I wonder what the average non metro American thinks of the way their country has become a ‘nothing ‘.? Would they be happy not to be involved in another European thing? Or the Middle East thing ?
Or do they think they’ve got a worn out false president just waiting to die and be replaced by a coloured tick box?
I think most of them are embarrassed by what has happened. Many are angry they were duped not only by the media but by the Democrats claiming they would unite a country, that they had been claiming for 4 years had been disunited by Donald Trump, but in reality had been divided by Barak Obama.
4 years of non stop negative propaganda is now being seen for what it was by many, however difficult it might be to believe, Biden still has the support of over 40% of Americans who believe he is making the correct decisions and policies for the country.
That is perhaps the most shocking thing.
Also shocking is the isolationist attitude of people like Tucker Carlson who has clearly never heard of WWI WWII or Pearl Harbour, and how these seeming irelevant conflict far away have a habit of exploding into a very nasty conflict on your doorstep.
“To cite the other person you just said that would *trigger you Sam Harris*, Mark Steyn said this the other day, *this is the conversation we will be having when the Mullahs nuke us*.Everyone will be discussing if someone is transgender despite the fact they’ve had no operation (ref Jack Monroe in UK)” – Douglas Murray when he’s angry, but he still makes sense.
So the spineless football community are still taking the knee and will continue to do so until the left wing advertisers tell them it’s OK to stop. Why not this weekend all turn to face Kiev??? No the real threat to European civilisation is people not adhering to the woke message and not Putin killing thousands to pursue his imperialist ambitions. The world is f@@@d whilst we have the left in charge.
Bad day for Russian fiddlers – Pornh-b – a major source of porn ( apparently ) has banned Russian users and put up a Ukrainian flag – this means war ….
Yes that would be a crime against humanity – Russians should not be deprived of their bishop bashing opportunities – nor – indeed monkey spanking – which Chris packham would want banned …
Its no coincidence that Putin waits until the Olympics are over, and know he is unlikely to meet any great resistance from a weak President – he’s been building up to this since 2014 , the icing on the cake was Biden getting elected – a gift, and the world is surprised ???
A truly shocking nutter advising Blue Labour from one of our ‘Universities’ that Britain no longer needs farming at all, and should import all of its food instead of growing any of it !
There is it has to be said a need for a diverse range of views, but some are so off the wall that they should never leave the head they are conceived in and certainly not the room they were first espoused in.
The fact this nutter could think these amazingly dangerous views were realistic enough to put before government shows just how bad our Universities have become and how detached from humanity and the planet certain academics really are.
Treasury adviser Tim Leunig argued the food sector is not ‘critically important’
Timothy Charles Leunig is an economist at the London School of Economics’s Department of Economic History. He is currently on two years’ leave to work as a Ministerial Policy Adviser at the Department for Education. Wikipedia
As an internationally renowned institution for the social sciences, LSE is committed to institutional and intellectual engagement around the world. With developments continuing apace in China, it remains central to LSE’s mission to seek closer ties with Chinese academic institutions and the Chinese people for mutual benefit.
LSE takes £1.5 million from China https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/lse-takes-1-5-million-from-china
One of the ways the Chinese Communist Party has sought to extend its overseas cultural influence is by Confucius Institutes. They run educational and cultural promotion programs funded and arranged by Hanban, which is affiliated to the Chinese Ministry of Education and spends approximately $10 billion on them a year. Advocates point to their role in teaching Mandarin — a much needed skill in short supply here in Britain. But there are increasing concerns about the Chinese government’s suppression of academic freedom and whether such schemes risk undermining the independence of universities.
Rather them that the Muslim Brotherhood or the Muslim World League which is funded by Saudi and exists to prevent Muslims integrating into the West.
If I were given a choice of Chinese culture or Muslim culture to live under I know which one I would choose in a heartbeat. Worse than this is the fact Blue Labour seems implacably opposed to the preservation of English culture.
Seeing pictures of all the Ukrainian volunteers of all ages take up arms against the oppressor, makes me wonder how we would fare if it happened here. I fear our young are not as nationalistic as those young people, and would run a mile clasping their phones rather than stand and fight. Also what is the quotient of foreigners in Ukraine ? I imagine compared to them, our country is overrun with them, which begs another question, would every British Muslim, British Caribbean , Afro British, British Asian and all those chancers who’ve crossed the Channel, actually take up arms in defence of a country they’ve latched on to ? Not that our white young men would step up to the plate either – unless some rapper or podcaster told them to.
This country isn’t worth fighting for and I for one would not use my White ‘privelege’ to risk my life for some Social Justice Warrior who can’t fight for his own horrible beliefs.
Completely agree. Decades ago when I was a youngster I would have answered the call to fight for Queen and country. Now , even if I magically lost 50 years, well certainly after the Queen dies , I would be a draft dodger. Charles and his looney ideas and the rest of the ultra woke establishment aren’t worth the bones of a single British soldier.
What I find disturbing about that is how the BBC are giving the civilian soldiers so much coverage. Just like they did to all the newly-oppressed women in Afghanistan.
When a civilian with an AK47 goes up against trained, fully equipped Russian soldiers fresh from fighting ISIS with tanks, rockets, artillery and airstrikes, there is only one outcome.
The astute observer will note how the coverage for those women in Afghanistan has been completely dropped. I wonder how many of them have paid a price for it.
I have a concern that if Vladimir Putin cannot win in Ukraine and cannot take Kiev then his presidency will become unsustainable, and he is the kind of man given the option of a quiet resignation or going out with a bang would not hesitate to press that big red button on Kiev and maybe other Ukrainian cities.
What the Wests response would be if such a thing happened I do not know, but with our cowardly leader I expect the response would be to do nothing as usual.
Putin is not a madman. Many of the things he says make sense to me – but he is the product of a brutal system and life is cheap over there. It’s his actions to remedy situations which are extreme by our standards. Using nuclear weapons would guarantee his demise.
Russia stood to have NATO bases along it’s border and I’m certain the ambition of the EU is to control the entire landmass. If I were in charge of Russia, I would consider that unacceptable too.
What I AM very concerned about is the level of propaganda we are starting to receive here. I’m seeing stuff on facebook which the Nazis would be proud of.
And now we are not in the EU, why are we getting so involved ?. Let the EU deal with it. It’s not a NATO after all.
If Putin goes beyond securing his border, I will accept my assessment is wrong. But what do you think the EU would do if, say, Holland agreed to be part of Russia and host Russian military bases ?.
So annex Ukraine to stop it becoming a NATO member ?? Don’t forget that Russia has 5 NATO country’s bordering it already with zilch incursions into Russia or what was the Warsaw Pact since 1947. Russia border is approx 7% adjacent to a NATO country.
Check the map where they are.
The US have put troops in Latvia + Estonia already.
Imagine the situation in the future for Russia if they had full access to the border with Ukraine.
I’m not supporting anyone here. I’m saying what I see. There are reasons Putin is doing this.
I’m pretty sure Putin doesn’t have any aspirations beyond Eastern Ukraine.
I wonder if he will choose to take the whole country – but I doubt it. Only the East will accept being part of Russia and he knows it.
I agree with you on that John, Putin might be dangerous, and have little regard for human life, but he’s not mad, in fact far from it, in my opinion.
There’s a tendency for some to try to brand any that don’t share their point of view ‘crazy’, it’s a cheap smear tactic, and works on those sheep who can’t think for themselves (which seems to be 99% of the human race, especially on Twitter and Facebook), just like the ‘far right’, ‘racist’, ‘sexist’, ‘homophobe’, ‘Islamophobe’, ‘Brexiteer’, ‘Boomer’ etc… slurs do.
It’s exactly what they did with Trump.
Like a lot of people, I don’t agree with some of the things Putin does, and don’t agree with a lot of what he says (or everything Trump says either), but that doesn’t mean he’s ‘mad’, ‘crazy’, ‘stupid’ etc… As with Trump, both are very clever men, in their own ways, and independent thinkers, which is how they’ve got where they are.
My guess is that Putin has been wanting to deal with ‘upstart’ Ukraine for years, and they’ve been taunting him, flirting with the EU and NATO, besides they’re holding a lot of valuable resources which arguably were first accessed and developed by Russia.
Putin has been very clever in his timing, waiting for the ‘West’ to show weakness and vulnerability before pouncing (which is probably exactly what he thinks the West did to the USSR… in fact, it IS).
With Biden in power in the US, the EU a shambolic mess, and all the woke nonsense going on, the Covid pandemic and the resulting bankruptcy/rebellious populations, must have seemed like too good a chance to miss.
Putin is clever and should be shown respect. No matter what Russia thinks NATO is not and has never been an offensive force. This is 2022 you don’t go invading another country because it has aspirations to join the EU or NATO.
Next to join NATO will be Finland, they have seen what Putin is capable of and will seek protection under the NATO Umbrella.
So somebody who has little regard for human life is not mad? What must it be for somebody to be a psycho then? So all the crimes being committed by those wishing to show their power over another that we see so much of now are purely normal everyday folk eh?
I must not be able to think for myself – according to your logic. You are going to die one day – THAT’S FOR SURE, as will we all. Making a positive harmonious world to live in for the time we have is the only intelligent option according to my logic – but you see this conflict as acceptable and intelligent.
So what do you think of our war on ISIS in your positive harmonious world ?. Have you seen the videos from the Apache helicopters ?. Were they wrong to do that ?.
I suspect you are unaware of what went on over there. Sometimes you have to do bad things for the greater good. I can understand why Putin – in his position – thinks this is for the greater good.
Putin is not trying to show his power. He is protecting the long term interests of Russia.
I served in HM forces during the cold war. I would like nothing better than the whole of Russia to become like the West. It won’t happen in our lifetimes. And then of course China would step up to take their place as our ideological enemies and it would all start again.
JC – I suggest if you really want to know what I think about ISIS and Islam in general you can read what I’ve posted here Pro-Militant Islamic Bias Where the BBC assists the rise of terrorism
Otherwise I suggest you don’t treat me like an idiot – doing this tells me more about you.
I am sickened quite frankly in the way you seem to promote Putin. So far except for the magnitude shown thus far, I see little difference between his mindset and that of Hitler, et al. Would he also be one of your heroes?
TB, I’d say someone with no regard for human life is a psychopath, and ‘evil’ if they act on that disregard, you could even call them ‘diabolical’, if you’re religious (I’m not), but they’re not necessarily ‘mad’.
I might be wrong, but I believe, psychopathy isn’t usually classed as a ‘mental disease’ (that’s why it can’t be used as a get out of jail card in a court, unlike ‘real’ insanity), apparently, it can be a distinct asset when it comes to ‘getting ahead’ in most walks of life, cf. politics.
Putin is, in my opinion, ‘evil’, and certainly has little, or no regard for human life, which makes him a psychopath, but he’s neither mad, nor stupid.
I’m with you on the best approach to life is to live and let live, and a bit of kindness and tolerance helps too, I think most ‘normal everyday folk’ as you put it, feel that way to some extent, that’s why society generally works, but we’re not the ones in charge… because we’re not ruthless enough, I suspect?
BBC – I appreciate your expanding your view and I feel now we are not so distant on this topic – and for that I send you a virtual hug.
When I Google the definition of psychopath it is indeed listed as a person suffering from chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behavior although I think regardless of what the social definition is I consider anybody prepared to murder for personal gain or power and not for the benefit of human society ‘completely mad’.
I actually think this sort of behaviour actually is formed by an inner inferiority complex. Normal healthy human beings seek love, harmony and friendship – not power over others.
“I actually think this sort of behaviour actually is formed by an inner inferiority complex. Normal healthy human beings seek love, harmony and friendship – not power over others.”
With you on that TB, and those who do seek power over others are NOT normal, or mentally healthy by definition.
It’s the old paradox of “the best person to be made leader is the one who least wants to be one.”
I don’t think Putin is a madman, but if you corner a tiger – well there’s no telling what it might do.
If Putin realises he cannot win then he must know he is toast, there is no resignation from that position, and so my concern is that he lashes out, and as you have observed he is prepared to use extreme and brutal methods to achieve his aims.
A nuclear response as spite might well be an if I can’t have it no one else can is not beyond possibility.
He seems to be an egotist (another trait common to our ‘leaders’, it seems), and a man who it’s not entirely impossible to bargain with (so long as he feels he has got the best of the deal?).
Someone like Trump could talk the talk and negotiate with him, I suspect, but Biden is so totally not the right man for that job.
