BBC savaged for ‘divisive politics’ as all-female shortlist to replace Kuenssberg exposed
Bow Group Chairman Ben Harris-Quinney:
“The BBC should be focused on presenting a diversity of views that represent all those present in British society, rather than gathering a panoply of people of different races, genders and sexualities who are of a very narrow set of political views, and calling it diversity.”
He added: “The only diversity that should matter in an organisation charged with representing the views of the British public is that of thought and opinion.”
“If the BBC is truly interested in diversity, perhaps it should adopt an all-Brexiteer shortlist, or an all-anti-net zero shortlist, to set against the metropolitan liberal groupthink that has dominated the BBC for decades.”
I don’t think the sex or race or age of the replacement matters at all – the only thing that matters is that they are ‘approved ‘ …it’s just the swamp moving one player from one place to another – there’s no difference …
Their across the board collective silence on matters that concern the general public as anyone here or anywhere else can testify is enough to show their bias.
THE most incompetent US president in history and silence.
but if we find anything bad about Trump we will trumpet it far and wide.
Public genuine concern on immigration via dinghy, silence.
Jewish kids attacked in the centre of London by racist muslims : lets attack the victims instead.
As for Pakistani grooming gangs raping underage children in every UK city….oh lets talk about Epstein, Weinstein instead, isn’t it terrible no woman or young girl is safe from these white jewish monsters.
It’s worse than you say Zephir. If there isn’t anything bad to say about President Trump they just make something up that is bad about him. The MSM is a sewer of lies and the BBC is as bad as any of them.
And what was done to Iraq on wholly made up stories of WMD. That country was destroyed root and branch. Millions died, and continue to die. And for what?
This was a major war crime dwarfing anything that has happened in Ukraine by several orders of magnitude.
But the wholly bought and payed Western media thinks that it is free, fearless, and brave,
Not the BBC but the Civil Service. Someone I know was applying for a job and had to view on line 7 vignette videos and answer questions. Each vignette had 2 or 3 people. Only 2 people were white, 3 or 4 were black and the rest (ie about 20 of them) were Asian. Not sure what it says about the U.K. civil service.
Reassuringly the job spec described the perks of the job which including fantastic networking opportunities. Not sure I see that as such a great perk. It listed the networks available….LGBTQ+, BAME and mental health support groups. There was no mention of anything for white straight men whose mental health is just fine.
I then looked at the jobs in a connected agency. The highest paying job advertised specified that applications are especially welcome from the BAME community. I would have hoped the job would be offered to the best person for the job regardless of the ethnicity.
Fed, they just want some female ‘totty’ to shore up the BBC’s declining viewing figures. It’s probably desperation at work not positive discrimination.
Do cover up those skanky dugs, love. Reminds me of Viv Stanshall’s performances for the Bonzo Dog Doodah Band when he would mime a woman undoing her bra and catching her balloons around waist level.
Tory supporters , when is Nadine Dorries going to get a grip?
What exactly does she do ? More importantly, what does Priti Patel do decide promise, promise and promise ?
Oh, how very dare you, please adjust your thinking and keep quiet about this like the bbc :
Why is it called Hindu Kush?
The term was earliest used by Ibn Battuta. According to him Hindu Kush means Hindu Killer as slaves from the Indian subcontinent died in the harsh climatic conditions of the mountains while being taken from India to Turkestan.
Slavery in India escalated during the Muslim domination of northern India after the 11th-century, after Muslim rulers re-introduced slavery to the Indian subcontinent. Historical analyses of slavery in India generally emphasize the escalation of this social institution during the era of Muslim domination in north India.
The institution was little documented until the British colonials in the 19th century made it an object of study because of their desire to abolish it.
It was Lord Ellenborough who abolished slavery in India. The Indian Slavery Act, 1843, also Act V of 1843, was an act passed in British India under East India Company rule, which outlawed many economic transactions associated with slavery.
India now has the highest number of slaves in the world, with estimates ranging from 14 million to 18 million people. In India, many people work as slave labour in the brick kiln industry – this includes women and children.
Institutionalized slavery in the Muslim regimes and Indic mercantile complicity
One of the worst (if not the absolute worst) atrocities perpetrated by the Islamic regimes in India was the perpetuation of slavery. While the trade of slaves was not unknown in India, the scale of slavery in India was extremely small in pre-Islamic times.
We show that slavery became endemic in India during the Muslim rule, focusing on the Mughal emperors, starting from Akbar, and post-Mughal Muslim rulers.
They cant admit this cause then they have to admit that they have had their day in the sun on the world’s stage and there is NO chance they are getting that back.
They could have been champs – they got into Spain and had plans on us. Had they won, we wd be called Ahmed or some such towelheaded name.
The BBC has moved from tabloid to shock-jock now with this ridiculous Tweet and photo, which defiles the universes’ most beautiful creation: the face of a lady.
I bet the women walk in a different group. I worked on a Qatar project last month and that was disguisting. COMPLETE division. Complete. No women at work. just sickening men everywhere. I hated it. Camels, heat, dust, BO, dead world – all the arab bits.
#KyivDiary Day 25 The war is going badly in the South. Brexit was a Kremlin project. If Boris Johnson comes to Kyiv, I'll ask him: "PM, why did you celebrate your election victory with Russian (ex?) spy Alexander Lebedev who has a photo of his friend Vladimir Putin on his book?"
I know what it`s like for the P&O workers being made redundant .
It`s not just a job , it`s a way of life . As it`s a way of life it becomes a COMMUNITY .
I know because at the time , in my happy days , I was part of a COMMUNITY although I didnt know it .
I`m referring to my colleagues who were on Middle East or TIR work , truck driving beyond western Europe . It was a way of life beyond the ken of a BBC reporter . So much so that for years after we did it we had reunions , until old age , diabetes , death and Covid killed the get togethers .
So what killed off our way of life , an industry that gave employment and income to the UK ?
Killed a way of life and COMMUNITY bigger than the mining towns in its intensity .
But didn`t have the left`s romance of what a COMMUNITY should look like , should be ?
Answer : The civil service . Government .
I`ll give three names : James Fells , Gerry Sreanan and Roger Smith , although there are others . Infesting the civil service in the matter off Yes Minister .
So BBC , it`s not just plutocrats , oligarchs , oil barons etc that you think kill off COMMUNITIES .
Its the civil service .
‘Authorities have ruled out, for now, a terror motive behind Sunday’s incident.’ (Aljazeera) – so soon and yet no other details? For now…? Loose translation or watch this space?
The more I think about Johnson’s comparison of Brexit with the Ukrainian battle for survival, the more difficult I find it to comprehend how a single decent Tory could countenance him remaining in office a day longer. He cannot lead, he can only divide. He’s Chamberlain.
"Johnson not invited to join EU leaders at their summit this week despite his enthusiasm to be involved in it." That sounds like he's beginning to understand just what Brexit means.
— Colin Tassell #FBPE #FBPA #TakeBackBritain (@ColinTassell) March 20, 2022
My son in law has delivered medical supplies for Ukraine to Prague, from there his brother took it to Poland.
He had to go via the Netherlands because the French are making things difficult when it comes to the paperwork. The Dutch detained him for only a few minutes.
— Simon the Penguin – #BackBoris 🇬🇧 (@darkfarces) March 15, 2022
“Coal mining was massive in the North East,” says Jim Gillon, walking across a building site in Gateshead.
“And where we’re standing there are six different mine workings beneath our feet.”
He could have added “And once we’ve removed the coaL we can install our lukewarm water generators. P.S. send more money please. If only we could think of a use for the coal.
Oliver Le Flore
10:35 18 Mar
I am fortunate to have self build new home with GSHP and UFH. Its wonderful.
But ASHP or GSHP is only one thing; you have to have a “radiator” solution that can distribute the relatively low temperature water to large radiative surfaces like…..floors
That means underfloor and not just existing traditional radiators.
As always you must look at the complete problem and not just part of it.
Highlighting just how dire bbc reporting is. Maybe she could start a meth lab in the basement and head up Breaking Bad News?
TOADY Watch #1 – the trouble with experts is that sometimes they cannot see the big picture
Sean Farrington, new BBC Business bod (has Dharshini left the BBC?) is talking to Carl Emerson of the Institute for Fiscal Studies about the possible cut to fuel duties in the (proper) Budget this week. Carl sets out what it would cost the Treasury for one year to cut fuel duty by 5p: £2.5bn. But Carl doesn’t understand that fuel duty underpins the inflation figure: not just petrol which may influence what pay rise an employee may seek for continuing to be able to travel to work but diesel duty affects the price of every single good in the shops.
Sean Farrington is not sharp enough to point that out to Carl Emerson.
In case anyone’s interested, I consider this assessment of the situation in Ukraine to be one of the clearest I’ve heard.
Not from some useless BBC ‘foreign affairs’ correspondent who thinks foreign affairs means sex with a Russian, or ‘defence correspondent’ who hadn’t heard of MIG 29s until last week – but a real expert from the Royal United Services Institute.
He looks like he’s about 13 and 3/4s but he really knows his stuff, militarily as well as politically.
The vid is time stamped to the part of the discussion where he covers the issues of those famous Polish MIGs and the desirability of a no-fly zone, and much more besides – in particular the option of actual NATO involvement, and the repercussions that would have.
(The earlier discussion is a bit military nerdy stuff about jet fighter capability and pilot training – more of a niche interest for hard-core military wonks.)
Note: contrast how even the American left tacitly acknowledge the complete uselessness of the two clowns in the White House, with the BBC pretence that all is well.
The bBC have to keep up the pretence because Biden and Harris represent “a new era of decency, integrity and compassion in the White House” and “a victory for hope over hate, and a real moment for optimism in the US and around the world.”
(Starmer in the HoC on 11/11/20 and 20/1/21 respectively)
I wonder why the author in the link declines to name those who are running Biden and his gimp ? Isn’t it simply Obama and his gang ? Why is that so hard to say ?
He also doesn’t address the ‘vote fixing ‘…. If they can do it once they can do it again and again . Americans accepted the theft of the election very easily – they didn’t even torch the capitol building when they had the chance ….
We should be careful what we wish for. American Thinker has lots of background and thoughtful articles. If the Bidengimp and Kalamitous Kamala are ejected, the harridan Pelosi is in charge. She is a stick puppet for the unusually quiet Barry O’Bama and the Clinton Gang, nearly as wicked as the Jesse James gang and equally bought like the Bidengimp…but richer.
I am going to have to be more selective about what I say on here in future. I asked a while ago when Bono was going to run off to the batcave to don his sunglasses closely followed by Geldof all for Yookrayn.
Just heard on the news its going to be Ed Sheeeran this time and his bloody ukelele, God give me strength. Lenny Henry has been out luvvied this year.
The wokes very own George Formby in ginger has arrived to save Yookrayne; all the luvvies and wokes will be out in their droves with their candles in hand desperately scoping out the papperazi and jostling for photo ops.
Note to lefty wokes including the snidey bbc Munchetty: Flag waving is fine now as long as it is not a British one or God help you if if it is an English one.
