Why not satiate your desire to kill by counting the number of day time adverts where there isn’t a ‘whistling ‘ chorus – particularly on ‘sell your car ‘ type adverts ….
…it’s as common as a coloured male -white (blond ) female which seems the advertisers’ fantasy ….
By the way – The sheer number of advert breaks on GBNews radio drove me up the wall whilst overseas –
– and all they do is pump out adverts for GBNews programmes similarly to those self serving embarrassing adverts the BBC does claiming it is unbiased –
I thought adverts were not allowed to tell lies
Still better than BBC bongo bongo AKA the world service
“If you tell Google that you would like to see images of ‘Black men’ the images that come up are all portrait photos of black men. Indeed, it takes more than a dozen rows of images before anybody who isn’t black comes up in the images. By contrast a search for ‘White men’ first throws up an image of David Beckham – who is white – but then the second is of a black model. From there every line of five images has either one or two black men in the line-up. Many of the images of white men are of people convicted of crimes with taglines such as ‘Beware of the average white man’ and ‘White men are bad’.”
― Douglas Murray, The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race and Identity
Read more quotes from Douglas Murray
In 2014, when Russian troops moved into Crimea, annexing part of Ukraine, it provoked a first round of international sanctions. And that taught Moscow an important lesson.
Since then it’s been setting up defences, moving away from relying on the dollar, and trying to sanction-proof the Russian economy.
President Putin may be betting that he can withstand sanctions for longer than the West assumes.
Russia and China have agreed to develop shared financial structures to deepen economic ties in a way that will not be affected by pressure of third countries following talks between the top leaders, Russian media outlet RT reported on Wednesday.
Marky – the other thing – speaking out of ignorance here – is thar russia has a shed load of money in its banks together with all that oil and gas money coming in each day –
– bet it won’t be too difficult to buy it’s ‘way around sanctions ….
The government in Moscow has also taken initial steps to create its own system of international payments, in case it gets cut off from Swift – a global financial messaging service which is overseen by the major Western central banks.
And it has been cutting the size of its budget – prioritising stability over growth.
That has meant the Russian economy has grown at an average of less than 1% a year over the past decade. But it may have become more self-reliant in the process.
Poor soul likely needs to get Femi’s agent to handle all the U.K. ‘war’ reporters in line.
Just watching the BBC to see what bullshit they are coming out with and they are on the Polish/Ukranian border filming refugees and by a massive BBC miracle they have managed to find a refugee of colour to interview. 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀
— Cue Bono#Jobby19Survivor President Biden my Arse (@cue_bono) February 27, 2022
Bit like ” The Antiques Road Show.” BUT you
can’t really blame the news department. The women
and Clive Myrie are being very brave being in
KEEEEEEVE. They just do what BIG BROTHER from
the diversity department of the BBC tells them to do.
And there was at least one pale stale male on the 1PM
news today . Sunday is usually near to 90% women’s
day on the BBC when it comes to news presentation
and reporting. So even seeing one pale stale male was
a bonus.
If you want to see the view of St Mark’s cathedral from the roof of a hotel, they are doing a great job. Real journalists would go to the front line and actually report on what is happening.
Meanwhile in the real world, we have real problems, whoopie can denigrate the holocaust and keep her job but….
“Isle of Wight council leader, 58, is facing calls to resign amid furious racism row as she denies owning ‘golliwog dolls’ that were spotted in background of picture at her home”
I read the story of the IOW councillor and first thought it was a spoof, upon realising that there are actually human beings out there who would viciously pile in on such a flimsy pretext convinces me that there is something seriously wrong with the mental equilibrium of the majority of younger people in the West. By younger I mean born post 1960.
Hey! I was born post 1960 digg (am sure many others here were too), the real watershed comes around 1980 (roughly the beginning of the ‘millennial’ generation), about the time mum’s stopped being full-time mums, divorce became the norm, and they clearly started adding something (female hormones?) to the water, or the milk, or something!
A few other things that ended in the 1980s and hence shaped future generations: the cane, or slipper at school, teachers who voted Tory, o-levels (as opposed to piddling easy GCSEs where anyone with two brain cells gets an A*), university grants, apprenticeships, kids playing outdoors in all weathers (and all day long), fights in the playground (and outdoors) that ended in blood and tears (and teachers/parents just saying “boys will be boys”), anyone ever ‘winning’ at any sport, exam, test, game, competition whatsoever (everyone is ‘special’, everyone is ‘unique’, everyone is ‘beautiful’ – hence ‘snowflake’), bullying, bulldog, grazed knees, and hurty words in the school playground, homes without central heating and double glazing as the ‘norm’, homemade leftover soup, bubble and squeek, or sausage sandwiches for tea, being scared of your dad (and his belt), and your mum (and her wooden spoon)… am sure there’s plenty more.
I don’t understand (and generally can’t stand) the millennial snowflakes, and nor do most of my generation, and we certainly wouldn’t employ them out of choice – I blame the ‘boomer’ generation: a. for actually having them, and b. for turning them into what they are.
On the plus side, Gen Z (our offspring) seem to be growing up less whiny and entitled (so far).
I have one of those cast iron negro money boxes on prominent display. You know, you put the coin on the negro’s outstretched tongue and he swallows it.
The reason I have it is because it reveals to me if any guest is woke, because they invariably react to it in some way. I am then be able to tell them to fuck off out of my house and don’t come back.
Let us not forget that the great hypocrite Piers Morgan championed Joe Biden after falling out with Donald Trump. He needs to apologise for doing this before he makes these glib criticisms.
Putin orders his nuclear arms to go up a notch in readiness. Given that things in Ukraine don’t appear to be going to plan for him this isn’t a surprising move. Probably trying to get the West to pressure the Ukrainians into accepting an outcome which saves his face.
Regardless he has condemned millions of Snowflakes to hiding under the bed whilst they have nervous breakdowns.
Funny really – watching RT – you get the feeling quite a few appearing there – both Russians and foreign prostitutes – just have not got their hearts in the Putin regime propaganda .
Obviously you’ve got the fully bought Russians who lie lie and lie but that’s just the USSR popping up again …
… meanwhile – the list of countries cancelling RT is getting longer ….
It is hard to determine truth regarding the situation in Ukraine.
But I came across this charge that the BBC is using fake footage when covering the war.
”The BBC has been caught presenting video of a military parade fly-by as footage of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Full Fact confirmed that the video broadcast on the Breakfast programme yesterday as showing the invasion was in fact 2020 footage of a fly-past as part of a parade in May 2020.”
I am confident that Marianna thingy will fact check her bosses.
