“DJ & EH have attended a meeting at the office of the Humberside PCC to hear an update on WORK to tackle MALE violence against women and girls” ..end of item
“MALE violence against women” – On 22 March 2020, 7-year-old Emily Grace Jones was stabbed at Queen’s Park in Bolton, Greater Manchester, England, while riding her scooter and died shortly afterwards. Eltiona Skana, a 30-year-old Albanian woman unknown to the Jones family, was arrested on the scene and later charged with murder. Wikipedia
That would mean about 18.2 million deaths have happened because of Covid in the two years between the start of 2020 and the end of 2021 – three times as many as the official 5.9 million that have actually been recorded.
“Further research will help to reveal how many deaths were caused directly by Covid, and how many occurred as an indirect result of the pandemic.”
@MarkyMark, earlier post: “Many societies throughout history have practised slavery, and Muslim societies were no exception.”
The link provided to the BBC article reads: “It’s misleading to use phrases such as ‘Islamic slavery’ and ‘Muslim slave trade’, even though slavery existed in many Muslim cultures at various times, since the Atlantic slave trade is not called the Christian slave trade, even though most of those responsible for it were Christians.”
What the BBC apologists for islam conveniently omit to mention is that, unlike in Christianity, slavery is explicitly condoned in islam, starting with the 7th Century Slave Owner, Slave Trader and Caravan Robber himself.
” explicitly condoned in islam” – his many wives were women whose husbands he killed – and he was nice enough to offer them a bed – the pretty ones only.
Lineker is trending
When judgement comes in that Bercow is a bully, Lineker says “No look over their MY GANG is the VICTIM of bullying”
I look and see the bubbleworld people
hoping that she wins the bullying and ridiculous case Aaron Banks brought against her, trying to ruin her career and life. Hopefully the judge can see now how clearly her work was in the public interest!
Are you listening, Gary Lineker? Corporation warns all staff ‘regardless of seniority, profile or role’ they could lose jobs if they break new editorial guidelines with biased Tweets after damning report into Bashir scandal
The Serota Review commissioned by the BBC board in wake of Bashir scandal
They acted after Lord Dyson’s scathing report into circumstances of interview
It said BBC stars could be sacked for ‘conflict with… impartiality and accuracy
PUBLISHED: 15:42, 29 October 2021 | UPDATED: 17:27, 29
Twitter carries the latest embarrassment from the half wit Vice President of the US – laughing away at a press conference with the head of Poland over questions on Ukrainian refugees .
Any American watching must have their heart swell with pride at that half wit ….
The Chinese State, Chinese companies, and Chinese traders, workers, and migrants
filled the void left in Sub-Saharan Africa by fleeing Western investors in the 2000s.
In the Western popular press, China is seen as a threat and a neocolonial power
interested only in Africa’s natural resources. In fact, China is often perceived by African countries as an alternative to the Western model of development, and as a model
of a country that has quickly gone from widespread poverty to relative wealth. For
its part, China seeks to replicate in Africa the lessons it has learned during its own
economic opening in the 70s and 80s: a mix of state aid (rarely in the form of pure
grants, more usually resource-backed concessional loans, preferential loans, and tariff-free access to its markets), political collaboration as equals (the Forum on ChinaAfrica Cooperation, FOCAC) soft-power policies (scholarships for African students,
Chinese medical teams), and investments by State-Owned and private enterprises in
infrastructure, industry, agriculture, and trade. In addition to these investments, the
Chinese presence is characterized by an increasing number of ‘free-lance’ migrants,
who come to Africa on their own, or stay after having finished their job on Chinese
company contracts, to seek their fortunes in trade or agriculture. Although they are
often seen by Africans as part of a strategy of the Chinese government to ‘conquer’
Africa, these migrants have very little contact with the official China of embassies
and government projects, and are often left to their own devices when in trouble.
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
The Labour MP said Christine Lee appeared to be ‘operating as a legitimate person in the UK’.
Amy Gibbons
Thursday 13 January 2022 20:23
Have to mention something about Fuel prices at the pumps-this little piece illustrates clearly why we in the UK are paying such utterly incomprehensible high prices for our Petrol/Diesel.
Just refilled my car here in Kenya. £34.28. The photo shows prices in Kenya shillings. Converted to pounds petrol costs 89p & diesel is 73p. Diesel is much cheaper to produce than petrol & only costs more in the UK because of the way Westminster taxes it. Kenya imports all it’s oil and buys in the same world market as the UK so why are the British people allowing the taxman & greedy oil companies to rip them off?
You well ask why?
Jambo Mazungu ..
#1 UK does have red diesel so it is being phased out
#2 EU/UK law mandates that 10% of diesel mix must be biodiesel
and that adds cost
#3 The 5.45 billion other people on he planet are not saving it
but 0.05billion British people restricting diesel use is saving the planet ../sarc
#4 I believe cos UK has winters that pushes up fuel prices, when heating oil is not needed in Spring that reduces pressure on the market.