Note to Wembley Stadium:
I hear Roman Abramovitch does a bloody good karaoke version of “If I were a Rich Man” after a couple of Smirnoffs
I reckon it could be the new Queen at Live Aid show stopping moment.
Zephir – you must tread carefully – I heard some luvvie last week musing about a new live aid record ? … but said – effectively – there’s not the fame or talent about to do it – so they are thinking of a ‘peoples ‘ record ‘…. Is it possible to come up with a more evil Idea … ?
Meanwhile – my local church school is doing some stuff with the RC Ukrainian bishop in London to send stuff to Ukraine ….
In 2022 – it’s not clothing and blankets – it’s mobile phone chargers and cables and sleeping bags and dry food like rice …interesting …
There seems to be s sleeping bag shortage in the shops BTW ( unless you wanna spend £250 on one )
The Daily Mirror is keen to have us think of the children: ‘Russians bomb 400 in a school‘ – meanwhile, in an alternate twist on the same report, the Daily Express would have us fear for the fate of the arts and the lives lost: ‘400 feared dead after Putin bombs art school‘
Any supposed attack on the arts is bound to upset the BBC – where the equivalence and irony of cancel culture pass them by: ‘War in Ukraine: Backlash in Russia against anti-war musicians. A few days after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, one of Russia’s largest media companies, Russian Media Group (RMG), released a statement explaining why it would no longer be playing certain artists on its popular radio stations or music TV channel‘
‘Don’t cancel culture‘ says the ‘i’ newspaper: ‘Banning Russian music and arts just plays into Putin’s hands‘ – high culture like ballet, theatre and opera ought to escape unscathed. The likes of Stravinsky, Rimsky-Korsakov and Tolstoy (he took care to combine his war with peace) were all cool. Mind you, in theatre circles they do talk of the dramatic principle of Chekhov’s gun – if it’s mentioned hanging over the fireplace in the first act then it is bound to be fired in the third.
We notice it is low culture that gets cancelled. Benny Hill, It Ain’t Half Hot Mum, Till Death Us Do Part….
Having established that this Ukrainian art school wasn’t quite the kindergarten the Mirror would have us believe – we can at least hope no actual children suffered directly in this event – because we put the welfare of children first, right?: ‘Airbrushing children from Covid inquiry is shocking oversight… just one reference to education and the words “child” or “children” are not used‘ (Telegraph)
Taking small comfort where we may find it among the depressing wreckage of the daily news, we note with delight the Express frontpage pic of the aftermath of the art school attack has at last revealed the whereabouts of “Dimbles” the teddy – one of the conflict zone reporters’ most favourite props. Second only to the bloody plimsoll. As featured in TV newsroom satire Drop The Dead Donkey. In the Express photo some young Ukrainian man (likely an art student) rescues the bear – this well-stuffed iteration, suprisingly, being one of those super-sized fairground prize versions, from the rubble. Who would have guessed Mariupol art students were such fans of Brideshead Revisisted and so keen to emulate Lord Sebastian Flyte’s quaint attachment to his constant companion Aloysius?
Evelyn Waugh, by the way, also penned a rather good satire on foreign affairs correspondents and their sensationalist antics back in 1938 titled Scoop
Evil in war
‘Russia accused of genocide… Civilians “abducted and taken to camps”‘ (Times) – civil liberties and human rights are very soon the casualties in emergency situations. And gosh, when that happens we do tend to be reminded of those mid-twentieth century Germans.
‘German regions shun Covid freedom day… [which] failed to materialise yesterday as regional governments chose to maintain restrictions… Germans in all states were told to keep wearing masks and show their vaccine passports…‘ (Telegraph)
‘Zelenskiy likens Putin to Nazis in appeal for Israeli help‘ (Guardian) – it may have been Germans who were the commandants, but we recall it was often the Ukrainians who were the camp guards.
There are some media tropes which once introduced – like Chekhov’s gun – never seem to go away. Like feminist bra-burning. Half a century since the swinging sixties, the hippies and Woodstock let it all hang out – the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper gives the notion another wistful push up into the public’s consciousness: ‘Ditching the bra. Women go for comfort over lift‘
On that thought we turn to the caption to the frontpage pic in the Daily Mail: ‘It’s Carribean Kate, queen of the maracas‘ – the Express feature a similar photo: ‘Kate’s a mover and a shaker on Royal tour‘
It must be my age – mention maracas and I’m reminded of Bez, the best known maraca player in rock music and although knockers might claim him a superfluous member, in fact, de facto, he was an ever-present mascot (somewhat akin to Aloysius or Dimbles) for mad-for-it Mancunian band Happy Mondays.
Kudos to the tabloid Daily Mirror for their main headline this morning refering to the ferry firm which sacked its staff and may now face legal challenges: ‘P&O in the dock‘
No praise however for the opportunist Labour Party: ‘Labour bid to outlaw “fire & hire” and demand staff get their jobs back‘ (Mirror)
So, former lawyer Sir Keir’s forensically thought-through manifesto is to outlaw anything and everything that happens to happen in the world… that he don’t like?
The Russians seem to have headed back to the days of Tchaikovskyian military glory but with a twist, using cannon and shot against ‘music’ rooms oddly stacked with very hard to dislodge basket balls.
A few weeks ago the media got very excited by a flat trajectory shell hole in a wall that needed pointing at a lot by many people in a room if it was a dud.
There is a common thread to all these images coming out of Ukraine eg: on BBC TV news we are presented with a short video of some local chaps “digging graves”.
The odd thing is that they appeared to be doing it at the side of a main road and the video showed only a bit of turf being scraped away as if they had only just begun, by sheer chance the camera panned down to show an empty stretcher.
So if they have only just begun to dig the usual 6 foot hole, where did the body go?
These snippets seem to have a common denominator where they all appear to be staged setups for the camera for Western consumption.
And not so much as a crack caused to any window in the building. The Ruskies must be using cruel and unusual munitions indeed. If it weren’t for the size of the hole and the postion so far above the skirting board, I might be tempted to blame mice.
But hope Tracey Emin’s new installation ‘Pallet Stack’ was not in danger of a topple.
The Russian bombing of an art school in the Ukrainian city of Mariupol on Sunday might have left up to 400 people trapped, President Volodymyr Zelensky said.
"They are under the debris," he said. "We do not know how many are alive at the moment."
Given this is the NYT, valued source to Sopes, BS, Katty, Saz and Lurch, I read on, as I felt sure there was a chance of journalism beyond what ‘may’ be, as conveyed on social media and trusted impartial observers.
Sadly, not.
A few aspects intrigue in the photo.
An art school with a basement that can house 400 is impressive. Especially a basement so loftily vaulted.
Maybe the pallets are there in case of collapse? But that would mean less space for all surrounding artists. And in an era of Napoleonic round shot, wood splinters are a real hazard.
Today watch
Half awake I heard an interview with a lady from Manchester who claimed to be struggling to feed her family . She signed up with a scheme where she pays £7.50 a week in return for a big bag of good quality food donated by big supermarkets ….
….good for her …. but I still have a very strong self dependence – personal responsibility streak … -any way – I calculated how much she is spending a year – and I reckon it is half the cost of a BBC TV licence .
Dump the cost of that licence – if you haven’t done it already …spend the money on important stuff like fuel …
The BBC is spending lots of time talking about tax cuts …. Cutting the cost of petrol and diesel – those evil liquids responsible for all things bad ?
5p a liter cut ?10 p a liter ? But no sign of the usual wealthy walk on greens telling us all to walk or get killed by a coloured boy on a bus for ‘dissing ‘ him ….
According to the DT C4 is running a ‘documentary ‘ this week which claims the king who resigned( Eddie Windsor?) helped hitler in 1939 by pointing out weaknesses in the French defences as well as advising that mass bombing of British cities would break morale . …
Obviously the term ‘French defences ‘ is a misnomer ….
Hmm in the fog of war, it’s difficult to work out what the truth is.
eg when someone is HELPING the Germans by giving them info
He may well be really HELPING the allies
ie be a double agent
The TV corp have retweeted the PR they got in the Telegraph and The Mail Edward VIII helped Nazis invade France by revealing defence weak spots to known collaborator
, historian claims. @channel4 Secret History Sunday 27th March at 8pm
Edward VIII collaborated with Nazis during WWII, documentary claims | Daily Mail Online.
It’s from the book by historian @AndrewLownie
The Traitor King (Edward VIII)
“Was Edward VIII a Nazis sympathiser who’d agreed to retake the throne if Germany won the war?
Was Lord Louis Mountbatten a paedophile?”
He’s got a case against University oF Southampton for the Mountbatten papers
The Tribunal hearing started 14th November 2021
but strangely there still hasn’t been a verdict.
Until his death in 1972, the duke – ‘every drop of blood in my veins is German’ – considered that the war should never have been fought and that Hitler was ‘not such a bad chap’.
French defences? They are called ‘slips’, and if used at all by both males and females and inbetweenies, they are dropped at the first hint of engagement.
To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again, and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself—that was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word—doublethink—involved the use of doublethink.
“Senior [Ukrainian] officials have told me that supplies of anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons have slowed to a trickle and stocks are running low,” said Paul Grod, head of the Ukrainian World Congress, a non-governmental organisation. “This needs to be addressed as soon as possible — otherwise Ukrainian fighters will be confronting Russian tanks with just machine guns.”
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Ukraine’s information dominance has masked its losses: thousands of open-source images of exploded Russian armour have been taken by Ukrainian civilians, who are unlikely to post similar pictures of their own side’s losses. This has led to a natural bias in the online content being scrutinised by many analysts.
As of 2021, all male citizens aged 18–27 are subject to conscription for 1 year of active duty military service in armed forces, but the precise number of conscripts for each of the recruitment campaigns, which are usually held twice annually, is prescribed by particular Presidential Decree.
Notice the photo – why not beckham in a hot tub wearing gold?
Former England captain David Beckham handed control of his Instagram account to a Ukrainian doctor in the city of Kharkiv on Sunday.
Dr Iryna, head of a regional perinatal centre, spent the day posting videos about the work medical professionals are doing in the midst of the conflict.
Footage showed newborns being treated and a basement to which patients have had to be moved to escape shelling.
Beckham, 46, has more than 71 million followers on Instagram.
When was that photo taken ? because his torso looks incredibly free of all other tatts, yet we know from the frequent picture postings in the press that his body is absolutely covered in them !
Austin Squealy Healey commenting on my beloved Leicester Tigers game last Friday said that skin doesn’t sweat through tats. Sir Becks probably doesn’t want that Belgian minx or his manky missus slipping out of his grasp.
Mind you, Squealey always talks crap!
The Iranian saint married to a UK bloke has granted ‘a press conference ‘
I wonder if anyone asked her what she was doing in Iran – for the BBC – and whether she is grateful for the £200 million paid to get her out – as well as the £200 million for the other chap .
Naturally one was left behind – an Iranian – UK – US ? Passport holder … but the US bit wasn’t mentioned .
Instead there was the uncritical opinion of this lady that she should have been got out earlier – gratitude was in short supply – and I’d have thought that she should be grateful that the Iranians did n ‘t ‘suicide ‘ her ….
It would be nice to think we might hear a bit less of the whining but I think she is due to get a job on the BBC – female – dusky – ideal BBC presenter – maybe ‘match of the day ‘?