At 430 pm Sunday the Moscow millionaires ( Chelski) play the Liverpool reds in a soccer game .
At the start the Russian team will kneel for’ social justice ‘- meanwhile their paymasters are killing Ukrainians ….
Just a thought ….
And the Russian owner of chelski is attempting to prevent is club / company from being hit by sanctions by putting it into the hands of ‘trusties ‘ – right comrades ….
I am beginning to think that Putin is playing the Western lefty media like a violin. We are getting story after story about how the Russkies are floundering against the plucky brave Ukrainians.
I don’t think he has even begun what he intends, the longer the western media paints the Russian army as failing the less chance of the Western armed forces being dragged in giving him time to bring the Ukrainian government to its knees and to the negotiating table to concede to Russia. Thus saving men, equipment and World status at the same time.
Every day that passes without UN opposition hands over more power to Putin. He has no need to rush things whatsoever.
The US are well aware that they cannot move militarily until there is a genocidal level event and Putin will avoid that. Plus Putin now knows that under Biden, the US is unlikely to be dragged into another far-flung dogged war they have little chance of winning. Basically to Biden, the Ukrainians should expect no more help from the US than the Afghans did.
The UK media are falling over themselves to paint Putin as an isolated old fool detached from reality, I think nothing is further from the truth. There is no way he would have been totally unopposed as the Russian leader for years if that were the case.
Never in my life have I thought that there was a realistic chance of a nuclear strike on the UK, yet this afternoon as Putin puts his strategic nuclear missiles on ‘special alert – the highest level possible for no good reason I feel threatened as never before.
The big issue here is that at this level the command launches every single missile Russia has at every target, and if the West has any bottle it responds in kind.
I wasn’t born at the time of the Cuban missile crisis although at primary school it still echoed in the playground, yet the BBC and BLiar sold us a complete lie about a “peace dividend” and encouraged successive governments to spend money not on the military but on rainbow flags, importation of Jihadis and other total crap which has made our lives worse not bette.
So now it appears there is no civil defence plan because the left were too concerned with peace studies and telling everyone we were really all the same and that the world was too connected for a serious conflict ever to happen again, and they believed their own propaganda to such an extent many of the bomb shelters were sold off, or converted into archive storage, and now we have nothing at all in most cities and towns.
Even the emergency air raid sirens appear to have been removed and I cannot think of a more fitting tribute to the brave people of Ukraine than sounding the air raid sirens to give people an experience of what they are going through and to bring it home to the indolent soft British people what they might have to and the raw emotions that can bring.
Probably be told it would trigger too many snowflakes and goodness knows what they would be like if were ever stood next to someone with a live rifle firing at an enemy!
We now need to quickly offer Putin a get out – an inducement to withdraw from Ukraine without too much humiliation. Saying that the sanctions stay regardless is not going to end the conflict nor the slaughter.
The world needs to act with offers of reward in exchange for peace and withdrawal, or we might all end up in the same position of the Ukrainians, or even worse God forbid.
At least with nuclear war it’s over pretty quickly – unless it’s limited and the fallout kills us . I reckon there have been a number of times since cuba that we have got near to a nuclear exchange – whether intended or accidental ….
Hell of a way to end this woke madness though ….
Just another black swan event ( one some knew could happen but one which most denied – see 9/11 – covid )
A nuclear close call is an incident that could have led to at least one unintended nuclear detonation or explosion. These incidents typically involve a perceived imminent threat to a nuclear-armed country which could lead to retaliatory strikes against the perceived aggressor. The damage caused by international nuclear exchange is not necessarily limited to the participating countries, as the hypothesized rapid climate change associated with even small-scale regional nuclear war could threaten food production worldwide—a scenario known as nuclear famine.[1]
Yep – happy days – the EU has closed airspace to Aeroflot . I was at an airport 3 days ago queuing to check in . The Aeroflot checkin was next door – the Russians queuing were busily avoiding eye contact …
Now they will be spending more money and time getting too and from the motherland … about time – need more of that of stuff – although the Russians have a long tradition of suffering …
Traditional applause is being discouraged at Oxford University’s Student Union events, as students vote to replace ‘triggering’ clapping with jazz hands.
“Switzerland is looking into tightening these measures, which could include freezing assets of the individuals — but a decision hasn’t been made yet, according to Bollinger. Instead, Switzerland could also decide to just prevent fresh money from being paid into the accounts or impose additional reporting requirements.”
Saudi Arabia possesses around 17 per cent of the world’s proven petroleum reserves. The oil and gas sector accounts for about 50 per cent of gross domestic product, and about 70 per cent of export earnings. Apart from petroleum, the Kingdom’s other natural resources include natural gas, iron ore, gold, and copper.
And the reserves of the Socialist Venezuela ? It has even more than Saudi at 18.2%, and yet even with that vast amount of wealth it’s a country in deepest poverty with fighting in the streets because it caught Socialism and has not been able to recover.
Venezuela is an object lesson in the Toxic history of Socialism, the most evil ideology the world has ever known.
Starving Venezuelans are told to breed and eat RABBITS and accept ‘they are not pets but two-and-a-half kilos of meat’ Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro has invented a ‘rabbit plan’ where he is encouraging residents to start viewing rabbits as protein instead of pets in order to tackle the country’s food shortage.14 Sept 2017
They phrase it like it’s cause for celebration. They are heroes.
But I don’t actually see any of those small boats to justify their achievement. Just a Lifeboat – which is supposed to be waiting to save the lives of the people who paid for it – and which you couldn’t sink if you tried.
The BBC are the enemy within.
I wonder if the RNLI are getting secret funding or backhanders from the government.
