you can say what you like about Jacinda Ardern for other policies but she has handled Covid-19 and its mutations pretty well going by the numbers.
Gordon Brown was up on his back legs again at the weekend, mouthing off about vaccinating Africa and the rest of the world. He really should look at these statistics before coming out with his daft utterances.
Yep close NZ for ever – no one in no one out – no virus . Time to end restrictions until the really bad virus is released- plague . We are still due a Flu virus .
Fed, certainly while the Toothy One is in charge. I flinch or wince every time I see a photo of her and as for listening to her ‘pronincemints’ – aaauuuughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
I guess I am of the wrong age group to work out how people can select and vote for the likes of her – troodo – and even Mrs nut nut – I think it is the result of the hippy 60s feeding through on top of instant information access provided by social media and 24 hour news ….
Certainly it is not the age of intelligent balanced thinking politicians …if it ever was …
Unless NZ has just expensively kicked the can down the road.
Having had little natural exposure to covid plus being heavily vaccinated, could make then the worlds weakest people to infection.
Re the NZ covid comments, Jacinda Ardern was regularly hailed as Wonderwoman by the beeb as the perfect example of how covid should be controlled as compared to the U.K.’s “feeble” efforts. Apples and Pears comes to mind. NZ population around 5m, largest city Auckland 1.7m, no other city is larger than 400k. Stuck out in the Southern Pacific Ocean so not exactly easily accessible to the rest of the world unless you happen to be Australian.
Average age of population is only 37. Population density – NZ 47 per sq.mile, U.K. 727 per sq.mile. They did lock down quite quickly but not too difficult to impose stringent controls in such a small country where the population is classed as around 70% European . However, with total covid cases to date of just 22k they had 928 cases in the last 24 hours so looks as if Omicron has finally breached their defences.
After 2 years the U.K. case/death rates per total population are not vastly dissimilar to most of our European neighbours, something the beeb appear very reluctant to mention.
Whisper it quietly but the UK covid death rate per million population has just been overtaken by…..Russia.
True, Eddy: it is always a trade off. Natural immunity requires infection and it is the best way as even the BBC have had to acknowledge today of combatting future illness from whatever Covid is. (See interview with NoVax Djokovic) That is why the PM and Cabinet dithered in March 2020 over whether to let a large(r) number of people die or to have a lockdown. SAGE may well have dithered as well. In the end we went for a half baked lockdown and paid the price for it. Neither success or failure and now dependent on vaccines that have a very limited effectiveness. We probably should have used our island status to full effect.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 – Knaves of Wegativity, the BBC, bring you
Seven reasons why it’s better being single on Valentine’s Day. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/articles/1zDGtnxl6sdrvqtqsgw3H2g/seven-reasons-why-its-better-being-single-on-valentines-day
More waves of negativity from the BBC. Message to the BBC: “Grow up!”
They just don’t want men being wasted on women when they could be taken by other men and vice versa.
I’ll given them another one. Cooking your own food and enjoying it, rather than stomaching the godawful stuff that now passes as food in gastro pubs or restaurants, that costs the same as a week’s grocery shop !
(ps I have rarely enjoyed a meal out for years – or is it me ?)
Even when you don’t dislike the food, it is almost always disappointing.
A Democrat politician has been shot at in Kentucky.
I imagine the entire staff of researchers at the BBC have been assigned to uncovering a link to Trump, however tenuous, as in: the shooter once met a man who – it is believed – knew a man whose uncle – some might say – once wore a red baseball cap.
(Nobody was hurt, so does it really deserve to be the biggest story under US & Canada at time of writing?)
Vine gets ratio’d all over this thread
.. https://twitter.com/theJeremyVine/status/1493163760453890056
It’s incidental that the video is old
It’s the internet so it’s normal that some states a video is new, when it isn’t.
Aunt Bessie’s just managed to do a whole tv commercial on Aunt Bessie’s roast potatoes and Yorkshire Puddings without a single black face. What is happening shouldn’t they be up in front of the diversity police?
We can’t have this can we?
They showed all the family enjoying them as white, that can’t be right can it, it just has to be racist in some way!
