The email invite received by Labour party members is headed "gala dinner with Keir Starmer and Gary Neville", and provides "discounted" tickets at £70 per person or £650 per table.
Premier League right to let Saudi Arabia state buy Newcastle United, says Gary Neville
Neville accepted Saudi Arabia’s human rights record left much to be desired but said freezing such nations out of sport was the wrong move
I love that BBC news is currently vox popping people in Birmingham about what affects the vaccine might have on eight year olds. Not sure any of them actually know
Guest Who
Is that before they offer the 5 to 11 year olds voting rights or after?
Anyway, the child depicted in the BBC photo doesn’t look like a typically British 5 to 11 year old to me, not where I live anyway.
What normal 5 year old child, given the choice, will volunteer to have a needle stuck in their arm? Hands up kids!
At least Carr can walk the floor … ‘Devastated’ Batley teacher ‘fearing for his life’ as he goes into hiding after Prophet Muhammad cartoon row
He is said to be an emotional wreck and is terrified about returning to Batley
Sunday : Alone in the park riding a penny farthing on grass
“I didn’t see the divot, my front wheel went into it and I went over the handlebars and landed on my head.”
Several hours after the accident I got the all-clear
.. at my local A&E, where thankfully they were extremely quiet on Sunday.
I regret riding on grass, which stopped me seeing a divot.”
While showing off his black eye and broken glasses, he explained that he had been riding the bicycle, which raises you 8ft into the air, on the grass with no-one else around.
I am surprised he managed to keep it secret for 2.5 days
I don’t spot any videos on Twitter.
We three million indigenous Londoners are so
lucky to have a regional programme on the BBC
TV four times a day. Ok we are now a sizeable
minority in the capitol. So we don’t expect
to have more than a couple of features a week
concerning our issues. And as a minority to
have between 75 to 80% ethnic presenters
and reporters I suppose is what we should expect.
And they do come in all sizes and ethnicities.
Now you may ask ” don’t the BBC practice
“positive discrimination” on this regional programme .
As the do with every other aspect on the rest of their
programming?” NO .
BUT they do show some us some really original
features , such as this evening. Illegal immigrants who
have come across the channel on rubber dinghies from the
LGBT community,believe they are being persecuted and
are being sorted out to be sent back to where they came
from. An Ethiopian gay gentleman told Alice Bhandhukravi
the presenter this evening that he thought it was racist.
All very interesting. I can see him being a presenter or a
reporter on the programme before long . That’s if he not
sent back to Addis Ababa or Calais . Which I very much doubt.
I reiterate aren’t we indigenous Londoners lucky to have
such a programme to watch four times a day?
John-This is the default position on practically
all BBC internet imaging on their website so
far as the general public is concerned. The
instructions are given out by BIG BROTHER
from the Diversity department. That the
Caucasian indigenous population of the UK don’t
exist anymore. When it comes to imaging on their
Think it should be Racial discrimination against white people across the board. The BBC however think otherwise-it now so clearly shown in every sector of advertising, broadcasting, films, et al and it has been allowed to grow to such a degree that the white indeginous folk are apparantly accepting it-I’m not, but I have little option in many cases.
The discrimination applied by the BBC is “positive discrimination” which is of course anti discrimination. One has to be severely mentally handicapped not to see the logic of this.
Yes and 2+2 = 5.3.
BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast
BBC Radio 5 Live, Wednesday 3 January 2018
During a phone-in on the programme a contributor, Danielle Tiplady was introduced as a staff nurse. We should have established and made clear on air that she was a political activist.
North : sisters pig farm
NE : Family pig farm (I think they quit)
Norfolk : young Izzi has taken over the family beef business from her 80-year-old father
The changes to farming subsidies come in to effect following Brexit.
she is diversifying the family business, running a homeware design company on the farm and working in her local shop to cover her bills
latest idea is a shipping container which she’s turning into a workshop for visitors for farm experience days.
West : The oystermen of the River Fal estuary have been knocked sideways by Brexit.
South : Oxfordshire cattle farm : therapy as workers are autistic.
Midlands : Farmers making environmentally friendly crisps
“renewable power from their own renewable energy plant that runs on crops and waste from the farm. They’ve developed the world’s first plastic-free crisp packets, which are fully compostable.
To keep the *food miles down* to a minimum, and to support other local farmers, they only use flavours for their crisps from local farmers such as Charles Martel whose Hereford cheese flavour is one of their most popular.
(Tosh ..Crisp flavouring comes in small packets made by corps like Kerry Ingredients .. there is not a lot of CO2 in transporting that)
Labour activists are voting, who will vote for ?
“Nabeela Mowlana is an incredible activist and will make an amazing chair of Young Labour. ”
Or you could vote for Rsaal Firoz
The Junior Spies is an organization of children who monitor adults for disloyalty to the Party, and frequently succeed in catching them—Mrs. Parsons herself seems afraid of her zealous children.
1984 Orwell
Once again, GB News goes where the biased BBC doesn’t.
Here, Farage highlights the double scandal of team Hillary spying on Trump (as he rightly claimed at the time) and the msm ridiculing or ignoring the story, then and now.
Maitless has now come out claiming to have pointed out the contradictions between the car crash interview she did with Prince Andrew, however the Media is not being honest at all over this.
Whilst I would like to make it clear that I am in no way defending a man whose brains are clearly in his pants and whose towering arrogance appears to have developed when he was a child, seeing outright lying about a man who cannot reply is deeply unfair.
It is a special year and the State plus the Royal family do not want the platinum jubilee celebrations overshadows by the fact Prince Andrew cannot control his sex drive nor his arrogance, and continued legal action (which thanks to the Democrat appointed Leftie judge he would lose even if Giuffre admitted she made it all up), there would have been appeal after apeal after appeal.
So it appears PA might well have been told to reach a settlement regardless of the cost, both personal and financial, and might not even have been guilty of what he was accused of.
Watching a program on paramilitary security teams in NHS hospitals. The one featured has a whole department of fat bloke security teams (ex nightclub bouncers) paid for by the NHS (us lot of taxpayers) they have dedicated suites populated with multi screen tv’s and lots of pseudo police in uniforms (20 plus per hospital) in case someone lights up a fag in the car park.
All private of course on massive per head payments to some private security company (probably American).
This must be costing us all millions and is unregulated, it’s NHS empire building on a sickening scale and needs to be halted.
The hospital featured seems to have around 20 guards on duty waiting for someone to shout at a nurse or something.
I don’t want to hear one more frigging moan about how cash strapped the frigging NHS are!
They are a total basket case and are bleeding the taxpayer dry!
Look – it’s only drugs dealing –
he hasn’t been caught before –
he is already doing ‘community work –
and started a business ( drug dealing )
And he has a job – in my parliamentary office
“UK to scrap golden visa scheme for foreign investors”
That’s no problem. They would get in to the UK via “golden rubber dinghies”.
Simples , thanks to our Home Office .
BBC News
Reports on sexual crimes by RC priests in Italy . Good that such evil is exposed . Yet – yet- where are the reports about
Paki stani pardophile organised racist gangs in many towns and cities in Blighty .?
Where is the BBC campaign for the Home Office to publish the report of these crimes ?
Where is the investigation by the BBC to find out why
Paki stani ‘communities ‘ are supportive of this evil – or why more people fail to challenge – speak out or stop it ?
Maybe there are too many paki stanis in the BBC with relatives involved in the practice – or is it a Muslim thing ?
I am now convinced that the BBC do not talk about it because they think they will offend Muslims around the world who understand why the gangs do it.
The big thing for me about all these gangs is that it is far, far more than individual rapists. They come together in gangs with the clear knowledge that nobody in the entire Muslim community will tell the white authorities. And the reason for that is that they think their religion permits it.
Their targets are young white girls who wear makeup and show flesh. They consider them to be trash who are only fit to be used by good Muslim men for pleasure.
