A pro-EU minister has insisted there is “no pot of gold at the end of the Brexit rainbow” – as his Leave-supporting boss appealed for a measured referendum debate.
Tory frontbencher Ben Wallace, a Northern Ireland minister, stressed the benefits of EU membership to the country while criticising the vision of the Leave campaign.
Members’ Interests
Ben Wallace
Name of donor: Entain Operations Ltd
Address of donor: Suite 6, Atlantic Suites, Europort, Gibraltar
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: One ticket with hospitality to England v Denmark Euro football match, value £3,457 https://www.theyworkforyou.com/regmem/?p=11668
ame of donor: The Royal Automobile Club Motor Sports Association Ltd (trading as Motorsports UK)
Address of donor: Motor Sports House, Riverside Park, Colnbrook SL3 0HG
Amount of donation, or nature and value if donation in kind: Two tickets with hospitality for the British Grand Prix, total value £1,220 (£610 per person)
Name of donor: Squire Patton Boggs
Address of donor: Trinity Court, 16 John Dalton St, Manchester M60 8HS
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: sponsorship of a private party for Members of Parliament that I co-hosted with three other MPs; value £10,000
Welsh Government:
“Please note that the law in Wales has changed, young persons and other qualifying foreign national (other than those who are British, Irish or EU Citizens, or a Commonwealth citizen or foreign citizen who has leave to enter or remain in the UK or does not require such leave) can now take part in Local Government elections from the age of 16”
A nice way of saying pretty well anybody >16 can vote?
Do children need parental consent for the COVID-19 vaccine?
All parents or those with parental responsibility are asked for consent and will usually make this decision, jointly with their children. The information leaflet is addressed to the child (as the recipient of the vaccine) and encourages them to discuss the decision about the vaccine with their parents.
In secondary schools, some older children may be sufficiently mature to provide their own consent. This sometimes occurs if a parent has not returned a consent form but the child still wishes to have the vaccine on the day of the session. Every effort will be made to contact the parent to seek their verbal consent. The school has no role in this process.
Amazing spin lines in @BBCFooC @BBCRadio4
I guess written by anti -Trumper …Zurcher
Kate’s intro “Republicans CPAC conference : the main battle to be fought was that of ending DEMOCRATIC control of the government”
That sounds ominous … Democrat they mean
“…. Trump devoted more time to DEFENDING his past praise of Russian President Putin whom he again called smart”
“in the run up to the invasion some prominent conservative voices like Tucker Carlson have been outspoken in their DEFENCE of President Putin”
.. Emm Tucker transcripts show otherwise
“these Republican politicians seemed wary of being too critical of Putin lest they fall out of step with their voters who are more SYMPATHETIC towards Russia”
So in addition to the new lass the bbc have finessed into power, there are folk like undies boy…
You are what Americans term a “lawmaker”. You get to make laws that allow/disallow this. I assume you’ve checked this is possible under current laws and maybe have a bill to propose one if not? Or are you just posturing?
— Boy. Likes basil bruschetta. 🔯 (@Bruschetta_Boy) March 3, 2022
Pretty sure few are above being held to account, but the shredding of precedent alone by pig-thick pols desperate to get in a tv studio filled with pig thick mob stirring media types is a worry.
Meanwhile Magic Gramps knows who really needs supp… solidarity:
Solidarity with those on National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT) picket lines across London today, striking against job cuts and cuts to London Underground staff pensions.
BBC and other media outlets banging on about so called Oligarchs.
Any Oligarch with any sense and with family still in Russia is of course not going to condemn Putin. If he does the chances of his relatives still in Russia surviving is almost zero.
With all the carnage going on in the Ukraine is it not just sodding typical of the opposition parties to try and make political capital out of this issue…
So are you trying to tell me that Oligarchs only started to move to this country when the Tories came to power, of course not. Plenty of pictures of Blair on the internet meeting many Oligarchs and wining and dinning them.
I genuinely believe these so called Oligarchs dont hold the power the media is portraying.
The only way to oust Putin is for his generals to turn on him or a massive uprising from the Russian public.
I read today that tens of thousands of Russians now view the BBC as there number 1 go to news channel, so instead of broadcasting arty farty waffle to appease the left in this country, they should help the Ukraine cause by broadcasting the hard facts.
https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/976/cpsprodpb/A718/production/_123467724_security.jpg Does Putin The Terrible have severe halitosis? This might explain the emperor-length table, as well as his cavernous white auditorium. Meanwhile, if this thwarted beady-eyed, paranoid megalomaniac, with elevator shoes and delusions ethnic solidarity, begins to throw toys out of his immense pram; they could well be thermo-nuclear ones.
To those British politicians who want to cut the BBC and question its future: new figures show the audience for the BBC’s Russian language news website more than tripled its year-to-date weekly average, with a record reach of 10.7m people in the last week (compared to 3.1m).
That’s 10.7m viewers the BBC can crow about and who don’t pay a penny to the BBC while the British public fork out so they can watch Scot-free Marxist propaganda. Sounds like a good business model!
BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast
BBC Radio 5 Live, Wednesday 3 January 2018
During a phone-in on the programme a contributor, Danielle Tiplady was introduced as a staff nurse. We should have established and made clear on air that she was a political activist.
Press Gazette
Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries tells Commons: “I’d just like to offer my heartfelt thanks and admiration… to all of those journalists working for the BBC, the ITV and other news outlets who are risking their lives to bring us unbiased and accurate news from a live warzone”
Charlie figured out that it is the slavish support of Biden by such as Sopes got his Dad there?
Charlie – have only just caught up with this thread. I’ve had the privilege (and fun) to work with your dad all over the world on all manner of stories. Absolutely top bloke. And what you say is spot on: broadcasting is a team activity. Best to all your family
Who is that Bonkers Activist Media Doctor (not narrowing much down, granted) flogging the masks?
Understandably, people's attention is elsewhere, but it's really notable that COVID deaths and infections are plummeting in Britain. pic.twitter.com/X0GPi8bS2x
Ah… this one… doing her Spingster impression. With a mask.