Offer him Eastern Ukraine with all the mineral, gas and oil resources, and the pipeline to the Azerbaijan oil fields, and Crimea with the winter/Black Sea ports for his navy, and I reckon he’ll be happy.
Again I agree with JohnC, I don’t think Putin is interested in Kiev, or the Western half of the Ukraine, speaking callously, there’s nothing there most people would want (including the EU).
Problem is, Ukraine know that’s those are the only bits of their country worth anything, and won’t give them up without a fight, which is why we’re where we are.
On the plus side, Putin is no longer a young man, he won’t be around for ever.
At the beginning of the invasion we heard from commentators that this will be Putin’s “Shock & Awe”. Over and done with in two days? From the average position, thus far, of the commentators there has only been a flaccid “Shock & Awe”. When I see Russian tracked vehicles (plural) that have run out of fuel, I start to see a lack of will and/or heart in the operation. Seems sloppy to me. Moreover, Russian military cannot be happy attacking Russian speakers and many of whom will have relatives in Russia. I watched two videos where members of the Ukrainian population can be seen berating Russian soldiers who silently look on like scolded children. Personally, I just don’t think the will is with the Russian military so, back to the point, what would happen if Putin hits the red button? He is likely to find the battery has been removed and there’s no replacements in the storeroom.
Luckily, the cubicle gardens are operating at weekend strength.
The most delightful thing I’ve read in ages 🥰 and I’m sure we can all relate to @Bozzers floating out of the restaurant and wanting to cry (with happiness). More food writing like this please! https://t.co/99XcSv6Lhj
The lump of metal through the tongue would have had me in tears!
And another thing, where is the Blatantly Bent and Biased Corporation getting the money to be co-builers and owners of Disney land on Thames as reported in today’s Daily Mail?
In the current climate, the one and only thing you can believe is that you cannot trust anything you are told.
We are in full, 21st century propaganda mode. The reports blaming Brexit for Ukraine are proof of that.
The world hasn’t changed one bit since Geobbels. It is just has more sophisticated ways of doing it.
Two points if I may, ………….The USA is in NATO, its not in the EU .
The UK joined NATO long before we were ‘taken in’ to the EU.
Brexit has nothing to do with it .
Times podcast headline
“FEB 21, 2022 : Trump: The 800-pound gorilla* in the Republican Party
Despite various legal battles closing in on him, Donald Trump remains a looming presence and the de facto leader of the Republican Party in the US.
But will the party support a second presidential run in 2024? Or could another challenger displace him?
Ezra reads out an extraordinary explanation by a Canadian family court judge
Logical point and logical point, as he points out decisions should not be made by shouting misinformation” at someone
18 min video .. https://youtu.be/jlCg-A8Aofs
Spoiler the judge does find in favour of the mother who doesn’t want her 2 young children vaccinated
as he accepts that she is the main custody and her arguments are better than the father’s
One point is both kids have had covid and weren’t severely affected.
Not impossible that Volodymyr Zelensky — a comedian before he ran for president — will become one of the most important figures of the century. https://t.co/0lYxe2phrP
Chris Cook@chrisckmediaCreative Director for @BBCNews UK Output Operations – looking after big brands & Elections Director. Views mine. Insta/TikTok chrisckmedia 🏳️🌈LondonJoined February 2009
If anyone’s interested in a grown-up, military assessment of Ukraine, below are some hard-nosed senior US officers with battle experience discussing the situation.
What a change from BBC reportage. Yesterday some box-ticking autocutie (Asian, tick; female, tick) was anchoring the whole BBC coverage. She lacked any depth, substance or gravitas. Clearly out of her depth, she resorted to that girlie thing of looking all pained and ‘caring’ and kept demanding to know why NATO wasn’t doing more. (If you don’t know what you’re talking about, just look like you really care and just emote.)
It was embarrassing. At one point she was putting daft questions to no less a figure than the Secretary General of Nato, and actually asked him: “if Ukraine falls, how are you personally going to feel?”.
For goodness sake BBC, this is a deadly serious situation; you’re interviewing a heavyweight like the Secretary General of NATO, and you’re wasting his time asking him how he FEELS?!
(Interesting to note that all those lefty hippie peaceniks at the beeb have suddenly gone all hawkish. Lucky they’re not conducting foreign policy: one minute they’d disarm this country, next minute they’d start WW3.)
Video, just propaganda.
Campaign only a few days old .
Like our BBC doesn’t mention what is probably happening, Russia about to cut Ukraine in half from
Kiev to Crimea.
The Ukrainians faced with withdrawing troops from the East very soon. or having them encircled.
Russians just surrounding the cities in the East too.
The BBC are only interested in stories about victims these days.
For example, I see the most significant thing happening in Ukraine right now – according to them – is that people have to close their windows in case of toxic fumes.
It was the same for Afghanistan. Untold hundreds of people were ‘disappearing’ (=murdered) but the BBC ignored it and were running stories about air hostesses who had been told not to go in to work or musicians who could not play any more.
Vlad -You have to understand that the BBC diversity
department have a big say in how the news is
presented. Ukraine is not a “cosmopolitan” country .
Nearly everyone is pale and stale. This creates a
real problem for the BBC.
I expect BIG BROTHER at the diversity department
has instructed the brave crews in Ukraine to try and
find any diversity they can amongst the Ukranians
but it is difficult. I did notice one small group at the
Ukranian-Polish border.I suppose it’s a bit similar to the
Antiques Road Show so far as the BBC is concerned.
So the BBC has to make up for this by having box ticking presenters and reporters.
Ability comes second.
So Belfield is back on Youtube
and I checked what The Times journo Ben Ellery is doing after his hitpiece where he cutNpasted material from the Starmer connected front group CCDH.
An article that didn’t allow comments
Ben has done a Times podcast about Belfield etc
But few people know about it
4 people promoted it
– Ben with 23 Likes in a tweet he banned replies, nd where Twitter hides most quote tweets
– Presenter David Aaronovitch @DAaronovitch 6 Likes
· The CCDH woman with 2 Likes
– The Times itself with 5 Likes
#1 There is a real world ..it’s full colour complex
#2 MOST PEOPLE know that it’s difficult to explain/understand and they just accept there are “I don’t know” gaps
#3 CONSPIRACY THEORISTS : some people who can’t accept the gaps and fill them with Conspiracy Theories
Occasionally their faith can incite violence
#4 MEDIA FOLK who SNEER at the Conspiracy Theorists in group #3
yet they spend half their time wrapped up in their own Conspiracy Theories eg Trump Peegate etc.
They don’t think they cause anything bad.. but they do ..life changing things for individuals and society ..paranoia about fracking.
Not only does the Times podcast have a tiny audience and engagement compared to Belfield
It has a lot of flaws and errors
Ben Ellery claims he a journalist with expertise in YouTube disinformers, yet he only heard of Belfield after CCDH handed him info to him
He refers to Telegram as ‘encrypted’ messaging service.
No Telegram is just mostly unmoderated.
In the podcast The 2 Times journos sneer at a guy for being a bit mental Conspiracy Theorist
yet they build towards their own grand conspiracy that free speech on YouTube is going to end up as a great Capitol Hill storming in the UK
which they seem to think was the biggest ever disaster, when I see it as a minor thing compared to big antifa/BLM riots.
3:00 “Jo Cox , David Amess” mentioned
They they say Piers Corbyn is always there at these demos
Their first item – William Coleshill (ResistanceGB) “He was removed from being a Tory councillor for racist remarks” (Ellery failed to mention Coleshill is not white)
“He was shouting at Starmer ‘Why aren’t you standing up for the working class ?’ ”
“unusual comment for a Tory councillor” WTF ..Ellery is saying ‘how dare Tories say that, the working class belong to Labour.’
“He harasses politicians and journalists” (No rather he copies the tactics of lefty activists and journos themselves ..aggressive questioning)
“They stream live” (Yes this is a technique of showing it’s true, not made by editing)
8:25 In the lead up to Starmer a video had been made by a man called Alex Belfield
CCDH pointed it out to me
FFS AB has 375K subscribers yet Ellery doesn’t know about him ! shows he lives in a bubble
“estimated to ern £0.5 million year from YouTube” ..FFS that is a made up number
“A 5 G conspiracy theorist phoned into one of his show !”( …em just like he could phone in to a BBC show ..it’s free speech)
David Aaronovitch “YouTube is making money from these CONSPIRACY THEORY videos” whoa he’s suddenly thrown that label on Belfield, but actually the two instances are NOT conspiracy theory videos .. rather they are just news/phone-in like the J Vine show
Ellery “YouTube is making money from Conspiracy Theories around Keir Starmer” ..that’s nonsense
“YouTube is making money from Conspiracy Theories around 5G” yes, just like they make money from any content
“YouTube is making money from Conspiracy Theories supplying anti-vax messages” again a boo-word label ..the people are not generally genuinely anti-vax
Ellery “They show adverts from Amnesty, Disney, Hello Fresh”
That is kind of fake news, I do not see adverts from those orgs ..each person sees different adverts cos of targetting, furthermore there are tricks to skip adverts
“People like Belfield are able to bypass commissioning editors and get paid from adverts
(doh YouTube is not ITV where progs are pre-vetted)
“Belfield was a presenter on Radio2 and was charged with stalking his former *colleague* Jeremy Vine ”
.. FakeNews : AFAIK Vine has never met Belfield ..Belfield has never met most of the people he is accused of stalking.
“stalking 7 other colleagues” …. FakeNews the 7 are mostly NOT colleagues
“He tours the country with Katie Hopkins” …. FakeNews most of his shows are just him, only some special shows are with her
“He makes videos with misogynistic content” ..Ellery has a conspiracy theory there.
Belfield’s videos are enjoyed by many women
Just cos he mocks Vorderman’s self promotion of her bosom and Naga that doesn’t make it misogynistic
DA “He made 27 videos about Naga !” FFS that is nothing he puts up 2000+ videos a year mostly 3 minutes
“YouTube has taken down a load of his videos” .. I doubt that ..cos actually most videos are still up ..rather it appears AB switched video archives to his own website.
13:30 DA “If you are very unlucky you might hear about this guy” .. SNEER, SNEER, SNEER !
BE “Yes Michael Chaves”
“He’s on Telegram an encrypted messaging app” (it isn’t)
“He’s the one that served Vine’s home with a Covid genocide writ” this is true
That was actually a civilised thing ..just him and a black guy knocked on the door
What was not OK is the other comment that Chaves made
cos his custom is to intimidate people by saying if they won’t accept the writ their will be a mass protest at their door. Obviously that is intimidation protest like the Batley school Muslim parents did.
BE explained he’d written an article after the Vine protest in which he said he’d mentioned how Chaves had been sacked form his job, even though a court found him not guilty.
(The issue here is this is unfair monstering ..mainly cos Ellery fails to give the context that this was 17 years ago and the law has a concept of spent convictions.)
BE “In the comments people said they would like to punch me”
.. that is the nature of open forums, and secondly we don’t know if the comments come from idiots or provocateurs trying to blacken Chaves’ side)
“He was sacked for stealing money from a sick patient” He was sacked, but a court found him NOT guilty of theft.
DA ‘So people might come to your house and get you’ ..(We know this extremely unlikely)
DA were these YouTube people around before Covid ?
BE “No, ..just a few MMR”.. FakeNews Anti-globalist YouTubers have been building for years .. Tommy, KT Hopkins, The Yellow Vests, those monitoring dinghy divers etc.
BE “The do it for praise, it’s addictive” ..No mainly they do it rightly or wrongly cos they care about their cause.
20:00 “dangerous Jo Cox and David Amess”
(Lets be clear those two MPs were not targetted by anti-globalist YouTubers)
“we seen in the US Capitol Hill no one could environ that” ..again generally pro Trump protesters DID NOT harm anyone then… it was not like the Bristol Kill The Bill, or BLM
24:30 Defending Starmer “He had never been called pedo protector in public before Boris words” .. I don’t believe that
In fact libmob accuse Boris of spreading a common Far-right conspiracy , and that Starmer had never heard the words before ..that is a contradiction
26 DA “There was the VIP pedo conspiracy ..and that becme spread on the internet, now was Starmers accusation similar ?”
FFS the VIP pedo things was partly a lefty conspiracy theory promoted by Tom Watson and James O’Brien
27 DA “Belfield the former Radio2 presenter’s video has been taken down by YouTube”
FFS that is a strawman .. all media played that clip,
And all the media’s clips are still on YouTube from Mail, Guardian etc.