The covering up of these people by the BBC, the Police and the government is one of the great scandals of our time. And 100% because of the ideological Left who consider the agenda to be more important than any number of other peoples lives.
The main point about all this being, is why the so called ‘Tory Government’ has allowed the broadcasting outfit to continue for so long , funded by an archaic television tax enforced by an equally archaic law?
Prof Jay said: “No-one knows the true scale of child sexual exploitation in Rotherham over the years. Our conservative estimate is that approximately 1,400 children were sexually exploited over the full inquiry period, from 1997 to 2013.”
Revealing details of the inquiry’s findings, Prof Jay said: “It is hard to describe the appalling nature of the abuse that child victims suffered.”
The inquiry team found examples of “children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone”.
I wondee sometimes about the language used in this .
Do words like ‘ abused ‘ ‘ vulnerable ‘ and the like sort of sanitise the crimes being commited – and the effect on the children – victims ?
I might have developed ‘ wimminz hour ‘ type sensitivity but it just seems to be playing the ‘game’
The reason why the MSM have tried to ignore or minimise the coverage of this scandal is that they know it will cause huge resentment on the part of the indigenous folk of these islands. The natives will start asking questions about how can mass migration be a good thing when this happens?
The left decided decades ago to swamp the country with third worlders and to make sure that ordinary folk were passive in the face of this invasion. They have succeeded far. But if the MSM lefties gave this story the coverage it deserves it would shake their flimsy multicultural world to its foundations.
The left has also decided that the best way to stop the natives from resisting the take over of their country is to destroy their culture and history, effectively making them culturally homeless. Again they are making a lot of progress on this front too.
Two big questions remain.
Firstly , what type of country do the left think will emerge from the current mess in twenty of thirty years time? Secondly, why have the Tories allowed is to go unopposed for the past decades? Major, Cameron, May and Boris have all stood by and watched or even assisted in the death of our country.
One of the most upsetting things is the amount of propaganda about ‘wimmin as victims ‘ ( aren’t all men bad ?) versus the free pass to commit sex crimes and avoid any form of ‘justice ‘..
‘Some might say ‘ that even those convicted get to stay in the host country of which they are parasite vermin .
It’s nice to see an ordinary brummie type bloke win a tax case against HMtaxes – so when the DT reports that chummie “Adrian Chiles “ saved £500 000 on some tax avoidance scene warms the heart …
More ( alleged Royal corruption ) this time Charles Windsor .
Robinson interviews a royal lackey mouthpiece for said future monarch – namely Dimbleby minor .
Dimbleby £ minor sounds spiky and irritated by the very thought that Charles Windsor might take a bung from a greasy Arab .
It’s strange that Blighty is considered to be a – not – very corrupt – country – but the amount of stuff reported on this site reflects something maybe people in this country don’t want to believe …
Such as the overt corruption provided by the so called ‘honours ‘ system …..
“I was 27 then. I got everything I wanted so early in life. I’d lost my father and there was no-one to guide me. I was inexperienced and made a mistake and I was punished for it. But I’m 42 now, and I feel I’m still paying the price”
Experts say the “right to be forgotten” – or the “right to erasure” – is simply the right to have your publicly available personal information removed from the internet. Although the right is recognised in the European Union – where it’s not absolute – it’s a fairly new concept in India and still not covered by law.
Kaushik hit the headlines when he won the fifth season of reality show MTV Roadies in 2007 and Bigg Boss – the wildly popular Indian version of Big Brother – a year later.
The wins, he says, earned him “accolades, love and appreciation of people from across India”.
But fame gave way to infamy when, a year later, he was caught drink-driving.
Not really BBC
But it’s so nice listening to a Russian spokesman telling lies over troop build ups at the Ukraine border . An echo of those days when ussr mouthpieces sat with stony faces telling lie after lie – a technique now developed by the BBC …
Amazing to think that Russia has had an evil government for over 100 years …
“Another stalwart for decades at the bbc Nigel Rees has had enough. He noted on GBnews how the show Quote /unquote, that used to attract very intellectual and amusing guests was starting to get instructions on minority quotas in the panel members and that certain quotes ( the whole premise of the show) were now getting frowned upon if used ( mad dogs and Englishman being “unacceptable and colonial”). The real killer blows however being the observation that the bbc just deemed anything historical as suspect in some way ( historical quotes of course the other premise) and ultimately there just was not the intellectual talent anymore worth inviting. What a verdict on the state of the bbc/media where is Dorries?”
I thought I’d heard – and by and large rejected – just about every wackadoodle tinfoil hat-wearing conspiracy theory there was out there.
Then along comes this report in this morning’s Telegraph: ‘Smart meters interrupt missile warning systems‘ – I know they are designed to make those door-to-door meter-reading chaps unemployed, whilst being a job-creation scheme of the installing firms. I know they can charge customers extra at peak rates and possibly cut off your supply in localised brown outs as and when the national grid is overwhelmed (to borrow a medical term) – like we know it soon will be – whilst presumably protecting the hospitals from power cuts. Can’t you just see it now… power cut for three hours… to protect the NHS?
The benefit to the consumer seems to be a reminder – as if it were needed – that when you put your kettle on during the tv advert break, or the kids have left all the upstairs lights on when the whole family is downstairs – despite their school’s intensive green education – then your electricty consumption goes up. Thank you for that information.
Considering the way our kids still consume enegry, despite all their green school lessons – perhaps we shouldn’t over fret over: ‘Teachers told not to “indoctrinate” pupils with BLM‘ (Telegraph); ‘Teachers told to avoid the “biased” views of BLM and Stonewall‘ (Times) Some lily-livered use of scare quotes there from our supposedly conservative-leaning papers. I digress.
Oddly enough this is a Yorkshire story: ‘People living near RAF Fylingdales in the North York Moors have been refused the upgrade because smart meter signals may clash with its ballistic missiles radar‘ (Telegraph) – I wouldn’t worry overmuch. They say the Yorkies are pretty close when it comes to their expediture and I doubt they waste their electricty.
You wouldn’t want a cruise missile diverted into your kitchen. Sounds unlikey, I know, but safety first eh? Afterall, this is all new, largely untested technology we’re dealing with here.
‘Parents to decide on jabs for five-year-olds‘ (Telegraph); ‘Covid jab programme extended to cover all children aged five to 11‘ (Guardian)
Our media do love a royal scandal – or two: ‘Prince of Wales to face police interview‘ (Guardian)
‘Storm after storm. Winds of 100mph forecast to hit north and west‘ (Guardian) – cor, blimey, who needs rely on the Daily Star when the Gruan has the weather story on the frontpage.
Mind you, the war clouds over Ukraine seem to have lifted somewhat.
‘Truss: Putin could drag out crisis for months. Foreign Secretary sceptical at Russia’s claims of withdrwal from Ukraine’s border‘ (Telegraph) – I’m sceptical of our light-weight, mid-wit, furry hat-wearing photo-op, foreign minister who perhaps might consider that – unlike us in the west – the Ruskies do like to defend their borders.
By the way, who are these eastern european nationalists we are suddenly so keen on and apparently allied to in Ukraine? Bearing in mind: ‘Poland and Hungary lose rule of law fight. The top EU court has dismissed a legal challenge from the two countries, a move that opens the way for Brussels to withhold funds from member state for law rule violations‘ (FT) – so here’s an idea – how about europe test Ukraine’s keeness to fully sign up to EU ideology by asking them up front to absorb their fair share of the illegal migrants? That’ll sort the soy boys from the Boyahs. They might find, in the long run, they’d be happier under Putin.
‘Friend or foe?‘ – asks FT Datawatch: ‘% of adults seeing Russia as:‘
Turns out the Japanese are most wary of the bear looming close to their borders. Next most fearful of the Ruskies are we Brits. I put this down entirely to the intense media blitz of the last few weeks.
