Hello Scroblene
Another day without a nuclear cloud ….
For anyone looking for unintended humour the Daily Telegraph carries a very very long piece on Andy Marr – whose new show on LBC is at 1800 Monday .
There is humour because Marr apparently got fed up with the BBCs obsession with neutrality and absence of bias ….
Maybe Marr should have got a job on RT or being a spokesman for the Kremlin . He’d fit in really well – another alternative universe .
Elswhere,- another ‘green crap ‘ free day – has that mental teenager gone off to fight for Ukraine ? Perhaps the green absence is linked to a prediction that over 8 million households will be in ‘fuel poverty ‘ by 2023 .
‘Fuel poverty ‘ is over 10`% of income spent on fuel ….
Last night I watched the Thursday Dan Wootton show on GBN. There was an interview with Martin Bell the ex MP and BBC reporter. Mr Bell is an elderly man and has views which may be well out of date, he is also full of his own virtue and is a typical BBC sanctimonious Pratt.
However he said a couple of things which I found chilling. Firstly he said that GBN needed to get a grip on itself. When challenged about what he meant by this he seemed to me to become evasive and merely said GBN was a news comment station not a news service despite its name.
A few minutes later when, I think jestingly, well I hope jestingly, Mark Dolan, standing in for Dan Wootton , suggested that Mr Bell become a GBN presenter, Bell said that if he did he might save GBN from Ofcom!
Bell may be speaking more in hope than in knowledge but it might be a straw in the wind , the BBC and the rest of the Blob might be becoming increasingly irritated that the upstart GBN is ruining their carefully prepared narrative and the world view which they want the public to swallow. GBN represents a fish bone in their throat.
Also I’m sure that Mark Steyn’s frequent exposure of the machinations of the World Economic Forum isn’t welcome by the International Blob and I wouldn’t be surprised if pressure isn’t being brought to bear.
Zelensky is deranged, he either doesn’t realise that UN involvement would 100% sure lead to global war and probably nuclear with millions dying or he just doesnt care. I believe he can see no further than his personal “role” under threat.
He has adopted the same veiled oblackmail approach as the lovely Greta uses on the end of the planet crap.
I feel exactly the same. This guy wants WW3 purely for his own survival. And never forget he’s an actor by trade.
But as the propaganda onslaught continues and people’s opinions morph to what they read, I’m now sensing it is socially unacceptable to point out or say anything negative about Ukraine or what led to this mess.
Never, ever underestimate the power of brainwashing.
Before he ran for the presidency, Volodymyr Zelenskyy was a comedian. Here’s a video from 8 years ago that was wiped from YouTube but which was resurrected on BitChute on the Plazma channel – https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/ukrainian-president-zelenskyy-yes-really/.
Zelenskyy starred in the hit television series Servant of the People, where he played the role of a high-school history teacher in his 30s who won the presidential election after a viral video showed him ranting against government corruption in Ukraine. The series, which ran from October 2015 – March 2019 will soon be airing on British Channel 4.
The political party, Servant of the People, named after the show was founded in March 2018 by Zelenskyy and members of his production company.
In March 2019, Zelenskyy told Der Spiegel magazine that he went into politics to restore trust in politicians and that he wanted “to bring professional, decent people to power”. If that sounds like it came straight out of the World Economic Forum Young Global Leaders program, it did. Zelensky is a graduate.
In July 2019, Zelenskyy tweeted a picture of himself with Justin Trudeau and credited the Canadian Prime Minister for inspiring him to get into politics. His credibility hit the gutter for me when I saw that.
Zelenskyy led an incredibly brief and successful presidential campaign, mostly on social media to decisively unseat incumbent Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko. He was sworn in on May 2, 2019.
Zelenskyy is backed by the CIA, the Globalist banking cartel, numerous Ukrainian oligarchs and the Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion.
Like Zelenskyy, the Azov Battalion’s key backer is the infamous Ukrainian oligarch, Ihor Kolomoyskyi. This is so, despite the fact that both Zelenskyy and Kolomoyskyi are Jewish.
Zelenskyy’s and Kolomoyskyi’s names appeared prominently in both the Panama Papers and the Pandora Papers.
On February 23rd, Ilia Kyva, a member of the Ukrainian parliament from the Opposition Platform For Life (OPPL) party, posted on Telegram that Zelenskyy has accumulated more than $1.2 billion US dollars during the first two and half years of his presidency, stored in multiple accounts at Dresdner Bank Lateinamerika in Costa Rica, saying:
“Regular replenishment in ragged tranches of $12 to $35 million comes through various channels, such as from Rinat Akhmetov and Viktor Pinchuk through First Union Bank and Deutsche Bank, as well as Ihor Kolomoyskyi from his Geneva accounts at Banque Nationale de Paris,” Kyva posted on his Telegram channel, saying:
“Every president and his team, after his tenure, walked away as dollar billionaires, and Zelenskyy, for all his inferiority, was no exception, just in his case, no one will let him just walk away.”
Kyva says that the movement of such funds would be impossible without the assent of the German and French authorities and he vows to prosecute Zelenskyy.
Kyva also claims that Zelenskyy bought a villa in Miami for $34 million, as well as several sets of jewelry for $5.6 million.
George Webb, reporting from Miami is following this trail, saying he visited Zelenskyy’s Miami property, near the Kazakh Consulate there.
So, all of this connects to the Biolabs in Ukraine, Peter Strzok, the fake impeachment and the Iran deal – and the role of Hunter Biden in all of this.
People think Hunter is just a crackhead but he was monumentally involved in the Iran nuclear deal and in laundering the oil that was stolen by the US from Libya and Syria and given to ISIS.
On Jeff Prather’s podcast on Tuesday, George told Jeff that he had confirmed with the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) that they have been working with Ukraine at 11 different biolabs.
He told Jeff, “There’s a big, active bioweapons program in Ukraine. We’ve got documents called ‘UPA” (Ukraine Program Aid),” relating to the hemorrhagic fever bioweapon that we’ve been hearing rumors about.
George says there appears to be a go-between to Kazakhstan. They label their pathogens ‘KZ1’, ‘KZ2’, ‘KZ3’, ‘KZ4’, referring to batches from Kazakhstan.
He describes it as a program of 4,000 people, soldiers and sailors in Ukraine, one for each corner of Ukraine; one from Lviv, one from Kharkiv in the north, one from the Lugansk area and then one from the Odessa area, that were all given this hemorrhagic fever bioweapon.
George says, that a company called Black&Veatch is the contractor and that he has the Black&Veatch contracts, the signatures and name and that’s where he currently is in the investigation.
Lev Parnas, as some may recall was the star witness of Adam Schiff’s fake impeachment of Donald Trump. George has been following his trail for a couple of years, along with Igor Fruman, who were convicted last December of campaign violations.
George claims that Parnas was trained at the Afghanistan-Pakistan Center of Excellence (called “AfPak COE”, for short) which is located at CENTCOM in Tampa.
George has previously revealed how AfPak COE became a key recruiter of Defense Intelligence Agency informants who were used politically. This includes Henry Oknyansky [aka Hank Greenberg], the person who lured Roger stone with Hillary Clinton’s alleged “hacked” emails and Hina Alvi, the main contact for encrypted communications for former DNC Chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
Hina Alvi was the key sidekick to Imran Awan, who was the key IT person in Congress over a 16-year period. George says it was the encrypted communications established for the AfPak COE on the Blackberry platform that were repurposed and diverted for the spy ring in Congress.
George says he has an intelligence source who has obtained Parnas’ Blackberry communications, which show that he shared IP numbers with Peter Strzok, the key architect of the Crossfire Hurricane takedown of Trump and the attempt to take down Mike Flynn and the attempt to take down George Papadapoulos and the Mueller Investigation, etc.
He says Lev Parnas’ communications IP addresses also traced back to Fort Huachuca, which is a key Special Forces training base in Arizona and also to the Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama.
George has also described being contacted by a Biden whistleblower who did IT work on Biden’s staff at the Senate and a self-described “30-year friend” of Joe Biden’s, who configured encrypted Blackberrys for Biden and his staff.
When Hunter Biden and former CIA official Cofer Black went to work for the board of Burisma, Hunter Biden suddenly became the oldest ensign in the United States Navy, at the age of 42, before he was kicked out for failing a drug test.
George believes Hunter had to join the military because otherwise, he would not have been legally allowed to carry an encrypted Blackberry with military-grade communications.
George said, “If they used these same encrypted Blackberrys to do the Iran nuclear deal – and part of that nuclear deal was missiles, this becomes very important…If somebody is using encrypted communications, the NSA cannot see…the NSA is blind to that traffic. That means you could negotiate Iran nuclear deal outside of the US Senate. The US Senate is supposed to do all treaties, right? It means that you could effect an agreement outside of the law.”
So, when Rudy Giuliani went to Ukraine to investigate Hunter Biden’s corrupt dealings with Burisma, he was taken by Fruman and Parnas to see Kolomoyskyi, their crime boss…
George says, “They used encrypted communications for Libya. They used encrypted communications for the weapons-dealing; to move the weapons after Libya to Syria. They moved the weapons after that to Sudan and they moved the weapons after that to Yemen. And they paid for it all with the Iran nuclear deal…
He says, “We believe now…basically, these private CENTCOM Blackberrys, the private network began in 2002. The Iran nuclear deal and missile placement was actually done before the Iraq war and that Qasem Soleimani, who was ordered killed by Trump actually helped the US in the invasion of Iraq, with the initial barrage of the Eastern targets by pre-positioning and purchasing Russian missiles on the border of Iran…”
He says, “This private network of Blackberrys was put together [in 2002] by P-Tech, which is Jack Lew and Denis McDonough’s little private network to effect all this.”
He says, “Hunter Biden used the illegal encrypted communications. That’s why they made him an ensign in 2014 when he went over to Burisma, laundered Kolomoyskiyi company, laundered the money from Libya and Syria, the conflict energy that was stolen from Libya and Syria – and…who else did we say was the kingpin behind all this?
“Kissinger and Petraeus (KKR)…established the AfPak Center at MacDill Air Force Base, that Colonel Harvey, Derek Harvey, who’s the handler of Lev Parnas, guess who established that? You guessed it – David Petraeus.”
George told Jeff Prather, it’s a program of 4,000 people, soldiers and sailors in Ukraine, 11 labs that were all given this hemorrhagic-type fever late last year and he says it also points to this UP Aid program.
He says he confirmed with people at DTRA, the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, who acknowledged that they have been working with Ukraine at these 11 different biolabs.
He says a company called Black&Veatch is the contractor and he has copies of the contracts, the signatures and names, etc. and that’s where we are in the investigative process.
Jeff asked George if any of this ties into Peter Strzok in Ohio and Florida and George replied, that Yes, Battelle Labs on 16th street and Jefferson in Columbus manage the bioweapons labs, including Fort Detrick in the United States and the Top Secret clearances given to criminal billionaire Kolomoyskyi agents, Fruman and Parnas came from Battelle, with Defense Intelligence information Supply Center (DISC).
So basically what you are reporting Dickie is that
really there is not much difference between
Zelensky and Putin. It could well be that the
former has a circumcised dick and the latter
wants to chop it off. Is that what’s it’s all about
Yeah – come on – let’s engage the Russians – bit of nuclear war – what harm could it do . The world is about self interest – and if it’s a choice between Ukraine or the survival of Europe – then sorry Ukraine …
Another BBC fave is to ask a question and hope the likes of trolls here, past and present, will stir things up nicely with the hugs and kisses and armchair general purpose dipshizzles they target there.
For me, not having gone to sniper school, I simply wish that young lady well if the other side has someone in a gillie suit, further away, with a Barratt .50 cal…
I agree on the Steyn – I’m now a ‘fan’and recommend – again – a watch . I find it easier to record the hour and then extremely edit it .
Watching Steyn is almost like watching TV in a ‘free ‘ country and you can feel him ‘hitting the bar’ if his aim is to score a goal against BBCOFCOM
As for the BBC pensioner Martin Bell . Well he was an old school reporter who just did his job without needing to inject contemporary BBC woke propaganda …
I saw him on GBN recently and he just seems out of his time now – off to Classic FM ….
‘Yes, my friend has friends in Ukraine, they said the streets are unsafe, not because of the Russians but because the government handed out free weapons to criminals who are now attacking and robbing the civilians.’
