Listening to Boris Johnson and listening to the BBC – is this WW3?
It seems British – Russia relations are not going to be restored until Putin is deposed and taken to trial at the Hague. Russian assets have been frozen in the West and Russians have been individually sanctioned.
What a surprise it was this perspective he wanted to share publicly as the benefit of leaving the BBC. No one would have guessed it.
“… and mould the whole of Europe into a copy of Germany …. a good place to start is to ditch the easy historical comparison (ignore history and you will repeat it) … because Angela Merkel is a figure of our here and now and it’s vital to understand her better because she (Merkel) matters more to our future (UK) than, what, 95% of British Politicians.” – BBC’s Andrew Marr 2013
“The Making of Merkel with Andrew Marr BBC documentary 2013 about Angel Merkel imp politician” {youtube}
‘Spring booster offered in England from Monday‘ – so promises our BBC online news click-baity headline. Great, I thought, sounds good. Could it be some unexpected tax cut? That was me, having forgotten completely the context of this minor news gobbet, whilst browsing through a veritable plethora of items telling me what certain people think and what I ought to think about the Ukraine war.
Silly me… ‘Coronavirus: Spring booster offered to elderly and vulnerable in England‘ (BBC) – of course, what a fool I’ve been to forget it’s the Koof, the lurgy, the bat bug, the plandemic, the China syndrome, among all the wall-to-wall war talk – there’s a blast from the past. So basically, just like the familiar annual flu jabs. Hmmmmm….
Of course not every enormously over-hyped news event is so easily put aside by our media masters allowing us to almost forget what all the fuss was about in the first place: ‘Ukraine war: Boris Johnson sparks fury after comparison to Brexit‘ (BBC) – that old Brexit thing is going to run and run. You’ll notice it’s still quite a sore point in certain quarters.
Here’s a new twist on an old trope: ‘Police search for man after murder of student, 19‘ (BBC) – all de rigueur reporting so far… the cops are looking for a man.
Things go off script here: ‘Police have released the name of a man they want to speak to in connection with the murder of a 19-year-old female student in central London… Detectives want to speak with Maher Maaroufe, 22, who they believe was in a relationship with the victim.‘ (BBC) – oddly, it is the victim who doesn’t get named. Presumably her relatives are yet to be informed. And let’s not kid ourselves the BBC are doing any journalism here. This is no more than a cut and paste from a Met Police news release.
These days one could liken the BBC online news headlines to some heavily Ukraine war-themed old BBC Radio 4 schedule.
You’ll see what I mean…
In the Psychiatrist’s Chair with Dr Anthony Clare = ‘Ukraine war: Western agents seek to get inside Putin’s head‘ (BBC)
The Map Makers self-confessed map addict Mike Parker explores cartography = ‘Ukraine war: Putin has redrawn the world – but not the way he wanted‘ – allegedly.
Women’s Hour = ‘We’re considering taking in Ukraine refugees‘
Front Row, magazine programme on the worlds of arts, literature, film, media and music. = ‘War in Ukraine: Ballet dancer refugees shelter in Polish opera house‘
The Food Programme = ‘Ukraine’s restaurants rally to the war effort‘
You and Yours = ‘War in Ukraine: Anti-war opinions can cost Russians their jobs‘
Any Questions = ‘The mystery of a decades-old tank debt with Iran, and how it may have ended up costing Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe her freedom‘ – going off the Ukraine topic there.
Any Answers = ‘Why are water bills rising more in some areas?‘ – not sure how that domestic news got in there.
And finally, one for the leader of the Western World, Mr President, Joe Biden
I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue = ‘War in Ukraine: America is learning the art of humility‘
Diversity working well in county lines drus gangs opeating in Hertfordshire:
During the week, the Operation Mantis team, working with the Operational Intelligence Team, Operational Support Group and local crimes units. carried out warrants across the county targeting the gangs involved in drug dealing.
Twenty-five individuals were arrested in total, with six of those being charged and remanded into custody.
Those charged were:
Adam Jaylani, 23, from Orange Hill Road, Edgware, charged and remanded for being concerned in the supply of class A drugs
Ryan Sherry, 20, from Tenby Drive, Luton, charged and remanded for being concerned in the supply of Class A drugs
Ashub Zafar, 21, from Chape Walk, London, charged and remanded for being concerned in the supply of class A drugs
Terrance Furby, 21, from Dacre Gardens, Borehamwood, charged and remanded for possession of a firearm
Jafa Al-Mossawy, 19, from Ramillies Road, London, charged and remanded for being concerned in the supply of class A drugs
Iyesha Mahmood, 23, of, Scotland Street, Birmingham, charged with conspiracy to supply class A drugs and possession with intent to supply class A drugs.
“Dementia generally doesn’t respect any boundaries”
At Alzheimer’s Research UK, we believe that one day we will find a cure for dementia. Hope starts here, with you. By donating today, you can make breakthroughs possible.
Will you help us?
— AlzheimersResearchUK 🍊 (@AlzResearchUK) March 14, 2022
It might mean if the doctor says to your wife she has either got Alzheimers or aids but they are not quite sure yet, you should drop her off two blocks short of home and if she makes it back, whatever you do don’t f@ck her.
Stop the presses, we have an Islamophobic attack on a mosque!
“Canada mosque: Worshippers stop axe wielding attacker” – BBC
Yes, those racist islamophobic Nazis that Trudeau warned us about are at it again.