Oh, I nearly forgot to mention – the source of Prince Charles’s scandal: ‘…a Saudi benefactor…‘ (Daily Express)
In a similar vein: ‘Ericsson “embarrassed” after admitting to possibly paying ISIS for access in Iraq‘ (FT) – I do admire that wonderful construction admitted to possibly. Shades of Prince Andrew there.
‘Ericsson has conceded that it might have made payments to terrorist organisation ISIS in Iraq… The Swedish telecoms equipment maker revealed…‘ – let’s hope the islamists don’t read the Telegraph and get the idea they ought to obtain some smart meters – that could play absolute havoc with our military tech.
Being far right can be cured with talks and empathy .. yet …
“I was born female and now I’m completely male,” Alex from Arbroath told BBC Scotland.
“For me, gender is a spectrum and I feel mainly close to the masculine end and I’ve never, ever identified as female.”
The 27-year-old came out as transgender about five years ago and, after attending a gender clinic in Glasgow, has been treated with hormones for three and a half years. Four months ago he had “top surgery”.
Oops, unnamed sports reporter could be in the cacky – BBBC sport website has story about Rugby star Marcus Smith including the fact that he was named as “MAN of the match” against Italy – that will never do….
It aims to help teachers cover complex topics, such as the history of the British Empire or the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, without pushing one political view over another.
Many societies throughout history have practised slavery, and Muslim societies were no exception.
It’s thought that as many people were enslaved in the Eastern slave trade as in the Atlantic slave trade.
It’s ironic that when the Atlantic slave trade was abolished the Eastern trade expanded, suggesting that for some Africans the abolition of the Atlantic trade didn’t lead to freedom, but merely changed their slave destination.
Saudi Arabia’s religious police stopped schoolgirls from leaving a blazing building because they were not wearing correct Islamic dress, according to Saudi newspapers.
In a rare criticism of the kingdom’s powerful “mutaween” police, the Saudi media has accused them of hindering attempts to save 15 girls who died in the fire on Monday.
A head teacher should be investigated over whether she has breached her “duty of impartiality” after pupils wrote a letter criticising Boris Johnson, the Commons has heard.
During a lesson, pupils from Nottingham’s Welbeck Primary School called on the prime minister to resign.
Conservative MP for Gedling, Tom Randall, raised the matter and has written to the education secretary.
The school’s head said children were “encouraged to express their thoughts”.
Has the BBC ever lied to me …. YES.
“Gavin Hewitt in 2015 replacing video with still photos to hide a nasty refugee pushing a pregnant female refugee and small child onto a train track, the BBC made it look like the border guards were being tough.”
Has the BBC ever hidden news from me …. YES.
“May 2018 the Day of Freedom march was not reported on the main website or the main news channel and is not available on the BBC £3.5bn online search page – other news agencies including the Guardian reported it.”
Has the BBC kept the public in the dark …. YES.
“We know that the UK MP expenses continues and should be investigated with the £3.5bn BBC New Service every year to keep the MPs on their toes, David Lammy bought a bike for £650 on expenses (Claim Ref:387540/17oct2014) which is blatant misuse of Tax Payer Money. How come the BBC don’t check up each year?”
Has the BBC ignored politician’s lies …. YES.
“UK Politicians are on TV shouting austerity and recession but all have taken an 18% pay increase from 2010 to 2018. How can they talk for the people when the live in their own bubble?”
Has the BBC moved from news to social engineering …. YES.
“By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{ 14sep2017}”
Has the BBC let journalist break their guidelines …. YES.
“Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker uses his twitter account to say Brexit is bad, EU is good. But not once has he confronted Jacob Rees-Mogg or Nigel Farage to talk about it. It is a one sided echo chamber.”
As a result of something which came up yesterday, I was researching what the current definition of ‘racism’ is these days. All of these terms are being manipulated by the Left so I figured I would see what they had done to this one.
This is the general definition of racism I have been seeing in the past:
‘prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.’.
Even this is flawed : why should it depend on the target being in a minority group ?. But by and large, it makes sense.
But while researching it for something which came up yesterday, I discovered the meaning has been changed. I came across the following article on the BBC:
Kennedy Mitchum, a recent graduate of Drake University in Iowa, suggested that the definition should include a reference to systemic oppression
Kennedy is – of course – black.
‘Ms Mitchum had encountered people pointing to the dictionary to prove that they were not racist because of the way they felt towards people of colour. She felt the definition needed to reflect broader issues of racial inequality in society.’
So in other words, she wanted the definition to be changed so that all white people could be called racists !!.
Of course, every Muslim country in the world is now officially ‘racist’. But they never mention that. It’s all 100% for blacks.
It’s absolute woke madness.
The word ‘racist’ has become a vague Left-wing label which no longer has specific meaning. If you are white you are racist. If you are not, you are not.
So the reply to people like maxi using the word ‘racist’ is now that the word is so vague, it is pointless. It simply means ‘white people’ – including maxi himself if he is white. The phrase he should use if he wants to actually accuse somebody of something is ‘Racial Discrimination’. Then we can pull him to pieces because he and the BBC are totally guilty of that.
Isn’t Labour’s new open door policy genocide? Time to take them to the Supreme Court!
In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
Killing members of the group;
Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
Quite apart from ever-changing definitions (by the left), there are no such words as ‘racism’ or ‘racist’ in my 1907 Chambers’s Etymological Dictionary of the English Language.
She has picked up The BBC habit of comparing apples with oranges, as suits.
That or either moved into Sopes’ gated community, Katty’s bunker or Lurch’s man cave.
The antifa fires to steer gangs of the east coast span Edinburgh to Ankara, taking in burning cars in Paris, the glory that is an Italian migrant barracks in-between.
Thank you for contacting us about Beyond 100 Days on the BBC News Channel. We note and appreciate your concerns.
We can assure you that the scheduling of Beyond 100 Days has no relevance to the recent US Presidential elections. We would also highlight that you can continue to watch BBC News with Katty and Christian on the BBC New Channel.
BBC News never takes a position on any story that we cover.
We do value your feedback about this. All complaints are sent to senior management and we’ve included your points in our overnight report.
These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the company and ensures that your concerns have been seen by the right people quickly. This helps inform their decisions about current and future content.
Or the fact they harboured a vile child molester in their own organisation for years, gave him ample opportunities to commit his crimes and paid him handsomely?
People should feel safe where they live. (c) Starmer
Batley Grammar School teacher still in hiding after threats over Prophet cartoon. … Last month an independent inquiry into the incident at Batley Grammar School, West Yorkshire, found that the teacher had not meant to cause offence when the image was shown in his religious studies lesson.19 Jun 2021
On 22 March 2020, 7-year-old Emily Grace Jones was stabbed at Queen’s Park in Bolton, Greater Manchester, England, while riding her scooter and died shortly afterwards. Eltiona Skana, a 30-year-old Albanian woman unknown to the Jones family, was arrested on the scene and later charged with murder. Wikipedia
Ive predicted here before that opposition parties will try to link inflation pressures to the socialist government.
Think the real problem will come when the bank of england realises real inflation is at 10% and really has to turn the money tap off with a series of interest rate increases through the year …
GB news discussed the actual inflation rate yesterday producing quite scary views
Meanwhile the BBC hangs out behind the foodbank interviewing punters on the edge – but still paying their TV licence of course …
Crappy old place now this England, too much stress for the majority, patrimony gone wherever common sense went, evil now stands alongside us-the answer now is, do we have the courage and strength to go on, however as was once said- it is going on went you don’t have strength that is what it has to be. Valdimir Putin is watch us, and if we fall he will destroy us.
Admitting that a path to joining Nato and the EU would be “long”, he stresses that “for me as president the most important thing on this path is not to lose my country.
‘Does he hold us for fools!?’ Anjem Choudary lodges new appeal with European Court
Hate preacher Anjem Choudary has lodged an appeal against his conviction for encouraging support for Isis with the European Court of Human Rights.
