PETER HITCHENS: One glorious day in Sevastopol 12 years ago, I saw what was coming. That’s why I won’t join this carnival of hypocrisy
“For the Ukrainians had begun to be silly.
In a country crammed with Russians, they were trying to make Russian a second-class language.
Russians who had lived there happily for decades were pressured to take Ukrainian citizenship and adopt Ukrainian versions of their Christian names.
The schools were promoting a national hero, Stepan Bandera, who Russians strongly disliked and regarded as a terrorist. And they were teaching history which often had an anti-Russian tinge. Quite a few people told me they felt put upon by these policies. Why couldn’t they just be left alone?
know that Ukraine’s current government, now treated as if it was almost holy, was brought into being by a mob putsch openly backed by the USA in 2014.
I know that the much-admired President Zelensky in February 2021 closed down three opposition TV stations on the grounds of ‘national security’. They went dark that night. I know that the opposition politician Viktor Medvedchuk was put under house arrest last year on a charge of treason. Isn’t this the sort of thing Putin does?
I know that Ukraine’s army has used severe force against Russian civilians in the Don Basin since 2014. The Russians have done dreadful things there, too, but there are plenty of people who will tell you that. The point is that this is not a contest of saints versus sinners, or of Mordor versus the Shire.
I suppose Mr Hitchens knows that if he takes up the apologist role for putin he will get plenty of appearance cash for ‘ debates ‘ …
Im sure Hitler used the same lines in the 1930s with support from the British Upper Class …
I wonder what Christopher would of thought …?
Just come across this deluded “piece” on the BBC.
Basically Putin has met his match.when he took on Biden……So BBC i ask the question, “during whoms presidency did Putin believe he could get-away with invading Ukraine” ?
Successive US presidents – from Bush, Obama to Trump – have played into his hands.
Now, Joe Biden has dedicated his presidency to defending democracy at home and abroad. Seeking to re-establish America’s traditional post-war role as the leader of the free world, he has sought to mobilise the international community, offered military aid to Ukraine and adopted the toughest sanction regime ever targeted against Putin.
Since going into exile, Yanukovych has given interviews in which he has said he remained “the legitimate head of the Ukrainian state elected in a free vote by Ukrainian citizens.”
“Ukraine’s current government, now treated as if it was almost holy, was brought into being by a mob putsch openly backed by the USA in 2014.”
Am I missing something? I wrote a few days ago that I
wondered if there was more to Roman Abramovich standing
down and selling Chelsea to save his own financial skin in
the UK. I reiterate am I missing something on the BBC ?
The Israeli Prime Minister was in Moscow yesterday meeting Putin,
offering to mediate over Ukraine with the blessing of President
Zelensky. the USA , France and Germany seem to know about it.
I wonder if Putin’s ” associate” Abramovich now an Israeli citizen
had anything to do with it? Is this visit to Moscow a taboo
subject in the UK?
BBC News correspondent in Kiev catalogues world leaders who are seeking to mediate over Ukraine conflict, listing France, Germany, Hungary, Saudi Arabia. No mention of Israel’s ongoing attempts. Why not?
Forget Covid, be prepared for A and E’s overwhelmed with eco loons having apoplectic fits and choking on their free range garlic muesli and home-knitted, dolphin friendly yoghurt this morning:
“Nigel Farage’s new drive for vote to kill off Boris’s ‘ruinous’ green agenda: He got us out of the EU… Now the former UKIP chief demands a referendum on Net Zero”
He writes: ‘Without any debate, our energy bills have been loaded with green subsidies. Our businesses have been disadvantaged, yet our leaders seem happy to outsource industrial production just as long as they can say it reduces Britain’s CO2 emissions…
‘We will campaign for the five per cent VAT on energy bills to be removed.
‘Green subsidies are shovelled straight into the bank accounts of rich landowners, wealthy investors and foreign-owned conglomerates who own much of the renewable energy sector.’
The independent Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) has calculated the cost of making buildings carbon neutral at £400 billion, while the bill for vehicles would be £330 billion, in addition to £500 billion to clean up power generation and a further £46 billion for industry.
After energy savings across the economy, this would leave a £400 billion bill for the Treasury.
The OBR also warned that the Government would need to impose carbon taxes to make up for the loss of fuel duty and other levies.
So spend £1.3 TRILLION and assume a £900m saving in energy over the long term
A 400 billion cost spread through 28 million households
£400,000 spread through 28 households
ie about £16,000 for every UK household.
Like Biden, he aims to financially break the country all in accordance with the Davos plan. Farage, as a first step, should be campaigning to strengthen the Treason laws for which, I would support the Death Penalty and a lowering of the thresholds. Set them to just under Bliars performance as PM?
Springster expanding her range of… checks notes… ‘expertise’?
'As we've learned Harry and Meghan are entitled and are sometimes unrealistic about what they want.'
Royal expert Kinsey Schofield tells GB News the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have expressed a desire to return to the UK once Prince Charles ascends the throne.
He is also on Labour gob of color rotation across all bbc ‘news’ platforms when the shadow front bench wimmin ration gets a bit obvious, and even more embarrassing.
A closer look at the proponents and methods of crack houses will maybe give an inkling of reasons behind many black murders and murderers.
Crime plummets as crack den closes on Herne Hill estate
Residents on a Herne Hill estate have seen a massive 75 per cent drop in crime since the closure of a crack house in the area.
The flat in Talleyrand House on the Lilford Estate used to attract a constant stream of drug users and dealers who visited at all hours of the day and night to buy heroin and crack cocaine.
Locals felt intimidated and complained to the police. After finding evidence of what was going on, Herne Hill Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) managed to get a crack house closure order for the property.
Kamala Harris to travel to Eastern Europe as Russia-Ukraine war rages
Some Republicans are already questioning the decision to send Harris
“Aam a tellin’ you if you don’ stop bombin’ dese Iranians we gonna whop yo skinny white ass so hard you be eatin’ yo’ fried chicken standin’ up fo’ a munff, an’ das der trufe”
The instructions provided by the BBC are practically verbatim to those which appeared on RT’s English language website a couple of days ago, except they have replaced ‘RT’ with ‘BBC’.
I disagree with History Debunked slightly
If I were Clive Myrie I would think that since I am born in Britain I have right to work for the BBC, but I would find it strange that all of the white boys I went to school with don’t have equal opportunity.
History Debunked: The British Broadcasting Company seems unable to find British people to report on the war in Ukraine.
On the BBC six o’clock news, yesterday evening, the BBC did not appear to have a single white British person reporting on the Russian invasion of Ukraine. This is in sharp contrast to the television journalists from other nations.
The thumbnail shows a Canadian woman called Lyse Doucet and Clive Myrie, the two chief reporters
Feargal Keane is almost 100% Irish
His parents were both firmly rooted and working in Ireland
but he was actually born in London.
He grew up in Dublin and later in Cork. One of his schools was an Irish-language school, so he speaks Irish fluently.
+ Nick Robinson is white, but I don’t know if he appeared on TV news from Kyiv
Re pronunciation, I guess it’s not entirely virtue signalling if your hosts insist that you say Kyiv.
“Re pronunciation, I guess it’s not entirely virtue signalling if your hosts insist that you say Kyiv.
Yet, mysteriously they do not insist on reporters calling the country by its proper name of ‘oo-kry-eena’. Likewise the talking heads back home insist on pronouncing it ‘you crane’. Here’s a simple guide:
If you say ‘Kyiv’ then it should be ‘oo-kry-eena’.
If you say ‘Ukraine’ then it should be ‘Kiev’.
If you say ‘Mumbai’ then it should be ‘Bharat’.
If you say ‘India’ then it should be ‘Bombay’.
If you ‘Beijing’ then it should be ‘Zhon-gooa’.
If you say ‘China’ then it should be ‘Peking’.
Next on the BBC: “How dependent is Deutschland on Russian gas and oil?” “How Suomi and Sverige are looking to join NATO” “How are Viktor Orban and Magyarország reacting to the crisis?” etc.
Ian, there is no ‘correct’ pronunciation for the names of places, but there are names (and pronunciations) which are familiar and comprehensible to most of your audience, and those which aren’t.
Do we complain when the French call London, Londres?
