The scheme for putting up Ukrainian refugees in your home for £350 pm is a humane way of helping these poor women, children and old folks. I suppose that they can’t be put up in hotels because they are already full of strapping young third world male economic migrants masquerading as refugees.
But of course this scheme to help Ukrainians will be used by lawyers in future to force the UK government to do the same for any folks claiming to be refugees, no need to travel half way across the world sir we will send a plane to come and pick you up. I reckon that it might be wise to invest in a sign-in the front window stating that No Halal Food Served Here.
A few years ago I might have thought that the long term precedent set by this new scheme had not been thought through by the civil servants responsible. But I now know that they will know exactly how the human rights lawyers will use it future and indeed have probably designed it so that the maximum number of third worlders can use it to get entry into the UK in years to come.
Traitor Sedwill (should be in gaol) still at it advocating we join Pesco and the European Defence Fund – i.e. being a ‘rule taker’.
There’s only X amount of existing defence & security capability in Europe EU has only C3’s EU can only unify what’s there now to command & control So basic division math & Russia knows “Can not Serve 2 masters” Ann Widdecombe @Nigel_Farage@AmbJohnBolton@marksedwill is wrong
— David Ellis Defence Policy Reserch (@EllisReport) March 13, 2022
The traitors will try any method to get us back into their ReichEU. The problem is that the current ‘government ‘ hasn’t got the backbone or connection with the UK Brexit voters – as shown by their response to border control .
The krauts will want people to forget that they obstructed weapons supply from the UK to Ukraine back in January –
– the traitors will also push for the ‘better together ‘ lie when in reality the only club worth being in is NATO – but even then – as president trump rightly pointed out – there are too many freeloaders – such as the krauts – in that …
I don’t know enough about Europe to know where the next target will be for Putin – some majority Russian speaking bit of Poland I guess – or he looks go for somewhere south with a lot of oil ….
As I understand these loons – if they have troubles at home – they wrap themselves in the flag and try to find an enemy for the population to hate ….
… I’m a bit out of the loop so I wonder what the BBC reaction is to accepting refugees for£350 ?
Will the scheme be a luck of the draw Job with some nice westernised Ukrainians versus a third world coloured 18 psycho just out of the dinghy from war torn Calais ….. ?
After all – they are all fleeing conflict – right ?
Are enviro reports activists or genuine reporters ?
A lot of progs put Siegle on
Here’s a tweet from her “Unfortunately The Telegraph promotes climate denialism at every opportunity.
I couldn’t work for them at this point.”
Snapshot: In 2019, IRAdvocates, a US-based NGO filed a class action lawsuit against Apple, Google, Tesla, Alphabet, Microsoft, and Dell alleging the corporations profited from child labour in their cobalt supply chains in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Must one be obsessed with race to notice the bias of the BBC towards a certain ethnicity?
from History Debunked
Other new vids
– The Twelve Years a Slave hoax revisited
(another white written book, like all of them)
– The left co-opted the word “hate”
How the left-wing and progressive element in Britain thrive on creating conflict in society
– Nation of Islam is a small group in the United States ..yet it’s view of whites is pushed
Looks like the BBC is pivoting away from the real immediate needs of Ukraine to its favourites – the third world – which it claims will starve because of high food / commodity prices .
Maybe instead of ‘gender / racial justice ‘ projects funded by comic relief that grab for money from good people can be focused on real needs ….
After World at One
The arch bish – Welby – talks with a retired general …. Not much talk of god or Jesus or Christianity ….
….instead welby got one in against president trump who stood outside a church holding a bible with a senior US general who after ward said he regretted doing it .
Now there wasn’t much more detail than that – welby assumed listeners would see president trump as evil personified –
I got to admit welby using such a woke biased example should not have surprised me but it did . Is welby a Christian ? I m not that sure . … bet it went down well at the BBC though ….
One man. One man responsible for all the grief and that grief will go on for years what with grain, the upheaval of the World economy and one thing and another. Virtually the whole world hates Putin. My solution, if no one else is prepared to step up to the plate? Small nuke on the Kremlin and have done with it. Simples: put the man out of his misery before he inflicts more on the World.
G, one small problem with that: if there was one ‘Power Grabber’ in Russia after 1990 (and Putin certainly grabbed and has held on to power) there will likely be other Power Grabbers who will see it as their suicidal duty to press the Russian red launch button in retaliation even if it means a massive response from the West.
Amber Rudd, are schools teaching “Islamist extremist material” being tracked?
A DEGREE OF INFLUENCE: The funding of strategically important subjects in UK universities
“What is noticeable from the research undertaken in this report is the disparity
in the levels of funding from the countries studied. There are huge amounts
of cash currently being donated by Arab and Islamic sources (University of Cambridge / £1.2m / UAE / Appointment of a full-time lecturer specialising in Islam / 1996), and this has undoubtedly
led to a degree of influence in the oversight of UK universities. China,
however, while donating only a relatively small amount of cash, has managed
to gain a disproportionate amount of influence in UK higher education via its
Confucius Institutes. What is also clear is that, in terms of money donated, the
likes of Japan and Russia do not appear to have the desire to influence higher
education in the same way as China or certain countries in the Muslim world.”
For viewers of BBC Sunday night – you may suffer the BAFTAs …which surely must be the thinnest of fare – but an excuse for a whole stream of luvvies to declare that coloured lives matter – or will it be Ukrainian one’s this time …..?
I gave up watching that when the ‘red carpet’ consisted of endless soap and daytime tv slebs.
The same with the Oscars, always a film buff I used to sit up til the early hours awaiting to hear who had won what. Then the Marvel Comics took over, rubbish teen High School films, muffled dialogue and crashing loud background music (shame its not the other way around), along with ‘stars’ I’d never heard of, so I couldn’t even care less now who’s won in any category. The days of Jack Nicholson, Al Pacino, Clint, even more so Jimmy Stewart, Gregory Peck et al all real actors worth buying a cinema ticket for, have gone.
Lines “This Congolese woman told me most of the societies in Africa were matrilinear, and then patriachy came in”
That’s inverted racism the romantic stereotyping of a whole continent.
Sure some societies in some places may have been matrilinear
but it’s a big claim to say MOST were
..and such claims should be backed with evidence, this one wasn’t
“European books on the history of Africa ..NONE of them are useful, they are comic relief”
He’s from Jamaica but refers to himself as “we Africans”
(His parents were both in the Jamaican police officers)
“This Congolese woman told me…” – must be true then.
Black history IS oral history, therefore you can make up whatever you want and claim it’s TRUE… I mean, who has got the balls to publicly disagree?… well?
“Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.” – G.Orwell, 1984
4h ·
When US soldiers arrived in the UK in the 1940s, British authorities tried to discourage relationships between white British women and black troops.
It is my understanding the British public were a lot more chilled than the US army here.
When Jamaica gained independence in 1962, the murder rate was 3.9 per 100,000 inhabitants, one of the lowest in the world.[4] In 2005, Jamaica had 1,674 murders for a murder rate of 58 per 100,000 people.[5] That year, Jamaica had the highest murder rate in the world.[2] In November 2008, the Jamaican Parliament voted to retain the death penalty, which is performed by hanging.[6]
Jamaica recorded 1,680 murders in 2009.[7] In 2010, there were 1,428. In 2011, 1,125. 2012 saw 1,097; 2013 1,200. 2014 totaled 1,192; 2015 1,450; 2016 1,350 and 2017, 1,616.[8] 1,287 murders were reported in 2018.[9]
BBC , please ask these questions of the Home Office , the woke lot and yourselves .
If a householder takes in an refugee from the Ukraine can he
1 ; have a vetting procedure about who he takes in , unlike the Border Farce which takes anyone in ?
2; say how long the refugee can stay ,unlike the Home Office who lets nearly everyone stay forever ?
3 ; demand what behaviour is acceptable , unlike the Home Office who dont seem to care ?
4; throw the refugee out if the refugee has unacceptable behaviour , unlike the Home Office who wish to keep them here ?
5; throw out the refugee if his status is fraudulent eg ; the refugee is not Ukrainian or left the Ukraine for reasons other than the war ( like he is a criminal , or just wanted a better life in the UK , or to flee a rival criminal gang ,or that the locals told him to leave for his health because they were fed up with his anti social ways ) ?
6 ; throw out the refugee if the refugee is ungrateful or demanding ?
7 ; throw out the refugee if the refugee has a medical condition that he/she thinks will get better treatment here , for example pregnancy or AIDS ?
8 ; throw out the refugee if the refugees aim is to get other people into the household , like family members and extended family ?
9; throw out the refugee if the refugee aims to use the householders premises for political activity , for commercial use , for questionable moral use or as a base to attack others ?
10 ; Throw out the refugee if there is a misunderstanding due to language , cultural or ethical practises ? .
11; Throw out the refugee if his wants , needs and desires clash with the householders , or his wants , needs , and desires are given precedence over the householders ?
12 ; throw out the refugee when the householder thinks there is no good reason for the refugee staying there ?
In other words will commonsense be used or BBC style obfuscation and wokery ?
Asked if he would take a Ukrainian refugee into his home, Mr Gove said: “Yes,” and that he was “exploring what I can do”.
…. young female and vetted by the police!
I have to say I’m not anything like as keen as the missus on taking in a Ukrainian ‘child’ refugee, or two, even if I do feel sorry for them, and have been asking myself a lot of those same questions Nibor.
What do you do when your Ukrainian ‘guest’ invites some ‘friends’ over to smoke some weed, and decides to set fire to the dog? Would the police get involved? Would they if your ‘guest’ and chums kicked you, and your family out of your own home and changed the locks?… Probably not, to be honest.
To get some idea just what could possibly go wrong, it might be worth watching “Worst Roomate Ever” on Netflix too… sobering.
Setting fire to the dog, BBC, phew massive crime and the police arrive in an instant hot on the heels of the RSPCA. Set fire to you or your house, they may offer counselling but not much more than a WPC turning up two weeks later.
“Local authorities will also receive £10,500 in extra funding per refugee for support services – with more for children of school age, the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities said.”
Loads of money!
You wouldn’t think the country was on the brink of severe recession.
Maybe the Ukrainian regime will surrender when they’ve shared out the 14 billion $ aid from USA.
I believe you are spot on Fed. The normal reaction to an influx of refugees is to commandeer as much suitable accommodation as is available at short notice and especially Military buildings, Hotel chains with slim bookings looking to get a quick Government wad. (All of whom I believe will fall on their backsides when they try once again to attract UK visitors!).
However the lefty-harpies are shrieking that the uncaring Tory Government are not helping so this half-baked scheme they have come up with is little more than deflective window dressing to cover up their gross incompetence. (I’m waiting for Lineker to offer a wing of his Country estate to them!)
