Derek Draper is in the news yet again, because his leftie wife knows how to manipulate the media to great effect.
There can be no doubt of Kate Garraways love for her husband and it is deeply touching to see someone standing by supporting and promoting her husbands recovery, but we should not forget just how evil this man has been as part of the Tony BLiar inner circle, and many might well view what has happened to him as Karma.
Cast your minds back to the absolute evil of the BLiar years, the deliberate importation of Islamist terrorism to murder, and maim UK citizens.
The crackdwon on the Middle Classes which resulted in the countryside march against BLiars impositions. The fuel crisis when his government attempted to raise fuel duty not only to the highest in the world but the highest by a country mile.
Then there were the constant Middle Eastern wars Labour indulged in resulting in some pretty large recompense for Tony BLiar post office.
And all the time Derek Draper was at the centre of all of that, so forgive me for thinking that this time Karma has caught up with him.
He said that in his opinion Derek Draper did some despicable things in the past so “forgive me for thinking that this time Karma has caught up with him.”
Draper nearly died and has been sick for a long time
but i thought the whole point of the new news that there is some light
“I think actually there’s a huge amount of hope for him to improve. I think the treatment could be positive.”
“even for this blog.” that’s a kick as most commenters here are fairly polite.
If I go to Twitter within a few minutes I form the impression that much of the left is sneering and nasty all the time .. but I do understand part of that is the nature of the internet.
Thoughtful’s opinion will seem mild to a lot of those I will see today.
I remember Guido’s frequent reporting, because of frequent examples, of Draper and McBride’s campaigns to demonise Tories. They, together with the despicable Campbell (who thought it fun to ridicule and lie about Major, not difficult I know but it was done because then Major showed that he WAS a man of the people and was popular), and Toilets Kevin Maguire of the Crack’d are the architects of fake news in the UK and personally responsible for the Leftoid hate fest and violence of today.
Why the Left Is Consumed With Hate
Lacking worthy menaces to fight, it is driven to find a replacement for racism. Failing this, what is left?
Even before President Trump’s election, hatred had begun to emerge on the American left—counterintuitively, as an assertion of guilelessness and moral superiority. At the Women’s March in Washington the weekend after Mr. Trump’s inauguration, the pop star Madonna said, “I have thought an awful lot of blowing up the White House.”
@Zephir I don’t think they begin with hate but it’s the same way nice people turn into a raging mob.
The political left these days have a habit of demonising and monstering their political opponents, so they take that as licence to adopt monster behaviour themselves, with the idea that that is OK cos they are fighting evil.
It’s a kind of projection, they adopt the behaviour they are accusing others of.
Thus you get a Labour MP like Karl Turner thumbs upping milkshake attacks and no one bats an eyelid.
A shame pollyanna that you don’t think the same of the despicable things draper did ?
How about all the murdered maimed wounded as a result of the terrorists attacks he and his mates promoted as a viable and OK thing to do to British citizens who were innocent.
They didn’t deserve those life changing injuries, but of course people like you care nothing for those who aren’t of the Left.
What about the children who were blown up in the Manchester bombings? Outside of Drapers time in office but a direct consequence of his policies.
Many of us lead moral lives with a view to our souls in the afterlife. Some believe in Karma and that we are visited with our sins in this life. You don’t seem to give two hoots (and that does not mean Heil Hitler BTW) about Drapers victims.
I expect someone like you would have been at the Nuremburg trials saying hanging the Nazis for the horrors they committed was ‘despicable’ too.
Despite his current health problems, those of us that have followed Derek Draper’s career will know him for the nasty, belligerent and unprincipled thug that he is.
That his lady wife seems immune to these realities speak volumes, although well in line with ITV (aka BBC) politically motivated employees.
“a pretty despicable sentiment, even for this blog.”
You Lefties have worshipped at an altar based on hatred for over a century.
Marx consoled himself when a strike failed, believing that this would increase the hatred.
The Communists leaders, worshipped by the Lefties today, killed c100 million people in c20, shortened the lives of c300 million and ruined the lives of ??? millions more.
This, and not eternal utopia, is the product of Lefty hatred.
Not only do you not, and never have, occupied the moral high ground, you do not even occupy the moral low ground.
If the Lefties and their descendants spend the next 1000 years on their knees begging for forgiveness our descendants may consider it.
Apropos the defection of Maitliss and Soper to LBC. I am still at a loss as to understanding how these two have such lefties view of the world, particularly as both are Jews, and yet still support the Labour Party with its dishonourable record of anti-Semitism.
I think Emily’s fiercely independent views stand as an example to us all, together with a clear indication of her determination to provide unbiased and irreproachable reportage despite a quite possibly massive drop in income.
Mind you, being married to an investment manager with ‘an undisclosed level of income’ must help with the independence, no end.
Responding to Sir Keir’s demand to ban RT, Boris shot back out it shouldn’t be in the gift of politicians to decide which media organisations are allowed to broadcast, as Nadine Dorries asks Ofcom to review the status of Russia Today following the Ukrainian invasion. “That’s what Russia does”…
Banned BBC journalist says Russia ‘moving in reverse’ in final report
This article is more than 5 months old
Moscow correspondent Sarah Rainsford told by officials that her visa would not be renewed
Responding to Sir Keir’s demand to ban RT, Boris shot back out it shouldn’t be in the gift of politicians to decide which media organisations are allowed to broadcast, as Nadine Dorries asks Ofcom to review the status of Russia Today following the Ukrainian invasion. “That’s what Russia does”…
“We live in a free state.” (c) Boris Johnson
Batley teacher suspended after showing Charlie Hebdo image can return
This article is more than 8 months old
Investigation finds teacher ‘genuinely believed’ Prophet Muhammad picture had educational purpose
We discussed our shared concerns over Russian aggression in Ukraine, the need for global action on Covid and the ongoing challenges with the Northern Ireland protocol.
“I am pleased to announce that we agreed a powerful set of sanctions against dictator Trudeau Putin. Firstly, he must agree that not only women have cervixes. Secondly, we will stop using his preferred personal pronoun until he complies with our demands.
Later on, SpeakerPelosi spoke about the benefits of insider training and personal enrichment, but it is best that I don’t mention that.”
I get a strange thing with @TheIsland’s comment
It just appears as a gigantic empty space on my screen.
I reload it and a Keir Starmer tweet starts to appear, but instantly disappears.
PMQ’s today on BBC2. Interesting to see the Government benches were mask free. The Labour benches nearly all had masks. Can we conclude that Labour think Covid lockdowns should continue? Or that Covid is all about Socialism and Government control
Laura Keunsberg was on the panel again to give the BBC’s opinion.
BBC news heavily features Smarmer even though he is irrelevant to the Ukraine situation.
Remember Kyle Rittenhouse? He shot 2 people in self-defence during a BLM anti-police riot in Kinosha.
The media portrayed him as a white-supremacist murderer, even after he was acquitted. Various celebs, luvvies and politicians joined in the demonisation and character assassination, including Sleepy Joe, who can’t resist virtue signalling at every woke cause he sees. And including the ghastly Whoopi Goldberg.
