The repeatedly and extensively edition
Or, call it keeping it neutral
What’s the correct exclaimation… should it be a “Der…?” Or perhaps the transatlantic Homeric (as in father of Bart, and in so many ways cartoonish, Homer Simpson-esque) “Doh!”
‘Will the Ukraine war derail the green energy transition?‘ (FT Big Read)
‘Johnson considers lifting franking ban to ease reliance on Putin’s oil‘ (Telegraph) – that’s Boris Johnson, Carrie’s main squeeze.
‘We could hardly have made a bigger mess of our energy policy‘ – that’s Philip Johnston, assistant editor and lead writer for the Telegraph. If only more cool heads in our media had seen reality and spoken out louder sooner.
Speaking of speaking for a living and supposedly keeping one’s self neutral: ‘Shaming of Bercow. Ex-Speaker is exposed as a “serial bully” and “serial liar” by official report and BANNED from Parliament for life‘ (Daily Mail) – the man was clearly out of order, order! To coin a phrase so dear to his EU-loving heart.
Be very careful of the figures you claim as heroes. That would seem to be the moral to take from the tale of the poison dwarf.
‘John Bercow suspended from the Labour Party after damning bullying report… “repeatedly and extensively” bullied House of Commons staff‘ (Daily Mirror)
To think, it seems like just the other day…
‘John Bercow defects to Labour with withering attack on Johnson… delivered an extraordinary broadside against Boris Johnson and the Conservative party as he announces he has switched his political allegiance to Labour… he regards today’s Conservative party as “reactionary, populist, nationalistic and sometimes even xenophobic”.‘ (Guardian June 2021)
Poor old Bercow – his membership of the Labour Party lasted about as long as many people’s New Year’s resolution gym memberships. He now joins a rather exclusive club of odd balls officially kicked out of that very broad church which is the Labour Party. Jeremy Corbyn is an intermittent semi associate of that club…
‘Jeremy Corbyn booted out of Labour parliamentary party despite having membership suspension lifted‘ (The Herald – formerly the Glasgow Herald November 2020)
As Groucho Marx famously quipped: “I don’t want to belong to any club that would accept me as one of its members.”
For those hereabouts who want something on our on-going diplomatic and foreign policy fiasco which is the Ukraine war…
‘Sweden’s prime minister ruled out applying for NATO membership, saying it would destabilise northern Europe‘ (FT)
You know, like talk of Ukraine joining NATO completely destabilised eastern Europe.
Very sensible, these Swedes. They keep a cool head.
‘How Sweden’s lockdown gamble paid off: Nation has suffered fewer coronavirus deaths than most of Europe and has a lower infection rate‘ (Daily Mail November 2021)
The pentagon has pulled out of the deal to enable Poland to send fighter planes to Ukraine – 2 days after the US Secretary of State approved it in a TV interview ( see the tucker Carlson piece ) .
So what ? Well – if the msm was ‘neutral ‘ it would ask ‘what the hell is Biden/ Obama doing’?
But this question isn’t asked . Why ? Could it be that the msm will not allow the Biden administration to be criticised because it is ‘approved ‘. ?
Surely what has happened is that this was a step too close to the war between Russia and America ? Yet coverage ? Nah .
By the way – I don’t see this as just an armchair warrior issue – it’s about our own lives ….
Fed, there was just a little hint – during the JustRemainIn Webb interview with Dominic Raab – that the US President has been leaned upon by NATO Chief Stoltenburg to refuse US bases for the transfer of Polish MIGs to Ukraine. The motives may be pure. But on the other hand …..
As a Ukrainian Mayor chillingly said later on during TOADY, “We are already in WW3, it is just a decision of when you join in.”
A cursory examination of the area around Ukraine, shows that Ukraine is surrounded on the north, east and south. Russia has a formidable air force. Its not Iraq or Afghanistan.
But it doesn’t have to use its forward air bases in Russia. Russia has lots of surface to air missiles. They can site them all over and around Ukraine, then sit back and watch NATO planes from Germany and the UK trying to dodge multiple missiles locked on them, as they try try to enforce a “No Fly Zone”.
Moreover as Russia claims Ukraine is a historic part of Russia, it will give them justification that they have been attacked by NATO, and up the ante. We cant play that bluff poker with them. We will blink.
Hasn’t NATO been humiliated enough by the Taleban. Persons like Blinken and Kamala Harris are like children in a nursery school. They not only appear that way, but think and speak that way.
As for bercow – I know it’s strange but I see echoes of jimmy saville in this case ( I know the degree of harm/victim is of a different order ) ….
But look at the similarities
– a larger than live ‘character ‘
Popular ( with some )
Everyone knew there was an ‘issue ‘
Allowed to get away with it
But then after too long – the truth comes out
The difference is that bercow is still alive and claiming that £500 k ?pension …. As well as ranting – just like the liar and bully he is found to be …
Fed up
Isn’t it as simple as he was an avowed Remainer and so it suited the interests of other Remainers to ignore the accusations and look the other way?
Thus he was allowed to get away with it in perpetuity.
Yes. As he now seems to have been abandoned by the Remainer elite , well he ought to be, perhaps he could be persuaded , bribed, threatened , into revealing the machinations of that elite in trying to thwart Brexit.
John Campbell is rightly angry that the vaccine that was pushed to the extent of compulsion, is not that great a vaccine, but is likely to have done harm then good
Its strange that the BBC fact checked John Campbell but has not said a word on the Pfizer documents.
What a travesty that a drug company has had to be forced to release safety documents by court order.
As the government and media that was responsible for pushing the vaccine and not Pfizer, one can expect a complete coverup of this deadly fiasco.
Berciw popular? Maybe with Remoaners and the BBC.
What he did as Speaker was to try and thwart the result of a democratic vote. He was supposed to be unbiased as Speaker but travelled the same path as the BBC.
New EU Directive BBC Programme Labels – for a new transparent and accountable and gender fair BBC
“I, Jeremy Vine, cost the public £750K* per year which is the equivalent to 21.5 nurses on £35K, declare that I have no other incomes derived from my broadcasting at the BBC. I have declared all my expenses and registered all gifts on the BBC expenses website. I, Jeremy Vine on this 30 minutes of show, with production time of 2 hours at an hourly rate of £1153 cost you the public £2884*. This does not include the studio and team wages. All monies I make from my ‘BBC Brand’ go back into the BBC. I follow the BBC guidelines – not giving my opinion on subjects that I know little about on twitter, facebook. If I do give an opinion then they are 100% in agreement with the BBC and have been approved by the BBC at time of publishing. Please note that reading out this EU compliant notice just cost you, the public enforced to pay my wages under threat of prison, a total of £76*.”
* hourly rate is rough calculation, without knowing Jeremy Vines full wage it will be hard to workout. Figures are for illustrative purposes only. They may go up or down depending gender or TV Tax, but are NOT linked to the talent market.
Yes he was popular WITH SOME – like the BBC – I watched far too much of the traitor parliament with that monster in charge of it and witnessed his daily misconduct .
It’s ironic that that conduct isn’t that which is being punished – it is his mistreatment of his own staff …
Bercow served as MP for 23 years and Speaker for 9, elected to both multiple times. By the conventions of public life that should make him eligible for a Parliamentary pass and a peerage, whatever his behaviour – just look at the others enjoying these perks.
Everyone needs to realise there is a difference between ‘populism’ and ‘popularism’. In the context of democracy we should say the latter.
I think that page is wrong
Oxford dictionary : populism : In politics, populism refers to a range of approaches which emphasise the role of “the people” and often juxtapose this group against “the elite”.
Another gives a second definition
“in global politics, populism is often used to refer to a movement in which an “outsider” or anti-establishment figure tries to capture power by appealing directly to the masses. ”
Cambridge dictionary : political ideas and activities that are intended to get the support of ordinary people by giving them what they want:
popularism : a word that is not even on the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary nor the Cambridge dictionary
In Italian Politics there is a word Popolarismo, which I think means : for the good of the common man.
Ultimately common use defines what a word is ..and both spellings seem the same concept to most people I guess.
Watching the refugees in Ukraine it strikes me how many of them are completely unprepared trying to carry suitcases wearing inappropriate footwear coats and other clothing.
They knew this was coming at them for months and yet they did nothing, and a pair of hiking boots doesn’t have to that expensive, nor a large backpack either.
I’m seeing this now in the UK, people who are wilfully burying their heads in the sand over what is coming, price rises fuel shortages, food chortages, inflation etc etc. The attitude of when and if it comes I’ll deal with it means they are almost always going to be caught ill prepared when it finally does come, and this time it might be life changing.
Decades of decadence and luxury living with the state doing everything for them has left them incapable of dealing with real life.
So for those people reading this, make sure you have at least some decent basic preparation, a good pair of boots it you have to walk and a backpack to carry your essentials in. If society breaks down and gangs begin scavenging for food your home might not be a safe place any more and the veneer of civilisation is a thin one. Hoardes of migrants the fantasyland politicians have brought in will have no compunction about killing you and yours to get food.
Then there is the food shortages and a few well chosen items might help you survive where others don’t. Items such as dried pasta, white rice, instant mash might not be exciting but will give a full belly which is infinitely better than an empty one.
If the power does go out be careful of showing you have lights so go in the back of the property where it’s less visible.
I bought one of these:
which runs on a few twigs, and can boil 1.5 litres of water in 10 minutes, and managed to boil three times off one fire. You can also cook on it while the water is boiling.
Just spending a few pounds now could mean the difference between life and death, and in most cases you will use the food and the kit anyway!
Thoughtful – strangely enough I’ve done the same as you . I used to do a lot of outdoor stuff so I’ve got the kit ready anyway – but the least I would advise is batteries – butane gas and stove – bottled water – candles and matches …. I’ve been topping up .
Least worse case is a lengthy power cut caused by Russian revenge hacking …. At least the days are getting longer…
Yes the batteries, we bought a small solar charger to recharge power banks which can charge mobiles, radios, lanterns etc, but living in Britain there’s no guarantee of getting enough Sun.
The Russian revenge hacking I think you really need to be concerned about is on banking and ATMs when the only things shops would be able to accept would be cash, so having enough of that to hand is also important.
Definitely try and get a few quid out of the ATMs now.
Our freezers are still full from well before the first lockdown ferchrissakes, and pasta and rice is still in huge jars here and there. The breadmix may be a bit old, but then so am I!
Why thickheads try and wait to be victims after the showdown is beyond me, but as said by friends above, that’s the mentality of dimbos.
Just a thought, a few more gas cylinders for the camping stove won’t go amiss…
RiC, the larger supermarkets possibly have reserve generators, mostly because a power cut would cause immense loss of food and other products from chiller or frozen cabinets.