The man attacked with bear spray and an axe! How very Canadian. I bet he wore a red plaid shirt like lumberjacks and Nazis wear.
Trudeau is on the case and declares it “incredibly disturbing”… he “strongly condemns this violence which has no place in Canada….”
The BBC are incredibly disturbed too, reminding us of previous islamophobic attacks in Canada.
The police describe the attack as a “hate-motivated incident”.
I too was incredibly disturbed as I read on, my heart pounding as my righteous indignation reached fever pitch.
Then I got to the tenth paragraph, where the name of the attacker is given as… Mohammad Moiz Omar.
Yes, Justin, we’ve all known that for a long time.
The attack on congregants at the Dar Al-Tawheed Islamic Centre is incredibly disturbing. I strongly condemn this violence – which has no place in Canada – and I’m keeping the community in my thoughts today. I also want to applaud the courage of those who were there this morning.
Hunter Biden’s laptop should be a huge story for two reasons: first, what it reveals about the Biden dirty dealings all over the world, not least in UKRAINE.
Secondly, the breathtaking complicity of most of the media, all of Big Tech, some of the US security services and, of course, the Democrats in killing the story, smearing and persecuting whistle blowers and the few remaining honest journalists who reported it.
Now it’s being admitted that it was true all along.
And yet, absolutely nothing on the Biden Broadcasting Corporation.
lib mob continue their campaign against Boris
saying he said war and Brexit are the same thing.
Totally unimpartial Victoria Derbyshire doing her campaigning.
Lord Barwell, exNo 10 Chief of Staff: Apart from the bit where voting in a free/fair referendum isn't in any way comparable with risking yr life to defend yr country against invasion & the awkward fact Ukrainians are fighting for the freedom to join EU, this comparison is bang on
TWotWeee Watch #2 – mentioned in 1pm news and no doubt every hour previously and since
Boris Johnson, like former President Trump, does not have ‘a way with words’ and is very prone to open his mouth and put one or both feet firmly inside. However, I suspect that like former President Trump (and unlike President Biden) the media – especially the BBC – are happy to distort or report misleadingly what our PM says as they did with former President Trump.
As for the PM’s speech at his Party’s Spring Conference ……
Her first tweet quoted Boris and linked to a BBC story
..which actually doesn’t contain the direct quote she gave
Her quote was apparenly wrong
“I know it’s the instinct of the people of this country, like the people of Ukraine, to choose freedom every time
…when the British people voted for Brexit
…it’s because they wanted to be free to do things differently”
Lord Barwell, exNo 10 Chief of Staff: Apart from the bit where voting in a free/fair referendum isn’t in any way comparable with risking yr life to defend yr country against invasion & the awkward fact Ukrainians are fighting for the freedom to join EU, this comparison is bang on
This a damn problem for me with libmob
You try to pin down the crazy stuff they say
but they have a habit of deleting
so I have to keep making screenshots
Fed, I note that some Eurocrat is outrageously offended at our PM’s simile and pointed out that Ukraine wanted to join the EU not leave it. Yes, but, no but: Russia is only involved in Ukraine because of the EU’s tempting offer of bags of Euros to a country in 2013/14 impoverished previously by corrupt leaders. Funny thing, country rids itself of one corrupt bunch only to have another corrupt bunch roll up with a bribe to join them instead!
1 never get rid of nuclear weapons . No promise / treaty will mean anything .
2 be a member of a big military club like the NATO
3 even if a member of NATO – have forces capable of defending your country against nasty neighbours .
I’m hoping Ukraine goes ‘offensive ‘ against Russia – there must be some way of striking back .
If these means escalation – so what ? – if putin remains in charge it is only a matter of time before a direct confrontation – which will be 50 / 50 on a nuclear exchange – whether on purpose or by accident …
Peter Hitchens sums up the state of the BBC for all of us…
Q: Why have I finally fallen out of love with University Challenge? A: Because its obscure, woke questions pander to a generation starved of general knowledge, argues PETER HITCHENS
‘A sprat to catch a mackerel’. I predicted something like this 7/10 days ago. It was patently obvious that, judging by the response to Ukrainans (normal people), the Government would try it on. Only a matter of time before they try and open up the scheme to Dinghy Divers and blacks.
Next up? > £350 month to persuade home owners to take muslims to account for their ‘peculiar’ anti-social habits. I can imagine the vetting. ‘Can you deal with praying sometimes at 3/4 in the morning?’ No playing music (haram) and so on. The idiots (“Welcome Refugees”) are inviting the Government to create law which enables them to override/undermine the principles of freehold ownership in circumstances where a property is under utilised.
“A second major hurdle for the Home Office is that some major insurers seem to be reluctant to cover non-Ukrainian refugees, ……”. I wonder what they know that the public don’t…………..
Please, someone, have a bet with me where all this is going……………
That almost looks like an account is parodying Sweeney by feeding his own style back at him
It misspells “reporter” and spins how he left the BBC
got only 7 Likes ..yet he takes it seriously and wastes times answering back.
He doesn’t bother to look at the bio’s clearly not a Scientology supporting account
Somehow Sinak is claiming that he will be a tax cutting chancellor …
Does he think we are dumb – ?blight has taken on a shed load of increasingly expensive debt and is promising more spending on their NHS and probably Defence too …
The best we can hope for is a cut on fuel duty although sooner or later he has to tax oil/gas company profits – but I reckon that’s October …
Everybody (except the BBC) knows that Biden stole the election.
