Dianne Abbot has reportedly called for all trousers supplied to Ukrainian forces to have the zips removed. She said “We must help enforce the no fly zone” !
The ITV share price dropped by 27% after it announced it is to spend money on a new digital platform to take on Netflix ‘ it has also bought the 10% the BBC had invested in something called ´britbox ´ .
I write the above because ITV is subject to the views of investors in the market whereas the BBC hides behind ćommercial sensitivity ´ when it wants to but is actually immune from market forces and is too often a state monopoly .
Dear God, news just in that the biggest atomic nuclear energy plant in Ukraine, and in Europe is on fire ! If it blows up it will be 10 TIMES LARGER than Chenobyl. Its being fired on by the Russians.
My guess is that as it was later found that the building being targetted was a ‘training building’, it was a scare tactic by the bad man, after all, he’d have taken out his entire army there as well had the whole lot blown up!
There again, I wouldn’t really understand army tactics, because I left the CCF after getting Pt2…
Everybody knows it did not present any risk of explosions.
The scare tactics are part of our own propaganda machine and Brissles shows us it has worked.
I am getting the feeling we are being prepared just in case the West decides to join in. And it’s clear Zelensky is doing everything he can to make it happen.
And no TB, before you accuse me of supporting Putin I’m not. I’m describing the situation as I see it. I’m not blinkered by emotion or conditioned by the media.
‘Ukraine President Zelensky had hours ago called on other nations to take more action immediately against Putin’s “nuclear terror”’
‘The UN’s nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), said the fire had not affected the plant’s “essential” equipment and there was no increase in radiation levels.’
The only thing scaring me about this is if the EU join in or Russia consider what the are EU doing as an act of war. Then you may well see a nuclear explosion on the news.
Criminal family. Made huge sums from dirty deals, then Joe screwed up Afghanistan, and now Ukraine and even the possibility of WW3.
Should all be locked up.
Superdry’s £441m boss is accused over ‘hiring unpaid teenage staff’
He’s the tycoon who made £441 million through his clothing label Superdry, and spent £1 million on trying to overturn the Brexit vote, but Julian Dunkerton has been getting teenagers to work in his trendy bar for nothing.
I can disclose that his No. 131 hotel in Cheltenham has been offering youngsters unpaid trials, with the understanding that there will be a job for them at the end, as a tactic to fill shifts on busy nights — before later withdrawing the job offer.
Remember the mantra please: Diversity is strength etc etc
Married Met Police officer, 45, who used his job to try to start sexual relationship with ‘vulnerable’ 15 and 16-year-old girls is jailed for two years
PC Adnan Arib, 45, obtained the mobile phone numbers of both girls, 15 and 16
Isn’t it great ? Another thick chippy loon has been elected as a Labour MP. Can’t wait for the maiden speech – she ll be doing a double act with Jess -trying to out Brummy each other …
A gift which will keep on giving ….27% …..
Just to add – not much of a testimony to John ( call me jack) Dromey – was it ?
The Tory vote held up pretty well and I bet the conservatives are looking at that result and seeing that the cake thing has not had the effect the BBC wanted .
But maybe we are living in a different world now ……
This seems incredibly cowardly of @Keir_Starmer He doubled down & supported her once her extremist views were known. Now he's too cowardly to allow the one news outlet covering it to interview her? Gutless of him. https://t.co/REWsL8FYA7
Labour have held the Birmingham Erdington seat after their candidate, Paulette Hamilton, overcame personal tragedy to become the country’s newest MP https://t.co/n15VbQ38zt
Lara Trump, on the war in Ukraine: “This didn’t need to happen; it was because of bad decisions by the Biden administration that Russia was able to invade Ukraine.
They had the money and the leverage to invade Ukraine because of the terrible energy decisions made by the Biden administration.”
The Home Office has lost track of more than 600,000 foreigners who should have left the UK, according to a report that lays bare Britain’s “shambolic” border checks.29 Mar 2018
[Stands for “Take the loss”. Frequently used to describe flunking a test, being dumped, being stood up, being beaten up or robbed, or losing one’s money in the stock market, (or) gambling] – or, in this case, a foreign policy defeat…
Breaking news… we’re hearing from Sir Keir Starmer… Labour opposition policy on Ukraine is… exactly the same as the Tory government policy… except… sanctions on Russian football ought to have been imposed earlier… been stricter… and last longer.
I’m joking of course. Sir Keir is isolating himself safely in a bunker until it’s all over.
Joking apart – or are they…? ‘Ukraine’s women’s magazines fight back. “How to remove your acrylic nails to hold a weapon”‘ – so says the ‘i’, one of our left-leaning newspapers, which warns: ‘The worst is yet to come‘
Suitably braced for further media idiocy we turn to the Telegaraph: ‘Mayhem on maternity wards as terror bombardment brings early arrivals‘ – I’m descerning a rather familiar narrative here… let me guess… ‘War disproportionately affects women, so why so few female peacekeepers?‘ (Guardian 2016); ‘Covid has intensified gender inequalities, global study finds‘ (Guardian March 2022); ‘Why this recession disproportionately affects women‘ (BBC 2020)
Who writes this stuff and toward what demographic is it targeted?
Admittedly, some of us blokes have made proper fools of ourselves – Defence Secretary Ben Wallace and his “full tonto” is a case in point. Now this chump: ‘Full kit plonker. John Terry dips his toe into geopolitics. What we really need as the world goes mental is ex-Chelsea numbscull John Terry dabbling in a bit of complicated world politics‘ (Daily Star) – apparently he Tweeted about Roman Abramovitch being “the best owner in the world“. Seems that opinion was on a subject well over his pay grade. You see, we only want to hear about politics when it’s from Garry Lineker and Marcus Rashford.
‘Arise Sir thicko. Fury errupted over claims that axed education secretary Gavin Williamson could get a knighthood‘ (Daily Star) – well, education policy is none shall fail and all shall have prizes.
