I first began to notice politics in the early 70’s and I’ve recently been thinking about the number of gigantic lies , often sustained for decades , that I have been told by the political class and the BBC et al.
Some of the headlines are given below. From each one of these hundreds , thousands , tens of thousands of other lies are told in support.
The EEC being just a trading block and never any question that it planned to become a federal state.
Mass Immigration being a good and noble thing which we would all benefit from.
Global warming
The Covid pandemic
The NHS is working for you
The Good Friday Agreement was fair and equable
There are many others but I begin to wonder if I , we , have ever been told the truth about anything!
Twitter (as in the actual platform) is reliably informing me that it brings ‘news’ from experts and folk on the ground. The location of this ground unspecified, or degree of expertise. Probably Brando sharing a Kviv Royale with a reenergised Sweeney!
Still, the bbc appears to be at a clay shoot in the Cotswolds.
Sky News understands that Number 10 played a key role in reining in two initiatives from Ms Patel, which would have opened the system up even further https://t.co/HoKfYbckUn
There now is war hysteria in the Western press, totally out of proportion to the level of the war. Russia, unlike Western war strategists, I think has a political plan. East Russia, including Kiev and Odessa will be absorbed in a Russian province of Ukraine. Leftover Western Ukraine will be given the option of freedom but only as neutral state, and a written treaty that it will not join NATO.
If Russia wanted to wage was as America does, it could aerial bombed Ukraine to bits. It hasn’t.
Yes, aided and abetted by the BBC, and ITV of course.
I’ve never understood why an island race such as Britons, now rely totally on imports of such necessities as oil, grain, gas etc, when we could supply all that from our own farms and mines/fracking!
I have to guess that as politicians are so keen to be involved on a national stage and display their pomp and arrogance, they need to pay the exporters all over the world, something to get themselves noticed.
The lies you mention above, DT are perfect for the BBC to fiddle about with and confuse normal citizens even further.
Perhaps the most significant reason is that so many have been conned into accepting the opinions and propaganda of comprehensively unqualified non-entities, promoted by the BBC.
As examples, Harrabin, Mason, Monbiot, Rowlatt and Packham are seen as demi-gods whose words are sacred and must neither be challenged nor disputed. Sad, innit?
Yet another useless ‘interview’ by such non-entities, with several quid in a brown envelope means a lot to small minds – some of them are not the most articulate when facts are concerned, and some certainly don’t understand maths…
Now we have to believe that Putin is mad or evil. He is neither. He is a nationalist, who once wanted Russia to be part of Europe. But that was not in America’s interest. They wanted Russia as enemy to continue the bonanza of Military Industrial complex.
Now Russia has turned to China. Its huge resources and nukes will be available to China.
So here we are. We, America, have already lost to China without firing a shot on China.
Our formerly patriotic (toward Britain) now jingoistic (in favour of Ukraine) Times newspaper delivers for us this morning a minor classic of a frontpage combo.
‘Kyiv ready to face the onslaught‘ – that’ll be the tongue-twisty good score for four odd letters in Scrabble new name for the capital city of the country they keep telling us Putin and his forces are failing to defeat.
‘Ukrainian fighters in Kyiv are digging in…‘
We cheer on a return to the catwalk trenches for Miss GI Joe Ukraine 2022, styling her traditionally cut two piece foliage patterned combat fatigues outfit, her millinery is kevlar, her boots… ammunition, one pair of… size seven. Her hobbies include knitting, canoeing and working for world peace.
One wonders what sort of message we’re sending here? I’d be more confident of Kiev’s chances of fending off the Ruskies at the gates if the Times pictured for us a crack squad of those skin-headed Azov Brigade fanatic chaps, we sometimes hear of, guarding the trenches.
We in the West seem to have taken at face value all those Holywood movie trailers promoting the super-masculine fighting capabilities of the likes of comic book character Wonder Woman… or Mulan.
The Times food feature just happens to be titled: ‘The most delicious cheese recipes. Ever‘ – I had to smile at the juxtaposition.
There’s more… ‘Richard Spencer finds dark humour and optimism among volunteers, including a guard called Roman Polanski, preparing trenches in the Ukrianian capital‘ – Oh, what a lark. A casual reference to the child sex abuser, art movie director and US-exile still on the run unpunished after all these years. Ask around if by any chance they might also have a soldier named Boris Savilensky?
‘New fears for Queen’s health‘ – threatens the Daily Mirror. Now right there we have a real life heroic woman who has actually earned our respect. She hasn’t just dressed the part.
In the Telegraph David Hare muses: ‘I wish Thatcher was in charge‘ – you and me both, mate.
Spare a thought for poor Ed Balls the former New Labour minister: ‘What’s a woman? In my house, it’s someone who doesn’t cook‘ (Telegraph) – how droll. Making light of the fact Labour went all in for International Women’s Day this week – without being able to define what or who precisely it was they were promoting.
However, the peculiarly named Olia Hercules in the Guardian suggests we: ‘Cook for Ukraine‘
In the same organ Simon Armitage has for us: ‘A poem for Ukraine‘ – how can they lose?
I imagine I hear the faint but rousing strains of the La Marseillaise about to spur the lefty-liberal EU-loving troops into the breach oncemore, putting fresh a dose of new grit and soy in their stomachs: ‘Macron savages UK for not making refugees welcome‘ (Guardian) – En garde! The little corporal has spoken. Pas de charge! Petit pois – as Del Boy Trotter might exclaim. Plonquers!
One of the main reasons for Governments importing foreign companies into Britain was to provide jobs for their voters. I don’t know if Labour were more active in this area but wouldn’t be surprised if they were. Large subsidies, cheap land and Rate free periods were donated. Hence the large foreign owned car plants etc. It’s never been a level playing field for our own businesses who have to pay through the nose for everything
Our corrupt lying media has turned the most cruel war based ideology- Islam, into a Religion of Peace. But that’s a lie. Islam is Islam. Sooner or later the dagger will be at your throat. It already is, as the rapes continue while authorities do nothing.
Complete fantasyland the state the liberal Left have taken our country to. But this insanity caused by total decadance of having nothing better to worry about is about to change as the effects of the Ukrainian invasion bite and the sanctions effects as well.
With a Prime Minister fully engaged in a bubble of fantasy absolutely nothing is being done to combat the coming catastrophe that will hit Britain.
The sanctions will hit the West with higher fuel prices. We will be hurt. But Russia will profit as they can sell the oil at a much higher world price to a ready market. China and India for a start.
Then there is a pile of tweet about Saturday Live from different theatres
“Paul Merton is on Radio4 Saturday Live
He will be at our theatre on X Day of X month”
At the end The war torn refugee asks
“Is cannabis legalised in Britain ?”
Reporter: “How many civilians are still stuck there?”
“Are you OK”
Ukrainian: “I smoked weed four twenty”
“Is cannabis legal in Great Britain?”
(It’s the Sky reporter who sounds like she’s on drugs ..speed.
the live footage is from March 5th)
He mentions doing a circle
I think he means when on a journey and you come to a town which is under occupation or attack,
you end up walking a big semi-circle around the outside of the town and back to the road on the other side.
Accidently turned on Beeb, and it was a report by someone with a voice like Tinkerbell, reporting on a village in Yorkshire that is twinned with a village in Poland who are taking refugees into their homes, SO yes, you can guess what’s coming next. ‘we’re not doing enough,- we should be doing more’ da de da di dah! and of course there was the background accompaniment of a twinkly piano .
(that twinkly piano player must be overwhelmed with work lately)
I accidentally turned on The Week in Westminster ….. strangely it didn’t mention the Shaming of Berkow – perhaps he is still celebrated by the swamp ….
… instead they had that Pete Bottomly -‘father of the house ‘ explaining why MPs should be paid Even More … he compared them to ‘high court judges ‘ and ‘professors ‘ for the skills they need …..
… I’m sure Jess and Diane … and Lammy and …. And … so many dummies … would appreciate such a comparison ….
…. Apparently the poor politicians who leave their seat might find life hard afterward – no wonder if they have pay their own bills … I
… I choked on my coffee —- my point – there was no alternative view – no ‘kelvin mckenzie ‘- to talk about the bribes and freebies these character get – all within the rules ( they wrote ) of course .
This rant won’t end …
Nothing to do with the BBC, but (hopefully) of some interest to those oldies like me…
This afternoon on the Horror Channel (69, I believe) they’re showing re-runs of that sixties classic, The Prisoner.
I absolutely loved this when I was a lad, without, I must confess, ever fully understanding it.
For those who haven’t seen it (not many on this site, I’d wager) it’s a sort of cross between 1984 meets Brave New World, with more than a smidgen of sixties kitsch thrown into the mix.