Sure there will be some eager beavers who will wave their moral flags by letting out their spare room by inviting in some bodies that may be turned into Labour or Lib-Dem voters in due course but is it really sustainable?
These people will have no jobs, no income, no visas, indeterminate health conditions, require a load of school places and health support etc. etc. so what will they do next? They can’t all pick vegetables.
Maybe they could commandeer all of the posh hotels in central London so they can flood London with Big Issue chuggers?
I wonder if the Ukrainians running away from the Ukraine are the wives and children of the Globalist Mafia.
In Allo Allo, French women are seen as Patriots, staying at home and fighting in the resistance.
Today, Ukrainian women are seen as weak cowards, running away from home, with children, to Dunkirk, to catch a boat to paradise.
Ten guesses of why the Consecration of Russia is important:
(1) In June 1930, a priest in the North Caucasus Kraiis area, is shot in the head for opposing Stalin’s collectivisation policies.
(2) His sole enters a local embryo, causing a birth mark to the head of the baby.
(3) On 25 March 1984, Pope John Paul II in Union with All the Bishops of the World, enacted the Consecration of all Russian Individuals to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Sister Lúcia declared in private correspondence on 8 November 1989 that the consecration offered by Pope John Paul II in Saint Peter’s Square on 25 March 1984, had been properly accomplished and was “accepted in Heaven”.
(4) On 11 March 1985, the baby with the birthmark on the head, became the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
(5) Gorbachev imposes Perestroika on Russia, a term he first used publicly at the time of the Consecration of Russia, in March 1985.
(6) From 1986, Gorbachev imposes Glasnost on Russia.
(7) Gorbachev ends the existence of the “Evil Empire” on Christmas Day 1991.
(8) Boris Yeltsin invites the Globalist Mafia into Russia.
(9) Vladimir Putin kicks the Globalist Mafia out of Russia.
(10) On 24 February 2022, Vladimir Putin invades the Ukraine, to kick out the Globalist Mafia.
Mega-wealthy owners of the superyachts value privacy and discretion and keep as low a profile their vessels allow and recent events in Ukraine have increased the desire of some superyacht owners to hide their movements.
Yachts owned by Russia’s oligarchs may be subject to being seized under international sanctions. Several vessels have already been detained. These include Amore Vero, reportedly owned by Igor Sechin, a former Russian administration official and CEO of the Rosneft energy company. Lady M, is reputedly owned by Alexei Mordashov, a steel and mining billionaire.
I know I’ve mentioned this before, but just watched a garden makeover programme, and the clients have budgets of around £20,000 !!!! then the ‘designers’ draw breath and say “its a TIGHT budget”. WHAT ???? The couple had a garden with just a lawn surrounded by 3 fences on a brand new housing estate. So not exactly a mansion house.
A good amount of plants were put in, and some trees, a couple of boulder rocks and a bit of patio decking. Looked very nice, but honestly ? twenty grand for THAT ? Then the couple were asked if the budget was stuck to, and no ! the final tally was £27,000 dear God. We were told that one tree planted – for the height, was 16 years old and cost £1,000.
So, a bog standard postage stamp size new build garden costs £27,000. How many on here could spend a tiny fracture of that to obtain the same effect. I would cry buckets seeing what I got for my money (but I wouldn’t consider it anyway) by these designers taken on by the BBC.
They real hoot Brissles is that if you look closely at the standard of the garden upgrades it is clear that it is rushed rubbish and will probably not last much more than a couple of winters anyway!
Hence – If in doubt, lay some bloody horrible decking for a quick fix!
The prices can get really hefty if you’re buying quite mature trees. If you were doing it on a real budget and not some insanely inflated BBC amount made available for a TV make-over, you’d buy trees and shrubs that were much smaller and therefore cheaper and give them a few years to establish.
Of course, that doesn’t look nearly as impressive on our TV screens.
I don’t like “instant gardening” anyway. Gardens should evolve naturally.
My late uncle was a landscape gardener. His method was to plan a garden with the idea of what it would look like 2-4 years after planting. Not for instant effect.
I DID consider housing a Syrian asylum seeker, says Benedict: Sherlock star who famously launched a foul-mouthed rant over the Government’s refugee figures says he can’t take any in because he has a baby
PUBLISHED: 02:03, 22 September 2017 | UPDATED: 09:12, 22 September 2017
SHERLOCK star Benedict Cumberbatch is set to build a family home on the Isle of Wight.
He and his wife Sophie were married at St Peter and St Paul’s Church, in Mottistone, on Valentines Day 2015 and the couple plan to build a home just a stone’s throw from the National Trust’s Mottistone Estate.
The couple, who have two young sons, Christopher, three, and one-year-old Hal, have visited the Island many times.
Name of donor: Bestway Wholesale Ltd
Address of donor: 2 Abbey Road, London NW10 7BW
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): £5,511 to reimburse the costs of flights, hotel accommodation and incidentals for a visit to Pakistan in my role as Chairman of the Conservative Party.
Destination of visit: Pakistan
Dates of visit: April 2019; reimbursement paid on 20 May 2019
Purpose of visit: Meetings with Government Ministers, including the President and Prime Minister of Pakistan.
CHOUDREY, Zameer Mohammed, Lord
Correspondence address
2 Abbey Road, London, NW10 7BW
Country of residence
United Kingdom
By bringing together people from across the British Pakistani community and the Conservative family, CFoP will become a one-stop shop for everyone interested in promoting the values of the Conservative Party, as well as helping to forge a stronger relationship between Pakistan and the UK.
He also sits as a trustee for several national charities, including CrimeStoppers, Grocery Aid and Bestway Foundation, which has donated over £30 million to worthy education and healthcare causes. In January 2018, he was appointed as UK Chair of the British Asian Trust’s Advisory Council, by HRH The Prince of Wales.
In his role as Chief Executive of Bestway Group, Choudrey has overseen the growth of the Group into one of the UK’s largest family owned businesses, which employs over 27,000 people worldwide. In the UK, Bestway Group currently provides employment for 15,000 people.
Liz Truss is currently dealing with the UK’s diplomatic response to the invasion of Ukraine in her role as foreign secretary. But alongside this job, she also has the role of Minister for Women and Equalities. So why is this position always tagged on to another cabinet role?
Amber Rudd, who juggled the women’s minister job with being Home Secretary, and Anneliese Dodds, who is Shadow Women and Equalities Minister and also Chair of the Labour Party, join Emma Barnett to discuss on BBC Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour. The discussion was held on International Women’s Day.
Watching ranganesh what’s it doing his thing visiting Sierra Leone. He asked why nobody was wearing masks and the answer was “everybody here is under 60” so we have no coronavirus..
Something very deep and nasty has happened in Europe and we need proper answers. We have been kettled and lied to on a massive scale and very senior heads need to roll.
It is bloody obvious that a massive social engineering project has been tested on the Western World by faceless uni professionals.
I still see twats walking around supermarkets wearing the totally pointless face rags and realise that the powers that be still think they are on a roll.
We need an independent and searching review into how these twats poisoned our world and we need revenge on a massive scale. Al the businesses that failed, all the families who lost family members without being able to see them it is totally wicked.
Come on people you are free and better than this crap.
And we live in a cold wet country where a high level of lung issues are expected and normal every winter, we just didn’t tag an armegeddon label onto it before!
I grow all my own fruit and vegetables and have a couple of allotments. Yesterday a couple arrived, both wearing these pathetic and ridiculous muzzles. The woman was wearing a visor as well. Just to be on the safe side…
I felt embarrassed for them. How is it possible to be this brainwashed?
Acres of space. Lovely fresh air. Only a handful of people.
#BiasedBBC is completely in the pocket of #GreenBlob PR people
10am Woman’s Hour : Electric Car #PRasNews
“We know that women are more environmentally conscious when shopping for the household
– but there’s one area where that doesn’t seem to be the case – cars.
There are now over 600,000 plug-in electric vehicles in the UK, but a new study has found that 20% of women haven’t even considered buying an electric car.
We speak to Erin Baker, Editorial Director at AutoTrader about why women are less likely to opt for electric vehicles.”
This BBC screaming about ‘green’ and ‘vegan’ is getting more than tiresome these days.
I bet that most of the wallies in W1AA just trot down to Pret for a bacon sarnie anyway, and this green agenda, which will harm the British farming industry far too much, is an unpleasant reminder that if you lie enough to people, the lie becomes ‘fact’
If the Ukrainian war is contained – the coming strain on people is going to be a challenge for the woke BBC .. for instance – the Saudis executing people under Islamic law – yet nut nut going there to ask for cheaper oil .
Methinks a tricky one for the swamp – particularly as they bleat about the cost of living .
The same applies to the green crap – with inflated bills being laid at the door of mad government policy – driven by Mrs nut nut and a mental teenager and an old BBC journalist ….
Then there are increasing taxes – maxing out the ‘community charge ‘ – hyping NICs -overtaxed petrol and diesel – congestion charges -all being used to fund a bloated underperforming NHS ….
You can bet which side the BBC will be on – and it won’t be yours
As I write this some lefty journo and ex Tory politician debate – on Today – whether nut nut should go beg for cheaper Saudi oil …. BBC imperialism wanting to impose woke western human rights ‘superiority ‘ on the Saudis .
BTW – my views are prejudiced because I believe in killing very bad criminals ….because locking them up for ever is a waste of money and time …
Guest – i was wondering whether all those EU guest workers who went home will be heading back here? I don’t know what the entrance rules are but I suppose they’ll know how poor the borders are controlled ….
Mind you as a recession is coming life might be a bit tougher for them this time ….
As for the Ukrainian war – looks like putin is going to threaten to attack keev unless he gets the eastern provinces … I don’t think those piece talks will come to much – it would look like defeat for putin
With a new Cold War and border military forces to follow until Russia changes – or the next war …
Only ‘hopes’ well that is a weasel word if ever there was one. Knowing the extreme forms of woke hypocrisy practised by liberal globalist cheer leaders like him , I expect that he might buy a house , well away from his own , to put them in and then of course claim they are living in his house , leaving the gullible to think him genuine
Well I ‘hope’ one day useless pols, currently all, sort out useless civil servants, especially highly paid ones protected by other highly paid ones pretending to hold actual power to account.
Confirming @ShippersUnbound in Sunday Times: told Wallace first sought weapons for Ukraine in March 2021, Johnson repeatedly wrote in large letters on docs in his box that officials should get a move on, but security blob accused of holding it up
The evidence is there that the civil service is lazy – incompetent – self serving – superior – when it comes to directions by Tory politicians – whether it be border control or the delivery of weapons or the admin of Ukrainian refugees – and the NHS of course
Cummings seems to be the last person to really take on the civil service but that ended badly for everyone except the civil service ….
