I found them woeful too, but that was in 1979. I remember being woken up on a flight from the USA to see if I wanted anything to help me sleep. Did they really give out drugs back then?
The ‘mock scenario’ exercise has been organised to make sure officers have training for real-life situations.
No further details on the location or timings have been revealed, but police say it’s not related to counter terrorism.
All three services involved and it’s not related to terrorism? There is plenty of speculation on twitter and other social media that this is in response to the Nuclear threats made by Vladimir Putin, although there probably wouldn’t be much of Manchester City centre left afterwards.
Having been to Manchester many times recently for work purposes, and witnessed the mess, endless roadworks, smell, and certain…..”cultures”……I can honestly say that this would be a waste of a nuclear bomb.
The delusional Imbecile thinks everything’s hunky dory really, but people just don’t realise it because of the “phenomenal negative psychological impact of Covid”. Or something.
Then he brags (lies) about his ‘achievements’. Unbelievable.
Twitter pushes this at me Entertainment · Trending
Readers react to journalist and author Carole Cadwalladr’s observations on the Russian invasion of Ukraine
Entertainment ?
A top of the page priority for me to see ?
Parliament today debate the ending of online anonymity
“it says that ID should be a legal requirement when someone is opening up a social media account.
As it stands, it has just under 700,000 signatures and received an increased wave of support following racial abuse of three England players at last summers Euros final.”
anonymity is a great thing ..it facilitates whistleblowers and free debate
I suspect Labour would like it to end so they can intimidate anyone who challenges green/lefty dogma
I guess the UK has no control over foreign accounts
so there will be a way around it, even if you have to use a VPN
irony is the petition is not a government one
It’s Change.org so will have many fake and foreign signers
“Most people are horrified and aghast at the prospect of nuclear war, even if carried out on a very limited scale in lowly-populated areas of Ukraine, Belarus and Russia. But increasingly, a number of Climate Change experts are speaking out and saying this is just what is required in order to help solve the Climate Crisis, which they admit is the real existential threat facing humanity. A new report, unpublished but seen exclusively by the BBC, suggests that a limited nuclear exchange could disrupt the World economy by up to 25%, reducing industrial activity and the production of greenhouse gases by a similar amount. The beneficial effects could be even greater, as Russia is one of the leading producers of the fossil fuels which are threatening all of us.
A new organisation – Extinction Promotion – has been setup to raise awareness of the idea. We understand it has already received substantial funding from a number of US-based Foundations, philanthropists and corporations, although none of these wish to be identifed at present. Their reticence is understandable, as public support for nuclear war is currently low, as it is seen to have “a poor reputation”. However, Extinction Promotion say this is just a matter of educating the public, and they see the matter as similar to BLM, Trans Rights and fighting Gender-based discrimination.
We will be meeting Extinction Promotion is a special edition of Panorama, to be shown on BBC 1 next Monday…”
Liz Truss has proved herself to be an emotionally unstable official when she said she would back anyone going from this country to fight in Ukraine.
Effectively she is thereby declaring personal war on Russia which is staggering for someone in her position as Foreign Secretary and especially given the volatile situation that the UK Government is facing.
We need to have a cull of these emotionally driven wallers and get some cool-thinking and hard-headed people at the top of our Government.
“Truss told BBC One’s Sunday Morning programme that she would “absolutely” back anyone wanting to volunteer to help the Ukrainians fighting for their freedom.
She said: “That is something people can make their own decisions about. The people of Ukraine are fighting for freedom and democracy, not just for Ukraine, but for the whole of Europe. Absolutely, if people want to support that struggle, I would support them in doing that.”
This appeared to run counter to advice on her department’s own website, which says those who travel to eastern Ukraine to “fight, or assist others engaged in the conflict” could be prosecuted on their return to the UK.”
It really makes you wonder how these fools get into power.
“If you travel to eastern Ukraine to fight, or to assist others engaged in the conflict, your activities may amount to offences against UK terrorism or other legislation and you could be prosecuted on your return to the UK.” https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/ukraine/safety-and-security
And don’t forget your vaccine certificate stating that you’ve been fully vaxed, complete with booster. Imagine if you had to bayonet someone or shoot them up close and you also gave them Covid? You’d never be able to live with yourself.
I thought I’d dig into al jaz for a change of news air . Guess what ? They found racism . Apparently there are ‘ were coloured students in Kiev – they were trying to get onto trains to get out of dodge –
But Ukrainian ‘security forces ‘ dragged them off to let Ukrainians get on … I’m sure if the BBC hasn’t got this already – it will ..
Also – it seems Ukraine has set up a ‘foreign legion ‘ presumably because of the dumb comments of the likes of the Foreign Secretary – ‘going tonto ‘….
Will Ryanair offer to take would be fighters to Kiev – and charge them extra for choice of seat and hold weapons / baggage ?
Al zap also suggests that Russians are increasing attacks on non military targets ( aka women and children ) to concentrate the minds of those attending peace talks – and that the head of the Russian delegation is a ‘no body ‘ …
Now back to climate change And An Alternative End Of The World …
TWatO Watch #1 – in which the BBC interview a KGB thug about another KGB thug
You do wonder about BBC connections. You also wonder about BBC loyalties and whether some of the presenters and journalists are actually Putin fans. For sure, some Beeboids are finding it impossible or are unwilling to pronounce Kyiv as Keeev. Mind you, I saw a fraction of the BBC’s dawn to dusk caterwauling TV over Ukraine yesterday at a friend’s house and some Beeboid was having trouble pronouncing Rosneft.
Back to TWatO, the Montacutie asked Andre Ilyanarov (probably got the name wrong) about what was going on in Putin’s head. Were we enlightened? Not much.
Apparently both Marks & Spencer and Waitrose are removing all existing stocks of a popular Ukrainian/Russian dish. New packets will be labelled ‘Chicken Keeeeeeeeeev’. Well, ‘Vegan Keeeeeeeeeeev’ in some cases.
Up2 – I listened to that – at the end they had some greenham loon on who could nt be shut up . I think she was meant to be talking about nuclear war / weapons but just did an embarrassing stream of thought thing .
Should civilisation survive the current crisis I reckon a lot more countries will be tooling up with nuclear weapons – nothing says ‘go away ‘ like the threat of thermo nuclear assault …..
And some project fear green crap report ( I think it’s called ‘we’re doomed ‘ ) isnt getting the undivided attention the msm would want ….
Extinction Rebellion Cambridge ‘oily spectres’ lead protest from University to oil company
Hundreds of protesters from Extinction Rebellion Cambridge formed an elaborate two-mile-long line from Senate House to the oil services company Schlumberger’s HQ this Saturday (February 26).
The line – made of plaits, hazard tape, banners, chalk, pedestrians and cyclists – is supposed to symbolise the “strong links” between the University of Cambridge and Schlumberger.
Protestors gathered at Senate House, before processing to the University Library, led by protesters dressed as ‘oily spectres’.
The action ended at Schlumberger on the University’s West Cambridge Site, with a symbolic cutting of the ties between the University and the world’s largest oilfield services provider.
Several groups took part in creating the line, and there were also speakers at the rally at Senate House.
This action follows on from the Schlumberger Out campaign launch, when fake oil was splattered across Senate House, along with messages reading “SCHLUMBERGER – CLIMATE KILLERS – CUT TIES NOW”.
And of course they got to the protest by transport using, directly or indirectly, the products of their ire. I’m sure the BBC will point that out to them/sarc
The bBC et al. will be greatly reassured to hear that wise counsel is forthcoming once the WEF has finalised its angle.