The Village is the name given to the area our hero, the rugged Patrick McGoohan, is taken to. It’s entirely authoritarian, where all rules are obeyed without question and bovine compliance is a way of life. Is it my old memory playing tricks or did the inhabitants stand on their doorsteps clapping every evening at a certain hour? Perhaps not…
Anyway, if you’re interested, it starts today at 1pm.
Thanks for that. I was too young to see it first time round and, although I’ve seen bits, I’ve never managed to catch it from the beginning. Let’s see how well it’s aged.
Yes, my brother stayed there, and brought me back a car window sticker of the Penny farthing logo !!! At least my car is now easier to spot in a huge car park. lol !
Friday night 10pm BBC1 news had at least three calls for there to be a no-fly zone over Ukraine. One of the people was a Ukraine doctor in Ukraine who was being interviewed, one was Rita Chakrabati and there was a third, although I now forget who.
I don’t know the rights and wrongs of introducing a no-fly zone over Ukraine and I don’t know whether it increases the chance of the war spreading to other countries or whether it will stop the Ukraine war. It is a difficult enough decision for the politicians and the people advising them. What it doesn’t need is the BBC, through its editors making decisions on which interviews to show, and its newsreaders making constant pleas, affecting the decision. I assume that the BBC’s ‘view to take’ supporting a no-fly zone is based on their constant desire to attack Boris. If Boris doesn’t get involved with the no-fly zone then he personally is blame for all the death and destruction in Ukraine; if Boris does lead on a no-fly zone and the war gets worse, then he is personally to blame too. And if the war extends to the UK, then the BBC types will all flit to their country cottages and consider that as long as they are outside London they will be OK.
By the way, I am worried about Jeremy. Admittedly I am watching very little BBC at the moment but I haven’t seen anything of Mr Bowen since he was lying breathless under a hedge whilst Ukraine people walked casually at the back of the picture. Have I just been lucky enough to miss his reports? If he has only done the one, was it worth flying him out for?
Putin has declared that Western nations supplying sophisticated arms to Ukraine is an act of War. Strangely enough that same principle doesn’t seem to apply to Turkey who is supplying the Bayraktar TB2 drone to the Ukrainians which is proven to be devastating to Russian armoured vehicles. Strange that.
If countries supplying weapons is now seen as enemies of Russia and bearing in mind that Turkey is a member of NATO, I’m afraid I don’t see the point you are making. The Migs that Poland could supply are not NATO surely?
However the Russians are killed, a weapon causing that is a weapon no matter where it comes from.
Tucker at Fox has some quite scary comments re Biden’s performance, what is really going on and how it is going to impact the entire planet in due course….
A national catastrophe (covid – dust bowl) followed by US financial meltdown (Wall street crash) followed by wars and land grabs in Europe (Poland – Ukraine)….. followed by …..WW2 – WW3?
Looks like the World is going to pay for his incompetence in due course.
Unite Against Fascism
2Marcp47fho s4o93 ati 5:55r78 uPecM ·
Nigel Farage ‘net zero’ rally at Bolton Wanderers’ stadium cancelled following fan backlash. Good on all those Wanderers fans who raised their voices.
Join us on National demonstration – March Against Racism – UN Anti-Racism Day 2022
So Nigel – the Waaaycist – was cancelled when he booked Bolton stadium for his rally against Net Zero and campaign against green taxes and expensive energy costs. The SWP Trot fronted (David Cameron supported) Unite Against Facism are delighted that Farage will not be allowed to speak at the Bolton ground. Waaycists oppose Net Zero eh.
She wasn’t on today – Gregg Kofi Brown from Afro rock band Osibisa on the band’s upcoming London gig and celebrating over 50 years
– Author John Davis chats about his book ‘Waterloo Sunrise’ documenting London transforming from a ‘swinging city’
– Carla Mitchell on the new exhibition ‘Photographing Protest: Resistance through a feminist lens’.
Ha Raw tweets “2024 will see an incredible exhibition on centuries of Black music in Britain at the @britishlibrary”
2:45pm Radio4 repeat from Jan 2021 39 Ways to Save the Planet
More Power from the Sun
*Solar energy is cheap and clean*,
but it could be better. Tom Heap discovers how.
3pm R4 David Jason drama set in Covid times
The grandfather is taking care of the daughter (come back from army duty in Afghanistan, with one leg)
.. the daughter is in India cos its her husbands homeland
.. Johnny Vegas appears
Nurse appears … Black African accent (Jennifer Saayeng)
GBnews ..Darren Grimes show was on
but the sound was out of sync with the picture.
BTW There are hundreds of anti-Tory twitter accounts that support Labour
that are very hatey.
eg smear people as “Gammon”
and smear GBnews as “KGBnews” etc.
“The Apprentice, You’re Fired” only had the one token BAME panelist this week, as usual a comedian you’ve never heard of. This week’s was an obese Moroccan woman in a headscarf. However, the two fired candidates were both BAMEs, so that made 3 out of the 6 people taking part. For the BBC, I suppose having 50% BAMEs is about right.
I also caught a new “sitcom” about a witchfinder in England in 1645. Not very funny, but it’s a BBC sitcom, so not the place to go if you are looking for laughs.
I was struck that a large percentage of the villagers were played by black, Asian and Chinese actors. Would a village in East Anglia in 1645 have been ethnically diverse? Of course not, they aren’t diverse now!
I find this shoehorning of BAME actors into historical dramas offensive to truth. It is as if we are being airbrushed out of our own history. Before 1945 Britain was 99.9% white, a fact which seems to offend BBC snowflakes, who never miss a trick in imposing BAME characters into Victorian, Tudor, or even Norman Britain. Clearly, the only people whose history does not matter are the white British.
“ Petty misdemeanours like not paying your TV licence “ .
Oh I thought what I had been doing for fourteen years was serious . At least , that’s what the trees that were chopped down to make paper that they printed on to threaten me implied .
Guest Who- This image is just the default position
on the BBC with public imaging on their website. It is
the equivalent of the adverts we see now on TV.
The most ridiculous aspect of it is ,that the BBC
could scrap the license tax with commercial
advertising on their channels. BIG BROTHER from the
diversity department would be in a perpetual
orgasmic state showing us adverts with black dads
and white mums . Then the only thing missing from
the BBC would be what we see every minute on a live
Sky football match “SAY NO TO RACISM”. Surely we
could see this flashing , on say the News programmes or even
“Eastenders” or ” Strictly” or in fact any programme?
"The xenophobes, Little Englanders and Putin stooges who inflicted this predicament on us should never be forgiven." | Writes @paulmasonnewshttps://t.co/lX3kWlmOtz
One state department document says that a lab near Odessa has the most deadly virus of all, the gain-of-function Q-Fever virus. This coincides with the most advanced penetration into the Ukraine by Russian forces to the outskirts of Odessa. So if the Russians bomb the lab, then we can blame the Russians for being the bad guys in causing a “REAL” pandemic.
The inventor of the mRNA genetic vaccine, Dr Robert Malone, said he received a phone call from Wuhan, on 4th January 2020, from CIA agent Michael Callahan, saying that the Covid-19 virus had “magnificent infectivity”
The World Health Organisation advised Ukraine to destroy ‘high-threat pathogens’ in the country’s public health laboratories. China has requested that UN inspectors should be sent to the labs in the Ukraine. The UN Security Council convened on Friday at Russia’s request to discuss the claims.
The Fakestream Media and the BBC Fake News & Real News Censorship service, say its fake news from Russia, and should be banned in future by an online harms bill. Also the BBC says that Children, Hospitals and Children’s Hospitals are the real targets for the Russian Invaders.
I was watching the Fox News coverage .
They were wondering why the US hadn’t closed the labs before putin invaded …
… but the lab story is a case study in obfuscation – eg – they were originally Russian labs which were taken over by the US at the end of the USSR …
… or that the labs were not exercising bio security ….
Variations on the truth – ideal to avoid blame should the Russians use bio weapons – which they will blame on the Ukrainians / accidents …
So that’s why the Biden Administration are not very enthusiastic about the negotiations for a cease-fire and withdrawal agreement. As Edward Snowden said about talking to his CIA boss. His boss said that if you wonder why the CIA don’t do intelligent things? Then follow the Money. The Ukraine was made a stinking rotten corrupt hellhole by the CIA, Clinton, Biden, Fauchi money laundering Swamp.
As with Finland and Austria, a neutral buffer state agreement with Russia would still allow it to be economically linked to the West. The only thing that is unreasonable is that Russia insists that the Ukraine should be demilitarised. This is unreasonable because Austria and Finland are independent sovereign states with the right to have military defence forces.