They do say a week is a long time in politics. Looks as though a day is a long time in war. Yesterday the brave Ukrainians were holding off Putin’s hordes and tearful Russian soldiers were surrendering. Today the heroic Ukraine President pleads for an armistice: ‘Zelensky sends message to Russian leader… talk to me‘ (Daily Mirror)
The Sun insists: ‘Putin is the… Extreme Gangster‘
One checks Urban Dictionary for how some of the kids are using the term gangster: ‘A badass who can give respect and gets respect‘; ‘True gangsters are respectful towards people generally, until you cross them‘
The FT has this right: ‘Sanctions will set off unpredictable financial aftershocks‘
‘European natural gas prices hit a record high amid “exceptional moves” in raw materials from oil to wheat‘ (FT)
‘Georgia and Moldova applied formally to join the EU, piggybacking on a Kyiv bid for fast-tracked entry‘ (EU)
The sooner we tone down the rhetoric: ‘Who’ll rid the world of this ranting madman?‘ (Daily Mail); ‘TV anchor Rahul Shivshankar yells at wrong man on Ukraine live. An Indian news anchor has inspired jokes and memes after yelling at the wrong guest while debating the Ukraine crisis.‘ (BBC) – see sense, cut a deal that provides Putin with some of his demands and stops the shooting – then the better off we’ll all be.
Take the L and move on. Be wiser and better prepared next time.
Going to need a specialist, like Springster, to unravel this one…
President Zelenskyy survives 3 assassination attempts in past week, could face another before weekend. Mercenaries from Kremlin-backed Wagner group and Chechen special forces thwarted after Ukraine tipped off by Russian FSB sources opposed to the invasion.
Im sure – as a journalist – mr neill can verify his claim . The responses he got on twitter about this claim were also sceptical .
It would – of course ´ be an astute move by putin – who – after all – is not a stranger to killing individuals in foreign countries …
…oddly a Ukrainian born óligach was found dead at his home in Kent? At the beginning of the week but there has been very limited reporting of it …..
Chris Bryant has been leading Labour’s onslaught against the Sun for running the Harry pics:
“I can see no public interest whatsoever in publishing Harry photos. It’s about a nasty ‘friend’ making money and papers pretending outrage. One more irony: Sun campaigns against children’s access to porn and leaps to publish soft porn images.”
This from a man who spends his spare time publishing semi-naked pictures of himself on to the internet.
Yes – keep in the swamp – right sweetie – does make me wonder what his constituents think of him . Mush be real pain having to deal with them when there is the metro world to strut his stuff …
He must be looking forward to being the star of the cake report …
“Alas, poor country. Almost afraid to know itself.”
The SNP want to make it really quick for people in Scotland as young as 16 to change their legal gender without the intrusive and degrading inconvenience of medical or psychiatric reports.
They say it will be an offence to make a false application. (How will they know?)
Debate in Holyrood yesterday was expected to be heated but was reportedly moderate and respectful. Don’t want any of these transgenders feeling stigmatised, do we?
The reforms, says Social Justice Secretary Shona Robison, say who we are as a nation.
We have too many passive, compliant and solicitous women in politics. They are good at sympathising with people and coming out with compassionate-sounding platitudes but they aren’t astute or robust enough to recognise and oppose legislation that is utterly absurd and detrimental to their own interests and safety.
Expect thousands of teenagers to take up the fad of becoming the opposite sex.
( bet he wishes he’d stayed Washington correspondent – he could have listed all those things the false president is doing – and after that minute he could spend the rest of the time blaming president trump for wanting European countries to take their share of NATO ….)
Its like watching those Tic Tok videos of NHS staff dancing on the wards during the stranglehold of Covid before the vaccine !
(or perhaps JohnC believes I was taken in by that too …….”The scare tactics are part of our own propaganda machine and Brissles shows us it has worked”)
Well, don’t be offended – but it had. It happens so very easily when it’s the only information you get. The BBC are experts at making you think what they want you to think with their various lie techniques.
Finding out anything about this war from the MSM is almost impossible now. It’s 100% wall to wall proaganda.
New UNDP report projects that the number of those killed as a result of Yemen’s war could reach 1.3 million by 2030. A new United Nations report has projected that the death toll from Yemen’s war will reach 377,000 by the end of 2021, including those killed as a result of indirect and direct causes.23 Nov 2021
A Saudi man has been sentenced to death for a second time after being convicted at a retrial of a crime he allegedly committed as a child, his family says.
Abdullah al-Howaiti was 14 years old when he was arrested in 2017 on charges of murder and armed robbery.
The Supreme Court had overturned his original conviction last year.
Human rights activists said CCTV footage showed he was not at the scene of the crime and that he was tortured into signing a false confession.
Saudi Crown Prince MbS says his human rights were violated by claims he ordered Khashoggi murder as he reveals love of Game of Thrones in extraordinary interview from family Covid ‘bunker’
Saudi crown prince gave revealing interview from ‘bunker’ near the Red Sea
He described love for Game of Thrones and how he tries to limit his Twitter use
MbS also told of how his human rights were violated over Khashoggi allegations
Journalist would not be among top 1,000 targets if that was ‘how we did things’
“Meet the new Lord Haw Haws: Putin’s British apologists who still appear on Kremlin’s disgraced RT news channel pumping out Russian propaganda over invasion of Ukraine
Anchor Kevin Owen quit in outrage at the channel and ex-SNP leader Alex Salmond suspended his chat show
But famous faces including Rory Suchet, Nikki Aaron and George Galloway have remain with RT International
They were accused of being modern version of Lord Haw-Haw’s propaganda broadcasts from Nazi Germany
As recent as this morning, Galloway bizarrely claimed attack on a nuclear plant was not directed by Moscow”
But on the 23rd of March it’s the budget ….. any guesses for how much money is going to be spent on the military …..after so many cuts …. I can almost sense a ´bidding war ´ or who will demand more and more – all of a sudden ..
Start by declaring the overseas aid budget gone or as military spending ….
………..it makes me sad that no very long ago there were reports of ending tank possession completely – methinks there will be a lot more –
This assumes we are here in 3 weeks of course ….
…. By the way … count the days until we hear green crap again …
Rory Suchet is the son of legendary ITV and Classic FM presenter John, but his own reporting has been blasted since Russia invaded Ukraine.
Last Thursday, when the war kicked off, he stuck with the Kremlin’s line that there was no invasion. He said: ‘The West are calling this an invasion but I’m not seeing any Russian tanks rolling into any major cities.’
He also claimed the Russians had only acted ‘to defend the Donbas’ from Ukrainian nationalists. He also said ‘direct fighting with Ukraine soldiers has largely been avoided’ despite pictures and video showing otherwise.
Suchet appears to have grown disillusioned with the West in recent years, blasting it for ‘demonising’ Putin and claiming the MH17 crash over Ukraine in 2014 was part of a western conspiracy and not Russia, as suspected.
The family has remained tight-lipped over his appearances on RT, formerly called Russia Today, who remains in his post despite a raft of journalists quitting.
Suchet has claimed Putin’s brutal forces are on a peacekeeping operation in Ukraine – which is the Russian president’s claim – and also suggested there was no invasion.
