Listening to TR this morning, it was clear that the old fool in the WH had ‘bottled it’, and so Barry, the Clintons and that old bitch Pelosi had forced him to keep their investments safe while Ukrainians suffer disgraceful attacks.
The US ‘leadership’ is just a fat lump of failed politicians clinging to a lifeboat, and I sincerely hope that the normal citizens see their problems from non-voting a ‘president’ when the mid-terms come along!
Pathetic – but it will be too late for them then, so they’ll become even more ‘victims’.
Guest, I note that this article on the BBC web-site on the same subject has no by-line. It is anonymous. As you correctly say, the BBC are beneath contempt.
If one accepts that Boris has delegated the retrieval of information that turns out to be wrong (and likely deliberately misled by public servants) – it’s about time that Boris dispatched some enforcers to root out the perps and reward them.
Some medieval barbarity would be entertaining but I’d applaud some P45s for mandarins and minions as a viable substitute.
Vlad, about a thousand Africans and Indians are studying at University in Ukraine. At a guess, most might be doing medicine. On your second point, it is worth remembering that India, although it has a Conservative national Government, has States that are Communist.
Exactly so. And a reason why, obvious to anyone with the exception of the BBC, that the Government is instructing officials to be careful. It is not just the BBC that are enemies of the UK and its present Government, but many different countries around the world.
I’m sure that traffickers and people smugglers are already telling their human cargoes “Claim to be from a Ukrainian University and say you lost your papers in the rush to leave or on the journey.” If we let in everyone at Calais as Yvette Cooper and the Labour Party and BBC want, not only will we run the risk of another terror attack in the UK, the taxpayer will face a massive bill for hotel accommodation for all the refugees. But then the BBC have been complaining about the NI Increase in April so we know the BBC don’t like tax increases unless, of course, it is the TV tax that is increased.
Yes I’ve noticed that if you assume the photos of ‘Ukrainian ‘ refugees are a random selection of the population that is being forced to leave , you would believe that BAMEs made up 20% of the population. Perhaps the MSM don’t realise that unlike them we aren’t triggered into emotional meltdown when we see a 39 year old BAME man with beard pretending to be a child. Just the opposite in fact.
Oh and by the way BBC Ukrainian men and boys are staying to fight for blood and soil in contrast to the boat loads of free loading 20 and 30 year old which you claim are refugees.
The standard of broadcasting on GBNews now is so poor that I reckon they’ll be on the BBCOFCOM naughty step – throughout the late afternoon – evening – the sound has been dreadful – they can’t show visual pieces or diagrams and show the wrong stuff .
Frankly it is abysmal
The Steyn show is the best thing on telly, but the technical problems were ludicrous. The sound was cutting out, then when it came back you could hear people speaking in the background and most of the links failed.
It’s strange because none of the other shows are quite as bad as this.
Perhaps we’re all being paranoid because I also suspected foul play.
We said exactly the same, regarding foul play ,especially as the video Steyn wanted to show was going to be extremely controversial ! He is such a breath of fresh air to us but must be hacking lots of people off.
This article is from last week but I think things have changed .
Has Nigel Farage burst nut nut’s ‘Green Balloon’ ?
We need to get cracking and start fracking!
The marquees, poratcabins and scoority staff of the NHS Covid testing scheme are being repurposed and relocated to BBC car parks around the country to serve as refugee reception centres + BBC staff will be asked to volunteer for unpaid overtime to assist in administering the influx.
“More than 28,500 arrived on British shores last year”
Home Office – not fit for purpose!
Border Farce – not fit for purpose!
That’s 28,500 places filled which should have been emptied for genuine asylum seekers.
Priti , promises and promises ………………
The 9pm BBC1 show stars Alan Carr and Michelle Ogundehin
Do they represent Britain ?
It’s one thing to fantasise about becoming a professional interior designer, but the reality is intimidatingly different – as ten hopefuls are to find out Alan Carr’s #InteriorDesignMasters returns on @BBCOne at 9pm tonight
— The Mail on Sunday Arts and Culture (@MoSArtsCulture) March 9, 2022
From the picture I can’t see a one legged black transgender though !
Speaking of which, I see the winner of Pottery Throw Down was a transgender – whose Mum referred to as ‘they’. This confused me somewhat because in the little family background piece – ‘they’ had a sister, and was shown as 2 little girls in early life. Then it was ‘they’ went to university where ‘they’ discovered pottery. I thought Mum meant the pair of them. lol ! Why not call themselves ‘it’ if he or she is so offensive ?
Just watching Sky and they should a ‘Ukrainian’ ‘refugee’ a young man with a light tan a beard a smart phone and the name Mohammed & a Middle Eastern surname who clearly is not a native Ukrainian.
He is trying to gain refugee status in Britain and moaning about the difficulty in gaining a visa.
I think sometimes the TV stations can’t point the finger and say that the guy is clearly not a genuine asylum seeker, but I think they came just about as close as they could to show the need for careful vetting to allow only the genuine ones in.
‘The Director of the Information and Press Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Maria Vladimirovna Zakharova, told the United States on Wednesday, “We have found your biological weapons!”
Russia now demands the US to explain bio labs in Ukraine.
Russia accused the U.S. of violations of the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention and has covered it up.’
Yes I was told they were looking for this evidence but got tired of posts referring to Russian apologists here yesterday morning, despite my assurances that I condemned what is happening but challenged the media narrative.
Which is what we all do regarding the bbc especially.
I’m out of here until this is all over for that same reason.
When you get insulted for challenging propaganda of the level we are being subjected to, it’s not worth it.
Maybe see you in the Spring.
I don’t blame you John, and it is rather ironic considering the point of this site, but do reconsider as your voice is appreciated, and the like votes show that there are more than a few that value your input.
It’s the risk you take if you choose to go off topic and go into a non BBC subject . If you write like an apologist – read like an apologist…. There you go
“It was like swimming against a current that swept you backwards however hard you struggled, and then suddenly deciding to turn round and go with the current instead of opposing it. Nothing had changed except your own attitude: the predestined thing happened in any case.”
“Yeah. We’re not going to do a segment about secret labs in Ukraine. Last thing we want to do on this show is traffic in Russian disinformation spread by QAnon, so we took a pass on that story. And that’s where things stood until yesterday when we happened to tune in to a hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
Toria Nuland was testifying so we were interested. Nuland was one of the people who brought us the Iraq War, never apologized for that and kept getting promoted because that’s how DC works. Toria Nuland is now Joe Biden’s Under Secretary of State in charge of Ukraine and she knows a lot about Ukraine.
she is a highly informed source about Ukraine. So, she was having this colloquy with Senator Marco Rubio of Florida during her testimony, and at one point, Rubio took a tack that we were not expecting at all. He asked Nuland if Ukraine had biological weapons.
We never imagined Ukraine would have biological weapons. Why would Ukraine have bioweapons? So, it seemed like a pretty strange question, but it wasn’t half as shocking as the answer he got. Here’s what Toria Nuland said.
SEN. MARCO RUBIO: Does Ukraine have chemical or biological weapons?
VICTORIA NULAND: Ukraine has a biological research facilities, which, In fact, we are now quite concerned Russian troops, Russian forces, may be seeking to gain control of. So, we are working with the Ukrainians on how they can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces should they approach.
Does Ukraine have biological weapons? Ugh, Ukraine has biological research facilities. What? You mean secret bio labs like the secret bio labs that Ukraine definitely doesn’t have? Ukraine has those? Yes, it does. And not only does Ukraine have secret bio labs, Toria Nuland said, whatever they’re doing in those labs is so dangerous and so scary that she is, “quite concerned” that the so-called research material inside those bio labs might fall into the hands of Russian forces.
“Under oath in an open committee hearing, Toria Nuland just confirmed that the Russian disinformation they’ve been telling us for days is a lie and a conspiracy theory and crazy and immoral to believe is, in fact, totally and completely true.”
This link to Steyn says video is private. Last nights episode is not on the gb news website. Not on you tube. Has it been censored? Tuckers article is v interesting and not really surprising.
I am not posting as much nowadays, mainly because my bbc exposure is v low. And Covid has receded….but the msm has replaced that propaganda with war propaganda.
I still read comments here every day because I value your opinions and it’s important to have a range of those opinions which as we know is not what you get from the media.
I’m sorry that some contributors feel that they can’t comment here for the moment – I like to hear all opinions and they should be free to do that without getting lambasted.
Loobyloo, “I’m sorry that some contributors feel that they can’t comment here for the moment – I like to hear all opinions and they should be free to do that without getting lambasted.”
I agree. It is a feature of this site and its contributors that we agree to disagree but also pick each other up on errors, especially if maxi & chums are watching. It is noticeable that the aforementioned troll never helps out another poster here, never or hardly ever agrees with a point that they have made but just snipes late at night and never attacks the BBC.
Tucker Carlson continues to make an ass of himself over Ukraine. He never did understand the enormity of what was happened, and completelty forget his countries history when it sought to avoid involvement in WWII and got Pearl Harbour as a reward for that complacency.
The problem in America with Petrol is the way they organised their society around the motor car, so that if fuel became unavailable tomorrow, Americans would all die.
High time that they look to what they have and how it might be changed to make it at least more robust without oil. A 20 – 30 minute drive just to get to a supermarket is plainly ridiculous, and yet this is what they have done.
GB News “technical problems” are very interesting. I have seen and experienced the sound issues. The sound cuts intermittently for short and longer periods. It defies belief that it’s happening time and time again. It doesn’t seem to have the pattern of a fault. If it was a fault it would surely have been found by now. Do GB News not know it’s happening? It might possibly not be a studio fault but outside in the data stream between the studio and broadcast facilities.
I am reminded of a couple of broadcasts back in the 1960’s that were to feature the controversial Anthony Wedgwood Benn. They mysteriously blacked out. It was widely thought to have been some kind of sabotage.
Last night just before Steyn came on they switched to the weather presenter
but we got additional audio where Steyn was asking where some papers were.. He didn’t swear, thank god.
It happened two days straight when Colin Brazier’s show had just started, – he clearly knew as he said “we’re experiencing some sound difficulties”. After almost a year one would imagine the technical issues had been sorted, unless they’re tight on money and raid the local scrap yard for spare bits !!
Funny thing, Zephir, but I was reading this in Matthew’s Gospel chapter 24 just this very morning and puzzling over one phrase in verse 30: ” And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. ”
The BBC, of course, might have a section on their Home Page under world news: ‘End of the World Cup’.
