Isn’t it amazing that we heard nothing about the Met Police while Dick was in charge, but now she has finally been given the boot for the mess she has made, the whole place is rotten to the core with misogyny and racism ?. All carefully worded to make sure it only applies to the white males.
No suggestion that any of the black coppers are racist. I’ll bet my house every single one is to some degree. But I’m sure the BBC will say that is not their fault because whitey was racist first.
You know, I can understand why some of those police are not tolerant of black people considering the hugely disproportionate amount of crime and murders they commit and the treatment they receive as ‘victims’ by people like the BBC.
The Woke are on a campaign to destroy what they perceive as ‘white male supremacy’.
The end result will be anarchy and catastrophe. As the disgracefully under-reported no-go zone in Mineapolis after Floyd showed us. Violent crime and murder went rampant. But those black lives – including a pregnant woman – didn’t matter for some reason and went unreported by the BBC.
How does our own, Black Broadcasting Corporation (“The Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster” compliments of Neil Newness), report this news on its, ‘World Service’?
Trudeau was overconfident at the beginning of the protest and must have believed that he could suppress the truckers without too much trouble. He therefore imagined that by labelling them with the usual pejoratives of fascists , racists , far right , homophobes etc etc he was ‘conditioning’ the public to the concept that his government , and all other Woke governments across the developed world, were defenders of ordinary decent folk against unspeakable deplorables . Which would make it easier to suppress future uprisings .
But it hasn’t worked and by continuing to double down on his rhetoric and using the police to suppress these good natured folk his true colours are being revealed to the world . As someone said recently ‘scratch a liberal and find a fascist’.
The blob is going to be very upset with him because he is revealing to the public worldwide what they are really like. He will have to go and be replaced by someone the blob trusts . Calls to Dominion for help will already have been made.
Is that the Canadian ‘blob’ or international? I imagine, with all the similar ‘stick’ other Wokist leaders are getting right now they will soon seek to regroup in Davos to consider what similar action to take simultaneously. It is certainly clear now that all the ‘Western’ leaders are in lockstep against the voters, including Billy Bunter.
Watch out for when they all clandestinely disappear for a few days for the regroup.
It can be only a matter of time before serious weapons are taken to ‘demo’s’ and it will kick-off from there ‘despite Ukraine’.
It was the international blob that I was thinking about. I agree that the blobi is finding it difficult to keep a lid on things at the moment, they are losing control. If their grip continues to weaken then they will escalate their repression of the people as all elites in history have done to try and cling to power , sometimes successfully sometimes not.
The Truckers Protest on the road or ay parliament is fine.
.. However blocking bridges is violence .. a nasty anti-democratic trick that XR use.
I don’t think Truckers should have got sucked into that
they have to keep the moral high ground above Trudeau.
On the front page of the bbc website, this is repeated 3 times at the moment
Novak Djokovic: I’m not anti-vax but will sacrifice trophies if told to get jab and he Break Silence, and he Defends right to choose
BBC WEB-SITE Watch No.1 – Succession progression is progressive?
Not the BBC especially but I note that LeftyLiberals are desperate to get the Queen to abdicate in favour of her son, Charles. See Guardian front page here:
Don’t know, Fed. Do you have one? Maybe the Lefty’s see it as a way to get changes as the Sucker in charge of the Labour Party seems to be making no headway at all, despite the Partygate Conspiracy. Maybe the Socialists of all varietys think King Charles III may slap Boris down a few times at the weekly PM:Monarch meet up and Boris will abdicate in favour of a GE ahead of schedule?
Seems like ‘bas javid ‘ is my likely candidate to be the next met plod chief – it has to be an ethnic and has the right connection –
– will push for a wider divide between the groups marxists have designed in blighty …
All the while the West talk up the risk of Invasion, Oil and Gas prices increase ever higher. Putin is now making an extra $32B PER DAY
Laughing all the way to the bank.
Here is an observation on TV drama.
Most of us are aware of the increasing presence of actors of colour, but I have also noticed an increase in the numbers of children appearing in drama. In most cases the children add little to the plot. The tough detective puts his kids to bed telling them how much he loves them. His wife takes them to school and to the playground, with no relevance to the story.
Perhaps there are people making drama programmes who love to see kiddies in the studio and on the screen. Know what I mean.