Dr Juju says: "This horrendous war would be over tomorrow if only Putin would just sign a peace treaty… with one of our lovely Every Doctor pens! They’re made of bamboo and write really nicely and at £4.30 a pop they're marginally less expensive than nuclear armageddon!" pic.twitter.com/qKNZlLECDp
— Neil Ferguson's Calculator™ 🇨🇳 (@ProfessorFerg8) March 3, 2022
Note: the term ‘us’ does not refer to ordinary people, he’s talking about the couple of hundred thousand people like him who make up the nomenklatura, who are obsessed with the alphabet people.
And we guarantee, of course, that none of them are those folks who were encouraged to fly into Belarus, then crossed the border into Ukraine, and simply biding their time until they can cross into Poland and then make their way to the UK. No sir, not a single one. Each and every one is a budding doctor, scientist or technician. Maybe even an architect.
Its embarrassing that Sky and BBC reporters in the UKRAINE and at the borders keep asking people ….”how do you feel right now” ??
I dont think Ukranians give a flying puck for hurty feelings at the moment and unlike the chancers arriving every day under false pretences just want to go home when all this is finished.
I think we all know people from Poland and Ukraine who’s parents or grandparents arrived here after the war, they are totally integrated into the UK whilst still managing to retain an identity with thier heritage , unlike the chancers who will never pay tax or integrate.
“The Germans are seizing yachts.” – still paying Nord Stream #1 though! HA HA HA!
USA still not sanctioning energy.
TV licence crackdown warning: Outrage as BBC plans to DOUBLE prosecutions for non-payment
BBC prosecutions for failure to pay the licence fee are set to double following the pandemic.
17:18, Wed, Jan 26, 2022 | UPDATED: 15:47, Thu, Jan 27, 2022
The Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances refers to three identical political agreements signed at the OSCE conference in Budapest, Hungary on 5 December 1994 to provide security assurances by its signatories relating to the accession of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). The memorandum was originally signed by three nuclear powers: the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States. China and France gave somewhat weaker individual assurances in separate documents.[1]
The memorandum included security assurances against threats or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan. As a result of other agreements and the memorandum, between 1993 and 1996, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons
If @Keir_Starmer has his MPs out campaigning for this candidate after the revelations about her, is it fair to assume he supports her views on bullets not ballots? It's rather Putinesque isn't it? Before you even get to the Muslim stuff. https://t.co/OCCZDu9kOr
If the BBC have totally ignored the Paulette Hamilton story it’s very serious. Saying it’s on the eve of a by-election is no excuse. When I was Newsnight reporter I did story of Labour fiddling election expenses in Wirral South by-election. And we transmitted night before polling https://t.co/5ESA37QYQe
I won’t spell out my thoughts on Bowen arriving in Kyiv. Let me just wish every Ukrainian citizen safety and peace – but Mr Bowen isn’t a Ukrainian citizen, is he?
Sanchia Berg
Award winning BBC Correspondent/Reporter:Today /R4docs/Panorama My views here- not BBC. special interests :Family Courts/Education/immigration/history
LondonJoined February 2009
2,217 Following
Rabid dogs are commonly found in Ukraine. If you are bitten or scratched by a dog or other mammal while in Ukraine, there may be limited or no rabies treatment available. Since children are more likely to be bitten or scratched by a dog or other animals, consider rabies vaccination for children traveling to Ukraine.
Wait until the kids in the cubicle gardens get wind of Seb’s scoop.
Scoop: Co-op Food has become the first U.K. supermarket chain to remove from sale Russian-made Vodka in response to Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.
They probs get ‘danger money’ so don’t actually need to get out of their bunkers, but like they do in W1AA, just copy and paste the crap from CNN, Huffpo and WAPO.
Worryingly but not altogether surprisingly, Our Ms Dorries was overcome with emotion in the House while praising the ‘heroic efforts of BBC reporters and others, braving the bombs to keep an eager audience fully informed…..’
I suppose it depends on where the standards are set but, for my money (or not) Mr Myrie’s timing ‘al fresco’ is clearly amateur while his delivery shows the lack of his autocue – although this does have the benefit of opening an entrepreneurial door for a battery-powered version.
Meanwhile Lyse Doucet mangles our language without imparting any apparent benefit or knowledge, setting the stage for Orla Guerin and Fergal Keane to simply re-run emoto-tapes from earlier conflicts.
Accurate discussion from geo-political and impartial military perspectives can be found more frequently on GBN. Perhaps Nadine should be told?
4:30pm R4 Inside “Science” “we’ll be looking at the role OUR fossil fuel DEPENDENCY is playing” in the war .
Full intro
“In this week of POLITICAL and PLANETARY crisis
we’ll be looking at the role OUR fossil fuel DEPENDENCY is playing in the conflict between Russia and the Ukraine and Western nations
And with the publication of a MASSIVE Climate report from the IPCC
finding that EXTREME events are already happening SOONER and with WORSE impact, than scientists expected
We’ll be finding out if there is still time to transform our energy systems and avoid the MOST terrible futures”
… (very dodgy science)
at 16:43pm the Green dramaqueening item with a Deborah Roberts clip “The scientific evidence is UNEQUIVOCAL ..”
Is Greta flying into Ukraine to set up a Missile and Bomb Recycling Centre ? …..and where’s Extinction Rebellion / Insulate ( Insult ) Britain when you need them they could at least block the roads !
Kamala Harris mocked for offering ‘word salad’ explanation for buying Russian oil.
The vice president’s troubles with press interviews continue
Harris appeared to struggle with how to defend the White House’s position.
“As you know, on this issue, for example, we applaud Germany in terms of what it has done as it relates to Nord Stream 2,” Harris said. “As it relates to what we need to do domestically as well as what we need to do in terms of this issue generally, we have, as the president said, to reevaluate what we’re doing in terms of strategic oil reserves here in the United States to make sure that it will not have an impact, or we can mitigate the impact on the American consumer.”
The vice president also remarked on the united front against Russia, saying, “Understanding that right now on the issue of energy, our allies have stood firm and unified in a way that many of the pundits didn’t predict would happen, to ensure that we are unified in our approach to this issue.”
Several Twitter users mocked Harris’ answer as a “word salad” that failed to explain why the White House hasn’t considered cutting off Russian oil imports.
You will find a close correlation between those people who demonised the unvaccinated with those now putting up Ukrainian flags on their FBI Book profile. They are the fascists among us and as the last 2 years have shown there are millions of them in this country. Many sit in the Houses of Parliament.
