“India to bail out Russia by buying oil at heavily reduced prices”…. read the headlines.
Terrific, the money they save can replace the money we’re giving India every year in foreign aid…. and we can use it to replace debt for years to come.
What is it that the BBC and its brainiac green activists don’t understand abouit us fracking and releasing oil from the North Sea ?
We can just use the same amount of fossil fuels as we would do otherwise, but it would be using ‘our’ fossil fuels.
If, like India, the rest of the world choses to buy more fossil fuels from Russia, because it might be cheaper, then that’s down to them. They would be the ones threatening the environment, not the UK.
Then Monbiot & Co. can frack off and blame them for a change
So Bargain Hunt is for the chop?
I sussed all was not well when they introduced the “Close Your Eyes” stunt just before the expert revealed the Bonus Buy.
Most of the tat was anything but a Bonus.
If it was the 70,s they could have introduced Topless Bargain Hunt..give it a mid life kicker!
The Express is today running that story but they ran ot 5 weeks ago.
Meanwhile the Shrewsbury newspaper says ‘local star has started work on a new series of Bargain Hunt’
6:17pm ITV local news
Already into the SECOND PRasNews item each one featuring a BAME expert
#1 “Make sure you stay up with home repairs or it could cost you big” reporter Catherine Walker
(I guess it’s some government PR)
#2 “Scientists say Spring is coming earlier”
Reporter Nick Smith laid on the spin very heavily.
FFS It’s the 14th of March
Yet his report basically said it’s a critical planetary disaster that we how flowers now.
His experts were encouraging us to plant completely different species.
Other sources say we have over 100 years bred species to flower earlier etc.
Weather comes on “many areas can expect a frost tomorrow, but then some areas could reach 14C”
I bet we have some more cold days before Summer.
#3 Now it’s Fashion parades for Autistic children. a biz run by Katie Prices son
#me too, Kaiser. They were poking their heads out before Christmas then out on New Years Day.
Mine are out now but, in theory, I’m in a cosy spot in south-east although it has not felt like that this year. Mind you my daffs were late compared to someone’s just around the corner. Mine rushed to be open before the stems were strong enough to take the weight. Was in Canterbury recently and there was a full field of daffs on the central reservation of the A2 in Rheims Way.
Hawthorn blossom has been open as early as end of December/first week of January but not this year; middle of February.
Here this year Spring is later than last year
snowdrops came in mid Jan
Daffodils 3 or 4 weeks ago
One neighbour’s ornamental cherry is in blossom
Most days have cold winds ..no days for picnic yet.
The toads are late spawning in the garden pond this year, and the veterans on the allotments haven’t started planting yet, and we’re in the SW, one of the mildest parts of the UK, supposedly ahead of London and the Midlands on planting/flowering.
Both the last two years (my first two with an allotment) I started planting around the earliest time it said on the seed packets, because it was so warm… then regretted it after hard frosts in May and early June, which often weren’t even forecast/reported.
“Unseasonably late frosts” said the old gents on the allotments, “but, to be expected after a warm spring”. “What about global warming?” said I, “What global warming?” said they.
This year I’m not planting anything in the ground until I see the people who know what they’re doing are too.
BBC local news
#1 “Look at these people they are very good, they are opening their houses to Ukrainians,
I bet you aren’t you are a miserly person”
It’s like an advert with 5 couples showing the cameras around their homes”
“hosts and refugees will be vetted”
.. How long do CRB/DBS checks take these days ? months ?
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – yes, but what about the NHS backlog and increased NHS demand from refugees?
The highly paid Beeboids are desperate to avoid paying more in tax although, as Thoughtful pointed out on this site a couple of weeks ago, there is an upper limit or ceiling for the increased contributions. Many Beeboids will pay £500+ more a year but the ceiling limits their contribution to the NHS to that amount.
The BBC have enlisted Mr Bean, no not that one, to help them: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business in the fight for postponement. I wonder what someone on a low income but waiting for delayed elective surgery feels about this campaign by high earners in the media and especially at the BBC? The Beeboids mostly all have private healthcare cover probably.
BBC local new
Alok Sharma “More wind is the way to go
if we want cheaper energy”
..Doh every time you add a windfarm to the grid it greatly increases the costs of electricity.
To all of the Putin supporters on this website . Your boy
really has some form I didn’t know about. Prof Mark Felton
just about the best historian on You Tube has given us
another terrific historical insight into Vlad the bad.
It’s not Vlad’s fault that his grandfather used to cook for
Uncle Joe Stalin. But some of the worst aspects from his
grandfather’s era have been handed down to him.
I knew that Vlad the bad had an important position in the
KGB in Dresden. But I didn’t know that part of his duties
involved liaising with the Baader Mainhof Gang in West
Germany, who were trying to batter the democratic elected
government into submission. The Red Army Faction had a
good friend in Vlad the Bad.
Putin is now surrounded and protected by all his sycophant
associates from his KGB days. It looks like the only way to
stop this latter day Czar, in the mould of Peter and Catherine
the two “great” czars who conquered THE Ukraine for
the Russian empire is for Vlad the bad’s chef to put something
similar in his dinner similar to what a gentleman in
Salisbury had as an extra , served up with his dinner.
I dont support putin, I support US the british people, nobody else.
But I can see “our” and our “allies” weakness has encouraged putins actions
I can also see our (elites) and “allies” behaviour has given russia an excuse to take its actions and just throw the hypocrisy card at us, yugoslavia , iraq , afganistan ….. anyone
all our establishment lined up to get rid of/criticise/not do a deal with trump, all welcomed brandon the saviour who was going to bring stability normalisation and peace to the world and no more mean tweets to boot.
and Chyna has poisoned the world and tumbleweed, not even boycotting their sporting events.
They have sowed the seeds and we are reaping the costs , vlad has simply taken advantage , I doubt he will be the last.
I have an autistic friend (only diagnosed a couple of years ago, we always thought he was just ‘a bit weird’) who is like that, very academic, but doesn’t watch the news, never listens to the radio, not interested in newspapers, barely notices other human beings most of the time… a complete creature of habit, wrapped up in his own little world, and totally oblivious to anything else.
He got picked up by the plod for going for a stroll during the first lockdown, and was lucky not to get fined – they seem to have twigged he’s not quite ‘normal’. Apparently, he said something along the lines of “Co-what? Pandemic? What pandemic? When did that happen?”
TONIGHT: Join us for 1st of our specials 𝗨𝗸𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗻𝗲: 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗚𝗹𝗼𝗯𝗮𝗹 𝗙𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘂𝘁: @KirstyWark in Warsaw & @BBCYaldaHakim in Lviv. We assess key role of Poland on Nato's eastern border and as it welcomes refugees. How will crisis change politics in Europe and the world?
Guest, BBC cooking up CO2 like it is going out of fashion. Funny thing but it may be, as some Yooni has discovered that temps haven’t risen at all but they are labelling it as ‘an anomaly’ just to placate the Climate Campaigners.
The president of France has ‘dressed’ down pretending to be the Ukrainian president – macron in jeans macron with stubble macron with a hoodie ….
Next up – nut nut in cammo- starmer as a seaman –
The BBC have been misreporting the Second/Secure Factor Authorisation introduction today 1. as being ‘Strong’ Factor Authorisation and 2. something introduced in the UK. It is actually an EU requirement that we should have junked as part of leaving.
I only buy The Daily Mail on a Saturday these days and to be honest that’s probably going to end soon…
This week’s edition featured a really fatuous essay by the historian, Dominic Sandbrook. He acknowledges that things are pretty dire, but suggests that they could be a whole lot worse if we had chosen different political leaders; ie Jeremy Corbyn and Donald Trump.
Well, there’s no argument regarding Corbyn, the prospect of him running our country brings me out in hives. But Trump?
I honestly don’t think Putin would have dared taken on this murderous adventure if The Donald had still been in The White House. He made these tinpot dictators quake in their boots. The very fact that he was so unpredictable persuaded them not to invade anyone’s country. They waited until…
So now we’ve got sleepy Joe at the helm, the pathetic specimen who cut and run from Afghanistan, leaving billions of dollars worth of equipment behind for the Taliban. The poor old sod doesn’t seem to know which country has been invaded and has already told Putin “we’re not going to war”. Brilliant strategy!
Hannah Fry appears on BBC as a science expert, pushing green dreams
and just now on BBC-Yesterday channel she appeared in a Green investment corp advert doing the voice over
Anyway. I ended up chatting to the founders of Clim8 and I think they’re a force for good, so I’m going to be doing some work with them. Channel 4 are backing them too so you’ll hear my voice popping up on their new telly ad. #ad
Clim8 is a digital investment platform focused on companies having a +ve impact on #climatechange.
Their #equitycrowdfunding is overfunding.
