Interesting to note that the bbc have half a dozen or so “embedded” reporters in Ukraine at the moment, but Clive Myrie has headed North and is reporting from Poland. It’s obvious why he was chosen for the Ukraine gig, but I wonder if he received a reception which wasn’t “enriched, diverse and vibrant?” I’ve a fair idea that their sofa adverts don’t look like ours either. Here’s a question for those who insist on referring to “The Ukraine” – if the country is split either side of the Dnieper river, will we have “West the ukraine” and “East the ukraine”?
Bee lady interviews The Deputy PM ( not on holiday for this crisis ) – she is still kicking on about having a war with Russia – this time through a ‘no fly zone ‘ .
I wonder if the bee lady has mental issues ? The questions she asks suggests a less than forensic approach . She very quickly focused on the favourite of the BBC – ‘refugees ‘ – maybe Ukrainian ones should stay in the region rather than come to a non EU country like the UK .
The Bee lady didn’t ask about the most important thing of course – whether the PM should resign when the cake investigation is completed ……….
“Arguing with a leftist is like playing chess with a pigeon. You move, it knocks over the pieces, shits all over the board, then struts around like it won”
The likes of corbyn must be trying to work out how to justify his support for putin . Yesterday I wrote about some loon from CND who has been turning up on various channels screeching about nuclear weapons being ‘bad’.
I looked at her Google and it turns out she has been a friend of corbyn for many decades – I think she is also a member of the Labour Party as well as CND but no surprise there …
#Ukraine#Refugees@DominicRaab tells @bbcr4today he "can't comment on an individual case", the same case @YvetteCooperMP asked @pritipatel about. Patel commented (inaccurately) with the single word "Yes". Why can't Raab comment instead of resorting to a weasel lawyerly excuse?
I see that in the Times Brillo is calling for the BBC to be funded by a mix of subscription and compulsory tax. If you the want the whole stinking mess you pay a subscription on top of the compulsory tax which allows you access to the things commercial broadcasters don’t do!
Unfortunately I don’t take the Times any longer because of its anti Brexit stance so I don’t know any of the details .
But I take this as an indicator that the move amongst the Blobists, Brillo is certainly one,is that the days of the the License Fee are over and that they are looking for the best way to preserve the foghorn for the internationalists.
Options range from funding by general taxation to the Brillo model. They won’t accept a full subscription service because they think that this would mean that millions of folk would be entirely insulated from the propaganda of the international blob.
How long before we go the whole Orwell and be forced under pain of imprisonment to watch thirty minutes of BBC news every day?
The time for a mass campaign of civil disobedience is here , just refuse to pay the current license fee or any other license fee and make it plain to the politicians that any attempt to fund the foul corporation out general taxation will be big time vote loser.
Double – I think as real inflation bites in the coming year non payment of the tv tax will grow like a sage covid prediction – it won’t be a conscious decision to boycott the BBC though ….
BBC people don’t realise that the cost of a TV licence for a lot of people is a lot of money – they do see it as half a dozen taxi rides ….( I don’t use taxis )
I see the BBC continues to push the narrative. Every reporter and every story is about Women, of course women are suffering but the anti male BBC continues to use ill informed females because they aren’t men !!!
If this was a BBC series the Ukranian president would be a black female and the soldiers would be women.
Get into the real world BBC thousands of young MEN are dying on both sides in a needless war.
You might also note that thier comments on Putin are but a shadow of the vile disregard they had for Trump who if in power wouldn’t have let this situation develop.
So biassed and so incompetent, continue to push your hatred for men BBC it can only speed up your demise.
“If you travel to eastern Ukraine to fight, or to assist others engaged in the conflict, your activities may amount to offences against UK terrorism or other legislation and you could be prosecuted on your return to the UK.”
Same as Afghanistan : the people dying are men. But the BBC totally ignore that. It’s like their lives are not worth anything. Instead we get ‘touchy feely’ stories about prams being lifted over peoples heads. A story which is STILL on the front page.
The world is turning into a place I do not recognise. It is increasingly clear this is all part of the plan for the ‘New World Order’ with the Globalist Left in charge.
We’ve seen how that ends. Every time. Once they have the power it corrupts them absolutely and they begin to think the ends justify any means they decide are necessary to enforce it.
And why is NATO arming a non-NATO country ?. I can imagine Russia considering that an act of war.
I’m watching some apocalyptic sci-fi story unfold before my very eyes. Brave New World : here we come.
It’s starting to look like Ukraine has been setup as a honey trap to entice Putin, not that he’s a man who needs much in the way of enticement. The deaths of thousands of Ukrainians and Russians will matter not one jot in the eyes of the Globalists. As Soros himself stated in his interview in the 1990s on the ’60 Minutes’ programme: “I am basically there to make money. I cannot and do not look at the social consequences of what I do”.
It’s lucky that there are genda based air raid shelters isn’t it ?
Even war doesn’t make this woke crap redundant …. Yet ….
…and blame culture is in the air …. I think the thing that sums the BBC up is that press conference ( in Ukraine -last week? ) where nut nut got the first question from coonsberg about ‘when are you going to resign PM?’) ….. and now ?
Halifax-I was going to write a similar kind of comment
as yours. But in the end I thought it may of been a tad
too sarcastic. All I will say is that the diversity folk at
the BBC who are responsible for finding “extras” for
the ” Antiques Road Show” are having their work cut
out in Ukraine. Is that too facetious?
On a more serious note . Stalin and Berio must
be looking up at Putin from hell with perpetual
grins on their faces. And how proud Putin must
be for joining their club. By the way for those
that do not know six MILLION Ukranians died
during the famine that Stalin caused !!
Big headline:
‘Missile hits centre of Ukraines second biggest city’
First thought : are the BBC going to show us every bomb which goes off ?. Should keep them busy !.
Second thought : what is that building ?. It’s certainly not apartments or anything. Checking the web I discover it’s a government building – which the BBC didn’t tell us. So – in the context of the conflict – it’s a legitimate target.
Third : we get a big red screen at the start with ‘Warning : contains distressing images’. Suitably prepared I watched it. The missile hit then someone showed us a few blown out offices with lumps of concrete laying around. No blood, no bodies.
Then I check the ‘live feed’ and it’s propaganda line after proaganda line such as ‘Kharkiv attacks are state terrorism, says Zelensky’.
One thing is absolutely certain : if you want to know what is really going on in this war, the BBC is the last place to look.
At least the Russians can save on arty spotters with the help of the BBC telling them where the munitions land …..
Tricky one now for the BBC – Ukraine is asking to join the EU today – so does the BBC support it – ignore it – or just say ‘look squirrels ‘..
I don’t think putin could stand instant EU accession because he’d see it ( rightly ) as a stepping stone to NATO ….
Meanwhile Sweden and Finland must be busily filling in their NATO application forms ….
If you read my comments – Biden was always due to be ‘tested ‘ . I don’t think afgee qualifies because that was self inflicted . But the Washington swamp must be in full WTF ? Mode – worrying about whether joe will go off ‘autocue ‘ and set off WW3…..
I’ve seen more than enough about the Cuba crisis and I reckon this one is far more serious than that because there are far more dominoes which could fall so quickly .
Ash Wednesday tomorrow – let’s hope it’s ‘only ‘ a religious one …
By the way to all Happy St David’s 🌻couldn’t find a daff
On the world service this morning the BBC were seeking to elicit our sympathy for foreign students wanting to leave Ukraine. The Polish were being beastly turning back African students. But also the sad case of a 4th year Palestinian medical student who had successfully fled, but now faced the difficulty of finding some way to completing his degree. My thought was that instead of running he could have stayed & volunteered as a medic in gratitude for the hospitality he has had from Ukraine. He might even have been issued with a white helmet.
Quite – medical students running away from casualties isn’t exactly edifying is it – although it might depend on whether he really is a ‘medicsl ‘student .
From what I’ve seen of some third world NHS doctors I wonder if they are ‘real’ .
It was inevitable that the BBC would pick out a few coloureds in a white country -……
Meanwhile good news floats away – Sarff End getting to be a city – Charlie £ Windsor laying into putin –
– and yesterday news that Brompton is to build a big factory in `Kent ..
Has anyone else seen that doctor that pops up on GB News ? seemingly of Indian descent, his mile high front hair quiff would qualify to have its own Twatter account. Plonker.
There seems to be a trend developing on this site that, because it’s the BBC doing it, their reporting on the war must be wrong.
Much as I loathe the BBC, I see nothing wrong with detailing the tragedy unfolding – on the contrary.
Also, while it can be argued that the US, the EU and NATO have terribly mismanaged the whole issue of Ukraine and Russia for many years, the situation today is that a brutal dictator is attempting to crush a brave people heroically defending their homeland. If he gets away with it, who knows what he may be emboldened to do next – not to mention other bad actors watching and waiting in the wings.
China and Iran for a start.
I think u r wrong . There is no trend . However the angle the BBC takes can be predicted – in its ‘ anti british – anti nut nut view of the world .
It gives Biden a free pass . It was spending huge time of cakes rather than the build up in the last 2 weeks . Have you forgotten that?