Just for information our US cousins are paying $4.60 in many places for a US gallon that’s 20% smaller than our gallon so they paying say $5.50 dollars or £4.20 compared to our £7. I take your point though.
They USA, are lucky the UK is paying £ 7.25 per gallon for Petrol I estimate-B riddiculous. Such costs will inevitably put the brakes on business milage, which means deilivery of goods, and of course socialising, which will hurt families and no doubt eating out, all has a roll on effect. The poor folk of this nation get swiped at every opportunity to smash us down, yet the world wants us to help them and never says thanks-so sod them all.
“Channel migrants: Committee report condemns government ‘squabbling’ ” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-60708260
Its pass the buck time now . Great Britain needs a firm leader to sort this mess out . Its almost too late!
For years we voted for control of our borders . This Tory government has failed us, miserably .
We are full up .
After more than seven years of war, 4,400 U.S. casualties, and tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians killed, the United States officially ends its combat mission in Iraq.
“Even when individual authors do not adhere to the bias of AP Style, it often doesn’t matter. If they submit an article to a mainstream media outlet, they will likely see their words edited to conform. A pro-life author who submits a piece taking a position against abortion will see the words ‘pro-life’ changed to ‘anti-abortion,’ because the AP Stylebook instructs, ‘Use anti-abortion instead of pro-life and pro-abortion rights instead of pro-abortion or pro-choice.’ It goes on, ‘Avoid abortionist,’ saying the term ‘connotes a person who performs clandestine abortions.’”
“Words related to terrorism are sanitized in the AP (Associated Press) Stylebook. Militant, lone wolves or attackers are to be used instead of terrorist or Islamist. ‘People struggling to enter Europe’ is favored over ‘migrant’ or ‘refugee.’ While it’s true that many struggle to enter Europe, it is accurate to point out that they are, in fact, immigrants or refugees.”
Two New Totalitarian Movements: Radical Islam and Political Correctness {gatestoneinstitute aug2017}
The 2017 AP Stylebook features about 200 new or revised entries and a comprehensive index. The AP Stylebook is a writing and editing reference in newsrooms, classrooms and corporate offices worldwide. ISBN: 978-0-917360-66-4. {apstylebook}
“The Associated Press (AP) is an independent, not-for-profit news cooperative headquartered in New York City. Our teams in over 100 countries tell the world’s stories, from breaking news to investigative reporting. We provide content and services to help engage audiences worldwide, working with companies of all types, from broadcasters to brands.”
– More than half the world’s population sees our content every day.
– Two-thirds of our staffers are journalists.
– Our teams operate in 263 locations worldwide.
And this is why language and words are so important, distort the truth of the words to reflect a world you want to be, rather than the world that is – you get a confused and angry society.
While she may be on her way out, there are still plenty of opportunities for Metropolitan Police chief Cressida Dick to show off her PR skills. Take this incident recorded by Big Brother Watch yesterday when the Metropolitan Police tried showing off their new facial recognition system, another civil liberties slow-motion car crash visible from space. When the civil liberties group caught word of the photoshoot they popped over to ask Dick some questions about the system, not least the impending mass-privacy breach. Her defence? They’re a “great bit of technology”, however “nobody’s privacy was intruded on” that afternoon since they hadn’t actually managed to get the cameras working…
When challenged by Big Brother Watch director Silkie Carlo about the 95% rate of misidentification by the technology, the Commissioner loftily replied that she was “not going to get into the debate about 95%” as “that’s not the position we have”. The final straw came when she was asked by a campaigner about the cameras working even more poorly with women and people of colour. Asked what she’d say to the innocent young black boy who had been wrongly flagged by facial recognition cameras as a wanted criminal last month, Dame Cressida didn’t respond and promptly walked off…
Just generally – the msm went big on mental health during / after the pandemic .
So how will people fare now with –
Increasing cost of living ( cos of covid )?
Increasing cost of living ( cos of putin )?
Increasing threat of nuclear war
I guess the mental ‘stress ‘ will affect different groups of people in different ways ..
The likes of the BBC is already reporting hardship cases – and obviously demanding The State under write these hardships through welfare .
But what If the State is unable to counter the rise of living costs?
What would happen if the government cut taxes on fuel ?
I suppose the MSM would just attack on the failure to carry through the green crap ..
But the campaign for politicians to be paid more to get better quality (?) continues –
….I notice Maggie Beckett was due to collect her appearance money to do ‘any questions ‘ tonight – but she is no longer on it .
Could it be because of her unswerving support for John boy Berkow – that serial liar and bully so many underpaid politicians celebrated ?