I admire enormously the extraordinary courage of the Ukrainian people. There are wider lessons to be learnt from what has happened and I and my Institute will return to these in due course –Tony Blair.
When the government tabled a report (14 pages thin) outlaying their "evidence" for invoking the act, they did not cite security or department or police intel. They cited a CBC story. https://t.co/VK2yBqCTzv 5/
Katherine Walker ITV local news
“as part of features for LGBT awareness month we talk about non-binary school children”
..Its #PRasNews for NGO called JustLikeUsUK
🗣️ Teachers are "crying out for the right resources" to help LGBT+ students, according to new research from @JustLikeUsUK
A report seen exclusively by @itvnews shows 8 in 10 teachers want more guidance around transgender issues.
Are we in LGBT+ Month already? My, how time flies. I thought we were still in Black History Month. Or was it Wimmin’s Month? Trans Month? Pride Month? Hijab Month?
Shame on you @Vlad LGBT+ awareness month is just finishing.
“March is Women’s History Month, Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, Endometriosis Awareness Month,
and Bi Health Awareness Month.
The first week of March is LGBT+ Adoption and Fostering week, and it’s also International Women’s Day on the 8th”
That’s funny, I thought it was the first month of Spring!
Do all these peculiar groups have names, like each storm that we always get around now?
Second question – are they all on benefits all the time, or does one of them have a token job, even with a local council or something? Does it pay the rest of the commune with turnips, vegan supplements and river water?
While the BBC is fully on board with Wokeism (Cultural Marxism), others are starting to wake up to its evils.
TREVOR KAVANAGH in today’s Sun:
“Ukraine has shown it’s no woke, wishy-washy West.”
“… We in Britain also need to wake up to the threat from woke — the abject handwringing by a generation with no experience of real hardship but obsessed with “safe spaces”.
Whitehall mandarins have utterly lost the plot. It is gobsmacking to learn that as Putin was preparing to invade, our secret service chiefs were busy learning about gender identity, trans-awareness and personal pronouns.
Putin and Chinese dictator Xi Jinping will have been watching the West’s long, slow slide into flabby decadence. Vlad the Invader must have assumed it was all there for the taking.
He now has no choice but to use whatever brutal means at his disposal — including the threat of nukes — to smash the courageous Ukrainian people and courageous president Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
His big mistake was the assumption that, as a newly created independent democracy, the people of Ukraine would be as weak, wish-washy and woke as the Nato and EU alliance they were so desperate to join.”
6pm BBC1 news. I don’t know if many black people live in Ukraine and I am happy to be corrected. At the station the BBC chose two people to interview. There was a young black man and an Indian doctor who had been working there. Maybe the bbc reporters guessed that Ukrainian wasn’t their first language.
Clive Myrie has just put his helmet on. Begs the question why he was earlier wearing his bullet proof vest and not a helmet.
The racist, sexist bbc are no doubt trawling the cities of Ukraine desperately looking for blacks, it truly is completely and utterly pathetic and racist. And no doubt a woman with a gun.
Sirens will be sounded around the cubicles and they will be dragged from wherever they are to be featured, photographed and fawned over.
While I accept that Putin is an aggressive person I believe his actions in Ukraine are aimed at protecting Russia. I think he can see the slow left wing creep of the EU and he decided the time had come to put the brakes on it.
I am also perturbed how the Wests response is so reminiscent of the events leading up to the US elections complete with all the vicious smears and cancelling.
I think there are forces at work behind the scenes at a Global level as Russia is the greatest threat to the unelected and faceless Globalist such as Soros who will drive the crushing of Putin as hard as they can as they have the West in their pockets now and Putin is the last major obstacle to their plans for World control.
I also don’t believe the stuff we are seeing in the MSM reflects the reality of what is really happening.
We are being led by the nose by the usual suspects and not least the appalling BBC who should be going after the truth but continue to be Soros’s and the UN’s mouthpiece.
The biggest danger is that if Putin realises he is on a hiding to nothing against these slimy globalists he may just crack and let Nuclear Armageddon loose as he has nothing to lose.
The onslaught of propaganda by the BBC is quite disturbing. It seems they now realise they don’t have to exercise any restraint at all in how slanted they are. They have learned that OFCOM will not confront them about it and Boris will keep his head down in the hope they are not nasty to him again.
A large percentage of their stories are absolutely irrelevant, emotional ‘victim’ pieces intended to sway your sympathies in the right direction. For example, considering everything going on, why would a pram being lifted over people heads in a train station be a front-page headline ?.
It is quite clear to me that if the whole of Ukraine is in the EU and NATO, Russia will suddenly find itself in a much worse situation and will suddenly have their potential enemy right on their doorstep. I am certain the EU have an eye on dominating the entire landmass eventually.
I find it extremely worrying that the EU are very publicly arming Ukraine. My big concern is that the EU push Putin too far and he really does think this is the last chance to save the future of Russia. They have none of the checks and balances of an elected government. They cannot be removed. God help us if they ever command their own Army.
The plan is to destroy Russia. It stands in the way of their grand plan. The interesting thing will be how China view this as they will be next in the list of targets for the globalists. A China – Russian pact might be likely and globally terrifying at the same time. In fact WW3 in full Technicolor. And the West would lose 100% sure but it might just save humanity as a whole from the lunatics in the UN.
The USA under Biden is a side show or rather a freak show.
Politics is a long, slow game and the replacement of Russia with a United States of Europe (but the power unchecked and unaccountable along the lines of the current EU) is the desired eventual result.
I really wonder what went on behind the scenes to put Ukraine in this position. I doubt we can even begin to imagine what plotting and corrupt promises went on. It was a gamble that Russia would let it happen and it failed.
Stand by for the fastest ever entry into the EU where we will see how how easy their rules change when it suits them.
vlad has watched with amusement the woke west starting to dismantle itself, watched europe refuse to enforce its own borders and invite terrorism into itself, watched china detonate a bio-bomb killing 6m without a word of denouncement , seen biden flee Afghanistan and inflate the value of russian fuel supplies
I dont think he would have to be mental to see now was a good time to roll the dice with minimum pushback.
I’ll be interested to see what impact, if any, the war in the Ukraine may have on the coming November elections in the United States and who may or may not benefit. Cui bono?
Thoughts anyone? After all, the timing is,shall we say, somewhat suspect.
Lefty – too early to assess – we may be in the early stages – whatever the outcome in Ukraine – Russia is in big economic trouble –
Let’s work on some assumptions –
1 no nuclear war and we continue to exist
2 putin remains in power
3 Russia does not implode because of economic strain
4 Ukraine continues to exist in some form
If 1-4 apply then – if the counting isn’t fixed again – the democrats will get destroyed in all but the big cities .
The difficulty is to assess the extent to which the average American either has knowledge of European matters – or even cares ….
If they consider success as an absence of American boys coming home in coffins -then it could be that the democrats fare better than expected – although domestic issues such as crime and the cost of gas might weigh more heavily than dead Ukrainians ….
But it’s still too early … and I think the vote will be fixed again …
Digg I don’t think Putin has any right to be in Ukraine proper at all.
He may have been irritated by the situation, but there was no genocide , no immediate danger to Russia.
You can’t go invading countries just cos you feel like it.
This war is foolhardy to attack a country of 40 million people who mostly don’t want you there.
It is different from when he attacked the rebel provinces an Crimea he could get away with that cos it was popular with a lot of locals.