This arming of civilians being glorified by the BBC is bad on every level. But will make excellent material for future articles when they are slaughtered by fully equipped Russian troops with body armour, mortars, tanks, rockets and machine guns the moment they open fire. After they have served their purpose, they will be dropped.
And of course those weapons will not be given back when it’s over.
Sounds like a nice bit of Russian disinformation propaganda you may have just pumped out ….
Meanwhile – Today
Yesterday Simon Calder – the travel journo – raised the alarm about Russian scammers exploiting the kindness of people wanting to donate to people in Ukraine using Air BNB bookings …
Low and behold ‘today ‘ highlights a lady doing that with someone in Keev …
Those Nigerian fraudsters must be experiencing the same smell they got when money was being thrown at ‘covid business support / furlough / PPE ‘….
Well, one thing is for sure : if it’s true we won’t be told about it.
From the DT:
‘Guns handed out from the back of rubbish lorries as grassroots resistance to the war started by Russia’s Vladimir Putin begins’. 18,000 of them in one morning.
How many do you think they will get back ?.
Giving guns and ammunition to any civilian who wants one is an absolutely terrible idea. Whether the facebook post is real or not, criminals all over the Ukraine are going to be the most well armed in the world when this is done. And remember the murder rate there is already on a par with Afghanistan.
“They’ve shared some horrifying stories. Indiscriminate attacks on civilians, kidnapping civilians to use them as human shields, these are really horrific war crimes that we are being told about and it feels like Putin is inflicting a genocide on the Ukranian people.”
It’s like a checklist of current buzzwords.
This was ‘pumped out’ on BBC news during Radcliffe and Maconi today as told by a Ukranian living in the UK. No doubt they have run it on all the other channels as well.
Like I said before, I trust nobody. Least of all the BBC.
Cooking with lemons edition
With a combination of dramatisation, archive footage, and eyewitness accounts.
This week our media have been grabbling for the clichés wherever they can find them: ‘Seven days that shook the world‘ (Guardian) (Trade Mark – “Diana: 7 Days That Shook the Windsors“, documentary which follows the aftermath of the death of Princess Diana in 1997, when the British Royal Family nearly lost their place in the hearts of the nation (Thank you IMDb))
Or, if you prefer: “Days That Shook the World” ‘is a British documentary television series that premiered on BBC Two in 2003 and lasted for three series. Each 60-minute episode explores either one or two significant events from history through a combination of dramatisation, archive footage, and eyewitness accounts’ (Thank you Wiki)
Speaking of history, Francis Fukuyama famously declared history was over in the 1990s because the worldwide spread of liberal democracies and free-market capitalism of the West and its lifestyle signalled the end point of humanity’s sociocultural evolution and had become the final form of human government. Well, he got that one wrong.
Fukuyama contributed to fooling some of us into thinking the Islamic world was just begging for liberal democracy. So too the Chinese. Even us plebs who live in the West proved to be pretty keen to be locked down by panicked, overbearing, illiberal authority these past two years. Look around the streets of London even now and you’ll still see people masked out doors. Word to the wise – whisper it quietly though – it’s safe now – ‘Sage is stood down in sign Covid crisis is over‘ (Telegraph) – crises, eh? Like London red buses, don’t bust a gut bothering to run after one – another will be along for you to catch in a minute. And no doubt another after that.
So our big brained Francis is now best known for having dropped one almighty bollock when he penned his thesis, so the liberal globalist FT obviously has their go-to man this morning: ‘Francis Fukuyama: The fight for liberalism‘ – one senses pacifist kumbaya liberalism on the backfoot now, eh Frankie?
I do like this cookery feature headline from the Guardian: ‘Cooking with lemons‘ – there’s a suitable-sounding term for Western foreign policy of late. A nice contradictory phrase to set against that positive optimistic saying “cooking with gas” – given the price of energy now, that won’t be happening overmuch.
It could get worse: ‘Wheat hits record high as war halts exports from Europe’s bread basket‘ (FT)
‘£66bn wiped off value of FTSE100 in a day – and global economy shudders‘ (‘i’) – that’s mine and your pensions shrinking there.
‘Patrick Cockburn. Sanctions will hurt Vladimir Putin least‘ (‘i’) the so often daft ‘i’ newspaper talking some sense at last.
Is there some sensible way out of this mess?
‘Zelensky Calls on Putin for Face-to-Face Talks, Says ‘I Don’t Bite’‘ (Newsweek)
The Daily Mirror – like much of our media – appear hell bent on making a negotiated way out of the war as difficult as possible: ‘Wanted for war crimes‘
‘Nuclear nut job‘ (Daily Star)
Here’s a thought, Francis Fukuyama, how about the notion Putin ain’t no madman, on the contrary, he deals in realpolitik and knows the importance of the control of vital resources. I hear he’s sitting on a pile of gold reserves – while we’ve debased our currencies. Russia stepped on the gas, we went Green. He’s cooking with gas, we’re cooking with lemons.
‘The flat-pack water heater that fights climate change. Many people around the world don’t have easy access to hot water. But an engineer in Scotland has designed a simple portable device that heats water using just the power of the Sun. He believes it could reduce emissions and improve the quality of life for millions of people‘ (BBC) – it looks to me as though it is made of plastic and needs manufacturing capacity to mass produce – the Chinese will happy to oblige I’m sure – or people around the world could simply collect some fire wood to head their pot of water. Pity Scotland has so little sunshine.
Having praised the ‘i’ for a couple of interesting takes this morning, one also must note a couple awkward features on their frontpage. Mixed-race relationships must obviously be promoted in all media, advertising, photography – even graphics, etc. The pity of it is when your article is: ‘Relationship red flags – and how to avoid them‘ – but you still illustrate with a cartoon of a white man and black woman.
Then the ‘i’ focuses on that famous BBC heroic, sensitive, ready to shed a tear, news anchor: ‘The team behind Clive Myrie’s heroic broadcasts‘ – which rather implies he’s just a front or window dressing?
Rewatching the infamous Love Thy Neighbour movie recently, I was struck by the prominent theme of Eddie’s trades unionism and socialist leanings – as opposed to his black neighbour Bill’s contrasting conservatism. No wonder the TV series has been flung deep down the TV memory hole.
I’ve watched them all. The white guy is portrayed as the racist idiot in every episode.
But he calls a black guy names so it had to be cancelled because the leftist woke mob are too stupid to get anything in perspective.
My favourite part was how hard-left Eddie had a ‘stop racialism’ sticker in his car but turned out to be a complete racist when black people moved in next door. Their complete hypocrisy was pegged even then.
Watched the first episode of the new season of Picard last night.
Despite being aware Whoopi being in it as a massive spacey anomaly.
So far… oh dear. Stewie is borderline gaga. Looks like Sleepy Joe a decade ago.
But may stay with to see how the middle age cougar bait that is the bearded captain fares with the stogie, once ensign Meaden is introduced to the bridge as love interest for the box of rocks from planet Cinderblok on Comms duty.
Maybe they will cut the scene on BBC North America$t?
Strangely @Gabriel Gatehouse has CANCELLED that tweet, that complained about Russia CANCELLING western media
Right now we can still see the ghost of that tweet, but that will disappear so I will quote it
Silenced in Russia: All independent Russian media.
and: – BBC – CNN – Bloomberg – Facebook – Twitter
No doubt there will be more to come.
You can get 15 years in jail for calling a war a war.
Scary how quickly you can go from quite repressive to full totalitarian
— Gabriel Gatehouse (@ggatehouse) March 4, 2022
“There were approximately 44 thousand Jamaican nationals residing in the United Kingdom in 2021, a decrease from the 52 thousand Jamaican nationals residing there in 2008.” Why?
It wouldn’t surprise me if the BBC’S Londonistan programme
had one or two subversives hidden in the woodwork of the
hierarchy. You don’t need to be an Einstein when watching it to realize
that the editorial contents being spouted by compliant
presenters are written for them from the anarchist Marxist
wing of the BBC.
Ok maybe I am being too hard on auntie. Lets say the
overwhelming Jeremy Corbyn wing of the BBC. But
subversives working for the BBC? There was an “interesting”
take on the programme yesterday. We were told that an
Ukranian national who has lived in the UK for a number of
years had gone to visit his mum back home just before the
Russian invasion started. When he was about to leave , martial
law had been declared. And all Ukrainian males between 18 and 60 had to report to join the armed resistance.
I am afraid that unlike his Syrian “brothers” and other male
pacifists around the world . He couldn’t get to Calais to catch
a dingy. And will have to do his duty in his native country.
Yes I have empathy for his British wife . but something tells
me that somebody in the woodwork at the BBC crawled out
for a moment to show us how “evil” these “Nazi” leaders can
TOADY Watch #1 – more do as I say and not do as I do
With JustRemainIn Webb and Amol Rajan in the TOADY Studio I noticed the absence of Mishal Husain. Not to worry, she has travelled to the Polish border, emitting vast amounts of unnecessary CO2, which the BBC claim is heating up the planet, killing the polar bears and walruses and melting Antartican ice and the North Pole to nothing as well as destroying all wildlife and glaciers everywhere. “Put down that mint! Don’t you know a polar bear needs it to stand on?”
I think the Today Ego s are taking turns getting their ‘campaign ‘medals and pictures wearing flak jackets …..
As fuel prices take off next month I wonder how the BBC will disengage from green crap . ?
Maybe they’ll they’ll just go quiet on it .
I’ve already heard politicians calling for more development in The North Sea . But the problem remains ‘Mrs nut nut ‘ – who -unless she is put in a box – will continue to tell boris not to frack .
But I think as inflation hits 10% by the end of the year – together with upward interest rates to fight it – the demand for cheaper fuel will be overwhelming for any politician – as disposable income becomes rarer .
I forecasted a recession at the start of the year – if we survive the battle for Ukraine – I believe that is even more likely – unless – of course putin is removed and a more sane Russian regime takes over .
But I’ve topped up my ‘grab bag ‘…. Just in case ….
Farcical.What are they hoping to achieve, other than group selfies grinning to ear as folk get shredded a safe distance away?
A flak jacket without a helmet is less effective without a full helmet. Especially in the open air, of burst fame.
Even if they were in the thick of it; what then?
“Excuse me Vlad, how do you feel as you guts decorate that wall?”
“So, oddly out of place medical student/engineer of hue, what made you scoot this direction over the women and kids?”
Sky last night was upset that some of their war groupies were at the wrong end of some ordnance… DESPITE CLEARLY HAVING “PRESS” on their dark flak jackets and those lovely helmets that all look the same.
What did they expect if it was firefight?
Especially if embedded with a bunch happy to shoot at anything types as they have god and CNN on their side. Or something.
Ever since JezBo went totally nuts when a bloke miles away neglected to properly ID his gofer with the shoulder-mounted handicam amongst the ruins full of similar looking blokes with RPGs I have had zero faith in supposed impartial media heroes of the foggy battleground.
Fed, yes, Clive Myrie heroic ???? Nah, can’t be the same person.
Recession? Guaranteed now. Even if Carrie Antionette is put away where she cannot influence, it will take a while to re-start our use of our natural resources – with the exception of food – but it is still worth lobbying the PM. Fill that 10 Downing Street post-box with some common-sense and maybe the PM will use it?
Far too many to list, but among them are: ‘Cesarean Section Day’ on Jan 14th, ‘Women in Construction Week’ (starting tomorrow), ‘National Girl Me Too Day’ (Apr 7) etc etc etc.
I could only find one for men: ‘International Men’s Day’ on November 19. Which is ‘an opportunity to recognize men who don’t fall into traditional manifestations of masculinity, such as gay and bisexual men, transgender, or masculine non-binary people. ‘
I have to admit, their definition of ‘equality’ is not the same as mine.
Our suggestion: buy flour, rice, barley and any other grains you can now, rather than waiting one month to buy them because you have to.
This is well worth reading. I didn’t know we are dependent on Russia and Ukraine (now in Russian hands), for wheat . Also, Russia is the main producer of natural gas, and thus also the main exporter of fertiliser. Hells Bells.
NATO just couldn’t stop expanding. They couldn’t leave well alone.
Not sure about that, NCBBC. Think I heard someone say that the UK is almost wheat self sufficient but .. but .. think with wheat it is a bit like Brent Crude oil: we sell much of our Brent Crude because it is high quality and used to dilute poorer quality oils before refining. Similarly with wheat, slightly different varieties have different uses so we buy/import some to mix with the home grown stuff or to fulfil another use.