Already backed by £5m of VC and 3,000 retail investors
, they’ve traded equity for £2m of ad airtime with #Channel4
So public service broadcaster Channel4 have an investment in the Green Investment corp
So are they going to report problems with Gren investments properly ?
In his essay “Politics and the English Language” (1946) Orwell observed that “political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.” In other words, certain political language (propaganda) uses words and phrases to hide ugly truths. He foresaw how politicians would misstate and mislead in order to stay in power, using words to distort more than to inform, not to convey meaning but to undermine it.
In Nineteen Eighty-Four Orwell called this newspeak. And because words have the power to shape thought, newspeak is a powerful tool in the hands of a propagandist. Big Brother’s newspeak narrows citizens’ range of thought, making it difficult for them to express, or even to consider, unorthodox ideas that do not align with the state’s goals — in effect, preventing any kind of logical thinking. Taken to an extreme, the language of newspeak encourages something called doublethink, a hypnotic state of cognitive dissonance in which one is compelled to disregard one’s own perception in favor of the officially dictated narrative. In other words, people accept a distorted reality rather than reality itself and swallow the state’s distorted propositions and claims instead of considering the “ugly truths” of reality.
I’ve read 1984 a number of times – maybe it’s due another outing . I wonder if Orwell ever thought the world he described would come true – and that it would include his own country ….
I don’t think even Orwell could have dreamt of the internet and free truth / lies at the tap of a keyboard ….
Anyone predicting the future – beyond tomorrow – good luck ..
Breitbart is reporting that the Green party nutters in power via co-alition in Scotland are refusing to take any notice of the warnings of the farmers and economists about looming famine about to overtake Europe.
They are refusing to postpone re-wilding of useful farmland even for 6 months to ensure the people have enough to eat.
It’s a shame that Scotland isn’t a closed system where the clueless imbeciles who vote for these loons are forced to suffer for their choices, instead they will make everyone in the country suffer as supermarkets truck in the produce which will actually cause even more onsumption of fossil fuels having the opposite effects the Greens claim to want. The rest of us are going to have to pay much higher prices as a consequence.
Assets of Russian oligarchs to be seized in response to invasion of Ukraine. But when a bunch of anarchists squat in an oligarch’s mansion Priti’s riot squad turn up to protect the property and make arrests.
Like them or not, these anarchists have made a point about hypocrisy.
Unless and until the illegality of the oligarchs money has been proven there is no justification for seizing their property by the state let alone the mob.
The ‘rules based system’ that the illiberal so called liberals claim to support includes property rights and a fair trail. I see no divergence between the despicable action of Trudeau in seizing the Truckers bank accounts and the confiscation of the oligarchs property until we know with legal certainty that the oligarchs money is illegal. Strongly suspecting that it was is not enough. If the state behaves like this it won’t stop until we end up with our own Trudeau who punishes anyone who dares to protest.
Vlad/ Stew Good comments. And it warms my heart to see someone brave enough to do that in Russia.
What I don’t understand is why I risk getting labelled pro- Putin because I may choose not indulge in the Ukraine hysteria that is cheer-led by the msm. The actions of the US Democrats and the depth of their interference with democracy in the Ukraine should also be exposed.
“Good Vlad” -She’s probably dead already, or been “fixed”
What a brave lady. Can you ever imagine any of the plethora
of the lady news presenters, reporters, etc etc saying anything
anything even slightly derogatory about the BBC ,live on air?
You can take the man out of the bbc but, man, the bbc stays in them…
In less than 3 weeks the EU made a pivot to re-armament, strategic autonomy and self-sufficiency; Johnson – nothing… no major policy change, no comms with population over pain to come; I think we know why… #Lebedev 1/ …
The BBC Paul Brand Engineer Editor is likely the same as the BBC Keith Vaz Washing machine Editor.
Lol Labour trying to score points by making reference to a tweet from ITV Paul Brand 🙄 The smirk is soon taken off his face when Gove tells him Pauls internet must be wonky 😂 pic.twitter.com/NQkvUHHOoD
Our Daily Mail sometimes asks a question out of turn: ‘Why are hospitals STILL refusing to allow visitors?‘
Which prompts one to click on the number two subject tab on the BBC online news pages, just to the right of “War in Ukraine” and just to the left of “Climate”
‘All UK travel rules to end on Friday, says government‘ – well, that should at least help speed up what the ‘i’ newspaper this morning headlines as: ‘UK families open homes to refugees‘
BBC: ‘Covid infections rising again across UK – ONS… A sub-variant of Omicron, called BA.2, is now thought to be the most common strain in most of the UK… Asked if there were worries about sub-variants Health Secretary Sajid Javid said the government had “no concerns at all”‘
So do we take it that the Government now admits they made a massive error over the recent Omicron lockdown?
Seems it is high time for a few official mea culpas: ‘An inevitable war? How everybody misread Putin’s moves before Ukraine invasion‘ (Guardian); ‘West made terrible mistake after Crimea – PM‘ (BBC); ‘West made terrible mistake with Putin, PM‘ (Telegraph) – motion carried unanimously.
You know how much we enjoy sorting through the numbers that our media enjoys impressing us with: ‘Coming over here, staying in our spare rooms… with 37,000 signing up to hosting scheme in first four hours‘ – quips the ‘i’ with a subtle naughty swipe at Brexit supporters there.
‘Ukraine. 25,000 Brits offer to take in refugees‘ – so says the Sun with uncharacteristic modesty, celebrating: ‘More than 25,000 big hearted Brits‘
‘44,000 sign up to give a refugee a home… The official website was overwhelmed just minutes after its launch‘ (Daily Mail) – told you that would happen yesterday morning. Let’s hope it hasn’t been targeted by those Russian cyber bots we hear so much about these days.
Do I hear any advance? Not of Putin’s tanks… I mean of the numbers of refugee-friendly clicks with apparently virtuous intent?
‘Rush to take in Ukrainians. Refugees scheme’s website crashes as more than 44,000 Britions offer spare room in first six hours‘ (Times)
The refugee-friendly Guardian isn’t impressed: ‘Gove plan for people fleeing Ukraine is “DIY asylum scheme” – Labour‘ – well, yes it is… so what’s the problem with that? Could it be that the Tories are nicking all of the socialist party’s policies? Let me guess… Sir Keir reckons the measures should have been earlier, stronger and last longer. Sound familiar? Some say the Tory policy in government is nothing but slow motion socialism.
From hero to zero within a week: ‘Abramovitch “part of £2bn organised crime scam”‘ (Times) – that was quick – and they say criminal financial malfeasance investigations take ages.
“It’s propaganda. They are lying to you here”… Russia’s state broadcaster Channel One was hit by an extraordinary protest yesterday as an employee burst on to the set of the nightly news‘ (Guardian) – her banner quite handily headlined not in cyrilic but in English: “No war”
Thank heavens security at the BBC One news studio is tight enough, and the staff are like-minded enough, not to let such a thing happen here.
On a lighter note: ‘Pet collars and sports bras…‘ (FT) – having regained your attention… I’m about to bore you with the dismal science of economics ‘…replace coal and suits in inflation “shopping basket”‘ – our computer modelling savvy ONS statisticians there, finding new ways to massage the inflation figures.
One has to smile when one reads the Financial Times frontpage advert and the rather appropriate copy reads: ‘The best way to defeat inflation is to outwork it‘
Sanctions, eh? Apparently they are our best shot against Putin. I assume we’ve all seen one of those hilarious video clips where a newbie ISIS fighter picks up a rocket launcher backwards and fires the rocket at his mates standing behind him?
‘Lehman’s fall has parallels with Russian sanctions‘ (FT)
‘Last chance to reverse fracking ban, says firm‘ (Telegraph)
Not to worry. Our media are sure to busy working on some new narratives: ‘Hyenas are softies. Attenborough’s trickiest rehab job yet‘ (‘i’)
Also OT, but here’s the Depress showing why all tabloid media, meaning all media now, headlines are making them laughing stocks.
Farmer SHOOTS dog in front of horrified owner after spotting it attacking his sheep https://t.co/C2qDLKCreh
— Bob For A Full Brexit (@boblister_poole) March 14, 2022
Likely Reeta being airlifted there to ask the canine owner, of horror, just how horrified they were. Then airlifted back to be a beacon of target for night fighters on the borders. No collies.
I assumed Iceland would have still used the Polar Bear as their standard unit of astonishment measurement – despite climate change – that’s if they haven’t gone metric.
Giraffe? Surely that’s an African standard being employed a very long way from home? But as Lenny Henry might once have exclaimed “Katanga Katanga, my friends”
Seriously, I’d be absolutely devastated if my dog was shot, but if he was worrying sheep and got shot, that would be my fault, not the farmer’s. My dog, my responsibility, same applies to children, cars, etc… or should do.