BTW – the civil servants ‘investigating ‘ the garden crap must be desperate that they don’t punish their own kind …
I physically saw about 50% staffed by foreigners last time I was in London in and out of various Government buildings. What with wobbly headed indians when asked a question of, (and we all know what that signifies don’t we?) and blacks, the Civil Service must be now in a state of permanent ineptitude.
If you add the sick rota and ‘working away from the office ‘ no wonder they couldn’t set up the admin in Belgium /France for Ukrainian real refugees …..
… my local council also seems to be in the state – the theft and fraud must be – beyond knowing …
They could reimagine part of Conan Doyle’s “The Empty House” where Sherlock gets Vladimir Putin to impersonate him with deerstalker and pipe and fools Colonel Sebastian Moran into assassinating him from the vacant premises across the street from 221B.
I know the ancient ‘science’ of physiognomy is considered discredited, but I’ve just realised what it is about Cucumberpatch I really don’t like (aside from the constant woke whinging), his eyes are too small and he has far too much chin and mouth.
Don’t have the faintest what that’s supposed to mean in physiognomic terms, but I’m sure it’s evidence of a deeply ingrained sense of superiority and smugness, based on a rather trivial intellect, a vastly over privileged upbringing, and a lifetime of undeserved praise, awarded for standing upright, looking constipated, and reciting words someone else has come up with.
The soppy sod could have had a shave before he went to the BAFTAs. What is it with men these days? Have a beard or don’t, but if not be clean shaven. I cannot stand this face fuzz.
The funny little fellow pretending to be Harry Palmer on ITV at the moment sports this sort of face fuzz. It wasn’t a thing in 1963. Then again, MI5 probably wasn’t multicultural then either. The past really is another country to these snowflakes.
This is tragic, and doubtless will see many a Beeboid outside when not too chilly zipping their faces up with staplers for a photo op, but I await the full story.
Heading towards a febrile war zone to create a documentary about the travails of one side, from that side, seems rather JezBo in foolhardy expectation.
BAFTAS Last night completely politicised by those nauseating over paid jumped up leftie luvvies slagging off the Government saying how crap our response to Ukraine was.
BBC absolutely loving the comments made by the darlings at BAFTA.
What’s the best these luvvies do F–K all about the situation themselves. Poor ba–tards must be struggling on there millions.
I hope all of them next sh-t will be a hedgehog, parasite’s
Dafydd – just as a matter of not caring – did anyone manage to ‘out woke ‘ any one else ? Did they all ‘take a knee ‘ like the footy millionaires do ? ( btw – the spectacle of millionaires employed by Russians and Arabs has a particularly ridiculousness to it …)
Am I getting confused (information overload), or didn’t the pregnant woman being stretchered out of the maternity hospital in Mariupol turn out to be an actress? Didn’t she also (or otherwise, if she wasn’t ACTUALLY an actress afterall) then successfully give birth, as evidenced by a photo of her and baby? Or is it all (actually) a deep fake, by the Kremlin? By the US? By Ukrainians? By mysterious ‘agents’? By the BBC?!!! What is truth anymore, and what is lies… ARRGH!!!
Pols also tend to listen mainly to two groups: media activists and civil service activists.
“As one former leader of the British gas industry last week: 'It's clear what we have to do. But it's unforgiveable that we have wasted so much time.'”
Every day Slick comes into W1A and they take him down to the basement to the device that programmes him to say what the bbc needs so they can say he says….
Even if it is a complete 180 to last week, so long as it fits the narrative.
BBC Shires again finds the magic money tree. Gary’s lodger will impose costs in excess of £350… pr team, chef…
Has the cost of living crisis gone too far?
Taxes will rise next month when National Insurance contributions increase – on top of soaring food prices, surging fuel costs, rising energy bills, inflation, you name it.
We’re quite used to our BBC playing that now familiar news obfuscation game of using the bland term man – when they have something about that man they wish to hide from their audience.
This morning we have the BBC’s newspaper alter ego the Guardian exposed using this trick by means of a quick photo comparison with the Times.
‘Russia escalates war in Ukraine…‘ – asserts the Gruan. How so? ‘…with attack close to NATO border‘ – and there we were, thinking geographical spheres of influence were a thing of the past. I digress. The Guardian shows us a pic of a wounded chap with the caption: ‘A man hurt in airstrikes is helped at Novoiavorivsk hospital yesterday‘ – thankfully, it is not apparently life-threatening for this apparent civilian “man” caught up in the fighting – since he is pictured taking a call on his mobile phone.
But look at this… same chap with his distinctive receded hairline and bloodstain on his forehead pictured in the Times, alternatively captioned: ‘A serviceman injured in the bombing‘
One might put this down as a minor incidence – the photo caption, not the actual bombing – the casual underemphasising by the Guardian of a military casualty in an attack on a military target. Afterall, their report sub-header reads factually: ‘Deadly airstrikes on key military base near Poland prompt warning from US‘ – likely there was no direct intention to fool that tiny section of the British public who take the Guardian in this one small specific. But what it does highlight is the very keen overriding intention to influence in some way the sentiments and attitudes of the public toward this war. Perhaps this time the Gruan just let their enthusiasm for narrative rather than fact show through – just a bit.
‘War reaches NATO border‘ – boldly shouts the Times. And to think we were told last week that Putin’s forces were already bogged down. “GG” meaning good game in online gaming speak; which is what the kids say when someone has been beaten.
One tends to realise that if it is GG for anyone here, then it is GG for President Biden and Western foreign policy in general. Will our economic sanctions work? I wouldn’t bet on it…
Speaking of the gee-gees, the tabloids go with Cheltenham: ‘Your essential festival preview‘ (Sun); ‘Fixtures pocket guide‘ (Daily Star)
‘Baftas goes Gaga‘ (Daily Star) – GG to Gaga? Possibly a segueway too far there. More celeb news later as it impinges on politics and current affairs – like we know it will.
How are those sanctions working out for us?
‘Food producers warn conflict will have huge impact on grain supplies forcing prices higher‘ (FT)
‘As Putin’s war rages on… refugees need you!‘ – kudos to the giveaway Metro there. Not content with channelling WW2 as does the Sun with reference to the Blitz: ‘Putin blitz on NATO border‘ – the freebie Metro winds the clock way back as far as WW1 with their quote from Lord Kitchener with his iconic accusatory finger pointing poster: “Your country needs you” – well that wouldn’t fly with our modern oikophobic sensibilitites – so it is the refugees of course and not our own country that needs us.
Never mind nuclear war… one worries about the economic fall out.
If you’re not a bleeding heart liberal type then our red top tabloids have an alternative message – Putin’s bonkers, innit… what’s he on?
‘Vlad’s roid rage‘ – claims the Daily Star. His plans certainly left the West behind sitting stunned at the lights, as he roared off toward his goal. Seems we’re getting a bit of road rage too…
‘Drivers do a runner as fuel prices rocket‘ (Telegraph) I can see one big row developing there.
‘Former UN chief warns UK against fracking‘ (Guardian)
‘Big four accounting firms have discovered that quitting Moscow and cutting Russia ties is no simple task‘ (FT)
‘Moscow threat to pay debt in roubles raises risk of first default since 1998‘ (FT) – as the old story goes – you owe the bank £1,000 you’re in trouble. You owe the bank £10m then the bank is in trouble.
And finally at last, to celeb news of those people with no such financial concerns and no fear that they might even notice the harmful self-inflicted side effects of our sanctions on Russia.
‘Guardian documentary The Black Cop wins Bafta‘ (Guardian) – there’s nothing quite like blowing one’s own trumpet. Or borrowing a trumpet off some black chap and giving it a good old blow on his behalf.
‘Cumberbatch: I’ll house a Ukrainian refugee‘ (Telegraph) – and who knows, he might have to make his live-in Filipino maid homeless in order to free up a spare room? I’m only writing pure made up fiction there – which the actor who plays fictional characters will of course understand.
‘Police checks for residents offering refuge to Ukrianians‘ (Telegraph) – oh joy… please have the Inland Revenue take a close look at their tax arrangements while they’re at it.
‘Police checks for residents offering refuge to Ukrianians‘ (Telegraph) – oh joy… please have the Inland Revenue take a close look at their tax arrangements while they’re at it.
The suicide bomber who killed 22 people at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester last year had been rescued from the Libyan civil war by the Royal Navy. Salman Abedi detonated a home-made bomb in the foyer of the Manchester Arena on 22 May 2017 as concert-goers, many of them children, were leaving the venue.31 Jul 2018
Some may remember when the Stingers ceased to be aimed at Hinds.
“People I never knew before have joined in, a lot of people from the United States and Europe. They are raising huge sums of money”
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
The Labour MP said Christine Lee appeared to be ‘operating as a legitimate person in the UK’.
Amy Gibbons
Thursday 13 January 2022 20:23
When I read about plod visiting lord Berkow of battersea I wondered if they’ve gone soft on domestic violence again – particularly on the day when the emir of londonistan is spunking more public money on a meaningless campaign about ‘mysogeny ‘ –
It would be sad if a Berkow landed on bail for alleged domestic violence wouldn’t it …. ?
Chaos as police stop Hungary migrant train – Gavin Hewitt – BBC -Sep 2015 @53s
“… the a really distressing incident happened. A women who was carrying a small baby began crying for help (photo of lady carrying baby). One of her companions tried to help her (photo of man with women on track, riot police reaching towards them) Somehow there became a push and a shove with the police. She ended up on the railway lines (by the male refugee dragging her and the baby to the floor, but this is not said) with the riot police trying to pull her back, and this of course inflamed all the other people…”
-Gavin Hewitt – Sep 2015
As predicted Truss bows down to the civil serpents
Northern Ireland’s dismal EU future delegated to unaccountable and unelected Civil Servants. A disgrace from this government! 'No success!' Key flaw in the Liz Truss Brexit talks with EU
1985 … Ahmadis suffer vicious persecution around the world. The main source of fuel for that persecution is in Pakistan, but what happens in Pakistan does not stay in Pakistan.
I know that from my experience in the Yorkshire market town of Batley. In August 1985, when I was 11 years old, my parents organised an inter-faith meeting in the town hall. It was interrupted and disturbed when, according to West Yorkshire police, more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country. The mob brutally attacked my English mother and my father, a dermatologist; my eldest brother and I; and a Welsh Ahmadi schoolteacher who was with us. My first cousin, a GP, was by chance driving through the market town that day. He saw the mob and saw his family and friends being attacked, so he stopped. He was recognised, pulled from his vehicle and savagely beaten up.