08:55, Sun, Jan 30, 2022 | UPDATED: 09:44, Sun, Jan 30, 2022
He hopes he can convince Strasbourg lawmakers to overturn his September 2016 conviction for cheerleading for Isis and pledging allegiance to the terror cult. The radical Islamist, jailed for five and a half years following a trial at the Old Bailey, already had his application for permission to appeal thrown out by Court of Appeal judges in 2017. Judges slapped down his position on the basis that his conviction was not “arguably unsafe”.
Sadiq Khan told LBC listeners this morning that he won’t support Priti’s pick for Cressida Dick’s Met Chief replacement if he doesn’t have confidence that he or she understands the importance of addressing these deep cultural issues.
So every Muslim that goes to Mecca to celebrate the Hajj supports the Saudi regime financially by giving them money for flights and buying stuff whilst on the Hajj … thus anyone who goes, supports Saudi law thus is supporting transphobic corporation … never mind Nike etc …
Both male and female same-sex sexual activity is illegal. LGBT rights are not recognized by the government of Saudi Arabia.
All muslims should boycott Mecca until there is Justice …. Sadiq Khan and Savid Javid and Warsi and all Muslims should ban travelling until the law is changed in Saudi for LGBT.
Marky forgive my bad language , but sod Khan, he shouldn’t have any input into who is made Met Chief. Without doubt it should be a white male with a strong presence, wide experience of commanding men and women-any man or wman recruited who follows the teaching of Islam should be relagted non conflict duties.
Pink Hat Outrage? UK Muslims stop buying from Pakistani shops?
Karachi (CNN)The brother of murdered social media star Qandeel Baloch has been freed by a Pakistan appeals court, three years after he was convicted of killing her for “bringing dishonor” to the family.
In a confession video, Waseem Baloch said he was “proud” of killing his sister, adding that having his friends share her pictures and video clips was “too much” for him.
“I drugged her first, then I killed her,” he said. “Girls are born to stay home and follow traditions. My sister never did that.”
Oh dear, things are not going well for the BBC’s protégé in Canada, Saint Justin-of-the-Hair (motto: because I’m worth it).
The Beeb probably won’t be showing this exchange in Parliament in which, first a Conservative opponent launches a blistering attack on pretty-boy Trudeau. The latter then unwisely retaliates with the grotesque slur that ‘Conservatives stand with people who wave Swastikas’.
(It’s edited out, but at this point Parliament erupts with outrage.)
And – bad luck for Turdeau – the MP he’s insulting (Melissa Lantsman) happens to be Jewish and happens to be a descendant of Holocaust survivors, as she tells him in no uncertain terms before demanding an apology.
Sadiq Khan told LBC listeners this morning that he won’t support Priti’s pick for Cressida Dick’s Met Chief replacement if he doesn’t have confidence that he or she understands the importance of addressing these deep cultural issues. While Sadiq can’t formally block the Home Secretary’s pick, Priti’s choice has to be made with due consideration of the Mayor’s preference, according to the legislation. It looks like anti-woke Priti won’t be able to ignore candidates’ gender, sexuality or race when picking the appointment…
UK 2018
Home Office, UK Security … Islamist …. Sajid Javid.
London Mayor, UK Prosperity … Islamist … Sadiq Khan.
CEO of Bernados, UK Children … Islamist .. Javed Khan.
Prime Minister’s Special Envoy on Freedom of Religion or Belief … Islamist … Lord Ahmed.
BBC religion and ethics commissioning … Islamist … Fatima Salaria
I thoroughly recommend a recent you tube video on the Daily Telegraph’s ‘ Off Script’ series which is a 50 minute interview with Victor Davis Hanson in which he discusses the current state of the US. He is in the end optimistic that ordinary folk will be able to throw off the tyranny of the Woke but only if they recognise that there is an existentialist threat to democracy and band together and use all means at their disposal.
Victor Davis Hanson@VDHansonSenior Fellow @HooverInst.
Classics and military history. Latest book: The Case for Trump:
He also appeared on Tucker last night, 3 min video
Victor Davis Hanson weighs in on Trudeau's authoritarian response to the peaceful freedom protest in Ottawa: "Ultimately, I don't think Trudeau is going to win this."
Stew, I am embarrassed yet again , the third or fourth time, that you have to provide the link because of my uselessness with technology. Anyway thank you.
It is so obviously now about more than Chinese virus restrictions – does Canada look at the relaxation of restrictions in similar countries ? Population demographics and density ? Number infected – in hospital – and dying .
How has troo do managed to get himself into a bunker of his own making ? Throwing the State at protesters ? In other times he’d land up hanging from a lamp post ….
Maybe the wokes think they are that strong … I hope he is ended – in any form …
JohnCFeb 24, 03:22 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Another video I spent longer watching than I intended.
ZephirFeb 24, 03:18 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Yes, I noticed this yesterday, all short sighted (in so many ways) and all wear the same stupid starmer glasses…..…
DeborahFeb 23, 23:41 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Reported tonight on GBNews that Stonewall is going to lose half its staff because of Trump’s stalling USAID. Until now,…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:27 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Bowen said the same thing in one of his articles. Clearly it’s part of ‘BBC Groupthink’ now. Trump should have…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:12 Start the Week 24th February 2025 The BBC don’t seem bothered at all that Hamas murdered those young boys and their mother with their bare hands…
NiborFeb 23, 23:10 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Sorry if already mentioned , But this “Trump wants to win the Nobel Peace prize ” ! Does he really…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:07 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Zelensky willing to give up presidency in exchange for Nato membership Sometimes I read a BBC article and wonder…
pugnaziousFeb 23, 23:05 Start the Week 24th February 2025 ‘The desecration of our country continues…’ And at the heart of it is our national broadcaster which teaches people…
Complimentary top table for Laura, BS, etc?
Premier League right to let Saudi Arabia state buy Newcastle United, says Gary Neville
Neville accepted Saudi Arabia’s human rights record left much to be desired but said freezing such nations out of sport was the wrong move
Sports Staff
Monday 18 October 2021 23:24
We are all equal – food banks for all.
The BBC will not care.
Likely the assortment of diverse moppets of color Surkeer’s idiot PR team assembled to show how he is determined to make the BBC happy.
Typical bbc fare.
Guest Who
Is that before they offer the 5 to 11 year olds voting rights or after?
Anyway, the child depicted in the BBC photo doesn’t look like a typically British 5 to 11 year old to me, not where I live anyway.
What normal 5 year old child, given the choice, will volunteer to have a needle stuck in their arm? Hands up kids!
Pegs and lucky heather on sale in the foyer?
At least Carr can walk the floor … ‘Devastated’ Batley teacher ‘fearing for his life’ as he goes into hiding after Prophet Muhammad cartoon row
He is said to be an emotional wreck and is terrified about returning to Batley
This looks… new.
Anyone can make their own XR parody account/s
BBC Breaking: Saddo’s dad was in On the Busses. Apparently.
Have to say, even though it is on… Joe… she scrubs up a lot better than most of the MSM political totty.
“My dad was a toolmaker” and what a good job he did of it!!!!😂😂😂😂
“My dad” — how sweet and homely!
Labour finances ‘set to drop into the red’ for the first time since Jeremy Corbyn became leader
Awful. Simply… awful.
Sunday : Alone in the park riding a penny farthing on grass
“I didn’t see the divot, my front wheel went into it and I went over the handlebars and landed on my head.”
Several hours after the accident I got the all-clear
.. at my local A&E, where thankfully they were extremely quiet on Sunday.
I regret riding on grass, which stopped me seeing a divot.”
While showing off his black eye and broken glasses, he explained that he had been riding the bicycle, which raises you 8ft into the air, on the grass with no-one else around.
I am surprised he managed to keep it secret for 2.5 days
I don’t spot any videos on Twitter.
Fake News ?
New idea for a series ?
Trying out the new highway code?