There is headline news in the Daily Mail today that Putin might not be able to sustain his invasion for another 14 days – quite a long time in warfare.
Imagine the damage Russian forces could do in 14 days of utter destruction though.
Analysis I saw last night claimed a current 2 million displaced people could rise to 8 million which would bring down the EU which would not be able to cope with so many.
We should be worrying a little more about our own ability to cope with the numbers and a little less with the war itself.
All Putin needs do at that stage is of course to cut the gas, and German industry grinds to a halt, because of wickedly poor decisions made by delusional fantasy land politicians.
This is more dangerous for us than at any other time, and we have a leader unfit for office even in the good times, and now is utterly clueless as to what is happening.
Robinson in the land of Krauts ….. I admit I filtered it through sleep … but I got the impression that the Russian spy who was responsible for keeping Germany militarily weak – the haus Frau – didn’t get a mention .
But if you look at what she did – ensure Germany was dependent on Russia for power – even closing German nuclear power stations – and leaving the German army weak has to make her beyond putin as an ally – and actually worked for him
Yet no blame – no mention
No mention of the false American president
No mention of president trump demanding NATO pay their way ….
Once the BBC decides it doesn’t like someone or something i it is full on bias . If it approves of someone or something – eg Merkel – they can do no wrong ….
The same applied to J Saville
BTW -Up2 wins the days ‘ prediction award for predicting the government ‘Ukraine house ‘ website crashing ….
Fedup-If true -The most fantastic spy in history. I bet
Meryl Streep would be as good in the role as she was
at playing Maggie Thatcher. I wonder who could play
Putin at their secret meetings?
Once again the story just does not add up. She was taken to another hospital, her baby was still-born, then she died, then a bloke saying he was her husband turned up and took away the bodies and no one at the hospital thought to take his name. So she has in fact vanished.
Now if I was a BBC journalist I would be asking….
Did the first hospital have her name?
If she was un-named at the first hospital how did the supposed husband know where to find her?
So the authorities have no names and no bodies now therefore finding out who she was will be impossible now. So no vigils, candles etc. etc.
A maternity hospital with no babies inside, empty rooms until the third day after attack when we see a couple of empty cots
A bit like the nursery bombed with all its windows still intact and a small hole in the wall and ….no children there
Something stinks about all these stories
and all the military experts wheeled out and not one has asked why Russia paratoopers arrived near the nuclear plants BEFORE a foot on the ground in Ukraine
and all the media seem to know everything about supposed Russia false flag attacks such as nuclear and boiweapons all of a sudden yet did not have a clue before they invaded of any of their intentions
funny that
Occams razor might suggest another reason for this sudden insight…
Spooky…. the BBC have “disappeared” the link to that story from their home page.
Having finally realised how lame the facts are I guess a modern day Winston Smith has been busy deep in the bowels of Broadcasting House changing history.
Propaganda only works if it is believable and not Russian I guess.
It’s a good job the cowardly useless incompetent Tories of today weren’t around at the time of WWII Boris simply would have been sat there bewildered and clueless as ever waiting for the next party to start.
BBC has already commissioned ‘I’m More Virtuous Than You’. I have learned.
It’s in case the number of those signing up online exceed those requiring spaces. In reality.
Luckily, if it gets awkward and it looks like a Celeb might get a minger for photo op purposes, the BBC Socks Dept. has commissioned BBC QT producers to rig things.
Labour MPs have already been offered advance choices.
Guest who
For a moment I thought about signing up . But then I thought ‘remember – Fedup – don’t trust the state – if something goes wrong you will be left high and dry ….and the local council has maxed out the poll tax increase again this year – so ‘no’ “
Don’t know what to make of it. By the time the LA claims their Council Tax adjustment for the extra occupier(s) and same with Water/Sewage/increase household insurance policy etc. there won’t be much left of the £350. Seems to me.
My pleasure ..
University lecturers have been accused of spreading pro-Putin propaganda on social media as the Government promises a “crackdown”.
Several academics have been acting as “useful idiots” for Russia’s atrocities, a senior Tory MP warned on Monday.
In education questions, Robert Halfon, chairman of the education select committee, told the Commons that an investigation by LBC had exposed “pro-Putinist propaganda at some of our leading universities”.
He added that Ray Bush, professor emeritus of African studies and development politics at the University of Leeds, had made reference to the United States having “chemical warfare installations in Ukraine – that’s a lie, as he knows, being spread by the Kremlin”.
At Edinburgh University, Professor Tim Hayward retweeted a Russian representative to the United Nations describing the attack on Mariupol’s maternity hospital as “fake news”, he said, while at Leicester University another academic had described “ludicrous disinformation on both sides” and “boasted about appearing on Russia Today”.
Prof Hayward, who specialises in environmental political theory, retweeted a Russian government official who branded the Mariupol maternity ward attack “fake news”, and added: “As long as we’re still able to hear two sides of the story we should continue striving to do so.”
Prof Bush tweeted: “US says Russia comment that Washington has chemical warfare installations in Ukraine is a lie – who would we believe about that?”
Nadhim Zahawi, the Education Secretary, promised to launch a crackdown on academics who promote pro-Putin propaganda.
He said that the university minister was “already on the case” and was in contact with the relevant institutions.
“Putin and his cronies are a malign influence on anyone in this country buying their false narrative, and I have to repeat it is a false and dangerous narrative, and we will crack down on it hard,” Mr Zahawi added.
Prof Hayward said he was tweeting in a personal capacity and that he did not “retweet but quote-tweeted”.
He said he did not endorse the “categorical fake news allegation” and that he retweeted many people whom he disagreed with. “I recognise propaganda can abound on all sides. I am not pro-Russia and emphatically not pro-Putin,” he said.
“For all that, though, having learned lessons from Iraq WMD [weapons of mass destruction] lies and others since, I believe that citizens should keep a watchful eye on information that can be used to escalate tensions and war. I have not repeated any narrative,” he added.
A University of Edinburgh spokesperson said they do not comment on individual members of staff but added: “The University of Edinburgh joins colleagues in the sector in condemning the invasion of Ukraine and we fully endorse the Universities UK statement on this issue. We do not comment on individual members of our staff.”ENDS
Ignoring them until it becomes a chance to jump at the top job … politics!
Employment and earnings
Payments received via United Agents, 12-26 Lexington Street, London W1F 0LE:
6 May 2021, received £11,070 as advance for a new book from Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 50 Bedford Square, London, WC1B 3DP. Hours: more than 100 hrs over the last 18 months. (Registered 06 May 2021)
14 January 2022, received £2,010 from Tantor Media Inc, 6 Business Park Road, Old Saybrook, CT 06475, USA, for audio rights to a book. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 14 January 2022)
Payments for articles from the Telegraph Media Group, 111 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 0DT:
9 March 2021, received £250. Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 30 March 2021)
10 March 2021, received £2,000 for speaking at an LGBTQ+ webinar on my book, from Goldman Sachs International, Plumtree Court, 25 Shoe Lane, London EC4A 4AU. Hours: 2 hrs. (Registered 15 March 2021)
2 March 2021, received £250 from Reach Shared Services Limited, 3rd Floor, 5 St Paul’s Square, Liverpool, for article in Daily Express. Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 30 March 2021)
26 February 2021, received £275 from Stream Publishing Limited, The Cowshed, Ladycross Farm, Hollow Lane, Surrey RH7 6PB, for article for Attitude. Hours: 1.5 hrs. (Registered 30 March 2021)
5 July 2021, received £175 from the Boswell Trust, Auchendrane, By Ayr, KA7 4TW, for speaking at a Festival event on 13 June 2021. Hours: 2 hrs. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 26 July 2021)
30 July 2021, received £275 for a survey from Ipsos MORI, 3 Thomas More Square, London E1W 1YW. Hours: 1 hr 15 mins. (Registered 30 July 2021)
Payments from Mace Media Limited, 8A Lower Grosvenor Place, London SW1W 0EN:
3 September 2021, received £250 for an article for Mace Magazine. Hours: 90 mins. (Registered 06 September 2021)
15 October 2021, received £400 for two book reviews. Hours: 2 hrs. (Registered 19 October 2021)
21 February 2022, received £200 for an article for Mace Magazine. Hours: 45 mins. (Registered 21 February 2022)
Payments from Guardian News & Media Ltd, Kings Place, 90 York Way, London N1 9GU:
18 November 2021, received £250 for an article. Hours: 45 mins. (Registered 18 November 2021)
21 February 2022, received £100 for an article. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 21 February 2022)
2 February 2022, received £600 from Associated Newspapers Ltd, Northcliffe House, 2 Derry Street, Kensington, London W8 5T, for two articles. Hours: 1.5 hrs. (Registered 02 February 2022)
I’m sure comrade Bryant’s constituents will think about Saudi human rights when they decide whether to spend their benefits on food or fuel or a TVLicence ….
