Every morning since Terry Wogan the first time around my alarm call has been radio 2. Every morning for about the last 5 years I’m tortured by the early morning drivel the BBC sees fit to dish up.
Overly chirpy, self-congratulating, backslapping, juvenile drivel.
I always mean to change the station but by the time I’m awake and dressed the radio is switched off and I forget all about it.
Not today, today I left myself a note and radio 2 is no more. It feels good and I’m generally a much happier person.
Oldrec – I empathise – I wasn’t totally terry wogan but he was good enough as a remedy to the dire ‘today ‘programme –
I don’t do R2 anymore – I know people here listen to vine but he just fails every test …. So I don’t use BBC stuff very much at all except to provide evidence for this site .
Music streaming is the best replacement and I don’t think they make a profit out of me ….
I know its nostalgic, but BBC radio was always on when I was growing up. Sunday roast with the Light Prog and Two Way Family Favourites, Billy Cotton Band Show, Round the Horne. Then Friday Night is Music Night, and before the advent of Radios 1,2,3 and 4, us teenagers on the south coast tuned into Radio Caroline and Radio Invicta. Dad loved listening to Alan Dell on Sunday afternoons, Terry Wogan sending us off to work with a giggle as he gave characters from Dallas his own nicknames – the Poison Dwarf ? poor Charlene Tilton never recovered from that, and Sue Ellen crying into her cornflakes covered in gin !! Then it was Alan ‘puff’ Freeman giving us the Pick of the Pops on Sunday afternoons, followed by the Mike Samme Singers on Sing Something Simple in the early evening.
Now ? never listen to it except an occasional foray into Classic FM.
Radio Caroline and Radio London were important parts of my teenage years. We could receive lots of pirate stations here in Yorkshire. We even had our own: Radio 270!
‘Sing Something Simple’ was on Sunday evenings was truly dreadful. So depressing. I associate it with the claustrophobic feelings of being in our little house on a winter’s evening, school in the morning. I seriously think that programme contributed to my mental problems of that era.
Brissles, Round the Horne was a great favourite of my family. I especially liked Kenneth Williams in his alter ego as Rambling Syd Rumpo who sang slightly suggestive folk song parodies. Lyrics like ‘Green Grow My Nadgers Oh!’ had me me sniggering delightedly.
Another good BBC comedy my parents used to listen to was the quiz and panel game ‘My Word’ with Frank Muir and Dennis Norden. I don’t recall any of the childish self-indulgence (and ‘f’ words) you get with many of the BBC’s ‘comedians’ today. This was humour for sophisticated adults.
‘Take it from here’ was a firm favourite in our home – Jimmy Edwards and Dick Bentley with the gorgeous June Whitfield, who still looked fantastic in ‘Ab Fab’ all those years after…
‘Oooh Ron’ still lingers in everyday chats here…
But back then the few lefties and the wokery were oddities who hated themselves and everyone they sought to control. The BBC now heads the brigade for such idiocy, so that’s why they use enormous sums of taxpayer’s money for pathetic, dire, unfunny crap.
Wow that stirred up some memories Brissles, thank you. When the British Broadcasting co really was British. I remember all those programmes.
Didn’t listen to radio Caroline though, but radio Luxembourg every evening .. Anyone remember Stuart Henry and the show he did with his I think Wife ?
Yes Brissels I recall them all with fondness, nothing near such clever writing now, just rubbish mainly. When dear Barry Cryer slipped away from us so did such briliant humour.
Both the BBC and ITV are trying to link Storm Eunice to global warming, despite even the Met Office stating there is no evidence at all to make such a link.
Now ITV relies on advertising revenue but I have to pay the licence fee to the BBC to watch any live TV.
And for that money what I get is an agenda of biased propaganda
The AGW scam was an all governments initiated taxation scheme, via the IPCC – a specifically created UN agency, to rip off hundreds of billions from the taxpayer. The UN was going to get some of the proceeds.
So far though, it is the scientists who are being criticised, though they are bit players in this scam. “Scientists” whose jobs and promotion depended on getting grant money, could be expected to provide the required answers. The money in grants allocations to scientists is worth less then peanut shells compared to what governments and big business planned to pocket from general taxation on energy, and further hidden levies on all energy usage on petrol diesel, gas and electricity.
Every aspect of the economy – industry, agriculture, and transport would be hit by one of the cleverest scams in all history. No wonder all governments, are so keen on CC/AGW.
The elite now know that the Truckers have to be stopped. Stopped by brute force if necessary. For if they aren’t, the whole damned tower of Babel will come down. That is why Donald Trump was targeted by a Canadian minister in the Trucker Convoy dispute. There was no other reason but Climate Change scam being part of the Freedom Trucker Convoy. The Freedom Trucker Convoy’s existence threatens the existence of Climate Change hoax.
Donald Trump was never part of the Global elite. He saw what AGW/CC was about. That is why even now the American elite, social media, MSM, FBI, CIA, etc etc, continue to try to shut him up. So the Durham report was initially ignored, while they thought of ways to marginalise it.
Climate Change mandates will make Covid mandates look trivial. It Is the instrument that will imprison the West for a long time.
Think what is coming. Plans for building tens of thousands of offshore wind turbines. All far more expensive to build and maintain.
All of this has to be financed by an increase in the price of oil/gas/coal fired stations.
All this because the mean global temperature (a very dubious measurement to say the least) rose by on average 0.07 deg C per decade over the 20th century. The real figure is likely to be 0.01 dec per decade.
For this pathetic figure that cannot even be measured accurately, if all the errors are figured out, the elite wish to destroy the world and send tens of billions back to the slums. Hunger leads to mass movement of people searching to survive. Who can blame them. After all, tens of millions of Europeans left Europe for that reason. Can you turn away a starving family at your doorstep.
This should be pretty disturbing as the situation overall heads toward societal breakdown. It will end in open conflict and that’s when the smile and mirth of these police ‘officers’ will end. Only then.
Don’t you just love Ryland Clark camping it up on the One
Show? For me he gives a Kenneth Williams impression
with less than 1% of Kenneth Williams comical abilities.
The road to Dystopia is paved by people who parrot good intentions. That is all there is. Its all about power and retaining it no matter the costs. All the above Gang of Four show it, as they burn down their country.
Fergal Keen – still stuck in Ukraine waiting for a war – so filling the gap with his usual mournful false emotion about past horrors – now the weather
An’ expert ‘ from the WHO( discredited but still listened to ) criticising a ‘living with covid ‘ strategy not yet put out by HMG . You could hear the anxiety of these little hitlers no longer strutting about telling us how to live .
A ‘press review ‘ in which the head of mi6/5/4? moaned about having to go after ‘home grown threats ‘ or ‘overseas threats ( China Russia) – the latter described as ‘wanting to change our way of life … I choked on me breakfast tea – as far as I can see they just want cake like every one else …
..and the ‘home grown terrorist ‘ is probably a 14 year old white kid with a picture of hitler on his bedroom wall … not the real threat Which Must Not Be Mentioned
Next – the weather – which is now ‘political ‘ – every time a tree falls over its global warming – every time the wind blows – the same – an onslaught of social control – panic – more taxes – ..
Lastly the ‘nature bill’ is being culled a bit – I guess it is a creation of nut nuts wife and there is a struggle between her and the less complaint members of the cabinet whether bear skins can be imported from Canada . That’s the big story – I think it’s tricky for the BBC to support nut nuts ‘ wife ….
Oh yeah – nut nut is going to Munich to speak with herr… sorry – wrong century – speaking with friends about putin . At press conference the first question from coonsberg or lansdale will be
‘When are you going to resign nut nut ?”
I have a confession to make, in that yesterday, because of a few sea-breezes causing the BBC to wet it’s proverbial knickers, we thought we might even watch the BBC news, to see how others had fared against the light winds and scattered showers!
But we had a power cut, so were saved from such tyranny-sur-TV, and now you’ve completed the stories which we happily avoided!
But I found the Glenmorangie, so it got even better, and a glass of that nectar, in candlelight, is a pleasure that is worth remembering for a long time yet…
Scroblene – if i could i would absolve you but a higher power might take note of mt action and respond accordingly
I hope your came back but im guessing by posting it did .
Im out of blighty until thurday when i return to the desolation of london – and will
Get a picture of the former o2 dome as i go past on the DLR .. with Gods ‘ Will
Item pre 8 a.m. with Mishal on the expected announcemnet of changes to the ‘Coronavirus Rules’ on Monday next. Dr David Nabarro of WHO and someone else (sorry, forgotten name) are interviewed. Both suggest reasons why HMG’s proposals for changes in England are risky and gave their reasons why. Dr Nabarro wanted masks and social distancing to remain compulsory. Forever? Mishal did not ask.
The BBC are clearly trying to campaign against an elected Government.
In my view, the BBC should only report after the event (of changes) and then by all means have a studio discussion on air at that time. In advance of the changes, the BBC should stay quiet. Absolutely silent.
Autocue-readers like Mishal only listen when it’s the wokery. They are instructed not to question such issues, except for maybe squeak some sort of indignant sulk occasionally.
You can sometimes hear these instructions on some radio programmes when the same sort of people are wearing earphones!
It’s a bit like the Mandelson joke with him instructing all labourites wearing earphones telling them ‘to breathe in…breathe out’!
Scrobie, indeed. Am I steaming enough to complain direct to the D-G with cc Nadine Dorries, MP, SoS for the Ministry of Fun? Maybe, maybe. If we are not careful with the BBC, we will have Mandy back as the UberGauleiter fur die EU uber UK.
Scott Bryan
TV critic and broadcaster. Must Watch podcast on
. Dyslexic. scottglennbryan@gmail.com.
East Londonscottybryan.comJoined August 2008
3,353 Following
@JolyonMaugham’s lot were screaming how dare No 10 staff get to see their police notes
Now he says
“So. We have had a clear steer from our QC that, in fact, it is normal practice for interviewees to get access to their notes.
Indeed, lawyers for interviewees facing criminal proceedings would complain vigorously if they weren’t”
I switched on at 0820 because the bloke who did the aircraft landing commentating at Heathrow yesterday was having his 15 minutes of fame …
… at one stage he said ‘we had 200 000 viewers ‘ to which Robinson instantly replied “ numbers GBNews can only dream of “….
…….it’s nice to know the BBC shows it’s paranoia about alternatives sources of broadcast news with a less biased outlook …
……..they must spend countless off the books meetings plotting how to sabotage it – conniving with the OFCOM branch of the BBC to end it ….