“Belfield took an accusation and amplified it ” yes he did in a minor way to his 400K audience
Yet tens of millions saw the same clip through MSM
So 193K Guardian readers saw the clip on YouTube, but cos 200K of their servants saw the same clip via Belfield ..that’s an outrage ?
30:00 DA “One real live event INSPIRED by conspiracy theories was the storming of the US Capitol”
.. FFS that itself is a conspiracy theory.
This whole podcast is building up equivalence between ONE person shouting pedo at Starmer and the Capitol “storming” implying these YouTubers are going to cause a January 6th “insurrection” in the UK
BE “Yes some of these people use Telegram, some people at the Capitol use Telegram”
..yes both use a toilet as well
“The Ottawa truckers were using Zelo and some at the Capitol use Zelo”
” at the Capitol people were inspired by QAnon and that’s about a VIP paedophile conspiracy theory”
– Who are the Conspiracy Theorists?
– Who are the uniformed ?
– Who are the ones that bully ?
Journos say, “that gang over there, that challenge my political worldview”
Yet journos often do those 3 things.
… Projection is a libmob characteristic.
The bullying is the sneering, the othering of groups by sticking boo-word-labels on them like “far right”, “racist”, “Conspiracy Theorist”
.. Then too misrepresentation often by omission as used in 2 of the cases above.
Oh a third omission, they failed to say , yes Belfield does have a court case in July,
but one guy is already in prison for impersonating Belfield and then doing a harassment campaign against someone.
Oh Belfield is under charge and awaiting a jury trial
..the Times doesn’t seem very concerned about sub-judice rules “
The letters LGBTQ often appear together, but the people the letters represent are not always as united. And now, decades-old animosity between transgender activists and “radical” lesbian feminists — who have conflicting views on gender — has reached a boiling point on social media and in real life.
There was one major and fundamental point I forgot to make
– A journalist has a story, as ever it seems they didn’t write the story of their own accord
It seems to largely cut and paste from an outside source.
Ellery admits this, he’d never heard of Alex Belfield and them CCDH gives him this narrative.
He chose not to explain who CCDH is, as if they are well bona fide and independent.
AFAIK cos of the addresses and founders there are clear connections to Starmer
It is Starmer’s front group
So the story has a major conflict of interest, the journo’s narrative is that Starmer is a victim.
It’s like when the teacher tells the headmaster
“Tommy is a victim of bullying by Johnny .. The Reverend Jones witnessed it”
.. and the teacher fails to mention that The Reverend Jones is Tommy’s dad.
The thing about Trump is that you have to listen to what he says, not how he says it – or how he looks while he says it.
It’s interesting because the general impression I get from all the places I look is that the Right do not hate Biden, they hate what has been done to out such a senile old duffer in the Whitehouse. Whereas the Left positively hate Trump personally with a passion like they did Thatcher.
Trump: "They use Big Tech to censor you, the Deep State to spy on you, the intelligence agencies to frame you, the media to slander you… all the while they claim they are the ones defending democracy and justice. It’s all a bunch of bullshit."
I’ve been wondering why the BBC have been making such a big deal and glorifying civilians being given guns. They will be slaughtered if they actually take on Russian troops.
I now strongly suspect they are building it up ready to run stories about them one by one as they get killed. Along with the family they leave behind etc etc.
Not BBC, but I just checked the IMDB user reviews of the new ‘Vikings Valhalla’ show from Netflix.
The ratings (from 10) are: 1,1,1,1,10,1,1,10,2,7,1,1,10,2,1,1,1,10,1,10,1,10,10.
The last ’10’ says ‘Don’t listen to people who rated 1’s’.
Apparently they have cast the leader of the Vikings in the 11th century as a black African woman and it’s full of fighting scenes where small women who can barely pick up the axe take on men 3 times their size and win every time.
I’ve seen this pattern many times already – yet they keep on doing it. Who is in charge of the money and is approving stuff like this ?. They really deserve to go broke.
The beeb aren’t doing very well with their incredibly poor re-hash of Darling Buds of May either, as the actress playing Mariette has left the cast.
I think I would too if such a misrepresentation of one of the most English of stories had been woked and shattered by leftie bollocks in the name of diversideeeee!
TBH I tend to stick to foreign spoken dramas with English subs. Just watched The Woods – set in Poland – no diversity, and I find that a lot of European drama series are watchable because of that. Equally I found Inventing Anna an American offering, so bloody awful I wonder how it managed to be financed !
Out of curiosity, I took a look at the IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes reviews of ‘Bridgerton’ about a year ago when everyone in BBC/Guardian land was raving about it (on and on and on they went ad nausea if you’ll recall?).
It was exactly the same as JohnC says about ‘Vikings Valhalla’: 1, 1, 10, 10, 10, 1, 1, 1, 10, 10, 1, 10… let’s just say, viewers clearly had seriously polarised opinions about it, either gushing about how ‘it was the best thing ever’, or ranting about how ‘awful it was’. There were also, I noticed a number of ’10s’ saying to ignore anyone not rating it a 10, because they were clearly all racists.
Personally, I’ve never watched either ‘Bridgerton’ or ‘Vikings Valhalla’, and from what I’ve read about both really don’t want to.
We love a bit of historical drama in our house though, especially one involving a bit of conflict, the missus doesn’t enjoy the fighty bits as much as me, she prefers the romance, but c’est la vie. In both our cases they really MUST be close enough to reality to allow ‘suspension of disbelief’ though, otherwise they just provoke laughter, annoyance, and ultimately… boredom and get turned off.
Personally, I have no objection to black people in historical dramas at all, but their placement needs to be entirely plausible, and not shoehorned in. I’d expect to see lots of black actors in a drama about the courts of Medieval Ghana, for example, if it was done well, we’d probably enjoy it too. There are times and places (lots actually) where they really don’t belong though, that’s not ‘racist’, there are plenty of times and places where white people don’t belong either… and it would be equally jarring to see them there (a white ‘King of Ghana’ in an otherwise entirely black cast…would be interesting…).
As for ‘tough women’, fair enough, there always have been some (Scandanavians famously had their ‘shield maidens’), but they must LOOK tough, or it’s just farcical… Wagner had it about right with his Brunhilda (the infamous ‘fat lady’), I reckon, and they really need to stand at least 5 ft 3″ and weigh in at half a ton, with a crooked nose and a few missing teeth. One would think it was a role from heaven for all those muscly, hairy arsed man-wenches looking for a part, and why not tick two boxes at once?
I’m on the verge of dropping Netflix (with you on that Fedup), but what’s the alternative, and is it really any better?
What’s making me hesitate are some of the wonderful ‘foreign’ shows you can find on Netflix with a little hunting, which are not at all woke, and include some real gems, albeit you might need to read subtitles (there is an argument that hearing the local language actually helps with that suspension of disbelief thing.)
The Korean ‘Kingdom’ series about a zombie apocalypse in 17th Century Korea is well worth watching, lovely effects, loads of gore, some beautiful women actually being feminine, and not a hint of woke.
The Turkish ‘Ertugrul’ series isn’t bad either, once you get passed the rather hammy acting and fight scenes in the first couple of episodes – big budget Hollywood blockbuster it is not. It does show the early history of the Ottomans through a very Turkish lens, but there’s no wokery I’ve seen yet – men are men, and women are women, the plot is plausible and entertaining, and its depiction of historical tribal Islam is realistic (and unflattering) enough to have earned the makers a couple of fatwas.
Thanks for the recommendations : I seem to be permanently searching for non-woke, decent stuff to watch these days.
When I put something new on now, it lasts until the first black person appears in a place he would never have been historically. Then it is turned off. The latest was the new Father Brown : I tried to persevere as it’s an old favourite of mine but I wonder how many traditionally village butchers in those days was run by a very black man with a strong Jamaican accent – who also ended up being a part of the main story line. Of course he was falsely accused of being the villain by racist whitey.
One of the best foreign series I have seen was the first series of the Icelandic ‘Trapped’.
Forget the second series : it went completely woke. The main thrust of the story in this remote community ended up being about a local white man having a gay relationship with a black man who worked in a nearby factory even though it was clear they would not meet socially by chance let alone grow to be so madly in love.
It seems the worst thing that can happen to an army unit is if the media call them “elite”
(remember Saddam’s Republican Guard clowns ?)
“Fleet” (of foot) may be more appropriate. Or maybe “Effete” or prone to “defeat”
Chechen general Magomed Tushaev was one of 56 highly-feared elite soldiers blown up by Ukraine after they joined the Russian invasion with their sights set on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky
Seeing the latest news photos, it looks like Russian forces have secured a childrens’ playground.
15 billion a day for a f@cking seesaw.
(Although to be fair, about as much as our councils charge to build and clean them)
I bet Putins choking on his Frosties this morning when he sees the progress report, the Generals must have had a lottery to decide who presented it to him.
Forget our lot ever being able to defend this country:
“University warns woke students that Ernest Hemingway’s classic novel Old Man and the Sea contains graphic scenes… of FISHING
History and Literature students at the University of the Highlands and Islands in Scotland have been warned the classic novel contains ‘graphic fishing scenes’
TV and film adaptions of the 1952 classic have been given U and PG certificates
The university said content warnings allow students to make informed choices
University named after cardinal John Henry Newman slaps a content warning on the BIBLE because of its ‘themes of sexual violence and abuse’
Newman University in Birmingham tells students studying the Bible the module ‘includes themes of sexual violence and abuse – in images and biblical texts’
The University has flagged up certain passages as especially problematic
It includes chapter two of Samuel in Old Testament about David, King of Israel
A University spokesperson said warning is not a commentary on the holy book
Not BBC related but ..
I have recently modified one of my most profoundly held beliefs, that ArseholeOfaCommunist is the most stupid woman alive.
That title rightly belongs to one Susan Wild, also a US Commie Politician who yesterday assured planet earth that
the CretinousCrook has “handled the Ukraine crisis Masterfully””!
No wonder the DemoCommies needed to commit electoral fraud on a hitherto unrecorded scale.
Yet the approach he took – via the Islamic editor or religious BBC affairs ( misnomer ) had the sound of anti Christian .
For instance -the RC bishop of Ukraine in London called to pray for victory – sturton asks some Protestant bishop if this was ‘right ‘ – trying to get a divide in Christian Respinse to mad putin
Eventually the bishop agreed with his RC brother ….
Sturton didn’t have time to do the usual Muslim as victim gig – next week eh Ed? Sold your soul for a BBC pension ?
I suppose it was only a matter of time before Dimbles the teddy bear turned up clutched in the hands of some refugee waif, sympathetically posed for the western press.
At least that well-travelled stuffed toy wasn’t pictured, left ear singed, right eye missing, atop a pile of rubble, once a city apartment block. Or discarded, trampled by Putin’s bully boys, run over by a tank, his stuffing strewn across the bleak landscape of the steppe.
I refer of course to the favourite photographic prop of comic foreign reporter character Damien Day of 1990s newsroom satire sitcom Drop the Dead Donkey. Whether it be to some plane crash site, earthquake, or civil war-torn Beirut, Dimbles the teddy would accompany reporter Damien Day to be pulled from his rucksack to garnish that prized photographic money shot he hoped would make his name around the world – and no doubt win him some journalistic prize.
Not quite Dimbles the teddy – more like Clive, Jeremy or Fergal the bunny – or do we think she is an Orla, a Katya, or a Lyse? No matter. A child’s soft toy of the longer-eared variety, bearing some relation to a cony, turns up on the frontpage of the Observer held by: ‘Five-year-old Mikhailo takes refuge with his family in an underground shelter in Kyiv ‘ – poor lad, he probably had a favourite action man toy, but that just wouldn’t create the impression we were going for.
Given the great man of history theory has fallen so very much out of favour in our universities I’m always surprised how much current affairs are so personalised in our media: ‘The world shuns pariah Putin. Key allies abandon reviled leader‘ (Observer); ‘Fierce resistance slows Putin’s advance in Ukraine‘ (Sunday Telegraph); ‘Abramovich quits running Chelsea‘ (Sunday Mirror)
Admittedly history and current affairs have their lightweights: ‘Truss: prepare for 10 years of war‘ (Sunday Times) – whatever happened to the traditional it’ll all be over by Christmas? 10 years, eh? There’s an awkward juxtaposition with the frontpage advert in the Times: ‘21 years of investing for a positive future. Since 2001, the Liontrust Sustainable Investment team have been seeking companies that will help to create a cleaner, safer and healthier society…‘ – I guess capitalism went out of fashion?