Prince Charles to get funding from ‘blot on the landscape’ windfarms
This article is more than 10 years old
Upkeep of Clarence House and some travel costs to be paid from income on crown estate, which rents out land for turbines
Prince Charles at Clarence House, his London home. From next year its upkeep will be funded through income from the crown estate. Photograph: Ben Stansall/AFP/Getty Images
Robert Booth
Tue 28 Feb 2012 09.00 GMT
However, his style drew criticisms from others, and some Conservatives accused him of bias, breaching the requirement that the Speaker stays neutral.
During the fierce Brexit debates, Mr Bercow gained international recognition for his attempts to control Parliament, particularly his loud cries of “order order”.
Met Police chief Cressida Dick calls on social media giants to remove Drill music videos that ‘glamourise’ gang life to quell London’s tide of violence
The Scotland Yard chief calls on social media giants to remove Drill music videos
She says they have a ‘social responsibility’ to take down clips from the internet
The Met Police boss says they have a ‘terrible effect’ on the rise in violent crime
Drill is a hip hop sub-genre and is said by campaigners to be fuelling gang wars
PUBLISHED: 12:38, 18 May 2018 | UPDATED: 15:54, 18 May 2018
Prime Minister Scott Morrison criticised a recent deal China made to buy more wheat from Russia, saying it was throwing the country “an economic lifeline”.
So how far could China help out Russia economically?
Will sanctions on Russia affect trade?
China says it will “continue to have normal trade co-operation” with Russia.
Ok, sentiment aside, has anybody thought of the future with the potential of taking in tens of thousands of Ukrainian refugees ? What happens if/when the war ends ? Its reported that refugees will be given leave to stay for 3 years, with access to everything.
So, realistically, out of these many thousands, how many will actually return to Ukraine ? Yes it will take time for the rebuilding of bombed cities and towns, but its not beyond the wit of man to assume that once our welfare system is accessed, very few will be returning home.
Bleeding hearts cry that “we’ve always been a safe haven for refugees ” – yes, but at what point is the pot boiling over ? The Kindertransport in the second world war is often exampled, but the population in the UK was tens of millions less than where we are today.
Countries in Europe are nowhere near as densely populated as we are, so are Spain, Portugal, Switzerland taking in the hundreds of thousands that talking heads on the tele want us to take in ? Immigration is a running sore in this country, and its getting worse with our open door policy where nobody gets sent home !
As we are assured that times are going to get tough and society is put under greatly increased stress will the ethnically diverse population stick together or will it fragment with each ethnic group looking after their own? The latent problems of fifty years of mass immigration of different cultures are going to come home to roost big time.
Don’t say that we didn’t warn you !
A prediction for the BBC tomorrow: the TOADY Programme will feature ‘some people’ ie. two who tried to offer rooms to refugees but the Government web-site crashed or kept them in front of their computers fo 9/10/11/15/16 hours.
A prediction for the BBC in two to three months time: the TOADY Programme will feature ‘some refugee people’ ie two who have been staying in sub-standard accommodation in peoples’ homes for £350 per month as well as being given tasks to do.
A prediction for the BBC in a year’s time: the TOADY Programme will feature a Labour or Crossbench Peer claiming that the taxpayer has been massively defrauded.
The BBC will not say how many decent Ukrainian refugees fleeing a real war could have been put in hotels but for third world chancers looking for handouts ….
The moral high ground ( rights )
versus freezing families – nut nut going to Saudi with a begging bowl ….
To which the sheikh might say ‘go frack yourself ‘…
I believe that fighting the Russian invaders is a totally futile exercise. Zelensky is either on some sort of power trip or is deluded. There is no possibility that the Ukraine can defeat the Russians, no-one from the West can help either without the risk of WW3. The only result gained from this asymmetric “War” will be death and destruction of the Ukraine and Ukrainians Zelensky, please call a halt to the conflict.
As for refugees. I think it’s a mistake to take them, there’s enough problems in the UK as it is.
I totally agree. We should let Putin roll across Europe unhindered, that’s the best thing to do. I’m sure you’ll be welcomed into the fold with open arms.
Putin will have to stop at the borders of NATO – for the same reason we can’t actively materially help Ukriane to fight him – the threat of WW3
Given that the West has blundered into this situation the present alternative to a ceasefire and acceptance of at least some of what Putin demands is what exactly?
We bravely fight him to the last drop of the last Ukrainian’s blood?
Or do we enable him to safely deport the entire non-Russian speaking population to Tunbridge Wells. Call it Novo-Kyiv?
Flotsamski – you’d have been popular here in 1939.
As for the Russian ‘security operation ‘ as you’d probably call it – the longer it goes on – and the more Russians are killed – the less likely putin will go for another European target – eg Poland of Hungary or the Balkan states – …
Also – of course -the real economic pain in Russia might concentrate potential threats to putin do something about him ….
I have suspected Zelenski’s irrational and highly dangerous calls for military help from the UN is based on more than love for his Country. When/If the Russians complete their invasion they will no doubt be rifling through the paperwork as it were and quite possibly uncover stuff that Zelenski and Co. do not want to be uncovered so he has nothing to lose by risking setting off WW3.
For example, the Montacutie works four days a week and has been on two weeks winter hols until last week. On TOADY Dharshini David appears to have disappeared, her place on TOADY being taken by a new recruit, Sean Farrington, who is already clocking up the extra CO2 miles.
As for Dominic O’Connell the Business Correspondent from New Zealand, I don’t think I have heard him on the BBC for many months. Quite how does a Broadcasting Corporation run a business with so many on the payroll not apparently doing any work?
Oh, silly me!
The Compulsory TV Licence Fee, that’s how!
Hint to HMG: with ‘a squeeze on household incomes’ thanks to tax rises, inflation, commodity price increases, etc., now would be a really good time to help households’ budgets by scrapping the Telly Tax progressively and almost completely over the next three years: down to £120 in year 1, down to £80 in year 2, and halving to £40 in year 3, then set at £20 thereafter.
ajs, 25,000,000 x £20 = half a billion. Add the BBC’s other commercial activities which yield 1.5 billion = £2 billion. If they cannot run five radio networks and two or three TV stations on that with associated pay cuts for staff and presenters then the BBC Board should be sacked by HMG for incompetence.
I discover that the BBC are to kill off Bargain Hunt and replace it with yet another faux quiz show featuring celebrity contestants, it will also have a very “diverse” cast as we have come to expect.
They already throw oodles of cash at celebrities such as Richard Osman already through these repetitive and totally boring “quiz” type shows, do you think they are trying to share the family silver before the bailiffs arrive?
When I was a schoolboy I remember being taught the benefits of crop rotation in the garden.
Well the MSM have taken it a step further and regularly indulge in swamp creature rotation to nobody’s benfit except the swamp creatures.
And we thought that the days of the closed shop were behind us.
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
The scheme for putting up Ukrainian refugees in your home for £350 pm is a humane way of helping these poor women, children and old folks. I suppose that they can’t be put up in hotels because they are already full of strapping young third world male economic migrants masquerading as refugees.
But of course this scheme to help Ukrainians will be used by lawyers in future to force the UK government to do the same for any folks claiming to be refugees, no need to travel half way across the world sir we will send a plane to come and pick you up. I reckon that it might be wise to invest in a sign-in the front window stating that No Halal Food Served Here.
A few years ago I might have thought that the long term precedent set by this new scheme had not been thought through by the civil servants responsible. But I now know that they will know exactly how the human rights lawyers will use it future and indeed have probably designed it so that the maximum number of third worlders can use it to get entry into the UK in years to come.
Sopes now paid the word.
A lot… by the word.
Omission is the greatest lie … see BBC for more details – oh wait.
Traitor Sedwill (should be in gaol) still at it advocating we join Pesco and the European Defence Fund – i.e. being a ‘rule taker’.
The traitors will try any method to get us back into their ReichEU. The problem is that the current ‘government ‘ hasn’t got the backbone or connection with the UK Brexit voters – as shown by their response to border control .
The krauts will want people to forget that they obstructed weapons supply from the UK to Ukraine back in January –
– the traitors will also push for the ‘better together ‘ lie when in reality the only club worth being in is NATO – but even then – as president trump rightly pointed out – there are too many freeloaders – such as the krauts – in that …
I don’t know enough about Europe to know where the next target will be for Putin – some majority Russian speaking bit of Poland I guess – or he looks go for somewhere south with a lot of oil ….
As I understand these loons – if they have troubles at home – they wrap themselves in the flag and try to find an enemy for the population to hate ….
… I’m a bit out of the loop so I wonder what the BBC reaction is to accepting refugees for£350 ?
Will the scheme be a luck of the draw Job with some nice westernised Ukrainians versus a third world coloured 18 psycho just out of the dinghy from war torn Calais ….. ?
After all – they are all fleeing conflict – right ?
Nord Stream 1 still pumping – nato to blow it up to stop funding Russia?
A couple of points to remember when you eulogise about other (EU) countries taking in refugees fron Ukraine.
1; they haven’t been swamped by illegal immigration like we have .
2; they will send them back when the war is over .
And could I possibly add? :-
3; They are likely to be honest, hardworking people who will fit into your existing culture and be determined to show gratitude and earn their keep.
The German government has budgeted more than €40 million (£35 million) to pay asylum seekers to voluntarily return to their home countries.3 Feb 2017
Nibor, ” 1; they haven’t been swamped by illegal immigration like we have .” ahem, with the exception of Greece and Italy and maybe also Spain.
Are enviro reports activists or genuine reporters ?
A lot of progs put Siegle on
Here’s a tweet from her
“Unfortunately The Telegraph promotes climate denialism at every opportunity.
I couldn’t work for them at this point.”
It’s part of a Bubbleworld conversation with the female Telegraph Enviro editor who is pretty much a GreenBlob PR person
Snapshot: In 2019, IRAdvocates, a US-based NGO filed a class action lawsuit against Apple, Google, Tesla, Alphabet, Microsoft, and Dell alleging the corporations profited from child labour in their cobalt supply chains in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Must one be obsessed with race to notice the bias of the BBC towards a certain ethnicity?
from History Debunked
Other new vids
– The Twelve Years a Slave hoax revisited
(another white written book, like all of them)
– The left co-opted the word “hate”
How the left-wing and progressive element in Britain thrive on creating conflict in society
– Nation of Islam is a small group in the United States ..yet it’s view of whites is pushed
Whites missing?

Wouldn’t surprise me…
Please say that is a sick spoof …not April 1 yet eddy –
@Fed The byline there says BabylonBee
Stew – forgive me but is that good or bad ….?
World at one
Looks like the BBC is pivoting away from the real immediate needs of Ukraine to its favourites – the third world – which it claims will starve because of high food / commodity prices .