The suicide bomber who killed 22 people at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester last year had been rescued from the Libyan civil war by the Royal Navy. Salman Abedi detonated a home-made bomb in the foyer of the Manchester Arena on 22 May 2017 as concert-goers, many of them children, were leaving the venue.31 Jul 2018
German army used broomsticks instead of guns during training
A German battalion assigned to Nato’s rapid response force used broomstick handles instead of guns on a joint exercise due to chronic equipment shortages
Harper has summed up new evidence and modern discourse to interpret disease and climate change as important drivers of political collapse, in addition to the traditional discourse about political decisions, social weakness, and barbarian pressure. He describes a Roman climatic optimum from about 200 BCE to 150 CE, when lands around the Mediterranean were generally warm and well-watered. This made agriculture prosperous, army recruitment easy, and the collection of taxes straightforward. From 150 to 450, the climate entered a transitional period, in which taxes were less easy to collect and bore more heavily on the working population. After about 450, the climate worsened further in the Late Antique Little Ice Age that may have directly contributed to the variety of factors that brought Rome down.[20] The Roman Empire was built on the fringes of the tropics. Its roads and its pirate-free seas, which produced an abundance of trade, also unknowingly created an interconnected disease ecology that unleashed the evolution and spread of pathogens.[21] Pandemics contributed to massive demographic changes, economic crises, and food shortages in the crisis of the third century.[22] [23][24]
From 376, massive populations moved into the Empire, driven by the Huns who themselves may have been driven by climate change in the Eurasian steppe,[1][25] These barbarian invasions led ultimately to barbarian kingdoms over much of the former territory of the Western Empire. But the final blow came only with the Late Antique Little Ice Age and its aftermath,[20] when Rome was already politically fragmented and materially depleted.[26]
“As a native Bulgarian, who paid attention in history class at school I am considered pro Putin, when I dare to say any of the truths that were mentioned by the brilliant Mr. Starkey. Knowing history is indeed giving a damning sense of powerlessness in situations like the one we are all in right now. Thank you Mr. Starkey for this short and realistic evaluation!”
There we go. This is how WW3 starts and shows us what this is all about. If they had an Army, they would be preparing to send it.
Ukraine are not in the EU or NATO. Russia could interpret this as an act of war now that war has actually broken out.
I freely concede Putin is a brutal man. Russia is a place where only the most brutal make it to the top. But the EU (led by Germany) have forced his hand on this by luring Ukraine to join the EU. They gambled it wouldn’t go this far and they lost. They absolutely knew what having Ukraine in NATO and the EU would mean to Russia. It’s not much different from the Cuban missile crisis in reverse.
I hope that Russia cut the country along the Dneiber, set up defensive positions and all the fighting stops. They are certainly trying to minimise civilian casualties. If Putin decides to take all of the Ukraine, things might get very bad. The EU have already decided the Western half is theirs.
And then maybe I will be spared this barrage of WW2 style propaganda we are getting.
“Turkey, which is a Nato ally but is also dependent on Russia for energy and tourism, had previously called Russia’s attack unacceptable but stopped short of calling the situation a war.”
The Korea–Russia Friendship Bridge (Korean: 조선 로씨야 우정의 다리 Chosŏn–Rossiya Ujŏngŭi Dali, Russian: Мост Дружбы, romanized: Most Druzhby) is a rail bridge over the Tumen River. It was commissioned in 1959 as a replacement for a temporary wooden bridge.[1] It is the sole crossing point on the 17 km long North Korea–Russia border. Planks are laid between the tracks making crossing of road vehicles possible by special arrangement, but it is primarily a rail bridge.[2] The tracks are dual gauge because the Russian railroad system uses a track gauge of 1,520 mm (4 ft 11+27⁄32 in) while the North Korean system uses 1,435 mm (4 ft 8+1⁄2 in). The bridge is served by the Khasan railway station on Russian soil and Tumangang Station on the North Korean side of the river.
In October 2017 a fiber optic cable running across the bridge provided North Korea with an additional connection to the global Internet through Russia’s TransTelekom provider, a subsidiary of Russian national railway operator Russian Railways.[3] It allows the country to be less dependent on its primary internet connection through China Unicom (similarly running over the Sino-Korean Friendship Bridge), after it was the target of a DDoS attack during the 2017 North Korea crisis.[4]
I never paid much attention to them until Brexit. Then, when I did, I realised many things which I suppose I already knew, but which had never gelled into conscious thought.
“Kyiv totally surrounded, mayor says, blocking escape routes
Kyiv’s mayor has been speaking to the Associated Press and says the city is now “encircled” by Russian forces.”
“One Country, Two Systems: In mainland China, the Tiananmen Square massacre never happened; in formerly British Hong Kong, the university has a famous statue commemorating Tiananmen Square, the Pillar of Shame …oh, no, wait, the authorities have removed it.
One System, Two Countries: in one China the Uighurs get slaughtered and Hong Kongers lose their rights and scientists get disappeared if they tell the truth about Covid.
And in another China, in five weeks’ time, the world’s athletes will be flying in for the Winter Olympics as if it’s perfectly normal to be ice-dancing and curling and two-man luging to advance the prestige of Chairman Xi as his ugly dictatorship tightens its grip as the world’s dominant power.”
Wonder if putin will trigger instability in Russia as the currency tanks ( pun) – will soros pop up and do to Russia what he did to the UK ?
Will a dead currency really affect the average Russian ? How self sufficient is Russia ? Might hurt if there no I-phones I guess …
Japan airline flies right over Russia from Europe
I guess that’s cos Japan isn’t boycotting Russia.
Germany is still funding Putin as they hand over cash for gas everyday.
Boycotting sounds easy, but the west is well plugged into Russia
so it’s like a 3 years old trying to boycott their Mum and Dad.
Have any of those wealthy ‘outrage ‘ comedians started doing bad taste Ukraine jokes yet ? ( I didn’t want to mention their names )….
….it’s as inevitable as the celebs demanding money from poorer people and a rock concert staring all the current rock stars like – er – mm – er ?
Milk-shaking (or throwing any vessels of unknown liquids over politicians) should be classed as terrorism. And I’m sure it would be if the Right were doing it to the Left.
Repulsive Jo should have been instantly sacked and the BBC publicly distance itself from what she said with an immediate apology.
As Russian troops pushed into Ukraine on Thursday, viewers of the RT news channel learned a new vocabulary.
Rather than an invasion, the Russian actions were described on air as a “special military operation”. Instead of seizing territory from another nation, viewers were told that troops were trying to “liberate” land from Ukraine on behalf of two Russian-backed breakaway states.
“Even when individual authors do not adhere to the bias of AP Style, it often doesn’t matter. If they submit an article to a mainstream media outlet, they will likely see their words edited to conform. A pro-life author who submits a piece taking a position against abortion will see the words ‘pro-life’ changed to ‘anti-abortion,’ because the AP Stylebook instructs, ‘Use anti-abortion instead of pro-life and pro-abortion rights instead of pro-abortion or pro-choice.’ It goes on, ‘Avoid abortionist,’ saying the term ‘connotes a person who performs clandestine abortions.’”
“Words related to terrorism are sanitized in the AP (Associated Press) Stylebook. Militant, lone wolves or attackers are to be used instead of terrorist or Islamist. ‘People struggling to enter Europe’ is favored over ‘migrant’ or ‘refugee.’ While it’s true that many struggle to enter Europe, it is accurate to point out that they are, in fact, immigrants or refugees.”