Guest Who
That surely pleasures me that someone noticed …
I think robinson was the runt who got picked last for the team at school and has carried the bitterness ever since .
Such an unnecesary comment unworthy of a senior comrade in the OFCOMBBC
“Basket of deplorables” is a phrase from a 2016 presidential election campaign speech delivered by Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton on September 9, 2016, at a campaign fundraising event, which she used to describe half of the supporters of her opponent, Republican nominee Donald Trump saying “They’re racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic”.[1] The next day, she expressed regret for “saying half”, while insisting that Trump had deplorably amplified “hateful views and voices”.
Professor Spiegelhalter dared to go off-message on @BBCr4today
– “Deaths reducing rapidly”
“Daily figures (deaths) ….increasingly overstating the number of deaths that have Covid as the underlying cause.
‘less than half of the stated deaths have Covid as the underlying cause.’
There was a slight car crash interview between a tv news droid and a farmer at the Needles where the highest wind was recorded ( allegedly ) .
She desperately tried to get said farmer to say it’s getting worse because of global warming but just said ‘yeah we ve always had storms and strong winds – me dad said that too “
I felt sorry for the bbc girl that she didn’t get her ‘green crap propaganda points ‘ then remembered she’s on £200k plus …
Won’t be hearing from said farmer again on the BBC …
Yes I can confirm it has been windy at the Needles nothing unusual in that …lost a few tiles off my roof …..again ! . Sorry BBBC its called weather and not your Climate Catastrophe / Global Warming or what ever you want to call it next !
DS said “less than half in hospital have Covid as their main problem”
“ICU admissions plunging”
“be cautious of this daily death stat, cos
it is is increasingly overstating. You have to roughly halve it”
“ONS stats show that deaths are well below average for this time of year”
Then he went strange
“The government took a GAMBLE before Christmas and they got away with it”
.. That’s not true, when you ease back on restrictions, you factor in that many people will still be super cautious … it is not a gamble as such.
Meanwhile, the BBC’s fave Black GB Winter Olympian, Montell Douglas, seems to have had a bad day at the office:
“Mica McNeill said something went “drastically wrong” after a disappointing start to the two-woman bobsleigh left Great Britain out of contention with two heats remaining.
McNeill and partner Montell Douglas currently sit 19th out of 20 pairs after the opening two heats.
They are 2.49 seconds off German leaders Laura Nolte and Deborah Levi.
“It is one of those things where we don’t fully know what’s going on,” said McNeill.
“Something has gone drastically wrong, it hasn’t all come together.”
The final two heats take place on Saturday with the aggregate time of the four heats determining the final standings.”
Guest, thanks, which leads neatly to …
TOADY Watch #2 – aah, I wondered when the ‘Greenies’ would wake up
Art with NFTs [ that is NonFungibleTokens to the uninitiated like our Fed 😉 🙂 ] were an item on TOADY before I hit the Off Switch in protest at something or other. Someone has been doodling at home during the USA Lockdown and created ‘Art’ that some mug has been willing to pay $30,000 for in ‘cybercurrency’. Now this artist’s Mother has quit her job to become her son’s Manager and Agent.
Guess that should ensure a ready supply of mugs of coffee and chocolate biccies to the artist’s desk.
However, all is not well with the enviromentalists. They have just realised that ‘mining’ cryptocurrencies requires massive banks of computers that drain the world’s electricity supply (a supply that is always a bit precarious at this time of year in the northern hemisphere) and contributing to global warming via the need for these computer servers to be continually cooled.
There is an official Twitter announcement under the Vine tweet
“See a reply that isn’t adding to the conversation?
Select ⬇️ to help us improve your experience.”
(that’s downvote)
In the one minute version of Vine’s video you can see it looks like Russia in 2019
And not faked ..cos the car is in the middle of the narrow lane and she’s also in the middle of the road coming around the corner.
The masks should be worn to protect others we are told.
Even though the holes in the masks are 3000 times larger than the covid virus.
When a mask wearer breathes out let’s say some of the virus sticks to the inside of the mask.
Every breath adds more to this number stuck on the mask.
After a while, all day in schoolchildren’s cases, there will be a concentrated film of the virus being breathed in and out every few seconds.
No thank you.
If they discover a new version in France will it be called Emacron?
No signs of calm reporting after the storm but some reports of Karma for China
The casaulty figures are still coming in…
‘Three people killed and others seriously injured by trees and flying debris‘ (‘i’) – clearly mother Nature’s revenge there.
‘At least four dead as worst storm in decades roars in‘ (Guardian)
And the power cuts…
‘Gales leave 150,000 homes without power‘ (Daily Mirror)
‘Storm cuts off 200,000 homes‘ (Times)
‘One million homes lose power…‘ (‘i’) – any advance… do I hear 2 million?
The figures seem to be a bit confused at present – so, to be on the safe side – we’ll go with the superlatives…
‘Battered by killer storm‘ (Express)
‘Carnage… £500million clean up bill‘ (Mirror)
‘Day of destruction‘ (Times)
‘People with astraphobia are terrified of the weather. They may watch anxiously for signs of bad weather, hide in areas of the home where they feel safe during a storm‘ (a rare appearance hereabouts for Web MD offering online news and information pertaining to human health and well-being)
My old granny used to hide in the cupboard under the stairs during a thunder storm – or was that during the Blitz? I definitely recall my mother warning me as a child not to play with a mirror during lightening. She had the notion that it might attract the lightening strike. Or perhaps the toddler AsISeeIt was just being a bit annoying playing about with her make up mirror and she wanted me to put it down. In more enlighten times and with more forward-looking parents that behaviour might have set one down the road to becoming a young transexual. I digress.
The left-leaning astraphobic ‘i’ newspaper devotes their big headline and those characteristic in-house bullet points to the weather story. With the tell tale final kicker: ‘Red alerts expected to become more frequent because of climate change‘ – never let a good storm go to waste, eh? Not when there’s an agenda to push.
‘“A meteorite fell on my bed!”‘ (Guardian) – due to climate change?
The formerly patriotic Times long ago parted with any prediliction for the smack of firm conservatism.
‘Queen dismayed by “uncaring” Thatcher‘ (Sunday Times 1986); ‘Newspapers say Queen is upset by Thatcher‘ (New York Times 1986)
Unless, perhaps of course, nowadays when it comes in less-political female form: ‘The UK’s strictest teacher‘ (Times)
This is Katharine Birbalsingh, just about our last headteacher allowed to be strict with the kids.
Women do seem to get a bit of a bye these days: ‘Not all women are narcissists – some of us are sociopaths‘ – let me quickly explain this is Marian Keyes writing a feature in the Telegraph.
Just in case you thought we were ever going to be in the clear covid-wise: ‘Hospitals to keep limit on number of visitors… in some cases relatives are being prevented from visiting non-Covid patients for weeks at a time‘ (Telegraph) – I’ve personally witnessed the NHS making efforts to dissuade visitors from seeing their sick relatives. I’ve also noticed a case where certain medical tests were one moment thought necessary for a patient but suddenly ruled not so much – presumably reducing the waiting list somewhat.
So the aftermath of Covid lockdown policy doesn’t seem to get a dire coverage of misery and monetary cost like a natural storm does.
Perhaps urgent matters of national security might intervene? Seems not: ‘Huawei network ban delayed six months. The Government has delayed its plan to remove Huawei from Britain’s telecoms network by six months, blaming Covid‘ (Telegraph) – all absolutely nothing to do with dodgy Chinese cash donations to MPs.
To wit…
‘MI5 chief: UK’s “fight to keep our way of life” spy boss’s interview with Mail reveals Russia and China targeting MPs… yet toothless laws leave us “with one hand behind our back”‘ (Daily Mail) – because of course our govenment couldn’t possibly put through any emergency powers to deal with a serious emergency (sarc – as the teens tend to text)
The FT tells us: ‘Tensions rise in eastern Ukraine. Invasion fears heightened‘ – please do explain to me how invasion fears can be heightened from the supposed state of invasion immanent – which has supposedly pertained since before Christmas?
But let’s end on a note of the Chinese getting a dose of their own medicine – I think the word they use in the east is Karma: ‘Illegal crossings from Hong Kong pose threat to mainland’s “zero-Covid” drive‘ (FT)
From our correspondent
The first 15 minute s – anti British propaganda about bongo bongo land followed by anti capitalist gas exploration propaganda . Off switch . They don’t even try balance any more .
The number of posts from old luvvie biddies highlighting their comings and goings, when next xR effort they will be in their dungarees at the tow of a pink dinghy by a Discovery.
Bumpy flight landing at Gatwick this morning: a young passenger piped up : “when you walk through a storm… hold your head up high”. All the passengers joined in! The plane Landed safely…. to general applause
11:30am FooC
Chagos : the UK has so far refused to allow the Islanders back. This week, they took matters into their own hands, and returned by boat for a visit. Andrew Harding
(We didn’t learn much cept they don’t like UK or the French)
Netherlands : in the 1960s gas was discovered
some people living near the gas fields
now claim that the exploration has damaged their homes with earthquakes.
Anna Holligan.
“Residents developed an addiction to gas ..all appliances run on it ”
( ..what tosh ..per KWh gas is way cheaper than leccy
To me the claims resemble the fake documentary Gaslands)
Anna says the courts said many residents claims had little merit.
She says that Dutch minister will end gas extraction in 2023.
(Great they’ll be taking Russian gas then)
“Developing Kenya in a Greener Way”
Kenya going for IT based economy The aim is to find a development route which does not necessarily copy the heavy industrialisation of wealthier countries.
Indeed, Zeinab Badawi says Kenya is already pursuing a greener path, which could make for a more prosperous future.
“Here we are where everything is powered by solar”
“In Kenya 92% is powered by renewables” (… I reckon that’s a lie.) “solar powered irrigation has led to a 300% growth in yields”
“Electric buses come to Nairobi next month”
(FFS the normal BBC Greendreamery
Bet Kenya has bitcoin mining ops)
ZB “western nations will depend on fossil fuels and NUCLEAR for decades”
(FFS nuclear is good and clean, not evil like she makes out)
Muslim and a Lesbian in Paris The French-Algerian writer, Fatima Daasgrew up in Paris.
She has won huge praise for her first book, a semi-autobiographical account of a life attempting to reconcile being a Muslim and Lesbian.
Mike Wooldridge
Japan : current Prime Minister lives in his official Tokyo residence
Previous PMs didn’t .. scared the building was haunted.
Japanese people regularly take account of ghosts when considering where to live.