Putin is one thing , Syria’s Assad family another, Soros is another thing
Soros restricts people’s freedoms, but hasn’t killed anyone
What does Christopher Hitchens think … “Islam makes one special claim for itself. All religions claim to be revealed truth. They are all founded by divine revelation. But Islam, rather dangerously says, ‘Ours (Islam Religion) is the last and final one’. There can’t be anymore after this. This is Gods last word. ” {youtube – Islam is Bullshit}
Somewhere, Hitchens also referred to islam claiming to be “the final revelation”, adding: ‘there’s something particularly chilling about that word ‘final”.
“An ex-BBC Radio 1 DJ tried to arrange sex with children as young as 12 in the Philippines, a court has heard.
Mark Page, who was on the station in the 1980s, “used charity and business as a cover” to meet youngsters, Teesside Crown Court heard.”
What is it with BBC youth presenters of yesteryear and kiddie fiddling?!
That’s YET ANOTHER from the era of my childhood convicted… the way it’s going they must ALL have been at it, and in cahoots…. and no one ‘knew anything about it’ – yeah, right!
There is that opinion that Russsia (with China) are the last ones not subject to the globalist / great reset agenda that manages to manipulate elections such as in the USA, that manages to suppress any dissent about a puppet president who is demonstrably incompetent to run a burger bar, hid any news about his corruption and the sexual perversions and drug taking of his son, yet allowed free reign to abuse the last incumbent for 4 years running:
“And there you have it!
Ukrainian MP ‘ We are fighting for the new world order’
And there you have it! Ukrainian MP ' We are fighting for the new world order' pic.twitter.com/ujS9XLzjbq
@Zephir just cos the heavily edited clip shows the Ukrainian MP saying she fights for “the New World Order” that doesn’t mean she supports some Bill Gates and Soros conspiracy.
Rather I expect she means she is fighting for western traditions against Soviet oppressive traditions.
Another observation about the Ukraine war is that if Putin does finally gain some semblance of victory, the more he destroys the more he has to rebuild. Sanctions are going to make that rebuilding very difficult, but how is the world going to treat Ukrainians who are now according to Russia, Russian citizens and come under the sanctions.
If he wins and withdraws then the West are going to be left with a big bill for reconstruction.
If, by some miracle, Ukraine has a happy ending, Biden will try to take credit for it.
The BBC, of course, will slavishly concur.
He will pose as the leader of the free world, who rallied the allies and stared-down Putin.
This would be a travesty of the truth: more than any man on the planet, Sleepy Joe emboldened Putin to attack Ukraine.
Economically, his disastrous energy policy of closing down the Keystone pipeline while green-lighting Nord Stream 2 had the dual effect of knobbling the West while boosting Russia by sending billions straight to Putin’s war chest. It made Europe dependent on Russian gas thereby weakening the threat of sanctions.
Militarily, his catastrophic surrender in Afghanistan no doubt further emboldened Putin.
And his multiple domestic failures would have further reinforced his image as a weak and vacillating leader.
Any eventual success in Ukraine will be primarily down to the Ukrainians’ heroic determination, and secondarily the West’s belated, just-in-time response. (It might be too late already.)
It will be despite Biden, not because of him, and he must never be allowed to claim otherwise. Nor his pals at the BBC.
Apparently (or not) the Russians have captured the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, 4th biggest in the world.
Naturally zero about it on the BBC..
“Russian setbacks could lead to more ruthless actions. Russia’s indiscriminate bombing campaign in Syria and, before that, Chechnya shows Russia under President Putin is more concerned about results than civilian casualties or international condemnation.”
It looks to me like Russia isn’t targeting civilians in Ukraine.
Trying to avoid them in fact.
If it was NATO invading, they would have had a 40 day bombing campaign before setting foot .
Bbc showing huge Russian column heading from the East towards kiev.
They don’t mention the Russians haven’t totally surrounded the city, but seemingly left one open corridor to the west for people to leave if they wish.
Eddy, I find it extraordinary to claim that Russian military is more civilised than NATO
The first is that it is the nature of military action that screwups happen
so when civilians are killed that doesn’t mean it was deliberate
Secondly any military can have individuals who go trigger happy.
But thirdly there is a streak of cavalierness in Russian military and Slavic culture that I don’t see in NATO
I can believe they would for some reasons attack civilian targets deliberately.
Yes sure NATO go for precision air attacks instead of endagering themselves by putting boots on the ground.
African armies seem to be grade of thuggishness higher than both.
The BBC appear to be taking an overwhelming interest in Algeria. Last week we had Ed Stourton’s series on the Algerian War of Liberation and its various aftermaths. This week, the Book at Bedtime is Kaouther Adimi’s book about a bookshop in Algiers.
There wouldn’t be an important Election coming up in France, would there?
The BBC wouldn’t be trying to influence the outcome of that Election, would they?
With the BBC, there is always an agenda. But it is 60 years since Algeria became independent from France and left the EU (strictly speaking, its predecessor the European Economic Community), so it’s a vaguely interesting topic. Initially there were pluses and minuses for the French – they lost the grapes (Algeria was at one time the world’s largest producer of grapes and wine), but were still allowed to test their nuclear devices in the Algerian desert until 1966. But clearly the Algerians maintain a great love and nostalgia for the French, which is why millions have colonised the old Mother country to try and make it more like home.
The definitive movie of that time remains ‘The Battle for Algiers’. A good and relatively balanced insight of how the French military operated then and how the Islamists operated then and now.
BBC update on the collapse of the trial of BLM activist Sasha Johnson.
“Our biggest challenge is the wall of silence we have faced when appealing for witnesses.”
“There were plenty of people there, yet many have not been willing to speak to us.”
Apparently witnesses are too scared of reprisals, and the ‘community’ aren’t too bothered about justice for Sasha. Perhaps police and prosecutors are afraid too, of wandering into that particular minefield.
lol, that’s exactly what I said the reason was in response to their original article.
They don’t consider themselves to be part of our country and they don’t consider our rules and laws apply to them.
That’s the reason they have so many problems with things like COVID rates but the hypocrite Left will never, ever admit it. It always has to be whiteys fault.
Sunday ; Simon Webb covered the horrific Billy Henham case
New Years eve 2020 he was murdered by a gang of thugs seemingly black and his body mutilated.
The trial has just finished
but how come no one ha heard of this case.
Strangely certain cases get the media “banging on treatment” but not this one
Webb says that i cos the victim is white probably homosexual and the perps black.
It’s not true that the BBC gave it zero coverage
each 3 months the BBC there would be a development like an extra person charged etc, The BBC local radio or BBC southeast would put up a story and tweet it.
Yet each tweet was hardly noticed, as if the story was getting zero broadcast time.
… https://youtu.be/hQR47xeUml0
Can you imagine in the weeks and months leading up to the Russian action in Ukraine, what the Russian agents embedded in the UK were sending back about the media’s priorities?
We forget that the Russians have already used WMD In the UK and no doubt have operators freely roaming our streets (no ID papers here folks) so the use of some form of WMD can be expected in Ukraine.
Like many say here the leftist West have brought this on themselves we did zilch after Russian spy’s walked into Salisbury with WMD and then laughed at us on TV.
Like I have said before if anything good comes from this war its the demise of the left, but I wouldn’t hold my breath the appeasers will be out in full force aided and abetted by the climate loons counting the cost of war on its impact on the environment.
This war would not have happened if Trump was in power end of, he would have called Putins bluff at the same time remaining in contact and building a rapour based on mutual admiration somthing that with Putin and Biden doesn’t exist.
So the leader of the free world, a responsibility that comes with the presidency is nowhere to be seen after his last attempt at a press conference.
Putin only fears the US military not the EU and he knows that Biden won’t under any circumstances put US troops on the ground or aircraft in the air. Meerly the threat that the US will assist the Ukranian miltary would have deterred Putin but the US under Biden didn’t have the balls to call him out.