Someone mentioned here the fallacy of democracy, I was reading this a while ago and :
Humans could never be allowed to rule in a democracy.
In the documentary called “The Century Of The Self”, you explore how today’s society came up to be and how human nature was shaped during this process.
Sigmund Freud (Austrian neurologist) believed that humans are irrational beings, dominated by fears and desires which lurked in their subconscious mind. You could never allow such irrational creatures to be in charge of a democratic system.
Edward Bernays — Freud’s nephew who lived in the USA—soon realized the potential of Freud’s insights and swiftly put them into practice assisting Woodrow Wilson in convincing the American public that by joining WW1 the US would be helping bring democracy to Europe. Given the success of this wartime propaganda Bernays then looked to its implementation during peacetime.
Having seen how effective propaganda could be during war, Bernays wondered whether it might prove equally useful during peacetime.
Yet propaganda had acquired a somewhat pejorative connotation (which would be further magnified during World War II), so Bernays promoted the term “public relations.”
Drawing on the insights of his Uncle Sigmund – a relationship Bernays was always quick to mention – he developed an approach he dubbed “the engineering of consent.” He provided leaders the means to “control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing about it.” To do so, it was necessary to appeal not to the rational part of the mind, but the unconscious.
Bernays knew he had to build a social system in which the masses were not allowed to rule. He had to give them the illusion of a democracy.
From his seminal work of 1928, Propaganda, comes this chilling quote –
The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in a democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, and our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of…. It is they who pull the wires that control the public mind.
The Nazis implemented the same concepts as Bernays, but they abandoned altogether the illusion of a democracy. They chose instead a straightforward approach: the energy of the masses should be channeled into a united force that would maintain the nation glued together.
Bernays’ plan was to transform the masses into passive consumers.
As long as people’s hidden desires were satisfied and exponentially multiplied, the Government could keep on doing whatever it saw fit.
Through this transformation, people became obedient workers of a society that spoon-fed them the illusion of democracy and well-being.
One of the greatest stunts Edward Bernays has ever pulled off was when he got American women to smoke—an unprecedented event in USA’s history.
You see, Bernays had to go beyond the obvious.
Cigarettes were thought of as a male products. No one thought a woman would smoke. And then he realized—he didn’t have to use logic to make women smoke. Bernays paid a group of women to go on a smoking march. He subtly spread rumors to journalists about the upcoming march.
And so it happened.
Dozens of women marched on the streets carrying “torches of freedom”.
Yes—cigarettes had become a symbol of freedom.
The news spread like a wildfire throughout the USA thanks to Bernays’ rumors.
It resonated so well with the masses because they associated cigarettes with freedom—one of the USA’s long-lasting values. By appealing to their emotional side, women started to smoke.
Bernays achieved his mission and the tobacco industry grew larger as their profit now had increased tenfold due to the gigantic success of Bernays’ campaign.
From one success to another, Bernays hired countless psychologists to analyze the behavior of people and better understand how they could satisfy their irrational desires.
Socialism failed where capitalism thrived.
The communists tried to suppress these subconscious, irrational forces hidden within the humans.
It always failed.
The Americans had to find a better tactic to prevent the masses from revolting against the government in times of peace.
During the war, all governments used this chance to channel human’s primitive forces and turn them into mindless killing machines. But you could not do the same in times of peace.
The consumer society of today is a society built on lies and deceit.
We have practically been trained to seek more and more goods that are not a necessity in itself but rather a means to satisfy our constant wants.
IHere is the link to the documentary: The Century Of The Self
Freud was not a Christian and in fact approached his theories more atheistically, yes, despite his upbringing and heritage as a Jew. Jews struggle with the concept of original sin which Christians have rather less trouble with.
Those fears and beliefs in humans that Freud identified tend to be overruled by selfishness mixed with rationality on a human scale. That latter explains why Labour Governments are re-elected from time to time: “Could they be any worse than the previous lot? What is on offer from Labour for me and my family?”
PS: Bernays was a bit late ‘in getting women to smoke cigarettes’. Think they were already doing that thanks to WW1 and Modernism.
“Bernays’ client, George W. Hill, president of the American Tobacco Company, had asked him: ‘How can we get women to smoke on the street. They’re smoking indoors. But, damn it, if they spend half the time outdoors and we can get ’em to smoke outdoors, we’ll damn near double our female market. ”
“Torches of Freedom Campaign
“Women Are Free!” American Tobacco Co., 1929
Originally, there were misconceptions that women do not smoke, particularly those that were considered nice or good girls. Indeed, while tobacco had been consumed in America in the late nineteenth century, it was not until 1929 that women were really expected or even allowed to partake in the consumption of tobacco products. Women were given the option to smoke in private, but even then it was still tabooed by American society due to its unfeminine nature: “Indeed smoking by women in North America and Europe had long been associated with loose morals and dubious sexual behaviour.”[1] The women that were smoking were perceived as whores or procuresses, or it was a symbol of prostitution and Victorian erotic photography. Only some rebellious women were willing to go against the social stigma in the early twentieth century. ”
Sure, smoking by women was still frowned up, Zephir, which was why it was such a thing for rebellious youth to do it in the early twenties. After WW1, because there was such a shortage of men, women worked and became independently affluent and thus could afford to smoke and also worked in offices where men smoked. Think photos by Beaton, Kertesz and others all demonstrate that before 1928. The trendy thing for fashion conscious ‘young flappers’ (the Bright Young Things) was the length of the cigarette holder and how glamourously it could be held.
Another factor is that Modernism really started in Europe and then went west to the USA, thus bucking the trend for all things invented American to spread eastwards.
Yes I agree with @Up2snuff
that article hakes the extraordinary claim that women smoking is entirely due to that “torches of freedom” march.
That seems flaky.
I see similar articles from lefy news sites using the same story to say “See this is how Trump worked, he copied these ideas of stoking fear, to usurp democracy”
.. Of course to me the people already had legitimate fears.
One the worst aspects, to me of the above (and ther are any to choose from); is the barrage of daytime TV adverts continually trying to make elderly people (daytime TV viewers) feel guilty about DYING and making others pay for their funeral.
Desperately trying to show how bad this is and offering them ways to pay for their own funeral.
They even use the phrase from an actor, “it seemed the right thing to do”.
In other words you are morally reprehensible if you do not buy our product, which you will never ever see the benefit of.
And, if you ever stop paying you will lose all your investment.
Tell me facts, let me make up my own mind. Stop polarising complex situations into goodies and baddies. And most of all, stop gaslighting me and telling me what to think, and that if I don’t think that, then saying I’m uneducated or ‘misinformed’.
“Half of pupils are not ready to start school at the age of four as many are still in nappies or can’t hold a pencil, teachers say
Growing numbers of four-year-olds begin reception year unable to pay attention
Problem being fuelled by parents spending too much time on electronic devices
Almost 1,000 primary school teachers and senior staff surveyed by YouGov”
“One in four teachers said more than half didn’t know how to listen or respond to simple instructions and struggled to play with others.
A third cited similarly high numbers having difficulties holding a pencil.
Other children lacked basic number and language skills, couldn’t eat independently and were not toilet trained.”
How can a PM get to be so out of touch with public sentiment ? The sheer incompetence of the Home Office in processing real refugees from a real war leaves one head scratching .
I wondered how it would be if these people were coloured ?
I know the answer . The coloured tribe MPs in parliament and race industry and BBC would be in their glory …..
Yet when challenged all nut nut can do is say ‘we ve done better in the past ‘ – crap. I am thinking about writing to my Tory MP about this because days are starting to turn into weeks and the admin is crap .
If there is a requirement for visas it should be as easy to get as possible .
Maybe the reason is that all the hotels are full of third world criminal boys on a freebee…
That’s a Recycled story the tabloid do almost every year
eg 31 May 2018
“Children who have fallen behind by the age of four: They can’t even talk properly, dress themselves, or even use a toilet, warns Ofsted chief”
Its very true. My niece is a head teacher, and finds her staff are having to do toilet training as well as teach. Her own children are looked after every day by grandparents, – my brother, and he has taught them to a terrific standard. Not yet 3 but can identify parts of body, count up to 12 and generally given the twins all his attention during the day. Just the way we were brought up, because Mum’s back then didn’t work.
Misremembering events edition
Containing a fun puzzle – see if you can spot the phrase “fact-checking” hidden somewhere deep within this review of today’s news reports
‘Zelensky: Children’s hospital attack a war crime‘ (BBC)
Reported uniformly as frontpage top news story all across our media:
Mirror: ‘Sheer horror… barbaric‘ Guardian: ‘“An attrocity” Russia bombs Ukraine’s children’s hospital‘ Sun: ‘Evil upon evil‘ Mail: ‘Depraved‘ Express: ‘The ultimate in depravity‘ Times: ‘Aiming at mothers and babies‘
We know our news editors must be clever men and women. And they do say great minds think alike.
Gosh, that hospital bombing does sound a very bad thing to do. And to cap it all, the BBC’s Mark Easten says: ‘Ukraine war: UK Home Office is in crisis mode over visas… Home secretaries must know how to deal with flak. It goes with the job. But when accusations of foot-dragging, complacency, heartlessness and lies come from your own backbenches, you know you have got a serious problem‘
One might draw a strange analogy here to the confluence of both a crisis of bomb attacks on mothers’ hospitals combined with chaotic UK immigration policy: ‘The Liverpool taxi bomber got thousands of pounds in legal aid in his battle to stay in the UK, figures have revealed‘ (Scottish Sun) – you will remember of course the so-called Liverpool taxi bomber didn’t set out to bomb a taxi. He targeted a maternity hospital as his secondary option after heavy traffic prevented his massacring attendees at an Armistice Sunday service. And as I recall he wasn’t exactly what I’d prefer to term a Liverpudlian. Soft lad. Calm down, calm down…
Quick promotional trailer here for the blockbuster BBC series which is The War… introducing our all-star cast of dozens: ‘Updates from BBC correspondents in Ukraine and the region: Jeremy Bowen, Orla Guerin, Lyse Doucet and James Waterhouse in Kyiv, Sarah Rainsford in Poltava, and Fergal Keane and Joel Gunter in Lviv‘
What does the BBC have for us in today’s latest episode in this exciting series?
‘Russia could launch chemical attack in Ukraine – White House‘ (By Gordon Corera Security correspondent, BBC News)
You know that peculiar feeling you experience when think you’ve been here and done this before? Déjà vu is what they call it. But you knew I was going to say that, right?