Well, now Kyle is locked and loaded and out for revenge.
“Kyle Rittenhouse has said he intends to take legal action against media outlets and ‘celebrities, politicians and athletes’ that have called him a ‘murderer.”
R4 12:50pm item on XR-Plastic-Rebellion reporting an advert for misleading claims
opening “We are XR-Plastic-Rebellion dedicated to ending *the lethal scourge of non-essential plastics* ”
.. That’s a misleading claim itself, although the odd plastic thing might find itself around a seals neck
Plastic is not largely lethal, it’s largely harmless.
(The “show me the bodies” rule applies)
That line is actually from the June 2021 initial complaint
This is a follow up item as now 7 months later that Innocent Smoothie Advert has been banned
The activist says the advert should have been banned as soon as their complaint went in, in June.
For reasons not obvious the Shrewsbury hospitals trust maternity scandal has airtime today.
Yes, the clap-worthy NHS, the world’s finest healthcare system, systematically let down hundreds of families and allowed many premature deaths. Then they tried to pretend nothing was wrong and covered it up.
Now let’s consider the Post Office scandal. Where hundreds of postmasters were prosecuted, even jailed, for fraud, when all the while the Post a office knew the IT system was dodgy.
Two cases. In both we have organisations owned by the state and linked by the state sector motives of entitlement, cover up and lack of accountability.
Give me the profit motive every time. Clear. Transparent. Easily understood.
And the Left want to nationalise the utility companies,
You just cannot make it up.
Sluff – from what can gather the Trust had performance measures to reduce ‘cesearian sections ‘ which led to injury or death to babies – coupled with incompetent or untrained staff .
I wonder if those involved got their bonuses for reducing ceasesians – presumably there was no measure for dead or injured babies so that’s ok then …
If the above is true then – don’t forget to clap.
Yes @Sluff it’s a favourite to dismiss people by shouting “Conspiracy Theorist”
but there must have been a conspiracy in both those cases.
.. Those pretty big cases.
When I was at that point in my life (rather longer ago than I care to remember), no English and maths ‘O’ levels meant no ‘A’ levels, not access to a degree in
Positive Discrimination is illegal. Positve Action is legal.
Positive Discrimination Definition
Positive discrimination is when you give preferential treatment to people with a protected characteristic rather than due to their suitability.
Positive Discrimination UK Laws
So, is positive discrimination legal? No, it is not. This is because positive discrimination is still discrimination. This applies to recruitment or promotion.
Any form of consideration an employer takes regarding protected characteristics will break the Equality Act of 2010. It is against the law to discriminate against someone because of:
Gender reassignment
Marriage and civil partnership
Pregnancy and maternity
Religion or belief
Sexual orientation
Positive action is about taking specific steps to improve equality. A workplace will actively encourage applicants or groups to apply for job roles.
In general, the act of selecting a group of people beyond their actual percentage of the population is clearly discrimination and – to me – is clearly illegal.
Why does nobody ever say it ?. What am I missing here ?.
1pm local news “Covid caused a third of all deaths in January”
You what ?
I’d mis-heard “Covid was the third leading cause deaths in January
… 50,000 deaths, 3,800 were caused by the virus”
I still think they used confusing wording
there were about 1,900 deaths/ day and only 130/day were booked as Covid ie about 7.6%
ie 92.4% of deaths in January were booked as something else.
Rapist who was caught on CCTV calmly carrying 24-year-old victim through the streets before raping her then laughing as he told her he was HIV positive is jailed for life
While we contemplate an evening libation to mourn the sad departure of Emily and John to pastures new we may speculate upon others to follow.
And lets admit there are hundreds if not thousands possibly edging towards the departure lounge.
PS It was also sad to see( on PMQ,s) that the “human bagpipe” seems to have taken Boris,s recent jibe too seriously and has gone off on a massive cake bender.
Unlike Emily and John this jolly craicster would be missed? ” Peepal ah Scatland”
“President Trump is having dinner with @SpeakerRyan tomorrow night, per the official White House schedule.”
Is this a professional BBC approved response ‘Hmm – that will be a fun evening’ { twitter @KattyKayBBC} this is nothing but gossip, adds not value to the conversation, will it be fun or not? Is that sarcasm or not? Is it UK humour or not? How did she get the 100+ days show?
Katty Kay should be on “100+ Days :: After BBC Announce Ludicrous Wages”
Just like the BBC’s 100 DAYS programme, the humble BBC Tax Payers should ask the BBC for a “100 BBC DAYS PROGRAMME” covering – high wages, gender gap, employees not following BBC guidelines on sharing their opinions online, money spent facilitating pedophiles, employees hiding money in external companies … and more. Possibly enough for 365+ Days!
I will miss the human bagpipe when the peoples ‘ republic of scotland ( PRS) is born .
I enjoy the collective ‘ugh’ when the speaker calls him and he does his 2 minute comedy act …
The Alex Salmond line killed him as far as moral highground is concerned.
More generally – the ukrainian thing highlights that blighty cant really do too much about herr putin annexing the sudetenland or taking austria into the evil empire .
I was wondering if the Ukraines are paying for the military gear by card or cash – we could also sell them a few billion in used PPE .. ‘as new’ …
‘We’ve not had anyone of his colour on Mrs Brown’s Boys’: Irish comedian Brendan O’Carroll, 66, is accused of making ‘incredibly racist’ joke about US actor Tyler Perry on The One Show
America’s People’s Convoy gets ready to roll! One thousand trucks begin 11-day drive from California to D.C. TODAY to protest COVID mask and vaccine mandates
As many as 1,00 truckers are expected to participate in the People’s Convoy protest which is leaving California on Wednesday to embark on an 11-day trek to Washington DC
The People’s Convoy has called on the federal government to end the National Emergency enacted at the start of the pandemic, which President Joe Biden extended on Friday despite calls from Congress to end it
Organizers and participants argue the ongoing COVID-19 restrictions and mandates are unconstitutional and claim the ‘government has forgotten its place’
All our politicians are fawning over Pelosi like she was the Messiah.
Those same politicians who treated Trump like a leper.
Ironically, Trump is one of the few politicians who actually lost money while in power, whereas the Wicked Witch has made millions. Her businessman husband, in particular, has the miraculous knack of buying shares just ahead of market-sensitive laws being passed – shares that subsequently shoot up in value.
Miraculous powers? Maybe She is the Messiah after all.
The video clip shows Pelosi looking extremely uncomfortable when questioned about some shady dealing by her husband, and playing dumb. “I don’t know hat your point is”, she says disingenuously. The point is clear: that her husband has been conducting insider trading.
I believe, in my opinion, that we have looked for greatness in the mundane. Trying to make everyone winners, means we all lose. Irony in the most profound sense.