Me too. Bought a Scooter, small tent etc. Researched areas from London to go: i.e: woods & forests. My neighbour thinks I a little crazy to be camping in short test runs at this time of year, but I’d rather have something sorted just in case.
Like u I thought that about them. I saw 1 sleeping bag in footage of hundred of people.
It’s a good post that 5 years ago people wd have called u a nut job.
It is crazy how so many of those YouTube conspiracy theories turned out or are turning out true.
This episode has led me to rethink me life. I bet some of them did prep for this and are either long gone or living in the woods as I wd do if I were them until things quieten down.
“Hoardes of migrants the fantasyland politicians have brought in will have no compunction about killing you and yours to get food.”
A confession. I worked closely with a colleague of Ukrainian descent for over 10 years. He was a qualified accountant and totally integrated with among other things being a strong supporter of his local football team, currently high up in the Vanarama National League.
The only reason you could guess he was Ukrainian was his surname and because he would sometimes say he went to the Ukrainian club in his home town from time to time.
He occasionally went back to to Ukraine to see his family. I’m sure he would offer them living space in his house over here.
Is it really beyond the wit of the Home Office to devise a scheme whereby someone like him would personally vouch for his family members who could be given a quick temporary visa for say 6 months, during which they could prove themselves by bio testing?
The differential between the open door policy for cross channel chancers (aka vulnerable under 30 year old men with beards ‘fleeing persecution’) as compared with the plight of Ukrainians being bombed out of their homes should not be too difficult to spot.
“Many of those stuck in the area are from Nigeria, while others are from South Africa, Ghana, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Ireland, India and Turkey.”
Indeed not & as hotel rooms are now scarce in the UK NGOs & Wokes face a dilemma🙄
Will they whore themselves out to spineless men who abandoned their women & children to plunder us or welcome women & kids who've been sent to safety while their kin fight the Russian war machine?
— LittleBoats 🇬🇧NI🏴🏴En (@LittleBoats2020) March 9, 2022
The suicide bomber who killed 22 people at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester last year had been rescued from the Libyan civil war by the Royal Navy. Salman Abedi detonated a home-made bomb in the foyer of the Manchester Arena on 22 May 2017 as concert-goers, many of them children, were leaving the venue.31 Jul 2018
Zeph, that’s true, and though it would seem obvious to us, the taxi channel pick-ups /immigration staff are somewhat half witted, and would take it as read where they’re from if dressed head to toe in blue and yellow.
A child just had an awesome weekend in Scotland having travelled up with Uni mates en masse the length of the country. Literally a United Nations.
I agree with you. Actually engineers, doctors, etc.
But one point I would make is the media created distinctions when it suits. All who present to our shores are of course either moppets of Flea, or primary school level combat vets.
Agreed those presented are across the board historically less than the A team, but they are career grunts of questionable ability and commitment, overseen by career civil servants of dubious political impartiality, advising brief tenure elected diversity morons.
Not a recipe for coherent policy or strategic enactment.
Especially when all are scared of a junior media gob with a mic and a celebrity shedding tears for effect.
The top tiers can rest easier once their media sponsors get them in and rub noses the way all PPE grads love.
TOADY Watch #1 – “It’s not true, I tell you, it’s not true!” Maj. Denis Bloodnok, late of the 4th Mounted Cashiered
‘The first casualty of war is truth’ is often said about war zones and has been said and written of the miserable conflict in Ukraine. BBC News/Continuity are this morning proving that wrong again. The first casualty of war is pronunciation. Each of the main News on the hour and the bulletins on the half-hour had the BBC reader speak of ‘Churrn Nobble’ where-ever that is.
How hard is it to say ‘Cheernobill’ ?
Maj. Denis Bloodnok, late of the 4th Mounted Cashiered, would be very happy, after consuming a large restaurant meal, to hear the waiter say “Cheernobill”.
“I say! That’s awfully decent of you. Thanks. May I have another brandy? Better make it a double, y’ know. It’s hell in there or it will be when I get back to my quarters!”
Wanted: multilingual former soldiers willing to covertly head into Ukraine for the handsome sum of up to $2,000 (£1,523) per day – plus bonus – to help rescue families from an increasingly grim conflict.
It sounds ripped from the script of an action movie, but the job advert is real – taken from an employment website, Silent Professionals, for those working in the private military and security industry.
Does NHS have diversity management?
Image result for nhs diversity manager
This was illustrated perfectly when screenshots of job adverts for equality, diversity and inclusion managers in the NHS went viral this week. Some of these diversity roles pay over £75,000 per year – a far healthier salary than junior doctors or most nurses are taking home.1 Sept 2021
Just had a message from my bank so badly phrased I thought it was a phish. Took ages to check.
I’d be well cautious at such lures.
Charities often have a poor history looking after their own, and I doubt various modern ordnance at range is any better now on IFF in a hairy exchange. Especially if carrying anything tubular.
Seeing as ‘Diversity’ doesn’t produce anything of any value it should be listed as a benefit in kind for managers who should be taxed on it accordingly.
That way it doesn’t cost the taxpayer and if the nutters really want their political anti white race haters they can fund it out of their own pockets.
I was sat next to an ex-SAS mercenary on a flight from Dubai once and who was on his way home from Syria. He said he was paid by our MOD when we officially didn’t have soldiers in there.
He had some eye-opening things to say about what went on. Considering recent comments on here I won’t repeat any of them as I will no doubt be insulted again if someone doesn’t like it.
Suffice to say I suspect there are a lot of mercenaries in Ukraine already.
I am noticing when a Vox is popped and when it is people who are saying referred to.
A CNN reporter says people are "ok paying higher prices if it means holding Russia accountable for what they are doing in Ukraine."
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) March 9, 2022
Lot of peroxide there. Hope supplies hold. Still Katty is back here now, and Lurch just needs Toenails polish.
Someone I know who is partnered with a Ukrainian in the UK is on a rescue mission for relatives. He is however very cynical about some of the motives of some refugees. He reckoned a lot of them are seeing the situation as a God given opportunity to move to the West especially the UK. In other words, economic migrants. I’m sure that there are many genuine cases but…………..
Agree, if possible only Ukranian citizens should be allowed to enter those countries that have opened their doors. However I have to add, just how many people ( 5 million so expected) can those countries including ours UK, take? Where will they be housed? Will the services /Heat, Light and Sanitation be a able to cope with so vast a number? Having gained entry into a country, what will these people be able to offer? Will they get a job and pay taxes? Or will those in this country simply rest on the back of our Social Welfare System. I don’t apologise for mentioning these issues but they are real and will need to be addressed. Being a babe in arms in 1942, I can just about remember being inside my grandparents’s Anderson Shelter. The Brits under constant fire and bombardment from the German planes could not flee to another country, they had to stay and bear it, and be prepared to fight if and when. Of course it was a total European War, nevertheless the same issues are appearing daily-Putin won’t stop, he will stride on as long he has the Military under his control-the next country Putin sees as his is Poland, then Estonia, Lativia, Lithuania. Hopeflully he will be stretched too far-what will China do? Wait in the wings to catch the pieces as they drop into their lap. Goodbye Russia.
I seem to recall “migrants “ being on the Belarusian border with Poland in December last year. Slightly suspicious that we see on the Ukrainian border with Poland in news clips several “refugees “ with darker skin tones. Call me Mrs Cynical but is it possible they’ve been bussed in a detour ?
Once a very well run country when Rhodesia, the blacks as ever have wrecked it. It appears in every African country where the government control is under a black regeme it fails, through corruption and ignorance. I have seen it first hand.
“First AI War: China sets world-leading AI supercomputers to ‘War Games’ mode
Beijing announced today that it will direct its AI runtime from Tianhe-3 supercomputer to strategic forecasting of the war in the Ukraine.
The Tianhe-3 system, the world’s fastest, is located in the National Supercomputer Center in Guangzhou, China, and is rated 1300 PFLOPS with 4,000+ CPU’s.
Using real-time streamed data from troops, satellites and the Internet, China will use the supercomputer to model the strategic plans of its ally, Russia.
The big step up in modern warfare will be that the computer knows best. Current AI integration into Western armed forces has been paled in comparison to Chinese efforts with the West still maintaining authority over the AI.
Whilst complete reliance is not possible or advisable at the moment, to the Chinese the results have been breathtaking and quite literally ineffable.
There is fear now is that the model will be developed to include others countries and then the rest of Earth.”
If it is anything like the two made in China external hard drives I have that have both failed, losing years of photos then “complete reliance” is far from certain.
Meng Xiangfei, a director at the National Supercomputer Center at Tianjin, told the China Daily newspaper that his institute aims to have a prototype of its Tianhe-3 ready by 2018. For that they will need breakthroughs in high-performance processors. But Meng is confident.
If they succeed, Tianhe-3 will be 10 times faster than the current fastest supercomputer in the world, the Sunway TaihuLight.
I am told that the Blue Labour Tories have had something of a rebellion agains Boris and his nut nut digging his heels in over fracking, and that two new licences have been granted as a result.
It’s not in the news media, but it clear that fantasyland Boris is not going to do anything substantive to stop the lights going out, nor price rises and heating being unaffordable.
He has stated that he is going to allow a new round of oil and gas exploration licences in the North Sea, but how long are they going to take to come on line even if they do discover viable deposits.
Again there is no movement in his ridiculous damaging unachievable net zero commitment and this inaction is going to lead directly to the deaths of many people come the Winter.
May I ask one more question of a more general character? Most of us feel that if there is a war it will be so destructive that the very substance of our civilisation, let alone our democracy, is likely to be destroyed. Clearly the great object is to prevent war. Is it possible in your view still to regard these military preparations, not as the acceptance of inevitable war, but merely as a necessary complement of a policy which may keep the peace?
Winston Churchill
I fear that failure to rearm Britain is bound to lead to war. Had we strengthened our defences earlier, the arms race need never have arisen. We should have come to a settlement with Germany while she was still disarmed. I think it is still possible, with a strong Britain and France, to preserve the peace of Europe.
To say that an arms race always leads to war seems to me to be putting the cart before the horse. A government resolved to attain ends detrimental to its neighbours, which does not shrink from the possibility of war, makes preparations for war, its neighbours take defensive action, and you say an arms race is beginning. But this is the symptom of the intention of one government to challenge or destroy its neighbours, not the cause of the conflict. The pace is set by the potential aggressor, and, failing collective action by the rest of the world to resist him, the alternatives are an arms race or surrender. War is very terrible, but stirs a proud people. There have been periods in our history when we have given way for a long time, but a new and formidable mood arises . . .