I dont really watch contemporary drama anymore – formulaic- tick box – dumbed down – unchallenging – so when something ‘good ‘ comes along it sticks out .
I gave up on netflix due to its ‘ catering for woke kidults and amazon prime just about comes up with stuff worth the time .
Fortunately old decent drama is hidden away on the likes of ‘talking pictures’ or ‘drama’ …
If i need entertainment now i just watch / listen to Mark Steyn’ on GB News sailing close to the OFCOM naughty step…
I say keep children where they belong, on their own teatime tv programmes. They don’t enhance anything for me – and certainly not when they are interviewed for their views by an outside journo.
Bbc one o clock news???
Head line Novak a tennis player who hasn’t had his vaccine. Now 10 minutes of this to publicise Bbc program .
I can see the full interview tonight. Not news!!!!
Second item about UKraine
What next dog bites man????
Off button pressed
Very disappointed that the one o’clock news on R4 led with some war thing in Eastern Europe – I wanted to hear about Novak …..
……..but they had on that ‘future Tory prime minister ‘ Toby Tookenhart who said some very undiplomatic words about the mafia don in charge of Russia and how the foreign ministry is just a .’ barking dog ‘.
I’m sure when the Russian embassy send the script home we will be at war with Russia – forget Eastern Europe ….
… more seriously a ‘defence expert ‘ suggested both Finland and Sweden might look again at joining NATO – that will wind Ivan up …
And apparently European defence spending has gone up over 4% since 2016 ? – the reason for this wasn’t given – the BBC doesn’t like to mention President Trumps ‘ name unless to slag the True President off … MAGA …
I was thinking about the bBC awarding a constant platform to Krankie and her SNP windbaggerry during the Covid business.
This could have been avoided if a simple rule is established.
One UK one set of management boundaries should any future crisis emerge.
The bi product would impose a natural limitation on the bBC ,s ability to facilitate the sowing of division as it did in abundance .
For the record that’s close on 500,000 Scots workers who have the audacity to earn £41 k or more receiving a 54.5 pence in the pound tax and Ni.I hit come April 2022.
Increased community tax ( poll tax) also coming plus up to £1000 a year to park your car at work.
Hannity of Fox News spells out the findings of the Durham Report.
Hilary Clinton’s campaign team spied on Trump during his campaign and his presidency; they fabricated fake Russian allegations against him; and the msm were complicit at every step.
Bigger than Watergate, yet tumbleweed from the biased BBC.
So far the Mail isn’t that interested in the Hillary spying operation.
it gives it a small quarter of a page today
AFAIK the story has come up as an aside to an existing court
where questions were asked what a minor character was doing.
And it seems that he was doing this server monitoring stuff
apparently under the direction of an IT guy that is a strong Hillary supporter that thought she’d give him a big job when she won.
It’s not like there’s a concrete chain right back to Hillary’s office
say as if the server monitor guy was reporting directly to someone in Hillary’s office
Just watched the first episode of the latest BBC offering about the dangers of dictators. As usual Hitler comes off worse than Stalin by some distance .
The episode covers the the German invasion ofthe Soviet Union and the beginnings of the Holocaust for which Hitler and his regime are rightly held responsible . The time frame allows exclusion of the Ukraine famine and the Terror, both orchestrated by Stalin, which killed some 10 million Soviet citizens. The massacre of a hundred thousand members of the Polish intelligencia is also avoided by strict adherence to this time frame .
But because it’s a BBC production there must be some element of woke globalist propaganda within the series, what was it? Why retell a story that almost everyone knows backwards? So far the only woke propaganda is the notion that dictators always ignore the advice of experts and educated people , instead preferring their own instincts . In my suspicious mind this could be a dig at Trump and Brexit when the populists ignored what the liberal ‘experts ‘ of the blob were telling them.
Watch out for Prof R Evans . I have seen a few of his lectures on You Tube and his is a virulent Remainer who has nothing but contempt for Brexiteers and those who voted for Trump. This contempt positively drips from him . A truly loathsome blobist.
Sir Richard John Evans is a British historian with a focus on Germany.
He is the author of eighteen books, including his three-volume The Third Reich Trilogy
He is famous for asserting ‘yeh they called themselves the NSDAP Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
(National Socialist German Worker’s Party)… but they weren’t socialists ‘
BTW the slang word Nazi is derived from that
Opponents of national socialism tweaked the first part of the party’s name, (Na)tionalSo(zi)alistische
.. It was also an old joke word, mocking people from Bavaria typically called Ignatz
referring to an awkward, backward, and clumsy peasant.