‘Whatever happened to Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction? Ask USA TODAY. We invaded the country less than two years after the Sept. 11 attacks amid accusations from the Bush administration of WMD. What did we find?‘ (USA Today)
Google offers to answer the question: “Is déjà vu a good thing?” – and I’m somewhat reassured to learn: “déjà vu occurs when the frontal regions of the brain attempt to correct an inaccurate memory. “For the vast majority of people, experiencing déjà vu is probably a good thing. It’s a sign that the fact-checking brain regions are working well, preventing you from misremembering events”
I have to ask – and google won’t offer the answer here – why such great obsession with Ukrainian refugees, having already escaped the war to a safe third country, being so very desperately herded here toward the UK?
And here’s more of that extensive BBC cast list – the B listers. The lesser stars, perhaps those with a face just for appearing in print?
‘Ukraine ambassador calls for UK to end red tape for refugees‘ (By Adam Durbin BBC News)
‘Ukraine: Does the Home Office need to get a grip? It’s been over a week since Home Secretary Priti Patel first appeared in Parliament to outline the government’s response to the growing humanitarian crisis...’ (By Alex Forsyth Political correspondent, BBC News)
‘Ukraine war: Refugee’s daughter says there’s a risk of riots at visa centre… She has travelled to Rzeszow in Poland to help her 79-year-old mother Antonina Kolodii to safety in the UK‘ (By Joseph Lee & Phil Kemp BBC News)
Personally, and this is just a punt on my part, I’m no psychiatrist, I think all this is a sort of sop to those still feeling so very hard done by over Brexit. It’s a comforter. Think of it as baby’s dummy: ‘Babies are often given a dummy, also called pacifiers or soothers, to suck on for comfort. Most babies have a strong sucking reflex‘ (a very rare appearance hereabouts for Pregnancy Birth and Baby Supporting Australian parents on the journey from pregnancy to preschool) – you know, they miss sucking on the teat that was the EU and fussing over certain aspects of the Ukraine war is a rather comforting substitute for that instinct.
Demonising the bad yesterday, mad today, bad tomorrow, mad again the next day Putin and obsessing on refugees has the additional benefit of having us forget the ineptitude of their preferred leader of the western world – one Joe – where’s Wally’s grandad – Biden.
He’s probably off missremebering events somewhere. My favourite gag told in respose to his recent State of the Union address was that is was unremarkable and eminently forgettable – but the person who would forget its content soonest… was the poor sap who delivered it.
Not one of them worth listening to. Fatty and gobby Feltz has even roped her pop group boyfriend (who seems to be out of work more than in) to co-writing her magazine column. Not that anyone’s interested.
Her story was initially corroborated by Amnesty International, a British NGO, which published several independent reports about the killings[3] and testimony from evacuees. Following the liberation of Kuwait, reporters were given access to the country. An ABC report found that “patients, including premature babies, did die, when many of Kuwait’s nurses and doctors … fled” but Iraqi troops “almost certainly had not stolen hospital incubators and left hundreds of Kuwaiti babies to die.”[4] Amnesty International reacted by issuing a correction, with executive director John Healey subsequently accusing the Bush administration of “opportunistic manipulation of the international human rights movement”.[5]
Look at this horrendous photo and ask yourself one question: what more does Putin need to do before we stop him? Genuinely curious what red line exists for all the ‘we can’t risk getting involved’ brigade.
I may incur wrath of those in power, which confers many things, including responsibility, but the media have created a terrible climate in complement to all that is horrifying in war.
Think of who the person here is, his background, what he has done in the past, what motivates him, who gives him a platform to do it… and then DO NOT EVEN THINK OF ASKING A QUESTION.
I found it interesting that when a camera was wandering about in the building after the bombing, there was little evidence of any beds or equipment. What was shown was corridors after corridor of empty rooms in disarray.
One day after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s visit to London to discuss Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, UK media outlets continue to skewer Trudeau over his handling of the Freedom Convoy protesters in Ottawa.
I am fascinated that those who so enthusiastically promote global trade and sing the virtues of economic inter-reliance, are the very same people who reflexively demand trade sanctions as the be all and end all of foreign policy.
Like showing a red rag to Bull. Back someone into a corner with no way out and don’t be surprised when they go for your throat.
All the cowardly useless incompetent leader of Blue Labour is doing here is not any physical threat, it’s all about stuffing wads of our money into the bulging wallets of the greedy weasels for a process which will inevitably drag on for years, cost multiple millions and end with virtually nothing being done.
In WWII there was no talk of trials taking place until after the invasion was succesful because they knew that surrender was much less likely if the main players knew they were going to face trial.
What Boris has done with his posturing is to make the situation more dangerous, more lethal, and made a cease fire even less likely.
Well done Boris, if there was anyone likely to F it up it was you and you succeeded massively!
If Boris includes all Russians then he is telling Putin that if he starts to lose the war he has nothing to lose by unleashing all of his nukes including I understand 500 on subs in the Atlantic as if he is a target for topping he might as well go out with a bang and take a few million Europeans and Americans with him.
The BBC article talks about known Putin oligarchs being sanctioned today.
If there were known Hitler oligarchs in the UK they too would have been sanctioned straight away
.. It wasn’t a case if having to wait for Nuremberg trials
“If there were known Hitler oligarchs in the UK they too would have been sanctioned straight away”
There were plenty and many were interred during WWII, however there were many sympathisers like Lord Reith who were never sanctioned.
There were a lot of dark goings on by the aristocracy in particular around the start of WWII including the flight to Scotland by Von Ribbentrop which has never been adequately explained.
The big difference though is that no action against anyone was taken until Britain declared war on Germany. Britain has not declared war on Russia and lets hope our idiot fantasy land politicians never do.
This tweet has been deleted. What is @JMPSimor indicating here. Maybe she should listen to what the Ukrainian Ambassador to the United Kingdom said. Next tweet in thread. 1/2
To The Party that used to Labour , Stop point scoring. Get your own house in order, If you were in Government…You wouldn't be able to issue Visa's , You can't decide who's Men and Women.
The former home secretary Jack Straw has admitted that dropping immigration restrictions on eastern European migrants was a “spectacular mistake” on Labour’s part.
The Labour MP said handing immediate working rights to Poles and other nationalities who joined the EU in 2004 was a “well-intentioned policy we messed up”. Writing in the Lancashire Telegraph, Straw said: “However careful you are, as a minister, in your analysis, many decisions are based upon predictions about the future, where, ultimately, your fate is in the lap of the gods. “One spectacular mistake in which I participated [not alone] was in lifting the transitional restrictions on the eastern European states like Poland and Hungary which joined the EU in mid-2004. “Other existing EU members, notably France and Germany, decided to stick to the general rule which prevented migrants from these new states from working until 2011. But we thought that it would be good for Britain if these folk could come and work here from 2004. “Thorough research by the Home Office suggested that the impact of this benevolence would in any event be ‘relatively small, at between 5,000 and 13,000 immigrants per year up to 2010’. “Events proved these forecasts worthless. Net migration reached close to a quarter of a million at its peak in 2010. Lots of red faces, mine included.” Straw, the MP for Blackburn
“Chelsea FC owner Roman Abramovich has been sanctioned by the UK government as part of its response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.” BBC
Chelsea FC owner Roman Abramovich?
I though he transfered ownership to avoid losing all his wealth! HA HA HA! Imagine all the other companies doing it as well!
LABOUR MP Chris Bryant has accused the UK Government of inaction for not sanctioning Chelsea FC owner, Roman Abramovich, while referencing a leaked government document.
11am FooC as ever these days we learnt little.
– Tom Bateman : Israel as mediator
– Mahjooba Nowrouzi in Turkish resort of Antalya
where today Russia’s foreign minister is due to meet with his Ukrainian counterpart
It’s a city that’s in other times popular with both Russians and Ukrainian tourists. visited the coastal town and she found opposing narratives about the conflict surfaced in the chatter of the bazaars
– Odessa, Damien McGuinness,
The city’s residents are braced for a possible assault and many are leaving their homes.
Their experiences are horribly reminiscent of the traumas suffered a generation ago in Georgia.
– Jamaica, Rachel Wright
In 2015 they authorised a regulated medical cannabis industry.
Now, some traditional growers say they can’t afford to meet the strict legal requirements for growing the plant.
– France, Chris Bockman
The medieval village of Lagrasse in south-west is home to an eight century Abbey which is divided in two parts – one side is occupied by a group of left-leaning intellectuals, the other by a traditional catholic religious order.
Theres been friction since a festival 15 years ago when the lefties did a festival about sex.
But now some rightwing writers helped the monks by writing a popular book.
That has incense the lefties who have reacted by shouting “far right, far right”.
Jussie Smollett will be sentenced today for his conviction on charges that he lied to Chicago police when the former “Empire” actor and R&B singer reported being the victim of a racist and homophobic attack more than three years ago.
In just a few short minutes, Ted Cruz excoriates every single aspect of Bumbling Biden’s policies on pretty much everything.
US energy production (or lack of), Nord Stream 2, dependency on Russia, and now Venezuela, Saudi Arabia and Iran; crucial rare earth minerals and nickel; Polish Migs to Ukraine… the lot!
President Zelensky himself told Cruz that if Biden had sanctioned Nordtream 2, Russia would never have invaded.
In just over a year, the Imbecile has been wrong about EVERYTHING; has wrecked the US economy; has enriched and emboldened the enemies of the West; and has brought us to the brink of WW3.
Naturally, the msm and the BBC are still running cover for the dotard.
“President Zelensky himself told Cruz that if Biden had sanctioned Nordtream 2, Russia would never have invaded.”
How exactly a pipeline between Russia and Germany, Bidens authority to sanction?
The US CATSA Act sanctioned any country which worked on the Nordstream 2 pipeline hence it was never completed and licenced. It was unanimously passed piece of legislation which both sides supported during Donald Trumps Presidency (something else he was right about).
Biden illegaly circumented CATSA to lift the sanctions and allow its completetion – remember Merkel was the first leader he wanted to talk to after his election.
It is now one of the issues Biden might be impeached over in the New Year.
The statement “if Biden had sanctioned Nordtream 2” is erroneous as it already was sanctioned. It should have read if Biden hadn’t lifted the sanctions already in place.