It should be added that Winston Churchill was ejected from the cowardly useless incompetent Tory party because they said he was a warmonger.
Don’t forget that when he gave his now famous and celebrated stirring we shall never surrender speech to the House of Commons, the cowardly useless incompetent Tories sat there in silence with faces like slapped arses because they absolutely did want to surrender and that couldn’t come quickly enough for them.
They were so appallingly cowardly that Lady Clementine Churchill commented about their behaviour in her diary and despaired her husband would never be able to get them to back him.
Eventually of course they had little choice other than to resign in disgrace.
I never heard that Churchill was ejected from the Tory party
When was that ?
“On 31 May 1904, he crossed the floor, defecting from the Conservatives to sit as a member of the Liberal Party in the House of Commons.”
“Ideologically an economic liberal and imperialist, he was for most of his career a member of the Conservative Party, which he led from 1940 to 1955. He was a member of the Liberal Party from 1904 to 1924.”
There are some people like BBC employees who think that Britain should be a “leader ” in any number of world affairs , and the same people want Britain to have “influence” or “soft power ” .
Well Beeboids , we can only do that if we are a rich powerful nation , so if you want Britain to strut the world stage you have to advocate that The Powers That Be do a proper job and look after Britain`s interests first so we are the powerful nation that you`re named after .
Beeboids are all ex uni’s and get their info from mobile phones. In reality they know nothing. Never experienced hardship, – its the same when listening to idiot journalists with their puerile questioning. Sadly any grown ups are long retired.
EastEnders’ new £87million set is FINALLY complete after five years of work, COVID-19 complications and backlash over soaring costs – and it could even feature a mosque next to the Prince Albert boozer!
Unlike the BBC – the spectator has an entertaining piece on the Johnny Berkow fan club and what they have said about him . … the usual dodgy types – corbyn linaker lammy .. all singing the praisrs of the serial liar / bully ..,
… im pretty sure the BBC will give him a job – if RT was rolling he could join the likes of salmond and galloway on it …
BBC struggling to crap on this Government whilst Ukraine conflict is happening. As such I’ve noticed Partygate is rearing its ugly head again on BBC website….
Will be interesting whether the party thing or bercow gets a mention at PMQs …. I reckon not on both counts – lots of outpouring of sincerity over Ukraine and beating the Home Office for its ‘ usual incompetence …
I was wondering how long it would be before some woke moron linked Ukraine to racism.
Sure enough, step forward Joy Reid of MSNBC, who claims the huge outpouring of support is due to Ukrainians being white, and no-one would care if they were brown or black.
At the same time, people with albinism have also been ostracised and even killed for exactly the opposite reason, because they are presumed to be cursed and bring bad luck. The persecutions of people with albinism take place mostly in Sub-Saharan African communities, especially among East Africans.
“He told his followers that the Russians forces occupying the city had now taken control of the city’s communications network, so they needed to be wary of what they heard on TV and the radio.”
An interview with Lord Sumption about civil liberties contained statistics which were not challenged at the time.
He said that ‘the virus has not killed over 100,000 people’ and that a large number have died with Covid but not of it.
In England and Wales more than 120,000 death certificates have recorded Covid-19 as an underlying cause of death according to figures collated by the Office for National Statistics (ONS).
Lord Sumption said that for older people, ‘at the age which they had reached, they would probably have died within a year’ anyway.
Life expectancy before the pandemic for an 80 year old was 9 years for a man and 10 years for a woman.
Lord Sumption said that ‘it’s a matter of hundreds and not thousands’ of deaths of people who were not in highly vulnerable groups with serious comorbidities on their death certificate.
By the end of March 2021 the ONS says almost 16,000 deaths in England & Wales had been caused by Covid in cases where there were no other underlying conditions recorded on the death certificate.
Debs, a doctor can put pretty much anything on a Death Certificate. I know of a funeral that was delayed because a Doctor correctly but not legally in the view of the Crematorium had put the cause of death as “old age.”
I am unhappy with the BBC’s output and would like to stop funding Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker’s wages who has raced ahead to the top of the BBC made up gender pay gap.
a) Please let me know how I can stop paying the BBC via the TV Tax (under threat of prosecution) but still use SKY TV.
b) Can you create a BBC programme to tell the public how they can stop funding you.
c) Can I get a reduction for my BBC TV Tax due to having to help improve your News Service with the complaints below?
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4963895-3HKGDN: Tommy Robinson: Are you reporting on him?.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
“The Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister, the Home Secretary are directly descended from refugees. We understand how much refugees have to give in this country, and we understand how much this country has to gain from welcoming refugees…”
About us
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.
The suicide bomber who killed 22 people at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester last year had been rescued from the Libyan civil war by the Royal Navy. Salman Abedi detonated a home-made bomb in the foyer of the Manchester Arena on 22 May 2017 as concert-goers, many of them children, were leaving the venue.31 Jul 2018
“…and don’t you worry. It’s coming to a place near you…we cannot have state subsidized preachers (Mayors,UK Security MP, Religious guidance)…give it up
(Islam) or give it to your deadliest enemy and pay for the rope that will choke you.“
Home Office, UK Security … Islamist …. Sajid Javid.
London Mayor, UK Prosperity … Islamist … Sadiq Khan.
CEO of Bernados, UK Children … Islamist .. Javed Khan.
Prime Minister’s Special Envoy on Freedom of Religion or Belief … Islamist … Lord Ahmed.
BBC religion and ethics commissioning … Islamist … Fatima Salaria
I see that they have located Shackleton’s lost ship that sank over 110 years ago, they chartered a South African ice breaker to break through the ice to enable them to get a sub down. Well done.
Umm the BBC (£1.78 LTR) would have us believe that Climate Change is upon us so I ask:
1. The ship obviously sailed and then got stuck as the ice encroached sooooo 110 years ago you could sail to the point where it got trapped, Yes ?
2. Now obviously you need a ice breaker to get to the same point. Im making the presumption here that they sailed in the antartic summer to enable them to dive or break through ice.
3. So if anything the ice is getting thicker at this point in the antartic summer contrary to what climate alarmist (£1.78 ltr) would have us belive.
So basically the BBC article contradicts what they want us to belive …………
Joint press release from Luton, Bradford and Rotherham:
ISIS praises Ukraine war as ‘crusaders against crusaders’ and says the invasion was an ‘amusing punishment… upon them for their disbelief in God Almighty’
The terror group said in an editorial the war is a ‘divine punishment’ for the West
They refused to pick a side, calling for destruction and global chaos
Nicola Sturgeon says sorry to WITCHES: First Minister issues formal apology to women who ‘suffered injustice driven by misogyny’ when they were burned at the stake 400 years ago
Labour’s David Lammy insists he is NOT embarrassed over previously calling John Bercow an ‘inter-galactic hero’ after damning independent inquiry found the former Commons Speaker was a ‘serial bully’ and a liar
Independent inquiry yesterday found John Bercow to be a ‘serial bully’ and a liar
Former Commons Speaker rejected report’s conclusions, refused to apologise
David Lammy previously described Mr Bercow as an ‘intergalactic hero’ in 2019
He said he was not embarrassed by the remark and believes it was not a mistake
His worst offence was the manipulation of Parliament in collusion with the remainers, whose conduct was also disgraceful. Is that listed among his other misdemeanours?
I hope this is treated as a war crime or high treason (levying war against the sovereign and adhering to the sovereign’s enemies, giving them aid or comfort)
Extinction Rebellion announces plans to block major UK oil refineries: Eco-mob will stage mass protests at sites in April and attempt to bring London to a standstill AGAIN
Treason Act 1351 (as amended – last amended by the Succession to the Crown Act 2013):
compassing the death of the sovereign, or of the king’s wife (but not a ruling queen’s husband),[a] or the sovereign’s eldest child and heir
violating the king’s wife, or the sovereign’s eldest unmarried daughter, or the sovereign’s eldest son’s wife (only if the eldest son is also heir to the throne)
levying war against the sovereign in the realm
adhering to the sovereign’s enemies, giving them aid and comfort, in the realm or elsewhere
killing the King’s Chancellor, Treasurer (an office long in commission) or Justices
Treason Act 1702 and Treason Act (Ireland) 1703:
attempting to hinder the succession to the throne under the Bill of Rights 1689 and the Act of Settlement 1701
Treason Act 1708:
killing the Lords of Session or Lords of Justiciary in Scotland
No party stuff ( understandable ) but no Berkow questions either . Considering there were a number of MPs who were is victims ‘ supporters I am surprised silence prevailed .
I suppose we will get another dose of Berkow at the weekend – he hasn’t gonna way you know ….
As for PMQs – dismal on cost of living – dismal on real Ukrainian refugees – just floundering ….
The guy hasn’t got a sense of humor. When another MP accidently reversed into Bercow’s car he said he was not happy, the other MP then retorted well which one of the seven dwarf’s are you then.
The video below is a balanced and nuanced discussion on the subject of Ukraine by a panel who know their stuff.
Among many other topics, they consider the phenomenon of some on the right supporting or excusing Putin.
While acknowledging the mistakes of the EU and NATO, they argue that Putin has long had a game plan of recreating a Russian Empire, that crucially would include Ukraine and particularly Kiev which he sees as the birthplace of Mother Russia.
You can oppose Putin without siding with the woke left wing or the liberal EU and all it stands for.
Conversely, rejecting the liberal decadent West does not put one in the same camp as Putin.
The historical background to the conflict is long and complex, but now is the time for a decisive, unambiguous response.
And the very week of the invasion, MI5 and MI6 officers were being told to to think about their ‘white privilege’, declare their pronouns… and avoid using words such as ‘grip’ and ‘strong’.
Yes I was going to mention that.
Stereotyping a country as all bad is a wrong thing
Yet I noticed a few people like TR and DV seem to be posting things which are pro-Putin
As if my enemies enemy must be my friend.
Both the average Russian and average Ukrainian have a lot in common with the average European, average British man.
East Ukrainian leader may have done 1 o 2 bad things in the past
but Putin has done loads of Bad things sent assassins to UK, who killed British people by accident, shot down a KLM airliner killing lots of Dutch, invaded countries , used cluster weapons.
Appeasing him by buying a bit of oil/gas off him was a reasonable tactic, but becoming dependent on his was a bad idea.
Thanks. As you say an excellent discussion and chaired by the beautiful Emma to boot.
I must say though that the idea that the Ukrainian war might wake everyone up and consign Wokism to the dustbin of history is in my view fanciful. I’m afraid I share Emma’s pessimism . Our institutions are rotten past the point of no return. Our country now has millions of voters who don’t share the values which we nearly all shared until thirty years ago. This is no longer Lady Thatcher’s Britain of 1990 .