There is a threat of kidnap to foreign tourists in the border areas. The long-standing policy of the British government is not to make substantive concessions to hostage takers. The British government considers that paying ransoms and releasing prisoners increases the risk of further hostage taking. The Terrorism Act (2000) also makes payments to terrorists illegal.
There is considered to be a heightened threat of terrorist attack globally against UK interests and British nationals, from groups or individuals motivated by the conflict in Iraq and Syria. You should be vigilant at this time.
Unlike their predecessors, the US President and Secretary of State this year made no mention of Iran or the aspirations of Iranians in their #Nowruz messages.
— Iran International English (@IranIntl_En) March 21, 2022
Starmer’s team still drafting his as of lunchtime. They were quick off the mark last year though. Tsk tsk.
Another Mail article has a strange tag ..that says YOU paid for it. Let’s live with Covid….But still keep our guard up:
As restrictions are lifted, here’s why it’s still important to protect yourself and others Sponsored by The UK Government
Just got a 6th text from my local surgery in a year saying don’t bother unless its an emergency due to high level of staff sickness, yes 6 bloody times now
“The Nazi flag at the Ottawa Protest was clearly a plant. ”
– The 2 photographers who took the perfect shot used by Trudeau and friends, are connected to Trudeau
Both of their sets of social media accounts are locked
The stairs photo was not taken from the protest zone
but rather lower down behind a police locked gate a protester couldn’t have been in that zone” etc.
– Oh and the flag holders were standing on the balcony walk of the hotel used by police.
The report is presented by the reporter who was shot at point blank by a an accidentally fired police rubber bullet.
Boris Johnson & his ministers have done everything they could to make the release of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe look like their work. She just ruined that.
Nazanin’s calm criticism makes nonsense of boasts by Johnson and his government
Odd, I thought; odd. While Truss once looked promising in trade, her attraction to the camera as ForSec not only made her almost Bryantesque, but usually invited pile ones from him and the glee club.
“ A newspaper reporter on the BBC’s Politics Live tried to say current foreign secretary Liz Truss was to be praised for achieving the release, but we all know her actions were not even slightly motivated by concern for Ms Zaghari-Ratcliffe.”
Now why would BBC Politics invi…. Ohhhhhh… a set up.
Beth Rigby returns to Sky News after three-month ban for breaking Covid rules at Kay Burley’s birthday
The broadcaster was removed from air after attending Kay Burley’s birthday bash
Another tweeter says
\\ The Iranian debt came about under Labour in the 1970s. It was then illegal/prohibited by global and Europeans to pay the debt due to sanctions until 2008. Blair, Cameron and May did not pay.
Boris’s fault? I don’t think so!! Boris paid Labour’s debt.//
Usually telling journos what to ask, or not, is a red rag.
My heart sunk when I realised Tom Harwood was about to ask Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe a question.
After journalists were told not to direct overly political questions at Nazanin, he implied *directly to her* that the government shouldn't have paid the debt that got her released.
The strength, dignity and courage of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe as she speaks publicly for the first time – in Ukrainian colours – is a sight to behold. And she's right. It should never have taken five foreign Secretaries or six years to get her home.
By refusing to conform to the nicey nicey woman so so happy happy to be home, and so so grateful to Liar Johnson and Lizzy Instatruss narrative, she deserves huge praise. But just watch the Brextremist press start to turn …
It’s definitely time journalists shouldn’t be allowed to ask unapproved questions ….
I mean – if the Iranian woman slags politicians trying to get her out – she shouldn’t be criticised for going to Iran in the first place- right ?
Meanwhile the Iranian bloke with a UK US passport is back in prison . Maybe the Iranians were going to let him out in a bit – but I bet they won’t if Radcliffe and the gang keep screaming …
… the hapless – hope less John ‘jack’ straw – was On world at one explaining how -,as Foreign Sec- he had no idea why the home office banged up and deported 3 Iranian negotiators who had been invited to Blighty on their arrival .
Straw – without the cloak of ministerial cover – now sounds like a dumb hopeless sap …. He – too – of course – failed to measure and prepare for the number of EU guest workers who would arrive in Blighty once Labour opened the unrestricted door to them . Idiot .
Pretty common in Pakistan too. Scarlet Fever is apparantly a growing problem in Manchester, it is reportedly most common in the Far East and – England, a sorry indictment of our hopeless governments mismanagement of the country.
Here we go again. With utter predictability and nauseating inappropriateness the EU – never one to waste a good crisis – is trying to weaponise Putin’s war on Ukraine to try (a) to push forward an EU Defence Union led by Macron, as a rival to NATO and (b) with the help of British rejoiners and sympathisers in the British civil service, to use this crisis to punish Britain for Brexit, to resubordinate UK defence and security policy to the EU and to – in their dreams – prepare the road for the UK rejoining the EU: just as it weaponised the Northern Ireland Protocol to try to force the entire UK into economic subordination for the same purposes: punishment and resubordination.
Furthermore, this is absurd. PESCO is vastly bigger than this one text – and is intended to be. All signatures have consequences through aggregation and displacement.
The best way for the UK to contribute is by staying well clear of EU institutions (with their ambitions), engaging in bilateralism with national capitals, and coring activity through NATO.
The BBC and Governments over the years have heavily promoted immigration. My theory about this is that it will destroy the cohesion of the British people and enable Government to take control. Those from the EU have generally lived in authoritarian States and accept that Government agencies are in control. The British Police love immigration as the extra work increase the size of Forces and justifies extra powers. It’s nothing short of an attempt to destroy society as it was. I blame Bliar for for accelerating the process with his lies.
BBC News running the Iranian woman story as number 1 again and again – screw the Ukrainian slaughter eh ? Bored with dead women and children – let’s get onto the government with some mouthy Iranian ….
Prediction – labour will either put her up as a labour peer or as a safe seat MP ….
Many have commented that they feel she is an ungrateful shit, even her husband looked unconfortable, stupid woman travels to dangerous place, gets imprisoned and
Its the Toreeez fault innit.
And as for the gushings from so many syncophants it is embarrassing and sickening to see.
I only hope Iran follows Argos’ example: 14 day no quibble return policy for full refund if not entirely happy.
Rather ironic that journos were prevented from getting ‘political’ with her, yet she goes on a rant as soon as she gets the mic ! Not good PR for her, and may find sympathy ebbing away from her, and tbh I found it an uncomfortable watch as she let rip. She should have stuck to her ‘thanks’ and being grateful speech. I don’t suppose we’ll get to know the full story about her arrest 6 years ago. But if she was a bit mouthy over there like she is the minute she gets back here, then ……………….. it makes you wonder.
Looks as though the lady’s privations did not include lack of dental care. A fine set of gnashers after 6 years of solitary – compared with Terry Waite’s decayed stumps after just 5 years in jail she seems to have been rather better looked after.
One might wonder how many other BBC dual nationality stringers are out there who might be persuaded by the home country to ‘endure’ a bit of local hospitality in return for them getting a bit of dodgy dosh out of HMG?
Body language says it all to me. I really feel sorry for her husband who’s worked so hard for her release only to be disrespected by her live on the telly. Sorry but i really think she’s ungrateful & wrong to blame the government for her predicament.
— Craig #BackUkraine #BackBoris (@Tory_Glory) March 21, 2022
Thomson Reuters Foundation……
The global news and information services company. As an independent charity, registered in the UK and the USA, we work to advance media freedom, foster more inclusive economies, and promote human rights
BBC. Media Action….
Our work in radio, television, digital and other communication content ensures people have better access to accurate, credible and balanced information. Our work helps people understand their rights, and the responsibilities of those in power, and creates space for inclusive public discussion on issues of importance to people’s lives. And we enable people to meet and speak directly with their decision-makers, to make them answerable for their actions. We help support fair elections, challenge mis- and disinformation, and help people live together more peacefully.
Exactly the perfect CV to go visiting relatives in a nice friendly country like Iran
Perhaps she may take up a hobby of Photographing military airports in Turkey next…
Born in Dec 1978 In 2007, Zaghari-Ratcliffe moved to the UK after receiving a scholarship to study for a Masters in Communication Management at London Metropolitan University.
Married in 2009
So arrived in UK aged 28, married aged 30
British citizen since 2013
So she was working for democracy for Iranian people, and paid for by British.
So her employers have the responsibility not to let her rot.
As you say they were negligent to let her go into Iran, cos it was risky.
Her CV listed above shows evidence as to why she is so articulate. Not exactly the shrinking violet. As well as her dental work, she thanked the medical team in Iran for looking after her, and her skin looked positively plumptious – not what one would expect after 6 years in a cell with no daylight, lack of sleep through having a lightbulb on all the time, and didn’t have the haunted look of someone having to expel bodily functions via a hole in the ground.
ITVlocal news .. P&O protests lead
It was a few minutes before we got Karl Turner the Labour MP at the Parliament protest, then a shot of another Labour MP saying “This Tory government”
It’s a few day in and still the Liverpool to Dublin route is the only one that is running
I’m not sure if that is only one ferry or both.
The Germans and their “cousins” the Austrians have given
us Beethoven, Goethe, Einstein Mozart and HITLER.
The Russians and their cousins the Ukranians have given
us Solzhentitsyn, Tchaikovsky, Kasparov. Yaroslav the wise
and PUTIN.
I just hope that one day the Oxford English dictionary will
have an entry for Putin .As it has for Quisling the Norwegian
traitor . Quisling which you will find in the dictionary as
meaning traitor. PUTIN ? Well just the mention of his
name makes you want to puke. You make up your own
I suppose ” PUTIN” could be better than using
Sobrinicide or Patruelicide. Which you will find
in dictionaries meaning to kill ones cousins.
Gary Kasparov was born Garik Kimovich Weinstein (or Vaynshteyn if you prefer a Russian transliteration) in Baku (Azerbaijan) and is half-Armenian and half-Jewish, though Russian by culture and language. He has been described as the last and finest product of the Soviet Chess School.
ITVnews “There are concerns about BAME opting out of organ donations”
“due to lack of donors they are waiting twice as long for organs”
Reporter Amani Khan
Her pinned tweet :
He latest tweet “BREAKING: The United Nations admits Black and brown refugees have faced racism at Ukraine borders.”
The item switches to a mosque in Scunthorpe
“Yes we are concerned about the lack of MUSLIM donors” says the WHITE Muslim imam
Our ITVnews often has Sheffield news items
but today they didn’t give us this one
We’ve gone into an item “Does Spring Cleaning from the Persian culture” Iranian woman
“Does it come from Jews ?” rabbi is on air
Now Ruth Goodman saying it only in Spring you have enough sunlight to do extra cleaning.
Jayne Senior told a police misconduct hearing she was warned about 'rocking the multicultural boat' after she spoke out about grooming in Rotherham.
“We know for a fact that Big Tech, the mainstream media, and allies of the Democrat Party worked together in the last days of the 2020 election to censor fact-based journalism and shut down social media platforms to ensure that the public did not have access to the truth about the scandals involving Hunter Biden and the Biden family,” Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) said in a statement on March 18. “This is the most consequential political scandal since Watergate, and it deserves an investigation no less robust and no less bipartisan.”