Everybody (except the BBC) knows that Biden is an imbecile.
Everybody (except the BBC) knows that Biden is a crook.
Everybody (except the BBC) knows that Biden empowered, enabled and emboldened Putin to invade.
But now it just got a whole lot worse: he’s massively destabilising the whole Middle East.
“Biden’s shocking empowerment of Russia and Iran”
Melanie Phillips:
“Given that the Iranian regime has been at war with the west since it came to power in 1979, that its fingerprints are on almost every major terrorist atrocity against western interests and that it unceasingly declares its genocidal aim to exterminate Israel, the administration’s determination to empower it is incomprehensible.
The reported terms of the deal being negotiated in Vienna will allow Iran legitimately to equip itself with a nuclear arsenal after a mere delay — according to Israel’s Prime Minister Naftali Bennett — of two-and-a-half years.
Meanwhile, through the associated sanctions relief America will enable the regime to receive an estimated $100 billion to ramp up its regional power grab, redouble its terrorist activities and perpetrate attacks on Israel from its proxies in Syria, Lebanon, Gaza, Iraq and Yemen.
The United States is even said to be considering lifting the designation of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organisation in return for some vague commitment by Tehran to rein it in. Given the IRGC’s key role as Iran’s elite global terrorism enforcer, any such commitment would be risible.”
Worse still, Biden is asking Russia to be the go-between.
“So the Biden administration is now accepting Putin — the man who Biden himself calls a “war criminal” and who has threatened nuclear war against the west — as the controller of Iran’s nuclear-weapons programme.”
The article then goes on to reveal Russia’s role, and how it will avoid sanctions.
Forgive the language, but there’s no other word for it: Biden’s international politics is one huge clusterf*ck.
I reckon Biden doesn’t remember the election was stolen – by the Obama crew aided and abetted by the MSM such as the BBC .
The injustice continues as the MSM give those running the US government a free pass as far as failing st support Europe with Ukraine .
I have a dread about our current circumstances which I cannot shake off – only the death of putin and his helpers will stem this .
Putin’s death would be a good start but there are plenty of others who would continue the international mischief, in Russia and also in Iran and China.
Biden’s death would be a good start too – or early retirement at least, preferably permanent.
are they 'Nigerians' who tried to get into Poland from Belarus or the ones that tried to fight their way into Hungary from Serbia? If they're not & are Nigerian students studying in Ukraine why have they not contacted the Nigerian Gov for help to get home?
One hour Simon Webb interview
He talks about how BBC History is “crank history” “The original Horrible History series of books was good and then the BBC got hold of it and INJECTED a lot of narratives they get from the United States
.. that’s why THE Slave Trade means the trade of slaves to the United States
..and not the true meaning of all different slavery across almost all cultures and histories””
Chapters :
Who Is Simon Webb? 0:00
Lies about History 1:36
Simon’s Presentation 3:13
Battles with YouTube and Censorship 4:55
The Ancient World 12:20
Slavery 13:20
Mary Seacole 19:03
Rewriting People’s Memories 20:51
Wokifying the Past 25:38
Everyone Was Black 29:58
How Fake History Permeates 33:58
Forced Representation 35:51
Naming and Shaming 37:22
Enoch Powell 41:37
English Heritage Institutions 44:01
Forging a New Narrative 48:45
Examine Your Historians 53:07
Wrap Up 56:11
📻 Diran Adebayo's stylish tales of Afro-British lives, here his debut novel, the picaresque Some Kind of Black, was hailed as breaking new ground for the ‘London novel’ 1/2 3pm #radio4
Belgium carnival killings: “no indication” of terror motive, says public prosecutor
though witnesses said car crash looked “deliberate”.
Two detained are from the town of La Louvière, born 1988 and 1990.
They have no police record for “similar facts”.
Let me have a guess: it’s the ongoing problem with driverless cars. Here’s the BBC news site:
“At least six people have been killed after a car drove into a crowd of carnival-goers in southern Belgium.
The incident happened in the small town of Strépy-Bracquegnies, about 30 miles (50km) south of the capital Brussels.
The car drove at high-speed into dozens of people who were preparing to take part in a traditional parade on Sunday morning.
Around 40 people were injured and several are in a serious condition, the town’s mayor said.
… …
The exact circumstances of the attack are being investigated, but police said a terror attack had been ruled out.
“It is an accident, a tragic one. The car hit the group and tried to carry on but it was quickly stopped by the police,” police spokeswoman Cristina Ianoco told the BBC.
“The driver and the other people in the car have been detained,” she added. They have not been identified.”
That’s the danger with those damned automated vehicles … unless there’s another simpler explanation of course.
No name or description … Norwegian looking for the snack bar .. or maybe not …’local man ‘ … ‘ history of mental issues ‘…. ‘Known to plod ‘… ‘on the radar ‘…
Amazing that 50% of the Independant and London Evening Standard are owned by the Saudi ‘state’, and the Blue Labour party are aware of it, have sounded warnings, and as per usual done absolutely nothing.
TWotWeee Watch #1 – BBC happy to interfere in another nations Elections
TWotWeee was a load of weeee this lunchtime with James Naughtie (what happened to Ed Stourton?) making it the ‘James Naughtie Show’. James is not bothered in the slightest about Climate Change or anything like that so he expended some CO2 at the expense of the TV taxpayer so he could travel to Budapest and interfere in the 2022 Elections there.
