“Ukraine crisis: Is the UK doing enough to help refugees?” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/60555166
I don’t think so, they have not deported the illegal, false refuges to make room for the genuine ones .
Watched Farage tonight .. And last night. So much better than BBC news. I hope others who might not have thought to watch GB news discover it. Trouble is I wonder how many people just watch the BBC out of habit and never try looking elsewhere.
Farage had excellent guests/correspondants presenting thought provoking knowledgeable insights on the Ukraine situation.
I hope GB news succeeds. They don’t seem to have that many major advertisers though. Also ( not sure if this has changed over the last week or so, if it has, I apologise) no paid adverts on their digital radio channel .. Seemingly throwing money away by not having commercial ads on radio and running trailers instead.
Come to think of it though, I would be happy to pay to watch/listen to GB news, certainly more happy than paying the BBC for not watching them !. Maybe they could ask for donations like some US channels do !
On twitter – an account which is apparently Nadine Dorries – says RT is about to switched off to the UK via Sky . Will be interesting how soon that is – if true ….
… for nocturnals Biden is giving the ‘state of the union auto cue read at around 0200 UK time – it’s on the BBC news channel – spin central ….
Actual Dorries tweet
talks about RT not being available via satellite
She thinks that means in wont be on Sky
I thought a lot of Sky Customers get their progs via internet
.. so surely RT will still be available
She wrongly says that the whole satellite will be taken off.
No the Luxembourg base station will simply no upload the RT feed to the satellite that ..all the other transponders on the satellite will still broadcast the other 150 channels
I don’t see a Dorries tweet saying RT is being taken off Freeview
so we can all still watch it there
I see she tweeted yester that Ofcom is starting an investigation into RT’ reporting.
Shortly, the French satellite which broadcasts Russia Today (RT) in both the EU and UK will be switched off. This means RT will no longer be available via Sky.
Putin’s polluting propaganda machine will now have severely restricted access into British homes via our TV screens.
Blue Islington Globalist Socialist Party MP’s letter
…Like all residents, I am watching the sad events unfolding in Ukraine very closely, and was present for the Prime Minister’s Statement to the House of Commons on Thursday.
It is right that we are working with allies to put pressure on Russia wherever we can.
No democratic, sovereign country should be stolen of her right to self-determination in 2022.
Events are moving fast, but I will be watching this closely.
As ever, please find below my progress reports on key local issues:
..blah blah
Ukraine is accusing Russia of war crimes. Vacuum bombs and cluster bombs may have been used. EU says it's “geopolitical terrorism'. 3 mins on Russia's attacks and if they amount to war crimes. Produced Catherine Karelli, Priyanka Deladia, Karen Morrison https://t.co/BKGrSNRAzhpic.twitter.com/6wxyngNILH
It’s because people find value in honest and caring representatives we are in this mess! ‘Caring’ is a Socialist trope – when they appear to but don’t.
We need hard nosed operators to tell it like it is, not a nurse maid.
‘God help us!’ Kamala Harris mocked over ridiculous oversimplification of Ukraine crisis
She said: “So Ukraine is a country in Europe, it exists next to another country called Russia.
“Russia is a bigger country, Russia is a more powerful country. Russia has decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine.
“So basically, that’s wrong.”
She went on to then oversimplify the package of sanctions that came as a response to Russia’s invasion, comparing them to parents threatening to punish a naughty child if they did something wrong.
GB News presenter, Dan Wootton, wrote: “This woman is one heartbeat away from the presidency. “God help us.”
Kamala Harris mocked for ‘terrifying’ explanation of Ukraine crisis: ‘A real inability to talk normally’
‘You will hear higher levels of explanation of international affairs in Peppa Pig,’ one critic wrote
Biden’s State of The Union was awful… – made even worse by having Pelosi working her dentures on one shoulder and Harris being just astoundingly weird on the other…
There was a fake room soundtrack as well in my estimation – it all looked staged in a one party state sort of a way…
One has to assume that Biden’s absence over the last week was rehearsal+meds tuning.
Goodness me, I just skipped through it on youtube and it was more like a Saturday night talent contest than a serious Presidential address.
The cheering was very clearly pre-rehearsed and/or prompted and seeing the bizarre looking duo Harris and Pelosi jumping up in unison when the script decided Biden should get some standing applause was just painful to watch. They were up and down like demented jack-in-the-boxes in every part I flicked through.
We are being told how the Ukrainian ambassador got a standing ovation. For no fathomable reason, Joe announced a 13 year old boy with diabetes in the audience who he had met somewhere and who had been specially shipped in to look cute. When he stood up, he got a standing ovation as well !!.
And why were there so few people in there ?. Every other seat was empty as if it were COVID rules – but nobody was wearing masks.
It’s clear where Joe and the American government has been during this time of crisis : in rehersals.
It reminded me of a South Park spoof film. God help us all.
I watched it live … I might go and look at some recordings as the applause and chanting bits were proper odd – the clapping alone seemed to require those present to have at least three pairs of hands and the chanting was remarkably disciplined.
Truth is out of the window. The Left always think their ‘ideological agenda’ means the ends always justify whatever means they decide are needed to get there.
And it has always had the same end result. Then once a couple of generations pass, the lessons are forgotten and the new wave start it all over again.
President Biden misspoke Tuesday night during his State of the Union speech, referring to Ukrainians as Iranians while discussing the ongoing turmoil in Europe as Russia continues its invasion into Ukraine.
“Putin may circle Kyiv with tanks, but he’ll never gain the hearts and souls of the Iranian people,” Biden said
Nile Gardiner, an ex-advisor to Margaret Thatcher, blasted President Biden on Twitter after he made an error in his speech.
Mr Gardiner said on Twitter: “Donald Trump would have been roasted alive by the US liberal media for a gaffe like this.
“But as it’s Joe Biden, he is simply given a pass.”
I have watched the third and final episode of the rise of the Nazi Dictators on the BBC . (I note that although Stalin is one of the main characters the title does not refer to Communist Dictators nor is there mention of the millions murdered by the Communists in Ukraine)
Anyway about ten minutes of this episode was devoted to the impact that a 22 year old student Sophie Scholl had the undermining of the Nazi regime. I might have come across her as a foot note in various histories of the Third Reich but perhaps not even that. Undoubtedly people like Sophie who took active measures to oppose the regime were very brave but to make out that she and her other White Rose conspirators had any significant impact on the standing of the Nazi party in 43/44 is as ridiculous as Mary Seacole being a black equivalent of Florence Nightingale. The BBC makes a mockery of history by these exaggerations , distortions and lies.
I did wonder if Sophie , who was executed after being caught leaving anti Nazi leaflets in public areas, was used by the BBC as some of proto Greta. Climate change and the Nazis being the great evil of their times and young women bravely leading the fight against them and rousing a supine population. After all this is the BBC and we can’t overestimate their lunacy.
What was also brilliantly ironic , particularly when you bear in mind the way that the BBC treats climate sceptics, is that the presenters were full of how the Nazis prohibited freedom of speech, pumped out pro regime propaganda 24/7 saturating Germany with their messages, no dissent allowed.
Imagine questioning whether SARS-COV2 has ever been purified and shown to cause disease in this country? By the end of this year even asking this question could land you in jail for 2 years, if the online harms bill passes in its current form. Do you think we are that far away from 1930s Germany?
Not to be out done Radio Devon this morning gave us 7 to 8 minutes of Muslim concern for the mental health issues of anorexia and bulimia sufferers during Ramadan. These problems can be hidden at this time so we should all be worried…. the constant search for irrelevant emotive issues never ceases.
The facility, built with Chinese assistance, in the southern port city of Karachi is Pakistan’s sixth nuclear power plant and dramatically increases its nuclear energy capacity.
China is a close ally of Pakistan and has invested billions in the energy sector, largely coal-fired power production.
“…and it shouldn’t have been our high commissioner (UKs) called in by the Pakistani Government to be lectured, we should have pulled in the envoy of Pakistan here and said ‘Stop that right now (protesting by blowing things up), or do without the aid we give you (Pakistan) …'”
– Christopher Hitchens had a point in 2007
Why battery is draining fast in winter?
Freezing weather drains your battery power by 30-60%. … Most batteries work through an electrochemical reaction, which sends power signals to your terminal ends. This chemical reaction slows down in colder weather, weakening your battery’s power.
Oh dear : Boris said the NHS has an extra 45K staff
The expert said it actually slightly bigger 46K
.. and that is nett, even accounting for those leaving
And yes there are more doctors
but the target of 6,000 new GPs per year is still not being met.
Interesting to see Janes comment at the bottom of the link..
