Putin must have been laughing his bits off at how easy it was – coupled with the completely lunatic decision of the krauts to turn their nuclear power stations off and he’d laid the ground easily .
I don’t think he had to do much to weaken the UK strategic energy supply as the idiots in charge we’re happy to do it for themselves ‘ gas storage – closing power stations – not building nuclear …..
And there is no sign of any change …. ‘
Russia’s RT and Sputnik barred from UK conference on media freedom
This article is more than 2 years old
Foreign Office says news outlets refused entry over ‘active role in spreading disinformation’
A 23-year-old woman who is taking legal action against an NHS gender clinic says she should have been challenged more by medical staff over her decision to transition to a male as a teenager.
A judge gave the go-ahead for a full hearing of the case against the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust.
Lawyers will argue children cannot give informed consent to treatment delaying puberty or helping them to transition.
The Tavistock said it always took a cautious approach to treatment.
Gender identity charity Mermaids said that people face a long wait for access to such services, that they can save lives and that very few people regret their decision.
“A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude.”
A classic dystopian, science-fiction novel by English author Aldous Huxley, Brave New World has become a worldwide literary classic and a mainstay in high school English curriculums since its 1932 release.
Completed in 1943, Orwell found that no publisher would print the book, due to its criticism of the USSR, an important ally of Britain in the War.[178] Once published, the book was banned in the USSR and other communist countries.[179]
PAP on YouTube highlights many police officers exploiting vulnerable women
Most of those officers are white.
But grooming/raping/pimping gangs do seem a Pak/Bangla cultural thing.
This is a mistake, with huge consequences for the future of devolved government in N Ireland. HMG should be clear with the EU that a new agreement is needed to replace the NIP and act to make it happen. It needn’t be a big row with the EU. They can see the NIP isn’t working. https://t.co/cEPKvChPxs
Thursday BBC local news
#1 Community donating things to Ukraine
footage from warehouses etc.
That is backed up by what I saw around town and on Facebook.
#2 An ethnic Russian who said Putin is bringing great shame on Russia
#3 School head who says world book day has become too about dressing up.
#4 Undercover doctors surgery to ease waiting lists
#5 Opening of Hull’s floodwalls
#6 1,500 empty homes around Grimsby
ITV local news “Oh the cruel Tories have taken away the Universal Credit £20 per week uplift
..there needs to be a 7% rise in benefits”
Vox pop featured a long bearded African Muslim guy.
Some text and drive guy killed a 51 yo woman in Goole, and has been sentenced to 4 years.
The huge news Emmerdale is moving to 7:30pm.
PRasNews for the ITV’s own show.
Short term:
Putin takes half of Ukraine. The West belly-ache for a few years but they knew it was a gamble and behind the scenes, everything returns to normal.
Long term:
EU get their own army. Domination of the entire landmass becomes their long-term goal. New cold-war between Russia and the EU starts.
Russia are what they are. Brutal and basic. The EU are the new Nazis.
FFS Nazi has a specific meaning
it means the people who chucked Jews and gypsies etc. into gas chambers.
I think when people use it to describe others , they actually mean bullies.
That’s a better word.
BTW Anglo culture dominates the world
I don’t think that means that Anglos are bullies
I like the word Nazi because it stands for ‘a member of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party’. Leftist fascists.
The Left need reminding of that at every opportunity. Particularly as they have deliberately changed the definition to specify ‘far-right’.
The EU are much worse than bullies. They are ideological bullies. Those are the type who get rid of people they don’t want once they get absolute power.
“I like the word Nazi because it stands for ‘a member of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party’. Leftist fascists. The Left need reminding of that at every opportunity.”
I like reminding democrats that the ‘Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’ is a democracy cOz iT sAyS sO iN tHe NaMe.
False equivalence there
just cos sometimes political baddies use ambush naming to deceive people
eg in the way non-democratic North Koreas calls itself The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea DPRK
That doesn’t mean political baddies always use ambush naming
Just cos Stalin called himself a man
that doesn’t mean he’s a woman.
(The Nazis never called themselves Nazis, as it was a derogatory term invented by their opponents from (Na)tionalSo(zi)alistische Deutsche Arbeiterparte the name they did call themselves)
Other ambush naming
eg Green Peace (non-green, non peaceful)
eg Extinction rebellion (greendream CONFORMISTS to Tory/Labour Netzero goals)
You are right Cherry Picker (aka maxi), it’s not the ‘socialism’ quality BBC Leftists like you share with Hitler the most.