The Russia Today TV website is still working
All you need to do is click the RTplayer button
.. the page is set to default to Youtube..so many people will see the YouTube not available message and think no live feed is available
But as I say All you need to do is click the RTplayer button
The fact that RT have not changed their website to default to RTplayer.. is strange .. that should be a simple thing to do. https://www.rt.com/on-air/rt-player/
The schedule seems oddly empty
5:00pm News
5:30pm Documentary : Donbass War: Airport. Part 1
6:00pm News
6:30pmDocumentary : Donbass War: Airport. Part 1
These scenarios are not mutually exclusive – some of each could combine to produce different outcomes. But however this conflict plays out, the world has changed. It will not return to the status quo ante. Russia’s relationship with the outside world will be different. European attitudes to security will be transformed. And the liberal, international rules-based order might just have rediscovered what it was for in the first place.
One Hundred Years of the Women’s Movement
BBC Radio 1 DJ Gemma Cairney goes on a personal journey through the history of the women’s movement and investigates landmark events, such as winning the right to vote. She talks to women who were involved in fighting for equality in the workplace and other social freedoms.
These resources are suitable for use with students aged 11-16.
Since the bbc maintains that this country comprises at least 70% black people (and women) and that there is no epidemic of muslim pakistani industrial-scale gang rape of children across the country in every city they inhabit worth condemning or investigating, I hate to admit I find that they are the last news output I would trust to tell me anything.
Watching the BBC interview a person in Kyiv today and they must have gone to extraordinary lengths to find the only Black woman still living in the city! no one else got a look in and I wasn’t the only one who found it strange.
Fury as former education secretary Gavin Williamson is handed a KNIGHTHOOD after overseeing catastrophic Covid exams bungle and twice being sacked from the Government
Downing Street revealed he had been given a knighthood this afternoon
Williamson was axed last September in Cabinet reshuffle amid school criticism
He had faced repeated criticism and calls to resign over exam chaos in 2020
Family doctor, 38, who was honoured by Boris Johnson during pandemic is suspended in disgrace after recording himself mocking patient’s WEIGHT on phone and sharing medical notes so he could JOKE about them with friend
Dr Haider Ali had received a bravery award from the PM for his charitable actions
He received plaudits for delivering care packages to NHS staff in the pandemic
The Manchester doctor was accused of sharing confidential patient records
The GP said the accusations were part of a ‘Machiavellian’ scheme against him
A tribunal found him guilty of nine misconduct charges and suspended him
So what? This is his freedom of speech being crushed, it’s a similar case to the Doctor who faces being struck off because he asked a Muslim Niqab wearer to remove her veil and wrote on some patients notes that their English was particularly poor to the point he could not understand them.
This is a reasonable thing to do because when he is accused of an incorrect diagnosis he could point to the notes and explain that the language led to that.
These tribunals are nothing short of Nazi inquisitions crushing peoples freedom to even speak with their colleagues in a way they disapprove of!
Patient confidentiality is not “crushing freedom of speech”.
Would you mind your doctor photographing your medical records and sharing them with mutual friends ?
“Later when Mr B attended a family get together at Ali’s home the GP began discussing the medical history of a mutual friend known as Patient C after he secretly took photos of her records and shared them via the messaging service.
During the party which Patient C had earlier attended but left, it was claimed Ali told guests private information about surgery she had undergone and made reference to her making a fraudulent claim for benefits.”
“Mr B and others were said to be ‘not amused’ by what Dr Ali was saying, told him they disapproved of it and insisted he should not be discussing such matters about Patient C.
But Ali also shared photographs of parts of other patients’ confidential medical records with some of the images annotated with emojis.
Mr B said that Dr Ali, visiting his family home, would try to engage Mr B in conversation about the messages and to ‘joke’ about them.”
MPTS chairman Mr Tim Bradbury said: ‘Dr Ali’s actions of photographing and sharing medical records amounted to numerous breaches of patient confidentiality.
‘There were several instances over a period of approximately four months, involving a number of patients.
‘Dr Ali had copied and disseminated patient records in such a cavalier manner, in an ill-judged attempt at humour and in some cases subjecting the patients concerned to potential ridicule.
‘The Tribunal concluded it was far more likely that, Dr Ali having both taken all the photographs on his mobile phone, sent them over a period of time to Mr B in a misplaced and wholly unprofessional attempt at humour.
‘Dr Ali annotated and added an emoticon in a manner which was mocking of Patient C and which would have been likely to offend her or subject her to derision if the photograph was shown to others.
To those British politicians who want to cut the BBC and question its future: new figures show the audience for the BBC’s Russian language news website more than tripled its year-to-date weekly average, with a record reach of 10.7m people in the last week (compared to 3.1m).
Even better, make them all broadcast from Moscow and insist they treat Putin in the same manner they treated Trump and Boris, bringing power to account.
The BBC are very excited about the ban on Russian Paralympians.
Wow, that’ll hit Putin where it hurts. My mole in the Kremlin informs me it’s his favourite sporting event and he’ll be devastated.
Seriously though, any pushback is welcome imo. But it’s a pity the world didn’t show the same determination against the equally murderous CCP during the Olympics – which the BBC was quite happy to televise without a word of criticism.
“An international cat federation has said it’s banning all Russian cats from entering its competitions.
In a statement on its website the Fédération Internationale Féline said it was “horrified” by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and had subsequently decided to disallow Russian cats from competing in its competitions, which take place around the world.
As well as this, it said that no cats bred in Russia would be allowed to be registered with its organisation outside of Russia.
The rules will be in place until the end of May, when they will be reviewed.
It added that it would dedicate a part of its budget to support cat breeders in Ukraine who are suffering because of the current situation.”
BBC local news prog on Wednesday
..Opening item continuing their theme of pillorying Edward Leigh the MP who said Lincolnshire has already done its share for immigrants
Their vox pop did some white people
then they a black woman “England is one of the FEW countries that does not welcome
We don’t hear welcome to the UK
cos WE are just so SELFISH !”
Then they bring on Tories who they have fished for who criticise Leigh.
next item super rushed mentioning the bones foound of Ilona Golabek murdered by Kamil Ranoszek.”
Those names seem like east european immigrants TO Lincolnshire.