So the word Nazi was never used in Germany at the time of Hitler
He’s not obsessive about his anti Brexit tweeting
Perhaps he does it from another account.
I'm voting Labour. Great manifesto, pity about the leader, shame about Labour's support for Brexit, though at least they promise another referendum. The failure to deal with antisemitism in the party makes me very angry. But in my constituency only Labour can beat the Tory.
Stew, if I recall correctly, there was a bit of a class war going on in Germany in the 1930s. It wasn’t just the Jews who were blamed for Germany’s misfortunes but also the old aristocrats many of whom headed the military. In due time, some of those old aristocratic German families saw through Hitler and the National Socialist Party and were involved in the late putsch attempt in 1942 or ’43.
@Up2snuff It is obvious that Hitler wasn’t a communist
or great friends with Stalin
To me there is the question of the aristocrat industrial class like the Krupps etc.
Interesting google refuses to deliver search results for : Nazi aristocracy
Via Bing : The German aristocracy itself was incorporated into the National Socialist movement from the twenties on without much difficulty, even though some of the aristocratic National Socialists had to tolerate the contempt of peers who were opposed to the socialist aspects of Hitler’s government.
According to Stephan Malinowski,[1] in all, about 300 noble families of the lower aristocracy based in Prussia contributed about 3,600 members to the National Socialist Party, and the number of adherents from the upper ruling families rose from 70 in the thirties to around 270 by 1945.
(That’s Prussian and Protestant)
The Bavarian Catholic aristocrats were dedicated to the House of Wittelsbach, whose crown prince, Rupert of Bavaria, was firmly opposed to Hitler and was exiled in December 1939 to Italy while other members of his family were interned for some years in concentration camps.
BTW Evans is NOT hysterically anti-Trump ..he refuses to call him a Nazi Did Trump reveal himself to be a fascist last week?
Here’s Robert Paxton making the case that he did:
… The counter-argument is well made here by @RichardEvans36
The BBC approves of Justin Trudoe- so then he invokes money laundering and terrorism legislation against canadian citizens protesting against his policies- it gets played down or ignored .
Instead a foreign tennis player is BIG news . Surely even BBC supporters must wonder ?
Especially when said tennis player has a basketball scientist and a BBC tennis commentator scientist telling NoVax Djokovic to re-think about getting a jab or two or three or four. The whole thing reeks of BBC propaganda. Heaven help us if Labour win the next General Election.
TalkRadio’s Migratation Watch discussion
Apparently it was in yesterdays Daily Mail
.. but I missed it as I was stuck in a rabbit hole trying to work out why YouTube and Facebook’s comments were just vanishing.
For us oldies here is a lesson of history from a young lass with blonde hair from GB News.
War tomorrow, and Germany are the appeasers.
GB News angling for war.
Alex Phillips: German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is meeting Putin in Moscow, possibly on the eve of war, and has greater leverage than any other nation. But at what cost? Germany may hold cards. But how many spell appeasement?
It’s 1938-The German’s are just about to attack Czechoslovakia.
The lot that are in charge of BBC News now, are pulling
the strings in 1938.” The major news item we have today
for you , is an exclusive interview with Fred Perry the tennis
What is all this tosh ?
Russia already invaded Ukraine
Many places I stayed out are now already in Russia, as Russia invaded the east and Crimea.
.. There is certainly a chance that Russia would try to take more & move the border further west.
.. But almost zero chance that Russia would try to take the centre and west. not the whole country.
If one didn’t know better, one might think that the globalists are trying out their ideas first on the smaller Anglophone nations, before using the experience gained to help bring down the UK and US.
They don’t have to do much – he destroyed himself in public with his car crash interview with Maitless. Never mind, he’s got a bed full of teddy’s to cuddle at night – as long as they’re in the right order 🙂
If this was just about Andrew being a complete tw@t, it would be fine.
The trouble is, it’s nothing to do with him and what he did. It’s about ‘white privilege’ and how the fascist-Left want to destroy anyone they think has it – whether they are guilty or not.
There are more than one similarities between what is going on here and the Nazis. The law is becoming what the mob want it to be.
I will not be at all surprised if a petition starts up demanding he goes to trial for something.