I think the mainstream media idea that the Russians are focusing on destroying hospitals and killing children is media manipulation of the public, and in line with the opinion of the Antichrist. But the most remarkable fact is that this Antichrist Big Pharma profiteering by producing and releasing viruses from the same labs that are used for solving the manufactured problem with a Vaccine solution, was predicted in the “Three Secrets of Fátima”
In Bobby Kennedy’s book, he shows us that Anthony Fauchi has the personality of an Antichrist. The Antichrist owns the BioLabs which produce the problems that the Antichrist solves with Vaccines. The Russians invade to take the BioLabs as God’s punishment.
BBC evening news
Newsreader – a lady
Sports presenter – a lady
Local Newsreader – a lady
Local weatherman – a lady
National weatherman – a lady
The BBC will feel deep shame … cos they were all white.
Into Charity Mastermind presented by Clive Myrie
4 “celebs” only recogniise the half Chinese comedian Phil Wang
Two white women ..an actress from Motherland,
And the actress who placs CBBC’s tracey Beaker ..specialist subject .. Drag queen : Ru Paul .. FFS
One white man ..a potter
Unfortunately tuned into some of the BBC coverage of the war. The Beeboid confirms without the feintest hint of irony nor an atomic modicum of self awareness that Russians largely get their news from the state run media so are unaware of the truth! They never said whether Russians are forced to pay 150 quid to be told everyday there is a climate emergency or that using the wrong gender pronouns is the biggest issue facing the world today. Meanwhile back to the narrative. Britain just isn’t doing enough to help refugees – with another 200,000 expected on top of those coming from the Afghan and the overnight ferries from France it would be a City the size of Liverpool coming here just this year. No one allowed on the ‘discussion’ to suggest any of this might have an impact on renyachess, schools, transport, the welfare system…..
And tomorrow it’s Newcastle vs Chelsea. One team operating under special licence; the other free to do what it likes. Welcome to moral ambiguity…. https://t.co/Dip2D7ATcU
Mark Dolan just quoted himself rom a few months back
‘we should not be spending huge money on covid cos that imposes a huge bill on the children
and they might need that money ..say if there was a future war’
Seems like the chancellor doesn’t favour spending more borrowed taxpayers ‘ money on Defence – I wonder if he is as out of touch as the outgoing Home Secretary is ?
I actually don’t get it . The thing joe public want to see is Ukrainian women and children getting off the rescue plane at stansted as well as more tanks being ordered to hold back the Russian hordes on the NATO borders …
As The Island points out , the wokes , gramscians , senior civil servants and possibly even the Tory party fess up and acknowledge that there are genuine refugees and asylum seekers and bogus refugees and asylum seekers .
How about the British people bypass their useless government and set out in a flotilla of little ships for the beaches of Dunkirk – pick up those Ukrainian refugees whether Johnson and his cronies like it or not, and bring them back to be welcomed with open arms?#Dunkirk2022
Whilst still taking any who arrive on a dinghy ( and then any families they later bring over or ‘women from home’ they ‘marry’) and anyone from anywhere in the world who has a vague family connection with anyone already here.
This is madness. We are already beyond full.
I fear for the future … and wonder where the next war in a country caused by racial division and competing for resources might be …
All my rellies North of the Border scattered about are Glasgow based or scattered about from there. Medical field or local authority. Oodles of kids, and visiting each other. Diesels to a man, woman and student.
There's nothing like the sound of rape alarms to raise sympathy for a cause.
After all, they are designed to attract attention in case of violent attack, so why not use them when you just feel like you need more attention? pic.twitter.com/mUYc2HibrZ
— Climate Warrior🐬 #ClimateJustice🇵🇸#BDS⚧️ 🌈🇺🇦 (@ClimateWarrior7) March 13, 2022
‘£350 a month to house a refugee at home‘ (Sunday Times)
‘£350-a-month thank you for giving refuge. Caring Brits urged to house Ukrainians in their darkest hour‘ (Sunday Express) – sounds generous, but where’s the extra couple of hundred quid we’ll need to pay the gas bills?
‘Sunak to release more cash… set of further interventions to tackle the cost of living crisis‘ (Sunday Telegraph) – on the basis that he’s running a big deficit what Rishi means to say is that he will be borrowing more money. Which will lead to more money chasing less supply of goods and services, which will create more inflation, which will worsen what the Telegraph dubs the cost of living crisis.
The small number of lateral thinkers among the small audience who read the Sunday Times may note the frontpage prime advertising spot goes to: ‘Jupiter Asset Management‘ whose copy – rather ominously – reads: ‘Central banks can’t print gold and silver‘
The Russians and the Chinese, however, have amassed a healthy pile of those precious metals. While we in the West put our faith in the paper dollar and the witchcraft which is modern monetary theory.
Having presented myself something of an open goal of a segueway there I could link to: ‘Sheppey witch Charlotte Clark accepts Nicola Sturgeon’s apology but says it’s been ‘a long time coming’… Nicola Sturgeon’s apology for deaths more than 450 years ago”‘ (Kent Online) – but as I find myself reflecting rather too often these days – it’s getting beyond satire.
‘Putin wipes out entire city… governer says Volnovakha no longer exists‘ (Sunday Times) – few Brits – as the Express likes to call British people (see above) will have known it ever had existed.
The Sunday Mirror doesn’t fly the Ukrainian colours at its masthead – as does the Express – but its motto: ‘We are with you‘ is a nice catch-all multi-purpose virtue signal.
In fact the Sunday Mirror goes with racing colours – or silks as they are known – at the top of the frontpage: ‘Cheltenham. A Brit special. All the top tips and star names‘ – there we go again with that abbreviation Brit. About the only nationality one is allowed to abbreviate these days without being accused of a hate crime. Although one senses the Russians are fair game. Speaking of bad speak: ‘Anne Hatherway on the trolls who nearly broke her‘ (Sunday Mail)
‘Anne Hathaway Net Worth: $80 Million… She is one of the highest-paid actresses in the entertainment industry, and her films have grossed over $6.8 billion globally‘ (thank you Celebrity Net Worth) – not quite broke, then.
Hugh Grant has been in the news: ‘Hugh Grant issues F-bomb response to Nigel Farage after net zero referendum campaign announcement‘ (Independent) – you remember Hugh… he was in that famous British rom-com called… what was it now…? Oh, yeah, “Five Kids and a Prostitute”
I mean: “Four Weddings and a Funeral” – that other thing was his real life.
‘Volunteers to sign up online with sponsored Ukrainians vetted “in days” promises Gove‘ (Telegraph) – this one has website crash on launch day written all over it. So when the IT is fixed and once the Government gets a notion of the scale of who has spare bedrooms – do watch out for the new Bed Room Taxes coming down the line.
Vetting refugees before housing them? That’ll be a first for Border Force.
Happily, we’re all good guys. In contrast with those characters played by David Mitchell and Robert Webb in their skit where a couple of World War Two German soldiers notice skull badges on their hats and realise “We’re the baddies” – you know, those nasty symbols of the 1930s and 40s bad guys. Like you occasionally notice on the uniforms of the Ukrainians in this present flair up. But remember, us in the West are the good guys because we have the rainbow insignia.
Because when all said and done, we’re fighting for the rule of law, protection from arbitrary State action and legal due process here in the west: ‘Gove: seize oligarch mansions to house refugees‘ (Mail on Sunday)
I think I once visted Oligarch Mansions… it was run by the National Trust, or was it English Heritage..? Or am I confused? Was it still in the family and run by the eleventh earl who had put in a gift shop, safari park and paint ball adventure war zone in the grounds?
The Sunday People leans Left – so they don’t want to big up any blow hard Torys shooting their mouths off over Ukriane. Instead we have: ‘Novichok victim… Charlie Rowley, whose lover died in the Russian poison outrage in Wiltshire‘ – appealing for us to: ‘Take in a refugee‘ – how refreshing that the working class Sunday People term his girlfriend his lover rather than the more PC and often confusing term partner. Know your readership and speak to them in their language is a fine journalistic lesson learnt. But do the working class audience of the paper have that many rooms to spare for refugees in their oligarch mansions?
What Lewis knows, vs. what he writes folk have said.
Ukraine’s national rail company says a passenger train on its way to pick up refugees being evacuated from eastern Ukraine came under fire from Russian forces and killed its conductor. Company says train was attacked in Donetsk and was about to pick up refugees incl. 100 kids.
Belfield says John Campbell was forced into 2 apologies.. establishment figures shouting “gotcha” at him on Twitter.
Yes at the start of his new video https://youtu.be/EASM6EzCVeg
he says
#1 You know I discussed that paper that concluded Invermectin works,
I’m told that it’s been withdrawn, so my mistake we have to disregard it, and all that I said
but the amazing thing is, that if we go to the paper’s website, it says nothing about it being withdrawn, that’s very peculiar.