Two New Totalitarian Movements: Radical Islam and Political Correctness {gatestoneinstitute aug2017}
Marky – I’ve been describing the ( sick ) fun to be had watching RT and reversing everything they say to get to the truth . My favourite was a consistent claim that Ukrainian forces were using human shields – which instantly became ‘that’s what the Russians were doing ‘….
The DT today carried a piece about the chief RT mouthpiece – Rory Suchet – of the media family – trying to figure out how someone so privileged could sell his soul to the devil –
But then I realised this is just the same as any journo working for the enemy BBC ….
Evgeny Alexandrovich Lebedev, Baron Lebedev[1] (Russian: Евгений Александрович Лебедев, tr. Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Lebedev,[a] pronounced [ɪ̯ɪvˈɡʲenʲɪɪ̯ ˈlʲebʲɪdʲɪf]; born 8 May 1980) is a Russian-British businessman, who owns Lebedev Holdings Ltd, which owns the Evening Standard, The Independent and the TV channel London Live. He is the son of former KGB officer Alexander Lebedev.
In July 2020, Lebedev was nominated for a life peerage by UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, a move that drew criticism.[3][4] Lebedev has sat in the House of Lords as a crossbench life peer since 19 November 2020.[5] Lebedev was supported at his House of Lords introduction ceremony by Lord Clarke and Lord Bird.[6] His full title is Baron Lebedev, of Hampton in the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames and of Siberia in the Russian Federation.[7]
Six oligarchs who made their gold in the post-Soviet space and have been markedly opaque about Vladimir Putin have been markedly generous to the Conservative Party and/or Boris Johnson personally. They are, in alphabetical order: Vladimir Chernukhin and his wife Lubov, Viktor Fedetov, Alexander Lebedev and his son Lord Evgeny Lebedev, and Alexander Temerko. In plain English, they have all had snow on their boots.
Lord Lebedev Crossbench 2:29 pm, 12th May 2021
My Lords, for every one of us, it is a moving moment when we join this House. When we promise to be faithful and to bear true allegiance we know the pledge we make. We are making a vow to maintain this country’s freedoms and to keep our institutions strong. We are offering diligence and independence as we accept our duties as legislators. We are taking our place in the long line of those who have defended the values of our nation.
I am so grateful for the welcome that I have received from every Member. I did not take that warmth for granted. I am particularly grateful to my supporters, the noble Lords, Lord Bird and Lord Clarke, and to Black Rod and all the members of her staff for their help.
I will also be able to teach the House how to make a small fortune: start with a very large fortune, and then buy a newspaper. Lord Thomson of Fleet is quoted as describing television as a licence to print money. Newspaper publishing also seems like printing money—and then giving it away outside Tube stations. Luckily, I passionately believe in the contribution that the press makes to public life. The cause of freedom is very dear to me, and one I want to champion in this House.
I was raised here for a large part of my life, went to state school and consider myself British, but I am also Russian, which means that I can never be casual about liberty, free speech or the rule of law. Freedom of expression needs its champions. In the post-war era it has rarely been as under assault as it is now. I intend to join hands with noble Lords who can see that and are determined to fight it. A democratic, liberal nation, strong, healthy and free: I pledge that everything I do in this House will be to defend and further these principles.
Lord Lebedev
Crossbench Peer
Fedup2Mar 10, 13:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Yeah – whatever – give her the TTK 2 year prison penalty – she is obviously not ‘approved ‘…
harry142857Mar 10, 13:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Commission is commission. ——————————————- Mother convicted of not paying TV Licence after death of unborn son. mother who did not…
Fedup2Mar 10, 13:17 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two days running the DT has done a long piece on BBC news / funding – the first one is…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 13:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I completely agree with you . But what puzzles me is , if those of us who are of a…
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 12:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Tower Bridge has been shut down after a man has climbed the railings. Emergency services at to the scene. Ban…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:50 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dorset, 3 weeks after Southport — “Man ‘obsessed with Southport killings’ stabbed girl, 9, in the neck as she played…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:44 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Party atmosphere on R5 just now — Naga, whose real name is Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah, is away but Leila Nathoo…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “41% of London residents were born outside the UK, according to the 2021 Census. This is much higher than the…
Why not satiate your desire to kill by counting the number of day time adverts where there isn’t a ‘whistling ‘ chorus – particularly on ‘sell your car ‘ type adverts ….
…it’s as common as a coloured male -white (blond ) female which seems the advertisers’ fantasy ….
By the way – The sheer number of advert breaks on GBNews radio drove me up the wall whilst overseas –
– and all they do is pump out adverts for GBNews programmes similarly to those self serving embarrassing adverts the BBC does claiming it is unbiased –
I thought adverts were not allowed to tell lies
Still better than BBC bongo bongo AKA the world service
“If you tell Google that you would like to see images of ‘Black men’ the images that come up are all portrait photos of black men. Indeed, it takes more than a dozen rows of images before anybody who isn’t black comes up in the images. By contrast a search for ‘White men’ first throws up an image of David Beckham – who is white – but then the second is of a black model. From there every line of five images has either one or two black men in the line-up. Many of the images of white men are of people convicted of crimes with taglines such as ‘Beware of the average white man’ and ‘White men are bad’.”
― Douglas Murray, The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race and Identity
Read more quotes from Douglas Murray
The oddest advert shown often is where everyone appears to smiling all the time whilst making preparations for cremation – how disturbingly apt.
Amazon – Knee Pads ad with priest and imam
This must be a clever way to assassinate Putin, by getting him to laugh himself to death. Well done Q.
Russia has spent years preparing for this moment.
In 2014, when Russian troops moved into Crimea, annexing part of Ukraine, it provoked a first round of international sanctions. And that taught Moscow an important lesson.
Since then it’s been setting up defences, moving away from relying on the dollar, and trying to sanction-proof the Russian economy.
President Putin may be betting that he can withstand sanctions for longer than the West assumes.
Russia and China have agreed to develop shared financial structures to deepen economic ties in a way that will not be affected by pressure of third countries following talks between the top leaders, Russian media outlet RT reported on Wednesday.
The move will help both countries deter the threat of the US government’s long-arm jurisdiction based on the US dollar denominated international payment network, experts said.
By Global Times
Published: Dec 17, 2021 12:47 AM
“What that said to me was politically, Putin was not on board with them banning crypto because, in fact, he wanted crypto to be a part of Russia’s mainstream finance or at least an alternative to mainstream finance,” he said.
Marky – the other thing – speaking out of ignorance here – is thar russia has a shed load of money in its banks together with all that oil and gas money coming in each day –
– bet it won’t be too difficult to buy it’s ‘way around sanctions ….