Funny thing, but the BBC do not like it when former President Trump was supposedly according to the BBC elected in 2016 because of Russian interference in the US Presidential Election of that year. Strange that they did not raise any objection when Prresident Biden was elected with obvious help from the Chinese and possibly the Russians again. And they did not prevent Naughtie’s CO2 generating trip.
BBC hypocrisy in full view on Radio 4. Who needs to watch telly?
I assume naughtie ‘keeps his hand in ‘ for company tax purposes … as soon as I heard his voice the ‘off switch ‘ did its ‘ job – when BBC monarchy like him retire – they don’t – maybe he could get the appropriate ‘compensation ‘ ‘remuneration ’ – ‘wages ‘for a person of his Stature ….
.. elswhere – my blood pressure has finally recovered after listening to a nice chat on ‘the week at Westminster ‘ which discussed the corruption of the House of Lords – which has hit a high point with a Russian spy buying a seat in there from nut nut .
The Russian bloke had only turned up once – to get his ermin thing …. They had that comrade blunkett on to explain how important the job the peers do is .
He said the public don’t realise how difficult it is to collect the daily tax free freebie – staying awake – collecting more expenses and using their corrupt unelected influence ….
Whenever I hear someone spouting off at how ‘clean’ our public life is – I just think of the Lords … can I be a peer – I can pay ….
Now I think about it, maybe the late Tony Benn was on to something after all when he used to propose “the creation of a thousand new peers to vote for their own abolition”.
Something for Marianna to fact check. Lots of videos of Ukrainians being punished and humiliated by vigilantes. True of false? I don’t know and don’t accept what the media say. No way to find out the truth
Found the video of the kid and it's dad abused and tortured. Shocking footage.
If they haven’t been doing that in the normal course of their work then what have they been doing, and the answer is probably not something I want to know because I expect it involves them looking at the British people instead of threats abroad.
“Donate to Comic Relief or else! School apologises for threatening pupils with detention if they didn’t donate to Red Nose Day fund
Parents were told children who did not pay to wear non-uniform at Livingstone Academy in Bournemouth on Red Nose Day would be held back in detention
Headteacher Dr Kimberly Elms has since apologised for causing ‘undue anxiety’ ”
"This show is a challenging one to make because first you must cover the vehicle build story over a period of weeks or months and then take that finished creation on an exciting, adventurous test-drive" – behind the scenes on BBC2's The Speedshop
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – the BBC have managed to do it again!
Have pointed out before how the BBC get their pictures all wrong on the BBC web-site: my attention was caught by this on the Home Page: . Scroll down a long way to ‘Lifestyle’ (two below food, ironically) You may need to be quick because the BBC update the page (some items) regularly during the day especially when they know they have blundered.
The BBC are concerned about food waste and ‘what you can do with food that doesn’t look its best’. The photo illustration shows a wasted bin full of perfectly fine food. Oooops! BBC Picture Editor or a legion of assistants blundered big time. It may, of course be a stock photo from an agency, but why chose one that doesn’t illustrate the subject under consideration?
The UK’s Environment agency projects that our farms have only 100 harvests left before the amount of organic material in the soil dips below what is needed to sustain life.
Countries can withstand wars and conflicts. They can withstand even leaving the European Union. But what no country can withstand is the loss of its soil.”
“technology cannot produce organic matter”. Instead of putting organic material back into topsoil – whether through leaving organic waste on farmland or growing protective plants beside crops – modern farming techniques take nutrients from the soil with every harvest.
Ploughing topsoil and then leaving it exposed to the elements also kills off the microbial organisms that feed crops.
Many are critical of the vast majority of UK farming for being monoculture – the cultivation of a single type of crop in a single area.
the UK’s soil “will be in a very bad state in another 25 years” because the technique leaves soil exposed for large chunks of the year.
Does it say much about replacing expensive nitrate fertiliser with organic ( crap ) as has been mentioned recently ?
If the coast of grain accelerates with the knock on effect on other food prices – is the State expects to pickup the tab to keep food prices down ? Will we be back to a WW2 controlled economy ?
Remember watching Romesh Rangonathan when he was is Romania saying he wasn’t seeing much gang culture and the reporter laughing saying no your government let them all into Britain !!!
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
Listening to Boris Johnson and listening to the BBC – is this WW3?
It seems British – Russia relations are not going to be restored until Putin is deposed and taken to trial at the Hague. Russian assets have been frozen in the West and Russians have been individually sanctioned.
Free train travel in the UK ( was Wales now apparently anywhere in UK ) to people with Ukrainian passports
I am lost for words.
“My colleague Paul Mason has made the current pro-European argument as well, I think, as it can be made.” !!!
Here, fellow BBC alumnus Ben also finds his voice on our behalf.
Beyond Neil, whose fealty remains uncertain, I make that darn near every ex Beeboid a rabid lefty remain elitist twat who presumes to speak for me.
“… and mould the whole of Europe into a copy of Germany …. a good place to start is to ditch the easy historical comparison (ignore history and you will repeat it) … because Angela Merkel is a figure of our here and now and it’s vital to understand her better because she (Merkel) matters more to our future (UK) than, what, 95% of British Politicians.” – BBC’s Andrew Marr 2013
“The Making of Merkel with Andrew Marr BBC documentary 2013 about Angel Merkel imp politician” {youtube}
BBC-centric edition
‘Spring booster offered in England from Monday‘ – so promises our BBC online news click-baity headline. Great, I thought, sounds good. Could it be some unexpected tax cut? That was me, having forgotten completely the context of this minor news gobbet, whilst browsing through a veritable plethora of items telling me what certain people think and what I ought to think about the Ukraine war.