By the way – don’t you think TVlicences are really cheap now? Equivalent to a full tank of diesel ….
Tulip Siddiq’s selective attacks on foreign leaders
In Bangladesh – under the rule of Siddiq’s aunt, Sheikh Hasina – hundreds of people have gone missing. The country has an appalling record when it comes to defending human rights: families who have tried to report their loved ones as missing have been told by police not to bother. https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/tulip-siddiq-s-selective-attacks-on-foreign-leaders
Advert on last month’s council magazine
“House a young person and get £85/week”
That’s awfully similar to
“House a Ukrainian and get £350/month”
I wonder if many families sign their own kids up to the scheme and send them to live next door
..while next door sends you their kids
Therefore each household gets £85/week/child extra
order-order.com ” as of yesterday, EU states and firms are still buying oil from three Russian companies, even after the latest “transaction ban” sanctions. The EU states are literally funding Putin’s war-machine…”
You still won’t hear any criticism of Biden on the BBC, but Farage doesn’t mince his words.
In this interview, he says that a peace deal is possible for Ukraine; “it needs a broker, traditionally that would have been the American President, this one doesn’t know what time of the day of the day it is and is unfit for purpose, so it leaves only China.”
Last year the crown prince was revealed to have texted Johnson personally to ask him to intervene to “correct” the Premier League’s “wrong” decision not to allow a £300m takeover of Newcastle United by a Saudi-led consortium.
“Experts said helicopter or plane would be out of the question. The car journey from the Polish border to Kyiv is over seven hours, and also fraught with danger.
So there was disbelief when it emerged the three would travel to the Ukrainian capital by train – a seven hour journey in peacetime.”
Inconvenient fact that it looks safe to travel in Ukraine by train…maybe the Russians forgot to blow up a few miles of train track here and there.
Is it possible that Russia is really conducting a “special military operation ” in Ukraine rather than the narrative BBC peddle?
Wow \\ Is it possible that Russia is really conducting a “special military operation ” in Ukraine rather than the narrative BBC peddle?//
.. That looks like a wacky comment to me
Sure it could be all fake and staged in Hollywood, but it’s one hell of a conspiracy theory.
A “special operation” is when Trump’s regime designated Qassim Suleimani, Commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards a terrorist
and took him out in an airstrike.
What Putin did is clearly invade Ukraine with a view to occupying large areas… that’s not merely a narrative.
1. Government u-turns on Covid policy, relaxing almost all of the rules imposed, in response to strong opposition to these rules from local communities.
2. Government relaxes almost all of the Covid rules it imposed, a decision met with strong support from local communities.
I leave it to you to guess which was the headline used by the BBC at 06:30 this morning on it’s news roundup on the Today programmme….
….. oh, one little bit of other information which may help you make a choice, the headline was announcing the decision of the Labour government in Wales.
‘He was an adrenalin junkie’: Fiancée of Romanian immigrant ‘poster boy’ greeted by Keith Vaz in 2014 who died in 100mph car crash while on cocaine was a thrill seeker who ‘knew he’d die young’
Victor Spirescu welcomed by Keith Vaz when immigration rules relaxed in 2014
The Romanian was pictured shaking hands with the minister and having coffee
He went on to make a good living in the UK and became an air duct fitter
The 33-year-old got engaged to Suzana Mates and the pair travelled extensively
She said he was an ‘adrenalin junkie’ who lived life to the full and worked hard
PUBLISHED: 13:16, 11 May 2018 | UPDATED: 15:48, 11 May 2018
The latest iteration of the Threatening letter from TVLicencing tells me that a ‘code’ has been issued against my address and that I could get a visit “any time day or evening weekdays or weekends “
Isn’t it strange how Lovely warm ‘all in it together aunty “ can be so sinister and threatening when it is after money …
“Smuggling gangs have been quick to capitalise on the war in Ukraine: Sue Mitchell and Rob Lawrie investigate the profits being made as people flee their homes in search of safety.”
So, let me get this straight….. all the luvvies and left-wing activists, and all of the opposition parties, as well as the BBC basically believe the guff that they are being fed……which, given the circumstances proposed above, basically says that none of the countries in Europe that they have passed through, including loads of EU countries, are at all ‘safe’.
So why the hell do they also try to tell us that we’re falling behind these countries in our efforts ….. do they want us to be even less safe than they are ?
Considering the Ukraine is the other end of Europe to the UK, assuming they’ve travelled overland, that’s got to be quite a few countries Richard.
Nearly 30 years ago, as a young student, I took a coach trip with a friend to Prague, as I recall, we crossed parts of Northern France, Belgium, and Germany before we got to the Czech Republic, coming from the Ukraine you’d need to cross the length of Slovakia too, and that’s assuming you took the quickest and most direct route with no detours.
Plenty of chances to get off along the way, and it’s a long trip, so you’d surely be tempted to stop at some point, especially if you have young children, and so you don’t have so far to travel on the way home to your ‘beloved motherland’ in a few months time… how many Ukrainian refugees have these countries all taken? How many Syrian, Afghan, Somalian, Nigerian, Iraqi, Kurdish, Pakistani… ?
I notice the BBC website is now pushing the ‘Poland under threat of invasion’ line, which could, potentially mean a mass influx of Polish refugees, as well as those from the Ukraine and Belarus currently sheltering in Poland?
Will the entire population of the EU (+immigrants) attempt to cower in the already overcrowded UK?
Fedup2Mar 10, 08:46 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Asiseeit It’s good of you to point out how previous threads ‘disappear ‘ as the new one goes up .…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 08:44 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I am not so sure that the Conservatives will win. Thanks to Trump and 51 st state joke the Canadians…
GMar 10, 08:39 Start the Week 10th March 2025 ” Try to think of it in reverse. Would Canada appoint a Briton to be their central bank governor?” More…
FlotsamMar 10, 08:39 Start the Week 10th March 2025 It’s strange really how Carney, a supposedly technocrat economist/banker, has found politics. You would have thought central bankers would be…
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 08:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Andy, they do go on don’t they? From the article “The lawyer, a KC or King’s Counsel, who has not…
vladMar 10, 08:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Maureen Lipman tears into the BBC for its anti-Semitism – Gary Lineker & Miriam Margolyes in particular. Delicious. https://youtu.be/PX8_GOKob5s
Shameful antics from a leading academic wrt Ivermectin
Also tomo…Shocking claims in this article re covid that if proven true should create rage worldwide, not to mention retribution on a massive scale.
“India to bail out Russia by buying oil at heavily reduced prices”…. read the headlines.
Terrific, the money they save can replace the money we’re giving India every year in foreign aid…. and we can use it to replace debt for years to come.
So what’s the problem with that, BBC ?
The BBC are helpfully telling viewers how to spot fake news.
Here’s a simple rule of thumb:
What is it that the BBC and its brainiac green activists don’t understand abouit us fracking and releasing oil from the North Sea ?
We can just use the same amount of fossil fuels as we would do otherwise, but it would be using ‘our’ fossil fuels.
If, like India, the rest of the world choses to buy more fossil fuels from Russia, because it might be cheaper, then that’s down to them. They would be the ones threatening the environment, not the UK.
Then Monbiot & Co. can frack off and blame them for a change
ITV 9pm ..small town cops in an Irish village
One is black of course.
So Bargain Hunt is for the chop?
I sussed all was not well when they introduced the “Close Your Eyes” stunt just before the expert revealed the Bonus Buy.
Most of the tat was anything but a Bonus.
If it was the 70,s they could have introduced Topless Bargain Hunt..give it a mid life kicker!
The Express is today running that story but they ran ot 5 weeks ago.
Meanwhile the Shrewsbury newspaper says ‘local star has started work on a new series of Bargain Hunt’
‘ If it was the 70,s they could have introduced Topless Bargain Hunt..give it a mid life kicker!’
Hosted by Our Marianna of the Rack?
I’d watch that. Not live, of course.
6:17pm ITV local news
Already into the SECOND PRasNews item each one featuring a BAME expert
#1 “Make sure you stay up with home repairs or it could cost you big” reporter Catherine Walker
(I guess it’s some government PR)
#2 “Scientists say Spring is coming earlier”
Reporter Nick Smith laid on the spin very heavily.
FFS It’s the 14th of March
Yet his report basically said it’s a critical planetary disaster that we how flowers now.
His experts were encouraging us to plant completely different species.
Other sources say we have over 100 years bred species to flower earlier etc.
Weather comes on “many areas can expect a frost tomorrow, but then some areas could reach 14C”
I bet we have some more cold days before Summer.
#3 Now it’s Fashion parades for Autistic children. a biz run by Katie Prices son
Stew, by the standards of my garden a few years ago, I reckon spring this year is at least 30 days late, perhaps more.