“Nord Stream 2: How does the pipeline fit into Ukraine-Russia crisis?”
“It would go a long way to solving the gas shortages and high energy prices that people are currently facing.”
The absurdity of it all is we have tons of “high energy” beneath our feet!
Emmanuel Goldstein
Its high time the government started to ‘grow some’ and pushback against this nonsense.
Where is Priti Patel and Nadine Dorries? What do they actually do in the interest of Great Britain ?
Thinking about the amount Prince Andrew will be coughing up.
I bet the men of a P…perfect heritage who raped children in the UK and poured petrol on some and handed children over to be raped by their mates will have a massive amount to pay.
Meanwhile non-rapist Harvey Proctor is on GBnews
talking about how the libmob press hounded him for years
cos the took the word of Carl Beech about high politicians running a gay paedophile rape group.
HP is talking about Starmer being responsible for DPP policy until 2013
A policy that said “victims must always be believed, no matter how incredible their stories are”
GBnews : Princess Andrew debate
Tatchell ‘If you are not guilty, you don’t pay
Andrew previously said he would never settle out of court’
Lady Colin C “#1 Substantial damages is a legal cover word, that could mean $10
#2 The Judge Kaplan had showed prejudice, so that would explain why Andrew settled out of court
#3 Guiffre is using Bill Clinton’s lawyers”
JohnCMar 10, 07:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As I posted earlier Marco, the BBC are celebrating his ‘appointment’ with such a fanfare in a ‘live update’ article…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 07:31 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I think Trump made a big mistake in taking measures against Canada and joking about it becoming the 51 st…
harry142857Mar 10, 07:31 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC approved type of enricher. Welcomed to the UK: Palestinian asylum seeker gunman who called on God to ‘kill all…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 07:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 A warning from the future! And one which we can all see is not a exaggerated threat. Prof Betz and…
MarcoMar 10, 07:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney Wef candidate and green scam artist ,he ticks all the globalist boxes including the BBC but the good…
pugnaziousMar 10, 07:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 It is possible to stop the flow….you just have to want to…and Labour, the Tories and France just don’t want…
tomoMar 10, 07:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 With all the Democrat funded “news” operations losing USAID money there’s a lot of “talent” looking for a safe harbour.…
andyjsnapeMar 10, 06:58 Start the Week 10th March 2025 bbc to go on and on about this… Lawyer probing Reform UK row contradicts MP Lowe Remember partygate, well…
FlotsamMar 10, 06:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I thought the decision to appoint a foreigner to be Governor of our central bank to be a shockingly bad…
JohnCMar 10, 06:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Pro-Palestinian student protester detained by US immigration officials, says lawyer Just look at the length of the article the…
Met Police: Some officers are racist, professional standards chief admits
Isn’t it amazing that we heard nothing about the Met Police while Dick was in charge, but now she has finally been given the boot for the mess she has made, the whole place is rotten to the core with misogyny and racism ?. All carefully worded to make sure it only applies to the white males.
No suggestion that any of the black coppers are racist. I’ll bet my house every single one is to some degree. But I’m sure the BBC will say that is not their fault because whitey was racist first.
You know, I can understand why some of those police are not tolerant of black people considering the hugely disproportionate amount of crime and murders they commit and the treatment they receive as ‘victims’ by people like the BBC.
The first wimmin / queer only ( pref coloured ) police force – oo matron innit ?
The Woke are on a campaign to destroy what they perceive as ‘white male supremacy’.
The end result will be anarchy and catastrophe. As the disgracefully under-reported no-go zone in Mineapolis after Floyd showed us. Violent crime and murder went rampant. But those black lives – including a pregnant woman – didn’t matter for some reason and went unreported by the BBC.
Xi Jinping in Canada has invoked the, ‘Emergency Act 1985’ to deal with the peaceful protestors. This Act has never been invoked. Its predecessor (‘The War Measures Act’) was used once in 1970.
How does our own, Black Broadcasting Corporation (“The Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster” compliments of Neil Newness), report this news on its, ‘World Service’?
“A rarely used Act”. That’s the 1985 one btw.
Make your own minds up.