Do they complain when we call ‘Paree’, Paris?
What about Germany and Deutschland?
Nederlands and Holland?
Muskva, Moscow, or as the Americans say Moss Cow?
Mumbai was never Mumbai, the Portuguese founded it and called it Bombahai or Bombain (both referring to the bay which is one of the few natural deepwater ports on the Konkan coast), Mumbai is simply pretentious, and has been inflicted on us by Indian Nationalist extremists, and most (older) residents still prefer the Bombay they grew up with. However, exact pronunciation and spelling depend on which Indian language/dialect you happen to be speaking (and in India there are literally hundreds) anyway.
Istanbul (or Stambol) was called that simply because the Turks couldn’t pronounce the Greek Konstantinopolis (to be fair, I’m not sure I can either), and so they shortened it to something they could say.
Ukraine is really THE Ukraine (lit. the borderlands) and is pronounced (and spelled) differently depending on the local language and dialect, but spelling is subjective too when changing alphabets, from cyrillic to latin, for example. There are Cyrillic letters the pronunciation of which are really hard for English speakers to distinguish between, and which are pronounced differently in various Russian languages/dialects (including Ukrainian).
Russia is really the Russian Empire, of which only a small part is inhabited by the Rus, and again, not really the Russian Empire, but the Commonwealth of Muscovy, and again, not really the Commonwealth of Muscovy, but lots of independent city states with no central government, but then… and at various times the Ukraine has been an integral part of this, a semi-autonomous part, or a completely independent one, it all depends what, exact point in history you take as your ‘baseline’.
History is often cherry picked to suit a certain agenda.
The Ukrainians are playing at it, so is Putin, so are the ‘West’, and the BBC, and so on…
Its all very confusing – this name calling. I remember decades ago when visiting Italy, I was on a coach heading for Florence, and wondered how long before we got there, as all the road and motorway signs were saying Firenze ! where the hell was that ????
Most Orthodox ‘Sunni’ Muslims are very proud that they all belong to ONE faith, and thus ONE united brotherhood, regardless of origin, that’s the meaning of the ONE finger sign.
Other Muslims aren’t part of this club, but instead have their own smaller ‘international brotherhoods’ with similar goals.
Islam is quite open about wanting to convert the entire world to the ONE TRUE FAITH, and using any available means to do so, including Jihad (religious war), terror, forced marriage, out breeding, bullying, subjugation and intimidation of non-believers etc…
Droitwich : SUCCESS: Grace Cards has massive charge dropped in miraculous twist
Lewis Brackpool hears from Lydia and Alasdair Walker-Cox, the owners of Grace Cards in Droitwich, about the stunning success of their massive £44,000 fine being dropped in a miraculous twist of events.
I think their main point is that their next door competitor WH Smiths was able to stay open all the time. cos it sold newspapers. Whereas the council wanted to grind their business to the ground, when apart from the papers they sell the same things as Smiths
I totally agree Pug. The really atrocious thing is that there will never be a meaningful and searching inquiry into what was really going on because too many “important” people would be either implicated or revealed as incompetent, especially the big-wigs in the NHS, the BBC, the UN and the WHO who welcomed it as a golden opportunity to make a power grab and thereby reset the political landscape.
I have no doubt that in a fair World there would be quite a few of them in court to answer for their actions.
One alights on the BBC news online homepage, where – somewhat war-weary after the seven-day relentless bombardment we have been subjected to – one passes over the “War in Ukraine” tab and not wishing to go so far as to venture into the “Climate” tab territory, one instead – for old times sake – clicks on the intermediate “Coronavirus” news page.
‘Another life-saving Covid drug identified‘ – that’s handy. ‘The anti-inflammatory baricitinib is normally used to treat rheumatoid arthritis‘ – so we had this drug all along? ‘Trials suggest it can cut death risk by about a fifth in patients needing hospital care for severe Covid. It could be used with other Covid treatments, such as the cheap steroid dexamethasone, to save even more lives, researchers say. That might halve deaths‘ – so the chance of death from catching covid – already a very small chance for the mass of the population – is now vanishingly small?
‘Although vaccines have been doing a great job at cutting infections and protecting lives, some people will still catch and become very sick with Covid‘ – yeah, but it still seems to this observer the mass vaccines push might well have been something of a misallocation of resources.
To quote the late, great American conservative serious humorist (that wasn’t a contradiction in terms in his special case) PJ O’Rourke: “If you think health care is expensive now, just wait ’til it’s free”
‘The NHS may soon recommend baricitinib based on these new results. A 10-day course of the pills costs around £250, although the NHS may be able to negotiate a discount‘ – in comparison with the billions splurged on protecting the NHS, Nightingale hospitals, economic consequences of lockdowns, furlough payments, failed track and trace apps, mass testing, vaccines and serial booster vaccines… – palliative care with existing known drugs… that’s as “cheap as chips” to borrow a catchphrase from former daytime TV larger than life personality, bargain hunter and oranged-hued showman David Dickinson.
Just think, in some alternate reality David Dickinson might have been the British Donald Trump. Instead we had Tony Blair. A “Real bobby-dazzler”
‘“I had to do what I thought was the right thing,” Mr Blair said‘ (BBC) – timing is everything in politics and our Tone has decided this week of all weeks is just the moment to carpe diem, as they say, for a bit of repentence, rehabilitation and so on.
‘The Archbishop of Canterbury has challenged former prime minister Tony Blair on how he handles feelings of guilt, in a series for BBC Radio 4‘ – New Labour ex-PM, New Labour present CofE boss. Pink on pink, that familiar narrow spectrum of politics there on our oh-so balanced BBC.
Well, you never know: ‘How the Queen, not Tony Blair, saved the Monarchy after Diana‘ (Mail on Sunday) – Her Madge won’t be around forever and, who knows, that first President of the remanant diminished federal-EU-alligned England post-UK job that our Tony covets might still come up. Afterall, my favoured candidate, Fred Dibnah, sadly left this mortal coil to climb high up that set of rickety scaffolding on a mill chimney in the sky. Hopefully not a Satanic one.
‘Mr Blair, a Catholic, told the Most Rev Justin Welby his faith had helped him cope with knowing people disliked him‘ – and as they used to say on the Channel 4 comedy Father Ted – “That would be an ecumenical matter”
‘Mr Blair defended his decisions to invade Afghanistan and Iraq, alongside US President George W Bush‘ – no admission of sin, repentence and desire for forgiveness there then.
“I find that I will often have more in common with someone, for example, who is of the Muslim faith, because they are also a person of faith, than I will with someone who just regards [faith] as hocus pocus.” – gosh… well that’s a lot for us to think about.
“Because the politicians you really shouldn’t trust are the people that get up and tell you the simple slogans.”
New Labour, new Britain
Education, education, education.
Tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime
I guess you now want something on the media reporting of Ukraine hereabouts?
‘Olivia Coleman hails “incredible” £3.6m you raised for refugees‘ (Mail on Sunday) – or maybe some report that’s really about the conflict and not celebrity?
‘Pentagon sources: puffy-faced Putin lashing out over his constant pain. Mad Vlad dying of cancer. War-monger… is gravely ill, US and UK spies have claimed‘ (Daily Star on Sunday) – goodness only knows what ailmentments they mighy have diagnosed Joe Biden with?
In the lefty video the refugees at the border are almost entirely white women with children
The video says the victims are fighting age black men who are told that the women and children get priority.
“The modern Poland–Russia border is a nearly straight-line division between the Republic of Poland and the Russian Federation exclave Kaliningrad Oblast, a region not connected to the Russian mainland.”
I have crossed at the southern Estonian/Russia border.
“The closest geographic point between the borders of the USA and Russia lies in the Bering Strait located in the Pacific Ocean.
The islands of Big Diomede and Little Diomede are just 2.4 miles away from each other”
Then, on the diversity roster, a bbc blonde lobs Slick a softy…
Does Sir Keir Starmer still want the PM to resign?
“I do think there is an issue of trust,” the Labour Party leader tells #Raworth, but on Russia and Ukraine “it’s very important in the UK and in our politics that we show the world we’re united”
Am keeping an eye on these developments from Poland, but Labour tell me their position has not changed. They haven’t withdrawn their call for Boris Johnson to resign, but obviously the framing is tricky for Labour given the Ukraine crisis.