UP2 a few years back I had daffs in full flower on new years day
last year early feb
this year not a sausage
winter has been foul up north this year
#me too, Kaiser. They were poking their heads out before Christmas then out on New Years Day.
Mine are out now but, in theory, I’m in a cosy spot in south-east although it has not felt like that this year. Mind you my daffs were late compared to someone’s just around the corner. Mine rushed to be open before the stems were strong enough to take the weight. Was in Canterbury recently and there was a full field of daffs on the central reservation of the A2 in Rheims Way.
Hawthorn blossom has been open as early as end of December/first week of January but not this year; middle of February.
Here this year Spring is later than last year
snowdrops came in mid Jan
Daffodils 3 or 4 weeks ago
One neighbour’s ornamental cherry is in blossom
Most days have cold winds ..no days for picnic yet.
Presenters claim that flowers are coming “month earlier than 100 years ago”
.. https://www.twitter.com/NickSmithITV/status/1503424369376247809
.. Cherrypicked start date ?
The toads are late spawning in the garden pond this year, and the veterans on the allotments haven’t started planting yet, and we’re in the SW, one of the mildest parts of the UK, supposedly ahead of London and the Midlands on planting/flowering.
Both the last two years (my first two with an allotment) I started planting around the earliest time it said on the seed packets, because it was so warm… then regretted it after hard frosts in May and early June, which often weren’t even forecast/reported.
“Unseasonably late frosts” said the old gents on the allotments, “but, to be expected after a warm spring”. “What about global warming?” said I, “What global warming?” said they.
This year I’m not planting anything in the ground until I see the people who know what they’re doing are too.
BBC local news
#1 “Look at these people they are very good, they are opening their houses to Ukrainians,
I bet you aren’t you are a miserly person”
It’s like an advert with 5 couples showing the cameras around their homes”
“hosts and refugees will be vetted”
.. How long do CRB/DBS checks take these days ? months ?
7 weeks last time mrs k got one
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – yes, but what about the NHS backlog and increased NHS demand from refugees?
The highly paid Beeboids are desperate to avoid paying more in tax although, as Thoughtful pointed out on this site a couple of weeks ago, there is an upper limit or ceiling for the increased contributions. Many Beeboids will pay £500+ more a year but the ceiling limits their contribution to the NHS to that amount.
The BBC have enlisted Mr Bean, no not that one, to help them: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business in the fight for postponement. I wonder what someone on a low income but waiting for delayed elective surgery feels about this campaign by high earners in the media and especially at the BBC? The Beeboids mostly all have private healthcare cover probably.
ITV job for disabled only
applications close tomorrow
… https://www.twitter.com/itvcalendar/status/1499696534337855488
BBC local new
Alok Sharma “More wind is the way to go
if we want cheaper energy”
..Doh every time you add a windfarm to the grid it greatly increases the costs of electricity.
intermittents don’t make your leccy cheaper.
To all of the Putin supporters on this website . Your boy
really has some form I didn’t know about. Prof Mark Felton
just about the best historian on You Tube has given us
another terrific historical insight into Vlad the bad.
It’s not Vlad’s fault that his grandfather used to cook for
Uncle Joe Stalin. But some of the worst aspects from his
grandfather’s era have been handed down to him.
I knew that Vlad the bad had an important position in the
KGB in Dresden. But I didn’t know that part of his duties
involved liaising with the Baader Mainhof Gang in West
Germany, who were trying to batter the democratic elected
government into submission. The Red Army Faction had a
good friend in Vlad the Bad.
Putin is now surrounded and protected by all his sycophant
associates from his KGB days. It looks like the only way to
stop this latter day Czar, in the mould of Peter and Catherine
the two “great” czars who conquered THE Ukraine for
the Russian empire is for Vlad the bad’s chef to put something
similar in his dinner similar to what a gentleman in
Salisbury had as an extra , served up with his dinner.
I dont support putin, I support US the british people, nobody else.
But I can see “our” and our “allies” weakness has encouraged putins actions
I can also see our (elites) and “allies” behaviour has given russia an excuse to take its actions and just throw the hypocrisy card at us, yugoslavia , iraq , afganistan ….. anyone
all our establishment lined up to get rid of/criticise/not do a deal with trump, all welcomed brandon the saviour who was going to bring stability normalisation and peace to the world and no more mean tweets to boot.
and Chyna has poisoned the world and tumbleweed, not even boycotting their sporting events.
They have sowed the seeds and we are reaping the costs , vlad has simply taken advantage , I doubt he will be the last.
Cake boy getting excited by stats.
Going for a stroll in a war zone seems new.
I have an autistic friend (only diagnosed a couple of years ago, we always thought he was just ‘a bit weird’) who is like that, very academic, but doesn’t watch the news, never listens to the radio, not interested in newspapers, barely notices other human beings most of the time… a complete creature of habit, wrapped up in his own little world, and totally oblivious to anything else.
He got picked up by the plod for going for a stroll during the first lockdown, and was lucky not to get fined – they seem to have twigged he’s not quite ‘normal’. Apparently, he said something along the lines of “Co-what? Pandemic? What pandemic? When did that happen?”
Why is squark over there?
Guest, BBC cooking up CO2 like it is going out of fashion. Funny thing but it may be, as some Yooni has discovered that temps haven’t risen at all but they are labelling it as ‘an anomaly’ just to placate the Climate Campaigners.
The president of France has ‘dressed’ down pretending to be the Ukrainian president – macron in jeans macron with stubble macron with a hoodie ….
Next up – nut nut in cammo- starmer as a seaman –
Fed, “Starmer as sailor”? Thought sailors were normally greeted with “Hello Sailor” not “Goodbye and push off sailor”
Who ever thought it a good idea for macron to dress down needs to be sent to the Eastern Front……
Fed, 🙂
Starmbannfuehrer as semen?
He’d be dry, thin and unlikely to germinate.
The Northern Ireland Protocol is lawful, the Court of Appeal in Belfast has ruled.
The BBC have been misreporting the Second/Secure Factor Authorisation introduction today 1. as being ‘Strong’ Factor Authorisation and 2. something introduced in the UK. It is actually an EU requirement that we should have junked as part of leaving.
I only buy The Daily Mail on a Saturday these days and to be honest that’s probably going to end soon…
This week’s edition featured a really fatuous essay by the historian, Dominic Sandbrook. He acknowledges that things are pretty dire, but suggests that they could be a whole lot worse if we had chosen different political leaders; ie Jeremy Corbyn and Donald Trump.
Well, there’s no argument regarding Corbyn, the prospect of him running our country brings me out in hives. But Trump?
I honestly don’t think Putin would have dared taken on this murderous adventure if The Donald had still been in The White House. He made these tinpot dictators quake in their boots. The very fact that he was so unpredictable persuaded them not to invade anyone’s country. They waited until…
So now we’ve got sleepy Joe at the helm, the pathetic specimen who cut and run from Afghanistan, leaving billions of dollars worth of equipment behind for the Taliban. The poor old sod doesn’t seem to know which country has been invaded and has already told Putin “we’re not going to war”. Brilliant strategy!
Yeh, so much better than Trump…
Hannah Fry appears on BBC as a science expert, pushing green dreams
and just now on BBC-Yesterday channel she appeared in a Green investment corp advert doing the voice over
Second #ConflictOfInterest
Clim8 is a digital investment platform focused on companies having a +ve impact on #climatechange.
Their #equitycrowdfunding is overfunding.
Already backed by £5m of VC and 3,000 retail investors
, they’ve traded equity for £2m of ad airtime with #Channel4
So public service broadcaster Channel4 have an investment in the Green Investment corp
So are they going to report problems with Gren investments properly ?
In his essay “Politics and the English Language” (1946) Orwell observed that “political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.” In other words, certain political language (propaganda) uses words and phrases to hide ugly truths. He foresaw how politicians would misstate and mislead in order to stay in power, using words to distort more than to inform, not to convey meaning but to undermine it.
In Nineteen Eighty-Four Orwell called this newspeak. And because words have the power to shape thought, newspeak is a powerful tool in the hands of a propagandist. Big Brother’s newspeak narrows citizens’ range of thought, making it difficult for them to express, or even to consider, unorthodox ideas that do not align with the state’s goals — in effect, preventing any kind of logical thinking. Taken to an extreme, the language of newspeak encourages something called doublethink, a hypnotic state of cognitive dissonance in which one is compelled to disregard one’s own perception in favor of the officially dictated narrative. In other words, people accept a distorted reality rather than reality itself and swallow the state’s distorted propositions and claims instead of considering the “ugly truths” of reality.
I’ve read 1984 a number of times – maybe it’s due another outing . I wonder if Orwell ever thought the world he described would come true – and that it would include his own country ….
I don’t think even Orwell could have dreamt of the internet and free truth / lies at the tap of a keyboard ….
Anyone predicting the future – beyond tomorrow – good luck ..