Afshin Rattansi, 53, is British presenter and former BBC journalist who hosts his show Going Underground on the television channel.
His Twitter bio claims ‘NOT Russian State Account’, but he consistently slams the West while praising President Putin and his government.
Unlike most westerners at the channel, he has been tweeting regular updates throughout the Ukraine invasion and not shied away from spouting his views.
He replied to one social media user on Thursday who asked about his show: ‘It’s on RT – but that’s banned in Britain and the United States which supply the weapons to kill in Palestine & Yemen.’
A Ukrainian crime gang used offshore firms in British tax havens to secretly invest millions of pounds in the UK, a BBC Panorama investigation has found.
The gangsters, and in some cases family members, bought luxurious property in prime London locations, including a £12.5m flat.
The daughter of a man dubbed the “Don of Odessa” is the registered owner of three homes in one expensive block.
Many of the revelations come from the Paradise Papers data breach.
“As the invasion of Ukraine continues, many people want to know what’s happening on the ground. We have spotted more misleading content falsely claiming to be in Ukraine–from fake accounts pretending to be CNN, to the BBC using archive footage of a military parade as if it were real footage of Ukraine.”
Bet Wendy and UNit 751 will be shredding that one.
This is the image I find
Did I use photoshop to remove the plastic bag ?
No I took the image from the actual photographer’s website
but when he upoaded a doctored version to Image libraries his label says “Underwater *concept* of global problem with plastic rubbish floating in the oceans”
Concept is word for created image
Bishop Hill first raised the issue of whether the BBC image was fake, when he saw activists tweeting the BBC story
: Surfers Against Sewage, Marine Conservation Society, Blue Planet Society, Green Alliance think tank, @WWF_UK, David de Rothschild, Scripps Institution
One guy tweeted it very early
@DrDavidLRoberts Reader #Biodiversity #Conservation @DICE_Kent
So what really happened at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant.
Russian version:
They’ve been in control of the place for several days
A Russian patrol was attacked by Ukrainian fighters who’d made there way into some accommodation building.
Russians used small arms in defence.
The Ukrainians set fire to the building on Leaving.
Boris (with Cummins) did get us out of the EU. None of the others would have.
I still give him a little bit of credit for that. But the glass is more than half empty now.
I don’t trust any of the others at all. Nor the BBC. Not one bit.
First order of business: appoint an equality and diversity general, second, LGBT general, any orders or troop movements to be firstly forensically dissected at a lengthy, full meeting for their “equality impact” upon minorites etc etc etc,
Shane Ward the Aussi cricketer has died at the very early age of 52 from a massive heart attack.
Of course all speculation in the media is crushed as to whether yet another fit and healthy sportsman has died of a previously unknown heart condition as a result of the covid vaccine which was pretty much mandatory in Australia.
No one will be allowed to ask this question let alone speculate in the media so it will be down to independent sites like this to raise it which will then be immediately dismissed as ‘conspiracy theory’. If only so many of these conspiracy theories didn’t keep being proved to be truth after all.
You mean Shane Warne. Coincidentally, another Australian cricketing hero, wicket keeper Rod Marsh, also died of a “heart attack” earlier today. Marsh played in the 1970s and ’80s, before Warne (1990s, 2000s) so perhaps not such a surprise in his case, but curious nonetheless.
That was Rodney Marsh.
He made a joke on Soccer Saturday and the wokies got offended/outraged. (How unusual eh!)
He lost his job and got cancelled.
Never heard of again.
The barmy muppet show across the water goes from barking mad, demented strength to strength:
“Vice President Kamala Harris was slammed by critics Thursday over a poorly timed tweet calling for Congress to pass the Equality Act amid the breakout of war and a possible nuclear disaster in Europe.
“Let’s send the Equality Act to President Biden’s desk. We must increase protections for LGBTQ+ Americans across the country. The onslaught of state bills targeting transgender Americans and their families is wrong,” Harris wrote, focusing on a separate issue than the then-ongoing attack of the largest nuclear facility in Europe by Russian forces.
Russian forces launched an attack on the Zaporizhzhya nuclear plant in southern Ukraine overnight as part of their ongoing invasion of the country, leading to fears of a potential nuclear disaster akin to Chernobyl in 1986. The plant was captured without any major incident or increased radiation readings.
Critics took to social media to slam Harris, questioning why she would be focused on such an issue amid the war and other serious domestic issues facing Americans, like rapidly rising inflation and the ongoing border crisis. ”
“America: inflation is screwing us, our border is lawless, and there’s a ground war in Europe. Kamala: we need to get men in women’s sports asap,” wrote Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas, while another critic claimed the Biden administration was “living in the Twilight Zone.”
Hundreds of German missiles given to Ukraine ‘stored in mouldy boxes’ and ‘do not work’
AT LEAST 700 anti-aircraft missiles sent to Ukraine from Germany are no longer operational meaning the arms supply has shrunk by a third, German magazine Spiegel.
Now there’s A1, top rate, gold star, nay, platinum bbc box ticking.
No doubt whatsoever on their way to the top, fast tracked, bbc trumpets blaring, award winning, no matter how incompetent.
(remember lying cheating,”teflon” Bashir ? )
“Martin Bashir: Inquiry criticises BBC over ‘deceitful’ Diana interview”
“Martin Bashir Apologizes To Princess Diana’s Sons”
“BBC apologises to mother of murdered schoolgirl who says Martin Bashir lost her daughter’s clothes”
“Disgraced former BBC reporter Martin Bashir finally confesses to taking the clothes of murdered nine-year-old school girl Karen Hadaway – 17 years after swearing he couldn’t remember doing so”
He resigned from his position at MSNBC in December 2013 after making “ill-judged” comments about the former Governor of Alaska and Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin.In 2016, he returned to the BBC as religious affairs correspondent.
In 2020, the BBC’s director general Tim Davie apologised to the brother of the princess, Earl Spencer, for Bashir’s use of faked bank statements to secure his 1995 Panorama interview with the Princess of Wales, Spencer’s sister.[Former Justice of the Supreme Court Lord Dyson conducted an independent inquiry into the issue. Lord Dyson’s inquiry concluded Bashir had commissioned fake statements to deceive Earl Spencer in order to gain access to Diana and in so doing had “acted inappropriately and in serious breach of the 1993 edition of the Producers’ Guidelines on straight dealing.
Bashir resigned from the BBC in May 2021, citing health reasons
Please Zephir! Don’t be so nasty to frogs, delightful little critters.
Jo Brand on the other hand… pass me the sick bucket, face like a sack of coal beaten with the ugly stick, I could live with that, but the words that spew out of that facial orifice – simply vile.