It is imperative that you have Equality and Diversity teams within the NHS, to support the NHS in dealing with the differing needs and cultures of their patients. The NHS deals with an extreme diverse client base/patients, all coming from different backgrounds, with totally differents needs, whether this be diets, religious and cultural needs. Doctors, Nurses, Administrative Staff need to have a understanding of these differing cultures and needs in order to know the right support to give their patients. It has already been proven that their is a definate lack of this in a large number of hospitals. So the need for equality and diversity training and knowledge base is imperative to have an effective NHS Service, society has and is changing constanty and rapidly
The NHS in England spends £59,000 a day on translating documents and providing interpreters, according to a health think tank. A Freedom of Information request by 2020 Health showed the total bill topped £23m last year – an increase of 17% since 2007, it said.6 Feb 2012
Stew, “– Do we really make 35,000 decisions a day?” probably and may explain why I get out of breath trying to keep up with normal life, let alone cycling, running or walking fast.
In which our media ask – “Where are you from and what are you doing here? Show me your passport please” – not over here in the UK, obviously. And not now the Covid is apparently – and somewhat quietly – over.
Tory loyalist journo Katy Balls, writing in the left-leaning ‘i’ talks… balls: ‘Liz Truss is growing in stature as a potential Tory leader‘
Truss, mind you has been our Foreign Secretary for about five minutes and is also Minister for Women and Equalities. Presiding over the worst western foreign affairs disaster since last year (remember Afghanistan)
Oxbridge PPE, obviously. ‘Truss attended Merton College, Oxford, where she was President of Oxford University Liberal Democrats… she was a prominent supporter of the unsuccessful Britain Stronger in Europe campaign for the UK to remain… she came to support Brexit after the result‘ (Thank you, Wiki) – you don’t like her politics… She’s got some different politics.
The Tory gals do love their Truss: ‘Liz Truss is having a good war‘ (Isabel Hardman in the Spectator) – five days in, mind you. Many a dead Tommy buried in a corner of some foreign field could boast a good war – just five days into WW1 or WW2
All talk, no trousers… I hope the voters are listening carefully…
‘For the first time, the Foreign Secretary stated that Britain would “have to undergo some economic hardship as a result of our sanctions”‘ (Spectator)
‘Johnson doubles number of Ukrainian refugees eligible for UK to 200,000 after criticism‘ (‘i’) – but, I thought our policy was to encourage them to stand and fight?
OK. 200,000… amusingly, wondering whether without new hospitals our NHS might be overwhelmed by the influx I asked google – “how many people does an NHS hospital serve?” and what came back first were NHS stats from the point of view of their workforce rather than the patients – hey-ho.
Let’s guess we’ll need a couple of new hospitals. ‘New analysis has shown that there is on average one GP per 2,038 people across the country‘ (Independent) – I make that we ought to require 100 of these new refugees need to be up-to-speed English-speaking family doctors. Education? Several new schools will need building and staffing. Jobs? Infrastructure… roads, transport, policing… gosh… housing? Utilities… goodness me… energy use… CO2 output!!!
On the plus side… a few more BBC TV licences sold and some grateful, EU-leaning, votes come election time.
The BBC’s Ukraine online news headlines are difficult to satirise: ‘“I have never felt so much love for my homeland”… Alexandra Markevitch fled Kharkiv on Sunday… made it on to a train headed west‘ – I guess many in the world consider their home nation a land of hope and glory, eh BBC?
‘Watching the war on Russian TV – a whole different story‘ (BBC)
‘Russian activist sets fire to passport at Ukraine vigil in Edinburgh‘ (BBC) – Hoots Mon! Sounds as though without a passport he won’t be taking high or low roads out of Scotland anytime soon. Taking a plane to London. Or opening a bank account. Renting or buying a house.
Shhhhushhh… this next announcement is slipped out in honour of the infamous Labour spin doctor Jo More: ‘‘A good day to bury bad news’: The inside story of an infamous phrase‘ (Independent)… wait for it… they hope no one is listening carefully: ‘Compulsory Covid jabs for care home staff scrapped‘ (BBC)
The UN is stacked in favour of Russia. So the EU does an NHS door step-style show of support: ‘European Parliament gives standing ovation for Ukrainian President‘ (Euronews) – I wonder if a few MEPs banged their Le Creuset pots and pans?
Quickly immitated by the US: ‘Standing ovation for Ukrainian ambassador at Biden’s State of the Union address‘ (BBC) – taking the knee?
Our best shots fired, the Daily Mail appeals to a much higher force: ‘Pray for Kyiv‘
The Sun goes the full Godwin’s Law: ‘Putin’s butchers blitz Nazi victims’ memorial‘ (Godwin’s law of Nazi analogies, is an Internet adage asserting that as an online discussion grows longer (regardless of topic or scope), the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Adolf Hitler approaches) – thank you once more, Wiki.
The Daily Telegraph are there too: ‘Zelensky pleads with West to prevent genocide‘
So too the Mirror: ‘…Putin will pay for “war crime” bombings‘
But wait a minute… isn’t Ukraine’s arming of civilians at least bending the rules of war just a little?
I’m not sure if the Telegraph wants us to smile or may possibly have taken leave of its senses: ‘A grandmother of 80 with a truncheon – meet the secret police of Kyiv… “Where are you from and what are you doing in Ukraine? Show me your passport please”‘
Coolest heads over calls for no-flight zones over Ukraine are former military officers explaining why it could trigger NATO fighting Russia, WW3 and Armageddon.
That would be seismic escalation.
In the battle of Real Generals v Armchair Generals I’ll go with the Real Generals.
US President who failed to implement Syrian no-fly zone…..Barry O’ Bama
US President who cocked up Afghanistan withdrawal, gifting our Chinese friends the largest airbase in the world, and their Pakistani UK aid beneficiary friends an arsenal…Sleepy Joe Biden
US President who can’t see that failure to stand up to Putin’s aggression or at the least destroy the Russki convoy on the road to Kyiv will result in the fall of that city and the eventual annexation of much of Croatia, sorry, Ukraine…Sleepy Creepy Joe Biden.
Or maybe you’ll be believing the ultra Woke CIA an ‘intelligence’ service which lacks any intelligence and has a history of failure so comprehensive only a fool would believe anything they said?
And when the Florida Governor refused to send more guards to police the State of the Union address
lefty accounts tweeted HATE at him
@USASingers account must be real people (100K followers)
The Biden United account ?
I wonder if such account are set up to actually discredit lefties ?
Jeff, totally agree. Also I’m sick of the cry “we should be doing more ” — dear God, since when has the responsibility of the world been down to the UK ??? We HAVE to take in MORE refugees, we HAVE to do MORE economic sanctions, we HAVE to send MORE aid and weaponry.
Jesus, like I’ve said before on this site, what is the rest of Europe doing ? We’ve also heard little from the rest of the World except “we stand side by side with Ukraine” – oh I bet they’re chuffed with that !!!
In PMQs, endless questions begin with “will the PM give assurance ……….etc etc “. Why ? We are not the saviour of the world and its time that bloody politicians, academics, and talking heads got that through their heads.
While the BBC continues to prostrate itself at the feet of the Great Saviour, Ben Shapiro has a different take on the Imbecile’s slurred speech yesterday.
Middle-aged, simple-minded Chance lives in the townhouse of a wealthy old man in Washington, D.C. He has spent his whole life tending the garden and has never left the property. Other than gardening, his knowledge is derived entirely from what he sees on television. When his benefactor dies, Chance naively tells the lawyers that he has no claim against the estate and is ordered to move out.
Chance wanders aimlessly, discovering the outside world for the first time. Passing by a TV shop, he sees himself captured by a camera in the shop window. Entranced, he steps backward off the sidewalk and is struck by a chauffeured car owned by elderly business mogul Ben Rand. In the car is Rand’s glamorous and much younger wife Eve, who mishears “Chance, the gardener” in reply to the question who he is, as “Chauncey Gardiner”.
Eve brings Chance to their home to recover. He is wearing expensive tailored clothes from the 1920s and 1930s, which his benefactor had allowed him to take from the attic, and his manners are old-fashioned and courtly. When Ben Rand meets him, he takes “Chauncey” for an upper-class, highly educated businessman who has fallen on hard times. Rand admires him, finding him direct, wise and insightful.
While Biden preened himself and the two Wicked Witches pretended to admire him, brave men and women were being blown to bits in Ukraine as a direct result of the the Imbecile’s policies and his ineptness.
Hypocritically enabling the EU to continue living life as normal more like.
This Dutch blogger makes some good points about how dependent EU is on Russia’s fossil fuels, how rising prices or reduced supply will impact food prices too, as it needed to heat greenhouses and produce fertiliser
“Russia applies 20.8 kilogram of fertilizer per hectare of arable land, whereas the European Union applies 154.8 kilogram of fertilizer per hectare of arable land.”
and how pre war; to reduce domestic inflation.