Next PR as news for Woodland Trust
Next PR as news for Lincoln University
Next PR as news for Hull University “Festival Green Technology”
Next PR as news promoting the new Harry Potter movie
Yes the black woman divided herself from the others
I quoted what she said
If a white person in the vox pop had said the same I would’ve mentioned it .
Nope that not me dividing, I mentioned it cos a black woman said it
I then replied that I would have mentioned it if a white person had said it too.
I included both
“The Queen has been pleased to approve that the honour of Knighthood be conferred upon The Rt. Hon. Gavin Williamson CBE MP.”
Business adviser to NPS Property Consultants Ltd, Lancaster House, 16 Central Avenue, St. Andrews Business Park, Norwich; architectural design and property management. £4,000 per annum for 84 hours work per year. Employment ceased on 31 January 2013. Payments received:
28 April 2012, £333.33. Hours: 7 hrs. (Registered 6 June 2013)
28 May 2012, £333.33. Hours: 7 hrs. (Registered 6 June 2013)
28 June 2012, £333.33. Hours: 7 hrs. (Registered 6 June 2013)
28 July 2012, £333.33. Hours: 7 hrs. (Registered 6 June 2013)
28 August 2012, £333.33. Hours: 7 hrs. (Registered 6 June 2013)
28 September 2012, £333.33. Hours: 7 hrs. (Registered 6 June 2013)
28 October 2012, £333.33. Hours: 7 hrs. (Registered 6 June 2013)
28 November 2012, £333.33. Hours: 7 hrs. (Registered 6 June 2013)
28 December 2012, £333.33. Hours: 7 hrs. (Registered 6 June 2013)
28 January 2013, £333.33. Hours: 7 hrs. (Registered 6 June 2013) https://www.theyworkforyou.com/regmem/?p=24729
Where have all the mad greens gone ? The mad teenage girl – that monbiotic one – the bbc who loves animals more than humans ?
At least the current horrifying oil price / shortage will shut them up for a while – maybe when the inevitable day comes that gas / coal powered fire stations are fired up again they’ll pipe up .
But for me ? Enough of this green expensive crap ….
They are still around and it appears they never learn either, world events just pass them by:
“Extinction Rebellion Cambridge ‘oily spectres’ lead protest from University to oil company
This action follows on from a previous XR protest when fake oil was splattered across Senate House
The “Schlumberger Out” campaign demands the University “kicks them out” of the West Cambridge Site.
A spokesperson from XR Cambridge said: “I’ve come to this action because I want people in Cambridge to know that the University of Cambridge is enabling the destruction of habitats, rainforests, water sources, and communities.
“The University is supporting Schlumberger’s research, greenwashing their reputation and maintaining scholarships and professorships from this company, even while the International Energy Agency says there can be no new fossil fuel projects if we want to reach net zero by 2050 – it makes me so angry!”
A full set of the demands and a signable open letter can be found here.”
Tonight’s TV
The faces in the TV guide do not appear to be a sea of black faces today.
For Channel 4 they picked Kurtis, who is merely one person in the First Dates, Double Dates compilation show
For BBC2 the face is Amol Rajan interviewing Ian McKellen talking about him doing “the first gay kiss on British TV”
Strange, mail online showed a video of all the children getting off a train in Poland and receiving cuddly toys, all children and women a couple of old men, but the bbc misssed a chance to feature the 20 / 30 year old black man who got off right at the end, they could have grabbed him for an interview ?
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 08:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Andy, they do go on don’t they? From the article “The lawyer, a KC or King’s Counsel, who has not…
vladMar 10, 08:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Maureen Lipman tears into the BBC for its anti-Semitism – Gary Lineker & Miriam Margolyes in particular. Delicious. https://youtu.be/PX8_GOKob5s
Guest WhoMar 10, 08:13 Start the Week 10th March 2025 And who they do not ‘support’. https://x.com/bbcworld/status/1898839867473219940?s=61 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun John C has the full…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “A year and a half ago, Hindus and Muslims clashed in the streets of one of Britain’s most diverse cities.…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Winning upsets us all wwfc and can lead to hate – please take your first position and divide it up…
AsISeeItMar 10, 08:04 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Posters hereabouts will jostle and jockey for that prized top of the shop number one spot. Whereas a last comment…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:01 Start the Week 10th March 2025 2016 Brexit – control our borders – 2025 borders open with increase crossing. 2016 Brexit – control our VAT- 2025…
NATO to destory NordSteam#1 to stop Russian payments of gas?
It is not too late for Vladimir Putin to end his invasion of Ukraine, UK Defence Secretary Ben Wallace has said.
Defence Secretary Backs Theresa May As Future NATO Chief
Ben Wallace told Italian media Mrs May would be an “excellent candidate” to lead NATO after Jens Stoltenberg steps down.
A pro-EU minister has insisted there is “no pot of gold at the end of the Brexit rainbow” – as his Leave-supporting boss appealed for a measured referendum debate.
Tory frontbencher Ben Wallace, a Northern Ireland minister, stressed the benefits of EU membership to the country while criticising the vision of the Leave campaign.
Members’ Interests
Ben Wallace
Name of donor: Entain Operations Ltd
Address of donor: Suite 6, Atlantic Suites, Europort, Gibraltar
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: One ticket with hospitality to England v Denmark Euro football match, value £3,457
ame of donor: The Royal Automobile Club Motor Sports Association Ltd (trading as Motorsports UK)
Address of donor: Motor Sports House, Riverside Park, Colnbrook SL3 0HG
Amount of donation, or nature and value if donation in kind: Two tickets with hospitality for the British Grand Prix, total value £1,220 (£610 per person)
Name of donor: Squire Patton Boggs
Address of donor: Trinity Court, 16 John Dalton St, Manchester M60 8HS
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: sponsorship of a private party for Members of Parliament that I co-hosted with three other MPs; value £10,000
Welsh Government:
“Please note that the law in Wales has changed, young persons and other qualifying foreign national (other than those who are British, Irish or EU Citizens, or a Commonwealth citizen or foreign citizen who has leave to enter or remain in the UK or does not require such leave) can now take part in Local Government elections from the age of 16”
A nice way of saying pretty well anybody >16 can vote?
Do children need parental consent for the COVID-19 vaccine?