Lets take a quick look at who is empowered in the world … this list is not exhaustive, but gives you a good indication of what the World’s political landscape looks like …
Canada Justin Trudeau sets World Record In avoiding questions – 18 Times – wastes everyone’s time in Parliament
We were able to be all these things and do all these things because we were informed. By great men.
Mugabe (President of Zimbabwe since 1987) farts at summit (has also been found sleeping in Parliament, he was 89 years at the time, still holding onto power at 93)
Krystyna Pawlowicz, a Polish MP from the ruling Eurosceptic PiS party, has written a letter to Jean-Claude Juncker (President of the European Commission), accusing him of “alcohol dependency” … Juncker apparently took a nap in the Vatican during the celebration of the EU’s 60th anniversary
Diane Abbott (Shadow Home Secretary – UK Security) not read a major report (Harris Report) on London Attacks. Won her seat with 75% in GE2017.
Now go and read or watch some of these people …
Douglas Murray, Thomas Sowell, Andrew Breitbart, Carl Sagan, Thomas Paine, Christopher Hitchens, George Orwell, Mark Steyn, Trey Gowdy.
“We were able to be all these things and do all these things because we were informed. By great men. (link opens video)“
The ExCel Centre site, which opened on 3 April with space for 4,000 beds to treat Covid-19 patients, was placed on standby in May when fewer than 20 patients were being treated there.
Breaking news: Paris will light up its city hall in blue and yellow in support of Ukraine this evening, and Berlin will also light up the Brandenburg Gate at the same time.
Nearly as bad as linking arms in solidarity across the road and holding up all the traffic. Waste of time. People protest, light candles, lay flowers etc etc. What for ? it doesn’t change anything and its all forgotten a week later. Life goes on.
Summary of major developments in the #Ukraine crisis today: A/ UA state of emergency and reserves mobilisation B/ RU didn't invade C/ No major "shaping" actions in daylight ie significant false flags and claims from Putin and proxies… what does this mean?… 1/
But how sad that a once fêted journalist, who once worked for the prestigious BBC no less, should be reduced to begging for a fiver on his Patreon account. When did the sad decline start? Was it the Scientologists… or Tommy Robinson who pushed him over the edge?
5:58pm BBC2 three trailers
– Ridley Road “The fight against the far right.
– Chloe : screen fills up with black character
– Peaky Blinders ..too dark for anyone I know. to consider watching
Pastor Brooks condemns the culture vultures that promote drill music
Drill music is exactly what I’ve been fighting against for the last 22 years, Pastor Corey Brooks says
“And drill music is all they know. Right before me, in the early 2010s, drill artists developed this new style of delivering their lyrics in a deadpan, monotone vocal style. While this delivery style is very understated, the lyrics are not. They’re violent, man, really violent. Drill means kill. These rappers make violent threats against rival gangs and rival rappers, and the end result is often death.
Drill music is a major problem of what keeps the violence going in the South Side of Chicago. And what makes drill music even worse is that many of my kids at Project H.O.O.D. grow up believing that drill music is the real, the most authentic world. Drill music undermines the very work that we try to do at Project H.O.O.D.
Matter of fact, all the work that we do is about being positive, but I don’t put most of the blame on these rappers.
What made drill music so powerful, and what gave drill music its staying power in America are the music corporations. The people that run these companies are what I call “culture vultures.” They feed off the misery of my people, and these culture vultures make millions off the deaths of black bodies. And they do this all the time while saying “Black Lives Matter.” Well, if they support Black Lives Matter, then why in the world are they glorifying black death, the senselessness of shooting and killing black bodies because of some music lyrics?”
CPS to review guidance on using drill music as evidence
Nick Federici, a youth worker at the Pythian Club, believes there are misconceptions about drill.
“Drill is just the youth expressing themselves,” he said.
“Drill doesn’t cause crime in deprived areas. It’s poverty, it’s envy, it’s so many other things going on, underlying issues.”
“Prof Quinn :
“Violent boasts about stabbing – granted often very graphic and brutal – are presented as specifically correlating with a crime when they’re just widely used stock phrases in drill,” she said.”
Look North Wednesday evening and apparently 1 in 5 young people don’t know if they will recover after the pandemic according to the Prince’s Trust. What an utterly useless bit of research and not worth reporting. Young people (what young people?) don’t know ( but at this time what a young person feels about what happens to them in the future is meaningless). Presumably the Prince’s Trust is wanting the government to put more money into Young People’s services. I question the value of the research and the value of the BBC reporting it.
As someone born in 1940 I find Young Peoples Services a strange concept which to my knowledge simply did not exist when I was a teenager and even if it had I would have had no use for them.
Yes, I had doubts and fears as I’m sure many of my contemporaries did also but any doubts and fears never took over our lives and we certainly never thought of ourselves as victims, a concept which now seems to be drummed into the youngsters by insecure, liberal leftist pedagogues for whom victimhood appears to be worn as a badge of courage.
I’ve been married to the same lady for 60 years and we have 4 strapping sons and between us all we have reared more than enough offspring to form a soccer team.
Let us all hope that the young people will finally see the light.
Yet another doctor being quizzed on the state of the NHS (Farage on GBN), waiting times, GP appts etc etc Funny isn’t it, that when doctors are interviewed its almost always a BAME, yet when the patient on the street is interviewed its generally a white old age pensioner waiting for some sort of ‘replacement’. Equally funny is how no-one ever mentions immigration and the population explosion of the last 40 years.
The doctor talking to Farage says that the population is getting older, and then in the next breath says that the NHS should be concentrating on ‘prevention of illness’. Hang on, if the population is getting older, then they’re doing something right in managing to get older !! Perhaps we should all die at 70 in order to Save the NHS .
There’s something missing in this Ukranian extravaganza.
Where’s the diversity? It just looks like to me a load of
pale stale male’s stealing the scene. Head of diversity at
the BBC . Being a he, a she or an it, must be pulling
it’s hair out!
I expect we will have to wait for a feature film of the events
before we can see some LGBT ethnicity. Maybe a transgender
actor playing Putin. And maybe a black British Prime Minister.
We can all look forward to that. That’s if the pale stale males
haven’t blown up the world to kingdom come.
Ok – let’s give the BBC the benefit of the doubt . The US President read from an autocue yesterday – the usual hour plus late – the speech wasn’t very long .
At the end can you guess what happened ? Yes – he turned around and walked off .
How can the MSM let this go again without comment ? The last time he said anything he gave putin approval for a ‘limited incursion ‘.
Well that’s happened . And will be followed by full scale invasion in order to ‘stop the fighting and loss of life ‘…
In Rep of Ireland no one is entitled to any benefits unless they can prove the have ‘habitual residence’. But it’s only a short drive to the land of freebies!
What does our ‘Home Office’ do for a living ?
Its time we got rid of this left wing Liberal Government that does not care for the people of Great Britain.
You should have voted UKIP or The Reform Party .
How many more years are we stuck with this Buffoon of a Prime Minister ?