On the upside it is good not to hear or see rubbish like her …
New Covid comparison is interesting
(..as ever I live in a different universe
They reckon Covid damage can be quantified by counting raw deaths
I say you must quantify the life years lost ie count QALYs lost)
BREAKING: #UK#Covid deaths over-estimated while other countries under-estimated. A study published in The Lancet rates the UK 102nd out of 191 countries for excess deaths. (Bet THIS won't get prominent publicity on #BBC News). pic.twitter.com/i8IMNIIy6V
— Michael Fabricant 🇬🇧🇺🇦 (@Mike_Fabricant) March 11, 2022
Stew – the weirdo presently the PM programme was incredulous that Blighty was not The Worst In The World for ‘secondary deaths ‘…
Apparently the counting in other countries wasn’t ‘accurate ‘ …..
Maybe the BBC has a more substantial ‘project fear ‘ now with an evil lunatic in the Kremlin who sadly isn’t dead yet .
The positives count took a t definite step u on Monday
from 45K/day to 70K per day
Why ?
Dunno but it’s like a load of school children/teacher went away then came back Monday Morning tested positive, then class/workmates got it the next days
.. https://twitter.com/LawrenceGilder/status/1502338553262399492
Diane Abbott – “Orthodox Jewish religious clothing as a “costume”” – Ignored.
Boris Johnson – “Burka Letter Box” – Media outrage.
A VIDEO has emerged of Diane Abbott walking away from a Jewish teenager who asked her to clarify why she referred to Orthodox Jewish religious clothing as a “costume” earlier this year.
India says it accidentally fired a missile into Pakistan on Wednesday, blaming the incident on a “technical malfunction” during routine maintenance.
Delhi said it was “deeply regrettable” and expressed relief no one was killed.
Pakistan’s military said a “high-speed flying object” had crashed near the eastern city of Mian Channu and its flight path had endangered passenger flights.
Diane Abbott … 17 March 2021, received £18,450 from Viking Penguin, 20 Vauxhall Bridge Rd, London SW1V 2SA, via Blake Friedmann Literary, TV & Film Agency Ltd, Ground Floor, 15 Highbury Place, London N5 1QP, by way of an advance for a book. Hours: 80 hrs to date. (Registered 24 March 2021)
4 July 2021, received £400 from Operation Black Vote, 18A Victoria Park Square, Bethnal Green, London E2 9PB, for delivering a presentation on 12 May 2021. Hours: 2 hrs. (Registered 02 August 2021)
Operation Black Vote (OBV) is non-partisan and not-for-profit national organisation that was established in 1996 to address the Black British and ethnic minority democratic deficit. Focusing on voter registration, lobbying politicians and mentoring schemes, OBV aims to inspire black and minority ethnic communities to engage with public institutions to address the perceived race inequalities in areas including education, health and employment.[1]
A new series of the Now Show has just begun in R4’s “comedy” slot at 18:30.
In the opening section from Steve (unt and Hugh Pennis, there were attacks on Donald Trump, Nigel Farage and Marine Le Pen, over alleged support for Putin.
No jokes of course about the senile buffoon Biden, the cackling lightweight moron Kamala Harris or the serial bully and liar Bercow.
Jeremy Corbyn STILL blames the West: Former Labour leader slammed for attacking ‘Nato presence’ in Ukraine and UK’s ‘aggressive posturing’ as thousands of Russian troops cross the border
The hard Left former Labour leader attacked Britain’s ‘aggressive posturing’
Used Peace and Justice Project and Commons speech to criticise UK and Nato
Came just hours before s Putin’s soldiers crossed border into Ukraine
The small print reveals these are not zillions being rushed to A & E but flaky test results meaning that most people involved are just positive which is normal for a typical wave of flu.
I do wonder what these people expect to gain from this, it smacks of population control to put citizens mental positioning and lives into the hands of the Global “Health”authorities which to my mind means the Global left-wing authority and mind control.
I hate the lack of investigative and truthful reporting.
We are all in a global experiment lab trying to turn us into acquiescent slaves wit the eager help of organisations like the BBC.
Just because I have a snotty nose does not mean you can use me as ammunition in your political war you turds!
If Panorama really wants to earn it’s keep it should be delving into the truth and facts to expose these evil charlatans.
The small print reveals these are not zillions being rushed to A & E but flaky test results meaning that most people involved are just positive which is normal for a typical wave of flu.
I do wonder what these people expect to gain from this, it smacks of population control to put citizens mental positioning and lives into the hands of the Global “Health”authorities which to my mind means the Global left-wing authority and mind control.
I hate the lack of investigative and truthful reporting.
We are all in a global experiment lab trying to turn us into acquiescent slaves wit the eager help of organisations like the BBC.
Just because I have a snotty nose does not mean you can use me as ammunition in your political war you turds!
If Panorama really wants to earn it’s keep it should be delving into the truth and facts to expose these evil charlatans.