In summary the root cause of this mess is the Western left.
Jill Biden blunder as First Lady introduces ‘President’ Kamala Harris
THE AMERICAN FIRST LADY passed off her fumble as a joke, although it’s not the first time Kamala Harris has been referred to as President.
Now digging up raving lefties from strange leftie organisations willing to slag off the government making completely out of context comments to the actual situation on the ground.
Sadly because of a nuclear threat, the world is between a brick and a hard spot…But of course the knobs at the BBC and the left conveniently ignore this point
In a few days the BBC will be fully blaming the UK government for the invasion.
BBC local news
item #3 “Here’s a clip of our best friend Labour MP Diana Johnson”
clip ” Prime Minister the people of the Humber are outraged that this Russian ship was docked at Goole yesterday”
FFS what grandstanding the people are not outraged
Russian ships dock at the wharves around the Humber every day, cos Britain buys things from Russia
These Russian sailors have done nothing to us.
You can’t really cancel that delivery straight away.
Look at Germany and the EU they are paying for Russian gas every day.
“rail fares go up to today… that’s bad for Climate Change”
I doubt a city that has a passenger rail system puts out much less C02 than one that doesn’t.
You can’t spend a £billion/year on rail without it having a big CO2 footprint.
The unicorn pyjamas and speak of the Devil edition
One looks to the media for news but all one finds is propaganda
The Labour-supporting, presumably still nostalgic for Tony Blair and his wars, Daily Mirror turns the propaganda up to eleven: ‘Putin thinks he’s a tough guy. He’s actually a coward who kills little girls in slippers and unicorn pyjamas. That’s why the world stands with Ukraine to… Fight for the innocents‘
OK, so the Mirror has told me what to think and more or less what to do… now how do they suggest I go about it? Maybe train female members of my family to use an AK47 just like they showed Ukrainian women doing last week? Because you can’t have it both ways. You can’t honestly praise women toting molotov cocktails one moment, then the very next moment condemn: ‘Putin bombs civilians‘ (‘i’)
It’s not just the left-leaning press – those titles who would flinch at the sight of a union flag suddenly brandishing the glorious national blue and yellow of Ukraine. The supposedly right-wingers display an astonishing degree of apparent naivety about how most of the non-western world is run: ‘…Putin’s inhumanity‘ (Daily Mail); ‘“Barbaric” strikes on Ukraine‘ (Times)
I’m guessing 75% or so of the world is not under the illusion of sheltered western idealistic unicorns and rainbows umbrella.
A certain grudging amount of kudos is due to the Guardian for their rather more reasoned – at least in headline – main news report: ‘Russia’s deadly raids defy sanctions and peace talks‘ – thank you Guardianistas for a headline refreshingly free of superlatives and exrtreme grandstanding shroud-waving moralising. It won’t last… next week they’ll be reporting on the climate. Or the NHS.
‘Fifa and Uefa ban Russian teams from all competitions‘ – judging by the picture of the Russian footballer the Gruan chooses that means even the women’s teams.
‘IPCC delivers “bleakest warning yet” on climate‘ (Guardian) – Speak of the Devil… See, I told you so.
‘Threat of “deadly heat” for 75pc of world‘ (Telegraph) – is there not some way they could share some of that warmth with us here in Britain?
‘UK helps Germany cut reliance on Russian gas‘ (Telegraph) – How so? Will we promise to frack them some gas? Because judging by my latest gas bill we’re a bit short on the energy supply side ourselves.
Let’s take a look at what news has been buried this week.
‘Highest rail fare rise in nine years takes effect… Regulated fares in England and Wales will rise by up to 3.8%‘ (BBC)
In London news – Labour leadership contender Little Man Khan couldn’t run a proverbial in a brewery – if it weren’t haram anyway: ‘Tube strike: London Underground hit by 24-hour walkout… First of two 24-hour strikes this week – the next one is on Thursday 3 March‘ (BBC)
‘Teacher portrayed Bin Laden as Mohammed… a Church of England teacher has been suspended‘ (Telegraph) – but didn’t the Al-Qaeda leader present himself as a kind of personification of The Prophet?
The school: ‘…apologised for what it called “totally inappropriate images” in a year 10 lesson last week. The school has faced a backlash from the Muslim community. A “concerned” pupil apparently complained about a picture of the Al-Qaeda terrorist leader next to a caption saying “Mohammed”‘ (Telegraph) – Oh, the humanity!
It might be safest not to bother kids with such tricky current political issues – just stick to the 3Rs.
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One of the top news stories from the bBC
British Airways passengers call airline ‘woeful’
I was about to say it must be a quiet news day, but don’t let us forget about Ukraine
Anyone would think BBCNews = BBC CAPAIGNING
1am @BBCBusiness #PRasNews tweet
British Airways passengers call airline ‘woeful’
7:59am @BBCNews tweet
British Airways passengers call airline ‘woeful’
9am @BBCLondonNews tweet
Do you know anyone hit by the British Airways cancellations and delays?
11am @BBCWalesNews tweet
Angharad Prys Evans said her experience with British Airways was ‘utterly disastrous’
I found them woeful too, but that was in 1979. I remember being woken up on a flight from the USA to see if I wanted anything to help me sleep. Did they really give out drugs back then?
Police and fire crews to flood Manchester city centre today in training exercise
The ‘mock scenario’ exercise has been organised to make sure officers have training for real-life situations.
No further details on the location or timings have been revealed, but police say it’s not related to counter terrorism.
All three services involved and it’s not related to terrorism? There is plenty of speculation on twitter and other social media that this is in response to the Nuclear threats made by Vladimir Putin, although there probably wouldn’t be much of Manchester City centre left afterwards.
Having been to Manchester many times recently for work purposes, and witnessed the mess, endless roadworks, smell, and certain…..”cultures”……I can honestly say that this would be a waste of a nuclear bomb.
Russian tanks stops to ask directions
..villagers swarm it.
Evening Standard also
.. Ukraine live: Footage emerges of heavy Russian losses in Kyiv suburb
.. https://youtu.be/6KWU0H0NeWk
White House, senators and generals question Putin’s mental health after two years of pandemic isolation
And after looking at Putins mental health, dont forget to look at Biden next
The delusional Imbecile thinks everything’s hunky dory really, but people just don’t realise it because of the “phenomenal negative psychological impact of Covid”. Or something.
Then he brags (lies) about his ‘achievements’. Unbelievable.
The caption says “Joe Biden is either ‘unhinged, confused or lying’”.
Might I suggest all three?
Twitter pushes this at me
Entertainment · Trending
Readers react to journalist and author Carole Cadwalladr’s observations on the Russian invasion of Ukraine
Entertainment ?
A top of the page priority for me to see ?
Parliament today debate the ending of online anonymity
“it says that ID should be a legal requirement when someone is opening up a social media account.
As it stands, it has just under 700,000 signatures and received an increased wave of support following racial abuse of three England players at last summers Euros final.”
anonymity is a great thing ..it facilitates whistleblowers and free debate
I suspect Labour would like it to end so they can intimidate anyone who challenges green/lefty dogma
I guess the UK has no control over foreign accounts
so there will be a way around it, even if you have to use a VPN
irony is the petition is not a government one
It’s Change.org so will have many fake and foreign signers
New presenter on Radio4 You and Yours
@NicolaBeckford The BBC Midlands local news presenter
Radio 4 Not Me Not Mine
Racist sexist bastards
Award winning she is, because she said on her twitter account
Russia: Nuclear forces on alert.