For the full horror of what these sanctions are going to mean for Europe and why they are unsustainable in the short to medium term, here is a link to a table to the value of imports to the EU from Russia.
An astonishing amount of raw materials, but also $667 million of fish, $1.3 Bn fertilisers, $135 million cereals.
Just to add to that here is the table of what the EU imported from Ukraine last year, and its just as terrifying.
$2 Bn cereal, and a whole lot more food products adding up to a major shock on the way for Europe in the Autumn of this year when the harvest simply isn’t there any more.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – cannot see any sight of it on the BBC web-site Yesterday the International Energy Agency released the news that CO2 emissions reached a new high in 2021. Now you would think the BBC would be very excited about that and Roger Harrabin would be all over it, stirring up fear and anxiety.
Not at all – no comment on the web-site whatsoever.
We’re not hearing much from the Swedish goblin these days.
Perhaps the brainless troll is dimly aware that her daft policies – well, slogans really – are indirectly responsible for kneecapping the West and encouraging Putin to invade.
Or perhaps things have just got too complicated for her simplistic platitudes, back here in the real world.
Sweden’s Saab secures major arms deal
Swedish defence firm Saab has received an order for ammunition worth more than a billion kronor, according to a company statement on Friday.
Guido understands the Thatcherite Conservative Way Forward (CWF) organisation will relaunch next week, with chairman Steve Baker set to unveil the leading members of the group’s parliamentary council and drum up much needed support for free market policies within the party. Just in time for the government’s tax hikes next month.
support for free market policies within the party
Boris Johnson’s Guarantee
We will get Brexit done in January and unleash the potential of our whole country.
I guarantee:
Extra funding for the NHS, with 50,000 more nurses and 50 million more GP surgery appointments a year.
20,000 more police and tougher sentencing for criminals.
An Australian-style points-based system to control immigration.
Millions more invested every week in science, schools, apprenticeships and infrastructure while controlling debt.
Reaching Net Zero by 2050 with investment in clean energy solutions and green infrastructure to reduce carbon emissions and pollution.
We will not raise the rate of income tax, VAT or National Insurance. We will not raise the rate of income tax, VAT or National Insurance. We will not raise the rate of income tax, VAT or National Insurance. We will not raise the rate of income tax, VAT or National Insurance. We will not raise the rate of income tax, VAT or National Insurance.
Thank you for supporting our majority Conservative Government so we can move our great country on instead of going backwards.
MM, I think the tax hikes should have been even more progressive: they have made the BBC pips squeak a little but I would have liked more from high earners at the BBC to fund the NHS. After all the BBC’s Ewan Yores was having a moan about elective surgery delays and waiting lists. Simple solution: scrap the 50K thereabouts ceiling; take even more from those on £700K like Vine, make the NI Increase apply to service companies as well.
MM, further to my other post, if Steve Baker really wants to take the Conservative Party and the UK forward, tax reform is a must. The UK tax code is far too complicated and needs an overhaul. Indirect taxes and stealth taxes must go. Some of them (fuel duty+VED) are in a death spiral anyway.
MM, 10% tax for everyone is:
1. very regressive
2. doesn’t raise the finance necessary for present levels of spending let alone grandiose plans of some politicians and you end up with a lot of what we have now, indirect, stealth and hidden taxes being introduced to raise money, and,
3. doesn’t solve the knotty problem of Local Authority financing.
The first and most important reform is to scrap VED and fuel duties. Their death warrant has been signed by the current PM and his predecessor. You cannot really tax private vehicles without taxing all other forms of transport so best to set aside money from general taxation for roads and investment in new roads. Road pricing would be a colossal admission that Fossil Fuel AGW & CC doesn’t exist.
The next reform is to deal with Council Tax and Business Rates. Both are failed taxes instituted by mob rule and the Labour Party. The Community Charge was a good idea but wrecked by an impatient PM.
After these major reforms, then the goal should be simplify the tax code to tax on personal and corporate income, tax on capital gains, tax on purchases and, possibly, some sort of Inheritance Tax although I think Chancellors should be encouraged to tax the living and not the dead.
Here is a new and breaking conspiracy theory, that for some reason the NHS Covid posters are in the colours of the Ukrainian flag and that there was somehow some prior knowledge of the intention to support Ukraine and this was some kind of signal and prepping the population for this two years or so ago.
OK yes it is the colours of the Ukrainian flag, but it’s also the NHS corporate blue colour which they’ve been using for years, and yellow is a well known colour for warning.
I’m dismissing this as a bit of sillyness I know that plenty of conspiracy theories have come to pass as truth but somehow I don’t think this is going to be one of them.
Mark Page: Ex-Radio 1 DJ jailed for 12 years over child sex offences
His defence was “Yes I always said No comment to the police, but I meant ‘I must have been hacked’ ”
The jury didn’t believe him.
Det Sgt Kevin Carter from Cleveland Police’s paedophile online investigation team, said Page had “refused to accept responsibility” and instead tried to “lay blame on everyone but himself”.
The use of lockdowns and other ‘non-pharmaceutical’ interventions such as social distancing and the use of face coverings
The management of the pandemic in hospitals and care homes
The procurement and provision of equipment like personal protective equipment and ventilators
Support for businesses and jobs, including the furlough scheme, as well as benefits and sick pay.
Will apparently NOT cover:
The statistics on deaths of people with pre-existing poor health conditions v the rest of the population.
The age profile of victims.
The number of people who died while in hospital with other conditions or were in care homes v the rest of the population.
The proportionality of rules for schoolchildren.
The balance and fairness of penalties for fairly minor rule breaking, accidentally or otherwise.
I think we are about to see another pop at Boris and Co. I also notice that Scotland have gone it alone with their own version of the review, wonder why that is? Probably to be hand written by Sturgeon and the SNP would be my guess.
We have seen the result in Canada where the small group of people who make the rules without public agreement also enforce the rules without restriction or liability, is this democratic?
Local radio, Lincoln University hve somehow found a huge magic money tree
“A journalism student from Ukraine will be offered a place with free accommodation and the tuition fees will be waived for the whole degree”
.. Only clips of happy students were played.
Apologies again, for bringing up Al Beeb’s bastard twin, Sly, but they currently have online Christopher Steele commenting on the Russia/Ukraine invasion and Putin without mentioning that he is the disgraced former UK intelligence agent who wrote the work of fiction about President Trump’s (imaginary) Peegate escapades which led directly to the various outcrys against Trump.
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Listening to TR this morning, it was clear that the old fool in the WH had ‘bottled it’, and so Barry, the Clintons and that old bitch Pelosi had forced him to keep their investments safe while Ukrainians suffer disgraceful attacks.
The US ‘leadership’ is just a fat lump of failed politicians clinging to a lifeboat, and I sincerely hope that the normal citizens see their problems from non-voting a ‘president’ when the mid-terms come along!
Pathetic – but it will be too late for them then, so they’ll become even more ‘victims’.
I believe there are 5 Democrat politicians lined up for impeachment come the new year.
Contempt. Beneath contempt. And wherever BBC finds itself down there.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – weaponising refugees
Guest, I note that this article on the BBC web-site on the same subject has no by-line. It is anonymous. As you correctly say, the BBC are beneath contempt.
It is bizarre. The U.K. media has decided and what the Ukrainians think is then irrelevant.
At least some are having a jolly old war.
If one accepts that Boris has delegated the retrieval of information that turns out to be wrong (and likely deliberately misled by public servants) – it’s about time that Boris dispatched some enforcers to root out the perps and reward them.
Some medieval barbarity would be entertaining but I’d applaud some P45s for mandarins and minions as a viable substitute.
The BBC are very concerned about refugees escaping from Ukraine.
I wonder what pic they will use to illustrate their story?
Oh look, it’s an Indian man – well, what are the odds?!
Incidentally, India abstained from condemning Russia at the UN.
Vlad, about a thousand Africans and Indians are studying at University in Ukraine. At a guess, most might be doing medicine. On your second point, it is worth remembering that India, although it has a Conservative national Government, has States that are Communist.
So, one thousand out of a pop of 44 million.
Hardly representative.
Exactly so. And a reason why, obvious to anyone with the exception of the BBC, that the Government is instructing officials to be careful. It is not just the BBC that are enemies of the UK and its present Government, but many different countries around the world.
I’m sure that traffickers and people smugglers are already telling their human cargoes “Claim to be from a Ukrainian University and say you lost your papers in the rush to leave or on the journey.” If we let in everyone at Calais as Yvette Cooper and the Labour Party and BBC want, not only will we run the risk of another terror attack in the UK, the taxpayer will face a massive bill for hotel accommodation for all the refugees. But then the BBC have been complaining about the NI Increase in April so we know the BBC don’t like tax increases unless, of course, it is the TV tax that is increased.
Ukrainian men of fighting age aren’t allowed to leave.
Yes I’ve noticed that if you assume the photos of ‘Ukrainian ‘ refugees are a random selection of the population that is being forced to leave , you would believe that BAMEs made up 20% of the population. Perhaps the MSM don’t realise that unlike them we aren’t triggered into emotional meltdown when we see a 39 year old BAME man with beard pretending to be a child. Just the opposite in fact.
Oh and by the way BBC Ukrainian men and boys are staying to fight for blood and soil in contrast to the boat loads of free loading 20 and 30 year old which you claim are refugees.
The standard of broadcasting on GBNews now is so poor that I reckon they’ll be on the BBCOFCOM naughty step – throughout the late afternoon – evening – the sound has been dreadful – they can’t show visual pieces or diagrams and show the wrong stuff .
Frankly it is abysmal
Shame. I wonder if they are being sabotaged, Fed?
It was so bad that was my conclusion ….Steyn nearly threw the towel in
The Steyn show is the best thing on telly, but the technical problems were ludicrous. The sound was cutting out, then when it came back you could hear people speaking in the background and most of the links failed.
It’s strange because none of the other shows are quite as bad as this.
Perhaps we’re all being paranoid because I also suspected foul play.
We said exactly the same, regarding foul play ,especially as the video Steyn wanted to show was going to be extremely controversial ! He is such a breath of fresh air to us but must be hacking lots of people off.
“Government climate advisers say cut fossil fuels to lower energy bills”
This article is from last week but I think things have changed .
Has Nigel Farage burst nut nut’s ‘Green Balloon’ ?
We need to get cracking and start fracking!
More smelly flatulence from a master of the genre there – Mr. Harrabin
I do wonder if Roger practices what he preaches – I’d wager he doesn’t but if actually challenged he jump to a noble cause excuse….