‘China has banned phosphate/urea exports until June 2022. Russia banned exports of nitrogen fertilizer until June 2022. ‘
In a primetime speech, Mr Biden vowed “an unwavering resolve that freedom will always triumph over tyranny”.
Canada says it will freeze the bank accounts of ‘Freedom Convoy’ truckers who continue their anti-vaccine mandate blockades
I didn’t believe this – but I taped and watched this demented old man and he clearly said IRAN – someone heckled but it couldn’t be heard properly .
When they showed the audience standing ( again ) there was a lot of smiling and exchanging comments …
Anyone worried about the current war threat and state of America would make them more worried seeing Biden and the 2 airheads
Ye gods, just imagine if Trump had dropped a clanger like that…
The BBC would be chuntering on about it for months. It would be on the front page of the Guardian and Channel 4’s Krishna Gary Murphy (or what ever his name is) would be sneering and sniggering.
The “comedians” on Radio 4 and their hand-picked audiences would be howling with laughter.
Putin pledges he is ridding Ukraine of Nazis.
video footage shows missiles targetting a TV tower
The second one misses the target and explodes in an area to the side
Then “Ukrainian President Zelensky announces that the Russian army just bombed the Iconic Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial — which honors the tens of thousands of Ukrainian Jews who died at the hands of the Nazis — killing 5 innocent civilians. “
BTW yesterday BBC radio4 aired a prog about Ukrainian history
Jews were not mentioned.
That’s a very interesting point indeed David given the long & important role of Jewish communities in Ukraine over the centuries. I’ll have to leave it to the programme makers to answer your point. I guess time constraint was an issue & the focus on the Kiev/Moscow relationship
Biden is also a hedge fund, venture capital, and private-equity fund investor who formerly worked as a lobbyist, banker, public administration official, and registered lobbyist-firm attorney. Biden was discharged from the U.S. Navy Reserve shortly after his commissioning due to a failed drug test.
Biden was a founding board member of BHR Partners,[2] a Chinese investment company, and recently has presented his work as a painting artist.[3][4] In April 2021, Biden published a memoir discussing his struggles with addiction, titled Beautiful Things, in which he discusses the trauma he has suffered in the aftermath of a traffic accident in which his mother and sister were killed when Hunter was two years old.
A Gallery Sells Hunter Bidens. The White House Says It Won’t Know Who’s Buying.
Hunter Biden’s works are being offered for as much as $500,000 apiece; his art dealer said he would follow ethics guidelines that the Biden administration helped to develop.
Listening to Biden – they appear to be realising that the democrats are going to get caned in coming elections ….
…. The awful puppetry of the state of the union is frankly weird to a jaded old European like me . I wonder who watches it ?
And watching Biden – I wonder what meds they give him to keep him going ?
As he headed toward the end of his reading of the autocue he slurred more and misspoke . At a time of impending world war – he barely mentioned the US military apart from saying they are not getting involved in Ukraine … and ‘burn pits ‘…
…. Afgee barely got a mention … nor race ….
… felt a bit sorry for Nancy – the old girl looked like she was suffering by the end … (even through the Botox)
… after watching that – if I was putin – after Ukraine – I’d try it on with another buffer country … if they are not NATO – they don’t matter … – even more likely now that Russia – domestically – is being affected …
When the BBC choose to do a prog about Nazis
who do they bring on as an expert?
Ash Sarkar .. in the Rise of the Nazis 2019 BBC TV
The BBC seem to grow more partisan with each programme they produce. They presented Ash Sarkar, an open communist, as an expert on the German communist Ernst Thälmann in a documentary about the Nazis. pic.twitter.com/QYvJk6rdno
BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast
BBC Radio 5 Live, Wednesday 3 January 2018
During a phone-in on the programme a contributor, Danielle Tiplady was introduced as a staff nurse. We should have established and made clear on air that she was a political activist.
#WorldBookDay on Thursday, March 3
Guess what types of books the hippy bookshops are choosing to push at kids ? “it’s not an opportunity dress up
It’s an opportunity to CARE about important things in the world
So April in my book The Last Bear really cares about protecting the polar bears and making a difference and looking after the planet …”
“11 year old April goes to this Arctic island with her father a scientist
She meets the final bear to live on the island”
“Here’s an extract .. ‘the way sometimes watching the news about the destruction of the Amazon made her scream in anger’ ..” https://www.hannahgold.world/extras
Prince Harry struggles to get out of bed as he’s too overwhelmed by world’s problems
PRINCE HARRY has admitted he is sometimes so “overwhelmed” by the world’s problems that he struggles to get out of bed.
01:29, Wed, Sep 25, 2019 | UPDATED: 08:10, Thu, Sep 26, 2019
Poor old dimwit : he doesn’t even realised that he and Me-me-again are part of the problem. Wokeness and extreme hypocrisy is destroying the world he lives in. And by the time he realises, it will be far too late.
Another victim on the bbc, and then goes onto say…
Anne says it is important for the inquiry to understand that forced adoptions also affected older women
We seem to hear rather a lot about ‘older women’ on the BBC, that’s okay, they’re people too, but then we hear quite a bit about ‘younger women’, ‘middle-aged women’, ‘women of unspecified ages’, ‘lesbians’, ‘transexual women’… oh, and ‘black women’, ESPECIALLY ‘black women’, on and on and on, about those!
No problem with all that, but when do we hear anything about (white) men? Apparently, we no longer exist.
Johnson has described Lebedev “as a major force for good” – and even found time to go to his home on 19 March, the same day the prime minister had implored Britons to stay indoors to help curb the spread of a virus that would within days force a national lockdown.
It was the equivalent of a V-sign cheerfully flashed at his critics. The day after his landslide election victory, Boris Johnson and his girlfriend Carrie Symonds dropped into a caviar-fuelled Christmas party in London hosted by former KGB agent Alexander Lebedev and his son Evgeny.
During the campaign Johnson had stubbornly refused to publish the Russia report, written by the last parliament’s intelligence and security committee.
I still see many leftie accounts tweeting the FakeNews “Baron Lebedev is a Russian-British businessman, who owns Lebedev Holdings Ltd, which owns the Evening Standard, The Independent and the TV channel London Live.”
Actually Lebedev made sales
AFAIK Lebedev owns 70% of Lebedev Holdings Ltd (he sold 30% to the Saudis)
Lebedev Holdings Ltd own 100% of LondonLive but only about 63% of the Evening Standard.
For the Independent
Evgeny Lebedev (41%) Saudis (30%) Justin Byam Shaw (26%)
Johnson was one of several top politicians who turned up to the event, held at the Lebedev family’s £6m stuccoed mansion overlooking Regent’s Park. Guests included David and Samantha Cameron and George Osborne, now a Lebedev employee as Evening Standard editor. From the Blairite left, Peter Mandelson and Tristram Hunt were also in attendance.
Others invited to the vodka and caviar birthday party included Mick Jagger, Princess Eugenie, the actors Matt Smith and Rosamund Pike, and the model Lily Cole. Comedians Eddie Izzard and David Baddiel, the artist Grayson Perry and sculptor Antony Gormley were also there. Missing this year was the mayor of London, Sadiq Khan.
Plenty of sabre rattling . Politicians seem not to realise the size or the capacity of the military even if there was an inclination to have a war with Russia….
The extreme inactivity of the leader of the free world makes me think they want Russia to close this off as quickly as possible with the minimum of fuss.
Maybe it was even part of some unwritten understanding with the person who is actually running the USA : the one with the power to break up meetings when sleepy Joe starts going off-piste – Saint Obama of the Left.
The peers reluctantly signed off on his appointment, the Guardian understands. In their confirmation letter, they are said to have called on Johnson to examine Russian influence in the House of Lords, something highlighted by parliament’s intelligence and security committee in its Russia report.
Met Police chief Cressida Dick calls on social media giants to remove Drill music videos that ‘glamourise’ gang life to quell London’s tide of violence
The Scotland Yard chief calls on social media giants to remove Drill music videos
She says they have a ‘social responsibility’ to take down clips from the internet
The Met Police boss says they have a ‘terrible effect’ on the rise in violent crime
Drill is a hip hop sub-genre and is said by campaigners to be fuelling gang wars https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5744675/Met-Police-chief-Cressida-Dick-calls-social-media-giants-remove-Drill-music-videos.html
Saturday BBC Mary Whitehouse prog
There is an article
We also piece together the timetable from the diaries, which shows how, unknown to Mary, one of her closest Christian allies was a violent abuser of young men, even while preparing to prosecute the play for staging a fictionalised male rape. He was only exposed in 2017.