UN: don’t worry about that, we have a New report on global warming!
From a BBC reporter:
“Most people are horrified and aghast at the prospect of nuclear war, even if carried out on a very limited scale in lowly-populated areas of Ukraine, Belarus and Russia. But increasingly, a number of Climate Change experts are speaking out and saying this is just what is required in order to help solve the Climate Crisis, which they admit is the real existential threat facing humanity. A new report, unpublished but seen exclusively by the BBC, suggests that a limited nuclear exchange could disrupt the World economy by up to 25%, reducing industrial activity and the production of greenhouse gases by a similar amount. The beneficial effects could be even greater, as Russia is one of the leading producers of the fossil fuels which are threatening all of us.
A new organisation – Extinction Promotion – has been setup to raise awareness of the idea. We understand it has already received substantial funding from a number of US-based Foundations, philanthropists and corporations, although none of these wish to be identifed at present. Their reticence is understandable, as public support for nuclear war is currently low, as it is seen to have “a poor reputation”. However, Extinction Promotion say this is just a matter of educating the public, and they see the matter as similar to BLM, Trans Rights and fighting Gender-based discrimination.
We will be meeting Extinction Promotion is a special edition of Panorama, to be shown on BBC 1 next Monday…”
Liz Truss has proved herself to be an emotionally unstable official when she said she would back anyone going from this country to fight in Ukraine.
Effectively she is thereby declaring personal war on Russia which is staggering for someone in her position as Foreign Secretary and especially given the volatile situation that the UK Government is facing.
We need to have a cull of these emotionally driven wallers and get some cool-thinking and hard-headed people at the top of our Government.
“Truss told BBC One’s Sunday Morning programme that she would “absolutely” back anyone wanting to volunteer to help the Ukrainians fighting for their freedom.
She said: “That is something people can make their own decisions about. The people of Ukraine are fighting for freedom and democracy, not just for Ukraine, but for the whole of Europe. Absolutely, if people want to support that struggle, I would support them in doing that.”
This appeared to run counter to advice on her department’s own website, which says those who travel to eastern Ukraine to “fight, or assist others engaged in the conflict” could be prosecuted on their return to the UK.”
It really makes you wonder how these fools get into power.
“If you travel to eastern Ukraine to fight, or to assist others engaged in the conflict, your activities may amount to offences against UK terrorism or other legislation and you could be prosecuted on your return to the UK.”
Does it mention about travel insurance – you should always have travel insurance if you go to fight in another country’s war zone …
And don’t forget your vaccine certificate stating that you’ve been fully vaxed, complete with booster. Imagine if you had to bayonet someone or shoot them up close and you also gave them Covid? You’d never be able to live with yourself.
I thought I’d dig into al jaz for a change of news air . Guess what ? They found racism . Apparently there are ‘ were coloured students in Kiev – they were trying to get onto trains to get out of dodge –
But Ukrainian ‘security forces ‘ dragged them off to let Ukrainians get on … I’m sure if the BBC hasn’t got this already – it will ..
Also – it seems Ukraine has set up a ‘foreign legion ‘ presumably because of the dumb comments of the likes of the Foreign Secretary – ‘going tonto ‘….
Will Ryanair offer to take would be fighters to Kiev – and charge them extra for choice of seat and hold weapons / baggage ?
Al zap also suggests that Russians are increasing attacks on non military targets ( aka women and children ) to concentrate the minds of those attending peace talks – and that the head of the Russian delegation is a ‘no body ‘ …
Now back to climate change And An Alternative End Of The World …
TWatO Watch #1 – in which the BBC interview a KGB thug about another KGB thug
You do wonder about BBC connections. You also wonder about BBC loyalties and whether some of the presenters and journalists are actually Putin fans. For sure, some Beeboids are finding it impossible or are unwilling to pronounce Kyiv as Keeev. Mind you, I saw a fraction of the BBC’s dawn to dusk caterwauling TV over Ukraine yesterday at a friend’s house and some Beeboid was having trouble pronouncing Rosneft.
Back to TWatO, the Montacutie asked Andre Ilyanarov (probably got the name wrong) about what was going on in Putin’s head. Were we enlightened? Not much.
It’s not pronounced Keeev, it’s Ki(as in kit)yeev.
Apparently both Marks & Spencer and Waitrose are removing all existing stocks of a popular Ukrainian/Russian dish. New packets will be labelled ‘Chicken Keeeeeeeeeev’. Well, ‘Vegan Keeeeeeeeeeev’ in some cases.
Won’t be long before it’s renamed Chicken Moscow.
That’s how you spell it but as the natives pronounce it Keeev, that is good enough for me. 🙂
The natives would pronounce it Київ, as I put above phonetically.
Billy Connolly s’ twin brother ?
Up2 – I listened to that – at the end they had some greenham loon on who could nt be shut up . I think she was meant to be talking about nuclear war / weapons but just did an embarrassing stream of thought thing .
Should civilisation survive the current crisis I reckon a lot more countries will be tooling up with nuclear weapons – nothing says ‘go away ‘ like the threat of thermo nuclear assault …..
And some project fear green crap report ( I think it’s called ‘we’re doomed ‘ ) isnt getting the undivided attention the msm would want ….
A green loon “stream of thought”…now there’s a thing to behold, a pity I missed it.
I suspect more like a small puddle on its way to a drought.
I ofter wonder what is inside their head, two monkeys with a yo yo is my best estimation.
Come on you have to admire them for the sheer level of air headedness – models for female labour MPs – right ang ? Jess?
NOT while they get their views published and reported around the country while others are stifled and censored
Imran Khan and Putin, good pals.
Like attracts like.
Bearing in mind bbc Getty SOP, intriguing subtext.
Brave brilliant, and… endorsed by Springster.
Here we go again, the twats are out in force:
Extinction Rebellion Cambridge ‘oily spectres’ lead protest from University to oil company
Hundreds of protesters from Extinction Rebellion Cambridge formed an elaborate two-mile-long line from Senate House to the oil services company Schlumberger’s HQ this Saturday (February 26).
The line – made of plaits, hazard tape, banners, chalk, pedestrians and cyclists – is supposed to symbolise the “strong links” between the University of Cambridge and Schlumberger.
Protestors gathered at Senate House, before processing to the University Library, led by protesters dressed as ‘oily spectres’.
The action ended at Schlumberger on the University’s West Cambridge Site, with a symbolic cutting of the ties between the University and the world’s largest oilfield services provider.
Several groups took part in creating the line, and there were also speakers at the rally at Senate House.
This action follows on from the Schlumberger Out campaign launch, when fake oil was splattered across Senate House, along with messages reading “SCHLUMBERGER – CLIMATE KILLERS – CUT TIES NOW”.
And of course they got to the protest by transport using, directly or indirectly, the products of their ire. I’m sure the BBC will point that out to them/sarc
Schlumberger recruit from Cambridge Uni – is there a re- branded polytechnic or FE college involved?
The bBC et al. will be greatly reassured to hear that wise counsel is forthcoming once the WEF has finalised its angle.
The brass neck of Bliar continues to amaze!
“There are wider lessons to be learnt from what has happened”
You’d have thought that after all those years of trashing the UK, and helping everyone else to our wealth, that he’d learnt enough by now.
Dreadful bloke, but of course, a ‘goto’ by the leftie mob these days.
Poor Anthony – he thinks he is still the PM you know – just humour him and maybe he ll go away …..
Alex Belfield, since the Times hitjob has caved in and gone totally mild.