It’s the hatred, spite and absolute intolerance of those with different politcial opinions. As openly demonstrated by what people like you have done with Trump.
It doesn’t matter what weasel words you conjure up or how many ‘definitions’ you tweak, you are walking the same road.
6:38pm BBC local news has taken a break from condemning local Tory Edward Leigh and is now airing their pet MP Labour’s Diana Johnson
“English people are good, donating to the Ukraine”
Jeremy Vine: "Soldiers who put on a Russian uniform deserve to die." I've never liked JV. I find him smarmy and condescending and tries to get people to say things they don't mean. This is a new low. Can't understand how he gets so much air time. pic.twitter.com/0ZI5AsEFwQ
— Ragged Trousered Philanderer (@RaggedTP) March 3, 2022
I think the bar would need to be lifted pretty high to out barbarian putin …. I listened to his UN ambassador explaining that the attack on Europe’s biggest nuclear plant wasn’t Russia’s fault ..
Each day I hope to hear putin is dead . But no luck so far …there must be a way …
7pm BBC sports panel show
1 of the 6 is a white male
Do you think white males are just 16% of British sports professionals ?
2 of the 4 women are white, Quek has a Chinese Singapore father
Konta was born to Hungarian parents in Australia before moving to the UK aged 14
Dangerous international conflicts used to be handled at high level by governments and the military. We now see every bloody organisation from footie twats to supermarkets seeking five minutes of fame taking knee-jerk and what they hope are popular and rather stupid actions to “express their stance”. This is born from a generation of selfie loving social media addicts trying to take the stage. It is both stupid and highly dangerous. As with crass social media twats it can quickly intensify reactions artificially and drive the heat of a nasty situation to extremes where more lives are lost.
We need to find out and know exactly what has pissed Putin and his buddies off, not how to belittle and cancel him because that just ain’t gonna work, he is from a different mould and won’t take that shit.
I expect some puerile garbage from some “influencer” racing driver or cat walk model any minute now!
They need to realise this isn’t Hollywood, it’s real life and a shitload is depending on the outcome.
Someone here was wondering about what sort of support putin has . Well the parliamentary vote to make the use of the word ´war´ illegal was supported 401 to 0…no abstentions …
Channel 4 bragging .. so is of course retweeted by a Labour MP
Channel 4 News’ weekday evening bulletins have seen a dramatic 103% rise in viewers aged 16-34 vs the same time last year, an increase in its total audience of 54% and an 82% increase in viewers aged 16-24
FFS double nothing is still NOTHING
why don’t you state the actual numbers ?
Oh there’s a final add on with them
The increases in Channel 4 News audiences for the 7pm bulletin were for Thursday 24 February, Friday 25 February, Monday 28 February, Tuesday 1 March and Wednesday 2 March.
The average total audience, year on year, increased from 589k to 905k,
16-34 year olds up from 37k to 75k
16-24 year olds up from 11k to 20k.
Now 1 million equals about 1% of adults
so what is viewership in percentages ?
Total 0.6% to 0.9%
16-34 0.037% to 0.075%
16-24 year olds up from 0.011% to 0.02%
Those two youth groups overlap each other
Also “The BBC said it would temporarily suspend its work in Russia after introduction of a new law that could jail anyone found to be intentionally spreading “fake” news”
There’s whole list of other sites that won’t be able to comply too
but Twitter and Facebook have already gone
Now GBnews is talking about the new Labour MP’s boycott of them
“No we will not be speaking to GBnews , due to your Tom Harwood reporting Pauletter Hamilton’s comments about revolution”
I’m still wondering why he was awarded the Freedom of the City of London ! The official listing is “for services to his field”, – he’s 25 years old and been at uni for much of that time ! can someone enlighten me ?
That would likely be achievements in the field of getting pushed around in an Asda trolley with a traffic cone on his head and a kebab in his hand at 2 AM
BBC local news special item on 200 nurses who have come in from “India, Philippines and The Caribbean to work in Lincolnshire”
“235 have been recruited since 2020 and 185 more are expected before the end of the year”
“the visas are for 3 years but these two who came aged 23 hope to stay longer”
Much of the rest of the rest of the prog was about vigils and help for Ukraine.