Shush ! its clearly one that’s slipped past the Ad agencies !!!
If Putins soldiers ever enter this Country, I will personally guide them to the teachers, local authority quangos, civil action groups, assorted bent dissident groups, religious leaders gone weirdo, etc. who have been responsible for the trashing of our national and sexual values and the destruction of civilised society in this country in the last 5 years.we have never in history witnessed such an anti national and pro deviant pressure on our country and whatever the cost I would welcome it to see the extermination of its virus to protect normal civilisation in the future. It is nothing less than a cancer afflicting the Western World and our politicians are incapable of dealing with it.
“We have never in history witnessed such an anti national and pro deviant pressure on our country and whatever the cost I would welcome it to see the extermination of its virus to protect normal civilisation in the future.”
Fascism 101. Posted and past by without pause from one single supporter of this website other than to click the ‘like’ button.
Maxincony ,
Its Digg`s way of writing . If he had condensed it to the word Gramscians instead would you still say its Fascism or are you undemocratic ?
I’ve just noticed that the disgusting Post Office scandal, where the Post Office hounded hundreds of sub postmasters because of a dodgy IT system they knew about, happened between about 2000 and 2015.
The Post Office was state owned and many sub-posters were wrongly convicted and faced time in jail.
1. If state organisations can behave like that, what confidence should we have in other state organisations, like the NH#?
2. Keir Starmer was DPP between 2008 and 2013, when much of this was happening.
3. Between 2000 and 2010, when most of it was happening, Labour were in power.
The current Tory government are, albeit too slowly, trying to clear up this appalling mess.
Why the h*** is the government not making some political gain out of this, against Starmer and Labour?
It’s an open goal and way more important than drinking wine in the garden.
Any comments, BBC?
What I just cannot understand, is if Keir Starmer was DPP between 2008 and 2013, surely he watched TV, or listened to the BBC, or met up with the elite in London who might just have mentioned the disgraceful Savile in some way?
Where was he living and working for God’s sake?
The BBC were always putting Savile in front of their cameras, doing documentaries about his ‘charity’ stuff etc.!
And NOBODY ever discussed Savile with anyone in the DPP’s office?
Sorry, just cannot believe this!
And why were the BBC not investigating why there were so many fraudsters working for the Post Office?
Apparently 2,000 sub Postmatets were committing fraud. Why did no one query the huge numbers? An’ absolutely appalling scandal
Bbc not too keen to discuss possible vaccine AIDS.
But of black humour, apologies to anyone vaxxed up..
So Belfield got suspended by Youtube due to pressure from Starmer front groups like CCDH
Then tonight Gabby Cabby who had given Belfield a guest slot to explain the situation finds today he too has been given a 7 day suspension.
I’m guessing that happened from LibMob doing FalseReportingWarfare where they maliciously falsely report video/comments of political opponents.
Yes there is a rule that once someone is suspended by YT they are not allowed to continue by using another channel
but having one quick Explanation video should be OK .
DefundingWarfare also seems to be a thing whereby Libmob intimidate advertisers.
Ha, Mahyar Tousi’s show was about Belfield. tonight.
.. https://youtu.be/JyuB-x-prFI
The BBC are showing no interest at all in the huge political scandal exposed in the Durham Report.
Fox News’ Steve Hilton is incandescent.
A really great piece. Well worth watching! Thanks Vlad.
… but are showing interest in Trumps accounts…https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-60383594
and even mentions “A flashback through four turbulent years of Trump” yes turbulent, If people believe bBC reporting
Too right Andy!
Why the Yank lefties keep banging on about President Trump ‘dividing’ America, what the hell is the situation now? It’s still roughly fifty/fifty, even after the old fool in the WH got in with the help of a few dominions etc!
If that’s not ‘division’ then I’m a norwegian.
How the hell DJTrump esq was able to get done what he did within his first reign with all that happening in the background, I’ll never know. Makes one think: What would he have achieved without the conspiracy Marxist distractions.
Either censored by the BBC, or more likely nobody at the BBC has the mental ability to investigate, due to vaccine damage to the brain.