Susie asked the BBC a few key geographical questions on relative locations?
Hearing on @bbc5live how a Ukrainian woman and her 8-year-old daughter slept rough for 4 days and nights in freezing temperatures to cross the Polish border, only to be refused entry to the UK at Calais. Compassion is not complex.
I am still wondering what actual value a bunch of journos dressed as civilian combatants achieves in a febrile war zone that resembles a messy first person shooter.
Other than as ratings collateral with the dangle of an ‘award’ if one makes it.
“slept rough for 4 days and nights in freezing temperatures to cross the Polish border, only to be refused entry to the UK at Calais.”
Poland is a safe country neighbouring the Ukraine, why would Ukrainian refugees want to leave it to come to the UK?
The British people are sending aid (financial, food, clothing, bedding, medicine, toys etc…) to Poland for the use of Ukrainian refugees like this mother and child, we’ve contributed in this household, and were glad to do so. The Polish people have rallied round and are helping the refugees to find housing and shelter. There is simply no need, or sense in refugees leaving Poland to travel all the way to the UK, unless they already have family here.
Poland is more culturally similar, with more Ukrainian speakers, and has much more space than we do, and when the war is over will be easier to relocate back home to their ‘beloved mother country’ from.
The drivel this airhead is posting is not just utterly nonsensical, it’s dangerously misleading, and should be called out for the ridiculous nonsense it is!
His tweet
“I am launching a new campaign to kill of Boris Johnson’s ruinous green agenda.
We demand a referendum on Net Zero.
Read all about it in the Mail on Sunday”
Looks as if there will be no escape for NATO / EU No slipping and sliding: they’ll have to stand up and be counted whether they like it or not. Its reaching that point. I fear that will mean telling Putin in no uncertain terms, ‘Go on then, take the first swipe and see what happens’.
Anybody know if Putin has any muslim blood flowing through his veins?
Sorry, unusually there was two parts to the Gatestone Newsletter. I cited above the second article. The first is the important one, co-authored by Richard Kemp. Here’s the link:
In Russia, you can now get 15 years in the slammer, (or maybe a Gulag, if Vlad Stalin brings them back), for telling the truth, or a decent approximation of the truth, about the ‘Special Military Operation’. By contrast, In the West, however, you can only be ‘cancelled’ -and not entirely airbrushed out of existence- for challenging any Wokist doctrines. My, that’s a relief…
‘Devastated’ Batley teacher ‘fearing for his life’ as he goes into hiding after Prophet Muhammad cartoon row
He is said to be an emotional wreck and is terrified about returning to Batley
ByTalia ShadwellLocal Democracy ReporterAlex Grove
18:41, 29 MAR 2021
The West’s extreme energy and environment policies, the green policies of the climate activists, enabled and subsidised Putin’s war on Ukraine.
And, behind the scenes, the Russians have been subsidising anti-fracking groups and climate activists.
(Ultimate irony, those policies have been bad for the environment.)
Sky Aus is talking about it, but not the BBC which remains in thrall to all the ‘Green’ lunacy, and to their darling Biden who enthusiastically destroyed American fossil fuel production.
Elon Musk made money from green credits – he would get them for being a prophet whilst selling them with profit on the green marker so polluters could pollute. It’s all a sham.
Much use of the trigger words: Fascist, Far-Right, Extremists etc.
It is starting to feel like a mania has swept away any balance in the Media, like Don Quixote tilting at windmills, they all now just want to expend there energies as propagandists against an enemy that doesn’t exist.
I expect the BBC to be picking over these tracts in due course to run in concert with the Guardian as they do.
Could it be born from a deep-seated fear that just maybe in their liberal ivory towers they are propping up a failing creed so feel the need to put their fingers in their ears and keep crying wolf?
Glad to see Nigel starting another campaign, this time against nut zero.
How can our politicians think they are fooling us that by getting coal/gas from abroad and closing our coal/gas supplies is going for nut zero when the fact that it needs transporting here makes it even more polluting.
Just because it’s mined somewhere else in the world shouldn’t mean we are not contributing to this global warming.
If I paid a hitman to do my dirty work and murder someone does that mean I’m totally innocent.
They should include all the carbon for our bought coal/gas (plus transportation) in with our own carbon to get a more honest total.
Lowering our carbon by one million tons whilst raising our suppliers carbon by over a million tons is not helping even though our total sum is reducing.
“I know that Ukraine’s current government, now treated as if it was almost holy, was brought into being by a mob putsch openly backed by the USA in 2014.
I know that the much-admired President Zelensky in February 2021 closed down three opposition TV stations on the grounds of ‘national security’. They went dark that night. I know that the opposition politician Viktor Medvedchuk was put under house arrest last year on a charge of treason. Isn’t this the sort of thing Putin does?”
Ukraine: Zelenskiy bans three opposition TV stations
Ukraine’s pro-Western president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, has signed decrees banning pro-Russian media outlets. The broadcasters had their licences revoked and are set to stay off the air for the next five years.
Just caught the Alistair Stewart show on GBN. He had three old men on discussing the Ukrainian war. One was Lidington , Mrs May’s deputy ( no more need be said) Meyer ex Ambassador to Washington and the other was a retired journalist who had covered the USSR .
Much of what they had to say was interesting and sensible . However, when they came to Trump they struggled to outdo each other in their horror and condemnation of him and unanimously agreed that he would have been hopeless in this situation.
My view is that they are three paid up members of the International Blob who feel it is their duty to propagate the Blobist narrative of Orange Man Bad at every opportunity. They did so with gusto and in some very childish ways in marked contrast to the gravitas of the rest of their discussion. It is as though the mere mention of Trump sends them crazy.I’m surprised that Stewart didn’t have to wipe the foam from their lips.
They deliberately ignored the fact that Putin attacked Crimea on Obama’s watch , did nothing significant when Trump was in office and has again attacked Ukraine when Biden is in the WH. I would have much more respect for Stewart if he had made that point to them. But I sense that he is a least a retired country member of the Blob.
Research shows that the headscarf ban reduced the economic and social integration of Muslim women into French society. As of 11 April 2011, it was illegal to wear a face covering veil or other masks in public spaces. Veils, scarves and other headwear that do not cover the face are unaffected by this law.
Double – yes – i heard that on radio and switched off after hour 1. Not much diversity of thought amongst that lot but i was pleased that they fear the President Trump could recover his rightful place in the White House in a couple of years .
There also was a naive acceptance that Biden is legitimate and not demented – whilst there is footage of Biden saying ‘putin invaded russia ‘
And no MSM comment …
Maybe the americans see it as a european civil law like the time from
1939 to the end of 1941 …2 years of killing whilst they made money out of it ( see also 1914 – 1917 )
Persecution of people with albinism (sometimes abbreviated PWA[1]) is based on the belief that certain body parts of albinistic people can transmit magical powers.
Celebrating Hajj and Scottish Muslim Role Models
Did you know the first recorded British woman to perform Hajj was a Scottish? Today, Aisha shares a brief description of Muslim’s holy pilgrimage, Hajj and the story of the first recorded Brit to complete it.
Welcome to the club Taffs, those of us who live the other side of the border have long been informed we’re no longer wanted and need to get out of the way to make room for more acceptable types, especially if we’re:
1. White
2. Male
3. Heterosexual
4. Over 35
5. Born in this country
As I tick all five boxes I’m expecting the bin lorry to come along and collect me for recycling (soylent green?) any day now.
There are attempts to prevent the fracking operations being completely closed down in the next 2 weeks . We might see a few sane conservatives attempting to stop it –
But they are up against Mrs nut nut – who doesn’t have to pay fuel bills …..
Of course it has a Russian balance and may be biased that way but some of the content if half true is pretty hair-raising and eye-opening and does not paint a nice picture of the actions of Obama and his cronies, the ruling party in Ukraine and the administration in the US and NATO in general.
Apart from anything else it discloses information that should be discussed by the media even if only partially true if we are to get a balanced view on the reasons for the actions that Putin is taking.
Peter Hitchens column in the Mail would suggest that maybe there is a lot more to this than what we are being spoon-fed.