Due to Brexit or Racism? Does he have Private Health care (not the NHS)
We three million indigenous Londoners are so
lucky to have a regional programme on the BBC
TV four times a day. Ok we are now a sizeable
minority in the capitol. So we don’t expect
to have more than a couple of features a week
concerning our issues. And as a minority to
have between 75 to 80% ethnic presenters
and reporters I suppose is what we should expect.
And they do come in all sizes and ethnicities.
Now you may ask ” don’t the BBC practice
“positive discrimination” on this regional programme .
As the do with every other aspect on the rest of their
programming?” NO .
BUT they do show some us some really original
features , such as this evening. Illegal immigrants who
have come across the channel on rubber dinghies from the
LGBT community,believe they are being persecuted and
are being sorted out to be sent back to where they came
from. An Ethiopian gay gentleman told Alice Bhandhukravi
the presenter this evening that he thought it was racist.
All very interesting. I can see him being a presenter or a
reporter on the programme before long . That’s if he not
sent back to Addis Ababa or Calais . Which I very much doubt.
I reiterate aren’t we indigenous Londoners lucky to have
such a programme to watch four times a day?
England to offer Covid jab to five to 11-year-olds
‘Racial discrimination is any discrimination against any individual on the basis of their skin color, or racial or ethnic origin.’
That’s you BBC. 100%.
John-This is the default position on practically
all BBC internet imaging on their website so
far as the general public is concerned. The
instructions are given out by BIG BROTHER
from the Diversity department. That the
Caucasian indigenous population of the UK don’t
exist anymore. When it comes to imaging on their
Think it should be Racial discrimination against white people across the board. The BBC however think otherwise-it now so clearly shown in every sector of advertising, broadcasting, films, et al and it has been allowed to grow to such a degree that the white indeginous folk are apparantly accepting it-I’m not, but I have little option in many cases.
The discrimination applied by the BBC is “positive discrimination” which is of course anti discrimination. One has to be severely mentally handicapped not to see the logic of this.
Yes and 2+2 = 5.3.
Mulattos with big hair: why do I never see any where I live?
Look at the parental white arm…………..
BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast
BBC Radio 5 Live, Wednesday 3 January 2018
During a phone-in on the programme a contributor, Danielle Tiplady was introduced as a staff nurse. We should have established and made clear on air that she was a political activist.
7:30pm Regional show
Farming in your region
North : sisters pig farm
NE : Family pig farm (I think they quit)
Norfolk : young Izzi has taken over the family beef business from her 80-year-old father
The changes to farming subsidies come in to effect following Brexit.
she is diversifying the family business, running a homeware design company on the farm and working in her local shop to cover her bills
latest idea is a shipping container which she’s turning into a workshop for visitors for farm experience days.
West : The oystermen of the River Fal estuary have been knocked sideways by Brexit.
South : Oxfordshire cattle farm : therapy as workers are autistic.
Midlands : Farmers making environmentally friendly crisps
“renewable power from their own renewable energy plant that runs on crops and waste from the farm. They’ve developed the world’s first plastic-free crisp packets, which are fully compostable.
To keep the *food miles down* to a minimum, and to support other local farmers, they only use flavours for their crisps from local farmers such as Charles Martel whose Hereford cheese flavour is one of their most popular.
(Tosh ..Crisp flavouring comes in small packets made by corps like Kerry Ingredients .. there is not a lot of CO2 in transporting that)
Labour activists are voting, who will vote for ?
“Nabeela Mowlana is an incredible activist and will make an amazing chair of Young Labour. ”
Or you could vote for Rsaal Firoz
The Junior Spies is an organization of children who monitor adults for disloyalty to the Party, and frequently succeed in catching them—Mrs. Parsons herself seems afraid of her zealous children.
1984 Orwell
Who said Ukraine would be invaded at 02:00 on Wednesday, was it Sage?
Starmer does not want Gisela Stuart to be appointed as head of the Civil Service Commission, where she would be in charge of regulating appointments for senior jobs in Whitehall.
Gosh, I wonder why?
Hint: she was/is a Brexiteer.
Once again, GB News goes where the biased BBC doesn’t.
Here, Farage highlights the double scandal of team Hillary spying on Trump (as he rightly claimed at the time) and the msm ridiculing or ignoring the story, then and now.
Maitless has now come out claiming to have pointed out the contradictions between the car crash interview she did with Prince Andrew, however the Media is not being honest at all over this.
Whilst I would like to make it clear that I am in no way defending a man whose brains are clearly in his pants and whose towering arrogance appears to have developed when he was a child, seeing outright lying about a man who cannot reply is deeply unfair.
It is a special year and the State plus the Royal family do not want the platinum jubilee celebrations overshadows by the fact Prince Andrew cannot control his sex drive nor his arrogance, and continued legal action (which thanks to the Democrat appointed Leftie judge he would lose even if Giuffre admitted she made it all up), there would have been appeal after apeal after appeal.
So it appears PA might well have been told to reach a settlement regardless of the cost, both personal and financial, and might not even have been guilty of what he was accused of.
Watching a program on paramilitary security teams in NHS hospitals. The one featured has a whole department of fat bloke security teams (ex nightclub bouncers) paid for by the NHS (us lot of taxpayers) they have dedicated suites populated with multi screen tv’s and lots of pseudo police in uniforms (20 plus per hospital) in case someone lights up a fag in the car park.
All private of course on massive per head payments to some private security company (probably American).
This must be costing us all millions and is unregulated, it’s NHS empire building on a sickening scale and needs to be halted.
The hospital featured seems to have around 20 guards on duty waiting for someone to shout at a nurse or something.
I don’t want to hear one more frigging moan about how cash strapped the frigging NHS are!
They are a total basket case and are bleeding the taxpayer dry!
Digg, please excuse having to visit the Srobs site, but I can’t remember where I got this from…
I hope it was actually Tony Benn saying that and not a spoof, but there again, the story does ring a few bells…
Empire overstretch.
At first I though ‘oh, good Lord’, but then saw Kev has already run into the kind of question on bbc hiring that needs a Wendy. blocking.
BBC in discrimination row after opening trainee role only to ethnic minorities
Recently Simpo was strenuously advocating high profile sulking to motivate the Iranians to release a journalist, on the basis that this works a treat.
Sadly he seems unaware of this case.
Getting a question answered is nothing short of a miracle.
No wonder it has gone viral.
Smile.Smile. No Smile. Nice photos for the Presidents.
BBC Politics likely to run a feature on odd features behind certain Red Princes?
A. No.
B. Hell no.
C. No as family is off limits and not news anyway. Unless….
Look – it’s only drugs dealing –
he hasn’t been caught before –
he is already doing ‘community work –
and started a business ( drug dealing )
And he has a job – in my parliamentary office
So free nelson osamor…
Corruption eh ? Pay MPs more …?
“UK to scrap golden visa scheme for foreign investors”
That’s no problem. They would get in to the UK via “golden rubber dinghies”.
Simples , thanks to our Home Office .
“Jacob Rees-Mogg says little evidence Brexit hit trade”
More good Brexit news!
Next, he needs to get OUR fishing grounds back .
“Schools in England given guidance to avoid biased teaching”
Perhaps they could begin with the BBC?
Was just about to post the same thing. Here is the BBC example school class:
They are so wrapped up in their own little bubble, they don’t even realise what hypocrites they are.
Those who can, do.
Those who can’t, well…
Those in the BBC, hunt the dusty end of Getty….
First Rule of biased Fight CLub is to deny biased exists.
“No bias vibes “
Why not a hijab wearing woman?
BBC News
Reports on sexual crimes by RC priests in Italy . Good that such evil is exposed . Yet – yet- where are the reports about
Paki stani pardophile organised racist gangs in many towns and cities in Blighty .?
Where is the BBC campaign for the Home Office to publish the report of these crimes ?
Where is the investigation by the BBC to find out why
Paki stani ‘communities ‘ are supportive of this evil – or why more people fail to challenge – speak out or stop it ?
Maybe there are too many paki stanis in the BBC with relatives involved in the practice – or is it a Muslim thing ?