To explain why the Ukrainian’s are fighting so valiantly the woke MSM says that it is because they are fighting for the values of the liberal west, eg, human rights, democracy, a rules based society, LGBT…., etc etc. when of course it’s much more old fashioned and visceral than that, it’s because of blood and soil, in short patriotism, a dirty word to the Woke. Dirty because only the despised Somewheres can such attachment to people and place. Nowhere’s see this as very last century and out of place with their modern world view.
David Starkey puts this brilliantly in his latest pod cast. But the Woke MSM and leaders of our institutions will never agree to this view. If they did it would show that they have been comprehensively wrong about everything for thirty years. The Labour Party and the pale pink Tories would have to ditch everything that they have stood for . The BBC and the civil service would have to eat humble pie at every meal for a decade.
It simply won’t happen. A narrative for the Ukrainian war will be constructed by the MSM which enhances Wokism rather than demolishes it. Just as Covid did , the war and the tens of thousand of dead Russians and Ukrainians will be used to push Wokism further down our throats.
In order to reverse the tide of Wokism tens of thousands of apparatchiks who hold the levers of power in this country would need to be removed from their posts and there is no mechanism which can bring that about.
@Doublethinker – Yes, Emma is hot, but I believe mentioning that now constitutes a micro-aggression, possibly a thought crime, so I’m not going to say it.
My one very mild criticism is that she sometimes jumps in and doesn’t allow the speaker to finish his thought.
His speeches are full of bluster, loud, as if louder would make what he says believable and true. I think he’s the most appalling politician inv he Commons.
The BBC seems to give him lots of airtime.
The BBC are enjoying blaming the Conservatives for not taking in enough Ukrainian refugees fast enough.
They fail to mention that it’s because of activists like themselves (they are activists posing as journalists) that our hotels are already full of bogus asylum seekers.
And, incidentally, Ukrainians would make a real contribution to this country, judging by other Eastern Europeans such as the Poles, who integrate and adapt rather than endlessly moaning about discrimination and demanding handouts.
Jack Straw: Labour made mistake letting Poles in early
Former home secretary says number and impact of migrants from eastern Europe far exceeded predictions
Jack Straw
Jack Straw has said Labour got it wrong on immigration from new EU countries in eastern Europe. Photograph: Stefan Wermuth/Reuters
Press Association
Wed 13 Nov 2013 06.14
Jack Straw and the rest of his Labour cronies at the time (Brown, Blair, etc.), claimed that their polices regarding the Accession Countries to the EU would only mean an extra 13,000 immigrants, at worst, of poor immigrants from Poland and Romania each year, by 2010. Almost every one of the rest of the EU governments wisely backed off ,at a huge rate of knots, from any policies bearing even a minute resemblance to those of the UK.
The result…. roughly a quarter of a million immigrants from accession states per year was reached in 2010…. roughly 20 times the Labour Party’s predicted annual level.
Welcome to the Diane Abbott school of Advanced Arithmetic (I would never, ever, deign to call what she purports to do as mathematics).
I do recall, early in the Coronavirus Pandemic, when there was a major panic about whether we were ordering/buying PPE equipment fast enough, the Labour Party and all of the other opposition parties (ably abetted by the BBC, natch), screaming from the rooftops that we needed to get on with it, cancel any vetting processes to weed out any potentially dodgy suppliers, “let’s worry about this later”, it’ll all be OK, guv, honestly….” and so on – but whatever, let’s beat up the government on this issue.
So what happened ?
Well, it’s not that very long ago that Labour, and all of the other opposition parties (ably abetted by the BBC, natch) were very vociferous in beating up the government regarding the level of fraud discovered in the supply processes for PPE, etc., etc.
Precisely the same happened with all of the vetting that was required for companies benefitting from furlough schemes, company loans, benefits and financial support from the government….. “get the money out – never mind the consequences….. until the inevitable consequences happened – then let’s blast the government… ably abetted by the BBC, natch.
Now, what do we have….. Labour (and all of the other opposition parties), ably abetted by the BBC, natch, screaming at the government to relax all the rules, don’t vet migrants from Ukraine, never mind whether they have relatives here to help them….. just get them in – waive all the rules, doesn’t matter if a few thousand are from Africa, or from other potentially serious enemies, just open the floodgates….
Well, we all remember what happened to Germany….. or do we ?
And I’d probably be willing to bet the farm on what will be happening in a few months’ time…ably abetted by the BBC, naturally !
What I have witnessed today on various news outlets with regards to whats happening in Ukraine is depravity of the highest level… What person thinks its ok to bomb a maternity hospital burying children…
This barbarity has to stop we can no longer let this continue, regardless..
Please remember that Putin has nuclear weapons which can kill us all. I’m afraid that is a fact which cannot be ignored and it is in everyone’s interests , even the Ukrainians, that a way for him to end the war without too much loss of face must be found . I know that it’s rewarding a bully who has committed terrible acts but when that bully could blow us all to kingdom come it’s the reality.
is this the same MSM outlets that have lied about the
kung flu for 2 years
trump for 5 years
gas attacks in syria
iraqis throwing babies out of windows in kuwait
and on and on
I notice, courtesy of Guido, that a poll of Ukrainians has placed Boris second after Zelenskyy (+79%), at a rating of +50%, Biden at +25% and Scholtz, for instance, at +23% (Putin is at -86%).
In addition, trhe UK is rated at +56%, as the mosty popular ally, compared to the EU at +42%, the EU at +33% and NATO at -17%.
Now, this is possibly not an exhaustive list of all the players, and their popularity…but….
….given the constant barrage of criticism from the BBC about the UK and its governments performance in this whole story, how likely is it, do you think, that this poll will appear up there in the headlines in tomorrow’s BBC Radio 4 ‘Today’ programme ?
….the chances of anything from Guido Fawkes appearing on Radio 4’s today program has as much chance as a one legged man winning an arse kicking competition…
Once again the left liberal woke scum try to hijack a tragedy for their own twisted agenda
CBS’ Gayle King contrasts treatment of Ukrainian refugees to migrants at US border: ‘Not treated this well’
King asked guest Dave Miliband, president of the International Rescue Committee, why people coming from El Salvador and Honduras to the U.S. weren’t welcomed or “received very well” as the Ukrainians appear to have been.
A big thank you for all your kind comments about my reports from the Poland-Ukraine border. I was on the ground reporting live from the 26 February for ten consecutive days. I'm now back in the UK & will be anchoring @BBCNews from Thu evening. I'll also post some of my reports.
Local news
A clip of Saint Diana Johnson their favourite Labour MP was shown on both ITV and BBC local news.
“Blah blah we care bout Ukrainian refugees”
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
DeborahMar 9, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Eddy, John Campbell has a PhD in nursing. My mistake if I led people here to think he is a…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I had more than a cold the Astra Zenenca vaccine crippled me for months. Every movement was agony. There was…
The repeatedly and extensively edition
Or, call it keeping it neutral
What’s the correct exclaimation… should it be a “Der…?” Or perhaps the transatlantic Homeric (as in father of Bart, and in so many ways cartoonish, Homer Simpson-esque) “Doh!”
‘Will the Ukraine war derail the green energy transition?‘ (FT Big Read)
‘Johnson considers lifting franking ban to ease reliance on Putin’s oil‘ (Telegraph) – that’s Boris Johnson, Carrie’s main squeeze.
‘We could hardly have made a bigger mess of our energy policy‘ – that’s Philip Johnston, assistant editor and lead writer for the Telegraph. If only more cool heads in our media had seen reality and spoken out louder sooner.
Speaking of speaking for a living and supposedly keeping one’s self neutral: ‘Shaming of Bercow. Ex-Speaker is exposed as a “serial bully” and “serial liar” by official report and BANNED from Parliament for life‘ (Daily Mail) – the man was clearly out of order, order! To coin a phrase so dear to his EU-loving heart.
Be very careful of the figures you claim as heroes. That would seem to be the moral to take from the tale of the poison dwarf.
‘John Bercow suspended from the Labour Party after damning bullying report… “repeatedly and extensively” bullied House of Commons staff‘ (Daily Mirror)
To think, it seems like just the other day…
‘John Bercow defects to Labour with withering attack on Johnson… delivered an extraordinary broadside against Boris Johnson and the Conservative party as he announces he has switched his political allegiance to Labour… he regards today’s Conservative party as “reactionary, populist, nationalistic and sometimes even xenophobic”.‘ (Guardian June 2021)
Poor old Bercow – his membership of the Labour Party lasted about as long as many people’s New Year’s resolution gym memberships. He now joins a rather exclusive club of odd balls officially kicked out of that very broad church which is the Labour Party. Jeremy Corbyn is an intermittent semi associate of that club…
‘Jeremy Corbyn booted out of Labour parliamentary party despite having membership suspension lifted‘ (The Herald – formerly the Glasgow Herald November 2020)
As Groucho Marx famously quipped: “I don’t want to belong to any club that would accept me as one of its members.”
For those hereabouts who want something on our on-going diplomatic and foreign policy fiasco which is the Ukraine war…
‘Sweden’s prime minister ruled out applying for NATO membership, saying it would destabilise northern Europe‘ (FT)
You know, like talk of Ukraine joining NATO completely destabilised eastern Europe.
Very sensible, these Swedes. They keep a cool head.
‘How Sweden’s lockdown gamble paid off: Nation has suffered fewer coronavirus deaths than most of Europe and has a lower infection rate‘ (Daily Mail November 2021)
And finally… I was first… that’s a first.
The pentagon has pulled out of the deal to enable Poland to send fighter planes to Ukraine – 2 days after the US Secretary of State approved it in a TV interview ( see the tucker Carlson piece ) .
So what ? Well – if the msm was ‘neutral ‘ it would ask ‘what the hell is Biden/ Obama doing’?
But this question isn’t asked . Why ? Could it be that the msm will not allow the Biden administration to be criticised because it is ‘approved ‘. ?
Surely what has happened is that this was a step too close to the war between Russia and America ? Yet coverage ? Nah .
By the way – I don’t see this as just an armchair warrior issue – it’s about our own lives ….
Fed, there was just a little hint – during the JustRemainIn Webb interview with Dominic Raab – that the US President has been leaned upon by NATO Chief Stoltenburg to refuse US bases for the transfer of Polish MIGs to Ukraine. The motives may be pure. But on the other hand …..
As a Ukrainian Mayor chillingly said later on during TOADY, “We are already in WW3, it is just a decision of when you join in.”
Not Ukrainian Mayor (may be former Mayor) but Ukrainian MP. Thanks to the Montacutie for the correction to my faulty memory.