Regarding proposals from Farage for a vote on net zero, we have a considered and analytical response from our academically robust luvvies already:
“Hugh Grant tells Nigel Farage to ‘go f*** yourself’ over campaign against Net Zero
HUGH GRANT took to Twitter last night to slam Nigel Farage after the controversial political figure’s calls for a “referendum on Net Zero”.
Didn’t Mr Grant want at least one or more of the Remoaner manoeuvres to over turn democracy? They must be very stupid not to see their win hypocrisy or more likely they don’t give a toss about what ordinary folks think.
Well his considered advice to Mr Farage is rather hypocritical when we remember what he was doing in a car in Los Angeles a little while ago when arrested for soliciting / public indecency.
“HUGH GRANT took to Twitter last night to slam Nigel Farage after the controversial political figure”
HUGH GRANT = Actor , Possibly a Lib Dem? Also possibly “controversial”?
NIGEL FARAGE = Leader of the BREXIT PARTY (Once the largest party in The EU ). The person that got us the BREXIT vote. Democratically voted for by the majority and therefore, not controversial.
Does MR Grant have enough money to pay his gas bill ?
She was ahead of her time in that the new, wet, snowflake generation who think people have a right to not be offended by anything had not evolved yet.
There is no recovery position for the BBC now. They must be made subscription. Then lets see how long this nonsense lasts when they have to produce stuff people want or else go broke.
Biden’s woke green nonsense has debilitated the West while empowering Russia. But you won’t hear anything about it from the Eco-loons at the BBC who revere the Imbecile and his suicidal energy policies.
“Energy under Biden administration an ‘utter farce'”
We in Great Britain must get cracking and start fracking !
The gas we import now is carbon, the only difference is the profit goes to foreign countries .
Crazy !
End the Green Levey .
From the Daily Telegraph – an extract about the sometimes ok GBNews –
The owner of GB News has invested nearly £50m in its attempt to rival the BBC and Sky News.
All Perspectives has been drawing on £46.5m worth of cash since spring last year to bankroll the fledgling news network’s expansion, according to latest accounts.
Meanwhile, separate accounts for GB News showed a £3m loss by the end of May last year, which included the set up costs ahead of the channel’s launch on June 13.
Angelos Frangopoulos, chief executive, previously said that GB News had enough funding to support its operations for a number of years, but was attempting to turn a profit as soon as possible.
The channel – which is backed by the US broadcaster Discovery, investment group Legatum, and Brexit-supporting hedge fund manager Sir Paul Marshall – has endured a rocky start, punctuated by technical problems and the departure of chairman and lead presenter Andrew Neil.
The former Sunday Times editor left the BBC in 2020 when his Wednesday evening show fell foul of budget cuts. He had joined GB News on the promise of giving a “voice to those who felt sidelined […] in our great national debates”.
However, he took a break from the channel in June after presenting just eight shows because he said he needed to recharge his batteries, before resigning in September.
Mr Neil, who is now launching a Sunday political news programme with Channel 4, hinted on BBC’s Question Time that he left GB News because it wanted to imitate Fox News, the right-leaning US news network.
Mr Fragopoulos dismissed the claims, including reports that Mr Neil had been frozen out of the decision-making.
Since then, GB News has launched the DAB station GB News radio and hired Sunday Express editor Michael Booker. The news network revealed in December that veteran newsreader Simon McCoy had also quit amid speculation he would leave following the exit of Gill Penlington, the senior executive producer, and John McAndrew, the director of programming.
It coincided with the appointment of Eamonn Holmes, who is co-presenting its breakfast show with his former Sky News colleague Isabel Webster.
After 15 years with ITV’s daytime show This Morning, Mr Holmes confirmed that he was leaving Britain’s biggest commercial broadcaster to join GB News in January.
Speculation had been mounting about the departure of the seasoned presenter and his wife Ruth Langsford, after Dermot O’Leary and Alison Hammond took over their Friday show last year. ITV later said that Ms Langsford will remain at the channel.ENDS
Is Holmes’s the poor man’s’ wogan ( I don’t know as I have seen very little of mr Holmes’s and day time TV)
6:30pm BBC choose a white person for their portrait show
On tonight’s episode of Extraordinary Portraits @tinie and photographer @ChristyLeeRoger help @ceetheunknown, a model with albinism, discover her natural beauty.
Record lows left untouched since the late 1800s could be in jeopardy as a chilly and wet pattern overtakes Southern California and the rest of the Southwest this weekend, according to AccuWeather forecasters.
This is the heart of wokedom on Earth being affected by severe cold, but don’t worry the couyble think says it’s getting colder because it’s getting warmer !
Russia will take the Eastern half of Ukraine and everything will go back to how it was. Western Ukraine will join the EU and NATO and the stalemate will resume.
Surely that's what's called accurate reporting? Otherwise it's just fake news, so are we saying the BBC will just report anything whether they know its correct or not 👍🏼 righto glad that's cleared up 😂
In a segment about vaccine approval for 12 to 15 year olds, a contributor claimed that the Pfizer vaccine is “100% safe”. This has been removed from the online article and video:
Biden has come up with a cracking idea… give all the Russian planes in the Polish airforce to Ukraine and replace them with American jets.
No doubt Putin will never notice that!
We are getting closer to WW3 each day. Thanks USA!
USA fighter jets in the air anywhere in Europe spells total cockshit disaster for Europe. However the USA is another 4 minutes away from Russia in ICBM nuclear rocket travel terms so they can relax I guess!
Plus although the Ukrainian pilots will be used to flying Russian jets, the Polish will have no experience of flying US jets effectively rendering the Polish airforce as a basket case.
Plus it drags Poland into a conflict they have nothing to do with. Pretty typical USA moves really!
Maybe the USA think they can move in after the real struggle is over and take the laurels as well as being owed billions by European states – much like 1944 actually.
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
One lone voice to mention this:
PETER HITCHENS: One glorious day in Sevastopol 12 years ago, I saw what was coming. That’s why I won’t join this carnival of hypocrisy
“For the Ukrainians had begun to be silly.
In a country crammed with Russians, they were trying to make Russian a second-class language.
Russians who had lived there happily for decades were pressured to take Ukrainian citizenship and adopt Ukrainian versions of their Christian names.
The schools were promoting a national hero, Stepan Bandera, who Russians strongly disliked and regarded as a terrorist. And they were teaching history which often had an anti-Russian tinge. Quite a few people told me they felt put upon by these policies. Why couldn’t they just be left alone?
know that Ukraine’s current government, now treated as if it was almost holy, was brought into being by a mob putsch openly backed by the USA in 2014.
I know that the much-admired President Zelensky in February 2021 closed down three opposition TV stations on the grounds of ‘national security’. They went dark that night. I know that the opposition politician Viktor Medvedchuk was put under house arrest last year on a charge of treason. Isn’t this the sort of thing Putin does?
I know that Ukraine’s army has used severe force against Russian civilians in the Don Basin since 2014. The Russians have done dreadful things there, too, but there are plenty of people who will tell you that. The point is that this is not a contest of saints versus sinners, or of Mordor versus the Shire.
I suppose Mr Hitchens knows that if he takes up the apologist role for putin he will get plenty of appearance cash for ‘ debates ‘ …
Im sure Hitler used the same lines in the 1930s with support from the British Upper Class …
I wonder what Christopher would of thought …?
Just come across this deluded “piece” on the BBC.
Basically Putin has met his match.when he took on Biden……So BBC i ask the question, “during whoms presidency did Putin believe he could get-away with invading Ukraine” ?
Successive US presidents – from Bush, Obama to Trump – have played into his hands.
Now, Joe Biden has dedicated his presidency to defending democracy at home and abroad. Seeking to re-establish America’s traditional post-war role as the leader of the free world, he has sought to mobilise the international community, offered military aid to Ukraine and adopted the toughest sanction regime ever targeted against Putin.
as previously posted
“Democracy under attack”
Since going into exile, Yanukovych has given interviews in which he has said he remained “the legitimate head of the Ukrainian state elected in a free vote by Ukrainian citizens.”
“Ukraine’s current government, now treated as if it was almost holy, was brought into being by a mob putsch openly backed by the USA in 2014.”