You are screwing with vulnerable peoples lives to absolute t*ats.
Digg – I can raise your project fear with C4 news – a Chinese think tank type talking about talking about ending mankind through a nuclear war – as we know only two species will survive – TVLicence inspectors and their close relative – cockroaches .
This was followed by a Russian who has written a book about Vladimir putin . The author was asked whether he’d use nuclear weapons . The answer was ‘yes ‘ because putin is a dead man walking because of what he has done ….
A very tough 30 minutes …. By the way apparently Putin is recruiting from the Central African Republic and Syria …
It will be tricky for the BBC supporting coloured chaps fighting for Putin …
‘Water Bears’ – common name for tardigrades, they do look a bit like mini-six legged bears through a microscope.
My son (who is into that sort of thing) claims they can survive in space, they just curl up and go dormant until there is oxygen again. Interesting what you can learn from YouTube.
Tonight’s TV ..any double doses of Jo Brand ?
No BBC1 has rugby ..then later a compilation edition of
The Graham Norton Show
7:30pm Mary Beard is joined by actor and screenwriter Emma Thompson ..composer Alexis Ffrench ticks the BAME box From the series Every episode has a female presenter
8 out the last 10 shows had a female as the main guest
BBC4 9-3am country music
except at midnight they have a London based Ugandan
9pm BBC owned Drama Channel
new series about 1960s’ Sister Boniface part-time forensic scientist
set in the Cotswold
Opening scene a black guy arrives, saying he is a visiting detective from Bermuda
BAME box ticked.
We don’t want 1960s Britain to look almost all white do we ?
‘Last Kingdom’ BBC – Netflix co-production (think it’s all Netflix now), set in 9th C Britain, Saxons and Danes (supposedly, although the Danes look like something from the stone age, all weird hair cuts, animal skins, husky panting/chanting, and painted faces).
Series 5, first episode, new Saxon Bishop of Winchester, sub-Saharan black guy with the most ludicrous ‘posh’ pseudo-‘English’ accent you’ve ever heard.
Mind you, the deaf Danish serving wench communicating in sign language seemed a little suspect to me too?
I’m just desperate for some kind of historical drama with an ounce of plausibility to it, I can’t watch this woke drivel, it’s such a complete mood killer and wrecks any suspension of disbelief, turning everything into some kind of childish, pantomime farce.
Was thinking of watching ‘Munich: The Edge of War’, but my dad told me not to bother, he thought it was pretty good right up until the point there was a black MP in the 1939 British cabinet… that was pushing it too far even for him, and he says he couldn’t be bothered to watch the rest.
We must sound like a bunch of racists, we’re really not, but it just doesn’t work to shoe horn people of the wrong ethnicity/sexuality/disability etc… into historical dramas. It’s quite depressing, historical dramas are our favourite viewing (or were).
Judging by all this ‘shoe horning in’, we could almost believe there were as many black/brown people around in this country since Julius invaded as there are now !!!!
Lucy PevenseyFeb 5, 19:47 Midweek 5th February 2025 What I don’t understand is why it is legal for them to cancel elections. I suppose I’m naive. I really…
vladFeb 5, 19:43 Midweek 5th February 2025 Trump could redevelop Gaza into a golf course. The biggest, most beautiful golf course, like you’ve never seen before.
Fedup2Feb 5, 19:06 Midweek 5th February 2025 Democracy – deputy PM cancels local elections because she knows her party will be slaughtered … next time you hear…
Fedup2Feb 5, 18:59 Midweek 5th February 2025 Anyone heard from the voice coach yet – her silence is deafening – cough …
DoughboyFeb 5, 18:17 Midweek 5th February 2025 Love, love it, lefties all in a turmoil over Trump taking over Gaza, but you got to hand it to…
Rob in CheshireFeb 5, 18:06 Midweek 5th February 2025 I think it absolutely should be about getting rid of foreign aid, which is the biggest scam ever invented.
Rob in CheshireFeb 5, 18:04 Midweek 5th February 2025 The Britain which existed in 1947 is dead and buried.
Jeddah demolitions provoke rare display of dissent in Saudi Arabia
By Sebastian Usher
BBC Arab affairs editor
Published12 hours ago
rare … ha ha ha ha …. rare …. ha ha ah ….. jailed for raising a comment … rare ….
1pm BBC local news “local Labour MPs Diana Johnson and Emma Hardy attended a meeting”
Absolutely clear to me the BBC is just a tool of Tory party PR …right
Meeting for?