MarkyMarkMar 10, 14:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From order-order.com [img]https://image.vuukle.com/51b5831e-0c34-432c-b96b-b96c0104e65b-c31704d4-72ca-4f47-84f4-ba119b564ab1[/img]
Fedup2Mar 10, 13:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Yeah – whatever – give her the TTK 2 year prison penalty – she is obviously not ‘approved ‘…
harry142857Mar 10, 13:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Commission is commission. ——————————————- Mother convicted of not paying TV Licence after death of unborn son. mother who did not…
Fedup2Mar 10, 13:17 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two days running the DT has done a long piece on BBC news / funding – the first one is…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 13:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I completely agree with you . But what puzzles me is , if those of us who are of a…
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 12:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Tower Bridge has been shut down after a man has climbed the railings. Emergency services at to the scene. Ban…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:50 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dorset, 3 weeks after Southport — “Man ‘obsessed with Southport killings’ stabbed girl, 9, in the neck as she played…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:44 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Party atmosphere on R5 just now — Naga, whose real name is Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah, is away but Leila Nathoo…
Putin must have been laughing his bits off at how easy it was – coupled with the completely lunatic decision of the krauts to turn their nuclear power stations off and he’d laid the ground easily .
I don’t think he had to do much to weaken the UK strategic energy supply as the idiots in charge we’re happy to do it for themselves ‘ gas storage – closing power stations – not building nuclear …..
And there is no sign of any change …. ‘
More wind farms!
** note , wind farms will be the first to fall during an enemy attack,
We’ve gone with China instead.
Let’s see how that turns out.
Stage 1 of a war
utilise the revolutionaries in your target country
and get them to destroy it from within.
We’ve been calling GreenDreamers “Putin’s little helpers” for a decade plus
The green loons have done more to destroy the West than Putin could ever do in his wildest imaginings.
Russia’s RT and Sputnik barred from UK conference on media freedom
This article is more than 2 years old
Foreign Office says news outlets refused entry over ‘active role in spreading disinformation’
Yes, Putin needs to be told this country is 70% black, 75% women, and the rest are muslims and the few white men left are all gay.
and Henry VIII’s wives were black.
Brilliant Zephir… sums the BBC up perfectly.
BBC Film suggestions #2.
Jared Eamons, the son of a Baptist pastor in a small conservative Arkansas town, comes to believe that his sexual urges are unnatural. When his parents are advised by the church’s elders to send him to undergo conversion therapy, he obediently agrees. Not permitted to discuss the therapy at the ‘Love in Action’ facility with his parents, Jared struggles with his own sense of honour and the message from those around him that he must change.
A 23-year-old woman who is taking legal action against an NHS gender clinic says she should have been challenged more by medical staff over her decision to transition to a male as a teenager.
A judge gave the go-ahead for a full hearing of the case against the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust.
Lawyers will argue children cannot give informed consent to treatment delaying puberty or helping them to transition.
The Tavistock said it always took a cautious approach to treatment.
Gender identity charity Mermaids said that people face a long wait for access to such services, that they can save lives and that very few people regret their decision.
BBC Film suggestions #4
Film drama. A Belgian teenager sets out to kill his school teacher after adopting an extremist interpretation of the Qur’an. In French and Arabic with English subtitles.
3 teachers in Batley hiding from Islam cannot wait to see this ….
‘after adopting an extremist interpretation of the Qur’an’
Should that read ‘after adopting a literal and unambiguous interpretation of the Qur’an’ ?.
“A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude.”
A classic dystopian, science-fiction novel by English author Aldous Huxley, Brave New World has become a worldwide literary classic and a mainstay in high school English curriculums since its 1932 release.
Completed in 1943, Orwell found that no publisher would print the book, due to its criticism of the USSR, an important ally of Britain in the War.[178] Once published, the book was banned in the USSR and other communist countries.[179]
More enrichment.
PC Adnan Arib, 45, who used his position to try to start a sexual relationship with “vulnerable” teenagers has been jailed for two years.
They just can’t help themselves, can they?
Naturally, the BBC squirrel the story away in Regions.
Here’s the charmer. Phwoar…
Maybe he can hook up with the hundreds of paki stani racist paedophile rapists and exchange stories ….
…or maybe they’ll put him in the ´plod ´wing – there’s enough in there …
PAP on YouTube highlights many police officers exploiting vulnerable women
Most of those officers are white.
But grooming/raping/pimping gangs do seem a Pak/Bangla cultural thing.
It looks like the government are now using the Ukraine war as an excuse NOT to trigger Article 16 before the Stormont elections in May.
Career topping is new.
Sideline spoiling silent discos for everyone in da hood?
Some more than others.
Thursday BBC local news
#1 Community donating things to Ukraine
footage from warehouses etc.
That is backed up by what I saw around town and on Facebook.