Looks like Americast will see Sopes and BS discussing curling in China, or something…
Trudeau was overconfident at the beginning of the protest and must have believed that he could suppress the truckers without too much trouble. He therefore imagined that by labelling them with the usual pejoratives of fascists , racists , far right , homophobes etc etc he was ‘conditioning’ the public to the concept that his government , and all other Woke governments across the developed world, were defenders of ordinary decent folk against unspeakable deplorables . Which would make it easier to suppress future uprisings .
But it hasn’t worked and by continuing to double down on his rhetoric and using the police to suppress these good natured folk his true colours are being revealed to the world . As someone said recently ‘scratch a liberal and find a fascist’.
The blob is going to be very upset with him because he is revealing to the public worldwide what they are really like. He will have to go and be replaced by someone the blob trusts . Calls to Dominion for help will already have been made.
“The blob is going to be very upset with him ….”
Is that the Canadian ‘blob’ or international? I imagine, with all the similar ‘stick’ other Wokist leaders are getting right now they will soon seek to regroup in Davos to consider what similar action to take simultaneously. It is certainly clear now that all the ‘Western’ leaders are in lockstep against the voters, including Billy Bunter.
Watch out for when they all clandestinely disappear for a few days for the regroup.
It can be only a matter of time before serious weapons are taken to ‘demo’s’ and it will kick-off from there ‘despite Ukraine’.
It was the international blob that I was thinking about. I agree that the blobi is finding it difficult to keep a lid on things at the moment, they are losing control. If their grip continues to weaken then they will escalate their repression of the people as all elites in history have done to try and cling to power , sometimes successfully sometimes not.
The Truckers Protest on the road or ay parliament is fine.
.. However blocking bridges is violence .. a nasty anti-democratic trick that XR use.
I don’t think Truckers should have got sucked into that
they have to keep the moral high ground above Trudeau.
If XR do it, it is wrong. If the truckers do it, it is justified. Different rules apply. I am serious.
On the front page of the bbc website, this is repeated 3 times at the moment
Novak Djokovic: I’m not anti-vax but will sacrifice trophies if told to get jab and he Break Silence, and he Defends right to choose
bBC seems in favour
BBC WEB-SITE Watch No.1 – Succession progression is progressive?
Not the BBC especially but I note that LeftyLiberals are desperate to get the Queen to abdicate in favour of her son, Charles. See Guardian front page here:
I wonder why?
And your theory is ?
Don’t know, Fed. Do you have one? Maybe the Lefty’s see it as a way to get changes as the Sucker in charge of the Labour Party seems to be making no headway at all, despite the Partygate Conspiracy. Maybe the Socialists of all varietys think King Charles III may slap Boris down a few times at the weekly PM:Monarch meet up and Boris will abdicate in favour of a GE ahead of schedule?
Seems like ‘bas javid ‘ is my likely candidate to be the next met plod chief – it has to be an ethnic and has the right connection –
– will push for a wider divide between the groups marxists have designed in blighty …
All the while the West talk up the risk of Invasion, Oil and Gas prices increase ever higher. Putin is now making an extra $32B PER DAY
Laughing all the way to the bank.
Yes – the gamble about energy prices falling across the next 6 months to prevent another price hike looks shaky .
I reckon theyll have to hit the oil companies for a tax and cut VAT to get through the next winter …
Another nail in the woke green crap
Oil and gas prices not looking so clever right now – gas especially, it’s off 22p @170.00
I Still think it’s an upward trend as economies open up – except Canada Australia New Zealand …
Here is an observation on TV drama.
Most of us are aware of the increasing presence of actors of colour, but I have also noticed an increase in the numbers of children appearing in drama. In most cases the children add little to the plot. The tough detective puts his kids to bed telling them how much he loves them. His wife takes them to school and to the playground, with no relevance to the story.
Perhaps there are people making drama programmes who love to see kiddies in the studio and on the screen. Know what I mean.
Whatver could give you that idea?
BBC News
Virtual sex parties have been taking place in a popular online children’s game, a BBC investigation has found.
Roblox: The children’s game with a sex problem
By James Clayton & Jasmin Dyer
An ‘investigation’? Without Spinster?
Seems Jim and Jas ‘found’ as a couple. Threesomes later?
I dont really watch contemporary drama anymore – formulaic- tick box – dumbed down – unchallenging – so when something ‘good ‘ comes along it sticks out .
I gave up on netflix due to its ‘ catering for woke kidults and amazon prime just about comes up with stuff worth the time .