… challenged her sometimes closed mind if she’d known; not least her unshakeable faith in the leadership of establishment institutions.
.. I think there is much to admire in this formidable woman.
… Her views on tackling pornography, especially as computer technology took off dating back to the late 1960s, are remarkably prescient. As people are very fond of saying these days, she claimed to be on the right side of history when it came to the impact of unregulated pornography on society.
3 stars suddenly speak up
Joanna Lumley has warned that the creation of two windfarms off the Suffolk coast could see the area “disappear under a sea of concrete”.
The actress is one of 17 people, including actor Ralph Fiennes and comedian Griff Rhys Jones, who signed a letter stating the windfarms were “anything but green”…
Griff has been a long term opposer, but these other two only turned up when it’s in their backyard http://cliscep.com/2022/03/01/not-in-my-back-yard/
Prince Charles is set to benefit from the erection of onshore windfarms in England and Wales despite once declaring them a “horrendous blot on the landscape”.
How sickening to see the BBC cheer on Biden as he basks in the proxy glow of Ukraine’s heroism and vicariously appropriates to himself their extraordinary courage.
At the same time, the Imbecile is refusing to do the one thing that could really help Ukraine, weaken Russia and strengthen the West, namely increase oil and gas production. At a stroke, that would be a game-changer.
Even Forbes, the hard-nosed business journal, is imploring him to do so.
“Biden has a choice. He can dither at the margins with stopgap measures like tapping the Strategic Petroleum Reserve – which can provide, at best, temporary price relief – or continue to beg Saudi Arabia to pump more oil. Or he can make peace with the domestic oil and gas sector and call on it to increase output and deflate a geopolitical risk premium that has ballooned to add up to $15 to the price of a barrel of oil.
Energy security is national security. Enhancing our domestic energy supplies will give America and our European allies more options to deal with Putin in this conflict, and whatever comes next.”
Covid trends, replotted onto actual days
(reporting days are quite different now , cos zero are reported at the weekend therefore Mon/Tues have a lot of catchup data)
Express: Two footballers killed in Ukraine during Russia invasion.
Ukrainian child: “Daddy, what did you do to make the world a better place?”
Father: “Well son, I hung up my boots, picked up my gun and went out to fight tanks.”
British child: “Daddy, what did you do to make the world a better place?”
Father: “Well son, I put on my boots, went out and took the knee to a career criminal, drug dealer and woman beater who died of an overdose while resisting arrest.”
Never was there a better illustration of the alternative reality presented by Russian state media than at 17:00 GMT on Tuesday. As BBC World TV opened its bulletin with reports of a Russian attack on a TV tower in the capital Kyiv, Russian TV was announcing that Ukraine was responsible for strikes on its own cities.
So what are Russian TV viewers seeing of the war? What messages are they hearing over the airwaves? Below is a snapshot of what ordinary Russians would have picked up, on Tuesday 1 March, while channel-hopping across the country’s key TV stations, which are controlled by the Kremlin and its corporate allies. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-60571737
Least we forget how it all works … videos, words, pictures … you don’t get to choose the arrangement …
Chaos as police stop Hungary migrant train – Gavin Hewitt – BBC -Sep 2015 @53s
“… the a really distressing incident happened. A women who was carrying a small baby began crying for help (photo of lady carrying baby). One of her companions tried to help her (photo of man with women on track, riot police reaching towards them) Somehow there became a push and a shove with the police. She ended up on the railway lines (by the male refugee dragging her and the baby to the floor, but this is not said) with the riot police trying to pull her back, and this of course inflamed all the other people…”
-Gavin Hewitt – Sep 2015
Watch the video and the male refugee (companion trying to help?) drags the women and baby to the floor, by force.
Even the Mirror (03Sept2015) says “… this refugee couple cradle their tiny baby, after throwing themselves (NO! Male refugee drags women and baby onto train tracks) on train tracks as police try to take them to migrant camps in Hungary”
Gets better. Two days (05Sept2015) later the Mirror then report it as
“Refugee who dragged pregnant wife and baby son onto train track did it because ‘death would be better’”
1. BBC Version uses words and pictures to hide the video version
2. The Mirror shows the video but uses words to tell a different version
Can I suggest a little story – “Male refugee forces pregnant women refugee holding child down onto a train track, police drag him away for her safety? Riot police then lift women with child off track with tender arms.”
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
DeborahMar 9, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Eddy, John Campbell has a PhD in nursing. My mistake if I led people here to think he is a…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I had more than a cold the Astra Zenenca vaccine crippled me for months. Every movement was agony. There was…
“Ukraine crisis: Is the UK doing enough to help refugees?”
I don’t think so, they have not deported the illegal, false refuges to make room for the genuine ones .
Ooo .. Nearly first ..
Watched Farage tonight .. And last night. So much better than BBC news. I hope others who might not have thought to watch GB news discover it. Trouble is I wonder how many people just watch the BBC out of habit and never try looking elsewhere.
Farage had excellent guests/correspondants presenting thought provoking knowledgeable insights on the Ukraine situation.
I watch it most of the time – A breath of fresh air!
I hope GB news succeeds. They don’t seem to have that many major advertisers though. Also ( not sure if this has changed over the last week or so, if it has, I apologise) no paid adverts on their digital radio channel .. Seemingly throwing money away by not having commercial ads on radio and running trailers instead.
Come to think of it though, I would be happy to pay to watch/listen to GB news, certainly more happy than paying the BBC for not watching them !. Maybe they could ask for donations like some US channels do !
On twitter – an account which is apparently Nadine Dorries – says RT is about to switched off to the UK via Sky . Will be interesting how soon that is – if true ….
… for nocturnals Biden is giving the ‘state of the union auto cue read at around 0200 UK time – it’s on the BBC news channel – spin central ….
Actual Dorries tweet
talks about RT not being available via satellite
She thinks that means in wont be on Sky
I thought a lot of Sky Customers get their progs via internet
.. so surely RT will still be available
She wrongly says that the whole satellite will be taken off.
No the Luxembourg base station will simply no upload the RT feed to the satellite that ..all the other transponders on the satellite will still broadcast the other 150 channels
I don’t see a Dorries tweet saying RT is being taken off Freeview
so we can all still watch it there
I see she tweeted yester that Ofcom is starting an investigation into RT’ reporting.
The Ofcom special Investigations are about 15 RT progs broadcast on Sunday.
and breaking news….. Ofcom doesn’t do any investigations into the bbc
GB News has no control over the adverts. Sky bulk sells ad time on all the minor channels, and divies the cash by viewer numbers.
I never watch BBC breakfast now, always put GB NEWS on.
Blue Islington Globalist Socialist Party MP’s letter
…Like all residents, I am watching the sad events unfolding in Ukraine very closely, and was present for the Prime Minister’s Statement to the House of Commons on Thursday.
It is right that we are working with allies to put pressure on Russia wherever we can.
No democratic, sovereign country should be stolen of her right to self-determination in 2022.
Events are moving fast, but I will be watching this closely.
As ever, please find below my progress reports on key local issues:
..blah blah
Take care and stay safe,
That must be Holly Lynch my MP. I’m no socialist but she impresses me with her sincerity.
A more honest caring person I have yet to meet.
No Stella Creasy though.
Speaking of award winning wimmin on tv…. Relentlessly…
Seems Mr. Only Parent On The Planet is with Clive, in the bunker.
Prayers for Clive.
A 3’ bbc edit. May contain news.
Another red screen with the ominous title ‘Distressing Images’ in big letters.
What is classed as a distressing image for the BBC snowflakes now ?.
I was expecting to see the five dead civilians laid next to the tower. I didn’t.
They were walking next to the place broadcasting stuff like this.
After a warning such things would be targeted.
This seems a silly thing to do.
Odd the BBC might not think this too, after preliminary investigation, by Clive, in the bunker.
It’s because people find value in honest and caring representatives we are in this mess! ‘Caring’ is a Socialist trope – when they appear to but don’t.
We need hard nosed operators to tell it like it is, not a nurse maid.
No Halifax not your MP, the Holly-MC who signed the letter is the Scunthorpe Tory MP.
The sort of common sense you’ll never hear on the BBC.
Start producing oil again, Joe, and solve a multitude of problems.
‘God help us!’ Kamala Harris mocked over ridiculous oversimplification of Ukraine crisis
She said: “So Ukraine is a country in Europe, it exists next to another country called Russia.
“Russia is a bigger country, Russia is a more powerful country. Russia has decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine.
“So basically, that’s wrong.”