#2 An ethnic Russian who said Putin is bringing great shame on Russia
#3 School head who says world book day has become too about dressing up.
#4 Undercover doctors surgery to ease waiting lists
#5 Opening of Hull’s floodwalls
#6 1,500 empty homes around Grimsby
RT is still available in the UK
Reporting, 2022 style.
ITV local news “Oh the cruel Tories have taken away the Universal Credit £20 per week uplift
..there needs to be a 7% rise in benefits”
Vox pop featured a long bearded African Muslim guy.
Some text and drive guy killed a 51 yo woman in Goole, and has been sentenced to 4 years.
The huge news Emmerdale is moving to 7:30pm.
PRasNews for the ITV’s own show.
Trying to work out the outcome of Ukraine –
1 putin takes Ukraine – new Cold War – next target …
2 putin is removed from power – new decent leader
Civil war
3 NATO Engages putin – European war – Biden tries to stay out of it – like 1939 …
Short term:
Putin takes half of Ukraine. The West belly-ache for a few years but they knew it was a gamble and behind the scenes, everything returns to normal.
Long term:
EU get their own army. Domination of the entire landmass becomes their long-term goal. New cold-war between Russia and the EU starts.
Russia are what they are. Brutal and basic. The EU are the new Nazis.
FFS Nazi has a specific meaning
it means the people who chucked Jews and gypsies etc. into gas chambers.
I think when people use it to describe others , they actually mean bullies.
That’s a better word.
BTW Anglo culture dominates the world
I don’t think that means that Anglos are bullies
I like the word Nazi because it stands for ‘a member of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party’. Leftist fascists.
The Left need reminding of that at every opportunity. Particularly as they have deliberately changed the definition to specify ‘far-right’.
The EU are much worse than bullies. They are ideological bullies. Those are the type who get rid of people they don’t want once they get absolute power.
“I like the word Nazi because it stands for ‘a member of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party’. Leftist fascists. The Left need reminding of that at every opportunity.”
I like reminding democrats that the ‘Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’ is a democracy cOz iT sAyS sO iN tHe NaMe.
Yes Maxincony ,
Like the BBC purports to be the BRITISH Broadcasting Corporation and is impartial.
False equivalence there
just cos sometimes political baddies use ambush naming to deceive people
eg in the way non-democratic North Koreas calls itself The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea DPRK
That doesn’t mean political baddies always use ambush naming
Just cos Stalin called himself a man
that doesn’t mean he’s a woman.
(The Nazis never called themselves Nazis, as it was a derogatory term invented by their opponents from (Na)tionalSo(zi)alistische Deutsche Arbeiterparte the name they did call themselves)
Other ambush naming
eg Green Peace (non-green, non peaceful)
eg Extinction rebellion (greendream CONFORMISTS to Tory/Labour Netzero goals)
“False equivalence there… Just cos Stalin called himself a man that doesn’t mean he’s a woman.”
What on earth are you talking about?
This might help:
You are right Cherry Picker (aka maxi), it’s not the ‘socialism’ quality BBC Leftists like you share with Hitler the most.
It’s the hatred, spite and absolute intolerance of those with different politcial opinions. As openly demonstrated by what people like you have done with Trump.
It doesn’t matter what weasel words you conjure up or how many ‘definitions’ you tweak, you are walking the same road.
How big is your ‘list’ database now ?.
John I believe it was a trick that Stalin started ..that there are communists and baddies
So if you are not a communist you are fascist like Hitler.
“John I believe it was a trick that Stalin started ..that there are communists and baddies
So if you are not a communist you are fascist like Hitler.”
Good grief, it’s painful.
Yes – with you on that Stew . I realise when I was trying to work out the future ´variations ´ I left out enemies such as china and Islam …
6:38pm BBC local news has taken a break from condemning local Tory Edward Leigh and is now airing their pet MP Labour’s Diana Johnson
“English people are good, donating to the Ukraine”
‘BBC editorial, we never lose’
Do you think vine would include cyclists ´deserving to die ´ too ?
Putin’s assassination – Sounds like a good idea to me, that would save countless lives on both sides.
I’m still of the opinion that Putin will stop along the Dneiber.
Maybe his replacement won’t.
One thing we should have learned from Iraq and Libya is that a strong leader prevents the real barbarians without his nouse doing whatever they want.
Fancy a Russian civil war ?. Now that would be something.
I think the bar would need to be lifted pretty high to out barbarian putin …. I listened to his UN ambassador explaining that the attack on Europe’s biggest nuclear plant wasn’t Russia’s fault ..