Deluded indeed
Am I missing something? I wrote a few days ago that I
wondered if there was more to Roman Abramovich standing
down and selling Chelsea to save his own financial skin in
the UK. I reiterate am I missing something on the BBC ?
The Israeli Prime Minister was in Moscow yesterday meeting Putin,
offering to mediate over Ukraine with the blessing of President
Zelensky. the USA , France and Germany seem to know about it.
I wonder if Putin’s ” associate” Abramovich now an Israeli citizen
had anything to do with it? Is this visit to Moscow a taboo
subject in the UK?
Forget Covid, be prepared for A and E’s overwhelmed with eco loons having apoplectic fits and choking on their free range garlic muesli and home-knitted, dolphin friendly yoghurt this morning:
“Nigel Farage’s new drive for vote to kill off Boris’s ‘ruinous’ green agenda: He got us out of the EU… Now the former UKIP chief demands a referendum on Net Zero”
He writes: ‘Without any debate, our energy bills have been loaded with green subsidies. Our businesses have been disadvantaged, yet our leaders seem happy to outsource industrial production just as long as they can say it reduces Britain’s CO2 emissions…
‘We will campaign for the five per cent VAT on energy bills to be removed.
‘Green subsidies are shovelled straight into the bank accounts of rich landowners, wealthy investors and foreign-owned conglomerates who own much of the renewable energy sector.’
The independent Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) has calculated the cost of making buildings carbon neutral at £400 billion, while the bill for vehicles would be £330 billion, in addition to £500 billion to clean up power generation and a further £46 billion for industry.
After energy savings across the economy, this would leave a £400 billion bill for the Treasury.
The OBR also warned that the Government would need to impose carbon taxes to make up for the loss of fuel duty and other levies.
So spend £1.3 TRILLION and assume a £900m saving in energy over the long term
A 400 billion cost spread through 28 million households
£400,000 spread through 28 households
ie about £16,000 for every UK household.
Like Biden, he aims to financially break the country all in accordance with the Davos plan. Farage, as a first step, should be campaigning to strengthen the Treason laws for which, I would support the Death Penalty and a lowering of the thresholds. Set them to just under Bliars performance as PM?
Vile goes full Wendy.
Never go full Wendy.
Wimmins Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter
Clive got an exclusive?
Or this Toenails in departures?
Springster expanding her range of… checks notes… ‘expertise’?
Lammy gets behind the BBC.
Which is ironic, because…
He is also on Labour gob of color rotation across all bbc ‘news’ platforms when the shadow front bench wimmin ration gets a bit obvious, and even more embarrassing.
A closer look at the proponents and methods of crack houses will maybe give an inkling of reasons behind many black murders and murderers.
Crime plummets as crack den closes on Herne Hill estate
Residents on a Herne Hill estate have seen a massive 75 per cent drop in crime since the closure of a crack house in the area.
The flat in Talleyrand House on the Lilford Estate used to attract a constant stream of drug users and dealers who visited at all hours of the day and night to buy heroin and crack cocaine.
Locals felt intimidated and complained to the police. After finding evidence of what was going on, Herne Hill Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) managed to get a crack house closure order for the property.
I’m amazed the police actually took action.
Weren’t BBC journalists there in force, to accuse them of racism?
Be afraid, be very afraid:
Kamala Harris to travel to Eastern Europe as Russia-Ukraine war rages
Some Republicans are already questioning the decision to send Harris
“Aam a tellin’ you if you don’ stop bombin’ dese Iranians we gonna whop yo skinny white ass so hard you be eatin’ yo’ fried chicken standin’ up fo’ a munff, an’ das der trufe”
“We got goddam boms bigga dan dat Pudin’s muvva’s big fat ass, boy”
BBC News
“Soon millions of ordinary Russians will find themselves cut off from reliable information.”
Ironically, the BBC is also bragging it can be easily accessed there.
The instructions provided by the BBC are practically verbatim to those which appeared on RT’s English language website a couple of days ago, except they have replaced ‘RT’ with ‘BBC’.
Is that true ?
The RT instructions appear rather simple.
I disagree with History Debunked slightly
If I were Clive Myrie I would think that since I am born in Britain I have right to work for the BBC, but I would find it strange that all of the white boys I went to school with don’t have equal opportunity.
History Debunked: The British Broadcasting Company seems unable to find British people to report on the war in Ukraine.
On the BBC six o’clock news, yesterday evening, the BBC did not appear to have a single white British person reporting on the Russian invasion of Ukraine. This is in sharp contrast to the television journalists from other nations.
The thumbnail shows a Canadian woman called Lyse Doucet and Clive Myrie, the two chief reporters
Feargal Keane is almost 100% Irish
His parents were both firmly rooted and working in Ireland
but he was actually born in London.
He grew up in Dublin and later in Cork. One of his schools was an Irish-language school, so he speaks Irish fluently.
+ Nick Robinson is white, but I don’t know if he appeared on TV news from Kyiv
Re pronunciation, I guess it’s not entirely virtue signalling if your hosts insist that you say Kyiv.
“Re pronunciation, I guess it’s not entirely virtue signalling if your hosts insist that you say Kyiv.
Yet, mysteriously they do not insist on reporters calling the country by its proper name of ‘oo-kry-eena’. Likewise the talking heads back home insist on pronouncing it ‘you crane’. Here’s a simple guide:
If you say ‘Kyiv’ then it should be ‘oo-kry-eena’.
If you say ‘Ukraine’ then it should be ‘Kiev’.
If you say ‘Mumbai’ then it should be ‘Bharat’.
If you say ‘India’ then it should be ‘Bombay’.
If you ‘Beijing’ then it should be ‘Zhon-gooa’.
If you say ‘China’ then it should be ‘Peking’.
Next on the BBC: “How dependent is Deutschland on Russian gas and oil?” “How Suomi and Sverige are looking to join NATO” “How are Viktor Orban and Magyarország reacting to the crisis?” etc.
Ian, there is no ‘correct’ pronunciation for the names of places, but there are names (and pronunciations) which are familiar and comprehensible to most of your audience, and those which aren’t.
Do we complain when the French call London, Londres?
Do they complain when we call ‘Paree’, Paris?
What about Germany and Deutschland?
Nederlands and Holland?
Muskva, Moscow, or as the Americans say Moss Cow?
Mumbai was never Mumbai, the Portuguese founded it and called it Bombahai or Bombain (both referring to the bay which is one of the few natural deepwater ports on the Konkan coast), Mumbai is simply pretentious, and has been inflicted on us by Indian Nationalist extremists, and most (older) residents still prefer the Bombay they grew up with. However, exact pronunciation and spelling depend on which Indian language/dialect you happen to be speaking (and in India there are literally hundreds) anyway.
Istanbul (or Stambol) was called that simply because the Turks couldn’t pronounce the Greek Konstantinopolis (to be fair, I’m not sure I can either), and so they shortened it to something they could say.
Ukraine is really THE Ukraine (lit. the borderlands) and is pronounced (and spelled) differently depending on the local language and dialect, but spelling is subjective too when changing alphabets, from cyrillic to latin, for example. There are Cyrillic letters the pronunciation of which are really hard for English speakers to distinguish between, and which are pronounced differently in various Russian languages/dialects (including Ukrainian).
Russia is really the Russian Empire, of which only a small part is inhabited by the Rus, and again, not really the Russian Empire, but the Commonwealth of Muscovy, and again, not really the Commonwealth of Muscovy, but lots of independent city states with no central government, but then… and at various times the Ukraine has been an integral part of this, a semi-autonomous part, or a completely independent one, it all depends what, exact point in history you take as your ‘baseline’.
History is often cherry picked to suit a certain agenda.
The Ukrainians are playing at it, so is Putin, so are the ‘West’, and the BBC, and so on…
Its all very confusing – this name calling. I remember decades ago when visiting Italy, I was on a coach heading for Florence, and wondered how long before we got there, as all the road and motorway signs were saying Firenze ! where the hell was that ????
Happy Days.
Most Orthodox ‘Sunni’ Muslims are very proud that they all belong to ONE faith, and thus ONE united brotherhood, regardless of origin, that’s the meaning of the ONE finger sign.