I’d check with Spingster but, well…
Katherine Walker ITV local news
“as part of features for LGBT awareness month we talk about non-binary school children”
..Its #PRasNews for NGO called JustLikeUsUK
Are we in LGBT+ Month already? My, how time flies. I thought we were still in Black History Month. Or was it Wimmin’s Month? Trans Month? Pride Month? Hijab Month?
So many causes, so few months.
Shame on you @Vlad LGBT+ awareness month is just finishing.
“March is Women’s History Month, Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, Endometriosis Awareness Month,
and Bi Health Awareness Month.
The first week of March is LGBT+ Adoption and Fostering week, and it’s also International Women’s Day on the 8th”
It’s also US Women’s History Month
That’s funny, I thought it was the first month of Spring!
Do all these peculiar groups have names, like each storm that we always get around now?
Second question – are they all on benefits all the time, or does one of them have a token job, even with a local council or something? Does it pay the rest of the commune with turnips, vegan supplements and river water?
Who pays for the 4×4 too…
While the BBC is fully on board with Wokeism (Cultural Marxism), others are starting to wake up to its evils.
TREVOR KAVANAGH in today’s Sun:
“Ukraine has shown it’s no woke, wishy-washy West.”
“… We in Britain also need to wake up to the threat from woke — the abject handwringing by a generation with no experience of real hardship but obsessed with “safe spaces”.
Whitehall mandarins have utterly lost the plot. It is gobsmacking to learn that as Putin was preparing to invade, our secret service chiefs were busy learning about gender identity, trans-awareness and personal pronouns.
Putin and Chinese dictator Xi Jinping will have been watching the West’s long, slow slide into flabby decadence. Vlad the Invader must have assumed it was all there for the taking.
He now has no choice but to use whatever brutal means at his disposal — including the threat of nukes — to smash the courageous Ukrainian people and courageous president Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
His big mistake was the assumption that, as a newly created independent democracy, the people of Ukraine would be as weak, wish-washy and woke as the Nato and EU alliance they were so desperate to join.”
Full article: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/17789544/ukraine-no-woke-wishy-washy-west-russia/
Him and Springster, on a desert island.
Who would eat who first?
What an a – hole ( edited by fed) Myrie is.
( please don’t be offensive to bottom parts – from 😎fed the Ed )
6pm BBC1 news. I don’t know if many black people live in Ukraine and I am happy to be corrected. At the station the BBC chose two people to interview. There was a young black man and an Indian doctor who had been working there. Maybe the bbc reporters guessed that Ukrainian wasn’t their first language.
Clive Myrie has just put his helmet on. Begs the question why he was earlier wearing his bullet proof vest and not a helmet.
Sopes do like a blonde.
The racist, sexist bbc are no doubt trawling the cities of Ukraine desperately looking for blacks, it truly is completely and utterly pathetic and racist. And no doubt a woman with a gun.
Sirens will be sounded around the cubicles and they will be dragged from wherever they are to be featured, photographed and fawned over.
While I accept that Putin is an aggressive person I believe his actions in Ukraine are aimed at protecting Russia. I think he can see the slow left wing creep of the EU and he decided the time had come to put the brakes on it.
I am also perturbed how the Wests response is so reminiscent of the events leading up to the US elections complete with all the vicious smears and cancelling.
I think there are forces at work behind the scenes at a Global level as Russia is the greatest threat to the unelected and faceless Globalist such as Soros who will drive the crushing of Putin as hard as they can as they have the West in their pockets now and Putin is the last major obstacle to their plans for World control.
I also don’t believe the stuff we are seeing in the MSM reflects the reality of what is really happening.
We are being led by the nose by the usual suspects and not least the appalling BBC who should be going after the truth but continue to be Soros’s and the UN’s mouthpiece.
The biggest danger is that if Putin realises he is on a hiding to nothing against these slimy globalists he may just crack and let Nuclear Armageddon loose as he has nothing to lose.
The onslaught of propaganda by the BBC is quite disturbing. It seems they now realise they don’t have to exercise any restraint at all in how slanted they are. They have learned that OFCOM will not confront them about it and Boris will keep his head down in the hope they are not nasty to him again.
A large percentage of their stories are absolutely irrelevant, emotional ‘victim’ pieces intended to sway your sympathies in the right direction. For example, considering everything going on, why would a pram being lifted over people heads in a train station be a front-page headline ?.
It is quite clear to me that if the whole of Ukraine is in the EU and NATO, Russia will suddenly find itself in a much worse situation and will suddenly have their potential enemy right on their doorstep. I am certain the EU have an eye on dominating the entire landmass eventually.
I find it extremely worrying that the EU are very publicly arming Ukraine. My big concern is that the EU push Putin too far and he really does think this is the last chance to save the future of Russia. They have none of the checks and balances of an elected government. They cannot be removed. God help us if they ever command their own Army.
The plan is to destroy Russia. It stands in the way of their grand plan. The interesting thing will be how China view this as they will be next in the list of targets for the globalists. A China – Russian pact might be likely and globally terrifying at the same time. In fact WW3 in full Technicolor. And the West would lose 100% sure but it might just save humanity as a whole from the lunatics in the UN.
The USA under Biden is a side show or rather a freak show.
Exactly my thoughts.
Politics is a long, slow game and the replacement of Russia with a United States of Europe (but the power unchecked and unaccountable along the lines of the current EU) is the desired eventual result.
I really wonder what went on behind the scenes to put Ukraine in this position. I doubt we can even begin to imagine what plotting and corrupt promises went on. It was a gamble that Russia would let it happen and it failed.
Stand by for the fastest ever entry into the EU where we will see how how easy their rules change when it suits them.
vlad has watched with amusement the woke west starting to dismantle itself, watched europe refuse to enforce its own borders and invite terrorism into itself, watched china detonate a bio-bomb killing 6m without a word of denouncement , seen biden flee Afghanistan and inflate the value of russian fuel supplies
I dont think he would have to be mental to see now was a good time to roll the dice with minimum pushback.
I’ll be interested to see what impact, if any, the war in the Ukraine may have on the coming November elections in the United States and who may or may not benefit. Cui bono?
Thoughts anyone? After all, the timing is,shall we say, somewhat suspect.
Lefty – too early to assess – we may be in the early stages – whatever the outcome in Ukraine – Russia is in big economic trouble –
Let’s work on some assumptions –
1 no nuclear war and we continue to exist
2 putin remains in power
3 Russia does not implode because of economic strain
4 Ukraine continues to exist in some form
If 1-4 apply then – if the counting isn’t fixed again – the democrats will get destroyed in all but the big cities .
The difficulty is to assess the extent to which the average American either has knowledge of European matters – or even cares ….
If they consider success as an absence of American boys coming home in coffins -then it could be that the democrats fare better than expected – although domestic issues such as crime and the cost of gas might weigh more heavily than dead Ukrainians ….
But it’s still too early … and I think the vote will be fixed again …
Digg I don’t think Putin has any right to be in Ukraine proper at all.
He may have been irritated by the situation, but there was no genocide , no immediate danger to Russia.
You can’t go invading countries just cos you feel like it.
This war is foolhardy to attack a country of 40 million people who mostly don’t want you there.
It is different from when he attacked the rebel provinces an Crimea he could get away with that cos it was popular with a lot of locals.
Putin is one thing , Syria’s Assad family another, Soros is another thing
Soros restricts people’s freedoms, but hasn’t killed anyone
#ProphetMuhammad is trending
Why ?
Wot no cartoon ?