Silly me… ‘Coronavirus: Spring booster offered to elderly and vulnerable in England‘ (BBC) – of course, what a fool I’ve been to forget it’s the Koof, the lurgy, the bat bug, the plandemic, the China syndrome, among all the wall-to-wall war talk – there’s a blast from the past. So basically, just like the familiar annual flu jabs. Hmmmmm….
Of course not every enormously over-hyped news event is so easily put aside by our media masters allowing us to almost forget what all the fuss was about in the first place: ‘Ukraine war: Boris Johnson sparks fury after comparison to Brexit‘ (BBC) – that old Brexit thing is going to run and run. You’ll notice it’s still quite a sore point in certain quarters.
Here’s a new twist on an old trope: ‘Police search for man after murder of student, 19‘ (BBC) – all de rigueur reporting so far… the cops are looking for a man.
Things go off script here: ‘Police have released the name of a man they want to speak to in connection with the murder of a 19-year-old female student in central London… Detectives want to speak with Maher Maaroufe, 22, who they believe was in a relationship with the victim.‘ (BBC) – oddly, it is the victim who doesn’t get named. Presumably her relatives are yet to be informed. And let’s not kid ourselves the BBC are doing any journalism here. This is no more than a cut and paste from a Met Police news release.
These days one could liken the BBC online news headlines to some heavily Ukraine war-themed old BBC Radio 4 schedule.
You’ll see what I mean…
In the Psychiatrist’s Chair with Dr Anthony Clare = ‘Ukraine war: Western agents seek to get inside Putin’s head‘ (BBC)
The Map Makers self-confessed map addict Mike Parker explores cartography = ‘Ukraine war: Putin has redrawn the world – but not the way he wanted‘ – allegedly.
Women’s Hour = ‘We’re considering taking in Ukraine refugees‘
Front Row, magazine programme on the worlds of arts, literature, film, media and music. = ‘War in Ukraine: Ballet dancer refugees shelter in Polish opera house‘
The Food Programme = ‘Ukraine’s restaurants rally to the war effort‘
You and Yours = ‘War in Ukraine: Anti-war opinions can cost Russians their jobs‘
Any Questions = ‘The mystery of a decades-old tank debt with Iran, and how it may have ended up costing Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe her freedom‘ – going off the Ukraine topic there.
Any Answers = ‘Why are water bills rising more in some areas?‘ – not sure how that domestic news got in there.
And finally, one for the leader of the Western World, Mr President, Joe Biden
I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue = ‘War in Ukraine: America is learning the art of humility‘
There is a typo there, should read RE Biden:
“America is learning the art of senility”
Diversity working well in county lines drus gangs opeating in Hertfordshire:
During the week, the Operation Mantis team, working with the Operational Intelligence Team, Operational Support Group and local crimes units. carried out warrants across the county targeting the gangs involved in drug dealing.
Twenty-five individuals were arrested in total, with six of those being charged and remanded into custody.
Those charged were:
Adam Jaylani, 23, from Orange Hill Road, Edgware, charged and remanded for being concerned in the supply of class A drugs
Ryan Sherry, 20, from Tenby Drive, Luton, charged and remanded for being concerned in the supply of Class A drugs
Ashub Zafar, 21, from Chape Walk, London, charged and remanded for being concerned in the supply of class A drugs
Terrance Furby, 21, from Dacre Gardens, Borehamwood, charged and remanded for possession of a firearm
Jafa Al-Mossawy, 19, from Ramillies Road, London, charged and remanded for being concerned in the supply of class A drugs
Iyesha Mahmood, 23, of, Scotland Street, Birmingham, charged with conspiracy to supply class A drugs and possession with intent to supply class A drugs.
Or, as the BBC might say: Victimised and discriminated against by racism and islamophobia, they had no choice but to deal in drugs.
I get jittery enough at #bbcquotes
Because where they lead, advertisers follow.
What the hell is that meant to mean?
It might mean if the doctor says to your wife she has either got Alzheimers or aids but they are not quite sure yet, you should drop her off two blocks short of home and if she makes it back, whatever you do don’t f@ck her.
Full marks for satirical delivery au Rozzer Francais.
Nadiya has set up a Grad school so cakes shaped like minarets can be sent from Iran to Gaza.
Stop the presses, we have an Islamophobic attack on a mosque!
“Canada mosque: Worshippers stop axe wielding attacker” – BBC
Yes, those racist islamophobic Nazis that Trudeau warned us about are at it again.
The man attacked with bear spray and an axe! How very Canadian. I bet he wore a red plaid shirt like lumberjacks and Nazis wear.
Trudeau is on the case and declares it “incredibly disturbing”… he “strongly condemns this violence which has no place in Canada….”
The BBC are incredibly disturbed too, reminding us of previous islamophobic attacks in Canada.
The police describe the attack as a “hate-motivated incident”.
I too was incredibly disturbed as I read on, my heart pounding as my righteous indignation reached fever pitch.
Then I got to the tenth paragraph, where the name of the attacker is given as… Mohammad Moiz Omar.
The Mounties have got their man! They always get their man.
Trudeau is “incredibly disturbed”.