Over to BBC they are preaching about e-waste
Rebecca Morelle
(.. New Zealand accent ? no she says Thames Estuary accent
Ah “In around 2004 Morelle was promoted to senior press officer. Australian Science Media Centre (SMC)”
“BBC reporter is University of New South Wales’ first Journalist-in-Residence”)
Her previous appearance
\\Rebecca Morrell commenting on the proposed Cumbria coal mine, ” . . .to provide energy for steel production”.
A bit misleading, to say the least. Back to school for BBC climate correspondent #bbcnews //
Yes, her bio “Becky graduated from Oxford University in July 2001, with a first class degree in Chemistry. After completing her fourth and final year working on a research project and thesis on an enzyme implicated in Alzheimer’s Disease, she began work at the Royal Institution in September 2001.
She has now been working at the Science Media Centre for four years, and has recently been promoted to senior press officer.”
Here is another caring bame example, from 2018 feted by Radio 4 of course:
‘Why should I care about male suicide?’ Feminist blogger behind the #SaggyBoobsMatter campaign sparks outrage for claiming she has NO concern for men who ‘kill themselves because they can’t cry’
Londoner Chidera Eggerue, 24, tweeted that she didn’t care about men’s issues, Best known by her pen name ‘The Slumflower’, she disparaged mental health.
She faced a serious backlash online, with many saying she wasn’t being feminist : ‘If men are committing suicide as they can’t cry, how’s it my concern?’ she wrote.
In another tweet she wrote: ‘My feminism priorities women and femmes. I DO NOT CARE to better the lives of people who aren’t smart enough to leverage the patriarchy to better their own lives, even though they created it and continue to uphold it.
She continued: ‘I can’t stress enough about how much I don’t care about dedicating my life to designing a world that is safer to my oppressor, when I could just direct that energy across to women and femmes who are vulnerable as a result of existing with people who don’t know how to cry’.
Look North at 6.30 had an item to inform Yorkshire people that the marvellous Sadiq Kahn had visited Google to visit the Siemens factory where Tube trains are being built and how wonderful it is for levelling up. I am sure Andrew Percy the Goole MP was there too as he appeared in the video clips but didn’t seem to deserve a mention.
The BBC seems to work on if you cannot say something bad about the Conservatives it is better to say nothing at all.
Watching the BBC news earlier this evening I was struck by the new speak of our elites. Following Priti who speaks of punishin’ and investigatin’ crimes the dropping of the g at the end of words is widespread among commentators on both BBC and Ch 4.
But tonight I was touched by a woman sport expert who spoke of winnin’ at football and several times referred to a place called Wemberly .
Spottin’ the missin’ g’s and other delights is somethin’ to enjoy when watchin’ the news.
On a slightly different topic, I have a strange problem when watching, Peter Whittle on the New Culture Forum. Subconsciously, I find myself trying to emulate what he does with his mouth/lower jaw. Bizarre.
Re Royal Mint electronic recycling. I have first hand experience of the industry can assure everyone it’s economically viable. However the BBC would have you believe it’s something new, it isn’t. It’s been going on for 50 years that I know of.
So have I for 10 years but that was a while ago now, a long while, I do recall being sent the concrete floor of a gold processing plant to analyse to see if it was worth recovering any gold.
There is an economic assessment of effort / cost versus reward
from 2014:
Of course, you can recycle gold from a range of different products, but how far could we satisfy our appetite for gold from phones alone? According to Dave Holwell, about 2,700 tonnes of gold are produced every year from mining – about 7.4 tonnes per day. To get that from mobile phones we’d need to recycle 300m of them. And if we did that every day, the world’s estimated seven billion mobile phones in active use would run out in 23 days.
it’s important to remember that metals are traded by weight, and an 8-lb laptop or 25-lb monitor may only contain a few grams of precious metals at most. Precious metal values can fluctuate from day to day, hour to hour and even minute to minute. The majority of a device’s weight comes from less valuable material like plastic and glass.
Then there’s the question of whether the gold is pure, mixed with other metals or contains other materials. In other words, even if the precious metal were already separated from the rest, the value would depend on its grade, i.e., the composition or quality. Obviously, metals with higher grades are more valuable because they do not need to be refined to separate them from everything else.
Advertisers are afraid of their adverts being on videos which use words which stir controversy like “Kung Flu” “Chinese virus” and “illegal immigrants”
However that last one is not on the Restricted Comments list.
Get your tin hats ready for this Thursday – Biden is coming to Europistan – if I were putin I would do something ‘special ‘ – speaking as a 5 star armchair general and bar …
Next week is unexplained deaths
The Birmingham one makes out a Birmingham black guy was killed by police
.. which is always possible
But the original 2002 BBC story was more direct
“A man froze to death while on the run from the police, an inquest jury has been told.
Damean Vernon from Bromford Bridge, Birmingham, was discovered lying on a concrete platform in the middle of the River Tame beneath the M6 in January 2001.”
The family reckon the police publicity re the manhunt made him too fearful and was disproportionate for a fairly small time criminal.
DT reports that a pro Russian government newspaper has reported 10000 military deaths in Ukraine and 16000 injured . Surely that cannot be true ? I know the Russians have previous for throwing their soldiers ‘ lives away but surely not in 2022 … after 1 month ?
I thought that the 10,000 Russian deaths milestone had been passed a few days ago, even allowing for the confusion of war and Ukrainian propaganda; well over 400 died on the first day according to some reports. Maybe Putin held his best forces back and tried to draw the missile fire, so that Ukraine would exhaust its stocks and Western supplies.
Komsomolskaya Pravda, the pro-Kremlin tabloid, says that according to Russian ministry of defense numbers, 9,861 Russian soldiers died in Ukraine and 16,153 were injured.
The last official Russian KIA figure, on March 2, was 498.
Fascinating that someone posted the leaked number.
A former internal affairs minister of #Ukraine @AvakovArsen shared the intercepted Russian military summary for March 18: killed 12,814.
Comprising regular Rus. Army troops
+ Private company Liga (former Vagner) troops killed 4,451.
I am very surprised that the war has become so bloody and so destructive. Putin seems to have been infuriated by the Ukrainians determined and valiant stand and is now operating in punishment mode.
What does he hopes to gain after this is over? Well we need to remember that whilst the Anglosphere is uncompromising in their condemnation and sanctioning of Russia ,the EU is so dependent on Russian fuel that they less forthright in their words and particularly in their actions. China and India are both more or less sitting on the fence. So there isn’t world wide opposition to Russia by any means and Putin can sell his oil and gas to China and India in the future. But he will need to construct pipelines which takes years or use tankers . The tankers need to go through the Bosporous and Suez so Turkey and Egypt will be key for the next several years if things go this way.
Newt Gingrich interviewed on Fox said the Ukrainians should get the Mig 29’s alongwith a bunch of cruise missiles to give the Kremlin a rude awakening. Maybe at the same time, target the Russian Navy in the Black Sea…………..
After all, for Putin it is acceptable to randomly bomb Ukraine so what stops the Ukrainians from bombing the Russian ‘Homeland’?
Weather set fair in the Channel until the end of the month at least – could be some really big numbers of illegal migrants arriving in Dover and along the South coast over the next few days – possibly as many as 2,000 or even 3,000 – perhaps they could be redirected to go and work for P&O. Don’t bother trying to book a 3* or 4* hotel this summer, they will all be full. That estimate of 60,000 in 2022 is beginning to look well short of the mark. The Government have long since given up and are now only reporting the numbers once every 3 months, a clear signal to the MSM there is nothing to see and to stay away from Dover so it is left to concerned groups to take it on.
Mon 21 Mar: It's all go at Dover Harbour this afternoon with multiple Border Force vessels and the RNLI involved in picking up illegal immigrants and rescuing others in the English Channel.
This Tory government is a disgrace to the people of Great Britain. They are betraying us as we are being invaded. I suspect they will hide the numbers coming in with the Ukrainian refugees .
Next time vote UKIP or the Reform Party because we are being led by a bunch of buffoons.
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
DeborahMar 9, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Eddy, John Campbell has a PhD in nursing. My mistake if I led people here to think he is a…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I had more than a cold the Astra Zenenca vaccine crippled me for months. Every movement was agony. There was…
BBC savaged for ‘divisive politics’ as all-female shortlist to replace Kuenssberg exposed
Bow Group Chairman Ben Harris-Quinney:
“The BBC should be focused on presenting a diversity of views that represent all those present in British society, rather than gathering a panoply of people of different races, genders and sexualities who are of a very narrow set of political views, and calling it diversity.”
He added: “The only diversity that should matter in an organisation charged with representing the views of the British public is that of thought and opinion.”
“If the BBC is truly interested in diversity, perhaps it should adopt an all-Brexiteer shortlist, or an all-anti-net zero shortlist, to set against the metropolitan liberal groupthink that has dominated the BBC for decades.”
I don’t think the sex or race or age of the replacement matters at all – the only thing that matters is that they are ‘approved ‘ …it’s just the swamp moving one player from one place to another – there’s no difference …
Their across the board collective silence on matters that concern the general public as anyone here or anywhere else can testify is enough to show their bias.
THE most incompetent US president in history and silence.
but if we find anything bad about Trump we will trumpet it far and wide.
Public genuine concern on immigration via dinghy, silence.
Jewish kids attacked in the centre of London by racist muslims : lets attack the victims instead.
As for Pakistani grooming gangs raping underage children in every UK city….oh lets talk about Epstein, Weinstein instead, isn’t it terrible no woman or young girl is safe from these white jewish monsters.
It’s worse than you say Zephir. If there isn’t anything bad to say about President Trump they just make something up that is bad about him. The MSM is a sewer of lies and the BBC is as bad as any of them.
And what was done to Iraq on wholly made up stories of WMD. That country was destroyed root and branch. Millions died, and continue to die. And for what?
This was a major war crime dwarfing anything that has happened in Ukraine by several orders of magnitude.
But the wholly bought and payed Western media thinks that it is free, fearless, and brave,
Not the BBC but the Civil Service. Someone I know was applying for a job and had to view on line 7 vignette videos and answer questions. Each vignette had 2 or 3 people. Only 2 people were white, 3 or 4 were black and the rest (ie about 20 of them) were Asian. Not sure what it says about the U.K. civil service.
Reassuringly the job spec described the perks of the job which including fantastic networking opportunities. Not sure I see that as such a great perk. It listed the networks available….LGBTQ+, BAME and mental health support groups. There was no mention of anything for white straight men whose mental health is just fine.
I then looked at the jobs in a connected agency. The highest paying job advertised specified that applications are especially welcome from the BAME community. I would have hoped the job would be offered to the best person for the job regardless of the ethnicity.
Fed, they just want some female ‘totty’ to shore up the BBC’s declining viewing figures. It’s probably desperation at work not positive discrimination.
Totty bbc style
I strongly advise readers not to follow that link to view the picture. It is very hard to ‘un-see’ the horrors, and could lead to mental scarring.
And don’t stand too near, if she turns round quickly one could get a black eye.
Zephir. I think you misspelt the first word. It should begin with a Gr not T.