Minnesota middle school students given tips for BLM protests, White students told not to speak
Guide stated, ‘ESPECIALLY if you’re White, if they’re offering the megaphone for anyone to speak, it’s not for you’
student newspaper at a Minneapolis middle school advised students who want to participate in Black Lives Matter protests to “wear nondescript clothing,” refrain from taking pictures of vandals’ faces
Peckham, South London : ‘Skeleton in Peabody flat two years after residents complained of smell
50 complaints had already been made
but Peabody Housing and the Police passed the buck between each other
@sluff mentioned Shrewsbury earlier
9pm BBCPanorama @BBCMBuchanan examines one of the biggest scandals in the history of the NHS – the failures of maternity care at the Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust
“@BBCMBuchanan, who has investigated the extent of this hidden tragedy for years, meets families who have never spoken out before”
The contaminated blood scandal in the United Kingdom arose when at least 3,891 people, most of whom suffered from haemophilia, became infected with hepatitis C of whom 1,243 were also infected with HIV, the virus that leads to acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), as a result of receiving contaminated clotting …
Coming editions of BBCPanorama
– Next Monday : Obesity: Who Cares if I’m Bigger?
Is the prime minister’s strategy to help the nation lose weight working?
– Mon 7 March : Manchester Arena Bombing: Saffie’s Story
– Also scheduled : Trans Kids: Why Medicine Matters
Dr Faye Kirkland investigates the care being offered to transgender children.
Someone questioned , if we are making any progress
.. Well the fact that leftie bigots are leaving the BBC is progress
It means the public is no longer funding them.
Though of course they have the same free speech rights as anyone else.
7pm repeat of Yorkshire firefighters ..disproportionately lesbian
8pm GreatBritishMenu seems to include 3 white males & 1 Asian
9pm We Are Black and British
11:15pm Unspun : The John Simpson show “The only people on it will be BBC correspondents and experts.
The range is hugely impressive. No politicians, no spin.
#Realnews #FreeFairIndependent ”
At the same time, people with albinism have also been ostracised and even killed for exactly the opposite reason, because they are presumed to be cursed and bring bad luck. The persecutions of people with albinism take place mostly in Sub-Saharan African communities, especially among East Africans.
Summary : In conclusion: there’s a handful of people (some of whom may not even exist) in a small town in India, being given grants by Google to censor news and social media posts in America and the Western world. They’re used by Facebook and Instagram as reliable actors, and frankly, I’m not sure any of them have any real journalistic experience or accreditation. Weird.
by Raheem Kassam
9pm Canadian media already knew
BREAKING: Trudeau backs down.
Will drop Emergencies Act.
Just 2 days after his party to vote for it, sating he couldn’t see an end to it.
Monday Trudeau declared Emergency
then he had seven days to ratify it
that’s today
VivaFrei says that never actually happened, they would have had the vote tonight
but now it won’t happen.
@TomlinsonCJ tweeted
I don’t believe for a second Trudeau revoked the Emergencies Act out of goodwill.
Either he thought the senate was not going to pass it
or he received some very very bad polling data
Maybe Trudeau’s overreach was coming back to bite him
The courts were about to scupper freezing bank accounts.
The Freedom 2022 Human Rights and Freedoms (i.e. the #FreedomConvoy2022 Truckers Convoy) is a federally incorporated not-for-profit. Meaning, federal government approved its status. To then go after any donors is nothing shy of the most insidious entrapment conceivable.
There has been far many more covid related deaths in Russia
than the official figures. The BBC and other left wing media
outlets go on about Boris Johnson trying to push to the
side what went on in these so called parties.
Putin’s answer to cover up his inaptitude , where near to or over
a MILLION Russians have lost their lives to Covid related illness.
Is to start a WAR !!
Canada’s CTV act like BBC and the pack
Pretend to be all nice, then actually exploit you to a hit piece against their target.
In the process they edit 99% out of your interview and put in FALSE claims about you
When called out they don’t apologize
but just do a *stealth-edit* to the online video.
… oh and on YouTube the deactivated the comments
All Canada’s mainstream media receive substantial cash grants from Trudeau.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Derek Draper is in the news yet again, because his leftie wife knows how to manipulate the media to great effect.
There can be no doubt of Kate Garraways love for her husband and it is deeply touching to see someone standing by supporting and promoting her husbands recovery, but we should not forget just how evil this man has been as part of the Tony BLiar inner circle, and many might well view what has happened to him as Karma.
Cast your minds back to the absolute evil of the BLiar years, the deliberate importation of Islamist terrorism to murder, and maim UK citizens.
The crackdwon on the Middle Classes which resulted in the countryside march against BLiars impositions. The fuel crisis when his government attempted to raise fuel duty not only to the highest in the world but the highest by a country mile.
Then there were the constant Middle Eastern wars Labour indulged in resulting in some pretty large recompense for Tony BLiar post office.
And all the time Derek Draper was at the centre of all of that, so forgive me for thinking that this time Karma has caught up with him.
Suggesting Derek Draper deserves to be horribly and permanently sick is a pretty despicable sentiment, even for this blog.
Clever use of the word “even” there, Pollyanna! I’m impressed. Oxbridge English Lit graduate perhaps? Only a guess, mind.
@pollyanna your comment is spin and misrepresentation
@thoughtful did not say what you said he said.
Your previous comment, was not entirely without merit
but it too was heavy in spin & hyperbole.
He said that in his opinion Derek Draper did some despicable things in the past so “forgive me for thinking that this time Karma has caught up with him.”
Draper nearly died and has been sick for a long time
but i thought the whole point of the new news that there is some light
“I think actually there’s a huge amount of hope for him to improve. I think the treatment could be positive.”
“even for this blog.” that’s a kick as most commenters here are fairly polite.
If I go to Twitter within a few minutes I form the impression that much of the left is sneering and nasty all the time .. but I do understand part of that is the nature of the internet.
Thoughtful’s opinion will seem mild to a lot of those I will see today.
I remember Guido’s frequent reporting, because of frequent examples, of Draper and McBride’s campaigns to demonise Tories. They, together with the despicable Campbell (who thought it fun to ridicule and lie about Major, not difficult I know but it was done because then Major showed that he WAS a man of the people and was popular), and Toilets Kevin Maguire of the Crack’d are the architects of fake news in the UK and personally responsible for the Leftoid hate fest and violence of today.
Sympathy for him? Very little!
At least McBride got, or claimed to have gotten, religion.
Happily his religion gives absolution for confessing sins.
I wouldn’t be so forgiving.
Why the Left Is Consumed With Hate
Lacking worthy menaces to fight, it is driven to find a replacement for racism. Failing this, what is left?
Even before President Trump’s election, hatred had begun to emerge on the American left—counterintuitively, as an assertion of guilelessness and moral superiority. At the Women’s March in Washington the weekend after Mr. Trump’s inauguration, the pop star Madonna said, “I have thought an awful lot of blowing up the White House.”
@Zephir I don’t think they begin with hate but it’s the same way nice people turn into a raging mob.