An explosion in the death rate can be explained by the fact that many of the vaccinated are poisoned by spike proteins accumulating in lymph nodes. Usually in the head and neck area including the cervical nodes, occipital and axilla. Causing lymphoma. These are otherwise healthy individuals who were vaccinated by Moderna or Pfizer.
The inventor of the mRNA vaccine, Dr Robert Malone, explains the developing Health Public Policy Nightmare: https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/a-health-public-policy-nightmare
Also a paper about Innate Immune Suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccinations.
“In this paper, we present the evidence that vaccination, unlike natural infection, induces a profound impairment in type I interferon signalling, which has diverse adverse consequences to human health” … “We also identify potential profound disturbances in regulatory control of protein synthesis and cancer surveillance. These disturbances are shown to have a potentially direct causal link to neurodegenerative disease, myocarditis, immune thrombocytopenia, Bell’s palsy, liver disease, impaired adaptive immunity, increased tumorigenesis, and DNA damage”
“In the end, we are not exaggerating to say that billions of lives are at stake” https://d197for5662m48.cloudfront.net/documents/publicationstatus/75311/preprint_pdf/7204e73a5bc787e851c8d15a3e538ec7.pdf
Benito Mussolini once said “Fascism should more properly be called corporatism, since it is the merger of the state and corporate power.”
In the actions of the governments of Ottawa and Canada, we are now able to clearly see the previously hidden face of global Fascist totalitarianism, by which I mean the fusion of the power of large corporations with the power of the State, as Facism, has been defined by Mussolini.
Globalism: https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/open-letter-to-the-canadian-truckers
“…we are not exaggerating to say that billions of lives are at stake.”
“At stake” suggests that those live may yet be saved; is there any plan for achieving this?
You might have seen the self serving ‘BBC’ advert on the BBC .Here is HMS Janet Daleys piece in the DT about it –
Somebody in the BBC hierarchy must have thought this was a great idea. And quite a lot of people inside the organisation must have agreed – given the innumerable committee meetings that it would have passed through to gain approval.
Having seen the overwhelming triumph of the campaign to protect the NHS by presenting it as a national institution that belongs to all of us, the Corporation has now launched an embarrassingly desperate public relations onslaught with precisely the same theme.
It is, believe it or not, “your BBC” – even when it righteously screens out what it regards as your unacceptable views, or imposes its particular version of social virtue on the nation, or refuses to apologise for what you may see as an offensive anti-Semitic slur.
The clumsily worded slogan – “The BBC is something that belongs to all of us” (something? what exactly?) – is apparently to become a ubiquitous refrain in its endless self-promotion, but if you want the full length version, you can view a video on iPlayer entitled This is our BBC.
This opus is obviously designed to be hilarious, proffering the subtext “we don’t really take ourselves too seriously” when, in fact, what it reveals is that the BBC sees itself as a sacrosanct mainstay of British identity.
Whatever you may have been tempted to conclude, it insists, we are not an out-of-touch, self-regarding purveyor of our own particular worldview which regards much public opinion as beneath contempt.
Listen to what we are saying now about how we view ourselves and, above all, be aware that we cannot carry out this mission without your participation.
At one point in this compilation of unmemorable BBC clips, someone utters the revealing words, “It [the BBC] only exists if we really believe.” A bit like Tinker Bell in the stage production of Peter Pan, then?
That somebody – indeed, lots of people – within the organisation felt that this absurd exercise was appropriate tells you something about the state of mind at Broadcasting House.
The Corporation has reacted to the threat to its future and its antiquated funding model in precisely the wrong way. Instead of listening with a semblance of respect to the criticisms made of its attitude and judgment, it has become more arrogant and aggressive.
In its news and current affairs programming, it has become more insular and enclosed. What passes for discussion on the news consists of a BBC presenter interviewing a BBC correspondent who repeats a pre-scripted version of what the presenter has just provided.
Instead of opening itself up to genuine arguments or to alternative opinions that are enlivening public discourse in the real world, it shuts down any possibility of disagreement. The result is predictable, anodyne and anti-democratic.