Other Muslims aren’t part of this club, but instead have their own smaller ‘international brotherhoods’ with similar goals.
Islam is quite open about wanting to convert the entire world to the ONE TRUE FAITH, and using any available means to do so, including Jihad (religious war), terror, forced marriage, out breeding, bullying, subjugation and intimidation of non-believers etc…
Droitwich : SUCCESS: Grace Cards has massive charge dropped in miraculous twist
Lewis Brackpool hears from Lydia and Alasdair Walker-Cox, the owners of Grace Cards in Droitwich, about the stunning success of their massive £44,000 fine being dropped in a miraculous twist of events.
I think their main point is that their next door competitor WH Smiths was able to stay open all the time. cos it sold newspapers. Whereas the council wanted to grind their business to the ground, when apart from the papers they sell the same things as Smiths
Must dig out a ‘it could never happen here’ tome from the past.
Lucky Sur Slick’s new squeeze wasn’t MP lest she channelled her inner Che.
I totally agree Pug. The really atrocious thing is that there will never be a meaningful and searching inquiry into what was really going on because too many “important” people would be either implicated or revealed as incompetent, especially the big-wigs in the NHS, the BBC, the UN and the WHO who welcomed it as a golden opportunity to make a power grab and thereby reset the political landscape.
I have no doubt that in a fair World there would be quite a few of them in court to answer for their actions.
One alights on the BBC news online homepage, where – somewhat war-weary after the seven-day relentless bombardment we have been subjected to – one passes over the “War in Ukraine” tab and not wishing to go so far as to venture into the “Climate” tab territory, one instead – for old times sake – clicks on the intermediate “Coronavirus” news page.
‘Another life-saving Covid drug identified‘ – that’s handy. ‘The anti-inflammatory baricitinib is normally used to treat rheumatoid arthritis‘ – so we had this drug all along? ‘Trials suggest it can cut death risk by about a fifth in patients needing hospital care for severe Covid. It could be used with other Covid treatments, such as the cheap steroid dexamethasone, to save even more lives, researchers say. That might halve deaths‘ – so the chance of death from catching covid – already a very small chance for the mass of the population – is now vanishingly small?
‘Although vaccines have been doing a great job at cutting infections and protecting lives, some people will still catch and become very sick with Covid‘ – yeah, but it still seems to this observer the mass vaccines push might well have been something of a misallocation of resources.
To quote the late, great American conservative serious humorist (that wasn’t a contradiction in terms in his special case) PJ O’Rourke: “If you think health care is expensive now, just wait ’til it’s free”
‘The NHS may soon recommend baricitinib based on these new results. A 10-day course of the pills costs around £250, although the NHS may be able to negotiate a discount‘ – in comparison with the billions splurged on protecting the NHS, Nightingale hospitals, economic consequences of lockdowns, furlough payments, failed track and trace apps, mass testing, vaccines and serial booster vaccines… – palliative care with existing known drugs… that’s as “cheap as chips” to borrow a catchphrase from former daytime TV larger than life personality, bargain hunter and oranged-hued showman David Dickinson.
Just think, in some alternate reality David Dickinson might have been the British Donald Trump. Instead we had Tony Blair. A “Real bobby-dazzler”
‘“I had to do what I thought was the right thing,” Mr Blair said‘ (BBC) – timing is everything in politics and our Tone has decided this week of all weeks is just the moment to carpe diem, as they say, for a bit of repentence, rehabilitation and so on.
‘The Archbishop of Canterbury has challenged former prime minister Tony Blair on how he handles feelings of guilt, in a series for BBC Radio 4‘ – New Labour ex-PM, New Labour present CofE boss. Pink on pink, that familiar narrow spectrum of politics there on our oh-so balanced BBC.
Well, you never know: ‘How the Queen, not Tony Blair, saved the Monarchy after Diana‘ (Mail on Sunday) – Her Madge won’t be around forever and, who knows, that first President of the remanant diminished federal-EU-alligned England post-UK job that our Tony covets might still come up. Afterall, my favoured candidate, Fred Dibnah, sadly left this mortal coil to climb high up that set of rickety scaffolding on a mill chimney in the sky. Hopefully not a Satanic one.
‘Mr Blair, a Catholic, told the Most Rev Justin Welby his faith had helped him cope with knowing people disliked him‘ – and as they used to say on the Channel 4 comedy Father Ted – “That would be an ecumenical matter”
‘Mr Blair defended his decisions to invade Afghanistan and Iraq, alongside US President George W Bush‘ – no admission of sin, repentence and desire for forgiveness there then.
“I find that I will often have more in common with someone, for example, who is of the Muslim faith, because they are also a person of faith, than I will with someone who just regards [faith] as hocus pocus.” – gosh… well that’s a lot for us to think about.
“Because the politicians you really shouldn’t trust are the people that get up and tell you the simple slogans.”
New Labour, new Britain
Education, education, education.
Tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime
I guess you now want something on the media reporting of Ukraine hereabouts?
‘Olivia Coleman hails “incredible” £3.6m you raised for refugees‘ (Mail on Sunday) – or maybe some report that’s really about the conflict and not celebrity?
‘Pentagon sources: puffy-faced Putin lashing out over his constant pain. Mad Vlad dying of cancer. War-monger… is gravely ill, US and UK spies have claimed‘ (Daily Star on Sunday) – goodness only knows what ailmentments they mighy have diagnosed Joe Biden with?
Agree 100%
Just different forms of control.
In the lefty video the refugees at the border are almost entirely white women with children
The video says the victims are fighting age black men who are told that the women and children get priority.
One would ask why didn’t the students leave weeks ago ?
And are they genuinely students ?
Free AK47s ?
DEFCON level: Currently 3 – “Yellow Alert Status”. (why not yellow and blue? if we now have every storm individually named)
The logo used for the alert is the logo used in the US in the 50’s and 60’s to designate the location of a Fallout Shelter
I tried to suggest that yellow and blue would be appropriate right now: that’s the colour of the Ukrainian flag………….
Wendy hired her to the unit yet to get one white one, one red one, and one with diversity on…?
Unintendes humour ( despair ) there – but on twitter you can find the
Sturgeon Bingo Game
Fun for all the family “ to be honest “
“The modern Poland–Russia border is a nearly straight-line division between the Republic of Poland and the Russian Federation exclave Kaliningrad Oblast, a region not connected to the Russian mainland.”
I have crossed at the southern Estonian/Russia border.
“The closest geographic point between the borders of the USA and Russia lies in the Bering Strait located in the Pacific Ocean.
The islands of Big Diomede and Little Diomede are just 2.4 miles away from each other”
BBC has a lot of ways of getting staff to do the subtle stuff…
Then, on the diversity roster, a bbc blonde lobs Slick a softy…
Did she do that BBC thing where she asks him the resignation question x10?
Nish Kumar ‘Do they just hate my jokes?’
Yep. Not funny and often racist to boot. I’d suggest you find another line of work Nish.
Perhaps crash test dummy or fleeing suspect in police dog training.
Or the lead part in a snuff movie .
“Oi, comedy void… now this… THIS is a joke”
Susie asked the BBC a few key geographical questions on relative locations?
I am still wondering what actual value a bunch of journos dressed as civilian combatants achieves in a febrile war zone that resembles a messy first person shooter.
Other than as ratings collateral with the dangle of an ‘award’ if one makes it.
“slept rough for 4 days and nights in freezing temperatures to cross the Polish border, only to be refused entry to the UK at Calais.”
Poland is a safe country neighbouring the Ukraine, why would Ukrainian refugees want to leave it to come to the UK?
The British people are sending aid (financial, food, clothing, bedding, medicine, toys etc…) to Poland for the use of Ukrainian refugees like this mother and child, we’ve contributed in this household, and were glad to do so. The Polish people have rallied round and are helping the refugees to find housing and shelter. There is simply no need, or sense in refugees leaving Poland to travel all the way to the UK, unless they already have family here.
Poland is more culturally similar, with more Ukrainian speakers, and has much more space than we do, and when the war is over will be easier to relocate back home to their ‘beloved mother country’ from.