She went on to then oversimplify the package of sanctions that came as a response to Russia’s invasion, comparing them to parents threatening to punish a naughty child if they did something wrong.
GB News presenter, Dan Wootton, wrote: “This woman is one heartbeat away from the presidency. “God help us.”
Kamala Harris mocked for ‘terrifying’ explanation of Ukraine crisis: ‘A real inability to talk normally’
‘You will hear higher levels of explanation of international affairs in Peppa Pig,’ one critic wrote
Biden’s State of The Union was awful… – made even worse by having Pelosi working her dentures on one shoulder and Harris being just astoundingly weird on the other…
There was a fake room soundtrack as well in my estimation – it all looked staged in a one party state sort of a way…
One has to assume that Biden’s absence over the last week was rehearsal+meds tuning.
Look ‘ere tomo,
I is der Vise Presiden innit. Don’ you eva direspeck my boss.
I get dat Pelosi granny kick you ass good.
Goodness me, I just skipped through it on youtube and it was more like a Saturday night talent contest than a serious Presidential address.
The cheering was very clearly pre-rehearsed and/or prompted and seeing the bizarre looking duo Harris and Pelosi jumping up in unison when the script decided Biden should get some standing applause was just painful to watch. They were up and down like demented jack-in-the-boxes in every part I flicked through.
We are being told how the Ukrainian ambassador got a standing ovation. For no fathomable reason, Joe announced a 13 year old boy with diabetes in the audience who he had met somewhere and who had been specially shipped in to look cute. When he stood up, he got a standing ovation as well !!.
And why were there so few people in there ?. Every other seat was empty as if it were COVID rules – but nobody was wearing masks.
It’s clear where Joe and the American government has been during this time of crisis : in rehersals.
It reminded me of a South Park spoof film. God help us all.
I watched it live … I might go and look at some recordings as the applause and chanting bits were proper odd – the clapping alone seemed to require those present to have at least three pairs of hands and the chanting was remarkably disciplined.
– and they go on about N. Korea!
We live in extremely worrying times.
Truth is out of the window. The Left always think their ‘ideological agenda’ means the ends always justify whatever means they decide are needed to get there.
And it has always had the same end result. Then once a couple of generations pass, the lessons are forgotten and the new wave start it all over again.
President Biden misspoke Tuesday night during his State of the Union speech, referring to Ukrainians as Iranians while discussing the ongoing turmoil in Europe as Russia continues its invasion into Ukraine.
“Putin may circle Kyiv with tanks, but he’ll never gain the hearts and souls of the Iranian people,” Biden said
Nile Gardiner, an ex-advisor to Margaret Thatcher, blasted President Biden on Twitter after he made an error in his speech.
Mr Gardiner said on Twitter: “Donald Trump would have been roasted alive by the US liberal media for a gaffe like this.
“But as it’s Joe Biden, he is simply given a pass.”
He’s treated like a demented old dog that’s pissed on the carpet. With, may I add, a great deal of justification.
Very long list of military aid to Ukraine, supplied, in transit or pledged, from numerous states.
Canada offered a loan!
Supplied in transit, good idea, send white van man over there, he frightens the life out of me on the M25.
The next episode of Dr. Who, where Stella Creasy’s child single handedly defeats a right wing invasion of the HoP, will be awesome.
Bugger. Can even see the border from here.
“White people at much higher risk of most cancers in England, study finds”
That’s sheer and utter discriminatory Racism. Come 0900 I’ll get my worthless Labour MP on to it………………
Replace white people to cure this?
I have watched the third and final episode of the rise of the Nazi Dictators on the BBC . (I note that although Stalin is one of the main characters the title does not refer to Communist Dictators nor is there mention of the millions murdered by the Communists in Ukraine)
Anyway about ten minutes of this episode was devoted to the impact that a 22 year old student Sophie Scholl had the undermining of the Nazi regime. I might have come across her as a foot note in various histories of the Third Reich but perhaps not even that. Undoubtedly people like Sophie who took active measures to oppose the regime were very brave but to make out that she and her other White Rose conspirators had any significant impact on the standing of the Nazi party in 43/44 is as ridiculous as Mary Seacole being a black equivalent of Florence Nightingale. The BBC makes a mockery of history by these exaggerations , distortions and lies.
I did wonder if Sophie , who was executed after being caught leaving anti Nazi leaflets in public areas, was used by the BBC as some of proto Greta. Climate change and the Nazis being the great evil of their times and young women bravely leading the fight against them and rousing a supine population. After all this is the BBC and we can’t overestimate their lunacy.
What was also brilliantly ironic , particularly when you bear in mind the way that the BBC treats climate sceptics, is that the presenters were full of how the Nazis prohibited freedom of speech, pumped out pro regime propaganda 24/7 saturating Germany with their messages, no dissent allowed.
Imagine questioning whether SARS-COV2 has ever been purified and shown to cause disease in this country? By the end of this year even asking this question could land you in jail for 2 years, if the online harms bill passes in its current form. Do you think we are that far away from 1930s Germany?
An FT hack. Guessing… Remainer?
Books to sell….
Philip Stephens
Writer, Historian, Contributing Editor
. Londoner, Culchie roots. Fellow
. Hon Gov
. Author Britain Alone. http://philipstephens.substack.com
London, UKphilipstephens.netJoined November 2012
380 Following
Let`s stop giving aid to Pakistan if they`re going to help Russia by buying gas .
Ban them from the cricket, that’ll quieten Luton down for a start
A video has emerged of Shia Muslims marking the holy day of Ashura on a street in Manchester, UK on Sunday.
In the footage, captured by a local resident, hundreds of men can be seen chanting and slapping their bare chests while crowds of bystanders watch.
The day commemorates the martyrdom of Hussein, a grandson of the Prophet Muhammad.
Not to be out done Radio Devon this morning gave us 7 to 8 minutes of Muslim concern for the mental health issues of anorexia and bulimia sufferers during Ramadan. These problems can be hidden at this time so we should all be worried…. the constant search for irrelevant emotive issues never ceases.
Jeff Taylor UK gives Pakistan £250m/year
so it can buy Russian gas and Russian wheat
Where would Russia get all the extra wheat fields to grow wheat ?
Pakistan’s largest Chinese-built nuclear plant to start operating
The facility, built with Chinese assistance, in the southern port city of Karachi is Pakistan’s sixth nuclear power plant and dramatically increases its nuclear energy capacity.
China is a close ally of Pakistan and has invested billions in the energy sector, largely coal-fired power production.
“…and it shouldn’t have been our high commissioner (UKs) called in by the Pakistani Government to be lectured, we should have pulled in the envoy of Pakistan here and said ‘Stop that right now (protesting by blowing things up), or do without the aid we give you (Pakistan) …'”
– Christopher Hitchens had a point in 2007
9am R4 More or Less
– How long do you have to drive an electric car to offset the pollution from making the battery?
– the perplexing claim that the Chagos Islands are 100 metres below sea level.
– Boris bashing : are the prime minister’s parliamentary claims about growing numbers of NHS staff backed up by data?
– How reliable are the figures coming out of the conflict in Ukraine?
– Do we really make 35,000 decisions a day?
Why battery is draining fast in winter?
Freezing weather drains your battery power by 30-60%. … Most batteries work through an electrochemical reaction, which sends power signals to your terminal ends. This chemical reaction slows down in colder weather, weakening your battery’s power.
Oh dear : Boris said the NHS has an extra 45K staff
The expert said it actually slightly bigger 46K
.. and that is nett, even accounting for those leaving
And yes there are more doctors
but the target of 6,000 new GPs per year is still not being met.
Posted by Editor, HRreview | Apr 10, 2014
Hello Marky
Interesting to see Janes comment at the bottom of the link..
It is imperative that you have Equality and Diversity teams within the NHS, to support the NHS in dealing with the differing needs and cultures of their patients. The NHS deals with an extreme diverse client base/patients, all coming from different backgrounds, with totally differents needs, whether this be diets, religious and cultural needs. Doctors, Nurses, Administrative Staff need to have a understanding of these differing cultures and needs in order to know the right support to give their patients. It has already been proven that their is a definate lack of this in a large number of hospitals. So the need for equality and diversity training and knowledge base is imperative to have an effective NHS Service, society has and is changing constanty and rapidly
The NHS in England spends £59,000 a day on translating documents and providing interpreters, according to a health think tank. A Freedom of Information request by 2020 Health showed the total bill topped £23m last year – an increase of 17% since 2007, it said.6 Feb 2012
“society has and is changing constanty and rapidly” – in Africa?
The ‘silent killer’ of Africa’s albinos
Albinos in Tanzania live in fear of witch doctors who prize their body parts, but they face a far greater threat just by spending time outdoors.