The marquees, poratcabins and scoority staff of the NHS Covid testing scheme are being repurposed and relocated to BBC car parks around the country to serve as refugee reception centres + BBC staff will be asked to volunteer for unpaid overtime to assist in administering the influx.
A fantasy I know … but I liked it
Add all the BBC studios & offices etc to that list.
“More than 28,500 arrived on British shores last year”
Home Office – not fit for purpose!
Border Farce – not fit for purpose!
That’s 28,500 places filled which should have been emptied for genuine asylum seekers.
Priti , promises and promises ………………
The BBC won’t say it, but Biden-the-Imbecile destroyed US energy production, and now he’s blaming it all on Putin.
The 9pm BBC1 show stars Alan Carr and Michelle Ogundehin
Do they represent Britain ?
From the picture I can’t see a one legged black transgender though !
Speaking of which, I see the winner of Pottery Throw Down was a transgender – whose Mum referred to as ‘they’. This confused me somewhat because in the little family background piece – ‘they’ had a sister, and was shown as 2 little girls in early life. Then it was ‘they’ went to university where ‘they’ discovered pottery. I thought Mum meant the pair of them. lol ! Why not call themselves ‘it’ if he or she is so offensive ?
Hello Brissles, he is in the blue dress
Lol ! yes, its SOO obvious now ‘its’ pointed out.
Could run a spot the trans competition. Not difficult tho in this case.
Just watching Sky and they should a ‘Ukrainian’ ‘refugee’ a young man with a light tan a beard a smart phone and the name Mohammed & a Middle Eastern surname who clearly is not a native Ukrainian.
He is trying to gain refugee status in Britain and moaning about the difficulty in gaining a visa.
I think sometimes the TV stations can’t point the finger and say that the guy is clearly not a genuine asylum seeker, but I think they came just about as close as they could to show the need for careful vetting to allow only the genuine ones in.
‘The Director of the Information and Press Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Maria Vladimirovna Zakharova, told the United States on Wednesday, “We have found your biological weapons!”
Russia now demands the US to explain bio labs in Ukraine.
Russia accused the U.S. of violations of the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention and has covered it up.’
Has BBC covered USA allegedly having bio labs in Ukraine?
Or just ignored it as a conspiracy theory or because it’s just not part of their narrative.
Yes I was told they were looking for this evidence but got tired of posts referring to Russian apologists here yesterday morning, despite my assurances that I condemned what is happening but challenged the media narrative.
Which is what we all do regarding the bbc especially.
I’m out of here until this is all over for that same reason.
When you get insulted for challenging propaganda of the level we are being subjected to, it’s not worth it.
Maybe see you in the Spring.
I don’t blame you John, and it is rather ironic considering the point of this site, but do reconsider as your voice is appreciated, and the like votes show that there are more than a few that value your input.
It’s the risk you take if you choose to go off topic and go into a non BBC subject . If you write like an apologist – read like an apologist…. There you go
You agreed with me yesterday and then turned on me for no reason so I am off also as you are acting like a hypocritical twat
There you go you bloody hypocrit at least Maxi is consistent
My comment wasn’t specifically aimed at you – but if someone writes like an apologist reads like an apologist be it …
Cheers for the comment – made my day …
Before coming to this site a while ago it might have up set me – now – nothing – but you deserved a reply .
Good luck.
“It was like swimming against a current that swept you backwards however hard you struggled, and then suddenly deciding to turn round and go with the current instead of opposing it. Nothing had changed except your own attitude: the predestined thing happened in any case.”
― George Orwell, 1984
Bio-labs and other verboten subjects covered by Steyn last night here, which may explain the ‘technical issues’.
Jeff Taylor also raised the topic on 8 March here.
“Yeah. We’re not going to do a segment about secret labs in Ukraine. Last thing we want to do on this show is traffic in Russian disinformation spread by QAnon, so we took a pass on that story. And that’s where things stood until yesterday when we happened to tune in to a hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
Toria Nuland was testifying so we were interested. Nuland was one of the people who brought us the Iraq War, never apologized for that and kept getting promoted because that’s how DC works. Toria Nuland is now Joe Biden’s Under Secretary of State in charge of Ukraine and she knows a lot about Ukraine.
she is a highly informed source about Ukraine. So, she was having this colloquy with Senator Marco Rubio of Florida during her testimony, and at one point, Rubio took a tack that we were not expecting at all. He asked Nuland if Ukraine had biological weapons.
We never imagined Ukraine would have biological weapons. Why would Ukraine have bioweapons? So, it seemed like a pretty strange question, but it wasn’t half as shocking as the answer he got. Here’s what Toria Nuland said.
SEN. MARCO RUBIO: Does Ukraine have chemical or biological weapons?
VICTORIA NULAND: Ukraine has a biological research facilities, which, In fact, we are now quite concerned Russian troops, Russian forces, may be seeking to gain control of. So, we are working with the Ukrainians on how they can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces should they approach.
Does Ukraine have biological weapons? Ugh, Ukraine has biological research facilities. What? You mean secret bio labs like the secret bio labs that Ukraine definitely doesn’t have? Ukraine has those? Yes, it does. And not only does Ukraine have secret bio labs, Toria Nuland said, whatever they’re doing in those labs is so dangerous and so scary that she is, “quite concerned” that the so-called research material inside those bio labs might fall into the hands of Russian forces.
“Under oath in an open committee hearing, Toria Nuland just confirmed that the Russian disinformation they’ve been telling us for days is a lie and a conspiracy theory and crazy and immoral to believe is, in fact, totally and completely true.”
This link to Steyn says video is private. Last nights episode is not on the gb news website. Not on you tube. Has it been censored? Tuckers article is v interesting and not really surprising.
I am not posting as much nowadays, mainly because my bbc exposure is v low. And Covid has receded….but the msm has replaced that propaganda with war propaganda.
I still read comments here every day because I value your opinions and it’s important to have a range of those opinions which as we know is not what you get from the media.
I’m sorry that some contributors feel that they can’t comment here for the moment – I like to hear all opinions and they should be free to do that without getting lambasted.
Loobyloo, “I’m sorry that some contributors feel that they can’t comment here for the moment – I like to hear all opinions and they should be free to do that without getting lambasted.”
I agree. It is a feature of this site and its contributors that we agree to disagree but also pick each other up on errors, especially if maxi & chums are watching. It is noticeable that the aforementioned troll never helps out another poster here, never or hardly ever agrees with a point that they have made but just snipes late at night and never attacks the BBC.
Tucker Carlson continues to make an ass of himself over Ukraine. He never did understand the enormity of what was happened, and completelty forget his countries history when it sought to avoid involvement in WWII and got Pearl Harbour as a reward for that complacency.
The problem in America with Petrol is the way they organised their society around the motor car, so that if fuel became unavailable tomorrow, Americans would all die.
High time that they look to what they have and how it might be changed to make it at least more robust without oil. A 20 – 30 minute drive just to get to a supermarket is plainly ridiculous, and yet this is what they have done.
Yes Steyn gave that same link in his tweet
But it seems now Wednesdays prog is not available apart from the Stump the Steyn segment.
GB News “technical problems” are very interesting. I have seen and experienced the sound issues. The sound cuts intermittently for short and longer periods. It defies belief that it’s happening time and time again. It doesn’t seem to have the pattern of a fault. If it was a fault it would surely have been found by now. Do GB News not know it’s happening? It might possibly not be a studio fault but outside in the data stream between the studio and broadcast facilities.
I am reminded of a couple of broadcasts back in the 1960’s that were to feature the controversial Anthony Wedgwood Benn. They mysteriously blacked out. It was widely thought to have been some kind of sabotage.
Last night just before Steyn came on they switched to the weather presenter
but we got additional audio where Steyn was asking where some papers were.. He didn’t swear, thank god.
It happened two days straight when Colin Brazier’s show had just started, – he clearly knew as he said “we’re experiencing some sound difficulties”. After almost a year one would imagine the technical issues had been sorted, unless they’re tight on money and raid the local scrap yard for spare bits !!
I came across this a while ago, sums up our msm nicely, no mention of the bbc but I think the guardian one covers that:
On the day the world ends, what will newspapers say?
The Sun: Armageddon Out of Here!
The Star: End of the World Tit Parade, Page 7!
The Guardian: Racist Meteor to Hit Africa at 10:30 Kinshasa Time. Brexit Blamed.
The Telegraph: World to end this evening, rain expected tomorrow.
Tokyo Herald: Apocalyptic doom will not affect railways too badly.
Morning Star: Plutocratic Fat-Cat Capitalist Meteor Seeks to Crush Proletariat.
Financial Times: Equity Markets in Turmoil as Expected Global Catastrophe Looms.
The Times: Extinction Level Event Expected to Cut Continent Off from British Isles.
Le Monde: Fin du tout va provoquer une pénurie de fromage.
And of course in the Pyongyang Clarion: Nothing Happening. Is Normal Day. You Go To Work Now. Not Look Upwards
Funny thing, Zephir, but I was reading this in Matthew’s Gospel chapter 24 just this very morning and puzzling over one phrase in verse 30: ” And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. ”
The BBC, of course, might have a section on their Home Page under world news: ‘End of the World Cup’.
Someone mentioned here the fallacy of democracy, I was reading this a while ago and :
Humans could never be allowed to rule in a democracy.
In the documentary called “The Century Of The Self”, you explore how today’s society came up to be and how human nature was shaped during this process.
Sigmund Freud (Austrian neurologist) believed that humans are irrational beings, dominated by fears and desires which lurked in their subconscious mind. You could never allow such irrational creatures to be in charge of a democratic system.
Edward Bernays — Freud’s nephew who lived in the USA—soon realized the potential of Freud’s insights and swiftly put them into practice assisting Woodrow Wilson in convincing the American public that by joining WW1 the US would be helping bring democracy to Europe. Given the success of this wartime propaganda Bernays then looked to its implementation during peacetime.
Having seen how effective propaganda could be during war, Bernays wondered whether it might prove equally useful during peacetime.
Yet propaganda had acquired a somewhat pejorative connotation (which would be further magnified during World War II), so Bernays promoted the term “public relations.”
Drawing on the insights of his Uncle Sigmund – a relationship Bernays was always quick to mention – he developed an approach he dubbed “the engineering of consent.” He provided leaders the means to “control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing about it.” To do so, it was necessary to appeal not to the rational part of the mind, but the unconscious.