A cursory examination of the area around Ukraine, shows that Ukraine is surrounded on the north, east and south. Russia has a formidable air force. Its not Iraq or Afghanistan.
But it doesn’t have to use its forward air bases in Russia. Russia has lots of surface to air missiles. They can site them all over and around Ukraine, then sit back and watch NATO planes from Germany and the UK trying to dodge multiple missiles locked on them, as they try try to enforce a “No Fly Zone”.
Moreover as Russia claims Ukraine is a historic part of Russia, it will give them justification that they have been attacked by NATO, and up the ante. We cant play that bluff poker with them. We will blink.
Hasn’t NATO been humiliated enough by the Taleban. Persons like Blinken and Kamala Harris are like children in a nursery school. They not only appear that way, but think and speak that way.
Heaven help us.
Asiseeit… congratulations on your firstness…
As for bercow – I know it’s strange but I see echoes of jimmy saville in this case ( I know the degree of harm/victim is of a different order ) ….
But look at the similarities
– a larger than live ‘character ‘
Popular ( with some )
Everyone knew there was an ‘issue ‘
Allowed to get away with it
But then after too long – the truth comes out
The difference is that bercow is still alive and claiming that £500 k ?pension …. As well as ranting – just like the liar and bully he is found to be …
Fed up
Isn’t it as simple as he was an avowed Remainer and so it suited the interests of other Remainers to ignore the accusations and look the other way?
Thus he was allowed to get away with it in perpetuity.
Yes. As he now seems to have been abandoned by the Remainer elite , well he ought to be, perhaps he could be persuaded , bribed, threatened , into revealing the machinations of that elite in trying to thwart Brexit.
John Campbell is rightly angry that the vaccine that was pushed to the extent of compulsion, is not that great a vaccine, but is likely to have done harm then good
Its strange that the BBC fact checked John Campbell but has not said a word on the Pfizer documents.
What a travesty that a drug company has had to be forced to release safety documents by court order.
As the government and media that was responsible for pushing the vaccine and not Pfizer, one can expect a complete coverup of this deadly fiasco.
Berciw popular? Maybe with Remoaners and the BBC.
What he did as Speaker was to try and thwart the result of a democratic vote. He was supposed to be unbiased as Speaker but travelled the same path as the BBC.
Popular with #criticswhosay too.
I could not loathe our media more for their devious efforts, and one more than most.
Anyone with a Ukranian passport ? Like criminals , idlers , chancers ?
Well its the BBC and our Gramscian stuffed Home Office so they probably think so .
“Anyone with a Ukranian passport” includes lots of under cover KGB people
Exactly, Stew, carrying supplies of a Novichok perhaps? Funny, the BBC made such a fuss of that Salisbury thing you would think they would remember.
A media golden age.
Africa’s migration policy?
Saudi migration policy?
India migration policy?
New EU Directive BBC Programme Labels – for a new transparent and accountable and gender fair BBC
“I, Jeremy Vine, cost the public £750K* per year which is the equivalent to 21.5 nurses on £35K, declare that I have no other incomes derived from my broadcasting at the BBC. I have declared all my expenses and registered all gifts on the BBC expenses website. I, Jeremy Vine on this 30 minutes of show, with production time of 2 hours at an hourly rate of £1153 cost you the public £2884*. This does not include the studio and team wages. All monies I make from my ‘BBC Brand’ go back into the BBC. I follow the BBC guidelines – not giving my opinion on subjects that I know little about on twitter, facebook. If I do give an opinion then they are 100% in agreement with the BBC and have been approved by the BBC at time of publishing. Please note that reading out this EU compliant notice just cost you, the public enforced to pay my wages under threat of prison, a total of £76*.”
* hourly rate is rough calculation, without knowing Jeremy Vines full wage it will be hard to workout. Figures are for illustrative purposes only. They may go up or down depending gender or TV Tax, but are NOT linked to the talent market.
And he can’t use Zoom because ?……. well, I suppose its a day out all expenses paid.
Oh how I look forward to those being conscripted…………………
Kings of cocaine: how the Albanian mafia seized control of the UK drugs trade
Yes he was popular WITH SOME – like the BBC – I watched far too much of the traitor parliament with that monster in charge of it and witnessed his daily misconduct .
It’s ironic that that conduct isn’t that which is being punished – it is his mistreatment of his own staff …
Certainly popular with media gobs.
Who seem oddly muted of late.
Brando needs to find more cake in Warsaw, pronto.
Beff and Groper fighting over star guests like Femi or Champion?
Next, Bunter, a bit from left field.
Tony Blair resigns as Middle East peace envoy
This article is more than 6 years old
Former British PM has written to UN chief to confirm resignation from job he took in 2007
Who’s Adam Boulton ???? 😉
Bouton’s tweet does echo the way people let Savile get away with stuff.
Why do Bercow and BBC types think Populism is wrong in a democracy ?
Everyone needs to realise there is a difference between ‘populism’ and ‘popularism’. In the context of democracy we should say the latter.
I think that page is wrong
Oxford dictionary : populism : In politics, populism refers to a range of approaches which emphasise the role of “the people” and often juxtapose this group against “the elite”.
Another gives a second definition
“in global politics, populism is often used to refer to a movement in which an “outsider” or anti-establishment figure tries to capture power by appealing directly to the masses. ”
Cambridge dictionary : political ideas and activities that are intended to get the support of ordinary people by giving them what they want:
popularism : a word that is not even on the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary nor the Cambridge dictionary
In Italian Politics there is a word Popolarismo, which I think means : for the good of the common man.
Ultimately common use defines what a word is ..and both spellings seem the same concept to most people I guess.
Nibor, you cannot get elected if you are ‘unpopulist’.
Labour discovered that over decades. A certain Lame Labour Leader may soon discover his populism has expired and he is out of a job.
Watching the refugees in Ukraine it strikes me how many of them are completely unprepared trying to carry suitcases wearing inappropriate footwear coats and other clothing.
They knew this was coming at them for months and yet they did nothing, and a pair of hiking boots doesn’t have to that expensive, nor a large backpack either.
I’m seeing this now in the UK, people who are wilfully burying their heads in the sand over what is coming, price rises fuel shortages, food chortages, inflation etc etc. The attitude of when and if it comes I’ll deal with it means they are almost always going to be caught ill prepared when it finally does come, and this time it might be life changing.
Decades of decadence and luxury living with the state doing everything for them has left them incapable of dealing with real life.
So for those people reading this, make sure you have at least some decent basic preparation, a good pair of boots it you have to walk and a backpack to carry your essentials in. If society breaks down and gangs begin scavenging for food your home might not be a safe place any more and the veneer of civilisation is a thin one. Hoardes of migrants the fantasyland politicians have brought in will have no compunction about killing you and yours to get food.
Then there is the food shortages and a few well chosen items might help you survive where others don’t. Items such as dried pasta, white rice, instant mash might not be exciting but will give a full belly which is infinitely better than an empty one.
If the power does go out be careful of showing you have lights so go in the back of the property where it’s less visible.
I bought one of these:
which runs on a few twigs, and can boil 1.5 litres of water in 10 minutes, and managed to boil three times off one fire. You can also cook on it while the water is boiling.
Just spending a few pounds now could mean the difference between life and death, and in most cases you will use the food and the kit anyway!
Thoughtful – strangely enough I’ve done the same as you . I used to do a lot of outdoor stuff so I’ve got the kit ready anyway – but the least I would advise is batteries – butane gas and stove – bottled water – candles and matches …. I’ve been topping up .
Least worse case is a lengthy power cut caused by Russian revenge hacking …. At least the days are getting longer…
Yes the batteries, we bought a small solar charger to recharge power banks which can charge mobiles, radios, lanterns etc, but living in Britain there’s no guarantee of getting enough Sun.
The Russian revenge hacking I think you really need to be concerned about is on banking and ATMs when the only things shops would be able to accept would be cash, so having enough of that to hand is also important.
All the tills are computers now. If the power goes down, the shops can sell nothing.
Definitely try and get a few quid out of the ATMs now.
Our freezers are still full from well before the first lockdown ferchrissakes, and pasta and rice is still in huge jars here and there. The breadmix may be a bit old, but then so am I!
Why thickheads try and wait to be victims after the showdown is beyond me, but as said by friends above, that’s the mentality of dimbos.
Just a thought, a few more gas cylinders for the camping stove won’t go amiss…
Ebay – done!
RiC, the larger supermarkets possibly have reserve generators, mostly because a power cut would cause immense loss of food and other products from chiller or frozen cabinets.
100 extra Oasis water purification tabs just arrived by post while I reached this point in the contributions……………..
£5.68 on ebay
Me too. Bought a Scooter, small tent etc. Researched areas from London to go: i.e: woods & forests. My neighbour thinks I a little crazy to be camping in short test runs at this time of year, but I’d rather have something sorted just in case.
Like u I thought that about them. I saw 1 sleeping bag in footage of hundred of people.
It’s a good post that 5 years ago people wd have called u a nut job.
It is crazy how so many of those YouTube conspiracy theories turned out or are turning out true.
This episode has led me to rethink me life. I bet some of them did prep for this and are either long gone or living in the woods as I wd do if I were them until things quieten down.
“Hoardes of migrants the fantasyland politicians have brought in will have no compunction about killing you and yours to get food.”
No need for survival kit. Reliably informed anything you might need will be supplied on production of a rubber dinghy.
Order yours today.
A confession. I worked closely with a colleague of Ukrainian descent for over 10 years. He was a qualified accountant and totally integrated with among other things being a strong supporter of his local football team, currently high up in the Vanarama National League.
The only reason you could guess he was Ukrainian was his surname and because he would sometimes say he went to the Ukrainian club in his home town from time to time.
He occasionally went back to to Ukraine to see his family. I’m sure he would offer them living space in his house over here.
Is it really beyond the wit of the Home Office to devise a scheme whereby someone like him would personally vouch for his family members who could be given a quick temporary visa for say 6 months, during which they could prove themselves by bio testing?
The differential between the open door policy for cross channel chancers (aka vulnerable under 30 year old men with beards ‘fleeing persecution’) as compared with the plight of Ukrainians being bombed out of their homes should not be too difficult to spot.
It wont be long before the Calais arabs cotton on to this and start waving Ukanian flags as they arrive
Like that Southern Irish medic with the exotic hair the BBC found?
Students at Sumy University
“Many of those stuck in the area are from Nigeria, while others are from South Africa, Ghana, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Ireland, India and Turkey.”
About us
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.