‘The comedian president who is rising to the moment‘ (BBC) – that one made me smile. The BBC refer of course not to the dangerously populist Eurosceptic Italian Beppe Grillo or – heaven forfend – to former TV game show host Donald Trump.
‘President Zelensky, from a Russian-speaking Jewish family, has remained dignified, resolute and articulate‘ (BBC)
10 years… at least we’ve started building the narrative of good guys and bad guys – speaking of Liontrust: ‘Lionhearts. Ukraine president vows: “We will fight as long as it takes to liberate our country”‘ (Sunday Express) – don’t look to the west for much help… to borrow a phrase from Barack Obama – get to the back of the queue… with the Tibetans, the Hong Kongers, Kurds etc, etc… or perhaps it suits western globalist intrests that Ukraine is separated from Russia – and those other putative nations… not so much?
And to borrow a phrase from Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy (there’s one for the teenagers) here’s a message from western leaders to the Ukraine: “That’s another fine mess we’ve gotten you into“
The BBC are not going to be happy that the heroic Ukrainian Christian fighters wiped out an armoured column of Chechen Muslim troops sent to massacre them, along with their Muslim General.
One thing I have noticed about the middle eastern psyche in general.
In a gang they are brave, as long as its the bigger gang. You can see their true cruelty, casual vicousness and intolerance then.
On their own or in a smaller gang then the placards and the whining victim card comes out.
EG that Begum woman in Syrias gang has disappeared and look at her now…all lawyered up now, without a knife in her hand and some guns behing her.
Coming to a screen near you, the shortest ever BBC article on how commie british students and their lecturers are complaining about Putin’s outrageous invasion.
BBC Disney ? thought they are managing that quite well with their news site.
Rape gangs magically disappearing before our eyes, plenty of fairies and magic carpets running on endless batteries for everyone to save the world.
Goblins and trolls partying in Downing Street with the country in ruins, and we have to look to Princess Fick Ange and Prince Starmer to save the country; with wise Merlin Corbyn in his battered hat and Godmother Abbot swigging vodka on the tube helping in the background.
I have given up sending the BBC screenplays, my last one on a remake of Love Thy Neighbour starring Tommy Robinson living next door to hate preacher Anjem Choudery in Luton, with plenty of misunderstandings and slapstick humour, received no reply and follow up emails were blocked.
Episode one: EDF energy arrive at Tommys house to read the meter, Anjem misunderstands and thinks Tommy is up to his old EDL tricks and gets his gang to firebomb their van.
Idiot Twitter addicted gov type drops a smelly one, regrets it instantly, deletes, but Twitter never forgets.
Slimy Beeboid needs to resurrect it, so claims ignorance and to be simply amazed to re-rally the bubble.
Bubble obliges.
Yes @jonsopel he quite unbelievably did. I’m so ashamed right now. We have pro bono lawyers at the Garde de Nord unable to get visas for Ukraines with Family here… our Visa system is a mess.. we need to open our arms to these people.
BBC Complaint Summary:
I take offence that presenters promote their books
Full Complaint:
I see that BBC presenters use their twitter accounts to promote items outside of the BBC
…. Katty Kay (The Confidence Code and Womenomics),
Jon Sopel (If Only They Didn’t Speak English),
Chris Evans (Call the Midlife)
Gary Lineker (goalhangerfilms.com) …
there might be more around.
Does the BBC charge the presenters for using the BBC brand to promote these items?
Does the BBC get a kick back to reduce the TV License with each successful sale of these products?
Can you tell me how this works … do the items on sale conform to the BBC core values and guidelines?
Death by Conspiracy? A podcast about how one man was drawn into online conspiracies and how they led to his death – an investigation by the BBC's disinformation reporter @mariannaspring.
It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unorthodoxy. But this particular girl gave him the impression of being more dangerous than most. Once when they passed in the corridor she gave him a quick sidelong glance which seemed to pierce right into him and for a moment had filled him with black terror. The idea had even crossed his mind that she might be an agent of the Thought Police. That, it was true, was very unlikely. Still, he continued to feel a peculiar uneasiness, which had fear mixed up in it as well as hostility, whenever she was anywhere near him.
There is another issue crosses my mind with this conflict, and it goes back to the failures – catasrophic failures of the BLiar government which believed along with the BBC who heavily promoted the “peace dividend”, in which their Socialist insanity believed that as the old guard of Communism went away suddenly everything in the garden was love & peace and there would never again be a war as everyone in every country was full of love and peace just like they were.
So BLiar spent the money which should rightly have been spent on defence on cramming as many Muslim migrants – many of them knowingly were Jihadis into the UK, and then Socialist Workers Party stooge David Cameron carried on the policy of insanity until we have another far Left Socialist Prime Minister, was has cut into the military even deeper today whilst puffing his chest out while he felt it safe to do so.
So now we have a situation where there appears to be no civil defence planning at all, and if the worst does come, we are completely unprepared save for our rainbow flags and White privelege. The old bomb shelters which were provided for the local government elites have either been sold off or filled in and now cannot be used, all because Socialism wanted the money wasted on crazy schemes.
On Monday I will phone the local council to find exactly what plans they have in the event we are dragged into a conflict and will not be surprised if no one there knows anything at all about what they would do.
The one defining skill of a council worker is to find a way of passing a problem off as someone elses problem.
They are experts at this, they will not accept responsibility for anything and are risk averse to the point of paralysis if something does end up with them.
One expert tactic I noticed when I had the misfortune to be working at one where an officer has to deal with something was to play ignorant then “ask advice” from a colleague, repeatedly, and then to say “well you know so much about this maybe you could deal with it” making it sound unreasonable to refuse.
“Woman lay dead in her London flat for nearly THREE YEARS despite neighbours complaining to council more than 50 times over ‘rotting meat’ smell, flies and maggots – before police found the 61-year-old’s skeleton on the sofa
Neighbours complained of smell coming from Peckham flat in October 2019
Protestations continued for two years as letters overflowed from her letterbox
Police finally broke down door and found body of Sheila Seleoane, 61, on Friday
One neighbour said she had reported the smell of ‘rotting meat’ up to 50 times”
There is only one reason for this Ukranian conflict IMO:
Putins distinct lack of a moustache put everyone off the scent. It is chapter one in “Dictatorship for Dummies”.
Pinochet, Stalin, Hitler, Saddam, Gaddafi, Mussolini, Castro, various ayatollahs with beards as a bonus, etc etc (and anyone tying a maiden to a railway track).
It is why all geopolitical analysts and historians agree that Chairman Mao slipped under the radar for so long until it was too late.
When I worked in Singapore I had one Chinese colleague who was well respected for his single, long hair on his chest. He had been cultivating that hair for decades and was so proud of it. We used to rag him about it. Point being, they cannot grow beards let alone moustache’s. Hence, the current Chinese dictator likewise.
Wanna bit of anti british anti brexit propaganda courtesy of the BBC . Well on wednesday they put on a documentary by a dyke called Zoe about how she got an Irish passport to be in the EU .
It is blatant . It is also from 2018 . Fascinating that the BBC cant even produce new anti british anti brexit propaganda .
I wonder where said dyke lived and makes her living now ?
Presumably the next reason for a war will be the announcement that finland and sweden will be joining NATO.
The BBC will find a few russian speakers who claim ‘ hostility ‘ and ‘discrimination’ particularly after the flattening of ukrainan resistance . It will be a hate crime –
Putin will get his excuse to carry out a ‘ special operation (As defined on RT) and the tanks will roll again .
Fergal and Lyse will be on the case sobbing about Something must be done .
On a more serious point – dump the overseas aid budget into defence and buy some more weapons and soldiers …reflecting thr ‘community ‘ of course …
Speaker after speaker highlights Biden’s reckless energy policies that have directly led to the situation where Europe and even America are dependent on Russian oil and gas. This hampers the West in their sanctions while simultaneously pouring money into Putin’s war chest.
Even at this late stage, Biden is still refusing to reverse his catastrophic policy of shutting down oil and gas production, for example in the form of the Keystone pipeline.
None of this will the BBC talk about.
At the end of this interview, John Kerry raving about Putin helping with Climate Change is yet more woke insanity.
Since the end of the Cold War, we have greedily spent the “peace dividend” on welfare and other projects while degrading our armed forces in the face of growing threats from Russia and China.
[Look at who the “welfare” is spent on – not our helpless and homeless]
never in my 30 years’ service was the infantry ever manned to its authorised strength due to a dysfunctional recruiting system.
[Ah – dysfunctional recruitment again – the wrong people recruiting the wrong people applies across the board]
Like the defence cuts in the 1920s and 30s, our forces have been slashed not for any genuine strategic rationale but to save money. … It is time to put our hands in our pockets to rapidly rebuild our forces back to the levels of the 1980s.
[I’m certain we can all think of very many money-saving ideas.]
DoughboyFeb 5, 18:17 Midweek 5th February 2025 Love, love it, lefties all in a turmoil over Trump taking over Gaza, but you got to hand it to…
Rob in CheshireFeb 5, 18:06 Midweek 5th February 2025 I think it absolutely should be about getting rid of foreign aid, which is the biggest scam ever invented.
Rob in CheshireFeb 5, 18:04 Midweek 5th February 2025 The Britain which existed in 1947 is dead and buried.
Rob in CheshireFeb 5, 18:03 Midweek 5th February 2025 Those jottings on a post-it were some sort of therapy advised by a head shrinker. Avoid them at all costs!
Rob in CheshireFeb 5, 18:01 Midweek 5th February 2025 Digg: The masons are not what they were. Our local lodge has closed down and been demolished for flats.
ZephirFeb 5, 18:00 Midweek 5th February 2025 Nigel Farage lashed out at the ‘cowardice of the political class’ today as Labour agreed to postpone local elections for…
Can we now expect more lithe, long of limb, and athletic dancers from Ukraine gracing the new season of Strictly ?
Brissles, on their way: (get the talent over here first, I say)
The French can suddenly sieze a Russian cargo ship but can’t manage some dinghies
What did they spend our millions on ? onions, garlic and runny cheese, probably
Theresa May to hand France £45million for border controls sparking fresh Tory row as Brexit looms
Tory MPs complained the cash was too much ahead of talks on Anglo-French links with Emmanuel Macron – despite an offer to loan the Bayeux Tapestry
09:00, 18 Jan 2018
World of woke
HAYLEY MCQUEEN appeared to be overcome by emotion while presenting live on Sky Sports News.
Worried fans were left sending well wishes on social media after the 42-year-old seemed to start ‘crying’ mid-report.
Shortly after a segement on sports stars affected by the crisis in Ukraine, McQueen moved onto a pre-recorded interview with John Stones.
As she did so, her voice could be heard to break and she seemingly struggled to continue speaking.
Once again, Douglas Murray and GB News speak the truth about Biden that the BBC won’t touch.
“Putin’s insane actions enabled by weak Biden.”
“The vacuum at the top of the West… is a seriously encouraging factor for Putin”
I wonder what the average non metro American thinks of the way their country has become a ‘nothing ‘.? Would they be happy not to be involved in another European thing? Or the Middle East thing ?
Or do they think they’ve got a worn out false president just waiting to die and be replaced by a coloured tick box?
I think most of them are embarrassed by what has happened. Many are angry they were duped not only by the media but by the Democrats claiming they would unite a country, that they had been claiming for 4 years had been disunited by Donald Trump, but in reality had been divided by Barak Obama.
4 years of non stop negative propaganda is now being seen for what it was by many, however difficult it might be to believe, Biden still has the support of over 40% of Americans who believe he is making the correct decisions and policies for the country.
That is perhaps the most shocking thing.
Also shocking is the isolationist attitude of people like Tucker Carlson who has clearly never heard of WWI WWII or Pearl Harbour, and how these seeming irelevant conflict far away have a habit of exploding into a very nasty conflict on your doorstep.
“That is perhaps the most shocking thing.”
Yes, and a handy ‘rule of thumb’ as to the number of Marxist/Communists in the country.
“To cite the other person you just said that would *trigger you Sam Harris*, Mark Steyn said this the other day, *this is the conversation we will be having when the Mullahs nuke us*.Everyone will be discussing if someone is transgender despite the fact they’ve had no operation (ref Jack Monroe in UK)” – Douglas Murray when he’s angry, but he still makes sense.
So the spineless football community are still taking the knee and will continue to do so until the left wing advertisers tell them it’s OK to stop. Why not this weekend all turn to face Kiev??? No the real threat to European civilisation is people not adhering to the woke message and not Putin killing thousands to pursue his imperialist ambitions. The world is f@@@d whilst we have the left in charge.