In future – please put health warnings up before putting up such disturbing links …( that is attempted moderator humour before offence is taken …)
Reminds me of the old one
“Dr Finlay I think I’ve got heartburn”
“No lassy, your tit’s hanging in your porridge”
Do cover up those skanky dugs, love. Reminds me of Viv Stanshall’s performances for the Bonzo Dog Doodah Band when he would mime a woman undoing her bra and catching her balloons around waist level.
This is awful.
Surely at least one should be only be identifying as female.
Tory supporters , when is Nadine Dorries going to get a grip?
What exactly does she do ? More importantly, what does Priti Patel do decide promise, promise and promise ?
Me either.
In training for relocation to the Hindu Kush !
Oh, how very dare you, please adjust your thinking and keep quiet about this like the bbc :
Why is it called Hindu Kush?
The term was earliest used by Ibn Battuta. According to him Hindu Kush means Hindu Killer as slaves from the Indian subcontinent died in the harsh climatic conditions of the mountains while being taken from India to Turkestan.
Slavery in India escalated during the Muslim domination of northern India after the 11th-century, after Muslim rulers re-introduced slavery to the Indian subcontinent. Historical analyses of slavery in India generally emphasize the escalation of this social institution during the era of Muslim domination in north India.
The institution was little documented until the British colonials in the 19th century made it an object of study because of their desire to abolish it.
It was Lord Ellenborough who abolished slavery in India. The Indian Slavery Act, 1843, also Act V of 1843, was an act passed in British India under East India Company rule, which outlawed many economic transactions associated with slavery.
India now has the highest number of slaves in the world, with estimates ranging from 14 million to 18 million people. In India, many people work as slave labour in the brick kiln industry – this includes women and children.
Institutionalized slavery in the Muslim regimes and Indic mercantile complicity
One of the worst (if not the absolute worst) atrocities perpetrated by the Islamic regimes in India was the perpetuation of slavery. While the trade of slaves was not unknown in India, the scale of slavery in India was extremely small in pre-Islamic times.
We show that slavery became endemic in India during the Muslim rule, focusing on the Mughal emperors, starting from Akbar, and post-Mughal Muslim rulers.
They cant admit this cause then they have to admit that they have had their day in the sun on the world’s stage and there is NO chance they are getting that back.
They could have been champs – they got into Spain and had plans on us. Had they won, we wd be called Ahmed or some such towelheaded name.
The BBC has moved from tabloid to shock-jock now with this ridiculous Tweet and photo, which defiles the universes’ most beautiful creation: the face of a lady.
I bet the women walk in a different group. I worked on a Qatar project last month and that was disguisting. COMPLETE division. Complete. No women at work. just sickening men everywhere. I hated it. Camels, heat, dust, BO, dead world – all the arab bits.
or screwing in a light bulb?
Saudi Arabia executes 81 men in one day
Published12 March
The amount of litter in the countryside is increasing.
Mark Townsend is every bit the Graun luvvie.
In other news, images of folk holding weapons in interesting ways pervade.
I always off-switch when I see that many whoring hashtags.
Modern day version of !!! when more than ! isn’t possible in formal.
Civilians trapped in a theatre ? I was one during Miss Saigon, no one helped then.
USA Guns Bad – Ukraine guns good.
Hobo TV is actually rather sad.
Guest Who
Didn’t he get kicked off the BBC?
He says not. But then, BBC hires folk for things they say. And sometimes, not often, they ‘leave’’.
Guest, one word for Sweeney ‘Deripaska’, desperate Sweeney needs to be reminded of ‘Deripaska’.
Brillaint. ROFL to Hobbo TV.
Sweeney is so earnst. Only 1 second I watched and that was more than enough. he is a muppet.
“I’ve got friends…”
100% fake news
I know what it`s like for the P&O workers being made redundant .
It`s not just a job , it`s a way of life . As it`s a way of life it becomes a COMMUNITY .
I know because at the time , in my happy days , I was part of a COMMUNITY although I didnt know it .
I`m referring to my colleagues who were on Middle East or TIR work , truck driving beyond western Europe . It was a way of life beyond the ken of a BBC reporter . So much so that for years after we did it we had reunions , until old age , diabetes , death and Covid killed the get togethers .
So what killed off our way of life , an industry that gave employment and income to the UK ?
Killed a way of life and COMMUNITY bigger than the mining towns in its intensity .
But didn`t have the left`s romance of what a COMMUNITY should look like , should be ?
Answer : The civil service . Government .
I`ll give three names : James Fells , Gerry Sreanan and Roger Smith , although there are others . Infesting the civil service in the matter off Yes Minister .
So BBC , it`s not just plutocrats , oligarchs , oil barons etc that you think kill off COMMUNITIES .
Its the civil service .
In a karmically corrected world, something bizarre at the hands of XR needs to happen to this streak of wasted oxygen.
Karma for lyrca
Prosecute them £159 for not filming?
“Six killed after car drives into crowd in Belgium”
“but police said a terror attack had been ruled out.”
It was the “car then ?
Lone wolf Norwegian?
Were there not two?
Poor rally nav guy?
‘Authorities have ruled out, for now, a terror motive behind Sunday’s incident.’ (Aljazeera) – so soon and yet no other details? For now…? Loose translation or watch this space?
The BBC script is DIFFERENT to the real world
… narrative, storytelling that misleads.
The more desperate to get back on the telly this bitter, thick queer gets, the more he posts. No wonder the BBC bitter, thick queers love him.
The BBC core audience gets schooled.
Undoubtedly due to little Macron.
The sooner the Government seizes Pee & Off’s ferries and negotiates better access to Dutch ports, the better imo.
Hit Manny MacroNapoleon and his Calais pirates where it hurts.
And this is why Femi lives on Vile.
Circle jerks.
Take it this slug still hasn’t gone public on his defamation of mr farage …. Moral high ground indeed
Question to which we know the answer is NO
To quote from the article :-
“Coal mining was massive in the North East,” says Jim Gillon, walking across a building site in Gateshead.
“And where we’re standing there are six different mine workings beneath our feet.”
He could have added “And once we’ve removed the coaL we can install our lukewarm water generators. P.S. send more money please. If only we could think of a use for the coal.
A reader post:
Oliver Le Flore
10:35 18 Mar
I am fortunate to have self build new home with GSHP and UFH. Its wonderful.
But ASHP or GSHP is only one thing; you have to have a “radiator” solution that can distribute the relatively low temperature water to large radiative surfaces like…..floors
That means underfloor and not just existing traditional radiators.
As always you must look at the complete problem and not just part of it.
Highlighting just how dire bbc reporting is. Maybe she could start a meth lab in the basement and head up Breaking Bad News?
TOADY Watch #1 – the trouble with experts is that sometimes they cannot see the big picture
Sean Farrington, new BBC Business bod (has Dharshini left the BBC?) is talking to Carl Emerson of the Institute for Fiscal Studies about the possible cut to fuel duties in the (proper) Budget this week. Carl sets out what it would cost the Treasury for one year to cut fuel duty by 5p: £2.5bn. But Carl doesn’t understand that fuel duty underpins the inflation figure: not just petrol which may influence what pay rise an employee may seek for continuing to be able to travel to work but diesel duty affects the price of every single good in the shops.
Sean Farrington is not sharp enough to point that out to Carl Emerson.
Biggins doing the papers on GB News. Superb.
In case anyone’s interested, I consider this assessment of the situation in Ukraine to be one of the clearest I’ve heard.
Not from some useless BBC ‘foreign affairs’ correspondent who thinks foreign affairs means sex with a Russian, or ‘defence correspondent’ who hadn’t heard of MIG 29s until last week – but a real expert from the Royal United Services Institute.
He looks like he’s about 13 and 3/4s but he really knows his stuff, militarily as well as politically.
The vid is time stamped to the part of the discussion where he covers the issues of those famous Polish MIGs and the desirability of a no-fly zone, and much more besides – in particular the option of actual NATO involvement, and the repercussions that would have.
(The earlier discussion is a bit military nerdy stuff about jet fighter capability and pilot training – more of a niche interest for hard-core military wonks.)
Maybe someone can fly a mig29 into putin s office when he is in it …
Yes, where are the Japanese kamikazes when you need them?
Office? Even multiple bunker busting missiles wouldn’t penetrate to where Vlad is hiding.
I’m praying for a Ceaucescu ending, or even a haram Gaddaffi type, preferably with a very long bayonet.
Goodbye to Kamala and Joe?
EXCELLENT article, and excellent news!
Note: contrast how even the American left tacitly acknowledge the complete uselessness of the two clowns in the White House, with the BBC pretence that all is well.
The bBC have to keep up the pretence because Biden and Harris represent “a new era of decency, integrity and compassion in the White House” and “a victory for hope over hate, and a real moment for optimism in the US and around the world.”
(Starmer in the HoC on 11/11/20 and 20/1/21 respectively)
– and Fauci….
-as lies unravel and bad deeds are exposed by evaporating media crud…
I wonder why the author in the link declines to name those who are running Biden and his gimp ? Isn’t it simply Obama and his gang ? Why is that so hard to say ?
He also doesn’t address the ‘vote fixing ‘…. If they can do it once they can do it again and again . Americans accepted the theft of the election very easily – they didn’t even torch the capitol building when they had the chance ….
Maybe Epstein could shed some light on the matter, oh, wait
Fedup – I wondered that too. Legal reasons? Protecting his sources? Fear of being Epsteined?
Hopefully, one day all will be revealed.
We should be careful what we wish for. American Thinker has lots of background and thoughtful articles. If the Bidengimp and Kalamitous Kamala are ejected, the harridan Pelosi is in charge. She is a stick puppet for the unusually quiet Barry O’Bama and the Clinton Gang, nearly as wicked as the Jesse James gang and equally bought like the Bidengimp…but richer.
I am going to have to be more selective about what I say on here in future. I asked a while ago when Bono was going to run off to the batcave to don his sunglasses closely followed by Geldof all for Yookrayn.
Just heard on the news its going to be Ed Sheeeran this time and his bloody ukelele, God give me strength. Lenny Henry has been out luvvied this year.
The wokes very own George Formby in ginger has arrived to save Yookrayne; all the luvvies and wokes will be out in their droves with their candles in hand desperately scoping out the papperazi and jostling for photo ops.
Note to lefty wokes including the snidey bbc Munchetty: Flag waving is fine now as long as it is not a British one or God help you if if it is an English one.
Note to Wembley Stadium:
I hear Roman Abramovitch does a bloody good karaoke version of “If I were a Rich Man” after a couple of Smirnoffs
I reckon it could be the new Queen at Live Aid show stopping moment.
Zephir – you must tread carefully – I heard some luvvie last week musing about a new live aid record ? … but said – effectively – there’s not the fame or talent about to do it – so they are thinking of a ‘peoples ‘ record ‘…. Is it possible to come up with a more evil Idea … ?
Meanwhile – my local church school is doing some stuff with the RC Ukrainian bishop in London to send stuff to Ukraine ….
In 2022 – it’s not clothing and blankets – it’s mobile phone chargers and cables and sleeping bags and dry food like rice …interesting …
There seems to be s sleeping bag shortage in the shops BTW ( unless you wanna spend £250 on one )
Magic Gramps as Moony on pots and spoons?