The suicide bomber who killed 22 people at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester last year had been rescued from the Libyan civil war by the Royal Navy. Salman Abedi detonated a home-made bomb in the foyer of the Manchester Arena on 22 May 2017 as concert-goers, many of them children, were leaving the venue.31 Jul 2018
Zeph, that’s true, and though it would seem obvious to us, the taxi channel pick-ups /immigration staff are somewhat half witted, and would take it as read where they’re from if dressed head to toe in blue and yellow.
A child just had an awesome weekend in Scotland having travelled up with Uni mates en masse the length of the country. Literally a United Nations.
I agree with you. Actually engineers, doctors, etc.
But one point I would make is the media created distinctions when it suits. All who present to our shores are of course either moppets of Flea, or primary school level combat vets.
Agreed those presented are across the board historically less than the A team, but they are career grunts of questionable ability and commitment, overseen by career civil servants of dubious political impartiality, advising brief tenure elected diversity morons.
Not a recipe for coherent policy or strategic enactment.
Especially when all are scared of a junior media gob with a mic and a celebrity shedding tears for effect.
The top tiers can rest easier once their media sponsors get them in and rub noses the way all PPE grads love.
TOADY Watch #1 – “It’s not true, I tell you, it’s not true!” Maj. Denis Bloodnok, late of the 4th Mounted Cashiered
‘The first casualty of war is truth’ is often said about war zones and has been said and written of the miserable conflict in Ukraine. BBC News/Continuity are this morning proving that wrong again. The first casualty of war is pronunciation. Each of the main News on the hour and the bulletins on the half-hour had the BBC reader speak of ‘Churrn Nobble’ where-ever that is.
How hard is it to say ‘Cheernobill’ ?
Maj. Denis Bloodnok, late of the 4th Mounted Cashiered, would be very happy, after consuming a large restaurant meal, to hear the waiter say “Cheernobill”.
“I say! That’s awfully decent of you. Thanks. May I have another brandy? Better make it a double, y’ know. It’s hell in there or it will be when I get back to my quarters!”
Private military firms see demand in Ukraine war
Wanted: multilingual former soldiers willing to covertly head into Ukraine for the handsome sum of up to $2,000 (£1,523) per day – plus bonus – to help rescue families from an increasingly grim conflict.
It sounds ripped from the script of an action movie, but the job advert is real – taken from an employment website, Silent Professionals, for those working in the private military and security industry.
Does NHS have diversity management?
Image result for nhs diversity manager
This was illustrated perfectly when screenshots of job adverts for equality, diversity and inclusion managers in the NHS went viral this week. Some of these diversity roles pay over £75,000 per year – a far healthier salary than junior doctors or most nurses are taking home.1 Sept 2021
Just had a message from my bank so badly phrased I thought it was a phish. Took ages to check.
I’d be well cautious at such lures.
Charities often have a poor history looking after their own, and I doubt various modern ordnance at range is any better now on IFF in a hairy exchange. Especially if carrying anything tubular.
“But… they were helping refugeees!”
Seeing as ‘Diversity’ doesn’t produce anything of any value it should be listed as a benefit in kind for managers who should be taxed on it accordingly.
That way it doesn’t cost the taxpayer and if the nutters really want their political anti white race haters they can fund it out of their own pockets.
Manchester University students paint over Rudyard Kipling poem in ‘racism’ row – and replace it with this
Union bosses admitted they had made a mistake by putting up the artwork without consulting students first, and have apologised
I was sat next to an ex-SAS mercenary on a flight from Dubai once and who was on his way home from Syria. He said he was paid by our MOD when we officially didn’t have soldiers in there.
He had some eye-opening things to say about what went on. Considering recent comments on here I won’t repeat any of them as I will no doubt be insulted again if someone doesn’t like it.
Suffice to say I suspect there are a lot of mercenaries in Ukraine already.
John C ,
Is there any reason that Ukraine cannot employ the best mercenary force in the world – the Ghurkhas ?
Or send all those convicted of knife crime in London over there. Lets see how brave they are then !
Domestically, the bbc is back to making heroes of its BFF activist cabal.
BBC News
Tyre Extinguishers: Scores of SUVs have tyres deflated by activists
The group said it wanted to “make it impossible to own an SUV in the UK’s urban areas”.
I have not clicked the link, but any advice this is actually dangerous vandalism is well buried.
As should be the national disgrace.
Timmeh! still got his armoured Range Rover or is it now Springsters with a dishy CPO for the coming series upgrade?
“make it impossible to own an SUV in the UK’s urban areas”.

Churchill ….

bile, tabloid
I am noticing when a Vox is popped and when it is people who are saying referred to.
Lot of peroxide there. Hope supplies hold. Still Katty is back here now, and Lurch just needs Toenails polish.
650 MPS with a £2K pay rise are ok with price rises!
I don’t see why they need a pay rise at all, it seems the bastards don’t pay for anything in the first place.
Someone I know who is partnered with a Ukrainian in the UK is on a rescue mission for relatives. He is however very cynical about some of the motives of some refugees. He reckoned a lot of them are seeing the situation as a God given opportunity to move to the West especially the UK. In other words, economic migrants. I’m sure that there are many genuine cases but…………..
Agree, if possible only Ukranian citizens should be allowed to enter those countries that have opened their doors. However I have to add, just how many people ( 5 million so expected) can those countries including ours UK, take? Where will they be housed? Will the services /Heat, Light and Sanitation be a able to cope with so vast a number? Having gained entry into a country, what will these people be able to offer? Will they get a job and pay taxes? Or will those in this country simply rest on the back of our Social Welfare System. I don’t apologise for mentioning these issues but they are real and will need to be addressed. Being a babe in arms in 1942, I can just about remember being inside my grandparents’s Anderson Shelter. The Brits under constant fire and bombardment from the German planes could not flee to another country, they had to stay and bear it, and be prepared to fight if and when. Of course it was a total European War, nevertheless the same issues are appearing daily-Putin won’t stop, he will stride on as long he has the Military under his control-the next country Putin sees as his is Poland, then Estonia, Lativia, Lithuania. Hopeflully he will be stretched too far-what will China do? Wait in the wings to catch the pieces as they drop into their lap. Goodbye Russia.
I seem to recall “migrants “ being on the Belarusian border with Poland in December last year. Slightly suspicious that we see on the Ukrainian border with Poland in news clips several “refugees “ with darker skin tones. Call me Mrs Cynical but is it possible they’ve been bussed in a detour ?
Classified as ‘student’ Mrs K. So, ….. next stop UK !
Pity the waif required to hoist that minx.
Luckily, fully qualified.
‘White saviour’ row: David Lammy denies snubbing Comic Relief
This article is more than 3 years old
Labour MP in social media spat with Stacey Dooley over trip to Uganda for Red Nose Day
Once a very well run country when Rhodesia, the blacks as ever have wrecked it. It appears in every African country where the government control is under a black regeme it fails, through corruption and ignorance. I have seen it first hand.
Well, my recent hospital stay, where clearly ‘the exodus nurses’ were in evidence, patient care was also suffering. Just saying.
That surely needs Bear Gryls, in the Huey, with a tranq gun….
“First AI War: China sets world-leading AI supercomputers to ‘War Games’ mode
Beijing announced today that it will direct its AI runtime from Tianhe-3 supercomputer to strategic forecasting of the war in the Ukraine.
The Tianhe-3 system, the world’s fastest, is located in the National Supercomputer Center in Guangzhou, China, and is rated 1300 PFLOPS with 4,000+ CPU’s.
Using real-time streamed data from troops, satellites and the Internet, China will use the supercomputer to model the strategic plans of its ally, Russia.
The big step up in modern warfare will be that the computer knows best. Current AI integration into Western armed forces has been paled in comparison to Chinese efforts with the West still maintaining authority over the AI.
Whilst complete reliance is not possible or advisable at the moment, to the Chinese the results have been breathtaking and quite literally ineffable.
There is fear now is that the model will be developed to include others countries and then the rest of Earth.”
If it is anything like the two made in China external hard drives I have that have both failed, losing years of photos then “complete reliance” is far from certain.
The answer will be 42….
Fast isn’t the word. If China’s Tianhe-3 supercomputer manages to hit the exascale mark, it will handle one quintillion calculations per second.
NB: 1 quintillion = 1,000 000 000 000 000 000 (yep, that’s 18 zeros)
Meng Xiangfei, a director at the National Supercomputer Center at Tianjin, told the China Daily newspaper that his institute aims to have a prototype of its Tianhe-3 ready by 2018. For that they will need breakthroughs in high-performance processors. But Meng is confident.
If they succeed, Tianhe-3 will be 10 times faster than the current fastest supercomputer in the world, the Sunway TaihuLight.
Garbage In = Garbage Out
no matter how big your computer.
I am told that the Blue Labour Tories have had something of a rebellion agains Boris and his nut nut digging his heels in over fracking, and that two new licences have been granted as a result.
It’s not in the news media, but it clear that fantasyland Boris is not going to do anything substantive to stop the lights going out, nor price rises and heating being unaffordable.
He has stated that he is going to allow a new round of oil and gas exploration licences in the North Sea, but how long are they going to take to come on line even if they do discover viable deposits.
Again there is no movement in his ridiculous damaging unachievable net zero commitment and this inaction is going to lead directly to the deaths of many people come the Winter.
Name of donor: Mr David Ross
Address of donor: private
Nature and value of benefit in kind (or amount of any donation): accommodation for a private holiday for my partner and me, value £15,000
Register of Members’ Interests
Boris Johnson
May I ask one more question of a more general character? Most of us feel that if there is a war it will be so destructive that the very substance of our civilisation, let alone our democracy, is likely to be destroyed. Clearly the great object is to prevent war. Is it possible in your view still to regard these military preparations, not as the acceptance of inevitable war, but merely as a necessary complement of a policy which may keep the peace?
Winston Churchill
I fear that failure to rearm Britain is bound to lead to war. Had we strengthened our defences earlier, the arms race need never have arisen. We should have come to a settlement with Germany while she was still disarmed. I think it is still possible, with a strong Britain and France, to preserve the peace of Europe.
To say that an arms race always leads to war seems to me to be putting the cart before the horse. A government resolved to attain ends detrimental to its neighbours, which does not shrink from the possibility of war, makes preparations for war, its neighbours take defensive action, and you say an arms race is beginning. But this is the symptom of the intention of one government to challenge or destroy its neighbours, not the cause of the conflict. The pace is set by the potential aggressor, and, failing collective action by the rest of the world to resist him, the alternatives are an arms race or surrender. War is very terrible, but stirs a proud people. There have been periods in our history when we have given way for a long time, but a new and formidable mood arises . . .
It should be added that Winston Churchill was ejected from the cowardly useless incompetent Tory party because they said he was a warmonger.