All parents or those with parental responsibility are asked for consent and will usually make this decision, jointly with their children. The information leaflet is addressed to the child (as the recipient of the vaccine) and encourages them to discuss the decision about the vaccine with their parents.
In secondary schools, some older children may be sufficiently mature to provide their own consent. This sometimes occurs if a parent has not returned a consent form but the child still wishes to have the vaccine on the day of the session. Every effort will be made to contact the parent to seek their verbal consent. The school has no role in this process.
Ukrainian Catholic bishop warns British people to avoid disinformation about war, reported on msn
I guess thats why I dont watch bbc anymore
Amazing spin lines in @BBCFooC @BBCRadio4
I guess written by anti -Trumper …Zurcher
Kate’s intro “Republicans CPAC conference : the main battle to be fought was that of ending DEMOCRATIC control of the government”
That sounds ominous … Democrat they mean
“…. Trump devoted more time to DEFENDING his past praise of Russian President Putin whom he again called smart”
“in the run up to the invasion some prominent conservative voices like Tucker Carlson have been outspoken in their DEFENCE of President Putin”
.. Emm Tucker transcripts show otherwise
“these Republican politicians seemed wary of being too critical of Putin lest they fall out of step with their voters who are more SYMPATHETIC towards Russia”
So in addition to the new lass the bbc have finessed into power, there are folk like undies boy…
What if these “oligarchs” have broken no laws in our country. Are they being targeted just because they are Russian? Isn’t that racist?
Pretty sure few are above being held to account, but the shredding of precedent alone by pig-thick pols desperate to get in a tv studio filled with pig thick mob stirring media types is a worry.
money, money, money, it helps balance the covid books
Don’t be silly, how can it be racist, they’re white.
Sorry, Mark,
When I saw the headline of your name, and then the photo, well……………. words failed me.
(mistake on my part 😉
Ops! Will remember to stop with the fake news!
Meanwhile Magic Gramps knows who really needs supp… solidarity:
Solidarity with those on National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT) picket lines across London today, striking against job cuts and cuts to London Underground staff pensions.
Their fight is our fight.
BBC and other media outlets banging on about so called Oligarchs.
Any Oligarch with any sense and with family still in Russia is of course not going to condemn Putin. If he does the chances of his relatives still in Russia surviving is almost zero.
With all the carnage going on in the Ukraine is it not just sodding typical of the opposition parties to try and make political capital out of this issue…
So are you trying to tell me that Oligarchs only started to move to this country when the Tories came to power, of course not. Plenty of pictures of Blair on the internet meeting many Oligarchs and wining and dinning them.
I genuinely believe these so called Oligarchs dont hold the power the media is portraying.
The only way to oust Putin is for his generals to turn on him or a massive uprising from the Russian public.
I read today that tens of thousands of Russians now view the BBC as there number 1 go to news channel, so instead of broadcasting arty farty waffle to appease the left in this country, they should help the Ukraine cause by broadcasting the hard facts.
I wont hold my breath..!!!
https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/976/cpsprodpb/A718/production/_123467724_security.jpg Does Putin The Terrible have severe halitosis? This might explain the emperor-length table, as well as his cavernous white auditorium. Meanwhile, if this thwarted beady-eyed, paranoid megalomaniac, with elevator shoes and delusions ethnic solidarity, begins to throw toys out of his immense pram; they could well be thermo-nuclear ones.
Simpo tells Alan.
Simpo might consider beyond the bubble, mind.
Simpo sees what Simpo wants to see.
This… is what the BBC actively tries to rig.
Now surely, by the law of media mob gob precedent….
Are Russians paying for it?
That’s 10.7m viewers the BBC can crow about and who don’t pay a penny to the BBC while the British public fork out so they can watch Scot-free Marxist propaganda. Sounds like a good business model!
so get russians to pay for it then
In BBC land, you are either with us or far-right extremists.
Their bubble REALLY needs popping.
BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast
BBC Radio 5 Live, Wednesday 3 January 2018
During a phone-in on the programme a contributor, Danielle Tiplady was introduced as a staff nurse. We should have established and made clear on air that she was a political activist.
Why do you keep putting the same post up, over and over again?
Press Gazette
Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries tells Commons: “I’d just like to offer my heartfelt thanks and admiration… to all of those journalists working for the BBC, the ITV and other news outlets who are risking their lives to bring us unbiased and accurate news from a live warzone”
Charlie figured out that it is the slavish support of Biden by such as Sopes got his Dad there?
One for Sopes, Lurch, Marianna or not BBC Newsworthy?
The entire Biden clan are rotten to the core.
Haven’t told all that many people … ha ha ha ha ha ha……
Made me smile too.
Like when the media get someone to ‘open up’ via their agents.
Suppose they take the money and then carry on fighting.
Think again.
GB News
Boris Johnson urged to pay Putin’s troops $100,000 each so they turn back on Ukraine war
Media ‘urges’ are worth checking to find out who is behind it all.
Given propaganda is being raised and decried by the MSM, using every trick in the book themselves undermines things a tad.
This is likely the ‘new form of democracy’ that Sir Boaty was pushing at CitizensAssemblies.
Do you notice that as far as the Russian war on Ukraine is concerned the false president of the US – and the US itself ‘ doesn’t exist?
( or did I miss that chapter in the story ?)…
I’d like to put all of them, Piers, Toenails, BS, Pesto, KGM, Beff, all the gobs in a room and… that’s it.
Just leave them in there.
Who is that Bonkers Activist Media Doctor (not narrowing much down, granted) flogging the masks?
This might be fun.
Ah… this one… doing her Spingster impression. With a mask.
Due to Brexit?
Another blonde
Forth war is LGBT?
The head of MI6 has already said that this war is about LGBTQWERTY rights: “It’s what distinguishes us from Putin”
Note: the term ‘us’ does not refer to ordinary people, he’s talking about the couple of hundred thousand people like him who make up the nomenklatura, who are obsessed with the alphabet people.
This should please Mrs Dorries of third front Culture.
Russian dogs banned from Crufts. And now:
”The International Cat Federation has banned Russian cats from competing in their shows in the latest response to the invasion of Ukraine”.
Bet Getty got a bonus for this one.