Fortunately old decent drama is hidden away on the likes of ‘talking pictures’ or ‘drama’ …
If i need entertainment now i just watch / listen to Mark Steyn’ on GB News sailing close to the OFCOM naughty step…
I say keep children where they belong, on their own teatime tv programmes. They don’t enhance anything for me – and certainly not when they are interviewed for their views by an outside journo.
Are they mulatto children with big hair, such as are omnipresent in commercials?
The left wing media….
USA – Dominion Voting Machines cannot go wrong, the results are legit!
UK – Horizon post office computer system went wrong. The results are criminal heads must roll!
Bbc one o clock news???
Head line Novak a tennis player who hasn’t had his vaccine. Now 10 minutes of this to publicise Bbc program .
I can see the full interview tonight. Not news!!!!
Second item about UKraine
What next dog bites man????
Off button pressed
Very disappointed that the one o’clock news on R4 led with some war thing in Eastern Europe – I wanted to hear about Novak …..
……..but they had on that ‘future Tory prime minister ‘ Toby Tookenhart who said some very undiplomatic words about the mafia don in charge of Russia and how the foreign ministry is just a .’ barking dog ‘.
I’m sure when the Russian embassy send the script home we will be at war with Russia – forget Eastern Europe ….
… more seriously a ‘defence expert ‘ suggested both Finland and Sweden might look again at joining NATO – that will wind Ivan up …
And apparently European defence spending has gone up over 4% since 2016 ? – the reason for this wasn’t given – the BBC doesn’t like to mention President Trumps ‘ name unless to slag the True President off … MAGA …
I was thinking about the bBC awarding a constant platform to Krankie and her SNP windbaggerry during the Covid business.
This could have been avoided if a simple rule is established.
One UK one set of management boundaries should any future crisis emerge.
The bi product would impose a natural limitation on the bBC ,s ability to facilitate the sowing of division as it did in abundance .
For the record that’s close on 500,000 Scots workers who have the audacity to earn £41 k or more receiving a 54.5 pence in the pound tax and Ni.I hit come April 2022.
Increased community tax ( poll tax) also coming plus up to £1000 a year to park your car at work.
Brigadoon it sure aint!!
Hannity of Fox News spells out the findings of the Durham Report.
Hilary Clinton’s campaign team spied on Trump during his campaign and his presidency; they fabricated fake Russian allegations against him; and the msm were complicit at every step.
Bigger than Watergate, yet tumbleweed from the biased BBC.
If anyone has any doubt about the corruption of the US media it need only notice the lack of coverage of this horror story –
– it’s akin to the non coverage of joe Biden ‘ s son computer
Or the lack of Biden capacity
Or winning an election without campaigning
And on and on …..
Yet Americans seem to accept it …. But at least they’ve all got guns ….
Poor old Hils, she does get snapped at her least best.
No, that’s her best.
So far the Mail isn’t that interested in the Hillary spying operation.
it gives it a small quarter of a page today
AFAIK the story has come up as an aside to an existing court
where questions were asked what a minor character was doing.
And it seems that he was doing this server monitoring stuff
apparently under the direction of an IT guy that is a strong Hillary supporter that thought she’d give him a big job when she won.
It’s not like there’s a concrete chain right back to Hillary’s office
say as if the server monitor guy was reporting directly to someone in Hillary’s office
If you produced a paper consisting of the subjects that the MSM were not interested in, you would be producing a reliable paper of record.
Just watched the first episode of the latest BBC offering about the dangers of dictators. As usual Hitler comes off worse than Stalin by some distance .
The episode covers the the German invasion ofthe Soviet Union and the beginnings of the Holocaust for which Hitler and his regime are rightly held responsible . The time frame allows exclusion of the Ukraine famine and the Terror, both orchestrated by Stalin, which killed some 10 million Soviet citizens. The massacre of a hundred thousand members of the Polish intelligencia is also avoided by strict adherence to this time frame .
But because it’s a BBC production there must be some element of woke globalist propaganda within the series, what was it? Why retell a story that almost everyone knows backwards? So far the only woke propaganda is the notion that dictators always ignore the advice of experts and educated people , instead preferring their own instincts . In my suspicious mind this could be a dig at Trump and Brexit when the populists ignored what the liberal ‘experts ‘ of the blob were telling them.