You BBCnews are banged to rights
To lead your news story you used a stock photo which was FABRICATED,
without mentioning that it is a constructed “concept” image.
I can prove that, cos the Photographer’s own website has original
Same image, same bubbles before bag added
Stew this shows exactly what we are dealing with from the BBC. There is no way they can defend this lying propaganda so will do what they usually do in this instance. Totally blank it from history…. Nothing to see here. However people who see this and suspect they are being lied to by the BBC on a regular basis have it confirmed what lying snakes they are and will never unsee it.
The bag doesn’t look very real, does it? As doctored images go, the quality is shockingly bad… BBC did you say? Special effects aren’t their forte, did you see that War of the Worlds adaptation… I mean, really!
Besides, does that turtle look stupid enough to be wearing a bag around its neck to you? Looks kind of smug and supercilious to me.
The feminazis at the BBC love to spend their time emasculating men and complaining about toxic masculinity, pay-gaps, even the very notion of 2 genders.
But they don’t seem to mind Ukrainian men risking life and limb to protect their womenfolk.
I hear no demands for 50% representation on the front line, or that women are unrepresented among the dead and mutilated. Or that more men should be changing baby nappies in Poland instead of going back to fight.
Everywhere I look I am being told to scorn the Russians. Rock stars are preaching. Even Sainsbury’s sent an email informing me that they are boycotting products sourced 100% in Russia. Russians are my enemy & Ukrainians need our help I am told. I would have liked to have seen so much opposition to Islamic incursion into my own country.
I have nothing against Ukrainians but despite the media-blitz and celebrity persistence I find it difficult to sympathise with a country that Soros wants us to defend.
We are now being told how the Russians broke the ceasefire with shelling.
Did they do it first or did they do it because they got fired at ?.
Maybe they have been provoked deliberately so they could be accused of breaking the ceasefire. The point here is that we would not be told even if the BBC knew what had happened. The Ukrainian version of events is being repeated by the BBC without question.
My heart goes out to the people of the Ukraine having this military occupation thrust upon them. But I smell big rats in almost every story I read. Anyone who dare say that in public now will be torn apart by the mob.
What a shame they told us virtually nothing about the war with ISIS who really did do terrible things. Never mind a minute-by-minute account of casualties and trivia like an activist pensioner being gently arrested who was very clearly put in front of cameras just to be arrested.
Fog of war, JohnC. Think we have to take all reports out of Ukraine, out of anywhere for that matter, with a pinch of salt if not pure (anti)septicsceptic. ; – )
If by chance the entire MSM is united in its stand, then its best to assume that its a full scale lie. The only reason they have to be united is thats the only way it can be believed.
I give you the manner in which Donald Trump was treated. Full blown lies.
Absolutely. What happened in the media – and especially the ‘impartial’ BBC – with the treatment of Trump and also of the election fraud claims opened my eyes to what the West has become.
But Lucy – isn’t it refreshing to have a clearly defined enemy – the putin regime ? If only he could be removed and replaced with someone a bit more civilised – but Russia doesn’t produce many civilised leaders .._
I just hope the war can be limited …
Rock stars preaching nothing new there then …..thankfully no Geldof or Bonio yet ! , Does all this mean the daily Dinghy Invasion has stopped ? , And what’s happened to Partygate ? ….suppose we just have to believe everything the BBC and MSM tells us then !
Charlie – Brillo wrote a piece in the mail today saying that whatever the outcome of ‘gray ‘ nut nut is solid because of putin .
The same may also apply to macron – election in a month ….
Whatever one’s politics, ideologies and affiliations, there are many good reasons to want to see Putin opposed implacably.
1) If he wins in Ukraine, where next?
2) If he wins in Ukraine, then China and other rogue states like Iran will be emboldened, with all the implications that has for Asia, the Middle East, and the balance of power worldwide.
Do we really want to live in a world dominated by the likes of Putin, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong-un and the mad Ayatollahs?
3) Simple humanity moves one to feel compassion for the underdog and contempt for the bully.
For once, the world seems fairly united on the side of right against wrong.
The fact that some unsavoury characters are onside does not mean that one should thereby take a contrarian position. I’ll even hold my nose and agree with the BBC on this one.
My cynical view is that the WEF and their graduates would very much like the peoples of the Western democracies to regard Putin, Xi et al as their ONLY enemies, not realising that there was a deadly enemy within, ie the international liberal elite fascists. Giving us enemies to fear and hate is great cover for the Blob to take even more control of our lives in what are becoming the hollowed out husks of democracies. They did it with Covid and had lined up zero emissions as their next excuse but now Putin has presented them with another golden opportunity which they will take full advantage of.
1) After the length of time this has taken the question might be better phrased when next?
2) Even if he eventually ‘wins’ in Ukraine which I don’t think is his objective then controlling the country would be a nightmare with constant guerilla attacks and a lot of dead soldiers. The US couldn’t control Iraq what chance has Putin got?
3) Not nice to see people being killed especially when they are not participants in the war, nor their homes being destroyed for no good reason. Someone is going have to rebuild those cities and infrastructure.
This all began as an internal Ukrainian crisis in November 2013, when President Viktor Yanukovych rejected a deal for greater integration with the European Union (here’s why this was such a big deal), sparking mass protests, which Yanukovych attempted to put down violently. Russia backed Yanukovych in the crisis, while the US and Europe supported the protesters.
Since then, several big things have happened. In February, anti-government protests toppled the government and ran Yanukovych out of the country. Russia, trying to salvage its lost influence in Ukraine, invaded and annexed Crimea the next month. In April, pro-Russia separatist rebels began seizing territory in eastern Ukraine. The rebels shot down Malaysian Airlines flight 17 on July 17, killing 298 people, probably accidentally. Fighting between the rebels and the Ukrainian military intensified, the rebels started losing, and, in August, the Russian army overtly invaded eastern Ukraine to support the rebels. This has all brought the relationship between Russia and the West to its lowest point since the Cold War. Sanctions are pushing the Russian economy to the brink of recession, and more than 2,500 Ukrainians have been killed.
A lot of this comes down to Ukraine’s centuries-long history of Russian domination. The country has been divided more or less evenly between Ukrainians who see Ukraine as part of Europe and those who see it as intrinsically linked to Russia. An internal political crisis over that disagreement may have been inevitable. Meanwhile, in Russia, Putin is pushing an imperial-revival, nationalist worldview that sees Ukraine as part of greater Russia — and as the victim of ever-encroaching Western hostility.
As the invasion of Ukraine continues, the invasion of our shores by illegal asylum seekers goes on un abated . How many more have landed today , unopposed by our Border Farce ?
Nowt on Al Beeb ?
Maybe Toenails will be embedded next on the fantail of a U-Boat?
My reflections on what it was like to go from being a man in a suit who stands outside buildings talking about wars to being in the middle of one. Listen here … https://t.co/7SPZkv7uAS
A Robinson fantasy – war tourism – a flak jacket – and years of talking about his 3 days in a bunker – complete with bodyguards and lackies – all on the TV tax payers ‘ dime …
….. bet he will get a better after dinner speech rate now ..
A prize for his first guest – I reckon Starmer – who needs to try to be a ‘statesman ‘ at time of War…. Or I suppose – the Shadow Foreign Sec – who – hilariously apparently is Dave Lammy …
Fed, funny thing but absent from
TOADY Watch #2 – I haven’t listened to it all but has anyone heard Starmer being asked about Drakeford’s plans …
As soon as the PM, Boris Johnson, announced the end of Covid restrictions for England, Keir Starmer was saying it was far too soon, far too reckless and that thousands will die unnecessarily having overwhelmed our NHS on the way. But then, a week or two later, Mark Drakeford (Labour), announces similar plans for Wales later this month.
Not a peep from the Sucker supposed to be in charge of the Labour Party! Should he not have instructed his Party colleague in Wales to keep the Covid restrictions in place?
Steve Baker is the target of a Remainiac pile-on
cos he dared to suggest we can go on with getting rid of the Irish sea border and deal with Ukraine at the same time.
His thread
Article 16
"If the application of this Protocol leads to serious economic, societal or environmental difficulties that are liable to persist, or to diversion of trade, the Union or the United Kingdom may unilaterally take appropriate safeguard measures."https://t.co/j3r1qoLAz6pic.twitter.com/TAGLzTqYHU
— Steve Baker MP FRSA 🗽 (@SteveBakerHW) March 5, 2022
Britain has frozen more Russian bank assets than any other country as part of international wave of sanctions against Putin’s Kremlin — £258.8 billion of bank assets, versus £240 billion by the US and £33.8 billion by the EU. Still needs to hit many more oligarchs.
I have been noting recently that “The Apprentice, You’re Fired” has been careful to have one BAME out of its three panel members, as per the BBC rules Nigel Rees exposed. It seems they have now gone full Tonto (tm Ben Wallace). For the past two weeks they have had two BAME panelists on each show!
The latest show kept to the tradition of a BAME comedian you’ve never heard of, together with a BAME businessman. Lady Brady made up the numbers as the token white, whilst also ticking the “female/non-binary” box.
The show’s host is a white man, but gay, so he’s another box ticked. The candidate being interviewed was also BAME. The main thing is that there were no straight white men on the show. That would never do.
One day soon the BBC’s pathetic wokery make it disappear in a puff of PC smoke. It can’t come soon enough for me.
It seems that most of the MSM is ignorant of the fact that it would take one Russian missile with a multiple warhead to finish our country and kill millions. That means we have to be very very careful not to get into a shooting war. Ukraine is not the hill to die on for this country. It needs Johnson to tell it like it is and stop the hysteria .
The way Zelensky talks is bizarre. He would finish European civilisation for what? The media here is no better. This seems to me more dangerous than the CUba crisis.
Then on both sides there were men who knew what war was.
Correct – the UK doesn’t have the land area to sustain a nuclear attack in the way that Russia may think it does, though I believe the British deterrent alone would be enough to incinerate Moscow and St Petersburg. Hence the scattering of the old deterrent (the Vulcans and Victors, before Polaris and Trident) to airfields far and wide in times of emergency, to increase the chances of being able to retaliate against any preemptive strike. The Western media are not helping.
The latest Russian Missiles are claimed to be ‘impossible’ to intercept. The Satan missile carries up to ten MIRV (multiple independent re-enty vehicles) of 500 – 750KT.
The protocol is to launch all of them at once and SALT II says they have a maximum of 165, time that by ten and you get the idea the world doesn’t survive.
At the time the Thatcher government didn’t want the far Left BBC showing pro CND programs like “when the wind blows” or “threads”, and there were the pop culture hits such as Frankie goes to Hollywood “Two Tribes” and Jetho Tull A about the consequences of nuclear war.
Paradoxically the fear of nuclear war might well have had the opposite effect the Left wanted, and ignorance is now our biggest threat. No one in their right mind would want a nuclear conflict the horror of which was even in our day beyond comprehension, now with the snowflakes of the millenium the BBC probably would have to show those two films late on with trigger warnings as horror films.
It was fear of the threat of nuclear war which kept the left under control. With the end of the cold war and the so called ‘peace dividend’ the Left was allowed out of its box, and has gone as crazy as might be expected. Maybe the threat of total annihilation is what is needed to control them once again.
The Western media are trying to humiliate Putin and ‘face’ counts for a lot over there.
They are the enemy within. One way or another, the Left are going to destroy the West. Just like they have destroyed everything they touched in the past when they got over-confident.
I’m wondering why Johnson is reacting so strongly over this. He’s singled us out for ‘special treatment’ when it’s over. And we are not even in the EU now.
Maybe it’s just to try and show strength after the utterly insignificant ‘partygate’. Maybe he thought he could hang off America’s shirt-tails like Blair did – but it looks a lot to me like the USA intend to keep out of it.
Yet another bad judgement by Boris. Or should I say his advisers.
But the pigeons overhead should be worried. That’s if by some miracle she manages to keep hold of it.
Shes actually got hold of the bolt and her finger on the trigger at the same time – so it’s very, very obviously a fake picture. She’s never fired one in her life.
The charging handle of the AK is on the right of its body. That means it should be operated with the right hand, taking it off the pistol grip and reducing the risk of a negligent discharge. I have never seen an AK bolt manipulated like this with the left hand.