What does Christopher Hitchens think … “Islam makes one special claim for itself. All religions claim to be revealed truth. They are all founded by divine revelation. But Islam, rather dangerously says, ‘Ours (Islam Religion) is the last and final one’. There can’t be anymore after this. This is Gods last word. ” {youtube – Islam is Bullshit}
Somewhere, Hitchens also referred to islam claiming to be “the final revelation”, adding: ‘there’s something particularly chilling about that word ‘final”.
Clearly thinking of the Final Solution.
The Last Prophet…
The Mahdi
– see “The Siege of Mecca” 1979 audiobook free on YouTube…..
Ex-DJ Mark Page ‘arranged sex with Philippine children’
“An ex-BBC Radio 1 DJ tried to arrange sex with children as young as 12 in the Philippines, a court has heard.
Mark Page, who was on the station in the 1980s, “used charity and business as a cover” to meet youngsters, Teesside Crown Court heard.”
What is it with BBC youth presenters of yesteryear and kiddie fiddling?!
That’s YET ANOTHER from the era of my childhood convicted… the way it’s going they must ALL have been at it, and in cahoots…. and no one ‘knew anything about it’ – yeah, right!
Increase the BBC tax to cover court cases?
@BigBrotherCorporation said “convicted”
no, Mark Page’s trial has just started
The accusations seem pretty bad
but he has a right to a fair trial
Fair point Stew, and my error – everyone ought to have the right to a fair trial, sadly often forgotten in the heat of the moment (cf. David Starkey).
Things not looking too promising for Mr Page tho’ are they?
@Digg, JohnC
There is that opinion that Russsia (with China) are the last ones not subject to the globalist / great reset agenda that manages to manipulate elections such as in the USA, that manages to suppress any dissent about a puppet president who is demonstrably incompetent to run a burger bar, hid any news about his corruption and the sexual perversions and drug taking of his son, yet allowed free reign to abuse the last incumbent for 4 years running:
“And there you have it!
Ukrainian MP ‘ We are fighting for the new world order’
And the stupid tart doesn’t even know what the new world order actually means!
Ukrainian MP’s have the right to be every bit as thick as UK ones.
@Zephir just cos the heavily edited clip shows the Ukrainian MP saying she fights for “the New World Order” that doesn’t mean she supports some Bill Gates and Soros conspiracy.
Rather I expect she means she is fighting for western traditions against Soviet oppressive traditions.
Russian troops destroy Ukrainian dam that blocked water to Crimea – RIA
That dam smacked of medieval siege warfare – Crimea’s had to drill wells which dried up over the last two years at aiui considerable cost…
Another observation about the Ukraine war is that if Putin does finally gain some semblance of victory, the more he destroys the more he has to rebuild. Sanctions are going to make that rebuilding very difficult, but how is the world going to treat Ukrainians who are now according to Russia, Russian citizens and come under the sanctions.
If he wins and withdraws then the West are going to be left with a big bill for reconstruction.
I suspect the reason Russia are taking so many casualties is that they are trying to avoid mass destruction for that very reason.
If, by some miracle, Ukraine has a happy ending, Biden will try to take credit for it.
The BBC, of course, will slavishly concur.
He will pose as the leader of the free world, who rallied the allies and stared-down Putin.
This would be a travesty of the truth: more than any man on the planet, Sleepy Joe emboldened Putin to attack Ukraine.
Economically, his disastrous energy policy of closing down the Keystone pipeline while green-lighting Nord Stream 2 had the dual effect of knobbling the West while boosting Russia by sending billions straight to Putin’s war chest. It made Europe dependent on Russian gas thereby weakening the threat of sanctions.
Militarily, his catastrophic surrender in Afghanistan no doubt further emboldened Putin.
And his multiple domestic failures would have further reinforced his image as a weak and vacillating leader.
Any eventual success in Ukraine will be primarily down to the Ukrainians’ heroic determination, and secondarily the West’s belated, just-in-time response. (It might be too late already.)
It will be despite Biden, not because of him, and he must never be allowed to claim otherwise. Nor his pals at the BBC.
We won the argument, but I regret we didn’t convert that into a majority for change
Jeremy Corbyn
Apparently (or not) the Russians have captured the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, 4th biggest in the world.
Naturally zero about it on the BBC..
“Russian setbacks could lead to more ruthless actions. Russia’s indiscriminate bombing campaign in Syria and, before that, Chechnya shows Russia under President Putin is more concerned about results than civilian casualties or international condemnation.”
It looks to me like Russia isn’t targeting civilians in Ukraine.
Trying to avoid them in fact.
If it was NATO invading, they would have had a 40 day bombing campaign before setting foot .
Bbc showing huge Russian column heading from the East towards kiev.
They don’t mention the Russians haven’t totally surrounded the city, but seemingly left one open corridor to the west for people to leave if they wish.
Eddy, I find it extraordinary to claim that Russian military is more civilised than NATO
The first is that it is the nature of military action that screwups happen
so when civilians are killed that doesn’t mean it was deliberate
Secondly any military can have individuals who go trigger happy.
But thirdly there is a streak of cavalierness in Russian military and Slavic culture that I don’t see in NATO
I can believe they would for some reasons attack civilian targets deliberately.
Yes sure NATO go for precision air attacks instead of endagering themselves by putting boots on the ground.
African armies seem to be grade of thuggishness higher than both.
I do believe the US ran into certain dilemmas between conventional war (total vs. restricted) and big toy stuff in Vietnam.
Luckily things went better against the Sandy brigades.
Initially. Until the media got involved.
The BBC appear to be taking an overwhelming interest in Algeria. Last week we had Ed Stourton’s series on the Algerian War of Liberation and its various aftermaths. This week, the Book at Bedtime is Kaouther Adimi’s book about a bookshop in Algiers.
There wouldn’t be an important Election coming up in France, would there?
The BBC wouldn’t be trying to influence the outcome of that Election, would they?
Why, I do believe there is. And I do believe immigration and islam are two of the hot topics being fought over.
yah reckon?
With the BBC, there is always an agenda. But it is 60 years since Algeria became independent from France and left the EU (strictly speaking, its predecessor the European Economic Community), so it’s a vaguely interesting topic. Initially there were pluses and minuses for the French – they lost the grapes (Algeria was at one time the world’s largest producer of grapes and wine), but were still allowed to test their nuclear devices in the Algerian desert until 1966. But clearly the Algerians maintain a great love and nostalgia for the French, which is why millions have colonised the old Mother country to try and make it more like home.
The definitive movie of that time remains ‘The Battle for Algiers’. A good and relatively balanced insight of how the French military operated then and how the Islamists operated then and now.
BBC update on the collapse of the trial of BLM activist Sasha Johnson.
“Our biggest challenge is the wall of silence we have faced when appealing for witnesses.”
“There were plenty of people there, yet many have not been willing to speak to us.”
Apparently witnesses are too scared of reprisals, and the ‘community’ aren’t too bothered about justice for Sasha. Perhaps police and prosecutors are afraid too, of wandering into that particular minefield.
Diversity is our strength.
lol, that’s exactly what I said the reason was in response to their original article.
They don’t consider themselves to be part of our country and they don’t consider our rules and laws apply to them.
That’s the reason they have so many problems with things like COVID rates but the hypocrite Left will never, ever admit it. It always has to be whiteys fault.
Rog raking in the audience again.
Burn those hydrocarbons ( but not Russian ones )
Sunday ; Simon Webb covered the horrific Billy Henham case
New Years eve 2020 he was murdered by a gang of thugs seemingly black and his body mutilated.
The trial has just finished
but how come no one ha heard of this case.
Strangely certain cases get the media “banging on treatment” but not this one
Webb says that i cos the victim is white probably homosexual and the perps black.