I am now convinced that the BBC do not talk about it because they think they will offend Muslims around the world who understand why the gangs do it.
The big thing for me about all these gangs is that it is far, far more than individual rapists. They come together in gangs with the clear knowledge that nobody in the entire Muslim community will tell the white authorities. And the reason for that is that they think their religion permits it.
Their targets are young white girls who wear makeup and show flesh. They consider them to be trash who are only fit to be used by good Muslim men for pleasure.
The covering up of these people by the BBC, the Police and the government is one of the great scandals of our time. And 100% because of the ideological Left who consider the agenda to be more important than any number of other peoples lives.
The main point about all this being, is why the so called ‘Tory Government’ has allowed the broadcasting outfit to continue for so long , funded by an archaic television tax enforced by an equally archaic law?
Prof Jay said: “No-one knows the true scale of child sexual exploitation in Rotherham over the years. Our conservative estimate is that approximately 1,400 children were sexually exploited over the full inquiry period, from 1997 to 2013.”
Revealing details of the inquiry’s findings, Prof Jay said: “It is hard to describe the appalling nature of the abuse that child victims suffered.”
The inquiry team found examples of “children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone”.
I wondee sometimes about the language used in this .
Do words like ‘ abused ‘ ‘ vulnerable ‘ and the like sort of sanitise the crimes being commited – and the effect on the children – victims ?
I might have developed ‘ wimminz hour ‘ type sensitivity but it just seems to be playing the ‘game’
“…they think their religion permits it.”
Their religion does permit it. That is why their religion should not be permitted.
The reason why the MSM have tried to ignore or minimise the coverage of this scandal is that they know it will cause huge resentment on the part of the indigenous folk of these islands. The natives will start asking questions about how can mass migration be a good thing when this happens?
The left decided decades ago to swamp the country with third worlders and to make sure that ordinary folk were passive in the face of this invasion. They have succeeded far. But if the MSM lefties gave this story the coverage it deserves it would shake their flimsy multicultural world to its foundations.
The left has also decided that the best way to stop the natives from resisting the take over of their country is to destroy their culture and history, effectively making them culturally homeless. Again they are making a lot of progress on this front too.
Two big questions remain.
Firstly , what type of country do the left think will emerge from the current mess in twenty of thirty years time? Secondly, why have the Tories allowed is to go unopposed for the past decades? Major, Cameron, May and Boris have all stood by and watched or even assisted in the death of our country.
One of the most upsetting things is the amount of propaganda about ‘wimmin as victims ‘ ( aren’t all men bad ?) versus the free pass to commit sex crimes and avoid any form of ‘justice ‘..
‘Some might say ‘ that even those convicted get to stay in the host country of which they are parasite vermin .
It’s nice to see an ordinary brummie type bloke win a tax case against HMtaxes – so when the DT reports that chummie “Adrian Chiles “ saved £500 000 on some tax avoidance scene warms the heart …
More ( alleged Royal corruption ) this time Charles Windsor .
Robinson interviews a royal lackey mouthpiece for said future monarch – namely Dimbleby minor .
Dimbleby £ minor sounds spiky and irritated by the very thought that Charles Windsor might take a bung from a greasy Arab .
It’s strange that Blighty is considered to be a – not – very corrupt – country – but the amount of stuff reported on this site reflects something maybe people in this country don’t want to believe …
Such as the overt corruption provided by the so called ‘honours ‘ system …..
Love it when W1A cubicle gardens go full irony.
BBC Who? News
“I was 27 then. I got everything I wanted so early in life. I’d lost my father and there was no-one to guide me. I was inexperienced and made a mistake and I was punished for it. But I’m 42 now, and I feel I’m still paying the price”
Ashutosh Kaushik: Indian actor fighting for the ‘right to be forgotten’
His people got in touch with Geeta’s people.
Experts say the “right to be forgotten” – or the “right to erasure” – is simply the right to have your publicly available personal information removed from the internet. Although the right is recognised in the European Union – where it’s not absolute – it’s a fairly new concept in India and still not covered by law.
Kaushik hit the headlines when he won the fifth season of reality show MTV Roadies in 2007 and Bigg Boss – the wildly popular Indian version of Big Brother – a year later.
The wins, he says, earned him “accolades, love and appreciation of people from across India”.
But fame gave way to infamy when, a year later, he was caught drink-driving.
Not really BBC
But it’s so nice listening to a Russian spokesman telling lies over troop build ups at the Ukraine border . An echo of those days when ussr mouthpieces sat with stony faces telling lie after lie – a technique now developed by the BBC …
Amazing to think that Russia has had an evil government for over 100 years …
Starmer says everyone has a Cervix – forensic Medical Fact.
found on

“Another stalwart for decades at the bbc Nigel Rees has had enough. He noted on GBnews how the show Quote /unquote, that used to attract very intellectual and amusing guests was starting to get instructions on minority quotas in the panel members and that certain quotes ( the whole premise of the show) were now getting frowned upon if used ( mad dogs and Englishman being “unacceptable and colonial”). The real killer blows however being the observation that the bbc just deemed anything historical as suspect in some way ( historical quotes of course the other premise) and ultimately there just was not the intellectual talent anymore worth inviting. What a verdict on the state of the bbc/media where is Dorries?”
Admitted to possibly… edition
I thought I’d heard – and by and large rejected – just about every wackadoodle tinfoil hat-wearing conspiracy theory there was out there.
Then along comes this report in this morning’s Telegraph: ‘Smart meters interrupt missile warning systems‘ – I know they are designed to make those door-to-door meter-reading chaps unemployed, whilst being a job-creation scheme of the installing firms. I know they can charge customers extra at peak rates and possibly cut off your supply in localised brown outs as and when the national grid is overwhelmed (to borrow a medical term) – like we know it soon will be – whilst presumably protecting the hospitals from power cuts. Can’t you just see it now… power cut for three hours… to protect the NHS?
The benefit to the consumer seems to be a reminder – as if it were needed – that when you put your kettle on during the tv advert break, or the kids have left all the upstairs lights on when the whole family is downstairs – despite their school’s intensive green education – then your electricty consumption goes up. Thank you for that information.
Considering the way our kids still consume enegry, despite all their green school lessons – perhaps we shouldn’t over fret over: ‘Teachers told not to “indoctrinate” pupils with BLM‘ (Telegraph); ‘Teachers told to avoid the “biased” views of BLM and Stonewall‘ (Times) Some lily-livered use of scare quotes there from our supposedly conservative-leaning papers. I digress.
Oddly enough this is a Yorkshire story: ‘People living near RAF Fylingdales in the North York Moors have been refused the upgrade because smart meter signals may clash with its ballistic missiles radar‘ (Telegraph) – I wouldn’t worry overmuch. They say the Yorkies are pretty close when it comes to their expediture and I doubt they waste their electricty.
You wouldn’t want a cruise missile diverted into your kitchen. Sounds unlikey, I know, but safety first eh? Afterall, this is all new, largely untested technology we’re dealing with here.
‘Parents to decide on jabs for five-year-olds‘ (Telegraph); ‘Covid jab programme extended to cover all children aged five to 11‘ (Guardian)
Our media do love a royal scandal – or two: ‘Prince of Wales to face police interview‘ (Guardian)
‘Storm after storm. Winds of 100mph forecast to hit north and west‘ (Guardian) – cor, blimey, who needs rely on the Daily Star when the Gruan has the weather story on the frontpage.
Mind you, the war clouds over Ukraine seem to have lifted somewhat.
‘Truss: Putin could drag out crisis for months. Foreign Secretary sceptical at Russia’s claims of withdrwal from Ukraine’s border‘ (Telegraph) – I’m sceptical of our light-weight, mid-wit, furry hat-wearing photo-op, foreign minister who perhaps might consider that – unlike us in the west – the Ruskies do like to defend their borders.