Bernays knew he had to build a social system in which the masses were not allowed to rule. He had to give them the illusion of a democracy.
From his seminal work of 1928, Propaganda, comes this chilling quote –
The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in a democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, and our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of…. It is they who pull the wires that control the public mind.
The Nazis implemented the same concepts as Bernays, but they abandoned altogether the illusion of a democracy. They chose instead a straightforward approach: the energy of the masses should be channeled into a united force that would maintain the nation glued together.
Bernays’ plan was to transform the masses into passive consumers.
As long as people’s hidden desires were satisfied and exponentially multiplied, the Government could keep on doing whatever it saw fit.
Through this transformation, people became obedient workers of a society that spoon-fed them the illusion of democracy and well-being.
One of the greatest stunts Edward Bernays has ever pulled off was when he got American women to smoke—an unprecedented event in USA’s history.
You see, Bernays had to go beyond the obvious.
Cigarettes were thought of as a male products. No one thought a woman would smoke. And then he realized—he didn’t have to use logic to make women smoke. Bernays paid a group of women to go on a smoking march. He subtly spread rumors to journalists about the upcoming march.
And so it happened.
Dozens of women marched on the streets carrying “torches of freedom”.
Yes—cigarettes had become a symbol of freedom.
The news spread like a wildfire throughout the USA thanks to Bernays’ rumors.
It resonated so well with the masses because they associated cigarettes with freedom—one of the USA’s long-lasting values. By appealing to their emotional side, women started to smoke.
Bernays achieved his mission and the tobacco industry grew larger as their profit now had increased tenfold due to the gigantic success of Bernays’ campaign.
From one success to another, Bernays hired countless psychologists to analyze the behavior of people and better understand how they could satisfy their irrational desires.
Socialism failed where capitalism thrived.
The communists tried to suppress these subconscious, irrational forces hidden within the humans.
It always failed.
The Americans had to find a better tactic to prevent the masses from revolting against the government in times of peace.
During the war, all governments used this chance to channel human’s primitive forces and turn them into mindless killing machines. But you could not do the same in times of peace.
The consumer society of today is a society built on lies and deceit.
We have practically been trained to seek more and more goods that are not a necessity in itself but rather a means to satisfy our constant wants.
IHere is the link to the documentary: The Century Of The Self
Freud was not a Christian and in fact approached his theories more atheistically, yes, despite his upbringing and heritage as a Jew. Jews struggle with the concept of original sin which Christians have rather less trouble with.
Those fears and beliefs in humans that Freud identified tend to be overruled by selfishness mixed with rationality on a human scale. That latter explains why Labour Governments are re-elected from time to time: “Could they be any worse than the previous lot? What is on offer from Labour for me and my family?”
PS: Bernays was a bit late ‘in getting women to smoke cigarettes’. Think they were already doing that thanks to WW1 and Modernism.
“Bernays’ client, George W. Hill, president of the American Tobacco Company, had asked him: ‘How can we get women to smoke on the street. They’re smoking indoors. But, damn it, if they spend half the time outdoors and we can get ’em to smoke outdoors, we’ll damn near double our female market. ”
“Torches of Freedom Campaign
“Women Are Free!” American Tobacco Co., 1929
Originally, there were misconceptions that women do not smoke, particularly those that were considered nice or good girls. Indeed, while tobacco had been consumed in America in the late nineteenth century, it was not until 1929 that women were really expected or even allowed to partake in the consumption of tobacco products. Women were given the option to smoke in private, but even then it was still tabooed by American society due to its unfeminine nature: “Indeed smoking by women in North America and Europe had long been associated with loose morals and dubious sexual behaviour.”[1] The women that were smoking were perceived as whores or procuresses, or it was a symbol of prostitution and Victorian erotic photography. Only some rebellious women were willing to go against the social stigma in the early twentieth century. ”
Bernay’s was Freud’s nephew (or great nephew) just for information.
Sure, smoking by women was still frowned up, Zephir, which was why it was such a thing for rebellious youth to do it in the early twenties. After WW1, because there was such a shortage of men, women worked and became independently affluent and thus could afford to smoke and also worked in offices where men smoked. Think photos by Beaton, Kertesz and others all demonstrate that before 1928. The trendy thing for fashion conscious ‘young flappers’ (the Bright Young Things) was the length of the cigarette holder and how glamourously it could be held.
Another factor is that Modernism really started in Europe and then went west to the USA, thus bucking the trend for all things invented American to spread eastwards.
Yes I agree with @Up2snuff
that article hakes the extraordinary claim that women smoking is entirely due to that “torches of freedom” march.
That seems flaky.
I see similar articles from lefy news sites using the same story to say “See this is how Trump worked, he copied these ideas of stoking fear, to usurp democracy”
.. Of course to me the people already had legitimate fears.
Minor clarifications and corrections Dept:
I should have added the word ‘personal’ before original sin in the first paragraph of my post above.
One the worst aspects, to me of the above (and ther are any to choose from); is the barrage of daytime TV adverts continually trying to make elderly people (daytime TV viewers) feel guilty about DYING and making others pay for their funeral.
Desperately trying to show how bad this is and offering them ways to pay for their own funeral.
They even use the phrase from an actor, “it seemed the right thing to do”.
In other words you are morally reprehensible if you do not buy our product, which you will never ever see the benefit of.
And, if you ever stop paying you will lose all your investment.
Tell me facts, let me make up my own mind. Stop polarising complex situations into goodies and baddies. And most of all, stop gaslighting me and telling me what to think, and that if I don’t think that, then saying I’m uneducated or ‘misinformed’.
“Half of pupils are not ready to start school at the age of four as many are still in nappies or can’t hold a pencil, teachers say
Growing numbers of four-year-olds begin reception year unable to pay attention
Problem being fuelled by parents spending too much time on electronic devices
Almost 1,000 primary school teachers and senior staff surveyed by YouGov”
“One in four teachers said more than half didn’t know how to listen or respond to simple instructions and struggled to play with others.
A third cited similarly high numbers having difficulties holding a pencil.
Other children lacked basic number and language skills, couldn’t eat independently and were not toilet trained.”
How can a PM get to be so out of touch with public sentiment ? The sheer incompetence of the Home Office in processing real refugees from a real war leaves one head scratching .
I wondered how it would be if these people were coloured ?
I know the answer . The coloured tribe MPs in parliament and race industry and BBC would be in their glory …..
Yet when challenged all nut nut can do is say ‘we ve done better in the past ‘ – crap. I am thinking about writing to my Tory MP about this because days are starting to turn into weeks and the admin is crap .
If there is a requirement for visas it should be as easy to get as possible .
Maybe the reason is that all the hotels are full of third world criminal boys on a freebee…
That’s a Recycled story the tabloid do almost every year
eg 31 May 2018
“Children who have fallen behind by the age of four: They can’t even talk properly, dress themselves, or even use a toilet, warns Ofsted chief”
Its very true. My niece is a head teacher, and finds her staff are having to do toilet training as well as teach. Her own children are looked after every day by grandparents, – my brother, and he has taught them to a terrific standard. Not yet 3 but can identify parts of body, count up to 12 and generally given the twins all his attention during the day. Just the way we were brought up, because Mum’s back then didn’t work.
Misremembering events edition
Containing a fun puzzle – see if you can spot the phrase “fact-checking” hidden somewhere deep within this review of today’s news reports
‘Zelensky: Children’s hospital attack a war crime‘ (BBC)
Reported uniformly as frontpage top news story all across our media:
Mirror: ‘Sheer horror… barbaric‘
Guardian: ‘“An attrocity” Russia bombs Ukraine’s children’s hospital‘
Sun: ‘Evil upon evil‘
Mail: ‘Depraved‘
Express: ‘The ultimate in depravity‘
Times: ‘Aiming at mothers and babies‘
We know our news editors must be clever men and women. And they do say great minds think alike.
Gosh, that hospital bombing does sound a very bad thing to do. And to cap it all, the BBC’s Mark Easten says: ‘Ukraine war: UK Home Office is in crisis mode over visas… Home secretaries must know how to deal with flak. It goes with the job. But when accusations of foot-dragging, complacency, heartlessness and lies come from your own backbenches, you know you have got a serious problem‘
One might draw a strange analogy here to the confluence of both a crisis of bomb attacks on mothers’ hospitals combined with chaotic UK immigration policy: ‘The Liverpool taxi bomber got thousands of pounds in legal aid in his battle to stay in the UK, figures have revealed‘ (Scottish Sun) – you will remember of course the so-called Liverpool taxi bomber didn’t set out to bomb a taxi. He targeted a maternity hospital as his secondary option after heavy traffic prevented his massacring attendees at an Armistice Sunday service. And as I recall he wasn’t exactly what I’d prefer to term a Liverpudlian. Soft lad. Calm down, calm down…
Quick promotional trailer here for the blockbuster BBC series which is The War… introducing our all-star cast of dozens: ‘Updates from BBC correspondents in Ukraine and the region: Jeremy Bowen, Orla Guerin, Lyse Doucet and James Waterhouse in Kyiv, Sarah Rainsford in Poltava, and Fergal Keane and Joel Gunter in Lviv‘
What does the BBC have for us in today’s latest episode in this exciting series?
‘Russia could launch chemical attack in Ukraine – White House‘ (By Gordon Corera Security correspondent, BBC News)
You know that peculiar feeling you experience when think you’ve been here and done this before? Déjà vu is what they call it. But you knew I was going to say that, right?
‘Whatever happened to Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction? Ask USA TODAY. We invaded the country less than two years after the Sept. 11 attacks amid accusations from the Bush administration of WMD. What did we find?‘ (USA Today)
Google offers to answer the question: “Is déjà vu a good thing?” – and I’m somewhat reassured to learn: “déjà vu occurs when the frontal regions of the brain attempt to correct an inaccurate memory. “For the vast majority of people, experiencing déjà vu is probably a good thing. It’s a sign that the fact-checking brain regions are working well, preventing you from misremembering events”
I have to ask – and google won’t offer the answer here – why such great obsession with Ukrainian refugees, having already escaped the war to a safe third country, being so very desperately herded here toward the UK?
And here’s more of that extensive BBC cast list – the B listers. The lesser stars, perhaps those with a face just for appearing in print?