The political left these days have a habit of demonising and monstering their political opponents, so they take that as licence to adopt monster behaviour themselves, with the idea that that is OK cos they are fighting evil.
It’s a kind of projection, they adopt the behaviour they are accusing others of.
Thus you get a Labour MP like Karl Turner thumbs upping milkshake attacks and no one bats an eyelid.
And the way ‘hope not hate’ have tried very hard to demonise and cancel GB NEWS, they were doing it even before the launch, and still are.
I used to quite like Hayley Mills.
A shame pollyanna that you don’t think the same of the despicable things draper did ?
How about all the murdered maimed wounded as a result of the terrorists attacks he and his mates promoted as a viable and OK thing to do to British citizens who were innocent.
They didn’t deserve those life changing injuries, but of course people like you care nothing for those who aren’t of the Left.
What about the children who were blown up in the Manchester bombings? Outside of Drapers time in office but a direct consequence of his policies.
Many of us lead moral lives with a view to our souls in the afterlife. Some believe in Karma and that we are visited with our sins in this life. You don’t seem to give two hoots (and that does not mean Heil Hitler BTW) about Drapers victims.
I expect someone like you would have been at the Nuremburg trials saying hanging the Nazis for the horrors they committed was ‘despicable’ too.
Despite his current health problems, those of us that have followed Derek Draper’s career will know him for the nasty, belligerent and unprincipled thug that he is.
That his lady wife seems immune to these realities speak volumes, although well in line with ITV (aka BBC) politically motivated employees.
“a pretty despicable sentiment, even for this blog.”
You Lefties have worshipped at an altar based on hatred for over a century.
Marx consoled himself when a strike failed, believing that this would increase the hatred.
The Communists leaders, worshipped by the Lefties today, killed c100 million people in c20, shortened the lives of c300 million and ruined the lives of ??? millions more.
This, and not eternal utopia, is the product of Lefty hatred.
Not only do you not, and never have, occupied the moral high ground, you do not even occupy the moral low ground.
If the Lefties and their descendants spend the next 1000 years on their knees begging for forgiveness our descendants may consider it.
You need to look up the word “suggest”.
Apropos the defection of Maitliss and Soper to LBC. I am still at a loss as to understanding how these two have such lefties view of the world, particularly as both are Jews, and yet still support the Labour Party with its dishonourable record of anti-Semitism.
I think Emily’s fiercely independent views stand as an example to us all, together with a clear indication of her determination to provide unbiased and irreproachable reportage despite a quite possibly massive drop in income.
Mind you, being married to an investment manager with ‘an undisclosed level of income’ must help with the independence, no end.
Plenty of self destructive Jews around, just take a look at the horrible Barbera Spectre Lerner to see another one.
Marr, Maitlis, Sopel… All jumping ship to pollute the airwaves on Global.
Good riddance. I’d prefer it if they went off-air completely, but at least the public won’t be paying their obscene salaries.
BBC pensions ….
Maitliss and Sopel sign for LBC
… I bet Joe Rogan and Spotify are quaking in the their boots.
Responding to Sir Keir’s demand to ban RT, Boris shot back out it shouldn’t be in the gift of politicians to decide which media organisations are allowed to broadcast, as Nadine Dorries asks Ofcom to review the status of Russia Today following the Ukrainian invasion. “That’s what Russia does”…
Banned BBC journalist says Russia ‘moving in reverse’ in final report
This article is more than 5 months old
Moscow correspondent Sarah Rainsford told by officials that her visa would not be renewed
Responding to Sir Keir’s demand to ban RT, Boris shot back out it shouldn’t be in the gift of politicians to decide which media organisations are allowed to broadcast, as Nadine Dorries asks Ofcom to review the status of Russia Today following the Ukrainian invasion. “That’s what Russia does”…
“We live in a free state.” (c) Boris Johnson
Batley teacher suspended after showing Charlie Hebdo image can return
This article is more than 8 months old
Investigation finds teacher ‘genuinely believed’ Prophet Muhammad picture had educational purpose
Maybe whilst BBCOFCOM is ‘reviewing ‘ RT they can do the BBC as well ….
God help us.
“I am pleased to announce that we agreed a powerful set of sanctions against dictator
TrudeauPutin. Firstly, he must agree that not only women have cervixes. Secondly, we will stop using his preferred personal pronoun until he complies with our demands.Later on, SpeakerPelosi spoke about the benefits of insider training and personal enrichment, but it is best that I don’t mention that.”
Such a wealth of talent in that photo!
I get a strange thing with @TheIsland’s comment
It just appears as a gigantic empty space on my screen.
I reload it and a Keir Starmer tweet starts to appear, but instantly disappears.
The tweet
shows the strangers all *unsmasked* meeting together
a Starmer team and a Pelosi team.
I thought they were mask zealots.
(ah now that I loaded the starmer tweet it does appear when I reload this page, but I did 5 reloads before and it didn’t)
Keir Starmer: It’s wrong to say ‘only women have a cervix’
The “who is this idiot?” caption made me laugh, because I was thinking she would think just that.
PMQ’s today on BBC2. Interesting to see the Government benches were mask free. The Labour benches nearly all had masks. Can we conclude that Labour think Covid lockdowns should continue? Or that Covid is all about Socialism and Government control
Laura Keunsberg was on the panel again to give the BBC’s opinion.
BBC news heavily features Smarmer even though he is irrelevant to the Ukraine situation.
Remember Kyle Rittenhouse? He shot 2 people in self-defence during a BLM anti-police riot in Kinosha.
The media portrayed him as a white-supremacist murderer, even after he was acquitted. Various celebs, luvvies and politicians joined in the demonisation and character assassination, including Sleepy Joe, who can’t resist virtue signalling at every woke cause he sees. And including the ghastly Whoopi Goldberg.
Well, now Kyle is locked and loaded and out for revenge.
“Kyle Rittenhouse has said he intends to take legal action against media outlets and ‘celebrities, politicians and athletes’ that have called him a ‘murderer.”
You go for them Kyle, and could you include the BBC in your hit list?
Note to the Thought Police: the author of this blog is speaking metaphorically and does not condone violence, even against the BBC.
“Note to the Thought Police: the author of this blog is speaking metaphorically and does not condone violence, even against the BBC.”
You have been recorded as a non hate crime crime. Thanks and stay by your keyboard until the Police arrive in a rainbowcar.
R4 12:50pm item on XR-Plastic-Rebellion reporting an advert for misleading claims
opening “We are XR-Plastic-Rebellion dedicated to ending *the lethal scourge of non-essential plastics* ”
.. That’s a misleading claim itself, although the odd plastic thing might find itself around a seals neck
Plastic is not largely lethal, it’s largely harmless.
(The “show me the bodies” rule applies)
That line is actually from the June 2021 initial complaint
This is a follow up item as now 7 months later that Innocent Smoothie Advert has been banned
The activist says the advert should have been banned as soon as their complaint went in, in June.
Yes, it’s another triumph for diversity and multiculturalism.