Maybe instead of ‘gender / racial justice ‘ projects funded by comic relief that grab for money from good people can be focused on real needs ….
After World at One
The arch bish – Welby – talks with a retired general …. Not much talk of god or Jesus or Christianity ….
….instead welby got one in against president trump who stood outside a church holding a bible with a senior US general who after ward said he regretted doing it .
Now there wasn’t much more detail than that – welby assumed listeners would see president trump as evil personified –
I got to admit welby using such a woke biased example should not have surprised me but it did . Is welby a Christian ? I m not that sure . … bet it went down well at the BBC though ….
Archbishop of Canterbury ’embarrassed’ by Wonga link
The Archbishop of Canterbury says he is “embarrassed” by the revelations that the Church of England helped to fund the payday lender Wonga.
One man. One man responsible for all the grief and that grief will go on for years what with grain, the upheaval of the World economy and one thing and another. Virtually the whole world hates Putin. My solution, if no one else is prepared to step up to the plate? Small nuke on the Kremlin and have done with it. Simples: put the man out of his misery before he inflicts more on the World.
Yes I pray for God to caste him down where he belongs ….( someone might pop up and say it’s ‘complicated ‘…)
Yes, A few small nukes in retaliation landing in London and Kent would be a small price to pay for such a bold move.
Let’s do it!
I guess you are a fan .
Yasser, Oi! I have friends in one and live in the other!!
G, one small problem with that: if there was one ‘Power Grabber’ in Russia after 1990 (and Putin certainly grabbed and has held on to power) there will likely be other Power Grabbers who will see it as their suicidal duty to press the Russian red launch button in retaliation even if it means a massive response from the West.
80K UK Troops in UK army.
70K terrorists on watch list in UK.
– soon to rise witrh unvetted Hong Kong, Afghan, Ukraines.
Amber Rudd, are schools teaching “Islamist extremist material” being tracked?
A DEGREE OF INFLUENCE: The funding of strategically important subjects in UK universities
“What is noticeable from the research undertaken in this report is the disparity
in the levels of funding from the countries studied. There are huge amounts
of cash currently being donated by Arab and Islamic sources (University of Cambridge / £1.2m / UAE / Appointment of a full-time lecturer specialising in Islam / 1996), and this has undoubtedly
led to a degree of influence in the oversight of UK universities. China,
however, while donating only a relatively small amount of cash, has managed
to gain a disproportionate amount of influence in UK higher education via its
Confucius Institutes. What is also clear is that, in terms of money donated, the
likes of Japan and Russia do not appear to have the desire to influence higher
education in the same way as China or certain countries in the Muslim world.”
For viewers of BBC Sunday night – you may suffer the BAFTAs …which surely must be the thinnest of fare – but an excuse for a whole stream of luvvies to declare that coloured lives matter – or will it be Ukrainian one’s this time …..?
I gave up watching that when the ‘red carpet’ consisted of endless soap and daytime tv slebs.
The same with the Oscars, always a film buff I used to sit up til the early hours awaiting to hear who had won what. Then the Marvel Comics took over, rubbish teen High School films, muffled dialogue and crashing loud background music (shame its not the other way around), along with ‘stars’ I’d never heard of, so I couldn’t even care less now who’s won in any category. The days of Jack Nicholson, Al Pacino, Clint, even more so Jimmy Stewart, Gregory Peck et al all real actors worth buying a cinema ticket for, have gone.
4pm R4 as ever ..almost R4 book show is about black authors.
Lines “This Congolese woman told me most of the societies in Africa were matrilinear, and then patriachy came in”
That’s inverted racism the romantic stereotyping of a whole continent.
Sure some societies in some places may have been matrilinear
but it’s a big claim to say MOST were
..and such claims should be backed with evidence, this one wasn’t
“European books on the history of Africa ..NONE of them are useful, they are comic relief”
He’s from Jamaica but refers to himself as “we Africans”
(His parents were both in the Jamaican police officers)
“This Congolese woman told me…” – must be true then.
Black history IS oral history, therefore you can make up whatever you want and claim it’s TRUE… I mean, who has got the balls to publicly disagree?… well?
“Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.” – G.Orwell, 1984
A BBC Black & Black licence is darn near free.
BBC News
4h ·
When US soldiers arrived in the UK in the 1940s, British authorities tried to discourage relationships between white British women and black troops.
It is my understanding the British public were a lot more chilled than the US army here.
But there was a war to fight.
The BBC plumbs further depths.
@GW You pay for a colour TV licence
and the BBC is making sure it gives you Full Coloured Broadcasting
When Jamaica gained independence in 1962, the murder rate was 3.9 per 100,000 inhabitants, one of the lowest in the world.[4] In 2005, Jamaica had 1,674 murders for a murder rate of 58 per 100,000 people.[5] That year, Jamaica had the highest murder rate in the world.[2] In November 2008, the Jamaican Parliament voted to retain the death penalty, which is performed by hanging.[6]
Jamaica recorded 1,680 murders in 2009.[7] In 2010, there were 1,428. In 2011, 1,125. 2012 saw 1,097; 2013 1,200. 2014 totaled 1,192; 2015 1,450; 2016 1,350 and 2017, 1,616.[8] 1,287 murders were reported in 2018.[9]
BBC , please ask these questions of the Home Office , the woke lot and yourselves .
If a householder takes in an refugee from the Ukraine can he
1 ; have a vetting procedure about who he takes in , unlike the Border Farce which takes anyone in ?
2; say how long the refugee can stay ,unlike the Home Office who lets nearly everyone stay forever ?
3 ; demand what behaviour is acceptable , unlike the Home Office who dont seem to care ?
4; throw the refugee out if the refugee has unacceptable behaviour , unlike the Home Office who wish to keep them here ?
5; throw out the refugee if his status is fraudulent eg ; the refugee is not Ukrainian or left the Ukraine for reasons other than the war ( like he is a criminal , or just wanted a better life in the UK , or to flee a rival criminal gang ,or that the locals told him to leave for his health because they were fed up with his anti social ways ) ?
6 ; throw out the refugee if the refugee is ungrateful or demanding ?
7 ; throw out the refugee if the refugee has a medical condition that he/she thinks will get better treatment here , for example pregnancy or AIDS ?
8 ; throw out the refugee if the refugees aim is to get other people into the household , like family members and extended family ?
9; throw out the refugee if the refugee aims to use the householders premises for political activity , for commercial use , for questionable moral use or as a base to attack others ?
10 ; Throw out the refugee if there is a misunderstanding due to language , cultural or ethical practises ? .
11; Throw out the refugee if his wants , needs and desires clash with the householders , or his wants , needs , and desires are given precedence over the householders ?
12 ; throw out the refugee when the householder thinks there is no good reason for the refugee staying there ?
In other words will commonsense be used or BBC style obfuscation and wokery ?
Orrrrrrr…. If you are a state media tasked with holding to account on behalf of the people, come out with this:
Asked if he would take a Ukrainian refugee into his home, Mr Gove said: “Yes,” and that he was “exploring what I can do”.
…. young female and vetted by the police!
Good questions Nibor.
I have to say I’m not anything like as keen as the missus on taking in a Ukrainian ‘child’ refugee, or two, even if I do feel sorry for them, and have been asking myself a lot of those same questions Nibor.
What do you do when your Ukrainian ‘guest’ invites some ‘friends’ over to smoke some weed, and decides to set fire to the dog? Would the police get involved? Would they if your ‘guest’ and chums kicked you, and your family out of your own home and changed the locks?… Probably not, to be honest.
To get some idea just what could possibly go wrong, it might be worth watching “Worst Roomate Ever” on Netflix too… sobering.
Setting fire to the dog, BBC, phew massive crime and the police arrive in an instant hot on the heels of the RSPCA. Set fire to you or your house, they may offer counselling but not much more than a WPC turning up two weeks later.
A refugee is not just for Christmas – but for life.
Ukraine war: UK households offered £350 a month for hosting refugees
“Local authorities will also receive £10,500 in extra funding per refugee for support services – with more for children of school age, the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities said.”
Loads of money!
You wouldn’t think the country was on the brink of severe recession.
Maybe the Ukrainian regime will surrender when they’ve shared out the 14 billion $ aid from USA.
Do you think they have to do the £350 gimmick because all the more suitable stuff ( hotels ) are full of 3rd world chancer criminals …. ?
I believe you are spot on Fed. The normal reaction to an influx of refugees is to commandeer as much suitable accommodation as is available at short notice and especially Military buildings, Hotel chains with slim bookings looking to get a quick Government wad. (All of whom I believe will fall on their backsides when they try once again to attract UK visitors!).
However the lefty-harpies are shrieking that the uncaring Tory Government are not helping so this half-baked scheme they have come up with is little more than deflective window dressing to cover up their gross incompetence. (I’m waiting for Lineker to offer a wing of his Country estate to them!)
Sure there will be some eager beavers who will wave their moral flags by letting out their spare room by inviting in some bodies that may be turned into Labour or Lib-Dem voters in due course but is it really sustainable?
These people will have no jobs, no income, no visas, indeterminate health conditions, require a load of school places and health support etc. etc. so what will they do next? They can’t all pick vegetables.
Maybe they could commandeer all of the posh hotels in central London so they can flood London with Big Issue chuggers?
I’d expect genuine refugees would accept military barracks.
Eddy, what could possibly go wrong?
I wonder if the Home Office officials have asked all the correct ‘What if ….’ questions?
I wonder if the Ukrainians running away from the Ukraine are the wives and children of the Globalist Mafia.
In Allo Allo, French women are seen as Patriots, staying at home and fighting in the resistance.
Today, Ukrainian women are seen as weak cowards, running away from home, with children, to Dunkirk, to catch a boat to paradise.
Ten guesses of why the Consecration of Russia is important:
(1) In June 1930, a priest in the North Caucasus Kraiis area, is shot in the head for opposing Stalin’s collectivisation policies.
(2) His sole enters a local embryo, causing a birth mark to the head of the baby.
(3) On 25 March 1984, Pope John Paul II in Union with All the Bishops of the World, enacted the Consecration of all Russian Individuals to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Sister Lúcia declared in private correspondence on 8 November 1989 that the consecration offered by Pope John Paul II in Saint Peter’s Square on 25 March 1984, had been properly accomplished and was “accepted in Heaven”.
(4) On 11 March 1985, the baby with the birthmark on the head, became the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
(5) Gorbachev imposes Perestroika on Russia, a term he first used publicly at the time of the Consecration of Russia, in March 1985.
(6) From 1986, Gorbachev imposes Glasnost on Russia.
(7) Gorbachev ends the existence of the “Evil Empire” on Christmas Day 1991.
(8) Boris Yeltsin invites the Globalist Mafia into Russia.