Award-winning journalist and former BBC World News anchor @KattyKay_ is returning to the BBC as US Special Correspondent for @BBCStudios, working across documentaries, podcasts and news.https://t.co/kj7LqsU1vj
— BBC Studios Press Office (@BBCStudiosPress) March 4, 2022
Clearly a shortage of blondes.
Likely due to her awesome role in rigging in Sleepy, which has worked out so well globally since.
Very excited that in a few weeks, I'm moving to work with @bbcnickrobinson on Political Thinking. I'll also be doing stuff with radio docs and hopefully still popping up on Politics Live and Westminster Hour with some reporting. Can't wait to learn from one of the absolute best!
Very excited that in a few weeks, I'm moving to work with @bbcnickrobinson on Political Thinking. I'll also be doing stuff with radio docs and hopefully still popping up on Politics Live and Westminster Hour with some reporting. Can't wait to learn from one of the absolute best!
Will she be doing half hour every night rubbishing the current American false president like she did on the last one ….
…..meanwhile the msm seems not to want to list the things President Trump was right about – and which they were wrong about ….
They know having them there flogging books instead of their jobs for four years might get noticed poorly, so back they come to do… what?
As you say they can’t mention anything good about the opposition, and currently there is zero the home team has managed that isn’t a cluster FUBAR… so, what?
Are you between 18 and 30 and looking for an opportunity to help the wider community, in Europe and beyond?
You could do this with funding and support from the European Solidarity Corps, which helps young people take part in projects that benefit communities, either abroad or in their own country.
These projects offer an inspiring and empowering experience, as well as the chance to bring change while developing your skills and competences.
EU shamed as Putin funded activists EXPOSED for ban fracking ploy to boost Russian gas
THE EUROPEAN Union has been slammed for banning fracking after buckling under pressure from climate activists, who were funded by Russia.
wwfcMar 10, 11:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Five charged with murder over shooting in street Koketso Ximba, 22; Aaron Osei, 22; Deric Da Silva Ferreria, 19; Fabio…
Eddy BoothMar 10, 11:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Harry Potter and Doctor Who star dies aged 63 as tributes pour in for the beloved actor” https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-14481009/Harry-Potter-Doctor-star-dies-aged-63-tributes.html Surprised the…
andyjsnapeMar 10, 11:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c3d8n140mpjo Far Right, Far Right As we know the bbc isn’t biased…
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 TOADY Watch #2 – BBC getting over-excited by the news from Canada? Mark Carney, former Canadian Governor of the Bank…
Eddy BoothMar 10, 10:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC getting excited over the new globalist apointee Mark Carney. “Canada’s next PM Mark Carney vows to win trade war…
Fedup2Mar 10, 10:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Up2 It’s a bit like the democrats is the US arguing against ‘common sense ‘ policies . People in Britain…
Fedup2Mar 10, 10:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 EG Yes – that’s why I think TTK will incorporate the cost of the State Broadcaster into State taxes -…
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims will always clash, think India now and at also back in Partition days. Yes it is…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 10:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Fed, The trouble with no tv licences will be that nobody will be able to get out of paying. At…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 09:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just far right? “A year and a half ago, Hindus and Muslims clashed in the streets of one of Britain’s…
Dianne Abbot has reportedly called for all trousers supplied to Ukrainian forces to have the zips removed. She said “We must help enforce the no fly zone” !
She stated yesterday that she stands shoulder to shoulder with the people of Bahrain at this difficult time.
“Solidarity with you cranes.”
You crane, me dodo.
The ITV share price dropped by 27% after it announced it is to spend money on a new digital platform to take on Netflix ‘ it has also bought the 10% the BBC had invested in something called ´britbox ´ .
I write the above because ITV is subject to the views of investors in the market whereas the BBC hides behind ćommercial sensitivity ´ when it wants to but is actually immune from market forces and is too often a state monopoly .
Its called Brixbox V2 ?
Hard to keep up, sometimes.
There’s always Springster, but she is, amazingly, self promoting like a boss.
Afghan is now safe? Under Islam rule! Ask Sadiq Khan and Savid Javid.
Mandatory even, if hoping to secure that fat pension.
Prosecute Russians for not paying?
“New figures show people in Russia are turning to BBC News in their millions for factual independent information about the war in Ukraine.”
“Former education secretary Gavin Williamson to get knighthood”
What for ?
For Racism?

Dear God, news just in that the biggest atomic nuclear energy plant in Ukraine, and in Europe is on fire ! If it blows up it will be 10 TIMES LARGER than Chenobyl. Its being fired on by the Russians.
As scary as it gets.
My guess is that as it was later found that the building being targetted was a ‘training building’, it was a scare tactic by the bad man, after all, he’d have taken out his entire army there as well had the whole lot blown up!
There again, I wouldn’t really understand army tactics, because I left the CCF after getting Pt2…
Everybody knows it did not present any risk of explosions.
The scare tactics are part of our own propaganda machine and Brissles shows us it has worked.
I am getting the feeling we are being prepared just in case the West decides to join in. And it’s clear Zelensky is doing everything he can to make it happen.
And no TB, before you accuse me of supporting Putin I’m not. I’m describing the situation as I see it. I’m not blinkered by emotion or conditioned by the media.
‘Ukraine President Zelensky had hours ago called on other nations to take more action immediately against Putin’s “nuclear terror”’
That statement should worry you. He wants WW3.
UK to join EU to save the EU from Russia?
Calm down and stop relying on the MSM.
No chance shelling could make it explode.
‘The UN’s nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), said the fire had not affected the plant’s “essential” equipment and there was no increase in radiation levels.’
The only thing scaring me about this is if the EU join in or Russia consider what the are EU doing as an act of war. Then you may well see a nuclear explosion on the news.
Sky News Australia on Hunter Biden corruption
Criminal family. Made huge sums from dirty deals, then Joe screwed up Afghanistan, and now Ukraine and even the possibility of WW3.
Should all be locked up.
The sale of artwork by Joe Biden’s son – a novice artist – could generate up to half a million dollars. Critics say it is an open door to influence-peddling
Superdry’s £441m boss is accused over ‘hiring unpaid teenage staff’
He’s the tycoon who made £441 million through his clothing label Superdry, and spent £1 million on trying to overturn the Brexit vote, but Julian Dunkerton has been getting teenagers to work in his trendy bar for nothing.
I can disclose that his No. 131 hotel in Cheltenham has been offering youngsters unpaid trials, with the understanding that there will be a job for them at the end, as a tactic to fill shifts on busy nights — before later withdrawing the job offer.