According to a BBC interviewee earlier, Russia’s “shed load” (approx 600 Billion $) is in foreign banks…………
Methinks they might well have moved to somewhere safer by now – the Swiss are amoral so it’s probably there …
I think it’s more than that number …
Swiss to tighten measures targeting Russia — but not yet freeze individual assets
Government says it’s still deciding on further steps.
The government in Moscow has also taken initial steps to create its own system of international payments, in case it gets cut off from Swift – a global financial messaging service which is overseen by the major Western central banks.
And it has been cutting the size of its budget – prioritising stability over growth.
That has meant the Russian economy has grown at an average of less than 1% a year over the past decade. But it may have become more self-reliant in the process.
So how is Germany paying for Russian gas at the moment?
Tricky – but the new German leader has said they’ll now send military weapons to the Ukraine – via Holland ?
I reckon the real pain is when all Russian aircraft are banned in Europe – America et al …
I’m back in the bunker because Russia as upped the nuclear threat thing – my foil hat will help –
With sausages.
“Channel migrants: Four boats with 132 people make the crossing”
Are these genuine refugees escaping from from the Ukraine ?
Poor soul likely needs to get Femi’s agent to handle all the U.K. ‘war’ reporters in line.
Bit like ” The Antiques Road Show.” BUT you
can’t really blame the news department. The women
and Clive Myrie are being very brave being in
KEEEEEEVE. They just do what BIG BROTHER from
the diversity department of the BBC tells them to do.
And there was at least one pale stale male on the 1PM
news today . Sunday is usually near to 90% women’s
day on the BBC when it comes to news presentation
and reporting. So even seeing one pale stale male was
a bonus.
If you want to see the view of St Mark’s cathedral from the roof of a hotel, they are doing a great job. Real journalists would go to the front line and actually report on what is happening.
Meanwhile in the real world, we have real problems, whoopie can denigrate the holocaust and keep her job but….
“Isle of Wight council leader, 58, is facing calls to resign amid furious racism row as she denies owning ‘golliwog dolls’ that were spotted in background of picture at her home”
I read the story of the IOW councillor and first thought it was a spoof, upon realising that there are actually human beings out there who would viciously pile in on such a flimsy pretext convinces me that there is something seriously wrong with the mental equilibrium of the majority of younger people in the West. By younger I mean born post 1960.
Hey! I was born post 1960 digg (am sure many others here were too), the real watershed comes around 1980 (roughly the beginning of the ‘millennial’ generation), about the time mum’s stopped being full-time mums, divorce became the norm, and they clearly started adding something (female hormones?) to the water, or the milk, or something!
A few other things that ended in the 1980s and hence shaped future generations: the cane, or slipper at school, teachers who voted Tory, o-levels (as opposed to piddling easy GCSEs where anyone with two brain cells gets an A*), university grants, apprenticeships, kids playing outdoors in all weathers (and all day long), fights in the playground (and outdoors) that ended in blood and tears (and teachers/parents just saying “boys will be boys”), anyone ever ‘winning’ at any sport, exam, test, game, competition whatsoever (everyone is ‘special’, everyone is ‘unique’, everyone is ‘beautiful’ – hence ‘snowflake’), bullying, bulldog, grazed knees, and hurty words in the school playground, homes without central heating and double glazing as the ‘norm’, homemade leftover soup, bubble and squeek, or sausage sandwiches for tea, being scared of your dad (and his belt), and your mum (and her wooden spoon)… am sure there’s plenty more.
I don’t understand (and generally can’t stand) the millennial snowflakes, and nor do most of my generation, and we certainly wouldn’t employ them out of choice – I blame the ‘boomer’ generation: a. for actually having them, and b. for turning them into what they are.
On the plus side, Gen Z (our offspring) seem to be growing up less whiny and entitled (so far).
I know someone who has (or had, haven’t seen them in a decade+) ‘gollywog’ dolls, they were black though… so, I guess that’s okay then?
I have one of those cast iron negro money boxes on prominent display. You know, you put the coin on the negro’s outstretched tongue and he swallows it.
The reason I have it is because it reveals to me if any guest is woke, because they invariably react to it in some way. I am then be able to tell them to fuck off out of my house and don’t come back.
Piers Morgan: “President Biden is showing about as much will to square up to Putin as a timid tadpole confronted by a great white shark.”
Let us not forget that the great hypocrite Piers Morgan championed Joe Biden after falling out with Donald Trump. He needs to apologise for doing this before he makes these glib criticisms.
Putin orders his nuclear arms to go up a notch in readiness. Given that things in Ukraine don’t appear to be going to plan for him this isn’t a surprising move. Probably trying to get the West to pressure the Ukrainians into accepting an outcome which saves his face.
Regardless he has condemned millions of Snowflakes to hiding under the bed whilst they have nervous breakdowns.
Funny really – watching RT – you get the feeling quite a few appearing there – both Russians and foreign prostitutes – just have not got their hearts in the Putin regime propaganda .
Obviously you’ve got the fully bought Russians who lie lie and lie but that’s just the USSR popping up again …
… meanwhile – the list of countries cancelling RT is getting longer ….
I agree. I looked at RT out of curiosity and the presenters were doing a lot of hesitating, being unclear and giving a lot of guilty looks.
It is hard to determine truth regarding the situation in Ukraine.
But I came across this charge that the BBC is using fake footage when covering the war.
”The BBC has been caught presenting video of a military parade fly-by as footage of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Full Fact confirmed that the video broadcast on the Breakfast programme yesterday as showing the invasion was in fact 2020 footage of a fly-past as part of a parade in May 2020.”
I am confident that Marianna thingy will fact check her bosses.
EU good.
UK bad.
Omission is the greatest LIE – BBC tool.
At 430 pm Sunday the Moscow millionaires ( Chelski) play the Liverpool reds in a soccer game .
At the start the Russian team will kneel for’ social justice ‘- meanwhile their paymasters are killing Ukrainians ….
Just a thought ….
And the Russian owner of chelski is attempting to prevent is club / company from being hit by sanctions by putting it into the hands of ‘trusties ‘ – right comrades ….
“Biden has made an ‘enormous mistake,’ handed Putin financial power.”
“They (Biden administration) are doing everything to HELP Putin rather than hurt him.”
Biden should be tried for treason and hung from the nearest lamp post.
Chelsea football club – tanks for football shirts!
I am beginning to think that Putin is playing the Western lefty media like a violin. We are getting story after story about how the Russkies are floundering against the plucky brave Ukrainians.
I don’t think he has even begun what he intends, the longer the western media paints the Russian army as failing the less chance of the Western armed forces being dragged in giving him time to bring the Ukrainian government to its knees and to the negotiating table to concede to Russia. Thus saving men, equipment and World status at the same time.