It takes a stance to get a third world war going -which a no fly zone or direct hostility with NATO will lead to
You might also spot how risk averse the BBC is with its staff – already pulling Robinson out after doing his war tourism …
I also think you are wrong Vlad. I think it dates back to that treasonous snake Obama who was the worst President the USA has ever had, even worse than Biden, andn indeed there are many rumours it is Obama pulling Bidens strings even now, to the extent it is being called Obamas third term.
We know Obama agreed Russia could annex Crimea when he was caught on a hot Mic, and he made good on that by doing absolutely nothing. No surprise that when Putin took Donbass and Luhansk the West again did nothing, and he must have expected the same to happen when he went after the entire country.
This betrayal is not the only one the Obamessiah made of the USA, he also betrayed the 9/11 victims by promising Saudi he would ban them seeking legal restitution in return for Saudi allowing his Iranian nuclear deal to go ahead.
The problem with it is that the BBC cherry-pick things which suit their agenda and completely ignore things which are much more significant and important.
I still remember the ‘exclusive under-cover’ video from Afghanistan were air hostesses met in a secret safe-house to tell the BBC reporter how they received texts telling them not to go into work next week.
And now we have a pram being lifted over peoples heads in Ukraine.
Meanwhile far more terrible things from both theatres are being absolutely ignored because they don’t fit what the BBC want you to think is going on.
And it’s not just this, it’s every single thing they report on. As always with the BBC what they DON’T tell you is often more important than what they do. They freely lie by omission because it can’t be fact-checked.
I see exactly what you are perceiving Vlad and share your concern.
I too have commented on the likes of JohnC et al.
From what I can glean he and some others are afraid of what Putin will do if we make it difficult for him to achieve his ends. So never mind about the brave and innocent souls in Ukraine, we are safer to let Putin accomplish his goals, and should even justify them, if it avoids us being embroiled in it in the future.
I think Neville Chamberlain had similar fears which inspired him to find a ‘peaceful’ solution with Hitler. “Peace in our time”
I am aware you know little about me Fed and I have no intention to sharing my life details with you, but I know myself well enough to be sure I fight for what I believe is right.
Teddy – I am also aware you know little about me . I have never put details of my life on this site and never will – the jigsaw puzzle of putting bits together to get a true picture will never happen –
– after all – it’s meant to be about the BBC .
What I have learnt though is that there is a cost for ‘fighting for what is right ‘ and repeatedly old men have sent young men to die for what is right .
Maybe it will come to a full on conventional exchange – escalating to nuclear weapons – at least when all the lights and computers and TV instantly go off before the blast we ll have a couple of seconds to know why we are about to die . ….
Fed – Absolutely this site is meant to be about the BBC which is why when it goes into other motives I think that might be a turn-off for prospective followers.
An example is this post a few days ago by JohnC
I fail to see how excusing Putin for his vile actions will attract a fair-minded audience. I see it as a real turn-off. The very fact that you perceive the possibility of this conflict escalating to a possible nuclear one shows just how ABSOLUTELY INSANE Putin is.
Not to JohnC though, or at least that’s what he wants us to believe.
So let’s call a spade a spade, that way we might find a REAL way to get through this time without sacrificing honest values and estimations.
Teddy – I re read that post you linked to – I think there is a case to favour / justify putin s’ claim to eastern bits of Ukraine . I don’t agree with it and certainly not getting it by military conquest.
Is putin mad ? Don’t know – but he certainly comes from a brutal organisation (kgb) in a brutal regime in a brutal country
And of course hasn’t had 20 years of western naval gazing about comparative trivia like gay ‘rights ‘ and whether men are wimmin and whether Islam isn’t evil …..
Fed I think there’s lots we agree on, and without deeper discussion, which is not for here, we are unlikely to fit on every topic surrounding this and other world situations. What binds us is our awareness of the insidious agenda of the BBC and wish to generate greater awareness of this, and ultimately to see it ended.
Cheers Mate.
Let me make my position clear one more time. Putin views the EU and NATO along his border with Ukraine as an existential threat to the future of Russia. He is taking steps now while the West is so weak to prevent it.
I have never excused what he has done. I have said I can understand why he – in his position – has done it. It doesn’t mean I think he was right to do it. Some blame for this should be placed on those who put him in this position because they must have known what might well happen. But we don’t talk about that do we ?.
And frankly, to call Putin ‘ABSOLUTELY INSANE’ is a ridiculous statement as is suggesting my comments suggest appeasement in the same vein as Chamberlin. You have far more in common with him than I. Putin knows exactly what he is doing. He’s doing it with the same brutality as he got rid of ISIS in the Middle East. But we overlooked that one as it saved our own boys.
What you SHOULD be concerned about is the EU and NATO arming Ukraine and being very public about it. If anything is going to lead to nuclear war, that is it.
Let’s consider what options there are from here:
1) Russia take the whole of Ukraine. Endless trouble for decades to come.
2) Russia are defeated after EU countries join in.
3) The EU are defeated after EU countries join in and Russia win.
4) The World is defeated after EU countries join in, Russia start winning then the USA joins in.
5) Russia take the half who are mainly Russian and annex it. The fighting stops. The world grumbles but everything goes back to normal.
6) An internal Russian coup removes Putin. Maybe we get someone worse, maybe not. But that option will not happen until it’s clear he will lose.
Which is the preferred outcome for you then TB ?. Any except option 5 I presume as that would be appeasement. And option 6 just isn’t going to happen until things get a lot, lot worse..
John if you cannot see that anybody who would start a nuclear war to increase their power and control as not being absolutely insane then we are never going to agree.
Besides that, if he had concerns over NATO or the EU taking over Russia, the first intelligent recourse would have been to put it on the world stage for discussion and debate and raise awareness this way, not by initiating conflict and killing innocent citizens who wish to have a free life and are not seeking power.
Putin, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong-un, and Islamists and those surrounding them, are all radical power hungry psychopaths who will likely stop at nothing to increase their power if they believe they can get away with it.
The EU leaders are similar but use politics to increase their power for now, which is why Britain wanted out.
Of the options you portray, life shows that there are also those which we never considered. My hope is that there are more balanced intelligent individuals surrounding Putin, who when they realise the world that Putin might be putting them into, take him out. If not then this may possibly be the beginning of the next world war. He’s a psychopath!
You do indeed ‘comment’ TB, and often using interesting terminology. The lack of ‘you lot’ was a welcome omission.
The BBC does seem to have many slots for ‘from what I can glean’ editors, so get the application in now. Like the Navy of old, promotions seem to be coming thick and fast.
Rewinding to Vlad, given BBC efforts of late, a default to presume they are pulling a stunt as soon as the mic is on or a finger hits keyboard is validated too often not to be cautious.
Everything self-described as ‘news’, isn’t. It’s opinion, lines to take, narrative enhancement dressed up as such, with aims ranging from incompetence to less innocent.
The Devil is in the detail, and The BBC has an ignoble history of either blowing it out of proportion to flat out changing it to suit.
Their ‘on the ground’ ‘reporters’ know only what they are told, and then choose what they like to finesse onwards.
So there is approximately zero value in taking anything from them as worth a damn.
Guest I know you are well aware that we share similar views about the (un)trustworthiness of the BBC. However what I am seeing happening here now by quite a few, is that the BBC agenda is being used as a means to excuse Putin, lest we get embroiled more seriously in a conflict.
I definitely cannot agree with looking the other way when we know shit is being done. I’m from the East End of London and that’s what I know allows bullies to progress. I do not want to look back on my life seeing that I helped any of them by not being willing to confront them.
However I become concerned when posters start alluding to others and their fealties when, as all again agreed, no one has a clue about anyone.
If The BBC agenda is failing, it needs calling out here. If collateral damage is in areas you hold dear, that is unfortunate. I cannot say I see much here coming close to the extremes pro or con various factions elsewhere.
And frankly a few posts that suggest rampant BBC propaganda is not helping anyone are worth reading, even to trying to analyse ‘(actually, as opposed to BBC soapboxing) mindsets of those who are behaving badly.
I’m part of the human race and bullies exist everywhere.
I am also a parent with a child due to enter military service so I am very cautious of politicians with a history of ineptitude or mob media policy empathy being guided by clowns in the MSM that installed Biden, still protect his activities, and those of opposition pols here.
My hope is that there are actually smart, calm folk in the background who can see a ClusterFUBAR if not created but made worse by all above, and working quietly to defuse matters and ensure a lone nutter with immense power is quietly steered by his own from a disastrous outcome.
Guest – I can’t say that I understood every point that you wrote about. However, if you look at the post I just made to Fedup2 above you can see a link to a post by JohnC. Here he states that Putin is not a madman. In your last paragraph you clearly don’t agree, as neither do I. Neither does Fedup2 judging by his response.
I would say the only way to find a proper solution to ANY problem is first to identify the truth. This is what we have been doing for years in regard to the BBC, although till now, other than showing it up no actual plan of action to end it has surfaced.