‘Ukraine ambassador calls for UK to end red tape for refugees‘ (By Adam Durbin BBC News)
‘Ukraine: Does the Home Office need to get a grip? It’s been over a week since Home Secretary Priti Patel first appeared in Parliament to outline the government’s response to the growing humanitarian crisis...’ (By Alex Forsyth Political correspondent, BBC News)
‘Ukraine war: Refugee’s daughter says there’s a risk of riots at visa centre… She has travelled to Rzeszow in Poland to help her 79-year-old mother Antonina Kolodii to safety in the UK‘ (By Joseph Lee & Phil Kemp BBC News)
Personally, and this is just a punt on my part, I’m no psychiatrist, I think all this is a sort of sop to those still feeling so very hard done by over Brexit. It’s a comforter. Think of it as baby’s dummy: ‘Babies are often given a dummy, also called pacifiers or soothers, to suck on for comfort. Most babies have a strong sucking reflex‘ (a very rare appearance hereabouts for Pregnancy Birth and Baby Supporting Australian parents on the journey from pregnancy to preschool) – you know, they miss sucking on the teat that was the EU and fussing over certain aspects of the Ukraine war is a rather comforting substitute for that instinct.
Demonising the bad yesterday, mad today, bad tomorrow, mad again the next day Putin and obsessing on refugees has the additional benefit of having us forget the ineptitude of their preferred leader of the western world – one Joe – where’s Wally’s grandad – Biden.
He’s probably off missremebering events somewhere. My favourite gag told in respose to his recent State of the Union address was that is was unremarkable and eminently forgettable – but the person who would forget its content soonest… was the poor sap who delivered it.
MPs on two grand.
BBC staff ‘public sector workers’?
Like JezBo with Sweeney! having a laugh at the Kyiv free bar?
The BBC’s top 10 highest earning on-air stars in 2020/21:
Gary Lineker – £1.36m.
Zoe Ball – £1.13m (accounting for voluntary pay cut midway through the year)
Steve Wright – £465,000.
Huw Edwards – £425,000.
Fiona Bruce – £405,000.
Stephen Nolan – £405,000.
Lauren Laverne – £395,000.
Vanessa Feltz – £390,000.
Not one of them worth listening to. Fatty and gobby Feltz has even roped her pop group boyfriend (who seems to be out of work more than in) to co-writing her magazine column. Not that anyone’s interested.
That list is FakeNews
Other BBC stars earn more but are paid by BBC Studios
so don’t appear on that list.
eg Graham Norton.
Her story was initially corroborated by Amnesty International, a British NGO, which published several independent reports about the killings[3] and testimony from evacuees. Following the liberation of Kuwait, reporters were given access to the country. An ABC report found that “patients, including premature babies, did die, when many of Kuwait’s nurses and doctors … fled” but Iraqi troops “almost certainly had not stolen hospital incubators and left hundreds of Kuwaiti babies to die.”[4] Amnesty International reacted by issuing a correction, with executive director John Healey subsequently accusing the Bush administration of “opportunistic manipulation of the international human rights movement”.[5]
I may incur wrath of those in power, which confers many things, including responsibility, but the media have created a terrible climate in complement to all that is horrifying in war.
Think of who the person here is, his background, what he has done in the past, what motivates him, who gives him a platform to do it… and then DO NOT EVEN THINK OF ASKING A QUESTION.
I’m sorry but to me that photo is so obviously perfectly staged it’s laughable!
The press in the UK are being led by the nose by some much cleverer Ukrainians, the principal one being the performer Zelensky.
I found it interesting that when a camera was wandering about in the building after the bombing, there was little evidence of any beds or equipment. What was shown was corridors after corridor of empty rooms in disarray.
Piers Morgan tells trolls to ‘relax’ over ‘lads holiday’ to Antigua with his sons
author image
Rishma Dosani
Sunday 29 Aug 2021 9:40 am
They have been making the most of the time off, staying at the luxury Jumby Bay Resort, with the gang among the regular visitors to the hotel.
Not the bBC – obviously.
Canada Justin Trudeau sets World Record In avoiding questions – 18 Times – wastes everyone’s time in Parliament
Just a heads over the parapet on the BBC where Labour is involved on governance, in Wales vs. generally… they do like to ‘’blur’ (lie) the issue.
We all do – what an idiotic statement – it’s called international trade – Barry Gardiner has £500K from chinese investments – ha ha ha ha
I am fascinated that those who so enthusiastically promote global trade and sing the virtues of economic inter-reliance, are the very same people who reflexively demand trade sanctions as the be all and end all of foreign policy.
Equally those who flit between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ on ‘ECOnomy’ and ‘ECOlogy’ without a second thou.. a single thought in their empty brain pans.
Especially as populations spiral in all the wrong places and the only apparent acceptable solution is mass relocation.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha…….
Prime Minister Boris Johnson said “there can be no safe havens” for those who have supported the invasion.
. . . . . . . . . .
Germany’s E.ON rejects halting Nord Stream 1 pipeline – paper
Like showing a red rag to Bull. Back someone into a corner with no way out and don’t be surprised when they go for your throat.
All the cowardly useless incompetent leader of Blue Labour is doing here is not any physical threat, it’s all about stuffing wads of our money into the bulging wallets of the greedy weasels for a process which will inevitably drag on for years, cost multiple millions and end with virtually nothing being done.
In WWII there was no talk of trials taking place until after the invasion was succesful because they knew that surrender was much less likely if the main players knew they were going to face trial.
What Boris has done with his posturing is to make the situation more dangerous, more lethal, and made a cease fire even less likely.
Well done Boris, if there was anyone likely to F it up it was you and you succeeded massively!
If Boris includes all Russians then he is telling Putin that if he starts to lose the war he has nothing to lose by unleashing all of his nukes including I understand 500 on subs in the Atlantic as if he is a target for topping he might as well go out with a bang and take a few million Europeans and Americans with him.
The BBC article talks about known Putin oligarchs being sanctioned today.
If there were known Hitler oligarchs in the UK they too would have been sanctioned straight away
.. It wasn’t a case if having to wait for Nuremberg trials
“If there were known Hitler oligarchs in the UK they too would have been sanctioned straight away”
There were plenty and many were interred during WWII, however there were many sympathisers like Lord Reith who were never sanctioned.
There were a lot of dark goings on by the aristocracy in particular around the start of WWII including the flight to Scotland by Von Ribbentrop which has never been adequately explained.
The big difference though is that no action against anyone was taken until Britain declared war on Germany. Britain has not declared war on Russia and lets hope our idiot fantasy land politicians never do.
Great news! Way to go Boris! Sorry, my mistake; when he mentioned invasions I thought he was referring to Dover.
Vile got Femi, Mad Al and Adonis in yet?
A glimmer of light in all the darkness.
That’s grand.
I think we know what the game is here.
Jack Straw: Labour made mistake letting Poles in early
Former home secretary says number and impact of migrants from eastern Europe far exceeded predictions
The former home secretary Jack Straw has admitted that dropping immigration restrictions on eastern European migrants was a “spectacular mistake” on Labour’s part.
The Labour MP said handing immediate working rights to Poles and other nationalities who joined the EU in 2004 was a “well-intentioned policy we messed up”. Writing in the Lancashire Telegraph, Straw said: “However careful you are, as a minister, in your analysis, many decisions are based upon predictions about the future, where, ultimately, your fate is in the lap of the gods. “One spectacular mistake in which I participated [not alone] was in lifting the transitional restrictions on the eastern European states like Poland and Hungary which joined the EU in mid-2004. “Other existing EU members, notably France and Germany, decided to stick to the general rule which prevented migrants from these new states from working until 2011. But we thought that it would be good for Britain if these folk could come and work here from 2004. “Thorough research by the Home Office suggested that the impact of this benevolence would in any event be ‘relatively small, at between 5,000 and 13,000 immigrants per year up to 2010’. “Events proved these forecasts worthless. Net migration reached close to a quarter of a million at its peak in 2010. Lots of red faces, mine included.” Straw, the MP for Blackburn
“Chelsea FC owner Roman Abramovich has been sanctioned by the UK government as part of its response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.” BBC
Chelsea FC owner Roman Abramovich?
I though he transfered ownership to avoid losing all his wealth! HA HA HA! Imagine all the other companies doing it as well!
LABOUR MP Chris Bryant has accused the UK Government of inaction for not sanctioning Chelsea FC owner, Roman Abramovich, while referencing a leaked government document.
The document allegedly states that Abramovich has been a person of interest to the Home Office since 2019 due to “his links to the Russian state and his public association with corrupt activity and practices”.
All this money going to the exchequer hey, why do they keep telling us its in support of Ukraine
Maybe they care, but maybe they dont
Just saw this on social media, about advertising.
If you think consumers are dumb, you’ll create dumb ads.
If you think they’re boring, you’ll create boring ads.
If you think they have short attention spans, you’ll create ads not worth paying attention to.
If you think you are smarter than shoppers, then you’ll create ads that make them smarter than you.
If you think you know more than them, you’ll create ads that prove you don’t.
If you think they can’t connect the dots, then you’ll never connect with them.
If you think audiences don’t like subtlety, you’ll create ads with no stories.
If you think they are a demographic, you’ll create ads for equations.
If you think they “won’t get it,” then you won’t get them.
If you think customers don’t want to think, you’ll create ads not worth thinking about.
If you think they’re a click, you’ll create ads that clank.
If you think they forgot something in their cart, then you’ll be creepy.
If you think they’re lazy, you’ll put them to sleep.
If you think your ads need to speak to everyone, you’ll create ads that speak to no one.
If you think your brand needs to be all things to all people, you’ll create a brand loved by no one.
If you think people are idiots, then you are one too.
Next time a bbc post with a Getty Image is shared, worth pondering.
How long before the ASA hires Lammy as CEO Fact Checker?
11am FooC as ever these days we learnt little.
– Tom Bateman : Israel as mediator
– Mahjooba Nowrouzi in Turkish resort of Antalya
where today Russia’s foreign minister is due to meet with his Ukrainian counterpart
It’s a city that’s in other times popular with both Russians and Ukrainian tourists. visited the coastal town and she found opposing narratives about the conflict surfaced in the chatter of the bazaars
– Odessa, Damien McGuinness,
The city’s residents are braced for a possible assault and many are leaving their homes.
Their experiences are horribly reminiscent of the traumas suffered a generation ago in Georgia.
– Jamaica, Rachel Wright
In 2015 they authorised a regulated medical cannabis industry.
Now, some traditional growers say they can’t afford to meet the strict legal requirements for growing the plant.