Each day I hope to hear putin is dead . But no luck so far …there must be a way …
Nice pic, though.
As a man, I find it reassuring that all the victims in this conflict are women.
7pm BBC sports panel show
1 of the 6 is a white male
Do you think white males are just 16% of British sports professionals ?
2 of the 4 women are white, Quek has a Chinese Singapore father
Konta was born to Hungarian parents in Australia before moving to the UK aged 14
It’s sexual and racial discrimination and it’s illegal.
Who do I complain to about this ? – OFCOM ?.
I would like to see what their reply to justify it is.
Dangerous international conflicts used to be handled at high level by governments and the military. We now see every bloody organisation from footie twats to supermarkets seeking five minutes of fame taking knee-jerk and what they hope are popular and rather stupid actions to “express their stance”. This is born from a generation of selfie loving social media addicts trying to take the stage. It is both stupid and highly dangerous. As with crass social media twats it can quickly intensify reactions artificially and drive the heat of a nasty situation to extremes where more lives are lost.
We need to find out and know exactly what has pissed Putin and his buddies off, not how to belittle and cancel him because that just ain’t gonna work, he is from a different mould and won’t take that shit.
I expect some puerile garbage from some “influencer” racing driver or cat walk model any minute now!
They need to realise this isn’t Hollywood, it’s real life and a shitload is depending on the outcome.
Tempted to click to discover what falls under this coy ‘products’ line.
Suspended, not stopped.
Very misleading wording in an absolutely typical BBC lie.
Someone here was wondering about what sort of support putin has . Well the parliamentary vote to make the use of the word ´war´ illegal was supported 401 to 0…no abstentions …
Sounds like a US presidential election …
Channel 4 bragging .. so is of course retweeted by a Labour MP
Channel 4 News’ weekday evening bulletins have seen a dramatic 103% rise in viewers aged 16-34 vs the same time last year, an increase in its total audience of 54% and an 82% increase in viewers aged 16-24
FFS double nothing is still NOTHING
why don’t you state the actual numbers ?
Oh there’s a final add on with them
The increases in Channel 4 News audiences for the 7pm bulletin were for Thursday 24 February, Friday 25 February, Monday 28 February, Tuesday 1 March and Wednesday 2 March.
The average total audience, year on year, increased from 589k to 905k,
16-34 year olds up from 37k to 75k
16-24 year olds up from 11k to 20k.
Now 1 million equals about 1% of adults
so what is viewership in percentages ?
Total 0.6% to 0.9%
16-34 0.037% to 0.075%
16-24 year olds up from 0.011% to 0.02%
Those two youth groups overlap each other
Putin has banned the BBC in Russia.
I guess he decided it was biased……..
Also “The BBC said it would temporarily suspend its work in Russia after introduction of a new law that could jail anyone found to be intentionally spreading “fake” news”
There’s whole list of other sites that won’t be able to comply too
but Twitter and Facebook have already gone
Now GBnews is talking about the new Labour MP’s boycott of them
“No we will not be speaking to GBnews , due to your Tom Harwood reporting Pauletter Hamilton’s comments about revolution”
Revolution, infiltration, Malcom X, ballot or bullet…
Marxist revolutionary claptrap.
Lord help us.
I’m still wondering why he was awarded the Freedom of the City of London ! The official listing is “for services to his field”, – he’s 25 years old and been at uni for much of that time ! can someone enlighten me ?
That would likely be achievements in the field of getting pushed around in an Asda trolley with a traffic cone on his head and a kebab in his hand at 2 AM
More Friday TV woke people
9pm Jo Brand and Sam Quek (who was just on Q of S at 7:30pm
10:35pm Miriam Margolyes
7:30pm Shahidha Bari ..”Shahidha chats to Shaparak Khorsandi”
9pm Sandi Tosvig & Eshaan Akbar
9:45pm Guz Khan
That sounds like the line up for a freak show, not an evening of TV.
Fraggle Rock is back on the airwaves !!
Watch out our pet troll is on the prowl ! maxincony have you any biased BBC news to post ?
Have you paid your tv tax yet , or do you get it free?
BBC local news special item on 200 nurses who have come in from “India, Philippines and The Caribbean to work in Lincolnshire”
“235 have been recruited since 2020 and 185 more are expected before the end of the year”
“the visas are for 3 years but these two who came aged 23 hope to stay longer”
Much of the rest of the rest of the prog was about vigils and help for Ukraine.

Funny how when Muslims do something we’re warned it’s wrong to blame them all , but somehow the same logic doesn’t apply to Russians..