The drivel this airhead is posting is not just utterly nonsensical, it’s dangerously misleading, and should be called out for the ridiculous nonsense it is!
Western half of Ukraine looks pretty safe too.
Screenshot of Farage’s article is just about readable
His tweet
“I am launching a new campaign to kill of Boris Johnson’s ruinous green agenda.
We demand a referendum on Net Zero.
Read all about it in the Mail on Sunday”
Mad, Bad, Putins demands are becoming more unrealistic and bizarre by the day.
Looks as if there will be no escape for NATO / EU No slipping and sliding: they’ll have to stand up and be counted whether they like it or not. Its reaching that point. I fear that will mean telling Putin in no uncertain terms, ‘Go on then, take the first swipe and see what happens’.
Anybody know if Putin has any muslim blood flowing through his veins?
Sorry, unusually there was two parts to the Gatestone Newsletter. I cited above the second article. The first is the important one, co-authored by Richard Kemp. Here’s the link:
Good articles, both.
What’s he demanding?
Take a look at the link I give.
In Russia, you can now get 15 years in the slammer, (or maybe a Gulag, if Vlad Stalin brings them back), for telling the truth, or a decent approximation of the truth, about the ‘Special Military Operation’. By contrast, In the West, however, you can only be ‘cancelled’ -and not entirely airbrushed out of existence- for challenging any Wokist doctrines. My, that’s a relief…
‘Devastated’ Batley teacher ‘fearing for his life’ as he goes into hiding after Prophet Muhammad cartoon row
He is said to be an emotional wreck and is terrified about returning to Batley
ByTalia ShadwellLocal Democracy ReporterAlex Grove
18:41, 29 MAR 2021
My only predication from this terrible war is that no ATM machine in Europe will be safe when this is over.
Probably won’t be any ATM’s………….
Or Europe….
Yes those Albanians will be buying MLAW off Ukranian gangsters…..
The West’s extreme energy and environment policies, the green policies of the climate activists, enabled and subsidised Putin’s war on Ukraine.
And, behind the scenes, the Russians have been subsidising anti-fracking groups and climate activists.
(Ultimate irony, those policies have been bad for the environment.)
Sky Aus is talking about it, but not the BBC which remains in thrall to all the ‘Green’ lunacy, and to their darling Biden who enthusiastically destroyed American fossil fuel production.
Meanwhile, Ukrainians die.
Elon Musk made money from green credits – he would get them for being a prophet whilst selling them with profit on the green marker so polluters could pollute. It’s all a sham.
In an attempt to pour petrol onto the fire, The Guardian are having a far-right-hate-fest today…
‘Fascist fitness’: how the far right is recruiting with online gym groups
‘Key to white survival’: how Putin has morphed into a far-right savior
‘Revealed’: the towns at risk from far-right extremism
Much use of the trigger words: Fascist, Far-Right, Extremists etc.
It is starting to feel like a mania has swept away any balance in the Media, like Don Quixote tilting at windmills, they all now just want to expend there energies as propagandists against an enemy that doesn’t exist.
I expect the BBC to be picking over these tracts in due course to run in concert with the Guardian as they do.
Could it be born from a deep-seated fear that just maybe in their liberal ivory towers they are propping up a failing creed so feel the need to put their fingers in their ears and keep crying wolf?
Fascist and far-right have become the go-to words to smear anyone you don’t like.
Biden’s Dems call ordinary parents far-right.
Trudeau calls truckers far-right.
Putin calls Ukrainians far-right and fascists.
The BBC views anyone one-degree to the right of them as far-right.
Glad to see Nigel starting another campaign, this time against nut zero.
How can our politicians think they are fooling us that by getting coal/gas from abroad and closing our coal/gas supplies is going for nut zero when the fact that it needs transporting here makes it even more polluting.
Just because it’s mined somewhere else in the world shouldn’t mean we are not contributing to this global warming.
If I paid a hitman to do my dirty work and murder someone does that mean I’m totally innocent.
They should include all the carbon for our bought coal/gas (plus transportation) in with our own carbon to get a more honest total.
Lowering our carbon by one million tons whilst raising our suppliers carbon by over a million tons is not helping even though our total sum is reducing.
Can’t our thick politicians see that?
Interesting balanced article by Hitchins in the Sunday mail
“I know that Ukraine’s current government, now treated as if it was almost holy, was brought into being by a mob putsch openly backed by the USA in 2014.
I know that the much-admired President Zelensky in February 2021 closed down three opposition TV stations on the grounds of ‘national security’. They went dark that night. I know that the opposition politician Viktor Medvedchuk was put under house arrest last year on a charge of treason. Isn’t this the sort of thing Putin does?”
Ukraine: Zelenskiy bans three opposition TV stations
Ukraine’s pro-Western president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, has signed decrees banning pro-Russian media outlets. The broadcasters had their licences revoked and are set to stay off the air for the next five years.
Just caught the Alistair Stewart show on GBN. He had three old men on discussing the Ukrainian war. One was Lidington , Mrs May’s deputy ( no more need be said) Meyer ex Ambassador to Washington and the other was a retired journalist who had covered the USSR .
Much of what they had to say was interesting and sensible . However, when they came to Trump they struggled to outdo each other in their horror and condemnation of him and unanimously agreed that he would have been hopeless in this situation.
My view is that they are three paid up members of the International Blob who feel it is their duty to propagate the Blobist narrative of Orange Man Bad at every opportunity. They did so with gusto and in some very childish ways in marked contrast to the gravitas of the rest of their discussion. It is as though the mere mention of Trump sends them crazy.I’m surprised that Stewart didn’t have to wipe the foam from their lips.
They deliberately ignored the fact that Putin attacked Crimea on Obama’s watch , did nothing significant when Trump was in office and has again attacked Ukraine when Biden is in the WH. I would have much more respect for Stewart if he had made that point to them. But I sense that he is a least a retired country member of the Blob.
GB is at best schizophrenic. When the U.K. MSM teams up with French pols, Mad Al, Femi, and a raft of batty old blondes the result is unedifying.
Research shows that the headscarf ban reduced the economic and social integration of Muslim women into French society. As of 11 April 2011, it was illegal to wear a face covering veil or other masks in public spaces. Veils, scarves and other headwear that do not cover the face are unaffected by this law.
Double – yes – i heard that on radio and switched off after hour 1. Not much diversity of thought amongst that lot but i was pleased that they fear the President Trump could recover his rightful place in the White House in a couple of years .
There also was a naive acceptance that Biden is legitimate and not demented – whilst there is footage of Biden saying ‘putin invaded russia ‘
And no MSM comment …
Maybe the americans see it as a european civil law like the time from
1939 to the end of 1941 …2 years of killing whilst they made money out of it ( see also 1914 – 1917 )
As for alistair stewart – never again – dross
Never, ever, go full Getty.
Yes- if his name is Boris.
“Identity: What does it mean to be Welsh?”
What are they playing at ? The BBC is completely out of touch with the real taffs .
Old Getty stick clearance?
Meanwhile, fashion label Getty is well represented…
Persecution of people with albinism (sometimes abbreviated PWA[1]) is based on the belief that certain body parts of albinistic people can transmit magical powers.
Celebrating Hajj and Scottish Muslim Role Models
Did you know the first recorded British woman to perform Hajj was a Scottish? Today, Aisha shares a brief description of Muslim’s holy pilgrimage, Hajj and the story of the first recorded Brit to complete it.
Release date:07 August 2019
3 minutes
Welcome to the club Taffs, those of us who live the other side of the border have long been informed we’re no longer wanted and need to get out of the way to make room for more acceptable types, especially if we’re:
1. White
2. Male
3. Heterosexual
4. Over 35
5. Born in this country
As I tick all five boxes I’m expecting the bin lorry to come along and collect me for recycling (soylent green?) any day now.
When is Nadine Dorries going to act on Wokeness ?
Does the Conservative Party Have any Real Tories?
The answer is yes they are 100% real Tories, cowardly useless incompetent and 100% Socialist.
What they don’t have is any conservatives.
There are attempts to prevent the fracking operations being completely closed down in the next 2 weeks . We might see a few sane conservatives attempting to stop it –
But they are up against Mrs nut nut – who doesn’t have to pay fuel bills …..