Rupert Wingfield-Haye
6.00pm News
Radio 4, 15 May 2012
An item on Palestinian demonstrations marking Nakba Day referred to “thousands of Palestinians leaving their homes” following the declaration of the State of Israel. Two listeners complained that this gave a misleading impression of the scale of Palestinian displacement and the extent to which it was the result of coercion. The complaint was partly upheld.
7:30am Ukrainian tweets “A Ukrainian soldier has been killed by shrapnel”
7:54am AFP tweeted that
12pm BBC R4 news “We’ve just heard that a Ukrainian soldier has been killed by shrapnel”
The british PM goes to the security meeting at Munich ( 2022 not 1939) . On GBNews they carry his midday short speach live
On R4 they are reporting on the scottish silver medal – on R5 its Manchester united corners .
How can that be right?
Maybe if the BBC was reporting the footy instead of chamberlain trying to delay hitler people might have noticed …,
Deduction- the BBC hate the PM so much that they wont even report him at such an important time on such an important subject .
Beggars belief
Incidentally – just finished “ munich “ by robert harris – £1 in a charity shop . Pretty good fiction and set me wondering whether chamberlain was a better PM than currently regarded …
Police trampled and beat peaceful protesters, a True North journalist was pepper-sprayed and the world watched on in disgust.@Harry__Faulkner recaps Day 27 of the freedom convoy. #cdnpolihttps://t.co/ZAWuehkkVS
Marcus Fysh MP asked Truss and Johnson if they were going to do or say something but afaik has received no reply.
Imagine if Trump had acted like this?
Complicit Lamestream media.
There are false tweets saying a woman died, but other tweets say the police helped her away and she has a bad shoulder,
Meanwhile XR antifa are being violent t the other end of the country.
Anti-pipeline extremists injured a police officer on Thursday night in British Columbia, Canada, in a violent incident largely eclipsed by the peaceful Freedom Convoy protesters currently facing a police crackdown in Ottawa https://t.co/i8GAcChrBs
Twitter says that the Parliament was due to meet Saturday to approve the emergency powers troo do is already applying – but that Parliament has been ‘cancelled ‘ …
This is not in the msm and suggests a very bad state of affairs both here and there …..
If that madness can happen in Canada – what of here ?
On GB News just now Alastair Stewart has just said that he has been well educated and put right about the situation in Canada after saying he wasn’t too bothered about it at the beginning of his show (or words to that effect)
How refreshing for someone to come out with an honest statement and admit that he had got it wrong earlier.
Well done Alastair.
George Galloway was a good guest on the show as well. He spoke a lot of sense.
Yes that was a good 2 hours . G Galloway ‘s comment about the First B in BBC now being redundant accords with the comments of many here .
As for Canada – it looks like only GB News is talking about the horrors there .
At least twitter reports on the silence of politicians from other so called ‘ democracies ‘ on what is happening there .
Some of the actions of canadian plod is shocking and suggests the plot has been lost there
Someone contests him, saying British viewers are very interested
and he replied
“ Maybe most just want to get about their cities and get on with their business.
Twitter shouted back “The MSM went manic for covering George Floyd demos”
One reply
“Emergency powers, arbitrary arrest, asset seizure,
it’s very significant Alastair.
If it were Trump doing in the USA everyone would be all over it.”
11pm last night Stewart showed he didn’t understand the protest.
It’s not about jabs
It’s about mandates forcing people to have them
and excluding of people that make other choices, by using draconian measures like seizing their bank accounts.
If you really think the domestic policing of a truckers’ protest over jabs is more important than #UkraineConflict I hope you live in a very safe place. https://t.co/zj2TkER5GB
13:51pm speaking with Claire Fox, Stewart said “Wow I’ve had a hell of a schooling over the last 12 hours over what’s going on in Canada from people on Twitter”
Well how was he underinformed before ?
Surely he doesn’t still watch mainstream news.
The Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement is the member of the European Commission in charge of overseeing the accession process of prospective new member states and relations with those bordering the European Union (EU). The present Commissioner, as of December 2019, is Olivér Várhelyi. https://ec.europa.eu/neighbourhood-enlargement/index_en
The trailer of the upcoming film called 2000 Mules about the rigged election is hurtling towards an astonishing 2 million views on one platform alone (Dinesh D’Souza’s Rumble channel).
Add all the other views on numerous other platforms and the figure must be huge.
The account @back_the_BBC blocks me on Twitter
The reason ?
Dunno , cos I have never interacted with that account on Twitter
Sometime people run multiple accounts
so they I may have interacted with one of their other accounts
and they’ve retreated by blocking me on all their accounts.
I don’t insult or harass people on Twitter, so there is no proper reason to block me.
GBnews advertising
They have 400K subscribers, Russel Brand has 5 million , Joe Roegan has 20 million or something
Only 700 people are shown as watching on their 2 current Livestreams (General & specific prog)
I don’t get how older Farage clips got 200K views and newer ones just 3K … suspicious counting
I wonder how many Beeboids will be out in the BBQ area with gaffa tape over their prissy gobs in support of Rebel News reporters beaten by Dancin’ Justin’s pet stormtroopers.
“Impartiality lies at the heart of public service and is the core of the BBC’s commitment to its audiences. It applies to all our output and services – television, radio, online, and in our international services and commercial magazines. We must be inclusive, considering the broad perspective and ensuring the existence of a range of views is appropriately reflected https://www.bbc.co.uk/editorialguidelines/guidelines/impartiality”
Isle of Wight (WHITE!) singer in ‘race’ arrest not charged
Published28 April 2011
A musician has been released without charge by police after his performance of the song Kung Fu Fighting at a bar caused an alleged racism row.
The word ‘slaves’ is a derivative of Slav – a northern European race indigenous to Eurasia, in particular Russia and Siberia. They were taken as slaves by marauding Arab Muslims in medieval times, and gave their name to the early modern idea of people as chattel.
I note that neither Arabs nor Muslims have to suffer the indignity of their most precious shrines and monuments being defiled with trigger warnings and contextualising plaques.
MT (Telegraph)
The name “English” comes from the pun “non Angli, sed Angeli” (Not Angles, but Angels) made by the Pope in Rome as he looked over some fair haired child slaves brought from York. The Venerable Bede used the pun to name us English.
MD (Telegraph)
I watched Alex Scott’s ‘Who Do You Think You Are’ a few months ago. She travelled to the West Indies to trace her ancestors and was expecting to find they were slaves. What she didn’t expect was that when some of them received their freedom, they owned a plantation and had black slaves of their own. Pardon me saying this but the matters regarding slavery are not ‘black and white’.
AM (Telegraph)
That reminded me that one of the BBC presenters groomed for kids TV was on ‘WDYTYR’ and she traced her ancestors back to Jamaica only to find that her privileged education in England was thanks largely to Slavery, (which she did not know about). It was a bit embarrassing to discover that her family tree included family Slavery alongside the ‘whites’ who (she thought) were to blame. Despite being given freedom (freeman), land and wealth and English privilege. I thought at the time that it was brave for the BBC to air the footage, but no doubt its just a drop in the ocean of BBC propaganda that ‘all slaves were black’, when its clearly false, and that Islamic countries traded white slaves a century before go totally unreported by BBC acolytes. There are still slaves in Islamic cultures now.
Not that the trendy old BBC plodders care much about such facts, when you can get a good news story aired and endorse a SOROS ‘New World Order’ based around an elite movement of upper class ‘know-it-alls’. Those who themselves benefited from ‘Slavery’ , now anxiously deny any involvement. They would have (without doubt) been keen Slave owners themselves at the time. History being re-written by the new age hippy communists who forget that white slaves existed, even though its well documented by the Romans if one cares to look (see MD above), English slave children, highly prized.
Russians and Chinese still have vestry’s of slave labour camps. The BBC would have us believe that they ‘care’/ (as in Care for the NHS (?) – when we know its just another socialist narrative to prop up Labour politically with background. They (the left collective) think all coloured people are ‘would be socialists” if we can make them victims. The trouble is as soon as ‘coloured people’ make any money, they too think of themselves are ‘entrepreneurs’ and go on to use the cheapest labour they can get from their own brothers and sisters. Its clearly a blind spot with some races who think all the bad things were by white men. That is clearly not so. And I don’t blame the Romans for my family history being a white slave!
So its not a good history for those who call themselves black, brown or whatever as being any better than ‘white’ people. The BBC practice discrimination, and proclaim its ‘justified’. That’s Communism for you, remnants of China and Russia are to be seen in the BBC- an elite looking towards Marx for answers, and finding them.
The incredible thing is that this is funded out of a TV tax designed to stop political lobbying by a public monopoly. Its now become the only reason why the BBC exists. And it argues that it has to ‘balance’ the news with its own version of events. Therefore invalidates the BBC Charter upon it ultimately relies on for ‘enforced payments’. A novelty that is well past sell by date.
I just Hope Nadine Dorries follows it through and defunds the BBC in preference for subscription only. The BBC has a right to exist, but it has to be paid for by its own followers who want world permanent lock down and ‘race’ masks (sic). And to abolish the family and make all queers equal (as in communal unisex). They have the power, at least they think they do, a small world of (US) globalism Corps dreaming of ‘big money’ in permanent lock down and crisis during transitioning to zero growth, zero industry and zero population growth. We all become slaves then to the global Corps. BBC Climate change predictions are part of that resolution enforcing of US Agenda 21. Now Agenda 30 (COP30). Also known as net zero. (an impossibility in nature), by the time we find out we shall all be slaves and under and Communist rule under joint EU aligned with Russian and China enforcers. The Russians have always needed ‘useful-idiots’ and looking at the BBC’s history, they are able to provide that in buckets and claim public and private finances for its Corporate values that we know only too well, sadly. Bloody BBC, twerps Charter.
Philip and MM, I think slavery pre-dates Islam and the Slavs in Europe. Think back to Bible times and the last chapter of Genesis and the first two chapters in the book of Exodus.
Dear Winston Smith in the BBC Department of Truth paid under threat of prosecution,
Can you tell me why you have not repeatedly reported on BBC radio and TV news 24/7 regarding the COVID vaccines trials data and results and UK Government’s emergency powers during COVID.
Hundreds of Asians (mostly Chineses, Koreans), specially women, murdered by Blacks. Media silent. One criminal felon Black, Floyd, met his death due to an overdose of some illegal drug, the country in flames.
Note too the lies of the MSM. Its the general category of Asians, Its just the same as the tens of thousands of girls raped by “Asians”. Not Asians but Muslims.