Stew, “– Do we really make 35,000 decisions a day?” probably and may explain why I get out of breath trying to keep up with normal life, let alone cycling, running or walking fast.
Talk is cheap edition
In which our media ask – “Where are you from and what are you doing here? Show me your passport please” – not over here in the UK, obviously. And not now the Covid is apparently – and somewhat quietly – over.
Tory loyalist journo Katy Balls, writing in the left-leaning ‘i’ talks… balls: ‘Liz Truss is growing in stature as a potential Tory leader‘
Truss, mind you has been our Foreign Secretary for about five minutes and is also Minister for Women and Equalities. Presiding over the worst western foreign affairs disaster since last year (remember Afghanistan)
Oxbridge PPE, obviously. ‘Truss attended Merton College, Oxford, where she was President of Oxford University Liberal Democrats… she was a prominent supporter of the unsuccessful Britain Stronger in Europe campaign for the UK to remain… she came to support Brexit after the result‘ (Thank you, Wiki) – you don’t like her politics… She’s got some different politics.
The Tory gals do love their Truss: ‘Liz Truss is having a good war‘ (Isabel Hardman in the Spectator) – five days in, mind you. Many a dead Tommy buried in a corner of some foreign field could boast a good war – just five days into WW1 or WW2
All talk, no trousers… I hope the voters are listening carefully…
‘For the first time, the Foreign Secretary stated that Britain would “have to undergo some economic hardship as a result of our sanctions”‘ (Spectator)
‘Johnson doubles number of Ukrainian refugees eligible for UK to 200,000 after criticism‘ (‘i’) – but, I thought our policy was to encourage them to stand and fight?
OK. 200,000… amusingly, wondering whether without new hospitals our NHS might be overwhelmed by the influx I asked google – “how many people does an NHS hospital serve?” and what came back first were NHS stats from the point of view of their workforce rather than the patients – hey-ho.
Let’s guess we’ll need a couple of new hospitals. ‘New analysis has shown that there is on average one GP per 2,038 people across the country‘ (Independent) – I make that we ought to require 100 of these new refugees need to be up-to-speed English-speaking family doctors. Education? Several new schools will need building and staffing. Jobs? Infrastructure… roads, transport, policing… gosh… housing? Utilities… goodness me… energy use… CO2 output!!!
On the plus side… a few more BBC TV licences sold and some grateful, EU-leaning, votes come election time.
The BBC’s Ukraine online news headlines are difficult to satirise: ‘“I have never felt so much love for my homeland”… Alexandra Markevitch fled Kharkiv on Sunday… made it on to a train headed west‘ – I guess many in the world consider their home nation a land of hope and glory, eh BBC?
‘Watching the war on Russian TV – a whole different story‘ (BBC)
‘Russian activist sets fire to passport at Ukraine vigil in Edinburgh‘ (BBC) – Hoots Mon! Sounds as though without a passport he won’t be taking high or low roads out of Scotland anytime soon. Taking a plane to London. Or opening a bank account. Renting or buying a house.
Shhhhushhh… this next announcement is slipped out in honour of the infamous Labour spin doctor Jo More: ‘‘A good day to bury bad news’: The inside story of an infamous phrase‘ (Independent)… wait for it… they hope no one is listening carefully: ‘Compulsory Covid jabs for care home staff scrapped‘ (BBC)
The UN is stacked in favour of Russia. So the EU does an NHS door step-style show of support: ‘European Parliament gives standing ovation for Ukrainian President‘ (Euronews) – I wonder if a few MEPs banged their Le Creuset pots and pans?
Quickly immitated by the US: ‘Standing ovation for Ukrainian ambassador at Biden’s State of the Union address‘ (BBC) – taking the knee?
Our best shots fired, the Daily Mail appeals to a much higher force: ‘Pray for Kyiv‘
The Sun goes the full Godwin’s Law: ‘Putin’s butchers blitz Nazi victims’ memorial‘ (Godwin’s law of Nazi analogies, is an Internet adage asserting that as an online discussion grows longer (regardless of topic or scope), the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Adolf Hitler approaches) – thank you once more, Wiki.
The Daily Telegraph are there too: ‘Zelensky pleads with West to prevent genocide‘
So too the Mirror: ‘…Putin will pay for “war crime” bombings‘
But wait a minute… isn’t Ukraine’s arming of civilians at least bending the rules of war just a little?
I’m not sure if the Telegraph wants us to smile or may possibly have taken leave of its senses: ‘A grandmother of 80 with a truncheon – meet the secret police of Kyiv… “Where are you from and what are you doing in Ukraine? Show me your passport please”‘
‘Liz Truss is growing in stature as a potential Tory leader‘

It is a crime, AISI, that at my time of clicking your post has received only 6 likes. Should be at least 5 times that number. Another brilliant one!
16 now!
21 now
I’m bid 28, are we all done at 28, asking for the first time?
Hey ho, it’s Thursday and a new one …
The Fog of Woah!
When friend becomes foe, Piers vs. Zarah, Kev vs. whatever slick is told to say today, Frank vs. Some Opinionated BBC heat over light invitee…
On Farage an ex general said Russia is sending in all it’s old kit and untrained soldiers … a way to replenish the army and get them battle ready?
US President who failed to implement Syrian no-fly zone…..Barry O’ Bama
US President who cocked up Afghanistan withdrawal, gifting our Chinese friends the largest airbase in the world, and their Pakistani UK aid beneficiary friends an arsenal…Sleepy Joe Biden
US President who can’t see that failure to stand up to Putin’s aggression or at the least destroy the Russki convoy on the road to Kyiv will result in the fall of that city and the eventual annexation of much of Croatia, sorry, Ukraine…Sleepy Creepy Joe Biden.
See any similarities there?
And would that be the openly trans Admiral that Biden appointed you will be going with?
Or perhaps you will be looking to the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition?
Or maybe you’ll be believing the ultra Woke CIA an ‘intelligence’ service which lacks any intelligence and has a history of failure so comprehensive only a fool would believe anything they said?
Me I’ll stick to believing those retired service officers who served before the blue Labour enforce woke an everything.
That image didn’t show up for me
bbc homepage “Biden to Putin, you have no idea what’s coming”
I wonder if hes referring to the Womens Institute meeting in West Sussex. Putin must be quaking in his boots!
Airstrikes on Baghdad, probably.
As ever, the risible media that holds sad pols in thrall have created extremes of idiocy.
At the one end the BBC has a studio full of neutered chucks who say nothing but take anything.
At the other pass on dribble soundbite fodder like this that can do nothing but make stuff worse.
Surprised Lurch has not been promoted to Yo Momma Editor.
Piercy has a novel take.
So the convoy should have been A-10’d, so NATO attracts a dogfight from MIGs, to prevent indiscriminate missile attacks that hit tv towers precisely?
40 mile convoy – one car at front … one car 40 miles behind?
US issues first gender-neutral ‘X’ passport
Biden surrounds Capitol with more guards?
National Guard’s Capitol security mission ends as lawmakers feud over protection needs, costs
By Karoun Demirjian and Alex Horton
May 24, 2021 at 5:06 p.m. EDT
And when the Florida Governor refused to send more guards to police the State of the Union address
lefty accounts tweeted HATE at him
@USASingers account must be real people (100K followers)
The Biden United account ?
I wonder if such account are set up to actually discredit lefties ?
I think we have to be fair, even if the BBC won’t be, and say that the prime minister has handled this about as well as anyone could have.
We can all say “He should have done this…he could have done that,” but we’re all wise after the event.
What ever happens, one thing is for absolutely certain.
Party-gate is well and truly in the dustbin…
3 teachers hide in batley as UK liberates the Ukraine.
Jeff, totally agree. Also I’m sick of the cry “we should be doing more ” — dear God, since when has the responsibility of the world been down to the UK ??? We HAVE to take in MORE refugees, we HAVE to do MORE economic sanctions, we HAVE to send MORE aid and weaponry.
Jesus, like I’ve said before on this site, what is the rest of Europe doing ? We’ve also heard little from the rest of the World except “we stand side by side with Ukraine” – oh I bet they’re chuffed with that !!!
In PMQs, endless questions begin with “will the PM give assurance ……….etc etc “. Why ? We are not the saviour of the world and its time that bloody politicians, academics, and talking heads got that through their heads.
While the BBC continues to prostrate itself at the feet of the Great Saviour, Ben Shapiro has a different take on the Imbecile’s slurred speech yesterday.
Middle-aged, simple-minded Chance lives in the townhouse of a wealthy old man in Washington, D.C. He has spent his whole life tending the garden and has never left the property. Other than gardening, his knowledge is derived entirely from what he sees on television. When his benefactor dies, Chance naively tells the lawyers that he has no claim against the estate and is ordered to move out.