Strangely enough, it is British army doctrine to keep the right hand on the pistol grip, turn the SA80 rifle on its side, and manipulate the bolt with the left hand. I have never felt this was a good procedure. Better to keep the left hand controlling the weight of the rifle on the fore grip, and operate the bolt with the right hand.
I think we got into this habit because the charging handle of the previous rifle, the L1A1 SLR was, unusually, on the left, so the left hand was used to manipulate it, whilst the right hand stayed on the pistol grip.
Incidentally, you will often hear journalists talk about AK47s, but in reality you will never see one. The 7.62mm rifles are invariably AKMs, and the 5.45mm like the one in the picture are AK74s. The dinky carbines are AKS74Us, sometimes called Krinkovs, although this is not an official name.
For days and weeks, numerous commentators have been pointing out that Biden’s insane “green” energy policies have done more than anything else to empower Putin while weakening the West and undercutting sanctions. The most effective thing Biden could do right now would be to get US oil and gas flowing again and impose sanctions on Russian gas, which the West is still importing to the tune of billions of dollars.
Nothing from the Biden Broadcasting Corporation, of course,
Hannity: “The top sanction, the most immediate damage you could do is to stop importing energy from Russia and for America to immediately return to energy independence.
Meanwhile every dollar that we spend on Russian oil is a dollar that goes right into Putin’s fund for his war crimes”.
Sorry this is drivel.
The problem is that Obama allowed Russia to annexe Crimea without any real sanction and now he is pulling the strings of Biden in what is being called Obamas third term.
Obama was the worst President the USA have ever had athough you’d never know it watching the media.
They aren’t mutually exclusive. The feeble responses to Russia’s military interventions in Georgia, Syria, and Crimea are part of the problem, as is Biden’s Afghanistan fiasco.
Bad energy policies are another aspect, as is Biden’s perceived weakness.
BBC is the home of Diversity
They promote a full diverse range of hatey lefties
Last night Shaparak Khorsandi was on BBC2
Tonight she was on BBC1 at 7pm
Is he a Hatey-Lefty ? ..judge for yourself
Yes love, and LGBT people DID cause Hurricane Harvey. Don’t you listen to anyone who says you are an utterly deluded wassock…you are VERY SMART. https://t.co/sXM74BPZdd
— Shaparak Khorsandi 🌻💙💛 (@ShappiKhorsandi) March 5, 2022
BBC types are diverse … in political background
“@AdamRutherford has been named as the next President of @Humanists_UK.
A worthy successor to the equally wonderful
and @pollytoynbee.”
I bump into such tweets from HateyLefties
Here Beccy Barr claims GBnews is a friend of the KGB
Someone has gone to great effort to make that graphic .. I guess he Remainiac Byline Times cult
That GBnews-KGB graphic seems to first appear on Feb 25th
… https://twitter.com/BrexitBin/status/1497339897228808192
by account : @BrexitBinVeteran Remainer 🇪🇺 GB & Germany
• Tweets on #Brexit & #Gammonopolis
• Non Partisan • Pro Indy 🏴
• I block TrollBots, Liars + Brex/Lex/Cov/idiots
Despite the avalanche of opinion and information (sometimes disinformation) about Ukraine, I, for one, don’t really understand what’s happening on the ground – or why.
For any fellow nerds, this video casts at least some light on at least one aspect of the war, namely the military logistics behind it.
I wonder if he passed Toenails in the first class lounge of the… border?
At the airport about to fly to Poland/Ukraine border. The international solidarity with Ukraine is astonishing – some American veterans on our flight are headed out to act as medics in the combat field, willing to stay as long as 6 months if necessary. One sold his car to come.
I posted here a while ago about a ridiculous multi page form HSBC DEMANDED my wife fill in about all aspects of her financial life, sources of income and identity.
They lied and said they had to do this for anti money laundering regs, which only say one MAY have to ask SOME questions, no other bank appears to be doing this to established long time customers.
We have very quickly and easily changed bank accounts and above is an example of that info becoming available to any tom dick or harry that works in a bank and can put one at risk of further crime including identity theft and fraud.
One thing we all know is that we will not get the truth about what is happening in Ukraine from the BBC. The globalists have full control of our national broadcaster and will compel it to feed the public with its globalist agenda.
Anyone else notice the total absence of any comment from our government on the Ukraine shit show?
They are so tied down by the stupid left LGBT, woke, brigade they are frozen in the headlights,
This is the time for people with balls to step up and be counted but we have a committee of vapid twats keeping their heads down. So bloody embarrassing, no wonder Putin is so emboldened.
Covid stats aren’t published at weekends now
Yesterdays 7 day average was 37K per day
That is a flattening out , instead of great falls
Maybe that is a cold weather thing.
“Indian-origin shop manager jailed 28 months for cheating a blind 81 yo man out of his lottery win
Narendra Gill checked the numbers of a lucky dip lottery ticket for 81-year-old Frank Gowland at the shop she managed at a shopping centre in Leeds”
Camelot staff are the heroes
Camelot, became suspicious when Gill called them and they heard her serving customers.
The 51-year-old admitted she worked at GT News at the White Rose Shopping Centre in Leeds but said she was gifted the ticket.
Camelot alerted police, who identified Gowland via CCTV footage, spotting him and his wife Sue, 77, getting into their car.”
The normal is “we can’t look t CCTV, DATA protection ra ra
and anyway we are busy policing Twitter”
Regardless of the rights and wrongs of this invasion and attacks on civilians:
I agree it is becoming rather strange, the MSM joint attempts to paint ALL Russian soldiers as either grossly amateurish, ill equipped, incompetent and morally degenerate with the “they kill babies” last used against the Nazis in WW2.
Some of it may be true, to a greater or lesser degree, but:
All msm appear to be in lock step, which is unusual, with howls of outrage and villification for anyone asking questions.
(and we all know such as the bbc, do love their controversial headlines as questions, is maths racist? etc)
It smacks of an agenda which one does not have to look too far to work out.
Ukraine was a Euro project, an extension of the “world Gov” attempt and Russia stand in the way of that.
This all began as an internal Ukrainian crisis in November 2013, when President Viktor Yanukovych rejected a deal for greater integration with the European Union , sparking mass protests, which Yanukovych attempted to put down violently. Russia backed Yanukovych in the crisis, while the US and Europe supported the protesters.
In November 2013, Yanukovych was due to travel to Vilinius, Lithuania, for a summit with the EU where he was widely expected to sign an agreement that would have set out a framework for Ukraine’s relationship with the European bloc, including preferential terms of trade. The agreement would have set Ukraine on a clear path for eventual EU membership.
But the agreement and Ukraine’s move closer to Europe angered Putin, who engaged in a campaign of economic pressure against Ukraine: cutting off energy supplies to the country and blocking almost all imports from Ukraine. This resulted in a 25% reduction in Ukrainian exports and pushed the country’s economy into recession. The Kremlin publicly threatened to drive Ukraine into default on its sovereign debt if it went ahead with the EU trade deal.
On Nov. 21, Yanukovych succumbed to this pressure and suddenly reversed course, saying he would not sign the EU alignment agreement, although he still favored eventual Ukrainian membership in the EU. Instead, he would accept a package of Russian financial assistance to meet the country’s debt obligations.
His decision sparked a series of protests, initially centered on Kyiv’s Independence Square, or Maidan, that became known as the Euromaidan protests. Demonstrators camped out in the square and refused to leave unless Yanukovych signed the EU agreement, released jailed protesters, liberalized Ukraine’s constitution, and resigned from office. Police attacked the demonstrators, a move that touched off further protests throughout Western Ukraine. Violence escalated after Jan. 16, 2014, when Yanukovych signed into law a draconian series of restrictions of freedom of speech and assembly. Demonstrators occupied provincial administration buildings throughout Ukraine. Lawmaker repealed some of the measures, but the protests continued to grow.
By mid-February, the increasingly violent clashes had claimed the lives of at least 28 demonstrators, seven police officers, and a civilian bystander, and injured hundreds of others. On Feb. 21, Yanukovych claimed to have reached an agreement with the opposition, but he then departed Kyiv. He later said his car had been shot at as he left. He eventually traveled to Crimea and then fled to Russia, allegedly with Russian help.
The next day, the Ukrainian parliament voted to formally remove him from office. Months later, the body issued a warrant for his arrest, accusing him of being responsible for “the mass killing of civilians.” In January 2019, a Ukrainian court would eventually sentence him in absentia to 13 years in prison for treason. He later thanked Putin for “saving his life.”
Since going into exile, Yanukovych has given interviews in which he has said he remained “the legitimate head of the Ukrainian state elected in a free vote by Ukrainian citizens.”
Since going into exile, Yanukovych has given interviews in which he has said he remained “the legitimate head of the Ukrainian state elected in a free vote by Ukrainian citizens.”
Lucy PevenseyMar 9, 21:27 Weekend 8th March 2025 The plot thickens https://twitter.com/RupertLowe10/status/1898839071050403877
FlotsamMar 9, 21:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Graham Greene wrote a brilliant novel, “The Comedians” (does anyone read books any more?). It was about a bunch of…
DeborahMar 9, 21:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dr John Campbell on YouTube has reviewed some Covid vaccination research which may have indicated that the vaccine has compromised…
tomoMar 9, 21:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Oh yeah, that’s a good idea… https://twitter.com/PopBase/status/1897800687565861081
atlas_shruggedMar 9, 21:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Five Years On, the UK Refuses to Learn the Lessons of the Covid Catastrophe https://dailysceptic.org/2025/03/08/five-years-on-the-uk-refuses-to-learn-the-lessons-of-the-covid-catastrophe/ The US has changed direction…
Well, Hi everybody, this is indeed an honour!
I wish you all well!
Hello Scroblene
Another day without a nuclear cloud ….
For anyone looking for unintended humour the Daily Telegraph carries a very very long piece on Andy Marr – whose new show on LBC is at 1800 Monday .
There is humour because Marr apparently got fed up with the BBCs obsession with neutrality and absence of bias ….
Maybe Marr should have got a job on RT or being a spokesman for the Kremlin . He’d fit in really well – another alternative universe .
Elswhere,- another ‘green crap ‘ free day – has that mental teenager gone off to fight for Ukraine ? Perhaps the green absence is linked to a prediction that over 8 million households will be in ‘fuel poverty ‘ by 2023 .
‘Fuel poverty ‘ is over 10`% of income spent on fuel ….
And 55% spent on fags and sky TV.
Proposed solar farm so ‘vast’ drivers would have to refuel to go around as council slams ‘inadequate’ information
Last night I watched the Thursday Dan Wootton show on GBN. There was an interview with Martin Bell the ex MP and BBC reporter. Mr Bell is an elderly man and has views which may be well out of date, he is also full of his own virtue and is a typical BBC sanctimonious Pratt.
However he said a couple of things which I found chilling. Firstly he said that GBN needed to get a grip on itself. When challenged about what he meant by this he seemed to me to become evasive and merely said GBN was a news comment station not a news service despite its name.
A few minutes later when, I think jestingly, well I hope jestingly, Mark Dolan, standing in for Dan Wootton , suggested that Mr Bell become a GBN presenter, Bell said that if he did he might save GBN from Ofcom!
Bell may be speaking more in hope than in knowledge but it might be a straw in the wind , the BBC and the rest of the Blob might be becoming increasingly irritated that the upstart GBN is ruining their carefully prepared narrative and the world view which they want the public to swallow. GBN represents a fish bone in their throat.
Also I’m sure that Mark Steyn’s frequent exposure of the machinations of the World Economic Forum isn’t welcome by the International Blob and I wouldn’t be surprised if pressure isn’t being brought to bear.
Here’s me, just factually, sharing BBC, just factually, sharing a person’s view…
And that is how it now is.
Also, just a factual ‘quote’, simply passed on.
Like those from Debs Fugly Meaden, who is all in with Dr. Loony Blonde with her mask business as they vye for Femi’s eye.
Zelensky is deranged, he either doesn’t realise that UN involvement would 100% sure lead to global war and probably nuclear with millions dying or he just doesnt care. I believe he can see no further than his personal “role” under threat.
He has adopted the same veiled oblackmail approach as the lovely Greta uses on the end of the planet crap.