Remember the mantra please: Diversity is strength etc etc
Married Met Police officer, 45, who used his job to try to start sexual relationship with ‘vulnerable’ 15 and 16-year-old girls is jailed for two years
PC Adnan Arib, 45, obtained the mobile phone numbers of both girls, 15 and 16
The coloured plod wanted to give the 15 and 16 year old girls ćareers advice ´…. So that’s what it’s called now …
the bbc seems happy the new racist mp for birmingham has been elected
Voted turn out was ONLY 27%, but the bbc keep going on about Labour increasing the share of the 27%, only wish the 75% would of voted and maybe…..
PS should read 73% lol
What percentage of the 27% were postal votes?
Just over 118%.
Isn’t it great ? Another thick chippy loon has been elected as a Labour MP. Can’t wait for the maiden speech – she ll be doing a double act with Jess -trying to out Brummy each other …
A gift which will keep on giving ….27% …..
Just to add – not much of a testimony to John ( call me jack) Dromey – was it ?
The Tory vote held up pretty well and I bet the conservatives are looking at that result and seeing that the cake thing has not had the effect the BBC wanted .
But maybe we are living in a different world now ……
That famed bbc ‘analysis’ going to be served up?
Jimmy Saville response! Wait till she is 90 and buried then say you did not know!
Times now a fully paid up joke paper.
Black lady says racism is great and if you don’t like it you are racist.
Hefty Minx.
On the fast track shortlist next time an old Labour bloke croaks?
Greggs claps their hands!
Lara Trump, on the war in Ukraine: “This didn’t need to happen; it was because of bad decisions by the Biden administration that Russia was able to invade Ukraine.
They had the money and the leverage to invade Ukraine because of the terrible energy decisions made by the Biden administration.”
Robinson joining the chorus of ´something must be done ´ -..including ńo fly zones ´- …
The cavalier attitude people like the bee lady and Robinson has to a huge escalation is just – crazy …
“230 More Illegal Boat Migrants Land In England
March 3, 2022 by Save Britain”
Where to put them up? Have we got any GP capacity left? (Sod the indigenous population – foreigners are more important)
Thinks……….. I know where they would be welcome right now, given a AK47. Round em’ up and ferry to…………….[For ‘Offshore Processing’ you understand]
The Home Office has lost track of more than 600,000 foreigners who should have left the UK, according to a report that lays bare Britain’s “shambolic” border checks.29 Mar 2018
Mark Steyn | Thursday 3rd March
Take the L edition
[Stands for “Take the loss”. Frequently used to describe flunking a test, being dumped, being stood up, being beaten up or robbed, or losing one’s money in the stock market, (or) gambling] – or, in this case, a foreign policy defeat…
Breaking news… we’re hearing from Sir Keir Starmer… Labour opposition policy on Ukraine is… exactly the same as the Tory government policy… except… sanctions on Russian football ought to have been imposed earlier… been stricter… and last longer.
I’m joking of course. Sir Keir is isolating himself safely in a bunker until it’s all over.
Joking apart – or are they…? ‘Ukraine’s women’s magazines fight back. “How to remove your acrylic nails to hold a weapon”‘ – so says the ‘i’, one of our left-leaning newspapers, which warns: ‘The worst is yet to come‘
Suitably braced for further media idiocy we turn to the Telegaraph: ‘Mayhem on maternity wards as terror bombardment brings early arrivals‘ – I’m descerning a rather familiar narrative here… let me guess… ‘War disproportionately affects women, so why so few female peacekeepers?‘ (Guardian 2016); ‘Covid has intensified gender inequalities, global study finds‘ (Guardian March 2022); ‘Why this recession disproportionately affects women‘ (BBC 2020)
Who writes this stuff and toward what demographic is it targeted?
Admittedly, some of us blokes have made proper fools of ourselves – Defence Secretary Ben Wallace and his “full tonto” is a case in point. Now this chump: ‘Full kit plonker. John Terry dips his toe into geopolitics. What we really need as the world goes mental is ex-Chelsea numbscull John Terry dabbling in a bit of complicated world politics‘ (Daily Star) – apparently he Tweeted about Roman Abramovitch being “the best owner in the world“. Seems that opinion was on a subject well over his pay grade. You see, we only want to hear about politics when it’s from Garry Lineker and Marcus Rashford.
‘Arise Sir thicko. Fury errupted over claims that axed education secretary Gavin Williamson could get a knighthood‘ (Daily Star) – well, education policy is none shall fail and all shall have prizes.
They do say a week is a long time in politics. Looks as though a day is a long time in war. Yesterday the brave Ukrainians were holding off Putin’s hordes and tearful Russian soldiers were surrendering. Today the heroic Ukraine President pleads for an armistice: ‘Zelensky sends message to Russian leader… talk to me‘ (Daily Mirror)
The Sun insists: ‘Putin is the… Extreme Gangster‘
One checks Urban Dictionary for how some of the kids are using the term gangster: ‘A badass who can give respect and gets respect‘; ‘True gangsters are respectful towards people generally, until you cross them‘
The FT has this right: ‘Sanctions will set off unpredictable financial aftershocks‘
‘European natural gas prices hit a record high amid “exceptional moves” in raw materials from oil to wheat‘ (FT)
‘Georgia and Moldova applied formally to join the EU, piggybacking on a Kyiv bid for fast-tracked entry‘ (EU)
The sooner we tone down the rhetoric: ‘Who’ll rid the world of this ranting madman?‘ (Daily Mail); ‘TV anchor Rahul Shivshankar yells at wrong man on Ukraine live. An Indian news anchor has inspired jokes and memes after yelling at the wrong guest while debating the Ukraine crisis.‘ (BBC) – see sense, cut a deal that provides Putin with some of his demands and stops the shooting – then the better off we’ll all be.
Take the L and move on. Be wiser and better prepared next time.
Barry Gardiner has £500K chinese money to buy some heating for the poor?!
Location of Nuclear Power Plant, Zaporizhia Ukraine.
Looks as if it could have been a classic, ‘Own Goal’……………
If it was, Mishal can quietly make that go away based on a ‘report’ from one of JezBo’s spotter stringers.
And calling upon ‘Mo’ to help out after all he commands the Sun “to rise” on a daily basis……………….
Going to need a specialist, like Springster, to unravel this one…
I think our auld Andrew has been reading a wee bit too much of John Buchan’s The 39 Steps
Awesome, isn’t it?
Sources… tip offs… triple agents… all neatly wrapped up into a definite number with another booked before lunch Saturday.