Every day that passes without UN opposition hands over more power to Putin. He has no need to rush things whatsoever.
The US are well aware that they cannot move militarily until there is a genocidal level event and Putin will avoid that. Plus Putin now knows that under Biden, the US is unlikely to be dragged into another far-flung dogged war they have little chance of winning. Basically to Biden, the Ukrainians should expect no more help from the US than the Afghans did.
The UK media are falling over themselves to paint Putin as an isolated old fool detached from reality, I think nothing is further from the truth. There is no way he would have been totally unopposed as the Russian leader for years if that were the case.
Wearing my general Fedup hat – putin has put in ROE to limit death and damage on Ukraine .
This is because in his script he is liberating Russian territory not destroying it .
Whether this can be maintained if Russian losses mount is another question
Putin can’t withdraw – if he does he would get ‘retired ‘ ….
It is very cold in Ukraine at the moment. …
Never in my life have I thought that there was a realistic chance of a nuclear strike on the UK, yet this afternoon as Putin puts his strategic nuclear missiles on ‘special alert – the highest level possible for no good reason I feel threatened as never before.
The big issue here is that at this level the command launches every single missile Russia has at every target, and if the West has any bottle it responds in kind.
I wasn’t born at the time of the Cuban missile crisis although at primary school it still echoed in the playground, yet the BBC and BLiar sold us a complete lie about a “peace dividend” and encouraged successive governments to spend money not on the military but on rainbow flags, importation of Jihadis and other total crap which has made our lives worse not bette.
So now it appears there is no civil defence plan because the left were too concerned with peace studies and telling everyone we were really all the same and that the world was too connected for a serious conflict ever to happen again, and they believed their own propaganda to such an extent many of the bomb shelters were sold off, or converted into archive storage, and now we have nothing at all in most cities and towns.
Even the emergency air raid sirens appear to have been removed and I cannot think of a more fitting tribute to the brave people of Ukraine than sounding the air raid sirens to give people an experience of what they are going through and to bring it home to the indolent soft British people what they might have to and the raw emotions that can bring.
Probably be told it would trigger too many snowflakes and goodness knows what they would be like if were ever stood next to someone with a live rifle firing at an enemy!
We now need to quickly offer Putin a get out – an inducement to withdraw from Ukraine without too much humiliation. Saying that the sanctions stay regardless is not going to end the conflict nor the slaughter.
The world needs to act with offers of reward in exchange for peace and withdrawal, or we might all end up in the same position of the Ukrainians, or even worse God forbid.
At least with nuclear war it’s over pretty quickly – unless it’s limited and the fallout kills us . I reckon there have been a number of times since cuba that we have got near to a nuclear exchange – whether intended or accidental ….
Hell of a way to end this woke madness though ….
Just another black swan event ( one some knew could happen but one which most denied – see 9/11 – covid )
A nuclear close call is an incident that could have led to at least one unintended nuclear detonation or explosion. These incidents typically involve a perceived imminent threat to a nuclear-armed country which could lead to retaliatory strikes against the perceived aggressor. The damage caused by international nuclear exchange is not necessarily limited to the participating countries, as the hypothesized rapid climate change associated with even small-scale regional nuclear war could threaten food production worldwide—a scenario known as nuclear famine.[1]
Yep – happy days – the EU has closed airspace to Aeroflot . I was at an airport 3 days ago queuing to check in . The Aeroflot checkin was next door – the Russians queuing were busily avoiding eye contact …
Now they will be spending more money and time getting too and from the motherland … about time – need more of that of stuff – although the Russians have a long tradition of suffering …
Police who staged a mock attack featuring a bomber shouting “Allahu Akbar” have been forced to apologise for stereotyping.
The exercise – criticised for using a fake “Muslim terrorist” – was to test the response of emergency services.
Eight hundred volunteers took part in the overnight drill to make it as realistic as possible.
I wonder if they suggested what sort of ‘play’ terrorist should be used to role play a non stereo typical terrorist …?
A nun maybe ?
Traditional applause is being discouraged at Oxford University’s Student Union events, as students vote to replace ‘triggering’ clapping with jazz hands.
Students at the University of Oxford have voted to replace noisy appreciation with the British Sign Language equivalent – a wave of both hands.
What a bunch of total frigging idiots.
A lesson from David Starkey Putin‘s Power & Western Impotence.
This expands on what he was saying on the Mark Steyn show last week (37 mins).
“Free speech, and freedom of thought, is the foundation of what we are.”
– David Starkey
David Starkey exposes Extremist Hasan (calls Hasan a liar, Anna Soubry tries her best to talk some nonsense)
Channel 4 will show Threads every other day to cheer us up.
Thousands of Russians flee to US to escape conscription amid Ukraine war
Exclusive: Opponents of Vladimir Putin flying to Mexico with the hope of crossing the border to claim political asylum
“Switzerland is looking into tightening these measures, which could include freezing assets of the individuals — but a decision hasn’t been made yet, according to Bollinger. Instead, Switzerland could also decide to just prevent fresh money from being paid into the accounts or impose additional reporting requirements.”
Lots of brief cases full of high value notes floating around Europe at the moment methinks …
Russians (and cash) are under the bed.
Inside Roman Abramovich’s £340m property portfolio – including £200m of homes in London
Roman Abramovich is known for his huge sums of investment into Chelsea FC over the years, but the Russian oil mogul also has a taste for a luxury home, as shown by his £340m property portfolio
Public debt 7.7% of GDP
Ranked 143th. 88.7% of GDP
Ranked 19th. 12 times more than Russia
Unemployment rate 5.5%
Ranked 83th. 8%
Ranked 51st. 45% more than Russia
Saudi Arabia possesses around 17 per cent of the world’s proven petroleum reserves. The oil and gas sector accounts for about 50 per cent of gross domestic product, and about 70 per cent of export earnings. Apart from petroleum, the Kingdom’s other natural resources include natural gas, iron ore, gold, and copper.
And the reserves of the Socialist Venezuela ? It has even more than Saudi at 18.2%, and yet even with that vast amount of wealth it’s a country in deepest poverty with fighting in the streets because it caught Socialism and has not been able to recover.
Venezuela is an object lesson in the Toxic history of Socialism, the most evil ideology the world has ever known.
Starving Venezuelans are told to breed and eat RABBITS and accept ‘they are not pets but two-and-a-half kilos of meat’ Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro has invented a ‘rabbit plan’ where he is encouraging residents to start viewing rabbits as protein instead of pets in order to tackle the country’s food shortage.14 Sept 2017
BBC phrasing is hilarious.