Breitbart is reporting that the Green party nutters in power via co-alition in Scotland are refusing to take any notice of the warnings of the farmers and economists about looming famine about to overtake Europe.
They are refusing to postpone re-wilding of useful farmland even for 6 months to ensure the people have enough to eat.
It’s a shame that Scotland isn’t a closed system where the clueless imbeciles who vote for these loons are forced to suffer for their choices, instead they will make everyone in the country suffer as supermarkets truck in the produce which will actually cause even more onsumption of fossil fuels having the opposite effects the Greens claim to want. The rest of us are going to have to pay much higher prices as a consequence.
Assets of Russian oligarchs to be seized in response to invasion of Ukraine. But when a bunch of anarchists squat in an oligarch’s mansion Priti’s riot squad turn up to protect the property and make arrests.
Like them or not, these anarchists have made a point about hypocrisy.
Unless and until the illegality of the oligarchs money has been proven there is no justification for seizing their property by the state let alone the mob.
The ‘rules based system’ that the illiberal so called liberals claim to support includes property rights and a fair trail. I see no divergence between the despicable action of Trudeau in seizing the Truckers bank accounts and the confiscation of the oligarchs property until we know with legal certainty that the oligarchs money is illegal. Strongly suspecting that it was is not enough. If the state behaves like this it won’t stop until we end up with our own Trudeau who punishes anyone who dares to protest.
This war protester held up a sign and shouted “they’re lying to you” during the news on Russia’s national TV channel.
Perhaps she could come and do the same here, if they ever let her out of prison.
Now THAT, BBC, THAT is speaking truth to power.
Justin Trudeau has already frozen her bank account
and denied her bail.
Vlad/ Stew Good comments. And it warms my heart to see someone brave enough to do that in Russia.
What I don’t understand is why I risk getting labelled pro- Putin because I may choose not indulge in the Ukraine hysteria that is cheer-led by the msm. The actions of the US Democrats and the depth of their interference with democracy in the Ukraine should also be exposed.
Watch from 7.48 in to 14.50. I find it shocking
Exactly so. Hit the nail on the squarely on the head.
“Good Vlad” -She’s probably dead already, or been “fixed”
What a brave lady. Can you ever imagine any of the plethora
of the lady news presenters, reporters, etc etc saying anything
anything even slightly derogatory about the BBC ,live on air?
9 people in the 9pm BBC3 show
… just 3 are white
Their other show
11 people
just 2 is are white males, there are 2 black males
170K signatures
Lots of people signing the above for obvious reasons.
Why aren’t lots of people signing this one?
Take action to make entering the UK illegally extremely unattractive for adults
Duly signed.
Shire Radio yesterday.
🏡Will you register to host a refugee? 🏡
44,000 have signed up to the Homes for Ukraine scheme in just 5 hours
Has yet to manage 15 reactions. A few comments, none as they likely hoped.
You can take the man out of the bbc but, man, the bbc stays in them…
Well, more up high, visible, with lights.
At least two have twigged the flak jacket won’t help much.
I wonder who he’ll still vote for during award season?
Book still available.
Because the BBC would nev
Saudi …
The BBC Paul Brand Engineer Editor is likely the same as the BBC Keith Vaz Washing machine Editor.
Labour and the media… one, big, joke.
Lol – trivial political point scoring in a war …complete with dead people
No concerns at all edition
Our Daily Mail sometimes asks a question out of turn: ‘Why are hospitals STILL refusing to allow visitors?‘
Which prompts one to click on the number two subject tab on the BBC online news pages, just to the right of “War in Ukraine” and just to the left of “Climate”
‘All UK travel rules to end on Friday, says government‘ – well, that should at least help speed up what the ‘i’ newspaper this morning headlines as: ‘UK families open homes to refugees‘
BBC: ‘Covid infections rising again across UK – ONS… A sub-variant of Omicron, called BA.2, is now thought to be the most common strain in most of the UK… Asked if there were worries about sub-variants Health Secretary Sajid Javid said the government had “no concerns at all”‘
So do we take it that the Government now admits they made a massive error over the recent Omicron lockdown?
Seems it is high time for a few official mea culpas: ‘An inevitable war? How everybody misread Putin’s moves before Ukraine invasion‘ (Guardian); ‘West made terrible mistake after Crimea – PM‘ (BBC); ‘West made terrible mistake with Putin, PM‘ (Telegraph) – motion carried unanimously.
You know how much we enjoy sorting through the numbers that our media enjoys impressing us with: ‘Coming over here, staying in our spare rooms… with 37,000 signing up to hosting scheme in first four hours‘ – quips the ‘i’ with a subtle naughty swipe at Brexit supporters there.
‘Ukraine. 25,000 Brits offer to take in refugees‘ – so says the Sun with uncharacteristic modesty, celebrating: ‘More than 25,000 big hearted Brits‘
‘44,000 sign up to give a refugee a home… The official website was overwhelmed just minutes after its launch‘ (Daily Mail) – told you that would happen yesterday morning. Let’s hope it hasn’t been targeted by those Russian cyber bots we hear so much about these days.
Do I hear any advance? Not of Putin’s tanks… I mean of the numbers of refugee-friendly clicks with apparently virtuous intent?
‘Rush to take in Ukrainians. Refugees scheme’s website crashes as more than 44,000 Britions offer spare room in first six hours‘ (Times)
The refugee-friendly Guardian isn’t impressed: ‘Gove plan for people fleeing Ukraine is “DIY asylum scheme” – Labour‘ – well, yes it is… so what’s the problem with that? Could it be that the Tories are nicking all of the socialist party’s policies? Let me guess… Sir Keir reckons the measures should have been earlier, stronger and last longer. Sound familiar? Some say the Tory policy in government is nothing but slow motion socialism.
From hero to zero within a week: ‘Abramovitch “part of £2bn organised crime scam”‘ (Times) – that was quick – and they say criminal financial malfeasance investigations take ages.
“It’s propaganda. They are lying to you here”… Russia’s state broadcaster Channel One was hit by an extraordinary protest yesterday as an employee burst on to the set of the nightly news‘ (Guardian) – her banner quite handily headlined not in cyrilic but in English: “No war”
Thank heavens security at the BBC One news studio is tight enough, and the staff are like-minded enough, not to let such a thing happen here.
On a lighter note: ‘Pet collars and sports bras…‘ (FT) – having regained your attention… I’m about to bore you with the dismal science of economics ‘…replace coal and suits in inflation “shopping basket”‘ – our computer modelling savvy ONS statisticians there, finding new ways to massage the inflation figures.
One has to smile when one reads the Financial Times frontpage advert and the rather appropriate copy reads: ‘The best way to defeat inflation is to outwork it‘
Sanctions, eh? Apparently they are our best shot against Putin. I assume we’ve all seen one of those hilarious video clips where a newbie ISIS fighter picks up a rocket launcher backwards and fires the rocket at his mates standing behind him?
‘Lehman’s fall has parallels with Russian sanctions‘ (FT)
‘Last chance to reverse fracking ban, says firm‘ (Telegraph)
Not to worry. Our media are sure to busy working on some new narratives: ‘Hyenas are softies. Attenborough’s trickiest rehab job yet‘ (‘i’)
Also OT, but here’s the Depress showing why all tabloid media, meaning all media now, headlines are making them laughing stocks.
Likely Reeta being airlifted there to ask the canine owner, of horror, just how horrified they were. Then airlifted back to be a beacon of target for night fighters on the borders. No collies.
Runner up, but so close.
Things have so moved on from the days of units of measurement in football pitches or blue whales.
I assumed Iceland would have still used the Polar Bear as their standard unit of astonishment measurement – despite climate change – that’s if they haven’t gone metric.
Giraffe? Surely that’s an African standard being employed a very long way from home? But as Lenny Henry might once have exclaimed “Katanga Katanga, my friends”
Baby giraffe or adult giraffe ?
The thread it has inspired is awesome.
In ‘The Dome’, an alien force field forms over a town, in one scene cutting a cow in half, lengthwise.
Now, a giraffe, of any age… though the factor you raise is still critical… acrossways…
Reticulated or Northern?
C’mon, if you’re using the giraffe as a unit of measure you do need to be specific!
Ban sheep?
Then what would my dog chase?
Seriously, I’d be absolutely devastated if my dog was shot, but if he was worrying sheep and got shot, that would be my fault, not the farmer’s. My dog, my responsibility, same applies to children, cars, etc… or should do.
Thanks for the good news – wish I could have done it – only managed foxes ..boom
There is headline news in the Daily Mail today that Putin might not be able to sustain his invasion for another 14 days – quite a long time in warfare.
Imagine the damage Russian forces could do in 14 days of utter destruction though.
Analysis I saw last night claimed a current 2 million displaced people could rise to 8 million which would bring down the EU which would not be able to cope with so many.