Bad day for Russian fiddlers – Pornh-b – a major source of porn ( apparently ) has banned Russian users and put up a Ukrainian flag – this means war ….
Other pornsites available ( apparently )
Source – twitter – this may be a made up story
Russia will be getting the jackboot from the Eurovision Song Contest next…
I have taken the decision to ignore offers of dates from attractive Russian females who appear in my emails
Steady on that’s taking it a bit to far.
Yes that would be a crime against humanity – Russians should not be deprived of their bishop bashing opportunities – nor – indeed monkey spanking – which Chris packham would want banned …
“Zelensky spoke with @eucopresident, said it’s time for the EU to accept Ukraine”
I’d rather UK join Russia than the EU, with it’s globohomo values.
Inside Ukraine, China’s embassy has sent out a message to Chinese citizens living in the country now locked in a major war.
It has recommended that people post a Chinese flag on their car and “help one another out” while showing “China’s strength”.
Its no coincidence that Putin waits until the Olympics are over, and know he is unlikely to meet any great resistance from a weak President – he’s been building up to this since 2014 , the icing on the cake was Biden getting elected – a gift, and the world is surprised ???
A truly shocking nutter advising Blue Labour from one of our ‘Universities’ that Britain no longer needs farming at all, and should import all of its food instead of growing any of it !
There is it has to be said a need for a diverse range of views, but some are so off the wall that they should never leave the head they are conceived in and certainly not the room they were first espoused in.
The fact this nutter could think these amazingly dangerous views were realistic enough to put before government shows just how bad our Universities have become and how detached from humanity and the planet certain academics really are.
Treasury adviser Tim Leunig argued the food sector is not ‘critically important’
Timothy Charles Leunig is an economist at the London School of Economics’s Department of Economic History. He is currently on two years’ leave to work as a Ministerial Policy Adviser at the Department for Education. Wikipedia
As an internationally renowned institution for the social sciences, LSE is committed to institutional and intellectual engagement around the world. With developments continuing apace in China, it remains central to LSE’s mission to seek closer ties with Chinese academic institutions and the Chinese people for mutual benefit.
LSE takes £1.5 million from China
One of the ways the Chinese Communist Party has sought to extend its overseas cultural influence is by Confucius Institutes. They run educational and cultural promotion programs funded and arranged by Hanban, which is affiliated to the Chinese Ministry of Education and spends approximately $10 billion on them a year. Advocates point to their role in teaching Mandarin — a much needed skill in short supply here in Britain. But there are increasing concerns about the Chinese government’s suppression of academic freedom and whether such schemes risk undermining the independence of universities.
Rather them that the Muslim Brotherhood or the Muslim World League which is funded by Saudi and exists to prevent Muslims integrating into the West.
If I were given a choice of Chinese culture or Muslim culture to live under I know which one I would choose in a heartbeat. Worse than this is the fact Blue Labour seems implacably opposed to the preservation of English culture.
Seeing pictures of all the Ukrainian volunteers of all ages take up arms against the oppressor, makes me wonder how we would fare if it happened here. I fear our young are not as nationalistic as those young people, and would run a mile clasping their phones rather than stand and fight. Also what is the quotient of foreigners in Ukraine ? I imagine compared to them, our country is overrun with them, which begs another question, would every British Muslim, British Caribbean , Afro British, British Asian and all those chancers who’ve crossed the Channel, actually take up arms in defence of a country they’ve latched on to ? Not that our white young men would step up to the plate either – unless some rapper or podcaster told them to.
This country isn’t worth fighting for and I for one would not use my White ‘privelege’ to risk my life for some Social Justice Warrior who can’t fight for his own horrible beliefs.
Completely agree. Decades ago when I was a youngster I would have answered the call to fight for Queen and country. Now , even if I magically lost 50 years, well certainly after the Queen dies , I would be a draft dodger. Charles and his looney ideas and the rest of the ultra woke establishment aren’t worth the bones of a single British soldier.
I joined the forces in my youth because I was proud to serve my country.
I would not do it today.
You are right – it’s not worth the effort – and you’d get no real thanks for it either ….
Ps – no one would see UK worth the effort anyway ….
But one thing’s for sure, over the centuries, the UK is unmatched in breeding Cannon Fodder.
What I find disturbing about that is how the BBC are giving the civilian soldiers so much coverage. Just like they did to all the newly-oppressed women in Afghanistan.
When a civilian with an AK47 goes up against trained, fully equipped Russian soldiers fresh from fighting ISIS with tanks, rockets, artillery and airstrikes, there is only one outcome.
The astute observer will note how the coverage for those women in Afghanistan has been completely dropped. I wonder how many of them have paid a price for it.
I have a concern that if Vladimir Putin cannot win in Ukraine and cannot take Kiev then his presidency will become unsustainable, and he is the kind of man given the option of a quiet resignation or going out with a bang would not hesitate to press that big red button on Kiev and maybe other Ukrainian cities.
What the Wests response would be if such a thing happened I do not know, but with our cowardly leader I expect the response would be to do nothing as usual.
I don’t agree at all.
Putin is not a madman. Many of the things he says make sense to me – but he is the product of a brutal system and life is cheap over there. It’s his actions to remedy situations which are extreme by our standards. Using nuclear weapons would guarantee his demise.
Russia stood to have NATO bases along it’s border and I’m certain the ambition of the EU is to control the entire landmass. If I were in charge of Russia, I would consider that unacceptable too.
What I AM very concerned about is the level of propaganda we are starting to receive here. I’m seeing stuff on facebook which the Nazis would be proud of.
And now we are not in the EU, why are we getting so involved ?. Let the EU deal with it. It’s not a NATO after all.
If Putin goes beyond securing his border, I will accept my assessment is wrong. But what do you think the EU would do if, say, Holland agreed to be part of Russia and host Russian military bases ?.
So annex Ukraine to stop it becoming a NATO member ?? Don’t forget that Russia has 5 NATO country’s bordering it already with zilch incursions into Russia or what was the Warsaw Pact since 1947. Russia border is approx 7% adjacent to a NATO country.
Check the map where they are.
The US have put troops in Latvia + Estonia already.
Imagine the situation in the future for Russia if they had full access to the border with Ukraine.
I’m not supporting anyone here. I’m saying what I see. There are reasons Putin is doing this.
Need to get Finland and Sweden signed up to NATO before herr putin goes for them too
I’m pretty sure Putin doesn’t have any aspirations beyond Eastern Ukraine.
I wonder if he will choose to take the whole country – but I doubt it. Only the East will accept being part of Russia and he knows it.
I agree with you on that John, Putin might be dangerous, and have little regard for human life, but he’s not mad, in fact far from it, in my opinion.
There’s a tendency for some to try to brand any that don’t share their point of view ‘crazy’, it’s a cheap smear tactic, and works on those sheep who can’t think for themselves (which seems to be 99% of the human race, especially on Twitter and Facebook), just like the ‘far right’, ‘racist’, ‘sexist’, ‘homophobe’, ‘Islamophobe’, ‘Brexiteer’, ‘Boomer’ etc… slurs do.
It’s exactly what they did with Trump.
Like a lot of people, I don’t agree with some of the things Putin does, and don’t agree with a lot of what he says (or everything Trump says either), but that doesn’t mean he’s ‘mad’, ‘crazy’, ‘stupid’ etc… As with Trump, both are very clever men, in their own ways, and independent thinkers, which is how they’ve got where they are.
My guess is that Putin has been wanting to deal with ‘upstart’ Ukraine for years, and they’ve been taunting him, flirting with the EU and NATO, besides they’re holding a lot of valuable resources which arguably were first accessed and developed by Russia.
Putin has been very clever in his timing, waiting for the ‘West’ to show weakness and vulnerability before pouncing (which is probably exactly what he thinks the West did to the USSR… in fact, it IS).
With Biden in power in the US, the EU a shambolic mess, and all the woke nonsense going on, the Covid pandemic and the resulting bankruptcy/rebellious populations, must have seemed like too good a chance to miss.
Putin is clever and should be shown respect. No matter what Russia thinks NATO is not and has never been an offensive force. This is 2022 you don’t go invading another country because it has aspirations to join the EU or NATO.
Next to join NATO will be Finland, they have seen what Putin is capable of and will seek protection under the NATO Umbrella.
But NATO do offensively attack.
They did so to Serbia in the so called kosova war 1999
Serbian people are close to Russia
So somebody who has little regard for human life is not mad? What must it be for somebody to be a psycho then? So all the crimes being committed by those wishing to show their power over another that we see so much of now are purely normal everyday folk eh?
I must not be able to think for myself – according to your logic. You are going to die one day – THAT’S FOR SURE, as will we all. Making a positive harmonious world to live in for the time we have is the only intelligent option according to my logic – but you see this conflict as acceptable and intelligent.
So what do you think of our war on ISIS in your positive harmonious world ?. Have you seen the videos from the Apache helicopters ?. Were they wrong to do that ?.
I suspect you are unaware of what went on over there. Sometimes you have to do bad things for the greater good. I can understand why Putin – in his position – thinks this is for the greater good.
Putin is not trying to show his power. He is protecting the long term interests of Russia.
I served in HM forces during the cold war. I would like nothing better than the whole of Russia to become like the West. It won’t happen in our lifetimes. And then of course China would step up to take their place as our ideological enemies and it would all start again.
Your post is extremely naiive.
Russian just broke the dam the Ukrainians had used to limit water getting to the Crimea.
I guess there’s some grievances about.
JC – I suggest if you really want to know what I think about ISIS and Islam in general you can read what I’ve posted here Pro-Militant Islamic Bias Where the BBC assists the rise of terrorism
Otherwise I suggest you don’t treat me like an idiot – doing this tells me more about you.
I am sickened quite frankly in the way you seem to promote Putin. So far except for the magnitude shown thus far, I see little difference between his mindset and that of Hitler, et al. Would he also be one of your heroes?
I guess you’ll want to celebrate your brave heroes
Exclusive: Communist China and Russia Plotting a ‘New World Order’, Ukraine Just ‘First Step’, Says Lithuanian MP
TB, I’d say someone with no regard for human life is a psychopath, and ‘evil’ if they act on that disregard, you could even call them ‘diabolical’, if you’re religious (I’m not), but they’re not necessarily ‘mad’.
I might be wrong, but I believe, psychopathy isn’t usually classed as a ‘mental disease’ (that’s why it can’t be used as a get out of jail card in a court, unlike ‘real’ insanity), apparently, it can be a distinct asset when it comes to ‘getting ahead’ in most walks of life, cf. politics.
Putin is, in my opinion, ‘evil’, and certainly has little, or no regard for human life, which makes him a psychopath, but he’s neither mad, nor stupid.
I’m with you on the best approach to life is to live and let live, and a bit of kindness and tolerance helps too, I think most ‘normal everyday folk’ as you put it, feel that way to some extent, that’s why society generally works, but we’re not the ones in charge… because we’re not ruthless enough, I suspect?
BBC – I appreciate your expanding your view and I feel now we are not so distant on this topic – and for that I send you a virtual hug.
When I Google the definition of psychopath it is indeed listed as a person suffering from chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behavior although I think regardless of what the social definition is I consider anybody prepared to murder for personal gain or power and not for the benefit of human society ‘completely mad’.
I actually think this sort of behaviour actually is formed by an inner inferiority complex. Normal healthy human beings seek love, harmony and friendship – not power over others.
“I actually think this sort of behaviour actually is formed by an inner inferiority complex. Normal healthy human beings seek love, harmony and friendship – not power over others.”
With you on that TB, and those who do seek power over others are NOT normal, or mentally healthy by definition.
It’s the old paradox of “the best person to be made leader is the one who least wants to be one.”
I’m really glad we’re back on the same page BBC 🙂
I don’t think Putin is a madman, but if you corner a tiger – well there’s no telling what it might do.
If Putin realises he cannot win then he must know he is toast, there is no resignation from that position, and so my concern is that he lashes out, and as you have observed he is prepared to use extreme and brutal methods to achieve his aims.
A nuclear response as spite might well be an if I can’t have it no one else can is not beyond possibility.
He seems to be an egotist (another trait common to our ‘leaders’, it seems), and a man who it’s not entirely impossible to bargain with (so long as he feels he has got the best of the deal?).
Someone like Trump could talk the talk and negotiate with him, I suspect, but Biden is so totally not the right man for that job.