Fleeing war torn France?
They phrase it like it’s cause for celebration. They are heroes.
But I don’t actually see any of those small boats to justify their achievement. Just a Lifeboat – which is supposed to be waiting to save the lives of the people who paid for it – and which you couldn’t sink if you tried.
The BBC are the enemy within.
I wonder if the RNLI are getting secret funding or backhanders from the government.
About us
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.
The suicide bomber who killed 22 people at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester last year had been rescued from the Libyan civil war by the Royal Navy. Salman Abedi detonated a home-made bomb in the foyer of the Manchester Arena on 22 May 2017 as concert-goers, many of them children, were leaving the venue.31 Jul 2018
At least BBC reported it ~
Most other media don’t have a story
Twitter “Those crossing the channel are illegal economic immigrants
Those from Ukraine are war refugees”
“We spend 80% of our budget on two things – NHS and pensions.”
I’ve got so much respect for old timers like Starkey.
German army used broomsticks instead of guns during training
A German battalion assigned to Nato’s rapid response force used broomstick handles instead of guns on a joint exercise due to chronic equipment shortages
By Justin Huggler
18 February 2015 • 3:56pm
Harper has summed up new evidence and modern discourse to interpret disease and climate change as important drivers of political collapse, in addition to the traditional discourse about political decisions, social weakness, and barbarian pressure. He describes a Roman climatic optimum from about 200 BCE to 150 CE, when lands around the Mediterranean were generally warm and well-watered. This made agriculture prosperous, army recruitment easy, and the collection of taxes straightforward. From 150 to 450, the climate entered a transitional period, in which taxes were less easy to collect and bore more heavily on the working population. After about 450, the climate worsened further in the Late Antique Little Ice Age that may have directly contributed to the variety of factors that brought Rome down.[20] The Roman Empire was built on the fringes of the tropics. Its roads and its pirate-free seas, which produced an abundance of trade, also unknowingly created an interconnected disease ecology that unleashed the evolution and spread of pathogens.[21] Pandemics contributed to massive demographic changes, economic crises, and food shortages in the crisis of the third century.[22] [23][24]
From 376, massive populations moved into the Empire, driven by the Huns who themselves may have been driven by climate change in the Eurasian steppe,[1][25] These barbarian invasions led ultimately to barbarian kingdoms over much of the former territory of the Western Empire. But the final blow came only with the Late Antique Little Ice Age and its aftermath,[20] when Rome was already politically fragmented and materially depleted.[26]
As both Russia and Ukraine command clout in global trade flows of grain and vegetable oil, rising uncertainty in the region around port closures and blockages on vessel navigation are expected to keep prices of commodities such as sunflower oil, corn and wheat elevated in the near term.
“As a native Bulgarian, who paid attention in history class at school I am considered pro Putin, when I dare to say any of the truths that were mentioned by the brilliant Mr. Starkey. Knowing history is indeed giving a damning sense of powerlessness in situations like the one we are all in right now. Thank you Mr. Starkey for this short and realistic evaluation!”
The EU is taking the unprecedented step of sending arms to Ukraine following Russia’s invasion
There we go. This is how WW3 starts and shows us what this is all about. If they had an Army, they would be preparing to send it.
Ukraine are not in the EU or NATO. Russia could interpret this as an act of war now that war has actually broken out.
I freely concede Putin is a brutal man. Russia is a place where only the most brutal make it to the top. But the EU (led by Germany) have forced his hand on this by luring Ukraine to join the EU. They gambled it wouldn’t go this far and they lost. They absolutely knew what having Ukraine in NATO and the EU would mean to Russia. It’s not much different from the Cuban missile crisis in reverse.
I hope that Russia cut the country along the Dneiber, set up defensive positions and all the fighting stops. They are certainly trying to minimise civilian casualties. If Putin decides to take all of the Ukraine, things might get very bad. The EU have already decided the Western half is theirs.
And then maybe I will be spared this barrage of WW2 style propaganda we are getting.
“Turkey, which is a Nato ally but is also dependent on Russia for energy and tourism, had previously called Russia’s attack unacceptable but stopped short of calling the situation a war.”
The Korea–Russia Friendship Bridge (Korean: 조선 로씨야 우정의 다리 Chosŏn–Rossiya Ujŏngŭi Dali, Russian: Мост Дружбы, romanized: Most Druzhby) is a rail bridge over the Tumen River. It was commissioned in 1959 as a replacement for a temporary wooden bridge.[1] It is the sole crossing point on the 17 km long North Korea–Russia border. Planks are laid between the tracks making crossing of road vehicles possible by special arrangement, but it is primarily a rail bridge.[2] The tracks are dual gauge because the Russian railroad system uses a track gauge of 1,520 mm (4 ft 11+27⁄32 in) while the North Korean system uses 1,435 mm (4 ft 8+1⁄2 in). The bridge is served by the Khasan railway station on Russian soil and Tumangang Station on the North Korean side of the river.
In October 2017 a fiber optic cable running across the bridge provided North Korea with an additional connection to the global Internet through Russia’s TransTelekom provider, a subsidiary of Russian national railway operator Russian Railways.[3] It allows the country to be less dependent on its primary internet connection through China Unicom (similarly running over the Sino-Korean Friendship Bridge), after it was the target of a DDoS attack during the 2017 North Korea crisis.[4]
Yes you have it in a nutshell, the west think they have a god given right to be right and it ain’t so!
So many self important priggs in the West!
One car takes up one car park space
But Lewisham Council decided to have 130 different prices depending on how “green” the car is
Still has BBC pension and gifts?
Danny Baker fired by BBC over royal baby chimp tweet
Published9 May 2019
Times for a cull at Lewisham methinks before the lunatics take over the asylum.
Lefty communication is so often HATEY
and like a school bully gang… nasty
Core Lefty characteristics: shallow, greedy, nasty, spiteful.
I never paid much attention to them until Brexit. Then, when I did, I realised many things which I suppose I already knew, but which had never gelled into conscious thought.
“Kyiv totally surrounded, mayor says, blocking escape routes
Kyiv’s mayor has been speaking to the Associated Press and says the city is now “encircled” by Russian forces.”
“One Country, Two Systems: In mainland China, the Tiananmen Square massacre never happened; in formerly British Hong Kong, the university has a famous statue commemorating Tiananmen Square, the Pillar of Shame …oh, no, wait, the authorities have removed it.
One System, Two Countries: in one China the Uighurs get slaughtered and Hong Kongers lose their rights and scientists get disappeared if they tell the truth about Covid.