The MSM cannot tell the truth without requiring ER.
On 22 March 2020, 7-year-old Emily Grace Jones was stabbed at Queen’s Park in Bolton, Greater Manchester, England, while riding her scooter and died shortly afterwards. Eltiona Skana, a 30-year-old Albanian woman unknown to the Jones family, was arrested on the scene and later charged with murder. Wikipedia
Now that Turdeau has threatened to kill theTruckers pets if the Truckers don’t obey him I wonder how they will react.
Will they try to get their pets and children to a place of safety where the Canadian government cannot get at them and harm them and once their family and pets are safe from their government they start a fight back.
Doesn’t Canada have an RSPCA or PETA to speak up for the cats, dogs, budgies and hamsters that Turdeau wants to kill?
If Ukraine were invaded, Mr Johnson said “we will witness the destruction of a democratic state, a country that has been free for a generation, with a proud history of elections”.
‘Devastated’ Batley teacher ‘fearing for his life’ as he goes into hiding after Prophet Muhammad cartoon row
He is said to be an emotional wreck and is terrified about returning to Batley
Labour MP calls Brexiteers ‘sh*tbag racist w***ers’ over Proms row
Neil Coyle says song Rule! Britannia is only liked by ‘sh*tlickers”
Prof Jay said: “No-one knows the true scale of child sexual exploitation in Rotherham over the years. Our conservative estimate is that approximately 1,400 children were sexually exploited over the full inquiry period, from 1997 to 2013.”
Revealing details of the inquiry’s findings, Prof Jay said: “It is hard to describe the appalling nature of the abuse that child victims suffered.”
The inquiry team found examples of “children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone”.
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): Flights, accommodation, internal travel and meals with a value of £7,356.67
Destination of visit: Qatar
Dates of visit: 12-16 October 2021
Purpose of visit: British-Qatari APPG visit to meet ministers and officials to discuss Qatar’s humanitarian and political response to the Afghanistan crisis, preparations for the World Cup, workers’ rights reform and bilateral relations.
(Registered 28 October 2021)
2. (b) Any other support not included in Category 2(a)
Name of donor: The Refugee, Asylum and Migration Policy Project (RAMP)
Address of donor: The Courtyard, High Street, Ascot SL5 7HP
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: The services of a Policy Adviser for 2.5 days per week from 1 July 2020 to 31 December 2020; estimated value £13,000
The BBC are late with the virus infection numbers again. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-51768274 Of course, it would have absolutely nothing to do with the BBC’s opposition to the relaxation of the restrictions in England, nothing whatsoever ….
The real problem with the vaccination program is the lack of reporting of serious ‘side affects’. One of which is sudden death. This is true for Children as for adults.
The BBC failed to report that 80 NHS Doctors are concerned about side unreported affects on children 5 – 11 years age.
Its not based on Science. Its almost anti-science.
There is a news blackout on reporting any side affects on MSM, which gives you a clue to who is pushing the COVID vaccination narrative. The BBC are playing with us, they know propaganda is key.
When I read this I was really shocked, that we let this happen in the UK and not alert the UK public of the risks….
Not the beeb, but something else that really got my goat this week.
From my postings here, some of you may have gathered that I am ex services. I belong to an old ships association ex RN and we were to have a long awaited reunion in Southsea this April. It has been put of for the last two years due to covid. We are all over 70 and don’t see each other often.
Anyway, I required an extra day at the hotel, The Best Western Royal Beach. When I rang I was informed that the reunion had been cancelled in this hotel but we would be offered the same terms at another hotel in the same group. The management had not bothered to get in touch to explain this. The receptionist when pressed said the Home Office had requisitioned the hotel for the foreseeable future to house “Families in Distress” these are not British families in distress I must stress, I beleive they are dinghy tourists.
The hotel said we could still use the event rooms allocated to us. Yeah right, a load of ex matelots and there wives sharing accommodation with non drinkers, that really works.Is there not a hotel chain in the UK that isn’t overrun with these people?
Northern – sympathies – I heard a similar story recently of some para falklands veterans have their long delayed and planned get together cancelled by a hotel – and it was established that the reason was the same as yours.
No party is willing to deal with this invasion – noises will remain noises . Pity there are no sharks in the channel …
Fed, a friend of mine, ex para, had something organised in Aldershot, same thing happened, was told that the company Potters International, would lay on coaches from their new hotel to the original for all the events. That went down well.
Northern – I’m sure that this must be a main topic for ex military sites – naturally the MSM would never pick it up because it is against the narrative ….
Besides – the military is an embarrassment to the BBC unless it is sorting out the crap planning of the NHS or making for good TV coming home in boxes out of C17s with the Union Flag ….
I’ve read of a couple booking and paying for their wedding reception at a similar hotel, then discovering at a later date it had been seconded to house an assortment of migrants. When they raised their concerns with the management they were told they wouldn’t be getting their deposit back if they cancelled. The couple took legal advice and were told that YES they should get a refund as the original booking was for a different set up at the hotel which was changed since paying the deposit.
WEF saying they have penetrated HALF the Canadian cabinet
same video on Youtube “we penetrate the cabinets”
The POS, Klaus Schwab BRAGS about how the WEF has penetrated Canada's cabinet and how proud he is of Trudeau as a "young global leader of the WEF". pic.twitter.com/S2l0uznI8O
Conservative MP and asks a question about exactly that
“Can you please name those WEF people in the cabinet ?”
speaker ..sorry the audio is really bad” .. no we can’t go on with this question
Breathtaking – makes the corruption of the former commons speaker look positively simple in comparison to the corruption of the speaker in Canada … the body language says it all
Funny how some audio works and some doesn’t – a technique used by the BBC when someone ‘unapproved ‘ slips through the net – or
“ that’s all we’ve got time for – now the weather and an advert for why we are not biased “
Channel 5
Tony Robinson’s history of Britain
“Let’s talk about Victorian dentists”
… “Hey you know this guy Walter Tull the first black footballer
his brother Edward became a dentist in Glasgow”
Walter Tull served in WW1 and you know it was against the rules but they promoted him to Officer anyway”
Next week ..”first nurses in the NHS
a black singer who crossed the ocean for fame and fortune”
A free* Newspaper highlighting the long march through the institutions as predicted by George Orwell is nigh impossible to deny that the media have invited censorship as way of making them seem important by repeating left wing dogma. Its not just the BBC (although they set the standard for censorship) its spread far and wide, so an alternative voice is welcome.
* Subscriptions and donations welcome.
Its a good read. ‘The Light’ (free newspaper) PDF format and well written on hot topics of the week you won’t read about elsewhere… or learn from the BBC.
I see a couple of interviews with Daz Nez (Darren Nesbit) of The Light Paper
1 hour … https://youtu.be/wxwKOBlY4Zg
19 minutes … https://youtu.be/A6p8f82jHHg
He says he stands against the elite, but is opposed to going down the rabbit hole of the “common law freemen” cult.
He is clearly against Covid vaccinations and lockdowns for himself.
I guess some people would say he could be part of controlled opposition to the government.
Instead of letting genuine opposition
You create one for people to come into and then you can control them that way.
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Fedup2Mar 30, 09:00 Weekend 29th March 2025 Did plod really break down the door of a Quaker house to arrest conspirators who were planning evil protests ?…
GMar 30, 08:54 Weekend 29th March 2025 Personally, I think the masses of people now on sickness benefit in the UK are voting with their feet: They…
Mrs KittyMar 30, 07:27 Weekend 29th March 2025 I loved the Chalet School books, I suppose the idea of going to a foreign school sounded so different to…
ZephirMar 30, 06:23 Weekend 29th March 2025 “Britain has a two-tier justice system, Robert Jenrick claims as a pro-Palestinian protester is spared jail for spitting at a…
ScrobleneMar 30, 06:16 Weekend 29th March 2025 We preferred the stories about Snubby, (a ginger-haired boy with a dog named Loony), and Barney who had been some…
StewGreenMar 30, 00:35 Weekend 29th March 2025 The Lefty establishment are putting the clocks back to 1950 taxing us to death and killing capitalism, nationalising things The…
StewGreenMar 29, 23:23 Weekend 29th March 2025 Here have a still image It doesn’t show the train conductor who is an afro haired black woman. [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GnPqH7pWEAAdWgl?format=jpg&name=small[/img] There…
StewGreenMar 29, 23:00 Weekend 29th March 2025 video of the advert Great Western Railway, “A thrilling engagement” by Adam & Eve/DDB https://youtu.be/3fRQOmn7qjg #WokeSupremacist The advertising agencies promoted…
BRISSLESMar 29, 22:50 Weekend 29th March 2025 Oh dear oh dear. My childhood Famous Five is now in cartoon image for the Great Western Railway advert. Naturally…
Place holder
Catchup links to most recent posts on previous thread
– page 4 started 11am on Friday
– page 3 started midnight Thursday night
Every morning since Terry Wogan the first time around my alarm call has been radio 2. Every morning for about the last 5 years I’m tortured by the early morning drivel the BBC sees fit to dish up.
Overly chirpy, self-congratulating, backslapping, juvenile drivel.
I always mean to change the station but by the time I’m awake and dressed the radio is switched off and I forget all about it.
Not today, today I left myself a note and radio 2 is no more. It feels good and I’m generally a much happier person.
Oldrec – I empathise – I wasn’t totally terry wogan but he was good enough as a remedy to the dire ‘today ‘programme –
I don’t do R2 anymore – I know people here listen to vine but he just fails every test …. So I don’t use BBC stuff very much at all except to provide evidence for this site .
Music streaming is the best replacement and I don’t think they make a profit out of me ….
I know its nostalgic, but BBC radio was always on when I was growing up. Sunday roast with the Light Prog and Two Way Family Favourites, Billy Cotton Band Show, Round the Horne. Then Friday Night is Music Night, and before the advent of Radios 1,2,3 and 4, us teenagers on the south coast tuned into Radio Caroline and Radio Invicta. Dad loved listening to Alan Dell on Sunday afternoons, Terry Wogan sending us off to work with a giggle as he gave characters from Dallas his own nicknames – the Poison Dwarf ? poor Charlene Tilton never recovered from that, and Sue Ellen crying into her cornflakes covered in gin !! Then it was Alan ‘puff’ Freeman giving us the Pick of the Pops on Sunday afternoons, followed by the Mike Samme Singers on Sing Something Simple in the early evening.
Now ? never listen to it except an occasional foray into Classic FM.