Guest – I’m with you on the ‘calm folk ‘ – there have been Russians in the past who have prevented nuclear war – and I think there will be again if it comes to it
Good luck to you child entering military service …there will be a lot more following them as a result of Cold War 2 ….
I don’t (much) disagree with any of the above points, and I didn’t mean to start a war.
It’s obviously a complicated situation, with a tangled history.
Opinions may vary as to how it should best be reported, but there is, to my mind, one clear and outstanding villain posing a clear and present danger.
The Mail is carrying a story about moaning Black yet again, complaining of the meaningless word ‘Racism’.
It doesn’t matter where Blacks are, nor how well they are treated the one over riding thing is that they are bound to complain of ‘racism’.
This time they have been forced to queue like everyone else, instead of being prioritised, which apparantly is not fair to them, and they have not understood or accepted one iota that the priority is women with children. Nor have they understood that fighting age men are not being allowed to leave – although they as foreign nationals are.
And so they have been allowed into Poland but because they weren’t waved through as the first class citizens they clearly believe they are they scream the usual tired old trope of ‘racism’.
Just more proof it’s a meaningless words, and that Blacks will use it in every situation they find themselves in.
Agree with that Thoughtful. Obama was indeed an atrocious president and really played the “I am a nice guy role”. His policies were awful and indeed being carried on by Biden if that is possible given his demented state.
“It doesn’t matter where Blacks are, nor how well they are treated the one over riding thing is that they are bound to complain of ‘racism’.”
Yes, its shocking how the Marxists have focussed their efforts on that demographic, being the dimmest and unquestionably willing to steadfastly follow the plan of Critical Theory.
Andy – there certainly is a problem with the media focusing on the death of children – driving public emotion to ‘do more ‘.
But what if that ‘more ‘ is a full on shooting war between Russia and NATO ?
Nut nut was ambushed by an emotional Ukrainian ‘journalist ‘ at a press conference in Poland today – and he did the best thing which was to allow her to dump until she cried .
But then he told her about Real Life – does anyone really want that War to spread ? – morality meeting reality .
To me there are 2 real dangers
1 putin / military gets desperate and really goes in hard
2 an accidental engagement with NATO soil …..
Obviously it seems hard for anyone ( including this armchair general ) from assessing how loyal putin s gang are to him – or what the consequences of a coup in the Kremlin might be .
“…The National Pulse can reveal, Kaleniuk is a long-time political activist recently used in the Joe Biden 2020 campaign. Additionally, Kaleniuk serves as a World Economic Forum (WEF) Global Young Leader.”
‘Joe’ is some lefty media wannabe run by a bloke in his Mum’s basement.
So when I saw this I immediately wondered if she was the new Maitlis replacement.
Journalism is now no more than a cover for activism, with ideologues given a platform for no apparent reason to pitch away in guise of questions, simply creating heat and no light.
Champion headed over there to offer ‘comfort’? To which side, though?
The EU is still buying gas off Vladimir Putin despite his invasion of Ukraine!
So while the hypoctical Ba****ds of the EU all stand up to applaud the heroism of Volodymyr Zelensky, they are funding the attacking power Russia and helping them to defeat Ukraine.
All because of the insanity of far left Green politics and the Paris accord which bans the use of other fossil fuels.
Putin could destroy the EU if he wanted without firing s single shot. Shut off the gas and oil to Europe and force millions of refugees to leave Ukraine for Europe. Dead easy and watch the whole rotten edifice collapse under the weight of its own ideological stupidity.
Oh and the Biden / Obama US is also still buying oil & gas from Russia despite being energy independent under Donald Trump, and for the same far Left green ideological reasons.
At the same time, China has just ordered a million Tonnes of thermal coal for power generation from Russia.
It might surprise these political fantasists that we all live on the same planet and that it doesn’t matter them playing silly virtue signalling games when someone else isn’t playing the game.
If you only read the BBC news you’d think only women are affected by the war in the Ukraine. I’m sorry to keep repeating the message but agenda is everywhere in thier reporting …….and to top it all you get this link below about stress caused by the war !! Obviously it’s a women on a sofa stressed out not some Ukranian MALE freedom fighter about to engage a T14 tank at 200 mtrs…now that’s stress…
Only in this country can the main broadcaster politicise such an appalling event unfolding in Ukraine.
I watch the BBC and sadly I’m no longer shocked at what i see or hear from such a disgusting organisation.
The BBC’s ethics must be right down there in the gutter. What mentality must the senior management hold to think its OK to make political capital out of such heart breaking misery and despair.
It took less than 3 days for the normal vomit inducing crap to start to appear out of the main BBC outlets.
If we do get nuked lets hope the first bomb lands on Broadcasting House and the rest land a couple of hours later so we can have the opportunity to smile and gloat for just a little while.
All I want Dafydd is the news – not propaganda, not a ‘moderated newscast’, not news ‘put into perspective, or ‘curated’ for ‘my benefit’, not presented as ‘entertainment’, or as ‘education’, not a ‘sermon’, nor a ‘lecture’ about how I must live, or what I must now do, or not do, not a ‘personal opinion’ of someone else, not fixated on certain ‘hot topics’, or from viewed from certain ‘correct’ points of view, and certainly not (deliberately) biased!
I’m a big boy and can watch and hear about real events, however horrible, ‘racist’, ‘sexist’, ‘homophobic’ etc… I can add my own interpretation and ‘bias’, should they be needed. They won’t make me hide behind the sofa, or go running crying to mummy. If they’re judged not suitable for under 18s (according to Govt. guidelines), I’ll accept a warning, but (as I’m over 18) I will still expect to be able to watch them, IF I want to.
Was thinking back to the BBC when I was the age my son is now (late teens) and I first became at all interested in the news of what was going on in the world. That would have been the late 80s in my case (one of the first things I remember watching on the news with any interest was the Berlin wall coming down).
My dad would get home from work, then hurry through his dinner so he could catch “the 6 o’clock news on the BBC”, which for him was a sort of ritual, before he relaxed for the evening. If you wanted to sit in the lounge with him, you had to be silent and let him concentrate 100% on it. Everything that was said was taken as gospel, and (as I recall) it was all presented as cold, hard facts, a sort of bullet points of the day’s events, no faff, no ‘interpretation’, just a quick rattling off of bald, plain FACTS.
That’s all I want too, just to know what is happening in the world, and I mean the important stuff, like Putin declaring war on Ukraine, not that some (c)rapper has won another meaningless award, or some footballer thinks kids should get more free food, or someone said something nasty to someone else!
There must be many Countries surrounding Russia that are either occupied or controlled by Russia and they don’t want to be.
Now would be a great time to start something against Russia.
How about all of the ‘stans down there, are they all happy or could they take advantage of the situation.
Is there no place that wishes for some kind of independence from the Kremlin just like we have some of Scotland and Ireland wanting to leave GB.
Is there no disputed territory along the Chinese border that the chinkies could grab whilst Putin is concentrating on Ukraine.
I can’t believe everyone around Russia is happy the way things are and just maybe some might seize the opportunity to free themselves from Russian control.
So when it's our nation getting invaded, the UK gov helps and facilitates it. But when Ukraine's borders are invaded we suddenly have the power to police our own waters?
— D. L. Joyce 🏴 🇬🇧 (@DarcyLloydJoyce) March 1, 2022
That’s a FakeNews tweet
The first line says “Britain has passed a law banning all ships that have any connection to Russia from entering its *ports* ”
ie banned from ports not waters.
I guess that unless the ban doesn’t start next month
Russian boats full of good we have bough and paid for will be turning up and we’ll be sending them back so they get to keep our money and the goods.
off topic I know but still related to Big Brother 1984 IMO
Appalled to see a letter HSBC sent to my wife telling her that they will restrict her account and possibly close it unless they receive a multi page form filled out.
To make it clear, she has no overdraft or loan just a current account so owes them NO MONEY and they claim “safeguarding against money laundering” ”
so page one is all about name, address, Country of birth ? (WHY) nationality, maybe fair enough but heres where I got extremely annoyed :
page 2
Employment and education (answer every question)
indicate employment status
if student name of school college
what courses and dates please
Employer details, name, address business type, job title
financial information:
Answer every question)
Total gross annual income
monthly pension income
monthly social securtiy benefits
income recieved while at education
in which country was your net worth accumulated
Are you a company director
if yes dio you own more than 10% of shares
do you intend to recive cash deposits in the account
if yes what is the source of these deposits
do you see any changes in the way you use the account
if yes why
international payments
do you expect to send or receive money from overseas
if yes how many payments. total value each month
how many payments will you recieve
total value each month
what is the reason for these payments
which counties and in what currencies
Sign and date please
I have made a complaint on her behalf and received the following response from HSBC:
As advised on our letters, we need to make sure we hold your up-to-date information. This is to help us confirm that transactions on your account are genuine. HSBC cannot operate accounts without knowing who you are and whether your circumstances have changed since your account has been opened. This is in line with the UK’s banking regulations to prevent fraud and money laundering. Please visit for further information.