And in another China, in five weeks’ time, the world’s athletes will be flying in for the Winter Olympics as if it’s perfectly normal to be ice-dancing and curling and two-man luging to advance the prestige of Chairman Xi as his ugly dictatorship tightens its grip as the world’s dominant power.”
Get used to the New World Order or get lost!
You will be happy **
** Happiness to be defined by top leaders and Bill Gates.
Wonder if putin will trigger instability in Russia as the currency tanks ( pun) – will soros pop up and do to Russia what he did to the UK ?
Will a dead currency really affect the average Russian ? How self sufficient is Russia ? Might hurt if there no I-phones I guess …
Russia will become a green icon of self sufficiency?
I reckon that if this goes wrong for Putin, he will quickly disappear.
Soros won’t get a look-in.
Brussels to Toykyo via Russia.
Japan airline flies right over Russia from Europe
I guess that’s cos Japan isn’t boycotting Russia.
Germany is still funding Putin as they hand over cash for gas everyday.
Boycotting sounds easy, but the west is well plugged into Russia
so it’s like a 3 years old trying to boycott their Mum and Dad.
Sanctions hit really hard ….. after the war has ended.
Tonights TV
As ever on a Sunday’s there’cs lot of Climate Alarmism
There’s Attenborough on BBC1 and Chris Packham on BBC2
9pm ITV last episode where the baddies are white supremacists.
And the UK left the EU to remove red tape.

Have any of those wealthy ‘outrage ‘ comedians started doing bad taste Ukraine jokes yet ? ( I didn’t want to mention their names )….
….it’s as inevitable as the celebs demanding money from poorer people and a rock concert staring all the current rock stars like – er – mm – er ?
Jo Brand battery acid joke ‘went too far’, BBC rules
Published29 August 2019
** no consequences.
Milk-shaking (or throwing any vessels of unknown liquids over politicians) should be classed as terrorism. And I’m sure it would be if the Right were doing it to the Left.
Repulsive Jo should have been instantly sacked and the BBC publicly distance itself from what she said with an immediate apology.
In the future wars with Russia – how do you protect miles of wind farms from attack?
As Russian troops pushed into Ukraine on Thursday, viewers of the RT news channel learned a new vocabulary.
Rather than an invasion, the Russian actions were described on air as a “special military operation”. Instead of seizing territory from another nation, viewers were told that troops were trying to “liberate” land from Ukraine on behalf of two Russian-backed breakaway states.
“Even when individual authors do not adhere to the bias of AP Style, it often doesn’t matter. If they submit an article to a mainstream media outlet, they will likely see their words edited to conform. A pro-life author who submits a piece taking a position against abortion will see the words ‘pro-life’ changed to ‘anti-abortion,’ because the AP Stylebook instructs, ‘Use anti-abortion instead of pro-life and pro-abortion rights instead of pro-abortion or pro-choice.’ It goes on, ‘Avoid abortionist,’ saying the term ‘connotes a person who performs clandestine abortions.’”
“Words related to terrorism are sanitized in the AP (Associated Press) Stylebook. Militant, lone wolves or attackers are to be used instead of terrorist or Islamist. ‘People struggling to enter Europe’ is favored over ‘migrant’ or ‘refugee.’ While it’s true that many struggle to enter Europe, it is accurate to point out that they are, in fact, immigrants or refugees.”
Two New Totalitarian Movements: Radical Islam and Political Correctness {gatestoneinstitute aug2017}
Marky – I’ve been describing the ( sick ) fun to be had watching RT and reversing everything they say to get to the truth . My favourite was a consistent claim that Ukrainian forces were using human shields – which instantly became ‘that’s what the Russians were doing ‘….
The DT today carried a piece about the chief RT mouthpiece – Rory Suchet – of the media family – trying to figure out how someone so privileged could sell his soul to the devil –
But then I realised this is just the same as any journo working for the enemy BBC ….
Time for the new thread …
Evgeny Alexandrovich Lebedev, Baron Lebedev[1] (Russian: Евгений Александрович Лебедев, tr. Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Lebedev,[a] pronounced [ɪ̯ɪvˈɡʲenʲɪɪ̯ ˈlʲebʲɪdʲɪf]; born 8 May 1980) is a Russian-British businessman, who owns Lebedev Holdings Ltd, which owns the Evening Standard, The Independent and the TV channel London Live. He is the son of former KGB officer Alexander Lebedev.
In July 2020, Lebedev was nominated for a life peerage by UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, a move that drew criticism.[3][4] Lebedev has sat in the House of Lords as a crossbench life peer since 19 November 2020.[5] Lebedev was supported at his House of Lords introduction ceremony by Lord Clarke and Lord Bird.[6] His full title is Baron Lebedev, of Hampton in the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames and of Siberia in the Russian Federation.[7]
Six oligarchs who made their gold in the post-Soviet space and have been markedly opaque about Vladimir Putin have been markedly generous to the Conservative Party and/or Boris Johnson personally. They are, in alphabetical order: Vladimir Chernukhin and his wife Lubov, Viktor Fedetov, Alexander Lebedev and his son Lord Evgeny Lebedev, and Alexander Temerko. In plain English, they have all had snow on their boots.
THEY WORK FOR YOU – ha ha ha
Lord Lebedev Crossbench 2:29 pm, 12th May 2021
My Lords, for every one of us, it is a moving moment when we join this House. When we promise to be faithful and to bear true allegiance we know the pledge we make. We are making a vow to maintain this country’s freedoms and to keep our institutions strong. We are offering diligence and independence as we accept our duties as legislators. We are taking our place in the long line of those who have defended the values of our nation.
I am so grateful for the welcome that I have received from every Member. I did not take that warmth for granted. I am particularly grateful to my supporters, the noble Lords, Lord Bird and Lord Clarke, and to Black Rod and all the members of her staff for their help.
I will also be able to teach the House how to make a small fortune: start with a very large fortune, and then buy a newspaper. Lord Thomson of Fleet is quoted as describing television as a licence to print money. Newspaper publishing also seems like printing money—and then giving it away outside Tube stations. Luckily, I passionately believe in the contribution that the press makes to public life. The cause of freedom is very dear to me, and one I want to champion in this House.
I was raised here for a large part of my life, went to state school and consider myself British, but I am also Russian, which means that I can never be casual about liberty, free speech or the rule of law. Freedom of expression needs its champions. In the post-war era it has rarely been as under assault as it is now. I intend to join hands with noble Lords who can see that and are determined to fight it. A democratic, liberal nation, strong, healthy and free: I pledge that everything I do in this House will be to defend and further these principles.
Lord Lebedev
Crossbench Peer