(9) Vladimir Putin kicks the Globalist Mafia out of Russia.
(10) On 24 February 2022, Vladimir Putin invades the Ukraine, to kick out the Globalist Mafia.
Maybe we could sell a yacht on ebay?
Mega-wealthy owners of the superyachts value privacy and discretion and keep as low a profile their vessels allow and recent events in Ukraine have increased the desire of some superyacht owners to hide their movements.
Yachts owned by Russia’s oligarchs may be subject to being seized under international sanctions. Several vessels have already been detained. These include Amore Vero, reportedly owned by Igor Sechin, a former Russian administration official and CEO of the Rosneft energy company. Lady M, is reputedly owned by Alexei Mordashov, a steel and mining billionaire.
Some boats are going dark, turning off their automated identification systems and running to safe harbors. Some are be sailing to remote Russian ports not normally associated with luxury yachts.
I often wondered why some items being sold on Ebay had huge price tags, and some wag told me that it was an ideal way to launder cash!
I thought Paypal sorted all that out, but how I really don’t know!
I know I’ve mentioned this before, but just watched a garden makeover programme, and the clients have budgets of around £20,000 !!!! then the ‘designers’ draw breath and say “its a TIGHT budget”. WHAT ???? The couple had a garden with just a lawn surrounded by 3 fences on a brand new housing estate. So not exactly a mansion house.
A good amount of plants were put in, and some trees, a couple of boulder rocks and a bit of patio decking. Looked very nice, but honestly ? twenty grand for THAT ? Then the couple were asked if the budget was stuck to, and no ! the final tally was £27,000 dear God. We were told that one tree planted – for the height, was 16 years old and cost £1,000.
So, a bog standard postage stamp size new build garden costs £27,000. How many on here could spend a tiny fracture of that to obtain the same effect. I would cry buckets seeing what I got for my money (but I wouldn’t consider it anyway) by these designers taken on by the BBC.
They real hoot Brissles is that if you look closely at the standard of the garden upgrades it is clear that it is rushed rubbish and will probably not last much more than a couple of winters anyway!
Hence – If in doubt, lay some bloody horrible decking for a quick fix!
The prices can get really hefty if you’re buying quite mature trees. If you were doing it on a real budget and not some insanely inflated BBC amount made available for a TV make-over, you’d buy trees and shrubs that were much smaller and therefore cheaper and give them a few years to establish.
Of course, that doesn’t look nearly as impressive on our TV screens.
I don’t like “instant gardening” anyway. Gardens should evolve naturally.
And cheaply…
My late uncle was a landscape gardener. His method was to plan a garden with the idea of what it would look like 2-4 years after planting. Not for instant effect.
Brissles : This is your reminder that tellyland is not the real world.
I wouldn’t take it at face value.
Stolen from sickipedia
My energy supplier proudly boasts that they use 100% renewables. They sent my renewal quote.
Can anybody tell me what day it was, when wind doubled in price?.
Sun is brighter in summer so bills go down!
Stars have shown their support for Ukraine at the Bafta Film Awards, which are taking place in London.
Benedict Cumberbatch was among those wearing a badge or bow with the colours of the country’s flag, which he said was “about standing in solidarity”.
I DID consider housing a Syrian asylum seeker, says Benedict: Sherlock star who famously launched a foul-mouthed rant over the Government’s refugee figures says he can’t take any in because he has a baby
PUBLISHED: 02:03, 22 September 2017 | UPDATED: 09:12, 22 September 2017
So not coloured boys matter then ? Why not put a few in his second or third home ?
SHERLOCK star Benedict Cumberbatch is set to build a family home on the Isle of Wight.
He and his wife Sophie were married at St Peter and St Paul’s Church, in Mottistone, on Valentines Day 2015 and the couple plan to build a home just a stone’s throw from the National Trust’s Mottistone Estate.
The couple, who have two young sons, Christopher, three, and one-year-old Hal, have visited the Island many times.
Name of donor: Bestway Wholesale Ltd
Address of donor: 2 Abbey Road, London NW10 7BW
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): £5,511 to reimburse the costs of flights, hotel accommodation and incidentals for a visit to Pakistan in my role as Chairman of the Conservative Party.
Destination of visit: Pakistan
Dates of visit: April 2019; reimbursement paid on 20 May 2019
Purpose of visit: Meetings with Government Ministers, including the President and Prime Minister of Pakistan.
(Registered 10 July 2019)
CHOUDREY, Zameer Mohammed, Lord
Correspondence address
2 Abbey Road, London, NW10 7BW
Country of residence
United Kingdom
Company Director
Conservative Friends of Pakistan (CFoP) seeks to build a stronger, wider, and deeper relationship between the Conservative Party, Pakistan and the British Pakistani community.
By bringing together people from across the British Pakistani community and the Conservative family, CFoP will become a one-stop shop for everyone interested in promoting the values of the Conservative Party, as well as helping to forge a stronger relationship between Pakistan and the UK.
He also sits as a trustee for several national charities, including CrimeStoppers, Grocery Aid and Bestway Foundation, which has donated over £30 million to worthy education and healthcare causes. In January 2018, he was appointed as UK Chair of the British Asian Trust’s Advisory Council, by HRH The Prince of Wales.
In his role as Chief Executive of Bestway Group, Choudrey has overseen the growth of the Group into one of the UK’s largest family owned businesses, which employs over 27,000 people worldwide. In the UK, Bestway Group currently provides employment for 15,000 people.
Under Choudrey’s stewardship, Bestway Group has become the largest British investor and philanthropic contributor in Pakistan, and gained recognition from the President of Pakistan in 2018, with a prestigious Pakistani civil award, the ‘Sitara-e-Imtiaz’ (Star of Excellence).
BBC get the best and brightest.
Liz Truss is currently dealing with the UK’s diplomatic response to the invasion of Ukraine in her role as foreign secretary. But alongside this job, she also has the role of Minister for Women and Equalities. So why is this position always tagged on to another cabinet role?
Amber Rudd, who juggled the women’s minister job with being Home Secretary, and Anneliese Dodds, who is Shadow Women and Equalities Minister and also Chair of the Labour Party, join Emma Barnett to discuss on BBC Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour. The discussion was held on International Women’s Day.
Amber Rudd speech on foreign workers recorded as hate incident
This article is more than 5 years old
After complaint from member of the public, police say they will not be investigating speech as a hate crime
Watching ranganesh what’s it doing his thing visiting Sierra Leone. He asked why nobody was wearing masks and the answer was “everybody here is under 60” so we have no coronavirus..
Something very deep and nasty has happened in Europe and we need proper answers. We have been kettled and lied to on a massive scale and very senior heads need to roll.
It is bloody obvious that a massive social engineering project has been tested on the Western World by faceless uni professionals.
I still see twats walking around supermarkets wearing the totally pointless face rags and realise that the powers that be still think they are on a roll.
We need an independent and searching review into how these twats poisoned our world and we need revenge on a massive scale. Al the businesses that failed, all the families who lost family members without being able to see them it is totally wicked.
Come on people you are free and better than this crap.
It’s a sunny country
UV would reduce Covid
And we live in a cold wet country where a high level of lung issues are expected and normal every winter, we just didn’t tag an armegeddon label onto it before!
I grow all my own fruit and vegetables and have a couple of allotments. Yesterday a couple arrived, both wearing these pathetic and ridiculous muzzles. The woman was wearing a visor as well. Just to be on the safe side…
I felt embarrassed for them. How is it possible to be this brainwashed?
Acres of space. Lovely fresh air. Only a handful of people.
#BiasedBBC is completely in the pocket of #GreenBlob PR people
10am Woman’s Hour : Electric Car #PRasNews
“We know that women are more environmentally conscious when shopping for the household
– but there’s one area where that doesn’t seem to be the case – cars.
There are now over 600,000 plug-in electric vehicles in the UK, but a new study has found that 20% of women haven’t even considered buying an electric car.
We speak to Erin Baker, Editorial Director at AutoTrader about why women are less likely to opt for electric vehicles.”
So 20% of women are to be SHAMED by @bbcWomansHour management for not conforming to “shop yourself green” rules.
… Maybe those 20% could be made to wear GREEN stars on their elbows.
Nice one Stew!
This BBC screaming about ‘green’ and ‘vegan’ is getting more than tiresome these days.
I bet that most of the wallies in W1AA just trot down to Pret for a bacon sarnie anyway, and this green agenda, which will harm the British farming industry far too much, is an unpleasant reminder that if you lie enough to people, the lie becomes ‘fact’
That’s very Marie Antoinette
“let them drive electric cars”
Maybe the wimmin of color prioritised for chokey for non payment of the tvl, could err more on the £25k end of the market?
WomansHour how put up their own Electric Car thread
Good to see some pushback there.
Appears the guest was a little sceptical too.
If the Ukrainian war is contained – the coming strain on people is going to be a challenge for the woke BBC .. for instance – the Saudis executing people under Islamic law – yet nut nut going there to ask for cheaper oil .
Methinks a tricky one for the swamp – particularly as they bleat about the cost of living .
The same applies to the green crap – with inflated bills being laid at the door of mad government policy – driven by Mrs nut nut and a mental teenager and an old BBC journalist ….
Then there are increasing taxes – maxing out the ‘community charge ‘ – hyping NICs -overtaxed petrol and diesel – congestion charges -all being used to fund a bloated underperforming NHS ….
You can bet which side the BBC will be on – and it won’t be yours
As I write this some lefty journo and ex Tory politician debate – on Today – whether nut nut should go beg for cheaper Saudi oil …. BBC imperialism wanting to impose woke western human rights ‘superiority ‘ on the Saudis .
BTW – my views are prejudiced because I believe in killing very bad criminals ….because locking them up for ever is a waste of money and time …
Talking of Pret…Not a state propaganda tool.
BBC News
“There could be four or five million people looking for places to stay, so the UK has to do its bit and the British people have to do their bit.”
Why I want to share my home with a Ukrainian refugee
The tricky second single to “I want to marry a lighthouse keeper”.
A 5 bedder in Sarf London. Nice. Lucky he and the Mrs. were in touch with the BBC.
In the sidebar is a woman of headscarf advising that “Every woman is capable of becoming a leader”.
No shizzle, Sada. Capacity is one thing. Reality is another in some cultures. Efrem’s Baba Rhum will go down a treat.
Complement coverage.
BBC News
The eastern town of Zamosc has welcomed thousands of refugees, but locals wonder how long they can cope.
Maybe the Poles can come here? Again.
Guest – i was wondering whether all those EU guest workers who went home will be heading back here? I don’t know what the entrance rules are but I suppose they’ll know how poor the borders are controlled ….
Mind you as a recession is coming life might be a bit tougher for them this time ….