#2 I discussed the Pfizer vaccine document listing the side effects, it’s been pointed out that is actually a list of things to look out for .. so my error there.
.. He then goes into talking about another guy who does list the actual side effects.
As ever, issues are aired by brain donor pols and of color and not of color media with no possibility of nuance.
Shunting millions around the globe is unsustainable on just about any basis, economic, integration, etc. Though clearly a wheeze grasped by the cynical sending them, or causing them sent. And assured the media will assign pressure as required, with exceptions.
And the media is excellent at assigning, especially through convenient prisms.
Dec 7 saw most US fighter defences destroyed because they were lined up against domestic protestors.
Subsequently, perceived problematic groups were rounded up and put in internment camps.
Now, of course, this is beyond the pale. Every movie has an aged hero of East Asia who was in such a camp.
Trouble is, triage is messy, and bad calls can get made, or possibly only calls at the time can be turned into bad ones by cynical types who thrive on creating divisions.
Types like opposition pols. And their media PR remoras.
Could we take in a small family? Yes. Would we? Maybe. Are we? Not until this whole thing gets assessed sensibly.
A genuine refugee mother/child family from a border camp, properly vetted by folk not indoctrinated by or afraid of targets or isms is a distinct possibility. So long as sensible time periods are laid out for their benefit and ours. And we are vetted too.
Getting sent some teenage explosives expert from Calais or the Med keen on stuffing his puffer jacket with local fertiliser supplies before hitting the music venues, or simply bitching to BBC Shires about their menu or the WiFi… no.
“Ukraine war: UK households offered £350 a month for hosting refugees” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-60724111
How about putting them up in 4 Star Hotels ?
This Government along with its Home Office is not fit for purpose.
It cares more for foreign people than it does for its own people. MPs are merely well paid, Wet Virtue Signallers.
THIS, of course, is what genuine refugees do. They want to be close to their homelands so they can return home quickly when safety resumes.
Ukrainians will want to rebuild their much loved country when the war is over. Very few, it must be said, will want to abandon it. https://t.co/j8ibbiJLB0
Mar 5 : Trudeau: “we see a bit of a slippage in our democracies.
Countries turning towards slightly more authoritarian leaders.
Countries allowing increasing misinformation and disinformation to be shared on social media”
..Are there no mirrors in his house ?
There are a host of the usual political pygmies and media whores making a lot of capital out of Abramovich’s fall from grace…
I was watching Farage the other evening when he asked Theo Paphitis (you can get ointment for that) about the treatment being dealt to the former Chelsea chairman. “It’s not harsh enough” blustered the Greek billionaire, “there are women and children dying.” Yes, it’s absolutely tragic, but how is this Abramovich’s fault?
Apparently he’s friendly with Putin…I’m guessing you would be if you were Russian and wanted to get ahead, while keeping your own head in place. Until very recently the entire western world was trying to suck up to Putin. Most of our leaders have been out there, metaphorically bending the knee to the diminutive dictator.
This attack on Abramovich ticks all the boxes for these pathetic little men. Chris Bryant, the ghastly, gay, Labour MP said, “We gave him two weeks warning-plenty of time to scurry like a rat.” Bryant really is a nasty, venomous, spiteful little creature, he makes my teeth itch.
Some of these media gobshites are unhappy that Abramovich hasn’t unequivocally condemned Putin. Would they? It’s all very well being brave when you’re safe and protected in Blighty, but he still has family in Russia. What might happen to them?
All we’re seeing now in the media giving us two minutes of hate.
This is led by nasty, bitter little men like Bryant and vile, old warmongering reptiles like Alistair Campbell. Campbell FFS!
People must have very short memories if they’re listening to the bloke with the dodgy dossier.
“… asked Theo Paphitis.. about the treatment being dealt to the former Chelsea chairman. “It’s not harsh enough” blustered the Greek billionaire…” – ask him the one about the Elgin Marbles?
“Until very recently the entire western world was trying to suck up to Putin. Most of our leaders have been out there, metaphorically bending the knee to the diminutive dictator” – true, I’m afraid:
In one of his earliest new foreign policy initiatives, President Obama sought to reset relations with Russia and reverse what he called a “dangerous drift” in this important bilateral relationship. President Obama and his administration have sought to engage the Russian government to pursue foreign policy goals of common interest – win-win outcomes
The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
June 24, 2010
Obama put down to Romney – US Presidential debates when the Republican candidate said that Russia was America’s main geopolitical foe. “You said Russia. And the 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back. Because the Cold War has been over for 20 years”
Lucy PevenseyMar 9, 21:27 Weekend 8th March 2025 The plot thickens https://twitter.com/RupertLowe10/status/1898839071050403877
FlotsamMar 9, 21:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Graham Greene wrote a brilliant novel, “The Comedians” (does anyone read books any more?). It was about a bunch of…
DeborahMar 9, 21:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dr John Campbell on YouTube has reviewed some Covid vaccination research which may have indicated that the vaccine has compromised…
tomoMar 9, 21:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Oh yeah, that’s a good idea… https://twitter.com/PopBase/status/1897800687565861081
atlas_shruggedMar 9, 21:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Five Years On, the UK Refuses to Learn the Lessons of the Covid Catastrophe https://dailysceptic.org/2025/03/08/five-years-on-the-uk-refuses-to-learn-the-lessons-of-the-covid-catastrophe/ The US has changed direction…
Morning All,
Just chucking it down in Kent, and the dog wants to go for a walk…
Ho Hum!
First again ????? what’s the matter, can’t you sleep LOL !
God – I think I put up this thread while I was asleep ….
I just clicked on here to see what occurred the night before, Fed!
Like most good citizens, we get all our news online (or Global during the night, for what it’s worth) now, and here is a natural place to start!
Ha ha ha, Brissles!
Usuall wake up around 4.00, listen to Steve Allen on LBC, or the weekend guys, and New Dog starts to look at her lead soon after!
Best part of the day really; the early morning’s your oyster (or ‘lobster’ if Arthur Daly gets a word in)!
And it’s chucking it down again…
I first began to notice politics in the early 70’s and I’ve recently been thinking about the number of gigantic lies , often sustained for decades , that I have been told by the political class and the BBC et al.
Some of the headlines are given below. From each one of these hundreds , thousands , tens of thousands of other lies are told in support.
The EEC being just a trading block and never any question that it planned to become a federal state.
Mass Immigration being a good and noble thing which we would all benefit from.
Global warming
The Covid pandemic
The NHS is working for you
The Good Friday Agreement was fair and equable
There are many others but I begin to wonder if I , we , have ever been told the truth about anything!
Twitter (as in the actual platform) is reliably informing me that it brings ‘news’ from experts and folk on the ground. The location of this ground unspecified, or degree of expertise. Probably Brando sharing a Kviv Royale with a reenergised Sweeney!
Still, the bbc appears to be at a clay shoot in the Cotswolds.
I see this is a ‘bbc has learned’.
So the expertise is likely a tip off to Springster who knows stuff.
Sky meanwhile, has ‘understood’ something…
MSM Editorial Code cracking hardly requires Bletchley Park.
Sky has a boyfriend/girlfriend working in No 10, like ITV has ?
She’s reliving Uganda all over again…………….
Good news at last.
There now is war hysteria in the Western press, totally out of proportion to the level of the war. Russia, unlike Western war strategists, I think has a political plan. East Russia, including Kiev and Odessa will be absorbed in a Russian province of Ukraine. Leftover Western Ukraine will be given the option of freedom but only as neutral state, and a written treaty that it will not join NATO.
If Russia wanted to wage was as America does, it could aerial bombed Ukraine to bits. It hasn’t.
Yes, aided and abetted by the BBC, and ITV of course.
I’ve never understood why an island race such as Britons, now rely totally on imports of such necessities as oil, grain, gas etc, when we could supply all that from our own farms and mines/fracking!
I have to guess that as politicians are so keen to be involved on a national stage and display their pomp and arrogance, they need to pay the exporters all over the world, something to get themselves noticed.
The lies you mention above, DT are perfect for the BBC to fiddle about with and confuse normal citizens even further.
Perhaps the most significant reason is that so many have been conned into accepting the opinions and propaganda of comprehensively unqualified non-entities, promoted by the BBC.
As examples, Harrabin, Mason, Monbiot, Rowlatt and Packham are seen as demi-gods whose words are sacred and must neither be challenged nor disputed. Sad, innit?
That’s very true, Beltane.
Yet another useless ‘interview’ by such non-entities, with several quid in a brown envelope means a lot to small minds – some of them are not the most articulate when facts are concerned, and some certainly don’t understand maths…
Now we have to believe that Putin is mad or evil. He is neither. He is a nationalist, who once wanted Russia to be part of Europe. But that was not in America’s interest. They wanted Russia as enemy to continue the bonanza of Military Industrial complex.