In much of what should be apolitical programming – entertainment and lifestyle genres – it inserts themes and directives which clearly have a political intent and treats any public resistance to this as a form of heresy.
Who do they think they are fooling? The BBC isn’t yours – it’s theirsENDS
I don’t know about you but when I heard this ghastly advert I was pleased that the BBC feels it is under threat enough to be wasting money and time on serving up such an obvious lie .
Cancel that TVLicence DD
BBC Moaning Emole opens with something Eastern European… about tennis.
Oh, and then, WW3.
Though if the U.K. media are to be trusted, Vlad plans a surprise attack everywhere, including the Ardennes.
Luckily, the girls in the MSM are all aflutter.
That Beeboid appears to have no body.
Is anyone NOT hinting wildly to Amol…. Maaaaate… on what to ask?
“That Beeboid appears to have no body.”
And brain—what about that?
As long as he leaves the pate alone, that’s ok with me………….
I heard this news delivered in a somber depressed tone by some droid news reader ( who sounded unusually white and English ) – increasing employment and pay – what a terrible thing …
…..they can’t wait to talk about the next interest rate rise or recession ….or reducing number of TV Licences …
In the name of diversity for which I am sure the BBC
would be in agreement with . Should London change
it’s name in view of its demographic make up now?
The capitol has only around a 30 -35% indigenous
population now. And this figure is getting less by the day
because of birth rate in our “Cosmopolitan ” city.
So have any of you got any suggestions? Of course
Londonistan is the obvious one. But anything with a reference
still to London with it’s association with the slave trade
would not really be a foreword looking step. Al Jerk town?
This would give it a Muslim , Caribbean flavour. Mo Ratchet town
could be another choice. And why not just plain
Multicultural City. There I can be as woke as
anybody at the BBC.
Only natural red heads though.
Rules out Krankie though, on at least one measure.
It will never happen.
The trans lobby would go apoplectic
If the engine is moved to the back?
What about the LGBTQ+XZBBCHEHE
I love it! Hijab and veils next.
Reminds me of public transport in Saudi: Partitioned busses with a separate entrance for each sex. These days, I’d love to see a bus with separate entrances for all the sexes……………..
But in Scotland? Lot’s of rail carriages for all the xyz sexes: just up the SNP’s street.
“Eh, see you Jimmy. I’ve ‘ad a few swallies… now where’s them wimmin for me to hassle? Ah, there’ll be one in that wimmin only carriage, save me some time having to look. Hey hen, I’m comin’ for yer…”
(I have some Scottish ancestry. I’m allowed to say this!)
The Guardian acts in the role of our prompter for the opening line in this morning’s script with their feature: ‘Say what? The joy of actors’ weird accents‘
When it comes to the unfamiliar, inauthentic and phoney-sounding – I’m calling out the Guardian enviroment correspondent Fiona Harvey for her dubious construction: ‘Senior figures in climate diplomacy‘ – Say what?
Apparently this mysterious grouping gifted some supposed elevated accreditation have: ‘urged the UK government to maintain its commitment to climate action‘
She clarifies – presumably satisfying her sympathetic climate alarmist audience with: ‘Laurence Tubiana, the French diplomat who crafted the 2015 Paris agreement, now chief executive of the European Climate Foundation‘ – Say what?
This organisation – let’s not mince words here – this NGO… proclaims the dubious slogan: ‘Engaging everyone to achieve societal change‘
Who funds this stuff? 139 employees. 6 offices. 3.9 million Euros of annual administration and in-house projects?
You’ll have heard of IKEA. The names of other funding foundations may be unfamiliar but I think readers may enjoy some of their utopian neo-marxist sloganeering. We also have Rockerfeller Brothers Fund ‘Philanthropy for an interdependent world‘ – bear that globalist slogan in mind.