I feel exactly the same. This guy wants WW3 purely for his own survival. And never forget he’s an actor by trade.
But as the propaganda onslaught continues and people’s opinions morph to what they read, I’m now sensing it is socially unacceptable to point out or say anything negative about Ukraine or what led to this mess.
Never, ever underestimate the power of brainwashing.
Before he ran for the presidency, Volodymyr Zelenskyy was a comedian. Here’s a video from 8 years ago that was wiped from YouTube but which was resurrected on BitChute on the Plazma channel – https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/ukrainian-president-zelenskyy-yes-really/.
Zelenskyy starred in the hit television series Servant of the People, where he played the role of a high-school history teacher in his 30s who won the presidential election after a viral video showed him ranting against government corruption in Ukraine. The series, which ran from October 2015 – March 2019 will soon be airing on British Channel 4.
The political party, Servant of the People, named after the show was founded in March 2018 by Zelenskyy and members of his production company.
In March 2019, Zelenskyy told Der Spiegel magazine that he went into politics to restore trust in politicians and that he wanted “to bring professional, decent people to power”. If that sounds like it came straight out of the World Economic Forum Young Global Leaders program, it did. Zelensky is a graduate.
In July 2019, Zelenskyy tweeted a picture of himself with Justin Trudeau and credited the Canadian Prime Minister for inspiring him to get into politics. His credibility hit the gutter for me when I saw that.
Zelenskyy led an incredibly brief and successful presidential campaign, mostly on social media to decisively unseat incumbent Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko. He was sworn in on May 2, 2019.
Zelenskyy is backed by the CIA, the Globalist banking cartel, numerous Ukrainian oligarchs and the Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion.
Like Zelenskyy, the Azov Battalion’s key backer is the infamous Ukrainian oligarch, Ihor Kolomoyskyi. This is so, despite the fact that both Zelenskyy and Kolomoyskyi are Jewish.
Zelenskyy’s and Kolomoyskyi’s names appeared prominently in both the Panama Papers and the Pandora Papers.
On February 23rd, Ilia Kyva, a member of the Ukrainian parliament from the Opposition Platform For Life (OPPL) party, posted on Telegram that Zelenskyy has accumulated more than $1.2 billion US dollars during the first two and half years of his presidency, stored in multiple accounts at Dresdner Bank Lateinamerika in Costa Rica, saying:
“Regular replenishment in ragged tranches of $12 to $35 million comes through various channels, such as from Rinat Akhmetov and Viktor Pinchuk through First Union Bank and Deutsche Bank, as well as Ihor Kolomoyskyi from his Geneva accounts at Banque Nationale de Paris,” Kyva posted on his Telegram channel, saying:
“Every president and his team, after his tenure, walked away as dollar billionaires, and Zelenskyy, for all his inferiority, was no exception, just in his case, no one will let him just walk away.”
Kyva says that the movement of such funds would be impossible without the assent of the German and French authorities and he vows to prosecute Zelenskyy.
Kyva also claims that Zelenskyy bought a villa in Miami for $34 million, as well as several sets of jewelry for $5.6 million.
George Webb, reporting from Miami is following this trail, saying he visited Zelenskyy’s Miami property, near the Kazakh Consulate there.
So, all of this connects to the Biolabs in Ukraine, Peter Strzok, the fake impeachment and the Iran deal – and the role of Hunter Biden in all of this.
People think Hunter is just a crackhead but he was monumentally involved in the Iran nuclear deal and in laundering the oil that was stolen by the US from Libya and Syria and given to ISIS.
On Jeff Prather’s podcast on Tuesday, George told Jeff that he had confirmed with the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) that they have been working with Ukraine at 11 different biolabs.
He told Jeff, “There’s a big, active bioweapons program in Ukraine. We’ve got documents called ‘UPA” (Ukraine Program Aid),” relating to the hemorrhagic fever bioweapon that we’ve been hearing rumors about.
George says there appears to be a go-between to Kazakhstan. They label their pathogens ‘KZ1’, ‘KZ2’, ‘KZ3’, ‘KZ4’, referring to batches from Kazakhstan.
He describes it as a program of 4,000 people, soldiers and sailors in Ukraine, one for each corner of Ukraine; one from Lviv, one from Kharkiv in the north, one from the Lugansk area and then one from the Odessa area, that were all given this hemorrhagic fever bioweapon.
George says, that a company called Black&Veatch is the contractor and that he has the Black&Veatch contracts, the signatures and name and that’s where he currently is in the investigation.
Lev Parnas, as some may recall was the star witness of Adam Schiff’s fake impeachment of Donald Trump. George has been following his trail for a couple of years, along with Igor Fruman, who were convicted last December of campaign violations.
George claims that Parnas was trained at the Afghanistan-Pakistan Center of Excellence (called “AfPak COE”, for short) which is located at CENTCOM in Tampa.
George has previously revealed how AfPak COE became a key recruiter of Defense Intelligence Agency informants who were used politically. This includes Henry Oknyansky [aka Hank Greenberg], the person who lured Roger stone with Hillary Clinton’s alleged “hacked” emails and Hina Alvi, the main contact for encrypted communications for former DNC Chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
Hina Alvi was the key sidekick to Imran Awan, who was the key IT person in Congress over a 16-year period. George says it was the encrypted communications established for the AfPak COE on the Blackberry platform that were repurposed and diverted for the spy ring in Congress.
George says he has an intelligence source who has obtained Parnas’ Blackberry communications, which show that he shared IP numbers with Peter Strzok, the key architect of the Crossfire Hurricane takedown of Trump and the attempt to take down Mike Flynn and the attempt to take down George Papadapoulos and the Mueller Investigation, etc.
He says Lev Parnas’ communications IP addresses also traced back to Fort Huachuca, which is a key Special Forces training base in Arizona and also to the Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama.
George has also described being contacted by a Biden whistleblower who did IT work on Biden’s staff at the Senate and a self-described “30-year friend” of Joe Biden’s, who configured encrypted Blackberrys for Biden and his staff.
When Hunter Biden and former CIA official Cofer Black went to work for the board of Burisma, Hunter Biden suddenly became the oldest ensign in the United States Navy, at the age of 42, before he was kicked out for failing a drug test.
George believes Hunter had to join the military because otherwise, he would not have been legally allowed to carry an encrypted Blackberry with military-grade communications.
George said, “If they used these same encrypted Blackberrys to do the Iran nuclear deal – and part of that nuclear deal was missiles, this becomes very important…If somebody is using encrypted communications, the NSA cannot see…the NSA is blind to that traffic. That means you could negotiate Iran nuclear deal outside of the US Senate. The US Senate is supposed to do all treaties, right? It means that you could effect an agreement outside of the law.”
So, when Rudy Giuliani went to Ukraine to investigate Hunter Biden’s corrupt dealings with Burisma, he was taken by Fruman and Parnas to see Kolomoyskyi, their crime boss…
George says, “They used encrypted communications for Libya. They used encrypted communications for the weapons-dealing; to move the weapons after Libya to Syria. They moved the weapons after that to Sudan and they moved the weapons after that to Yemen. And they paid for it all with the Iran nuclear deal…
He says, “We believe now…basically, these private CENTCOM Blackberrys, the private network began in 2002. The Iran nuclear deal and missile placement was actually done before the Iraq war and that Qasem Soleimani, who was ordered killed by Trump actually helped the US in the invasion of Iraq, with the initial barrage of the Eastern targets by pre-positioning and purchasing Russian missiles on the border of Iran…”
He says, “This private network of Blackberrys was put together [in 2002] by P-Tech, which is Jack Lew and Denis McDonough’s little private network to effect all this.”
He says, “Hunter Biden used the illegal encrypted communications. That’s why they made him an ensign in 2014 when he went over to Burisma, laundered Kolomoyskiyi company, laundered the money from Libya and Syria, the conflict energy that was stolen from Libya and Syria – and…who else did we say was the kingpin behind all this?
“Kissinger and Petraeus (KKR)…established the AfPak Center at MacDill Air Force Base, that Colonel Harvey, Derek Harvey, who’s the handler of Lev Parnas, guess who established that? You guessed it – David Petraeus.”
George told Jeff Prather, it’s a program of 4,000 people, soldiers and sailors in Ukraine, 11 labs that were all given this hemorrhagic-type fever late last year and he says it also points to this UP Aid program.
He says he confirmed with people at DTRA, the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, who acknowledged that they have been working with Ukraine at these 11 different biolabs.
He says a company called Black&Veatch is the contractor and he has copies of the contracts, the signatures and names, etc. and that’s where we are in the investigative process.
Jeff asked George if any of this ties into Peter Strzok in Ohio and Florida and George replied, that Yes, Battelle Labs on 16th street and Jefferson in Columbus manage the bioweapons labs, including Fort Detrick in the United States and the Top Secret clearances given to criminal billionaire Kolomoyskyi agents, Fruman and Parnas came from Battelle, with Defense Intelligence information Supply Center (DISC).
Contributed by Alexandra Bruce
So basically what you are reporting Dickie is that
really there is not much difference between
Zelensky and Putin. It could well be that the
former has a circumcised dick and the latter
wants to chop it off. Is that what’s it’s all about
Putin or the WEF?
I don’t like either of those choices.
Yeah – come on – let’s engage the Russians – bit of nuclear war – what harm could it do . The world is about self interest – and if it’s a choice between Ukraine or the survival of Europe – then sorry Ukraine …
Another BBC fave is to ask a question and hope the likes of trolls here, past and present, will stir things up nicely with the hugs and kisses and armchair general purpose dipshizzles they target there.
For me, not having gone to sniper school, I simply wish that young lady well if the other side has someone in a gillie suit, further away, with a Barratt .50 cal…
That’s exactly what it is about. Except it’s just the Eastern half of Ukraine.
But if Putin goes for all of it then I will concede he is the madman the propaganda is telling us he is and we are in an entirely different ballgame.
Luckily the BBC’s finest are on it.
I agree on the Steyn – I’m now a ‘fan’and recommend – again – a watch . I find it easier to record the hour and then extremely edit it .
Watching Steyn is almost like watching TV in a ‘free ‘ country and you can feel him ‘hitting the bar’ if his aim is to score a goal against BBCOFCOM
As for the BBC pensioner Martin Bell . Well he was an old school reporter who just did his job without needing to inject contemporary BBC woke propaganda …
I saw him on GBN recently and he just seems out of his time now – off to Classic FM ….
Classic FM, of Global and its News… Sopes and BS… casting away… finding their voices.
Leaving a void plugged by the void that is Katty.
Small fetid pond, big fish… poisonous fare if sampled.
Someone posted this from facebook:
‘Yes, my friend has friends in Ukraine, they said the streets are unsafe, not because of the Russians but because the government handed out free weapons to criminals who are now attacking and robbing the civilians.’
This arming of civilians being glorified by the BBC is bad on every level. But will make excellent material for future articles when they are slaughtered by fully equipped Russian troops with body armour, mortars, tanks, rockets and machine guns the moment they open fire. After they have served their purpose, they will be dropped.
And of course those weapons will not be given back when it’s over.
Sounds like a nice bit of Russian disinformation propaganda you may have just pumped out ….
Meanwhile – Today
Yesterday Simon Calder – the travel journo – raised the alarm about Russian scammers exploiting the kindness of people wanting to donate to people in Ukraine using Air BNB bookings …
Low and behold ‘today ‘ highlights a lady doing that with someone in Keev …
Those Nigerian fraudsters must be experiencing the same smell they got when money was being thrown at ‘covid business support / furlough / PPE ‘….
Well, one thing is for sure : if it’s true we won’t be told about it.
From the DT:
‘Guns handed out from the back of rubbish lorries as grassroots resistance to the war started by Russia’s Vladimir Putin begins’. 18,000 of them in one morning.
How many do you think they will get back ?.
Giving guns and ammunition to any civilian who wants one is an absolutely terrible idea. Whether the facebook post is real or not, criminals all over the Ukraine are going to be the most well armed in the world when this is done. And remember the murder rate there is already on a par with Afghanistan.
How about this one then ?
“They’ve shared some horrifying stories. Indiscriminate attacks on civilians, kidnapping civilians to use them as human shields, these are really horrific war crimes that we are being told about and it feels like Putin is inflicting a genocide on the Ukranian people.”
It’s like a checklist of current buzzwords.