Or not. #couldfiles
Does the FSB not have a press officer for GB?
Im sure – as a journalist – mr neill can verify his claim . The responses he got on twitter about this claim were also sceptical .
It would – of course ´ be an astute move by putin – who – after all – is not a stranger to killing individuals in foreign countries …
…oddly a Ukrainian born óligach was found dead at his home in Kent? At the beginning of the week but there has been very limited reporting of it …..
Three idiots make a tv slot?
Chris Bryant has been leading Labour’s onslaught against the Sun for running the Harry pics:
“I can see no public interest whatsoever in publishing Harry photos. It’s about a nasty ‘friend’ making money and papers pretending outrage. One more irony: Sun campaigns against children’s access to porn and leaps to publish soft porn images.”
This from a man who spends his spare time publishing semi-naked pictures of himself on to the internet.
Yes – keep in the swamp – right sweetie – does make me wonder what his constituents think of him . Mush be real pain having to deal with them when there is the metro world to strut his stuff …
He must be looking forward to being the star of the cake report …
“Alas, poor country. Almost afraid to know itself.”
The SNP want to make it really quick for people in Scotland as young as 16 to change their legal gender without the intrusive and degrading inconvenience of medical or psychiatric reports.
They say it will be an offence to make a false application. (How will they know?)
Debate in Holyrood yesterday was expected to be heated but was reportedly moderate and respectful. Don’t want any of these transgenders feeling stigmatised, do we?
The reforms, says Social Justice Secretary Shona Robison, say who we are as a nation.
We have too many passive, compliant and solicitous women in politics. They are good at sympathising with people and coming out with compassionate-sounding platitudes but they aren’t astute or robust enough to recognise and oppose legislation that is utterly absurd and detrimental to their own interests and safety.
Expect thousands of teenagers to take up the fad of becoming the opposite sex.
No need really, they have been wearing skirts for years
No ‘tash, to keep things feisty?
Toenails ! Robinson s younger brother ? Or is it Robinson ?
( forgive me but is he wearing that for a bet ?)
Perhaps it’s fallen out of the air conditioning and he hasn’t noticed. Someone should tell him.
Should we ban him for being russian? Isn’t that racist?
Sopes is outraged! OUTRAGED!
Oh no ! Have they banned his books as well ?
( bet he wishes he’d stayed Washington correspondent – he could have listed all those things the false president is doing – and after that minute he could spend the rest of the time blaming president trump for wanting European countries to take their share of NATO ….)
UK Ran Russia – Russia Ban UK.
How very strange.
Russians to be prosecuted for not paying their BBC TX Tax.
Rog reduced to citing the Indy.
Speaking of reduced, in one hour…
It’s almost like they live on the top floor, are totally isolated and enjoy a lifestyle only unique funding can serve up.
Crimea’s Water Crisis Is an Impossible Problem for Putin
The Russian-occupied peninsula is thirsty, with reservoirs running low. It’s an unwelcome predicament at a time when pressures on the Kremlin are rising.
No need for a colour licence tvl there.
Oh… Clive… front of camera… where?
“Hideously White”……..
They are having a luvly time, shame about the people dying over there in Ukraine
Its like watching those Tic Tok videos of NHS staff dancing on the wards during the stranglehold of Covid before the vaccine !
(or perhaps JohnC believes I was taken in by that too …….”The scare tactics are part of our own propaganda machine and Brissles shows us it has worked”)
Well, don’t be offended – but it had. It happens so very easily when it’s the only information you get. The BBC are experts at making you think what they want you to think with their various lie techniques.
Finding out anything about this war from the MSM is almost impossible now. It’s 100% wall to wall proaganda.
I bet wearing one of those suits is a journo fantasy ….
And the danger money allowance – ‘ helmets on chaps
Who follows and often RTs this guy… interesting, eh, Timmeh!?
And who the BBC invites on as an ‘expert’.
Mishal could draw up a list.
New UNDP report projects that the number of those killed as a result of Yemen’s war could reach 1.3 million by 2030. A new United Nations report has projected that the death toll from Yemen’s war will reach 377,000 by the end of 2021, including those killed as a result of indirect and direct causes.23 Nov 2021
Carbon Neutral Net Zero – zero people on planet.
How to spot misleading stories online about Ukraine crisis
reports the bbc
BBC Specialist Disinformation Reporter Marianna Spring has some tips on how to spot what’s true and what’s false.
I say just dont get your “news stories” from the bbc
I read that the BBC are at a loss to understand why The Russians have taken them off air in Russia.
Any ideas that might help them anyone?
Hello Digg, the bbc is advertising how to get back on line in Russia
Thats a relief
Springster job description. Disinformation is anything put out by a Non BBC source.
Deborah Meaden (Draigons Den) no has her own Green show on BBC Radio 5 Live.
The BBC keeps the Green propaganda going
Is it too late for JRM to announce the Brexit Museum?
David Dimbelby to handle the official opening…perhaps go through a door muttering “We,re Out”
Or Bob Geldof shouting profanities?
A Saudi man has been sentenced to death for a second time after being convicted at a retrial of a crime he allegedly committed as a child, his family says.
Abdullah al-Howaiti was 14 years old when he was arrested in 2017 on charges of murder and armed robbery.
The Supreme Court had overturned his original conviction last year.
Human rights activists said CCTV footage showed he was not at the scene of the crime and that he was tortured into signing a false confession.
But you have to feel for them:
Saudi Crown Prince MbS says his human rights were violated by claims he ordered Khashoggi murder as he reveals love of Game of Thrones in extraordinary interview from family Covid ‘bunker’
Saudi crown prince gave revealing interview from ‘bunker’ near the Red Sea
He described love for Game of Thrones and how he tries to limit his Twitter use
MbS also told of how his human rights were violated over Khashoggi allegations
Journalist would not be among top 1,000 targets if that was ‘how we did things’
“Suchet” hmm that name rings a bell somewhere….
“Meet the new Lord Haw Haws: Putin’s British apologists who still appear on Kremlin’s disgraced RT news channel pumping out Russian propaganda over invasion of Ukraine
Anchor Kevin Owen quit in outrage at the channel and ex-SNP leader Alex Salmond suspended his chat show
But famous faces including Rory Suchet, Nikki Aaron and George Galloway have remain with RT International
They were accused of being modern version of Lord Haw-Haw’s propaganda broadcasts from Nazi Germany
As recent as this morning, Galloway bizarrely claimed attack on a nuclear plant was not directed by Moscow”
But on the 23rd of March it’s the budget ….. any guesses for how much money is going to be spent on the military …..after so many cuts …. I can almost sense a ´bidding war ´ or who will demand more and more – all of a sudden ..