Porticus – ‘Striving for systemic change to create a more equitable society in the UK and Ireland‘
Laudes Foundation – ‘Redefining value for the good of all‘
Bloomberg – ‘Ensuring better, longer lives for the greatest number of people‘
Meanwhile in the Telegraph Celia Walden asks – rather naively, in our opinion: ‘Does anyone get anything done in a woke workplace?‘ – oh yes, I’m rather afraid they do…
Speaking of those shady corporate globalists influencing, circumventing and overriding our local electorial political preferences, the FT proposes a clear policy statement this morning: ‘Make asylum work. Cut time refugees must wait before taking jobs‘ – says Sarah O’Connor, on behalf of the corporates.
I can remember when Sarah Connor fought heroically against Arnie Schwarzenegger and the robots hell bent on domination of humanity in the Terminator movies. Much like the battalions of Ukrainian girls with guns again appearing on our frontpages today, gracing the Guardian, Telegraph (same chick in camo combats) and Mirror – they’ve got a civilian volunteer girl with a gun. Funny how back in the Dad’s Army days they never fully recruited Pikey’s Mum or Corporal Jones’s ladylove Mrs Fox into the Home Guard? The Times, Sun and Daily Star all feature pictures representing the opposition – Russia apparently puts its trust not in the ladies but in actual tanks. But I digress.
This is Sarah O’Connor of the FT who insists: ‘A new world is possible. Let’s not go back to what wasn’t working anyway. If you think the same, join us‘
Well quite. British borders aren’t working. Thousands of chaps keep turning up in dinghies. Just give them a job. You may have voted to curb immigration, both legal and illegal, but come on… all that cheap labour… expect to see this globalist big corporate-friendly policy taken up officially by Boris sometime soon.
Here’s my application for today’s ‘dredging the bottom of the barrel’ competition.
On Toady around 0720, masquerading as sports news, we had an extended feature on the damage done by…….wait for it…..artificial snow at the Olympics and elsewhere. Yes, water Is environmentally unfriendly and contributes to global warming.
The run off, soil erosion, etc etc caused by the use of artificial snow at the Chinese winter games is damaging the environment. Apparently.
The fact that some of the ski jump competition is set in an old coal power station with cooling towers all around must surely represent the irony of the week.
Only the BBC gives you this ‘insight’.
No doubt ER are, at this very minute, getting their glue and pink boat ready to close down Snozone in Milton Keynes.
Have the plucky british team won a medal yet ? Actually – could care less …
Eddie Izzard as the first luvvie of lipstick to win the Eskimo pole vaulting?
Mail carries a story that a highly overpaid queer who has a BBC show called Ukraine ‘southwest Russia ‘ and got some complaints for his troubles – which the BBC obviously dismissed saying ‘no subject is off limit ‘ . But I bet you won’t hear said queer – Graham Norton saying Mohamed was a paedo like so many of his paki stani followers eh ?
Tense moment.
Is ‘dismisses’ the same as “to dismiss”? Bbc quotes used for effect.
If flauntingly weatherboy camp in a relationship with the floor manager, of course.
But only if said officer was paid more than the train lady, and was RuPaul.
‘Would you ever tell your boss that you’re trying for a baby?’
Our BBC defining for us there the very epitome of too much information
I can’t help but recall that ancient gag about the dentist and the patient who told him she was trying to get pregnant. He told her he would have to adjust the chair.
Remember the joke BBC #prasnews post at the weekend about wimmin and climate change?
Remember how it got utterly ratioed?
Seems the BBC editorial bubble didn’t.
What a crock of journalistic embarrassment. Further… journali…
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Especially if you are Amy and PR News desperate enough for anything from a joke Uni if it passes 28Gate muster.
TOADY Watch #1 – wow, the CO2 output just from BBC Radio4 today is massive!
Amol goes to Belgrade to interview NoVax Djokovic. JustRemainIn Webb travels from Bath daily to the TOADY Studio but this morning is in Derby and David Sillito goes to Scarborough. It is fairly obvious that the BBC do not really believe that CO2 causes Global Warming and Climate Change.
I don’t suppose JustRemainin has a book signing in the East Midlands by any chance………..
On Toady they managed a huge feature on Derby County FC with minimal reference to why their finances have gone to ratshit and no mention at all of their greatest manager, Brian Clough (‘well I wouldn’t say I was the best manager in the division but I’m certainly in the top 1’)