Leeds rape: Man seen carrying victim is jailed for life
No, not John Smith. Austin Osayande
Life sentence…16 years, not good enough, what country was he from I wonder?
For reasons not obvious the Shrewsbury hospitals trust maternity scandal has airtime today.
Yes, the clap-worthy NHS, the world’s finest healthcare system, systematically let down hundreds of families and allowed many premature deaths. Then they tried to pretend nothing was wrong and covered it up.
Now let’s consider the Post Office scandal. Where hundreds of postmasters were prosecuted, even jailed, for fraud, when all the while the Post a office knew the IT system was dodgy.
Two cases. In both we have organisations owned by the state and linked by the state sector motives of entitlement, cover up and lack of accountability.
Give me the profit motive every time. Clear. Transparent. Easily understood.
And the Left want to nationalise the utility companies,
You just cannot make it up.
Sluff – from what can gather the Trust had performance measures to reduce ‘cesearian sections ‘ which led to injury or death to babies – coupled with incompetent or untrained staff .
I wonder if those involved got their bonuses for reducing ceasesians – presumably there was no measure for dead or injured babies so that’s ok then …
If the above is true then – don’t forget to clap.
Yes @Sluff it’s a favourite to dismiss people by shouting “Conspiracy Theorist”
but there must have been a conspiracy in both those cases.
.. Those pretty big cases.
No English and maths GCSE, no university student loan, plans say
The sexual and racial discimination by the BBC for their choices of pictures to support articles is almost 100% now.
When I was at that point in my life (rather longer ago than I care to remember), no English and maths ‘O’ levels meant no ‘A’ levels, not access to a degree in
[ gender / media / feminist literature etc etc ]*
Explains a lot.
* delete as appropriate
Same as most of the adverts on all channels.
Positive Discrimination is illegal. Positve Action is legal.
Positive Discrimination Definition
Positive discrimination is when you give preferential treatment to people with a protected characteristic rather than due to their suitability.
Positive Discrimination UK Laws
So, is positive discrimination legal? No, it is not. This is because positive discrimination is still discrimination. This applies to recruitment or promotion.
Any form of consideration an employer takes regarding protected characteristics will break the Equality Act of 2010. It is against the law to discriminate against someone because of:
Gender reassignment
Marriage and civil partnership
Pregnancy and maternity
Religion or belief
Sexual orientation
Positive action is about taking specific steps to improve equality. A workplace will actively encourage applicants or groups to apply for job roles.
In general, the act of selecting a group of people beyond their actual percentage of the population is clearly discrimination and – to me – is clearly illegal.
Why does nobody ever say it ?. What am I missing here ?.
Covid must be over
cos Pelosi is ask maskless all over the place as she visits Parliament
Here she seems to be hugging the Speaker’s wife.
Pelosi or Covid?
Ugh, give me Covid any day.
A US congresswoman is under fire after urging demonstrators to “get more confrontational” if a not-guilty verdict comes in the George Floyd case.
At a protest in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Maxine Waters told protesters to “stay on the streets” if ex-officer Derek Chauvin is acquitted in the case.
The trial judge said the Democrat’s comments were “abhorrent”.
Republicans called for a congressional censure of Ms Waters, but Democrats said she had no reason to apologise.
1pm local news “Covid caused a third of all deaths in January”
You what ?
I’d mis-heard “Covid was the third leading cause deaths in January
… 50,000 deaths, 3,800 were caused by the virus”
I still think they used confusing wording
there were about 1,900 deaths/ day and only 130/day were booked as Covid ie about 7.6%
ie 92.4% of deaths in January were booked as something else.
Would that be died from or died with?
Local news : swarm of kids attack Hull Asian shop
.. the hands appear mostly white.
“Four people (between the ages of 15 and 20 years-old) have now been arrested in connection with violent disorder on Whitefriargate in Hull at 6pm on Monday 21 February.”
Here’s an account ..
More enrichment
Rapist who was caught on CCTV calmly carrying 24-year-old victim through the streets before raping her then laughing as he told her he was HIV positive is jailed for life
“jailed for life” = 16 years reduced to 4 and on electronic tag in Parliament in year 5 to represent rapists.
While we contemplate an evening libation to mourn the sad departure of Emily and John to pastures new we may speculate upon others to follow.
And lets admit there are hundreds if not thousands possibly edging towards the departure lounge.
PS It was also sad to see( on PMQ,s) that the “human bagpipe” seems to have taken Boris,s recent jibe too seriously and has gone off on a massive cake bender.
Unlike Emily and John this jolly craicster would be missed? ” Peepal ah Scatland”
“President Trump is having dinner with @SpeakerRyan tomorrow night, per the official White House schedule.”
Is this a professional BBC approved response ‘Hmm – that will be a fun evening’ { twitter @KattyKayBBC} this is nothing but gossip, adds not value to the conversation, will it be fun or not? Is that sarcasm or not? Is it UK humour or not? How did she get the 100+ days show?
Katty Kay should be on “100+ Days :: After BBC Announce Ludicrous Wages”
Just like the BBC’s 100 DAYS programme, the humble BBC Tax Payers should ask the BBC for a “100 BBC DAYS PROGRAMME” covering – high wages, gender gap, employees not following BBC guidelines on sharing their opinions online, money spent facilitating pedophiles, employees hiding money in external companies … and more. Possibly enough for 365+ Days!
I will miss the human bagpipe when the peoples ‘ republic of scotland ( PRS) is born .
I enjoy the collective ‘ugh’ when the speaker calls him and he does his 2 minute comedy act …
The Alex Salmond line killed him as far as moral highground is concerned.
More generally – the ukrainian thing highlights that blighty cant really do too much about herr putin annexing the sudetenland or taking austria into the evil empire .
I was wondering if the Ukraines are paying for the military gear by card or cash – we could also sell them a few billion in used PPE .. ‘as new’ …
Walking on eggshells…FFS
‘We’ve not had anyone of his colour on Mrs Brown’s Boys’: Irish comedian Brendan O’Carroll, 66, is accused of making ‘incredibly racist’ joke about US actor Tyler Perry on The One Show
Jo Brand battery acid joke ‘went too far’, BBC rules
Published29 August 2019
Surely ‘mrs browns boys’ should be cancelled now?
America’s People’s Convoy gets ready to roll! One thousand trucks begin 11-day drive from California to D.C. TODAY to protest COVID mask and vaccine mandates
As many as 1,00 truckers are expected to participate in the People’s Convoy protest which is leaving California on Wednesday to embark on an 11-day trek to Washington DC
The People’s Convoy has called on the federal government to end the National Emergency enacted at the start of the pandemic, which President Joe Biden extended on Friday despite calls from Congress to end it
Organizers and participants argue the ongoing COVID-19 restrictions and mandates are unconstitutional and claim the ‘government has forgotten its place’
Maybe theyll do a song about it…
All our politicians are fawning over Pelosi like she was the Messiah.
Those same politicians who treated Trump like a leper.