Start by declaring the overseas aid budget gone or as military spending ….
………..it makes me sad that no very long ago there were reports of ending tank possession completely – methinks there will be a lot more –
This assumes we are here in 3 weeks of course ….
…. By the way … count the days until we hear green crap again …
No need : The EU are planning their own Army and Putin has just given them the excuse to do it.
Not sure how though : they are not anywhere near the fighting.
Rory Suchet is the son of legendary ITV and Classic FM presenter John, but his own reporting has been blasted since Russia invaded Ukraine.
Last Thursday, when the war kicked off, he stuck with the Kremlin’s line that there was no invasion. He said: ‘The West are calling this an invasion but I’m not seeing any Russian tanks rolling into any major cities.’
He also claimed the Russians had only acted ‘to defend the Donbas’ from Ukrainian nationalists. He also said ‘direct fighting with Ukraine soldiers has largely been avoided’ despite pictures and video showing otherwise.
Suchet appears to have grown disillusioned with the West in recent years, blasting it for ‘demonising’ Putin and claiming the MH17 crash over Ukraine in 2014 was part of a western conspiracy and not Russia, as suspected.
The family has remained tight-lipped over his appearances on RT, formerly called Russia Today, who remains in his post despite a raft of journalists quitting.
Suchet has claimed Putin’s brutal forces are on a peacekeeping operation in Ukraine – which is the Russian president’s claim – and also suggested there was no invasion.
Afshin Rattansi: Tower block bomb that killed civilians targeted security services
Afshin Rattansi, 53, is British presenter and former BBC journalist who hosts his show Going Underground on the television channel.
His Twitter bio claims ‘NOT Russian State Account’, but he consistently slams the West while praising President Putin and his government.
Unlike most westerners at the channel, he has been tweeting regular updates throughout the Ukraine invasion and not shied away from spouting his views.
He replied to one social media user on Thursday who asked about his show: ‘It’s on RT – but that’s banned in Britain and the United States which supply the weapons to kill in Palestine & Yemen.’
A Ukrainian crime gang used offshore firms in British tax havens to secretly invest millions of pounds in the UK, a BBC Panorama investigation has found.
The gangsters, and in some cases family members, bought luxurious property in prime London locations, including a £12.5m flat.
The daughter of a man dubbed the “Don of Odessa” is the registered owner of three homes in one expensive block.
Many of the revelations come from the Paradise Papers data breach.
The whole london/uk property market is inflated by dirty foreign money.
Shining a spotlight on that might be the one good thing that comes out of this.
We British are among the most corrupt in the world. But we have wrapped it in a veil of legislation and ambiguity to make it legal.
First para of the ‘Full Fact’ email summary:
“As the invasion of Ukraine continues, many people want to know what’s happening on the ground. We have spotted more misleading content falsely claiming to be in Ukraine–from fake accounts pretending to be CNN, to the BBC using archive footage of a military parade as if it were real footage of Ukraine.”
Bet Wendy and UNit 751 will be shredding that one.
R4 decided not to freak people out.
Odd choice.
Rory and Freinds.
Footballer retweets man who created a dossier to scare the gov and people into war. ha ha ha ha
Shocker : BBCnews use doctored “concept” image in their anti-plastic campaigning story by @hbriggs Helen Briggs
And the whole Green cult and BBC departments embrace the #PRtrickery and run with it.
BBCnews tweet 291 Likes .. https://twitter.com/BBCNews/status/1499062914468257798
BBCpolitics tweet https://twitter.com/BBCPolitics/status/1499058895221923845
BBCSienceNews Tweet .. https://twitter.com/BBCScienceNews/status/1499025721339088898
BBCWildlife tweet https://twitter.com/WildlifeMag/status/1499424068835024897
@BBC_Future .. https://twitter.com/BBC_Future/status/1499066518226702339
.. https://twitter.com/RHarrabin/status/1499091588894576646
BBCworld tweet
This is the image I find
Did I use photoshop to remove the plastic bag ?
No I took the image from the actual photographer’s website
but when he upoaded a doctored version to Image libraries his label says “Underwater *concept* of global problem with plastic rubbish floating in the oceans”
Concept is word for created image
Bishop Hill first raised the issue of whether the BBC image was fake, when he saw activists tweeting the BBC story
: Surfers Against Sewage, Marine Conservation Society, Blue Planet Society, Green Alliance think tank, @WWF_UK, David de Rothschild, Scripps Institution
One guy tweeted it very early
@DrDavidLRoberts Reader #Biodiversity #Conservation @DICE_Kent
In fact the UN used the “concept” image on their website in May 2020
China laugh.
Side by side images
.. https://twitter.com/No2BS/status/1499768507961163776
So what really happened at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant.
Russian version:
They’ve been in control of the place for several days
A Russian patrol was attacked by Ukrainian fighters who’d made there way into some accommodation building.
Russians used small arms in defence.
The Ukrainians set fire to the building on Leaving.
From the DT:
Emmanuel Macron steps up EU army plan to deter Russian threat
‘The European Union must move towards the creation of an EU army after Vladmir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, Emmanuel Macron has said.
The French president said EU leaders would meet to discuss plans to pool military resources on March 10 at a summit in Versailles.’
So it’s already in progress. One of the things the Remainers claimed was a Brexiteer lie and would never happen.
I don’t trust Russia, I don’t trust Ukraine, I don’t trust Biden and I don’t trust the EU. And I only half trust Boris.
The world is completely f*cked.
I’m impressed that you half trust Boris. Or perhaps disturbed, maybe even aghast.
Boris (with Cummins) did get us out of the EU. None of the others would have.
I still give him a little bit of credit for that. But the glass is more than half empty now.
I don’t trust any of the others at all. Nor the BBC. Not one bit.
Sorry, but I’m not convinced we are out of the EU, not by a long way.
An EU army ?
First order of business: appoint an equality and diversity general, second, LGBT general, any orders or troop movements to be firstly forensically dissected at a lengthy, full meeting for their “equality impact” upon minorites etc etc etc,
is khaki racist ? or comouflage ?
do we need cycle lanes next to the trenches ?
what about the climate impacts of diesel tanks ?
What’s that noise outside ?
Russia : Bang, bang, bang , bang, BANG
Job done.
I’ll guarantee you one thing:
When demonstrations against the EU turn to riots. they will be very willing to send in some troops to help ‘keep the peace’.