– France, Chris Bockman
The medieval village of Lagrasse in south-west is home to an eight century Abbey which is divided in two parts – one side is occupied by a group of left-leaning intellectuals, the other by a traditional catholic religious order.
Theres been friction since a festival 15 years ago when the lefties did a festival about sex.
But now some rightwing writers helped the monks by writing a popular book.
That has incense the lefties who have reacted by shouting “far right, far right”.
Jussie Smollett will be sentenced today for his conviction on charges that he lied to Chicago police when the former “Empire” actor and R&B singer reported being the victim of a racist and homophobic attack more than three years ago.
Still has Twitter account and blue tick.
For those not too aware of what happened to Smollett.
Warning, language that the BBC wouldn’t approve of.
Black Broadcasting Corp. – “The Hong Kong migrants fleeing to start new lives in the UK”.
300,000 to start followed by a further 4.7 million?
Bring your own GP’s / hospitals / housing / roads ………..
First tranche of refugees (with a sprinkling of Nigerians) from Ukraine estimated at 300,000.
Advice: If you are gonna get ill with anything that needs hospital treatment do it now. ‘Book a future Heart Attack or Stroke today’.
In just a few short minutes, Ted Cruz excoriates every single aspect of Bumbling Biden’s policies on pretty much everything.
US energy production (or lack of), Nord Stream 2, dependency on Russia, and now Venezuela, Saudi Arabia and Iran; crucial rare earth minerals and nickel; Polish Migs to Ukraine… the lot!
President Zelensky himself told Cruz that if Biden had sanctioned Nordtream 2, Russia would never have invaded.
In just over a year, the Imbecile has been wrong about EVERYTHING; has wrecked the US economy; has enriched and emboldened the enemies of the West; and has brought us to the brink of WW3.
Naturally, the msm and the BBC are still running cover for the dotard.
“President Zelensky himself told Cruz that if Biden had sanctioned Nordtream 2, Russia would never have invaded.”
How exactly a pipeline between Russia and Germany, Bidens authority to sanction?
The US CATSA Act sanctioned any country which worked on the Nordstream 2 pipeline hence it was never completed and licenced. It was unanimously passed piece of legislation which both sides supported during Donald Trumps Presidency (something else he was right about).
Biden illegaly circumented CATSA to lift the sanctions and allow its completetion – remember Merkel was the first leader he wanted to talk to after his election.
It is now one of the issues Biden might be impeached over in the New Year.
The statement “if Biden had sanctioned Nordtream 2” is erroneous as it already was sanctioned. It should have read if Biden hadn’t lifted the sanctions already in place.
vlad, thanks for that. Doesn’t Richard Carpenter age well?! (Joke) Ted Cruz for Tea Party nominee for 2024?
I believe DeSantis has better odds for the time being.
What happens if DJT goes for it as well?
He wins.
For the full horror of what these sanctions are going to mean for Europe and why they are unsustainable in the short to medium term, here is a link to a table to the value of imports to the EU from Russia.
An astonishing amount of raw materials, but also $667 million of fish, $1.3 Bn fertilisers, $135 million cereals.
Just to add to that here is the table of what the EU imported from Ukraine last year, and its just as terrifying.
$2 Bn cereal, and a whole lot more food products adding up to a major shock on the way for Europe in the Autumn of this year when the harvest simply isn’t there any more.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – cannot see any sight of it on the BBC web-site Yesterday the International Energy Agency released the news that CO2 emissions reached a new high in 2021. Now you would think the BBC would be very excited about that and Roger Harrabin would be all over it, stirring up fear and anxiety.
Not at all – no comment on the web-site whatsoever.
Funny, I thought. I thought funny . . . …..
We’re not hearing much from the Swedish goblin these days.
Perhaps the brainless troll is dimly aware that her daft policies – well, slogans really – are indirectly responsible for kneecapping the West and encouraging Putin to invade.
Or perhaps things have just got too complicated for her simplistic platitudes, back here in the real world.
How dare you!
Sweden’s Saab secures major arms deal
Swedish defence firm Saab has received an order for ammunition worth more than a billion kronor, according to a company statement on Friday.
Published: 11 March 2011 11:25 CET
Guido understands the Thatcherite Conservative Way Forward (CWF) organisation will relaunch next week, with chairman Steve Baker set to unveil the leading members of the group’s parliamentary council and drum up much needed support for free market policies within the party. Just in time for the government’s tax hikes next month.
support for free market policies within the party
Boris Johnson’s Guarantee
We will get Brexit done in January and unleash the potential of our whole country.
I guarantee:
Extra funding for the NHS, with 50,000 more nurses and 50 million more GP surgery appointments a year.
20,000 more police and tougher sentencing for criminals.
An Australian-style points-based system to control immigration.
Millions more invested every week in science, schools, apprenticeships and infrastructure while controlling debt.
Reaching Net Zero by 2050 with investment in clean energy solutions and green infrastructure to reduce carbon emissions and pollution.
We will not raise the rate of income tax, VAT or National Insurance.
We will not raise the rate of income tax, VAT or National Insurance.
We will not raise the rate of income tax, VAT or National Insurance.
We will not raise the rate of income tax, VAT or National Insurance.
We will not raise the rate of income tax, VAT or National Insurance.
Thank you for supporting our majority Conservative Government so we can move our great country on instead of going backwards.

MM, I think the tax hikes should have been even more progressive: they have made the BBC pips squeak a little but I would have liked more from high earners at the BBC to fund the NHS. After all the BBC’s Ewan Yores was having a moan about elective surgery delays and waiting lists. Simple solution: scrap the 50K thereabouts ceiling; take even more from those on £700K like Vine, make the NI Increase apply to service companies as well.
MM, further to my other post, if Steve Baker really wants to take the Conservative Party and the UK forward, tax reform is a must. The UK tax code is far too complicated and needs an overhaul. Indirect taxes and stealth taxes must go. Some of them (fuel duty+VED) are in a death spiral anyway.
10% tax for everyone! ** except COrbyn
MM, and Vine and Lineker and Dimbleby.
MM, 10% tax for everyone is:
1. very regressive
2. doesn’t raise the finance necessary for present levels of spending let alone grandiose plans of some politicians and you end up with a lot of what we have now, indirect, stealth and hidden taxes being introduced to raise money, and,
3. doesn’t solve the knotty problem of Local Authority financing.
The first and most important reform is to scrap VED and fuel duties. Their death warrant has been signed by the current PM and his predecessor. You cannot really tax private vehicles without taxing all other forms of transport so best to set aside money from general taxation for roads and investment in new roads. Road pricing would be a colossal admission that Fossil Fuel AGW & CC doesn’t exist.
The next reform is to deal with Council Tax and Business Rates. Both are failed taxes instituted by mob rule and the Labour Party. The Community Charge was a good idea but wrecked by an impatient PM.
After these major reforms, then the goal should be simplify the tax code to tax on personal and corporate income, tax on capital gains, tax on purchases and, possibly, some sort of Inheritance Tax although I think Chancellors should be encouraged to tax the living and not the dead.
Here is a new and breaking conspiracy theory, that for some reason the NHS Covid posters are in the colours of the Ukrainian flag and that there was somehow some prior knowledge of the intention to support Ukraine and this was some kind of signal and prepping the population for this two years or so ago.
OK yes it is the colours of the Ukrainian flag, but it’s also the NHS corporate blue colour which they’ve been using for years, and yellow is a well known colour for warning.
I’m dismissing this as a bit of sillyness I know that plenty of conspiracy theories have come to pass as truth but somehow I don’t think this is going to be one of them.
Mark Page: Ex-Radio 1 DJ jailed for 12 years over child sex offences
His defence was “Yes I always said No comment to the police, but I meant ‘I must have been hacked’ ”
The jury didn’t believe him.
Det Sgt Kevin Carter from Cleveland Police’s paedophile online investigation team, said Page had “refused to accept responsibility” and instead tried to “lay blame on everyone but himself”.
UK Covid inquiry draft terms of reference set out…
Will cover:
The UK’s preparedness for the pandemic
The use of lockdowns and other ‘non-pharmaceutical’ interventions such as social distancing and the use of face coverings
The management of the pandemic in hospitals and care homes
The procurement and provision of equipment like personal protective equipment and ventilators
Support for businesses and jobs, including the furlough scheme, as well as benefits and sick pay.
Will apparently NOT cover:
The statistics on deaths of people with pre-existing poor health conditions v the rest of the population.
The age profile of victims.
The number of people who died while in hospital with other conditions or were in care homes v the rest of the population.
The proportionality of rules for schoolchildren.
The balance and fairness of penalties for fairly minor rule breaking, accidentally or otherwise.
I think we are about to see another pop at Boris and Co. I also notice that Scotland have gone it alone with their own version of the review, wonder why that is? Probably to be hand written by Sturgeon and the SNP would be my guess.
We have seen the result in Canada where the small group of people who make the rules without public agreement also enforce the rules without restriction or liability, is this democratic?
Covid stats, not good, still rising ..but deaths flat
Two or three years old but worth posting to see the man at work, and how a good leader deals with the leftist press.
Unavailable that the right link ?
White City tube station and Wood Green were closed at 11am
due to suspicious package incident
Open now.
I wonder why BBC decided to close down their big base there
Maybe it was the name ?
Local radio, Lincoln University hve somehow found a huge magic money tree
“A journalism student from Ukraine will be offered a place with free accommodation and the tuition fees will be waived for the whole degree”
.. Only clips of happy students were played.
Free for everyone?
Lincolnshire non-Muslim girls asked to wear hijab for a day
Published4 August 2019
Bet he doesn’t have a Ukrainian name.
Lets see if this one works
The 2nd FOX News clip shows & is playable. (for me at least) 🙂
Apologies again, for bringing up Al Beeb’s bastard twin, Sly, but they currently have online Christopher Steele commenting on the Russia/Ukraine invasion and Putin without mentioning that he is the disgraced former UK intelligence agent who wrote the work of fiction about President Trump’s (imaginary) Peegate escapades which led directly to the various outcrys against Trump.
Hope the guy behind makes it.
In the room.
On the border.
A bit drama queening
I don’t think Russian forces are anywhere near the Poland /Ukr border.
Sopes still earning his keep.
Well, getting paid. A lot. By compulsion.
Hatey Sopel
Trump lives in the Haters’ heads rent free 24 hours/day
Labour MP Anneliese Dodds can’t tell a man from a woman.
Sometimes I have the same problem.