The ‘silent killer’ of Africa’s albinos
@Guest Who – Indeed, the real tragedy in Ukraine is the treatment of some BAMEs.
I read that one of them was, allegedly, refused a preferential first-class ticket on a train ahead of native Ukrainians fleeing for their lives.
Oh, man’s inhumanity to man.
And we guarantee, of course, that none of them are those folks who were encouraged to fly into Belarus, then crossed the border into Ukraine, and simply biding their time until they can cross into Poland and then make their way to the UK. No sir, not a single one. Each and every one is a budding doctor, scientist or technician. Maybe even an architect.
Its embarrassing that Sky and BBC reporters in the UKRAINE and at the borders keep asking people ….”how do you feel right now” ??
I dont think Ukranians give a flying puck for hurty feelings at the moment and unlike the chancers arriving every day under false pretences just want to go home when all this is finished.
I think we all know people from Poland and Ukraine who’s parents or grandparents arrived here after the war, they are totally integrated into the UK whilst still managing to retain an identity with thier heritage , unlike the chancers who will never pay tax or integrate.
Ukrainian refugees welcome here chancers are not.
Just wait until Boris and the BBC find out that Ukrainians are White, Christian and believe in family values. They won’t want them coming here then…
See, because he claims it, that makes it true.
“The Germans are seizing yachts.” – still paying Nord Stream #1 though! HA HA HA!
USA still not sanctioning energy.
TV licence crackdown warning: Outrage as BBC plans to DOUBLE prosecutions for non-payment
BBC prosecutions for failure to pay the licence fee are set to double following the pandemic.
17:18, Wed, Jan 26, 2022 | UPDATED: 15:47, Thu, Jan 27, 2022
That is how it works, yes.
If EU takes Ukraine – Meh.
And this is how it should have worked:
The Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances refers to three identical political agreements signed at the OSCE conference in Budapest, Hungary on 5 December 1994 to provide security assurances by its signatories relating to the accession of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). The memorandum was originally signed by three nuclear powers: the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States. China and France gave somewhat weaker individual assurances in separate documents.[1]
The memorandum included security assurances against threats or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan. As a result of other agreements and the memorandum, between 1993 and 1996, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons
BBC News
“I don’t think President Putin is going to tolerate a large-scale Western-provided arsenal of weapons going to guerrilla insurgents.”
Security correspondent Frank Gardner talks to #BBCNewscast about Ukraine.
Listen on BBC Sounds 🎧 bbc.in/35qliT5
The comments could… not be more interesting.
BBC has got this…
There’s fronts, and there is front, Nads.
You can take the Labour out of the BBC, but…
At last, JezBo has arrived!
Shared by a colleague whose views are… their own. If still vocally unlocated.
I won’t spell out my thoughts on Bowen arriving in Kyiv. Let me just wish every Ukrainian citizen safety and peace – but Mr Bowen isn’t a Ukrainian citizen, is he?
Sanchia Berg
Award winning BBC Correspondent/Reporter:Today /R4docs/Panorama My views here- not BBC. special interests :Family Courts/Education/immigration/history
LondonJoined February 2009
2,217 Following
It seems “award winning” is the prefix of every bloody bbc job description now
Wait until ‘specialist’ gets added.
“My views here- not BBC” – does that mean she should not use any BBC logos or names etc?
BBC logic:
When a Ukrainian tries to defend his country from invasion, he’s a patriot and a hero.
When a Brit does the same, he’s a far-right, xenophobic, racist, islamophobic Little-Englander.
How animals in Ukraine are being rescued during war, reports the bbc
Whats coming next… the government isn’t doing enough to rescue the animals?
Rabies on the the up.
Rabid dogs are commonly found in Ukraine. If you are bitten or scratched by a dog or other mammal while in Ukraine, there may be limited or no rabies treatment available. Since children are more likely to be bitten or scratched by a dog or other animals, consider rabies vaccination for children traveling to Ukraine.
Wait until the kids in the cubicle gardens get wind of Seb’s scoop.
I was going to watch ‘The Hunt For Red October’ later, but now I am so not.
Or should I?
When you find it, don’t tell anyone, they’ll start panic watching.
Now they have pompous gits like Simpo who waffle away having found their own voices, whilst still getting a massive wedge.
Is the BBC unbiased?
Is the world round?
Is net zero possible?
Is is the best is to is at?
They probs get ‘danger money’ so don’t actually need to get out of their bunkers, but like they do in W1AA, just copy and paste the crap from CNN, Huffpo and WAPO.
Worryingly but not altogether surprisingly, Our Ms Dorries was overcome with emotion in the House while praising the ‘heroic efforts of BBC reporters and others, braving the bombs to keep an eager audience fully informed…..’
I suppose it depends on where the standards are set but, for my money (or not) Mr Myrie’s timing ‘al fresco’ is clearly amateur while his delivery shows the lack of his autocue – although this does have the benefit of opening an entrepreneurial door for a battery-powered version.
Meanwhile Lyse Doucet mangles our language without imparting any apparent benefit or knowledge, setting the stage for Orla Guerin and Fergal Keane to simply re-run emoto-tapes from earlier conflicts.
Accurate discussion from geo-political and impartial military perspectives can be found more frequently on GBN. Perhaps Nadine should be told?
4:30pm R4 Inside “Science”
“we’ll be looking at the role OUR fossil fuel DEPENDENCY is playing” in the war .
Full intro
“In this week of POLITICAL and PLANETARY crisis
we’ll be looking at the role OUR fossil fuel DEPENDENCY is playing in the conflict between Russia and the Ukraine and Western nations
And with the publication of a MASSIVE Climate report from the IPCC
finding that EXTREME events are already happening SOONER and with WORSE impact, than scientists expected
We’ll be finding out if there is still time to transform our energy systems and avoid the MOST terrible futures”
… (very dodgy science)
at 16:43pm the Green dramaqueening item with a Deborah Roberts clip “The scientific evidence is UNEQUIVOCAL ..”
presenter “..FAR WORSE than predicted ..”
Prof Bettsy says “It is BLEAK but …”
Is Greta flying into Ukraine to set up a Missile and Bomb Recycling Centre ? …..and where’s Extinction Rebellion / Insulate ( Insult ) Britain when you need them they could at least block the roads !
And will ‘Stop The War’ be flying out to petition someone in Moscow ?.