I’m sorry you feel that you shouldn’t have to provide this information and that you are considering closing your account. This is information that is required to maintain a relationship with HSBC. Should you choose to close your account and open an account with another provider, I’m certain you would be asked to provide them with similar information as part of the account opening process.
If you don’t reply to our request, we’ll have to restrict certain activity on your account. This will include limiting your digital banking and cash withdrawals. This may also result in your account being closed.
Given the standards of security at banks, I am reluctant to share anything more than my name and address with them. I cannot believe that all this nonsense is a legal requirement, as opposed to someone in the compliance department making work for themselves. Whatever, it is absolutely appalling.
I have told them that in no uncertain terms, it is also completely untrue, I have NEVER been asked any of this information in 40 years of banking there are stories all over the internet of HSBC and this ridiculous exercise that is alienating many customers.
check “HSBC safeguarding letter”
The law is Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017
This law is due to be updated in 2022
and the consultancy period finished in October
“A week later and I received a letter and questionnaire telling me I must complete the forms (same questions). If I did not then my account might be restricted for ‘security reasons’ – a catch-all used more and more these days – so I ignored that too. This week another letter with a questionnaire but they have upped the threat if I failed to complete it. They have now restricted my daily cash allowance to £50 a day (down from £300) as punishment for failing to bow down to their demands. Further sanctions will follow if I do not obey the bank.
Friday, I merged my money into just one account online. Then I filled in a simple online application for Barclays and started the switch process. All pensions and benefits providers contacted with new account details. Sorted. Once confirmed tomorrow after providing my I.D. at the branch, I’m up and running. Just Paypal, eBay, Amazon and others to change which is nice and simple.
The reason for all this HSBC behaviour? Nothing to do with ordinary loyal customers like me. HSBC was fined $100 million by the USA Department of Justice for currency rigging in January this year with a 3 year deferred prosecution. That is just a few weeks after a 5 year deferred prosecution and loss of banking licence expired. This was imposed for allowing Mexican drugs gangs to launder money.
In September 2017 it was also fined $175 million by the US Federal reserve for unsound practices in its foreign exchange business. Plus $353 million to the French authorities in November.
Crufts have banned Russian dog entries. That is 51 dogs.
I guess that eases the competition for my entry in Postgraduate Bitch – a rather sexist category
Am I wrong in thinking that Boris has been elevated as spokesman for Europe ? As per usual its the UK who has to be ‘feetfirst’ in doing whatever, so what is Italy / Spain / Austria’s take on all this, and why haven’t we heard ? or is the UK taking the lead yet again.
This then was a speech that not only clearly signalled his bid to return to the White House but comprehensively damned each and every aspect of the cultural and political degeneracy identified by Dr David Starkey last week here that has left the West so weakened and exposed.
Typically the Independent, one UK outlet that did report it, went into a ‘demonisation’ overdrive that gave no idea of the turning point Trump’s speech marks as an analysis of, and attack on, the dangerous world of illusion, stupidity and hypocrisy that has come to mark the West under Biden and his corrupt cronies. Of the US outlets, the New York Times was also par for the anti- Trump course with their ‘fact-checkers’ brought out to accuse Trump of misleading about Biden, a Russian pipeline and gas prices.
9pm Traces ep3/6 : “with the white supremacist bomber continuing his terror campaign around Dundee — and it could be about to get personal.
The task facing DI McKinven (Michael Nardone) is increasingly tough — and now wife *Azra* is joining his investigation
One of the strengths of Traces is its female-led cast and crew, with Molly Windsor, Jennifer Spence and Laura Fraser to the fore and co-creators Amelia Bullmore and Val McDermid behind the scenes.
This beguilingly gripping mystery is building nicely”
Disgusting hypocrisy from the EU apparatchiks who while giving this ovation are still buying gas and oil from Russia, thereby aiding the invasion with their Euros and the insane Green fantasies.
10:05pm BBC3 Mood : “The BBC has been brilliant at cherry-picking emerging female writers and offering them a plat-form :Kayleigh Llewellyn, Michaela Coel, Phoebe Waller-Bridge. Now Nicole Lecky.
It follows Sasha Clayton, a lippy 25-year-old aspiring singer. She is explosively aggressive — to the extent that she drunkenly sets her ex-boyfriend’s garden on fire. When she’s kicked out of home, Sasha turns to a new acquaintance, Instagram influencer Carly. This first episode is slow in parts, but offers illuminating insight into the darker world of social media”
I have the BBC1 6pm news on in the background. I have seen Ursula van der leyan (not sure of my spelling), speaking in English and appearing strong as she speaks of Ukraine and twice the BBC has shown Boris looking weak, as an obviously frustrated woman attacks Boris re a no fly zone. Whilst I have every sympathy for Ukraine I accept at the present time, every country has to step carefully to avoid making a difficult time worse and decisions should not be made following a verbal attack by a journalist.
I may have got the situation wrong as I said, the news is on the background but my criticism remains that the editors chose a clip to make Boris look weak.
“What power have you got (EU)? Where did you get it from(EU)? In whose interests do you exercise it(EU)? To whom are you accountable(EU)? And how can we get rid of you(EU)”
The Government gave the green light to UK companies to export millions of pounds worth of arms and military goods to Russia after it annexed Crimea in 2014, NationalWorld can reveal.
But according to data compiled by Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT), UK companies were granted 30 licences to export £3.7 million worth of goods classed as for military purposes to Russia between then and 30 September 2021, when data was last released.
This included £1.4 million worth of components for military aircraft, helicopters or drones, and £1.2 million of ammunition.
The figures are extracted from a database maintained by the UK Export Control Joint Unit, an arm of government charged with controlling exports of military equipment, or goods that could potentially be used for military purposes.
Name of donor: Arora Management Services Ltd
Address of donor: World Business Centre, 3 Newall Road, London Heathrow Airport, Middlesex TW6 2TA
Amount of donation, or nature and value if donation in kind: Use of box at The Oval for cricket match Surrey v Somerset on 27 August 2019, total value £2,980
Guest WhoMar 10, 08:13 Start the Week 10th March 2025 And who they do not ‘support’. Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun John C has the full…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “A year and a half ago, Hindus and Muslims clashed in the streets of one of Britain’s most diverse cities.…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Winning upsets us all wwfc and can lead to hate – please take your first position and divide it up…
AsISeeItMar 10, 08:04 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Posters hereabouts will jostle and jockey for that prized top of the shop number one spot. Whereas a last comment…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:01 Start the Week 10th March 2025 2016 Brexit – control our borders – 2025 borders open with increase crossing. 2016 Brexit – control our VAT- 2025…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:00 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The Border Patrol recorded 58,038 encounters with migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border in August, according to a Pew Research Center…
JohnCMar 10, 07:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As I posted earlier Marco, the BBC are celebrating his ‘appointment’ with such a fanfare in a ‘live update’ article…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 07:31 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I think Trump made a big mistake in taking measures against Canada and joking about it becoming the 51 st…
harry142857Mar 10, 07:31 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC approved type of enricher. Welcomed to the UK: Palestinian asylum seeker gunman who called on God to ‘kill all…
Interesting to note that the bbc have half a dozen or so “embedded” reporters in Ukraine at the moment, but Clive Myrie has headed North and is reporting from Poland. It’s obvious why he was chosen for the Ukraine gig, but I wonder if he received a reception which wasn’t “enriched, diverse and vibrant?” I’ve a fair idea that their sofa adverts don’t look like ours either. Here’s a question for those who insist on referring to “The Ukraine” – if the country is split either side of the Dnieper river, will we have “West the ukraine” and “East the ukraine”?
The Botney Doco about Gazan rooftop kite fliers should be good.
Though no kites mentioned, oddly.
That really annoys me. Those same people wouldn’t dream of saying The Wales or The Scotland.
Bee lady interviews The Deputy PM ( not on holiday for this crisis ) – she is still kicking on about having a war with Russia – this time through a ‘no fly zone ‘ .
I wonder if the bee lady has mental issues ? The questions she asks suggests a less than forensic approach . She very quickly focused on the favourite of the BBC – ‘refugees ‘ – maybe Ukrainian ones should stay in the region rather than come to a non EU country like the UK .
The Bee lady didn’t ask about the most important thing of course – whether the PM should resign when the cake investigation is completed ……….
How to Get Along With Narrative Believers – NARRATIVE SCRIPTS
I like the first comment below this film:
“Arguing with a leftist is like playing chess with a pigeon. You move, it knocks over the pieces, shits all over the board, then struts around like it won”
The likes of corbyn must be trying to work out how to justify his support for putin . Yesterday I wrote about some loon from CND who has been turning up on various channels screeching about nuclear weapons being ‘bad’.
I looked at her Google and it turns out she has been a friend of corbyn for many decades – I think she is also a member of the Labour Party as well as CND but no surprise there …
What’s her hair dye situation?
Creasy subtle MP salary highlights, land whale pink or the full combo with blue and a nose ring and XXL T shirt with a message of hope and irony?
Another BBC ‘ex’ finding their voice.
I see that in the Times Brillo is calling for the BBC to be funded by a mix of subscription and compulsory tax. If you the want the whole stinking mess you pay a subscription on top of the compulsory tax which allows you access to the things commercial broadcasters don’t do!