Bryant playing with his selfie?
Raisin brane blowing her own trumpet?
Evelyn Waugh
The Daily Mirror is keen to have us think of the children: ‘Russians bomb 400 in a school‘ – meanwhile, in an alternate twist on the same report, the Daily Express would have us fear for the fate of the arts and the lives lost: ‘400 feared dead after Putin bombs art school‘
Any supposed attack on the arts is bound to upset the BBC – where the equivalence and irony of cancel culture pass them by: ‘War in Ukraine: Backlash in Russia against anti-war musicians. A few days after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, one of Russia’s largest media companies, Russian Media Group (RMG), released a statement explaining why it would no longer be playing certain artists on its popular radio stations or music TV channel‘
‘Don’t cancel culture‘ says the ‘i’ newspaper: ‘Banning Russian music and arts just plays into Putin’s hands‘ – high culture like ballet, theatre and opera ought to escape unscathed. The likes of Stravinsky, Rimsky-Korsakov and Tolstoy (he took care to combine his war with peace) were all cool. Mind you, in theatre circles they do talk of the dramatic principle of Chekhov’s gun – if it’s mentioned hanging over the fireplace in the first act then it is bound to be fired in the third.
We notice it is low culture that gets cancelled. Benny Hill, It Ain’t Half Hot Mum, Till Death Us Do Part….
Having established that this Ukrainian art school wasn’t quite the kindergarten the Mirror would have us believe – we can at least hope no actual children suffered directly in this event – because we put the welfare of children first, right?: ‘Airbrushing children from Covid inquiry is shocking oversight… just one reference to education and the words “child” or “children” are not used‘ (Telegraph)
Taking small comfort where we may find it among the depressing wreckage of the daily news, we note with delight the Express frontpage pic of the aftermath of the art school attack has at last revealed the whereabouts of “Dimbles” the teddy – one of the conflict zone reporters’ most favourite props. Second only to the bloody plimsoll. As featured in TV newsroom satire Drop The Dead Donkey. In the Express photo some young Ukrainian man (likely an art student) rescues the bear – this well-stuffed iteration, suprisingly, being one of those super-sized fairground prize versions, from the rubble. Who would have guessed Mariupol art students were such fans of Brideshead Revisisted and so keen to emulate Lord Sebastian Flyte’s quaint attachment to his constant companion Aloysius?
Evelyn Waugh, by the way, also penned a rather good satire on foreign affairs correspondents and their sensationalist antics back in 1938 titled Scoop
Evil in war
‘Russia accused of genocide… Civilians “abducted and taken to camps”‘ (Times) – civil liberties and human rights are very soon the casualties in emergency situations. And gosh, when that happens we do tend to be reminded of those mid-twentieth century Germans.
‘German regions shun Covid freedom day… [which] failed to materialise yesterday as regional governments chose to maintain restrictions… Germans in all states were told to keep wearing masks and show their vaccine passports…‘ (Telegraph)
‘Zelenskiy likens Putin to Nazis in appeal for Israeli help‘ (Guardian) – it may have been Germans who were the commandants, but we recall it was often the Ukrainians who were the camp guards.
There are some media tropes which once introduced – like Chekhov’s gun – never seem to go away. Like feminist bra-burning. Half a century since the swinging sixties, the hippies and Woodstock let it all hang out – the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper gives the notion another wistful push up into the public’s consciousness: ‘Ditching the bra. Women go for comfort over lift‘
On that thought we turn to the caption to the frontpage pic in the Daily Mail: ‘It’s Carribean Kate, queen of the maracas‘ – the Express feature a similar photo: ‘Kate’s a mover and a shaker on Royal tour‘
It must be my age – mention maracas and I’m reminded of Bez, the best known maraca player in rock music and although knockers might claim him a superfluous member, in fact, de facto, he was an ever-present mascot (somewhat akin to Aloysius or Dimbles) for mad-for-it Mancunian band Happy Mondays.
Kudos to the tabloid Daily Mirror for their main headline this morning refering to the ferry firm which sacked its staff and may now face legal challenges: ‘P&O in the dock‘
No praise however for the opportunist Labour Party: ‘Labour bid to outlaw “fire & hire” and demand staff get their jobs back‘ (Mirror)
So, former lawyer Sir Keir’s forensically thought-through manifesto is to outlaw anything and everything that happens to happen in the world… that he don’t like?
The Russians seem to have headed back to the days of Tchaikovskyian military glory but with a twist, using cannon and shot against ‘music’ rooms oddly stacked with very hard to dislodge basket balls.
A few weeks ago the media got very excited by a flat trajectory shell hole in a wall that needed pointing at a lot by many people in a room if it was a dud.
Yes, only in Ukraine, maternity hospitals with no babies
My brother made an observation that when images are shown of rescues, there is only one person being helped out of a building !
There is a common thread to all these images coming out of Ukraine eg: on BBC TV news we are presented with a short video of some local chaps “digging graves”.
The odd thing is that they appeared to be doing it at the side of a main road and the video showed only a bit of turf being scraped away as if they had only just begun, by sheer chance the camera panned down to show an empty stretcher.
So if they have only just begun to dig the usual 6 foot hole, where did the body go?
These snippets seem to have a common denominator where they all appear to be staged setups for the camera for Western consumption.
Something is not right.
And not so much as a crack caused to any window in the building. The Ruskies must be using cruel and unusual munitions indeed. If it weren’t for the size of the hole and the postion so far above the skirting board, I might be tempted to blame mice.
I err on dark humour in dark times.
But hope Tracey Emin’s new installation ‘Pallet Stack’ was not in danger of a topple.
Also to ponder why, as the sirens sound, the call is ‘to the art studio!”
Given this is the NYT, valued source to Sopes, BS, Katty, Saz and Lurch, I read on, as I felt sure there was a chance of journalism beyond what ‘may’ be, as conveyed on social media and trusted impartial observers.
Sadly, not.
A few aspects intrigue in the photo.
An art school with a basement that can house 400 is impressive. Especially a basement so loftily vaulted.
Maybe the pallets are there in case of collapse? But that would mean less space for all surrounding artists. And in an era of Napoleonic round shot, wood splinters are a real hazard.
Bit of a misunderstanding here Guest. Bono and Bob rushed them in, bought as a job lot of palliatives.
I’ll get me flak jacket.
Today watch
Half awake I heard an interview with a lady from Manchester who claimed to be struggling to feed her family . She signed up with a scheme where she pays £7.50 a week in return for a big bag of good quality food donated by big supermarkets ….
….good for her …. but I still have a very strong self dependence – personal responsibility streak … -any way – I calculated how much she is spending a year – and I reckon it is half the cost of a BBC TV licence .
Dump the cost of that licence – if you haven’t done it already …spend the money on important stuff like fuel …
Today again
The BBC is spending lots of time talking about tax cuts …. Cutting the cost of petrol and diesel – those evil liquids responsible for all things bad ?
5p a liter cut ?10 p a liter ? But no sign of the usual wealthy walk on greens telling us all to walk or get killed by a coloured boy on a bus for ‘dissing ‘ him ….
House journal photo ed is a genius.
History matters?
According to the DT C4 is running a ‘documentary ‘ this week which claims the king who resigned( Eddie Windsor?) helped hitler in 1939 by pointing out weaknesses in the French defences as well as advising that mass bombing of British cities would break morale . …
Obviously the term ‘French defences ‘ is a misnomer ….
Hmm in the fog of war, it’s difficult to work out what the truth is.
eg when someone is HELPING the Germans by giving them info
He may well be really HELPING the allies
ie be a double agent
The TV corp have retweeted the PR they got in the Telegraph and The Mail
Edward VIII helped Nazis invade France by revealing defence weak spots to known collaborator
, historian claims. @channel4 Secret History Sunday 27th March at 8pm
Edward VIII collaborated with Nazis during WWII, documentary claims | Daily Mail Online.
It’s from the book by historian @AndrewLownie
The Traitor King (Edward VIII)
“Was Edward VIII a Nazis sympathiser who’d agreed to retake the throne if Germany won the war?
Was Lord Louis Mountbatten a paedophile?”
He’s already done some podcasts and videos
Podcasts :
Click play
A list :
George Galloway prog item :
Oh book review
He’s got a case against University oF Southampton for the Mountbatten papers
The Tribunal hearing started 14th November 2021
but strangely there still hasn’t been a verdict.
Until his death in 1972, the duke – ‘every drop of blood in my veins is German’ – considered that the war should never have been fought and that Hitler was ‘not such a bad chap’.
French defences? They are called ‘slips’, and if used at all by both males and females and inbetweenies, they are dropped at the first hint of engagement.
Re Guardian photo above
Composition photo are almost 100% of photos used in print media.
To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again, and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself—that was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word—doublethink—involved the use of doublethink.
“Senior [Ukrainian] officials have told me that supplies of anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons have slowed to a trickle and stocks are running low,” said Paul Grod, head of the Ukrainian World Congress, a non-governmental organisation. “This needs to be addressed as soon as possible — otherwise Ukrainian fighters will be confronting Russian tanks with just machine guns.”
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Ukraine’s information dominance has masked its losses: thousands of open-source images of exploded Russian armour have been taken by Ukrainian civilians, who are unlikely to post similar pictures of their own side’s losses. This has led to a natural bias in the online content being scrutinised by many analysts.
As of 2021, all male citizens aged 18–27 are subject to conscription for 1 year of active duty military service in armed forces, but the precise number of conscripts for each of the recruitment campaigns, which are usually held twice annually, is prescribed by particular Presidential Decree.
Conscription in Russia – Wikipedia
Notice the photo – why not beckham in a hot tub wearing gold?
Former England captain David Beckham handed control of his Instagram account to a Ukrainian doctor in the city of Kharkiv on Sunday.
Dr Iryna, head of a regional perinatal centre, spent the day posting videos about the work medical professionals are doing in the midst of the conflict.
Footage showed newborns being treated and a basement to which patients have had to be moved to escape shelling.
Beckham, 46, has more than 71 million followers on Instagram.
More recently he got the number 99 tattooed on his little finger to mark the year he got married to Victoria.
Leytonstone s finest …. There’s not a statue yet …
I wonder if the ‘Ukrainian doctor ‘ turns out to be KGB …?
When was that photo taken ? because his torso looks incredibly free of all other tatts, yet we know from the frequent picture postings in the press that his body is absolutely covered in them !
Austin Squealy Healey commenting on my beloved Leicester Tigers game last Friday said that skin doesn’t sweat through tats. Sir Becks probably doesn’t want that Belgian minx or his manky missus slipping out of his grasp.
Mind you, Squealey always talks crap!
World at One Watch
The Iranian saint married to a UK bloke has granted ‘a press conference ‘
I wonder if anyone asked her what she was doing in Iran – for the BBC – and whether she is grateful for the £200 million paid to get her out – as well as the £200 million for the other chap .
Naturally one was left behind – an Iranian – UK – US ? Passport holder … but the US bit wasn’t mentioned .