Yes, Justin, we’ve all known that for a long time.
Video dated 2012
Porter “I didn’t speak up cos it was an all male environment”
.. What, she assumed all MALES are pedo defenders ?
Now there is a 24 carat bbc gobshite right there, I recall she also equated Blair with a pedo when he grew his hair.
Now, if she had said posession of a beard and sandals as a likely indication imagine the howls of outrage
Hunter Biden’s laptop should be a huge story for two reasons: first, what it reveals about the Biden dirty dealings all over the world, not least in UKRAINE.
Secondly, the breathtaking complicity of most of the media, all of Big Tech, some of the US security services and, of course, the Democrats in killing the story, smearing and persecuting whistle blowers and the few remaining honest journalists who reported it.
Now it’s being admitted that it was true all along.
And yet, absolutely nothing on the Biden Broadcasting Corporation.
The bias is staggering.
lib mob continue their campaign against Boris
saying he said war and Brexit are the same thing.
Totally unimpartial Victoria Derbyshire doing her campaigning.
All opinions are BBC approved?
Finding her voice… early.
And like Katty Kay, before flounce and crawl back as it turns out being opinionated gobshizzles is not a plus with the actual public.
TWotWeee Watch #2 – mentioned in 1pm news and no doubt every hour previously and since
Boris Johnson, like former President Trump, does not have ‘a way with words’ and is very prone to open his mouth and put one or both feet firmly inside. However, I suspect that like former President Trump (and unlike President Biden) the media – especially the BBC – are happy to distort or report misleadingly what our PM says as they did with former President Trump.
As for the PM’s speech at his Party’s Spring Conference ……
…. I demand to see a transcript.
Memo to the BBC: Why not put it on your web-site?
OK she’s deleted her two tweets
What it just me exposing her biased tweet ?
I presume some bigger person had already.
Her first tweet quoted Boris and linked to a BBC story
..which actually doesn’t contain the direct quote she gave
Her quote was apparenly wrong
“I know it’s the instinct of the people of this country, like the people of Ukraine, to choose freedom every time
…when the British people voted for Brexit
…it’s because they wanted to be free to do things differently”
She then replied to her tweet with a quote of someone mocking Boris
Ie her tweet mocked Boris , but her shield was ‘Oh I’m only quoting’
Lord Barwell, exNo 10 Chief of Staff: Apart from the bit where voting in a free/fair referendum isn’t in any way comparable with risking yr life to defend yr country against invasion & the awkward fact Ukrainians are fighting for the freedom to join EU, this comparison is bang on
This a damn problem for me with libmob
You try to pin down the crazy stuff they say
but they have a habit of deleting
so I have to keep making screenshots
Ah yes – traitor Barwell – a regular remainer mouth – dig up the chorus – Hezza £ – major – grieve – that drunk tart – various other traitor x MPs
– apparently the enemy ( French ) ambassador got upset so that’s a good sign ….
Fed, I note that some Eurocrat is outrageously offended at our PM’s simile and pointed out that Ukraine wanted to join the EU not leave it. Yes, but, no but: Russia is only involved in Ukraine because of the EU’s tempting offer of bags of Euros to a country in 2013/14 impoverished previously by corrupt leaders. Funny thing, country rids itself of one corrupt bunch only to have another corrupt bunch roll up with a bribe to join them instead!
Lessons from Ukraine –
1 never get rid of nuclear weapons . No promise / treaty will mean anything .
2 be a member of a big military club like the NATO
3 even if a member of NATO – have forces capable of defending your country against nasty neighbours .
I’m hoping Ukraine goes ‘offensive ‘ against Russia – there must be some way of striking back .
If these means escalation – so what ? – if putin remains in charge it is only a matter of time before a direct confrontation – which will be 50 / 50 on a nuclear exchange – whether on purpose or by accident …
Peter Hitchens sums up the state of the BBC for all of us…
Q: Why have I finally fallen out of love with University Challenge? A: Because its obscure, woke questions pander to a generation starved of general knowledge, argues PETER HITCHENS
A growing club – like mastermind …
Government wants the public to now house Afghans. It won’t stop there.
‘A sprat to catch a mackerel’. I predicted something like this 7/10 days ago. It was patently obvious that, judging by the response to Ukrainans (normal people), the Government would try it on. Only a matter of time before they try and open up the scheme to Dinghy Divers and blacks.
Next up? > £350 month to persuade home owners to take muslims to account for their ‘peculiar’ anti-social habits. I can imagine the vetting. ‘Can you deal with praying sometimes at 3/4 in the morning?’ No playing music (haram) and so on. The idiots (“Welcome Refugees”) are inviting the Government to create law which enables them to override/undermine the principles of freehold ownership in circumstances where a property is under utilised.
“A second major hurdle for the Home Office is that some major insurers seem to be reluctant to cover non-Ukrainian refugees, ……”. I wonder what they know that the public don’t…………..
Please, someone, have a bet with me where all this is going……………
Free rooms …
And 16 bathrooms!
Harry off to use his expensive skills in Ukraine yet ?
I bet they haven’t all got baths in them.
True, because the BBC confers it on all who work there. Apparently.
One might ask Marianna to check, but she has joined Wendy in glorious bubbledom.
John Sweeney
Reporter, Kyiv
12 bks inc The Useful Idiot; Cold; Elephant Moon January 2012
That almost looks like an account is parodying Sweeney by feeding his own style back at him
It misspells “reporter” and spins how he left the BBC
got only 7 Likes ..yet he takes it seriously and wastes times answering back.