Chance wanders aimlessly, discovering the outside world for the first time. Passing by a TV shop, he sees himself captured by a camera in the shop window. Entranced, he steps backward off the sidewalk and is struck by a chauffeured car owned by elderly business mogul Ben Rand. In the car is Rand’s glamorous and much younger wife Eve, who mishears “Chance, the gardener” in reply to the question who he is, as “Chauncey Gardiner”.
Eve brings Chance to their home to recover. He is wearing expensive tailored clothes from the 1920s and 1930s, which his benefactor had allowed him to take from the attic, and his manners are old-fashioned and courtly. When Ben Rand meets him, he takes “Chauncey” for an upper-class, highly educated businessman who has fallen on hard times. Rand admires him, finding him direct, wise and insightful.
While Biden preened himself and the two Wicked Witches pretended to admire him, brave men and women were being blown to bits in Ukraine as a direct result of the the Imbecile’s policies and his ineptness.
And both he and European Union are buying both gas & oil from Russia thus enabling him to continue to prosecute his war.
It also begs the question how the West is paying for this energy given that it claims to have sanctioned the Russian banks, clearly that is not true.
Hypocritically enabling the EU to continue living life as normal more like.
This Dutch blogger makes some good points about how dependent EU is on Russia’s fossil fuels, how rising prices or reduced supply will impact food prices too, as it needed to heat greenhouses and produce fertiliser
“Russia applies 20.8 kilogram of fertilizer per hectare of arable land, whereas the European Union applies 154.8 kilogram of fertilizer per hectare of arable land.”
and how pre war; to reduce domestic inflation.
‘China has banned phosphate/urea exports until June 2022. Russia banned exports of nitrogen fertilizer until June 2022. ‘
With rainbows and unicorns.
If the Democrats had not stolen the election, the Ukraine would not have been invaded. Next: invasion of Taiwan?
Biden supports the Iranian people against Putin.
I believe the BBC edited this out for some reason
In a primetime speech, Mr Biden vowed “an unwavering resolve that freedom will always triumph over tyranny”.
Canada says it will freeze the bank accounts of ‘Freedom Convoy’ truckers who continue their anti-vaccine mandate blockades
I didn’t believe this – but I taped and watched this demented old man and he clearly said IRAN – someone heckled but it couldn’t be heard properly .
When they showed the audience standing ( again ) there was a lot of smiling and exchanging comments …
Anyone worried about the current war threat and state of America would make them more worried seeing Biden and the 2 airheads
Biden Says Antifa Is ‘An Idea, Not An Organization’ during Presidential Debate
Brittany Bernstein
September 30, 2020
Biden also said “You can’t build a wall high enough to keep out a vaccine.”
Ye gods, just imagine if Trump had dropped a clanger like that…
The BBC would be chuntering on about it for months. It would be on the front page of the Guardian and Channel 4’s Krishna Gary Murphy (or what ever his name is) would be sneering and sniggering.
The “comedians” on Radio 4 and their hand-picked audiences would be howling with laughter.
But with poor old Brain Dead Biden, it’s shh…
Yes, they are still saying that Trump said we should inject bleach, when in fact he said no such thing.
Putin pledges he is ridding Ukraine of Nazis.
video footage shows missiles targetting a TV tower
The second one misses the target and explodes in an area to the side
Then “Ukrainian President Zelensky announces that the Russian army just bombed the Iconic Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial — which honors the tens of thousands of Ukrainian Jews who died at the hands of the Nazis — killing 5 innocent civilians. “
BTW yesterday BBC radio4 aired a prog about Ukrainian history
Jews were not mentioned.
Biden is also a hedge fund, venture capital, and private-equity fund investor who formerly worked as a lobbyist, banker, public administration official, and registered lobbyist-firm attorney. Biden was discharged from the U.S. Navy Reserve shortly after his commissioning due to a failed drug test.
Biden was a founding board member of BHR Partners,[2] a Chinese investment company, and recently has presented his work as a painting artist.[3][4] In April 2021, Biden published a memoir discussing his struggles with addiction, titled Beautiful Things, in which he discusses the trauma he has suffered in the aftermath of a traffic accident in which his mother and sister were killed when Hunter was two years old.
A Gallery Sells Hunter Bidens. The White House Says It Won’t Know Who’s Buying.
Hunter Biden’s works are being offered for as much as $500,000 apiece; his art dealer said he would follow ethics guidelines that the Biden administration helped to develop.
Listening to Biden – they appear to be realising that the democrats are going to get caned in coming elections ….
…. The awful puppetry of the state of the union is frankly weird to a jaded old European like me . I wonder who watches it ?
And watching Biden – I wonder what meds they give him to keep him going ?
As he headed toward the end of his reading of the autocue he slurred more and misspoke . At a time of impending world war – he barely mentioned the US military apart from saying they are not getting involved in Ukraine … and ‘burn pits ‘…
…. Afgee barely got a mention … nor race ….
… felt a bit sorry for Nancy – the old girl looked like she was suffering by the end … (even through the Botox)
… after watching that – if I was putin – after Ukraine – I’d try it on with another buffer country … if they are not NATO – they don’t matter … – even more likely now that Russia – domestically – is being affected …
MM, is that Eddie Jordan driving the pink tank?
Having converted to GB NEWS the only information I now receive about the bBc and Sky News is on this site.
HOWEVER, old habits die hard and out of interest I tuned in to R4 toady to get a feel for the bBC coverage….just after the exit of Tourette’s
First up is was Orla …aw naw …
Second up Lyse –jesus
They came across like Grim Reapers”
Think the treble has been avoided was awaiting the announcement “Jeremy Jets in”
PS Hope Clive has taken the black seat with him to get down behind.
When the BBC choose to do a prog about Nazis
who do they bring on as an expert?
Ash Sarkar .. in the Rise of the Nazis 2019 BBC TV
23 Feb 2022 Moral Maze featured Ash as a panellist grilling the witnesses on “What is the countryside for ?”
Luxury Communism – read her book – you will be happy.
BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast
BBC Radio 5 Live, Wednesday 3 January 2018
During a phone-in on the programme a contributor, Danielle Tiplady was introduced as a staff nurse. We should have established and made clear on air that she was a political activist.
Next bulletin from Kamala Harris via the BBC trying to deflect with climate change news.
#WorldBookDay on Thursday, March 3
Guess what types of books the hippy bookshops are choosing to push at kids ?
“it’s not an opportunity dress up
It’s an opportunity to CARE about important things in the world
So April in my book The Last Bear really cares about protecting the polar bears and making a difference and looking after the planet …”
“11 year old April goes to this Arctic island with her father a scientist
She meets the final bear to live on the island”
“Here’s an extract .. ‘the way sometimes watching the news about the destruction of the Amazon made her scream in anger’ ..” https://www.hannahgold.world/extras
Prince Harry struggles to get out of bed as he’s too overwhelmed by world’s problems
PRINCE HARRY has admitted he is sometimes so “overwhelmed” by the world’s problems that he struggles to get out of bed.
01:29, Wed, Sep 25, 2019 | UPDATED: 08:10, Thu, Sep 26, 2019
Poor old dimwit : he doesn’t even realised that he and Me-me-again are part of the problem. Wokeness and extreme hypocrisy is destroying the world he lives in. And by the time he realises, it will be far too late.
Man with pool in garden cries that not everyone has one.
That could be a new word..Meghansweight”
House of Commons
Forced adoption: Daughter says her mum is owed apology
Another victim on the bbc, and then goes onto say…
Anne says it is important for the inquiry to understand that forced adoptions also affected older women
Older women hey, and others I presume/maybe
We seem to hear rather a lot about ‘older women’ on the BBC, that’s okay, they’re people too, but then we hear quite a bit about ‘younger women’, ‘middle-aged women’, ‘women of unspecified ages’, ‘lesbians’, ‘transexual women’… oh, and ‘black women’, ESPECIALLY ‘black women’, on and on and on, about those!
No problem with all that, but when do we hear anything about (white) men? Apparently, we no longer exist.
“Anyone with links to Putin”
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
Boris Johnson and Evgeny Lebedev: a decade of politics, parties and peerages
Elton John leaving Evgeny Lebedev’s party in December 2017. Photograph: GORC/GC Images
Elton looks like he’s got something shoved up his… oh, right.
Just HAD BBC, not has.
Now he’s going home to clean it out with a hose-pipe and toilet brush.
And I’m sure that’s not the only pearl necklace he wore that night.
Sorry. I’ll get my coat.