Now Russia has turned to China. Its huge resources and nukes will be available to China.
So here we are. We, America, have already lost to China without firing a shot on China.
Tucker: We are at war with Russia
Member of public checking media cake news?
Found wanting.
I smell a rat.
Filling is ‘Viande du Mince Brixton Kebab’.
‘I smell a rat…’
Not a problem, as long as it’s halal rat.
Cheese & onion pie is vegetarian !
Carnage in the W1A cubicle gardens.
Though some have booked a Honky for the spare basement, sources have learned.
A wonderful graphic of the NHS Waiting Times since 1949. Dire, but remember, anything goes and, importantly, “Welcome Refugees”.
Accuses. Accuses. Says. Needs.
Analysis from on the gr.. well, up on top of a building, in a flak jacket, no helmet.
Plonquers edition
Our formerly patriotic (toward Britain) now jingoistic (in favour of Ukraine) Times newspaper delivers for us this morning a minor classic of a frontpage combo.
‘Kyiv ready to face the onslaught‘ – that’ll be the tongue-twisty good score for four odd letters in Scrabble new name for the capital city of the country they keep telling us Putin and his forces are failing to defeat.
‘Ukrainian fighters in Kyiv are digging in…‘
We cheer on a return to the catwalk trenches for Miss GI Joe Ukraine 2022, styling her traditionally cut two piece foliage patterned combat fatigues outfit, her millinery is kevlar, her boots… ammunition, one pair of… size seven. Her hobbies include knitting, canoeing and working for world peace.
One wonders what sort of message we’re sending here? I’d be more confident of Kiev’s chances of fending off the Ruskies at the gates if the Times pictured for us a crack squad of those skin-headed Azov Brigade fanatic chaps, we sometimes hear of, guarding the trenches.
We in the West seem to have taken at face value all those Holywood movie trailers promoting the super-masculine fighting capabilities of the likes of comic book character Wonder Woman… or Mulan.
The Times food feature just happens to be titled: ‘The most delicious cheese recipes. Ever‘ – I had to smile at the juxtaposition.
There’s more… ‘Richard Spencer finds dark humour and optimism among volunteers, including a guard called Roman Polanski, preparing trenches in the Ukrianian capital‘ – Oh, what a lark. A casual reference to the child sex abuser, art movie director and US-exile still on the run unpunished after all these years. Ask around if by any chance they might also have a soldier named Boris Savilensky?
‘New fears for Queen’s health‘ – threatens the Daily Mirror. Now right there we have a real life heroic woman who has actually earned our respect. She hasn’t just dressed the part.
In the Telegraph David Hare muses: ‘I wish Thatcher was in charge‘ – you and me both, mate.
Spare a thought for poor Ed Balls the former New Labour minister: ‘What’s a woman? In my house, it’s someone who doesn’t cook‘ (Telegraph) – how droll. Making light of the fact Labour went all in for International Women’s Day this week – without being able to define what or who precisely it was they were promoting.
However, the peculiarly named Olia Hercules in the Guardian suggests we: ‘Cook for Ukraine‘
In the same organ Simon Armitage has for us: ‘A poem for Ukraine‘ – how can they lose?
I imagine I hear the faint but rousing strains of the La Marseillaise about to spur the lefty-liberal EU-loving troops into the breach oncemore, putting fresh a dose of new grit and soy in their stomachs: ‘Macron savages UK for not making refugees welcome‘ (Guardian) – En garde! The little corporal has spoken. Pas de charge! Petit pois – as Del Boy Trotter might exclaim. Plonquers!
One of the main reasons for Governments importing foreign companies into Britain was to provide jobs for their voters. I don’t know if Labour were more active in this area but wouldn’t be surprised if they were. Large subsidies, cheap land and Rate free periods were donated. Hence the large foreign owned car plants etc. It’s never been a level playing field for our own businesses who have to pay through the nose for everything
Seems Wendy’s Unit has been given special dispensation by bbc HR to recruit blondes still.
My Jihad – Taqqiya. Taqqiya and Kitman.
Our corrupt lying media has turned the most cruel war based ideology- Islam, into a Religion of Peace. But that’s a lie. Islam is Islam. Sooner or later the dagger will be at your throat. It already is, as the rapes continue while authorities do nothing.
Complete fantasyland the state the liberal Left have taken our country to. But this insanity caused by total decadance of having nothing better to worry about is about to change as the effects of the Ukrainian invasion bite and the sanctions effects as well.
With a Prime Minister fully engaged in a bubble of fantasy absolutely nothing is being done to combat the coming catastrophe that will hit Britain.
Unbelievable .. Back in the day this would have been a ‘Sunday sport’ fictional headline !
The sanctions will hit the West with higher fuel prices. We will be hurt. But Russia will profit as they can sell the oil at a much higher world price to a ready market. China and India for a start.
A matter of priorities
You won’t regret watching this short video #Ukraine
GWF that is the same Twitter video twice
They don’t show up on my screen
but your repost below does show it once
I really tried with this one Complete failure. Sometimes I get it right, mostly not.
BBCsaturdaylive has Paul Merton on
bragging about how diverse @BBCRadio4 is
FFS @BBCRadio4 diversity = same lefty London mates
all the time
@RevRichardColes @acatherwoodnews are the presenters
Are they not London and lefties ?
Then there is a pile of tweet about Saturday Live from different theatres
“Paul Merton is on Radio4 Saturday Live
He will be at our theatre on X Day of X month”
A matter of priorities
At the end The war torn refugee asks
“Is cannabis legalised in Britain ?”
Reporter: “How many civilians are still stuck there?”
“Are you OK”
Ukrainian: “I smoked weed four twenty”
“Is cannabis legal in Great Britain?”
(It’s the Sky reporter who sounds like she’s on drugs ..speed.
the live footage is from March 5th)
He mentions doing a circle
I think he means when on a journey and you come to a town which is under occupation or attack,
you end up walking a big semi-circle around the outside of the town and back to the road on the other side.
Is that one of the refugees that Delia Smith and Macron want us to take in ?
Hey let’s import a drug dealer …. Maybe she should have asked “ anyone speak English and don’t take drugs ?” Lol
Accidently turned on Beeb, and it was a report by someone with a voice like Tinkerbell, reporting on a village in Yorkshire that is twinned with a village in Poland who are taking refugees into their homes, SO yes, you can guess what’s coming next. ‘we’re not doing enough,- we should be doing more’ da de da di dah! and of course there was the background accompaniment of a twinkly piano .
(that twinkly piano player must be overwhelmed with work lately)
I accidentally turned on The Week in Westminster ….. strangely it didn’t mention the Shaming of Berkow – perhaps he is still celebrated by the swamp ….
… instead they had that Pete Bottomly -‘father of the house ‘ explaining why MPs should be paid Even More … he compared them to ‘high court judges ‘ and ‘professors ‘ for the skills they need …..
… I’m sure Jess and Diane … and Lammy and …. And … so many dummies … would appreciate such a comparison ….
…. Apparently the poor politicians who leave their seat might find life hard afterward – no wonder if they have pay their own bills … I
… I choked on my coffee —- my point – there was no alternative view – no ‘kelvin mckenzie ‘- to talk about the bribes and freebies these character get – all within the rules ( they wrote ) of course .
This rant won’t end …
Nothing to do with the BBC, but (hopefully) of some interest to those oldies like me…
This afternoon on the Horror Channel (69, I believe) they’re showing re-runs of that sixties classic, The Prisoner.
I absolutely loved this when I was a lad, without, I must confess, ever fully understanding it.
For those who haven’t seen it (not many on this site, I’d wager) it’s a sort of cross between 1984 meets Brave New World, with more than a smidgen of sixties kitsch thrown into the mix.
The Village is the name given to the area our hero, the rugged Patrick McGoohan, is taken to. It’s entirely authoritarian, where all rules are obeyed without question and bovine compliance is a way of life. Is it my old memory playing tricks or did the inhabitants stand on their doorsteps clapping every evening at a certain hour? Perhaps not…
Anyway, if you’re interested, it starts today at 1pm.
Be seeing you…
Thanks for that. I was too young to see it first time round and, although I’ve seen bits, I’ve never managed to catch it from the beginning. Let’s see how well it’s aged.
Cheers jeff – I’ll drop a tab ( whatever that is ) and see if I can understand it this time – that final episode – no spoiler alert ….
I remember we all wanted to know where it was filmed !!! and where could we buy a Mini Moke !!!
Filmed at Portmeirion. You can stay in some of the houses used in filming ( at least you could pre-covid).
Yes, my brother stayed there, and brought me back a car window sticker of the Penny farthing logo !!! At least my car is now easier to spot in a huge car park. lol !