We should be worrying a little more about our own ability to cope with the numbers and a little less with the war itself.
All Putin needs do at that stage is of course to cut the gas, and German industry grinds to a halt, because of wickedly poor decisions made by delusional fantasy land politicians.
This is more dangerous for us than at any other time, and we have a leader unfit for office even in the good times, and now is utterly clueless as to what is happening.
Looks like Prime Minister Carrie will need help from Boris then !
Need a few pipeline accidents between Russia and Germany and China …. Plus a few tankers heading for Pakistan / India …
Today watch
Robinson in the land of Krauts ….. I admit I filtered it through sleep … but I got the impression that the Russian spy who was responsible for keeping Germany militarily weak – the haus Frau – didn’t get a mention .
But if you look at what she did – ensure Germany was dependent on Russia for power – even closing German nuclear power stations – and leaving the German army weak has to make her beyond putin as an ally – and actually worked for him
Yet no blame – no mention
No mention of the false American president
No mention of president trump demanding NATO pay their way ….
Once the BBC decides it doesn’t like someone or something i it is full on bias . If it approves of someone or something – eg Merkel – they can do no wrong ….
The same applied to J Saville
BTW -Up2 wins the days ‘ prediction award for predicting the government ‘Ukraine house ‘ website crashing ….
Fedup-If true -The most fantastic spy in history. I bet
Meryl Streep would be as good in the role as she was
at playing Maggie Thatcher. I wonder who could play
Putin at their secret meetings?
Foscari – I recall when she closed the nuclear stations there was a lot of WTF ? About – now we know why ….
I’d imagine Morgan Freeman or Lenny Henry.
Pregnant Ukrainian woman accused of faking it dies with her baby say the BBC.
Once again the story just does not add up. She was taken to another hospital, her baby was still-born, then she died, then a bloke saying he was her husband turned up and took away the bodies and no one at the hospital thought to take his name. So she has in fact vanished.
Now if I was a BBC journalist I would be asking….
Did the first hospital have her name?
If she was un-named at the first hospital how did the supposed husband know where to find her?
So the authorities have no names and no bodies now therefore finding out who she was will be impossible now. So no vigils, candles etc. etc.
Come on Marianna this is one for you I think!
A maternity hospital with no babies inside, empty rooms until the third day after attack when we see a couple of empty cots
A bit like the nursery bombed with all its windows still intact and a small hole in the wall and ….no children there
Something stinks about all these stories
and all the military experts wheeled out and not one has asked why Russia paratoopers arrived near the nuclear plants BEFORE a foot on the ground in Ukraine
and all the media seem to know everything about supposed Russia false flag attacks such as nuclear and boiweapons all of a sudden yet did not have a clue before they invaded of any of their intentions
funny that
Occams razor might suggest another reason for this sudden insight…
Spooky…. the BBC have “disappeared” the link to that story from their home page.
Having finally realised how lame the facts are I guess a modern day Winston Smith has been busy deep in the bowels of Broadcasting House changing history.
Propaganda only works if it is believable and not Russian I guess.
BBC Getty
Bullying can make kid’s lives a misery and cause lifelong health problems – but scientists are discovering powerful ways to fight it.
Complete with Viking goddess.
The Nordic way to stop bullying
Because, science.
Davo obviously headed to the BBC so he could bully back from safety.
Daniel Sanford best look out.
Too much info for a journo, Davo… wayyyyy too much.
I wonder if someone with a subscription to the Daily Telegraph would mind posting this article which appears worthwhile to readers here:
University lecturers accused of spreading pro-Putin propaganda
It’s a good job the cowardly useless incompetent Tories of today weren’t around at the time of WWII Boris simply would have been sat there bewildered and clueless as ever waiting for the next party to start.
Mao did more good than harm (c) Diane Abbott.
Diane Abbott did say that Chairman Mao did more good than harm
Di? Founder of NumberCrunchersRSu?
Membership rocketing.
BBC has already commissioned ‘I’m More Virtuous Than You’. I have learned.
It’s in case the number of those signing up online exceed those requiring spaces. In reality.
Luckily, if it gets awkward and it looks like a Celeb might get a minger for photo op purposes, the BBC Socks Dept. has commissioned BBC QT producers to rig things.
Labour MPs have already been offered advance choices.
Guest who
For a moment I thought about signing up . But then I thought ‘remember – Fedup – don’t trust the state – if something goes wrong you will be left high and dry ….and the local council has maxed out the poll tax increase again this year – so ‘no’ “
I can’t understand this £350 per month for housing a refugee.
These idiots are so malleable they should have made it ‘pay £350 to house a refugee’
Debt crisis solved.
Don’t know what to make of it. By the time the LA claims their Council Tax adjustment for the extra occupier(s) and same with Water/Sewage/increase household insurance policy etc. there won’t be much left of the £350. Seems to me.
My pleasure ..
University lecturers have been accused of spreading pro-Putin propaganda on social media as the Government promises a “crackdown”.
Several academics have been acting as “useful idiots” for Russia’s atrocities, a senior Tory MP warned on Monday.
In education questions, Robert Halfon, chairman of the education select committee, told the Commons that an investigation by LBC had exposed “pro-Putinist propaganda at some of our leading universities”.
He added that Ray Bush, professor emeritus of African studies and development politics at the University of Leeds, had made reference to the United States having “chemical warfare installations in Ukraine – that’s a lie, as he knows, being spread by the Kremlin”.
At Edinburgh University, Professor Tim Hayward retweeted a Russian representative to the United Nations describing the attack on Mariupol’s maternity hospital as “fake news”, he said, while at Leicester University another academic had described “ludicrous disinformation on both sides” and “boasted about appearing on Russia Today”.
Prof Hayward, who specialises in environmental political theory, retweeted a Russian government official who branded the Mariupol maternity ward attack “fake news”, and added: “As long as we’re still able to hear two sides of the story we should continue striving to do so.”
Prof Bush tweeted: “US says Russia comment that Washington has chemical warfare installations in Ukraine is a lie – who would we believe about that?”
Nadhim Zahawi, the Education Secretary, promised to launch a crackdown on academics who promote pro-Putin propaganda.
He said that the university minister was “already on the case” and was in contact with the relevant institutions.
“Putin and his cronies are a malign influence on anyone in this country buying their false narrative, and I have to repeat it is a false and dangerous narrative, and we will crack down on it hard,” Mr Zahawi added.
Prof Hayward said he was tweeting in a personal capacity and that he did not “retweet but quote-tweeted”.
He said he did not endorse the “categorical fake news allegation” and that he retweeted many people whom he disagreed with. “I recognise propaganda can abound on all sides. I am not pro-Russia and emphatically not pro-Putin,” he said.
“For all that, though, having learned lessons from Iraq WMD [weapons of mass destruction] lies and others since, I believe that citizens should keep a watchful eye on information that can be used to escalate tensions and war. I have not repeated any narrative,” he added.
A University of Edinburgh spokesperson said they do not comment on individual members of staff but added: “The University of Edinburgh joins colleagues in the sector in condemning the invasion of Ukraine and we fully endorse the Universities UK statement on this issue. We do not comment on individual members of our staff.”ENDS
Woah… Nellie… so not getting asked THAT on Newsnight.
Ignoring them until it becomes a chance to jump at the top job … politics!
Employment and earnings
Payments received via United Agents, 12-26 Lexington Street, London W1F 0LE:
6 May 2021, received £11,070 as advance for a new book from Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 50 Bedford Square, London, WC1B 3DP. Hours: more than 100 hrs over the last 18 months. (Registered 06 May 2021)
14 January 2022, received £2,010 from Tantor Media Inc, 6 Business Park Road, Old Saybrook, CT 06475, USA, for audio rights to a book. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 14 January 2022)
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9 March 2021, received £250. Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 30 March 2021)
10 March 2021, received £2,000 for speaking at an LGBTQ+ webinar on my book, from Goldman Sachs International, Plumtree Court, 25 Shoe Lane, London EC4A 4AU. Hours: 2 hrs. (Registered 15 March 2021)
2 March 2021, received £250 from Reach Shared Services Limited, 3rd Floor, 5 St Paul’s Square, Liverpool, for article in Daily Express. Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 30 March 2021)
26 February 2021, received £275 from Stream Publishing Limited, The Cowshed, Ladycross Farm, Hollow Lane, Surrey RH7 6PB, for article for Attitude. Hours: 1.5 hrs. (Registered 30 March 2021)
5 July 2021, received £175 from the Boswell Trust, Auchendrane, By Ayr, KA7 4TW, for speaking at a Festival event on 13 June 2021. Hours: 2 hrs. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 26 July 2021)
30 July 2021, received £275 for a survey from Ipsos MORI, 3 Thomas More Square, London E1W 1YW. Hours: 1 hr 15 mins. (Registered 30 July 2021)
Payments from Mace Media Limited, 8A Lower Grosvenor Place, London SW1W 0EN:
3 September 2021, received £250 for an article for Mace Magazine. Hours: 90 mins. (Registered 06 September 2021)
15 October 2021, received £400 for two book reviews. Hours: 2 hrs. (Registered 19 October 2021)
21 February 2022, received £200 for an article for Mace Magazine. Hours: 45 mins. (Registered 21 February 2022)
Payments from Guardian News & Media Ltd, Kings Place, 90 York Way, London N1 9GU:
18 November 2021, received £250 for an article. Hours: 45 mins. (Registered 18 November 2021)
21 February 2022, received £100 for an article. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 21 February 2022)
2 February 2022, received £600 from Associated Newspapers Ltd, Northcliffe House, 2 Derry Street, Kensington, London W8 5T, for two articles. Hours: 1.5 hrs. (Registered 02 February 2022)
I’m sure comrade Bryant’s constituents will think about Saudi human rights when they decide whether to spend their benefits on food or fuel or a TVLicence ….