When the next gas bill drops on our door mats with a bang we will all be demanding fracking .
What’s more , Mrs nut nut can get fracked.
This article in Pravda has some surprising comments regarding the role the US and NATO have played in the run up to the conflict unfolding in Ukraine.
Of course it has a Russian balance and may be biased that way but some of the content if half true is pretty hair-raising and eye-opening and does not paint a nice picture of the actions of Obama and his cronies, the ruling party in Ukraine and the administration in the US and NATO in general.
Apart from anything else it discloses information that should be discussed by the media even if only partially true if we are to get a balanced view on the reasons for the actions that Putin is taking.
Peter Hitchens column in the Mail would suggest that maybe there is a lot more to this than what we are being spoon-fed.
It is easy to paint Putin as an ogre and I am not a fan but there might possibly be an element of simply being pushed too far.
We should have all the information to take a balanced view, not something we will ever get from Western Media I’m afraid.
“We should have all the information to take a balanced view, not something we will ever get from Western Media”
I would trust the Western Media more than the Communist Media.
Just pause one minute and look at who is doing all the bombing and killing.
Regarding proposals from Farage for a vote on net zero, we have a considered and analytical response from our academically robust luvvies already:
“Hugh Grant tells Nigel Farage to ‘go f*** yourself’ over campaign against Net Zero
HUGH GRANT took to Twitter last night to slam Nigel Farage after the controversial political figure’s calls for a “referendum on Net Zero”.
Didn’t Mr Grant want at least one or more of the Remoaner manoeuvres to over turn democracy? They must be very stupid not to see their win hypocrisy or more likely they don’t give a toss about what ordinary folks think.
Well his considered advice to Mr Farage is rather hypocritical when we remember what he was doing in a car in Los Angeles a little while ago when arrested for soliciting / public indecency.
“HUGH GRANT took to Twitter last night to slam Nigel Farage after the controversial political figure”
HUGH GRANT = Actor , Possibly a Lib Dem? Also possibly “controversial”?
NIGEL FARAGE = Leader of the BREXIT PARTY (Once the largest party in The EU ). The person that got us the BREXIT vote. Democratically voted for by the majority and therefore, not controversial.
Does MR Grant have enough money to pay his gas bill ?
“Controversial” ?
Unlikely, but see how it plays out.
She was ahead of her time in that the new, wet, snowflake generation who think people have a right to not be offended by anything had not evolved yet.
There is no recovery position for the BBC now. They must be made subscription. Then lets see how long this nonsense lasts when they have to produce stuff people want or else go broke.
Biden’s woke green nonsense has debilitated the West while empowering Russia. But you won’t hear anything about it from the Eco-loons at the BBC who revere the Imbecile and his suicidal energy policies.
“Energy under Biden administration an ‘utter farce'”
We in Great Britain must get cracking and start fracking !
The gas we import now is carbon, the only difference is the profit goes to foreign countries .
Crazy !
End the Green Levey .
From the Daily Telegraph – an extract about the sometimes ok GBNews –
The owner of GB News has invested nearly £50m in its attempt to rival the BBC and Sky News.
All Perspectives has been drawing on £46.5m worth of cash since spring last year to bankroll the fledgling news network’s expansion, according to latest accounts.
Meanwhile, separate accounts for GB News showed a £3m loss by the end of May last year, which included the set up costs ahead of the channel’s launch on June 13.
Angelos Frangopoulos, chief executive, previously said that GB News had enough funding to support its operations for a number of years, but was attempting to turn a profit as soon as possible.
The channel – which is backed by the US broadcaster Discovery, investment group Legatum, and Brexit-supporting hedge fund manager Sir Paul Marshall – has endured a rocky start, punctuated by technical problems and the departure of chairman and lead presenter Andrew Neil.
The former Sunday Times editor left the BBC in 2020 when his Wednesday evening show fell foul of budget cuts. He had joined GB News on the promise of giving a “voice to those who felt sidelined […] in our great national debates”.
However, he took a break from the channel in June after presenting just eight shows because he said he needed to recharge his batteries, before resigning in September.
Mr Neil, who is now launching a Sunday political news programme with Channel 4, hinted on BBC’s Question Time that he left GB News because it wanted to imitate Fox News, the right-leaning US news network.
Mr Fragopoulos dismissed the claims, including reports that Mr Neil had been frozen out of the decision-making.
Since then, GB News has launched the DAB station GB News radio and hired Sunday Express editor Michael Booker. The news network revealed in December that veteran newsreader Simon McCoy had also quit amid speculation he would leave following the exit of Gill Penlington, the senior executive producer, and John McAndrew, the director of programming.
It coincided with the appointment of Eamonn Holmes, who is co-presenting its breakfast show with his former Sky News colleague Isabel Webster.
After 15 years with ITV’s daytime show This Morning, Mr Holmes confirmed that he was leaving Britain’s biggest commercial broadcaster to join GB News in January.
Speculation had been mounting about the departure of the seasoned presenter and his wife Ruth Langsford, after Dermot O’Leary and Alison Hammond took over their Friday show last year. ITV later said that Ms Langsford will remain at the channel.ENDS
Is Holmes’s the poor man’s’ wogan ( I don’t know as I have seen very little of mr Holmes’s and day time TV)
6:30pm BBC choose a white person for their portrait show
Oh Tinie Tempah is the presenter

White Lives Matter ….
The ‘silent killer’ of Africa’s albinos
8pm “Fiona Bruce meets members of the Punjabi community in Southall”
Worth checking ITBB.
Unless you are fans of Vile or Amol.
The BBC being a common factor.
BBC4 FEMALE icons night
8pm Female filmakers
9pm Female football pioneers
10:30pm Edna O’Brien
11:35pm Delia Derbyshire
Record lows left untouched since the late 1800s could be in jeopardy as a chilly and wet pattern overtakes Southern California and the rest of the Southwest this weekend, according to AccuWeather forecasters.
This is the heart of wokedom on Earth being affected by severe cold, but don’t worry the couyble think says it’s getting colder because it’s getting warmer !
Work that one out if you can !
“Putin has been planning this for 20 years. He has got everything in place.”
“Ukraine is just the beginning of something far more sinister suggests Nik Gowing”
He’s a crackpot.
Russia will take the Eastern half of Ukraine and everything will go back to how it was. Western Ukraine will join the EU and NATO and the stalemate will resume.
And I sincerely hope I am not wrong.
#wefiles goes close to home.
CBBC Channel, Tuesday 8 June 2021
In a segment about vaccine approval for 12 to 15 year olds, a contributor claimed that the Pfizer vaccine is “100% safe”. This has been removed from the online article and video:
The BBC, and the BBC ‘belief’ (BBC quotes) in building BBC ‘trust’ (ditto). In the spotlight.
Almost missed this. Luckily she retweeted herself.
That will get the numbers up.
Biden has come up with a cracking idea… give all the Russian planes in the Polish airforce to Ukraine and replace them with American jets.
No doubt Putin will never notice that!
We are getting closer to WW3 each day. Thanks USA!
USA fighter jets in the air anywhere in Europe spells total cockshit disaster for Europe. However the USA is another 4 minutes away from Russia in ICBM nuclear rocket travel terms so they can relax I guess!
Plus although the Ukrainian pilots will be used to flying Russian jets, the Polish will have no experience of flying US jets effectively rendering the Polish airforce as a basket case.
Plus it drags Poland into a conflict they have nothing to do with. Pretty typical USA moves really!
Maybe the USA think they can move in after the real struggle is over and take the laurels as well as being owed billions by European states – much like 1944 actually.
Echo s of the Russians flying migs for North Korea in the 1950s
In those days, everything was about the cold war. USA vs Soviet Union. Countries like Korea and Vietnam were just pawns.
The biggest danger in this conflict is if Biden decides to intervene. The guy is absolutely unfit to be President in every respect.
I wouldn’t trust him with a bingo calling machine let alone the red nuclear button.
As if Ukraine wasn’t enough the great pottery showdown which used to be half watchable has now become the great dyke pottery showdown. I’m off!
Time for a new thread – is this The week of the Gray Report ? …
“South Shields death: Six arrests after man, 25, dies of stab wounds”
No names yet.