It’s not true that the BBC gave it zero coverage
each 3 months the BBC there would be a development like an extra person charged etc, The BBC local radio or BBC southeast would put up a story and tweet it.
Yet each tweet was hardly noticed, as if the story was getting zero broadcast time.
… https://youtu.be/hQR47xeUml0
Dawn banging on about crims and stuff, he said, using his best Armstrong & Miller accent.
No mention of their shows being edited as yet on iPlayed.
Dawn also got a blue plaque. Ironically for not being of ex life and of color.
Can you imagine in the weeks and months leading up to the Russian action in Ukraine, what the Russian agents embedded in the UK were sending back about the media’s priorities?
OH that’s not the end ..there is another full hour next Sunday ..Part II
We forget that the Russians have already used WMD In the UK and no doubt have operators freely roaming our streets (no ID papers here folks) so the use of some form of WMD can be expected in Ukraine.
Like many say here the leftist West have brought this on themselves we did zilch after Russian spy’s walked into Salisbury with WMD and then laughed at us on TV.
Like I have said before if anything good comes from this war its the demise of the left, but I wouldn’t hold my breath the appeasers will be out in full force aided and abetted by the climate loons counting the cost of war on its impact on the environment.
This war would not have happened if Trump was in power end of, he would have called Putins bluff at the same time remaining in contact and building a rapour based on mutual admiration somthing that with Putin and Biden doesn’t exist.
So the leader of the free world, a responsibility that comes with the presidency is nowhere to be seen after his last attempt at a press conference.
Putin only fears the US military not the EU and he knows that Biden won’t under any circumstances put US troops on the ground or aircraft in the air. Meerly the threat that the US will assist the Ukranian miltary would have deterred Putin but the US under Biden didn’t have the balls to call him out.
In summary the root cause of this mess is the Western left.
God help us, could it get any worse ?
Jill Biden blunder as First Lady introduces ‘President’ Kamala Harris
THE AMERICAN FIRST LADY passed off her fumble as a joke, although it’s not the first time Kamala Harris has been referred to as President.
Kamala Harris is only ‘President’ in the sense that this stuff is.
Yes! Peak media…
That is not true- those Russian meerkats are KGB officers employed to undermine our morale through (tedious )humour . They even have a show on RT …
… truly … sometimes it is hard to work out just how infantilised the BBC will become ….
BBC ‘See What We Did There?’ News.
Social media headline: Article 5 of Nato’s constitution states that “an attack against one ally is considered an attack against all allies”.
Meanwhile, in the Moaning Emole…
Satellite images show a huge convoy of Russian armour – estimated at 40 miles long.
Pictured are tail to tail… trucks.
Mickey Mouse media.
Luckily they don’t have Meerkats, but Bob Di Nero…
“You see what’s happening in Ukraine now, you have to stand up and say ‘you can’t do that, it’s wrong’.”
Standing up.
Wonder if de Nero wants to punch out the false president like he wanted to with the true president – Trump ….
Bobby – you broke it -you fix it .
Nice to see some Americans have noticed Ukraine .
What a target that column is ….boom
Wildfires may slow recovery of ozone layer – study
“reports” the bBC
So MAY, but may not?
Another day same old sh-t from the BBC.
Now digging up raving lefties from strange leftie organisations willing to slag off the government making completely out of context comments to the actual situation on the ground.
Sadly because of a nuclear threat, the world is between a brick and a hard spot…But of course the knobs at the BBC and the left conveniently ignore this point
In a few days the BBC will be fully blaming the UK government for the invasion.
BBC local news
item #3 “Here’s a clip of our best friend Labour MP Diana Johnson”
clip ” Prime Minister the people of the Humber are outraged that this Russian ship was docked at Goole yesterday”
FFS what grandstanding the people are not outraged
Russian ships dock at the wharves around the Humber every day, cos Britain buys things from Russia
These Russian sailors have done nothing to us.
You can’t really cancel that delivery straight away.
Look at Germany and the EU they are paying for Russian gas every day.
Labour Front of House fave Stella has again got her infant out again for profile.
So far… #CCBGB
Maybe if they actually did MP stuff they would not come across as publicity hungry PR whores?
“rail fares go up to today… that’s bad for Climate Change”
I doubt a city that has a passenger rail system puts out much less C02 than one that doesn’t.
You can’t spend a £billion/year on rail without it having a big CO2 footprint.
The unicorn pyjamas and speak of the Devil edition
One looks to the media for news but all one finds is propaganda
The Labour-supporting, presumably still nostalgic for Tony Blair and his wars, Daily Mirror turns the propaganda up to eleven: ‘Putin thinks he’s a tough guy. He’s actually a coward who kills little girls in slippers and unicorn pyjamas. That’s why the world stands with Ukraine to… Fight for the innocents‘
OK, so the Mirror has told me what to think and more or less what to do… now how do they suggest I go about it? Maybe train female members of my family to use an AK47 just like they showed Ukrainian women doing last week? Because you can’t have it both ways. You can’t honestly praise women toting molotov cocktails one moment, then the very next moment condemn: ‘Putin bombs civilians‘ (‘i’)
It’s not just the left-leaning press – those titles who would flinch at the sight of a union flag suddenly brandishing the glorious national blue and yellow of Ukraine. The supposedly right-wingers display an astonishing degree of apparent naivety about how most of the non-western world is run: ‘…Putin’s inhumanity‘ (Daily Mail); ‘“Barbaric” strikes on Ukraine‘ (Times)
I’m guessing 75% or so of the world is not under the illusion of sheltered western idealistic unicorns and rainbows umbrella.
A certain grudging amount of kudos is due to the Guardian for their rather more reasoned – at least in headline – main news report: ‘Russia’s deadly raids defy sanctions and peace talks‘ – thank you Guardianistas for a headline refreshingly free of superlatives and exrtreme grandstanding shroud-waving moralising. It won’t last… next week they’ll be reporting on the climate. Or the NHS.
‘Fifa and Uefa ban Russian teams from all competitions‘ – judging by the picture of the Russian footballer the Gruan chooses that means even the women’s teams.
‘IPCC delivers “bleakest warning yet” on climate‘ (Guardian) – Speak of the Devil… See, I told you so.
‘Threat of “deadly heat” for 75pc of world‘ (Telegraph) – is there not some way they could share some of that warmth with us here in Britain?
‘UK helps Germany cut reliance on Russian gas‘ (Telegraph) – How so? Will we promise to frack them some gas? Because judging by my latest gas bill we’re a bit short on the energy supply side ourselves.
Let’s take a look at what news has been buried this week.
‘Highest rail fare rise in nine years takes effect… Regulated fares in England and Wales will rise by up to 3.8%‘ (BBC)
In London news – Labour leadership contender Little Man Khan couldn’t run a proverbial in a brewery – if it weren’t haram anyway: ‘Tube strike: London Underground hit by 24-hour walkout… First of two 24-hour strikes this week – the next one is on Thursday 3 March‘ (BBC)
‘Teacher portrayed Bin Laden as Mohammed… a Church of England teacher has been suspended‘ (Telegraph) – but didn’t the Al-Qaeda leader present himself as a kind of personification of The Prophet?
The school: ‘…apologised for what it called “totally inappropriate images” in a year 10 lesson last week. The school has faced a backlash from the Muslim community. A “concerned” pupil apparently complained about a picture of the Al-Qaeda terrorist leader next to a caption saying “Mohammed”‘ (Telegraph) – Oh, the humanity!
It might be safest not to bother kids with such tricky current political issues – just stick to the 3Rs.
The tabs have excelled. But a tab with added Piers… mental.