Offer him Eastern Ukraine with all the mineral, gas and oil resources, and the pipeline to the Azerbaijan oil fields, and Crimea with the winter/Black Sea ports for his navy, and I reckon he’ll be happy.
Again I agree with JohnC, I don’t think Putin is interested in Kiev, or the Western half of the Ukraine, speaking callously, there’s nothing there most people would want (including the EU).
Problem is, Ukraine know that’s those are the only bits of their country worth anything, and won’t give them up without a fight, which is why we’re where we are.
On the plus side, Putin is no longer a young man, he won’t be around for ever.
“….going out with a bang….”
At the beginning of the invasion we heard from commentators that this will be Putin’s “Shock & Awe”. Over and done with in two days? From the average position, thus far, of the commentators there has only been a flaccid “Shock & Awe”. When I see Russian tracked vehicles (plural) that have run out of fuel, I start to see a lack of will and/or heart in the operation. Seems sloppy to me. Moreover, Russian military cannot be happy attacking Russian speakers and many of whom will have relatives in Russia. I watched two videos where members of the Ukrainian population can be seen berating Russian soldiers who silently look on like scolded children. Personally, I just don’t think the will is with the Russian military so, back to the point, what would happen if Putin hits the red button? He is likely to find the battery has been removed and there’s no replacements in the storeroom.
Two of the finest minds… in their own minds.
Luckily, the cubicle gardens are operating at weekend strength.
The lump of metal through the tongue would have had me in tears!
And another thing, where is the Blatantly Bent and Biased Corporation getting the money to be co-builers and owners of Disney land on Thames as reported in today’s Daily Mail?
7:30pm Channel4 Tony Robinson’s History of Britain
one item : Allan Wilmot the Jamaican ex-serviceman trying to make a name in the music business.
The singer with the Southlanders, whose song The Mole in a Hole made them a fixture for two decades on BBC Radio’s Junior Choice
Uncle of Gary Wilmot
10pm Film based on Guardian journalist Saffron Mazoor’s fake autobiography in which he becomes the new Bruce Springsteen
Earlier there were major cancellations of BA flights from Heathrow due to an IT outage.
This, mere days after UK banned Aeroflot flights, and hours after Russia retaliated by banning BA flights.
Pure coincidence, I’m sure.
In the current climate, the one and only thing you can believe is that you cannot trust anything you are told.
We are in full, 21st century propaganda mode. The reports blaming Brexit for Ukraine are proof of that.
The world hasn’t changed one bit since Geobbels. It is just has more sophisticated ways of doing it.
You are correct !
Two points if I may, ………….The USA is in NATO, its not in the EU .
The UK joined NATO long before we were ‘taken in’ to the EU.
Brexit has nothing to do with it .
The Times headline : ‘Cult of crazies’ gathers in Florida for the return of Trump
Times podcast headline
“FEB 21, 2022 : Trump: The 800-pound gorilla* in the Republican Party
Despite various legal battles closing in on him, Donald Trump remains a looming presence and the de facto leader of the Republican Party in the US.
But will the party support a second presidential run in 2024? Or could another challenger displace him?
* would run that title about a black politician ?
Why Putin would not have invaded if Trump was still President, and what can be done NOW!
Ezra reads out an extraordinary explanation by a Canadian family court judge
Logical point and logical point, as he points out decisions should not be made by shouting misinformation” at someone
18 min video .. https://youtu.be/jlCg-A8Aofs
Spoiler the judge does find in favour of the mother who doesn’t want her 2 young children vaccinated
as he accepts that she is the main custody and her arguments are better than the father’s
One point is both kids have had covid and weren’t severely affected.
There is still hope for Nish.
Must look up the definition of stonking.
“i” and “o” are next to each other on a keyboard
The BBC telling us how good the BBC is. Again.
Not as good as the BBC giving itself awards of course. That always makes me laugh.
On the telly.
And these guys want to be taken seriously ?? Like Ore Oduba who won Strictly, think they’ve won the lottery because of the air time they’re given.
Chris Cook@chrisckmediaCreative Director for @BBCNews UK Output Operations – looking after big brands & Elections Director. Views mine. Insta/TikTok chrisckmedia 🏳️🌈LondonJoined February 2009
If anyone’s interested in a grown-up, military assessment of Ukraine, below are some hard-nosed senior US officers with battle experience discussing the situation.
What a change from BBC reportage. Yesterday some box-ticking autocutie (Asian, tick; female, tick) was anchoring the whole BBC coverage. She lacked any depth, substance or gravitas. Clearly out of her depth, she resorted to that girlie thing of looking all pained and ‘caring’ and kept demanding to know why NATO wasn’t doing more. (If you don’t know what you’re talking about, just look like you really care and just emote.)
It was embarrassing. At one point she was putting daft questions to no less a figure than the Secretary General of Nato, and actually asked him: “if Ukraine falls, how are you personally going to feel?”.
For goodness sake BBC, this is a deadly serious situation; you’re interviewing a heavyweight like the Secretary General of NATO, and you’re wasting his time asking him how he FEELS?!
(Interesting to note that all those lefty hippie peaceniks at the beeb have suddenly gone all hawkish. Lucky they’re not conducting foreign policy: one minute they’d disarm this country, next minute they’d start WW3.)
Video, just propaganda.
Campaign only a few days old .
Like our BBC doesn’t mention what is probably happening, Russia about to cut Ukraine in half from
Kiev to Crimea.
The Ukrainians faced with withdrawing troops from the East very soon. or having them encircled.
Russians just surrounding the cities in the East too.
The BBC are only interested in stories about victims these days.
For example, I see the most significant thing happening in Ukraine right now – according to them – is that people have to close their windows in case of toxic fumes.
It was the same for Afghanistan. Untold hundreds of people were ‘disappearing’ (=murdered) but the BBC ignored it and were running stories about air hostesses who had been told not to go in to work or musicians who could not play any more.
Vlad -You have to understand that the BBC diversity
department have a big say in how the news is
presented. Ukraine is not a “cosmopolitan” country .
Nearly everyone is pale and stale. This creates a
real problem for the BBC.
I expect BIG BROTHER at the diversity department
has instructed the brave crews in Ukraine to try and
find any diversity they can amongst the Ukranians
but it is difficult. I did notice one small group at the
Ukranian-Polish border.I suppose it’s a bit similar to the
Antiques Road Show so far as the BBC is concerned.
So the BBC has to make up for this by having box ticking presenters and reporters.
Ability comes second.
So Belfield is back on Youtube
and I checked what The Times journo Ben Ellery is doing after his hitpiece where he cutNpasted material from the Starmer connected front group CCDH.
An article that didn’t allow comments
Ben has done a Times podcast about Belfield etc
But few people know about it
4 people promoted it
– Ben with 23 Likes in a tweet he banned replies, nd where Twitter hides most quote tweets
– Presenter David Aaronovitch @DAaronovitch 6 Likes
· The CCDH woman with 2 Likes
– The Times itself with 5 Likes
The US-style conspiracy theorists now at work in Britain
… https://twitter.com/thetimes/status/1494273165845012481
#1 There is a real world ..it’s full colour complex
#2 MOST PEOPLE know that it’s difficult to explain/understand and they just accept there are “I don’t know” gaps
#3 CONSPIRACY THEORISTS : some people who can’t accept the gaps and fill them with Conspiracy Theories
Occasionally their faith can incite violence
#4 MEDIA FOLK who SNEER at the Conspiracy Theorists in group #3
yet they spend half their time wrapped up in their own Conspiracy Theories eg Trump Peegate etc.
They don’t think they cause anything bad.. but they do ..life changing things for individuals and society ..paranoia about fracking.
Not only does the Times podcast have a tiny audience and engagement compared to Belfield
It has a lot of flaws and errors
Ben Ellery claims he a journalist with expertise in YouTube disinformers, yet he only heard of Belfield after CCDH handed him info to him
He refers to Telegram as ‘encrypted’ messaging service.
No Telegram is just mostly unmoderated.
In the podcast The 2 Times journos sneer at a guy for being a bit mental Conspiracy Theorist
yet they build towards their own grand conspiracy that free speech on YouTube is going to end up as a great Capitol Hill storming in the UK
which they seem to think was the biggest ever disaster, when I see it as a minor thing compared to big antifa/BLM riots.
3:00 “Jo Cox , David Amess” mentioned
They they say Piers Corbyn is always there at these demos
Their first item – William Coleshill (ResistanceGB) “He was removed from being a Tory councillor for racist remarks” (Ellery failed to mention Coleshill is not white)
“He was shouting at Starmer ‘Why aren’t you standing up for the working class ?’ ”
“unusual comment for a Tory councillor” WTF ..Ellery is saying ‘how dare Tories say that, the working class belong to Labour.’
“He harasses politicians and journalists” (No rather he copies the tactics of lefty activists and journos themselves ..aggressive questioning)
“They stream live” (Yes this is a technique of showing it’s true, not made by editing)
8:25 In the lead up to Starmer a video had been made by a man called Alex Belfield
CCDH pointed it out to me
FFS AB has 375K subscribers yet Ellery doesn’t know about him ! shows he lives in a bubble
“estimated to ern £0.5 million year from YouTube” ..FFS that is a made up number
“A 5 G conspiracy theorist phoned into one of his show !”( …em just like he could phone in to a BBC show ..it’s free speech)
David Aaronovitch “YouTube is making money from these CONSPIRACY THEORY videos” whoa he’s suddenly thrown that label on Belfield, but actually the two instances are NOT conspiracy theory videos .. rather they are just news/phone-in like the J Vine show
Ellery “YouTube is making money from Conspiracy Theories around Keir Starmer” ..that’s nonsense
“YouTube is making money from Conspiracy Theories around 5G” yes, just like they make money from any content
“YouTube is making money from Conspiracy Theories supplying anti-vax messages” again a boo-word label ..the people are not generally genuinely anti-vax
Ellery “They show adverts from Amnesty, Disney, Hello Fresh”
That is kind of fake news, I do not see adverts from those orgs ..each person sees different adverts cos of targetting, furthermore there are tricks to skip adverts
“People like Belfield are able to bypass commissioning editors and get paid from adverts
(doh YouTube is not ITV where progs are pre-vetted)
“Belfield was a presenter on Radio2 and was charged with stalking his former *colleague* Jeremy Vine ”
.. FakeNews : AFAIK Vine has never met Belfield ..Belfield has never met most of the people he is accused of stalking.
“stalking 7 other colleagues” …. FakeNews the 7 are mostly NOT colleagues
“He tours the country with Katie Hopkins” …. FakeNews most of his shows are just him, only some special shows are with her
“He makes videos with misogynistic content” ..Ellery has a conspiracy theory there.
Belfield’s videos are enjoyed by many women
Just cos he mocks Vorderman’s self promotion of her bosom and Naga that doesn’t make it misogynistic
DA “He made 27 videos about Naga !” FFS that is nothing he puts up 2000+ videos a year mostly 3 minutes
“YouTube has taken down a load of his videos” .. I doubt that ..cos actually most videos are still up ..rather it appears AB switched video archives to his own website.
13:30 DA “If you are very unlucky you might hear about this guy” .. SNEER, SNEER, SNEER !
BE “Yes Michael Chaves”
“He’s on Telegram an encrypted messaging app” (it isn’t)
“He’s the one that served Vine’s home with a Covid genocide writ” this is true
That was actually a civilised thing ..just him and a black guy knocked on the door
What was not OK is the other comment that Chaves made
cos his custom is to intimidate people by saying if they won’t accept the writ their will be a mass protest at their door. Obviously that is intimidation protest like the Batley school Muslim parents did.
BE explained he’d written an article after the Vine protest in which he said he’d mentioned how Chaves had been sacked form his job, even though a court found him not guilty.
(The issue here is this is unfair monstering ..mainly cos Ellery fails to give the context that this was 17 years ago and the law has a concept of spent convictions.)
BE “In the comments people said they would like to punch me”
.. that is the nature of open forums, and secondly we don’t know if the comments come from idiots or provocateurs trying to blacken Chaves’ side)
“He was sacked for stealing money from a sick patient” He was sacked, but a court found him NOT guilty of theft.
DA ‘So people might come to your house and get you’ ..(We know this extremely unlikely)
DA were these YouTube people around before Covid ?
BE “No, ..just a few MMR”.. FakeNews Anti-globalist YouTubers have been building for years .. Tommy, KT Hopkins, The Yellow Vests, those monitoring dinghy divers etc.