By the way – don’t you think TVlicences are really cheap now? Equivalent to a full tank of diesel ….
9:30am Radio4 “The Muslim view of history”
Off switch
Is Nadine looking after our British, Digital, Culture, and Media ? What exactly does she do? I suspect ‘Dark Forces’ are at work in Al Beeb.
Is Priti looking after the safety of our people and our borders ?
9:45am actually
“Covid in Scotland: Calls to delay easing of final restrictions”
Why? Restrictions did not work anyway ?
Good news indeed. And interesting.
Not least the route shared.
Tulip Siddiq’s selective attacks on foreign leaders
In Bangladesh – under the rule of Siddiq’s aunt, Sheikh Hasina – hundreds of people have gone missing. The country has an appalling record when it comes to defending human rights: families who have tried to report their loved ones as missing have been told by police not to bother.
Advert on last month’s council magazine
“House a young person and get £85/week”
That’s awfully similar to
“House a Ukrainian and get £350/month”
I wonder if many families sign their own kids up to the scheme and send them to live next door
..while next door sends you their kids
Therefore each household gets £85/week/child extra
Hello Stew
£350 per month, for how long? then when the government of the day end the nice payment, the householder is stuck with them potentially
order-order.com ” as of yesterday, EU states and firms are still buying oil from three Russian companies, even after the latest “transaction ban” sanctions. The EU states are literally funding Putin’s war-machine…”
You still won’t hear any criticism of Biden on the BBC, but Farage doesn’t mince his words.
In this interview, he says that a peace deal is possible for Ukraine; “it needs a broker, traditionally that would have been the American President, this one doesn’t know what time of the day of the day it is and is unfit for purpose, so it leaves only China.”
President Trump’s 100 Days President Biden’s 0 Day
Dear Winston Smith in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth,
You covered President Trump’s 100 Days and then produced a Beyond 100 Days to hold power to account.
Why have you not done the same for President Biden to hold power to account?
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
Thank you again for contacting us,
BBC Complaints Team
Won’t be hearing much criticism of India supporting putin either – Commonwealth Day yesterday – whatever ….
.. nut nut is going to take a knee in Saudi today ? – I reckon he is going there to flog chelski to them in return for 10p off a litre …
Or Pakistan, that great nation that has given us terrorists, child rapists and welfare dependants.
Last year the crown prince was revealed to have texted Johnson personally to ask him to intervene to “correct” the Premier League’s “wrong” decision not to allow a £300m takeover of Newcastle United by a Saudi-led consortium.
Disbelief over European leaders’ trip to Kyiv by train
“Experts said helicopter or plane would be out of the question. The car journey from the Polish border to Kyiv is over seven hours, and also fraught with danger.
So there was disbelief when it emerged the three would travel to the Ukrainian capital by train – a seven hour journey in peacetime.”
Inconvenient fact that it looks safe to travel in Ukraine by train…maybe the Russians forgot to blow up a few miles of train track here and there.
Is it possible that Russia is really conducting a “special military operation ” in Ukraine rather than the narrative BBC peddle?
Wow \\ Is it possible that Russia is really conducting a “special military operation ” in Ukraine rather than the narrative BBC peddle?//
.. That looks like a wacky comment to me
Sure it could be all fake and staged in Hollywood, but it’s one hell of a conspiracy theory.
A “special operation” is when Trump’s regime designated Qassim Suleimani, Commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards a terrorist
and took him out in an airstrike.
What Putin did is clearly invade Ukraine with a view to occupying large areas… that’s not merely a narrative.
I give you two optional headlines….
1. Government u-turns on Covid policy, relaxing almost all of the rules imposed, in response to strong opposition to these rules from local communities.
2. Government relaxes almost all of the Covid rules it imposed, a decision met with strong support from local communities.
I leave it to you to guess which was the headline used by the BBC at 06:30 this morning on it’s news roundup on the Today programmme….
….. oh, one little bit of other information which may help you make a choice, the headline was announcing the decision of the Labour government in Wales.
It’s the way they tell them !
Richard – put of the reason for the ‘plunge ‘ in the price of oil ( only $103 now – only !) is that china is locking down again ….
… have they got themselves a new brand of virus ? Covering up as usual ? Some other reason ?
Good to add a virus to the project fear of imminent nuclear war isn’t it ?
Putin like a ‘pusher’ feeding West’s addiction to oil, says UK PM
Name of donor: Mr David Ross
Address of donor: private
Nature and value of benefit in kind (or amount of any donation): accommodation for a private holiday for my partner and me, value £15,000
Destination of visit: St Vincent and the Grenadines
Which of these 3 virtue signallers will be the first to announce a room for a Ukrainian Refugee? live on bBc in no particular order
1)Pixie Balls
2) Krankie of Sturgeon
3) That Brighton Green lass that spews endless guff.
I worry that some traumatised Ukrainians are going to be on the full on receiving end of a media blitz … complete with The Gove welcoming them…
‘He was an adrenalin junkie’: Fiancée of Romanian immigrant ‘poster boy’ greeted by Keith Vaz in 2014 who died in 100mph car crash while on cocaine was a thrill seeker who ‘knew he’d die young’
Victor Spirescu welcomed by Keith Vaz when immigration rules relaxed in 2014
The Romanian was pictured shaking hands with the minister and having coffee
He went on to make a good living in the UK and became an air duct fitter
The 33-year-old got engaged to Suzana Mates and the pair travelled extensively
She said he was an ‘adrenalin junkie’ who lived life to the full and worked hard
PUBLISHED: 13:16, 11 May 2018 | UPDATED: 15:48, 11 May 2018
The latest iteration of the Threatening letter from TVLicencing tells me that a ‘code’ has been issued against my address and that I could get a visit “any time day or evening weekdays or weekends “
Isn’t it strange how Lovely warm ‘all in it together aunty “ can be so sinister and threatening when it is after money …
April 1st Radio4 have a prog about Ukrainian refugees paying people smugglers to bring them into the UK.
It seems strange to me that the script for the prog is already written
today, cos the war only started 19 days ago.
Quote from the trailer…..
“Smuggling gangs have been quick to capitalise on the war in Ukraine: Sue Mitchell and Rob Lawrie investigate the profits being made as people flee their homes in search of safety.”
So, let me get this straight….. all the luvvies and left-wing activists, and all of the opposition parties, as well as the BBC basically believe the guff that they are being fed……which, given the circumstances proposed above, basically says that none of the countries in Europe that they have passed through, including loads of EU countries, are at all ‘safe’.
So why the hell do they also try to tell us that we’re falling behind these countries in our efforts ….. do they want us to be even less safe than they are ?
Absolutely no two-faced bullsh1t there, then.
Considering the Ukraine is the other end of Europe to the UK, assuming they’ve travelled overland, that’s got to be quite a few countries Richard.
Nearly 30 years ago, as a young student, I took a coach trip with a friend to Prague, as I recall, we crossed parts of Northern France, Belgium, and Germany before we got to the Czech Republic, coming from the Ukraine you’d need to cross the length of Slovakia too, and that’s assuming you took the quickest and most direct route with no detours.
Plenty of chances to get off along the way, and it’s a long trip, so you’d surely be tempted to stop at some point, especially if you have young children, and so you don’t have so far to travel on the way home to your ‘beloved motherland’ in a few months time… how many Ukrainian refugees have these countries all taken? How many Syrian, Afghan, Somalian, Nigerian, Iraqi, Kurdish, Pakistani… ?
I notice the BBC website is now pushing the ‘Poland under threat of invasion’ line, which could, potentially mean a mass influx of Polish refugees, as well as those from the Ukraine and Belarus currently sheltering in Poland?
Will the entire population of the EU (+immigrants) attempt to cower in the already overcrowded UK?