This was ‘pumped out’ on BBC news during Radcliffe and Maconi today as told by a Ukranian living in the UK. No doubt they have run it on all the other channels as well.
Like I said before, I trust nobody. Least of all the BBC.
Fascinating that this got deleted.
I was wondering what she’d do if a third cause arose on a Tuesday… firing message daubed donuts alternated with ping pong balls?
@GW, How are we supposed to understand the reply tweet there, if the first tweet has been deleted ?
#wefiles I am sure you will find a way. If you try.
I had already checked but hadn’t found anything
I can’t waste too much time going down such rabbit holes.
Good for you, Alice.
I can’t read this any other way than GAB having full support for Russia irrespective of what he latter get up to.
“Yesterday Gab engineers discovered a massive anti-Russian botnet on our platform, which we immediately banned.”
Perhaps the simple explanation is that, GAB have no idea what is actually going on in the World.
So… plus side… no more media, social, anti social and especially utterly corrupted MSM.
Down side… not being listened to by a uniquely placid audience base globally.
Worse side… only Maxi survives.
Brighter side… xe discovers… only Maxi survives, so not even fellow cockroaches to troll.
14m12s Easier than watching the whole show
Konstantin Kisin on BBC Question Time
Thanks for posting that. Reality check on the BBC, that makes a change.
Cooking with lemons edition
With a combination of dramatisation, archive footage, and eyewitness accounts.
This week our media have been grabbling for the clichés wherever they can find them: ‘Seven days that shook the world‘ (Guardian) (Trade Mark – “Diana: 7 Days That Shook the Windsors“, documentary which follows the aftermath of the death of Princess Diana in 1997, when the British Royal Family nearly lost their place in the hearts of the nation (Thank you IMDb))
Or, if you prefer: “Days That Shook the World” ‘is a British documentary television series that premiered on BBC Two in 2003 and lasted for three series. Each 60-minute episode explores either one or two significant events from history through a combination of dramatisation, archive footage, and eyewitness accounts’ (Thank you Wiki)
Speaking of history, Francis Fukuyama famously declared history was over in the 1990s because the worldwide spread of liberal democracies and free-market capitalism of the West and its lifestyle signalled the end point of humanity’s sociocultural evolution and had become the final form of human government. Well, he got that one wrong.
Fukuyama contributed to fooling some of us into thinking the Islamic world was just begging for liberal democracy. So too the Chinese. Even us plebs who live in the West proved to be pretty keen to be locked down by panicked, overbearing, illiberal authority these past two years. Look around the streets of London even now and you’ll still see people masked out doors. Word to the wise – whisper it quietly though – it’s safe now – ‘Sage is stood down in sign Covid crisis is over‘ (Telegraph) – crises, eh? Like London red buses, don’t bust a gut bothering to run after one – another will be along for you to catch in a minute. And no doubt another after that.
So our big brained Francis is now best known for having dropped one almighty bollock when he penned his thesis, so the liberal globalist FT obviously has their go-to man this morning: ‘Francis Fukuyama: The fight for liberalism‘ – one senses pacifist kumbaya liberalism on the backfoot now, eh Frankie?
I do like this cookery feature headline from the Guardian: ‘Cooking with lemons‘ – there’s a suitable-sounding term for Western foreign policy of late. A nice contradictory phrase to set against that positive optimistic saying “cooking with gas” – given the price of energy now, that won’t be happening overmuch.
It could get worse: ‘Wheat hits record high as war halts exports from Europe’s bread basket‘ (FT)
‘£66bn wiped off value of FTSE100 in a day – and global economy shudders‘ (‘i’) – that’s mine and your pensions shrinking there.
‘Patrick Cockburn. Sanctions will hurt Vladimir Putin least‘ (‘i’) the so often daft ‘i’ newspaper talking some sense at last.
Is there some sensible way out of this mess?
‘Zelensky Calls on Putin for Face-to-Face Talks, Says ‘I Don’t Bite’‘ (Newsweek)
The Daily Mirror – like much of our media – appear hell bent on making a negotiated way out of the war as difficult as possible: ‘Wanted for war crimes‘
‘Nuclear nut job‘ (Daily Star)
Here’s a thought, Francis Fukuyama, how about the notion Putin ain’t no madman, on the contrary, he deals in realpolitik and knows the importance of the control of vital resources. I hear he’s sitting on a pile of gold reserves – while we’ve debased our currencies. Russia stepped on the gas, we went Green. He’s cooking with gas, we’re cooking with lemons.
‘The flat-pack water heater that fights climate change. Many people around the world don’t have easy access to hot water. But an engineer in Scotland has designed a simple portable device that heats water using just the power of the Sun. He believes it could reduce emissions and improve the quality of life for millions of people‘ (BBC) – it looks to me as though it is made of plastic and needs manufacturing capacity to mass produce – the Chinese will happy to oblige I’m sure – or people around the world could simply collect some fire wood to head their pot of water. Pity Scotland has so little sunshine.
Having praised the ‘i’ for a couple of interesting takes this morning, one also must note a couple awkward features on their frontpage. Mixed-race relationships must obviously be promoted in all media, advertising, photography – even graphics, etc. The pity of it is when your article is: ‘Relationship red flags – and how to avoid them‘ – but you still illustrate with a cartoon of a white man and black woman.
Then the ‘i’ focuses on that famous BBC heroic, sensitive, ready to shed a tear, news anchor: ‘The team behind Clive Myrie’s heroic broadcasts‘ – which rather implies he’s just a front or window dressing?
American conservative black guy Reacts to seeing the first ever episode of ITV’s Love Thy Neighbour
I notice the show fits in with TV’s tradition of misandry
The women are portrayed as smart and attractive,
whereas the men are slovenly divs.
… https://youtu.be/EQtYAks65w8
Rewatching the infamous Love Thy Neighbour movie recently, I was struck by the prominent theme of Eddie’s trades unionism and socialist leanings – as opposed to his black neighbour Bill’s contrasting conservatism. No wonder the TV series has been flung deep down the TV memory hole.
I’ve watched them all. The white guy is portrayed as the racist idiot in every episode.
But he calls a black guy names so it had to be cancelled because the leftist woke mob are too stupid to get anything in perspective.
My favourite part was how hard-left Eddie had a ‘stop racialism’ sticker in his car but turned out to be a complete racist when black people moved in next door. Their complete hypocrisy was pegged even then.
Watched the first episode of the new season of Picard last night.
Despite being aware Whoopi being in it as a massive spacey anomaly.
So far… oh dear. Stewie is borderline gaga. Looks like Sleepy Joe a decade ago.
But may stay with to see how the middle age cougar bait that is the bearded captain fares with the stogie, once ensign Meaden is introduced to the bridge as love interest for the box of rocks from planet Cinderblok on Comms duty.
Maybe they will cut the scene on BBC North America$t?
Picard? Like Scotty reporting on the parlous state of the warp drive, way back in the 2260s, I : “Can’nae take any more, Cap’ain!”
Closer than you think.
There is a love interest, who appears to be a younger Romulan of Irish descent.
But there are barriers. Parental issues.
Age crops up a lot. Whoopi is approaching Pelosi era and… well… no spoilers.
‘Scotty’. Short for ‘Scott’.
Gabby does not do irony.
BBC Newsnight guy: “Scary how quickly you can go from quite repressive to full totalitarian”
Lockdowns, cancel culture, anyone?
To missquote Christ [Luke 23:34] : forgive them; for they know not what they say.
It is sweet, isn’t it?
On a R4 thread a groupie claimed Gazan Grad attacks on Israel were not indiscriminate because they could not be aimed.
BBC : Cancelled Trump (+Farage+GB News).
Facebook: Banned Trump
Twitter: Banned Trump
CNN (And most of the MSM): Off the scale against Trump.
I often wonder to myself what is the strongest quality in the Left. Hypocrisy or double-standards. I cannot decide.
Strangely @Gabriel Gatehouse has CANCELLED that tweet, that complained about Russia CANCELLING western media
Right now we can still see the ghost of that tweet, but that will disappear so I will quote it
It’s the bbc, so not strange.
That they get to do what they spend every hour accusing others of isn’t either.
But erring on overly ‘unique’, Nadine.
“There were approximately 44 thousand Jamaican nationals residing in the United Kingdom in 2021, a decrease from the 52 thousand Jamaican nationals residing there in 2008.” Why?
Perhaps the significant fall in numbers could have something to do with the UK spending £25 million to house the criminals in Jamaica.
From our favourite newspaper:
Cost-saving? – keep them all out the UK. Simples.
It wouldn’t surprise me if the BBC’S Londonistan programme
had one or two subversives hidden in the woodwork of the
hierarchy. You don’t need to be an Einstein when watching it to realize
that the editorial contents being spouted by compliant
presenters are written for them from the anarchist Marxist
wing of the BBC.
Ok maybe I am being too hard on auntie. Lets say the
overwhelming Jeremy Corbyn wing of the BBC. But
subversives working for the BBC? There was an “interesting”
take on the programme yesterday. We were told that an
Ukranian national who has lived in the UK for a number of
years had gone to visit his mum back home just before the
Russian invasion started. When he was about to leave , martial
law had been declared. And all Ukrainian males between 18 and 60 had to report to join the armed resistance.
I am afraid that unlike his Syrian “brothers” and other male
pacifists around the world . He couldn’t get to Calais to catch
a dingy. And will have to do his duty in his native country.
Yes I have empathy for his British wife . but something tells
me that somebody in the woodwork at the BBC crawled out
for a moment to show us how “evil” these “Nazi” leaders can
TOADY Watch #1 – more do as I say and not do as I do
With JustRemainIn Webb and Amol Rajan in the TOADY Studio I noticed the absence of Mishal Husain. Not to worry, she has travelled to the Polish border, emitting vast amounts of unnecessary CO2, which the BBC claim is heating up the planet, killing the polar bears and walruses and melting Antartican ice and the North Pole to nothing as well as destroying all wildlife and glaciers everywhere. “Put down that mint! Don’t you know a polar bear needs it to stand on?”
Meanwhile, over on the excellent TCW Defending Freedom web-site, Paul Homewood demolished the BBC’s indefensible position: https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/the-climate-scaremongers-bbcs-campaign-against-fossil-fuels/
I think the Today Ego s are taking turns getting their ‘campaign ‘medals and pictures wearing flak jackets …..
As fuel prices take off next month I wonder how the BBC will disengage from green crap . ?
Maybe they’ll they’ll just go quiet on it .
I’ve already heard politicians calling for more development in The North Sea . But the problem remains ‘Mrs nut nut ‘ – who -unless she is put in a box – will continue to tell boris not to frack .
But I think as inflation hits 10% by the end of the year – together with upward interest rates to fight it – the demand for cheaper fuel will be overwhelming for any politician – as disposable income becomes rarer .
I forecasted a recession at the start of the year – if we survive the battle for Ukraine – I believe that is even more likely – unless – of course putin is removed and a more sane Russian regime takes over .
But I’ve topped up my ‘grab bag ‘…. Just in case ….
Farcical.What are they hoping to achieve, other than group selfies grinning to ear as folk get shredded a safe distance away?
A flak jacket without a helmet is less effective without a full helmet. Especially in the open air, of burst fame.
Even if they were in the thick of it; what then?
“Excuse me Vlad, how do you feel as you guts decorate that wall?”
“So, oddly out of place medical student/engineer of hue, what made you scoot this direction over the women and kids?”
Sky last night was upset that some of their war groupies were at the wrong end of some ordnance… DESPITE CLEARLY HAVING “PRESS” on their dark flak jackets and those lovely helmets that all look the same.
What did they expect if it was firefight?
Especially if embedded with a bunch happy to shoot at anything types as they have god and CNN on their side. Or something.
Ever since JezBo went totally nuts when a bloke miles away neglected to properly ID his gofer with the shoulder-mounted handicam amongst the ruins full of similar looking blokes with RPGs I have had zero faith in supposed impartial media heroes of the foggy battleground.
Fed, yes, Clive Myrie heroic ???? Nah, can’t be the same person.
Recession? Guaranteed now. Even if Carrie Antionette is put away where she cannot influence, it will take a while to re-start our use of our natural resources – with the exception of food – but it is still worth lobbying the PM. Fill that 10 Downing Street post-box with some common-sense and maybe the PM will use it?
…. possibly.