“DJ & EH have attended a meeting at the office of the Humberside PCC to hear an update on WORK to tackle MALE violence against women and girls” ..end of item
“MALE violence against women” – On 22 March 2020, 7-year-old Emily Grace Jones was stabbed at Queen’s Park in Bolton, Greater Manchester, England, while riding her scooter and died shortly afterwards. Eltiona Skana, a 30-year-old Albanian woman unknown to the Jones family, was arrested on the scene and later charged with murder. Wikipedia
Covid deaths probably three times higher than records say
probably … could …
That would mean about 18.2 million deaths have happened because of Covid in the two years between the start of 2020 and the end of 2021 – three times as many as the official 5.9 million that have actually been recorded.
“Further research will help to reveal how many deaths were caused directly by Covid, and how many occurred as an indirect result of the pandemic.”
Alex Belfield’s 6 min long trailer for his Behind The Paywall show
.. https://youtu.be/tOZd2MAsT78
@MarkyMark, earlier post: “Many societies throughout history have practised slavery, and Muslim societies were no exception.”
The link provided to the BBC article reads: “It’s misleading to use phrases such as ‘Islamic slavery’ and ‘Muslim slave trade’, even though slavery existed in many Muslim cultures at various times, since the Atlantic slave trade is not called the Christian slave trade, even though most of those responsible for it were Christians.”
What the BBC apologists for islam conveniently omit to mention is that, unlike in Christianity, slavery is explicitly condoned in islam, starting with the 7th Century Slave Owner, Slave Trader and Caravan Robber himself.
” explicitly condoned in islam” – his many wives were women whose husbands he killed – and he was nice enough to offer them a bed – the pretty ones only.
Lineker is trending
When judgement comes in that Bercow is a bully, Lineker says “No look over their MY GANG is the VICTIM of bullying”
I look and see the bubbleworld people
Are you listening, Gary Lineker? Corporation warns all staff ‘regardless of seniority, profile or role’ they could lose jobs if they break new editorial guidelines with biased Tweets after damning report into Bashir scandal
The Serota Review commissioned by the BBC board in wake of Bashir scandal
They acted after Lord Dyson’s scathing report into circumstances of interview
It said BBC stars could be sacked for ‘conflict with… impartiality and accuracy
PUBLISHED: 15:42, 29 October 2021 | UPDATED: 17:27, 29
Twitter carries the latest embarrassment from the half wit Vice President of the US – laughing away at a press conference with the head of Poland over questions on Ukrainian refugees .
Any American watching must have their heart swell with pride at that half wit ….
Prince Andrew and Tony Blair to visit Ukraine to help them out …. oh wait …
The Chinese State, Chinese companies, and Chinese traders, workers, and migrants
filled the void left in Sub-Saharan Africa by fleeing Western investors in the 2000s.
In the Western popular press, China is seen as a threat and a neocolonial power
interested only in Africa’s natural resources. In fact, China is often perceived by African countries as an alternative to the Western model of development, and as a model
of a country that has quickly gone from widespread poverty to relative wealth. For
its part, China seeks to replicate in Africa the lessons it has learned during its own
economic opening in the 70s and 80s: a mix of state aid (rarely in the form of pure
grants, more usually resource-backed concessional loans, preferential loans, and tariff-free access to its markets), political collaboration as equals (the Forum on ChinaAfrica Cooperation, FOCAC) soft-power policies (scholarships for African students,
Chinese medical teams), and investments by State-Owned and private enterprises in
infrastructure, industry, agriculture, and trade. In addition to these investments, the
Chinese presence is characterized by an increasing number of ‘free-lance’ migrants,
who come to Africa on their own, or stay after having finished their job on Chinese
company contracts, to seek their fortunes in trade or agriculture. Although they are
often seen by Africans as part of a strategy of the Chinese government to ‘conquer’
Africa, these migrants have very little contact with the official China of embassies
and government projects, and are often left to their own devices when in trouble.
China is turning a major part of its internal Internet-data surveillance network outward, mining Western social media, including Facebook and Twitter, to equip its government agencies, military and police with information on foreign targets, according to a Washington Post review of hundreds of Chinese bidding documents, contracts and company filings.
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
The Labour MP said Christine Lee appeared to be ‘operating as a legitimate person in the UK’.
Amy Gibbons
Thursday 13 January 2022 20:23
Click to access Oreglia_Proj_AfricasManyChinas.pdf
Have to mention something about Fuel prices at the pumps-this little piece illustrates clearly why we in the UK are paying such utterly incomprehensible high prices for our Petrol/Diesel.
Just refilled my car here in Kenya. £34.28. The photo shows prices in Kenya shillings. Converted to pounds petrol costs 89p & diesel is 73p. Diesel is much cheaper to produce than petrol & only costs more in the UK because of the way Westminster taxes it. Kenya imports all it’s oil and buys in the same world market as the UK so why are the British people allowing the taxman & greedy oil companies to rip them off?
You well ask why?
Jambo Mazungu ..