BE “The do it for praise, it’s addictive” ..No mainly they do it rightly or wrongly cos they care about their cause.
20:00 “dangerous Jo Cox and David Amess”
(Lets be clear those two MPs were not targetted by anti-globalist YouTubers)
“we seen in the US Capitol Hill no one could environ that” ..again generally pro Trump protesters DID NOT harm anyone then… it was not like the Bristol Kill The Bill, or BLM
24:30 Defending Starmer “He had never been called pedo protector in public before Boris words” .. I don’t believe that
In fact libmob accuse Boris of spreading a common Far-right conspiracy , and that Starmer had never heard the words before ..that is a contradiction
26 DA “There was the VIP pedo conspiracy ..and that becme spread on the internet, now was Starmers accusation similar ?”
FFS the VIP pedo things was partly a lefty conspiracy theory promoted by Tom Watson and James O’Brien
27 DA “Belfield the former Radio2 presenter’s video has been taken down by YouTube”
FFS that is a strawman .. all media played that clip,
And all the media’s clips are still on YouTube from Mail, Guardian etc.
“Belfield took an accusation and amplified it ” yes he did in a minor way to his 400K audience
Yet tens of millions saw the same clip through MSM
So 193K Guardian readers saw the clip on YouTube, but cos 200K of their servants saw the same clip via Belfield ..that’s an outrage ?
30:00 DA “One real live event INSPIRED by conspiracy theories was the storming of the US Capitol”
.. FFS that itself is a conspiracy theory.
This whole podcast is building up equivalence between ONE person shouting pedo at Starmer and the Capitol “storming” implying these YouTubers are going to cause a January 6th “insurrection” in the UK
BE “Yes some of these people use Telegram, some people at the Capitol use Telegram”
..yes both use a toilet as well
“The Ottawa truckers were using Zelo and some at the Capitol use Zelo”
” at the Capitol people were inspired by QAnon and that’s about a VIP paedophile conspiracy theory”
– Who are the Conspiracy Theorists?
– Who are the uniformed ?
– Who are the ones that bully ?
Journos say, “that gang over there, that challenge my political worldview”
Yet journos often do those 3 things.
… Projection is a libmob characteristic.
The bullying is the sneering, the othering of groups by sticking boo-word-labels on them like “far right”, “racist”, “Conspiracy Theorist”
.. Then too misrepresentation often by omission as used in 2 of the cases above.
Oh a third omission, they failed to say , yes Belfield does have a court case in July,
but one guy is already in prison for impersonating Belfield and then doing a harassment campaign against someone.
Oh Belfield is under charge and awaiting a jury trial
..the Times doesn’t seem very concerned about sub-judice rules “
A sound analysis, I agree.
Journalists are becoming more arrogant, an inverse relationship with their wisdom, knowledge and education.
That self worshipping Spring child at the bbc, with her endless gushing and selfies on Twitter, a case in point.
They miss the zeitgeist EVERY time,
Tory popularity, Brexit, Trumps election, Bidens unpopularity, the countries views on Green protesters, diversity, etc etc etc
The letters LGBTQ often appear together, but the people the letters represent are not always as united. And now, decades-old animosity between transgender activists and “radical” lesbian feminists — who have conflicting views on gender — has reached a boiling point on social media and in real life.
A point of contention is “lesbian erasure” — an idea that lesbians are systemically “erased” and ignored within male-dominated LGBTQ activism and mainstream media, and a belief that transgender activism, which aims to protect the rights of a small and highly marginalized group, allegedly harms women, and lesbians in particular.
There was one major and fundamental point I forgot to make
– A journalist has a story, as ever it seems they didn’t write the story of their own accord
It seems to largely cut and paste from an outside source.
Ellery admits this, he’d never heard of Alex Belfield and them CCDH gives him this narrative.
He chose not to explain who CCDH is, as if they are well bona fide and independent.
AFAIK cos of the addresses and founders there are clear connections to Starmer
It is Starmer’s front group
So the story has a major conflict of interest, the journo’s narrative is that Starmer is a victim.
It’s like when the teacher tells the headmaster
“Tommy is a victim of bullying by Johnny .. The Reverend Jones witnessed it”
.. and the teacher fails to mention that The Reverend Jones is Tommy’s dad.
Orange Man is back.
Starts at about 29′ minute mark.
The thing about Trump is that you have to listen to what he says, not how he says it – or how he looks while he says it.
It’s interesting because the general impression I get from all the places I look is that the Right do not hate Biden, they hate what has been done to out such a senile old duffer in the Whitehouse. Whereas the Left positively hate Trump personally with a passion like they did Thatcher.
That sums the two sides up IMHO.
I’ve been wondering why the BBC have been making such a big deal and glorifying civilians being given guns. They will be slaughtered if they actually take on Russian troops.
I now strongly suspect they are building it up ready to run stories about them one by one as they get killed. Along with the family they leave behind etc etc.
I really do think the BBC are that low.
Not BBC, but I just checked the IMDB user reviews of the new ‘Vikings Valhalla’ show from Netflix.
The ratings (from 10) are: 1,1,1,1,10,1,1,10,2,7,1,1,10,2,1,1,1,10,1,10,1,10,10.
The last ’10’ says ‘Don’t listen to people who rated 1’s’.
Apparently they have cast the leader of the Vikings in the 11th century as a black African woman and it’s full of fighting scenes where small women who can barely pick up the axe take on men 3 times their size and win every time.
I’ve seen this pattern many times already – yet they keep on doing it. Who is in charge of the money and is approving stuff like this ?. They really deserve to go broke.
The beeb aren’t doing very well with their incredibly poor re-hash of Darling Buds of May either, as the actress playing Mariette has left the cast.
I think I would too if such a misrepresentation of one of the most English of stories had been woked and shattered by leftie bollocks in the name of diversideeeee!
Good luck to them – sort that out Beeboids!
One of the many reasons i only lasted 6 months before dumping netflix – go woke go broke .
Prime isnt much better
TBH I tend to stick to foreign spoken dramas with English subs. Just watched The Woods – set in Poland – no diversity, and I find that a lot of European drama series are watchable because of that. Equally I found Inventing Anna an American offering, so bloody awful I wonder how it managed to be financed !
Out of curiosity, I took a look at the IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes reviews of ‘Bridgerton’ about a year ago when everyone in BBC/Guardian land was raving about it (on and on and on they went ad nausea if you’ll recall?).
It was exactly the same as JohnC says about ‘Vikings Valhalla’: 1, 1, 10, 10, 10, 1, 1, 1, 10, 10, 1, 10… let’s just say, viewers clearly had seriously polarised opinions about it, either gushing about how ‘it was the best thing ever’, or ranting about how ‘awful it was’. There were also, I noticed a number of ’10s’ saying to ignore anyone not rating it a 10, because they were clearly all racists.
Personally, I’ve never watched either ‘Bridgerton’ or ‘Vikings Valhalla’, and from what I’ve read about both really don’t want to.
We love a bit of historical drama in our house though, especially one involving a bit of conflict, the missus doesn’t enjoy the fighty bits as much as me, she prefers the romance, but c’est la vie. In both our cases they really MUST be close enough to reality to allow ‘suspension of disbelief’ though, otherwise they just provoke laughter, annoyance, and ultimately… boredom and get turned off.
Personally, I have no objection to black people in historical dramas at all, but their placement needs to be entirely plausible, and not shoehorned in. I’d expect to see lots of black actors in a drama about the courts of Medieval Ghana, for example, if it was done well, we’d probably enjoy it too. There are times and places (lots actually) where they really don’t belong though, that’s not ‘racist’, there are plenty of times and places where white people don’t belong either… and it would be equally jarring to see them there (a white ‘King of Ghana’ in an otherwise entirely black cast…would be interesting…).
As for ‘tough women’, fair enough, there always have been some (Scandanavians famously had their ‘shield maidens’), but they must LOOK tough, or it’s just farcical… Wagner had it about right with his Brunhilda (the infamous ‘fat lady’), I reckon, and they really need to stand at least 5 ft 3″ and weigh in at half a ton, with a crooked nose and a few missing teeth. One would think it was a role from heaven for all those muscly, hairy arsed man-wenches looking for a part, and why not tick two boxes at once?
I’m on the verge of dropping Netflix (with you on that Fedup), but what’s the alternative, and is it really any better?
What’s making me hesitate are some of the wonderful ‘foreign’ shows you can find on Netflix with a little hunting, which are not at all woke, and include some real gems, albeit you might need to read subtitles (there is an argument that hearing the local language actually helps with that suspension of disbelief thing.)
The Korean ‘Kingdom’ series about a zombie apocalypse in 17th Century Korea is well worth watching, lovely effects, loads of gore, some beautiful women actually being feminine, and not a hint of woke.
The Turkish ‘Ertugrul’ series isn’t bad either, once you get passed the rather hammy acting and fight scenes in the first couple of episodes – big budget Hollywood blockbuster it is not. It does show the early history of the Ottomans through a very Turkish lens, but there’s no wokery I’ve seen yet – men are men, and women are women, the plot is plausible and entertaining, and its depiction of historical tribal Islam is realistic (and unflattering) enough to have earned the makers a couple of fatwas.
Thanks for the recommendations : I seem to be permanently searching for non-woke, decent stuff to watch these days.
When I put something new on now, it lasts until the first black person appears in a place he would never have been historically. Then it is turned off. The latest was the new Father Brown : I tried to persevere as it’s an old favourite of mine but I wonder how many traditionally village butchers in those days was run by a very black man with a strong Jamaican accent – who also ended up being a part of the main story line. Of course he was falsely accused of being the villain by racist whitey.
One of the best foreign series I have seen was the first series of the Icelandic ‘Trapped’.
Forget the second series : it went completely woke. The main thrust of the story in this remote community ended up being about a local white man having a gay relationship with a black man who worked in a nearby factory even though it was clear they would not meet socially by chance let alone grow to be so madly in love.
It seems the worst thing that can happen to an army unit is if the media call them “elite”
(remember Saddam’s Republican Guard clowns ?)
“Fleet” (of foot) may be more appropriate. Or maybe “Effete” or prone to “defeat”
Chechen general Magomed Tushaev was one of 56 highly-feared elite soldiers blown up by Ukraine after they joined the Russian invasion with their sights set on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky
Seeing the latest news photos, it looks like Russian forces have secured a childrens’ playground.
15 billion a day for a f@cking seesaw.
(Although to be fair, about as much as our councils charge to build and clean them)
I bet Putins choking on his Frosties this morning when he sees the progress report, the Generals must have had a lottery to decide who presented it to him.
Oh god – more ‘downfall ‘videos
Talking of downfalls – how is trudo doing ?
Forget our lot ever being able to defend this country:
“University warns woke students that Ernest Hemingway’s classic novel Old Man and the Sea contains graphic scenes… of FISHING
History and Literature students at the University of the Highlands and Islands in Scotland have been warned the classic novel contains ‘graphic fishing scenes’
TV and film adaptions of the 1952 classic have been given U and PG certificates
The university said content warnings allow students to make informed choices
University named after cardinal John Henry Newman slaps a content warning on the BIBLE because of its ‘themes of sexual violence and abuse’
Newman University in Birmingham tells students studying the Bible the module ‘includes themes of sexual violence and abuse – in images and biblical texts’
The University has flagged up certain passages as especially problematic
It includes chapter two of Samuel in Old Testament about David, King of Israel
A University spokesperson said warning is not a commentary on the holy book
Not BBC related but ..
I have recently modified one of my most profoundly held beliefs, that ArseholeOfaCommunist is the most stupid woman alive.
That title rightly belongs to one Susan Wild, also a US Commie Politician who yesterday assured planet earth that
the CretinousCrook has “handled the Ukraine crisis Masterfully””!
No wonder the DemoCommies needed to commit electoral fraud on a hitherto unrecorded scale.
Eddie Sturton used to be described as a RC
Yet the approach he took – via the Islamic editor or religious BBC affairs ( misnomer ) had the sound of anti Christian .
For instance -the RC bishop of Ukraine in London called to pray for victory – sturton asks some Protestant bishop if this was ‘right ‘ – trying to get a divide in Christian Respinse to mad putin
Eventually the bishop agreed with his RC brother ….
Sturton didn’t have time to do the usual Muslim as victim gig – next week eh Ed? Sold your soul for a BBC pension ?
Glad I don’t listen to that crap regularly… amen
Putative nations
I suppose it was only a matter of time before Dimbles the teddy bear turned up clutched in the hands of some refugee waif, sympathetically posed for the western press.