As for the Ukrainian war – looks like putin is going to threaten to attack keev unless he gets the eastern provinces … I don’t think those piece talks will come to much – it would look like defeat for putin
With a new Cold War and border military forces to follow until Russia changes – or the next war …
War is the usual condition.
For the media however, it is the Eliot Carver Celebration Era.
Where you vie with each other to see how many you can shame a minister into taking.
Suitably vetted, natch.
Draino off for a Krankie photo op with a blonde stunna?
Meanwhile Sherlock has assigned a property, hopefully.
Only ‘hopes’ well that is a weasel word if ever there was one. Knowing the extreme forms of woke hypocrisy practised by liberal globalist cheer leaders like him , I expect that he might buy a house , well away from his own , to put them in and then of course claim they are living in his house , leaving the gullible to think him genuine
Well I ‘hope’ one day useless pols, currently all, sort out useless civil servants, especially highly paid ones protected by other highly paid ones pretending to hold actual power to account.
Pols can be voted out. The latter two are unaccountable, unfireable and embedded for life, plus index linked.
The evidence is there that the civil service is lazy – incompetent – self serving – superior – when it comes to directions by Tory politicians – whether it be border control or the delivery of weapons or the admin of Ukrainian refugees – and the NHS of course
Cummings seems to be the last person to really take on the civil service but that ended badly for everyone except the civil service ….
BTW – the civil servants ‘investigating ‘ the garden crap must be desperate that they don’t punish their own kind …
I physically saw about 50% staffed by foreigners last time I was in London in and out of various Government buildings. What with wobbly headed indians when asked a question of, (and we all know what that signifies don’t we?) and blacks, the Civil Service must be now in a state of permanent ineptitude.
If you add the sick rota and ‘working away from the office ‘ no wonder they couldn’t set up the admin in Belgium /France for Ukrainian real refugees …..
… my local council also seems to be in the state – the theft and fraud must be – beyond knowing …
They could reimagine part of Conan Doyle’s “The Empty House” where Sherlock gets Vladimir Putin to impersonate him with deerstalker and pipe and fools Colonel Sebastian Moran into assassinating him from the vacant premises across the street from 221B.
Harry – spoiler alert ! Is Jeremy Brett still doing the do on ITV 4?
I know the ancient ‘science’ of physiognomy is considered discredited, but I’ve just realised what it is about Cucumberpatch I really don’t like (aside from the constant woke whinging), his eyes are too small and he has far too much chin and mouth.
Don’t have the faintest what that’s supposed to mean in physiognomic terms, but I’m sure it’s evidence of a deeply ingrained sense of superiority and smugness, based on a rather trivial intellect, a vastly over privileged upbringing, and a lifetime of undeserved praise, awarded for standing upright, looking constipated, and reciting words someone else has come up with.
Cumber batch com es from a long line if diplomats, envoys, embassy officials.
It’s only when it gets to his parents that they have come down the ranking order to being bit part actors
Father,. Timothy Carlton.
Mother. Wanda Ventham.
The soppy sod could have had a shave before he went to the BAFTAs. What is it with men these days? Have a beard or don’t, but if not be clean shaven. I cannot stand this face fuzz.
The funny little fellow pretending to be Harry Palmer on ITV at the moment sports this sort of face fuzz. It wasn’t a thing in 1963. Then again, MI5 probably wasn’t multicultural then either. The past really is another country to these snowflakes.
Govo has a wheeze… vetting via social media.
Seems Mishal was expecting a nice teen called Aisha, but ended up with a trucker from the Azov Territorials called Stanislavsky…
Trying to trade with Evan who got an oddly popular young lady who spends a lot of time in her room with men friends.
Bet Govo has contacts.
This is tragic, and doubtless will see many a Beeboid outside when not too chilly zipping their faces up with staplers for a photo op, but I await the full story.
Heading towards a febrile war zone to create a documentary about the travails of one side, from that side, seems rather JezBo in foolhardy expectation.
BAFTAS Last night completely politicised by those nauseating over paid jumped up leftie luvvies slagging off the Government saying how crap our response to Ukraine was.
BBC absolutely loving the comments made by the darlings at BAFTA.
What’s the best these luvvies do F–K all about the situation themselves. Poor ba–tards must be struggling on there millions.
I hope all of them next sh-t will be a hedgehog, parasite’s
Dafydd – just as a matter of not caring – did anyone manage to ‘out woke ‘ any one else ? Did they all ‘take a knee ‘ like the footy millionaires do ? ( btw – the spectacle of millionaires employed by Russians and Arabs has a particularly ridiculousness to it …)
Awful indeed.
A BBC editor using a ‘has learned’ from another source, is also…
Oh my God, that is awful, but hang on a mo…
Am I getting confused (information overload), or didn’t the pregnant woman being stretchered out of the maternity hospital in Mariupol turn out to be an actress? Didn’t she also (or otherwise, if she wasn’t ACTUALLY an actress afterall) then successfully give birth, as evidenced by a photo of her and baby? Or is it all (actually) a deep fake, by the Kremlin? By the US? By Ukrainians? By mysterious ‘agents’? By the BBC?!!! What is truth anymore, and what is lies… ARRGH!!!
That’s enough BBC for me, for a while, I think.
Pols also tend to listen mainly to two groups: media activists and civil service activists.
Until it all goes t*ts up when the activists then blame them.
Next… ‘fear’.
Pop a refugee in them, roof over… sorted.
They were lucky…
Every day Slick comes into W1A and they take him down to the basement to the device that programmes him to say what the bbc needs so they can say he says….
Even if it is a complete 180 to last week, so long as it fits the narrative.
BBC Shires again finds the magic money tree. Gary’s lodger will impose costs in excess of £350… pr team, chef…
Has the cost of living crisis gone too far?
Taxes will rise next month when National Insurance contributions increase – on top of soaring food prices, surging fuel costs, rising energy bills, inflation, you name it.
Does the Government need to do more to help?
Adult male human being
We’re quite used to our BBC playing that now familiar news obfuscation game of using the bland term man – when they have something about that man they wish to hide from their audience.
This morning we have the BBC’s newspaper alter ego the Guardian exposed using this trick by means of a quick photo comparison with the Times.
‘Russia escalates war in Ukraine…‘ – asserts the Gruan. How so? ‘…with attack close to NATO border‘ – and there we were, thinking geographical spheres of influence were a thing of the past. I digress. The Guardian shows us a pic of a wounded chap with the caption: ‘A man hurt in airstrikes is helped at Novoiavorivsk hospital yesterday‘ – thankfully, it is not apparently life-threatening for this apparent civilian “man” caught up in the fighting – since he is pictured taking a call on his mobile phone.
But look at this… same chap with his distinctive receded hairline and bloodstain on his forehead pictured in the Times, alternatively captioned: ‘A serviceman injured in the bombing‘
One might put this down as a minor incidence – the photo caption, not the actual bombing – the casual underemphasising by the Guardian of a military casualty in an attack on a military target. Afterall, their report sub-header reads factually: ‘Deadly airstrikes on key military base near Poland prompt warning from US‘ – likely there was no direct intention to fool that tiny section of the British public who take the Guardian in this one small specific. But what it does highlight is the very keen overriding intention to influence in some way the sentiments and attitudes of the public toward this war. Perhaps this time the Gruan just let their enthusiasm for narrative rather than fact show through – just a bit.
‘War reaches NATO border‘ – boldly shouts the Times. And to think we were told last week that Putin’s forces were already bogged down. “GG” meaning good game in online gaming speak; which is what the kids say when someone has been beaten.
One tends to realise that if it is GG for anyone here, then it is GG for President Biden and Western foreign policy in general. Will our economic sanctions work? I wouldn’t bet on it…
Speaking of the gee-gees, the tabloids go with Cheltenham: ‘Your essential festival preview‘ (Sun); ‘Fixtures pocket guide‘ (Daily Star)
‘Baftas goes Gaga‘ (Daily Star) – GG to Gaga? Possibly a segueway too far there. More celeb news later as it impinges on politics and current affairs – like we know it will.
How are those sanctions working out for us?
‘Food producers warn conflict will have huge impact on grain supplies forcing prices higher‘ (FT)
‘As Putin’s war rages on… refugees need you!‘ – kudos to the giveaway Metro there. Not content with channelling WW2 as does the Sun with reference to the Blitz: ‘Putin blitz on NATO border‘ – the freebie Metro winds the clock way back as far as WW1 with their quote from Lord Kitchener with his iconic accusatory finger pointing poster: “Your country needs you” – well that wouldn’t fly with our modern oikophobic sensibilitites – so it is the refugees of course and not our own country that needs us.
Never mind nuclear war… one worries about the economic fall out.
If you’re not a bleeding heart liberal type then our red top tabloids have an alternative message – Putin’s bonkers, innit… what’s he on?
‘Vlad’s roid rage‘ – claims the Daily Star. His plans certainly left the West behind sitting stunned at the lights, as he roared off toward his goal. Seems we’re getting a bit of road rage too…
‘Drivers do a runner as fuel prices rocket‘ (Telegraph) I can see one big row developing there.
‘Former UN chief warns UK against fracking‘ (Guardian)
‘Big four accounting firms have discovered that quitting Moscow and cutting Russia ties is no simple task‘ (FT)
‘Moscow threat to pay debt in roubles raises risk of first default since 1998‘ (FT) – as the old story goes – you owe the bank £1,000 you’re in trouble. You owe the bank £10m then the bank is in trouble.
And finally at last, to celeb news of those people with no such financial concerns and no fear that they might even notice the harmful self-inflicted side effects of our sanctions on Russia.
‘Guardian documentary The Black Cop wins Bafta‘ (Guardian) – there’s nothing quite like blowing one’s own trumpet. Or borrowing a trumpet off some black chap and giving it a good old blow on his behalf.
‘Cumberbatch: I’ll house a Ukrainian refugee‘ (Telegraph) – and who knows, he might have to make his live-in Filipino maid homeless in order to free up a spare room? I’m only writing pure made up fiction there – which the actor who plays fictional characters will of course understand.
‘Police checks for residents offering refuge to Ukrianians‘ (Telegraph) – oh joy… please have the Inland Revenue take a close look at their tax arrangements while they’re at it.
‘Police checks for residents offering refuge to Ukrianians‘ (Telegraph) – oh joy… please have the Inland Revenue take a close look at their tax arrangements while they’re at it.
About us
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.
The suicide bomber who killed 22 people at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester last year had been rescued from the Libyan civil war by the Royal Navy. Salman Abedi detonated a home-made bomb in the foyer of the Manchester Arena on 22 May 2017 as concert-goers, many of them children, were leaving the venue.31 Jul 2018
Some may remember when the Stingers ceased to be aimed at Hinds.