#1 UK does have red diesel so it is being phased out
#2 EU/UK law mandates that 10% of diesel mix must be biodiesel
and that adds cost
#3 The 5.45 billion other people on he planet are not saving it
but 0.05billion British people restricting diesel use is saving the planet ../sarc
#4 I believe cos UK has winters that pushes up fuel prices, when heating oil is not needed in Spring that reduces pressure on the market.
Fill up the car or pay Gary Lineker to talk on TV for £159? Choices …..
Give a moment the Americans having to pay over $4 a gallon for ‘gas’…
Just for information our US cousins are paying $4.60 in many places for a US gallon that’s 20% smaller than our gallon so they paying say $5.50 dollars or £4.20 compared to our £7. I take your point though.
They USA, are lucky the UK is paying £ 7.25 per gallon for Petrol I estimate-B riddiculous. Such costs will inevitably put the brakes on business milage, which means deilivery of goods, and of course socialising, which will hurt families and no doubt eating out, all has a roll on effect. The poor folk of this nation get swiped at every opportunity to smash us down, yet the world wants us to help them and never says thanks-so sod them all.
With all that sanctioned money the UK is now rich!
Looking for a couple of gallons of diesel. Willing to swap for a Doctors appointment.
Please someone, send that to Lineker or post on Twitter so he sees it. Brilliant !!!
“Channel migrants: Committee report condemns government ‘squabbling’ ”
Its pass the buck time now . Great Britain needs a firm leader to sort this mess out . Its almost too late!
For years we voted for control of our borders . This Tory government has failed us, miserably .
We are full up .
After more than seven years of war, 4,400 U.S. casualties, and tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians killed, the United States officially ends its combat mission in Iraq.
“Calais migrant crisis”
This is the first time I have noticed the word “Crisis” being used in connection with the Channel invaders – Or am I to be corrected ?
“Even when individual authors do not adhere to the bias of AP Style, it often doesn’t matter. If they submit an article to a mainstream media outlet, they will likely see their words edited to conform. A pro-life author who submits a piece taking a position against abortion will see the words ‘pro-life’ changed to ‘anti-abortion,’ because the AP Stylebook instructs, ‘Use anti-abortion instead of pro-life and pro-abortion rights instead of pro-abortion or pro-choice.’ It goes on, ‘Avoid abortionist,’ saying the term ‘connotes a person who performs clandestine abortions.’”
“Words related to terrorism are sanitized in the AP (Associated Press) Stylebook. Militant, lone wolves or attackers are to be used instead of terrorist or Islamist. ‘People struggling to enter Europe’ is favored over ‘migrant’ or ‘refugee.’ While it’s true that many struggle to enter Europe, it is accurate to point out that they are, in fact, immigrants or refugees.”
Two New Totalitarian Movements: Radical Islam and Political Correctness {gatestoneinstitute aug2017}
The 2017 AP Stylebook features about 200 new or revised entries and a comprehensive index. The AP Stylebook is a writing and editing reference in newsrooms, classrooms and corporate offices worldwide. ISBN: 978-0-917360-66-4. {apstylebook}
“The Associated Press (AP) is an independent, not-for-profit news cooperative headquartered in New York City. Our teams in over 100 countries tell the world’s stories, from breaking news to investigative reporting. We provide content and services to help engage audiences worldwide, working with companies of all types, from broadcasters to brands.”
– More than half the world’s population sees our content every day.
– Two-thirds of our staffers are journalists.
– Our teams operate in 263 locations worldwide.
And this is why language and words are so important, distort the truth of the words to reflect a world you want to be, rather than the world that is – you get a confused and angry society.
While she may be on her way out, there are still plenty of opportunities for Metropolitan Police chief Cressida Dick to show off her PR skills. Take this incident recorded by Big Brother Watch yesterday when the Metropolitan Police tried showing off their new facial recognition system, another civil liberties slow-motion car crash visible from space. When the civil liberties group caught word of the photoshoot they popped over to ask Dick some questions about the system, not least the impending mass-privacy breach. Her defence? They’re a “great bit of technology”, however “nobody’s privacy was intruded on” that afternoon since they hadn’t actually managed to get the cameras working…
When challenged by Big Brother Watch director Silkie Carlo about the 95% rate of misidentification by the technology, the Commissioner loftily replied that she was “not going to get into the debate about 95%” as “that’s not the position we have”. The final straw came when she was asked by a campaigner about the cameras working even more poorly with women and people of colour. Asked what she’d say to the innocent young black boy who had been wrongly flagged by facial recognition cameras as a wanted criminal last month, Dame Cressida didn’t respond and promptly walked off…
Just generally – the msm went big on mental health during / after the pandemic .
So how will people fare now with –
Increasing cost of living ( cos of covid )?
Increasing cost of living ( cos of putin )?
Increasing threat of nuclear war
I guess the mental ‘stress ‘ will affect different groups of people in different ways ..
The likes of the BBC is already reporting hardship cases – and obviously demanding The State under write these hardships through welfare .