Unfortunately I don’t take the Times any longer because of its anti Brexit stance so I don’t know any of the details .
But I take this as an indicator that the move amongst the Blobists, Brillo is certainly one,is that the days of the the License Fee are over and that they are looking for the best way to preserve the foghorn for the internationalists.
Options range from funding by general taxation to the Brillo model. They won’t accept a full subscription service because they think that this would mean that millions of folk would be entirely insulated from the propaganda of the international blob.
How long before we go the whole Orwell and be forced under pain of imprisonment to watch thirty minutes of BBC news every day?
The time for a mass campaign of civil disobedience is here , just refuse to pay the current license fee or any other license fee and make it plain to the politicians that any attempt to fund the foul corporation out general taxation will be big time vote loser.
Double – I think as real inflation bites in the coming year non payment of the tv tax will grow like a sage covid prediction – it won’t be a conscious decision to boycott the BBC though ….
BBC people don’t realise that the cost of a TV licence for a lot of people is a lot of money – they do see it as half a dozen taxi rides ….( I don’t use taxis )
time for a mass campaign of civil disobedience is here
Lets have a protest action in London in April .
I see the BBC continues to push the narrative. Every reporter and every story is about Women, of course women are suffering but the anti male BBC continues to use ill informed females because they aren’t men !!!
If this was a BBC series the Ukranian president would be a black female and the soldiers would be women.
Get into the real world BBC thousands of young MEN are dying on both sides in a needless war.
You might also note that thier comments on Putin are but a shadow of the vile disregard they had for Trump who if in power wouldn’t have let this situation develop.
So biassed and so incompetent, continue to push your hatred for men BBC it can only speed up your demise.
“If you travel to eastern Ukraine to fight, or to assist others engaged in the conflict, your activities may amount to offences against UK terrorism or other legislation and you could be prosecuted on your return to the UK.”
Same as Afghanistan : the people dying are men. But the BBC totally ignore that. It’s like their lives are not worth anything. Instead we get ‘touchy feely’ stories about prams being lifted over peoples heads. A story which is STILL on the front page.
The world is turning into a place I do not recognise. It is increasingly clear this is all part of the plan for the ‘New World Order’ with the Globalist Left in charge.
We’ve seen how that ends. Every time. Once they have the power it corrupts them absolutely and they begin to think the ends justify any means they decide are necessary to enforce it.
And why is NATO arming a non-NATO country ?. I can imagine Russia considering that an act of war.
I’m watching some apocalyptic sci-fi story unfold before my very eyes. Brave New World : here we come.
It’s starting to look like Ukraine has been setup as a honey trap to entice Putin, not that he’s a man who needs much in the way of enticement. The deaths of thousands of Ukrainians and Russians will matter not one jot in the eyes of the Globalists. As Soros himself stated in his interview in the 1990s on the ’60 Minutes’ programme: “I am basically there to make money. I cannot and do not look at the social consequences of what I do”.
It’s lucky that there are genda based air raid shelters isn’t it ?
Even war doesn’t make this woke crap redundant …. Yet ….
…and blame culture is in the air …. I think the thing that sums the BBC up is that press conference ( in Ukraine -last week? ) where nut nut got the first question from coonsberg about ‘when are you going to resign PM?’) ….. and now ?
Halifax-I was going to write a similar kind of comment
as yours. But in the end I thought it may of been a tad
too sarcastic. All I will say is that the diversity folk at
the BBC who are responsible for finding “extras” for
the ” Antiques Road Show” are having their work cut
out in Ukraine. Is that too facetious?
On a more serious note . Stalin and Berio must
be looking up at Putin from hell with perpetual
grins on their faces. And how proud Putin must
be for joining their club. By the way for those
that do not know six MILLION Ukranians died
during the famine that Stalin caused !!
I’m more concerned about OUR border.
What is for sure is that the RNLI are being paid in some way from taxpayer money for doing it. Strangely enough I’ve not seen anybody report it.
When people donated, I’m quite sure they didn’t expect their money to be spent as a taxi service to bring in illegal immigrants.
Just hope you don’t get into trouble while they are out.
“Leader of the free world” still hiding away ?
As NOT seen on the BBC. Megyn Kelly: US has been ‘telegraphing weakness’ since ‘rambling’ Biden took office.
Big headline:
‘Missile hits centre of Ukraines second biggest city’
First thought : are the BBC going to show us every bomb which goes off ?. Should keep them busy !.
Second thought : what is that building ?. It’s certainly not apartments or anything. Checking the web I discover it’s a government building – which the BBC didn’t tell us. So – in the context of the conflict – it’s a legitimate target.
Third : we get a big red screen at the start with ‘Warning : contains distressing images’. Suitably prepared I watched it. The missile hit then someone showed us a few blown out offices with lumps of concrete laying around. No blood, no bodies.
Then I check the ‘live feed’ and it’s propaganda line after proaganda line such as ‘Kharkiv attacks are state terrorism, says Zelensky’.
One thing is absolutely certain : if you want to know what is really going on in this war, the BBC is the last place to look.
At least the Russians can save on arty spotters with the help of the BBC telling them where the munitions land …..
Tricky one now for the BBC – Ukraine is asking to join the EU today – so does the BBC support it – ignore it – or just say ‘look squirrels ‘..
I don’t think putin could stand instant EU accession because he’d see it ( rightly ) as a stepping stone to NATO ….
Meanwhile Sweden and Finland must be busily filling in their NATO application forms ….
If you read my comments – Biden was always due to be ‘tested ‘ . I don’t think afgee qualifies because that was self inflicted . But the Washington swamp must be in full WTF ? Mode – worrying about whether joe will go off ‘autocue ‘ and set off WW3…..
I’ve seen more than enough about the Cuba crisis and I reckon this one is far more serious than that because there are far more dominoes which could fall so quickly .
Ash Wednesday tomorrow – let’s hope it’s ‘only ‘ a religious one …
By the way to all Happy St David’s 🌻couldn’t find a daff
On the world service this morning the BBC were seeking to elicit our sympathy for foreign students wanting to leave Ukraine. The Polish were being beastly turning back African students. But also the sad case of a 4th year Palestinian medical student who had successfully fled, but now faced the difficulty of finding some way to completing his degree. My thought was that instead of running he could have stayed & volunteered as a medic in gratitude for the hospitality he has had from Ukraine. He might even have been issued with a white helmet.
Quite – medical students running away from casualties isn’t exactly edifying is it – although it might depend on whether he really is a ‘medicsl ‘student .
From what I’ve seen of some third world NHS doctors I wonder if they are ‘real’ .
It was inevitable that the BBC would pick out a few coloureds in a white country -……
Meanwhile good news floats away – Sarff End getting to be a city – Charlie £ Windsor laying into putin –
– and yesterday news that Brompton is to build a big factory in `Kent ..
Has anyone else seen that doctor that pops up on GB News ? seemingly of Indian descent, his mile high front hair quiff would qualify to have its own Twatter account. Plonker.
There seems to be a trend developing on this site that, because it’s the BBC doing it, their reporting on the war must be wrong.
Much as I loathe the BBC, I see nothing wrong with detailing the tragedy unfolding – on the contrary.
Also, while it can be argued that the US, the EU and NATO have terribly mismanaged the whole issue of Ukraine and Russia for many years, the situation today is that a brutal dictator is attempting to crush a brave people heroically defending their homeland. If he gets away with it, who knows what he may be emboldened to do next – not to mention other bad actors watching and waiting in the wings.
China and Iran for a start.
I think u r wrong . There is no trend . However the angle the BBC takes can be predicted – in its ‘ anti british – anti nut nut view of the world .
It gives Biden a free pass . It was spending huge time of cakes rather than the build up in the last 2 weeks . Have you forgotten that?
It takes a stance to get a third world war going -which a no fly zone or direct hostility with NATO will lead to
You might also spot how risk averse the BBC is with its staff – already pulling Robinson out after doing his war tourism …
I also think you are wrong Vlad. I think it dates back to that treasonous snake Obama who was the worst President the USA has ever had, even worse than Biden, andn indeed there are many rumours it is Obama pulling Bidens strings even now, to the extent it is being called Obamas third term.
We know Obama agreed Russia could annex Crimea when he was caught on a hot Mic, and he made good on that by doing absolutely nothing. No surprise that when Putin took Donbass and Luhansk the West again did nothing, and he must have expected the same to happen when he went after the entire country.
This betrayal is not the only one the Obamessiah made of the USA, he also betrayed the 9/11 victims by promising Saudi he would ban them seeking legal restitution in return for Saudi allowing his Iranian nuclear deal to go ahead.
The problem with it is that the BBC cherry-pick things which suit their agenda and completely ignore things which are much more significant and important.
I still remember the ‘exclusive under-cover’ video from Afghanistan were air hostesses met in a secret safe-house to tell the BBC reporter how they received texts telling them not to go into work next week.
And now we have a pram being lifted over peoples heads in Ukraine.