At least that well-travelled stuffed toy wasn’t pictured, left ear singed, right eye missing, atop a pile of rubble, once a city apartment block. Or discarded, trampled by Putin’s bully boys, run over by a tank, his stuffing strewn across the bleak landscape of the steppe.
I refer of course to the favourite photographic prop of comic foreign reporter character Damien Day of 1990s newsroom satire sitcom Drop the Dead Donkey. Whether it be to some plane crash site, earthquake, or civil war-torn Beirut, Dimbles the teddy would accompany reporter Damien Day to be pulled from his rucksack to garnish that prized photographic money shot he hoped would make his name around the world – and no doubt win him some journalistic prize.
Not quite Dimbles the teddy – more like Clive, Jeremy or Fergal the bunny – or do we think she is an Orla, a Katya, or a Lyse? No matter. A child’s soft toy of the longer-eared variety, bearing some relation to a cony, turns up on the frontpage of the Observer held by: ‘Five-year-old Mikhailo takes refuge with his family in an underground shelter in Kyiv ‘ – poor lad, he probably had a favourite action man toy, but that just wouldn’t create the impression we were going for.
Given the great man of history theory has fallen so very much out of favour in our universities I’m always surprised how much current affairs are so personalised in our media: ‘The world shuns pariah Putin. Key allies abandon reviled leader‘ (Observer); ‘Fierce resistance slows Putin’s advance in Ukraine‘ (Sunday Telegraph); ‘Abramovich quits running Chelsea‘ (Sunday Mirror)
Admittedly history and current affairs have their lightweights: ‘Truss: prepare for 10 years of war‘ (Sunday Times) – whatever happened to the traditional it’ll all be over by Christmas? 10 years, eh? There’s an awkward juxtaposition with the frontpage advert in the Times: ‘21 years of investing for a positive future. Since 2001, the Liontrust Sustainable Investment team have been seeking companies that will help to create a cleaner, safer and healthier society…‘ – I guess capitalism went out of fashion?
‘The comedian president who is rising to the moment‘ (BBC) – that one made me smile. The BBC refer of course not to the dangerously populist Eurosceptic Italian Beppe Grillo or – heaven forfend – to former TV game show host Donald Trump.
‘President Zelensky, from a Russian-speaking Jewish family, has remained dignified, resolute and articulate‘ (BBC)
10 years… at least we’ve started building the narrative of good guys and bad guys – speaking of Liontrust: ‘Lionhearts. Ukraine president vows: “We will fight as long as it takes to liberate our country”‘ (Sunday Express) – don’t look to the west for much help… to borrow a phrase from Barack Obama – get to the back of the queue… with the Tibetans, the Hong Kongers, Kurds etc, etc… or perhaps it suits western globalist intrests that Ukraine is separated from Russia – and those other putative nations… not so much?
And to borrow a phrase from Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy (there’s one for the teenagers) here’s a message from western leaders to the Ukraine: “That’s another fine mess we’ve gotten you into“
You wanted Dimbles? The home of Pips and Kev gives you Dimbles….
The BBC are not going to be happy that the heroic Ukrainian Christian fighters wiped out an armoured column of Chechen Muslim troops sent to massacre them, along with their Muslim General.
One thing I have noticed about the middle eastern psyche in general.
In a gang they are brave, as long as its the bigger gang. You can see their true cruelty, casual vicousness and intolerance then.
On their own or in a smaller gang then the placards and the whining victim card comes out.
EG that Begum woman in Syrias gang has disappeared and look at her now…all lawyered up now, without a knife in her hand and some guns behing her.
Coming to a screen near you, the shortest ever BBC article on how commie british students and their lecturers are complaining about Putin’s outrageous invasion.
Can’t wait.
Just seen this!
Gas leak, my arse!
BBC Disney ? thought they are managing that quite well with their news site.
Rape gangs magically disappearing before our eyes, plenty of fairies and magic carpets running on endless batteries for everyone to save the world.
Goblins and trolls partying in Downing Street with the country in ruins, and we have to look to Princess Fick Ange and Prince Starmer to save the country; with wise Merlin Corbyn in his battered hat and Godmother Abbot swigging vodka on the tube helping in the background.
Zephir – you both talent and imagination- best not work for the BBC
I have given up sending the BBC screenplays, my last one on a remake of Love Thy Neighbour starring Tommy Robinson living next door to hate preacher Anjem Choudery in Luton, with plenty of misunderstandings and slapstick humour, received no reply and follow up emails were blocked.
Episode one: EDF energy arrive at Tommys house to read the meter, Anjem misunderstands and thinks Tommy is up to his old EDL tricks and gets his gang to firebomb their van.
This is how it now works.
Idiot Twitter addicted gov type drops a smelly one, regrets it instantly, deletes, but Twitter never forgets.
Slimy Beeboid needs to resurrect it, so claims ignorance and to be simply amazed to re-rally the bubble.
Bubble obliges.
Close, but no Springster.
BBC Complaint Summary:
I take offence that presenters promote their books
Full Complaint:
I see that BBC presenters use their twitter accounts to promote items outside of the BBC
…. Katty Kay (The Confidence Code and Womenomics),
Jon Sopel (If Only They Didn’t Speak English),
Chris Evans (Call the Midlife)
Gary Lineker (goalhangerfilms.com) …
there might be more around.
Does the BBC charge the presenters for using the BBC brand to promote these items?
Does the BBC get a kick back to reduce the TV License with each successful sale of these products?
Can you tell me how this works … do the items on sale conform to the BBC core values and guidelines?
Many Thanks.
But he clearly didn’t comment on the leader into the article – “…an easier life and a hefty pay rise…….”
I find Sopel unpleasant to even look at.
He’s like some kind of plastic human replica from a nightmare horror film.
The rest of her timeline is RTs of gush.
What do you reckon ? An image for our time? Stick in the national portrait gallery call it
“ the serious snowflake “
Can you even begin to imagine how much posturing and how many photographs it took before she got the look she wanted ?.
I bet she takes a least 10 pictures of herself every day.
I’d like to say I would but, to be honest, the self-obsession is really off-putting.
It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unorthodoxy. But this particular girl gave him the impression of being more dangerous than most. Once when they passed in the corridor she gave him a quick sidelong glance which seemed to pierce right into him and for a moment had filled him with black terror. The idea had even crossed his mind that she might be an agent of the Thought Police. That, it was true, was very unlikely. Still, he continued to feel a peculiar uneasiness, which had fear mixed up in it as well as hostility, whenever she was anywhere near him.
And still the blackifying of culture and history continues, one white man out of a cast of five in the rural village of Great Slaughter in the 60s:
‘Sister Boniface Mysteries’: release date, cast, trailer and everything about the ‘Father Brown’ spin-off series
‘Sister Boniface Mysteries’ on BritBox US and UKTV Drama features a sleuthing nun from ‘Father Brown’ investigating 1960s crimes.
Horrifying. Are the brake lights not a bit of an issue?
… and the street lights.
They will stand out like a sore thumb to the Russians implictly inferred to be looking to kill them.
There is another issue crosses my mind with this conflict, and it goes back to the failures – catasrophic failures of the BLiar government which believed along with the BBC who heavily promoted the “peace dividend”, in which their Socialist insanity believed that as the old guard of Communism went away suddenly everything in the garden was love & peace and there would never again be a war as everyone in every country was full of love and peace just like they were.
So BLiar spent the money which should rightly have been spent on defence on cramming as many Muslim migrants – many of them knowingly were Jihadis into the UK, and then Socialist Workers Party stooge David Cameron carried on the policy of insanity until we have another far Left Socialist Prime Minister, was has cut into the military even deeper today whilst puffing his chest out while he felt it safe to do so.
So now we have a situation where there appears to be no civil defence planning at all, and if the worst does come, we are completely unprepared save for our rainbow flags and White privelege. The old bomb shelters which were provided for the local government elites have either been sold off or filled in and now cannot be used, all because Socialism wanted the money wasted on crazy schemes.
On Monday I will phone the local council to find exactly what plans they have in the event we are dragged into a conflict and will not be surprised if no one there knows anything at all about what they would do.
The one defining skill of a council worker is to find a way of passing a problem off as someone elses problem.
They are experts at this, they will not accept responsibility for anything and are risk averse to the point of paralysis if something does end up with them.
One expert tactic I noticed when I had the misfortune to be working at one where an officer has to deal with something was to play ignorant then “ask advice” from a colleague, repeatedly, and then to say “well you know so much about this maybe you could deal with it” making it sound unreasonable to refuse.
“Woman lay dead in her London flat for nearly THREE YEARS despite neighbours complaining to council more than 50 times over ‘rotting meat’ smell, flies and maggots – before police found the 61-year-old’s skeleton on the sofa
Neighbours complained of smell coming from Peckham flat in October 2019
Protestations continued for two years as letters overflowed from her letterbox
Police finally broke down door and found body of Sheila Seleoane, 61, on Friday
One neighbour said she had reported the smell of ‘rotting meat’ up to 50 times”
So is that x3 year refund on TVlicence and poll tax ?
There is only one reason for this Ukranian conflict IMO:
Putins distinct lack of a moustache put everyone off the scent. It is chapter one in “Dictatorship for Dummies”.
Pinochet, Stalin, Hitler, Saddam, Gaddafi, Mussolini, Castro, various ayatollahs with beards as a bonus, etc etc (and anyone tying a maiden to a railway track).
It is why all geopolitical analysts and historians agree that Chairman Mao slipped under the radar for so long until it was too late.
Putin obviously watched and learned.
When I worked in Singapore I had one Chinese colleague who was well respected for his single, long hair on his chest. He had been cultivating that hair for decades and was so proud of it. We used to rag him about it. Point being, they cannot grow beards let alone moustache’s. Hence, the current Chinese dictator likewise.
R4x watch
Wanna bit of anti british anti brexit propaganda courtesy of the BBC . Well on wednesday they put on a documentary by a dyke called Zoe about how she got an Irish passport to be in the EU .
It is blatant . It is also from 2018 . Fascinating that the BBC cant even produce new anti british anti brexit propaganda .
I wonder where said dyke lived and makes her living now ?
Nice evidence of pure bias though
Presumably the next reason for a war will be the announcement that finland and sweden will be joining NATO.
The BBC will find a few russian speakers who claim ‘ hostility ‘ and ‘discrimination’ particularly after the flattening of ukrainan resistance . It will be a hate crime –
Putin will get his excuse to carry out a ‘ special operation (As defined on RT) and the tanks will roll again .
Fergal and Lyse will be on the case sobbing about Something must be done .
On a more serious point – dump the overseas aid budget into defence and buy some more weapons and soldiers …reflecting thr ‘community ‘ of course …
Speaker after speaker highlights Biden’s reckless energy policies that have directly led to the situation where Europe and even America are dependent on Russian oil and gas. This hampers the West in their sanctions while simultaneously pouring money into Putin’s war chest.
Even at this late stage, Biden is still refusing to reverse his catastrophic policy of shutting down oil and gas production, for example in the form of the Keystone pipeline.
None of this will the BBC talk about.
At the end of this interview, John Kerry raving about Putin helping with Climate Change is yet more woke insanity.
Since the end of the Cold War, we have greedily spent the “peace dividend” on welfare and other projects while degrading our armed forces in the face of growing threats from Russia and China.
[Look at who the “welfare” is spent on – not our helpless and homeless]
never in my 30 years’ service was the infantry ever manned to its authorised strength due to a dysfunctional recruiting system.
[Ah – dysfunctional recruitment again – the wrong people recruiting the wrong people applies across the board]
Like the defence cuts in the 1920s and 30s, our forces have been slashed not for any genuine strategic rationale but to save money. … It is time to put our hands in our pockets to rapidly rebuild our forces back to the levels of the 1980s.
[I’m certain we can all think of very many money-saving ideas.]
All the Chelsea fans who loved a Putin loving owner supplied tanks to fight Ukraine via football tickets? How does this work?
Chelsea register UK£32.5m profit despite Covid-19 revenue hit
Premier League club’s turnover for 2019/20 fell to UK£407.4m.
I dread putting on GB NEWS. I’m being driven suicidal by that sodding “Go Daddy” advert. I want to strangle him !!!!!
Putin’s gains will be kept? Crimea – 8 years more – Donetsk and Luhansk.
Over reach – concede – over read – concede – over reach – concede.
Donetsk and Luhansk: What you should know about the ‘republics’