Radio Caroline and Radio London were important parts of my teenage years. We could receive lots of pirate stations here in Yorkshire. We even had our own: Radio 270!
‘Sing Something Simple’ was on Sunday evenings was truly dreadful. So depressing. I associate it with the claustrophobic feelings of being in our little house on a winter’s evening, school in the morning. I seriously think that programme contributed to my mental problems of that era.
Fred Stubber: Brilliant invocation of ‘Sing Something Simple’ on a Sunday evening.
It used to make me want to slit my wrists
Yes I remember looking forward to the Billy Cotton Band Show.
He always opened with his shout of “Wakey! Wakey!”
Perhaps he’s responsible for all the wokeness around now?
Brissles, Round the Horne was a great favourite of my family. I especially liked Kenneth Williams in his alter ego as Rambling Syd Rumpo who sang slightly suggestive folk song parodies. Lyrics like ‘Green Grow My Nadgers Oh!’ had me me sniggering delightedly.
Another good BBC comedy my parents used to listen to was the quiz and panel game ‘My Word’ with Frank Muir and Dennis Norden. I don’t recall any of the childish self-indulgence (and ‘f’ words) you get with many of the BBC’s ‘comedians’ today. This was humour for sophisticated adults.
‘Take it from here’ was a firm favourite in our home – Jimmy Edwards and Dick Bentley with the gorgeous June Whitfield, who still looked fantastic in ‘Ab Fab’ all those years after…
‘Oooh Ron’ still lingers in everyday chats here…
But back then the few lefties and the wokery were oddities who hated themselves and everyone they sought to control. The BBC now heads the brigade for such idiocy, so that’s why they use enormous sums of taxpayer’s money for pathetic, dire, unfunny crap.
Nothing wrong with a good old English folk song.
I am particularly fond of: “She was only a fishmonger’s daughter, but she could lie on a slab and shout “fillet!”.
Wow that stirred up some memories Brissles, thank you. When the British Broadcasting co really was British. I remember all those programmes.
Didn’t listen to radio Caroline though, but radio Luxembourg every evening .. Anyone remember Stuart Henry and the show he did with his I think Wife ?
Yes Brissels I recall them all with fondness, nothing near such clever writing now, just rubbish mainly. When dear Barry Cryer slipped away from us so did such briliant humour.
Alan Freeman was “Fluff”, not “Puff” though there were rumours…
Both the BBC and ITV are trying to link Storm Eunice to global warming, despite even the Met Office stating there is no evidence at all to make such a link.
Now ITV relies on advertising revenue but I have to pay the licence fee to the BBC to watch any live TV.
And for that money what I get is an agenda of biased propaganda
global warming makes it snow in buxton , you know it makes sense
The AGW scam was an all governments initiated taxation scheme, via the IPCC – a specifically created UN agency, to rip off hundreds of billions from the taxpayer. The UN was going to get some of the proceeds.
So far though, it is the scientists who are being criticised, though they are bit players in this scam. “Scientists” whose jobs and promotion depended on getting grant money, could be expected to provide the required answers. The money in grants allocations to scientists is worth less then peanut shells compared to what governments and big business planned to pocket from general taxation on energy, and further hidden levies on all energy usage on petrol diesel, gas and electricity.
Every aspect of the economy – industry, agriculture, and transport would be hit by one of the cleverest scams in all history. No wonder all governments, are so keen on CC/AGW.
The elite now know that the Truckers have to be stopped. Stopped by brute force if necessary. For if they aren’t, the whole damned tower of Babel will come down. That is why Donald Trump was targeted by a Canadian minister in the Trucker Convoy dispute. There was no other reason but Climate Change scam being part of the Freedom Trucker Convoy. The Freedom Trucker Convoy’s existence threatens the existence of Climate Change hoax.
Donald Trump was never part of the Global elite. He saw what AGW/CC was about. That is why even now the American elite, social media, MSM, FBI, CIA, etc etc, continue to try to shut him up. So the Durham report was initially ignored, while they thought of ways to marginalise it.
Climate Change mandates will make Covid mandates look trivial. It Is the instrument that will imprison the West for a long time.
Think what is coming. Plans for building tens of thousands of offshore wind turbines. All far more expensive to build and maintain.
All of this has to be financed by an increase in the price of oil/gas/coal fired stations.
All this because the mean global temperature (a very dubious measurement to say the least) rose by on average 0.07 deg C per decade over the 20th century. The real figure is likely to be 0.01 dec per decade.
For this pathetic figure that cannot even be measured accurately, if all the errors are figured out, the elite wish to destroy the world and send tens of billions back to the slums. Hunger leads to mass movement of people searching to survive. Who can blame them. After all, tens of millions of Europeans left Europe for that reason. Can you turn away a starving family at your doorstep.
The Freedom Trucker Convoy has to succeed.
Police are ‘regular human beings’ right?
No. Agents of the State.
This should be pretty disturbing as the situation overall heads toward societal breakdown. It will end in open conflict and that’s when the smile and mirth of these police ‘officers’ will end. Only then.
Bills need paying.
Don’t you just love Ryland Clark camping it up on the One
Show? For me he gives a Kenneth Williams impression
with less than 1% of Kenneth Williams comical abilities.
That statement as it appears on Trump’s website
Didn’t he mean Trudeau/Biden/Macron ?
Trudeau/Biden/Macron/Arden, are the Gang of Four.
The road to Dystopia is paved by people who parrot good intentions. That is all there is. Its all about power and retaining it no matter the costs. All the above Gang of Four show it, as they burn down their country.
Toady watch
This could take a while …
Fergal Keen – still stuck in Ukraine waiting for a war – so filling the gap with his usual mournful false emotion about past horrors – now the weather
An’ expert ‘ from the WHO( discredited but still listened to ) criticising a ‘living with covid ‘ strategy not yet put out by HMG . You could hear the anxiety of these little hitlers no longer strutting about telling us how to live .
A ‘press review ‘ in which the head of mi6/5/4? moaned about having to go after ‘home grown threats ‘ or ‘overseas threats ( China Russia) – the latter described as ‘wanting to change our way of life … I choked on me breakfast tea – as far as I can see they just want cake like every one else …
..and the ‘home grown terrorist ‘ is probably a 14 year old white kid with a picture of hitler on his bedroom wall … not the real threat Which Must Not Be Mentioned
Next – the weather – which is now ‘political ‘ – every time a tree falls over its global warming – every time the wind blows – the same – an onslaught of social control – panic – more taxes – ..
Lastly the ‘nature bill’ is being culled a bit – I guess it is a creation of nut nuts wife and there is a struggle between her and the less complaint members of the cabinet whether bear skins can be imported from Canada . That’s the big story – I think it’s tricky for the BBC to support nut nuts ‘ wife ….
Oh yeah – nut nut is going to Munich to speak with herr… sorry – wrong century – speaking with friends about putin . At press conference the first question from coonsberg or lansdale will be
‘When are you going to resign nut nut ?”
Off switch – too much ‘toady ‘ is just that …
Thanks for all this, Fed!
I have a confession to make, in that yesterday, because of a few sea-breezes causing the BBC to wet it’s proverbial knickers, we thought we might even watch the BBC news, to see how others had fared against the light winds and scattered showers!
But we had a power cut, so were saved from such tyranny-sur-TV, and now you’ve completed the stories which we happily avoided!
But I found the Glenmorangie, so it got even better, and a glass of that nectar, in candlelight, is a pleasure that is worth remembering for a long time yet…
Scroblene – if i could i would absolve you but a higher power might take note of mt action and respond accordingly
I hope your came back but im guessing by posting it did .
Im out of blighty until thurday when i return to the desolation of london – and will
Get a picture of the former o2 dome as i go past on the DLR .. with Gods ‘ Will
TOADY Watch #1 – BBC in breach of their Charter?
Item pre 8 a.m. with Mishal on the expected announcemnet of changes to the ‘Coronavirus Rules’ on Monday next. Dr David Nabarro of WHO and someone else (sorry, forgotten name) are interviewed. Both suggest reasons why HMG’s proposals for changes in England are risky and gave their reasons why. Dr Nabarro wanted masks and social distancing to remain compulsory. Forever? Mishal did not ask.
The BBC are clearly trying to campaign against an elected Government.
In my view, the BBC should only report after the event (of changes) and then by all means have a studio discussion on air at that time. In advance of the changes, the BBC should stay quiet. Absolutely silent.
Same old story, sadly, Up2!
Autocue-readers like Mishal only listen when it’s the wokery. They are instructed not to question such issues, except for maybe squeak some sort of indignant sulk occasionally.
You can sometimes hear these instructions on some radio programmes when the same sort of people are wearing earphones!
It’s a bit like the Mandelson joke with him instructing all labourites wearing earphones telling them ‘to breathe in…breathe out’!
‘Not enough dead Jews’ Husain?
Likely best she does stick to the autocue.
Meanwhile Sarah and Lurch likely trying desperately to find a deli who dissed a crack head in the Lower East side…
Scrobie, indeed. Am I steaming enough to complain direct to the D-G with cc Nadine Dorries, MP, SoS for the Ministry of Fun? Maybe, maybe. If we are not careful with the BBC, we will have Mandy back as the UberGauleiter fur die EU uber UK.
No thanks!
Unsure if this is because some bloke’s online live crashcam did better than GBNews that day, or the total viewership for Newsnight in 2022 so far.
Liked by a bunch of lefty bubble heads, including Lewis, ironically.
Scott Bryan
TV critic and broadcaster. Must Watch podcast on
. Dyslexic. scottglennbryan@gmail.com.
East Londonscottybryan.comJoined August 2008
3,353 Following
@JolyonMaugham’s lot were screaming how dare No 10 staff get to see their police notes
Now he says
“So. We have had a clear steer from our QC that, in fact, it is normal practice for interviewees to get access to their notes.
Indeed, lawyers for interviewees facing criminal proceedings would complain vigorously if they weren’t”
You’d think that as a barrister, he might know that.
Toady again –
I switched on at 0820 because the bloke who did the aircraft landing commentating at Heathrow yesterday was having his 15 minutes of fame …
… at one stage he said ‘we had 200 000 viewers ‘ to which Robinson instantly replied “ numbers GBNews can only dream of “….
…….it’s nice to know the BBC shows it’s paranoia about alternatives sources of broadcast news with a less biased outlook …
……..they must spend countless off the books meetings plotting how to sabotage it – conniving with the OFCOM branch of the BBC to end it ….
Off switch
Toenails is the saddest excuse for an anything it is possible to imagine.