By the way, who are these eastern european nationalists we are suddenly so keen on and apparently allied to in Ukraine? Bearing in mind: ‘Poland and Hungary lose rule of law fight. The top EU court has dismissed a legal challenge from the two countries, a move that opens the way for Brussels to withhold funds from member state for law rule violations‘ (FT) – so here’s an idea – how about europe test Ukraine’s keeness to fully sign up to EU ideology by asking them up front to absorb their fair share of the illegal migrants? That’ll sort the soy boys from the Boyahs. They might find, in the long run, they’d be happier under Putin.
‘Friend or foe?‘ – asks FT Datawatch: ‘% of adults seeing Russia as:‘
Turns out the Japanese are most wary of the bear looming close to their borders. Next most fearful of the Ruskies are we Brits. I put this down entirely to the intense media blitz of the last few weeks.
Oh, I nearly forgot to mention – the source of Prince Charles’s scandal: ‘…a Saudi benefactor…‘ (Daily Express)
In a similar vein: ‘Ericsson “embarrassed” after admitting to possibly paying ISIS for access in Iraq‘ (FT) – I do admire that wonderful construction admitted to possibly. Shades of Prince Andrew there.
‘Ericsson has conceded that it might have made payments to terrorist organisation ISIS in Iraq… The Swedish telecoms equipment maker revealed…‘ – let’s hope the islamists don’t read the Telegraph and get the idea they ought to obtain some smart meters – that could play absolute havoc with our military tech.
Being far right can be cured with talks and empathy .. yet …
“I was born female and now I’m completely male,” Alex from Arbroath told BBC Scotland.
“For me, gender is a spectrum and I feel mainly close to the masculine end and I’ve never, ever identified as female.”
The 27-year-old came out as transgender about five years ago and, after attending a gender clinic in Glasgow, has been treated with hormones for three and a half years. Four months ago he had “top surgery”.
Why is an abuser still working as a priest?
By Mark Lowen
BBC News, Rome
Published8 hours ago
BBC dare go where other religions are not allowed to go….
Oops, unnamed sports reporter could be in the cacky – BBBC sport website has story about Rugby star Marcus Smith including the fact that he was named as “MAN of the match” against Italy – that will never do….
Penis possessor of the match?
Schools in England given guidance to avoid biased teaching
It aims to help teachers cover complex topics, such as the history of the British Empire or the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, without pushing one political view over another.
Many societies throughout history have practised slavery, and Muslim societies were no exception.
It’s thought that as many people were enslaved in the Eastern slave trade as in the Atlantic slave trade.
It’s ironic that when the Atlantic slave trade was abolished the Eastern trade expanded, suggesting that for some Africans the abolition of the Atlantic trade didn’t lead to freedom, but merely changed their slave destination.
Saudi Arabia’s religious police stopped schoolgirls from leaving a blazing building because they were not wearing correct Islamic dress, according to Saudi newspapers.
In a rare criticism of the kingdom’s powerful “mutaween” police, the Saudi media has accused them of hindering attempts to save 15 girls who died in the fire on Monday.
About 800 pupils were inside the school in the holy city of Mecca when the tragedy occurred.
CBBC Channel, Tuesday 8 June 2021
In a segment about vaccine approval for 12 to 15 year olds, a contributor claimed that the Pfizer vaccine is “100% safe”. This has been removed from the online article and video:
A head teacher should be investigated over whether she has breached her “duty of impartiality” after pupils wrote a letter criticising Boris Johnson, the Commons has heard.
During a lesson, pupils from Nottingham’s Welbeck Primary School called on the prime minister to resign.
Conservative MP for Gedling, Tom Randall, raised the matter and has written to the education secretary.
The school’s head said children were “encouraged to express their thoughts”.
Quite right children should be encouraged to express their thoughts – but only ‘approved ‘ones –
The headmaster /mistress added – all our girls want to be boys and all the boys …dah dah dah … we only employ trannies …
Has the BBC ever lied to me …. YES.
“Gavin Hewitt in 2015 replacing video with still photos to hide a nasty refugee pushing a pregnant female refugee and small child onto a train track, the BBC made it look like the border guards were being tough.”
Has the BBC ever hidden news from me …. YES.
“May 2018 the Day of Freedom march was not reported on the main website or the main news channel and is not available on the BBC £3.5bn online search page – other news agencies including the Guardian reported it.”
Has the BBC kept the public in the dark …. YES.
“We know that the UK MP expenses continues and should be investigated with the £3.5bn BBC New Service every year to keep the MPs on their toes, David Lammy bought a bike for £650 on expenses (Claim Ref:387540/17oct2014) which is blatant misuse of Tax Payer Money. How come the BBC don’t check up each year?”
Has the BBC ignored politician’s lies …. YES.
“UK Politicians are on TV shouting austerity and recession but all have taken an 18% pay increase from 2010 to 2018. How can they talk for the people when the live in their own bubble?”
Has the BBC moved from news to social engineering …. YES.
“By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{ 14sep2017}”
Has the BBC let journalist break their guidelines …. YES.
“Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker uses his twitter account to say Brexit is bad, EU is good. But not once has he confronted Jacob Rees-Mogg or Nigel Farage to talk about it. It is a one sided echo chamber.”
As a result of something which came up yesterday, I was researching what the current definition of ‘racism’ is these days. All of these terms are being manipulated by the Left so I figured I would see what they had done to this one.
This is the general definition of racism I have been seeing in the past:
‘prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.’.
Even this is flawed : why should it depend on the target being in a minority group ?. But by and large, it makes sense.
But while researching it for something which came up yesterday, I discovered the meaning has been changed. I came across the following article on the BBC:
Racism definition: Merriam-Webster to make update after request
Kennedy Mitchum, a recent graduate of Drake University in Iowa, suggested that the definition should include a reference to systemic oppression
Kennedy is – of course – black.
‘Ms Mitchum had encountered people pointing to the dictionary to prove that they were not racist because of the way they felt towards people of colour. She felt the definition needed to reflect broader issues of racial inequality in society.’
So in other words, she wanted the definition to be changed so that all white people could be called racists !!.
Of course, every Muslim country in the world is now officially ‘racist’. But they never mention that. It’s all 100% for blacks.
It’s absolute woke madness.
The word ‘racist’ has become a vague Left-wing label which no longer has specific meaning. If you are white you are racist. If you are not, you are not.
So the reply to people like maxi using the word ‘racist’ is now that the word is so vague, it is pointless. It simply means ‘white people’ – including maxi himself if he is white. The phrase he should use if he wants to actually accuse somebody of something is ‘Racial Discrimination’. Then we can pull him to pieces because he and the BBC are totally guilty of that.
Isn’t Labour’s new open door policy genocide? Time to take them to the Supreme Court!
In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
Killing members of the group;
Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
Quite apart from ever-changing definitions (by the left), there are no such words as ‘racism’ or ‘racist’ in my 1907 Chambers’s Etymological Dictionary of the English Language.
Still reckon Springster could take her one selfie hand tied behind her back.
So America is great? Scotland is rubbish? Guns are OK?
I imagine she is in her honeymoon period in USA.
sarah smith@BBCsarahsmithBBC News, North America EditorWashington, DCJoined April 2009943 Following26.1K Followers
She has picked up The BBC habit of comparing apples with oranges, as suits.
That or either moved into Sopes’ gated community, Katty’s bunker or Lurch’s man cave.
The antifa fires to steer gangs of the east coast span Edinburgh to Ankara, taking in burning cars in Paris, the glory that is an Italian migrant barracks in-between.
And some kind of thing in Ukraine.
Blonde moments at The BBC can make careers.
Reference CAS-6617681-T3R8R9
Dear Mr H
Thank you for contacting us about Beyond 100 Days on the BBC News Channel. We note and appreciate your concerns.
We can assure you that the scheduling of Beyond 100 Days has no relevance to the recent US Presidential elections. We would also highlight that you can continue to watch BBC News with Katty and Christian on the BBC New Channel.
BBC News never takes a position on any story that we cover.