Meanwhile far more terrible things from both theatres are being absolutely ignored because they don’t fit what the BBC want you to think is going on.
And it’s not just this, it’s every single thing they report on. As always with the BBC what they DON’T tell you is often more important than what they do. They freely lie by omission because it can’t be fact-checked.
I see exactly what you are perceiving Vlad and share your concern.
I too have commented on the likes of JohnC et al.
From what I can glean he and some others are afraid of what Putin will do if we make it difficult for him to achieve his ends. So never mind about the brave and innocent souls in Ukraine, we are safer to let Putin accomplish his goals, and should even justify them, if it avoids us being embroiled in it in the future.
I think Neville Chamberlain had similar fears which inspired him to find a ‘peaceful’ solution with Hitler. “Peace in our time”
Teddy – so you’re signing up to go fight then – right ?
I am, what’s your point?
Moggie – tell us how you are getting on – presumably you’ll be off with Teddy …
I am aware you know little about me Fed and I have no intention to sharing my life details with you, but I know myself well enough to be sure I fight for what I believe is right.
Teddy – I am also aware you know little about me . I have never put details of my life on this site and never will – the jigsaw puzzle of putting bits together to get a true picture will never happen –
– after all – it’s meant to be about the BBC .
What I have learnt though is that there is a cost for ‘fighting for what is right ‘ and repeatedly old men have sent young men to die for what is right .
Maybe it will come to a full on conventional exchange – escalating to nuclear weapons – at least when all the lights and computers and TV instantly go off before the blast we ll have a couple of seconds to know why we are about to die . ….
Fed – Absolutely this site is meant to be about the BBC which is why when it goes into other motives I think that might be a turn-off for prospective followers.
An example is this post a few days ago by JohnC
I fail to see how excusing Putin for his vile actions will attract a fair-minded audience. I see it as a real turn-off. The very fact that you perceive the possibility of this conflict escalating to a possible nuclear one shows just how ABSOLUTELY INSANE Putin is.
Not to JohnC though, or at least that’s what he wants us to believe.
So let’s call a spade a spade, that way we might find a REAL way to get through this time without sacrificing honest values and estimations.
Teddy – I re read that post you linked to – I think there is a case to favour / justify putin s’ claim to eastern bits of Ukraine . I don’t agree with it and certainly not getting it by military conquest.
Is putin mad ? Don’t know – but he certainly comes from a brutal organisation (kgb) in a brutal regime in a brutal country
And of course hasn’t had 20 years of western naval gazing about comparative trivia like gay ‘rights ‘ and whether men are wimmin and whether Islam isn’t evil …..
Fed I think there’s lots we agree on, and without deeper discussion, which is not for here, we are unlikely to fit on every topic surrounding this and other world situations. What binds us is our awareness of the insidious agenda of the BBC and wish to generate greater awareness of this, and ultimately to see it ended.
Cheers Mate.
Let me make my position clear one more time. Putin views the EU and NATO along his border with Ukraine as an existential threat to the future of Russia. He is taking steps now while the West is so weak to prevent it.
I have never excused what he has done. I have said I can understand why he – in his position – has done it. It doesn’t mean I think he was right to do it. Some blame for this should be placed on those who put him in this position because they must have known what might well happen. But we don’t talk about that do we ?.
And frankly, to call Putin ‘ABSOLUTELY INSANE’ is a ridiculous statement as is suggesting my comments suggest appeasement in the same vein as Chamberlin. You have far more in common with him than I. Putin knows exactly what he is doing. He’s doing it with the same brutality as he got rid of ISIS in the Middle East. But we overlooked that one as it saved our own boys.
What you SHOULD be concerned about is the EU and NATO arming Ukraine and being very public about it. If anything is going to lead to nuclear war, that is it.
Let’s consider what options there are from here:
1) Russia take the whole of Ukraine. Endless trouble for decades to come.
2) Russia are defeated after EU countries join in.
3) The EU are defeated after EU countries join in and Russia win.
4) The World is defeated after EU countries join in, Russia start winning then the USA joins in.
5) Russia take the half who are mainly Russian and annex it. The fighting stops. The world grumbles but everything goes back to normal.
6) An internal Russian coup removes Putin. Maybe we get someone worse, maybe not. But that option will not happen until it’s clear he will lose.
Which is the preferred outcome for you then TB ?. Any except option 5 I presume as that would be appeasement. And option 6 just isn’t going to happen until things get a lot, lot worse..
John if you cannot see that anybody who would start a nuclear war to increase their power and control as not being absolutely insane then we are never going to agree.
Besides that, if he had concerns over NATO or the EU taking over Russia, the first intelligent recourse would have been to put it on the world stage for discussion and debate and raise awareness this way, not by initiating conflict and killing innocent citizens who wish to have a free life and are not seeking power.
Putin, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong-un, and Islamists and those surrounding them, are all radical power hungry psychopaths who will likely stop at nothing to increase their power if they believe they can get away with it.
The EU leaders are similar but use politics to increase their power for now, which is why Britain wanted out.
Of the options you portray, life shows that there are also those which we never considered. My hope is that there are more balanced intelligent individuals surrounding Putin, who when they realise the world that Putin might be putting them into, take him out. If not then this may possibly be the beginning of the next world war. He’s a psychopath!
You do indeed ‘comment’ TB, and often using interesting terminology. The lack of ‘you lot’ was a welcome omission.
The BBC does seem to have many slots for ‘from what I can glean’ editors, so get the application in now. Like the Navy of old, promotions seem to be coming thick and fast.
Rewinding to Vlad, given BBC efforts of late, a default to presume they are pulling a stunt as soon as the mic is on or a finger hits keyboard is validated too often not to be cautious.
Everything self-described as ‘news’, isn’t. It’s opinion, lines to take, narrative enhancement dressed up as such, with aims ranging from incompetence to less innocent.
The Devil is in the detail, and The BBC has an ignoble history of either blowing it out of proportion to flat out changing it to suit.
Their ‘on the ground’ ‘reporters’ know only what they are told, and then choose what they like to finesse onwards.
So there is approximately zero value in taking anything from them as worth a damn.
Guest I know you are well aware that we share similar views about the (un)trustworthiness of the BBC. However what I am seeing happening here now by quite a few, is that the BBC agenda is being used as a means to excuse Putin, lest we get embroiled more seriously in a conflict.
I definitely cannot agree with looking the other way when we know shit is being done. I’m from the East End of London and that’s what I know allows bullies to progress. I do not want to look back on my life seeing that I helped any of them by not being willing to confront them.
TB, always a promising start to be in agreement.
However I become concerned when posters start alluding to others and their fealties when, as all again agreed, no one has a clue about anyone.
If The BBC agenda is failing, it needs calling out here. If collateral damage is in areas you hold dear, that is unfortunate. I cannot say I see much here coming close to the extremes pro or con various factions elsewhere.
And frankly a few posts that suggest rampant BBC propaganda is not helping anyone are worth reading, even to trying to analyse ‘(actually, as opposed to BBC soapboxing) mindsets of those who are behaving badly.
I’m part of the human race and bullies exist everywhere.
I am also a parent with a child due to enter military service so I am very cautious of politicians with a history of ineptitude or mob media policy empathy being guided by clowns in the MSM that installed Biden, still protect his activities, and those of opposition pols here.
My hope is that there are actually smart, calm folk in the background who can see a ClusterFUBAR if not created but made worse by all above, and working quietly to defuse matters and ensure a lone nutter with immense power is quietly steered by his own from a disastrous outcome.
Guest – I can’t say that I understood every point that you wrote about. However, if you look at the post I just made to Fedup2 above you can see a link to a post by JohnC. Here he states that Putin is not a madman. In your last paragraph you clearly don’t agree, as neither do I. Neither does Fedup2 judging by his response.
I would say the only way to find a proper solution to ANY problem is first to identify the truth. This is what we have been doing for years in regard to the BBC, although till now, other than showing it up no actual plan of action to end it has surfaced.
Guest – I’m with you on the ‘calm folk ‘ – there have been Russians in the past who have prevented nuclear war – and I think there will be again if it comes to it
Good luck to you child entering military service …there will be a lot more following them as a result of Cold War 2 ….
I don’t (much) disagree with any of the above points, and I didn’t mean to start a war.
It’s obviously a complicated situation, with a tangled history.
Opinions may vary as to how it should best be reported, but there is, to my mind, one clear and outstanding villain posing a clear and present danger.
Ok, I got that from Tom Clancy.
The Mail is carrying a story about moaning Black yet again, complaining of the meaningless word ‘Racism’.
It doesn’t matter where Blacks are, nor how well they are treated the one over riding thing is that they are bound to complain of ‘racism’.
This time they have been forced to queue like everyone else, instead of being prioritised, which apparantly is not fair to them, and they have not understood or accepted one iota that the priority is women with children. Nor have they understood that fighting age men are not being allowed to leave – although they as foreign nationals are.
And so they have been allowed into Poland but because they weren’t waved through as the first class citizens they clearly believe they are they scream the usual tired old trope of ‘racism’.