Ironically, Trump is one of the few politicians who actually lost money while in power, whereas the Wicked Witch has made millions. Her businessman husband, in particular, has the miraculous knack of buying shares just ahead of market-sensitive laws being passed – shares that subsequently shoot up in value.
Miraculous powers? Maybe She is the Messiah after all.
The video clip shows Pelosi looking extremely uncomfortable when questioned about some shady dealing by her husband, and playing dumb. “I don’t know hat your point is”, she says disingenuously. The point is clear: that her husband has been conducting insider trading.
Cold hard evidence …
“”Cold hard evidence” and “possibly” in the same sentence contradicts itself.”
The “cold hard evidence” is that Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi were up to their necks in Russiagate.
More on Paul Pelosi’s “timely bets”.
Isnt it absolutely telling how inferior politicians and prominent media (bBC) have hidden behind this Covid business ”
* Labour Party
And , 0f course, Biden/Harris, Trudeau and Ardern….plus the Aussies went loonball too.
Quite telling !
I believe, in my opinion, that we have looked for greatness in the mundane. Trying to make everyone winners, means we all lose. Irony in the most profound sense.
Lets take a quick look at who is empowered in the world … this list is not exhaustive, but gives you a good indication of what the World’s political landscape looks like …
Canada Justin Trudeau sets World Record In avoiding questions – 18 Times – wastes everyone’s time in Parliament
We were able to be all these things and do all these things because we were informed. By great men.
Mugabe (President of Zimbabwe since 1987) farts at summit (has also been found sleeping in Parliament, he was 89 years at the time, still holding onto power at 93)
Krystyna Pawlowicz, a Polish MP from the ruling Eurosceptic PiS party, has written a letter to Jean-Claude Juncker (President of the European Commission), accusing him of “alcohol dependency” … Juncker apparently took a nap in the Vatican during the celebration of the EU’s 60th anniversary
Diane Abbott (Shadow Home Secretary – UK Security) not read a major report (Harris Report) on London Attacks. Won her seat with 75% in GE2017.
Now go and read or watch some of these people …
Douglas Murray, Thomas Sowell, Andrew Breitbart, Carl Sagan, Thomas Paine, Christopher Hitchens, George Orwell, Mark Steyn, Trey Gowdy.
“We were able to be all these things and do all these things because we were informed. By great men. (link opens video)“
“… Juncker apparently took a nap in the Vatican during the celebration of the EU’s 60th anniversary”
Not as bad as Sleepy Joe who is alleged to have taken a crap (in has pants) when visiting the Holy Father in the Vatican.
Enough ? That could have been a great series but the girly stuff spoilt it ,….
The ExCel Centre site, which opened on 3 April with space for 4,000 beds to treat Covid-19 patients, was placed on standby in May when fewer than 20 patients were being treated there.
Breaking news: Paris will light up its city hall in blue and yellow in support of Ukraine this evening, and Berlin will also light up the Brandenburg Gate at the same time.
If that doesn’t stop Mad Vlad, nothing will.
Will they light candles and sing ‘Kumbaya’ as well?
I think that’s reserved for friendly Jihad attacks.
Clap on Thrusday? LGBT rainbows on Friday?
Nearly as bad as linking arms in solidarity across the road and holding up all the traffic. Waste of time. People protest, light candles, lay flowers etc etc. What for ? it doesn’t change anything and its all forgotten a week later. Life goes on.
The crinkly alumnihood of ex bbc losers grows daily.
I believe Mason hitched a ride with TaffAir to get angry and protest out there too.
Seems a thing with sad old W1A gits.
I bet that media hotel in kiev is well up on the first strike cruise missile list … boom
( the above might upset woke snowflakes who read this site )
They will be upset Fed . Youve spelt Kiev the traditional way .
Scoring the hits,too.
John’s message to Putin: “Do f**k off.”
Journalism at its finest!
(Though I might agree with the sentiment.)
But how sad that a once fêted journalist, who once worked for the prestigious BBC no less, should be reduced to begging for a fiver on his Patreon account. When did the sad decline start? Was it the Scientologists… or Tommy Robinson who pushed him over the edge?
5:58pm BBC2 three trailers
– Ridley Road “The fight against the far right.
– Chloe : screen fills up with black character
– Peaky Blinders ..too dark for anyone I know. to consider watching
Pastor Brooks condemns the culture vultures that promote drill music
Drill music is exactly what I’ve been fighting against for the last 22 years, Pastor Corey Brooks says
“And drill music is all they know. Right before me, in the early 2010s, drill artists developed this new style of delivering their lyrics in a deadpan, monotone vocal style. While this delivery style is very understated, the lyrics are not. They’re violent, man, really violent. Drill means kill. These rappers make violent threats against rival gangs and rival rappers, and the end result is often death.
Drill music is a major problem of what keeps the violence going in the South Side of Chicago. And what makes drill music even worse is that many of my kids at Project H.O.O.D. grow up believing that drill music is the real, the most authentic world. Drill music undermines the very work that we try to do at Project H.O.O.D.
Matter of fact, all the work that we do is about being positive, but I don’t put most of the blame on these rappers.
What made drill music so powerful, and what gave drill music its staying power in America are the music corporations. The people that run these companies are what I call “culture vultures.” They feed off the misery of my people, and these culture vultures make millions off the deaths of black bodies. And they do this all the time while saying “Black Lives Matter.” Well, if they support Black Lives Matter, then why in the world are they glorifying black death, the senselessness of shooting and killing black bodies because of some music lyrics?”
On the other hand the BBC:
CPS to review guidance on using drill music as evidence
Nick Federici, a youth worker at the Pythian Club, believes there are misconceptions about drill.
“Drill is just the youth expressing themselves,” he said.
“Drill doesn’t cause crime in deprived areas. It’s poverty, it’s envy, it’s so many other things going on, underlying issues.”
“Prof Quinn :
“Violent boasts about stabbing – granted often very graphic and brutal – are presented as specifically correlating with a crime when they’re just widely used stock phrases in drill,” she said.”
Only the bbc.
Welcome to modern law.
65 million people held to ransom because of the ‘rights’ of one minority or other to be subsidised by the rest of us.
Sluff ,
The true figure is 80 million .
Look North Wednesday evening and apparently 1 in 5 young people don’t know if they will recover after the pandemic according to the Prince’s Trust. What an utterly useless bit of research and not worth reporting. Young people (what young people?) don’t know ( but at this time what a young person feels about what happens to them in the future is meaningless). Presumably the Prince’s Trust is wanting the government to put more money into Young People’s services. I question the value of the research and the value of the BBC reporting it.
5/5 want more toys and mobiles.
As someone born in 1940 I find Young Peoples Services a strange concept which to my knowledge simply did not exist when I was a teenager and even if it had I would have had no use for them.
Yes, I had doubts and fears as I’m sure many of my contemporaries did also but any doubts and fears never took over our lives and we certainly never thought of ourselves as victims, a concept which now seems to be drummed into the youngsters by insecure, liberal leftist pedagogues for whom victimhood appears to be worn as a badge of courage.