He doesn’t bother to look at the bio’s clearly not a Scientology supporting account
Somehow Sinak is claiming that he will be a tax cutting chancellor …
Does he think we are dumb – ?blight has taken on a shed load of increasingly expensive debt and is promising more spending on their NHS and probably Defence too …
The best we can hope for is a cut on fuel duty although sooner or later he has to tax oil/gas company profits – but I reckon that’s October …
His Father in Law loves taxes!
Everybody (except the BBC) knows that Biden stole the election.
Everybody (except the BBC) knows that Biden is an imbecile.
Everybody (except the BBC) knows that Biden is a crook.
Everybody (except the BBC) knows that Biden empowered, enabled and emboldened Putin to invade.
But now it just got a whole lot worse: he’s massively destabilising the whole Middle East.
“Biden’s shocking empowerment of Russia and Iran”
Melanie Phillips:
“Given that the Iranian regime has been at war with the west since it came to power in 1979, that its fingerprints are on almost every major terrorist atrocity against western interests and that it unceasingly declares its genocidal aim to exterminate Israel, the administration’s determination to empower it is incomprehensible.
The reported terms of the deal being negotiated in Vienna will allow Iran legitimately to equip itself with a nuclear arsenal after a mere delay — according to Israel’s Prime Minister Naftali Bennett — of two-and-a-half years.
Meanwhile, through the associated sanctions relief America will enable the regime to receive an estimated $100 billion to ramp up its regional power grab, redouble its terrorist activities and perpetrate attacks on Israel from its proxies in Syria, Lebanon, Gaza, Iraq and Yemen.
The United States is even said to be considering lifting the designation of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organisation in return for some vague commitment by Tehran to rein it in. Given the IRGC’s key role as Iran’s elite global terrorism enforcer, any such commitment would be risible.”
Worse still, Biden is asking Russia to be the go-between.
“So the Biden administration is now accepting Putin — the man who Biden himself calls a “war criminal” and who has threatened nuclear war against the west — as the controller of Iran’s nuclear-weapons programme.”
The article then goes on to reveal Russia’s role, and how it will avoid sanctions.
Forgive the language, but there’s no other word for it: Biden’s international politics is one huge clusterf*ck.
And that’s putting it mildly.
I reckon Biden doesn’t remember the election was stolen – by the Obama crew aided and abetted by the MSM such as the BBC .
The injustice continues as the MSM give those running the US government a free pass as far as failing st support Europe with Ukraine .
I have a dread about our current circumstances which I cannot shake off – only the death of putin and his helpers will stem this .
Putin’s death would be a good start but there are plenty of others who would continue the international mischief, in Russia and also in Iran and China.
Biden’s death would be a good start too – or early retirement at least, preferably permanent.
Waiting for dinghies.
Why are they accusing the UK ?? have they also accused Spain, Italy, France, UAE or Turkey ?
My answer would be an unlady like F’ em !
One hour Simon Webb interview
He talks about how BBC History is “crank history”
“The original Horrible History series of books was good and then the BBC got hold of it and INJECTED a lot of narratives they get from the United States
.. that’s why THE Slave Trade means the trade of slaves to the United States
..and not the true meaning of all different slavery across almost all cultures and histories””
Chapters :
Who Is Simon Webb? 0:00
Lies about History 1:36
Simon’s Presentation 3:13
Battles with YouTube and Censorship 4:55
The Ancient World 12:20
Slavery 13:20
Mary Seacole 19:03
Rewriting People’s Memories 20:51
Wokifying the Past 25:38
Everyone Was Black 29:58
How Fake History Permeates 33:58
Forced Representation 35:51
Naming and Shaming 37:22
Enoch Powell 41:37
English Heritage Institutions 44:01
Forging a New Narrative 48:45
Examine Your Historians 53:07
Wrap Up 56:11
Surely the BBC is racist in the way it centres it’s viewpoint around lefty thinking from the United States ?
3pm Drama ep 1/2 Black and London AGAIN
Belgium carnival killings: “no indication” of terror motive, says public prosecutor
though witnesses said car crash looked “deliberate”.
Two detained are from the town of La Louvière, born 1988 and 1990.
They have no police record for “similar facts”.
This happened at 5 am this morning and most reports about it bare 4-8 hours old.
In other words there have been no updates.
Everyone seems strangely uninterested and tight with information given 6 people died.
I wonder what the reason for that could be?
Let me have a guess: it’s the ongoing problem with driverless cars. Here’s the BBC news site:
“At least six people have been killed after a car drove into a crowd of carnival-goers in southern Belgium.
The incident happened in the small town of Strépy-Bracquegnies, about 30 miles (50km) south of the capital Brussels.
The car drove at high-speed into dozens of people who were preparing to take part in a traditional parade on Sunday morning.
Around 40 people were injured and several are in a serious condition, the town’s mayor said.
… …
The exact circumstances of the attack are being investigated, but police said a terror attack had been ruled out.
“It is an accident, a tragic one. The car hit the group and tried to carry on but it was quickly stopped by the police,” police spokeswoman Cristina Ianoco told the BBC.
“The driver and the other people in the car have been detained,” she added. They have not been identified.”
That’s the danger with those damned automated vehicles … unless there’s another simpler explanation of course.