Just listening to Mark Radcliffe this morning and the following advertisement came up:
‘All day Tuesday on 6 music’
‘Women celebrate women’
‘All queens all day as we hear from inspirational women celebrating inspirational women’.’
‘Celebrating’ is the latest BBC word which means ‘For no reason at all except to push the agenda’.
Intrigued I found a list of all the ‘celebrations’ for women at https://nationaltoday.com/women/
Far too many to list, but among them are: ‘Cesarean Section Day’ on Jan 14th, ‘Women in Construction Week’ (starting tomorrow), ‘National Girl Me Too Day’ (Apr 7) etc etc etc.
I could only find one for men: ‘International Men’s Day’ on November 19. Which is ‘an opportunity to recognize men who don’t fall into traditional manifestations of masculinity, such as gay and bisexual men, transgender, or masculine non-binary people. ‘
I have to admit, their definition of ‘equality’ is not the same as mine.
… followed by the news where the BBC interview someone who described her (clearly successful) escape from Kyiv as a ‘suicide mission’.
How Russia Will Counterpunch The US/EU Declaration Of War
Our suggestion: buy flour, rice, barley and any other grains you can now, rather than waiting one month to buy them because you have to.
This is well worth reading. I didn’t know we are dependent on Russia and Ukraine (now in Russian hands), for wheat . Also, Russia is the main producer of natural gas, and thus also the main exporter of fertiliser. Hells Bells.
NATO just couldn’t stop expanding. They couldn’t leave well alone.
Not sure about that, NCBBC. Think I heard someone say that the UK is almost wheat self sufficient but .. but .. think with wheat it is a bit like Brent Crude oil: we sell much of our Brent Crude because it is high quality and used to dilute poorer quality oils before refining. Similarly with wheat, slightly different varieties have different uses so we buy/import some to mix with the home grown stuff or to fulfil another use.
The world is interlinked. Charts certainly show that Russia + Ukraine produce a lot of what that is exported. Then there is fertiliser.
You BBCnews are banged to rights
To lead your news story you used a stock photo which was FABRICATED,
without mentioning that it is a constructed “concept” image.
I can prove that, cos the Photographer’s own website has original
Same image, same bubbles before bag added
Stew this shows exactly what we are dealing with from the BBC. There is no way they can defend this lying propaganda so will do what they usually do in this instance. Totally blank it from history…. Nothing to see here. However people who see this and suspect they are being lied to by the BBC on a regular basis have it confirmed what lying snakes they are and will never unsee it.
The bag doesn’t look very real, does it? As doctored images go, the quality is shockingly bad… BBC did you say? Special effects aren’t their forte, did you see that War of the Worlds adaptation… I mean, really!
Besides, does that turtle look stupid enough to be wearing a bag around its neck to you? Looks kind of smug and supercilious to me.
they don’t care
poop & scoot
The feminazis at the BBC love to spend their time emasculating men and complaining about toxic masculinity, pay-gaps, even the very notion of 2 genders.
But they don’t seem to mind Ukrainian men risking life and limb to protect their womenfolk.
I hear no demands for 50% representation on the front line, or that women are unrepresented among the dead and mutilated. Or that more men should be changing baby nappies in Poland instead of going back to fight.
Sometimes masculinity isn’t so toxic, apparently.
Its not toxic when it comes to founding the engineering civilisation that everyone takes for granted.
Everywhere I look I am being told to scorn the Russians. Rock stars are preaching. Even Sainsbury’s sent an email informing me that they are boycotting products sourced 100% in Russia. Russians are my enemy & Ukrainians need our help I am told. I would have liked to have seen so much opposition to Islamic incursion into my own country.
I have nothing against Ukrainians but despite the media-blitz and celebrity persistence I find it difficult to sympathise with a country that Soros wants us to defend.
We are now being told how the Russians broke the ceasefire with shelling.
Did they do it first or did they do it because they got fired at ?.
Maybe they have been provoked deliberately so they could be accused of breaking the ceasefire. The point here is that we would not be told even if the BBC knew what had happened. The Ukrainian version of events is being repeated by the BBC without question.
My heart goes out to the people of the Ukraine having this military occupation thrust upon them. But I smell big rats in almost every story I read. Anyone who dare say that in public now will be torn apart by the mob.
What a shame they told us virtually nothing about the war with ISIS who really did do terrible things. Never mind a minute-by-minute account of casualties and trivia like an activist pensioner being gently arrested who was very clearly put in front of cameras just to be arrested.
Fog of war, JohnC. Think we have to take all reports out of Ukraine, out of anywhere for that matter, with a pinch of salt if not pure (anti)
septicsceptic. ; – )John, this is where the old-fashioned, ‘UN Observers’ should play part. I wonder why the UN has not been called upon to insert same.
If by chance the entire MSM is united in its stand, then its best to assume that its a full scale lie. The only reason they have to be united is thats the only way it can be believed.
I give you the manner in which Donald Trump was treated. Full blown lies.
Absolutely. What happened in the media – and especially the ‘impartial’ BBC – with the treatment of Trump and also of the election fraud claims opened my eyes to what the West has become.
But Lucy – isn’t it refreshing to have a clearly defined enemy – the putin regime ? If only he could be removed and replaced with someone a bit more civilised – but Russia doesn’t produce many civilised leaders .._
I just hope the war can be limited …
Rock stars preaching nothing new there then …..thankfully no Geldof or Bonio yet ! , Does all this mean the daily Dinghy Invasion has stopped ? , And what’s happened to Partygate ? ….suppose we just have to believe everything the BBC and MSM tells us then !
Charlie – Brillo wrote a piece in the mail today saying that whatever the outcome of ‘gray ‘ nut nut is solid because of putin .
The same may also apply to macron – election in a month ….
“The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.”
1984, G.Orwell
Whatever one’s politics, ideologies and affiliations, there are many good reasons to want to see Putin opposed implacably.
1) If he wins in Ukraine, where next?
2) If he wins in Ukraine, then China and other rogue states like Iran will be emboldened, with all the implications that has for Asia, the Middle East, and the balance of power worldwide.
Do we really want to live in a world dominated by the likes of Putin, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong-un and the mad Ayatollahs?
3) Simple humanity moves one to feel compassion for the underdog and contempt for the bully.
For once, the world seems fairly united on the side of right against wrong.
The fact that some unsavoury characters are onside does not mean that one should thereby take a contrarian position. I’ll even hold my nose and agree with the BBC on this one.
My cynical view is that the WEF and their graduates would very much like the peoples of the Western democracies to regard Putin, Xi et al as their ONLY enemies, not realising that there was a deadly enemy within, ie the international liberal elite fascists. Giving us enemies to fear and hate is great cover for the Blob to take even more control of our lives in what are becoming the hollowed out husks of democracies. They did it with Covid and had lined up zero emissions as their next excuse but now Putin has presented them with another golden opportunity which they will take full advantage of.
1) After the length of time this has taken the question might be better phrased when next?
2) Even if he eventually ‘wins’ in Ukraine which I don’t think is his objective then controlling the country would be a nightmare with constant guerilla attacks and a lot of dead soldiers. The US couldn’t control Iraq what chance has Putin got?
3) Not nice to see people being killed especially when they are not participants in the war, nor their homes being destroyed for no good reason. Someone is going have to rebuild those cities and infrastructure.
This all began as an internal Ukrainian crisis in November 2013, when President Viktor Yanukovych rejected a deal for greater integration with the European Union (here’s why this was such a big deal), sparking mass protests, which Yanukovych attempted to put down violently. Russia backed Yanukovych in the crisis, while the US and Europe supported the protesters.
Since then, several big things have happened. In February, anti-government protests toppled the government and ran Yanukovych out of the country. Russia, trying to salvage its lost influence in Ukraine, invaded and annexed Crimea the next month. In April, pro-Russia separatist rebels began seizing territory in eastern Ukraine. The rebels shot down Malaysian Airlines flight 17 on July 17, killing 298 people, probably accidentally. Fighting between the rebels and the Ukrainian military intensified, the rebels started losing, and, in August, the Russian army overtly invaded eastern Ukraine to support the rebels. This has all brought the relationship between Russia and the West to its lowest point since the Cold War. Sanctions are pushing the Russian economy to the brink of recession, and more than 2,500 Ukrainians have been killed.
A lot of this comes down to Ukraine’s centuries-long history of Russian domination. The country has been divided more or less evenly between Ukrainians who see Ukraine as part of Europe and those who see it as intrinsically linked to Russia. An internal political crisis over that disagreement may have been inevitable. Meanwhile, in Russia, Putin is pushing an imperial-revival, nationalist worldview that sees Ukraine as part of greater Russia — and as the victim of ever-encroaching Western hostility.
The eco loons don’t like it up em’….
“THE SUN SAYS Britain must lift fracking ban, axe HS2 and spend the savings on defence”
Yes – it’s green war …
As the invasion of Ukraine continues, the invasion of our shores by illegal asylum seekers goes on un abated . How many more have landed today , unopposed by our Border Farce ?
Nowt on Al Beeb ?
Maybe Toenails will be embedded next on the fantail of a U-Boat?
Channeling his Ed Morrow and Dickie Chapelle all at once.
If Philip Schofield does not give him a bravery award there is no justice.
Thank you, and good luck.
A Robinson fantasy – war tourism – a flak jacket – and years of talking about his 3 days in a bunker – complete with bodyguards and lackies – all on the TV tax payers ‘ dime …
….. bet he will get a better after dinner speech rate now ..
Wait until Mr. Marr finds the drinks cabinet.
A prize for his first guest – I reckon Starmer – who needs to try to be a ‘statesman ‘ at time of War…. Or I suppose – the Shadow Foreign Sec – who – hilariously apparently is Dave Lammy …
Fed, funny thing but absent from
TOADY Watch #2 – I haven’t listened to it all but has anyone heard Starmer being asked about Drakeford’s plans …
As soon as the PM, Boris Johnson, announced the end of Covid restrictions for England, Keir Starmer was saying it was far too soon, far too reckless and that thousands will die unnecessarily having overwhelmed our NHS on the way. But then, a week or two later, Mark Drakeford (Labour), announces similar plans for Wales later this month.
Not a peep from the Sucker supposed to be in charge of the Labour Party! Should he not have instructed his Party colleague in Wales to keep the Covid restrictions in place?
Has Starmer lost control of Labour?
Meanwhile, the barrage balloons are going up.
Steve Baker is the target of a Remainiac pile-on
cos he dared to suggest we can go on with getting rid of the Irish sea border and deal with Ukraine at the same time.
His thread
Speaking of Remainer nests…
Brillo …. he’s really a bloviating tw*t without a troupe of minions collecting his content ain’t he?
Quite why we haven’t sanctioned China CCP in the same way over releasing that virus
I have been noting recently that “The Apprentice, You’re Fired” has been careful to have one BAME out of its three panel members, as per the BBC rules Nigel Rees exposed. It seems they have now gone full Tonto (tm Ben Wallace). For the past two weeks they have had two BAME panelists on each show!
The latest show kept to the tradition of a BAME comedian you’ve never heard of, together with a BAME businessman. Lady Brady made up the numbers as the token white, whilst also ticking the “female/non-binary” box.
The show’s host is a white man, but gay, so he’s another box ticked. The candidate being interviewed was also BAME. The main thing is that there were no straight white men on the show. That would never do.
One day soon the BBC’s pathetic wokery make it disappear in a puff of PC smoke. It can’t come soon enough for me.
In case you were wondering what Nadine is spending her time and your taxes on …..
I rather liked https://tourdemoon.com/home
Pure paganism, tomo. What have we come to as a nation?
Eventually, saying ‘Maaaaaate’ ceases to cover for ineptitude.
“Vice President Kamala Harris to Visit Poland and Romania Next Week.”
Damn, Ukraine may have just lost the war, as morale in Eastern Europe is certain to collapse as a consequence of her visit.
Poles and Romanians will probably stream into Ukraine to get away from The Cackler.
“We’ll take our chances with Putin and his tanks – anything rather than Heels-Up-Harris.”
vlad, it may get worse after Kamala’s little tour of duty.
It seems that most of the MSM is ignorant of the fact that it would take one Russian missile with a multiple warhead to finish our country and kill millions. That means we have to be very very careful not to get into a shooting war. Ukraine is not the hill to die on for this country. It needs Johnson to tell it like it is and stop the hysteria .