Just more proof it’s a meaningless words, and that Blacks will use it in every situation they find themselves in.
Agree with that Thoughtful. Obama was indeed an atrocious president and really played the “I am a nice guy role”. His policies were awful and indeed being carried on by Biden if that is possible given his demented state.
“It doesn’t matter where Blacks are, nor how well they are treated the one over riding thing is that they are bound to complain of ‘racism’.”
Yes, its shocking how the Marxists have focussed their efforts on that demographic, being the dimmest and unquestionably willing to steadfastly follow the plan of Critical Theory.
Like so many middle easterns they are pretty handy with guns and knives when the opposition is unarmed, thus the exodus.
bBC “reporting” in Ukraine, most of it they show is already available on the internet and public domain.
Is there a news blackout going on in the background
Andy – there certainly is a problem with the media focusing on the death of children – driving public emotion to ‘do more ‘.
But what if that ‘more ‘ is a full on shooting war between Russia and NATO ?
Nut nut was ambushed by an emotional Ukrainian ‘journalist ‘ at a press conference in Poland today – and he did the best thing which was to allow her to dump until she cried .
But then he told her about Real Life – does anyone really want that War to spread ? – morality meeting reality .
To me there are 2 real dangers
1 putin / military gets desperate and really goes in hard
2 an accidental engagement with NATO soil …..
Obviously it seems hard for anyone ( including this armchair general ) from assessing how loyal putin s gang are to him – or what the consequences of a coup in the Kremlin might be .
Very Dangerous Times ..
If you view the confrontation on Youtube and view the comments underneath you will see most agree with what the PM replied.
Below is the take the BBC put on the confrontation
”Daria Kaleniuk, executive director of the Kyiv-based Anti-Corruption Action Centre now says she was “very disappointed” by his response.”
It was without doubt, a stunt..And as i said im my rant in a comment below..what type of person see’s fit to politicise such appalling events
‘Joe’ is some lefty media wannabe run by a bloke in his Mum’s basement.
So when I saw this I immediately wondered if she was the new Maitlis replacement.
Journalism is now no more than a cover for activism, with ideologues given a platform for no apparent reason to pitch away in guise of questions, simply creating heat and no light.
Champion headed over there to offer ‘comfort’? To which side, though?
Spot the Difference!
Matt Hancock interview – Prince Andrew interview.
Sweaty hands perhaps?
The EU is still buying gas off Vladimir Putin despite his invasion of Ukraine!
So while the hypoctical Ba****ds of the EU all stand up to applaud the heroism of Volodymyr Zelensky, they are funding the attacking power Russia and helping them to defeat Ukraine.
All because of the insanity of far left Green politics and the Paris accord which bans the use of other fossil fuels.
Putin could destroy the EU if he wanted without firing s single shot. Shut off the gas and oil to Europe and force millions of refugees to leave Ukraine for Europe. Dead easy and watch the whole rotten edifice collapse under the weight of its own ideological stupidity.
Oh and the Biden / Obama US is also still buying oil & gas from Russia despite being energy independent under Donald Trump, and for the same far Left green ideological reasons.
At the same time, China has just ordered a million Tonnes of thermal coal for power generation from Russia.
It might surprise these political fantasists that we all live on the same planet and that it doesn’t matter them playing silly virtue signalling games when someone else isn’t playing the game.
Correct in all respects.
And Biden’s the chief villain, with lots of secondary villains.
If you only read the BBC news you’d think only women are affected by the war in the Ukraine. I’m sorry to keep repeating the message but agenda is everywhere in thier reporting …….and to top it all you get this link below about stress caused by the war !! Obviously it’s a women on a sofa stressed out not some Ukranian MALE freedom fighter about to engage a T14 tank at 200 mtrs…now that’s stress…
Agenda, and gender lol
Only in this country can the main broadcaster politicise such an appalling event unfolding in Ukraine.
I watch the BBC and sadly I’m no longer shocked at what i see or hear from such a disgusting organisation.
The BBC’s ethics must be right down there in the gutter. What mentality must the senior management hold to think its OK to make political capital out of such heart breaking misery and despair.
It took less than 3 days for the normal vomit inducing crap to start to appear out of the main BBC outlets.
If we do get nuked lets hope the first bomb lands on Broadcasting House and the rest land a couple of hours later so we can have the opportunity to smile and gloat for just a little while.
All I want Dafydd is the news – not propaganda, not a ‘moderated newscast’, not news ‘put into perspective, or ‘curated’ for ‘my benefit’, not presented as ‘entertainment’, or as ‘education’, not a ‘sermon’, nor a ‘lecture’ about how I must live, or what I must now do, or not do, not a ‘personal opinion’ of someone else, not fixated on certain ‘hot topics’, or from viewed from certain ‘correct’ points of view, and certainly not (deliberately) biased!
I’m a big boy and can watch and hear about real events, however horrible, ‘racist’, ‘sexist’, ‘homophobic’ etc… I can add my own interpretation and ‘bias’, should they be needed. They won’t make me hide behind the sofa, or go running crying to mummy. If they’re judged not suitable for under 18s (according to Govt. guidelines), I’ll accept a warning, but (as I’m over 18) I will still expect to be able to watch them, IF I want to.
Was thinking back to the BBC when I was the age my son is now (late teens) and I first became at all interested in the news of what was going on in the world. That would have been the late 80s in my case (one of the first things I remember watching on the news with any interest was the Berlin wall coming down).
My dad would get home from work, then hurry through his dinner so he could catch “the 6 o’clock news on the BBC”, which for him was a sort of ritual, before he relaxed for the evening. If you wanted to sit in the lounge with him, you had to be silent and let him concentrate 100% on it. Everything that was said was taken as gospel, and (as I recall) it was all presented as cold, hard facts, a sort of bullet points of the day’s events, no faff, no ‘interpretation’, just a quick rattling off of bald, plain FACTS.
That’s all I want too, just to know what is happening in the world, and I mean the important stuff, like Putin declaring war on Ukraine, not that some (c)rapper has won another meaningless award, or some footballer thinks kids should get more free food, or someone said something nasty to someone else!
Not everyone knows that Putin has attacked Ukraine. Diane Abbot thinks he rolled his tanks into Croatia
You beat me to it . Long live Croatia ….
All white countries look the same, I guess.
If we had a lot more like ms Abbot we ( I) might get a real Right Wing government ….
BBC tells me that if you mix up someone’s name
that indicates you harbour racism against them.
Flabbott: Is Ukrainia the decimal name for Croatia? Or was that Pandora? I was never good at geometry.
There must be many Countries surrounding Russia that are either occupied or controlled by Russia and they don’t want to be.
Now would be a great time to start something against Russia.
How about all of the ‘stans down there, are they all happy or could they take advantage of the situation.
Is there no place that wishes for some kind of independence from the Kremlin just like we have some of Scotland and Ireland wanting to leave GB.
Is there no disputed territory along the Chinese border that the chinkies could grab whilst Putin is concentrating on Ukraine.
I can’t believe everyone around Russia is happy the way things are and just maybe some might seize the opportunity to free themselves from Russian control.
It’s time for them to Carpe the Diem.
Louis Tomlinson, Nick Cave and Franz Ferdinand pull Russian tour dates, reports the bBC
Russian snowflakes will be upset, Putin on the other hand…
The Ghurkhas are a mercenary force . Why not the Ukraine employ them ?
That graphic doesn’t show either ..on my devices.
It was the pink hat march in USA – ladies who hated Trump but loved Biden.
Putin bad.
UK Citizens – meh.
That’s a FakeNews tweet
The first line says “Britain has passed a law banning all ships that have any connection to Russia from entering its *ports* ”
ie banned from ports not waters.
I guess that unless the ban doesn’t start next month
Russian boats full of good we have bough and paid for will be turning up and we’ll be sending them back so they get to keep our money and the goods.
Sell to Africa or China.
off topic I know but still related to Big Brother 1984 IMO
Appalled to see a letter HSBC sent to my wife telling her that they will restrict her account and possibly close it unless they receive a multi page form filled out.
To make it clear, she has no overdraft or loan just a current account so owes them NO MONEY and they claim “safeguarding against money laundering” ”
so page one is all about name, address, Country of birth ? (WHY) nationality, maybe fair enough but heres where I got extremely annoyed :
page 2
Employment and education (answer every question)
indicate employment status
if student name of school college
what courses and dates please
Employer details, name, address business type, job title
financial information:
Answer every question)
Total gross annual income
monthly pension income
monthly social securtiy benefits
income recieved while at education
in which country was your net worth accumulated
Are you a company director
if yes dio you own more than 10% of shares
do you intend to recive cash deposits in the account
if yes what is the source of these deposits
do you see any changes in the way you use the account
if yes why
international payments
do you expect to send or receive money from overseas
if yes how many payments. total value each month
how many payments will you recieve
total value each month
what is the reason for these payments
which counties and in what currencies
Sign and date please
I have made a complaint on her behalf and received the following response from HSBC:
As advised on our letters, we need to make sure we hold your up-to-date information. This is to help us confirm that transactions on your account are genuine. HSBC cannot operate accounts without knowing who you are and whether your circumstances have changed since your account has been opened. This is in line with the UK’s banking regulations to prevent fraud and money laundering. Please visit for further information.