As the BBC report says ”At least six people have been killed after a car drove into a crowd of carnival-goers in southern Belgium.”
See. Not terror. The car drove into the crowd.
No name or description … Norwegian looking for the snack bar .. or maybe not …’local man ‘ … ‘ history of mental issues ‘…. ‘Known to plod ‘… ‘on the radar ‘…
Amazing that 50% of the Independant and London Evening Standard are owned by the Saudi ‘state’, and the Blue Labour party are aware of it, have sounded warnings, and as per usual done absolutely nothing.
TWotWeee Watch #1 – BBC happy to interfere in another nations Elections
TWotWeee was a load of weeee this lunchtime with James Naughtie (what happened to Ed Stourton?) making it the ‘James Naughtie Show’. James is not bothered in the slightest about Climate Change or anything like that so he expended some CO2 at the expense of the TV taxpayer so he could travel to Budapest and interfere in the 2022 Elections there.
Funny thing, but the BBC do not like it when former President Trump was supposedly according to the BBC elected in 2016 because of Russian interference in the US Presidential Election of that year. Strange that they did not raise any objection when Prresident Biden was elected with obvious help from the Chinese and possibly the Russians again. And they did not prevent Naughtie’s CO2 generating trip.
BBC hypocrisy in full view on Radio 4. Who needs to watch telly?
I assume naughtie ‘keeps his hand in ‘ for company tax purposes … as soon as I heard his voice the ‘off switch ‘ did its ‘ job – when BBC monarchy like him retire – they don’t – maybe he could get the appropriate ‘compensation ‘ ‘remuneration ’ – ‘wages ‘for a person of his Stature ….
.. elswhere – my blood pressure has finally recovered after listening to a nice chat on ‘the week at Westminster ‘ which discussed the corruption of the House of Lords – which has hit a high point with a Russian spy buying a seat in there from nut nut .
The Russian bloke had only turned up once – to get his ermin thing …. They had that comrade blunkett on to explain how important the job the peers do is .
He said the public don’t realise how difficult it is to collect the daily tax free freebie – staying awake – collecting more expenses and using their corrupt unelected influence ….
Whenever I hear someone spouting off at how ‘clean’ our public life is – I just think of the Lords … can I be a peer – I can pay ….
Now I think about it, maybe the late Tony Benn was on to something after all when he used to propose “the creation of a thousand new peers to vote for their own abolition”.
Something for Marianna to fact check. Lots of videos of Ukrainians being punished and humiliated by vigilantes. True of false? I don’t know and don’t accept what the media say. No way to find out the truth
Maybe deal with blm lootera like that
Ukrainian President and wife singing on You Tube. It’s a fake but You Tube published it as the President and his wife
Details here
Ace headline.
If they haven’t been doing that in the normal course of their work then what have they been doing, and the answer is probably not something I want to know because I expect it involves them looking at the British people instead of threats abroad.
BBC sticks with the plan.
Always two sides to a story:
Has the biased bbc commented upon the progress of Biden’s Russian minor incursion and its consequences yet ?
Liberal nazi teachers again:
“Donate to Comic Relief or else! School apologises for threatening pupils with detention if they didn’t donate to Red Nose Day fund
Parents were told children who did not pay to wear non-uniform at Livingstone Academy in Bournemouth on Red Nose Day would be held back in detention
Headteacher Dr Kimberly Elms has since apologised for causing ‘undue anxiety’ ”
That old compulsion or else apple don’t fall far from the tree.
Kimmo really needs time to pursue other opportunities.
The Eco component to this does intrigue.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – the BBC have managed to do it again!
Have pointed out before how the BBC get their pictures all wrong on the BBC web-site: my attention was caught by this on the Home Page: . Scroll down a long way to ‘Lifestyle’ (two below food, ironically) You may need to be quick because the BBC update the page (some items) regularly during the day especially when they know they have blundered.
The BBC are concerned about food waste and ‘what you can do with food that doesn’t look its best’. The photo illustration shows a wasted bin full of perfectly fine food. Oooops! BBC Picture Editor or a legion of assistants blundered big time. It may, of course be a stock photo from an agency, but why chose one that doesn’t illustrate the subject under consideration?
The coming famine just got even worse:
The UK’s Environment agency projects that our farms have only 100 harvests left before the amount of organic material in the soil dips below what is needed to sustain life.
Countries can withstand wars and conflicts. They can withstand even leaving the European Union. But what no country can withstand is the loss of its soil.”
“technology cannot produce organic matter”. Instead of putting organic material back into topsoil – whether through leaving organic waste on farmland or growing protective plants beside crops – modern farming techniques take nutrients from the soil with every harvest.
Ploughing topsoil and then leaving it exposed to the elements also kills off the microbial organisms that feed crops.
Many are critical of the vast majority of UK farming for being monoculture – the cultivation of a single type of crop in a single area.
the UK’s soil “will be in a very bad state in another 25 years” because the technique leaves soil exposed for large chunks of the year.
Does it say much about replacing expensive nitrate fertiliser with organic ( crap ) as has been mentioned recently ?
If the coast of grain accelerates with the knock on effect on other food prices – is the State expects to pickup the tab to keep food prices down ? Will we be back to a WW2 controlled economy ?
Anyway – new thread
Romesh repeat on BBC2
Remember watching Romesh Rangonathan when he was is Romania saying he wasn’t seeing much gang culture and the reporter laughing saying no your government let them all into Britain !!!