Friday night 10pm BBC1 news had at least three calls for there to be a no-fly zone over Ukraine. One of the people was a Ukraine doctor in Ukraine who was being interviewed, one was Rita Chakrabati and there was a third, although I now forget who.
I don’t know the rights and wrongs of introducing a no-fly zone over Ukraine and I don’t know whether it increases the chance of the war spreading to other countries or whether it will stop the Ukraine war. It is a difficult enough decision for the politicians and the people advising them. What it doesn’t need is the BBC, through its editors making decisions on which interviews to show, and its newsreaders making constant pleas, affecting the decision. I assume that the BBC’s ‘view to take’ supporting a no-fly zone is based on their constant desire to attack Boris. If Boris doesn’t get involved with the no-fly zone then he personally is blame for all the death and destruction in Ukraine; if Boris does lead on a no-fly zone and the war gets worse, then he is personally to blame too. And if the war extends to the UK, then the BBC types will all flit to their country cottages and consider that as long as they are outside London they will be OK.
By the way, I am worried about Jeremy. Admittedly I am watching very little BBC at the moment but I haven’t seen anything of Mr Bowen since he was lying breathless under a hedge whilst Ukraine people walked casually at the back of the picture. Have I just been lucky enough to miss his reports? If he has only done the one, was it worth flying him out for?
Putin has declared that Western nations supplying sophisticated arms to Ukraine is an act of War. Strangely enough that same principle doesn’t seem to apply to Turkey who is supplying the Bayraktar TB2 drone to the Ukrainians which is proven to be devastating to Russian armoured vehicles. Strange that.
I don’t want to be an Archair General ©️ But I guess that supplies of weapons from NATO ( us ) to the Ukrainians doesn’t involve NATO assets going directly into Ukraine – thus giving a potential for ‘exchange ‘ between NATO and Russia ….
If countries supplying weapons is now seen as enemies of Russia and bearing in mind that Turkey is a member of NATO, I’m afraid I don’t see the point you are making. The Migs that Poland could supply are not NATO surely?
However the Russians are killed, a weapon causing that is a weapon no matter where it comes from.
The migs would have been painted Ukrainian – I’m talking about direct human action .
Reading the western media for the last couple of weeks re Russia has made me start to recall Orwell’s 2 minutes of hate…
This US guy sums up far better than me…
Tucker at Fox has some quite scary comments re Biden’s performance, what is really going on and how it is going to impact the entire planet in due course….
Some worrying trends. 2022 v 1939…
A national catastrophe (covid – dust bowl) followed by US financial meltdown (Wall street crash) followed by wars and land grabs in Europe (Poland – Ukraine)….. followed by …..WW2 – WW3?
Looks like the World is going to pay for his incompetence in due course.
Unite Against Fascism
2Marcp47fho s4o93 ati 5:55r78 uPecM ·
Nigel Farage ‘net zero’ rally at Bolton Wanderers’ stadium cancelled following fan backlash. Good on all those Wanderers fans who raised their voices.
Join us on National demonstration – March Against Racism – UN Anti-Racism Day 2022
So Nigel – the Waaaycist – was cancelled when he booked Bolton stadium for his rally against Net Zero and campaign against green taxes and expensive energy costs. The SWP Trot fronted (David Cameron supported) Unite Against Facism are delighted that Farage will not be allowed to speak at the Bolton ground. Waaycists oppose Net Zero eh.
UAF Unite Against Fascism seem to act line BULLIES (mini-fascists) spreading HATE
#Ambushnaming #PRtrickery
I hope they put all their union-funded preprinted signs in the bin
instead of leaving them scattered all over the pavement like they usually do.
There’s a new venue – now under attack by the dimwits (at least on twitter).
Speaking of dimwits, does Louise Raw still work for the bBC?
Raw’s most recent bbc Radio London slot was Feb 13th, it seems
.. https://twitter.com/LouiseRawAuthor/status/1492845850703405057
She wasn’t on today
– Gregg Kofi Brown from Afro rock band Osibisa on the band’s upcoming London gig and celebrating over 50 years
– Author John Davis chats about his book ‘Waterloo Sunrise’ documenting London transforming from a ‘swinging city’
– Carla Mitchell on the new exhibition ‘Photographing Protest: Resistance through a feminist lens’.
Ha Raw tweets “2024 will see an incredible exhibition on centuries of Black music in Britain at the @britishlibrary”
Is she hatey towards Tories ? You bet
2:45pm Radio4 repeat from Jan 2021
39 Ways to Save the Planet
More Power from the Sun
*Solar energy is cheap and clean*,
but it could be better. Tom Heap discovers how.
#FakeNews #Greenblob #Propaganda
3pm R4 David Jason drama set in Covid times
The grandfather is taking care of the daughter (come back from army duty in Afghanistan, with one leg)
.. the daughter is in India cos its her husbands homeland
.. Johnny Vegas appears
Nurse appears … Black African accent (Jennifer Saayeng)
GBnews ..Darren Grimes show was on
but the sound was out of sync with the picture.
BTW There are hundreds of anti-Tory twitter accounts that support Labour
that are very hatey.
eg smear people as “Gammon”
and smear GBnews as “KGBnews” etc.
There are no enemies on the left, so these accounts are safe. Only conservative views are unacceptable to the Big Tech leftists.
“The Apprentice, You’re Fired” only had the one token BAME panelist this week, as usual a comedian you’ve never heard of. This week’s was an obese Moroccan woman in a headscarf. However, the two fired candidates were both BAMEs, so that made 3 out of the 6 people taking part. For the BBC, I suppose having 50% BAMEs is about right.
I also caught a new “sitcom” about a witchfinder in England in 1645. Not very funny, but it’s a BBC sitcom, so not the place to go if you are looking for laughs.
I was struck that a large percentage of the villagers were played by black, Asian and Chinese actors. Would a village in East Anglia in 1645 have been ethnically diverse? Of course not, they aren’t diverse now!
I find this shoehorning of BAME actors into historical dramas offensive to truth. It is as if we are being airbrushed out of our own history. Before 1945 Britain was 99.9% white, a fact which seems to offend BBC snowflakes, who never miss a trick in imposing BAME characters into Victorian, Tudor, or even Norman Britain. Clearly, the only people whose history does not matter are the white British.
Keep digging your own grave, BBC.
Is that an Easter Egg with a bow around the middle on the left ?
BBC gets them while they are young.
Perhaps also 10-plus kids each?
Some say the BBC is obsessed with race.
There’s a thing.
“ Petty misdemeanours like not paying your TV licence “ .
Oh I thought what I had been doing for fourteen years was serious . At least , that’s what the trees that were chopped down to make paper that they printed on to threaten me implied .
Guest Who- This image is just the default position
on the BBC with public imaging on their website. It is
the equivalent of the adverts we see now on TV.
The most ridiculous aspect of it is ,that the BBC
could scrap the license tax with commercial
advertising on their channels. BIG BROTHER from the
diversity department would be in a perpetual
orgasmic state showing us adverts with black dads
and white mums . Then the only thing missing from
the BBC would be what we see every minute on a live
Sky football match “SAY NO TO RACISM”. Surely we
could see this flashing , on say the News programmes or even
“Eastenders” or ” Strictly” or in fact any programme?
Our World famous State Broadcaster could have, at least, told the population which town/city in Africa these brilliant ‘students’ live……….
BBC gives Pidgin and Portuguese.
Ex BBC Newsnight, I believe.
Like so many.
Other BBC preferred gobs are available.
Confirmed by Victoria Nuland, the US Embassy in Kiev, and this state department treaty document https://www.state.gov/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/05-829-Ukraine-Weapons.pdf
The Russians say there are 30 labs, and the Chinese say there are 26 labs.
The US Embassy in Ukraine had links to 15 labs. https://thewashingtonstandard.com/1-day-after-reporting-on-us-biolabs-in-ukraine-us-embassy-scrubs-all-ukraine-bioweapon-lab-docs-from-website-video/
Bobby Kennedy Jnr said Wuhan and elsewhere. Elsewhere: https://www.algora.com/Algora_blog/2022/03/10/biolabs-in-ukraine-a-smoking-gun-not-fake-news
One state department document says that a lab near Odessa has the most deadly virus of all, the gain-of-function Q-Fever virus. This coincides with the most advanced penetration into the Ukraine by Russian forces to the outskirts of Odessa. So if the Russians bomb the lab, then we can blame the Russians for being the bad guys in causing a “REAL” pandemic.