Instead there was the uncritical opinion of this lady that she should have been got out earlier – gratitude was in short supply – and I’d have thought that she should be grateful that the Iranians did n ‘t ‘suicide ‘ her ….
It would be nice to think we might hear a bit less of the whining but I think she is due to get a job on the BBC – female – dusky – ideal BBC presenter – maybe ‘match of the day ‘?
There is a threat of kidnap to foreign tourists in the border areas. The long-standing policy of the British government is not to make substantive concessions to hostage takers. The British government considers that paying ransoms and releasing prisoners increases the risk of further hostage taking. The Terrorism Act (2000) also makes payments to terrorists illegal.
There is considered to be a heightened threat of terrorist attack globally against UK interests and British nationals, from groups or individuals motivated by the conflict in Iraq and Syria. You should be vigilant at this time.
Why does the UK owe Iran £400m? The debt explained and what it means for Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe
Starmer’s team still drafting his as of lunchtime. They were quick off the mark last year though. Tsk tsk.
If twitter did actually censor the Mail article questioning early Covid death stats , it’s not banned now
Mind you the Mail article has a note saying it was updated 2 days after publication
Another Mail article has a strange tag ..that says YOU paid for it.
Let’s live with Covid….But still keep our guard up:
As restrictions are lifted, here’s why it’s still important to protect yourself and others
Sponsored by The UK Government
By MailOnline Reporter 04 Mar 2022
Five Lenin statues in unexpected places
Published9 December 2013
Worth a watch for the people who think there is some hope of Putin being removed from office.
Funny old world.
This time last year we couldn’t allow anyone in our homes, and could only chat to someone in the street with a lamp post length between us.
Fast forward a year, and now we’re being asked to take in complete strangers from abroad suffering with God knows what ailments !!
On top of the £350 allowance, will there be a fast track system in place to see a GP in case the ‘hosts’ contract any unknown illnesses ???
Whats a GP ?
Just got a 6th text from my local surgery in a year saying don’t bother unless its an emergency due to high level of staff sickness, yes 6 bloody times now
NOT fit for purpose
Correction. It will be fit for the purpose of attending to immigrants/refugees. Like the extra 0.5 million expected in within the next 12 months.
“The Nazi flag at the Ottawa Protest was clearly a plant. ”
– The 2 photographers who took the perfect shot used by Trudeau and friends, are connected to Trudeau
Both of their sets of social media accounts are locked
The stairs photo was not taken from the protest zone
but rather lower down behind a police locked gate a protester couldn’t have been in that zone” etc.
– Oh and the flag holders were standing on the balcony walk of the hotel used by police.
The report is presented by the reporter who was shot at point blank by a an accidentally fired police rubber bullet.
Headline on the bbc :-
“I should have been home six years ago, Nazanin says”
Too right love, what possessed you to go to Iran?
At some point, her better half will realise that no-one is fawning over him now, and then the fur will fly. I’d give it a year.
Vox makes The Morning Star look like Der Sturmer.
Boris Johnson & his ministers have done everything they could to make the release of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe look like their work. She just ruined that.
Nazanin’s calm criticism makes nonsense of boasts by Johnson and his government
Odd, I thought; odd. While Truss once looked promising in trade, her attraction to the camera as ForSec not only made her almost Bryantesque, but usually invited pile ones from him and the glee club.
“ A newspaper reporter on the BBC’s Politics Live tried to say current foreign secretary Liz Truss was to be praised for achieving the release, but we all know her actions were not even slightly motivated by concern for Ms Zaghari-Ratcliffe.”
Now why would BBC Politics invi…. Ohhhhhh… a set up.
She was, after all, in her spiritual home.
Then there is… a fellow traveller…
And, of course, the national disgrace.
Beth Rigby returns to Sky News after three-month ban for breaking Covid rules at Kay Burley’s birthday
The broadcaster was removed from air after attending Kay Burley’s birthday bash
GW can see the tweet, cos he follows the account
Most of can’t, cos the account is protected
Another tweeter says
\\ The Iranian debt came about under Labour in the 1970s. It was then illegal/prohibited by global and Europeans to pay the debt due to sanctions until 2008. Blair, Cameron and May did not pay.
Boris’s fault? I don’t think so!! Boris paid Labour’s debt.//
Usually telling journos what to ask, or not, is a red rag.
Vile will be so proud of his little chocolate bear.
Lucky Tulip was on hand.
Interesting who is chipping in, how.
All under the BBC banner.
The British government considers that paying ransoms and releasing prisoners increases the risk of further hostage taking.
Rigby, Campbell, Femi. Lammy – vile creatures all.
It’s definitely time journalists shouldn’t be allowed to ask unapproved questions ….
I mean – if the Iranian woman slags politicians trying to get her out – she shouldn’t be criticised for going to Iran in the first place- right ?
Meanwhile the Iranian bloke with a UK US passport is back in prison . Maybe the Iranians were going to let him out in a bit – but I bet they won’t if Radcliffe and the gang keep screaming …
… the hapless – hope less John ‘jack’ straw – was On world at one explaining how -,as Foreign Sec- he had no idea why the home office banged up and deported 3 Iranian negotiators who had been invited to Blighty on their arrival .
Straw – without the cloak of ministerial cover – now sounds like a dumb hopeless sap …. He – too – of course – failed to measure and prepare for the number of EU guest workers who would arrive in Blighty once Labour opened the unrestricted door to them . Idiot .
Have the family arranged a holiday yet ? perhaps to see her parents ?
TB is fairly common in the Ukraine.
Pretty common in Pakistan too. Scarlet Fever is apparantly a growing problem in Manchester, it is reportedly most common in the Far East and – England, a sorry indictment of our hopeless governments mismanagement of the country.
Flotsam, what? Tony Blair? He gets in everywhere. Menace!
Here we go again. With utter predictability and nauseating inappropriateness the EU – never one to waste a good crisis – is trying to weaponise Putin’s war on Ukraine to try (a) to push forward an EU Defence Union led by Macron, as a rival to NATO and (b) with the help of British rejoiners and sympathisers in the British civil service, to use this crisis to punish Britain for Brexit, to resubordinate UK defence and security policy to the EU and to – in their dreams – prepare the road for the UK rejoining the EU: just as it weaponised the Northern Ireland Protocol to try to force the entire UK into economic subordination for the same purposes: punishment and resubordination.
Being pushed by Remainer David Lidington (remember him?) in the Independent.
The home of Wendy, Springster and all the rest.
Plus Sopes, BS, Lurch, etc….
Guys… Hunt er, laptops.
#bbcquotes what a person says, is ‘known’.
Is it?
What’s the omitted info ? The date on the memo
We are supposed to believe the government knew week before
It was probably hours
The BBC and Governments over the years have heavily promoted immigration. My theory about this is that it will destroy the cohesion of the British people and enable Government to take control. Those from the EU have generally lived in authoritarian States and accept that Government agencies are in control. The British Police love immigration as the extra work increase the size of Forces and justifies extra powers. It’s nothing short of an attempt to destroy society as it was. I blame Bliar for for accelerating the process with his lies.
BBC News running the Iranian woman story as number 1 again and again – screw the Ukrainian slaughter eh ? Bored with dead women and children – let’s get onto the government with some mouthy Iranian ….
Prediction – labour will either put her up as a labour peer or as a safe seat MP ….
Many have commented that they feel she is an ungrateful shit, even her husband looked unconfortable, stupid woman travels to dangerous place, gets imprisoned and
Its the Toreeez fault innit.
And as for the gushings from so many syncophants it is embarrassing and sickening to see.
I only hope Iran follows Argos’ example: 14 day no quibble return policy for full refund if not entirely happy.
Many I suspect are not entirely happy.
Rather ironic that journos were prevented from getting ‘political’ with her, yet she goes on a rant as soon as she gets the mic ! Not good PR for her, and may find sympathy ebbing away from her, and tbh I found it an uncomfortable watch as she let rip. She should have stuck to her ‘thanks’ and being grateful speech. I don’t suppose we’ll get to know the full story about her arrest 6 years ago. But if she was a bit mouthy over there like she is the minute she gets back here, then ……………….. it makes you wonder.
Looks as though the lady’s privations did not include lack of dental care. A fine set of gnashers after 6 years of solitary – compared with Terry Waite’s decayed stumps after just 5 years in jail she seems to have been rather better looked after.
Certainly a healthier tragic victim than many.
One might wonder how many other BBC dual nationality stringers are out there who might be persuaded by the home country to ‘endure’ a bit of local hospitality in return for them getting a bit of dodgy dosh out of HMG?
Now this is a #plottwist
Not her role?
Well, she was worth $400 million………………..
There are certain elements in this country that will bite the hand that feeds it, give an inch and they take a mile and still attack you afterwards.
Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe’s husband jokes he is ‘negotiating’ his way back into their bed
cupboard under the stairs would be more likely comfortable for her considering the last 6 years. And some BDSM equipment maybe ?
That look.
Moving in with Naga?
Born Tehran – UK hubby got her a passport …
Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe
Former employer’s….
Thomson Reuters Foundation……
The global news and information services company. As an independent charity, registered in the UK and the USA, we work to advance media freedom, foster more inclusive economies, and promote human rights
BBC. Media Action….
Our work in radio, television, digital and other communication content ensures people have better access to accurate, credible and balanced information. Our work helps people understand their rights, and the responsibilities of those in power, and creates space for inclusive public discussion on issues of importance to people’s lives. And we enable people to meet and speak directly with their decision-makers, to make them answerable for their actions. We help support fair elections, challenge mis- and disinformation, and help people live together more peacefully.
Exactly the perfect CV to go visiting relatives in a nice friendly country like Iran
Perhaps she may take up a hobby of Photographing military airports in Turkey next…
Born in Dec 1978 In 2007, Zaghari-Ratcliffe moved to the UK after receiving a scholarship to study for a Masters in Communication Management at London Metropolitan University.
Married in 2009
So arrived in UK aged 28, married aged 30
British citizen since 2013
So she was working for democracy for Iranian people, and paid for by British.
So her employers have the responsibility not to let her rot.
As you say they were negligent to let her go into Iran, cos it was risky.
Blow, blow, thou winter wind
Thou art not so unkind
As man’s ingratitude.
What an ill-mannered performance by that woman. My immediate thought was no true British person would have been so ungracious.
Her CV listed above shows evidence as to why she is so articulate. Not exactly the shrinking violet. As well as her dental work, she thanked the medical team in Iran for looking after her, and her skin looked positively plumptious – not what one would expect after 6 years in a cell with no daylight, lack of sleep through having a lightbulb on all the time, and didn’t have the haunted look of someone having to expel bodily functions via a hole in the ground.
She’s not British. Iran correctly doesn’t recognise these transient people who collect passports like stamps.
ITVlocal news .. P&O protests lead
It was a few minutes before we got Karl Turner the Labour MP at the Parliament protest, then a shot of another Labour MP saying “This Tory government”
It’s a few day in and still the Liverpool to Dublin route is the only one that is running
I’m not sure if that is only one ferry or both.
The Germans and their “cousins” the Austrians have given
us Beethoven, Goethe, Einstein Mozart and HITLER.