We do value your feedback about this. All complaints are sent to senior management and we’ve included your points in our overnight report.
These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the company and ensures that your concerns have been seen by the right people quickly. This helps inform their decisions about current and future content.
Kind regards,
Darren Loughlin
BBC Complaints Team
Amazing what an airbrush can do
Or the fact they harboured a vile child molester in their own organisation for years, gave him ample opportunities to commit his crimes and paid him handsomely?
Odds of bbc political propa… ‘analysts’ going near this?
A) Zero
B) Nish’s comedy rating
C) Chances Labour has currently even with Laura, Toenails, Mish, etc in full support?
Can only presume The Tories have hacked their feed.
People should feel safe where they live. (c) Starmer
Batley Grammar School teacher still in hiding after threats over Prophet cartoon. … Last month an independent inquiry into the incident at Batley Grammar School, West Yorkshire, found that the teacher had not meant to cause offence when the image was shown in his religious studies lesson.19 Jun 2021
On 22 March 2020, 7-year-old Emily Grace Jones was stabbed at Queen’s Park in Bolton, Greater Manchester, England, while riding her scooter and died shortly afterwards. Eltiona Skana, a 30-year-old Albanian woman unknown to the Jones family, was arrested on the scene and later charged with murder. Wikipedia
Westminster Bridge to get new safety measures four years on from terror attack
Boris is LEFT OF LABOUR – he is more green than the green party.
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Ive predicted here before that opposition parties will try to link inflation pressures to the socialist government.
Think the real problem will come when the bank of england realises real inflation is at 10% and really has to turn the money tap off with a series of interest rate increases through the year …
GB news discussed the actual inflation rate yesterday producing quite scary views
Meanwhile the BBC hangs out behind the foodbank interviewing punters on the edge – but still paying their TV licence of course …
Save the old with a vaccine.
Kill the old with cold and green policies.
Crappy old place now this England, too much stress for the majority, patrimony gone wherever common sense went, evil now stands alongside us-the answer now is, do we have the courage and strength to go on, however as was once said- it is going on went you don’t have strength that is what it has to be. Valdimir Putin is watch us, and if we fall he will destroy us.
Admitting that a path to joining Nato and the EU would be “long”, he stresses that “for me as president the most important thing on this path is not to lose my country.
“Nato is a guarantee of security. So how can we choose any other path? For us it’s a guarantee of not losing our independence.”
It must be difficult for BBC producers to decide how long to leave their war tourists on the border …
… maybe they can commute ? War with weekends off .
Maybe someone will drop a rumour about Ukraine being invited to join NATO – putin goes balistic ..
‘Does he hold us for fools!?’ Anjem Choudary lodges new appeal with European Court
Hate preacher Anjem Choudary has lodged an appeal against his conviction for encouraging support for Isis with the European Court of Human Rights.
08:55, Sun, Jan 30, 2022 | UPDATED: 09:44, Sun, Jan 30, 2022
He hopes he can convince Strasbourg lawmakers to overturn his September 2016 conviction for cheerleading for Isis and pledging allegiance to the terror cult. The radical Islamist, jailed for five and a half years following a trial at the Old Bailey, already had his application for permission to appeal thrown out by Court of Appeal judges in 2017. Judges slapped down his position on the basis that his conviction was not “arguably unsafe”.
Sadiq Khan told LBC listeners this morning that he won’t support Priti’s pick for Cressida Dick’s Met Chief replacement if he doesn’t have confidence that he or she understands the importance of addressing these deep cultural issues.
So every Muslim that goes to Mecca to celebrate the Hajj supports the Saudi regime financially by giving them money for flights and buying stuff whilst on the Hajj … thus anyone who goes, supports Saudi law thus is supporting transphobic corporation … never mind Nike etc …
Both male and female same-sex sexual activity is illegal. LGBT rights are not recognized by the government of Saudi Arabia.
All muslims should boycott Mecca until there is Justice …. Sadiq Khan and Savid Javid and Warsi and all Muslims should ban travelling until the law is changed in Saudi for LGBT.
Marky forgive my bad language , but sod Khan, he shouldn’t have any input into who is made Met Chief. Without doubt it should be a white male with a strong presence, wide experience of commanding men and women-any man or wman recruited who follows the teaching of Islam should be relagted non conflict duties.
Pink Hat Outrage? UK Muslims stop buying from Pakistani shops?
Karachi (CNN)The brother of murdered social media star Qandeel Baloch has been freed by a Pakistan appeals court, three years after he was convicted of killing her for “bringing dishonor” to the family.
Baloch’s murder in 2016 sparked a national outcry and promoted changes in the country’s so-called ‘honor killing’ laws.
Waseem Baloch’s lawyer, Sardar Mehmood, confirmed the acquittal with CNN Tuesday but did not provide further details. A court order has not yet been made public.
In a confession video, Waseem Baloch said he was “proud” of killing his sister, adding that having his friends share her pictures and video clips was “too much” for him.
“I drugged her first, then I killed her,” he said. “Girls are born to stay home and follow traditions. My sister never did that.”
Oh dear, things are not going well for the BBC’s protégé in Canada, Saint Justin-of-the-Hair (motto: because I’m worth it).
The Beeb probably won’t be showing this exchange in Parliament in which, first a Conservative opponent launches a blistering attack on pretty-boy Trudeau. The latter then unwisely retaliates with the grotesque slur that ‘Conservatives stand with people who wave Swastikas’.
(It’s edited out, but at this point Parliament erupts with outrage.)
And – bad luck for Turdeau – the MP he’s insulting (Melissa Lantsman) happens to be Jewish and happens to be a descendant of Holocaust survivors, as she tells him in no uncertain terms before demanding an apology.
Game over Turd-eau, game over.
Game over Turd-eau, game over.?
Not really.
Canada Justin Trudeau sets World Record In avoiding questions – 18 Times – wastes everyone’s time in Parliament
Sadiq Khan told LBC listeners this morning that he won’t support Priti’s pick for Cressida Dick’s Met Chief replacement if he doesn’t have confidence that he or she understands the importance of addressing these deep cultural issues. While Sadiq can’t formally block the Home Secretary’s pick, Priti’s choice has to be made with due consideration of the Mayor’s preference, according to the legislation. It looks like anti-woke Priti won’t be able to ignore candidates’ gender, sexuality or race when picking the appointment…
UK 2018
Home Office, UK Security … Islamist …. Sajid Javid.
London Mayor, UK Prosperity … Islamist … Sadiq Khan.
CEO of Bernados, UK Children … Islamist .. Javed Khan.
Prime Minister’s Special Envoy on Freedom of Religion or Belief … Islamist … Lord Ahmed.
BBC religion and ethics commissioning … Islamist … Fatima Salaria
That’s a bannin’
You’d need a heart of stone…
COVID masks and staying in and locking up the old did not change the fly stats?
I thoroughly recommend a recent you tube video on the Daily Telegraph’s ‘ Off Script’ series which is a 50 minute interview with Victor Davis Hanson in which he discusses the current state of the US. He is in the end optimistic that ordinary folk will be able to throw off the tyranny of the Woke but only if they recognise that there is an existentialist threat to democracy and band together and use all means at their disposal.
Link to 47 min video
Victor Davis Hanson@VDHansonSenior Fellow @HooverInst.
Classics and military history. Latest book: The Case for Trump:
He also appeared on Tucker last night, 3 min video
Stew, I am embarrassed yet again , the third or fourth time, that you have to provide the link because of my uselessness with technology. Anyway thank you.
Thank heavens for Tucker Carlson!
It is so obviously now about more than Chinese virus restrictions – does Canada look at the relaxation of restrictions in similar countries ? Population demographics and density ? Number infected – in hospital – and dying .
How has troo do managed to get himself into a bunker of his own making ? Throwing the State at protesters ? In other times he’d land up hanging from a lamp post ….
Maybe the wokes think they are that strong … I hope he is ended – in any form …