The CIA started up its operations in Ukraine because Obama banned gain-of-function research in America. The CIA agent Michael Callahan laundered money to Ukraine through Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance, to perform bioweapons research in China, the Ukraine and 28 other countries under the CIA project called PREDICT. According to the Chinese, the US funds 336 gain-of-function labs throughout the world. For further details. See page 396 of Kennedy’s book: https://www.waterstones.com/book/the-real-anthony-fauci/robert-f-kennedy//9781510766808 and this investigation: https://unlimitedhangout.com/2020/07/investigative-reports/darpas-man-in-wuhan/
The inventor of the mRNA genetic vaccine, Dr Robert Malone, said he received a phone call from Wuhan, on 4th January 2020, from CIA agent Michael Callahan, saying that the Covid-19 virus had “magnificent infectivity”
The World Health Organisation advised Ukraine to destroy ‘high-threat pathogens’ in the country’s public health laboratories. China has requested that UN inspectors should be sent to the labs in the Ukraine. The UN Security Council convened on Friday at Russia’s request to discuss the claims.
The Fakestream Media and the BBC Fake News & Real News Censorship service, say its fake news from Russia, and should be banned in future by an online harms bill. Also the BBC says that Children, Hospitals and Children’s Hospitals are the real targets for the Russian Invaders.
I was watching the Fox News coverage .
They were wondering why the US hadn’t closed the labs before putin invaded …
… but the lab story is a case study in obfuscation – eg – they were originally Russian labs which were taken over by the US at the end of the USSR …
… or that the labs were not exercising bio security ….
Variations on the truth – ideal to avoid blame should the Russians use bio weapons – which they will blame on the Ukrainians / accidents …
The best news is that despite being at war with each other, Ukraine and Russia are still negotiating a cease-fire and peace agreement. But the problems with the Ukraine becoming a neutral buffer state are in the US Embassy Biolab documents (https://newsrescue.com/is-usa-really-scrambling-to-delete-evidence-of-ukraine-bioweapons-program-web-archives-expose-million-dollar-project-records-being-deleted/) and on Hunter Biden’s Laptop. (https://kanekoa.substack.com/p/how-one-ukrainian-billionaire-funded?s=r)
So that’s why the Biden Administration are not very enthusiastic about the negotiations for a cease-fire and withdrawal agreement. As Edward Snowden said about talking to his CIA boss. His boss said that if you wonder why the CIA don’t do intelligent things? Then follow the Money. The Ukraine was made a stinking rotten corrupt hellhole by the CIA, Clinton, Biden, Fauchi money laundering Swamp.
As with Finland and Austria, a neutral buffer state agreement with Russia would still allow it to be economically linked to the West. The only thing that is unreasonable is that Russia insists that the Ukraine should be demilitarised. This is unreasonable because Austria and Finland are independent sovereign states with the right to have military defence forces.
I think the mainstream media idea that the Russians are focusing on destroying hospitals and killing children is media manipulation of the public, and in line with the opinion of the Antichrist. But the most remarkable fact is that this Antichrist Big Pharma profiteering by producing and releasing viruses from the same labs that are used for solving the manufactured problem with a Vaccine solution, was predicted in the “Three Secrets of Fátima”
In Bobby Kennedy’s book, he shows us that Anthony Fauchi has the personality of an Antichrist. The Antichrist owns the BioLabs which produce the problems that the Antichrist solves with Vaccines. The Russians invade to take the BioLabs as God’s punishment.
Our Lady of Fatima told the three children that it will be Russia that will be God’s instrument of chastisement to punish the world so as to help those of good will to repent, to do penance and to change their lives before meeting the Justice of God after death.
The Roman Catholic Bishops of Ukraine have asked Pope Francis to “consecrate” Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, “as requested by the Blessed Virgin in Fatima,” to bring an end to the current conflict. https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/catholic-bishops-in-ukraine-urge-pope-francis-to-consecrate-russia-to-our-lady-in-line-with-fatima-request/
BBC evening news
Newsreader – a lady
Sports presenter – a lady
Local Newsreader – a lady
Local weatherman – a lady
National weatherman – a lady
The BBC will feel deep shame … cos they were all white.
Into Charity Mastermind presented by Clive Myrie
4 “celebs” only recogniise the half Chinese comedian Phil Wang
Two white women ..an actress from Motherland,
And the actress who placs CBBC’s tracey Beaker ..specialist subject .. Drag queen : Ru Paul .. FFS
One white man ..a potter
Can’t help but notice the one pictured is still a female blonde.
Ok, so using the blonde chicks holding guns upside down was looking daft. So…. Teeny boys!
Unfortunately tuned into some of the BBC coverage of the war. The Beeboid confirms without the feintest hint of irony nor an atomic modicum of self awareness that Russians largely get their news from the state run media so are unaware of the truth! They never said whether Russians are forced to pay 150 quid to be told everyday there is a climate emergency or that using the wrong gender pronouns is the biggest issue facing the world today. Meanwhile back to the narrative. Britain just isn’t doing enough to help refugees – with another 200,000 expected on top of those coming from the Afghan and the overnight ferries from France it would be a City the size of Liverpool coming here just this year. No one allowed on the ‘discussion’ to suggest any of this might have an impact on renyachess, schools, transport, the welfare system…..
Is such a term not a firing offence?
Sopes gets deep.
Thought it was called moral relativity ? I.e. Saudi keeps reliably giving politicians multi millions after they leave office.
Mark Dolan just quoted himself rom a few months back
‘we should not be spending huge money on covid cos that imposes a huge bill on the children
and they might need that money ..say if there was a future war’
Seems like the chancellor doesn’t favour spending more borrowed taxpayers ‘ money on Defence – I wonder if he is as out of touch as the outgoing Home Secretary is ?
I actually don’t get it . The thing joe public want to see is Ukrainian women and children getting off the rescue plane at stansted as well as more tanks being ordered to hold back the Russian hordes on the NATO borders …
Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer indicates he’s willing ‘play his part’ in supporting Ukrainian people, such a hosting a refugee, as the government is set to announce a scheme to allow individuals to apply to take in those fleeing the war.
I suggest he takes this one.
The Island ,
That is ,,a bloody good question.
Think he might suddenly become a refugee football club owner, da?
As The Island points out , the wokes , gramscians , senior civil servants and possibly even the Tory party fess up and acknowledge that there are genuine refugees and asylum seekers and bogus refugees and asylum seekers .
Then do something about it .
BBC QT panel pitches coming thick and thick…
I’d make trip even more worthwhile by filling the boat with illegals for the outbound journey.
‘£350 a month to house a refugee family but critics say the plan falls short ‘
‘ No cap on refugee numbers ‘
Whilst still taking any who arrive on a dinghy ( and then any families they later bring over or ‘women from home’ they ‘marry’) and anyone from anywhere in the world who has a vague family connection with anyone already here.
This is madness. We are already beyond full.
I fear for the future … and wonder where the next war in a country caused by racial division and competing for resources might be …
All my rellies North of the Border scattered about are Glasgow based or scattered about from there. Medical field or local authority. Oodles of kids, and visiting each other. Diesels to a man, woman and student.
The new council rules seem fun.
Just maybe Mr Soros and the BBC share a world view and I think we all probably know what THAT is.
QT panel and audience sorted at least.
Oligarch mansions edition
‘£350 a month to house a refugee at home‘ (Sunday Times)
‘£350-a-month thank you for giving refuge. Caring Brits urged to house Ukrainians in their darkest hour‘ (Sunday Express) – sounds generous, but where’s the extra couple of hundred quid we’ll need to pay the gas bills?
‘Sunak to release more cash… set of further interventions to tackle the cost of living crisis‘ (Sunday Telegraph) – on the basis that he’s running a big deficit what Rishi means to say is that he will be borrowing more money. Which will lead to more money chasing less supply of goods and services, which will create more inflation, which will worsen what the Telegraph dubs the cost of living crisis.
The small number of lateral thinkers among the small audience who read the Sunday Times may note the frontpage prime advertising spot goes to: ‘Jupiter Asset Management‘ whose copy – rather ominously – reads: ‘Central banks can’t print gold and silver‘
The Russians and the Chinese, however, have amassed a healthy pile of those precious metals. While we in the West put our faith in the paper dollar and the witchcraft which is modern monetary theory.
Having presented myself something of an open goal of a segueway there I could link to: ‘Sheppey witch Charlotte Clark accepts Nicola Sturgeon’s apology but says it’s been ‘a long time coming’… Nicola Sturgeon’s apology for deaths more than 450 years ago”‘ (Kent Online) – but as I find myself reflecting rather too often these days – it’s getting beyond satire.
‘Putin wipes out entire city… governer says Volnovakha no longer exists‘ (Sunday Times) – few Brits – as the Express likes to call British people (see above) will have known it ever had existed.
The Sunday Mirror doesn’t fly the Ukrainian colours at its masthead – as does the Express – but its motto: ‘We are with you‘ is a nice catch-all multi-purpose virtue signal.