The Russians and their cousins the Ukranians have given
us Solzhentitsyn, Tchaikovsky, Kasparov. Yaroslav the wise
and PUTIN.
I just hope that one day the Oxford English dictionary will
have an entry for Putin .As it has for Quisling the Norwegian
traitor . Quisling which you will find in the dictionary as
meaning traitor. PUTIN ? Well just the mention of his
name makes you want to puke. You make up your own
I suppose ” PUTIN” could be better than using
Sobrinicide or Patruelicide. Which you will find
in dictionaries meaning to kill ones cousins.
Gary Kasparov was born Garik Kimovich Weinstein (or Vaynshteyn if you prefer a Russian transliteration) in Baku (Azerbaijan) and is half-Armenian and half-Jewish, though Russian by culture and language. He has been described as the last and finest product of the Soviet Chess School.
ITVnews “There are concerns about BAME opting out of organ donations”
“due to lack of donors they are waiting twice as long for organs”
Reporter Amani Khan
Her pinned tweet :
He latest tweet “BREAKING: The United Nations admits Black and brown refugees have faced racism at Ukraine borders.”
The item switches to a mosque in Scunthorpe
“Yes we are concerned about the lack of MUSLIM donors” says the WHITE Muslim imam
Plenty of bames on the streets of london helping themselves to fresh donor organs without permission.
Any comments on bame lack of altruism in general suggested by this story ? or just point them out as victims ?
Our ITVnews often has Sheffield news items
but today they didn’t give us this one
We’ve gone into an item “Does Spring Cleaning from the Persian culture” Iranian woman
“Does it come from Jews ?” rabbi is on air
Now Ruth Goodman saying it only in Spring you have enough sunlight to do extra cleaning.
Another omitted item
And another omitted item:
“We know for a fact that Big Tech, the mainstream media, and allies of the Democrat Party worked together in the last days of the 2020 election to censor fact-based journalism and shut down social media platforms to ensure that the public did not have access to the truth about the scandals involving Hunter Biden and the Biden family,” Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) said in a statement on March 18. “This is the most consequential political scandal since Watergate, and it deserves an investigation no less robust and no less bipartisan.”
[From the Epoch Times]
Over to BBC they are preaching about e-waste
Rebecca Morelle
(.. New Zealand accent ? no she says Thames Estuary accent
Ah “In around 2004 Morelle was promoted to senior press officer. Australian Science Media Centre (SMC)”
“BBC reporter is University of New South Wales’ first Journalist-in-Residence”)
Her previous appearance
\\Rebecca Morrell commenting on the proposed Cumbria coal mine, ” . . .to provide energy for steel production”.
A bit misleading, to say the least. Back to school for BBC climate correspondent #bbcnews //
Interesting she makes items with BBC money but puts them online before broadcast
as if she’s an activist
Has a degree in Chemistry, iirc, which is a step up from Horror story.
Other than that, pure 28Gate in her veins.
Unless the technology has remarkably changed, it is not worth the effort extracting for the tiny amounts present.
So not a very smart solution.
Yes, her bio “Becky graduated from Oxford University in July 2001, with a first class degree in Chemistry. After completing her fourth and final year working on a research project and thesis on an enzyme implicated in Alzheimer’s Disease, she began work at the Royal Institution in September 2001.
She has now been working at the Science Media Centre for four years, and has recently been promoted to senior press officer.”
Here is another caring bame example, from 2018 feted by Radio 4 of course:
‘Why should I care about male suicide?’ Feminist blogger behind the #SaggyBoobsMatter campaign sparks outrage for claiming she has NO concern for men who ‘kill themselves because they can’t cry’
Londoner Chidera Eggerue, 24, tweeted that she didn’t care about men’s issues, Best known by her pen name ‘The Slumflower’, she disparaged mental health.
She faced a serious backlash online, with many saying she wasn’t being feminist : ‘If men are committing suicide as they can’t cry, how’s it my concern?’ she wrote.
In another tweet she wrote: ‘My feminism priorities women and femmes. I DO NOT CARE to better the lives of people who aren’t smart enough to leverage the patriarchy to better their own lives, even though they created it and continue to uphold it.
She continued: ‘I can’t stress enough about how much I don’t care about dedicating my life to designing a world that is safer to my oppressor, when I could just direct that energy across to women and femmes who are vulnerable as a result of existing with people who don’t know how to cry’.
2017 ? So ..A young black writer said something nutty on Twitter
Well that’s her free speech ..Voltaire etc.
I would be different if she was being paid by the licence payer etc.
She was, as I said allowed to spew her guff on radio 4 and radio 5 and the bbc website.
BBC local news P&O
We’ve had quick clips of Emma Turner Labour MP
and Kevin Turner Labour MP
Look North at 6.30 had an item to inform Yorkshire people that the marvellous Sadiq Kahn had visited Google to visit the Siemens factory where Tube trains are being built and how wonderful it is for levelling up. I am sure Andrew Percy the Goole MP was there too as he appeared in the video clips but didn’t seem to deserve a mention.
The BBC seems to work on if you cannot say something bad about the Conservatives it is better to say nothing at all.
Watching the BBC news earlier this evening I was struck by the new speak of our elites. Following Priti who speaks of punishin’ and investigatin’ crimes the dropping of the g at the end of words is widespread among commentators on both BBC and Ch 4.
But tonight I was touched by a woman sport expert who spoke of winnin’ at football and several times referred to a place called Wemberly .
Spottin’ the missin’ g’s and other delights is somethin’ to enjoy when watchin’ the news.
On a slightly different topic, I have a strange problem when watching, Peter Whittle on the New Culture Forum. Subconsciously, I find myself trying to emulate what he does with his mouth/lower jaw. Bizarre.
Re Royal Mint electronic recycling. I have first hand experience of the industry can assure everyone it’s economically viable. However the BBC would have you believe it’s something new, it isn’t. It’s been going on for 50 years that I know of.
So have I for 10 years but that was a while ago now, a long while, I do recall being sent the concrete floor of a gold processing plant to analyse to see if it was worth recovering any gold.
There is an economic assessment of effort / cost versus reward
from 2014:
Of course, you can recycle gold from a range of different products, but how far could we satisfy our appetite for gold from phones alone? According to Dave Holwell, about 2,700 tonnes of gold are produced every year from mining – about 7.4 tonnes per day. To get that from mobile phones we’d need to recycle 300m of them. And if we did that every day, the world’s estimated seven billion mobile phones in active use would run out in 23 days.
it’s important to remember that metals are traded by weight, and an 8-lb laptop or 25-lb monitor may only contain a few grams of precious metals at most. Precious metal values can fluctuate from day to day, hour to hour and even minute to minute. The majority of a device’s weight comes from less valuable material like plastic and glass.
Then there’s the question of whether the gold is pure, mixed with other metals or contains other materials. In other words, even if the precious metal were already separated from the rest, the value would depend on its grade, i.e., the composition or quality. Obviously, metals with higher grades are more valuable because they do not need to be refined to separate them from everything else.
interesting new feature on youtube
type kung flu in the comments and a pop up box now appears asking if you want to edit the comment
chinese virus does the same thing
I wonder what else is on ze list
Stories say that feature was enabled on Android 1 year ago.
That hidden Restricted Comments list.. seems similar to word list that gets your videos demonetized, cos they are not advertiser friendly.
Advertisers are afraid of their adverts being on videos which use words which stir controversy like “Kung Flu” “Chinese virus” and “illegal immigrants”
However that last one is not on the Restricted Comments list.
Get your tin hats ready for this Thursday – Biden is coming to Europistan – if I were putin I would do something ‘special ‘ – speaking as a 5 star armchair general and bar …
why would vlad do anything , brandons replacement couldnt be any weaker and more destructive to the west.
could they ??
if I was vlad i would be sending agents out to protect brandon from the cia
The BBC’s We are England is disproportionately black
like most medialand output
The jockeys×360/p0btr318.jpg
Next week is unexplained deaths
The Birmingham one makes out a Birmingham black guy was killed by police
.. which is always possible
But the original 2002 BBC story was more direct
“A man froze to death while on the run from the police, an inquest jury has been told.
Damean Vernon from Bromford Bridge, Birmingham, was discovered lying on a concrete platform in the middle of the River Tame beneath the M6 in January 2001.”
The family reckon the police publicity re the manhunt made him too fearful and was disproportionate for a fairly small time criminal.
More Rwanda museums.
DT reports that a pro Russian government newspaper has reported 10000 military deaths in Ukraine and 16000 injured . Surely that cannot be true ? I know the Russians have previous for throwing their soldiers ‘ lives away but surely not in 2022 … after 1 month ?
I thought that the 10,000 Russian deaths milestone had been passed a few days ago, even allowing for the confusion of war and Ukrainian propaganda; well over 400 died on the first day according to some reports. Maybe Putin held his best forces back and tried to draw the missile fire, so that Ukraine would exhaust its stocks and Western supplies.
Komsomolskaya Pravda, the pro-Kremlin tabloid, says that according to Russian ministry of defense numbers, 9,861 Russian soldiers died in Ukraine and 16,153 were injured.
The last official Russian KIA figure, on March 2, was 498.
Fascinating that someone posted the leaked number.
That article was then deleted ..
A former internal affairs minister of #Ukraine @AvakovArsen shared the intercepted Russian military summary for March 18: killed 12,814.
Comprising regular Rus. Army troops
+ Private company Liga (former Vagner) troops killed 4,451.
I am very surprised that the war has become so bloody and so destructive. Putin seems to have been infuriated by the Ukrainians determined and valiant stand and is now operating in punishment mode.
What does he hopes to gain after this is over? Well we need to remember that whilst the Anglosphere is uncompromising in their condemnation and sanctioning of Russia ,the EU is so dependent on Russian fuel that they less forthright in their words and particularly in their actions. China and India are both more or less sitting on the fence. So there isn’t world wide opposition to Russia by any means and Putin can sell his oil and gas to China and India in the future. But he will need to construct pipelines which takes years or use tankers . The tankers need to go through the Bosporous and Suez so Turkey and Egypt will be key for the next several years if things go this way.
Newt Gingrich interviewed on Fox said the Ukrainians should get the Mig 29’s alongwith a bunch of cruise missiles to give the Kremlin a rude awakening. Maybe at the same time, target the Russian Navy in the Black Sea…………..
After all, for Putin it is acceptable to randomly bomb Ukraine so what stops the Ukrainians from bombing the Russian ‘Homeland’?
Weather set fair in the Channel until the end of the month at least – could be some really big numbers of illegal migrants arriving in Dover and along the South coast over the next few days – possibly as many as 2,000 or even 3,000 – perhaps they could be redirected to go and work for P&O. Don’t bother trying to book a 3* or 4* hotel this summer, they will all be full. That estimate of 60,000 in 2022 is beginning to look well short of the mark. The Government have long since given up and are now only reporting the numbers once every 3 months, a clear signal to the MSM there is nothing to see and to stay away from Dover so it is left to concerned groups to take it on.
This Tory government is a disgrace to the people of Great Britain. They are betraying us as we are being invaded. I suspect they will hide the numbers coming in with the Ukrainian refugees .
Next time vote UKIP or the Reform Party because we are being led by a bunch of buffoons.