Hope Sleepy’s security detail can take a Barrett .50 cal round.
Or it’s a head shot, through and through.
Would you notice the difference?
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
The Labour MP said Christine Lee appeared to be ‘operating as a legitimate person in the UK’.
Amy Gibbons
Thursday 13 January 2022 20:23
When I read about plod visiting lord Berkow of battersea I wondered if they’ve gone soft on domestic violence again – particularly on the day when the emir of londonistan is spunking more public money on a meaningless campaign about ‘mysogeny ‘ –
It would be sad if a Berkow landed on bail for alleged domestic violence wouldn’t it …. ?
Nice easy evidence of BBC bias –
BBC News
There are very real, distressing videos being shared of the war in Ukraine – but there is also footage from old conflicts going viral.
How to spot false posts from Ukraine
And it is… a Springster! At the seaside. No ice cream.
Marky over to you…
Interestingly, on most search sites all take you straight to the bbc advising, as opposed to being cited.
That must have cost.
Ah the good old days!
Chaos as police stop Hungary migrant train – Gavin Hewitt – BBC -Sep 2015 @53s
“… the a really distressing incident happened. A women who was carrying a small baby began crying for help (photo of lady carrying baby). One of her companions tried to help her (photo of man with women on track, riot police reaching towards them) Somehow there became a push and a shove with the police. She ended up on the railway lines (by the male refugee dragging her and the baby to the floor, but this is not said) with the riot police trying to pull her back, and this of course inflamed all the other people…”
-Gavin Hewitt – Sep 2015
Home Office loses track of more than 600,000 people who should have left country, finds immigration watchdog
UK border checks branded ‘shambolic’
May Bulman
Social Affairs Correspondent
Thursday 29 March 2018 16:39
Krankie and Drakeford bid to be refugee super sponsors
UK’s refugee response shocking, charity says (Welsh Refugee Council)
Reports of Muslim migrant ‘students’ trying to rape fleeing Ukrainian women (which is sure to be ‘fake news’ isn’t it?)
As predicted Truss bows down to the civil serpents
Sanction Saudi Arabia for executing people?
Saudi Arabia executes 81 men in one day

Is that Prince Charles with the sword?
2021 – three teachers hide in Batley from Islam…
1985 … Ahmadis suffer vicious persecution around the world. The main source of fuel for that persecution is in Pakistan, but what happens in Pakistan does not stay in Pakistan.
I know that from my experience in the Yorkshire market town of Batley. In August 1985, when I was 11 years old, my parents organised an inter-faith meeting in the town hall. It was interrupted and disturbed when, according to West Yorkshire police, more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country. The mob brutally attacked my English mother and my father, a dermatologist; my eldest brother and I; and a Welsh Ahmadi schoolteacher who was with us. My first cousin, a GP, was by chance driving through the market town that day. He saw the mob and saw his family and friends being attacked, so he stopped. He was recognised, pulled from his vehicle and savagely beaten up.
Principles verses money ….
Prince Charles to get funding from ‘blot on the landscape’ windfarms
This article is more than 10 years old
Upkeep of Clarence House and some travel costs to be paid from income on crown estate, which rents out land for turbines
Prince Charles at Clarence House, his London home. From next year its upkeep will be funded through income from the crown estate. Photograph: Ben Stansall/AFP/Getty Images
Robert Booth
Tue 28 Feb 2012 09.00 GMT
BBC tend to drop these stores late at night of weekend when people will be doing other things –
However, his style drew criticisms from others, and some Conservatives accused him of bias, breaching the requirement that the Speaker stays neutral.
During the fierce Brexit debates, Mr Bercow gained international recognition for his attempts to control Parliament, particularly his loud cries of “order order”.
No Chinese money mentioned – omission it the BBC’s greatest weapon of choice …
She then gave donations to politicians, including Labour MP Barry Gardiner, who received more than £420,000 from her.
^^ this story is not linked to Barry Gardiner in the search results! HA HA HA !
Rap and Drill music?
Met Police chief Cressida Dick calls on social media giants to remove Drill music videos that ‘glamourise’ gang life to quell London’s tide of violence
The Scotland Yard chief calls on social media giants to remove Drill music videos
She says they have a ‘social responsibility’ to take down clips from the internet
The Met Police boss says they have a ‘terrible effect’ on the rise in violent crime
Drill is a hip hop sub-genre and is said by campaigners to be fuelling gang wars
PUBLISHED: 12:38, 18 May 2018 | UPDATED: 15:54, 18 May 2018
NHS – £80K Diversity managers ….. plus ….
UCLH is sending critical medical supplies and equipment to Ukraine after learning of an NHNN consultant’s bid to drive from the UK to the Polish border to deliver some of these items.
Guess we are struggling until we are not struggling?
Prime Minister Scott Morrison criticised a recent deal China made to buy more wheat from Russia, saying it was throwing the country “an economic lifeline”.
So how far could China help out Russia economically?
Will sanctions on Russia affect trade?
China says it will “continue to have normal trade co-operation” with Russia.
Ok, sentiment aside, has anybody thought of the future with the potential of taking in tens of thousands of Ukrainian refugees ? What happens if/when the war ends ? Its reported that refugees will be given leave to stay for 3 years, with access to everything.
So, realistically, out of these many thousands, how many will actually return to Ukraine ? Yes it will take time for the rebuilding of bombed cities and towns, but its not beyond the wit of man to assume that once our welfare system is accessed, very few will be returning home.
Bleeding hearts cry that “we’ve always been a safe haven for refugees ” – yes, but at what point is the pot boiling over ? The Kindertransport in the second world war is often exampled, but the population in the UK was tens of millions less than where we are today.
Countries in Europe are nowhere near as densely populated as we are, so are Spain, Portugal, Switzerland taking in the hundreds of thousands that talking heads on the tele want us to take in ? Immigration is a running sore in this country, and its getting worse with our open door policy where nobody gets sent home !
As we are assured that times are going to get tough and society is put under greatly increased stress will the ethnically diverse population stick together or will it fragment with each ethnic group looking after their own? The latent problems of fifty years of mass immigration of different cultures are going to come home to roost big time.
Don’t say that we didn’t warn you !
A prediction for the BBC tomorrow: the TOADY Programme will feature ‘some people’ ie. two who tried to offer rooms to refugees but the Government web-site crashed or kept them in front of their computers fo 9/10/11/15/16 hours.
A prediction for the BBC in two to three months time: the TOADY Programme will feature ‘some refugee people’ ie two who have been staying in sub-standard accommodation in peoples’ homes for £350 per month as well as being given tasks to do.
A prediction for the BBC in a year’s time: the TOADY Programme will feature a Labour or Crossbench Peer claiming that the taxpayer has been massively defrauded.
Cynical? Moi?
I could not possibly comment.
“…plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose…”
My prediction
The BBC will not say how many decent Ukrainian refugees fleeing a real war could have been put in hotels but for third world chancers looking for handouts ….
The moral high ground ( rights )
versus freezing families – nut nut going to Saudi with a begging bowl ….
To which the sheikh might say ‘go frack yourself ‘…
My controversial viewpoint:
I believe that fighting the Russian invaders is a totally futile exercise. Zelensky is either on some sort of power trip or is deluded. There is no possibility that the Ukraine can defeat the Russians, no-one from the West can help either without the risk of WW3. The only result gained from this asymmetric “War” will be death and destruction of the Ukraine and Ukrainians Zelensky, please call a halt to the conflict.
As for refugees. I think it’s a mistake to take them, there’s enough problems in the UK as it is.
Someone has to say it
I totally agree. We should let Putin roll across Europe unhindered, that’s the best thing to do. I’m sure you’ll be welcomed into the fold with open arms.
Putin will have to stop at the borders of NATO – for the same reason we can’t actively materially help Ukriane to fight him – the threat of WW3
Given that the West has blundered into this situation the present alternative to a ceasefire and acceptance of at least some of what Putin demands is what exactly?
We bravely fight him to the last drop of the last Ukrainian’s blood?
Or do we enable him to safely deport the entire non-Russian speaking population to Tunbridge Wells. Call it Novo-Kyiv?
Flotsamski – you’d have been popular here in 1939.
As for the Russian ‘security operation ‘ as you’d probably call it – the longer it goes on – and the more Russians are killed – the less likely putin will go for another European target – eg Poland of Hungary or the Balkan states – …
Also – of course -the real economic pain in Russia might concentrate potential threats to putin do something about him ….
I have suspected Zelenski’s irrational and highly dangerous calls for military help from the UN is based on more than love for his Country. When/If the Russians complete their invasion they will no doubt be rifling through the paperwork as it were and quite possibly uncover stuff that Zelenski and Co. do not want to be uncovered so he has nothing to lose by risking setting off WW3.
TOADY Watch #1 – Beeboids enjoy long holidays
For example, the Montacutie works four days a week and has been on two weeks winter hols until last week. On TOADY Dharshini David appears to have disappeared, her place on TOADY being taken by a new recruit, Sean Farrington, who is already clocking up the extra CO2 miles.
As for Dominic O’Connell the Business Correspondent from New Zealand, I don’t think I have heard him on the BBC for many months. Quite how does a Broadcasting Corporation run a business with so many on the payroll not apparently doing any work?
Oh, silly me!
The Compulsory TV Licence Fee, that’s how!
Hint to HMG: with ‘a squeeze on household incomes’ thanks to tax rises, inflation, commodity price increases, etc., now would be a really good time to help households’ budgets by scrapping the Telly Tax progressively and almost completely over the next three years: down to £120 in year 1, down to £80 in year 2, and halving to £40 in year 3, then set at £20 thereafter.
You can’t cut the tele fax, what would happen to the 23,000 staff, and all those channels 🙂
ajs, 25,000,000 x £20 = half a billion. Add the BBC’s other commercial activities which yield 1.5 billion = £2 billion. If they cannot run five radio networks and two or three TV stations on that with associated pay cuts for staff and presenters then the BBC Board should be sacked by HMG for incompetence.
totally agree Up2
bbc studios makes wonder, how they go undeclared of income and “staff”
I discover that the BBC are to kill off Bargain Hunt and replace it with yet another faux quiz show featuring celebrity contestants, it will also have a very “diverse” cast as we have come to expect.
They already throw oodles of cash at celebrities such as Richard Osman already through these repetitive and totally boring “quiz” type shows, do you think they are trying to share the family silver before the bailiffs arrive?
When I was a schoolboy I remember being taught the benefits of crop rotation in the garden.
Well the MSM have taken it a step further and regularly indulge in swamp creature rotation to nobody’s benfit except the swamp creatures.
And we thought that the days of the closed shop were behind us.