In fact the Sunday Mirror goes with racing colours – or silks as they are known – at the top of the frontpage: ‘Cheltenham. A Brit special. All the top tips and star names‘ – there we go again with that abbreviation Brit. About the only nationality one is allowed to abbreviate these days without being accused of a hate crime. Although one senses the Russians are fair game. Speaking of bad speak: ‘Anne Hatherway on the trolls who nearly broke her‘ (Sunday Mail)
‘Anne Hathaway Net Worth: $80 Million… She is one of the highest-paid actresses in the entertainment industry, and her films have grossed over $6.8 billion globally‘ (thank you Celebrity Net Worth) – not quite broke, then.
Hugh Grant has been in the news: ‘Hugh Grant issues F-bomb response to Nigel Farage after net zero referendum campaign announcement‘ (Independent) – you remember Hugh… he was in that famous British rom-com called… what was it now…? Oh, yeah, “Five Kids and a Prostitute”
I mean: “Four Weddings and a Funeral” – that other thing was his real life.
‘Volunteers to sign up online with sponsored Ukrainians vetted “in days” promises Gove‘ (Telegraph) – this one has website crash on launch day written all over it. So when the IT is fixed and once the Government gets a notion of the scale of who has spare bedrooms – do watch out for the new Bed Room Taxes coming down the line.
Vetting refugees before housing them? That’ll be a first for Border Force.
Happily, we’re all good guys. In contrast with those characters played by David Mitchell and Robert Webb in their skit where a couple of World War Two German soldiers notice skull badges on their hats and realise “We’re the baddies” – you know, those nasty symbols of the 1930s and 40s bad guys. Like you occasionally notice on the uniforms of the Ukrainians in this present flair up. But remember, us in the West are the good guys because we have the rainbow insignia.
Because when all said and done, we’re fighting for the rule of law, protection from arbitrary State action and legal due process here in the west: ‘Gove: seize oligarch mansions to house refugees‘ (Mail on Sunday)
I think I once visted Oligarch Mansions… it was run by the National Trust, or was it English Heritage..? Or am I confused? Was it still in the family and run by the eleventh earl who had put in a gift shop, safari park and paint ball adventure war zone in the grounds?
The Sunday People leans Left – so they don’t want to big up any blow hard Torys shooting their mouths off over Ukriane. Instead we have: ‘Novichok victim… Charlie Rowley, whose lover died in the Russian poison outrage in Wiltshire‘ – appealing for us to: ‘Take in a refugee‘ – how refreshing that the working class Sunday People term his girlfriend his lover rather than the more PC and often confusing term partner. Know your readership and speak to them in their language is a fine journalistic lesson learnt. But do the working class audience of the paper have that many rooms to spare for refugees in their oligarch mansions?
Family meeting deadlocked.
Me and the lads keen on a blonde squaddie of babeosity.
Missus less so.
All agreed that the vetting process needs checking, and not by the military. Given their efforts in the recent past.
And Hawaii back in the day.
Betting the gated communities, Gary’s gatehouse and MP second homes are assigned the au pair grades first.
Lewis, back in the studio, feeling left out.
Nothing to contribute, so hits Twitter.
What Lewis knows, vs. what he writes folk have said.
I owe Larry an apology.
The fine art of bbc wibble has got to be…
Is Goodall blaming Boris for it ?
The Failure, desperate media home of Pip Le Gateau and Karl Maguire, takes a new tack…
Belfield says John Campbell was forced into 2 apologies.. establishment figures shouting “gotcha” at him on Twitter.
Yes at the start of his new video https://youtu.be/EASM6EzCVeg
he says
#1 You know I discussed that paper that concluded Invermectin works,
I’m told that it’s been withdrawn, so my mistake we have to disregard it, and all that I said
but the amazing thing is, that if we go to the paper’s website, it says nothing about it being withdrawn, that’s very peculiar.
#2 I discussed the Pfizer vaccine document listing the side effects, it’s been pointed out that is actually a list of things to look out for .. so my error there.
.. He then goes into talking about another guy who does list the actual side effects.
Death and taxes are life inevitabilities.
Tears and isms, anywhere, are bbc ratings lifeblood.
As ever, issues are aired by brain donor pols and of color and not of color media with no possibility of nuance.
Shunting millions around the globe is unsustainable on just about any basis, economic, integration, etc. Though clearly a wheeze grasped by the cynical sending them, or causing them sent. And assured the media will assign pressure as required, with exceptions.
And the media is excellent at assigning, especially through convenient prisms.
Dec 7 saw most US fighter defences destroyed because they were lined up against domestic protestors.
Subsequently, perceived problematic groups were rounded up and put in internment camps.
Now, of course, this is beyond the pale. Every movie has an aged hero of East Asia who was in such a camp.
Trouble is, triage is messy, and bad calls can get made, or possibly only calls at the time can be turned into bad ones by cynical types who thrive on creating divisions.
Types like opposition pols. And their media PR remoras.
Could we take in a small family? Yes. Would we? Maybe. Are we? Not until this whole thing gets assessed sensibly.
A genuine refugee mother/child family from a border camp, properly vetted by folk not indoctrinated by or afraid of targets or isms is a distinct possibility. So long as sensible time periods are laid out for their benefit and ours. And we are vetted too.
Getting sent some teenage explosives expert from Calais or the Med keen on stuffing his puffer jacket with local fertiliser supplies before hitting the music venues, or simply bitching to BBC Shires about their menu or the WiFi… no.
““similar to what happens when you go to vote”.
What vote is that then? Maybe US November 2020 style?……..
Oh what accolade………….
“Ukraine war: UK households offered £350 a month for hosting refugees”
How about putting them up in 4 Star Hotels ?
This Government along with its Home Office is not fit for purpose.
It cares more for foreign people than it does for its own people. MPs are merely well paid, Wet Virtue Signallers.
The people voted for Brexit to reduce illegal immigration.
However, BoJo got his hands on it and then we got
Promises , promises and promises………….
See also: BBC focus groups, BBC live audience vetting, BBC HR…
Mar 5 : Trudeau: “we see a bit of a slippage in our democracies.
Countries turning towards slightly more authoritarian leaders.
Countries allowing increasing misinformation and disinformation to be shared on social media”
..Are there no mirrors in his house ?
There are a host of the usual political pygmies and media whores making a lot of capital out of Abramovich’s fall from grace…
I was watching Farage the other evening when he asked Theo Paphitis (you can get ointment for that) about the treatment being dealt to the former Chelsea chairman. “It’s not harsh enough” blustered the Greek billionaire, “there are women and children dying.” Yes, it’s absolutely tragic, but how is this Abramovich’s fault?
Apparently he’s friendly with Putin…I’m guessing you would be if you were Russian and wanted to get ahead, while keeping your own head in place. Until very recently the entire western world was trying to suck up to Putin. Most of our leaders have been out there, metaphorically bending the knee to the diminutive dictator.
This attack on Abramovich ticks all the boxes for these pathetic little men. Chris Bryant, the ghastly, gay, Labour MP said, “We gave him two weeks warning-plenty of time to scurry like a rat.” Bryant really is a nasty, venomous, spiteful little creature, he makes my teeth itch.
Some of these media gobshites are unhappy that Abramovich hasn’t unequivocally condemned Putin. Would they? It’s all very well being brave when you’re safe and protected in Blighty, but he still has family in Russia. What might happen to them?
All we’re seeing now in the media giving us two minutes of hate.
This is led by nasty, bitter little men like Bryant and vile, old warmongering reptiles like Alistair Campbell. Campbell FFS!
People must have very short memories if they’re listening to the bloke with the dodgy dossier.
Pot and kettle comes to mind…
The MSM seems to cycle Bry and Lame constantly.
Speaking of cycling, be funny if Bry gets issued a Gazan roofer who has a tow hook on his moped, and Dave a wounded Azov Brigadier.
A female one.
And Vile gets a tank driver.
“… asked Theo Paphitis.. about the treatment being dealt to the former Chelsea chairman. “It’s not harsh enough” blustered the Greek billionaire…” – ask him the one about the Elgin Marbles?
“Until very recently the entire western world was trying to suck up to Putin. Most of our leaders have been out there, metaphorically bending the knee to the diminutive dictator” – true, I’m afraid:
In one of his earliest new foreign policy initiatives, President Obama sought to reset relations with Russia and reverse what he called a “dangerous drift” in this important bilateral relationship. President Obama and his administration have sought to engage the Russian government to pursue foreign policy goals of common interest – win-win outcomes
The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
June 24, 2010
Obama put down to Romney – US Presidential debates when the Republican candidate said that Russia was America’s main geopolitical foe. “You said Russia. And the 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back. Because the Cold War has been over for 20 years”