Don’t forget that when he gave his now famous and celebrated stirring we shall never surrender speech to the House of Commons, the cowardly useless incompetent Tories sat there in silence with faces like slapped arses because they absolutely did want to surrender and that couldn’t come quickly enough for them.
They were so appallingly cowardly that Lady Clementine Churchill commented about their behaviour in her diary and despaired her husband would never be able to get them to back him.
Eventually of course they had little choice other than to resign in disgrace.
I never heard that Churchill was ejected from the Tory party
When was that ?
“On 31 May 1904, he crossed the floor, defecting from the Conservatives to sit as a member of the Liberal Party in the House of Commons.”
“Ideologically an economic liberal and imperialist, he was for most of his career a member of the Conservative Party, which he led from 1940 to 1955. He was a member of the Liberal Party from 1904 to 1924.”
Maybe Putin’s special military operation is a necessary policy to keep the long term peace.
Not working very well then, is it?
There are some people like BBC employees who think that Britain should be a “leader ” in any number of world affairs , and the same people want Britain to have “influence” or “soft power ” .
Well Beeboids , we can only do that if we are a rich powerful nation , so if you want Britain to strut the world stage you have to advocate that The Powers That Be do a proper job and look after Britain`s interests first so we are the powerful nation that you`re named after .
Wa(N)kanda will arise!
Beeboids are all ex uni’s and get their info from mobile phones. In reality they know nothing. Never experienced hardship, – its the same when listening to idiot journalists with their puerile questioning. Sadly any grown ups are long retired.
Macron sees himelf as another JF Kennedy×900
That photo is somewhat unfortunate: it appears that the gentleman on Macron’s right is indicating what he thinks of the President of France.
Coronation Street: ITV soap unveils plans for new set
bbc does report on ITV programme for some reason
It’s PRasNews for ITV
BTW ..Emmerdale have just launched a new set.
EastEnders’ new £87million set is FINALLY complete after five years of work, COVID-19 complications and backlash over soaring costs – and it could even feature a mosque next to the Prince Albert boozer!
Unlike the BBC – the spectator has an entertaining piece on the Johnny Berkow fan club and what they have said about him . … the usual dodgy types – corbyn linaker lammy .. all singing the praisrs of the serial liar / bully ..,
… im pretty sure the BBC will give him a job – if RT was rolling he could join the likes of salmond and galloway on it …
BBC struggling to crap on this Government whilst Ukraine conflict is happening. As such I’ve noticed Partygate is rearing its ugly head again on BBC website….
Hello Dafydd,
Item 2 in the following link
bbc get a life
Will be interesting whether the party thing or bercow gets a mention at PMQs …. I reckon not on both counts – lots of outpouring of sincerity over Ukraine and beating the Home Office for its ‘ usual incompetence …
A lot of Red faced MP’s today. Many of the Labour Party thought the sun shon out of Bercows ar-se….
Bercow got what he deserved
Sometimes you have to laugh.
Ursula von der Leyen proudly states that Europe has enough gas to last it until the end of Winter – this is actually only 11 days away !
Having said that the EU has come up with a plan they call REPowerEU which seeks to use alternative energy to power the EU in the place of Russian gas.
Boris on the other hand hasn’t done his usual nothing, he’s actually been worse than that, digging his heels in and refusing to change anything.
If he isn’t forced to change his policies soon or removed, then the UK will be facing death by hunger & starvation on a very large scale.
You will be happy .. but cold.
I was wondering how long it would be before some woke moron linked Ukraine to racism.
Sure enough, step forward Joy Reid of MSNBC, who claims the huge outpouring of support is due to Ukrainians being white, and no-one would care if they were brown or black.
I’m just surprised it wasn’t the BBC.
bbc already has found a racist link, with the black irish student trying to leave Ukraine and told to walk because she was black (apparently)
At the same time, people with albinism have also been ostracised and even killed for exactly the opposite reason, because they are presumed to be cursed and bring bad luck. The persecutions of people with albinism take place mostly in Sub-Saharan African communities, especially among East Africans.
Boris – we need to undo Labour’s disastrous energy policies! HA HA HA HA.
“He told his followers that the Russians forces occupying the city had now taken control of the city’s communications network, so they needed to be wary of what they heard on TV and the radio.”
CBBC Channel, Tuesday 8 June 2021
In a segment about vaccine approval for 12 to 15 year olds, a contributor claimed that the Pfizer vaccine is “100% safe”. This has been removed from the online article and video:
BBC Papal Indulgences excuse all.
Hiring Dim Abbott on captioning…
Nato member countries: What are di Nato 30 countries and wetin concern dem for Ukraine-Russia war?
7 March 2022
New Informate 5 hours wey don pass
Pardon, but I do know what a pigeon is
People (whoever pay their TV licences) must be so glad the money isn’t waisted on pidgin
I imagine the “deflating” was done the knives these people always have handy.
BBC Radio 4, 20 July 2021
An interview with Lord Sumption about civil liberties contained statistics which were not challenged at the time.
He said that ‘the virus has not killed over 100,000 people’ and that a large number have died with Covid but not of it.
In England and Wales more than 120,000 death certificates have recorded Covid-19 as an underlying cause of death according to figures collated by the Office for National Statistics (ONS).
Lord Sumption said that for older people, ‘at the age which they had reached, they would probably have died within a year’ anyway.
Life expectancy before the pandemic for an 80 year old was 9 years for a man and 10 years for a woman.
Lord Sumption said that ‘it’s a matter of hundreds and not thousands’ of deaths of people who were not in highly vulnerable groups with serious comorbidities on their death certificate.
By the end of March 2021 the ONS says almost 16,000 deaths in England & Wales had been caused by Covid in cases where there were no other underlying conditions recorded on the death certificate.
A doctor who works on the covid wards said to me that a very low threshold was required for covid to appear on a death certificate.
Now me only pondering. Do hospitals get extra money for each covid patient there?
Debs, a doctor can put pretty much anything on a Death Certificate. I know of a funeral that was delayed because a Doctor correctly but not legally in the view of the Crematorium had put the cause of death as “old age.”
Omission is the greatest lie …
Dear Winston Smith at the BBC,
I am unhappy with the BBC’s output and would like to stop funding Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker’s wages who has raced ahead to the top of the BBC made up gender pay gap.
a) Please let me know how I can stop paying the BBC via the TV Tax (under threat of prosecution) but still use SKY TV.
b) Can you create a BBC programme to tell the public how they can stop funding you.
c) Can I get a reduction for my BBC TV Tax due to having to help improve your News Service with the complaints below?
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4963895-3HKGDN: Tommy Robinson: Are you reporting on him?.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
Many Thanks.
“The Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister, the Home Secretary are directly descended from refugees. We understand how much refugees have to give in this country, and we understand how much this country has to gain from welcoming refugees…”
About us
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.
The suicide bomber who killed 22 people at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester last year had been rescued from the Libyan civil war by the Royal Navy. Salman Abedi detonated a home-made bomb in the foyer of the Manchester Arena on 22 May 2017 as concert-goers, many of them children, were leaving the venue.31 Jul 2018
“…and don’t you worry. It’s coming to a place near you…we cannot have state subsidized preachers (Mayors,UK Security MP, Religious guidance)…give it up
(Islam) or give it to your deadliest enemy and pay for the rope that will choke you.“
Home Office, UK Security … Islamist …. Sajid Javid.
London Mayor, UK Prosperity … Islamist … Sadiq Khan.
CEO of Bernados, UK Children … Islamist .. Javed Khan.
Prime Minister’s Special Envoy on Freedom of Religion or Belief … Islamist … Lord Ahmed.
BBC religion and ethics commissioning … Islamist … Fatima Salaria
I see that they have located Shackleton’s lost ship that sank over 110 years ago, they chartered a South African ice breaker to break through the ice to enable them to get a sub down. Well done.
Umm the BBC (£1.78 LTR) would have us believe that Climate Change is upon us so I ask:
1. The ship obviously sailed and then got stuck as the ice encroached sooooo 110 years ago you could sail to the point where it got trapped, Yes ?
2. Now obviously you need a ice breaker to get to the same point. Im making the presumption here that they sailed in the antartic summer to enable them to dive or break through ice.
3. So if anything the ice is getting thicker at this point in the antartic summer contrary to what climate alarmist (£1.78 ltr) would have us belive.
So basically the BBC article contradicts what they want us to belive …………
Joint press release from Luton, Bradford and Rotherham:
ISIS praises Ukraine war as ‘crusaders against crusaders’ and says the invasion was an ‘amusing punishment… upon them for their disbelief in God Almighty’
The terror group said in an editorial the war is a ‘divine punishment’ for the West
They refused to pick a side, calling for destruction and global chaos
That’s all OK then:
Nicola Sturgeon says sorry to WITCHES: First Minister issues formal apology to women who ‘suffered injustice driven by misogyny’ when they were burned at the stake 400 years ago
And this is not OK:
Labour’s David Lammy insists he is NOT embarrassed over previously calling John Bercow an ‘inter-galactic hero’ after damning independent inquiry found the former Commons Speaker was a ‘serial bully’ and a liar
Independent inquiry yesterday found John Bercow to be a ‘serial bully’ and a liar
Former Commons Speaker rejected report’s conclusions, refused to apologise
David Lammy previously described Mr Bercow as an ‘intergalactic hero’ in 2019
He said he was not embarrassed by the remark and believes it was not a mistake
His worst offence was the manipulation of Parliament in collusion with the remainers, whose conduct was also disgraceful. Is that listed among his other misdemeanours?
I hope this is treated as a war crime or high treason (levying war against the sovereign and adhering to the sovereign’s enemies, giving them aid or comfort)
Extinction Rebellion announces plans to block major UK oil refineries: Eco-mob will stage mass protests at sites in April and attempt to bring London to a standstill AGAIN
The last treason trial was that of William Joyce, “Lord Haw-Haw”, who was executed by hanging in 1946.
High treason today consists of:
Treason Act 1351 (as amended – last amended by the Succession to the Crown Act 2013):
compassing the death of the sovereign, or of the king’s wife (but not a ruling queen’s husband),[a] or the sovereign’s eldest child and heir
violating the king’s wife, or the sovereign’s eldest unmarried daughter, or the sovereign’s eldest son’s wife (only if the eldest son is also heir to the throne)
levying war against the sovereign in the realm
adhering to the sovereign’s enemies, giving them aid and comfort, in the realm or elsewhere
killing the King’s Chancellor, Treasurer (an office long in commission) or Justices
Treason Act 1702 and Treason Act (Ireland) 1703:
attempting to hinder the succession to the throne under the Bill of Rights 1689 and the Act of Settlement 1701
Treason Act 1708:
killing the Lords of Session or Lords of Justiciary in Scotland
The easy solution would be to appoint Justin Trudeau to the task and tell him they are all peaceful Canadian truckers.