Shane Ward the Aussi cricketer has died at the very early age of 52 from a massive heart attack.
Of course all speculation in the media is crushed as to whether yet another fit and healthy sportsman has died of a previously unknown heart condition as a result of the covid vaccine which was pretty much mandatory in Australia.
No one will be allowed to ask this question let alone speculate in the media so it will be down to independent sites like this to raise it which will then be immediately dismissed as ‘conspiracy theory’. If only so many of these conspiracy theories didn’t keep being proved to be truth after all.
You mean Shane Warne. Coincidentally, another Australian cricketing hero, wicket keeper Rod Marsh, also died of a “heart attack” earlier today. Marsh played in the 1970s and ’80s, before Warne (1990s, 2000s) so perhaps not such a surprise in his case, but curious nonetheless.
Didn’t he play for QPR ?
That was Rodney Marsh.
He made a joke on Soccer Saturday and the wokies got offended/outraged. (How unusual eh!)
He lost his job and got cancelled.
Never heard of again.
I thought that was the one with the emu ?
attacked Michael Parkinson and fell off a roof or something ?
Rod Hull
Gave me a smile though
He did “Do Ya Think I’m Sexy ?”
The barmy muppet show across the water goes from barking mad, demented strength to strength:
“Vice President Kamala Harris was slammed by critics Thursday over a poorly timed tweet calling for Congress to pass the Equality Act amid the breakout of war and a possible nuclear disaster in Europe.
“Let’s send the Equality Act to President Biden’s desk. We must increase protections for LGBTQ+ Americans across the country. The onslaught of state bills targeting transgender Americans and their families is wrong,” Harris wrote, focusing on a separate issue than the then-ongoing attack of the largest nuclear facility in Europe by Russian forces.
Russian forces launched an attack on the Zaporizhzhya nuclear plant in southern Ukraine overnight as part of their ongoing invasion of the country, leading to fears of a potential nuclear disaster akin to Chernobyl in 1986. The plant was captured without any major incident or increased radiation readings.
Critics took to social media to slam Harris, questioning why she would be focused on such an issue amid the war and other serious domestic issues facing Americans, like rapidly rising inflation and the ongoing border crisis. ”
“America: inflation is screwing us, our border is lawless, and there’s a ground war in Europe. Kamala: we need to get men in women’s sports asap,” wrote Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas, while another critic claimed the Biden administration was “living in the Twilight Zone.”
Not really into cricket but can certainly admire the following:
An admirable start for the prospective EU army….
Hundreds of German missiles given to Ukraine ‘stored in mouldy boxes’ and ‘do not work’
AT LEAST 700 anti-aircraft missiles sent to Ukraine from Germany are no longer operational meaning the arms supply has shrunk by a third, German magazine Spiegel.
Success at bbc

Now there’s A1, top rate, gold star, nay, platinum bbc box ticking.
No doubt whatsoever on their way to the top, fast tracked, bbc trumpets blaring, award winning, no matter how incompetent.
(remember lying cheating,”teflon” Bashir ? )
“Martin Bashir: Inquiry criticises BBC over ‘deceitful’ Diana interview”
“Martin Bashir Apologizes To Princess Diana’s Sons”
“BBC apologises to mother of murdered schoolgirl who says Martin Bashir lost her daughter’s clothes”
“Disgraced former BBC reporter Martin Bashir finally confesses to taking the clothes of murdered nine-year-old school girl Karen Hadaway – 17 years after swearing he couldn’t remember doing so”
He resigned from his position at MSNBC in December 2013 after making “ill-judged” comments about the former Governor of Alaska and Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin.In 2016, he returned to the BBC as religious affairs correspondent.
In 2020, the BBC’s director general Tim Davie apologised to the brother of the princess, Earl Spencer, for Bashir’s use of faked bank statements to secure his 1995 Panorama interview with the Princess of Wales, Spencer’s sister.[Former Justice of the Supreme Court Lord Dyson conducted an independent inquiry into the issue. Lord Dyson’s inquiry concluded Bashir had commissioned fake statements to deceive Earl Spencer in order to gain access to Diana and in so doing had “acted inappropriately and in serious breach of the 1993 edition of the Producers’ Guidelines on straight dealing.
Bashir resigned from the BBC in May 2021, citing health reasons
Jo Brand battery acid joke ‘went too far’, BBC rules
Published29 August 2019
I was thinkling of making tea and now….feel a little off seeing that pic
face like a bucket of frogs
Please Zephir! Don’t be so nasty to frogs, delightful little critters.
Jo Brand on the other hand… pass me the sick bucket, face like a sack of coal beaten with the ugly stick, I could live with that, but the words that spew out of that facial orifice – simply vile.
Bulldog. Nettle.
Have you noticed how the women who hate men the most are the ones who men find repulsive for some reason ?.
Normally I would feel sorry for someone like Jo. But her inside is more ugly than her outside.
And, more munny.
Clearly a shortage of blondes.
Likely due to her awesome role in rigging in Sleepy, which has worked out so well globally since.
Ps: ‘award winning’. Like Springster.
I think it means they have been given a smiley face sticker for their mum’s fridge at home
A lot of Beeboids supposedly leaving, but not going anywhere else.
That said, ‘doing stuff’ is a lost art.
Reminds me of when my son was about seven, I’d ask him what he did at school today, and he would just get annoyed and shout
“Stuff !!!”
I tried the same tactic at my last few appraisals and catch ups with managers.
I have a lot of time on my hands now, they called it garden leave and I don’t even have a garden, funny that.
Many already embedded, doing stuff market ratey.
Will she be doing half hour every night rubbishing the current American false president like she did on the last one ….
…..meanwhile the msm seems not to want to list the things President Trump was right about – and which they were wrong about ….
Incredible, isn’t it.
They know having them there flogging books instead of their jobs for four years might get noticed poorly, so back they come to do… what?
As you say they can’t mention anything good about the opposition, and currently there is zero the home team has managed that isn’t a cluster FUBAR… so, what?
Would that be one of the awards the BBC gives to itself ?.
Time to join ….
Are you between 18 and 30 and looking for an opportunity to help the wider community, in Europe and beyond?
You could do this with funding and support from the European Solidarity Corps, which helps young people take part in projects that benefit communities, either abroad or in their own country.
These projects offer an inspiring and empowering experience, as well as the chance to bring change while developing your skills and competences.
I would not be surprised:
EU shamed as Putin funded activists EXPOSED for ban fracking ploy to boost Russian gas
THE EUROPEAN Union has been slammed for banning fracking after buckling under pressure from climate activists, who were funded by Russia.
it goes deeper than that