I see they are organising protests across the UK to ‘Stop the War in Ukraine’. What a complete and utter waste of everybodies time.
They won’t go near any Russians. They only campaign at our government because of what a soft target it is.
Their dedication to stopping war only goes so far ….
More gibberish:
Kamala Harris mocked for offering ‘word salad’ explanation for buying Russian oil.
The vice president’s troubles with press interviews continue
Harris appeared to struggle with how to defend the White House’s position.
“As you know, on this issue, for example, we applaud Germany in terms of what it has done as it relates to Nord Stream 2,” Harris said. “As it relates to what we need to do domestically as well as what we need to do in terms of this issue generally, we have, as the president said, to reevaluate what we’re doing in terms of strategic oil reserves here in the United States to make sure that it will not have an impact, or we can mitigate the impact on the American consumer.”
The vice president also remarked on the united front against Russia, saying, “Understanding that right now on the issue of energy, our allies have stood firm and unified in a way that many of the pundits didn’t predict would happen, to ensure that we are unified in our approach to this issue.”
Several Twitter users mocked Harris’ answer as a “word salad” that failed to explain why the White House hasn’t considered cutting off Russian oil imports.
You will find a close correlation between those people who demonised the unvaccinated with those now putting up Ukrainian flags on their FBI Book profile. They are the fascists among us and as the last 2 years have shown there are millions of them in this country. Many sit in the Houses of Parliament.
The Russia Today TV website is still working
All you need to do is click the RTplayer button
.. the page is set to default to Youtube..so many people will see the YouTube not available message and think no live feed is available
But as I say All you need to do is click the RTplayer button
The fact that RT have not changed their website to default to RTplayer.. is strange .. that should be a simple thing to do.
The schedule seems oddly empty
5:00pm News
5:30pm Documentary : Donbass War: Airport. Part 1
6:00pm News
6:30pmDocumentary : Donbass War: Airport. Part 1
BBC explain the future ….
These scenarios are not mutually exclusive – some of each could combine to produce different outcomes. But however this conflict plays out, the world has changed. It will not return to the status quo ante. Russia’s relationship with the outside world will be different. European attitudes to security will be transformed. And the liberal, international rules-based order might just have rediscovered what it was for in the first place.
One Hundred Years of the Women’s Movement
BBC Radio 1 DJ Gemma Cairney goes on a personal journey through the history of the women’s movement and investigates landmark events, such as winning the right to vote. She talks to women who were involved in fighting for equality in the workplace and other social freedoms.
These resources are suitable for use with students aged 11-16.
The films are hosted on an external, non-BBC platform. The BBC cannot take any responsibility for recommendations or content promoted by third party sites.
Since the bbc maintains that this country comprises at least 70% black people (and women) and that there is no epidemic of muslim pakistani industrial-scale gang rape of children across the country in every city they inhabit worth condemning or investigating, I hate to admit I find that they are the last news output I would trust to tell me anything.
Watching the BBC interview a person in Kyiv today and they must have gone to extraordinary lengths to find the only Black woman still living in the city! no one else got a look in and I wasn’t the only one who found it strange.
More BBC logic:
Ukraine builds walls: “Bravo!”
Trump builds walls: “Hitler!”
Beyond comment, this one:
Fury as former education secretary Gavin Williamson is handed a KNIGHTHOOD after overseeing catastrophic Covid exams bungle and twice being sacked from the Government
Downing Street revealed he had been given a knighthood this afternoon
Williamson was axed last September in Cabinet reshuffle amid school criticism
He had faced repeated criticism and calls to resign over exam chaos in 2020
Zephir – he must know where the cake is buried ….
Mississippi Mud Cake ?
And another one:
Family doctor, 38, who was honoured by Boris Johnson during pandemic is suspended in disgrace after recording himself mocking patient’s WEIGHT on phone and sharing medical notes so he could JOKE about them with friend
Dr Haider Ali had received a bravery award from the PM for his charitable actions
He received plaudits for delivering care packages to NHS staff in the pandemic
The Manchester doctor was accused of sharing confidential patient records
The GP said the accusations were part of a ‘Machiavellian’ scheme against him
A tribunal found him guilty of nine misconduct charges and suspended him
So what? This is his freedom of speech being crushed, it’s a similar case to the Doctor who faces being struck off because he asked a Muslim Niqab wearer to remove her veil and wrote on some patients notes that their English was particularly poor to the point he could not understand them.
This is a reasonable thing to do because when he is accused of an incorrect diagnosis he could point to the notes and explain that the language led to that.
These tribunals are nothing short of Nazi inquisitions crushing peoples freedom to even speak with their colleagues in a way they disapprove of!
So what ?
Patient confidentiality is not “crushing freedom of speech”.
Would you mind your doctor photographing your medical records and sharing them with mutual friends ?
“Later when Mr B attended a family get together at Ali’s home the GP began discussing the medical history of a mutual friend known as Patient C after he secretly took photos of her records and shared them via the messaging service.
During the party which Patient C had earlier attended but left, it was claimed Ali told guests private information about surgery she had undergone and made reference to her making a fraudulent claim for benefits.”
“Mr B and others were said to be ‘not amused’ by what Dr Ali was saying, told him they disapproved of it and insisted he should not be discussing such matters about Patient C.
But Ali also shared photographs of parts of other patients’ confidential medical records with some of the images annotated with emojis.
Mr B said that Dr Ali, visiting his family home, would try to engage Mr B in conversation about the messages and to ‘joke’ about them.”
MPTS chairman Mr Tim Bradbury said: ‘Dr Ali’s actions of photographing and sharing medical records amounted to numerous breaches of patient confidentiality.
‘There were several instances over a period of approximately four months, involving a number of patients.
‘Dr Ali had copied and disseminated patient records in such a cavalier manner, in an ill-judged attempt at humour and in some cases subjecting the patients concerned to potential ridicule.
‘The Tribunal concluded it was far more likely that, Dr Ali having both taken all the photographs on his mobile phone, sent them over a period of time to Mr B in a misplaced and wholly unprofessional attempt at humour.
‘Dr Ali annotated and added an emoticon in a manner which was mocking of Patient C and which would have been likely to offend her or subject her to derision if the photograph was shown to others.