Guest Who
That surely pleasures me that someone noticed …
I think robinson was the runt who got picked last for the team at school and has carried the bitterness ever since .
Such an unnecesary comment unworthy of a senior comrade in the OFCOMBBC
The ‘slightly pissy’ runt?
“Basket of deplorables” is a phrase from a 2016 presidential election campaign speech delivered by Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton on September 9, 2016, at a campaign fundraising event, which she used to describe half of the supporters of her opponent, Republican nominee Donald Trump saying “They’re racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic”.[1] The next day, she expressed regret for “saying half”, while insisting that Trump had deplorably amplified “hateful views and voices”.
Professor Spiegelhalter dared to go off-message on @BBCr4today
– “Deaths reducing rapidly”
“Daily figures (deaths) ….increasingly overstating the number of deaths that have Covid as the underlying cause.
‘less than half of the stated deaths have Covid as the underlying cause.’
I trust that the learned Prof has adequate life insurance, if he’s going to ski off piste like that.
There was a slight car crash interview between a tv news droid and a farmer at the Needles where the highest wind was recorded ( allegedly ) .
She desperately tried to get said farmer to say it’s getting worse because of global warming but just said ‘yeah we ve always had storms and strong winds – me dad said that too “
I felt sorry for the bbc girl that she didn’t get her ‘green crap propaganda points ‘ then remembered she’s on £200k plus …
Won’t be hearing from said farmer again on the BBC …
Yes I can confirm it has been windy at the Needles nothing unusual in that …lost a few tiles off my roof …..again ! . Sorry BBBC its called weather and not your Climate Catastrophe / Global Warming or what ever you want to call it next !
DS said “less than half in hospital have Covid as their main problem”
“ICU admissions plunging”
“be cautious of this daily death stat, cos
it is is increasingly overstating. You have to roughly halve it”
“ONS stats show that deaths are well below average for this time of year”
Then he went strange
“The government took a GAMBLE before Christmas and they got away with it”
.. That’s not true, when you ease back on restrictions, you factor in that many people will still be super cautious … it is not a gamble as such.
Meanwhile, the BBC’s fave Black GB Winter Olympian, Montell Douglas, seems to have had a bad day at the office:
“Mica McNeill said something went “drastically wrong” after a disappointing start to the two-woman bobsleigh left Great Britain out of contention with two heats remaining.
McNeill and partner Montell Douglas currently sit 19th out of 20 pairs after the opening two heats.
They are 2.49 seconds off German leaders Laura Nolte and Deborah Levi.
“It is one of those things where we don’t fully know what’s going on,” said McNeill.
“Something has gone drastically wrong, it hasn’t all come together.”
The final two heats take place on Saturday with the aggregate time of the four heats determining the final standings.”
Probably climate related.
Guest, thanks, which leads neatly to …
TOADY Watch #2 – aah, I wondered when the ‘Greenies’ would wake up
Art with NFTs [ that is NonFungibleTokens to the uninitiated like our Fed 😉 🙂 ] were an item on TOADY before I hit the Off Switch in protest at something or other. Someone has been doodling at home during the USA Lockdown and created ‘Art’ that some mug has been willing to pay $30,000 for in ‘cybercurrency’. Now this artist’s Mother has quit her job to become her son’s Manager and Agent.
Guess that should ensure a ready supply of mugs of coffee and chocolate biccies to the artist’s desk.
However, all is not well with the enviromentalists. They have just realised that ‘mining’ cryptocurrencies requires massive banks of computers that drain the world’s electricity supply (a supply that is always a bit precarious at this time of year in the northern hemisphere) and contributing to global warming via the need for these computer servers to be continually cooled.
The bbc only ask questions.
Follow or be prosecuted – coming soon.
There is an official Twitter announcement under the Vine tweet
“See a reply that isn’t adding to the conversation?
Select ⬇️ to help us improve your experience.”
(that’s downvote)
As one who is #BlockedByVine he has an apparently easier way of dealing with people like me who dare to challenge his view.
In the one minute version of Vine’s video you can see it looks like Russia in 2019
And not faked ..cos the car is in the middle of the narrow lane and she’s also in the middle of the road coming around the corner.
Automatically embeds cos it’s a Redditt post
The masks should be worn to protect others we are told.
Even though the holes in the masks are 3000 times larger than the covid virus.
When a mask wearer breathes out let’s say some of the virus sticks to the inside of the mask.
Every breath adds more to this number stuck on the mask.
After a while, all day in schoolchildren’s cases, there will be a concentrated film of the virus being breathed in and out every few seconds.
No thank you.
If they discover a new version in France will it be called Emacron?
You forgot the CO2 poisoning …
No signs of calm reporting after the storm but some reports of Karma for China
The casaulty figures are still coming in…
‘Three people killed and others seriously injured by trees and flying debris‘ (‘i’) – clearly mother Nature’s revenge there.
‘At least four dead as worst storm in decades roars in‘ (Guardian)
And the power cuts…
‘Gales leave 150,000 homes without power‘ (Daily Mirror)
‘Storm cuts off 200,000 homes‘ (Times)
‘One million homes lose power…‘ (‘i’) – any advance… do I hear 2 million?
The figures seem to be a bit confused at present – so, to be on the safe side – we’ll go with the superlatives…
‘Battered by killer storm‘ (Express)
‘Carnage… £500million clean up bill‘ (Mirror)
‘Day of destruction‘ (Times)
‘People with astraphobia are terrified of the weather. They may watch anxiously for signs of bad weather, hide in areas of the home where they feel safe during a storm‘ (a rare appearance hereabouts for Web MD offering online news and information pertaining to human health and well-being)
My old granny used to hide in the cupboard under the stairs during a thunder storm – or was that during the Blitz? I definitely recall my mother warning me as a child not to play with a mirror during lightening. She had the notion that it might attract the lightening strike. Or perhaps the toddler AsISeeIt was just being a bit annoying playing about with her make up mirror and she wanted me to put it down. In more enlighten times and with more forward-looking parents that behaviour might have set one down the road to becoming a young transexual. I digress.
The left-leaning astraphobic ‘i’ newspaper devotes their big headline and those characteristic in-house bullet points to the weather story. With the tell tale final kicker: ‘Red alerts expected to become more frequent because of climate change‘ – never let a good storm go to waste, eh? Not when there’s an agenda to push.
‘“A meteorite fell on my bed!”‘ (Guardian) – due to climate change?
The formerly patriotic Times long ago parted with any prediliction for the smack of firm conservatism.
‘Queen dismayed by “uncaring” Thatcher‘ (Sunday Times 1986); ‘Newspapers say Queen is upset by Thatcher‘ (New York Times 1986)
Unless, perhaps of course, nowadays when it comes in less-political female form: ‘The UK’s strictest teacher‘ (Times)
This is Katharine Birbalsingh, just about our last headteacher allowed to be strict with the kids.
Women do seem to get a bit of a bye these days: ‘Not all women are narcissists – some of us are sociopaths‘ – let me quickly explain this is Marian Keyes writing a feature in the Telegraph.
Just in case you thought we were ever going to be in the clear covid-wise: ‘Hospitals to keep limit on number of visitors… in some cases relatives are being prevented from visiting non-Covid patients for weeks at a time‘ (Telegraph) – I’ve personally witnessed the NHS making efforts to dissuade visitors from seeing their sick relatives. I’ve also noticed a case where certain medical tests were one moment thought necessary for a patient but suddenly ruled not so much – presumably reducing the waiting list somewhat.
So the aftermath of Covid lockdown policy doesn’t seem to get a dire coverage of misery and monetary cost like a natural storm does.
Perhaps urgent matters of national security might intervene? Seems not: ‘Huawei network ban delayed six months. The Government has delayed its plan to remove Huawei from Britain’s telecoms network by six months, blaming Covid‘ (Telegraph) – all absolutely nothing to do with dodgy Chinese cash donations to MPs.
To wit…
‘MI5 chief: UK’s “fight to keep our way of life” spy boss’s interview with Mail reveals Russia and China targeting MPs… yet toothless laws leave us “with one hand behind our back”‘ (Daily Mail) – because of course our govenment couldn’t possibly put through any emergency powers to deal with a serious emergency (sarc – as the teens tend to text)
The FT tells us: ‘Tensions rise in eastern Ukraine. Invasion fears heightened‘ – please do explain to me how invasion fears can be heightened from the supposed state of invasion immanent – which has supposedly pertained since before Christmas?
But let’s end on a note of the Chinese getting a dose of their own medicine – I think the word they use in the east is Karma: ‘Illegal crossings from Hong Kong pose threat to mainland’s “zero-Covid” drive‘ (FT)
that’s different to the UK version of the prog
I detail below.
Iirc, the bbc has ‘tuned’, ‘news’ to suit before… sources close to a propaganda tool report, apparently.
Who cannot enjoy a BBC Axis of Weevils complementary poll that goes Robinsons up?
From our correspondent
The first 15 minute s – anti British propaganda about bongo bongo land followed by anti capitalist gas exploration propaganda . Off switch . They don’t even try balance any more .
The number of posts from old luvvie biddies highlighting their comings and goings, when next xR effort they will be in their dungarees at the tow of a pink dinghy by a Discovery.
Clap to save the NHS. Sing to land the plane!
11:30am FooC
Chagos : the UK has so far refused to allow the Islanders back. This week, they took matters into their own hands, and returned by boat for a visit. Andrew Harding
(We didn’t learn much cept they don’t like UK or the French)
Netherlands : in the 1960s gas was discovered
some people living near the gas fields
now claim that the exploration has damaged their homes with earthquakes.
Anna Holligan.
“Residents developed an addiction to gas ..all appliances run on it ”
( ..what tosh ..per KWh gas is way cheaper than leccy
To me the claims resemble the fake documentary Gaslands)
Anna says the courts said many residents claims had little merit.
She says that Dutch minister will end gas extraction in 2023.
(Great they’ll be taking Russian gas then)
“Developing Kenya in a Greener Way”
Kenya going for IT based economy
The aim is to find a development route which does not necessarily copy the heavy industrialisation of wealthier countries.
Indeed, Zeinab Badawi says Kenya is already pursuing a greener path, which could make for a more prosperous future.
“Here we are where everything is powered by solar”
“In Kenya 92% is powered by renewables” (… I reckon that’s a lie.)