Watch out for Prof R Evans . I have seen a few of his lectures on You Tube and his is a virulent Remainer who has nothing but contempt for Brexiteers and those who voted for Trump. This contempt positively drips from him . A truly loathsome blobist.
Sir Richard John Evans is a British historian with a focus on Germany.
He is the author of eighteen books, including his three-volume The Third Reich Trilogy
He is famous for asserting ‘yeh they called themselves the NSDAP Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
(National Socialist German Worker’s Party)… but they weren’t socialists ‘
BTW the slang word Nazi is derived from that
Opponents of national socialism tweaked the first part of the party’s name, (Na)tionalSo(zi)alistische
.. It was also an old joke word, mocking people from Bavaria typically called Ignatz
referring to an awkward, backward, and clumsy peasant.
So the word Nazi was never used in Germany at the time of Hitler
He’s not obsessive about his anti Brexit tweeting
Perhaps he does it from another account.
Stew, if I recall correctly, there was a bit of a class war going on in Germany in the 1930s. It wasn’t just the Jews who were blamed for Germany’s misfortunes but also the old aristocrats many of whom headed the military. In due time, some of those old aristocratic German families saw through Hitler and the National Socialist Party and were involved in the late putsch attempt in 1942 or ’43.
@Up2snuff It is obvious that Hitler wasn’t a communist
or great friends with Stalin
To me there is the question of the aristocrat industrial class like the Krupps etc.
Interesting google refuses to deliver search results for : Nazi aristocracy
Via Bing : The German aristocracy itself was incorporated into the National Socialist movement from the twenties on without much difficulty, even though some of the aristocratic National Socialists had to tolerate the contempt of peers who were opposed to the socialist aspects of Hitler’s government.
According to Stephan Malinowski,[1] in all, about 300 noble families of the lower aristocracy based in Prussia contributed about 3,600 members to the National Socialist Party, and the number of adherents from the upper ruling families rose from 70 in the thirties to around 270 by 1945.
(That’s Prussian and Protestant)
The Bavarian Catholic aristocrats were dedicated to the House of Wittelsbach, whose crown prince, Rupert of Bavaria, was firmly opposed to Hitler and was exiled in December 1939 to Italy while other members of his family were interned for some years in concentration camps.
Google did deliver that search on my phone
..I don’t why it kept stalling on the laptop.
BTW Evans is NOT hysterically anti-Trump ..he refuses to call him a Nazi
Did Trump reveal himself to be a fascist last week?
Here’s Robert Paxton making the case that he did:
… The counter-argument is well made here by @RichardEvans36
“…this could be a dig at Trump..”
Also at Trudeau, for the enlightened.
The BBC approves of Justin Trudoe- so then he invokes money laundering and terrorism legislation against canadian citizens protesting against his policies- it gets played down or ignored .
Instead a foreign tennis player is BIG news . Surely even BBC supporters must wonder ?
Especially when said tennis player has a basketball scientist and a BBC tennis commentator scientist telling NoVax Djokovic to re-think about getting a jab or two or three or four. The whole thing reeks of BBC propaganda. Heaven help us if Labour win the next General Election.
Tunisian Tik Tok influencer mocking UK’s weak borders
as they come in claim asylum so UK taxpayers can pay for their adventure holidays.
Steven Woolfe
TalkRadio’s Migratation Watch discussion
Apparently it was in yesterdays Daily Mail
.. but I missed it as I was stuck in a rabbit hole trying to work out why YouTube and Facebook’s comments were just vanishing.
For us oldies here is a lesson of history from a young lass with blonde hair from GB News.
War tomorrow, and Germany are the appeasers.
GB News angling for war.
Now on R4 : cancel culture : exploring the historical parallels
like the cancellation of Galileo.
It’s 1938-The German’s are just about to attack Czechoslovakia.
The lot that are in charge of BBC News now, are pulling
the strings in 1938.” The major news item we have today
for you , is an exclusive interview with Fred Perry the tennis
Online News Papers and internet now quoting that highly placed US intelligence sources stating that Russia to invade Ukraine at 1am uk time…
Nothing on BBC or SKY
Lets hope its waffle….
dafydd -Perhaps the BBC should ask Novak Djokovic
if he has heard anything about it.
What is all this tosh ?
Russia already invaded Ukraine
Many places I stayed out are now already in Russia, as Russia invaded the east and Crimea.
.. There is certainly a chance that Russia would try to take more & move the border further west.