As I had heard the story the others involved were also clinicians and that it was a private conversation.
John Simpson
There is the solution in a nutshell, the bbc can propagandise to its hearts content in Russia and leave us alone.
I am sure the Russians will welcome with open arms the plethora of blacks, LGBT and muslims banging on about racism and gay rights parading as news.
Prosecute russians for not paying?
Even better, make them all broadcast from Moscow and insist they treat Putin in the same manner they treated Trump and Boris, bringing power to account.
The BBC are very excited about the ban on Russian Paralympians.
Wow, that’ll hit Putin where it hurts. My mole in the Kremlin informs me it’s his favourite sporting event and he’ll be devastated.
Seriously though, any pushback is welcome imo. But it’s a pity the world didn’t show the same determination against the equally murderous CCP during the Olympics – which the BBC was quite happy to televise without a word of criticism.
From the BBC News’ Ukraine coverage:
“An international cat federation has said it’s banning all Russian cats from entering its competitions.
In a statement on its website the Fédération Internationale Féline said it was “horrified” by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and had subsequently decided to disallow Russian cats from competing in its competitions, which take place around the world.
As well as this, it said that no cats bred in Russia would be allowed to be registered with its organisation outside of Russia.
The rules will be in place until the end of May, when they will be reviewed.
It added that it would dedicate a part of its budget to support cat breeders in Ukraine who are suffering because of the current situation.”
BBC local news prog on Wednesday
..Opening item continuing their theme of pillorying Edward Leigh the MP who said Lincolnshire has already done its share for immigrants
Their vox pop did some white people
then they a black woman
“England is one of the FEW countries that does not welcome
We don’t hear welcome to the UK
cos WE are just so SELFISH !”
Then they bring on Tories who they have fished for who criticise Leigh.
next item super rushed mentioning the bones foound of Ilona Golabek murdered by Kamil Ranoszek.”
Those names seem like east european immigrants TO Lincolnshire.
Next PR as news for Woodland Trust
Next PR as news for Lincoln University
Next PR as news for Hull University “Festival Green Technology”
Next PR as news promoting the new Harry Potter movie
StewGreen, June 20 2021;
“I really do not care for dividing the world up by skin colour”
StewGreen, March 3 2022;
“Their vox pop did some white people
then they a black woman”
Yes the black woman divided herself from the others
I quoted what she said
If a white person in the vox pop had said the same I would’ve mentioned it .
StewGreen, June 20 2021;
“I really do not care for dividing the world up by skin colour”
StewGreen, March 4 2022;
“If a white person in the vox pop had said the same I would’ve mentioned it”
Nope that not me dividing, I mentioned it cos a black woman said it
I then replied that I would have mentioned it if a white person had said it too.
I included both
“Nope that not me dividing”
white people
black woman
And the BBC in any June or March
“ Find something about race in the archives , we haven’t got a racist incident today . We must split the people up into victims and oppressors.”
“The Queen has been pleased to approve that the honour of Knighthood be conferred upon The Rt. Hon. Gavin Williamson CBE MP.”
Business adviser to NPS Property Consultants Ltd, Lancaster House, 16 Central Avenue, St. Andrews Business Park, Norwich; architectural design and property management. £4,000 per annum for 84 hours work per year. Employment ceased on 31 January 2013. Payments received:
28 April 2012, £333.33. Hours: 7 hrs. (Registered 6 June 2013)
28 May 2012, £333.33. Hours: 7 hrs. (Registered 6 June 2013)
28 June 2012, £333.33. Hours: 7 hrs. (Registered 6 June 2013)
28 July 2012, £333.33. Hours: 7 hrs. (Registered 6 June 2013)
28 August 2012, £333.33. Hours: 7 hrs. (Registered 6 June 2013)
28 September 2012, £333.33. Hours: 7 hrs. (Registered 6 June 2013)
28 October 2012, £333.33. Hours: 7 hrs. (Registered 6 June 2013)
28 November 2012, £333.33. Hours: 7 hrs. (Registered 6 June 2013)
28 December 2012, £333.33. Hours: 7 hrs. (Registered 6 June 2013)
28 January 2013, £333.33. Hours: 7 hrs. (Registered 6 June 2013)
Where have all the mad greens gone ? The mad teenage girl – that monbiotic one – the bbc who loves animals more than humans ?
At least the current horrifying oil price / shortage will shut them up for a while – maybe when the inevitable day comes that gas / coal powered fire stations are fired up again they’ll pipe up .
But for me ? Enough of this green expensive crap ….
They are still around and it appears they never learn either, world events just pass them by:
“Extinction Rebellion Cambridge ‘oily spectres’ lead protest from University to oil company
This action follows on from a previous XR protest when fake oil was splattered across Senate House
The “Schlumberger Out” campaign demands the University “kicks them out” of the West Cambridge Site.
A spokesperson from XR Cambridge said: “I’ve come to this action because I want people in Cambridge to know that the University of Cambridge is enabling the destruction of habitats, rainforests, water sources, and communities.
“The University is supporting Schlumberger’s research, greenwashing their reputation and maintaining scholarships and professorships from this company, even while the International Energy Agency says there can be no new fossil fuel projects if we want to reach net zero by 2050 – it makes me so angry!”
A full set of the demands and a signable open letter can be found here.”
I see Jeremy Vile has outraged the nation by suggesting that conscripted young Russian soldiers deserve to die:
Shame we can’t ship Vine out to rural Ukraine to get a bit more up close and personal with the action
Love to see him cycling in the middle of the road holding up a column of tanks with his camera on his head shouting abuse at them
I’d pay to see that
Tonight’s TV
The faces in the TV guide do not appear to be a sea of black faces today.
For Channel 4 they picked Kurtis, who is merely one person in the First Dates, Double Dates compilation show
For BBC2 the face is Amol Rajan interviewing Ian McKellen talking about him doing “the first gay kiss on British TV”
Strange, mail online showed a video of all the children getting off a train in Poland and receiving cuddly toys, all children and women a couple of old men, but the bbc misssed a chance to feature the 20 / 30 year old black man who got off right at the end, they could have grabbed him for an interview ?
No 1984 – George Orwell!
Five books that helped shape our world
Climate change deniers are like Putin
bracketed by adverts from Sothebys for Swiss luxury property and holidays in the Maldives