“solar powered irrigation has led to a 300% growth in yields”
“Electric buses come to Nairobi next month”
(FFS the normal BBC Greendreamery
Bet Kenya has bitcoin mining ops)
ZB “western nations will depend on fossil fuels and NUCLEAR for decades”
(FFS nuclear is good and clean, not evil like she makes out)
Muslim and a Lesbian in Paris
The French-Algerian writer, Fatima Daasgrew up in Paris.
She has won huge praise for her first book, a semi-autobiographical account of a life attempting to reconcile being a Muslim and Lesbian.
Mike Wooldridge
Japan : current Prime Minister lives in his official Tokyo residence
Previous PMs didn’t .. scared the building was haunted.
Japanese people regularly take account of ghosts when considering where to live.
Rupert Wingfield-Haye
6.00pm News
Radio 4, 15 May 2012
An item on Palestinian demonstrations marking Nakba Day referred to “thousands of Palestinians leaving their homes” following the declaration of the State of Israel. Two listeners complained that this gave a misleading impression of the scale of Palestinian displacement and the extent to which it was the result of coercion. The complaint was partly upheld.
7:30am Ukrainian tweets “A Ukrainian soldier has been killed by shrapnel”
7:54am AFP tweeted that
12pm BBC R4 news “We’ve just heard that a Ukrainian soldier has been killed by shrapnel”
Translation of Ukrainian report

The british PM goes to the security meeting at Munich ( 2022 not 1939) . On GBNews they carry his midday short speach live
On R4 they are reporting on the scottish silver medal – on R5 its Manchester united corners .
How can that be right?
Maybe if the BBC was reporting the footy instead of chamberlain trying to delay hitler people might have noticed …,
Deduction- the BBC hate the PM so much that they wont even report him at such an important time on such an important subject .
Beggars belief
Incidentally – just finished “ munich “ by robert harris – £1 in a charity shop . Pretty good fiction and set me wondering whether chamberlain was a better PM than currently regarded …
Marcus Fysh MP asked Truss and Johnson if they were going to do or say something but afaik has received no reply.
Imagine if Trump had acted like this?
Complicit Lamestream media.
There are police tweets that says everyone got up and walked away after they sent in the horses… and whatabout a bicycle that was elsewhere thrown at a police horse.
.. https://twitter.com/OttawaPolice/status/1494874686181810176
.. https://twitter.com/OttawaPolice/status/1495026664845328388
There are false tweets saying a woman died, but other tweets say the police helped her away and she has a bad shoulder,
Meanwhile XR antifa are being violent t the other end of the country.
What happened to Canada
Twitter says that the Parliament was due to meet Saturday to approve the emergency powers troo do is already applying – but that Parliament has been ‘cancelled ‘ …
This is not in the msm and suggests a very bad state of affairs both here and there …..
If that madness can happen in Canada – what of here ?
Only a matter of time……………tick, tock, tick, tock.
Relax everyone, clueless Biden has sent in even more clueless Kamala to sort out Ukraine.
That should do it.
On GB News just now Alastair Stewart has just said that he has been well educated and put right about the situation in Canada after saying he wasn’t too bothered about it at the beginning of his show (or words to that effect)
How refreshing for someone to come out with an honest statement and admit that he had got it wrong earlier.
Well done Alastair.
George Galloway was a good guest on the show as well. He spoke a lot of sense.
Yes that was a good 2 hours . G Galloway ‘s comment about the First B in BBC now being redundant accords with the comments of many here .
As for Canada – it looks like only GB News is talking about the horrors there .
At least twitter reports on the silence of politicians from other so called ‘ democracies ‘ on what is happening there .
Some of the actions of canadian plod is shocking and suggests the plot has been lost there
Snowing here, and instantly turning into slush
No big evidence of wind damage from yesterday, except for a rotten tree fallen down in a horse paddock.
Alastair Stewart’s 2:1 ratio
after he tweets like beeboid
Someone contests him, saying British viewers are very interested
and he replied
“ Maybe most just want to get about their cities and get on with their business.
Twitter shouted back “The MSM went manic for covering George Floyd demos”
One reply
“Emergency powers, arbitrary arrest, asset seizure,
it’s very significant Alastair.
If it were Trump doing in the USA everyone would be all over it.”
11pm last night Stewart showed he didn’t understand the protest.
It’s not about jabs
It’s about mandates forcing people to have them
and excluding of people that make other choices, by using draconian measures like seizing their bank accounts.
13:51pm speaking with Claire Fox, Stewart said “Wow I’ve had a hell of a schooling over the last 12 hours over what’s going on in Canada from people on Twitter”
Well how was he underinformed before ?
Surely he doesn’t still watch mainstream news.
Can both be important?
The Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement is the member of the European Commission in charge of overseeing the accession process of prospective new member states and relations with those bordering the European Union (EU). The present Commissioner, as of December 2019, is Olivér Várhelyi.
The Ukrainian news is being used as a distraction from what is happening in Canada.
The trailer of the upcoming film called 2000 Mules about the rigged election is hurtling towards an astonishing 2 million views on one platform alone (Dinesh D’Souza’s Rumble channel).
Add all the other views on numerous other platforms and the figure must be huge.
When will the BBC start to show any interest?
Rumble: https://rumble.com/vtlq96-explosive-new-surveillance-footage-of-ballot-drop-boxes.html
Website: http://2000mules.com/
The account @back_the_BBC blocks me on Twitter
The reason ?
Dunno , cos I have never interacted with that account on Twitter
Sometime people run multiple accounts
so they I may have interacted with one of their other accounts
and they’ve retreated by blocking me on all their accounts.
I don’t insult or harass people on Twitter, so there is no proper reason to block me.
GBnews advertising
They have 400K subscribers, Russel Brand has 5 million , Joe Roegan has 20 million or something
Only 700 people are shown as watching on their 2 current Livestreams (General & specific prog)
I don’t get how older Farage clips got 200K views and newer ones just 3K … suspicious counting
Billboard : https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FL9FaSzX0AQpbhk?format=jpg&name=small
Not for Brillo then – also silent on Canada ….$
Yes Andrew Neil hasn’t tweeted about The Truckers ever, nor the protests, nor Canada nor Trudeau for 6 months !
The world according to Biden, Turdeau and the BBC.
Far-right Canadian terrorist:

Peaceful BLM protester:

The sick tragic humour of all this going on, yet all Sopes can manage is…
I’d to love to share this with bbc staff, but…
I wonder how many Beeboids will be out in the BBQ area with gaffa tape over their prissy gobs in support of Rebel News reporters beaten by Dancin’ Justin’s pet stormtroopers.
Due to colonalism?
“Impartiality lies at the heart of public service and is the core of the BBC’s commitment to its audiences. It applies to all our output and services – television, radio, online, and in our international services and commercial magazines. We must be inclusive, considering the broad perspective and ensuring the existence of a range of views is appropriately reflected
Marky that’s an incorrect quote ..he said it about Antifa
An island speaks.
Isle of Wight (WHITE!) singer in ‘race’ arrest not charged
Published28 April 2011
A musician has been released without charge by police after his performance of the song Kung Fu Fighting at a bar caused an alleged racism row.
BBC Wokedom update.
BBC Ignorance is BLISS!
The word ‘slaves’ is a derivative of Slav – a northern European race indigenous to Eurasia, in particular Russia and Siberia. They were taken as slaves by marauding Arab Muslims in medieval times, and gave their name to the early modern idea of people as chattel.
I note that neither Arabs nor Muslims have to suffer the indignity of their most precious shrines and monuments being defiled with trigger warnings and contextualising plaques.
MT (Telegraph)
The name “English” comes from the pun “non Angli, sed Angeli” (Not Angles, but Angels) made by the Pope in Rome as he looked over some fair haired child slaves brought from York. The Venerable Bede used the pun to name us English.
MD (Telegraph)
I watched Alex Scott’s ‘Who Do You Think You Are’ a few months ago. She travelled to the West Indies to trace her ancestors and was expecting to find they were slaves. What she didn’t expect was that when some of them received their freedom, they owned a plantation and had black slaves of their own. Pardon me saying this but the matters regarding slavery are not ‘black and white’.
AM (Telegraph)
Found in Comments section today (Saturday edition)
That reminded me that one of the BBC presenters groomed for kids TV was on ‘WDYTYR’ and she traced her ancestors back to Jamaica only to find that her privileged education in England was thanks largely to Slavery, (which she did not know about). It was a bit embarrassing to discover that her family tree included family Slavery alongside the ‘whites’ who (she thought) were to blame. Despite being given freedom (freeman), land and wealth and English privilege. I thought at the time that it was brave for the BBC to air the footage, but no doubt its just a drop in the ocean of BBC propaganda that ‘all slaves were black’, when its clearly false, and that Islamic countries traded white slaves a century before go totally unreported by BBC acolytes. There are still slaves in Islamic cultures now.
Not that the trendy old BBC plodders care much about such facts, when you can get a good news story aired and endorse a SOROS ‘New World Order’ based around an elite movement of upper class ‘know-it-alls’. Those who themselves benefited from ‘Slavery’ , now anxiously deny any involvement. They would have (without doubt) been keen Slave owners themselves at the time. History being re-written by the new age hippy communists who forget that white slaves existed, even though its well documented by the Romans if one cares to look (see MD above), English slave children, highly prized.
Russians and Chinese still have vestry’s of slave labour camps. The BBC would have us believe that they ‘care’/ (as in Care for the NHS (?) – when we know its just another socialist narrative to prop up Labour politically with background. They (the left collective) think all coloured people are ‘would be socialists” if we can make them victims. The trouble is as soon as ‘coloured people’ make any money, they too think of themselves are ‘entrepreneurs’ and go on to use the cheapest labour they can get from their own brothers and sisters. Its clearly a blind spot with some races who think all the bad things were by white men. That is clearly not so. And I don’t blame the Romans for my family history being a white slave!
So its not a good history for those who call themselves black, brown or whatever as being any better than ‘white’ people. The BBC practice discrimination, and proclaim its ‘justified’. That’s Communism for you, remnants of China and Russia are to be seen in the BBC- an elite looking towards Marx for answers, and finding them.
The incredible thing is that this is funded out of a TV tax designed to stop political lobbying by a public monopoly. Its now become the only reason why the BBC exists. And it argues that it has to ‘balance’ the news with its own version of events. Therefore invalidates the BBC Charter upon it ultimately relies on for ‘enforced payments’. A novelty that is well past sell by date.