No party stuff ( understandable ) but no Berkow questions either . Considering there were a number of MPs who were is victims ‘ supporters I am surprised silence prevailed .
I suppose we will get another dose of Berkow at the weekend – he hasn’t gonna way you know ….
As for PMQs – dismal on cost of living – dismal on real Ukrainian refugees – just floundering ….
Former Commons Speaker John Bercow spent £1,000 on a taxi fare and £12,000 on leaving parties for staff in the run-up to his retirement.
Mr Bercow, who stood down before the election, also spent £7,000 on a US visit in his final months in the job.
His expenses were obtained via a Daily Mail Freedom of Information request.
A Commons spokesman said the 260-mile round trip from London to Nottingham, in April, was made by taxi rather than train for security reasons.
The guy hasn’t got a sense of humor. When another MP accidently reversed into Bercow’s car he said he was not happy, the other MP then retorted well which one of the seven dwarf’s are you then.
The video below is a balanced and nuanced discussion on the subject of Ukraine by a panel who know their stuff.
Among many other topics, they consider the phenomenon of some on the right supporting or excusing Putin.
While acknowledging the mistakes of the EU and NATO, they argue that Putin has long had a game plan of recreating a Russian Empire, that crucially would include Ukraine and particularly Kiev which he sees as the birthplace of Mother Russia.
You can oppose Putin without siding with the woke left wing or the liberal EU and all it stands for.
Conversely, rejecting the liberal decadent West does not put one in the same camp as Putin.
The historical background to the conflict is long and complex, but now is the time for a decisive, unambiguous response.
And the very week of the invasion, MI5 and MI6 officers were being told to to think about their ‘white privilege’, declare their pronouns… and avoid using words such as ‘grip’ and ‘strong’.
No wonder Putin thought we’d be a pushover.
Reminds me of the RN bunch who were captured by the Iranians a few years ago – the hardship was having their iPods taken away – Iranian swine ….
Yes I was going to mention that.
Stereotyping a country as all bad is a wrong thing
Yet I noticed a few people like TR and DV seem to be posting things which are pro-Putin
As if my enemies enemy must be my friend.
Both the average Russian and average Ukrainian have a lot in common with the average European, average British man.
East Ukrainian leader may have done 1 o 2 bad things in the past
but Putin has done loads of Bad things sent assassins to UK, who killed British people by accident, shot down a KLM airliner killing lots of Dutch, invaded countries , used cluster weapons.
Appeasing him by buying a bit of oil/gas off him was a reasonable tactic, but becoming dependent on his was a bad idea.
Thanks. As you say an excellent discussion and chaired by the beautiful Emma to boot.
I must say though that the idea that the Ukrainian war might wake everyone up and consign Wokism to the dustbin of history is in my view fanciful. I’m afraid I share Emma’s pessimism . Our institutions are rotten past the point of no return. Our country now has millions of voters who don’t share the values which we nearly all shared until thirty years ago. This is no longer Lady Thatcher’s Britain of 1990 .
To explain why the Ukrainian’s are fighting so valiantly the woke MSM says that it is because they are fighting for the values of the liberal west, eg, human rights, democracy, a rules based society, LGBT…., etc etc. when of course it’s much more old fashioned and visceral than that, it’s because of blood and soil, in short patriotism, a dirty word to the Woke. Dirty because only the despised Somewheres can such attachment to people and place. Nowhere’s see this as very last century and out of place with their modern world view.
David Starkey puts this brilliantly in his latest pod cast. But the Woke MSM and leaders of our institutions will never agree to this view. If they did it would show that they have been comprehensively wrong about everything for thirty years. The Labour Party and the pale pink Tories would have to ditch everything that they have stood for . The BBC and the civil service would have to eat humble pie at every meal for a decade.
It simply won’t happen. A narrative for the Ukrainian war will be constructed by the MSM which enhances Wokism rather than demolishes it. Just as Covid did , the war and the tens of thousand of dead Russians and Ukrainians will be used to push Wokism further down our throats.
In order to reverse the tide of Wokism tens of thousands of apparatchiks who hold the levers of power in this country would need to be removed from their posts and there is no mechanism which can bring that about.
@Doublethinker – Yes, Emma is hot, but I believe mentioning that now constitutes a micro-aggression, possibly a thought crime, so I’m not going to say it.
My one very mild criticism is that she sometimes jumps in and doesn’t allow the speaker to finish his thought.
Intelligence and Security
Committee of Parliament
Diversity and Inclusion
in the UK Intelligence Community
Click to access CCS207_CCS0718997712-001_ISA_Diversity_and_Inclusion_-in_the_UK_Intelligence_Community_HC1297.pdf
I’ve a host of adjectives and phrases to describe Lammy:
Champagne Socialism
H reminds me of a male version if Winnie Mandela
His speeches are full of bluster, loud, as if louder would make what he says believable and true. I think he’s the most appalling politician inv he Commons.
The BBC seems to give him lots of airtime.
David Lammy MP says absent fathers ‘key cause of knife crime’
Published3 October 2012
Most black 15 year-olds in this country are decent, law abiding citizens. It’s their kids who cause all the trouble.
“A society not based on democracy, but fear.” (c) Boris
Covid / War / Climate Change / 3 hiding in Batlet from Islam
The BBC are enjoying blaming the Conservatives for not taking in enough Ukrainian refugees fast enough.
They fail to mention that it’s because of activists like themselves (they are activists posing as journalists) that our hotels are already full of bogus asylum seekers.
And, incidentally, Ukrainians would make a real contribution to this country, judging by other Eastern Europeans such as the Poles, who integrate and adapt rather than endlessly moaning about discrimination and demanding handouts.
Jack Straw: Labour made mistake letting Poles in early
Former home secretary says number and impact of migrants from eastern Europe far exceeded predictions
Jack Straw
Jack Straw has said Labour got it wrong on immigration from new EU countries in eastern Europe. Photograph: Stefan Wermuth/Reuters
Press Association
Wed 13 Nov 2013 06.14
Jack Straw and the rest of his Labour cronies at the time (Brown, Blair, etc.), claimed that their polices regarding the Accession Countries to the EU would only mean an extra 13,000 immigrants, at worst, of poor immigrants from Poland and Romania each year, by 2010. Almost every one of the rest of the EU governments wisely backed off ,at a huge rate of knots, from any policies bearing even a minute resemblance to those of the UK.
The result…. roughly a quarter of a million immigrants from accession states per year was reached in 2010…. roughly 20 times the Labour Party’s predicted annual level.
Welcome to the Diane Abbott school of Advanced Arithmetic (I would never, ever, deign to call what she purports to do as mathematics).
The Poles were the least of our worries.
I do recall, early in the Coronavirus Pandemic, when there was a major panic about whether we were ordering/buying PPE equipment fast enough, the Labour Party and all of the other opposition parties (ably abetted by the BBC, natch), screaming from the rooftops that we needed to get on with it, cancel any vetting processes to weed out any potentially dodgy suppliers, “let’s worry about this later”, it’ll all be OK, guv, honestly….” and so on – but whatever, let’s beat up the government on this issue.
So what happened ?
Well, it’s not that very long ago that Labour, and all of the other opposition parties (ably abetted by the BBC, natch) were very vociferous in beating up the government regarding the level of fraud discovered in the supply processes for PPE, etc., etc.
Precisely the same happened with all of the vetting that was required for companies benefitting from furlough schemes, company loans, benefits and financial support from the government….. “get the money out – never mind the consequences….. until the inevitable consequences happened – then let’s blast the government… ably abetted by the BBC, natch.
Now, what do we have….. Labour (and all of the other opposition parties), ably abetted by the BBC, natch, screaming at the government to relax all the rules, don’t vet migrants from Ukraine, never mind whether they have relatives here to help them….. just get them in – waive all the rules, doesn’t matter if a few thousand are from Africa, or from other potentially serious enemies, just open the floodgates….
Well, we all remember what happened to Germany….. or do we ?
And I’d probably be willing to bet the farm on what will be happening in a few months’ time…ably abetted by the BBC, naturally !
Protestors swarm russian soldiers in Kherson:
What I have witnessed today on various news outlets with regards to whats happening in Ukraine is depravity of the highest level… What person thinks its ok to bomb a maternity hospital burying children…
This barbarity has to stop we can no longer let this continue, regardless..
Please remember that Putin has nuclear weapons which can kill us all. I’m afraid that is a fact which cannot be ignored and it is in everyone’s interests , even the Ukrainians, that a way for him to end the war without too much loss of face must be found . I know that it’s rewarding a bully who has committed terrible acts but when that bully could blow us all to kingdom come it’s the reality.
is this the same MSM outlets that have lied about the
kung flu for 2 years
trump for 5 years
gas attacks in syria
iraqis throwing babies out of windows in kuwait
and on and on
that msm
Spot on Kaiser.
Would not trust a word these shites say.
Oh, I think the Express was saying the Russians were on the run, and the Ukranians were in hot pursuit.
Pointless, BBC1 just now.
The final.
Name a country in the 2014 Commonwealth games.
North Korea
Dominican Republic 😂
I notice, courtesy of Guido, that a poll of Ukrainians has placed Boris second after Zelenskyy (+79%), at a rating of +50%, Biden at +25% and Scholtz, for instance, at +23% (Putin is at -86%).
In addition, trhe UK is rated at +56%, as the mosty popular ally, compared to the EU at +42%, the EU at +33% and NATO at -17%.
Now, this is possibly not an exhaustive list of all the players, and their popularity…but….
….given the constant barrage of criticism from the BBC about the UK and its governments performance in this whole story, how likely is it, do you think, that this poll will appear up there in the headlines in tomorrow’s BBC Radio 4 ‘Today’ programme ?
….the chances of anything from Guido Fawkes appearing on Radio 4’s today program has as much chance as a one legged man winning an arse kicking competition…
Whoops, sorry, the stats readout should have said ‘…. the US at +33%’
Once again the left liberal woke scum try to hijack a tragedy for their own twisted agenda
CBS’ Gayle King contrasts treatment of Ukrainian refugees to migrants at US border: ‘Not treated this well’
King asked guest Dave Miliband, president of the International Rescue Committee, why people coming from El Salvador and Honduras to the U.S. weren’t welcomed or “received very well” as the Ukrainians appear to have been.
Border you say? Which side?
No blonde jokes.
I would never besmirch a bbc news (w) anchor.
Local news
A clip of Saint Diana Johnson their favourite Labour MP was shown on both ITV and BBC local news.
“Blah blah we care bout Ukrainian refugees”