But what If the State is unable to counter the rise of living costs?
What would happen if the government cut taxes on fuel ?
I suppose the MSM would just attack on the failure to carry through the green crap ..
MPs to get £2,200 pay rise next month
Published1 March
But the campaign for politicians to be paid more to get better quality (?) continues –
….I notice Maggie Beckett was due to collect her appearance money to do ‘any questions ‘ tonight – but she is no longer on it .
Could it be because of her unswerving support for John boy Berkow – that serial liar and bully so many underpaid politicians celebrated ?
On the upside it is good not to hear or see rubbish like her …
Life beyond Number 10: Theresa May’s lucrative career on the speech circuit
The former PM has earned over £1 million since December 2019
reward for services rendered
New Covid comparison is interesting
(..as ever I live in a different universe
They reckon Covid damage can be quantified by counting raw deaths
I say you must quantify the life years lost ie count QALYs lost)
Stew – the weirdo presently the PM programme was incredulous that Blighty was not The Worst In The World for ‘secondary deaths ‘…
Apparently the counting in other countries wasn’t ‘accurate ‘ …..
Maybe the BBC has a more substantial ‘project fear ‘ now with an evil lunatic in the Kremlin who sadly isn’t dead yet .
A friend, a consultant working on covid wards, tells me that the bar for writing ‘covid’ on a death certificate is ‘very low’.
Covid positives trend is 60% increase over last 7 days
… https://twitter.com/LawrenceGilder/status/1502332200599142406
The positives count took a t definite step u on Monday
from 45K/day to 70K per day
Why ?
Dunno but it’s like a load of school children/teacher went away then came back Monday Morning tested positive, then class/workmates got it the next days
.. https://twitter.com/LawrenceGilder/status/1502338553262399492
Diane Abbott has arrived in Iran to discuss the crisis with Russia and Biden’s Iranian/Ukrainian issues.
She has taken a new calculator and a picture of Corbyn’s willy.
Diane Abbott – “Orthodox Jewish religious clothing as a “costume”” – Ignored.
Boris Johnson – “Burka Letter Box” – Media outrage.
A VIDEO has emerged of Diane Abbott walking away from a Jewish teenager who asked her to clarify why she referred to Orthodox Jewish religious clothing as a “costume” earlier this year.
MPs to get £2,200 pay rise from April for ‘dramatically increased’ duties last year
Pay Unite to look after your job … they pay Richard to sleep in a fancy bed.
Name of donor: Unite the Union
Address of donor: 128 Theobalds Road, London WC1X 8TN
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: five nights’ accommodation during the Labour Party conference, value £1,100
Date received: 20-25 September 2019
Register of Members’ Interests
Richard Burgon
India accidentally fires missile into Pakistan
India says it accidentally fired a missile into Pakistan on Wednesday, blaming the incident on a “technical malfunction” during routine maintenance.
Delhi said it was “deeply regrettable” and expressed relief no one was killed.
Pakistan’s military said a “high-speed flying object” had crashed near the eastern city of Mian Channu and its flight path had endangered passenger flights.
Both countries have nuclear weapons.
Diane Abbott … 17 March 2021, received £18,450 from Viking Penguin, 20 Vauxhall Bridge Rd, London SW1V 2SA, via Blake Friedmann Literary, TV & Film Agency Ltd, Ground Floor, 15 Highbury Place, London N5 1QP, by way of an advance for a book. Hours: 80 hrs to date. (Registered 24 March 2021)
4 July 2021, received £400 from Operation Black Vote, 18A Victoria Park Square, Bethnal Green, London E2 9PB, for delivering a presentation on 12 May 2021. Hours: 2 hrs. (Registered 02 August 2021)
Operation Black Vote (OBV) is non-partisan and not-for-profit national organisation that was established in 1996 to address the Black British and ethnic minority democratic deficit. Focusing on voter registration, lobbying politicians and mentoring schemes, OBV aims to inspire black and minority ethnic communities to engage with public institutions to address the perceived race inequalities in areas including education, health and employment.[1]
“educate, promote, and support Black Canadians’ participation in the political process at all levels”
A new series of the Now Show has just begun in R4’s “comedy” slot at 18:30.
In the opening section from Steve (unt and Hugh Pennis, there were attacks on Donald Trump, Nigel Farage and Marine Le Pen, over alleged support for Putin.
No jokes of course about the senile buffoon Biden, the cackling lightweight moron Kamala Harris or the serial bully and liar Bercow.
Same old, same old: so much for the “new” series!
Jeremy Corbyn STILL blames the West: Former Labour leader slammed for attacking ‘Nato presence’ in Ukraine and UK’s ‘aggressive posturing’ as thousands of Russian troops cross the border
The hard Left former Labour leader attacked Britain’s ‘aggressive posturing’
Used Peace and Justice Project and Commons speech to criticise UK and Nato
Came just hours before s Putin’s soldiers crossed border into Ukraine
Why is it called The Now Show when it dredges up anything in history against people it doesn’t like ?