Johnson has described Lebedev “as a major force for good” – and even found time to go to his home on 19 March, the same day the prime minister had implored Britons to stay indoors to help curb the spread of a virus that would within days force a national lockdown.
It was the equivalent of a V-sign cheerfully flashed at his critics. The day after his landslide election victory, Boris Johnson and his girlfriend Carrie Symonds dropped into a caviar-fuelled Christmas party in London hosted by former KGB agent Alexander Lebedev and his son Evgeny.
During the campaign Johnson had stubbornly refused to publish the Russia report, written by the last parliament’s intelligence and security committee.
I still see many leftie accounts tweeting the FakeNews
“Baron Lebedev is a Russian-British businessman, who owns Lebedev Holdings Ltd, which owns the Evening Standard, The Independent and the TV channel London Live.”
Actually Lebedev made sales
AFAIK Lebedev owns 70% of Lebedev Holdings Ltd (he sold 30% to the Saudis)
Lebedev Holdings Ltd own 100% of LondonLive but only about 63% of the Evening Standard.
For the Independent
Evgeny Lebedev (41%) Saudis (30%) Justin Byam Shaw (26%)
Because Lebedev own 70% of the 63% share of the Evening Standard ..he owns about 44%
Still He and the Saudis together do control the 3 titles
We are all equal …..
Johnson was one of several top politicians who turned up to the event, held at the Lebedev family’s £6m stuccoed mansion overlooking Regent’s Park. Guests included David and Samantha Cameron and George Osborne, now a Lebedev employee as Evening Standard editor. From the Blairite left, Peter Mandelson and Tristram Hunt were also in attendance.
Others invited to the vodka and caviar birthday party included Mick Jagger, Princess Eugenie, the actors Matt Smith and Rosamund Pike, and the model Lily Cole. Comedians Eddie Izzard and David Baddiel, the artist Grayson Perry and sculptor Antony Gormley were also there. Missing this year was the mayor of London, Sadiq Khan.
“Generous applause in largely ineffective against massed armour and squadrons of fighter aircraft.”
Plenty of sabre rattling . Politicians seem not to realise the size or the capacity of the military even if there was an inclination to have a war with Russia….
The extreme inactivity of the leader of the free world makes me think they want Russia to close this off as quickly as possible with the minimum of fuss.
Maybe it was even part of some unwritten understanding with the person who is actually running the USA : the one with the power to break up meetings when sleepy Joe starts going off-piste – Saint Obama of the Left.
Could be – HUnter Bidens freedom for Ukraine!
when the bidens look at their cash piles
Russian Ukrainian Chinese etc
its probably difficult to decide which side they are supposed to support
The peers reluctantly signed off on his appointment, the Guardian understands. In their confirmation letter, they are said to have called on Johnson to examine Russian influence in the House of Lords, something highlighted by parliament’s intelligence and security committee in its Russia report.
Security sources say Lebedev’s “family links” mean that he is still regarded as a potential concern, even as he enters the Lords
Omar has done the official World Book Day rap
sponsored by Sky Kids
Met Police chief Cressida Dick calls on social media giants to remove Drill music videos that ‘glamourise’ gang life to quell London’s tide of violence
The Scotland Yard chief calls on social media giants to remove Drill music videos
She says they have a ‘social responsibility’ to take down clips from the internet
The Met Police boss says they have a ‘terrible effect’ on the rise in violent crime
Drill is a hip hop sub-genre and is said by campaigners to be fuelling gang wars
Ukraine crisis: What message was Biden sending to Putin?
I’m relieved that VP Kamala isn’t explaining it, or maybe would be better than the bbc trying to explain.
Surely we dont need the likes of the bbc to break down the message
No mention of Iran in the article!
He hasn’t changed much since he was a child.
Just a bit less articulate.
Saturday BBC Mary Whitehouse prog
There is an article
We also piece together the timetable from the diaries, which shows how, unknown to Mary, one of her closest Christian allies was a violent abuser of young men, even while preparing to prosecute the play for staging a fictionalised male rape. He was only exposed in 2017.
… challenged her sometimes closed mind if she’d known; not least her unshakeable faith in the leadership of establishment institutions.
.. I think there is much to admire in this formidable woman.
… Her views on tackling pornography, especially as computer technology took off dating back to the late 1960s, are remarkably prescient. As people are very fond of saying these days, she claimed to be on the right side of history when it came to the impact of unregulated pornography on society.
Nothing about MUSLIM gang rapists ????
3 stars suddenly speak up
Joanna Lumley has warned that the creation of two windfarms off the Suffolk coast could see the area “disappear under a sea of concrete”.
The actress is one of 17 people, including actor Ralph Fiennes and comedian Griff Rhys Jones, who signed a letter stating the windfarms were “anything but green”…
Griff has been a long term opposer, but these other two only turned up when it’s in their backyard
Double the number of farms! HA HA HA!
Prince Charles to get funding from ‘blot on the landscape’ windfarms
This article is more than 10 years old
Upkeep of Clarence House and some travel costs to be paid from income on crown estate, which rents out land for turbines
Prince Charles is set to benefit from the erection of onshore windfarms in England and Wales despite once declaring them a “horrendous blot on the landscape”.
How sickening to see the BBC cheer on Biden as he basks in the proxy glow of Ukraine’s heroism and vicariously appropriates to himself their extraordinary courage.
At the same time, the Imbecile is refusing to do the one thing that could really help Ukraine, weaken Russia and strengthen the West, namely increase oil and gas production. At a stroke, that would be a game-changer.
Even Forbes, the hard-nosed business journal, is imploring him to do so.
“Biden has a choice. He can dither at the margins with stopgap measures like tapping the Strategic Petroleum Reserve – which can provide, at best, temporary price relief – or continue to beg Saudi Arabia to pump more oil. Or he can make peace with the domestic oil and gas sector and call on it to increase output and deflate a geopolitical risk premium that has ballooned to add up to $15 to the price of a barrel of oil.
Energy security is national security. Enhancing our domestic energy supplies will give America and our European allies more options to deal with Putin in this conflict, and whatever comes next.”
Why work when you can get cheap money from China?
Labour MP received £500,000 in funding from Chinese Communist agent
Barry Gardiner said he kept security services fully informed, after MI5 warned MPs they are being targeted by Beijing.
Covid trends, replotted onto actual days
(reporting days are quite different now , cos zero are reported at the weekend therefore Mon/Tues have a lot of catchup data)


Deaths by Russia/Ukraine war … on the rise!
Express: Two footballers killed in Ukraine during Russia invasion.
Ukrainian child: “Daddy, what did you do to make the world a better place?”
Father: “Well son, I hung up my boots, picked up my gun and went out to fight tanks.”
British child: “Daddy, what did you do to make the world a better place?”
Father: “Well son, I put on my boots, went out and took the knee to a career criminal, drug dealer and woman beater who died of an overdose while resisting arrest.”
Never was there a better illustration of the alternative reality presented by Russian state media than at 17:00 GMT on Tuesday. As BBC World TV opened its bulletin with reports of a Russian attack on a TV tower in the capital Kyiv, Russian TV was announcing that Ukraine was responsible for strikes on its own cities.
So what are Russian TV viewers seeing of the war? What messages are they hearing over the airwaves? Below is a snapshot of what ordinary Russians would have picked up, on Tuesday 1 March, while channel-hopping across the country’s key TV stations, which are controlled by the Kremlin and its corporate allies.
Least we forget how it all works … videos, words, pictures … you don’t get to choose the arrangement …
Chaos as police stop Hungary migrant train – Gavin Hewitt – BBC -Sep 2015 @53s
“… the a really distressing incident happened. A women who was carrying a small baby began crying for help (photo of lady carrying baby). One of her companions tried to help her (photo of man with women on track, riot police reaching towards them) Somehow there became a push and a shove with the police. She ended up on the railway lines (by the male refugee dragging her and the baby to the floor, but this is not said) with the riot police trying to pull her back, and this of course inflamed all the other people…”
-Gavin Hewitt – Sep 2015
Watch the video and the male refugee (companion trying to help?) drags the women and baby to the floor, by force.
Even the Mirror (03Sept2015) says “… this refugee couple cradle their tiny baby, after throwing themselves (NO! Male refugee drags women and baby onto train tracks) on train tracks as police try to take them to migrant camps in Hungary”
Gets better. Two days (05Sept2015) later the Mirror then report it as
“Refugee who dragged pregnant wife and baby son onto train track did it because ‘death would be better’”
1. BBC Version uses words and pictures to hide the video version
2. The Mirror shows the video but uses words to tell a different version
Can I suggest a little story – “Male refugee forces pregnant women refugee holding child down onto a train track, police drag him away for her safety? Riot police then lift women with child off track with tender arms.”