I just Hope Nadine Dorries follows it through and defunds the BBC in preference for subscription only. The BBC has a right to exist, but it has to be paid for by its own followers who want world permanent lock down and ‘race’ masks (sic). And to abolish the family and make all queers equal (as in communal unisex). They have the power, at least they think they do, a small world of (US) globalism Corps dreaming of ‘big money’ in permanent lock down and crisis during transitioning to zero growth, zero industry and zero population growth. We all become slaves then to the global Corps. BBC Climate change predictions are part of that resolution enforcing of US Agenda 21. Now Agenda 30 (COP30). Also known as net zero. (an impossibility in nature), by the time we find out we shall all be slaves and under and Communist rule under joint EU aligned with Russian and China enforcers. The Russians have always needed ‘useful-idiots’ and looking at the BBC’s history, they are able to provide that in buckets and claim public and private finances for its Corporate values that we know only too well, sadly. Bloody BBC, twerps Charter.
Slavery before Islam
Slavery was common in pre-Islamic times and accepted by many ancient legal systems and it continued under Islam.
Philip and MM, I think slavery pre-dates Islam and the Slavs in Europe. Think back to Bible times and the last chapter of Genesis and the first two chapters in the book of Exodus.
Dear Winston Smith in the BBC Department of Truth paid under threat of prosecution,
Can you tell me why you have not repeatedly reported on BBC radio and TV news 24/7 regarding the COVID vaccines trials data and results and UK Government’s emergency powers during COVID.
An informed citizen is a happy citizen.
Government emergency powers and coronavirus
Children Under 12
“Omission is the most powerful form of lie.” – George Orwell
Mr H
Hundreds of Asians (mostly Chineses, Koreans), specially women, murdered by Blacks. Media silent. One criminal felon Black, Floyd, met his death due to an overdose of some illegal drug, the country in flames.
Note too the lies of the MSM. Its the general category of Asians, Its just the same as the tens of thousands of girls raped by “Asians”. Not Asians but Muslims.
The MSM cannot tell the truth without requiring ER.
On 22 March 2020, 7-year-old Emily Grace Jones was stabbed at Queen’s Park in Bolton, Greater Manchester, England, while riding her scooter and died shortly afterwards. Eltiona Skana, a 30-year-old Albanian woman unknown to the Jones family, was arrested on the scene and later charged with murder. Wikipedia
Now that Turdeau has threatened to kill theTruckers pets if the Truckers don’t obey him I wonder how they will react.
Will they try to get their pets and children to a place of safety where the Canadian government cannot get at them and harm them and once their family and pets are safe from their government they start a fight back.
Doesn’t Canada have an RSPCA or PETA to speak up for the cats, dogs, budgies and hamsters that Turdeau wants to kill?
‘He hasn’t killed anyone’: Kurt Zouma’s shocking video of him kicking his cat is played down by former Premier League star Olivier Dacourt, who says fellow Frenchman should now ‘continue to play football’
Perhaps they will kill the children while they are about it. After all, they are only the children of white supremacists, nazis, etc..
Trudeau & Hillary are familiar with Saul Alinksy “By any means necessary tactics”
I note when Steve Bray the anti-Brexit top hat guy did his continuous obstructive protests, strong arm tactics were not used against him.
If Ukraine were invaded, Mr Johnson said “we will witness the destruction of a democratic state, a country that has been free for a generation, with a proud history of elections”.
‘Devastated’ Batley teacher ‘fearing for his life’ as he goes into hiding after Prophet Muhammad cartoon row
He is said to be an emotional wreck and is terrified about returning to Batley
Labour MP calls Brexiteers ‘sh*tbag racist w***ers’ over Proms row
Neil Coyle says song Rule! Britannia is only liked by ‘sh*tlickers”
Prof Jay said: “No-one knows the true scale of child sexual exploitation in Rotherham over the years. Our conservative estimate is that approximately 1,400 children were sexually exploited over the full inquiry period, from 1997 to 2013.”
Revealing details of the inquiry’s findings, Prof Jay said: “It is hard to describe the appalling nature of the abuse that child victims suffered.”
The inquiry team found examples of “children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone”.
Labour MP calls Brexiteers ‘sh*tbag racist w***ers’ over Proms row
Neil Coyle says song Rule! Britannia is only liked by ‘sh*tlickers”
Name of donor: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Qatar
Address of donor: Qatar Embassy, 1 South Audley Street, London W1K 1NB
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): Flights, accommodation, internal travel and meals with a value of £7,356.67
Destination of visit: Qatar
Dates of visit: 12-16 October 2021
Purpose of visit: British-Qatari APPG visit to meet ministers and officials to discuss Qatar’s humanitarian and political response to the Afghanistan crisis, preparations for the World Cup, workers’ rights reform and bilateral relations.
(Registered 28 October 2021)
2. (b) Any other support not included in Category 2(a)
Name of donor: The Refugee, Asylum and Migration Policy Project (RAMP)
Address of donor: The Courtyard, High Street, Ascot SL5 7HP
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: The services of a Policy Adviser for 2.5 days per week from 1 July 2020 to 31 December 2020; estimated value £13,000
Where is the rape culture in Britain? Now, let me think…
The BBC are late with the virus infection numbers again. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-51768274 Of course, it would have absolutely nothing to do with the BBC’s opposition to the relaxation of the restrictions in England, nothing whatsoever ….
…. would it?
That data was out at 4:15pm
..see my posts at the top of the thread about Spiegelhalter.
Stew, not on the BBC’s web-site, it wasn’t. It is still showing yesterday’s numbers, I just checked here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-51768274
@Up2snuff yes I’d already checked that BBC webpage
.. My first thought is that that team don’t work weekends
Stew, the ONS don’t provide all the numbers at weekends. They and therefore the BBC also only update the new infections and deaths.
The real problem with the vaccination program is the lack of reporting of serious ‘side affects’. One of which is sudden death. This is true for Children as for adults.
The BBC failed to report that 80 NHS Doctors are concerned about side unreported affects on children 5 – 11 years age.
Its not based on Science. Its almost anti-science.
There is a news blackout on reporting any side affects on MSM, which gives you a clue to who is pushing the COVID vaccination narrative. The BBC are playing with us, they know propaganda is key.
When I read this I was really shocked, that we let this happen in the UK and not alert the UK public of the risks….
Pfzizer really has to be avoided.
80 UK Doctors have signed a petition to protest.
Its all we can do, to alert others to this risk to children particularly. Its a huge serious risk for children!
Not the beeb, but something else that really got my goat this week.
From my postings here, some of you may have gathered that I am ex services. I belong to an old ships association ex RN and we were to have a long awaited reunion in Southsea this April. It has been put of for the last two years due to covid. We are all over 70 and don’t see each other often.
Anyway, I required an extra day at the hotel, The Best Western Royal Beach. When I rang I was informed that the reunion had been cancelled in this hotel but we would be offered the same terms at another hotel in the same group. The management had not bothered to get in touch to explain this. The receptionist when pressed said the Home Office had requisitioned the hotel for the foreseeable future to house “Families in Distress” these are not British families in distress I must stress, I beleive they are dinghy tourists.
The hotel said we could still use the event rooms allocated to us. Yeah right, a load of ex matelots and there wives sharing accommodation with non drinkers, that really works.Is there not a hotel chain in the UK that isn’t overrun with these people?
Northern – sympathies – I heard a similar story recently of some para falklands veterans have their long delayed and planned get together cancelled by a hotel – and it was established that the reason was the same as yours.
No party is willing to deal with this invasion – noises will remain noises . Pity there are no sharks in the channel …
Fed, a friend of mine, ex para, had something organised in Aldershot, same thing happened, was told that the company Potters International, would lay on coaches from their new hotel to the original for all the events. That went down well.
Northern – I’m sure that this must be a main topic for ex military sites – naturally the MSM would never pick it up because it is against the narrative ….
Besides – the military is an embarrassment to the BBC unless it is sorting out the crap planning of the NHS or making for good TV coming home in boxes out of C17s with the Union Flag ….
I’ve read of a couple booking and paying for their wedding reception at a similar hotel, then discovering at a later date it had been seconded to house an assortment of migrants. When they raised their concerns with the management they were told they wouldn’t be getting their deposit back if they cancelled. The couple took legal advice and were told that YES they should get a refund as the original booking was for a different set up at the hotel which was changed since paying the deposit.
WEF saying they have penetrated HALF the Canadian cabinet
same video on Youtube “we penetrate the cabinets”
Conservative MP and asks a question about exactly that
“Can you please name those WEF people in the cabinet ?”
speaker ..sorry the audio is really bad” .. no we can’t go on with this question
World Economic Forum WEF .
Breathtaking – makes the corruption of the former commons speaker look positively simple in comparison to the corruption of the speaker in Canada … the body language says it all
Funny how some audio works and some doesn’t – a technique used by the BBC when someone ‘unapproved ‘ slips through the net – or
“ that’s all we’ve got time for – now the weather and an advert for why we are not biased “
He has a touch of the ‘doctor strange love ‘ about him ..
Zeik Heil!!!!
@0:17 ” So we penetrate the cabinets”
Channel 5
Tony Robinson’s history of Britain
“Let’s talk about Victorian dentists”
… “Hey you know this guy Walter Tull the first black footballer
his brother Edward became a dentist in Glasgow”
Walter Tull served in WW1 and you know it was against the rules but they promoted him to Officer anyway”
Next week ..”first nurses in the NHS
a black singer who crossed the ocean for fame and fortune”
A free* Newspaper highlighting the long march through the institutions as predicted by George Orwell is nigh impossible to deny that the media have invited censorship as way of making them seem important by repeating left wing dogma. Its not just the BBC (although they set the standard for censorship) its spread far and wide, so an alternative voice is welcome.
* Subscriptions and donations welcome.
Its a good read. ‘The Light’ (free newspaper) PDF format and well written on hot topics of the week you won’t read about elsewhere… or learn from the BBC.
Click to access Light-18.pdf
I see a couple of interviews with Daz Nez (Darren Nesbit) of The Light Paper
1 hour … https://youtu.be/wxwKOBlY4Zg
19 minutes … https://youtu.be/A6p8f82jHHg
He says he stands against the elite, but is opposed to going down the rabbit hole of the “common law freemen” cult.
He is clearly against Covid vaccinations and lockdowns for himself.
OK Daz Nez used to make videos about the Earth is flat
and appeared on ITV .. https://youtu.be/erA3WQE9Zes
There’s a Guardian article
I guess some people would say he could be part of controlled opposition to the government.
Instead of letting genuine opposition
You create one for people to come into and then you can control them that way.
This Derrin Nesbit ??? he’s 86 !
No the actor is a different one.