I’m sorry you feel that you shouldn’t have to provide this information and that you are considering closing your account. This is information that is required to maintain a relationship with HSBC. Should you choose to close your account and open an account with another provider, I’m certain you would be asked to provide them with similar information as part of the account opening process.
If you don’t reply to our request, we’ll have to restrict certain activity on your account. This will include limiting your digital banking and cash withdrawals. This may also result in your account being closed.
Given the standards of security at banks, I am reluctant to share anything more than my name and address with them. I cannot believe that all this nonsense is a legal requirement, as opposed to someone in the compliance department making work for themselves. Whatever, it is absolutely appalling.
I have told them that in no uncertain terms, it is also completely untrue, I have NEVER been asked any of this information in 40 years of banking there are stories all over the internet of HSBC and this ridiculous exercise that is alienating many customers.
check “HSBC safeguarding letter”
The law is Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017
This law is due to be updated in 2022
and the consultancy period finished in October
What businesses must do
What checks HMRC make on such businesses
There is a forum discussion
Yes, there are a lot of “may do” s in there and HSBC have taken it way too far for a standard current account, far beyond ID checks.
HSBC and StanChart back China security laws for HK
Published4 June 2020
Ukraine conflict: How to help yourself, your kids, and others
For the snowflakes
This is online from a couple of years ago:
“A week later and I received a letter and questionnaire telling me I must complete the forms (same questions). If I did not then my account might be restricted for ‘security reasons’ – a catch-all used more and more these days – so I ignored that too. This week another letter with a questionnaire but they have upped the threat if I failed to complete it. They have now restricted my daily cash allowance to £50 a day (down from £300) as punishment for failing to bow down to their demands. Further sanctions will follow if I do not obey the bank.
Friday, I merged my money into just one account online. Then I filled in a simple online application for Barclays and started the switch process. All pensions and benefits providers contacted with new account details. Sorted. Once confirmed tomorrow after providing my I.D. at the branch, I’m up and running. Just Paypal, eBay, Amazon and others to change which is nice and simple.
The reason for all this HSBC behaviour? Nothing to do with ordinary loyal customers like me. HSBC was fined $100 million by the USA Department of Justice for currency rigging in January this year with a 3 year deferred prosecution. That is just a few weeks after a 5 year deferred prosecution and loss of banking licence expired. This was imposed for allowing Mexican drugs gangs to launder money.
In September 2017 it was also fined $175 million by the US Federal reserve for unsound practices in its foreign exchange business. Plus $353 million to the French authorities in November.
Bye-bye and good riddance to a corrupt bank.”
That graphic doesn’t show up on my devices.
Crufts have banned Russian dog entries. That is 51 dogs.
I guess that eases the competition for my entry in Postgraduate Bitch – a rather sexist category
That’s a bit “ruff”
Am I wrong in thinking that Boris has been elevated as spokesman for Europe ? As per usual its the UK who has to be ‘feetfirst’ in doing whatever, so what is Italy / Spain / Austria’s take on all this, and why haven’t we heard ? or is the UK taking the lead yet again.
Some interesting analysis here:
I would have thought this lot would be applauding Putins attempt to “de nazify” Ukraine ?
I often think there is something fundementally wrong with this country and its adherents
Pakistan’s helping hand to warmonger Putin: Imran Khan shamelessly offers to import two million tons of wheat AND buy gas from Russia
A good summary of Trump’s CPAC speech.
This then was a speech that not only clearly signalled his bid to return to the White House but comprehensively damned each and every aspect of the cultural and political degeneracy identified by Dr David Starkey last week here that has left the West so weakened and exposed.
Typically the Independent, one UK outlet that did report it, went into a ‘demonisation’ overdrive that gave no idea of the turning point Trump’s speech marks as an analysis of, and attack on, the dangerous world of illusion, stupidity and hypocrisy that has come to mark the West under Biden and his corrupt cronies. Of the US outlets, the New York Times was also par for the anti- Trump course with their ‘fact-checkers’ brought out to accuse Trump of misleading about Biden, a Russian pipeline and gas prices.
Wouldn’t it be great if Hillary stood against Trump again, and lost again? I think she’d lose what’s left of her mind – as would the BBC.
Alibi (a UKTV channel owned by the BBC)
9pm Traces ep3/6 : “with the white supremacist bomber continuing his terror campaign around Dundee — and it could be about to get personal.
The task facing DI McKinven (Michael Nardone) is increasingly tough — and now wife *Azra* is joining his investigation
One of the strengths of Traces is its female-led cast and crew, with Molly Windsor, Jennifer Spence and Laura Fraser to the fore and co-creators Amelia Bullmore and Val McDermid behind the scenes.
This beguilingly gripping mystery is building nicely”
Blimey, the EU growing a pair and giving the Ukrainian President a standing ovation.
Disgusting hypocrisy from the EU apparatchiks who while giving this ovation are still buying gas and oil from Russia, thereby aiding the invasion with their Euros and the insane Green fantasies.
10:05pm BBC3 Mood : “The BBC has been brilliant at cherry-picking emerging female writers and offering them a plat-form :Kayleigh Llewellyn, Michaela Coel, Phoebe Waller-Bridge. Now Nicole Lecky.
It follows Sasha Clayton, a lippy 25-year-old aspiring singer. She is explosively aggressive — to the extent that she drunkenly sets her ex-boyfriend’s garden on fire. When she’s kicked out of home, Sasha turns to a new acquaintance, Instagram influencer Carly. This first episode is slow in parts, but offers illuminating insight into the darker world of social media”
11:15pm BBC2 Suburbicon1959 film
“An African-American family move into all white suburb and face hostility ”
BBC4 St David’s Day , all Wales programming
I have the BBC1 6pm news on in the background. I have seen Ursula van der leyan (not sure of my spelling), speaking in English and appearing strong as she speaks of Ukraine and twice the BBC has shown Boris looking weak, as an obviously frustrated woman attacks Boris re a no fly zone. Whilst I have every sympathy for Ukraine I accept at the present time, every country has to step carefully to avoid making a difficult time worse and decisions should not be made following a verbal attack by a journalist.
I may have got the situation wrong as I said, the news is on the background but my criticism remains that the editors chose a clip to make Boris look weak.
They still know what they like.
Luckily not around for the Blitz, but don’t recall any mention of popping round Tesco Metro as the Ju88s were unloading.
And, repeat.
And what a border.
Lewis liked this. He knows borders.
You gotta laff.
I was looking at the Biased Broadcasting Corporation’s Red button output, was once called teletext, today.
1, According to the TUC city centres are going to be decimated due to covid.
2, The RMT Union close down Londonistan, today and Thursday.
Would appear that the Left hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing.
MPs get £2000 pay rise!
MPs to get £2,200 pay rise next month
Published2 hours ago
Yeah, but look what it involves.
Grubby virtue signalling asshole!
There are plenty where he came from.
“What power have you got (EU)? Where did you get it from(EU)? In whose interests do you exercise it(EU)? To whom are you accountable(EU)? And how can we get rid of you(EU)”
― Tony Benn
Read more quotes from Tony Benn
I think that’s actually the book they use to claim their refunds on TV licences ….
If you are an anorak like me – strap yourself in for all sorts of made up emotion and demanding more ( war ) at the PMQ show tomorrow –
The Government gave the green light to UK companies to export millions of pounds worth of arms and military goods to Russia after it annexed Crimea in 2014, NationalWorld can reveal.
Russian forces invaded and subsequently seized Crimea, a coastal region of Ukraine, on the orders of President Vladimir Putin on 27 February 2014. Countries around the world – including the UK – condemned the move and imposed sanctions on Russia in response.
But according to data compiled by Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT), UK companies were granted 30 licences to export £3.7 million worth of goods classed as for military purposes to Russia between then and 30 September 2021, when data was last released.
This included £1.4 million worth of components for military aircraft, helicopters or drones, and £1.2 million of ammunition.
The figures are extracted from a database maintained by the UK Export Control Joint Unit, an arm of government charged with controlling exports of military equipment, or goods that could potentially be used for military purposes.
Does Priti and the rest of the Tory MPs get this rise of £2,200 for securing our borders ?
Has she deported the false refugees from France yet to make room for the genuine ones ?
Has the Border Farce been reformed yet?
When will our present government put the people of Great Britain first ?
Name of donor: Arora Management Services Ltd
Address of donor: World Business Centre, 3 Newall Road, London Heathrow Airport, Middlesex TW6 2TA
Amount of donation, or nature and value if donation in kind: Use of box at The Oval for cricket match Surrey v Somerset on 27 August 2019, total value £2,980
Register of Members’ Interests
Priti Patel
As the lowest paid in Europe it probably should be per month! Even a departmental head at a secondary school gets that amount
Thousands, including Conservative MP Matt Hancock, gathered outside the Consular Section of the Russian embassy in Kensington, with reports of eggs being thrown at the building.