The way Zelensky talks is bizarre. He would finish European civilisation for what? The media here is no better. This seems to me more dangerous than the CUba crisis.
Then on both sides there were men who knew what war was.
Correct – the UK doesn’t have the land area to sustain a nuclear attack in the way that Russia may think it does, though I believe the British deterrent alone would be enough to incinerate Moscow and St Petersburg. Hence the scattering of the old deterrent (the Vulcans and Victors, before Polaris and Trident) to airfields far and wide in times of emergency, to increase the chances of being able to retaliate against any preemptive strike. The Western media are not helping.
The latest Russian Missiles are claimed to be ‘impossible’ to intercept. The Satan missile carries up to ten MIRV (multiple independent re-enty vehicles) of 500 – 750KT.
The protocol is to launch all of them at once and SALT II says they have a maximum of 165, time that by ten and you get the idea the world doesn’t survive.
At the time the Thatcher government didn’t want the far Left BBC showing pro CND programs like “when the wind blows” or “threads”, and there were the pop culture hits such as Frankie goes to Hollywood “Two Tribes” and Jetho Tull A about the consequences of nuclear war.
Paradoxically the fear of nuclear war might well have had the opposite effect the Left wanted, and ignorance is now our biggest threat. No one in their right mind would want a nuclear conflict the horror of which was even in our day beyond comprehension, now with the snowflakes of the millenium the BBC probably would have to show those two films late on with trigger warnings as horror films.
It was fear of the threat of nuclear war which kept the left under control. With the end of the cold war and the so called ‘peace dividend’ the Left was allowed out of its box, and has gone as crazy as might be expected. Maybe the threat of total annihilation is what is needed to control them once again.
“…. No one in their right mind ….” Has Mad, Bad Putin and his co-conspirator in the Beijing Borg crossed the threshold?
I still think Mad, Bads goal is to bring Europe down. Ukraine is an experiment to see how initially things pan out.
The Western media are trying to humiliate Putin and ‘face’ counts for a lot over there.
They are the enemy within. One way or another, the Left are going to destroy the West. Just like they have destroyed everything they touched in the past when they got over-confident.
I’m wondering why Johnson is reacting so strongly over this. He’s singled us out for ‘special treatment’ when it’s over. And we are not even in the EU now.
Maybe it’s just to try and show strength after the utterly insignificant ‘partygate’. Maybe he thought he could hang off America’s shirt-tails like Blair did – but it looks a lot to me like the USA intend to keep out of it.
Yet another bad judgement by Boris. Or should I say his advisers.
So after this morning’s standing sniper, Lurch’s fave ‘source’ NYT has this…
Any of our military vets around to advise on how well this means of holding an AR works out in practice?
lol, the barn door is safe after the first round.
But the pigeons overhead should be worried. That’s if by some miracle she manages to keep hold of it.
Shes actually got hold of the bolt and her finger on the trigger at the same time – so it’s very, very obviously a fake picture. She’s never fired one in her life.
The charging handle of the AK is on the right of its body. That means it should be operated with the right hand, taking it off the pistol grip and reducing the risk of a negligent discharge. I have never seen an AK bolt manipulated like this with the left hand.
Strangely enough, it is British army doctrine to keep the right hand on the pistol grip, turn the SA80 rifle on its side, and manipulate the bolt with the left hand. I have never felt this was a good procedure. Better to keep the left hand controlling the weight of the rifle on the fore grip, and operate the bolt with the right hand.
I think we got into this habit because the charging handle of the previous rifle, the L1A1 SLR was, unusually, on the left, so the left hand was used to manipulate it, whilst the right hand stayed on the pistol grip.
Incidentally, you will often hear journalists talk about AK47s, but in reality you will never see one. The 7.62mm rifles are invariably AKMs, and the 5.45mm like the one in the picture are AK74s. The dinky carbines are AKS74Us, sometimes called Krinkovs, although this is not an official name.
A useful summary of Russian gas….
This isn’t real!
You can tell it’s fake because there’s no bit about getting a TV Licence at the end – and I’m sure I’ve seen it before on bbc4 – typical repeat…
You can tell it’s fake because the White male announcer doesn’t have the usual public school RP accent !
Totally fake Thoughtful.
Put it in the bin with all the other lies you are being stuffed with at the moment.
It can’t be real its not got seven different translations going.
For days and weeks, numerous commentators have been pointing out that Biden’s insane “green” energy policies have done more than anything else to empower Putin while weakening the West and undercutting sanctions. The most effective thing Biden could do right now would be to get US oil and gas flowing again and impose sanctions on Russian gas, which the West is still importing to the tune of billions of dollars.
Nothing from the Biden Broadcasting Corporation, of course,
Hannity: “The top sanction, the most immediate damage you could do is to stop importing energy from Russia and for America to immediately return to energy independence.
Meanwhile every dollar that we spend on Russian oil is a dollar that goes right into Putin’s fund for his war crimes”.
Sorry this is drivel.
The problem is that Obama allowed Russia to annexe Crimea without any real sanction and now he is pulling the strings of Biden in what is being called Obamas third term.
Obama was the worst President the USA have ever had athough you’d never know it watching the media.
They aren’t mutually exclusive. The feeble responses to Russia’s military interventions in Georgia, Syria, and Crimea are part of the problem, as is Biden’s Afghanistan fiasco.
Bad energy policies are another aspect, as is Biden’s perceived weakness.
They all contribute to the situation today.
BBC is the home of Diversity
They promote a full diverse range of hatey lefties
Last night Shaparak Khorsandi was on BBC2
Tonight she was on BBC1 at 7pm
Is he a Hatey-Lefty ? ..judge for yourself
BBC types are diverse … in political background
“@AdamRutherford has been named as the next President of @Humanists_UK.
A worthy successor to the equally wonderful
and @pollytoynbee.”
I bump into such tweets from HateyLefties
Here Beccy Barr claims GBnews is a friend of the KGB
Someone has gone to great effort to make that graphic .. I guess he Remainiac Byline Times cult
3 more images .. https://twitter.com/TheStephenRalph/status/1499065176741580808
There are more ..they like to do hate images against Farage.
Beccy retweeted a big praise tweet of Marianna Spring
.. https://twitter.com/pdeboiserie/status/1500161055988854785
That GBnews-KGB graphic seems to first appear on Feb 25th
… https://twitter.com/BrexitBin/status/1497339897228808192
by account : @BrexitBinVeteran Remainer 🇪🇺 GB & Germany
• Tweets on #Brexit & #Gammonopolis
• Non Partisan • Pro Indy 🏴
• I block TrollBots, Liars + Brex/Lex/Cov/idiots
Despite the avalanche of opinion and information (sometimes disinformation) about Ukraine, I, for one, don’t really understand what’s happening on the ground – or why.
For any fellow nerds, this video casts at least some light on at least one aspect of the war, namely the military logistics behind it.
I wonder if he passed Toenails in the first class lounge of the… border?
I am hoping this will make sense once posted here.
I posted here a while ago about a ridiculous multi page form HSBC DEMANDED my wife fill in about all aspects of her financial life, sources of income and identity.
They lied and said they had to do this for anti money laundering regs, which only say one MAY have to ask SOME questions, no other bank appears to be doing this to established long time customers.
We have very quickly and easily changed bank accounts and above is an example of that info becoming available to any tom dick or harry that works in a bank and can put one at risk of further crime including identity theft and fraud.
Well done HSBC.
That is the most bizarre report I have ever read.
WTF has happened in the BBC ?. Are the whole staff ‘quota fillers’ now ?.
Phew, not just me then.
One thing we all know is that we will not get the truth about what is happening in Ukraine from the BBC. The globalists have full control of our national broadcaster and will compel it to feed the public with its globalist agenda.
Anyone else notice the total absence of any comment from our government on the Ukraine shit show?
They are so tied down by the stupid left LGBT, woke, brigade they are frozen in the headlights,
This is the time for people with balls to step up and be counted but we have a committee of vapid twats keeping their heads down. So bloody embarrassing, no wonder Putin is so emboldened.
He must be sniggering into his Russian coffee.
Covid stats aren’t published at weekends now
Yesterdays 7 day average was 37K per day
That is a flattening out , instead of great falls
Maybe that is a cold weather thing.
“Indian-origin shop manager jailed 28 months for cheating a blind 81 yo man out of his lottery win
Narendra Gill checked the numbers of a lucky dip lottery ticket for 81-year-old Frank Gowland at the shop she managed at a shopping centre in Leeds”
Camelot staff are the heroes
Camelot, became suspicious when Gill called them and they heard her serving customers.
The 51-year-old admitted she worked at GT News at the White Rose Shopping Centre in Leeds but said she was gifted the ticket.
Camelot alerted police, who identified Gowland via CCTV footage, spotting him and his wife Sue, 77, getting into their car.”
The normal is “we can’t look t CCTV, DATA protection ra ra
and anyway we are busy policing Twitter”
@ Digg etc
Regardless of the rights and wrongs of this invasion and attacks on civilians:
I agree it is becoming rather strange, the MSM joint attempts to paint ALL Russian soldiers as either grossly amateurish, ill equipped, incompetent and morally degenerate with the “they kill babies” last used against the Nazis in WW2.
Some of it may be true, to a greater or lesser degree, but:
All msm appear to be in lock step, which is unusual, with howls of outrage and villification for anyone asking questions.
(and we all know such as the bbc, do love their controversial headlines as questions, is maths racist? etc)
It smacks of an agenda which one does not have to look too far to work out.
Ukraine was a Euro project, an extension of the “world Gov” attempt and Russia stand in the way of that.
This all began as an internal Ukrainian crisis in November 2013, when President Viktor Yanukovych rejected a deal for greater integration with the European Union , sparking mass protests, which Yanukovych attempted to put down violently. Russia backed Yanukovych in the crisis, while the US and Europe supported the protesters.
In November 2013, Yanukovych was due to travel to Vilinius, Lithuania, for a summit with the EU where he was widely expected to sign an agreement that would have set out a framework for Ukraine’s relationship with the European bloc, including preferential terms of trade. The agreement would have set Ukraine on a clear path for eventual EU membership.
But the agreement and Ukraine’s move closer to Europe angered Putin, who engaged in a campaign of economic pressure against Ukraine: cutting off energy supplies to the country and blocking almost all imports from Ukraine. This resulted in a 25% reduction in Ukrainian exports and pushed the country’s economy into recession. The Kremlin publicly threatened to drive Ukraine into default on its sovereign debt if it went ahead with the EU trade deal.
On Nov. 21, Yanukovych succumbed to this pressure and suddenly reversed course, saying he would not sign the EU alignment agreement, although he still favored eventual Ukrainian membership in the EU. Instead, he would accept a package of Russian financial assistance to meet the country’s debt obligations.
His decision sparked a series of protests, initially centered on Kyiv’s Independence Square, or Maidan, that became known as the Euromaidan protests. Demonstrators camped out in the square and refused to leave unless Yanukovych signed the EU agreement, released jailed protesters, liberalized Ukraine’s constitution, and resigned from office. Police attacked the demonstrators, a move that touched off further protests throughout Western Ukraine. Violence escalated after Jan. 16, 2014, when Yanukovych signed into law a draconian series of restrictions of freedom of speech and assembly. Demonstrators occupied provincial administration buildings throughout Ukraine. Lawmaker repealed some of the measures, but the protests continued to grow.
By mid-February, the increasingly violent clashes had claimed the lives of at least 28 demonstrators, seven police officers, and a civilian bystander, and injured hundreds of others. On Feb. 21, Yanukovych claimed to have reached an agreement with the opposition, but he then departed Kyiv. He later said his car had been shot at as he left. He eventually traveled to Crimea and then fled to Russia, allegedly with Russian help.
The next day, the Ukrainian parliament voted to formally remove him from office. Months later, the body issued a warrant for his arrest, accusing him of being responsible for “the mass killing of civilians.” In January 2019, a Ukrainian court would eventually sentence him in absentia to 13 years in prison for treason. He later thanked Putin for “saving his life.”
Since going into exile, Yanukovych has given interviews in which he has said he remained “the legitimate head of the Ukrainian state elected in a free vote by Ukrainian citizens.”
“Democracy under attack”
Since going into exile, Yanukovych has given interviews in which he has said he remained “the legitimate head of the Ukrainian state elected in a free vote by Ukrainian citizens.”