The BBC are back with the Covid scare campaign. Levels rising etc. bloody etc. etc. to keep the gloom message going.
The small print reveals these are not zillions being rushed to A & E but flaky test results meaning that most people involved are just positive which is normal for a typical wave of flu.
I do wonder what these people expect to gain from this, it smacks of population control to put citizens mental positioning and lives into the hands of the Global “Health”authorities which to my mind means the Global left-wing authority and mind control.
I hate the lack of investigative and truthful reporting.
We are all in a global experiment lab trying to turn us into acquiescent slaves wit the eager help of organisations like the BBC.
Just because I have a snotty nose does not mean you can use me as ammunition in your political war you turds!
If Panorama really wants to earn it’s keep it should be delving into the truth and facts to expose these evil charlatans.
The BBC are back with the Covid scare campaign. Levels rising etc. bloody etc. etc. to keep the gloom message going.
The small print reveals these are not zillions being rushed to A & E but flaky test results meaning that most people involved are just positive which is normal for a typical wave of flu.
I do wonder what these people expect to gain from this, it smacks of population control to put citizens mental positioning and lives into the hands of the Global “Health”authorities which to my mind means the Global left-wing authority and mind control.
I hate the lack of investigative and truthful reporting.
We are all in a global experiment lab trying to turn us into acquiescent slaves wit the eager help of organisations like the BBC.
Just because I have a snotty nose does not mean you can use me as ammunition in your political war you turds!
If Panorama really wants to earn it’s keep it should be delving into the truth and facts to expose these evil charlatans.
You are screwing with vulnerable peoples lives to absolute t*ats.
Digg – I can raise your project fear with C4 news – a Chinese think tank type talking about talking about ending mankind through a nuclear war – as we know only two species will survive – TVLicence inspectors and their close relative – cockroaches .
This was followed by a Russian who has written a book about Vladimir putin . The author was asked whether he’d use nuclear weapons . The answer was ‘yes ‘ because putin is a dead man walking because of what he has done ….
A very tough 30 minutes …. By the way apparently Putin is recruiting from the Central African Republic and Syria …
It will be tricky for the BBC supporting coloured chaps fighting for Putin …
The cockroach thing was an urban myth, the toughest critter however is the tardigrade.
The thing about TVLicence inspectors wasn’t though. …
‘Water Bears’ – common name for tardigrades, they do look a bit like mini-six legged bears through a microscope.
My son (who is into that sort of thing) claims they can survive in space, they just curl up and go dormant until there is oxygen again. Interesting what you can learn from YouTube.
Tonight’s TV ..any double doses of Jo Brand ?
No BBC1 has rugby ..then later a compilation edition of
The Graham Norton Show
7:30pm Mary Beard is joined by actor and screenwriter Emma Thompson ..composer Alexis Ffrench ticks the BAME box From the series Every episode has a female presenter
8 out the last 10 shows had a female as the main guest
BBC4 9-3am country music
except at midnight they have a London based Ugandan
9pm BBC owned Drama Channel
new series about 1960s’ Sister Boniface part-time forensic scientist
set in the Cotswold
Opening scene a black guy arrives, saying he is a visiting detective from Bermuda
BAME box ticked.
We don’t want 1960s Britain to look almost all white do we ?
‘Last Kingdom’ BBC – Netflix co-production (think it’s all Netflix now), set in 9th C Britain, Saxons and Danes (supposedly, although the Danes look like something from the stone age, all weird hair cuts, animal skins, husky panting/chanting, and painted faces).
Series 5, first episode, new Saxon Bishop of Winchester, sub-Saharan black guy with the most ludicrous ‘posh’ pseudo-‘English’ accent you’ve ever heard.
Mind you, the deaf Danish serving wench communicating in sign language seemed a little suspect to me too?
I’m just desperate for some kind of historical drama with an ounce of plausibility to it, I can’t watch this woke drivel, it’s such a complete mood killer and wrecks any suspension of disbelief, turning everything into some kind of childish, pantomime farce.
Was thinking of watching ‘Munich: The Edge of War’, but my dad told me not to bother, he thought it was pretty good right up until the point there was a black MP in the 1939 British cabinet… that was pushing it too far even for him, and he says he couldn’t be bothered to watch the rest.
We must sound like a bunch of racists, we’re really not, but it just doesn’t work to shoe horn people of the wrong ethnicity/sexuality/disability etc… into historical dramas. It’s quite depressing, historical dramas are our favourite viewing (or were).
Judging by all this ‘shoe horning in’, we could almost believe there were as many black/brown people around in this country since Julius invaded as there are now !!!!