I’ve been married to the same lady for 60 years and we have 4 strapping sons and between us all we have reared more than enough offspring to form a soccer team.
Let us all hope that the young people will finally see the light.
BBC One Show right now pretending to be patriotic and they love the Queen.
I bet they hate having to do all this stuff.
Managing to squeeze in lots of bame in though, bless em.
Yet another doctor being quizzed on the state of the NHS (Farage on GBN), waiting times, GP appts etc etc Funny isn’t it, that when doctors are interviewed its almost always a BAME, yet when the patient on the street is interviewed its generally a white old age pensioner waiting for some sort of ‘replacement’. Equally funny is how no-one ever mentions immigration and the population explosion of the last 40 years.
The doctor talking to Farage says that the population is getting older, and then in the next breath says that the NHS should be concentrating on ‘prevention of illness’. Hang on, if the population is getting older, then they’re doing something right in managing to get older !! Perhaps we should all die at 70 in order to Save the NHS .
There’s something missing in this Ukranian extravaganza.
Where’s the diversity? It just looks like to me a load of
pale stale male’s stealing the scene. Head of diversity at
the BBC . Being a he, a she or an it, must be pulling
it’s hair out!
I expect we will have to wait for a feature film of the events
before we can see some LGBT ethnicity. Maybe a transgender
actor playing Putin. And maybe a black British Prime Minister.
We can all look forward to that. That’s if the pale stale males
haven’t blown up the world to kingdom come.
Toenails joined the NRA?
Cuts – ask Gary Lineker for some aid.
Ok – let’s give the BBC the benefit of the doubt . The US President read from an autocue yesterday – the usual hour plus late – the speech wasn’t very long .
At the end can you guess what happened ? Yes – he turned around and walked off .
How can the MSM let this go again without comment ? The last time he said anything he gave putin approval for a ‘limited incursion ‘.
Well that’s happened . And will be followed by full scale invasion in order to ‘stop the fighting and loss of life ‘…
Peace is war
Love is hate
Biden is dementing .
the island “freebies”!
What does our ‘Home Office’ do for a living ?
Its time we got rid of this left wing Liberal Government that does not care for the people of Great Britain.
You should have voted UKIP or The Reform Party .
How many more years are we stuck with this Buffoon of a Prime Minister ?
Minnesota middle school students given tips for BLM protests, White students told not to speak
Guide stated, ‘ESPECIALLY if you’re White, if they’re offering the megaphone for anyone to speak, it’s not for you’
student newspaper at a Minneapolis middle school advised students who want to participate in Black Lives Matter protests to “wear nondescript clothing,” refrain from taking pictures of vandals’ faces
Peckham, South London : ‘Skeleton in Peabody flat two years after residents complained of smell
50 complaints had already been made
but Peabody Housing and the Police passed the buck between each other
@sluff mentioned Shrewsbury earlier
9pm BBCPanorama @BBCMBuchanan examines one of the biggest scandals in the history of the NHS – the failures of maternity care at the Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust
“@BBCMBuchanan, who has investigated the extent of this hidden tragedy for years, meets families who have never spoken out before”
The contaminated blood scandal in the United Kingdom arose when at least 3,891 people, most of whom suffered from haemophilia, became infected with hepatitis C of whom 1,243 were also infected with HIV, the virus that leads to acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), as a result of receiving contaminated clotting …
Coming editions of BBCPanorama
– Next Monday : Obesity: Who Cares if I’m Bigger?
Is the prime minister’s strategy to help the nation lose weight working?
– Mon 7 March : Manchester Arena Bombing: Saffie’s Story
– Also scheduled : Trans Kids: Why Medicine Matters
Dr Faye Kirkland investigates the care being offered to transgender children.
Someone questioned , if we are making any progress
.. Well the fact that leftie bigots are leaving the BBC is progress
It means the public is no longer funding them.
Though of course they have the same free speech rights as anyone else.
“bigots are leaving the BBC is progress” – will do side line BBC jobs. Just a way to hide things.
Tonight’s TV
7pm repeat of Yorkshire firefighters ..disproportionately lesbian
8pm GreatBritishMenu seems to include 3 white males & 1 Asian
9pm We Are Black and British
11:15pm Unspun : The John Simpson show
“The only people on it will be BBC correspondents and experts.
The range is hugely impressive. No politicians, no spin.
#Realnews #FreeFairIndependent ”
10 Desmond Tutu and the Dalai Lama
11:20pm Nelson Mandel a doco
11:20pm The Black Klansman
As well as featuring Black and British for BBC2 The Times photos also pick Channel4 Tyron Ash , Channel 5 Gemma Hunt, cos the presenters are non-white
At the same time, people with albinism have also been ostracised and even killed for exactly the opposite reason, because they are presumed to be cursed and bring bad luck. The persecutions of people with albinism take place mostly in Sub-Saharan African communities, especially among East Africans.
Summary : In conclusion: there’s a handful of people (some of whom may not even exist) in a small town in India, being given grants by Google to censor news and social media posts in America and the Western world. They’re used by Facebook and Instagram as reliable actors, and frankly, I’m not sure any of them have any real journalistic experience or accreditation. Weird.
by Raheem Kassam
9pm Canadian media already knew
BREAKING: Trudeau backs down.
Will drop Emergencies Act.
Just 2 days after his party to vote for it, sating he couldn’t see an end to it.
Monday Trudeau declared Emergency
then he had seven days to ratify it
that’s today
VivaFrei says that never actually happened, they would have had the vote tonight
but now it won’t happen.
@TomlinsonCJ tweeted
I don’t believe for a second Trudeau revoked the Emergencies Act out of goodwill.
Either he thought the senate was not going to pass it
or he received some very very bad polling data
Maybe Trudeau’s overreach was coming back to bite him
The courts were about to scupper freezing bank accounts.
“Climate change: Can the UK afford its net zero policies?”
In a Nutshell NO!
What idiot put us in such a mess ?
“On Wednesday, petrol prices rose to 149.30p per litre amid warnings it could soon pass £1.50.”
Boris better drop the ‘Green Levy’ or we will be going into a recession .
If petrol goes up everything goes up!
There has been far many more covid related deaths in Russia
than the official figures. The BBC and other left wing media
outlets go on about Boris Johnson trying to push to the
side what went on in these so called parties.
Putin’s answer to cover up his inaptitude , where near to or over
a MILLION Russians have lost their lives to Covid related illness.
Is to start a WAR !!
“Amsterdam Apple store: Man arrested over hostage standoff dies”
No name, one of those “men” again ?
Canada’s CTV act like BBC and the pack
Pretend to be all nice, then actually exploit you to a hit piece against their target.
In the process they edit 99% out of your interview and put in FALSE claims about you
When called out they don’t apologize
but just do a *stealth-edit* to the online video.
… oh and on YouTube the deactivated the comments
All Canada’s mainstream media receive substantial cash grants from Trudeau.
“CONSERVATIVES working to take over the Republican Party from failed big government”