.. But almost zero chance that Russia would try to take the centre and west. not the whole country.
States falling to 21st century totalitarianism
First, we lost New Zealand.
Then, we lost Australia.
Now, we have lost Canada.
If one didn’t know better, one might think that the globalists are trying out their ideas first on the smaller Anglophone nations, before using the experience gained to help bring down the UK and US.
Bet they reckoned cosying up to the bbc would help.
Virginia: It’s not about the money, I want my day in court for the sake of all victims.
Andrew: X million?
Virginia: Done.
The Wokeys and the BBC are not going to like this. They want the pale-and-stale Prince tarred, feathered and utterly destroyed in public
The topic of Virginias complete hypocrisy will not be touched.
They’ll paint it as a brave decision… a complete vindication… a victory for wimmin everywhere…
They don’t have to do much – he destroyed himself in public with his car crash interview with Maitless. Never mind, he’s got a bed full of teddy’s to cuddle at night – as long as they’re in the right order 🙂
The Mother Lode, one might suspect.
A new book title…………………..
‘The Gold Digger Gets Her Cash’?
If this was just about Andrew being a complete tw@t, it would be fine.
The trouble is, it’s nothing to do with him and what he did. It’s about ‘white privilege’ and how the fascist-Left want to destroy anyone they think has it – whether they are guilty or not.
There are more than one similarities between what is going on here and the Nazis. The law is becoming what the mob want it to be.
I will not be at all surprised if a petition starts up demanding he goes to trial for something.
Wales : The Saudi Arabia of wind
Don’t laugh you pay for the £20m broken wind turbine.
I hope it didn’t land on a bat, or a bird of prey.
ITV local news
#1 PRasNews for an eating disorder charity.
#5 item PRasNews about taking up art
.. I think BBC did that one the other day.
Like Springster, only without the years of experience.
Or the rack.
“Nord Stream 2: How does the pipeline fit into Ukraine-Russia crisis?”
“It would go a long way to solving the gas shortages and high energy prices that people are currently facing.”
The absurdity of it all is we have tons of “high energy” beneath our feet!
Regarding this ‘gender free’ name for teachers by calling them Teacher instead of the normal titles, Sir, Miss etc.
There’s a gender free title which fits every one of these woke ‘public servants’
Emmanuel Goldstein
Its high time the government started to ‘grow some’ and pushback against this nonsense.
Where is Priti Patel and Nadine Dorries? What do they actually do in the interest of Great Britain ?
A few commentators – including on the BBC – have expressed various degrees of surprise that Virginia Giuffre settled out of court, and so soon.
For some reason Mrs Merton’s question to Debbie McGee came to mind: “So what first attracted you to the millionaire Paul Daniels?”.
Thinking about the amount Prince Andrew will be coughing up.
I bet the men of a P…perfect heritage who raped children in the UK and poured petrol on some and handed children over to be raped by their mates will have a massive amount to pay.
Meanwhile non-rapist Harvey Proctor is on GBnews
talking about how the libmob press hounded him for years
cos the took the word of Carl Beech about high politicians running a gay paedophile rape group.
HP is talking about Starmer being responsible for DPP policy until 2013
A policy that said “victims must always be believed, no matter how incredible their stories are”
Rules :
#1 when BLM and antifa are burning & looting
… you DON’Tdeclare marshal law
#2 when truckers and supporters are doing a good natured sit in protest around parliament
… you DO declare marshal law
Also get the way Trudeau
#1 calls them “a small fringe minority”
then now says they are such a huge problem he needs marshal laws
And the way Trudeau has praised blockades by Indian farmers in the past.
Calvin R is pointing out Trudeau is othering the Truckers
just as Nazis otherered Jews/gypsies/gays.
GBnews : Princess Andrew debate
Tatchell ‘If you are not guilty, you don’t pay
Andrew previously said he would never settle out of court’
Lady Colin C “#1 Substantial damages is a legal cover word, that could mean $10
#2 The Judge Kaplan had showed prejudice, so that would explain why Andrew settled out of court
#3 Guiffre is using Bill Clinton’s lawyers”
GBNews – hour after hour of Andrew Windsor soap opera crap . …thought they’d be better than that …..
New thread – war special – it’s war – plucky British boys rush to join up – did you get a white feather ?
“Covid in Wales: All five to 11-year-olds offered jabs”
What for ?